#like it’s not that big of a deal! it’s normal!!
rowarn · 3 days
bizarre thought.....shadow entity!ghost..... @sgtgarricks is responsible for this!!!
i already want to write another part to this LMAOOOOOOO
part : two
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when you first moved into your new house, you knew it was old and had been vacant for a looooong time. it had a bizarre history of people living there and moving out months, even weeks later. most people declined offering a reason for their quick move but others would just vaguely supply that the 'energy was dark in that house', you weren't bothered.
it was a nice, big, house and for damn cheap too. you weren't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
your first nights in the house, you understood what they meant. there was something off about the house for sure. at random times, you would feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, as if alerting you to danger. when you would turn around, there was nothing there. but it would leave you with sweaty palms and a racing heart.
it wasn't until a week into your new life that the first weird thing happened. it was like something from a stereotypical horror movie. you heard a strange sound and got out of bed to investigate. when you got to your kitchen, all the cabinets and drawers were open and your kitchen chairs were placed on top of your table -- which had also been moved across the kitchen.
you tried to take some deep breaths to calm yourself as you returned everything back to normal. you went over and over in your head for some kind of explanation for the event before finally landing on the fact that this house was fucking haunted.
strange events kept happening after that. lights would turn on, your kitchen cabinets would be open, sinks and showers would turn on, doors would slam from across the house. you were losing sleep over it. every single night you'd be woken up by some strange event and you were beginning to understand why the past tenants had moved out so fast.
this was a rotten way to live.
the final straw for you was the night the activity really seemed to ramp up. whatever spirit was haunting you wanted you out now. multiple doors slammed, jolting you from your sleep -- your heart racing from how hard you had been startled from your dreams. you got to your feet and turned on your lamp only to find it wasn't working.
next, you tried the overhead light. same thing.
fuck. it had caused the power to bust.
now you were really scared.
you grabbed your phone, using the flashlight to navigate your way out of the bedroom. the floorboards creaked beneath you, considerably louder without the hum of electricity.
you were halfway down the hall when you heard it. quiet at first, but definitely there. footsteps. mimicking your own, as if echoing after you took your own steps, making sure you knew it was there.
you spun around, shining the light upon nothing. you let out a heavy breath, noticing the way the flashlight shook from how hard you were trembling.
"a-alright, ghost," you called into the empty house, too scared to feel stupid that you were talking to nothing, "i-i'll admit i'm pretty scared right now. i-i know you probably want me out of your house. this is your house, i get it. bu-but i already sunk all my damn savings into moving in here s-so i can't leave!" you swallow, a loud gulping sound that would be funny if you weren't about to piss yourself, "s-so if we could just live together for a little while longer. i-i promise i'll get out the second i have the money!"
there was nothing but tense silence. you felt like an idiot the more seconds that passed. were you trying to make a deal with a fucking ghost? a spirit of someone who probably died in this house? what kind of shit had your life become?
you peered into the inky blackness of the hallway, blinking as you try to futilely see. it takes you a moment to realize you're not just staring into the darkness of your hallway. it's something else.
pure darkness. a dark entity taking form in the blackness of the night. you want to step back, primal fear coursing through you like you never felt before. whatever fear you were feeling was primordial in nature -- as if this entity was something you were born to fear.
the darkness began to swallow up the hallway, eating away at the light your flashlight had created. the air felt heavy and oppressive, making it difficult to take in oxygen.
you swear you could feel hands on you, grabbing you and pulling at you. the longer you stared into the darkness, the more you thought you could see things. eyes. hundreds of eyes. but when you blinked, the images vanished.
then, all at once, the entity was gone and your light was shining down the hallway again unimpeded. after another second, the sound of the electricity slamming back on filled the house and you collapsed to your knees.
whatever that was, it was dangerous. you knew that now.
but it didn't hurt you. perhaps it agreed to your terms and would leave you be now?
oh how wrong you were. sure, it wasn't nearly as scary as that night but now you saw it.
around every turn.
you could see the shadow take shape from the corner of your eye but when you looked, it would be gone. you would be brushing your teeth and when you looked in the mirror, it stood behind you, making your heart leap out of your chest. when you would turn, it wasn't there.
you were no longer woken up in the night, at least. but you weren't sure if you preferred the regular haunting stuff to seeing the ghost or not. you were on the fence about which was worse.
after another scare from the ghost, you jumped so hard that you almost fell over, "alright you -- ghost! will you quit scaring me like that!?" you found yourself shrieking.
to your abject horror, you heard laughter in return.
the shadow shit was fucking laughing at you. like it was enjoying this.
it wasn't evil laughter either. it sounded like pure enjoyment.
you suppose it wasn't out of the realm of possibility for a ghost to make sounds but it didn't make it any less horrifying.
you started talking to it more after that. once you heard its voice - sort of- it became easier. the fear also dissipated in time. sure it would jump scare you from time to time to get a laugh but other than that, it became like living with a really annoying roommate.
"will you get out of my mirror!" you snapped, mouth full of toothpaste with you facemask on. its disappearance was marked with its mirthful laughter.
you also noticed as the days and weeks passed, it stopped looking like a shapeless shadow and more like a person -- a big one at least. well over 7 feet tall. if you looked for long enough, you could almost make out what you think is a skull where the face would be on a human.
one night, you're laying in bed, comfortable. there's rain pelting outside on your window and distant thunder, too nice of weather to sleep away. so you just choose to relax and listen to it.
"ghost?" you find yourself calling into the darkness, "are you there?"
its silent but you feel the air grow heavy and you know that it's arrived. it seems to have...consciousness, you realized. it reacts to you and listens to you. there's one thing that's been plaguing you that you want to ask, though you're not sure if it will answer -- if it can answer.
"you're not really a ghost are you?" you ask.
you're greeted by silence for several, long seconds before you hear it. it's deep and masculine, a whisper of an echo following its voice when it speaks as if multiple things were speaking but only one voice was amplified, "no."
it's the answer you were expecting but that didn't mean you liked it. you swallow harshly around the lump of anxiety in your throat.
"are you going to hurt me?" you ask it, dreading the answer to this one. just because it's been toying with you doesn't mean it's not still dangerous.
"no," it responds again. you can hear footsteps, the entity walking closer and closer to your bed.
you let out a relieved breath at that. though, you're not sure if you should actually believe the dark entity that lives in your house. but at this point, you've really got no choice except to take it's word for it.
"what's your name?" you find yourself asking it.
"ghost," it responds quickly.
you laugh at that, "no, you're real name."
"ghost," it insist, "you gave me a name."
a lightbulb goes off over your head.
"is that why you're being so nice to me?" you ask, not sure if 'nice' is the appropriate word to use.
"i wanted a name," it answers, "you gave me one."
"a name in exchange for living in this house," you muse, deciding to roll over in bed, "alright then. goodnight, ghost."
"rest well," it responds before vanishing, freeing the room from that oppressive feeling.
you close your eyes and will yourself to fall asleep, briefly wondering where ghost even came from and what exactly it was.
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this is unedited i wrote it in a fury of inspiration i hope u enjoyed it regardless of how WEIRD this was LMFAOOOOOOOOOO
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papaya-twinks · 3 days
Accidental I love you’s during sex with Lando. They’ve been going on dates and acting like a couple for some time but they have not made anything official and one time during sex one of them says I love you and the other ones says I love you too and they don’t realise in the moment, only after, and then they’re both freaking out internally and trying to act like everything is normal and they both keep overthinking if the other one truly meant it or not and then one of them finally says something (could be same night or next day)
Warnings: Smut, 18+, praise, fluff
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
People would assume saying ‘I love you’ after having sex would be weird, fuck, people assumed was before marriage was weird. But who were they to judge. You’d gone on around four or five dates with Lando so far, and had had sex a few times, but something about that day just felt…different, in some ways. In a good way, of course.
“Fuck,” you moaned as Lando sunk into you, classic missionary style, his body rocking in and out of you slowly. He groaned as you tightened around him, his hips hitting yours softly as he sped up. “Fuck, Lando,” you gasped, your eyes half rolling at the feeling. “Doing so well f’me,” his hand instinctively clutched at your tits, making you groan.
“Taking me so well,” he added, his words causing the knot in your stomach to build up as his pace quickened ever further. He’d already made you cum once, usually, something you never did, was have more than one orgasm. But the feeling of his mouth against you was like heaven, and this second orgasm? Had you died and gone to heaven? “Fuck, Lando!” you gasped, your orgasm falling over you, “Fuck, fuck, I love you, I love you so fucking much,”.
Your words were incoherent rambles, but words could be made out. Especially those three. I love you. You hoped he hadn’t heard, pretending as if nothing happened. This was going to be weird. Fortunately, he didn’t bring it up. Until morning, that was. “Morning,” he said, walking into the kitchen as you nodded, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“Morning,” you mumbled back. He sat beside you, sipping on the coffee you’d made him as he turned to you. “I wanted to say something-,” you both froze, your words the exact same as you raised an eyebrow. “Go for it,” you gestured, “no, no, it’s fine,” he said, asking you to speak. “It’s about last night,” you said, after seeing his ‘we’re not doing this game’ expression.
“Funny that. So’s mine,” he wiggled his eyebrows. Oh god. So he had heard. “I just wanted to say I didn’t mean to say I love you,” you muttered, looking down. “Really? I was talking about how good you felt- hey, I’m kidding!” he gasped in mock pain as you kicked at his shin. “Be serious!” you huffed, as Lando rolled his eyes. “Well, I love you too,” he shrugged.
“Doesn’t have to be a big deal if you don’t make it one,” he added, his lips pressed to your jaw, trailing to your earlobe. “Glad to hear I’m not just here for sex,” he grinned toothily as you rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “I feel like I’m dating a pre-pubescent,” you groaned. “We’re not dating yet, but suggesting something?” he winked.
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— Yeehaw' it's cowgirl era!
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pairings: leah williamson x reader
summary: readers' in her cowgirl era as she goes to nashville with leah and her family, she tries to contain her excitement, but its' too much to handle at the end of the night.
↪ this is my fav one shot to write, because I love country music!
and as always thank you to @alotofpockets for the help/inspiration to keep going with this fic!
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"I'm so tired, why's the airport so noisy?" You grumble in complaint, all you want to do is sleep but with the news around the airport, its' difficult to do that.
You're tired, so tired. You weren't going to miss the chance to speak to your best friend in Australia though.
Stupid time zones really do suck.
"Well, that's what you get when you don't sleep, monkey," Leah chuckles, glancing at you while you are curled up on the floor.
"Its' not my fault though-- Kyra phoned me!" You whine in protest.
Leah chuckles and shakes her head, "Surely you can't be comfy down there?" She wonders, trying to understanding your reasoning to lie on the floor.
"Its' fine," You murmur, keeping your eyes shut and trying to ignore everyone around so you can sleep.
"Why don't you come and sit up here, love?" Berny, Leahs' grandma suggests, "You can't be comfortable down there."
"M' fine here," You repeat, trying to be as polite as possible.
"Shes' fine, Grandma. I'm happy for monkey to sleep wherever as long as I don't have to chase after her," Leah tells the older women, speaking nothing but the truth about the matter.
"What?" Jordan, Leahs' older cousin chuckles.
Leah exhales a sigh and locks her phone from where she's previously scrolling through Instagram, "Monkey likes to do this thing where she bolts, at literally any single chance that she gets. So as long as she's not making me run after her then I'm fine with that," She explains to them both.
Jordan blinks her eyes in confusion, "Uh, er, what?"
"Don' make me move, I'm comfy!" You whine from your position on the floor still.
"See?" Leah gestures to you with an amused smile, "Be grateful shes' not trying to pet the dogs over there." She adds.
"That was one time!" You exclaim in protest.
