#i’m laying here on the verge of tears because my partner isn’t mad at me for not responding quickly
wow i am fucked up
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mammoneymelon · 4 years
How the brothers would react to finding out that MC is autistic
before anyone says anything, i’m autistic and just really want some representation
TW for ableism! the boys are doing their best but no NT immediately knows everything about autism
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it’s a bit random, but i headcanon that lucifer has misophonia, so it’s only a matter of time before a noisy/verbal stim starts to drive him up a wall
“what in the devildom are you doing?” he’d ask, eyebrows scrunched in frustration
you have no idea what he’s talking about; after all, you’ve just been sitting on your DDD playing some rhythm game
“what do you mean?”
“you’ve been making that noise for hours; cut it out before i have to go find the packing tape.”
you know him well enough to know he isn’t joking, so you nod and do your best to stop, ignoring the feeling of dread beginning to well up in your chest
you go back to your game, and soon enough, you’re back to ‘making that noise’
you see lucifer stand up, bringing your action to your attention.
“oh, sorry! i didn’t realize i was doing it again, sorry!”
“oh?” he asked, looking down at you. 
“it’s stimming. autistic people do it a lot more than others, and sometimes we don’t even notice it.” there’s a moment of silence but you realize you just told him something you hadn’t even told your human friends
“ah, yes, i do remember reading about that in your file. i didn’t want to say anything so as not to offend you.”
you shake your head. “dude! that’s personal business! i don’t like telling people.”
lucifer’s gaze seems to soften. “don’t fret, MC. i won’t tell a soul.”
and he doesn’t.
he also totally buys you quiet stim toys
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it’s not long before mammon realizes you are terrible at reading the room
you have a terrible habit of cracking a joke at the worst time or saying the first thing that comes to your mind, even if it was at the expense of others
at first, mammon, mammon thought you were really brave. now, however, he sees that you just have no idea what you’re doing
currently, your knack for trouble had landed you in detention, something you’d gotten fairly used to in the human world. mammon was sitting next to you - he was paying for trying to defend you
“lucifer’s going to kill us. again.”
“and whose fault is that?”
“sorry,” you mumble. “it’s not like i was trying to get us here.”
“really? because it’s startin’ to seem like you are. not that i blame ya, if i were you i’d do anything to spend more time with the great mammon.” he gives you a smile, and you really hope that means he isn’t mad
“i really don’t like upsetting people, i just don’t really get tone? i didn’t even realize the teacher was mad until you stepped in. “
“dude, she was on the verge of killing ya! what do ya mean you “didn’t even realize”?
you pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. “it’s part of a disorder i have. autism. i just don’t get some stuff that comes naturally to other people.”
“ohhh.” mammon slaps his head, feeling like an idiot. “sorry,” he murmurs, and you barely hear it
mammon, being, well, mammon, will probably forget.
it’s not that he doesn’t care! it’s just not something that comes up in conversation.
of course, when the two of you do talk about it, he picks up on the symptoms pretty quickly. he’s a pretty smart guy, and he’ll do anything and everything for his human
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the two of you are working on a co-op dungeon while you talk about your current special interest
“wow, MC, you know a lot about this!”
“thanks,” you respond, and it hits you - you’ve been infodumping almost this whole time
“haha, yeah, blame it on the autism brain,” you joke absentmindedly, not really caring if he knew. you two were good friends, why would being neurodivergent make a difference?
levi, on the other hand, does a double take. being the gamer he is, he’d definitely heard the word used as an insult, but he’d never thought about anyone actually having autism - much less his best friend
“MC, you have autism?” he turns to you looking genuinely confused, his controller sitting, forgotten, in his lap
“um, yeah? it’s not really a big deal,” you say, shrugging
“yeah it is! i mean i knew you were pretty weird, since you hang out with me-” he stops mid-sentence, realizing his mistake. “NOT IN A BAD WAY, OF COURSE! ah sorry, i said something stupid, like always.”
you shake your head with a small smile. you can tell he’s trying. “trust me, i’ve heard much worse. you’re fine, levi.”
he glances up at you, face red from embarrassment, and your smile widens. “i mean, i don’t think like ‘normal’ people anyway, so yeah, i kinda am weird.”
once you leave his room, he’s at his pc, researching more vigorously that he’s ever done for a class
the more he learns, the more annoyed he gets at the complete misunderstanding of the disorder
ultimately, he just wants to make sure you feel supported and understood
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you’re sitting in the library, doing your homework while satan looks over your essay, checking for errors
“oi, MC”
“what’s up?” you respond, still focused on your work
“are you scared of me?”
this prompts you to look up, focusing your eyes on his hands
“i was when i first came here, and i definitely would be scared if i really pissed you off, but no, i’m not scared of you. why do you ask?”
