#i’m not particularly happy with this and i think it could have turned WAY better
cocogum · 2 days
The Great Wave - Chapter 5 Review
I’m not going to lie, this was the best chapter of the first volume so far. Not only was it better than the old chapters because we had much more to see and think about, but it’s also because it had some soft intimate moments mixed with happy scenes and not to mention felt longer than the others.
I would like to point out that I was completely in the right to explain why it was perfectly reasonable for Amalia to be worried that Aurora would take her place. In my chapter 4 review, I mentioned how Aurora had no right to lead the kingdom without Amalia even if it was in her legal right to do so. Aurora doesn't fully grasp the beliefs of the Sadidas. If she banishes Amalia, the final member of the royal Sadida family, from the kingdom, she will lack crucial insight into the kingdom's governance, particularly regarding the functioning of the Tree of Life.
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It's important to note that while Yugo may not be a Sadida or a Twelvian, he has at least demonstrated the bare minimum level of cultural understanding and interaction that surpasses Aurora. Having lived among the Sadidas and rescued them multiple times, he has even communicated with King Oakheart without difficulty. However, it's worth noting that not all Sadidas may fully accept Yugo despite everything he has done. A good example of this would be what @vinillain has said about the topic in their post. I actually recommend you to see what they have to say about it.
Aurora has told Amalia to go back to her adventures, implying that she doesn’t need Amalia IN HER OWN HOME. Not only is the blue cow trophy wife a dumbass, but she’s also extremely unaware of the consequences she could receive if she lets her go.
It’s completely ridiculous but insane to kick the only remaining royal family of the Sadida kingdom if you don’t know how to keep the very living thing that keeps its people breathing.
This just keeps me wondering what the hell is Aurora’s goal besides ruling another kingdom other than the Osamodas one. Is there even another goal? Because if there isn’t, you gotta keep the only member of the royal family around you if you don’t want to fuck a kingdom up babes.
Aurora is legitimately an embarrassment to all blondes out there. They are already tired of hearing the annoying stereotype of “being dumb blondes” so don’t make it worse for them.
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I hate what this is implying and I hate how Amalia explains it to Yugo.
Amalia already told Yugo in Season 4 that the sadidas protect the trees with their lives. And now, she’s here specifying to him that once a Sadida dies, they are still very much present in other ways.
Tot I swear on my ass, if this turns out to be some kind of foreshadowing for Amalia’s death, I’m booking a plane ticket straight to France. However, if this turns out to be some sort of implication that Amalia will replace or be the official guardian of the Tree of Life, I might be into it. We’ll just have to see where her words will go.
I loved how Yugo immediately went to console her and brought her into his arms. My guy doesn’t hesitate at all anymore and I’m so proud 🥰 He’s now able to give her the love she deserves 💕
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This is the first time he mentions the past, and I'm glad he remembers how she used to be and can see the good in her, even when she was less mature.
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Look at how he admires her in this very moment! He’s absolutely smitten 💕💕
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“But already full of courage.” Yeah, the fearless sassy adventurer is definitely his type lol
I’ve been seeing a lot of people talk about the pregnancy situation with Aurora and with Amalia as well. The recurring references to pregnancy in certain chapters have led some to speculate about their significance. They are so vaguely placed in some instances but still present that the mentions almost appear like they’ve been strategically placed, leading to the belief that they may play a crucial role in upcoming events.
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Here, we have Amalia crying her tears out at the idea that Aurora is perfectly justified to regain her position as queen simply because of her alleged pregnancy.
Just this scene alone makes me believe that Amalia has all the right to get pregnant as well. This is literally the scene that’s pushing the idea of her getting a kid.
Amalia. Get pregnant already. YUGO HELP HER-
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I genuinely hate the fact that Amalia believes Armand would’ve let Aurora become the leader in his place because she’s harbouring his “child.”
Like no babe that doesn’t make any sense.
Throughout Season 4, we were able to clearly understand that Armand and Aurora did have feelings for one another but that didn’t mean Armand thought she was worthy to take his place if he was gone.
There’s a reason why there was only one throne in the Sadida kingdom.
There’s a reason why he was the only one conversing the most with other symbols of power or influence such as Master Joris, Yugo, and the cow king.
There’s a reason why he only addresses himself when he’s talking about the sadida leadership.
There’s a reason why he says “my people” rather than “our people”.
There’s a reason why he told Amalia, straight to her face, that she’s got it from here right before he sacrifices himself.
Armand never thought about Aurora when it came to any kind of leadership.
And sure, even if the child is real (because I still do not believe that wench), that doesn’t mean Armand was expecting the child to take over for him, much less Aurora, when Amalia was still in the picture.
Man was just horny that’s it.
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Oh oop- drama???
Omg no this is genuinely such a good moment.
Amalia accidentally tells Yugo that he’s a stranger in the eyes of the royal Osamodas family and supposedly the other leaders as well and Yugo simply accepts this fact while she’s over here internally cursing herself for saying that to his face.
Because Amalia knows she’s right. And Yugo knows it just as much as her, if only more. Despite how Yugo wants to help Amalia in the situation she’s in, he’s aware that his very existence is a disturbance to the other leaders. (Which is a parallel to what happened with the Eliatrope goddess and the other gods around her.)
It greatly bothers Yugo to not be able to help his wife because of what he is and it is pretty understandable. There are people who are clashing with Amalia so he’ll obviously want to fight back.
While we're on the subject of who’s more of a stranger than the actual alien, I’d like to point out that even the royal Sadida staff treats Yugo like he’s part of the family. When Yugo and Amalia were having their moment, Renate (or Canar, I can’t remember who is who these two are just always together) enters the sacred grounds and calls for them, reminding them to be a part of the wedding their friends are having. But the way Renate (or Canar) addresses them is not by their royal status, but simply by their names.
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This is an important detail to be aware of because Renate/Canar had no reason to justify why he called them by their names alone.
It just goes to show that some royal servants can be comfortable calling Yugo and Amalia this way without receiving any consequences. It also implies that only the servants who have interacted and gotten along with Yugo and Amalia when they were younger, are allowed to address them by their names.
And I love that fact so terribly much.
Amalia is a queen who understands personal relationships with servants and doesn’t think the idea is a bad thing. She has always been looking forward to speaking to her servants and befriending them since she was a child. Renate, Canar, and Evangelyne are examples of this.
Another detail that can be pointed out in this scene is what Renate/Canar said next: there was a wedding the two are supposed to attend later in the day.
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This wouldn’t have been such a big thing to think about if it wasn’t for the fact that Yugo mentioned to Grougal that the two people in question who are getting a wedding, are two of his and Amalia’s friends.
Literally what? Who?!? Who are those friends??? That literally came out of nowhere!
It can’t be Eva and Dally because they already got married ages ago. So who could they be? Some friends who the brotherhood of the tofu met during one of their adventures? New characters that we’re going to see in Season 5 if it ever gets released? Or simply new characters that we’re going to discover in the manga? I’m throwing all the possibilities in the air because these two individuals cannot be normal civilians that Yugo and Amalia decided to plan a wedding for. Yugo precisely stated that these people are their friends.
Because of the Brotherhood’s lack of presence, one might assume that the couple getting married could consist of a Sadida and an Eliatrope, which would explain why Yugo and Amalia are familiar with them.
The Eliatropes and Sadidas depicted in this panel appear to be getting along, as they are all gathered in circles surrounded by Sadidas who seem to be accepting of their presence.
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@aphilayx circled the exact amount of small groups that contained sadidas and eliatropes conversing together.
We can also believe that the marriage is unlikely to have any of the brotherhood’s friends who they met in their adventures take part in the ceremony, as was the case with Tristeva and Yumalia’s weddings. It appears that only Alibert, Adamaï, and Chibi, who are not from the kingdom, will be participating.
All of these points only encourage the idea that the marriage Yugo and Amalia would participate in could be between a sadida and an eliatrope.
…if the eliatropes weren’t children.
The eliatropes are not adults yet. Only a few months, or possibly a year, have passed between Season 4 and the webtoon. The eliatropes are not ready to marry anyone.
But then again, an interracial marriage would still make sense. Because why would any other race be here? I don’t see anyone else. The room we were shown only displayed sadidas and eliatropes. The only other person who isn’t an eliatrope, a sadida, or even a dragon, is Alibert (poor guy’s the only Enutrof there lol). He sticks out like a sore thumb 😭
Speaking of the room, we finally get to see Chibi and Grougal! It's great to have more opportunities to see them, especially since they were only featured in the first episode of the Ovas and one episode of Season 4 until now. In both of those times, they barely spoke or said a line. But here, we can finally see them having more moments and SPEAKING.
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Well, only Chibi is talking but I think that’s pretty understandable since Grougal seems to be less talkative than him cuz he’s…well a baby dragon.
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Grougal chews on wood when he can’t eat anything else…
Honestly, that’s relatable for all human babies. And then we got Chibi over here who decided to snitch on him for trying to eat Az. I never thought the future inventor would be able to snitch like that, how embarrassing.
I’ve never seen Yugo get this mad at Grougal damn. I only saw Adamaï acting like that in season 2...daddy’s mad.
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Yugo gives off the vibe of being the responsible older brother who had to act mature to help the parents handle the younger kids. He’s such a big brother to them both to the point where he’s making me think he’ll be such a good househusband father.
He’s even compromising with them!! Telling Grougal to wait a bit until the food can be ready.
Please that is such a fatherly thing to do!! They usually do this when the mother isn’t watching lol. Yugo’s over here telling Grougal to wait just a bit longer so he could be able to eat whatever he wants at the banquet.
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By the way, I bet the feast will only be filled with drinks and fruits based on the food we’ve seen in the webtoon trailer.
Ruel had once complained that all the sadidas ate were soups so I guess that’s also another thing these people eat. The only time I’ve seen a sadida eat meat was Amalia in the first episode of the Ovas cutting a cooked animal in Ruel’s contraption.
So yeah, Grougal’s gonna starve either way lol
Also I’m definitely using this panel as my lock screen 💕💕
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Look at him, he’s about to ground him before Alibert can.
Just cuz of this scene alone, it made me think that’s how he’s gonna act if he ever gets a kid(s) with Amalia. So if his kid misbehaves, he’d make that frowning face lol
And now we’re back to these imbeciles.
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It irks me that these two blue-skinned clowns are being served and taken care of by the sadidas. They got THEIR OWN SUITE ARE U KIDDING ME-
The blue cow king even had some food prepared by the sadidas for his goofy ass ride! Stop treating the sadida servants like they are your own ones!!
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Aurora is as unlikable as always, ordering the people to prepare her room.
I swear not even younger Amalia used to order her people like that. She used to get along with them and even talk to them as if she was about to spill some tea. But Aurora? Cow is so entitled that she’s even acting like that to people who are not even from the same race as her.
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Blue cow mentioned that the chest the Sadida servant was carrying, had a “kougnard” in it (in English it’s a “skrot”).
We couldn’t see what it looked like but it clearly scared the shit out of that sadida woman. So I took the time to search up what a “Kougnard” was and it turns out it was actually a very ugly bat creature.
A “kougnard” is an animal you can use for transportation or a companion you can bring around while adventuring. Their main use is transportation though so they carry you from point A to point B if you can’t find a zaap gate near you.
They originally came from Ecaflipus, the Ecaflip God’s dimension. The kougnard that Aurora has is a newborn one which would explain why it could fit into a chest.
For a visual example, this is what a kougnard looks like in its adult form 👇
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So yeah, pretty ugly.
Like ew wtf no wonder the sadida woman shit her leaves. Sorry for any player who uses these things but I don’t see how you can even touch one of them, let alone look at them for more than fifteen seconds. They look like ugly crusty bats that are fighting for their lives just to breathe.
Also what’s up with Aurora keeping familials in chests?? Wtf?? Isn’t she pro-animal or whatever?? Literally what’s up with that?? What’s so special about a living baby kougnard that she has to keep it in a chest???
That thing is even ugly as a baby, just look at how that sadida woman reacted when she saw it. Literally freaked her the hell out.
Apparently, Aurora wears the animal on her head in the next chapter according to what the next chapter’s cover entails. She seems to have something in her head and @geekgirles deduced that if we focus our attention on the top of her head, we can see claws.
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I swear if that blue cow is actually looking down on people in that panel while having an ugly crusty-ass bat on her head, I’ll be laughing my ass off at this goofy behavior.
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agnes-draws · 7 months
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hello, it’s been a while
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tusks-and-claws · 11 months
Cold Love/Hot Blood
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Miguel O’Hara x female reader
Summary: “Between teeth on a broken jaw/following a bloodtrail, frothing at the maw”
Miguel is struck with something that he’s never experienced before
Tags/warnings: smut (18+), oneshot, dubcon by way of pheromones, fingering, overstimulation, squirting, rough sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, size kink, feral Miguel, biting, marking, blood drinking, paralytic venom
Wordcount: 3k
Ao3 link here
You opened your eyes, blinking at the soft light from the bleary haze. Wincing, you raised your hand to your head. It didn't necessarily hurt, but it definitely felt wrong. What had happened? You were on a mission. That's right. And it had been going so well, until… until the anomaly villain threw something at you and Miguel. What was it? It had such an awful smell to it. And, where was Miguel?
You traversed the rubble of the abandoned building you were in. You couldn't see him. You shouted out for him.
"Here, I'm here," you heard him from the distance. Following his voice, you found him under some pieces of sheetrock from a collapsed wall. He was pinching the bridge of his nose through his mask.
"Geez, Miguel, are you alright?"
"Been better." His voice sounded strained. "Got a transmission from Jess that she's got hands on the anomaly. We'll meet her back at HQ. You go on ahead of me."
"What? No, we have to-" you started grabbing at the rubble to pull it off of him. He caught your arm before you could keep lifting.
"Please," he said, trying to meet your eyes from behind his mask. "Just go."
"What the hell is going on, Miguel? You're not… you're not acting right. We have to get you out of here."
He brought his hands up, holding his head in frustration. "Please, just do it. Don't make me beg."
"LYLA, please check him," you said, the avatar popping up and saluting you.
"No, don't-!" He tried to catch her in the air but she evaded him.
"His heart rate is really elevated but he seems okay otherwise. I think he's being dramatic. I don't detect any major injuries," she reported. You thanked her and she disappeared.
You crouched down to where he was. "What's going on, Miguel?" Your tone was serious.
He tried to hold your gaze for a moment until he swore and looked away. "That bomb that the anomaly threw… it affected me in a way that it clearly didn't affect anyone else, alright? Are you happy now?"
You furrowed your brow. "I don't understand."
He sighed, his breath shaking ever so slightly. "Itwasapheromonebomb." He said it so quickly and quietly.
"It was a pheromone bomb. Just leave me here so I can wait it out. This is so shocking humiliating- I," he sighed again. "Don't make me explain any further."
You blushed, not sure what to say. But you couldn't leave him like that, half-buried and vulnerable. "Can I at least help you up…? I promise I won't make fun of you. I just can't leave you defenseless like this."
He seethed for a moment, considering your offer. "...Fine. Grab this stupid sheetrock."
You did so, lifting it off of him with some effort. He did his best to stand up quickly. Despite his best, though, you could see the source of his embarrassment. He had a rock hard erection, and a particularly desperate one, by the looks of it. It laid upward, reaching towards his abdomen and pushing up against the tight fabric of his suit, straining. The size of him was nothing short of impressive.
You turned your gaze pointedly towards the ground as he moved away from the pile of rubble. Don't react don't react don't react. Could you pretend like you didn't notice? Even though not noticing was impossible, even from a single glance? You swallowed a lump in your throat, your head swimming with unprofessional thoughts.
Miguel turned from you, crouching down, hissing out a slow breath. "Fuck, it's getting worse," he whispered to himself, his body starting to tremble.
You took a step closer, reaching a hand out to his shoulder.
"Your proximity isn't… isn't helping." He admitted without turning around.
You stopped, silently moving your hand away from him. Touching him would surely make things harder.
"Miguel, I don't think waiting it out is an option for you. You just said it was getting worse."
He swore under his breath to himself. "I didn't mean for you to hear that. This is- shock it- this is completely foreign to me. Never been hit by anything like this before, it's s-so intense."
You winced at that, you'd never heard his voice so pained. But, what was the other option? You shivered just to think about it, your body reacting in ways that surprised you. How could you possibly propose helping him without making him think less of you? Would he even want help from you? Across from you, he was in turmoil, on his hands and knees trying desperately to control his breathing.
“Miguel… how can I help you?” It was a foolish question, a loaded question.
“You know the answer,” he replied from over his shoulder, his tone cold. He cried out again. “I- I can’t- can’t do that to you.”
“What if I’m offering?” You asked, a little too quickly, pushing down your fear and embarrassment for even thinking such things.
He turned further to meet your eyes, though you still couldn’t see his from behind the mask. You didn’t even need to see his eyes, his body language was communicating perfectly on their behalf. His muscles were pent up and quivering. Every breath rocked his massive shoulders. “Why?”
You didn’t think he’d ask that question. You searched your brain for an answer. “Because it isn’t your fault. And I respect you enough that this won’t change my mind.”
His thoughts seemed to be diverting to his baser instincts, his voice becoming a growl. “Need you… to be sure. Don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”
“I’m sure,” you said.
In no time at all, he pounced, bringing you to the ground. He was on top of you, his taloned fingers caging in your wrists against the cracked concrete of the floor, your arms above your head. You landed with your legs apart and with him between them, his hips desperately close to yours. Your eyes widened at his feral energy, your chest rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath. He brought his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling. His exhale was shaky. “You smell so good… always smelled so good.”
Your body grew hot upon hearing that. Always? Had he thought about you in that way before? You smiled to yourself as he nuzzled the nose of his masked face into your neck, his hot breath coming through and ghosting over your skin. You could feel his huge frame shaking around you. He brought his hips down to your pelvis, seemingly being as cautious as possible as he began to grind his hardened length against you. His breath quickened at the contact, and he met you again with fervor, stimulating himself on you. His cock was unbelievably hard and hot, the temperature of him coming through both of your suits to meet your skin and overwhelm you. The feeling of him against you was sending shivers down your spine, the pleasant pressure made even sweeter by the promise of more to come. He positioned himself on top of you in such a way that each rhythmic, grinding rock found your clit and teased it with clothed contact.
You moaned lightly, the sound of it causing him to growl into your neck. You lifted your hips up, meeting him with the same tempo so he could grind into you more thoroughly, your bodies now writhing in tandem. His heavy breathing became panting. "Need to… need to touch you." He picked up his head and released your wrists, one hand steadying himself on the concrete, the other reaching down eagerly.
You got the memo, quickly slipping the pants of your suit down and throwing them aside so he wouldn't rip them off for you. You had at least enough hindsight to know you couldn't go back to HQ looking so disheveled. He dismissed the gloves of his suit and retracted his talons as his fingers found you immediately, honing in on the wet heat of your sex. Two plunged inside as he loomed above you, his muscles shaking again as he wet his fingers with your arousal. You shook right alongside him, your reaction bodily, as your back arched and your legs closed instinctively to hold his hand in place and not let him go. His fingers hooked inside of you, already relentless.
"Soaked," he whispered, almost to himself. The word resonated with a deep, animalistic hunger. Without removing his fingers from your warmth, he sat back on his knees and used his free hand to pry your legs open. "Need to see," he said. He watched the length of his fingers disappear over and over. The large hand that kept your legs wide was squeezing the soft flesh of your inner thigh, and he seemed fixated on the way it was yielding to his rough touches. Nearly everyone was small compared to Miguel, but you… you were different. He had his hands on you, inside of you, the comparison was tangible. You were small, soft, and his. His mind swam with how he would take you, how he would sheath himself inside of you until he bottomed out, how he would desperately fill you with his hot cum and hold your hips up to keep any precious drops from leaking out. It took everything in him to not reach down and start rubbing his impatient cock through his suit, but his fevered brain convinced him to keep his free hand on your leg so he could watch you fall apart from his fingers alone.
He was delirious as your walls started to spasm around his fingers, white hot pleasure pooling in your core, threatening to overflow as he kept up his efforts. The constriction of your muscles bolstered him, and he began to go faster and harder, starting to overstimulate you. You threw your head back, hands wildly trying to grasp at something on the concrete floor but coming up short. He removed his hand from your throbbing sex to start teasing your clit with abandon, and you moaned as your body lifted up off the floor.
"H-holy shit, Miguel," you gasped out. "It's- it's so much."
His hand moved so fast against your swollen clit that you could hardly think. The feeling was electric, and your orgasm was dangerously close. Your legs started to shake and tried to close around him again, but he kept them forced open as he intently watched, his chest rising and falling with quick breaths. You came and it utterly racked you, your body shuddering as you cried out, hot liquid spewing from you and drenching Miguel's hand and forearm. You squirted on him, because of him. You thought you should be embarrassed, but he gave you no opportunity.
As your head just started to clear, he recalled his mask into the neck of his suit. You quietly gasped at unexpectedly seeing his face. So strong, angular, and handsome. His red eyes looked wild, his mouth was open, his fangs fully extended. He studied his hand, turning it over so the mess you made could catch the light. As it started to dry down on him, he brought the two fingers that had been inside of you up to his mouth, and he licked them both clean. You gaped at him, almost fully unable to process what was happening.
When he was finished, he turned his gaze from his fingers and back onto you, as you sat up on your elbows to watch him. You saw that his cock was still as hard as ever, still pushing to break free. As if reading your mind, he recalled that part of his suit too as he grabbed your legs and yanked you toward him. He rested his cock over your abdomen, once again reveling in just how much bigger than you he was. The hot weight of his manhood on your skin set you ablaze once more and you eagerly awaited him. He thrusted but without penetrating you, sliding himself over you and wetting his cock on your cum. His exhales quaked with anticipation until he could wait no longer. Even on his knees, he towered over you, and so he needed to tilt your hips up further so your entrance could meet the head of his leaking cock. He shifted his grip to your waist, holding firm as you steadied yourself on your elbows and looked to him with bated breath.
He slowly pushed his hips into you, his cock sinking deep into your pussy. The steady penetration had you reeling. You needed to feel him, all of him. Every inch, all at once. It felt like it took ages for him to finally reach the hilt, but when he did, he waited inside of you for a brief, merciful moment. You basked in the feeling of being so full, so complete. He began to pull himself out of you, leaving you cold and empty for a split second until he slammed his entire length back into you, repeating and repeating at an unwavering pace.
Each powerful thrust reached so deep inside of you that it was nearly painful. Immediately, the head of his cock found your cervix and was hitting it with each hard pump that Miguel delivered. Your eyelids grew heavy as your eyes began to roll back towards your skull. His onslaught was so thorough, every smack of his hips against your pelvis reverberating through every inch of your body. The overstimulation of when he fingerfucked you had carried over, and you were already close to losing control all over again. He felt it too, as he growled in response to your pulsating walls.
"This cunt…." He snarled through his fangs. "This cunt is mine."
"Yours," you moaned, meeting his words a little too quickly.
"Going to mark you… so everyone knows."
"Mark me, Miguel." You agreed, not quite realizing what he meant. He started to lay you down onto the ground without removing himself from you, continuing to fuck you in missionary as he brought his face down to the crook of your neck. Your pulse quickened with excitement. He opened his mouth, his breath making your skin somehow even warmer. You wished that you could've seen the flash of his fangs before what came next.
He bit down on you, hard, and you could feel the course of his venom like molten lava through your veins. When the searing heat reached its crest, a soothing wash of warmth followed in its wake, leaving your muscles loosened and relaxed. Blood started to drip down your shoulder, the wet trickle quickly cooling as it made contact with the atmosphere. Miguel stayed latched to you as his tongue met your skin, lapping at the red stream, determined to consume it all.
You submitted to him fully, allowing him to position you how he saw fit so he could fulfill his feral need. His strong hands snaked around your torso to your back, lifting you up with him as he rocked back onto his knees. He helped you to swing your legs around his slim waist and to drape your arms over his huge shoulders. You let your face settle against his neck, the clean musky smell of him overwhelming your senses. His hands found your hips and he effortlessly lifted you up and down on his cock, fucking himself with your pussy like you weighed nothing at all. You moaned into him as you clenched around his cock, your limp body succumbing to the overpowering feeling of him. You started to shudder as your orgasm claimed you with a white-knuckled grip. You whined into Miguel's neck as it hit you with shock after shock, your vision going spotty while your cunt tightened around him.  
He couldn't hold it any longer, and his cock jerked inside of you as he came. You were still getting hit with aftershocks of your own climax, your muscles bearing down to milk every drop of cum that he filled you with. He held you closer and he thrusted himself as far into you as he possibly could, instinctively trying to make sure as little seed would have the chance to leak out of you as possible.
Your muscle control started to slowly come back to you as you and Miguel were chest-to-chest, both of you sweating and heaving. You weakly raised your arms so your hands could tangle with the hair at the nape of his neck. You lingered there for a bit, his strong arms holding you in the place as you played with soft locks of chocolate hair. You finally leaned back to see clarity slowly returning to Miguel's expression, and he looked utterly mortified. He held your gaze as he turned red, removing one hand from your body so he could cover his face.
"Oh my God," he whispered. "What the shock came over me?"
You were struck with sudden fear. "Do you… not remember?" The fact that he was still buried inside you should've been a dead giveaway.