You try pet a few dogs' in the airport and suddenly everyone starts to make a big deal out of it, pft.
All you wanted to do was say hi to them.
You like animals, so what?
"I have so many questions right now," Jordan remarks.
Leah chuckles amusedly, "Well, we might be here a while then."
"The floors' not comfy anymore," You complain, huffing in annoyance.
"I thought you said it was?" Leah teases you at your own expense.
"Well now I'm not and everyones' been too loud," You whine in frustration, scrambling to get up from the floor, "Everyone needs to shuuuut up!"
"Uh, Le, is she okay?" Jordan turns to look at Leah in concern.
"Oh, yeah, this is just monkey being well, this is just monkey being her normal self-- Ooft, I didn't think you'd literally flop yourself down on me there," Leah groans as she feels your whole body weight completely slump down on her.
You let out a yawn and rest your head on her shoulder, "You make a comfy pillow, so deal with it." You state.
"But, you know..." Leahs' words are cut short by you.
"Shush, you're bein' too loud, Le," You grumble, not happy with her continuing to yap in your ear when you just want to sleep.
"Oh you poor baby," Leah mocks you.
"Mean Malfoy," You murmur under your breath, but it's still loud enough for the blonde to hear.
"What-- Whos' Malfoy?" The blonde's completely thrown off by the namedrop of a certain character.
"You are," You don't hesistate to admit.
"What? I am... I am not--" Leahs' still in disbelief to even realise that you'd managed to drop off to sleep while using her shoulder as a pillow, "Oh, she's asleep. Would you look at that?" She mutters.
"Must've been tired," Berny chuckles, amusedly.
"I still-- I... I don't look like him," Leah is still continuing to have a full blown crisis over the newfound nickname, "Do you guys think I look like Malfoy?" She questions, confused.
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"Hey, monkey. You're quiet," Leah pokes her head around the door to check in on you, after not hearing much from you since you had all arrived at the hotel, "Whatcha up to?" She questions.
"Watchin' Black Widow," You pause the current film your watching and  peer your head up from your iPad, "Wouldn't it be so cool to have Widow Bites?" You wonder.
That would definitely be so cool.
Apparently Leah thinks different by her facial expression.
"I think I'd fear for everyones' safety around you with them things," Leah remarks, shaking her head in disagreement, "What would you even use them for anyways?" She asks.
Shrugging your shoulders, you fumble with the strings of your hoodie, "Hurt my enemies and stuff, ye know'?" 
"Enemies?" Leah questions in amusement.
"I got 'em, Le. Loads of 'em!" You tell the blonde.
Leah continues to look at you bewildered, "Right, oookay then. Well, we're gonna get ready to head to the festival soon, so are you ready to go?" She wonders.
"Uh huh, just watchin' this to kill the time-- Ooh! I still need one of them fancy hats!" You exclaim in realisation, jumping up from the bed.
"Slow down there cowgirl," Leah chuckles, making the reference to the jumper that you're wearing, "I've got you covered." She gestures to the cowboy hat which she just so happens to have in her hand before she plonks it on top of your head.
"Yeehaw! Howdy there partner!" You beam a wide grin as you try and put on the perfect accent.
The blonde continues to laugh in amusement, "You are something else sometimes, monkey," Shaking her head, she slings her arm around your shoulder, "C'mon, lets' go and find my family." She adds.
"Whatcha mean by that?" You turn your head to look at her in confusion.
"Well, you've heard the phrase 'one sandwich short of a picnic', right?" Leah explains to you as the two of you start to head out of the hotel room.
"Uh huh," You nod your head slowly in understanding.
"You're that sandwich, monkey," Leah states as she smiles.
Now its' your turn to look at the blonde bewildered, "What? I--"
"Anyways, let's go before we're late!" Leah interjects, tugging you in the direction to go and meet her two family members down in the lobby of the hotel.
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"Whoa!" Your eyes are lit in excitement as you take in the sight around you of the festival, "We're in Nashville!"
"We are indeed, monkey," Leah chuckles in amusement, using her usual nickname for you since your well, a cheeky monkey.
The blonde also has another nickname though, menace, but that's usually referred to when you're being well, a typical little shit in her eyes.
So, most of the time... You guess.
You still to look around at the atmosphere in awe, "Whoa! This is so cool!" You whisper in awe, not actually believing you were here right now, "Like, I can't believe we're here-- It's so awesome, isn't it?" You turn to the blonde for her answer.
"I can see somebody's excited, huh?" Leahs' grandma, Berny chimes in as she watches you take it all in.
"Hey!" You gasp excitedly, spotting a girl nearby who just so happens to be wearing the same boots as you are, "That girls' got the same boots that I've got! We're totally matching!" You can't help but squeal.
"That's bound to happen here monkey," Leah remarks as she rests her hand on your shoulder and you sense that she's got something to say, "Listen, I know you're excited to be here, but I don't want you to be running off at all, alright?" She questions, knowing just what you're like.
"C'mon Le, I know that. I'm no idiot!" You dramatically whine.
"I didn't say that, but you know, sometimes you get distracted--" Leahs' words are cut short when you do in fact get distracted.
It's only a matter of seconds before it would happen.
"Look, they've got Churros!" You gesture over to a nearby van that's selling them and try to walk off in that direction.
"Ah, ah, no you don't," Leah's quick to yank hold of you by the back of your jumper, "See? This is exactly what I mean!" She states, firmly.
"But there's Churros, Le-- Churro's are life!" You all but insist, you couldn't get enough of the sugary treats.
"Don't even think about running off, menace!" The blonde is quick to warn you seeing that it looks like you're keen to bolt in that very minute, "I can see that look in your eye!" She adds.
However, the blondes' made the rookie error of letting go of you as they start to walk over to enter the arena where the music would be, at least the blonde still thinks you're following behind her.
Only for her to turn round and her eyes' widen when she realises you had not followed her at all, but went wandering off because of course, when there's Churros around... It's an easy decision to make.
So you bolted, running right in the direction for them without even second guessing it.
"Where the hell has she gone?!" Leahs' throwing her hands up in the air and looking fed up already, not even making it near the arena yet and you're already up to your old tricks, "I swear to god, I need to put a tracker on that girl!" She grumbles under her breath.
Both Berny and Jordan can't help but laugh, "You've got your hands full there, huh?" Her cousin jokes.
"Yeah, you're telling me," The blonde pinches the bridge of her nose, "I need to go find her, I'll be back." She huffs, very much not in the mood to deal with your antics.
And here Leah thought you will be tame tonight...
Ha, no.
"Good luck, love," Her grandma tells her, amusedly.
Leahs' shaking her head in annoyance, wandering through the various food vans' to get to where you where, currently being served the battered sweet treats, "There you are, menace! C'mere!" She states, annoyed.
You whip your head round and give the blonde a cheeky grin, "Le, look. Check out all the Churros I got! Do yer' want one?" You offer one out to the blonde, completely unaware of how peeved she is.
"What, no, I do not want one. What I want is for you to stop wander off," Leah looks at you in disbelief as she is quick to yank hold of the back of your jumper, "C'mon, now!" She states, firmly.
"Sooo, you don't want a Churro then?" You repeat the question, clearly not getting the idea of how annoyed Leah was, "Oh well, more for me then..." You shrug your shoulders and continue to shove it in your mouth.
Keeping a hold of you in one hand to not make the same mistake for you to run off again, Leah uses her other hand to rip the Churro out of your hand and toss it in a nearby bin, "You know you shouldn't be eatin' that many. You're going to get sick!" She tells you.
"But they're so good though!" You whine in protest.
Leah shakes her head, "No, no, that's enough of them. I'm not dealin' with you being sick. You know what you're like with that much sugar!" She states, firmly.
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"COUNTRY GIRL, SHAKE IT FOR ME, GIRL," You sing along to the lyrics of the song that's currently being performed at the top of your lungs, having the best time of your life, "SHAKE IT FOR ME!"
If there was a table to stand on top of right now, your damn sure that you would be standing on it and pumping your fist in the air.
"Enjoyin' yourself there, monkey?" Leah glances at you and smiles, although slightly concerned for the impending sugar crash that's going to follow anytime soon.
"Hell yeah! I'm in my cowgirl era right now!" You scream in response, swaying to the music and continuing to live in the moment, "I never ever wanna leave this place!" You exclaim.
Leah laughs slightly and shakes her head, "Stay here, alright? I'm goin' to get some drinks-- Don't even think about moving!" She warns, following what happened earlier on when you went on an adventure for Churros.
"Ooo, drink. I want one!" You insist, whipping your head in the blondes' direction, "I'll take a vodka coke, please!" You declare.
"Sure, nice try. How about we hold the coke, eh?" Leah remarks, amusedly, "Legal age is 21 here, sorry, monkey." She pats you on your shoulder.
"Boo!" You huff in protest at the news, "C'mon, the rules don't have to apply to me!" You tell her.
Rules are there to be broken, right?
"Yes they do," Jordan chimes in.
"Pft, says who?" You scoff and roll your eyes at the older women. Your definitely not a rule follower most of the time, "Rules don't mean nothing to me."
"Me, because the rules really do apply in this case, monkey. I'm not being the one bailing you out of jail," Leah tells you, laughing in amusement.
You can't help but huff once more, "Meanie, complete meanie, Malfoy."
"I do not look like Malfoy!" The blonde exclaims.
"Yer you do, carbon copy of him," You remark cheekily, sticking your tongue out at her.
"You little-- I'll be back. Stay put here, don't even think about moving or I'll follow through with the threat of that tracker!" Leah warns, wagging her finger in front of your face, "Stay." She repeats.
"Woof," You reply to the blonde by barking, being completely, well, being completely you.
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"Le? Pst, Le!" You not to gently nudge the blonde in the ribs as you start to get bored in the middle of a performance and want her attention, "Le... Leeeaaah!" You continue be that lovely irritating twerp that everyone seems to put up with.
"What?" Leah turns to face you confused, "What's up, monkey?" She questions.
"Hi," You can't help but snicker in amusement, just winding her up for the sake of it.
Mission success when you see the facial expression is unamused.
"Your such a pest sometimes," The blonde grumbles, shaking her head before she takes a swig of her drink.
You smirk and take the opportunity to be even more of a pest per say, "Malfoy's cranky." You murmur, just loud enough to still be heard.
Leah's head whips around in your direction, "I heard that, you little shit!"
"Language!" You gasp dramatically and widen your eyes, "You said a bad word!"
You feel a swat around the back of your head, "You're a menace sometimes."
"Le, love, don't hit the child," The blondes' grandma chides.
"She's not a child, she's a literal devil," Leah remarks, scoffing as she scowls at you as if to be cautious of your next move.
"Regardless, don't hit Y/N," The older women states.
You can't help but stick your tongue out at the blonde, "I win!" You exclaim, doing a little victory dance in your spot where your sat.
"I can ground you again, so be careful with your next move!" Leah warns, giving you a pointed luck.
Where's the fun in that?
You faux hurt and rest your hand on your chest, "Who, me? I didn't do out. You can't prove anything," You play innocent in front of Leah's family members.
"I was right, you really are a devil sometimes!" Leah murmurs, shaking her head in disbelief, "A complete menace to society."
"Yeah, but you still keep me around, right?" You can't help but grin cockily, letting out a sudden squeal when you feel an arm wrap around your neck and pull you down slightly, "Agh! Lemme go, lemme go!" You whine in protest.
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Soon enough the wave of the sugar rush soon turns into a sugar crash.
Eating a bunch Churros was really, really not a good idea.
Although they were too good to not eat, so definitely worth it at the time in your opinion.
However, now, it is a completely different story now your energy is starting to wear off.
The state being where you somehow manage to slump off your chair down to the floor and curl yourself into a ball on the ground in front of Leah and her family.