“you never look me in the eyes. or my brothers, actually.”
oh. you’d been hoping no one had noticed. “oh, i just don’t like eye contact. it makes me uncomfortable.” you return your eyes to your paper, hoping that was enough.
“how so?” 
so it wasn’t enough.
“i’m autistic, genius. i figured it was obvious by now.”
“oh. that makes sense.” that’s all he says, so you try to return your focus to your homework.
satan is probably the most comfortable talking to you about it. he’ll ask you questions about your personal experiences and make an effort to understand you better
one day you look over his shoulder to find him reading an article on masking on his DDD
he cares deeply for you, even if it’s hard for him to say so
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asmo has wrangled you into yet another shopping trip
“MC, look at this!! you have to try it on!”
one look at the article of clothing and your face is already scrunching up
“absolutely not.”
“awe, why not?” he gives you the biggest puppy eyes and you sigh. he knows your weaknesses.
“the material. i hate it.”
“but it would look so good on you~”
clearly, he’s not going to give up unless you explain yourself to him
“sure, for a couple seconds, until i have a complete meltdown,” you remark. “i’m autistic, so some textures just make me feel really bad.”
his mouth makes an ‘o’ shape, and then he goes back to looking confused. “i hadn’t even thought about that as a possibility! you should’ve said something earlier!”
he feels really bad about all the times he’s touched you without warning. he thought your shock was cute (and he still does), but he knows that autistic people sometimes dislike touch - he’s definitely had at least a couple autistic ‘partners’ in the past
he’s quite the observant demon, quickly picking up on sensations you d and don’t like. if you’re bothered by smells, he does his best to lay off on the perfume - granted, it’s a necessary part of his routine that he absolutely cannot give up completely. he lets you play with the dimmer in his room so you can find the amount of light that works best.
occasionally, he’ll have to tell you that he’s trying his absolute best to flirt and you are giving him nothing. you’re just like “oh shit i didn’t realize”
asmo’s just a sweetheart who wants you to be comfortable
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beel unfortunately has to learn about your autism because of a situation out of your control
you’re in the gym, keeping him company while he works out
you’re searching his bag and you realize you don’t have your headphones
oh fuck.
you always bring your headphones to the gym; the sounds of televisions, music, people talking, weights clinking, treadmills rumbling... it’s too much
not to mention the stench of sweat and the florescent lights - truly an autistic person’s nightmare
you squeeze you eyes shut, but that only makes the noise worse. you’re surrounded by noise and you can’t stop it. it occurs to you that you’re no longer breathing properly but it’s just too loud and you’re so small
“MC?” beel’s voice is soft and filled with obvious concern. you open your eyes, seeing him kneeling in front of you. your eyes sting, and you realize you’re tearing up. “MC, are you alright?” 
all you can do is shake your head
“do you want to go home?” you nod, biting your lip as he stands up, making you feel even smaller.
he quickly packs his things into his bag and offers you a hand, helping you get up
he quickly escorts you outside, where you practically gulp for air. 
he waits patiently with you while you slowly ground yourself. 
“okay, let’s go home.” you explain sensory overload as you walk, then tell him about your autism
beel, like asmo, is very observant and he learns surprisingly fast. 
he’s also very protective of you. if someone triggers you, he won’t hesitate to tell them off before doing a grounding exercise with you
he’s basically you’re giant therapy demon and you love him for it
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it’s becoming way too much. you’ve been masking heavily for months, monitoring your every move while doing your absolute best to thrive in a (literally) completely different universe than what you’re used to
you’re laying facedown on the couch, practically unable to move. you want to go to your room, but your body won’t let you
“mc?” you hear belphegor’s voice. “are you trying to imitate me?” he teases
you simply groan in response, not wanting to bother
for a moment he goes silent. then, you feel a hand on your shoulder
you jolt up, swiping his hand away as you let out a small shout. belphie’s eyes are widened in surprise
“don’t touch me! ...please,” you add as an afterthought, feeling bad for scaring him
he sits with you on the couch, taking care to leave space between the two of you. “what’s wrong?” you don’t respond. “mc?”