"No, I do," he said, nervously. "I remember getting hit with that stupid bomb, and you helping me, then me wanting to split you in half."
You couldn't help but giggle at that.
"I tried to make sure I wasn't too rough with you. I was still in there, the whole time," he said, taking his hand away from his face to smooth your hair. He stopped when he reached your neck, seeing the bite marks he left. "Guess I didn't do all that well, did I?"
"It's fine. I can take it."
"Clearly," he said, raising his eyebrows, mildly impressed. "Thank you. I… don't know what I would have gone through if you hadn't been so… generous. But… for God’s sake, let’s not go around telling people what happened. We have reputations.”
You agreed, the secret safe between the two of you, the puncture wounds on your neck a silent souvenir.
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esquen · 7 months
Omg please do if the reader got pregnant and Mike’s reaction and Abby’s reaction I just think that would be so cute
i think we all collectively agree mike would be so happy to be a dad (if he was stable mentally and financially)
you were starting to worry mike. you couldn’t keep your dinner from last night down in the morning, and he had to patiently hold your hair up and away from your face as you coughed it all out.
he felt that it was somehow his fault (it was), thinking he’d accidentally given you food poisoning. he called you out of work and kept the fan pointed in your direction with a bucket and a glass of water on the night stand.
abby joined you in his bed a few hours after he left. she’d only recently woken up and noticed you weren’t in the kitchen making breakfast.
she slept a little longer than you did, trying your best to leave the bed without waking her up. you felt like you knew what was wrong, but you wanted to make sure.
as you silently walked towards the phone in the kitchen, you dialed mike’s office number. you called him atleast once everyday, to ask what he wanted for dinner or just to check in on him.
“hello?” mike asks. the sound of him typing on the keyboard drowns out the chatter of his co-workers. “hi baby.” you mumble, crossing your arms.
“hey, babe. how are you?” he asks, stopping his fingers as he holds the phone eagerly against his ear. “i’m better. could you stop by the pharmacy and pick up a few things?” you licked your lips nervously. you didn’t know how to tell him you thought you were pregnant.
“yeah, hold on,” he mumbles, tearing a piece of paper and clicking a pen from what you could hear. “alright, what do you need?”
“a gatorade and a pregnancy test.” you kept it short, just wanting to get the conversation over with.
mike went silent for a few seconds before you heard him scribble down your request. “okay. i’ll be home at 5.”
“i love you.” you mutter. “i love you more.” he whispers back, hanging up the phone. you sighed anxiously, deciding to get started on lunch.
the next 6 hours were painfully long as you waited for your boyfriend. you were scared— not only because you’d have a new addition to the family, but because you didn’t know how mike would react.
when he came through the door with the small white plastic bag, his eyebrows were furrowed as you came to meet him at the door.
“hey baby.” he greets, hand coming to cradle your back as he presses a kiss to your lips, holding up the bag to you. “thanks.” you mumble, opening the bag and taking out the gatorade.
you smiled up at him and put it on the counter, making your way towards the bathroom with the pregnancy tests.
mike and abby talked in a whisper for some reason as you waited for your results. the test was flipped over so you couldn’t see what it said, thoughts racing as you tapped your fingers against the counter.
the alarm on your watch went off, signifying that it was time to flip the test over. swallowing all your guilt and worry, you flipped the stick over.
the two red lines from hell.
you weren’t particularly mad at the result, you just didn’t plan on it happening like this. or this early.
you sighed at the sight, turning around to unlock the bathroom door and towards the living room again.
abby was curled up on the couch, her cartoon’s playing quietly as mike wrote through his bills.
you pressed your lips together until he noticed you, putting his pen down as he stared at you with more love than anyone has before.
you put the test on the table, sliding it towards him. he picks it up feverishly and studies it, pupils dilating at the result.
he wants to jump up and scream, cheer— whatever. but he didn’t want to wake abby up. he chewed at his bottom lip and tried to shy away a smile, standing up and hugging you. “i’m gonna take such good care of you.” he muttered into your ear.
revealing it to abby was the least of your worries. she was a kid, so you had no fear of getting judged by her.
“abby?” mike calls out from her door frame. she turns around, looking at her brother. “yeah?” she responds. mike swallows and looks over at you.
“uhm.. y/n and i— we’re gonna have a baby.” he sighs, eyes never leaving yours until he had to turn and look at abby’s reaction.
her eyelids shot open at the reveal, sitting upright to look at her brothers girlfriend. “serious?” she asks, hopping off the bed.
“serious.” you nod with a laugh. she’s throwing herself into your arms so fast, you didn’t even see it coming.
you look up at mike from the squatting position you were in, staring at you as you chat about the baby to his little sister.
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runnning-outof-time · 4 months
Hiiii, thank you so much for all of these they are so wonderful.
I would love something with Tommy and maybe 30? "You're not hurt are you?"
Was thinking maybe Tommy comes home after a particularly trying day and just flops onto the couch. Y/N comes home from food shopping shortly after and finds him and is concerned for him. They can be either married or whatever you see fit.
Uhmm I'd love it to be nice and fluffy, and I know you said you're not into writing shut sooo just go as heavy as you feel comfortable with and coat it with fluff and I'll be happy. >w< thank you so much I hope you're doing well and I'm happy to be part of this celebration with you! 💜
Thanks so much for sending this in, @chumon ! I’m sorry it took so long for me to write! I absolutely love this idea (thanks for adding some more detail to it…it made it easy to follow). I hope you like what I did with it! Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
Never Tired For You
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: a slightly suggestive conversation/situation
Word Count: 1153
Summary: (Y/N) finds Tommy laying on the couch and immediately thinks the worst…he couldn’t just be laying down, right?
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Tommy was tired. It had only been two days into his two week stay in London, and he already felt exhausted by the numerous meetings he had to carry out. There was so much to keep track of: the on-going deal with Alfie Solomons and all of the turns that took, making sure Arthur continued to keep things in line at the Eden Club, and keeping tabs of whatever Inspector Campbell was going to have him do next.
Somehow he managed to carve out an afternoon to himself. He was hoping to spend it with his wife, (Y/N), who had joined him on this trip — against his own volition — but upon returning to his sister’s home, he found that she wasn’t in.
So he decided to lay down on the couch. Yes, Tommy Shelby actually took a moment for himself so that he could rest. No, the world didn’t come to an end. But he actually managed to find a position comfortable enough that made him want to stay on the couch.
(Y/N) had been out grocery shopping. She realized that Ada needed a few things, and so with nothing better to do she set out and ran some errands.
The surprise that was waiting for her back at the house just about made her drop the basket she was carrying. Never had she seen her husband laid out on the couch — especially in the middle of the day. The sight of it alone was enough to get her mind running in overdrive.
“Tommy? What’s happened?” she got right to the point as she hurried over to the couch he was laying on.
“Huh?” he asked in confusion, beginning to move from his laying position so that he could sit once more.
“No, don’t move,” she rushed to stop him, her one hand extended in his direction, “you’re not hurt, are you?” Asking the question made her heart drop. She’d did a quick scan of his frame and found nothing glaring at her, but she couldn’t be too sure.
“No, love, I’m not,” he shook his head, continuing with his motions of sitting up, looking up at her with furrowed eyebrows. “I was just laying down,” he told her then, fishing the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket so that he could slide one between his lips.
The second half of his statement made (Y/N) audibly gasp. There’s no way that Tommy Shelby would willingly lay down, she thought to herself incredulously. “Ok now I’m worried, Tom. Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes,” he chuckled at her worry, “there’s not a scratch on me. I’ve just had a long day is all,” he made another attempt to quell her concerns. The look on her face told him that she didn’t quite buy it. “Would you like to check for yourself?” he asked then, his one eyebrow quirking upwards as a grin teetered on his lips.
She could tell by his facial expression that his question was leaning on the suggestive side of things. Just the thought of what he was hinting at made heat rush to her cheeks. His cheekiness was one of the things she loved about him.
“Hmm?” Tommy cut into her thoughts, looking up at her through his eyelashes as he waited for her response.
“No…” she trailed off, biting her bottom lip to conceal her grin when she saw a tinge of disappointment fill his features, “I think I’ll believe you. And besides…you said you had a long day,” she called back to his previous statement.
“I had a long day…doesn’t mean I’m too tired for me wife,” he reminded her, the previous glint returning to his eyes.
“Maybe later,” she decided, her grin growing to match his.
“C’mere then,” he beckoned, leaning back against the couch as he placed the cigarette between his lips again.
“Let me put these away first,” she answered him, lifting the basket she was still holding. He nodded in response and she went to the kitchen to put the groceries away. Moments later, she was back in the front room curled up into Tommy’s side. “So you’ve really only had a long day?” she couldn’t help but bring their previous conversation up again.
“Yes,” he answered, his fingertips absentmindedly dancing over the skin of her arm. “Arthur’s losing it at the club again…I’m not sure what I’m going to do with him.”
“Give him another chance,” (Y/N) suggested, lifting her head from his shoulder when she felt his eyes on her. “I mean it,” she doubled down on her stance, her eyes locked with his.
Tommy pursed his lips and thought about her comments for a moment before he let out a breath and looked to the windows.
“I’ll drop it,” she broke the silence, realizing that his mind was going again. She didn’t want to ruin this moment. “Let’s go back to just sitting here.”
After speaking, she turned on the couch so that she was able to straddle his lap. His hands quickly found their home on her hips, and his eyes were immediately back on hers as the mischievous glint returned.
“Just sitting here, eh?” he questioned her with raised eyebrows.
“I’m sitting,” she grinned, her hands finding his cheeks before she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. Tommy’s hands moved to press flat against her back as their kiss deepened, bringing her body flush against his.
“If this is what it’d be like…” he breathed as they pulled away just slightly, “I’ll have to start coming home early more often.”
“If you hold up your end of the bargain, I’ll hold up mine, Mr. Shelby,” (Y/N) pulled further away from him so that he could see the smile present on her face.
Their lips met again, teeth clashing and tounges pressing together as they became lost in their embrace. Tommy tried to be sneaky with it, but (Y/N) pulled away when she felt him start to unbutton the top of her dress.
“Not so tired anymore, hmm?” she questioned, a suggestive glint in her eye as she sat up straight, her hands running down his cheeks so that she could settle them on his shoulders.
“Never tired for you, love,” he husked, his eyes blown with lust as he managed to continue with his mission despite her breaking further away from him.
“Let’s go to our room then. I don’t think Ada’d want us to do this on her couch.”
That was all Tommy needed to stop what he was doing and drop his hands from her frame. “Go on, then,” he nodded his head to her, “lead the way.”
(Y/N) wasted no time in standing from his lap. She waited for him to stand also before she gingerly took hold of his hand and led him to the steps and up to their room.
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*tags in the reblogs so they’ll hopefully get sent out
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egcdeath · 1 year
spectator sport
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pairing: joel miller x reader
summary: you and joel are the most competitive parents in your daughters’ soccer league. as it turns out, it’s not so easy being enemies when your daughters become best friends.
word count: 4.8k
warnings: canon divergent (no apocalypse yay!), rivals(?) to lovers, they don’t really like each other at the start but they also kinda do?, fluff, realizing feelings, domestic moments, yearning, allusions to a divorce 
author’s note: tlou is an angsty masterpiece, but sometimes all i want is a little lighthearted fun. is this the most in character thing?? no! is it more fun to imagine malewife joel in a world without cordyceps? well… you tell me ;) 
part two / series masterlist
“You got it, Chlo,” you cheered from behind a spray painted white line on a cleat-beaten grassy field. You balled your fists as you anxiously watched your daughter chase after the ball with a ferocity, herding it closer and closer towards the goal.
Your daughter had always had a passion for soccer, having watched professional matches with her father since the moment she could comprehend the game, and playing as soon as she could walk. Chloe had leaned even further into the sport following you and your ex-husband’s somewhat messy divorce, which left you in charge of bringing her to practices on Tuesdays, and games on Thursdays. It wasn’t like you minded much, you were always happy to support your daughter in whatever brought her joy. 
“Pass it! Pass it!” a loud, masculine voice interjected as the man next to you shouted at your daughter. 
Joel was not exactly your favorite parent on the team. While most of the parents enjoyed his presence, with his oddly wise advice for the girls and vocal support of the team (it also helped that he was quite easy on the eyes), something about the man had always thrown you off. Maybe it was his stubborn demeanor, or the way that he found a way to argue with you during every single game, without fail. 
Now, as far as soccer parents went, you weren’t the worst. You had your moments of snapping at a shitty referee after a particularly rough week at work, or possibly being a little too enthusiastic when something bad happened to the opposing team, but somehow Joel always managed to do or say something that provoked you just enough to go back and forth with him.
Chloe glanced over in his direction, briefly losing her footing in perfect time for a member of the opposing team to snatch the ball right out from under her. 
There was a collective groan from some of the more intense parents on your side, and you openly glared at them for indicating their disappointment with your daughter’s performance. But this wasn’t their fault. It was Joel’s.
“Great call out there,” you spat, shooting daggers in Joel’s direction as you took a few steps closer to where he was standing.
“Oh please,” you could practically hear the roll of his eyes in his words as he prepared to defend himself from your vitriol. “You think I wanted that to happen? I’m rooting for the whole team, not just my child.”
“I am not just rooting for my kid,” you delivered the statement a little too genuinely considering that the truth was probably closer to the opposite. “But you’re acting like you wouldn’t have felt the same way if it was your daughter.”
“I wouldn’t, ‘cause I understand that we’re probably gonna win,” Joel responded casually with a shrug of his shoulders. 
“Well, we would’ve had a much better shot at that if you weren’t so dead set on yelling shitty directions at the girls. Maybe leave that to their coach?”
“Hey, don’t curse! You’re forgetting there are kids around,” one of the fathers interjected, sounding far more offended than he needed to be. 
“Shut up, Mark,” you and Joel said at almost the same time, voices overlapping. Your little spats were yours and yours only, and you’d thought it was common knowledge by now not to interfere when any of the parents were getting into it—but especially with you two. 
As usual, your little back and forth seemed to go on and on. It had reached the point where you weren’t even really sure it had anything to do with the game as much as it had to do with the text you’d received from your ex just a few hours before the game, and whatever bullshit Joel had going on in his own life.
As much as you’d like to say you had self awareness, week after week the other parents shared knowing looks and snickered at your spectacle, yet being the laughing stock of the game didn’t deter either of you. 
This week’s argument was no different. 
To be quite honest, you hadn’t ever really paid attention to those who treated your spats as their mid-game entertainment. Right now, all you could think about was stupid Joel, shouting something stupid at your daughter, making her lose her focus, and miss out on a moment. 
Well, maybe you two had too much tunnel vision, as an uproar of cheers from your side pulled both of your attention from each other, and to the celebrating team on the field. Particularly, Chloe and Sarah high-fiving as they jogged away from the goal. 
Awkwardly the two of you clapped, cheering the names of your respective children. You didn’t miss the slight flush of red on Joel’s cheeks after missing the sight of his daughter working with yours to score, but you would be a liar if you didn’t admit that you felt the slightest hint of embarrassment too.
The game wrapped up soon after, with a quick discussion with the coach before the children were dismissed back to their families. As you waited for Chloe, you didn’t miss the newfound camaraderie between herself and Sarah, with the girls seemingly laughing at something as they made their way over to you. 
Despite whatever negative feelings you may have had towards Joel, you were always happy to see your daughter happy, and if that meant you may have to tolerate the father of her friend, maybe, just maybe, you would stop treating her games as an arena for your shouting matches.
As an involved parent, you were no stranger to school fundraisers. For the most part, you would enter a raffle and sit through a catered dinner as the school choir butchered school-appropriate songs, or purchase a handful of chocolate bars from whatever kid was knocking at your door. However, for this fundraiser, Chloe insisted that you volunteer. 
It was a simple bake sale occurring during school hours, and you had the day off. How bad could it really be?
Apparently, really bad. 
Just minutes after you arrived and began to set out the cash box and assorted baked goods, an unwelcome presence joined you, immediately bringing an uncomfortable tension into the atmosphere. If you knew when you signed up for this event that you would be working with Joel Miller, you could guarantee you wouldn’t have been so eager to register.
“Oh, hey,” you tensely acknowledged after a moment, glancing up at the man who was joining you, then back down at the bagged brownies in front of you.
“Hey,” he responded just a second too quickly, then went silent as he seemed to feel out the awkward tension in the room. After a few seconds of heavy silence that felt closer to an hour, he finally added, “Any ways can I help out?” 
Joel gestured to the table where you’d been organizing some of the baked goods. “Is there a method to your madness? Or just…” he trailed off awkwardly. 
It was obvious that he hadn’t expected to be working with you, likely not enthused to be spending a good portion of the day in such close proximity with someone he clearly did not like being around. The situation was almost comical—spending hours in a school with someone that you weren’t sure you could spend five minutes with without breaking into explicit argument. Obviously it would be inappropriate to argue with him in this setting, so you reasoned that for the duration of your shift, you could at least attempt to be cordial.
“Uh, they just want us to keep twenty items out at a time,” you shrugged. You could be cordial. You could just give Joel instructions, then only interact with him when need be. “And to keep gluten free items in this basket. Other than that, everything is set up. The first lunch period’s in about a half hour, so we won’t have much to do until then.”
“Got it,” Joel nodded, pulling out a rather squeaky chair before taking a seat next to you. 
The following few minutes could only be described as painfully awkward. You could cut the tension with a knife as you attempted to scroll nonchalantly on your phone, and Joel uncomfortably rubbed his hands on his jeans. This was going to be a long afternoon.
“So, what made you decide to help out today?” he asked out of the blue, drawing your attention away from your phone and over to his face.
Okay, you could handle small talk without getting into an argument. Besides, it’s not like you had anything to argue about. And to be frank, were your arguments really ever anything of substance? Sure, sometimes you both had done something slightly annoying or antagonistic, but your arguments never really felt that serious. 
“Chloe knew I had the day off and pretty enthusiastically suggested I come help,” you shrugged as almost a means to shake some of your nerves out. “How about you?”
“Pretty similar on my end. Sarah thought it would be a great idea for me to come in today and help out.” Joel looked at you, then back down at his watch, as if he didn’t want to maintain eye contact for too long. 
What a strange coincidence. Both of your daughters suggest you come to their school and work together on something.
You bit back whatever emotion it was involuntarily forming on your lips as it occurred to you that there was not a chance in Hell that this was accidental. Sarah and Chloe seemed to be quite close—you rarely heard a story that didn’t involve Sarah these days—and it was not unlike your daughter to plot schemes to try to fix relationships, a trait you and your ex-husband know a little too well. Clever, clever girls.
“What are the odds this was on purpose?” you asked, finally not restraining your entertainment by this whole situation. How ridiculous. And ironic. How ridiculously ironic. 
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say quite high,” Joel pressed his lips together and shook his head to himself. 
And while you’d rather have your child just communicate to you that you’re embarrassing her at games, or that she would prefer you to be at the very least amicable with her new best friend’s father, at the end of the day you couldn’t really blame her for pulling off an elaborate plot. Besides, your feud with Joel was silly and unnecessary, and part of you had always wondered if you hadn’t spent so much time arguing with him, if you two would actually get along. 
“If they did plan this, which they most certainly did, we have some smart kids,” you chuckled softly. “And maybe for the sake of them, we can attempt to be… friendly?”
Joel nodded slowly, “I can do friendly.”
A truce. Although the tension between you could still be cut with a knife, it felt nice to agree at the very least not to start a war at the little table. 
”Can we really blame them for setting us up?” you pondered aloud, “I mean, who would want their best friend’s parents to be enemies?”
“We’re enemies?” Joel asked with a lift of his brow.
“Well,” you paused. You weren’t really enemies. Despite all of the heated arguments, more times than not, Joel provided you a pretty safe outlet to vent your feelings without many repercussions. “Maybe… rivals?”
Joel shrugged, “Maybe. I know for certain I don’t see you as an enemy. Although, I apologize if I ever made you feel that way.”
Was Joel… apologizing? First, working together with the man, and now an apology. Maybe you should’ve gone and visited your psychic after all, with the unpredictable way your week was turning out. 
“I’m sorry,” he admitted, sounding quite genuine. You still weren’t completely sure that this was some weird joke, or that you’d woken up in a parallel dimension. “For always stirring the pot during games. It’s really quite-“
“Joel, it’s really not an issue,” earnestly and without a thought you interrupted the apologetic man, not wanting him to feel the guilt of being solely responsible for your little tussles. “I don’t take anything you say during games seriously. But I also want to apologize. It’s probably not the best to find little things to argue about every week.”
“I just wanted to be clear that I don’t hate you or anything,” he emphasized.
“Well I don’t want you to think I hate you either. If we’re being honest, it’s been pretty nice to be able to inconsequentially blow off steam every now and then. If anything, you’re doing me a favor.”
The corners of his lips turned up and into the slightest smile at your admission, and suddenly it had felt as if a weight had lifted off of your shoulders, and a bit more of the tension had dissolved in the room. 
“No hard feelings?” he offered. 
“None. Maybe the opposite,” you teased.
“Well, you know what they say about love and hate…”
“Now that may be a step too far.”
As it turned out, you and Joel made a pretty efficient bake sale team. Joel helped the kids pick out their baked goods, and you cashed the kids out. Sure, it wasn’t the most complex operation, but it felt nice to be in such a comfortable rhythm, especially considering the majority of your professional work you did alone. 
By the end of your shift, you were far less displeased with your situation. In fact, one might even say that you enjoyed spending your afternoon at the sale with your daughter’s best friend’s father. Maybe Chloe and Sarah’s plot to force you together wasn’t so terrible after all. 
Maybe Joel wasn’t so terrible after all.
Every year, Autumn means one thing in your town: the annual fall festival.
It was honestly impressive the way that the entire community would go all out to put on such a large event in order to adequately honor the season, although part of you was convinced that the whole weekend-long event was an excuse for kids and adults alike to indulge in candy apples and Oreo turkeys and show off unnaturally large pumpkins. 
This year was no different, and as tradition, you and Chloe hauled yourselves down to the festival. It just happened to be your luck that as you were exiting the car, a pickup truck pulling into a parking space caught Chloe’s attention. 
“It’s Sarah!” your daughter informed you, practically skipping over to the vehicle. You followed after your daughter (who just so happened to be much faster than you) as she pulled her friend into a hug the very moment she popped out of the car. 
Joel hopped out as well, glancing at your children who already seemed to be walking off towards the fair, then back to you.
“How are you?” he asked, fidgeting with his keys as he put them into his pocket. It was clear that despite deciding not to feud anymore, things were still a little fresh and weird between you two. 
“Good, good,” you trailed off, nodding slowly as you slipped your hands into your own pockets and began to follow the two girls. Somehow, Joel ended up walking next to you as you trailed behind your daughters, and a light tension filled the air. 
Despite feeling slightly more comfortable with him after your shift together at the bake sale, it was clear that there was still some strange awkward energy between you two. After all, you had only made amends around a week ago, and prior to that, the majority of your interactions had included some sort of verbal altercation.
Walking into the fair, you maintained a less-than-comfortable silence as your daughters chatted and led the way to the field, filled with booths and stations as far as your eye could see. 
After a bit of aimless walking around, Chloe suggested a stop at a cornhole station. Watching your respective children play from the sidelines, you couldn’t help but crack a smile at the pure, unadulterated joy coming from your daughter as her and Sarah bantered with each other and tossed little bean bags. After ending with a tie, the pair began to walk away from where they were standing before pausing in front of you and Joel.
“You guys should play!” Sarah suggested enthusiastically, looking up at her father with an animated look in her eyes. 
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Joel trailed off and glanced at you as if he wanted to check how you were feeling on the matter. 
Sure, you didn’t have the upper body strength of someone who did construction for a living, but you were confident in your ability to kick some ass at corn hole. 
“C’mon, mom. And you too, Joel. It’s fun! It’ll be fun!” Chloe, ever the instigator, egged you on. 
“Alright, alright, since you insist,” you played up your reluctance, but happily accepted the red beanbags your daughter offered you. “It’s on, Miller,” you said as you approached the boards. 
“Just you wait,” he shot back, matching the overconfident, cocky persona you’d seemed to put on. “Before I embarrass you, I’ll be polite and let you go first.”
“How kind,” you playfully rolled your eyes, but focused long enough to toss the pack not too hard and not too light, and it slid on the board before landing in the hole. “What was that about embarrassing myself?”
Heckling Joel was unsurprisingly quite easy, considering the majority of your interactions prior to the past week had consisted of taking blows at each other. What you didn’t expect was how naturally the banter between you flowed when both of you were able to acknowledge that what you were saying really wasn’t serious at all.
“I think that was called luck. You still have plenty of time to embarrass yourself,” Joel didn’t even miss a beat as he tossed his bean bag with ease, landing right into the hole.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed by his aim, and that your confidence hadn’t slightly faltered. For once in your life, it was possible that a man wasn’t over exaggerating his capabilities.
“Not bad, Joel,” you brushed his accomplishment off as you went to toss your next bag. This time, you weren’t so lucky, and your turn ended with your beanbag on the side of the board.
Chloe and Sarah dramatically reacted from the side, cheering or whooping whenever they saw fit. In a weird way, it was like your roles had been reversed. You and Joel were no longer the overenthusiastic spectators.
“What did I say? Luck,” Joel tutted. “Look, girls. I’ll show you how a real expert does it.”