You just want to get comfy, and the ground seems acceptable.
No judgement here, alright?
Leah's a bit drunk from the alcohol but seeing you in the way that you are and shes' sobering up pretty quick, "Monkey, what an earth are you doin'?"
"I'm tired," You murmur in half asleep state, finding it hard to keep your eyes open.
Leah exhales a sigh and shakes her head, "Why don't you come back up here and sleep on the chair, like a normal person?" She suggests.
You barely are shaking your head in response due to the tiredness, "No thanks, I'm comfy here."
"That can't possibly be comfy though?" The blonde continues to look at you in disbelief.
Jordan can't help but look over at the chaos and chuckle slightly, "Are you okay, kid?" She asks.
"M' tired and the grounds comfortable," Your voice is just loud enough to be heard, as your eyes flutter shut as your just content enough to listen to the music, "Night night."
"Monkey, come on. The grounds dirty and cold, get up please," Leah looks at you in bewilderment, trying to get you up of the floor where's there no doubt several amount of things you definitely shouldn't be lying in, "Monkey, come on. Up here." She repeats.
There's not much response from you, because somehow bizarrely, you have managed to get curl yourself up in a ball and fall fast asleep.
The soft snores are a dead giveaway that you are indeed out cold.
"Is she... Is she really asleep?" Jordan looks completely baffled.
Berny peers over at you and chuckles, "It appears she is."
"Monkey can sleep anywhere. I've never seen her fall asleep in the middle of a festival though," Leah snorts in amusement, before she takes pity on you and moves off her seat to crouch down and gently scoop you up into her arms, settling back onto her seat with you nestled against her.
It takes a few minutes before you shift in your sleep, burying your face in the blondes' neck and letting out soft snores, which make all 3 women smile in amazement.
"Shes' out for the count so it seems," Leah murmurs, swaying to the beat of the music and softly patting your back to allow you to still stay asleep for the rest of the concert, "Hopefully she can make it all the way through the acts tomorrow before she sleeps." She jokes.
Another day in Nashville, a whole lot more for you to see.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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d-targaryenshoe · 2 days
Books And Looks - Luke Thompson
Word Count: 1006
Summary: Some say even well-known actors can have a crush on authors, can they not?
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city as the cast of Bridgerton wrapped up another long day of filming for season four.
Jonathan, Claudia, and Luke Thompson found themselves at their favorite pub, unwinding with drinks in hand.
“To another successful day!” Jonathan cheered, raising his glass.
“To another successful day!” echoed Claudia and Luke, clinking their glasses together.
They settled into a comfortable silence, the camaraderie of their shared experiences providing a soothing backdrop to the evening.
After a few sips, Jonathan leaned back in his chair and sighed.
“It’s going to be strange going back to normal life after this,” he mused. “I’ve gotten so used to the hustle and bustle of the set.”
Claudia nodded. “I know what you mean. There’s something about the energy here that’s hard to replicate in the real world. But I am looking forward to seeing my sister again.”
“You have a sister?” Luke asked, intrigued.
They’d spent so much time together on set, yet there were still many things they didn’t know about each other’s personal lives.
Claudia smiled warmly. “Yes, she’s a few years older than me. We’re very close, even though she’s quite the introvert.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “An introvert? Doesn’t sound like anyone in your family.”
Claudia laughed. “You’d be surprised. She’s a famous author, but she avoids the spotlight as much as possible. Her books have a huge following.”
Luke’s ears perked up at this revelation. “A famous author? What’s her name?”
Claudia hesitated for a moment, then said, “Y/n Jessie Peyton.”
Luke’s eyes widened, nearly spilling his drink in his excitement. “No. Are you serious? She’s one of my favorite authors in the world! I’ve read all her books at least twice.”
Jonathan chuckled at Luke’s sudden burst of enthusiasm. “Looks like you’ve got a superfan on your hands, Claudia.”
Claudia shook her head, laughing. “Luke, she’s very private. She doesn’t like the spotlight, and she doesn’t do meet-and-greets.”
Luke’s expression turned pleading. “Please, Claudia, you have to introduce me. I promise I won’t make a scene. I just want to tell her how much her work means to me.”
Claudia sighed, seeing the sincerity in Luke’s eyes. “I can’t make any promises, Luke, but I’ll talk to her. We’ll see what happens.”
Over the next few weeks, Luke didn’t let up.
He would bring your name up in conversation whenever he could, his admiration for your work shining through.
Claudia found it endearing but was also protective of your privacy.
One evening, after another long day of filming, Claudia received a call from you.
You chatted about your lives, and inevitably, Luke’s name came up.
“Luke Thompson?” you repeated, surprised. “The actor?”
“Yes, the very same,” Claudia replied. “He’s a huge fan of your work, y/n. He’s been pestering me non-stop to introduce you two.”
You laughed softly. “Well, that’s flattering. I didn’t realize my books had such an impact on people. Maybe… maybe we could arrange something. A small, casual meeting. No big deal.”
Claudia smiled. “I think that would make his year, y/n. Let me know when you’re free, and I’ll set it up.”
A few days later, Claudia walked onto the set in full 'Eloise' with a secretive smile.
She had arranged for you to visit, and she couldn’t wait to see Luke’s reaction.
As they broke for lunch, Claudia spotted Luke and Jonathan chatting by the catering table.
“Hey, guys,” she said, trying to keep her excitement in check. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”
Before Claudia could answer, you walked onto the set, looking slightly out of place but wearing a warm smile. Luke’s jaw dropped as he recognized her.
“No way,” he whispered, his eyes wide. “Is that…?”
Claudia grinned. “Luke, Jonathan, this is my sister.”
You stepped forward, extending your hand. “Hi, Luke. Claudia’s told me a lot about you.”
Luke shook your hand, trying to keep his composure. “It’s such an honor to meet you. Your books have had such a profound impact on me. Thank you for your incredible work.”
You blushed slightly, clearly not used to such direct praise. “Thank you. It means a lot to hear that.”
Jonathan, sensing the significance of the moment, clapped Luke on the back. “See, dreams do come true, mate.”
You all laughed, the initial tension easing into a more comfortable atmosphere.
You spent the rest of their lunch break chatting about your books, the writing process, and life on set.
Luke found himself captivated not just by your words but by your presence.
There was a quiet strength to you that drew him in, and he could tell you felt a connection too.
As the days passed, your visits to the set became more frequent. You and Luke would steal moments to talk, sharing stories and laughter.
It was clear to everyone around you that there was something special brewing between you two.
One evening, after a particularly long day of filming, Luke and you found yourselves alone on set.
The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over everything.
You sat on a bench, enjoying the peaceful silence.
“You know,” Luke began, “I never imagined I’d get to meet you, let alone spend so much time with you. It feels like a dream.”
You smiled, your eyes reflecting the fading light. “Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn’t it? I never thought I’d enjoy being on a set, but here I am.”
Luke took a deep breath, gathering his courage. “Listen, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I’d love to get to know you better, outside of all this.”
You looked at him, your expression softening. “I feel the same way. I’d like that very much.”
You shared a smile, the unspoken promise of something more hanging in the air.
As the first stars appeared in the night sky, Luke reached for your hand, and you didn’t pull away.
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babymex · 2 days
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Toji W/Bimbo Reader!- Blurb
Authors NOTE: I 100% believe Toji would nottt speak like this. I had Rafe Cameron in my head when making this. So justice for Toji because Toji saying a lot of this does not make sense!
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A thought has popped up into my brain- salivating at this:
I just know Toji would look so good next to a bimbo!reader. So much bigger compared to her and so strong.
He would take her everywhere, never wanting her to leave his side and although he’s a tough, big guy he goes absolutely soft for his little baby and he is not ashamed of her absolutely clinging to him. So even when Gojo invites the whole gang over (in another world where they’re all friends) and you’re perched up on his lap on the couch with Gojo laying across the floor and Megs, Yuji, Nobura across from you both on the couch with Nanami and Geto in chairs, you feel like you can’t be happier.
You’re all watching a random film that gojo had decided to put on but truth be told you weren’t focussing much. You had your head in Toji’s neck and you kept pushing yourself onto him. Like literally wanting to be inside his skin just because of how warm he felt.
“You okay baby? You tired?” Ever the caring boyfriend you thought. “No, you just smell really nice and you’re so warm” he smiles down at you and pats your head.
All of a sudden, Yuji and Megs get up raving about how we needed snacks so when they get up to grab a couple of beers (only for the adults of course) along with some home nachos, popcorn and Brownies, you jump up, remembering last week, when you were at a party with Geto and Gojo.
You were chilling with the boys until Geto left you with his “special brownies” though you didn’t understand why they were so special. I mean they looked like normal brownies? You remember Geto’s strict words before he left you. “DO NOT eat or touch these brownies. They’re special ones which I don’t let anyone eat. Plus Toji will kill me if you eat them. Understand?” You had nodded since you saw how serious he was.
That wasn’t fair. You saw everyone approach Geto to get one. So why couldn’t you? It’s just food? Plus everyone knows how much you loveeee your sweet treats. You tried to power through but the brownies just kept looking at you straight in the eyes.
It wouldn’t hurt if you tried one.
You let out a little cough, pulled your mini skirt down while you reached for the brownie packets. You took 1 out and started munching away. A few minutes had passed and to be honest you cannot remember how many brownies you had eaten. You got a little carried away. I mean can anyone blame you they tasted so good. A little different. Why was it so strong in flavour? And kind of bitter?
(Back to the movie night)
“Oh my God Yuu pass me the brownies they taste so nice, are these the special ones Geto? The ones from the party? Although, I have to say they tasted so weird Geto! I don’t really know how I felt about them hehe!!l”
You looked at Geto who had the most fearful expression on his face. It looked like someone had put an arrow through his chest. “What brownies baby?” You tell Toji all about the brownies Geto told you to look after and how you went through about 2 packets because of how hungry you were.
Toji would give the biggest death stare and glare at Geto the whole night!
“The fuck man, you gave my girl drugs?” “I just told her to keep an eye on them man, I made it clear not to eat them or touch them” the bickering back and fourth had you a little stressed out. Because what did he mean drugs✋🏼
“I’ll deal with you in a bit and you doll” pointing at you, he clearly didn’t look very pleased. You pouted and frowned because Toji was never one to tell off his girl especially in front of others.
“Come on baby, I told you not eat anything that looks dodgy, that didn’t look dodgy to you?”
“it’s brownies Toji of course it didn’t look dodgy plus it’s Geto, why would my first thought be something bad.”
He lets out a sigh and shifts you a little on his lap while holding your face in one hand and giving your cheeks a little stroke. “Not the point doll, I always tell you when you’re at a party to not take anything. I gotta do all the thinking for you huh? Can’t my pretty baby think for herself? Nothing in that head of yours?”
Everyone stayed silent and your frown deepened. Not just because innocent little you getting told off for something that you didn’t even think was a big deal but also because Toji was telling you off in front of everyone. How embarrassing. “And you, you fuck, do not give my girl anything again. Don’t bring her anywhere near your stupid, coked up shit. Got it?”
“Yeah man, sorry.”
You felt tears flooding your eyes but you didn’t want to cry in front of everyone so you kept it in while turning back around in Tojis lap to face the TV. You wanted to move off his lap but didn’t want to make it obvious that you were mad at him.
You were so pissed off at him. You didn’t even want to go home with him because you just know he’d bring this up again.
Authors note: Hmm, should I do a part 2?