“burnout. too much. feel bad.”
belphie has absolutely no clue what that means, but he figures he knows something that might help.
“want to take a nap with me?”
you have to think about it before responding with a “sure” and slowly crawling into his arms (if that’s something you’re okay with)
it’s night when the two of you wake up. you still feel awful, but you can at least cope better.
once belphie’s more awake, he asks you what the hell happened
“two words: autistic shutdown”
“that doesn’t explain anything” - belphie really doesn’t know anything about humans
you do your best to explain - you were born with a brain that works a bit differently than most humans. some of the symptoms are an aversion to change and ‘odd’ behavior that’s difficult to hide. when you get too stressed, you just kinda ‘shut down’
he takes a bit to really understand, but once he does, he does his best to support you.
he falls asleep to your infodumping and you find it endearing
he gets good at recognizing when you’re starting to shut down and he always convinces you to take a break via a cuddly nap
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grimoireofwritings · 3 years
Hi! Could i get a nsfw scenario where William masturbates for one night thinking about his fem s/o?
So here's me, casually appearing randomly from the void to finally post this months later 0_0
I'm so sorry y'all, mental health has been in the gutter lately and suffering from major heart and brain damage at age 21 is just not a fun gig. Nonetheless, I hope this was worth the wait, you thirsty hoes >.<
Warnings: smut, light femdom ( I headcanon William with a lean towards sub )
Scenario: William's female s/o walks in on him jerking off.
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It was all William could really feel in that moment. Well, aside from a general, looming sensation that had been plaguing the poor gentleman for a while now. It made his stomach all fluttery and nauseous with two completely contradicting urges... Which didn't result in a good state to rest in, as he lay propped up on his simple bedroom mattress. It had even prevented him from getting proper sleep lately. One such part of the equation was his complete and utter shame, which replayed punishing thoughts in his mind on repeat... Mentally battling with himself on how wrong it was to think such filthy things about a woman so pure and angelic. A body like that, he could easily imagine it sculpted from marble like the most honored and beautiful of Goddesses in ancient times. Every curve, and the warmth of that soft skin that he could dream of... How could he ever imagine desecrating it? Dirtying it, and perhaps staining it with his intent?
Apparently he could, and he did... Quite frequently. Such horrendously ungentlemanly thoughts popping into his mind had him mortified with himself.
For this reason, he kept his uncontrollably growing desires a secret from his partner. It seemed to him that she was comfortable with their current level of intimacy in their relationship, therefore.. he would remain quiet and allow her to call the shots. It had always been this way, with him considering himself lucky to have her in his life at all, what with a face like his... As well as his history. So he kept quiet, allowing her to make all the first moves so as to not make her uncomfortable. Despite the longing and craving he had for her, and the shame it brought him, he would suppress every last desire, and would never utter a word or clue about it.
It was getting harder however, every passing day. More and more challenging not to notice the lump in his throat when he had to refrain from staring at certain parts of her in particular outfits, and keep his hands from wandering over the perfectly smooth plains of her thighs, or even passionately gripping on to those breasts that took his breath away.
He gave a slight audible whine, there in his bed, tortured by these thoughts popping up once again.. because once they started, they couldn't stop. This time around for some reason it was particularly agonizing to ignore the growing need in his pajama pants, which was legitimately painful to disregard at this point. He'd end up sweating, palms gripping on to the sheets, as he refused to touch himself to the thought of her. Absolutely not... Never.. he could never be so degrading and perverted towards someone who deserved only the highest respect.
Even as he told himself this for the millionth time, the words had been losing their influence that week, and it was at that moment that he caved, giving a strangled whimper of regret whilst his right hand crept under his waistband. From that point on his vision went blurred and brimmed with red, framing pictures in his mind that could only consist of her.