Turning his back to you and the board, Joel attempted to toss his bag through the board, yet as he turned back around, he found it in the grass between your two boards. 
You, Sarah, and Chloe erupted into laughter at the irony of it all, so much so that Joel couldn’t even help but to join in. 
“Great job, ‘real expert’. Can you teach me your ways?”
You were somewhat stunned with the speed at which the ice had broken between you and Joel. Just a few minutes ago walking into the fair, you were nervous that the evening would be tense and awkward, yet here you were, teasing and laughing right along with each other.
Once your laughter subsided, you both tossed your last bags, with you making it in and Joel missing. After a gratuitous moment of celebration, Joel walked over to you and extended his hand for a handshake. You took up his offer, and firmly shook his hand. 
“Good job out there. You were a worthy opponent.”
“Thank you, Joel. I could say the same, but I won’t. Y’know, since you lost.”
This received a giggle from your kids as Joel abruptly dropped your hand, feigning offense. Maybe it had just been a long time since you’d received any physical affection at all, but the loss of his brief grip stirred something strange deep inside of you. 
Ew. No. 
You could barely tolerate this man a week ago. Sure, he wasn’t terrible to look at, and your daughter had seemed to take a liking to him, but you’d be remiss if you hadn’t thought about all of those charged arguments you’d had during soccer games. You had only just recently considered him to be anything more than a nuisance. 
“Where to next?” Joel asked, pulling you out of your head as the girls began to chatter and move in the direction of whatever booth had caught their eyes. 
That was a train of thought for another time. Maybe you’d let yourself think about it tonight night, as you attempt to fall asleep in a bed that’s far too big for one person and far too cold without someone else there. But not here, where the situation felt like a live wire, and a little too real for your liking. 
For the most part, Chloe’s soccer hobby took up more time than it gave you. The time it took going to practices, games, and tournaments quickly added up, on top of working an absurd amount to make sure that you could pay the mortgage and club fees on time and keep your child happy. The one exception to this general rule were team dinner nights—a night where you didn’t have to worry about spending an hour or two in the kitchen, giving you far more free time to do whatever you wanted.
This time around, Joel was hosting the dinner at his place. Clearly, Chloe was excited to be spending the evening at her closest friend’s home, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t the slightest bit curious to see what his place looked like.
And maybe, just maybe, you were the slightest bit excited to see Joel again. 
“Can we just go over early?” she requested as you checked the nearly done cookies in the oven. “Can I go over early to hang out with Sarah? Please?”
You practically could hear the puppy dog eyes in her voice, and when you looked over to her, she was indeed looking at you with a somewhat convincing sense of desperation. It was never easy for you to say no to your daughter, which she unfortunately knew. This time was no different. 
Sighing softly, you conceded, “have Sarah ask her dad if you can come by.”
Chloe cheered as she dashed off to the other room, seemingly reaching out to her friend who very quickly responded, as your daughter was back in just a few minutes with confirmation that she could come by any time. 
Quickly pulling the cookies out from the oven and throwing them into a container, you packed Chloe into the car, and hauled her over to her friend’s house. 
Chloe grabbed your Tupperware and skipped to the door, politely knocking and waiting patiently as you stayed seated in your car, just to make sure your daughter got in okay. As if she was awaiting Chloe’s arrival (and she most definitely was), Sarah pulled open the door the moment Chloe had put her knuckles to the door and welcomed her friend in. 
A somewhat muffled voice from inside called something out, leaving Sarah to relay it back to you: “Before you go, my dad wanted to know if you wanted to stop in for a drink?” she called out, just loud enough for you to hear from your open window.
Any other day, you would’ve said no. But for some reason, coming in and checking in just felt right today—so that was exactly what you did. It wasn’t like you and Joel weren’t in friendship territory with each other. 
While the girls ran off upstairs, you made your way to the kitchen to find a very stressed-looking Joel. He was in complete disarray as he checked the oven twice, then the fridge for something, then stirred something in a pot.
“Hey, you alright?” you asked right off the bat, setting down the container of cookies your daughter had given back to you onto his countertop. 
“Yeah, fine. Just didn’t think about how I was gonna cook all of this in time,” he moved away from the stovetop and towards a cupboard to grab you a glass. “Now what would you like to drink? I’ve got some coke, some juice, something a little stronger…?”
“Just water is fine,” you hummed, awkwardly standing by the counter. “Joel, do you want some help? You know, four hands are better than two. And I’m pretty competent when it comes to reading and following a recipe.”
“Please,” he barely let you finish speaking before he spoke, and desperation was practically dripping off his tone as he passed you a glass of water.
You weren’t sure you expected him to say yes, but you were somewhat surprised when he agreed anyway. He didn’t exactly seem like the type to accept help, let alone ask for it. Joel must’ve been even more stressed than you initially picked up on. 
“Of course. What would you like me to do?”
“Uh, if you could just cut up some of the fruit that would be great,” the man ran his hands through his hair as he approached the fridge once more.
You nodded and walked over to the cutting board where it was clear that Joel had begun to attempt cutting some fruit up, but had been interrupted by one of the many pots on the stovetop or dishes in the oven.
Although you didn’t necessarily envision your evening being spent in a frantic Joel Miller’s kitchen, you weren’t particularly mad at it. It didn’t take long for you two to fall into that easy collaborative rhythm that you seemed to always have when it came to working together. Maybe you weren’t too bad of a team after all. 
By the time the doorbell rang with the first family, you and Joel had just finished up, and your daughters had just about finished setting up the table in the dining room and on the patio. Taking you by surprise, Joel reached out for a high-five, which gave you a hearty laugh as the two of you tapped hands.
“I appreciate your help,” he remarked. “You saved my ass tonight.”
By all means, dinner was a success. Parents and children raved about how good everything was, and conversing with Joel and the other parents was surprisingly easy—despite you not noticing the knowing looks that a few of the more gossipy moms frequently shot each other. 
Luckily, a few families assisted in cleaning things up after dinner before heading out, cutting the time you’d need to spend helping with cleaning pretty significantly. As the night wound down, it came as no surprise when Chloe asked if she and Sarah could hang out for just a bit longer. It’s not like an extra hour would kill you, especially not when Joel was pulling out a bottle of white wine and suggesting sitting out on the patio in the pleasant Austin autumn weather. 
As you got settled into your seat, Joel poured you out a glass before pouring himself some. You sighed contentedly, happy with a rather pleasant evening, but tired from the stress of the day. 
“Thank you for helping me out. There’s no way in hell I could’ve done this without you,” he confessed, peering deeply into your eyes. He looked at you for just a moment too long, the attention bringing a warmth to your face.
“I’m always happy to help anyone,” you smiled shyly under the pressure of his intense look before taking a sip of your drink. “Well, maybe I wouldn’t be happy to help Amy. But I’m always happy to help you.”
“Well, I appreciate you,” Joel paused as he drank. “And I wouldn’t help Amy either.”
The two of you shared a little laugh before a rather comfortable silence filled the air. The two of you looked up at the sky, gazing at the stars that seemed to be shining a little more bright than usual.
“I’d like to repay you somehow,” Joel said, breaking the silence as he continued to keep his eyes fixed on the sky. 
“Mm, that’s not necessary,” you hummed. “Dinner was plenty. It was great, and Chloe and I will definitely be enjoying our leftovers.”
“It’s necessary to me,” Joel paused as if he was contemplating even saying the next words. “Would you let me take you out sometime?” 
It was clear that he was looking right at you, nervously anticipating your answer. 
You cracked a slight smile as you turned your head towards him, “That would be nice,” you nodded. “I think that would be really nice.”
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b00kdiary · 5 months
I love your series with the Bat Boys and the Plus Size reader. Could I request a story where the plus-size Reader is feeling low and unpretty especially compared to the Archeron Sisters and distances herself so she doesn't burden the IC with her issues but Cassian won't let her and shows her how beautiful she is on the inside and out. And maybe they find out they are mates in the process (I hope I made sense lol and sorry for the long winded request)
Mirror, Mirror | Cassian
Cassian (ACOTAR) x Plus size reader
Y/N flees a party where it seems Cassian and Nesta can’t stay away from each other, but when Cassian comes rushing after her, more than one declaration is made and more than one secret is discovered.
A/N: I made a few adjustments to this (wherever my imagination took me) and this might be the best one I've written yet, I was literally so happy re-reading this :)
Warnings: mature themes (18 +) swearing, body-image issues, eventual smut and Cass being utterly infatuated with his thick, beautiful lady (Hint: mirror-play)
MASTERLIST - 1 and 2
Nesta laughed, a wonderful, breathtaking sound and something ugly twisted in me as Cassian’s face lit up, stars twinkling in his eyes as he beheld her.
I sunk back further against the wall, into the shadows, willing them to hide me, to hide the hurt and jealousy that ate and ate and ate at me the longer I watched them.
His hand on the small of her exposed, flawless back.
The sensual curve of her pink lips as she stared up at him.
The shadows that darkened his gaze as he trailed his eyes down her perfect body, over that blood-red dress that clung to every delicate curve and lean expanse of flesh, every inch of her tan and smooth and gorgeous.
A sharp pain stabbed at my chest, directly at my heart, at the sight of them together- they looked perfect. She was everything he deserved: tall, slender body curved like sin in all the best places, and the kind of fierceness that could bring the General to his knees.
And Cassian wanted her, it was obvious, the way he looked at her, the way he laughed with her, the tension between them, it was never like that with me, he was never like that with me.
The sound of my name startles me, but I swallow my surprised gasp at the touch of shadows that dance around me, clinging to my shoulder and waist, a soft and sweet greeting and I manage the barest smile as Azriel walks over to me.
“Hey, Az,” My voice is hoarse, strained, and Azriel’s lovely face deepens into a frown at the sight of it, never one to miss any details, no matter how small, “Enjoying the party?”
“I thought I was having the least fun here, until I saw you,” Azriel’s face is contemplative, sad, and I glance down when his eyes move to Cassian and Nesta, inching closer together, “You should go talk to him, you know he wants to see you.”
“He seems perfectly content with Nesta,” I sigh, and I hate how ugly my words sound, how hollow and bitter I sound, “There’s no way I can compete.”
“There’s nothing to compete with,” Azriel furrows his brows, his shadows erratic over his shoulder and I scoff at his words, at the kindness in them, “Truly Y/N, you look lovely tonight, Cassian’s an idiot if he doesn’t see it.”
I feel heat behind my eyes, a sharp pricking sting of emotion that makes it hard to see or even swallow. I tuck my hair behind an arched ear, clearing my throat, and hating the pity in Azriel’s gaze, hating that he felt he had to compliment me just to make me feel better.
“Thanks, Az, but I think the only idiot here tonight is me,” I manage a strained laugh, and Azriel sees right through it, he sees right through me. “I’m not particularly in the partying mood tonight, I’m going to just go back to my room, and have an early night.”
“Let me escort you,” Az steps forward, his scarred hand reaching for my waist, but I stop him, smiling appreciatively, but shaking my head, those treacherous tears rushing to the surface.
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” I whisper, and his face turns hard, unforgiving at the sight of my tears, those hazel eyes sharpening as he turns his head back to Cassian and Nesta. “Goodnight, Az.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
I barely hear his farewell, already stepping away and this room and the people and the music and laughter and joy all dwindle into nothing as I leave, as the tears begin to leak down my face, as my bleeding heart erupts in pain, as I slip out into the silence.
“Stupid, so stupid,” I mutter roughly to myself as I slam my door shut behind me, the door clicking shut with a resounding thud, strong enough it rattled through my bones and straight to my heart.
I sniff furiously, a mixture of anger and sorrow filling me as I stumble through my room, the distant sound of music and people echoing in through the open balcony, a far cry from the still and deathly silence I was surrounded by.
I kick off my heels, flinging them messily to the side and I sigh at the feeling of the cold floor against my sore soles, at the relief from the pressure on those two thin heels, that burned with every step I took.
Stupid, so stupid to think I could put on a pair of too-high heels and be as tall and intimidating as Nesta Archeron. Stupid to think I could slip on an expensive gown and look as beautiful as she did as if it would hide the fact that my body looked nothing like hers.
I was an idiot to think that the hair and the makeup and the jewellery, that any of it would be enough to make Cassian see me, to make him want me.
“So fucking stupid,” I choke out into the silence, and this time I don’t hold back the pain, I let one tear fall and then another and another, until I can’t make them stop. I gasp on my sobs as I collapse onto my bed, my arms wrapping around me for comfort.
Alone. Utterly alone.
That thought, the reality made me cry harder until I couldn’t see or breathe, until every single atom in me shook with the sobs, until my voice bounced off the walls, ringing through the air as if mocking me.
My hands quivered as I unclasped the tear-drop diamonds from my ears, discarding them easily to the bed beside me and my lip broke as I reached behind my long hair, unhooking the diamond necklace, the stones heavily dropping to my hands.
A gift from Rhysand.
‘Cassian won’t be able to take his eyes off you, especially if you show up to his room wearing only this’  Rhysand had teased me, and like the idiot I was I giggled- giggled, and blushed like I was a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl.
“Y/N?” Three swift knocks against my door and I froze, “Y/N? Are you there?”
“Y/N,” His voice turns worried, frantic and his knocking doesn’t persist, “Are you okay, open the door for me please.”
I groan quietly, gnawing on my lip as I rise from the comfort of my bed, discarding that necklace beside the earrings, something scorched and bitter filling me at the sight of them- and when Cassian calls my name again, that feeling spreads.
I wipe the tears from my face, harsher than needed, my footsteps pattering against the flooring as I march over to the door and somehow the sadness in me has vanished, evaporated into something cold and cruel and angry.
My fingers curl around the handle and I yank the door open, my heart so loud I can hear it thundering in my ears and my face is blanketed, like a sheet of ice as I half-shield myself behind the door, unable to meet his gaze.
“Y/N,” Cassian sighs, and I hear the relief in his voice. I avoid his gaze, a pregnant pause sounding through the room as he stands there, and I see his body go stiff, “You left the party, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m fine,” I clear my throat, my hair shifting forward to hide my tears and I feel Cassian’s eyes piercing down at me, unyielding and confused, “I was just tired, I’m going to go to bed.”
“Wait, Y/N-“ His voice becomes quiet, and I pinch my eyes shut at the feeling of his eyes on me, at the worry that lingers in the air, “Have you been crying? What- what happened, are you alright-“
“I’m fine, Cassian,” I try and push the door closed, trying to force him out before I crumble again but his large hand comes to the door, halting it in place and I don’t have the energy or strength to fight him. “Please, just go, go back to the party, go back to Nesta-“
“Nesta?” He interrupts, and all amusement and joy has left his voice left his face and when I lift my eyes to him, I see them narrow, hurt flashing through them, “What does Nesta have to do with this, can I please come inside-“
“No, I don’t want you here, Cassian!” I hiss, my words sharp and lethal and honed to hurt him- and they do, I see his face fall, his breath catching at the anger on my face, the anger in my words, directed toward him, “Just go back to her, I wouldn’t want to ruin your night ahead.”
His face falls, and I see the moment realisation flashes through his eyes, and the look on his face, the pity, makes me want to die.
“Y/N, that’s not-“
“Please, Cassian, spare me,” I scoff, and I force myself to be cruel, force myself to be cold and unfeeling because otherwise the reality would consume me and I would not humiliate myself further, not in front of him. “I don’t care who you fuck, just leave me alone, I’m tired.”
I release my hold on the door, my throat unbearably tight as I turn on my heel, ripping my gaze from him, unable to take the hurt in his face, unable to see him looking at me like that- he was my friend, long before I loved him, he was my friend, and I was being so horrible to him right now.
Silence stretches on as I walk away from the door, my footsteps heavy as I move to my bed, my fingers curling around the wooden pillar, needing it for strength, needing it to keep me up.
I sighed when my door clicked shut after a moment, that light dying out and I was utterly alone again. He was gone and I was alone.
I bite my lip hard enough to pierce the flesh as fresh tears brim in my eyes and I curl into myself as they fall, my head falling against the wooden beam, and I clutch it tighter as small cries break through my lips.
“Azriel said you saw Nesta and me together at the party, saw us laughing.”
I flinch at the sound of Cassian’s voice, echoing through the room and running over my skin like a phantom touch, and I gnaw on my lip harder, pinching my eyes shut and keeping my back to him as his feet step closer to me.
“I wasn’t flirting with her, I’m not interested in her, Y/N,” Cassian’s voice was tender, and calm and it made me feel sick, “Nor does she feel that way about me.”
“I don’t care,” I grit out, tasting the saltiness of my tears seeping into my mouth, “You can do whatever you want Cassian, you don’t owe me an explanation, just-just leave me alone.”
“I was with Nesta because I was nervous, I was nervous to see you,” His words turn low, and my entire body stills at the lament, his footsteps getting closer still, “I always get nervous around you, and Nesta knew that she was teasing me about it, about how I felt-“
“Right, I’m sure with Nesta Archeron standing next to you, I’m the one who made you nervous,” I drawl sarcastically, the words tasting like poison on my tongue and again, more tears fall, “Spare me the bullshit Cassian, I don’t need your pity.”
He sighs- no, it’s more like a frustrated growl, irate and furious and a sound I’d never heard Cassian make toward me. I sniff as his footsteps bound closer and my mouth parts in a silent gasp when his hand curls around my wrist and he rips me around to face him.
“Look at me, Y/N,” His canines flash, sharp and deadly, a mirror to the darkness in his eyes as he stares down at me, his wings splaying and that handsome face turning vicious, “Just fucking look at me.”
“I don’t want your gods-forsaken pity,” I tear my wrist from his hold, and I immediately miss the warmth, miss his touch, miss him- but still, I curl my lip and I scowl up at him, “I told you I’m fine, so what do you fucking want from me?!”
“You!” He bellows and the walls shake, the syphons at his shoulder blaring bright red with power and the lament, the strength behind that single word. He shakes his head, his jaw locked and eyes blazing, “I want you- I don’t pity you, I love you.”
My face drops, the blood rushing from my cheeks and I think, no, I know that my heart has stopped dead in my chest.
“What?” I breathe and all the anger and hurt and degradation has turned to ash in my mouth, as I stare up at him, at the lovely face, soft and sincere and real. “Cassian, I don’t understand-“
“What’s there to not understand? I love you; I want you, I have for so long, Y/N,” Cassian sighs, his throat bobbing with the movement, and I inhale a sharp breath when his hand comes to my face, cupping my wet cheek, “How can you not see that?”
“B-but Nesta,” My lip trembles and Cassian’s face falls at the sight, his grip tightening and when he draws me closer to his body, to the warmth and strength of him, I don’t fight it. “You could have her o-or any other female you want- why would you want me? I’m not enough-“
“Stop, don’t say another fucking word, I won’t hear it,” Cassian growls, his eyes tapering and my eyes flutter as he runs his thumbs over my cheek, soothing, wiping away the tears that can’t seem to stop, “You’re enough, you are everything and more- you’re intelligent and fierce and elegant, you’re funny and sarcastic and kind, you are the best female I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”
“But I’m not beautiful, Cassian,” I mutter and the way his eyes shatter, the way his whole face shatters at my words, it’s like I broke something in him. “I’m not beautiful like the females you’re surrounded by- I’m not tall or thin, I’m not delicate or petite, I don’t look like them.”
“Oh baby, I don’t want them, I want you,” His voice cracks as he draws himself down to me, his face inching toward mine and full of so much feeling it made me breathless, “I want all of you.”
I gasped at the feeling of his lips crashing against mine and I didn’t fight it, can’t fight it when his hands curve around to the small of my back, dragging me flush against his body.
Cassian’s lips move against mine with hunger, devouring me and tasting me in a way that has my whole body reacting, all the way down to my toes. I arch my back into him, my fingers curling into his dress shirt, nails cutting through the fabric for leverage as he slips his tongue against mine.
I taste the bittersweetness of wine in his mouth and a whimper escapes me as he laps his tongue against me, firm and sure, as if memorising the feel of me, memorising the taste of me, of every sound that slips past my lips.
“Cass-“ I huff in a harsh breath when his hands, large and ringed and rough, slip down the rolls at my back, his fingers digging in perfectly as he curls them under the curve of my ass and lifts me up into his arms. “Cass!”
My protests die out on my lips, Cassian dismissing my worried cry by pulling me into another all-consuming kiss and I can do nothing but moan, my legs wrapping around to latch onto his waist and my hands slipping around his neck.
My core burns, sensitive and aching as Cassian begins to walk, every step brushing his hard, toned stomach against me and eliciting the filthiest moan from my lips. Cassian grins, gnawing at my bottom lip, his fingers kneading against my ass with reverence as he moves us.
But not toward the bed.
I flutter my eyes open as Cassian comes to a stop and the look in his eyes, the feral delight makes my body shiver. He helps me slip down from his hold and I raise a curious brow at him as he places his hands on my waist and then spins me around.
To look in the mirror.
“Cassian,” I frown, catching my own eyes in the reflection before immediately looking away, a pit of dread opening in my stomach as I latch my eyes higher, to where he stood towering behind me. “What-“
“Do you trust me?” Cassian whispered the question, his hands running soothingly up and down my arms, the touch so bare that I craved more. “I need you to trust me, Y/N.”
“I- I do,” I swallow, my voice shaking but I steel my spine and push away any fear at the kindness in his eyes, at the male I’d known for years and trusted with my life. “Of course, I trust you.”
“Good,” He nods, and my body tightens, prickling with fear and anticipation as his fingers begin to tug at the straps on either shoulder, his eyes darkening with something filthy and heady as he stares at me through the looking glass. “Because I’m going to show you how much I love you, every inch of you.”
My breathing turns shallow and burdensome as Cassian gently tugs down each strap, his movements deliberate and slow and making every second feel as long as an hour. I don’t take my eyes off his as he runs his palms down my back, moving to the zip there.
His body is thrumming with energy as he watches me, piercing and unblinking as he tugs down the zip at the back, inch by inch, the sound of it unzipping the loudest noise in the room.
He releases a desperate whoosh of air and I catch the look in his eyes, the carnal lust in them as he slowly drags the front of my dress down. I clamp my eyes shut the second the material falls, revealing my bare aching breasts and the flesh of my stomach.
“Cauldron fucking spare me,” Cassian hisses and I don’t need to see his face to know how he’s watching me, can hear the appreciation and need in every word.
I still don’t open my eyes, can’t open my eyes as his hard body shifts behind me, his touch turning rough as he begins to yank the material down my wide hips, over my love handles and down my thick thighs until it hits the floor.
My underwear tugged down with it.
My body shakes with every inhale and exhale I take, my heart pounding as Cassian trails his fingers across my thighs, hips, and waist, over the sides of my breasts and down the length of my spine.
“Open your eyes, Y/N,” His voice is at my ear, soft, coaxing, and my back arches when his rough, calloused hands curve around me, cupping my breasts and kneading them tenderly, “Open your eyes and see how fucking perfect you look right now.”
I suck in a steadying breath, the feeling of his fingers twisting and tugging on my taut nipples distracting me and eliciting waves of sparks and embers through my body. I brace myself and before I overthink it, I open my eyes.
I come face to face with myself- utterly naked, every flaw and imperfection, every roll and stretch mark, cellulite, and bump on display. And yet Cassian was looking at me like I was the single most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
As if in his five hundred years of existence this was the closest, he had ever gotten to heaven.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” His voice quivers, emotion clogging the words and tears prick my eyes when he presses soft, loving kisses against my neck and jaw, adoring me, “I wish you knew how much I crave you.”
“Cass,” I moan, feeling his hard length pressing into my back and this time, when my eyes meet his in the mirror, I let him see how much I needed him, how much I wanted him, “Show me, Cassian.”
“Y/N,” He groans, a primitive, male sound as I rub my ass against his cock, his entire body shivering at the touch and his eyes growing heavy as I press my bareness against him, “Are you sure-“
“I’m sure,” I whisper, and Cassian’s eyes turn wholly black as I lean forward, bracing my palms against the mirror before me and spreading my legs as I press my ass back into him. I glance back up, to the feral need on his face and I smile, “Take me, Cass.”
A low, terrifying grumble reverberates from him, from somewhere dark and unsatiated inside him and my core throbs when he cements himself to my back, turning my head to capture my lips in his and he tastes me like he’s addicted.
I pant as he plants one of his hands beside mine on the mirror, our fingers interweaving and the sound of him unlacing his breeches, his fingers tugging and yanking and ripping at the material makes me clench with anticipation.
“Are you ready- I don’t want to hurt you,” His face buries into my neck, biting and suckling on the flesh but I hear the concern in his voice. I grab his free hand from behind me, bringing it down between my thighs and he moans as I drag his fingers through my wetness, messy and leaking.
“I’m so ready, Cass,” I plead, my nails digging into his arm as he pulls his cock free from his trousers my eyes meet his through the mirror and he smiles at the desperate pout I wear, “Please, please-“
His head runs up and down my folds, collecting the wetness and when he stills at my entrance, teasing my hole, I go weak at the size of him.
“How could I ever deny you, baby?” He hisses in my ear, his fingers curling around mine against the mirror and a roguish smile stretching across his face- one that promised to ruin me.
He shoved his cock into me, hard and fast and unforgiving and the shriek that escapes me echoes through the whole building as he sheaths himself all the way, forcing me to take it.