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kaltacore · 17 hours
the whole premise of solas & rook dynamic is just comedy gold
you're an ancient god. you fucked up a big deal. twice. now the whole world is broken. you're NOT doing this third time in a row. you take precautions. do damage control even! then varric tethras shows up and pulls some weirdo out of his ass. also very nice speeches right out of one of his books that are supposed to make readers teary-eyed. the weirdo makes you fuck up again and it's even worse now. nobody cares you're a theater kid who speaks in iambic pentameter and also has feelings. they made you feel bad for saving the world! in a way. it's beyond their comprehension. whatever. you can't do shit now anyway. thanks everybody very much.
you're a normal person. employed, even! like, with a job! you're tired after a long day of work and go to the bar to relax, like normal people do. then, varric tethras shows up. like, the bestseller guy. he wants to hire you to go after a god and he's dead serious about it. you don't have anything better to do later this evening anyway, so you agree, probably with intention to find out what kind of elfroot he smokes. there's actually a god. you're scared shitless and try to throw a statue at him, because what else are you supposed to do with a god? ask him nicely to be good because friendship and stuff? that kind of works out, the statue thing, not the friendship one. kind of not, because there are three gods now and none of them seem friendly enough. you pass out.
you're stuck in that asshole's head now. probably it was empty enough so you got sent here, for fuck's sake. it's going to be a disaster because the world is going to shit and this time you quite literally can't do anything about it. unless.
you're stuck with that ancient scary fucker in your head now. he seems pissed and very unimpressed by anything you do. it's going to be a disaster because the world is going to shit and now you have to follow instructions. suggested by the god in your head. who doesn't like you very much. well, you don't like him too! what is he going to do about it now? peer pressure you into being a hero? he probably will, because otherwise, eh. everyone's going to die, aren't they?
good luck saving the world. try not to drive each other crazy. there are evil gods out here, and they're about to make up leeway
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zweiginator · 15 hours
boy best friend patrick constantly trying to hit on reader but she is SPP oblivious ab it and will do things that make ppl think they’re a couple but then she’ll be like ‘oh no this is my friend!!! if ur single u should check him out’ and like she’ll let him lead her by the small of her back when they’re out and in private put her legs on his or do his makeup on his lap and STILL doesn’t think it’s weird!!!!
oh he is sooo obsessed with you and you are just adamant about being super close friends with him!! of course you aren't dating; you've known each other since you were seven years old!! he has convinced you that it's normal to hold hands and for him to adjust your necklaces and share drinks and hold onto his arm during a scary movie.
patrick has gaslit himself into believing you're dating; it's easier than talking with you about it. ignorance is bliss for him. but god, it's getting harder. he tries to be more obvious about it. patrick kisses your forehead when you say goodbye to him and he ties your shoes for you and if you're at a party and a guy walks up to you, patrick is quick to grab you a drink and pull you in by the waist.
you're getting into ubers with some friends and sitting in patrick's lap when there is limited space. you give him head massages and peck him on the lips when he falls asleep on your lap, hugging you around the waist. patrick pretends to be asleep, but he always has this teeny, almost indiscernible smile that creeps upon his lips like a secret.
and your friends talk about it behind your backs.
"do they have sex?" one of them asks, after you and he have fallen asleep together on his bed.
another shakes his head. "no. and i'm just as confused about it as you are."
you and patrick get into huge fights when you try to set him up with one of your friends; it drives him crazy. Mostly because you're so fucking naive and oblivious and innocent, and he wants you so bad it makes him ache. he wants to corrupt you, but he doesn't want you to change.
"what's the big deal? i thought you liked her?" you ask. your friend had just texted patrick; you gave her his number.
"what gave you that impression?" he pulls you by your ankles. you are sitting with your legs draped across his lap; his fingers run up and down your shins.
"she is pretty. you like pretty girls, last time i checked." you lean forward, resting your elbows on your knees.
patrick boops your nose with his thumb and smiles at you. "hmm." he says. "you're right. she's just not really my type."
maybe he will tell you next week.
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kerubimcrepin · 3 days
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 1 (episodes 21-26)
Episode 21 - Igol
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This is a big episode because this is where we get the "Adamai knows stasis magic" lore drop that is never elaborated on, or mentioned altogether.
Episode 22 - Rubilax
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Someday, someone will complete a translation of the Dofus manga in russian or english and I'll finally learn what's the deal with this man and why he died and got better and how crazy his doomed yaoi with his dead dragon husband gets.
Heartbreakingly, this day is not yet here.
[Kerubim and Goultard crying together over a drink, begin talking at the same time] I miss my dead wife, Goulatrd/Kerubim. I miss her/him a lot.
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Big lore: Sleep masks exist in this universe.
Episode 23 - The Quest for the Dofus
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He'll get it eventually. I did.
Episode 24 - Reunion
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I love their family so much, I wish they could be happy. But every time something changes, it's far too late... It is tragically realistic, I suppose.
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I don't know why, but this is such a pretty frame... The soft morning light, the dim room, the plants the glowing mushrooms...
Also, rare moment to take in what the guest rooms look like at the Sadida castle!
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This episode (and at least one past episode) has quite a bit of ciphered text that I haven't been translating because I'm evil. Sorry. It's not the same script as the texts in Aux Tresors, despite the similarities, so you'll have to resort to google, or to decoding it yourself. You could start with the fact that this presumably says "Arbe de vie"
Episode 25 - I Am A Legend
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Stasis mention 🔥🔥🔥
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This whole scene always makes me tear up. I am actually insane and crazed every time I rewatch the last two episodes.
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Your insane Joris trivia of the day is that this scene was changed between various airings/versions of Wakfu. For some mysterious reason. Here's a comparison:
I prefer the old version because.... [blushes] [kicks legs] [twiddles with my hair] HES SO PRETTY—- But also besides me being insane and in love with him, it just seems to have better composition and flow, imo.
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My theories for why he was late:
He was sent to get reinforcements from other countries, or call for help. Though it is unlikely that many other kingdoms responded, given how little people care about Sadida (the most likely, normal, and realistic explanation)
He went together with the army of Sadida and the king to fight the war and ran all the way here using his insane speed (the second most likely, normal, and realistic explanation)
He overslept
He got lost
He was busy, man...
He was writing a letter to Keke and Atch about how he beat the shit out of some sadida guards and two girls clapped and cheered and lost track of time.
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This exchange has always been so funny to me for some reason.
"What is the situation" He says,, while a giant mecha is about to kill what likely amounts to one-twelfth of the world's population.
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I have talked about it a lot, but I am so deeply unwell about how cold he is. A girl lost her lover and is crying inconsolably, and he's not really paying that attention. One twelfth of the world population is about to die, and he won't show an ounce of discomfort or horror or grief.
Obviously he doesn't like it, but showing any weakness is out of the question.
More people have died from Ogrest, and she's like, the 60th girl on a battlefield on his memory to be crying after losing someone.
There are no unsolvable issues in this world.
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I need to study him like a bug.
Episode 26 - Mount Zinit
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Standing so prettily...
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I think one of Joris's core "insanity and depression prevention" life philosophies is that, if he is not present at a battle, and can not physically be present, then he's not to blame for any horrible thing that happens.
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I think this philosophy works almost never to quell his feelings of unease, and right now he is calculating 132924 ways he could have gotten here faster and just how much it would fix things.
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(guy who runs a blog about pointing out obvious things Joris does voice) There's a very subtle expression change here. He starts looking intently as Amalia proposes going to help Yugo and Adamai. He was going to do this. However, the second he hears her yell "no", his expression changes once more.
We don't see whether he rushes to aid Eva in any way after she collapses from grief, but I will be honest — he would never do that.
Even if he has a pre-established good relationship with her. He just can't do that. He probably stands there awkwardly, in that same exact place, and feels very bad the entire time — because he can neither comfort Eva (they're practically strangers, he hesitated far too long, he'll make things worse—), nor go help Yugo (he can't just leave Eva and Ruel alone... What if more enemies appear? Or what if they think he abandoned them amidst grief? And would he even be useful?)
I think standing next to inconsolable people is Joris's personal hell.
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I am insane.
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I think one of the reasons Wakfu season 1 is so memorable, and so effective, is that there is no glorious pay off.
Yugo has a heroic moment of friendship overpowering everything — and then, after a second of being scared, Nox overtakes him. Nox wins. And that win is a mere 20 minutes. And for what? Pinpin is still dead. Everyone he killed is still dead.
Yugo doesn't get a glorious win, or his friend back. There is no epic swell of music. Just something quiet, foreboding, and truly meaningless.
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Your daily reminder that canonically, Eva is an amazing artist.
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Once again, Sadida Kingdom and Bonta have a very good relationship. Besties who hoard magical nukes together stay together.
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luimagines · 2 days
With the ask a while back mentioning how music is a big deal for Hylians, and as someone working on memorizing the periodic table song, I have the mention image of Reader just going "and there's Hydrogen and Helium, then Lithium, Beryllium", as the Links just start panicking because they don't recognise half of those words, and that sounds like some sort of high level spell incantation. It slowly goes back to normal with "Iron is the 26th, then Cobalt, Nickel coins you get, Copper, Zinc and Gallium", since I think Four at the very least would know those ones, then they go straight back to "Germanium". I can see Legend trying to shut them up before they end the world or something.
They just start covering their heads, waiting for a storm to be summoned.
In a strange turn of events, I think Wild would actually recognize those words the most because Zelda was more into field work than the other princesses. Like she would know those things and Wild was there for a good portion of her rantings and studies.
But even then, even he's shocked because why is this something you have memorized????
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levieske · 3 days
(𝟓) 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐞
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In which Yuji Itadori accidentally spoils Hana Akiwara’s plans by ingesting Sukuna’s finger, and Satoru Gojo is constantly humbled as a result.
satoru gojo x ofc x suguru geto
[ canon divergence, fix-it au, everybody lives, no kenjaku, no shibuya incident, jjk s1, slow-burn, aged-up characters, age gap, questionable relationships, mentor-student relationships, unresolved sexual tension, more mature and graphic in future chapters, crack heavy for now, tvd references if you squint ]
previous - ao3 link - masterlist - next
“Idiot.” Hana grumbled under her breath as the door clicked shut behind Kenji, signaling his departure. She turned to face the annoying older sorcerer, who hovered too close for comfort. “Ignore him.”
He was looking at her with an amused smile. Yuji, who stood rigidly beside them, seemed to be waiting for a fight to break out. Maybe it just would. Hana scooped to the other side of the couch before Satoru could take her brother’s seat on the armrest. He seemed entertained by her awkwardness, as he took it once she had already put some space between them.
Prick. Hana took back what she said about him looking normal and less annoying.
The man patted the space that Hana had vacated, and Yuji hesitantly took it.
“So, where were we?” The man adjusted his glasses, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous sparkle. “Ah, yes, Jujutsu Tech. With your brother’s dramatic exit, I assume we no longer need his blessing?”
Hana scrowled. She had no desire to engage in this conversation, and neither had Kenji. Her twin had an “akiwaresque” line of thinking, you could say. His disdain for Satoru was no secret; he saw the sorcerer as nothing more than a nuisance, an imbecile and a stalker. Kenji was convinced that getting involved with sorcerers was a risky move, especially when dealing with an unhinged sorcerer from one of the Big Three Families.
The siblings had been unsuccessful in their attempts to avoid drawing attention to themselves, as being active members in jujutsu seemed to attract other active members. The Akiwaras had decided to stay away from them since January. Not that there were many curse users lingering in Tokyo after whatever happened in December… The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.
Hana shrunk herself in her seat, shaking off the gloomy feeling that thinking about that brought her. Kenji and her were in the US, peacefully celebrating the festivities with their family when hell broke loose in Shinjuku and Kyoto. Hana exhaled, they were safe.
Well, as safe as they could be now that their paths had intertwined with sorcerers.
The constant presence of Gojo and the looming threat that hung over their heads were already taking a toll on Hana, fueling her temper and her need for surrender. She had even noticed a shift in Kenji’s judgment. Whether it was driven by boredom, the realization that they couldn’t get rid of Gojo, or having heard Hana bawl her eyes out too much for his liking; Kenji was having a change of heart. 