And goodness was that woman breathtaking. He somehow felt starved for a touch he'd never quite experienced before with her... A deep craving as he could practically feel those lips of hers, divine and smooth like rose petals, grazing over his sensitive neck. Would she perhaps moan his name out softly into his ear, as his hands wrapped around her rear to slip a finger between her wetted and ready slit? Yes... Not only could William picture it, but he could almost feel it, too.
Hands, on her velvet skin, squeezing and caressing here and there.. her labored breaths brushing past his cheeks. By this point William had thoughtlessly worked up the courage to start stroking himself, his movements terrified and shaky, slow but gradual. The tortured man could not help himself.. he really couldn't. Despite the fact that he felt like an atrocious person, that previously sick feeling in his stomach was being replaced by mind splitting pleasure.
Warmth.. so much warmth he was feeling down there, in fact it was warm enough now that it was exactly what he imagined her hot, inviting mouth would feel like. This time he let out a soft but much more discernable moan, a couple of lost syllables and stutters rolling off of his lips as he imagined her tongue massaging in place of where his fingers currently were. He vaguely had a couple of thoughts warning him he should stop soon... She'd be back in their shared room any moment now, after finishing up her nightly chores around the headquarters. But he was way too far gone, and foggy in the brain, to give a damn and have the self control to even do so.
Not to mention, the slightest surfacing of precum wasn't helping, given that it added a slight lubricant to the situation and really solidified the illusion in his mind he'd created for himself. His greatest fantasy would be to have her ride him, perhaps..
Absolutely. Just her, in all of her glory, above him and in her rightful place where he could worship and adore from below. The image alone of her hair framing an expression of ecstacy like a curtain, eyes hazy with pleasure all because of him, whilst he allowed his hands to boundlessly wander over every surface of her divinity.. maybe his lips would latch on to her skin and travel down to a breast, all the while drowning in her sounds.. it was enough to drive him mad in the most beautiful way possible.
By that point, poor William Vangeance was too far gone to even notice the barely audible creaking of the door whilst his girlfriend stepped inside their now shared room. A slur of pathetic, whiney mumblings and moans were leaking out into the air for her to hear in utter shock, as well as her name whispered breathlessly to confirm that he was, in fact, masturbating while thinking of her.
"William? What are you doing?"
It was about as sudden as flipping off a light switch. Light to dark in an instant.. except this time it was his voice and his movements. In the dim room, the only light source being a small candle which cast an orange glow on his face, she could make out a look of complete panic, his entire frame completely paralyzed in his position. Had he gone catatonic?
While she had found the display amusing, she was now distracted, more worried about him than anything else. "Love? Are you alright? This isn't very expected of you.." she trailed off, but before she could finish, William snapped out of his trance, causing her to gasp and glance up at the unexpected tone of his voice.
The poor man could hardly form any coherent words in his next jumbled sentences, sometimes the only noticable parts being things like "I'm so sorry for-" and "I will get my things and go out to the front room couch for the night-" to which his partner was dumbfounded by his amount of panic. In fact, William looked to be on the verge of tears, utterly destraught, much to his partner's worry and dismay. However.. she figured she could easily fix this.
Sauntering over to him, she sat beside him on the bed, placing a finger to his lips in an instant to hush him. Leaning forward to speak directly to him, she could tell he thought he was in for a scolding, but what came next had his jaw practically hanging from its hinges in a gape.
"Touching yourself without me here to take care of your needs? You've got some nerve doing my job for me, Captain William Vangeance. I was surprised you hadn't asked me sooner for favors quite like the ones you were probably just imagining.. but now that I know you've been naughty and doing this in your own time, don't expect any mercy from me tonight. I'll prove to you why I'm far more efficient than your right hand. And I'd better not see this again."
She gave a cheeky smirk, completely digging that expression he was wearing. He 100% never would have guessed such lewd words could ever come out of her, and honestly, it already had his entire body lighting up with heat. That confidence from her.. the domineering and sexy edge to her lips, curled into a dark sneer.. it was all blindingly amplified the moment she straddled over him, looming over his body to speak in a low tone towards his ear. "Are you prepared for me to devour you?" She asked.
This was really doing it for him, and he caved, his pent up desire mixing with his excitement and impatience of the moment... Unable to handle the anticipation. As a result, he resumed, feeling already quite close to an orgasm as he frantically jacked himself off with her weight and presence above him. He just... Couldn't wait anymore. And she was too dazzling, too seductive, much too hypnotizing with those devilish words.
