#i’m mostly just curious
snowangeldotmp3 · 7 months
feel free to specify in the tags where you are from along with yes or no !!
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cozyfoxy · 1 month
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saltpepperbeard · 2 months
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creativity-deficient · 2 months
Okay asking the real questions here-
Who do you think proposes to who? Tweek or Craig?
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candyheartedchy · 7 months
So uh… I might end up with a live action f/o…
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
rewatching c3ep48 for silly reasons and forgot it was also the episode with relvin and matt mercer please tell me everything about that man. there are so many interesting body language choices and facial expressions that are like. not in conflict with but definitely complexify the Gruff Man aura and . i would like to know every thought he’s ever had actually .
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corescreen · 8 months
Started thinking about this earlier but-
This is more so I can see if how I feel is normal. I’ve seen a lot of posts about having a harder time than normal listening with all the layered sound effects and was curious.
(Not that I don’t enjoy the cool sound effect- I just struggle a bit more)
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lunar-years · 11 months
Feel free to put the exact moment/further details in the tags if you’d like :) for me they had that flavor of chemistry as early as their s1 gala clinking glasses scene but I think it was “ugly ugly boy/you big dumb hairy baby twat” that fully sold me
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cryptvokeeper · 6 months
btw maybe I’m misremembering but do any other people who read the dungeon meshi manga remember the resurrection being a bit more…neutral?
like I haven’t read it in a while so I could be totally off base but I felt like the “dark magic” was much less scary in the manga. Like it was powerful, sure, and bloody, obviously. But the way the anime makes it all dark and ominous kinda makes marcille’s line about “there’s no such thing as good or evil magic” feel almost comical.
“Magic is a tool it has no morality” then why do you have eldritch whispers playing in the background, Marcille? Why do we have dark souls boss music here?
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emsleyanbluejay · 2 years
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justanotherfanartist · 6 months
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transboysokka · 9 months
ok speaking of, I know I mentioned before on here but I live on the actual street that one of the biggest actual triads in the country/world started on so obvs this is still their territory
honestly I don’t care at all lol like those guys are totally invisible and never do shit to civilians and I’m probably safer with them around if anything
BUT there’s a suitcase that’s always just chilling in the woods at the park where my dog plays and it’s clear it’s been intentionally covered w bamboo to hide it (also lol that IS the trademark of the gang but coincidences)
so here I am just wondering
how likely is it there’s a body in that suitcase??
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sparklygraves · 3 months
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wanderingmausoleum · 1 year
i desperately need to see an upskirt shot of belisarius cawl because what the Hell is going on under there
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causticsunshine · 6 months
fully back in another ‘consuming animated media and intaking irl people content not pertaining to one direction’ era and gawd it feels so good
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lilyblisslys · 7 months
Other sexworkers, what’s your follower count at? I’m at like 7.5k (probably more like high 6k, I stopped aggressively blocking at 6k~ bc it took too much time)
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