I choke on my cries as Cassian moves his hand to my hips, his fingers holding onto the flesh for leverage as he drags his thick, pulsing length out of me, the stretch so far and wide that it hurt more than I ever knew it could.
But then he snapped his hips forward, stuffing it all back in and I moaned, my body wrecking with the intensity of it, with the intensity of him.
“Fuck you’re so tight, baby,” Cassian gritted out, nudging my thighs apart with his knee and pressing a hand down onto my lower back so that I was leaning forward, my face inches from the mirror and his cock slipping in so deep. “So fucking tight.”
“Cassian, oh- Cauldron-“
My tits bounced and my thighs shook as he fucked into me, his pace brutal and merciless, pounding me hard and deep, my pussy sucking him in and clenching, my eyes rolling at the mixture of pleasure and pain that throbbed through my core.
He didn’t give me any time to adjust, didn’t give me time to get used to the size of him- and I fucking loved it.
“Does that feel good?” He muttered, fingers curling into my hair and yanking my head back so that my eyes met his in the mirror and I whimpered at the pressure on my scalp, at the sound of my wetness and his skin slapping mine as he slammed his hips to meet my ass again and again.
“S-so good,” I blubbered, my words slugging together as I watched his face tighten, watching him sweating and panting and grunting, those dark eyes sliding between our bodies, watching his dick slide in and out, coated in my juices. “Don’t stop, don’t stop- please, please-”
He snarls, the sound animalistic and the electricity in my core intensifies when Cassian’s hand releases my hair, his hand slipping around to grip my throat and the angle shifts as he brings me back to his chest, our sweating bodies melting together, his fingers around my neck tight as he keeps me there.
“Look at yourself, baby,” He croons, his voice like sin as he nibbles against my cheek and I cry out when he drives into my pussy faster, his eyes watching every reaction, every movement through the mirror and it drives him on. “See how fucking perfect you look, taking my cock like it was made for you.”
“Cass, Cass,” His name is a prayer on my lips, the head of his cock slamming against a point in me, deep and untouched, a point that has every nerve ending setting alight and he laughs, like claws running down my spine, delighted at how close I was.
“So beautiful,” His fingers tighten around my throat and my eyes flutter open, latching onto the sight of us in the mirror, his body against mine, the sweat coating my skin and the absolute adoration in his eyes, “See how beautiful you look? Say it baby, say you’re beautiful.”
A command, a raw and final command.
“I’m-oh,” My head tilts back against his shoulder, my back arching as Cassian’s hand slips between my thighs and he begins rubbing brashly at my clit, fast and messy and forceful, and my knees start to quake. “Cassian, I can’t I’m- I’m-“
“No, no- You can’t come until you say it,” He growls, and I mewl when his fingers circle harder, his hips driving into me so perfectly that I can feel how red and bruised my ass is getting. “Say you’re- shit- say you're beautiful, say it, baby-“  
Every word is emphasised with a snap of his hips, again and again, and the sound of him panting and moaning in my ears, his fingers ruining my clit it’s too much.
“I’m beautiful,” I moan, tears trickling down my cheeks at the tautness of my body, that bubble in my core starting to expand and expand and it hurts so good, “I’m beautiful, fuck-fuck-“
“Come, baby, come,” Cassian chuckles, dark and sinful and when my body gives out, his arm wraps around me, keeping me up and fucking me so good, sliding against my walls and ripping apart any control I had, “Make a mess of my cock for me.”
“Cass- Cass- Cassian!”
He hits that spot again and again and again, not stopping, not giving me even a second to breathe and that bubble bursts, explodes, and all I can do is chant his name over and over as releases rocks through me.
“Shit, Y/N,” Cassian curses, and my stomach clenches and unclenches, moans falling endlessly from my lips as I come, wrapping around Cassian painfully tight, and I know he’s close, know he’s barely hanging on.
I pant, damn near hyperventilating as my orgasm shatters me and my body starts to ache and burn as Cassian chases his high, his hips stuttering and his body hard against mine, curses falling from his lips as I clamp down around him, again and again.
“Shit, baby,” Cassian groans, eyes clamping shut and I watch through the mirror, enchanted as his fingers curl into my hips, his head falling to the crook of my neck as his body goes utterly still and he releases inside me.
The sound he makes, that devastating rumble of power that emits from him, is muffled into my neck and I whimper as his hips come to a jagged halt, the feeling of his warm come spreading through me making my head spin.
I can’t look away from him, not as he clutches onto me like a lifeline, canines scraping against my neck and his wings arching up high and spread wide, trembling with the aftermath of his orgasm.
“Fuck,” Cassian pants, the both of us sagging forward with exhaustion, and as he slowly slips out of me, he groans at the sight of his seed leaking out from me and down my soft thighs. “Fuck Y/N.”
I suck in greedy gulps of air as I lift my head, my heart pounding in my chest and a sense of clarity wrecking through me, waves of release fading into oblivion and the silence settling around us. Cassian smiles, tenderly, as I meet his gaze in the mirror.
But then something happens.
I freeze, my body jolting the second my eyes meet his, the second I see those hazel orbs and melt into their serenity, into their comfort.
Something clicks into place.
“Y/N?” Cassian’s worried voice greets me, pushing through the haze and fog and disorientation and I feel his hands pushing back my hair, trying to gain my attention, “Y/N, baby, what’s wrong?”
Tears burn my eyes, strong and overwhelming and maddening and when my eyes lift, when I see Cassian through the looking glass, his face pales in worry.
“What’s wrong-“
“You’re my mate.”
He stills, his entire body stills, and I release a shaking, astounded sob. Cassian doesn’t speak, doesn’t breathe as I turn on my weak legs, finally face to face with him.
“You’re my mate, Cassian,” I choke out, half-laughing, half-sobbing and my hands shake as I bring them up to his beautiful face, watching him melt into my embrace, “My mate.”
“It only took you fifty years to realise,” Cassian muttered, tears brimming in his eyes and my mouth went slack at his words, at the broken teasing in them, “Made me wait long enough I think.”
“You-you knew?” I gasp and Cassian’s hands fall to my waist, drawing me closer and the feel of his hands, his touch, ignites something raw and dangerous in me. “How-“
“I knew the very day we met,” He whispers, voice hoarse and lip trembling and more tears leak down my cheeks at the sight, at his words, “I knew you were my mate from the second I saw you, and I have loved you in silence every day since.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I croak out, my fingers curling around his cheek- I wasn’t angry but it hurt, my heart hurt for him, for the years he spent knowing and being able to do nothing.
“I wanted you to realise on your own,” Cassian says, and something breaks in my chest at the tear that streaks down his face, sinking into my hand, “I wanted you to be ready for me, for us.”
“Cassian, I love you, I have loved you from the first moment you smiled at me, from the first moment you spoke to me, from the first moment you looked at me,” I smile, rising onto my tiptoes and pressing the softest kiss to his lips.
Sparks. Utter sparks.
“I have always loved you,” I laugh as his hands cascade down my back, curling around my ass and this time, when he lifts me with ease, I wrap my arms around him, hooking my legs and bringing his face close to mine. “My Mate.”
“I’ve prayed to hear you say those words,” He muttered against my lips, his eyes fluttering at the tender touch, and I sighed as we pressed our foreheads together. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Cassian.”
@mis-lil-red @hyemishii @assaultsofthought @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
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itstheoneshot · 9 months
Two For One
Summary: Why have just one when you could have both?
Word Count: 8.6k
Pairing: Ricky x Gyuvin x Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Marking/Biting Kink, Size Kink, Possessiveness, Ownership Kink, Daddy Kink, Threesome
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Bouncing on your heels, you wait at the front door of your friends’ apartment after knocking only a minute ago. You have arrived later than you had planned, and momentarily feel anxious that he may have forgotten your pre-organised visit. You raise your hand to knock again, but just before your fist hits the hardwood, the door swings open and you are greeted with the most breathtaking smile.
“Hi, doll!” Gyuvin smiles, that nickname drives you mental, “I wasn’t expecting you!”
Kim Gyuvin. You are friends with him too, but it wasn’t him that you were planning to visit, but his roommate.
“Gyuvin-oppa,” You beam back at him, “I’d come to see Ricky-gē, is he here?”
Gyuvin rolls his eyes at you, playfully laughing it off with a jokingly toned “What, are you not happy to see me?”
You stare at him with your cutest pout and scowl combination, knowing how easily he folds when you put it on, and that he does, as expected.
“Ricky had a last minute schedule,” Gyuvin explains, as he steps back to allow you space to enter the apartment, “He will be back in a couple of hours if you wanted to wait? I was just about to put on a movie.”
You simply smile with a nod, bowing your head slightly as you follow him inside, “That sounds nice,” You hum, “What were you going to watch?”
Gyuvin grins at you cheekily, his eyes crinkling at the corners, his head tilted slightly to the left, and you suddenly fear what you have set yourself up for. It better not be some rom-com, Gyuvin knows that you hate those, or at least, hate watching them with other people because you don’t want them to see you cry. 
“Just some found-footage horror I saw while scrolling Netflix,” He replies, “Are you in?”
It has been too long since you watched a horror, they don’t particularly shake you, in the sense of thinking about them afterward, losing sleep etc, but you are easy to jump, quick to frighten, and you already anticipate how much Gyuvin is going to tease you for it the entire film.
“Of course,” You reply defiantly, “I’m not afraid.”
Gyuvin laughs as he closes the door behind you, taking his arm over your shoulders, he leads you down the hall towards his bedroom. It is not the first time that you two have watched something together, just the two of you, having been friends for a while now, it isn’t weird or uncomfortable to either of you, to get comfortable in his bed, sitting up with your backs against the wall, waiting for the opening credits to begin.
Barely ten minutes in, and a sudden jump has you screaming in fright, and sends Gyuvin into a fit of laughter, as you instinctively curl into him to protect yourself from the demon in the movie. Although he laughs, Gyuvin holds you close to him, his warmth reminding you that there is nothing to be afraid of. You breathe him in for a moment before lifting your head to watch the movie again, but this time you don’t move away from your position in his arms.
Your relationship with Gyuvin is strange, but not dissimilar to yours with Ricky too. Nothing has ever happened between you, but there has always been an inkling of desire, an unspoken, un… acted upon, attraction. You are reminded of this as you cuddle up close to him, but you don’t say a word, pretending to ignore the way that your heartbeat speeds up as your head rests against his shoulder.
“Are you sure you aren’t too scared?” He teases you, ten minutes later when you scream again, this time burying your face in his chest, “Do you want me to turn it off?”
You shake your head, but don’t look up at first, not until he lifts your chin with two fingers, forcing you to make eye contact. No longer afraid, the second that you look into his eyes, but your heart races for a whole other reason.
Before you have a chance to speak, he kisses you, and you kiss him back as if it were second nature. Desire burns in you, as his stupidly large and masculine hand cups your cheek, the other holds you by the waist, fingertips digging in hard enough to make you gasp, giving him the freedom to taste you, his tongue practically half-way down your throat. It is messy, hot, and desperate, your fingers tangling in his hair as you try to get even closer.
He guides you onto your back, and you are suddenly reminded of just how much bigger he is than you, as he fits between your legs, and you cross your ankles behind his knees.
“Babydoll,” He murmurs breathlessly, leaning back just to look at you, “You’re just so little.”
You realise from his tone, and from the darkness in his eyes that you have never seen before, that he likes that, a lot, and so do you. You feel powerless in a way that sends heat surging to your core, a pathetic whimper escaping you instead of words, as he leans down to kiss you again. This time is even hotter, the hand on your cheek now moves to your throat, and the one on your waist is now under your shirt. The skirt you are wearing has ridden up, your legs fully exposed, wrapped tightly around him as he grinds into you.
He pulls you up by your neck, to the point that you can’t breathe, but he lets go so that he can pull your shirt up over your head, and allows you to take his top off too. You don’t have time to think about whether you have seen him shirtless before, but if you had, it was never this close up, and holy fuck, he is unreal. His proportions are insane, so tall, lean and lanky, your hands are all over him as he pushes you down again and he leans in to kiss your neck.
You throw your head back into the pillow, arching your spine with a pitiful moan as he bites down, right up close to your ear. Your nails drag down his back as he makes quick work to mark you, leaving bright red indents all the way down to your shoulder, and slowly across your chest. He slips a hand under you, unfastening your bra with nimble fingers, pulling the item off you so that he can then focus attention on your breasts. His hands dwarf every part of you, and it is driving you both crazy.
“Oppa~” You cry as he sucks a mark onto your breast, “Fuck… more, I want more.”
Gyuvin chuckles before sinking his teeth into you again, “Patience, doll… you’ll get your fix, I promise.”
You whine, whimper and moan as he makes a mess of you, until he too can’t take anymore, the bulge in his pants too much to handle, and from the outline alone, you wonder if it will be too much for you, too.
Gyuvin catches you staring, and he moves up so that you can feel his hardness against your inner thigh, it is enough to get you dripping.
“You’re so big, oppa,” You pout at him, eyes wide and innocent, “Are you going to break me?”
He bites his lip, momentarily trying to hold himself back, though the temptation is too strong, you have him so close without doing anything more than putting on a little aegyo. Gyuvin is almost embarrassed about how badly you have him worked up, but when he reaches down to remove your skirt and panties and sees just how fucking wet you are, that feeling completely disappears.
“I fear I might, babydoll,” He smirks as he leans back to pull his pants down, his underwear coming off with it, “I will at least try to be gentle.”
Your jaw drops when you see what you are up against. His cock is bigger than any you have seen, thick and veiny, the length damn near comparative to your forearm, and your mouth salivates at the sight. It is going to hurt, of that you are most certain, but you want it, more than anything right now.
Both fully naked, the make out session grows hotter, with Gyuvin’s hand between your legs, toying at your entrance, the tips of his fingers slicked and he hasn’t even entered you yet.
“Already so wet?” He teases, “You make this so easy for me.”
You haven’t processed the implication of his words before he enters you with both his middle and index fingers. Long, slender, and he curves them at just the right angle to have you cry out. You grip tightly to him, whining into the kiss as you get used to the initial stretch, trying to prepare you for what is to come when his cock will be inside of you instead.
“You just turn me on so much, oppa,” You mumble when he pulls back to stare at you, scissoring his fingers to get you wetter, “Covered in your marks, so little under you, do you like it too?”
Your words awaken something in him, an animalistic demeanour that has him pull his fingers out of you, only to thrust straight in with his cock instead, as deep as he can fit, hitting your cervix and causing you to scream.
He holds still for a moment, your breathing is staggered as he leans back again to take in the sight of you, tears in your eyes as you beg your body to adjust to the sheer size of him. You have definitely never taken a cock this big, and when you glance down you see that there is still so much of him that hasn’t even entered you.
“Breathe for me, little one,” He soothes you, gently caressing your lower stomach, your hips, and down to your thighs, “Relax, it’s okay.”
You nod, gulping before you try to steady your breathing, assuring yourself that it feels good to be filled like this, although you can’t really think straight. He pulls out slowly, before thrusting into you again, and this time you see stars as he fills you up once more, his gaze never leaving yours, inspecting you, making sure that you are okay, and that you know he is holding back.
“Harder, oppa,” You whine, impatient and needy despite the burning sting, “You don’t have to be so gentle.”
He moans low in his chest as he finds a steady rhythm, one hand on your shoulder to hold you still as each thrust threatens to push you further up the bed, his other hand is balled in a fist in your hair at the base of your scalp. He leans down to kiss you again, biting at your bottom lip as your moans escalate in volume and intensity.
Gyuvin kisses along your jawline, and tugs your hair to tilt your head back to give him access to your neck. He begins marking you again, feverishly claiming and defiling you, as he continues to fuck you with a desire that is almost indescribable. 
You are malleable for him, so easy to manoeuvre, he rolls over onto his back, and brings you up on top of him. He doesn’t pull out for a second, keeping you full, and him deep, as he thrusts in from under you, and you press your forehead to his as pleasure washes over you with your first orgasm, coming swiftly and without warning, you shake in his arms, cunt clenching as his moans get louder to match.
“God, just look at you,” He groans, guiding you to sit up, knees either side of his hips, “Such a good little fuck toy, so much fun to play with.”
He moves his hands to your hips to keep you stable, and finds he can reach around completely to touch his fingertips together, his hands splayed across you only feeding into his kink further. He helps you bounce on his cock, your breath catching in your throat with strangled moans each time that you take him in, and Gyuvin stares intently at the inches of his cock that don’t fit even when you can’t go down anymore.
“Feels so good,” You stutter, “You’re so strong, oppa, love it when you fuck me like this, do you like it too?”
You rest your hands on his shoulders, leaning forward a bit so that you can ride him better. This new angle has your legs shaking almost instantly, orgasm nearing much faster than you had expected. Your eyes well with tears as you try to hold it back, wanting to wait until Gyuvin is ready this time, wanting to cum when he does.
“I love it, babydoll,” He replies, “I’m close, are you going to cum again for me, too?”
Nodding furiously, your body begins to seize, answering for you without words. Your orgasm tears through you with twice the intensity of the last, as Gyuvin fucks you harder through it, though his rhythm falters as his cock twitches, his own release following just moments after yours. He fills you with his seed, the warm sensation noticeable as the last few thrusts have him leaking out of you, too full to take in anymore. 
As he slows down, you collapse forward so that your head rests on his chest up by his collarbone. Your breathing is heavy and laboured, your head spinning as you try to calm down after the most intense sex you have had since you can remember. Gyuvin kisses your forehead, carding his fingers through your messy hair as he too tries to catch his breath, though he is not quite ready to pull out just yet.
“Holy shit,” He breathes, “That was incredible.”
You look up at him, eyes glassy, glazed over with the remnants of the orgasm euphoria, “So fucking good.”
Gyuvin gently guides you off him, chuckling as you whimper at the loss, suddenly feeling barren and empty without his giant cock plugging you up. You feel his cum dripping from you, but couldn’t care less about making a mess of his bed, that is the least of your worries.
“I need to shower,” He sighs, “I have to leave… like really soon, for my own schedule.”
You are reminded in that moment, of why you were there in the first place. To see Ricky, who is currently out, but surely will return soon, and you are thankful that he didn’t come home any earlier. 
Gyuvin kisses you again before he gets up, and you roll over onto your back, splayed out on the bed as you listen to the water running in the shower in the next room. You wait a few minutes before getting up too, and you gather your clothes before heading to the main bathroom down the hall. You feel his cum dripping down your legs, and it makes you whimper, speeding your steps up to make it to the bathroom without leaving a mess behind.
You clean yourself to the best of your ability, but your hair is still a mess, at least to your usual standard, and the hickeys on your neck are still visible despite every attempt to cover them. You leave the bathroom just as Gyuvin walks out into the hall, striding up to you in only a few steps, with those crazy-long legs of his. He wraps his arms over your shoulders and pulls you close to him, kissing you on the forehead once before letting you go.
“That was fun,” He chuckles, “I’ve gotta go, but I might still see you when I get back?”
You giggle at the implication, unsurprised that he is insatiable, “I’ll see you then.”
You walk with Gyuvin to the door to see him off, before retreating to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water. It won’t be long now until Ricky is back, and you start to feel a little nervous. You aren’t sure that you want him to know that you just had sex with Gyuvin, but you can’t quite pinpoint just one reason as to why that is.
Leaning back against the kitchen counter for some time, you hear the front door open, and giggle to yourself as you picture the two men passing each other on the road as one leaves and the other returns.
“Gēgē!” You call out, your voice whiny and cute just for him as you leave the kitchen and head out to the hallway, “I missed you!”
Ricky rolls his eyes, but quickly joins you, picking you up off the floor and spinning you around before placing you back down onto your feet. You gaze up at him, admiring his features, happy to be with him again. It’s not like you haven’t spoken, but a few weeks have passed since you saw him in the flesh, and you are usually inseparable best friends, so this is nice.
“I missed you, xiaomei,” He replies, his voice deep and sultry, hoarse from what you assume must have been a singing schedule, “Come around more often, okay? Don’t make me wait so long.”
“I’m sorry,” You pout at him as he tucks your hair behind your ear, “Work has been crazy, our schedules always clash.”
Ricky’s gaze narrows in, and you instantly realise what he is seeing. Red marks litter your neck, and you quickly try to readjust your hair to hide it.
“What do you want to do?” You ask in an attempt to distract him, “You’re surely tired, right?”
“A little,” He replies, as he links his arm with yours, “Should we go back to watching that weird anime we started last time you were here?”
You walk together to his bedroom, with you leaning into him a little for support, emotional more than physical, though it is a little hard to walk. Ricky puts the pillows up against the wall and gestures to you to join him while he turns the TV on and scrolls through a couple of menu screens before finding the show that you had begun to watch a little while back. 
Tucked under his arm, you make yourself comfortable as the opening credits roll. You rest your hand on his chest as he absentmindedly plays with your hair. It’s nice like this, but you find your thoughts drifting to where you were only an hour or so ago. Ricky’s hands, even bigger than Gyuvin’s, are making you feel a way that you have not felt for him before, but you try to keep your cool, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable, nothing has ever happened between you, and you don’t know whether he would even want to anyway.
You glance up at him to see that he is already staring at you, and that feeling in the pit of your stomach stirs as a result of how piercing his gaze is.
“Everything okay, gē?” You ask him, “You’re not watching?”
Ricky takes a moment to respond, and you become hyper aware of your neck, the fact that he has brushed your hair off it, leaving the skin, and all the marks you so recently obtained, exposed.
“What did you do with Gyuvin?” He asks, his tone is neutral, but you know him well enough to understand the meaning, “You were here a while with him, correct?”
You begin to fluster, you are an awful liar, and you don’t want to lie to your best friend. You also worry about judgement, you don’t want him to think badly of you for what you consensually did.
“I… we… um,” You stutter, confidence falling as you know there is no way out of this, “We… watched a movie.”
You don’t convince him, that is obvious with the way that his fingers trail down your cheek and to your neck, fingertips grazing over the hickey closest to your ear, and then further down. Your skin raises in tiny goosebumps, and you feel your cheeks burning red, flushed and embarrassed to be caught out this way.
“He fucked you, didn’t he?” Ricky presses for an answer, “Don’t lie to me.”
This should be the time for you to stand up for yourself, because you can do what you want, or who you want, but the way that Ricky continues to stare has you backing down so damn easy.
“I mean…” You start, but falter again, “We did, but…”
Ricky draws in a breath sharply, his hand stopping at your shoulder, grip slowly closing to keep you there, although you had not tried to escape, nor were you really planning to. You watch as he processes the concept of you and his roommate, his other best friend, having sex, and you fear for the worst.
“I don’t know how I feel about that,” He replies, “But you should know better.”
His answer confuses you, and it is written all over your face, so you reply, “Know better about what?”
Ricky smirks just slightly, his eyes darkening before he opens his mouth, “You’re mine, kitten, and I don’t want to share.”
Your jaw drops, unsure if you heard him right, and so very stuck on the name that he called you. Kitten. The way that it makes you feel has your eyes glazing over, way ahead of yourself without even being certain that Ricky is insinuating what you hope for.
“Am I?” You ask innocently, sure that this will give you the answer you are searching for, “I didn’t know, you haven’t made me yours yet, have you?”
He moves closer to you, as if there was much space between you in the first place. You feel his breath, hot on your lips and it sends you spiralling.
“All mine,” He tells you, his tone darker than before, threatening, “I’m gonna make sure that you don’t forget it either.”
Your breath hitches as he kisses you, his kisses are harder, much more charged than Gyuvin’s were, though by the second kiss you stop comparing, your entire being now completely focused on and taken over by Ricky instead.
You are powerless under his hold, body moulding to him effortlessly, already so used to being close, and finding it even easier to be closer. He may well be the best kisser you have ever kissed, your entire body reacting as he licks into your mouth, fuck, you already want more.
His hand instinctively finds its way to your throat, gripping with light pressure in more of a warning than anything else, reminding you not to fight back or try to flee, as your fingers tangle in his hair and you wrap a leg over his.
“I’m sorry,” You mumble, as he nips your bottom lip and your mouth falls open, “I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”
He pulls you on top of him, his stare burning deep into your soul, “I’m sure you will, kitten,” He replies, “I know you’ll be good for me, as long as you do what I say.”
You involuntarily whimper as he tugs you down to kiss him again, his hand remaining clasped around your neck, keeping your breathing shallow as he kisses you over and over again. Your hands trail down his chest, feeling his muscles, lean, but defined, clear evidence of how well looked after he is. It’s hot, the tension between you is too much to bear, you are falling and fast.
“I’ll be good,” You manage to choke out, as Ricky’s free hand starts to tug your shirt upwards, “You can do whatever you want to me.”
Ricky smirks at you, and you wonder whether you are going to regret giving him that freedom. You don’t have long to ponder this though, as he lets go of your throat, allowing you to breathe in deeper.
“Strip for me,” He orders, putting his hands behind his head, “I want to see all of you, and then you can undress me too.”
You feel self-conscious, though Ricky has seen you in your swimwear before, fully naked is a whole new level. You feel inferior in comparison to him, his visuals are so breathtaking, though by the way that he looks at you, it is clear that he thinks the world of you too.
To begin undressing you sit back on your knees and slowly pull your shirt up over your head, maintaining eye contact as much as you can. It feels so impure, removing each item of clothing until you are totally bare, marks littering your skin from the encounter you had earlier, and holy fuck you can tell how much Ricky doesn’t like that.