"You have the audacity to continue right after what I just said? Bold move, Captain. Either I underestimated you or you're fucking desperate for me. Which one is it? Care to share with me? If you do, perhaps I will let you off the hook... A bit."
"Y-y/n... P-please! L-let me-"
His begs and pleas were interrupted by a deafening, breathless, gasping cry as he came on the spot, a few whimpers following in a perfect sequence as the white hot pleasure seized violent hold of his body, almost aggressive in nature after having been repressed for so long. Panting, he watched his partner witness his helpless and needy state, almost amplifying the experience to a degree.
She was dead quiet, watching with sharp eyes and an intensity in her stare as he slowly came down from the high, body naturally going limp with exhaustion and his breathing evening out. He chuckled sheepishly then, eyeing her with a noticable hint of anticipation and excitement in his gaze, slightly curious if she'd follow through with her previous promise. "B-better to ask forgiveness than p-permission, right?" He tried meekly, biting his lip at that irresistible smirk returning to her face.
"Incorrect" she stated, which set his nerves aflame yet again.
"See... You're the one who wanted me so bad, aren't you? I honestly had no idea... Especially with how shy you are, I was waiting, but it seems you've made me wait longer than necessary. Not to mention, after directly disobeying me, you owe me a couple rounds. Understood? You'll bear with it like a good boy... And I'll be sure you enjoy it too."
There.. that softer look in her eyes at that last statement, despite how perfectly and wonderfully dominant she was - it made his heart melt. William found it very comforting that he didn't have to take charge right away and that she was naturally the one in charge in such an environment - he spent so much time worrying, being afraid, stressing, overthinking, and telling people what to do... That giving up control to someone he trusted was just a complete relief.
"Yes ma'am," he stated, having gained back some composure. "I'll do my best to endure whatever my goddess intends to give me.. please allow me to touch and praise you."
"Good boy," she cooed, encouraging his words of loyalty, as she slowly lowered herself to gently and sensually take him into her mouth to start off. Almost immediately, a tortured cry of overstimulation escaped him, but at the same time it felt completely euphoric.
It occured to William that one of the best nights of his life was about to take place, so he closed his eyes, and placed a hand down on the head bobbing over him.
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kingsboroaurora · 4 years
Discord Thread | Berora
FT. Aurora & Beth ( @bethanyrob94 )
DATE: August 23rd, 2020
SUMMARY: Aurora comes over to Beth’s place to have a serious talk with her. She confesses that she has feelings for her and asks if they want to make things official. Rora receives an answer she isn’t expecting and feels like her heart got ripped out of her chest.
TRIGGERS: mentions of bipolar disorder, mental illness, and PAIN
It was pretty obvious at the point that Beth really, really liked Aurora. She wanted to date her. God, she wanted to date her so bad. But she was so terrified of relationships at this point. She just had so many thoughts going through her bad and such a negative experience with her last relationship she never really thought she’d be ready for one...ever. At least not right now. Beth was freshly showered after work and had her favorite pair of comfy Lulu Lemons on. Her and Aurora were sat across from each other on Beth’s couch. She liked having Aurora’s company, especially since Ellie moved out. Her tiny apartment had been more lonely than ever lately. Aurora always brightened her day. “I completely agree....I mean I could pick apart the symbolism in that book all day.” She mused, dipping a California roll in soy sauce and tossing it in her mouth with the chop sticks. “Have you practiced using chopsticks since I taught you?” She chuckled.
Each and every time that Aurora and Beth would hang out, they only seemed to get closer and overall more comfortable with one another. The other had asked if she wanted to spend her evening with her and she said yes without any hesitation. Sitting on her couch, she ate the takeout they had ordered and she was enjoying this time with her. “You know, I actually have! Here let me show you and you can tell me if I’ve improved at all,” she let out a chuckle as she grabbed for her chopsticks and went to grab another piece of sushi.
“hey there you go!” She exclaimed with a laugh. That was so endearing and overall just really fucking cute. Beth actually taught her something, and aurora cared enough to practice it. Beth was probably overthinking the fact aurora bothered to learn that because Beth was the one that taught her. “Impressive.” She joked, looking over at the blonde and smiling when their eyes met.