The heart-to-heart the twins had after Yuji’s death and subsequent resurrection had been a turning point. Hana’s tears had flowed freely, a release of pent-up emotions she couldn’t quite comprehend. Then, after her eyes were all irritated and her head hurt from crying, they had weighed their options:
Option A: Run away.
Option B: Surrender.
And, option C: Fight (this was their favorite)
Option A was out of the question. Nuh-uh. They had come to Japan with a purpose; to stop hiding and practice jujutsu freely. Option B was annoying and option C had to be discarded if they ever wanted to live in peace. So B they settled with. Of course, they wouldn’t give up easily. They had some requests for Gojo and if they could buy themselves more time, they would. In case the situation escalated, they were also prepared for option C and A. In that specific order, yes.
Realistically speaking, as now turned pacifists, there were few paths the Akiwaras could follow that didn't involve a bunch of questionable stuff to get rid of their problem. They weren’t particularly opposed to it if things got to that point, but Kenji recognized Yuji’s importance in his sister’s life. He was considering option B for her sake, begrudgingly. It was one of the reasons why he left her to deal with Satoru, but he was also just a prick.
Kenji only had to endure him for less than an hour. It was unfair.
“Um, Hana?” Itadori’s gentle shakes drew her attention back to the conversation. He gave her a concerned stare. Behind him, his teacher looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “I asked if Kenji and you had thought it over?”
“Oh, yes… We did.” Hana nodded, speaking softly.
“And?” Satoru pressed, leaning in slightly.
“We will, but-!” She made a pause and held up a hand at Gojo, halting his response. “Not yet. Not until Yuji does, alright? We want a break from all this mess.”
The sorcerer’s skepticism was palpable. “I’m glad you chose correctly, but what exactly would prevent you from running away?”
“Nothing.” She admitted with a smile, relishing the wariness in his tone. “But I think it’ll be great if we started on better terms and, since you don’t trust us and we don’t trust you, we’ve decided to show you our little collection of cursed trinkets.” His glare became more pointed. Hana rolled her eyes. “ And I’ll give you back the finger. Just let me end the sentence, geez.”
Yuji muffled a laugh behind his hand at the exchange. Hana was probably the only person able to annoy his mentor this way.
“Excellent.” The sorcerer’s smile returned, his demeanor shifting to one of satisfaction. “And, just so we are clear, I didn’t say I didn’t trust you, I just didn’t trust you too much! But I do trust you a little.”
The curse user lifted her thin, black eyebrows. “You should really work on your words, Satoru.”
“Hey! I’m being honest here.” Satoru leaned on the couch’s backrest, inclining to his side in an uncomfortable position. “You didn’t let me down.”
Hana leaned in the opposite direction, using Yuji as a human wall dividing her space from his. “I don’t need your approval. You’re not my teacher.”
“But I will be!” Satoru countered with a hint of triumph.
“Whatever.” Hana rolled her eyes, her sigh was a soft exhalation of her frustration with him. “Do you actually want to see our artifacts or not?” Gojo rose from his seat, almost too enthusiastically for her liking. She gave him a look, her gray eyes inspecting him before she continued. “No touching, just watching, got it?”
Both Gojo and Itadori nodded in agreement, the latter in a more credible manner. Akiwara stood and led them down the corridor to a simple, built-in closet. With a flick of her wrist, she slid open the door and revealed shelves full of different talismans, amulets and artifacts. Each piece emanated a distinct and unique cursed energy that was only now being noticeable.
Itadori’s eyes widened at the sight, completely awed. Gojo, however, remained unfazed, his attention drawn instead to the protective rune etched inside the closet. He had seen it in the living and kitchen area, alongside another he didn’t recognize. He guessed this one hid cursed energy and the other prevented unwanted guests like him.
“You have quite the liking for hiding yourselves, heh?” Satoru voiced his thoughts, to which Hana replied with a hum and shrug.
It was something he should have expected, now that he knew what kind of trinkets they had. Their little collection amounted to quite the sum of cursed objects Hana and her brother had been manufacturing over the years. Or kindly borrowed , Satoru suspected as he eyed some objects he had briefly heard about. Thankfully, they weren’t special-grade type of cursed objects. They weren’t even powerful enough to have to be confiscated, but it still made him wonder if they were Hana’s practice dummies so to speak. The sorcerer wanted to believe she wasn’t using sorcerers as guinea pigs, but he had half a mind to ask about it.
Both Hana and Kenji had decided to show him their collection as a little truce, but Satoru knew he was one stupid comment away from having the cursed energy sucked out of him. It hadn’t been pleasant when the curse user to his left did it before and he’d love to never have to experience that ever again. Plus, the fact that his infinity proved to be useless with her unnerved him. Just as she kept some things to herself, he did too, forcing a small smile on his mouth as he eyed the trinkets again.
The woman watched as the man recognized some of the items, silently confirming his theory. The twins had a habit of taking what they deemed worthy of other curse users when they were, conveniently, unable to protest. It wasn’t stealing if what they took was stolen in the first place, alright?
Hana caught the movement out of the corner of her eye, Satoru’s hand inching towards the shelves. “No touching!” She chastised him, swatting his hand away from the closet.
Yuji stopped looking at the insides in curiosity and turned to the sound of her voice, anticipating some kind of argument to erupt over the tension. Instead, his mentor only chuckled at his friend’s fierce protectiveness. She crossed her arms as Itadori scratched his head, knowing he was probably overdoing it with the worrying. He didn’t comprehend if his teacher and his friend hated each other’s guts or were in the path of friendship. Also, Sukuna’s monologue recognizing some of the artifacts didn’t help his peanut-sized brain to decipher it either.
“Now, where’s the finger?” Gojo inquired, making Itadori realize he had probably missed Hana’s explanation about what was in the closet. It wasn’t like he would have understood that much about it, aside from the basics. 
“Obviously not here.” The girl closed the door with a swift movement. The oppressive cursed energy dissipated the moment the closet was shut, lessening the tension in the air. 
Hana retreated to her room, her steps quick and purposeful. Kneeling down, she lifted a specific loose floorboard with a familiarity, and peered into the hidden compartment only to find it empty. “Yuji?” Hana called him out, her voice tinged with a mix of confusion and accusation.
“Um, yes?” Her friend appeared at the doorway, his expression completely dumbfounded.
“Did you have a midnight snack?” Hana grimaced as Yuji blinked at the implication of her words stilling outside her room. “A finger, perhaps?”
The teacher stepped into her line of view, his towering presence filling the space next to Yuji. “You let him sleep in the same room you were hiding the finger?” He questioned the woman with a raised eyebrow.
“You said he was in complete control.” Hana tossed her black hair to the side and put the floorboard back in place before staring back at the man. Her gaze was defiant as she remained seated on the floor, earning another pointed look with a raised eyebrow from Satoru. “How would have I known?”
“Rookie mistake.” Satoru chidded, the corners of his mouth turning up in a knowing smile. He took a few long strides into her room and removed his black lenses, surveying the space with a critical eye. His gaze swept over the room, noting the absence of any residual cursed energy, save for the aura surrounding Yuji himself. “When dealing with a vessel, you need to be more careful.”
“I’m dealing with my friend.” Hana retorted, her voice softening despite her irritation. “Besides, isn’t it good that he consumed it? You were going to make him do it either way.”
“Well, yes, but in a controlled environment.” Satoru exhaled a sigh. He readjusted his glasses, his eyes meeting hers once more. “Did he take over… or anything?”
The two friends looked at each other before shaking their heads.
Gojo blinked, processing the silent exchange. “I was right, then. You have unknowingly made a binding vow of shorts with Sukuna, Yuji.” His tone was casual, almost conversational, as if they weren’t discussing the catastrophe a biding vow was. “And now he’s able to overpower you. We should learn what the grounds for that are, because you are strong enough to control him.”
Hana’s glare shifted from Gojo to Itadori, her eyes narrowing. “You didn’t think it was important to tell me you had made a binding vow with him?”
“We weren’t sure.” The vessel looked like a kicked puppy with his crestfallen expression.
“But now we are!” Gojo interjected, clapping his hands together with a sense of finality. “Isn’t it wonderful?”
Hana was seething and she felt a migraine brewing. She let out a long, drawn-out sigh, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened her eyes, she lifted her face towards the older sorcerer. “If that’s all, can you leave?”
“We still haven’t discussed-” Satoru began, but Hana cut him off with a sharp gesture.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” She exclaimed, her arms crossing over her chest in a defensive posture.. “Just make up some story about me helping you with a mission or whatever. I need time, and I’d rather join when he does.” Her gaze flicked to Yuji, who had resorted to just watching them. Her friend had a feeling he hadn’t done a great job convincing Hana, so it would probably be best if he sat this one out… “What’s the point of making us enroll when summer break is about to start?”
Gojo’s smile was infuriatingly serene, too calm in comparison to what Akiwara was feeling. “You might have a point there.” He conceded and paused. “But don’t think I’m letting you guys off the hook.”
“Whatever.” Hana sighed, her voice a mixture of exasperation and resignation. “Just do something on my terms for once.”
Fortunately, the sorcerer didn't argue further, leaving her bedroom instead. Yuji muttered a goodbye, to which she gave an acknowledging nod, and he followed Satoru out of her home. It was only when she heard the front door close that Hana let out another tired breath, leaning against her bed while still sitting on the floor.
Fingerless Hana 2 - The Strongest 1
Gojo knew that woman had already put him in his place multiple times. Meeting her had been a humbling experience, to say the least. Yet, as he descended the stairs with Itadori, a small, triumphant smile played on his lips. He was slowly but surely going to make up for it.
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For a few more minutes, Hana remained motionless sitting on the floor of her room. Her thoughts were a whirlwind, circling the revelation of Sukuna’s binding vow with Yuji. All the possibilities of what could have happened to Kenji weighed heavily on her, complicating an already messy situation she found herself in. The brief mention of her nana the night before had stirred some memories in her, prompting her to get up from the floor. Hana walked towards her desk, where she had a framed picture of her grandmother and her. In the picture, a teenager Hana had her arms wrapped around her elderly grandmother. The photograph was a couple of years old, it was her high school graduation, before her grandmother got sick. Hana was looking beautiful, but what caught her eye was the necklace she always used to wear.
The actual necklace was hung over the frame. It was made from silver and had a small circular locket with a detailed design, adorned with a tiny ruby. It was probably the most expensive item she owned, and the one that held the most memories. Her nana, Mineko Akiwara, had made it when she ran away from Japan with her sister, who didn’t have cursed energy. She wore it regularly in fear of a sorcerer ever finding her.
When her own children showed no signs of jujutsu, Mineko had set the necklace aside, believing that cursed energy in their lineage had ended with her. The birth of Kenji and Hana, children of her second son, reignited her deepest fears. They had the spark of cursed energy, but it wasn’t until years later that they tapped into jujutsu and discovered their cursed techniques. Hana had inherited the clan’s cursed technique, whereas Kenji displayed a natural talent for crafting cursed tools and possessed a more subtle reserve of cursed energy, just like their grandmother had.
Most sorcerers of Mineko’s age and their ancestors had often lacked a distinct technique, their jujutsu watering down from generation to generation. Instead, they relied on their profound understanding and creation of cursed tools and weapons, their sharpness being passed down. Yet, it had proven not to be enough when the clan had to face the Big Three Families, and running was all that was left for them. Mineko was determined to keep her grandchildren away from sorcerers, mentoring Kenji how to make artifacts. His first creation was two rings that would cloak them completely from sorcerers. It was an emergency measure, sure, but they had put it to use in Japan.