“Gēgē,” You whine, as he holds your wrists to stop you from covering yourself up, “Want to see you too…”
He moves to sit up himself, though you are resting on his thighs, and he directs your hands to take the hem of his shirt, fists balling in the material before you tug upwards, revealing that sculpted chest of his, skin like porcelain, not a single mark or blemish to be found other than a few tiny little moles, each like the lucky stars that you see in the sky living in the city, rare but existent, and so very special.
“Is that better, kitten?” He teases you, catching you staring, “I’m still half-dressed.”
You catch the indication behind his words, and shuffle back to give yourself room to work at his jeans, fingers nimble and quick with the button and fly, grateful as he lifts his hips up for you to tear the denim down his long legs. Now in only black Versace underwear, you feel inferior again, although your black lace set is nice, it is definitely not designer.
“Much better, gē,” You nod, “You’re so…”
Trailing off as you scan his body, well aware of how much he enjoys being praised, having no problems with admiring him, it is so easy when he just looks like that.
“Handsome?” He chuckles, as he pulls you down to kiss him again, fingers knotted in your hair.
“Fēicháng shuài,” You reply, with the limited Mandarin that you have picked up from his incessant need to teach you, repeating it again in English, “So handsome.”
His free hand snakes around to your back, effortlessly unclasping your bra with two fingers, fuck that was hot, before pulling it from you, and proceeding to grab at your chest instead. You moan into his mouth, hot and heavy as you feel him begin to harden under you, shit, are you wet already too?
“Pay attention to only me,” He murmurs, pinching one of your nipples between his thumb and index finger, “I don’t want you looking at anyone else.”
He grinds up into you, yep, you’re definitely wet, and you gasp at how worked up he has you, “I won’t, gē,” You obey him, “Only you, I promise, only you.”
You cry out in shock as he quickly flips you over onto your back, climbing on top of you, he pauses momentarily to tear your panties down, “I don’t want to wait,” He purrs, “I need to claim you.”
His erection is so obvious to you now, thick and long, even through his black underwear the veins are evident, Jesus, is there anything about him that isn’t perfect? You watch in awe as he tugs his own briefs down, giving you a much better view of the cock that will be inside you in the coming moments. Not quite as thick as Gyuvin’s, but his length definitely competes, his cock curves just slightly upwards, and your eyes roll back a little as you begin to imagine just where he will hit you inside.
Before you get too far ahead of yourself, Ricky leans in to kiss your neck, biting gently at the marks left behind by his friend, deep guttural growls escape him as he is constantly reminded that you were taken by someone else. You try to reach for his cock, but you can’t get close enough, as he moves down your body, kissing your breasts, moaning over your sensitive nipples as one hand grazes over your core. You are a whimpering mess as he continues downwards, and you become aware of what he is going to do, his mouth closer and closer with each kiss to where you so desperately need it.
He starts with small licks, getting a taste for you, teasing and tantalisingly slow before diving right in. He uses his hands to hold your legs apart as they threaten to close around his head, the pleasure so intense, so quickly. It feels so fucking good, he eats you out with an ease that has you reeling, all the while still staring you down, wanting to know that you are enjoying it, as if the screams of his name aren’t enough evidence. Your back arches prettily, and he moves his hands under your ass to hold you up, the angle easier for him, and so much better for you. Sweat begins to bead on your forehead, your orgasm nearing so much faster than you had expected.
“Fuck,” You moan, your voice is strangled, choked up, “So good, holy shit that feels so fucking good.”
Ricky chuckles, and the vibrations shoot through your entire body, you don’t often curse, at least not so many times in a single sentence which Ricky finds comedic, and he pulls away for a second only to ask you, “You like it when Daddy goes down on you, don’t you kitten?”
Fuck. As if this could have been any hotter. Of course he could read your mind and go straight for the kink that has you worse than any other.
“Yes, Daddy,” You cry without missing a beat, so easily calling him the name that he so proudly gave himself, “I love it, you’re so incredible.”
Ricky hums approvingly before lowering his head, your orgasm mere seconds away, going, going, and you release with another flick of his tongue over your clit, he then moves down to lap at your arousal, not wanting to leave anything behind. You try not to pull too hard on his perfectly bleached blonde hair, but at this point it is so messy, you know that he wouldn’t care. A steady rhythmic chant of daddy, daddy, daddy leaves your lips as he only slows down when you try to pull away.
He looks up at you with glazed-over eyes and a desperation that you can’t quite comprehend. Ricky doesn’t waste a moment, moving up to kiss you, his tongue in your mouth so that you can taste yourself on him. You must seem so pathetic, with the way that you grind up into him, nails dragging up his back as you feel his cock almost at your entrance, god, you want him now.
“Daddy, please,” You whine, all but kicking your feet in impatience, this level of subspace is new to you, but Ricky seems to love it, “Fuck me, Daddy, I need you, please?”
You feel like you could burst into tears at any moment, and you are sure that Ricky can tell, as you feel him teasing your entrance with the tip of his cock, and without warning he enters you in one swift thrust. Your moans mix beautifully, Ricky’s deep and breathy, yours high-pitched and much louder, his cock stretching you out has you clinging onto him for dear life.
“Oh, kitten,” Ricky purrs, finding his rhythm so easily, thrusting into you with force, “You were made for me, weren’t you? You take my cock so perfectly.”
His gaze narrows as he awaits your answer, though there is only one that is correct, it is getting increasingly harder to find your words as the cock-drunk state you are in only becomes more apparent.
“Yes, Daddy,” You babble, your words beginning to slur, as the curvature of his cock means that with each thrust he hits the nerves inside you that have you threatening to go over the edge again, “Made for you, owned by you, only Daddy forever and ever.”
The commitment falls from your lips so easily, a promise required by the man hovering over you, one that makes him happier than he can express. He leans down to kiss you more, holding you still with fingers tangled in your now so messy hair, his pace is fast but purposeful, you feel each individual thrust with the care and poise that he means for it to.
“My kitten,” He coos, nuzzling his nose into your neck, breathing in your scent right up by your ear, “I want you to see how good you look like this.”
You aren’t quite sure what he means by this, until he pulls out of you and drags you up into a new position. Turning around, he has you face the mirrored wardrobe on the opposite wall and moves behind you, before tugging you up by your hair so that your back is against his chest. You look dazed, fucked out and cock-drunk, barely able to stay upright if it were not for his tight grip on your hair and your waist, you smile lazily at him and he lets out a deep, animalistic growl from the back of this throat.
“My Daddy,” You giggle, trying your utmost to make sense, but distracted by the feeling of his hardness against your lower back, “So sexy, want your cock again.”
Ricky releases his fingers from your hair, his hand moving around to your throat, and then upwards to cup your jawline. With his index and middle finger, he presses against your bottom lip, demanding entry. Of course you obey, willing to do whatever he asks of you, and he pulls your jaw down, sticking his fingers down your throat far enough to make your eyes water.
“Such a perfect little slut, aren’t you?” He asks, chuckling at the sound you make when he degrades you, “So desperate for Daddy, just the way he likes it.”
You wiggle your butt back into him, unable to move much more than that with the pressure he holds you to him, you hope that by being the whimpering, whiny mess that he has made you, he will give in. Your eyes well up with tears and not just from Ricky making you gag, but with a desire for him to fill you again, losing your mind from how long he has kept you empty. 
He moves his hand from your waist, down to your core, his fingers grazing over your swollen clit sending shivers through your body. The whine that you emit is pathetic, pitiful, and god, does it turn him on. You spread your legs further, pressing back into him in an attempt to make your neediness even more obvious, and you are grateful when he finally obliges, pulling his fingers from your mouth to take his cock into his hand instead.
Ricky lines himself up with you after a moment of adjustment, and you watch in the reflection as he enters you again. The new angle is better than before, he hits you deeper, as if you could take any more, and the angle of his cock nudges against those nerves that have your body shaking with each and every thrust.
He holds you up with an arm over your chest, fucking into you with little care for your own sensitivity, this is about him in this moment, but in that, it is so much for you too.
“Kitten,” Ricky moans, as you clench to him with yet another orgasm, losing count now as with each descent another peak rolls through, “Daddy’s close, where do you want it?”
Your tongue is tied, so flushed and flustered it takes a moment to register, while Ricky doesn’t slow down at all, you need to think fast but your brain is mush, “In me, Daddy,” You cry, “Fill me, need it.”
Ricky pushes you forward, keeping your ass up, and he grabs your hair to lift your head so you can see the perfect arched angle he has you in as his rhythm begins to falter. He lasts not even another 30 seconds like this, before he groans with his release into you, warmth spreading inside you as he cums so much you swear it overflows, though mixed with your own arousal, you can’t quite tell what is what anymore.
He roughly pulls out of you, flipping you onto your back as you cry out in sensitivity and from the loss, but your cries are quieted as Ricky kisses you, with as much force and want as that first kiss not so long ago. You feel his cum leaking out of you, making a mess of his pristine black sheets, though neither of you mind it.
“Mine, kitten,” He murmurs breathlessly, pressing his forehead to yours and staring at you with that piercing gaze, a warning, “I’m keeping you, you’re all mine.”
A confession. One that you hadn’t expected, and one that you don’t quite understand. Butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you wonder whether you were holding back feelings for him all along. Your hands roam his body, memorising every curve and rivet, the way that his hips jut out and leave that delicious v-line that leads to his even more delectable cock. He is perfect, and he is yours as much as you are his.
“You mean it?” You ask him, “I’m really yours?”
It’s vulnerable, your uncertainty is clear in your tone, leaving you open to either become whole, or to be completely broken.
“You are,” Ricky responds, “As long as you want to be, your heart is mine.”
He kisses you again before you can respond, and you lose track of time like that, in his arms, feeling his body pressed to yours, limbs tangled, intertwined.
Neither of you hear as the front door opens, too distracted by the growing desire between you, Ricky half-hard again, and you dripping wet. It isn’t until Ricky’s bedroom door opens that you realise Gyuvin has returned, when he shouts at the sight he sees, and you rush to cover yourself, though Ricky does not care.
“Home already, Gyuvin-ah?” Ricky smirks at his friend from behind you, his hands still roaming your body, finding your right breast to squeeze it in his palm, “Can’t you see we are busy?”
Gyuvin’s stare moves between the two of you, his mouth parted slightly as he tries to find his words. You are flustered, flushed, and sinfully turned on as Gyuvin watches Ricky touch you. A moan leaves your lips as Ricky pinches your nipple roughly, red and raw from the abuse he has inflicted on them, god, this is hot.
“I… but we,” Gyuvin stammers, and you can see how hard he is trying to show confidence, “I was hoping to go for round two now I’m back.”
Your jaw drops open, as you feel Ricky draw in a sharp breath. His grip tightens on you, and you know that he is angry.
“She’s mine,” He growls deeply, “You made a mess of her before, but she’s mine now.”
You whimper as Ricky pulls you back closer to him, and you feel that his cock has now reached full hardness. You try not to make it obvious as you press into him, back arching slightly in want for him.
“I think you made a mess of her too,” Gyuvin observes, his gaze flicking up from yours, into the eyes of Ricky’s, “And I don’t think she’d be opposed to my taking of her again.”
Heat surges between your thighs, as you recall the way that Gyuvin fucked you, the way that his cock stretched you out, burned your insides with a sting you can’t quite explain the feeling of. You promised Ricky, but in the state you are in right now, god, you wouldn’t say no to having him just once more.
“She’s not leaving my sight,” Ricky spits, tangling his fingers in your hair, “I said… she’s mine.”
You like that, Ricky speaking for you, maybe a little too much. You feel so pathetic, objectified, and it makes you whimper.
“I didn’t say you had to leave,” Gyuvin smirks, “You’re welcome to watch, gē.”
Ricky hisses through gritted teeth, he is shooting daggers at Gyuvin, as he confidently steps further into the room. You aren’t sure what to say or do, as the two men have their power-play, and you’re left in the middle of it. Committed to Ricky, but definitely not objecting to Gyuvin fucking you again.
“If you think I’ll let go of my kitten for even a second,” Ricky murmurs, “You’re dreaming, it’s not going to happen.”
Gyuvin chuckles as he reaches the bed, bravely kneeling on the edge of the mattress down by your feet. His stare continues to swap between you and your now-boyfriend’s, and you truly have no idea what to expect.
“That’s okay,” Gyuvin smiles sweetly as he moves closer to you, “You don’t have to let go.”
Ricky kisses your neck, in an attempt to mark his territory, though that doesn’t stop Gyuvin from finding position between your legs, where Ricky’s hand rests over your core in another protective action.
“Back. Off.” Ricky warns him, “This won’t end well for you. Get out.”
Gyuvin comes closer again, he hasn’t touched you yet, but he is close, his hand supporting his weight on the mattress next to your hip. Your breathing is staggered, from the friction that Ricky is causing, and the closeness of Gyuvin, you’re overwhelmed and nothing has ever tempted you more than this.
“Come on Ricky,” Gyuvin whines playfully, “I’m sure we could share, just once?”
You feel like you’re going insane, hips bucking reflexively into Ricky’s hand in a feeble attempt to relieve some of the pressure, eyes glassy and dazed as Gyuvin places his hand over Ricky’s to help you out. A strangled moan leaves your lips, you feel filthy, impure and broken.
“Fuck me,” You manage to stammer out, unsure which of the boys you are talking to, or if it is aimed at both, “Please, please, please, just fuck me.”
Ricky presses two fingers into you, his palm flat over your clit makes your legs shake, tears prick your eyes as the feeling isn’t enough, though it is still good, but you are losing your mind. 
“You heard her, gē,” Gyuvin sneers, “Go on then, don’t be shy.”
Ricky is so tense, he hates being told what to do, but you find him repositioning, sitting up and adjusting his legs before pulling you back onto his lap, still facing Gyuvin, with your back to Ricky. He guides you up, only to force your hips down, making you take his cock in all the way, the sound you make is inhuman, a cry loud enough to probably wake the neighbours, but you are so damned far from caring.
“Daddy,” You babble, nails digging into his thighs as you try to find some sort of balance while Ricky eagerly bounces you on his cock, “Feels so good, fuck, more, more, more!”
Gyuvin is still close enough for you to feel his breathing, his hand palming at the erection growing in his grey sweats, biting his lip as he watches you.
“Good, kitten,” Ricky praises you, slapping your ass and grabbing roughly at the flesh as you drop down on his cock again, clearly proud of himself, “You’re looking jealous, Gyuvin-ah.”
You watch through teary eyes, barely able to see, just enough to make out Gyuvin beginning to undress. The harshness of Ricky’s thrusts pick up a bit more as he feels threatened by his slightly-younger roommate, while you are so cock-drunk that you are unaware. 
“Just sizing her up,” Gyuvin chuckles as he kicks his underwear off, “Wondering whether she could take us both, is all.”
Your ears are ringing as another orgasm racks through your body, and you aren’t sure whether you heard Gyuvin right. Ricky pulls out of you suddenly, and flips you over to face him, though you’re still on top, and your stomach drops as you process Gyuvin’s words, and the lack of rejection from Ricky towards them.
Ricky uses the new angle to thrust up into you from underneath, your body is practically limp at this point, it is so hard to hold yourself up. When you feel the weight shift on the mattress behind you is when you give up, resting your head in the crook of Ricky’s neck, a string of incoherent words, drool and staggered breaths all that are leaving you now.
“Don’t make us wait,” Ricky replies, his tone almost too calm and collected, “Kitten’s gonna pass out completely before you get the chance, otherwise.”
You feel it, Gyuvin’s cock, as he teases the tip at your already full entrance, before he takes two fingers to help open you further, giving him just enough room to enter with a couple inches. You stop breathing completely, the sensation nothing but pain at first, and Ricky slows down to try and soothe you through it.
“Breathe, my baby cat,” Ricky coos, lifting his hand to your mouth, giving you his middle and index finger to suck on, both for your own need, and to save his neck from any further marking, “You can do it, come on, it’s okay.”
Gyuvin slowly moves in further, and you finally find your breath again to break down into full sobs. The pain is so intense, you are filled in a way that you didn’t even think was possible, but you love it. You lazily suck on Ricky’s fingers, though your mouth hangs half open now, unable to move as Gyuvin and Ricky fill you completely.
“You’re so fucking tight,” Gyuvin hisses, his teeth gritted as he pulls back before thrusting in again, still slowly, but with a little more speed, “Fuck, this feels so good I don’t know how long I’ll last.”
Ricky finds another opportunity to strike, his competitiveness and dominance always at the forefront of his mind, “It’s okay, kitten… Daddy will last as long as you need.”
Gyuvin and Ricky match their pace, finding a rhythm to fuck you in, as you lay between them in a state of being that you struggle to even describe. The feeling is amazing, in the cursed, sick, twisted way, taking two cocks at once wasn’t on your agenda for the day, but here we are, you are basically paralysed, an object for them to take from, and nothing more.
Ricky is driven wild by the feeling of his best friend’s cock against his, perhaps more than he is proud to admit, as he too struggles not to falter. He flicks his gaze between you and Gyuvin above you, and his stomach ties in knots as he sees Gyuvin staring him down.
“I knew you’d like it,” Gyuvin teases, his voice is cracked and breathy, “Feels good, fucking her tiny pussy at the same time, doesn’t it? Does my cock feel good to you Ricky?”
Your eyes roll back in your head, unable to do anything but listen to this seemingly never ending power play between the two, insults and jabs between them are constant, but even in your fucked-out state, you can see that they both like this way too much to act normal.
“Cum,” You mumble, “Daddy… Gyuvinnie… please.”
It took all your strength to utter those words, the pool of saliva on Ricky’s chest from your mouth now flows down his neck, staining the pillow under him. They have got to be close, right? How long has it been? Overstimulated is an understatement for you, unsure whether you could even get another orgasm out no matter how hard you tried.
“What’s that, kitten?” Ricky sneers at you, god, he is insatiable, “You want us to cum? To fill you up? You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
You aren’t even sure if you nodded, or said yes aloud, reality shifting you between dimensions, are you awake or asleep? You try to dig your nails into Ricky’s arm, but you can’t tell whether your hands work anymore.
“Fuck, holy fuck,” Gyuvin gasps, and with a particularly hard thrust that has you jolting forward, you feel it, “Fuck.”
Gyuvin’s cock twitches and pulsates in you as he releases, his thrusting is erratic, off beat as he fills you effortlessly, just like earlier, but this time with another cock inside you too.
“Gyuvin,” Ricky moans, and if you were more alert you would have been wide-eyed at this, at hearing him call Gyuvin’s name, and not yours, “That’s so fucking hot, I… I…”
Ricky too, releases barely moments after Gyuvin begins to slow down, you feel that same sensation, warmth spreading and filling you to overflow, cum dripping straight back out onto Ricky and he hasn’t even finished yet.
You can’t stop the tears from flowing, you are a crying, shaking mess as the two men finally come to a stop, and Gyuvin pulls out first, slow and gentle, but you still let out a sob. The room is silent other than heavy breathing from Ricky and Gyuvin, and quiet cries from you, but it is not awkward at all.
Gyuvin stares at Ricky for a moment, who quickly pipes up, “I’ve got this, Gyuvin, you go clean yourself up.”
Gyuvin laughs as he shuffles back off the bed, picking up the clothes he had thrown onto the floor a little while ago when he was just too desperate to get into you, and he makes his way toward the door before turning to face you again.
“Don’t start,” Ricky chuckles, seeing the devious grin on his best friend's face, “Get out of here, Gyuvin-ah.”
He rolls his eyes before leaving the room, closing the door behind him and leaving you and Ricky alone. You have Ricky’s fingers in your mouth again, and you are still full of his cock. Most of the pain subsided moments after Gyuvin pulled out of you, but you aren’t sure that you’ll be able to walk properly for a few days at least. You steady your breathing by focusing on Ricky’s heartbeat, and by staring up at him as he looks down at you. 
“You okay?” He asks you softly, “That was… a lot.”
You nod with a soft smile, releasing his fingers and letting him brush your hair off your face. You are a mess, and you know that you look it too, desperate for a shower, but not quite ready to move just yet.
“I’m okay,” You reply, “Yeah, it was.”
Ricky leans down to kiss you, and it is not until you begin to kiss him back that you realise he was doing this to distract you, the perfect opportunity to pull out of you, leaving you empty and bare, more cum dripping out onto the bed under you. The pain spikes with the sensitivity, but decreases fast enough that by the time Ricky pulls back from the kiss, it is nothing but a dull ache, a very prominent, unwavering dull ache.
“How about I run a bath?” Ricky asks, “You’ll stay the night, won’t you?”
“A bath sounds nice,” You reply easily, “I’d love to stay, too.”
Ricky kisses your nose before he gets up, walking to his ensuite bathroom and turning the faucet in the tub to run the water. He glances back into the room to see you have rolled onto your side to watch him, you will never get sick of watching him, and he breaks out in a full smile too.
“Good,” He purrs, “You are mine after all.”
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ellecdc · 3 months
Hii L!! I don't know if requests are still open but I really like how you write whimsical!reader and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. is it possible to write a whimsical!reader with Regulus that's centered outside of the AMWAP universe? Thank u smmm
they'd be so cute fr. thanks for requesting 🫶
Regulus Black x whimsical!reader (gender not specified)
Regulus knew he shouldn’t be surprised to find you out here – but his heart thumped in relief when he finally made out your form standing ankle deep in the Black Lake with your face pointed towards the stars above. 
Most people would begin to panic, finding their partner standing in a body of water in the middle of the night all alone. But this was just the kind of thing one learned to expect when dating you.
Expect the unexpected.
“You’re going to have to find a better hiding spot, my love.” He called out to you from the dry edge of the shore. You never spooked at the suddenness of his voice, proving you’d somehow sensed his presence prior to him alerting you of it. 
Though he couldn’t see your face, he could tell you were smiling.
“I wasn’t hiding, Regulus.” You said as if he were being particularly ridiculous. As if he hadn't just spent the better part of an hour looking around the castle for you.
He smiled all too adoringly at your back even though you couldn’t see him. “Could have fooled me.”
You turned at that, offering Regulus a kind smile. Regulus guesses you would be incapable of smiling any other way. “I hope I didn’t worry you terribly.” 
Regulus felt his heart squeeze at the sentiment. He’d likely worry about you for the rest of his life if he were to be quite honest. He’d be happy to do so, however.
“What are you up to, tonight?” He asked instead of answering you.
You turned your smile back towards the sky; Regulus mourned the loss of it. “Recharging.”
He hummed in acknowledgment as if what you just said made any sense at all to him. “Do you think you’ll be much longer?”
You chuckled at him and turned your entire body to face the shore instead. “You cannot rush this Regulus. Why don’t you join me?” You said, opening your arms widely.
Regulus hated to admit how inviting your embrace seemed to him, even at the expense of soaking his pant legs. He held strong, however. 
“I quite like the view from here, thank you.”
You let your arms fall to your sides, but your smile never wavered. 
“It’s very good for your inner vibrations, Regulus. The moon has been charging these waters all month. Tonight is the new moon, so you must recharge tonight, otherwise you’ll be waiting another month to try again.”
Regulus was sure you were trying your hardest to sound stern, but your voice only echoed across the waters like the gentle song of a siren calling him to his watery grave.
And who was he to deny that call?
“Oh, if you insist.” He spoke into the night, not at all begrudgingly removing his shoes and socks before rolling his pant legs up as far as they would go to join you in the lake.
The wattage of your smile rivaled that of the moon not currently present in the sky, acting as a beacon guiding Regulus towards you. 
You spun in your place to once again point your face to the sky while Regulus slotted himself in behind you and wrapped you in his arms, pushing his face into the crook of your neck. 
“You’re supposed to face the stars, Reggie.” You whispered to him.
Regulus hummed into your neck. “Who says I’m not?”
You chuckled, patting Regulus’ hands from their place on your stomach as you allowed him to rock you back and forth gently.
“You’re silly.” You admonished. 
The two of you stood in the water, swaying placidly as if you were being pushed ashore by the meager waves this Lake produced, enjoying the quiet and each other’s company.
“Doesn’t this feel wonderful, Regulus?”
Sitting in the quiet night, alone, with you in his embrace? Yes; Regulus thought this felt very wonderful. 
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izvmimi · 2 months
cw: smut. both of you are inexperienced. handjob and cunnilingus only. fem!reader. reader has vaguely specified magic.
I want to do all the things that make you happy. 
Mash has a way of saying things that light a flame through your body from head to toe as though they are natural and hold minimal weight, as if the very idea of the man being at your service is a matter of fact, rather than a privilege you won’t easily give up.
It’s been a long road to making things official so to speak, converting the idea of friend into boyfriend, going so far as to having to use your magic to demonstrate the kinds of things ‘couples’ do. At times, it feels a little pushy and you wonder if you’re demanding too much of him, and that your next unexpected graze of his fingers might be met with recoil rather than softness. 
But when he holds your hand tighter whenever you reach for it, or rests his head on your shoulder; when he tells you how he feels, however serious or silly, you know that perhaps, at least for the time being, there’s something special between you. 
The only remaining matter is sex. Sex is something you’re hesitant to propose, particularly to someone who thinks of physicality only in the sense of battle or sport. You’ve laid awake many nights, conjuring images in clouds you think you could present to him to help better explain it, but your boyfriend is innocent like a child, and there’s no pure and demure way to tell him you want him so far up your center he needs a tour guide to come out.