"See, I'm getting there," she pointed out, finishing the roll and swallowing it. God, sushi had became one of her favorite things to order for take out. It was light and she was about to mix and match the different kinds of rolls she might want to try out. It was nice that Beth also had such a strong liking to sushi, the two had so much in common. "Thank you, thank you. How has your week been by the way?" she asked her.
Beth looked down at her food when her crush asked her how her week was. "Fine." She began. "Honestly, good. Like...New York has been so good to me. I haven't been this happy in a while. I'm close with my sister, I'm going to be an aunt soon, I have a really good job, and..." She paused and looked up at the blonde. "I obviously really like spending time with you." She said shyly. She gave her a quick smile then looked back down at her food because now she was blushing. Dammit.
”I’m so happy that things are going well for you, Beth. You deserve it and deserve to be happy,” she replied with a nod of her head. Beth was something she had gotten close to in a rather short amount of time but somebody she already cared so deeply for. “That feeling is mutual, but I think you already know that,” she gushed out. Aurora, just ask her already she thought to herself. Just do it. Of course she knew she enjoyed being around her, no shit.
Beth flushed. Hearing Rora saw all of those amazing things about her - like how she deserved to be happy and the blonde liked spending time with her. It just made her heart flutter. Beth reached out to grab her hand and squeezed it lightly. Bethany leaned in to give Aurora a soft, yet passionate kiss. She brought her free hand up to cup the back of her neck and pull her in closer. She pulled away after a moment. "Sorry." She mumbled. "You just looked so damn cute I couldn't help it." She mused.
Aurora hadn't been expecting Beth to kiss her with that much passion, but it was a sweet surprise. The blonde accepted the embrace, closing her eyes just for a moment to enjoy it. "Oh god, don't say sorry to me," she let out a giggle. "You're a good kisser and I think I'll always appreciate that."
Her look of embarrassment turned to one of joy when she told her that she was a good kisser. Bethany giggled along with her for a brief moment until a flip switched. "Yeah?" She said, a tiny smirk growing on her face. "I could kiss you again, if you wanted." She said with big, pleading, brown eyes.
"You know what?" Aurora raised a brow, a playful smirk forming on her lips. She was liking where this was headed. "I wouldn't be opposed to that, at all," she added on, drawing closer to her once more. The blonde tucked a piece of the other hair behind her ear, looking into Beth's eyes.
Beth blinked several times when her brown eyes met the younger’s blues. She smiled, trying to keep herself from blushing a rosy shade of pink. She bit down on her bottom lip before placing another kiss on the other woman’s lips, this tone with more passion. Her hand found the woman’s waist to bring her in a little closer.
Aurora let Beth deepen the kiss, feeling her arms wrap around her waist as she pulled her in closer. She was about to get lost in the moment when she realized she hadn’t gone over to her place to make out. As much as she just wanted to do that, her actual goal was to have an honest chat with her. Do the thing she’s been putting off for so long. Pulling away, she smiled at Beth. “I’ve, uh, been meaning to ask you something...,” she muttered out.
God, this was really what Beth was dreading. She knew this was coming soon, and she knew exactly what this question was going to be. And yes, she wanted to be auroras girlfriend so fucking bad. She was just perfect for Bethany. Literally everything the brunette could ever want in a partner. The Canadian pulled away and cleared her throat as she sat back. “Yeah?” She asked, hesitantly.
Aurora took a deep breath. She had been waiting for what seemed like a million years to ask this, even though the two of them had only known one another for a few months. The blonde knew that she just needed to rip the bandage off and fucking ask her, so that is what she was going to do. “Look, I really like you. Like, so much. I was wondering if you maybe....wanted things to become official between us?” She asked. God, it was now out there in the open.
Beth actually blushed when the blonde asked her that question, even though she knew it was coming. She was still taken so off guard. She just didn’t expect herself to feel this way; so excited, so full. Things felt so right with Aurora. More right than any relationship she’d ever been in. Say yes, Beth. Smiling, the physical therapist opened her mouth to speak. “Y — um...” Her smiled suddenly faded. “I mean...” She hesitated as he’d heart fell into her stomach and she felt like she was going to vomit. “I don’t think I’d be a good girlfriend. Like...I’m still having a hard time...my ex...he...” she couldn’t form a complete sentence and her anxiety was getting the best of her.