For Hana, it was another story. Their nana had her using her old necklace, as a means to dwell down her cursed energy. The fear that sorcerer’s instilled in Mineko was still great, even if she was in a completely different continent and hadn’t met any of them in over thirty years. Her life had been marred by tragedy, the loss of her entire family at the hands of sorcerers left her with severe trauma that only shared with her sister. She had passed away before Hana and Kenji were born, and Mineko, being the matriarch of the clan, had to make some decisions for the well-being of her family. Her sons, nieces and nephews, as well as their respective spouses hadn’t opposed her choice. They felt the beacon Hana could grow up into, sadly. In her desperation, Mineko believed the best course was to veil Hana’s powers from the world.
Even as a little girl, Hana wasn’t capable of resenting her grandmother. The loss of her cursed energy when she wore the necklace was noticeable, feeling a void within. She knew a piece of herself was being restrained, but she remained an obedient child and never took off the necklace.
It was only at a family gathering that Hana’s interest in jujutsu was piqued. Most of her extended family had attended, filling her nana’s already packed home. Some of her relatives from her great aunt’s side started discussing jujutsu and the clan’s history. They mentioned Hana and her technique, which was the one who could “restore the family’s honor”. That was the Akiwara’s legacy, a centuries-old legend about a savior who would bring back the clan’s old glory and avenge their ancestors. To Hana, it was some story her ancestors had made to keep their hopes up, as they were being massacred left and right. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy, really. If sorcerers kept killing them, it was a matter of time before one tried to return the favor. Yet, as much as she disliked sorcerers, she didn’t want to start a war.
Not then, and not now.
Mineko’s reaction to their conversation was one of alarm. She got pretty upset with the other family members, as she didn’t want them putting those ideas in Hana’s head, but it was already too late. Hana asked her grandmother about what they meant, and Mineko reluctantly explained that her technique was supposed to be able to beat the Big Three Families. She never wanted to put Hana at risk and believed she would be safer away from jujutsu, which they knew was the truth. Hana, nearing the end of high school by that time, was determined to fly to Japan and get stronger. It wasn’t to comply with the family's legacy, but for the peace of mind it would offer her grandmother. Mineko’s heart swelled with mixed emotions, pride mingling with fear. Kenji supported his sister’s decision, also believing that going to Japan would be great in order for both of them to get stronger and possibly to allow their family to come back to their roots.
The twins left for Tokyo the fall following their graduation, as nothing else aside from their family and a few friends stopped them from going. They settled down in Kichijoji, a neighborhood close to what would eventually become their campus, Sugisawa College. In the time being before the start of the school year in April, they grew accustomed to a routine of training and working at their part-time jobs. Hana was recruited by the café she currently worked at, and Kenji was briefly a supermarket clerk before taking a position as an instructor in the local gym they frequented. Kenji wanted his sister to learn self defense, just in case running away wasn’t an option one day. Back in high school, Hana used to be on the track team. She was an excellent runner, quite faster than the average, but also wanted to be able to fend for herself. In the first months in Tokyo, she made quick progress while her brother perfected what he already knew.
But their learning didn’t stop there; the twins also trained jujutsu at home. Kenji had deciphered the rune that made cursed energy untraceable inside their flat after a few weeks of investigation and sleepless nights, a matter Hana wasn’t able to help him with. Until then, his sister wore Mineko’s necklace even to go to sleep, just as she had done for the last eight years. Kenji’s rune allowed her to get used to her own cursed energy, as well as accustomed to sensing others’ and seeing curses, in the safety of their home. Her brother counted and described many curses when they went outside, a great contrast to America’s fewer and weaker curses. Hana worried that without her necklace, the flood of cursed energy might overwhelm her senses and not only because she was fairly new to it. Since her technique specialized in detecting cursed energy, she was quite sensitive like somebody with good hearing or a strong sense of smell
Nowadays, Hana wondered if that was what Satoru felt like. She suspected his problem was a lot bigger than hers was, as the man had to cover his eyes. Her nana had mentioned briefly the abilities the Six-Eyes had or, at least, what she knew about them. Satoru was basically the best glorified curse detector.
In those initial months in Tokyo, the necklace remained clasped around Hana’s neck. It was a part of her, the memories of being gently chided by Mineko for forgetting to wear it still clear in her mind. Yet, Hana was also doing it for her grandmother’s sake; the poor woman would have a heart attack if she knew Hana was “flaunting” her cursed energy. What the Akiwara’s matriarch hadn't realized was that the necklace also emanated a strong cursed energy and it was hard to miss once you had spotted it.
That was what provoked Hana’s second meeting with another fellow cursed user to take a different turn. However, her first meeting was a lot grimmer.
The twins had been searching for a cursed object for Hana to channel and practice on, as she still didn’t have a great grip on her technique. Using it on Kenji was out of the question. If she stripped off a sorcerer all their cursed energy, they would die. The siblings found out about that when their paths crossed with a curse user, a man that had been looking for the very same cursed trinket they just acquired. He made sure to let them know of his intentions, knocking Kenji unconscious upon his arrival. Hana used her technique on the man, grabbing him by the shoulders.
She didn’t realize what she had done until she dropped his gray, desiccated body. That was the effect of her technique when she exceeded the limit of how much cursed energy the victim produced. If the rate at which she took it was faster, she would eventually deplete her opponent of cursed energy.
This encounter made Hana more wary of sorcerers, if that was even possible. She practiced daily with the tool, while Kenji made more of them for her to train on. His trinkets were weaker in comparison, but she dedicated herself to master the balance, to understand when to stop at varying cursed energy levels. There were more positives to using objects. It meant they could put cursed energy inside it again and reuse it, whereas if Hana used sorcerers, their bodies would pile up.
Do not get it twisted: Hana didn’t want to hurt anybody, but she also didn’t feel remorseful for taking that man’s life. The woman would always choose their safety over a stranger’s life. There just were more risks in letting the curse user live when he already had made it known he wanted to kill them.
Another great point in using cursed objects was that they could sell them afterwards. There was a large underground market many curse users were a part of that they could exploit. You see, the average idiot buying off of them didn’t realize that the cursed object they were sold had been stripped out of its original cursed energy and instead had been replaced by some to resemble it, making it practically useless. The item didn’t have its original properties, which meant Hana and Kenji were actually doing Jujutsu Tech a favor, getting all of these dangerous weapons away from curse users' paws and, instead, giving them useless copies. 
Their operation was a well-oiled machine, shipping out packages to eager buyers who were none the wiser. For safety reasons, it was best if they weren’t present when the buyer realized their mistake, but there was one curse user who offered a great sum of money. Money they needed for college, as what they had gathered until that moment wasn’t enough to cover for both their tuitions.
They needed 1.64 million yen, roughly 10k dollars, and they were halfway there by the start of December. The Akiwaras had three months to come up with the rest of money to continue with their education, and the stranger curse user’s offer of 900,000 yen to sweeten them had worked. Mineko Akiwara was adamant they went to college and tried to live a normal life, and the twins' efforts to accomplish her wishes grew as her health deteriorated. That was the only thing their grandmother asked them to do, since she knew there was no point in stopping them from going to Japan. Both Hana and Kenji knew their grandmother wouldn’t live to see them graduate, but they wanted to make her proud and happy that they were enjoying life despite jujutsu.
Thankfully, tuition in Japan was less expensive than in the States, but it still didn’t mean they could ask their family for help. The Akiwaras didn’t come from money and some of their relatives were already struggling. They actually intended on sending them money from their “business” once their college fees were paid.
So, against Kenji’s judgment, Hana accepted the curse user’s kind offer and met him one cold night of December in a quiet park. The silence was filled with her breaths and her steps as she navigated through the park. Whatever bad feeling she had about the encounter was kept at bay with the reminder that all she had to do was drain his opponent if it came to it.
The man she was to meet had signed off as S.G., and she didn’t even know what he looked like. They just agreed to a place and a time, but Hana believed she wouldn’t have trouble spotting him. Even wearing her necklace, which prevented her from recognizing cursed energy, they would probably be the only people in the park at that hour. It wouldn’t be difficult.
Just as she thought about it, she reached their agreed spot. It was a bench near the lake, already occupied by a man. He had been pretty punctual, which was something she appreciated.
The sound of her boots scraping the paved pathway made the stranger turn his head towards the source. As her figure emerged from the trees and approached him, the man inspected her. Hana was clad in black clothing excepting her scarf, which engulfed her neck making her look even tinier than she already was. She sported a layered bob cut that framed her pale face and made her gray eyes adorned with eyeliner pop.
The image would have made him chuckle if it weren’t for the fact that he hadn’t noticed an ounce of cursed energy emitting from her, only from the object he had purchased. There were lines forming on his forehead before he erased his annoyed expression with a more kind one. Hana lifted her thin eyebrows at his reaction, insulted.
He probably wasn’t expecting a woman to arrive, just as she wasn’t expecting a monk.
The man had beautiful sharp features and pretty fox-like brown eyes, that closed into crescent moons when he smiled upon her arrival. A very fake smile now that she had seen him frown, Hana may add. He wore blue robes and sandals, which resembled a buddhist priest’s attire. Hana thought he seemed fairly young to be one, and knowing he was a curse user just like her, it was probably some kind of ruse.
The woman put her hand inside her bag and grabbed the object the fake monk was waiting for. With a flick of her wrist, Hana tossed the object towards him, keeping some distance from him. The man caught the item with ease, his smile faltering. He then took a stack of money from under his clothes and actually handed it to her, like a normal person would. Hana stored it in her bag, smiling now that the exchange was complete. She spun on her heel, thoughts already drifting to the warmth of hot chocolate.
But the man wasn’t done. “I paid you, and you’re not going to tell me the object is fake?” His voice sliced through the cold night air, sharp with accusation.
Stupid monk. 
Hana stopped dead in her tracks, as panic took over her. She mustered the picture perfect face of innocence before turning to the man. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It isn’t fake.” Her voice didn’t waver, as she feigned confusion.
“No, you’re right.” He shook his head, getting up from his seat on the bench. “It is the original piece, but it doesn’t have the cursed energy it used to have.” His eyes firmly fixed on her, his expression worryingly tranquil as he discarded the useless trinket onto the frosty grass. “ You don’t have the cursed energy you should have. I suppose that’s the job of the talisman you carry, am I correct?”
Stupid monk and his stupid keen eye.
Hana was frozen a few steps away from him, almost rooted to the spot. Her hand instinctively went to her necklace when she saw him try to shorten the distance between them. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” She warned him, her voice barely above a whisper
But the man, sharing the white-haired sorcerer’s stubbornness, paid her no mind. Hana took off her necklace with a swift movement, her other palm colliding with the man’s chest before he stepped closer. She held onto his robes, feeling the exhilarating rush of sucking the cursed energy from him. A pleased smile played on her lips as he grimaced at the feeling. The man had a big amount of cursed energy, Hana noticed. She still didn’t fully know how to control her technique, the process stopping as she wasn’t concentrating anymore.
The man retracted a few steps from her, staring at her with wide eyes. Hana’s stance remained defensive, her hand extended in front of her warily. The man had underestimated her, that much was clear, but he also took notice of her hesitant nature. Her raw power was unrefined, yet the potential was undeniable. The cursed object he was looking for was nothing in comparison to who had delivered it to him. It had been four years since he had seen an exhibit of power like that, so needless to say he was intrigued.
Especially with a technique like that.
“That’s all?” Hana challenged him with a look, lowering her arm.
The man didn’t respond, which she attributed to shock. Instead of waiting for his answer, the woman turned and started walking. She had barely taken a few steps when his voice pierced the silence.
“Wait!” He called out.
Hana paused, her shoulder tensing, but spun back. “I’d rather not talk to curse users I’m not making business with.” She sighed. She was growing tired of his shenanigans already.