But he’s told you, honestly and meaningfully, that he wants to make you happy, in any way he can. 
And so here you are, under the cover of night, letting him spoon you the way he knows you like, and wondering if he’s asleep yet.
“Mm?” His legs fold, the fronts of his thighs pressing closer to the back of your legs. Sleeping together was something you’d also proposed, and for now it truly meant sleep, with some cuddling, and he’s found that he’s good at that too, fond of nuzzling his neck in the crook of your shoulder and inhaling your scent. You turn around and face him, and he’s not asleep or even tired yet, but his eyelids are lowered as he watches you, gold catching the moonlight. He’s pretty like this, mouth closed, and watching, attentive and waiting.
“Are you sleepy?” you ask. 
“I’m okay.” His hand grazes your cheek hesitantly then falls back under the bedsheets. “You need me?”
You fight the urge to pull his hand back to your cheek, then muster the courage to say, “Yes.”
He doesn’t ask how, because he can tell that there’s the same need in your eyes whenever he kisses you and pulls back too quickly, or when you watch a movie with him and a scene is particularly steamy, forcing your legs to press together as you lay against him, wrapped in a throw blanket. Instead of inquiring further, he turns your face towards him and lets his lips press to yours, tongue slipping quickly into your mouth, pulling your leg around his waist. You breathe him in until you’re practically dizzy, panting by the time you’ve pulled away from him. You never go further than this, but tonight, nipples pert against the thin fabric of your pajama set, warmth flooding the space between your legs, you are selfish enough to ask for more.
“Mash, can I… touch you a little lower?”
His hand takes your wrist and presses it to his abdomen, letting your fingers trace over the ridges of his sculpted core. His voice is breathy as he responds to you. “Here?”
He nods and lets go of your wrist, letting you take the reins and have your fingers march slowly down, keeping heavy-lidded eye contact with him to make sure he’s okay. You travel to the soft hair of his happy trail, to the uncharted territory of his pubes and stop as he gasps, your hands reaching the root of his cock. 
“I-I can stop,” you say breathily. He kisses your wobbling lip, then smiles gently. 
“I don’t mind.”
Reassured, your hand closes around the girth of his cock, warm, thicker and heavier than you expected which makes your throat dry up and water just as fast once you start stroking. His eyes close as you pump his cock, leaning forward to suck kisses at his clavicle. He moans, a new sound that you haven’t heard, one that excites you and makes you hungrier for him - you pump faster, thumbing the pearls of pre coming from his tip, delighted in the fact that he feels good, you’re making him feel good, and soon-
He gasps and shudders, and your hands are now wet, sticky and he’s breathing heavily, looking at you again with a new hunger in his eyes.
“Can I repay you?” he asks, quickly, too eagerly. It’s all you want him to do, and your body arches as his fingers travel in the same way along your own anatomy, down the soft of your lower belly, past your pubes, lightly resting on your clit. There he lingers for a moment, and watches you for instruction. You don’t use the clouds you’ve prepared, rather you just whisper,
“Tap softly.”
He does, and he moves faster when you ask him to, slower when you do, the pads of his fingers surprisingly soft and careful. He dips his fingers in your warm center when you ask him to fill you, two teasing through your wet walls and curling, pressing up with gentle pressure against your front wall, the way you’ve guided him. Your stomach turns pleasantly as you careen into pleasure, and soon he’s up, straddling your legs, his other hand resting on your belly as he continues to move his fingers in and around your pussy. 
What shocks you, sending electricity down your spine is when he dips low and presses his mouth to it. 
“You, ah-” you moan and shudder involuntarily as his tongue replaces his fingers. “H-how do you…” your voice trails off as he continues to suck at your sensitive places, making your head rock back in need.
“I asked.”
The idea of him asking how to give you head should make you laugh, but you’re too busy letting your thighs squeeze around his head and hang off his shoulders. He’s doing a good job, it almost upsets you because perhaps you should have just asked earlier.
He’s still working your center and now he seems like he’s gotten a rhythm to it, lapping up the juices that leak out of you like sweet cream. His hands dig into your thighs and his hands slip under as he eats, lifting your lower body off the ground to adjust his angle. 
He’s quiet and intentional, trying his best to make your body feel the pleasure you so desperately crave, to wear you out so you can fall asleep peacefully in his arms and not worry about if you’ll ever receive a sexual flavor of love from him, or how he feels about you sexually. He likes you in all ways, even if you have decided that him not wanting you sexually is acceptable if you can have the rest of his tender love and care.
Your head spins as the last long lick of his tongue from clit to taint sends you over the edge and you tremble in his mouth. He lowers you down as you shake, content to watch you let pleasure wash over you, hot and pliable before him as he settles on his knees.
“Do you feel good?” he asks.
He kisses you as you nod, then settles beside you. He smiles to himself as he stares at the ceiling, his own hand on his cock again, stroking up and down. 
“You wanna try something else?”
And as usual, Mash shows you that in all things physical, he's a very quick learner.
And more importantly, he's very good at what he does.
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ronwestbreeze · 6 months
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you're gonna go far | 6
pairing: jake sully x neytiri x tsu'tey x fem!human! reader summary: a scientist arrives on pandora (unwillingly) a year after the exile of the rda. now she must deal with the likes of a clan leader, a great warrior, and a thanator rider. . . word count: 8.5k
read on AO3
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It was a little difficult to get out of bed that morning.
One of those days.
Long and exhausting. It was challenging to get stuff done. You knew things like this wouldn’t just go away instantly. But you hoped that maybe…
It wasn’t too bad like before. You were able to think about the chores that had to be done later in the day and pushed yourself out of the bedroom.
So you went through most of the day barely existing. Norm was the first to notice your slight change in behavior because he began trying to joke more with you—no matter how bad they ended up being—and tried getting you out of your head. And you were thankful for that. At least that’s what was different this time around. You weren’t entirely alone nor held up in your room.
That was progress, right? You honestly couldn’t tell. Sometimes you felt like you were still stuck, that you weren’t moving forward. Or getting better. At least back to what you used to be.
Yet, you’ve been this way—asleep—for so long that you have forgotten what you used to be like. You forgot when the last time you smiled. You forgot when you felt the most happy or any other emotion besides anger and grief.
You wondered where that part of you went. Some days you went searching. Other days you somberly accepted that it was a part of you, that you were never going to get back.
At some point, you figured it died along with your mother.
“You want me to check on the baby today?” Norm asked you as you were getting ready for your link for the day.
You shook your head as you sat on the link bed, “No, I’ll be fine. Just one of those days, you know? We all have em’.”
He frowned when you shrugged it off or appeared a little too nonchalant about it, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Thanks for offering though.”
“Anytime, Doc.” He gave you a pat on the shoulder, while watching you particularly closely, “Just tell me you need a break. Don’t push yourself, okay?”
He was nice. You needed something like that.
Neytiri noticed it too.
While the two of you were in the garden that day, Neytiri had been saying words in Na’vi for you to repeat. And you did it, not perfectly of course, but you managed. It was just that you didn’t take in any information. Not in the way she knew you to.
You had a certain look that told Neytiri you were hanging onto her every word, whenever you were learning something new from her. Eyes slightly vibrant with curiosity.
That look wasn’t there today. Instead, in its place was a dullness and lifeless sort of unfocused gaze.
Your ears were low again.
Neytiri didn’t know when she became so attentive to your moods or facial expressions. So much so that she could tell when you were somewhat happy and really, painfully sad—
You were just easy to read in this form.
Yes, that was it.
“What is wrong, tanhi?” Neytiri eventually asked because she didn’t completely despise you so much to ignore your change in mood.
There was a twitch in your ears when you heard your name being called. You looked up from the newly planted mushroom seeds you had been mentally counting at Neytiri to find her staring at you expectantly. “Huh?”
She rolled her eyes, “You are not listening. I know you are distracted. What is wrong with you?”
You cringed at yourself for allowing yourself to get so distracted by your swimming thoughts. Drowning in them as usual. “It’s nothing. Just have a lot on my mind.”
But the answer did not satisfy her. Neytiri shook her head, “Sky People are always hiding their feelings. You are doing that. It is okay to be sad. It is natural.”
“I’m not hiding it—” You sighed, turning your gaze back to the mushroom seeds. “It’s just one of those days. Maybe—Maybe today I am sad. I could barely get out of bed and tomorrow it might be worse—what are you doing?”
You watched as Neytiri got up and moved behind you. A second later, you feel a brief tugging at your hair until it became loose from your short braid. “If you want to learn our ways, then you must take care of your hair. I look at it and it is a mess.”
“It was in a braid before…”
“I did not like it.”
With that, she got up again and trekked back into the forest. You watched her go in bewilderment at the sudden change of conversation and attitude from the Na’vi woman. You had no idea what had come over the woman or what made her suddenly leave, but you didn’t focus on it for too long. The confusion and startlement you had was enough energy to continue planting the rest of the mushrooms. You didn’t bother putting your hair back into a braid, not wanting to spend time threading through the thick strands until your fingers were too sore to complete your job. And the last thing you needed was something stopping you from finishing this one simple task—
A splash of cold water was suddenly dumped onto your head, leaving you soaking wet.
And terribly pissed.
You snapped your head behind you to find Neytiri placing the leaf down next to her—which was glistening with water. The same water that was now spilled all over you.
“Hold still.” Neytiri hissed at you as she ran her long fingers through your hair.
You grumbled but reluctantly listened, still confused and a bit pissed at what was going on. And for a while, the two of you remained there. You, sitting on the ground still counting the seeds quietly to yourself while Neytiri stayed behind you. Braiding a few strands of hair.
It was then you realized just how different your hair was from the way it was in your human body. The hair length was very similar to how you used to wear it when you were a teenager. You wondered then just how old this avatar body was.
Once she was finally finished, she crouched down in front of you to get a better look. Her yellow irises scanning your face and her work. Tucking rebellious strands behind your ear, patting down some of the fuzziness, and making sure the braid was visible around your face.
You watched her quietly. And soon, when she was done obsessing over your hair, she watched you too.
It wasn’t the way you and Jake watched each other. This—this had something different about it.
Time was an illusion here. Trapped in her yellow gaze. You hadn’t realized you had been staring for so long—nor did you realize you had briefly glanced at her lips—until a sudden sound from the forest pulled the both of you out of this strange trance.
And once you snapped to your senses, your body quickly reacted. You shot to your feet and cleared your throat, “I gotta check on the avatar now.” You didn’t meet her gaze. “I’ll see you.”
Before she could stop you, you already scurried off. Stopping once you were far enough away out of her sight.
Stopping when you felt a new pair of eyes watching you rather closely.
You glanced around the forest surroundings as you approached the longhouse with a frown until your eyes locked on another pair of yellow eyes. Severe ones.
Tsu’tey was in the trees further away but enough for you to see him watching you, even when you caught him doing so. He did not look away from you. Narrowed eyes and that scowl resting on his angular face.
For a moment you wondered what the look was for. You wondered what he could yell at you about this time, even though you listened to his demands and had stayed away from the Omatikaya territory.
A scared part of you wondered if he had seen you and Neytiri just now.
Nothing happened. But still, it would give enough ammunition for him to verbally attack you. Hate you even more possibly.
Except there would be no battle today. As Tsu’tey disappeared within the trees without a word.
You were confused but relieved at the same time.
Dealing with an angry clan leader was not on your to-do list. Nor were you properly prepared for it.
After watching the trees in silence, you eventually went inside.
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Neytiri watched your retreating figure with a frown, her heart…shifting—only a little bit as you disappeared. Her gaze then moved toward the trees, the area where the sound had come from before. And with an irritated frown, she got up and stalked toward the area.
They were still there. She could feel their eyes on her as she went further into the forest. With a hiss, she glared at the trees, “Come out. Enough hiding!”
Just a little bit above her, a few feet away a familiar warrior snaked out of the bushes and seated himself on the large branch with his usual expression he wore whenever he was away from their shared hut.
Neytiri frowned up at Tsu’tey, “You are watching me.”
“I am watching her.”
After a beat and a quiet sigh, Neytiri climbed up the tree and joined him. Despite his very sour mood, he tugged her close to his side as they sat together. On the branch, they had a good view of the Avatar Compound. A few dreamwalkers were running about but none of them seemed to bother Tsu’tey as much as you did. Neytiri could easily tell with how he kept glaring at the longhouse, the same place she always watched you disappear in whenever you left your false body.
“You have been spending time with her,” Tsu’tey stated more so than asking. There wasn’t much to hide, they both knew Neytiri spent some of her free time visiting you. Only when Tsu’tey or Jake are busy with their duties and she’s finished with hers before the both of them. “I do not like it.”
“She has done nothing.” Neytiri reasoned.
“And what did I say if she does? I would kill her myself.”
As she said this, Neytiri felt a certain wavering in her heavy words. Like a part of her didn’t believe it anymore.
She rested her head on his shoulder, hugging his arm with a content sigh, “But I cannot ignore what the Great Mother has shown me. She has stopped my bow before and now she’s done it a second time. Do you not think it means something, yawne?”
In the corner of her, she watched as his jaw tightened, his features becoming particularly focused. “I do not trust this.”
“You do not trust the Great Mother?”
“That is not what I mean.” He corrected her calmly. Neytiri knew that Tsu’tey, like any other child of Eywa respected her and trusted in her signs. Always had. That was how he was raised. And she knew he wasn’t about to abandon that because of one demon.
But his words were still reluctant, “I do not know where our Great Mother is leading us. I do not know why she wants that demon spared—when she is just like the rest of them.”
Neytiri considered his words, “Perhaps she is like Jake—”
“There is only one Jake. And she is nothing like him.”
She made a sound of disagreement but didn’t push further on the subject. She noticed how tense he was, how tense he had been for the past week. She wondered then if he was truly upset by this or if there was something more to this quiet anger he so carefully restrained. Of course, his hatred for the Sky People was no question.
But Neytiri knew Tsu’tey.
Skin and bone. Heart and soul.
She knew her mate. Not only as a mate but as a friend. They had grown up together. Along with her sister, Sylwanin. There was nothing he could hide from her even if he tried.
“She may not be like Jake. But clearly, the Great Mother has chosen her for a reason. My mother even allows her to stay—I believe it is time you seek the answers.”
Tsu’tey scoffed but didn’t brush her off. Instead, he leaned in closer, allowing his hand to rest on her growing stomach. “You will be a great Tsahik.”
“Not as great as my mother. Nor my sister.”
Tsu’tey shook his head and cupped her cheek, “You will be great, my beautiful heart.”
A soft smile tugged at her lips only to falter when she noticed how exhausted he truly looked. How close he looked to breaking but hiding it. He could never hide it well from her. Nor Jake.
She then took his face in her hands and whispered soothingly, “What is it, my love?”
Knowing that there was no point in denying a response—knowing that Neytiri would not stop until she got what she wanted—Tsu’tey turned away from her to stare back at the compound.
“The Tipani clan are becoming reckless. They already do not like the Sky People that have stayed—but now that the demon has come, I worry they will begin to take matters into their own hands. I worry…that our clans will begin to clash.”
Neytiri took his hand in hers and pressed a gentle kiss onto his knuckles, “If it comes to it, I will stand by you. Jake will too. But I also will ask you to speak to our Great Mother about your troubles.” She caressed his exhausted lines with a small frown, “I worry for you, Tsu’tey. I do not want you to take on this task by yourself. You have Jake and I to be with you. That is why Eywa brought us together.”
Right then, he seemed to consider her words. His gaze was still unfocused while staring at the longhouse. A silence settled between them.
“Eywa has created this new path for us.” Tsu’tey mused. “Somedays I wonder if it will lead to something good in the end.”
“Do you think it won’t?”
He was silent. And Neytiri didn’t push.
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When Tsu’tey went to the Vitraya Ramunong, the night had already settled around him. When he went to kneel at the tree, connecting his queue to one of the links, his prayers were silent. But his questions were clear. His intention was pure to the Great Mother.
What does it all mean? Guide me, All Mother.
So when a single atokirina flew away from the tree, Tsu’tey took to following it both out of curiosity and apprehension. The Great Mother’s answers weren’t always clear. If anything, her signs only led to more questions.
So, Tsu’tey wondered. He wondered if this would lead to any more answers.
Or just more unwanted questions.
Tsu’tey rushed through the forest, never losing sight of the spirit. He kept going and going until he was nearing the Sky People’s base. Until the trees suddenly became familiar. Until the grounds he had seen many times before unwillingly began to appear around him.
But his body never stopped moving. He never stopped following it. Too desperate for answers. Too desperate, too yearning.
Oh Eywa, he was yearning.
And then, and then, and then.
And then he was staring down at your still false body.
It was strange. Seeing no life in your face. Tsu’tey had only seen your false body from far away, but now seeing you up close. You looked so different yet the same as your human form.
Why was he here? Why did the spirit bring him to…
His vision rippled. Your body morphed from your human form to your false body—impossible.
And then he woke up.
Tsu’tey finally realized where he was. Instead of standing in the middle of the forest chasing an atokirina, instead of standing over your false body, he was back in his hut. With his mates sleeping next to him. With his son cuddled between both Jake and him. With Neytiri hugging his waist from behind.
A dream. It was only a dream.
But why you? Why you?
“Yawne?” Tsu’tey breathed out a sigh and looked over his shoulder to find Jake shifting out of his sleep, looking at him through heavy eyelids. He sat up a bit, careful not to disturb Neteyam’s sleep as he did, “Another nightmare?”
Tsu’tey hesitated—considered the question. The dream he just had. Was it a nightmare?
“No. I am fine. Go back to sleep, my love.”
Jake didn’t look entirely convinced but eventually lied back down. Usually, it took a while for Jake to fall asleep, so Tsu’tey lay back down, adjusting Neytiri’s arm around his waist and squeezing his other hand on Jake’s shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jake asked, his voice deep and sluggish.
Tsu’tey nodded, and tucked his nose into Neteyam’s cheek as gently as he could, “I am now.”
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It took you a little longer to get out of bed the following week. But you managed. You watched a few more of your mother’s logs and even some of the other ones still in the system.
Dr. Augustine. Norm. Some guy named Quaritch. And then there was Jake Sully.
As a human.
You paused the video to examine his face. You suppose the traits matched his now blue form. The only difference was that instead of his longish dreads, he had a buzz cut in the video. And a tattoo poking out of his short sleeve shirt.
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget his face for the time being.
You also tried not to think about the fact that Neytiri hadn’t been back for about a week now. Which was normal. You didn’t overthink it. Especially not after that moment—
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget your thoughts about her.
Then you remembered Tsu’tey. Him watching you so closely. You hoped he didn’t see you and Neytiri. Frankly, you weren’t sure what would happen if he did know.
He’d kill you. That’s for sure.
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget all three of them.
When you finally got out of bed, you continued with your regular schedule and tried to think of literally anything else. You tended to your garden by yourself and continued checking the baby.
There was a bit of determination for yourself, to keep moving. To not stay in one place any longer or else you’d be stuck.
And you weren’t sure if you’d make it out if you did.
Jake continued visiting the tank room whenever he could.
Today was one of them. Only this time you made it before he did.
“How’s the baby?”
You glanced up briefly from your notes, “Healthy. It might be because Na’vi babies might grow faster in pregnancy—judging by that we might have a couple more months before it’s born.”
Jake nodded, his face serious, “Anything else?”
For a brief second you didn’t respond, too caught up in your thoughts until you realized he had asked you a question. Jake tilted his head, brows furrowed at you.
You shook your head eventually, “No, everything’s all normal.”
He stared at the belly for a moment longer before he left. You were somewhat surprised at his quick retreat but didn’t think much about it. He was some type of great warrior, he was probably busy with something else in his clan. If it meant that the two of you didn’t have to interact much with him anymore or probably a lot shorter than before, then you were okay with it.
It seemed he finally took the hint.
All you could do was keep moving.
Jake came again the next day.
This time around you brought out the ultrasound.
He watched you and the machine intensely. You noticed and gave a sound close to a huff or a snort, “Nothing’s wrong with it. I’m just doing a thorough check-up today.”
A quick look of relief crossed his otherwise exhausted features, “Right, right, of course.”
Once you got the ultrasound running and connected to the avatar, you immediately found the heartbeat with the blurry image of the fetus appearing on the screen. It had grown considerably since the first time you saw it.
“There she is.” You mumbled mostly to yourself. The heartbeat was calming in a way, easing your usual tense muscles.
Jake perked up instantly, staring at you in disbelief, “She? It’s a girl?”
You glanced up at him briefly to find a soft expression on his face upon looking at the fetus. Neteyam—who you just noticed attached to his chest—sleepily snuggled closer to his father’s chest. When his head moved out of the sling, Jake held the back of his head, giving it support.
“Yes.” You gave a short nod.
Another look of relief flashed across his face, this time he didn’t try to hide it like before. A small smile tugged at his lips, “That’s—That’s nice. Amazing.”
In the corner of your eye, you watched him. That easy fatherly expression fell upon his face. How soft his smile was, for something that wasn’t even his. You weren’t sure what to think of it—no, you expected it. It was foreign. A father loving his child. To you at least.
You didn’t know your father. Nor did you have a father figure in your life. That type of love was unfamiliar to you.
Love itself was a foreign concept that you could not yet grasp. The only time you could truly say you experienced something close—similar to love—was with your mother.
And if love was like this—heavy. Leaving you…like this.
You weren’t sure you would want to experience any type of love ever again.
“You sure you’re ready to take on another?” You raised your brows, not looking up from the belly.
Jake looked at you, “Do you care for my answer?”
“I am watching over her. I suppose I should make sure she is left with somewhat tolerable parents—that is, if there aren’t any problems with her when she’s born.” You hummed, rolling your eyes at the sudden look of worry on his face. “Relax, that’s the standard check-up of any baby—well, I don’t know how different it will be compared to human ones.”
A beat went by before he finally answered, “I wouldn’t be honest if I said I wasn’t nervous. What new parent isn’t?”
The rest of the session was just the two of you, sitting in a somewhat comfortable silence. Comfortable for you because you were able to ignore him without any problems. And Jake wasn’t being too talkative or apologetic, which was a plus. But he was noticeably less hostile toward you as the time went by. Showing that he was taking the truce quite seriously and keeping his end of the bargain.
In other words, the truce was possibly the best option for you both. You could work in peace without being hammered or interrogated. And Jake would continue his visits without any problems.
You still didn’t like him. And you were sure the feelings were mutual.
But things were becoming easier.
And sometimes you like easy. Just as much as a challenge.
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There was a part of him that was curious. Jake didn’t understand it. He didn’t understand Neytiri’s easy trust in you but it only made him more curious as he kept coming to see the baby.
Of course, you were guarded and curt around him. And he was quite the same but that didn’t mean he wasn’t at least a little bit interested in why you were so important to their deity.
So many questions.
A part of him wanted to ask Eywa himself—he wasn’t much used to praying to her but he would now and then out of respect for the People. If he asked, he would possibly gain an answer—which was incredibly rare—or he would gain more questions, which was the more common response.
So, Jake took to finding things out for himself. Even if it meant doing it the hard way. Even if it meant getting his head out of his ass and finally putting things into perspective.
Jake Sully was willing to at least keep this tolerable relationship with you going. Keeping this stable cord steady. You weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. It was time he had to get used to it. It was time for him to get over himself.
And he was willing to show that he did want something different. That he was ready to change, to finally understand you in a way.
But you still didn’t like him. Which was fine.
He didn’t like himself all that much either.
Another week went by and Neytiri still hadn’t come back. Surprisingly, you found yourself missing her. And when you began missing others, you got angry.
Since you didn’t feel like going through that process again, you resolved yourself to thinking that she must’ve gotten busy with her clan. Or grown tired of watching over you and your depressing personality once she realized that you weren’t a threat to her clan.
That must’ve been it. That’s what you chose to believe at that moment.
One day at a time.
You moved forward. Because you had to.
Throughout the week you focused on your work tending to the garden, checking on the baby, and even taking on more responsibilities around Hell’s Gate.
Sometimes you’d help Dr. Patel in the bio labs, other times you went with the other avatars to train your body. There were also days you would help Norm pack different human items he’d usually bring for the Na’vi children of the Omatikaya Clan. You, of course, never ventured too close to their territory whenever you went with him to drop off the items. You’d either stay in the ship you flew in or stay at the base as he left on his own.
Jake still kept coming around but his time there became shorter and shorter with each visit. Again, you didn’t bat an eye. You welcomed it and continued with your work.
Toward the end of your busy and long week, you woke up with a start when a blaring sound struck your room. It had to have been the middle of the night as you looked around frantically, only to realize the sound was coming from your tablet.
Quickly, you grabbed it to find the alarm was the system alerting you something was wrong.
And the problem was coming from the tank room.
You stumbled out of your bedroom and dashed through the long halls until you finally ended up in the tank room. Not caring that you were probably making a bunch of noise in the process.
When you got to Augustine’s tank, your heart sank when you found Grace’s avatar was violently twitching with the lights inside of the tank blaring a red.
“Fuck!” You hissed as you immediately checked for the problem.
The first thing you checked was the avatar itself. Her heart and the baby’s were fine but the avatar’s was slightly elevated, probably in response to whatever was happening to the machine which was the next thing you began to check.