Aurora was only expecting Beth to be hesitant when asked such a huge question. She had opened up to her about some of her past relationships and how she was still trying to heal from them. The last thing she wanted to do was pressure the other to do something she wasn’t ready for. Yet, she felt her heart dropping to her as Beth started to talk. “Um,” she stuttered a bit. “Are you not ready?” She asked.
Beth’s heart literally fell into her stomach. She really fucking liked Aurora, and genuinely didn’t want anyone else. They were cut from the same stone and Beth felt like she could understand Aurora without her even having to speak. There was never a time where she was around the younger when she wasn’t smiling. Until now at least.”Rora...” She began, putting her feet on the floor and facing forward. She hunger her head. “I really like you. But my ex fucked me up so bad.” She admitted, blinking several times. She took a deep breathe. “And I haven’t told you this, but I have bipolar disorder. And i really struggle with it. And i have anxiety and depression which I’m sure you could’ve guessed by now.” She rarely told anyone this information. There was really only one other person in Kingsboro that new that about her, and it was Ellie. “I’d be a really awful girlfriend. And I know I’ve opened up to you a lot. And I trust you. But I don’t know when I’ll be ready for a relationship. I’m just...he honestly traumatized the fuck out of me and I don’t think I’ll be able to be a good girlfriend.” She admitted, finally looking over at the teacher.
This conversation sure wasn't getting easier. While Aurora was appreciating Bethany's honesty, it still hurt getting a response like this. Ava, Alison, and anybody else in her life that she had spoken to about her potential relationship with the other girl had reassured her that everything would be fine. That only an idiot would say no to someone like her. Yet there she was, in the midst of being rejected. Feeling her throat close up, it was almost like she couldn't speak. "I," she muttered out. "I....should probably go," she shook her head, trying her hardest not to cry. God, this was so hard.
Beth just wanted to curl up in a hole and stay there forever. Dark, alone and where no one could ever find her. She was on the verge of fucking tears as Aurora got up to leave her apartment. She brought her legs into her chest and held the tightly, laying her forehead between her knees. She took a deep breath. “Okay. I’m sorry.” She her voice was muffled because she couldn’t look up. She’d cry if she did. She was so mad. SO mad. Her ex had really fucked yo her chances of ever being happy again. She wasn’t going to stop Aurora from leaving. She knew if she stayed things would only get worse. “I’m really sorry.” She repeated. She felt like she had completely lead the younger on; told her how much she liked her, liked being around and loved kissing her. What a tease, Beth. She probably hates you now.
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just-the-mage · 5 years
2. Frustratingly attempting to read.
Solenna poked her head around the corner. Evangeline sat quietly in the small house on the outskirts of Fanow, her whole energy seemingly concentrated on the dusty tome that sat in front of her. This would be the perfect time to strike. Eva shifted in the chair, attempting to get more comfortable on the hard wooden seat. That was when Solenna made her move. She crept up quietly, putting to the test all of her skills she had come to learn and cherish as a young thief flitting through the streets of Limsa Lominsa. The shadows of the early evening played across her face as she stalked her prey, weaving a pattern of darkness that ran down her neck and along the sleeve of her embossed light leather jacket. She was so close...inches from scaring the absolute shit out of Eva. Just as she was on the verge of pouncing, though, she noticed something. Were those...tears? Gritted teeth? Evangeline’s shoulders were shaking...her muscles were tense...she looked so upset. Solenna could almost hear her teeth grinding she was so close.
“Why…” Solenna could barely pick up on the whisper that escaped the dark lips of the viera woman she knew so well. “WHY?!!?” The words burst from Evangeline’s mouth, and she sprung to her feet, so suddenly that Solenna almost stumbled backwards. She watched nervously as Eva hurled the book across the room, screaming; “WHY, GOD! FUCK, WHY ISN’T THERE ANYTHING? FUCK SHIT TWELVE DAMN THIS WHOLE SITUATION!!” With a near effortless motion she gripped the table in front of her in one hand and lifted it into the air, dashing it on the ground over and over again until it was little more than driftwood. Solenna stood there, staring, flinching each time the table hit the ground.