The man gave her an eerie smile. His expressions seemed performed, only natural when she had taken him by surprise. “Meet me here on Saturday and I won’t spread the word about your shady business.” He proposed, a certain glint in his eyes, but just Hana raised her brows at him in an unimpressed manner. “Alright, and I’ll give you an extra 100,000 yen.”
That was better.
The mention of money drew a smile from Hana as she clasped her necklace back on. The man watched it work with interest. “Saturday at 12, sharp. Right here. And you’re buying lunch, eh…” She trailed off, her brow furrowing slightly.  “What’s your name again?”
“Suguru Geto.” He replied, a note of amusement in his voice that did seem real. Hana nodded in acknowledgement, his name didn’t ring any bells, although she found it cute. “Yours?”
“Hana Akiwara.” She shot back and turned again, this time decided to get home no matter what he said. She waved her hand without looking in his direction, which was more dismissal than farewell. “See you then, Suguru!”
As she vanished into the night, Suguru stood motionless, a rare flicker of confusion crossing his features at the use of his first name by the stranger. It was the first time somebody was able to make him break his practiced character multiple times in a row, which he found more interesting than unsettling. His seller was turning out to be a delightful surprise.
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previous - ao3 link - masterlist - next
"Why is a filthy monkey delivering the cursed object?"
"Filthy monkey? Is this a racist thing?" Hana was stunted. "Look man, I just want the money"
i initially wanted to add this but geto is like one of the characters i want to take seriously hahahahaha
i promise as the story goes on i'll make my tone more serious for the tiniest bits of angst i'll write, but be warned that this is mostly a fix-it crack fic, i don't want to see my babies suffer :(
mmmm also let's forget i said kenji and hana lived in sendai, i didn't take into account the distance it had from tokyo so it didn't make much sense... sugisawa college is now in tokyo
on another note, has anybody noticed the vampire diares references at all???? or the fact that hana and kenji are basically mikasa and levi from shingeki physically?? i just love when i notice this in other fics, kinda cute, hope you don't find it annoying!!
and as always, comments and suggestions are highly appreciated! hope you guys like how it's turning out <3
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kalopses-sonderes · 14 hours
Hey, hyper anon here...had this idea for a self aware cookie run x readers series or one shot If you're interested! It's kinda based off your imposter au!
Y/n gets transported into game and brought before the imposter! The imposter starts talking but then y/n claims they wanna talk to the imposter in private! When they talk in private, only the imposter and y/n, y/n reveals that they just want to live a normal life among cookies and they are totally fine with the imposter being the ruler of the cookies because they seem very cool and being a ruler seems too stressful (bonus: y/n doesn't feel worthy of being the cookie's ruler as well because they don't have powers or something like the imposter does...and bonus bonus if the imposter can do stuff like summon amazing cotton candy and stuff to bribe cookies with!) Imposter calls cookies in and apologizes for the misunderstanding and 'mistaking (favorite flavor) cookie as an imposter' and apologizes by helping them find a home and a place!
Oh and later on...cookies read imposter's dairy and discover that imposter is...well an imposter, and what their baker said to them and the little...deal they made (imposter being ruler, y/n just living their life as a normal cookie citizen of kingsom) but has an evil yet good plan (good in y/n's unknowing eyes, bad in cookie's eyes) where the imposter has slowly been bribing y/n and winning their heart so even if they are found out, y/n is singing their praises from on high and would vouch for them! (Example of bribes: giving y/n their favorite sweets, becoming their closest friend...which leads into something that would horrifying cookies more because jealousy, showing y/n amazing tricks, and taking them to places one could only DREAM of and more!) Thing that horrified cookies: the imposter was first doing it out of manipulation but is clearly starting to actually LIKE the baker and wants to be their friend...not to charm em to have the cookie's sweet baker singing their praises!
So, in order to get their y/n back and make y/n sing THEIR praises instead and make y/n WANT to he the center of their world...they start counter bribing! They start doing nice things to and for y/n, claiming that it's because they want to welcome y/n at first and then slowly up the spoiling...giving y/n more and more attention, making sure y/n is melting at THEIR fingertips and not the imposter's...making y/n desire them and not the imposter.
And when time is right...imposter is exposed! Imposter tries to get y/n on their side....buuut y/n can't resist the cookie's siren call of a sweet beckon and possibly a cute saying along the lines of 'oh sweetheart, come to [cute nickname they call themselves]' or 'oh [cute nickname], you shouldn't stress about this buisness...come, let's go home and [activity they like or find relaxing...examples, go bake some monster muffins to munch on or go cuddle or give y/n a backrub or something]' and it makes y/n go running to them like a savior unable to resist a siren's call.
A/n: Omg I want this to be a series, so this is gonna be like mostly my brain rotting rambles and small portions of little fics so we can build off it later on in the series
All the writing in purple is the little fics, default color is just my rambles and headcanons about it
“Imposter for Baker? Count me in!”
Series masterlist
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- Just imagine little cookie y/n plopping into the cookie verse like “oop, guess this is my new life now.” They just start living a normal life on the outskirts of their kingdom so no one can find them. Cause, if you you were transported to a new universe, you would think you were their god/baker or they were gonna try and hunt you down. Soooo y/n decided to keep to themselves and not let their presence be known yet.
- BOOM! There’s news of the “baker” being spotted and brought to the big castle to take there throne and high power blah blah. The Imposter looks similar to you, just with purple eyes(If you have purple eyes… now you don’t). You can’t tell what the true bakers eye color is because the statues aren’t painted, so the imposter fit the bill well.an they had powers! It has to be their baker then!
- Y/n is absolute happy about that! They get to sit back and relax, they go in public now and just tell cookies they just were “ blessed with the looks of their baker” and how they aren’t them. Some of the cookies were extremely skeptical but let it slide since they said they weren’t their baker and weren’t trying to impersonate them, cause the imposter is totallyyyy the real baker!
“You look oddly familiar..” Pure Vanilla looks Y/n up and down.
The cookies surround Y/n, trying to figure out why you look exactly like their baker.. just with your boring eyes, not neon purple eyes like their totally real baker has. Espresso has a magnifying glass in your cookie face, looking at all the detail.
‘Uhhhhhhh… I was just blessed by our baker, and uh, they blessed me with their beauty and I’m not them. I don’t have purple eyes or cool powers! I’m just trying to live a normal life like everyone else.” You say, any normal person would have seen right through you and what you were saying, but the cookies believed you. You weren’t claiming to be their baker so they have no reason to not let you live a peaceful life, it could just be an odd coincident!
“Well they don’t seem like their lying.. Guess they get to go peacefully for now till the Baker decided what’s to do with them.” Milk shrugs, everyone nodding and humming in agreement with Milk.
- Once the imposter finds out you’re there they are instantly scared. What if you go hunting them?! Or take the throne and execute them?!
- They order a few cookies to go collect you so they can have a one on one talk with you disguising it as a dinner twitch their “look a like” for funnies. Once the cookies bring you back, the imposter leads you away to a more secluded room in the castle so no one can spy on you both as they question you.
“This is my throne and-“ The imposter started once they closed the door the small storage room.
“You can keep it, I don’t want to be the ruler of this kingdom, just live a normal life.” You interrupted, you looked pretty calm about the whole ordeal while the imposter looked like they’ve seen a ghost.
“Wait.. what? You’re just gonna let me keep it.” The imposter look dumbfounded, not actually believing you’ll let them keep at this power. They thought they wold have to threaten you or make an official announcement that you’re an imposter and let the cookies hunt you down for the. “Not even gonna put up a small fight.? I didn’t even get to finish my monologue I worked so hard on..” :(
- You got to live a pretty normal life under the imposters rule. Until Pure Vanilla decides to go through the imposters room and found a diary, I snooped through it and read it….. Finding out you’re the real baker! -insert Pure Vanilla doing surprised pikachu face- He was flabbergasted(I love this word so much for no reason) He didn’t expect to be worshipping the WRONG baker the entire time and their real baker was being bribed to like the imposter and be their friend. So if the imposter gets found out, you’d take Imposters side over the cookies! He also found out how you never wanted to be Baker and let the imposter take your spot! D:
- It clicked in Pure Vanilla’s head, you have been spending loads of time with the imposter and received even as house from them and gifts. He came up with an idea to also bribe you! He gets the other cookies in on it.. It’s basically a full on war!
- your house is basically full of gifts from all the cookies and you’re absolutely clueless on what this about and you didn’t mind it at first till you could barely see your living room floor from all their gifts piled up in there!
Who will win the real baker? Imposter or the cookies? Find out on the next episode of “Imposter for Baker? Count me in!”
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A/n: kept it very open ended so the other parts of this series will fit well :D
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lemonhemlock · 2 days
Is it just me or is everyone's obsession with being "disappointed" in Alicent greatly exaggerated? It is true that most of these concerns were raised when the trailers were released, but it seems to me that episode 1 turned out to be pretty.... normal? God knows the writers flip-flopped on her reactions and objectives in the second part of season 1, but so far I think she had a pretty understandable characterisation?
She is angry with Aemond for killing Lucerys, but I feel like that's a pretty basic reaction? What was she supposed to do, congratulate him? He went to Storm's End on a diplomatic mission, after all. She does tell Otto that she understands Aemond's ire with Lucerys and even kind of excuses and minimizes what he did, because he never got justice for his eye. But it's a normal scolding mother reaction to not encourage these kinds of behaviours in one's children? Also, it's been, what, a week? She's allowed to be upset that Aemond goes on one (1) big boy errand and immediately loses his temper.
I also wouldn't be taking Aemond branding her "a fool" at face-value lol. This is the boy who will soon be executing children at Harrenhal and lighting the Riverlands on fire. Sometimes "holding love for your enemy" is not such a bad thing, Aemond!
She does light a candle for Lucerys in the sept, but this is, again, not that big of a deal? She is allowed to extend sympathy for the senseless loss of life and regret that it has come to this, without ~betraying her family, lol.
She accepts in front of Otto that there will be violence, but insists that it need not be senseless. I'm having a hard time understanding why this is such a controversial take. There are so many pieces of meta that people reblog constantly about how the Dance of the Dragons consists of wanton and unnecessary violence, but god forbid the same sentiment comes out of Alicent's mouth. 😂 Then she is branded a Rhaenyra-lover at the expense of her children. I'm not denying that the writers have a problem with separating her actions from gravitating around Rhaenyra, but wanting to prevent as many deaths as possible is not some woke take in the service of better-written female characters.
Similarly, of course she is still writing letters to Rhaenyra! You must never abandon diplomatic efforts if there is the slightest chance it will reduce bloodshed! Sure, you can argue that the narrative is also simultaneously assigning her the motive of (still) being love-sick about Rhaenyra, which can get grating, but I feel like fans fail to realise that killing off members of the black faction that they find annoying is always going to come at the cost of the smallfolk and other innocent people who have nothing to do with this quarrel. Sometimes you have to eat your tongue and make concessions in order to avoid military escalation.
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m-jelly · 18 hours
Can I request a One shot of-
Aot actor levi finding out YN secret stash of merchandise of himself. Like ranging from chibi figure to those very detailed expensive figure even the body pillows and somehow that life size Levi statue.
Due to his fame, Levi would often be away for a few days to film things or do something linked to his job. So, you would be holding down the fort at your shared home if you didn't go with him. Going to the sets with him was enjoyable and he would ask you to go with him because he found it incredibly hard to be apart from you, and you felt the same.
This time because Levi was away for a short while you didn't go with him. The two of you deeply missed each other and Levi made it his mission to get home to you as soon as possible. When he arrived home he looked for you, but he couldn't see you anywhere.
Normally, you would be in the family room playing games, reading a book or watching something. He started checking every room in the house, even the ones he never used at all because there was nothing in there of his.