There you discovered that something in it was malfunctioning. Throwing the liquid temperature off, the placentiums weren’t giving any more nutrients like they were supposed to. Whatever was going on, you didn’t have time to fix it or the machine.
If you wasted time like that more damage could be done and you weren’t going to risk that. Especially when the baby was in there. Especially when the baby could receive the worst of your mistake. Of this malfunction.
So, you worked fast.
You searched the room for an empty tank—which you were able to find and rolled it over next to the one Dr. Augustine’s avatar was in. You pulled the empty tank open just as Norm and a few other scientists entered.
“What happened?!” Norm questioned hastily.
Quickly, you jumped down from the empty tank and rushed toward Grace’s, “It’s malfunctioning. I don’t know why but we have to move her.”
Thankfully, Norm didn’t ask any more questions. He ordered the other scientists to help you.
You worked quickly. Draining the rest of the liquid from the tank, carefully moving the avatar—this required multiple hands—until you placed it in the new tank.
“Track her heart rate.” You ordered one of them.
A second later, a woman responded, “Stable but its body temperature’s dropping fast.”
By the time she said that you closed the tank. “Norm, fill it up.”
You jumped down, grabbed the heart monitor from the female scientist, and watched the lines closely. The tank was nearly filled up as Norm came up beside you.
Along with the heart monitor, your heart pounded through your ears as the tank finally filled up. You gave the monitor to Norm and went to adjust the temperature back to the usual settings.
When the blue lights came on it felt as if the room breathed a huge sigh of relief. You took the monitor back as Norm hummed, “Lucky you were the one to get here first. And quick thinking too—do you know what went wrong with the other one?”
The rest of the scientists poured out of the room as you slowly shook your head. “I don’t know. I couldn’t waste time, Spellman. Not when it could’ve risked the baby.”
Norm nodded and patted your shoulder, “You’re right. Good work, Doc.” He moved to the other side of the tank with a thoughtful expression. “You want me to stay and help with anything else?”
The lines on the monitor were stable, which brought you some sense of comfort. And yet the slight panic remained. “No, no. I’m good here. You can go back to bed. I’ll finish up here soon.”
“Okay.” Norm eventually moved toward the exit. “Get some sleep, Reeds. I’m serious.”
You nodded without looking at him. “Yeah, sure. Goodnight.”
“Good morning.” Norm corrected with a tired grin.
With that, Norm left. You breathed in a steady breath before grabbing a chair from the corner of the lab and sinking onto it. The monitor was kept nearby, the heart rate melodic in your ears as you set your tablet down on your lap.
For a while, you studied how far along the avatar was. It had been a good couple of months since you first discovered the child—which left her at about twenty-four to twenty-seven weeks at least. That’s not even counting when she first got pregnant. But compared to a human, the Na’vi pregnancy went by a lot faster, which also confirmed your theory.
Or maybe your perception of time was fucked up with how distracted and busy you had been.
Was that why the malfunction happened? Were you too distracted to notice any faults in the system during your usual sessions? What did happen?
You contemplated this for a while. Until your mind became hazy and your eyes droopy. At some point, you fell asleep next to the tank because there was no way you would leave the fetus’ side at that point. Not after all of that.
It felt as if your eyes had been closed for only a couple of seconds before you were suddenly jolted awake to find Norm standing over you.
“What happened? Is it the tank again?” You instantly asked, turning to check on the tank.
“No, no, no—the—she’s fine!” Norm quickly assured while easing you back into your chair. “I thought I told you to get some sleep.”
You stared at him for a beat, both a tired and an annoyed expression easily falling upon your face. “Well, I assure you I certainly wasn’t sitting with my eyes closed just then.”
Norm winced, “Sorry. I thought you’d want to get in your own bed before Jake gets here.” He rubbed the back of his neck as you got up from the chair. “I had to tell him what happened—he’s flying over now.”
“That’s fine.” You grumbled. “I can stand just one day in the same room with him. Besides, I should probably figure out what went wrong with that tank.”
Norm nodded, “Okay—uh, should I be a mediator for the both of you or..?”
“Oh, please.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s not like I’m meeting their clan leader.”
“You really need to try and get along with him.” Norm chuckled with a shake of his head.
You scowled, “Are you going to keep yapping in my ear about it or be useful?”
“Alright, alright, don’t an ass.” He strolled toward the doorway. “Jake’ll be here in fifteen.”
Once he left, you got to work again. You weren’t an official engineer but you knew a good amount of information from your training back on Earth. You hoisted yourself up and into the tank before you began taking it apart. You stood in it, trying to find out what exactly had gone wrong—while glancing at the heart monitor now and then.
Your brain was moving quickly yet hazily from the sleep. Eyes honed in on the mess of wires in front of you. So distracted by your silent questions and theories that you didn’t hear the incoming footsteps. Only the voice that followed after.
“What happened? Is she okay?”
“Yes, she’s fine.” You replied immediately, watching in the corner of your eye as he approached the new tank. His hair was tied back and across his chest was a leather strap that carried what looked like a machete. “It was just a malfunction with the tank. We were able to get her out before any real damage could be done.”
Jake frowned, “Malfunction? How the hell did you let that happen?!”
“Look, I don’t know.” You replied calmly, ignoring the twitch in your jaw. “I’m still trying to figure all that out. But she’s out of it and fine. Norm helped if that makes you feel better—”
“I thought you had things handled? What happened to that?” Jake scowled, his tone vicious.
“I do.”
“Then what the hell happened—”
“I already said I don’t know!” You seethed, glaring down at the group of wires now hanging from your hands. Somewhere in the back of your brain, you realized that Norm really did have to stand between the two of you. That this truce wasn’t stable enough. That the two of them were just too explosive. “The hell do you think I’m trying to do? Kill the baby?!”
You missed the way Jake’s face faltered slightly, catching himself. “No…No, that’s not what I—”
“Then get off my fucking dick!” You snapped, throwing a piece of the tank to the floor with a clatter.
All sound was gone from the room then.
This was the last thing you wanted to deal with. Being scolded like some child—like you already weren’t beating yourself up over this mess.
You sunk onto the floor of the tank and continued working. Because that’s what you were best at. Not conversations. Not people. Not love.
Work. It was everything to you.
Already you were mentally drowning Jake out, ignoring the fact that there was another person in the room with you. But eventually, you realized that there was nothing wrong with the wires. It must’ve been something else. Another theory down the drain.
Jake uttered your name at one point. And you ignored him.
There was a sigh followed by a short pause before he spoke, “I’m sorry.” You continued ignoring him. There was something about his apologies. You were just tired of them. “That wasn’t fair, you’re right. I shouldn’t have come at you like that—”
“Augustine’s avatar is over there.” You mumbled. “You can check on her yourself.”
There was another silence but you were too focused on what was in front of you to notice or care. You were so determined to ignore him and the sting in the corners of your eyes.
You didn’t like to cry. Especially in front of others.
Thankfully, you ignored him long enough until you realized you were finally alone.
After a while, you breathed out a tired sigh.
Fortunately, as the days went by there were no other problems with the new tank or baby, but it didn’t stop you from always double-checking everything after that close call. So much so that you didn’t realize how much sleep you were missing until Norm pulled you away from your work and forced you back into your room. Locked the door and everything just to make his point.
With the promise of Norm taking care of your work, you eventually allowed yourself to sleep for practically the entire day. Not without the tablet on the dresser next to your bed of course.
Even after catching up on some semblance of sleep, Norm still didn’t let you get back to your schedule right away. Which irritated you of course.
“I don’t want you in my garden, Spellman.”
He rolled his eyes, “And I don’t want you stressing yourself out. As your friend and colleague who happens to care about your well-being, I demand you stay away from the garden until you’re completely rested.”
You frowned at him, “We’re friends?”
“Shut up and accept my love.”
And he kept true to his word. Norm kept you away from the gardens, even the tank room. And made sure that the scientists knew how to keep you away as well. He covered all of his bases.
Damn him.
You couldn’t sit around and do nothing though. So, at some point you were so desperate you resorted to practically begging Norm to just give you something to do that would distract you throughout the whole day. You nagged and nagged and nagged until Norm finally gave in.
“There’s an old link shack north of Hell’s Gate. We’ve been thinking about restoring all of them around the area. But that particular shack’s connection is a little wonky. Maybe you could head over and restock the supplies with your avatar. Maybe even fix the connection while you’re at it.”
You nodded quickly, “Yeah, sure thing. I’ll get on that—”
“And don’t try to sneak your way to the gardens!” Norm added sternly, sending you a look over his shoulder while clicking away at his computer. “Plus, you won’t need the Samson ships. The shack’s not too far from here.”
With that, you went to grab supplies, such as med kits, weapons—one gun and a few stacks of ammo—blankets, Na’vi weapons, a hunting knife, and a bow with a few arrows. You kept the hunting knife to yourself just in case.
After getting all of this, you placed the bag of supplies in the compound longhouse where your avatar always slept when you weren’t linked. Once you got to your link bed and linked up with your avatar, you grabbed the hunting knife and the bag of supplies before taking off north from Hell’s Gate.
The sky was grey today with a few darker clouds on the horizon instead of the shimmering blue you were used to. A storm might’ve been coming.
Which meant you had to make this trip quick. There was no telling how bad these storms could get on this planet.
Similar to how you traveled through the forest with Neytiri, you took to the trees so that you’d have less of a chance of running into or disturbing any of Pandora’s finest. Hopefully, you had learned to be quiet enough to not draw any attention your way as well.
As time went by, the sky got darker. You followed the coordinates Norm gave you while slipping through the trees like the true shadow you were. Traveling and climbing through the trees got easier as you went. You had done it enough times with Neytiri that you knew what to do and how to do it. Albeit not perfectly, but enough to get by. Blending into the environment as best as you could.
You enjoyed it, the vibrant life and colors of the forest once again. Every time felt like you were taking in Pandora for the very first time. Every time felt like a huge breath of the freshest air. Here, you were weightless. You weren’t a scientist. You weren’t human. You weren’t an avatar. You were just were.
You existed here. You were real.
Truly this place was everything you dreamed of when you were younger.
Rain began to pour by the time you spotted the shack. It was propped up and well hidden in a large tree, with moss growing out of the sides, the entire thing looking like it hadn’t been used in a long time.
You slid down from a branch as quietly as you could and landed in front of the metal entrance. By the time you got the door open and crouched inside, you were soaking wet from the rain.
The shack itself wasn’t too small, which surprised you. It must’ve been made to allow avatars to be able to roam freely through here without too much trouble.
Once the door was closed, you sunk onto the empty cot in the corner of the shack and began unpacking the supplies. The med kit went into the cabinets above a wooden table attached to the wall. The blankets went on the cot. The gun and ammo went under the cot in a long black case filled with old and rusted weapons you had to throw out into the rain. You kept the hunting knife tucked in your shorts.
The rain kept going. It was relaxing. Stopping for a moment to listen. Smelling it through the cracked window next to the cot you sat on.
It was nice. You could stay here if you wanted. This could’ve been your new home if you didn’t have responsibilities at Hell’s Gate.
Lastly, you worked on the radio that sat on the wooden table—which you assumed was connected to the main base. So, for the next few minutes, you took your time messing with the radio. Listening to either ongoing static or barely audible voices going in and out. At some point, you messed with the wires a few times before Norm’s voice finally came through.
“Tomato. Tomato. Tomato.”
You pressed one of the buttons, “Hey, Norm.”
“Oh, Jesus! Reeds!” Norm startled. “Warn a guy next time!”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, “I just wanted to test if it worked. Clearly, I fixed it.”
A snap of thunder drew you away from the radio. Seemed like it was getting worse out there. You hadn’t realized how long you’d been out there until now.
Norm seemed to realize this too, “You gonna stay there and unlink?”
“Mmm.” You paused. “I’m gonna try bringing the avatar back.”
He sighed, “Alright, good luck.”
“Don’t need it.” You said as you got up. “I’m too awesome.”
“Whatever, Reeds.”
Another clap of thunder filled the air as you stepped out of the shack. Immediately you were soaked by how heavy the rain was.
Thunder continued to boom, making your skin jump every now and then. It was just terribly cold, making you start to run so that you could get out of it faster.
You ran and ran, and ran, and ran, and ran, only to realize just how much noise you were making and that the area was too unfamiliar to you. It wasn’t long until you realized how lost you were. It was just too dark to navigate your way back or recognize any familiar spots guiding your way.
With that in mind, you went toward the nearest tree and began to climb.
But your body was yanked away from the tree bark almost instantly as you were tackled down to the ground by a large weight. Your left shoulder exploded with vicious pain as if a bunch of sharp knives buried itself into your skin and continued to tear through it.
A strangled scream left your lips as the thunder clapped in the sky once more. You could barely see the creature but it was a dark, large beast. Digging further into your shoulder.
You hadn’t even seen it coming. You hadn’t been paying attention.
Now you might die because of it.
You tried shoving at it, managing to get most of its weight off of you. But the teeth were still in your shoulder. There was still pain. There was still warm liquid dripping down your arm.
When you moved your leg, you remembered the hunting knife in your shorts. Immediately, you dug into your pocket and found the handle instantly.
After that, you didn’t waste any time stabbing at it blindly and desperately. You did this, you kept going until more warm liquid covered your knife-wielding arm. You did this until the animal was limp against your body. Until you were able to push it off and scramble to your feet and run.
The pain was awful but bearable enough for you to run back to the shack at least. Mud was all over your clothes—some of it in your mouth. If anything, you probably looked insane right now.
You ran. Ran. Ran. Ran. Ran. Way too clumsy to be quiet. What’s worse was you had no clue where you were. And there was more shuffling coming from the bushes and trees surrounding you. If anything, you were probably throwing yourself further into the lion’s den.
It wasn’t long until a black creature suddenly came out of the bushes in front of you, causing you to stumble to a stop as it made its way toward you. Sleek and dangerous. Eyes locked on you.
Thunder boomed again. An identical creature came out from your right. Another on your left. Another. And another. And another.
Until you were surrounded. Until you knew there was no way you were going to make it out of this.
You kept your knife in front of you, trying to ignore the pain in your shoulder, the warm liquid running down your arm, the shakiness in your legs. You began to wonder how much blood you were losing with your energy slowly dwindling as time went by—no, it didn’t matter.
Damn it, you weren’t going to die here! Not like this.
“Come on!” You hissed as you pointed the knife at them. “Come on!”
They growled at you, closing in. Finally, one of them pounced toward you. With the knife, you slashed at it. At that, the creature cringed away and missed you entirely but that didn’t mean the others were going to try their luck.
Out of instinct, you stumbled back as two more tried coming for you. Your back hit a tree as you yelled and swung your knife wildly at them.
Only neither the creature nor your blow landed.
The two creatures were thrown to the side as another clap of thunder struck your ears.
Another figure emerged from the trees and rushed toward you.
Instantly, you swung the knife, only for it to be caught in an iron grip.
You screamed.
“Hey, hey, easy!”
It took you only a couple of moments for you to register the words and that they were coming from a familiar avatar. The last person you ever expected to be here.
Jake lowered your arm with a hiss. You blinked as another round of thunder rattled your ears.
The creatures were closing in again. Jake turned his back to you, hissing at them. His larger arm stretched in front of you protectively when one of them got a little too close for his liking. The creature hissed back
You watched warily behind him, still clutching the dirtied knife. Both of you exhausted and animalistic. Yellow eyes glimmering. One with warning and the other with desperation.
Jake looked terrifying in this light. Just as murderous and dangerous as the animals that surrounded you.
You remained behind him, trembling but glaring. Gripping that knife like your life depended on it.
There was suddenly more shuffling, more thunder, and the creatures then scattered.
You, dumbfounded by this, spoke shakily, “Why did they—”
Jake grabbed your wrist holding the knife.
“We need to move.” He said, dragging you forward.
The two of you ran in the opposite direction of the creatures. He hauled you up a tree before climbing up himself. “Is there a link shack nearby?”
For a moment, you wondered how he knew about the link shacks. You leaned on a branch both to catch your breath and because the quick movements left you a bit dizzy. When you couldn’t come up with plausible answers to your silent question you instead said, “I just came back from one. North from here—I don’t know how far it is.”
Your body leaned a little too far. Jake was quick to grab you in his stronger, more stable arms as he pulled you away from falling off the edge, “Hey, hey, Reeds, I need you here with me, okay? Just stay awake long enough until we get to the shack and we’ll clean you up.”
“I’ve...I’m losing a lot of…” Blood. Blood was what you wanted to say. But the adrenalin was wearing out. Your shoulder throbbed horribly. Exhaustion weighed you down and placed inconvenient black spots in your vision.
“I know.” He draped your good arm over his shoulder and kept you upright. “I know, we’ll get there. I promise.”
There was no arguing with him. You were soaked to the bone and in a hell of a lot of pain. Going back to the shack was your best bet in this horrid weather.
Jake continued to support your weight as the two of you followed the same coordinates leading back to the shack—or rather you haze inaudible directions of what you could remember from the information Norm had given you while Jake haphazardly followed.
Thankfully, the rest of the way wasn’t a long journey. Or maybe you just kept blacking in and out along the way, you didn’t know.
Jake and you stumbled through the door of the shack. He closed the door while you made your way to the radio with whatever strength you had left.
“Norm.” You tapped the radio while wincing. The pain in your shoulder was getting worse. Before now you had been tolerating it. “Norm, can you hear me?”
The static went on.
“Storm must be messing with the signal,” Jake said from behind you as he rummaged through the shack. “We should stay here until the storm settles—”
You rested your head against the small table, the rest of his words becoming nothing but muffled noise to your ears. God, you’ve lost so much blood. And you were so tired.
For a moment, just for a few seconds, you wanted to sleep. Only for a moment.
A larger hand rested on the back of your neck, bringing you slightly out of your unconsciousness.
Jake kept calling your name. “Hey, where’s the med kits at? We need to work on your arm, okay? And I need you to stay awake. Can’t have you unlinking in this condition.”
Sluggishly, you nodded, “They’re in the cabinets.”
More thunder rolled by. Jake left your side briefly to search through the cabinets above you. You leaned back in your seat, staring bleakly up at the ceiling.
“How long do these storms last?” You asked.
The thunder responded with a clap.
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sorry for the long wait! hopefully it was all worth the wait. another 8k chapter, yay, that wasn't difficult to write at all lol! but now jake and reeds are alone in a shack. anything could happen....
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(i'm not adding anymore people anymore!)
taglist: @doggyteam2028 @bigbootahjudy @innercreationflower @n7cje @celi-xxmoon @readerofallthingss @sillyblues @squirtlebob @saturnhas82moons @1mawh0re @aprosiacperson @loserwithnofriends @garfieldsladybird @slutforsmut4ever @lik0
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dracoxsworld · 10 months
Can you do a fic where ron was jelly bc the reader was being too friendly to draco and had to show her who she belonged to ?
Hello friend! Thank you so much for the suggestion! I hope this is good enough for you :) I’m doing some requests as I prep the next part of arranged, I’m very excited.
WARNINGS: dom!ron x sub!reader, kinda rough sex ngl, jealousy, angry ron, p in v, oral sex both sides receiving, fingering, reader has female anatomy.
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photo edited by me :)
You and Ron have been together for quite a while. Everyone knew you were together, no one even questioned it. Ron liked it that way.
You were his and nobody could do anything about it. He had always had a slight jelousy for his best friend, Harry Potter. He always got everything he had wanted. Ron thought Harry could get any girl he wanted with ease. So when Ron met you and got into a relationship with you, he is never going to let you go.
This was his opportunity to show the school, his family, the world, that he wasn't Harry Potter's lame and single best friend, he had the prettiest girl in school on his arm; and he was particularly protective.
Some of your peers liked to use you to annoy Ron; or try to make him feel insecure. This of course, included Draco Malfoy. You were a tad naive to realize it. You were simply thinking he was just trying to be your friend. It started out as you both being assigned as partners in potions. Draco was well aware of you and Ron being together; and used that to his advantage. He’d flirt with you, constantly talk to you, all while Ron would watch, just thinking.
“So Y/L/N, what’re you doing after class today?” Draco asked, side eyeing Ron, who was seated with Seamus. (Not a good mix, by the way.)
“Oh! I’m not sure, I need to study for Transfiguration…I’m struggling a bit.” You said while chewing on your bottom lip, reading the inked-in instructions for the current potion you both were assigned.
“I can help you with that, you know.” Draco suggested. This had caught your attention, you looked up from your potions book and smiled politely.
“Oh, no I’m okay, I believe Ron is assisting me,” you declined, looking over at your red headed boyfriend; who was watching you both the whole time. His arms were crossed, his eyes were darker than usual.
“Are you sure?” Draco voiced again, stepping closer to you, sliding the potions book away with one hand. You got nervous, just before you could respond, Professor Snape announced that class had dismissed, and you’d have to finish todays project tomorrow.
You swiftly grabbed your bag and ran out the door, leaving some of your belongings on your desk.
You ran to your dorm room, feeling a sense of panic. You were hoping Ron wasn’t think you were engaging with Draco’s behavior, that you weren’t flirting back.
You shook your head at the thought. Ron knows better, you told yourself. He would never think I’d do that.
Does he?
You had opened the door to your dorm quickly and slid in and slammed it, locking it. You set your bag in the floor and flung your body onto your unmade bed. “Stupid Y/N. It’s so obvious he was flirting with you.” You mumbled to yourself, your face squished into your duvet. You sat up and looked in your body-length mirror.
Your hair was a bit of a mess, probably from you flinging yourself onto your bed. You ran your hands through your hair to make it look a bit nicer, and gave yourself a small smile of reassurance.
Knock knock knock knock
You jumped, and turned towards your door. “Please don’t tell me your name is Draco Malfoy.” You groaned.
“You’re damn right it isn’t.” Your boyfriends voice boomed through your door. It startled you, it was his voice but it sounded different. “Ron?” You fled out.
“Yes, open the door.” Ron demanded. You did as you were told and unlocked the door and peeked through. You saw your beautiful boyfriend looking down at you, looking not too happy.
You looked down and noticed he had the belongings you had left at your desk in his arms. Some potion bottles, your book, and some quills. You then noticed his knuckles looked slightly stained with red, and bruised.
You looked back up at him with your lips parted and eyebrows furrowed, still peeking through the small crack in the door.
“Are you going to let me in?” Ron asked impatiently. You nodded and let him in, closing the door behind him. Ron set down your supplies on your desk neatly. Setting the potion bottles up on their designated shelves, putting your quills in ink you had, and setting your book in your built in shelf in your desk.
He turned towards you and slowly walked up to you. You were picking a hangnail, unable to get even a sound out. “Draco has taken quite a liking to you.” Ron seethed. You shook your head. “I disregarded him, Ron. You know I’d never—“
“I’m not worried about you, pretty girl.” He specified, his hand lifting your chin towards him. You licked your lips, looking at his. He smiled down at you. “I’m going to show him that you’re mine, he’s going to hear you. He’s going to see you all fucked up from me.”
Your underwear was wet, your eyes widened and you rubbed your thighs together at his words. “On the bed, pretty.” He prodded you, pushing you towards the bed. You listened, wanting him to do whatever he wanted to you. To be honest, you loved it when he got this way. There was something about it that immediately turned you on.
He took off he belt, keeping his eye contact with you. You sat up on the bed, your eyes scanning him up and down. He took off his uniform pants, sliding off his shoes with them. He crawled on top of you, his hands beginning to fiddle with your button up shirt. “These bloody buttons-“ He grumbled before crashing his lips into yours, it was aggressive but loving all at once. It was demanding, you stood no chance of taking over. You let him have control.
He got fed up with your shirt at one point he just ripped it off, buttons flew everywhere. “Ron!” You exclaimed, breaking the kiss.
“Shut it, you have hundreds of those blasted shirts.” He spat. He kissed you again, harsher, and unclasping your bra. He threw it across the room carelessly, not taking any attention off of you, he pushed you back toward the headboard of the bed, putting you in his lap so you were straddling him. His hands were everywhere; your hair, your waist, the hem of your skirt, etc.
Ron’s fingers crept past your skirt, and they lightly grazed your clothed heat. You moaned in his at the feeling immediately. “You drive me fucking crazy, do you understand?” Ron mumbled in the kiss. You nodded, hardly containing your sounds of pleasure from his fingers teasing your soaking wet core, your panties still acting as a barrier. “I want to hear your response.” He prodded. “Yes Ron, I understand,” you whimpered. Ron’s hips grinded upwards towards yours, as his finger continued to tease your core still clothed.
“Please–“ you begged him in the heated kiss. You wanted him now, you didn’t care how. Ron broke the kiss, still teasing you “Please what, princess?”
“I want your mouth,” You pleaded, your face pink from embarrassment. “What a perfect idea, pretty. Only if you moan my name loud enough will determine if I let my pretty girl cum, how does that sound?”
You moaned, his fingers were still lightly touching you. You needed more, this wasn’t enough. You tried to grind towards his fingers more, and he immediately took them away. You whined, it felt like torture. “Don’t be a brat.” He demanded. He slid himself out from under you, so you were laying in the pillows and on your back, and flipped your skirt up into your belly. He laid on his stomach and inches himself close to in-between your legs.