“Eva…” The sound escaped from her mouth before she even realized she was saying something. Evangeline looked up with a start, babbling.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll clean it up, really, I promise, I can’t apologize…enough.” she trailed off when she realized where the utterance had come from. “Sol...I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have had to see me like that.” She looked away, obviously embarrassed, a blush creeping to her cheeks. Her half-shut eyes continued to shine, the tears welling up despite her attempts to usher them away.
“Eva, what is it? What’s wrong? We won!” Solenna said with a half-laugh. “The sin eaters are gone, and more importantly...you...lived.” It was Solenna’s turn to look away. She knew the hurt in her eyes would be too obvious. She still hadn’t gotten over Eva’s recklessness, her almost suicidal desire to protect herself and Andy. She wrestled still with too many emotions over the situation-Happiness, that she was so deeply cared for. Rage, that Eva would so readily leave her all in the name of protecting her. Sadness, that she had almost lost her. But most of all, Fear. Fear that this would just happen again. That next time, they wouldn’t be so lucky. She felt a familiar painful pressure build across her face as her body tried to prevent her from tearing up as well. A habit so ingrained in her that she couldn’t stop it from happening, learned long ago as a child growing up in a dangerous world. Tears were a sign of weakness. And you can’t be weak growing up in the back alleys of Limsa Lominsa. Solenna rubbed at her arm, hesitant to look back to Evangeline, but eventually she managed to drag her eyes back to meet with the viera’s violet gaze. She couldn’t, though, because Evangeline’s eyes were fully closed now, tears pouring down her face, which was now twisted into a mask of frustrated sadness.
“Whoa! Hey! St-stop crying…’Berry...it’s okay, really! I’m...okay…” Solenna said, waving her hands and trying to pull the emotions from her face.
“I-I d-don’t know w-what to do...I kn-know we won...but th-they said the S-scions t-that are here are...their bodies...t-their bodies are d-dying...and I can’t find anything here to help…” Evangeline said between sobs. “A-and I hurt you so s-so badly...n-not trusting you to be st-strong enough to t-take care of your...yourself…” She burst into tears, falling to her knees and covering her face to try and hide herself. Solenna rushed to her, pulling her into an awkward hug and shushing her, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her down.
“Eva...Eva it’s okay...I...I understand. I understand why you did it. And we’ll find something out for the others! They’ll be okay, they will! We just need to find more information. Maybe this isn’t the...right place to look. Maybe we need an expert!” Solenna was talking faster and faster, the words running like a river from her mouth, some before her brain could even realize what they were. “Whatabout thefairies? OohormaybesomeonebackonthesourceImeanwehaven’t evenconsideredsomeonewholivesonthesourcewe’vespentsomuchtime-” Solenna’s diatribe was cut short by the quiet sound of raspy giggling coming from the sad little pile of Evangeline that lay within her arms. Eva looked up to Sol, her eyes red and puffy, her face shining with tears that were still escaping from the corners of her eyes. But she wore a smile.
“You’re somethig else, aren’t you...Soledda.” Evangeline sniffled, her nose now stuffy. “I’m so lucky to habe you by my side…” She said, leaning her forehead into Solenna’s shoulder. Her long red ears brushed up against Solenna’s cheek, caressing it with a velveteen softness that Solenna loved so dearly. “I do love you.”
Solenna looked to her companion, her lover, her partner, and couldn’t help but smile. She couldn’t be mad at her like this. Maybe later, but not now. She just needed to find a way to get through the viera’s thick skull just how devastated she and Andy would have been if they had lost her. Drive the point home, truly, so that she would never try it again. They needed each other. All of them. Together.
“I love you, too.” She whispered quietly into Evangeline’s hair. “I know it seems desperate, but we will find a way. It’s just what we do!” Solenna chirped, taking Eva’s face in her hands and kissing her on the nose. Eva crossed her eyes as the kiss landed, the tears finally slowing, and giggled quietly.
“I want to kiss you back proberly, now.” Evangeline said, trying to wipe the tears from her face. “But I’m sure you don’t want to be adywhere near my runny dose right now.” She could barely finish the sentence before Solenna was kissing her full on the lips, reminding her in one fluid movement that she was wanted, and needed, and loved.
A huge thank you to @eremiss and @antihypnophobia for beta reading this for me! Much love ❤️❤️
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