The last room he checked was your nerdy room, it was full of your collectables, cuddly toys and manga. Levi often didn't come into this room because it was your cute little sanctuary, like he had his cleaning room where he got to clean all sorts. The two of you had cuddled, kissed and done naughty things in your room but it's normally when you invite him in.
He opened the door and slipped inside, but you weren't in there either. Confusion took over at where you'd gone and what you were up to. He thought that while he was in your room he would look around. First, he looked at your manga and thought you had a great collection and he has read a few of them as well.
Then he saw it.
For a while, Levi just stared at it and then he just had to grab it. Staring and touching a little figure of himself was odd. He was curious why you had this in the first place. After putting it down he saw the next figure and then the next and even a few posters. It was becoming clear that you had a fair few merch with him on.
He turned and gazed at you. "Love."
You shook a little and looked scared. "I-I can e-explain." You welled up and held back sobs. "I just...I want to support you. I-I'm a big fan o-of your work." You rubbed your tears. "I probably creep you out."
Levi wrapped his arms around you. "No, no you don't. I was a little surprised. My mum buys all my stuff too." He hummed a laughed. "You buy this because you support me, right?"
You nodded. and sniffed. "Yes."
He cupped your face. "And because you love me."
"Yes, and because you're so handsome and cute." You hurried over to a chibi Levi. "Look! Adorable." You giggled. "It makes me think about kids." You cleared your throat as you saw Levi blush. "A-Anyway, I collect because I'm a fan. I want to support you and I love you." You picked up a cuddly toy Levi. "I love you a lot, Levi. I'm so proud of you. I thought you'd think I'm creepy for this and want to run."
He shook his head. "I think it's sweet." He pulled the cuddly toy from you. "Ah, but no cuddling this stuff when I'm around."
"Because it's weird?"
He picked you up and hugged you. "No, because you have the real deal in front of you." He smiled up at you. "Why cuddle the fake me when you can touch, kiss and love the real me."
You showered his face with kisses. "You're right. I get the real Levi Ackerman. I get to kiss and cuddle you all night long."
He purred a little. "Fuck yes." He gasped a bit. "You know, now I know about this collection I can get you first editions."
You gasped. "First...what?"
He chuckled as he carried you. "Well, I get to see the first versions of everything. Now I know you collect things to do with me I will start bringing them home to you."
You squealed in delight. "Thank you!"
"You're welcome." He carried you to the bedroom. "Now, I think you should explore your one and only original Levi Ackerman." He sat on the bed. "What do you think?"
You giggled. "Yes please."
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn
@bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza
@hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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ashoss · 2 days
I think It’d be kinda interesting if Damian was a legacy because Ra’s was a demigod. Especially if it was a god similar to Ra’s personality rather than Damian’s, and he feels a tension against it. And maybe the Lazarus pit has some relation to nectar or the fire healing river in Tartarus and it works better for demigods, relating to how long it’s been working for Ra’s to keep him alive.
Google told me there was a minor god of trickery, cunning, deception, craftiness, treachery and guile named Dolos, which could fit Ra’s but of course doesn’t really match Damian at all, so Dami might feel such a fun tension with that legacy. And if Bruce was also a legacy of a different God, that would make it interesting for Damian too.
For the Waynes, I feel like either a legacy of Zeus (dating back before the big 3 deal) or Thomas being a son of Apollo (whose domain includes medicine [thomas], knowledge [bruce], and art [damian]). I also like the idea of Barbara being not necessarily a child of Apollo but having his divine blessing (bc oracle), and the demigod/legacy v blessed mortal dynamic between her and Bruce could be really cool. Another option could be Nyx (goddess of night) because of Batman’s ability to fade into the shadows so well. She is also sometimes known as the nurse of the gods (old use of that word, not medical related but related to raising other’s children) which is kinda funny with Bruce adopting so many kids.
Since Dami normally has both such pride about his heritage but also conflicting feelings from the vast difference between his parents’ families, I think having 2 competing legacies could offer some really fun explorations of character for him.
ough demigod Ra's is such a good take oh my god. it would really amplify his own conflicts about his heritage in such a fresh way- the pride in being a legacy via Ra's and whatever he's getting from Bruce's side? add the Kane magician aspect i was kinda playing around with? fun and fresh imo.
I think legacy Bruce would be interesting to play around with! i do like apollo and that might influence his brucie persona lol. but the past wayne (or even the kanes!) might be really interesting to look into as demigods lol. nyx would also be interesting! if anything Bruce could possibly be a nyx devotee if anything - definitely funny in the context of nurse of the gods lol. (i do remember reading a fic where jason was a child of nyx...)
i do think i'm gonna do blessed mortal babs! unsure if i want that to be when she was younger or if it happened after TKJ and her taking up the Oracle name (aka apollo heard some gotham vigilante was going by the name oracle and hes like: how about we make that real :D)
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florencetypemaniacs · 9 hours
Reaction of ROs when their children prefer them?😭 Like, the simple presence of the RO makes their baby calm down
MC goes to the baby's crib and they can't get the baby to sleep, but when the RO does they fall asleep immediately.
💛 Marcel
Marcel heart would explode as soon as the baby was put in his arms, his warmth instantly making the child calm down. 
The big, beautiful eyes were the same shade as his own, and Marcel smiled, gently rocking his child in his arms. Marcel couldn't believe he had gotten a second chance at having a family. It was a chance to be a father and to know that his child felt safe with him, to the point that the baby instantly calmed down and made him warm all over. 
"Don't worry, little angel; I won't let anything happen to you." 
🧡 Margaret
Would weep with joy and hold her child close. Telling you all about it, not to make you feel bad but to share her relief that her baby actually loves her. Margaret would put a lot of pressure on herself to be the perfect mom, so this would make her relax a whole lot. But she would make it her life mission for you to bond with the baby as well, so you would feel included.
❤️ Owen
Owen would just shrug and would try not to make a big deal out of it so your feelings aren't hurt, but he would be freaking out inside. I could see Owen just holding the baby up when they were alone and saying...
If girl:
"I won't let anything happen to you, lass." And holding his daughter close to his chest.
If boy:
"I will make you proud that I'm your father." And holding his son close to his chest.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would find it very touching but would worry about the baby bonding with you. She wouldn't want you to feel left out, but at the same time, her own child already finding comfort in her would just make Rosemary's day. Rosemary just smiled the whole day and did not want to be apart from her child for even a minute. 
🩵 Tai
Tai would just narrow his eyes. The baby performed him over you? Not possible. You were perfect in every way; couldn't your child see that? So he would pay close attention to the child, maybe even running some tests. I would look through all the parenting books and see if this is normal. When he just figures out that the baby finds him comforting, Tai will honestly be so happy. 
Just Tai was in the rocking chair in the nursery, narrowing his eyes at the baby. "Okay, what is wrong? Don't you know how amazing your other parent is?" 
The baby was just babbling at him. In the baby tongue. 
💚 Zane
Oh, so smug. Would rub it in your face, but he would be overjoyed as well. Zane was honestly really scared to become a father, so having his child feel comfortable around him would fill him with pride. 
You, as the MC, would think that it was planned—the baby just wailing and Zane just popping out of nowhere. "Oh, don't worry, kid, I'm here." Zane would say it in a mocking tone towards you, but there was no real heat. 
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Hello, hope ur doing great !!!!
Could you write something about Mafia boss! Charlie if their love got sick ? Like what would he do ? How would he be ?
Absolutely! He'd be such a nightmare to deal with when your sick, good luck. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Technically yandere character but he doesn't really do anything yandere esque here.
Gn! reader
Banner/divider credit goes to @saradika / @saradika-graphics
Charlie x Sick! Reader
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Charlie is an absolute menace to everyone when you're sick, including you. You might as well have been pronounced terminally ill with the way he acts, even if all you have is a common cold.
The second he finds out you aren't feeling well, he has his employee's drag the best doctor they can find on short notice to his house, which doesn't take too long considering the fact that he definitely has connections to a couple of medical professionals through his organization. Charlie won't risk taking you out of the house to go to the doctor's office no matter how mild your illness is, so the doctor has to come to your house.
Even after it's confirmed that all you have is the flu and that you're in no real danger, Charlie is still losing his mind. How could he let his darling get so sick? He's meant to protect you from everything all the time, how could this have happened? He's so dramatic about the whole thing, he somehow thinks it's his fault you got ill and that he needs to "atone" for his "failure" as a husband and leader. You feel bad for him, but at the same time, it's really funny to see your normally tough and stoic husband sulk around, a brooding look on his face as he attends to your every need.
Get used to being pampered more than usual, because he's gonna be showering you with love and affection every waking moment he can. Completely cancels every meeting he had on the books until you feel better, those can wait. You need him more. Even if you argue that he should attend to business as usual and that you can take care of yourself, he continues freeing up his schedule, refusing to leave you on your own.
He spends every moment he can with you, only leaving when he's getting you something. The doctor recommended he stay away from you as much as possible so that he avoids getting sick, but Charlie doesn't listen, too wrapped up in making sure you're ok to care much about his health. He has the mindset that you're a weak, fragile little thing in the face of illness no matter how big and strong you actually are, but he's too powerful to ever get sick so he can take the risks he'd never let you take (spoiler alert: he is NOT immune to getting ill, as he'll soon learn).
Every second of the day, he's at your beck and call. Hungry? Thirsty? He has your favorite food and drink ready to go! Need more pillows or blankets? He has five of them in his arms for you! Want entertainment? He's grabbing whatever you're in the mood for whether it be a book, movie, game, whatever! He also makes sure you take your medicine at the exact same time every day. He does not play when it comes to your wellbeing.
Oh, did you think physical contact was off the table while you're ill? Yeah no, absolutely not. Charlie is not willing to give up touching you, no matter how sick you are. As previously stated, he doesn't care about his own health, he'll only back off if you tell him to. You can argue with him all you want about his own safety but he'll remain as stubborn as ever. He's still cuddling up to you, kissing your feverish forehead with all the love in the world. He holds you gently, even more so than before, your weakened state making him even more worried about his ability to hurt you. He still sleeps with you at night, he wouldn't leave you cold, alone, and sick when you're trying to rest! He also can't sleep without you anymore, but we don't talk about that-
Maybe his recklessness when it comes to being so close to you is why he wakes up one day, his head burning and his joints aching. Turns out, his immunity to sickness wasn't as strong as he thought it was. Well, at least he can spend more time with you, cuddled up under the blankets. He absolutely uses his own sickness to be more affectionate with you You tease him endlessly, reminding him every time he complains of the uncomfortableness that this is his fault, but he only shrugs off your words, citing that his love for you was stronger than his need to stay healthy. Eventually, when he feels a bit better, the two of you will go back and forth on who's fault it really is, him teasingly blaming you for getting him sick while you insist it was his carelessness that put him where he was.
Now that you're both sick, he brings some of his employees to take care of the two of you. He pays them extra for doing more than they signed up for, but really all they have to do is bring you two food, water, medicine, and other supplies for a couple of days. Charlie hates having to rely on others to take care of him, but having you there makes it a little less tortuous.
After a couple of days, you both begin to feel a little better. He's sad that he doesn't have an excuse to be lazy with you anymore, but he's happy that you aren't afflicted with such a vile illness anymore. He's also glad he doesn't feel miserable anymore, although now that he's back to his old self, he tries to downplay the severity of his own sickness. You don't buy it for a second, but he still insists he was actually fine the whole time and that he was only avoiding getting up to stay with you. Likely story, but you give him some grace. It's hard for a big tough guy like him to be ill (you say mockingly).
He's just glad you're both better. Now you can get on with your normal lives like nothing ever happened and he doesn't have to worry that you'll die from a fever at any moment.
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