He teasingly licked slowly up the inside of your thighs, making you moan his name, your hands in his red hair pulling it like reins. He hummed as he got closer to your core, with your now saturated panties. You felt lightheaded, this wasn’t fair, you needed him desperately more than ever. Your core was aching for his mouth. “Fuck Ron, please please!” You cried desperately. He finally complied, hooking his fingers under your soaked panties and pulled them off.
“My goodness, excited are we?” Ron teased, licking his lips. Your pussy was dripping, begging for him to clean you up. He went in immediately afterwards, slowly licking your core up and down. Focusing on each inch. In circles, his tongue went. He planted a few kisses, and went back to licking up your juices. You threw your head back and screamed his name, forgetting you both didn’t set a Muffliato spell. Oh well, Draco’ll definitely hear you.
He hummed as he ate you out, making it even more pleasurable. “Ron, fuck!” You moaned loudly, felt like you shook your dorm walls. You saw him smile and he was licking every inch. His tongue abused your hole, going in and out as his thumb played with your clit. “God, Draco wishes he could lick your cunt like this, fuck Y/N.” Ron groans
You felt a knot forming in your stomach, your legs were shaking violently. “Ron, I’m close!” You moaned. He immediately backed away. You moaned in frustration.
“Ron please, I can’t take much more,” you begged. Your boyfriend shook his head at you and laughed. he took your jaw in his hand “You’re going to earn it, you’re going to learn to not even look in Malfoy’s direction. Understood?” Ron demanded. You nodded, tears falling down your cheeks. Your core was dripping, making a wet spot on your sheets.
“You’re going to pleasure me” Ron announces.
You got up on your knees, which were very weak. Ron’s hard cock was easily visible in his boxers, he slid them off letting it free. He got up from the bed and stood towards the edge. You got on your stomach with your legs in the air and crossed behind you, taking his length in your mouth immediately, licking off the pre-cum.
“Fuck baby, you already know what to do.” Ron groaned, collecting your hair and making a ponytail with his hand, wrapping it around his fist. This made you groan in his dick, rolling your eyes back, but still staying stable enough. You pumped him with your hand and he guided your head, bobbing it up and down on his dick. He again, had a majority of control. That bastard.
His dick was hitting violently against the back of your through causing the urge to gag. You free hand was balled up in a fist with your nails going into your skin making crescent-shaped indents, trying to distract yourself from the urge.
“Take it, look at me.” Ron demanded, your eyes fluttered open and looked at him. “Malfoy couldn’t fuck your mouth this could, could he? Huh? You’re stuffed with my cock.” You made noises at his response, rubbing your thighs together. You shut your eyes again trying to focus on not orgasming right there, even with the absence of his touch.
“Eyes on me, I said.” Ron’s voice boomed again. You whined and opened your eyes agin and looked at him. He threw his head back, his mouth agape, “Pretty girl, I’m close,” He groaned, eyebrows together. You bummed around his dick, head being pushed on it up and down violently by his hands gripping your hair. His hand pushing you on his dick started getting off beat and sloppy, you knew he was very close.
You went faster and faster, ignoring the tears and sweat rolling down your face. You felt his warm liquid roll down your throat as his dick twitched and his loud moans were all you heard.
He hands gently ran through your hair, he pulled out of your mouth and looked down at you. His smile was wicked, but you still saw the love behind it. “On your back, on you go.” You excitedly complied. Your body was aching for him, begging him to fuck the shit out of you. you flipped your skirt up to expose your cunt, soaking wet from his sexual torture. Ron hovered over you, his arms on both sides of you, he leaned down and left sloppy kisses on your neck and collarbones, leaving bite marks. You moaned his name and begged for him to pleasure you.
“You’ve been patient enough, pretty girl,” Ron said sweetly, he likes himself up to you, and teased your slit with his cock. You whines and dug your nails into his back.
He entered into you, giving you time to adjust. You felt so full, so good. “Ron, fuck.” You whined.
“Pretty girl, you feel so perfect; so warm and tight, fuck.” Ron groaned into your neck. His pace was slow, it hit the right spot, he knew you so well. The room was full of your moans and the smell of sex.
Ron had sped up, the sound of your skin slapping together joined the sounds of pleasure you both were making together. His dick was hitting your g-spot like a arrow on the middle of a target. Over and over again. Meanwhile, he continued to leave hickeys on your chest, collar bones and shoulders.
He then sat up and tossed your legs over his shoulders, exposing you more. He railed into you, more aggressively now. Your eyes were full of tears from pure pleasure. The knot in your stomach was forming again.
“Ron, please– let me-“ You moaned, looking him in the eye.
“I am too, cum in my cock baby, come on,” Ron grunted.
After a few more thrusts, you both hit your point, both of you groaning simultaneously, Ron then pulling out and collapsing next to you. You both were covered in sweat, and each others fluids. Ron’s hands ran over his chest that was rapidly going up and down.
“Y/N?” Ron perked up, holding himself up by one arm, looking down at you.
“Yes, Ron?”
“I love you, you know that, right? I just can’t stand Malfoy talking to you like that..”
“Of course, Ron. I love you too. He’s not really interested in me, he just does it to piss you off, I think.” You replied, your hand on his cheek. He gave you a doubtful look.
“However, I should talk to Malfoy more often, that was quite fun.” You chuckled. Ron rolled his eyes at you, and gave you a kiss on the nose.
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onlyhereforthestories · 2 months
Bumpy History - Part 4 (Aitana x Reader)
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It was a hot, sunny afternoon, and the team had just wrapped up a particularly chilled training session. You were chatting with Alexia, your best friend on the team when you noticed Aitana sitting alone on a bench nearby, seemingly lost in her thoughts. Concerned for your now friend, you excused yourself from the conversation with the captain and made your way over to Aitana. She looked up as you approached, offering a small smile.
"Hey, Aitana, is everything okay?" you asked, taking a seat beside her.
Aitana hesitated for a moment before she replied, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about some stuff, sorry I’m a little in my head."
You could tell there was more to it, but you didn't want to press her. Just as you were about to change the subject, Alexia approached you both.
"Mind if I talk to Aitana for a moment y/n?" Alexia asked, her tone casual, but her eyes locked onto Aitana.
Aitana shifted uncomfortably, but you nodded, "Of course, Ale. What's up?" You took this as your cue to get up and leave, running to catch up to Patri who was about to head into the changing rooms. You weren’t even slightly aware of the conversation about to be had in your wake.
Alexia took a deep breath, something that only meant this wasn’t going to be an easy conversation and then turned to Aitana. "Aitana, I've got a question for you. I've noticed that you and Y/n have been spending a lot of time together lately, and it seems like you two have been getting close."
Aitana's eyes darted between you and Alexia. "Yeah, we've been hanging out more. She's a great friend."
Alexia raised an eyebrow, not convinced by the response. "That's good to hear, but I think there's more to it, Aitana. Y/n means a lot to me, and I want to make sure she's not just a passing interest for you. Are you serious about where things could be going with her?"
Aitana looked down at her hands, her expression pensive. "I... I like Y/n, Alexia. More than just as a friend, I mean. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to make things complicated. We are still new to the even getting on thing and I know that was my fault growing up, but I really don’t want to ruin this before its even really got started."
Alexia's demeanour softened as she heard Aitana's shy admission and subsequent rambling. She reached out and placed a hand on Aitana's shoulder. "Aitana, Y/n cares about you a lot too. I can see that. Just be honest with her. If you like her, tell her. You both deserve to be happy."
Aitana nodded, and her gaze met yours as you turned around to check on them before heading into your destination of the changing rooms. "Thanks, Alexia. I appreciate your honesty. I'll talk to Y/n."
After Aitana confessed to Alexia and the realization that she had deeper feelings for you than just friendship, she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep her emotions in check as easily any longer. She knew that she needed to think about talking to you and telling you honestly how she felt, but that still scared her to death. Even if she had realised it was true.
Training had been done and dusted for about an hour. You had managed to get home, change into some comfy clothes and start cooking lunch when your doorbell rang. You stirred the sauce in the pot one more time quickly before making your way to the door, slightly confused as you weren’t expecting anyone.
You answered the door with a friendly smile, but the surprise on your face was evident when you saw Aitana standing there. "Aitana, what are you doing here?" you were genuinely curious, you were sure you hadn’t meant to be seeing her again today.
Aitana cleared her throat, her nerves getting the better of her. "I needed to talk to you, Y/n. Can I come in?" You stepped aside, allowing her entrance into your space. Aitana followed you to the kitchen, where she took a deep breath and tried to find the right words.
"Y/n, I've been thinking about us a lot, and I realized that I can't keep these feelings to myself anymore," she began. "I like you, more than just as a friend. I've liked you for a while now, and I want to be honest about it."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you took a moment to process Aitana's confession. "Aitana, I..." you began but then paused, unsure of how to respond.
Aitana used your silence to continue knowing if she didn’t say this now, she probably never would, "I understand if this is too much to handle, or if you don't feel the same way. But I didn't want to hide my feelings any longer, I couldn’t. Seeing you every day from a distance didn’t let those feeling boil up too much and I could deal with them back then but now we are closer, and we talk and I get to see all of you I can’t not feel these things."
You could see the vulnerability in her eyes, and you appreciated her honesty. You took a step closer to her, closing the gap between the two of you.
"Aitana, I appreciate your honesty. I have felt that way about you for a long time but never thought this would happen because of our past." you admitted, your voice soft.
Aitana's eyes widened, and a hopeful smile tugged at her lips. "Wait, you do?" You had to giggle a little at the fact that she only really took in the reciprocated feelings part.
You nodded. "Yes. I didn't know how to bring it up either. I was also so scared to break the new friendship we had started as that was so much better than before."
Aitana's smile grew even brighter before she let a more serious look overtake her features. "I am sorry about all those years I was mean and standoffish; I think I got it in my head we couldn’t be friends or anything because we were so similar in playstyle. And you were just so pretty it was hard for me to hide that so I did the only thing I could think of at that age and that was be mean. If you accept my apology, I'd like to take you out on a proper date, Y/n?"
You couldn't help but smile as well. "I'd love to, Aitana."
It took a little while for you and Aitana to sort out going on a proper date, you had been having coffee and lot and taking little walks after training, but it had been hard to find some extended time where you were both free. You knew that tonight was a free night for both of you so you had plans for the date tonight, but Aitana had yet to tell you those plans.
It had sort of become normal for you both to meet for coffee in the morning of later training days like today, so you were headed to meet the woman you were definitely already falling for. Aitana had been all excited when she saw you walking into which you gave her a puzzled look until she produced two tickets with a grin. You looked at them and saw it was for the Barca men’s game that evening.
“I have booked somewhere for dinner first but then would this be okay?” The pure excitement in her eyes melted your heart more than you would ever say to her.
“Of course, you know I love Barca. Football is what brought us together, so I think this is the perfect first date.”
It had taken you a while to get ready but when you finally chose what to wear you knew it would make a good impression, the pants hung right around your toned legs and the blouse you paired it with brought out your eyes. What you weren’t expecting when you walked into the restaurant was for Aitana to agree with your choice quite so publicly. You walked through the door and took your blazer off just before the waiter showed you towards the table that Aitana was already seated at, as you approached the brunette her eyes took you in.
“Dios mi. You look incredible y/n. Jesus those trousers on you.” You giggled at her slightly flustered face when she realised what she said and just how loud she said it. But you thanked her none the less and mentioned how wonderful she looked in her black dress.
The both of you ordered your meals before you really started to converse. You both found it easy to talk and the conversation flowed effortlessly in the perfect atmosphere set by the restaurant. The meal took longer than anticipated due to you both talking through eating, so you were now rushing to get to the ground for kick off. Aitana had your hand in hers as she dashed from the cab into the crowds heading for the famous stadium.
As you both settled into the seats Aitana had gotten, you couldn't help but steal glances at said woman, you were captivated by the way she immersed herself in the game and atmosphere around her. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the fans screams and the players gearing up to kick off, you could tell football really wasn’t just a job to her.
You were loving the experience of watching a game with the enthusiastic beauty next to you, she would scream at every decision by the ref, get to her feet when Barca were close to scoring and sing along to the chants reverberating round the stadium. What filled you with the most warmth though was when shed pull you up with her or turn to you to explain why the ref got a call so wrong. The fact that she was involving you in what clearly was one of her favourite things just solidified for you that you were indeed falling for her.
You were so enthralled with watching her excitement you didn’t realise Barca had scored until your eyes caught the satisfied smirk on the brunette beauties face, you instantly turned away to hide the red cheeks you were now sporting but stood up to clap and cheer with her. As you sat back down you felt Aitana lean over into your space.
“Keep making eyes like that at me and we will miss the end of the match.” Your jaw dropped at that and the heat that had only really just left your cheeks came back with a vengeance, Aitana just smiled and winked at your reaction. You wouldn’t admit it to her, but her boldness was rather endearing.
Barca did win the game and you did watch it all no thanks to you and your wandering eyes and all thanks to Aitana and her kindness to pretend she didn’t know you were still doing it.
You weren’t sure what the future held for you or your growing relationship but what you did know was that you were open for the journey it took you on. As long as Aitana was by your side through it you didn’t care.
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flwr-sun · 11 months
hi c: do u think u can write a thing or headcanons about reader going into a store w hobie and when they leave the store hobie empties his pockets and reader sees that he stole all the stuff reader wanted 😭❤️ him being punk and all that anti corporation stuff but still romantic
hi anon! i LOVE this idea, sorry it took me so long to answer - i had two exams today! i hope you enjoy 💗
shopping with hobie 🕸️ atsv
“you know I’m against shopping, right? you’re just supporting capitalist organisations. i bet i could make half this stuff for you and it’d be just as good.” hobie’s hands rest comfortably in his jacket as he follows you around the store. as you pick up different clothes, he stands next to you, nodding his approval occasionally. “i like that one.” he says, leaning down to look at you as you pick up a t-shirt. “yeah?” “d’you like it? you should try it on.” the both of you continue like this for a while, a pile of clothes slowly building in hobie’s arms as he carries everything while you pick out more and more things to try. eventually you decide you’ve picked out everything you want and go to try them on, hobie waiting for you outside the changing room. after a while, you step out to show hobie how it looks, “hobie, i’m not sure about it. what do you think?” you’re wearing the first t-shirt you picked out, the one hobie particularly liked. “i think it looks great, it makes you look really pretty. it’s up to you though, yeah?” “you know what, it’s nice but i can’t afford it, maybe i’ll save up.” hobie smiles to himself, and you’re not sure why “why don’t i put it back while you try the rest on?”
soon you’re back in hobie’s apartment, and he’s in the kitchen making you both dinner while you read on the couch. you didn’t end up buying anything, but now have a long list of clothes you want to buy yourself when you next get paid. hobie comes around the corner, placing your dinner on the small table in front of you, “i have something to show you.” you turn to face him, looking confused. he heads back into the kitchen, bringing his jacket from earlier in with him. “what is it?” you ask, curiosity getting the better of you. “might’ve nicked you some stuff.” he replies while pulling most of the clothes you like out of the inside pockets of his jacket. gasping, you stand up to kiss him, unable to express your gratitude. as he pulls away, he smiles “i ain’t supporting capitalist organisations, but i’ll always find a way to make you happy, okay?” “wait - did you steal this for me?” hobie doesn’t respond, chuckling as he slips his arm around your waist, sitting down to enjoy your dinner together.
slang translation - nicked means stole
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chang-bunnie-bini-bop · 3 months
⋆˚。⋆˚ 𝙙𝙤𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 • 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣
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✰ words - 620
✰ pairing - stranger!chan x gn!reader
✰ summary - two fellow dog lovers meet for the first time...coincidence or no?
✰ notes - i wrote this in two hours cause seeing chan back home made me feel so happy, hope you enjoy 🤍
masterlist | requests open!
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“aish, minnie! behave!” you tugged on your dog’s leash once, but the small puppy kept trying to run in the opposite direction.
it was so weird. she had never behaved this way. she started straining at the leash harder, almost pulling you along with her. 
you finally decided to go the direction she wanted, curious as to her peculiar behaviour.
after walking for quite a while, it became almost dark out, and you knew you had to turn back before you lost your way. 
however, the second you tried to turn away, she tugged particularly hard on her leash, and you could feel your foot trip on a crack on the sidewalk. 
prepared for a painful impact, you cursed yourself for being so clumsy. you waited and waited, but then became aware of an arm fastened around your waist, holding you off the ground. 
you whipped your head around to view your strong-armed savior, and your eyes met with a very handsome man with beautiful facial features. 
you could feel you cheeks heat up in embarrassment, and you quickly straightened yourself out and apologized promptly. “oh, i’m sorry! i’m so clumsy…”
he laughed, and you thought you had never heard a prettier sound.  “that’s okay! what’s your name?” he asked kindly. 
you told him, and he introduced himself. chan. that’s a nice name, you decided. 
you realized that minnie had stopped dragging you around, and was now pawing at chan’s dog, who he introduced as ‘berry’. 
“i think my dog’s in love with yours.” you admitted, and he looked at you with a mild confused face. 
“she was dragging me in this direction and stopped when she saw your dog.” you chuckled, smiling fondly down at berry. 
“that’s so cute!” he squealed, clapping his hands together and cooing playfully at the two. 
you didn’t even notice that time had seemed to slow down, and your entire attention was on the man in front of you. 
“can i…have your number?” you blurted, and he looked at you in slight shock and amusement. 
you were quick to speak again. “you know, so we can organize a doggie playdate.” you grinned involuntarily at the end. 
chan’s entire face lit up, and he typed his number into your phone quickly. “so…it’s a date?” he joked. 
“mhm.” you winked at him, walking away with minnie while relishing in the sight of his red face. 
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you cautiously rang the doorbell, fixing your clothes and making sure minnie looked her best in your arms before the door opened. 
chan, clad in black pants and a grey shirt, looked so casual but so perfect at the same time. 
he grinned and greeted you happily, inviting you into his apartment. it was cozy and warm, and you were certain you could smell cookies somewhere. 
minnie immediately ran to berry, and the two started playfully wrestling on the floor while chan excused himself, walking into the kitchen and then back into the living room with a fresh batch of macadamia nut cookies. 
whilst the two of you chewed and talked about anything and everything, the time passed quickly, so quickly that you didn’t even notice the time as it became 11 in the night. 
you gathered your pup in your arms and walked to the door, said your goodbyes, and were about to leave, before chan stopped you. 
“wait!” he started, and you turned, raising both of your eyebrows curiously. he walked up to you, leaned in and pressed a small kiss to your cheek, sending your mind into a frenzy. 
“we should do this again sometime. having you around made me feel better.” he admitted, and you were absolutely sure your cheeks were bright red. 
“yeah, it’s a date.”
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masterlist | requests open!
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imfinereallyy · 11 months
@henderdads posted this about domestic fluff and I realize that I love this trope and I just don’t write enough of it, and I wanted to give her a little treat to read. Mostly because her tags when she reblogs on my post give me absolute joy, I laugh every time.
Two things might come as a surprise when getting to know Steve Harrington. The first being he didn’t actually like parties. He likes making other people feel good, wants to make them happy. Hence why for years, he lets Tommy and Carol wreak havoc on his house. It makes them happy and, for a short while, makes most of Hawkins High happy. Steve, in retrospect, has learned to regret this since he has now gained a reputation for being a party king, despite not throwing one in years, but he knows all too well how hard it is to let go of a high school reputation.
The second surprising fact is that Steve Harrington hated his birthday. Well, maybe hate wasn’t the right word, but he has incredibly low expectations for his birthday. Either everyone forgets his birthday, or somehow Steve is reminded that he is an inconvenience.
“Sorry sweetie, your dad has a business meeting that day.”
“Dude, I have a baseball game in that night could we do something another day?”
“I’m late! I know, we stayed up all night playing D&D. I even forgot to call Suzie!”
Steve isn’t necessarily hurt per se when these things happen. He knows that some people, more than others, are really trying. That it’s human to make mistakes. But Steve doesn’t like to get his hopes up; that’ll be much better than that.
There is also the more commonly now known fact that Steve doesn’t like being the center of attention. And birthdays come along with a lot of that. Sure, Steve wants someone to pay attention to him, really listen to what he has to say, but he has long since out grown the desperate need to have everyone look at him.
It is why it is such a surprise the upside down crew throws him a 24th birthday party.
Steve always thought something like this would upset him, but he is delightfully warm at the sight of all his friends, all of his family, inside Robin and Nancy's apartment screaming,
“Surprise, Dingus!”
Steve can’t believe she got everyone to say that.
After the shock of seeing them all packed like sardines wearing party hats, Steve can’t help but smile.
Eddie walks up to him, placing a hat on his head and a soft kiss on his cheek. “I tried to stop them,” Eddie whispers. “I know you don’t like parties, but they just wanted to show how much they love you. It was hard to say no.”
Steve turns to Eddie, a man who knows him inside and out and knows he can’t lie to him. “I thought I would hate this, but I don’t. It’s perfect.” He kisses Eddie on the lips, just as soft as the one before.
“Good, because I really didn’t try to stop them.” Eddie smiles into the kiss.
“Get a room!”
Various shouts across the room cause the couple to giggle and pull apart. Eddie flips them all off, “It’s been four years, assholes! Grow up.”
Eddie runs off to particularly chase Mike, who actually hasn’t said anything but did make a face, and Steve can’t help but be overwhelmed by joy.
Hours later, after the cake has been cut and the presents have been shared, and his kiddos are definitely way too drunk, the party doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. And Steve, who is having fun but growing antsy since he slowed down on drinking years ago, isn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
He doesn’t want to ruin the fun or make anyone think he didn’t have a good time. This is one of the best birthdays, if not the best one, he’s ever had. But Steve is getting overwhelmed and worn out. He isn’t really tired, but being social has reached its capacity for the night.
Even so, he can’t help but laugh at Robin as she tells a story about the most recent disaster of her sign language class, where kids keep accidentally swearing instead of the proper words.
Eddie catches his eye across the room; he looks happy as he talks to Hop and Wayne. But even mid-conversation, across the sea of people, he tugs his helix piercing over his right ear twice.
It’s their signal for, “Do you want me to come over?”
Steve rubs the scar over his left eye twice, “Yes please.” It means.
Eddie excuses himself and makes his way to Steve. “Hey, baby.” He interrupts Robin mid-rant, who makes a sound of drunken protest. “Did we feed Mrs. Pierson’s cat today?”
Another signal, which translates, “Do you want to go home?”
And Steve knows he can just tell Eddie yes, and they can stay at the party, and Steve will have fun, and he’ll be happy, but it isn’t what he wants. What he wants is to be at home with their own cat Beelzebub, snuggled up in their bed. So Steve says, “Shit, I don’t think we did.” Yes, please. Let’s go home.
Eddie acts quickly. They make their rounds, say goodbyes, and make their excuses. Everyone lovingly pokes at their forgetfulness. The couple insists everyone stays and enjoys themselves. Steve thanks everyone with individual hugs.
Steve and Eddie hold pinkies the entire walk home, down the streets of Indianapolis. The dark night blanket of night, and the never-ending sound of the city, keeping them safe enough to risk the intertwined digits.
When they make it home, they say nothing. They unwind slowly. Sharing kisses, delicately take off each other's clothes, hum into each others mouths. There is nothing rushed, or rough; they have time now. There will be moments for that later.
And in their journey from the front door to the bed, Eddie kisses the place where Steve’s shoulder and neck meet. It’s his signal for “I love you.”
Later, when they are tangled up in the sheets, heavy breaths slowing down, Eddie’s arms wrapped around him, Steve leans up and kisses the tip of Eddie’s nose. It’s his signal for “I love you more.”
Eddie’s smile back says, “that just isn’t possible.”
“Thank you for today.” Steve finally speaks out loud, playing with Eddie’s fingers.
“Oh, it isn’t over yet, baby.” And Eddie jumps out of bed naked, running out of the room.
Steve can’t help but cackle at his boyfriend's antics. There is a sudden thump on the bed; Steve peeks down to see their cat making his home on the end of their bed like he knows they are finally done for the night. “Hey, bee.” Steve scratches him behind his ear, earning a resounding purr from him. A little to the left, it means.
Eddie comes back into the room and dives back into the bed, bouncing Beelzebub but not startlingly him enough to move. Steve supposes he’s used to his father's antics. “Okay, I would tell you to close your eyes, but I know you’re not going to listen, so I’m just going to hand them to you.”
Steve giggles and grabs the pieces of paper in his hands and his heart stops. “Eddie.”
“Steve.” Eddie’s grin is wide.
“These are three tickets to see Madonna.”
“Yup.” Eddie pops his ‘p’ clearly proud of himself. “One for you, one for Robs of course, and one for me.”
Steve whispers in awe, “But you hate Madonna.”
Eddie brushes the hair out of Steve’s face, “Please, no one can hate Madonna.” Eddie’s eyes turn soft, “Besides, you love her, and you love me. It only felt fair to have us both in the same place. And you’d worry the entire time if I wasn’t there.”
Steve throws his arms around Eddie, squeezing him tight. Hoping he can translate how much he loves this man through it. Steve loves making other people happy, but no one has loved making Steve happy, quite like Eddie. “I love you so much,” Steve says once he leans back.
Eddie kisses the place where his shoulder and his neck meet. I love you. Eddie kisses the tip of his nose. I love you more. Finally, he holds Steve’s face and says aloud,
“I love you too.”
Was this perhaps inspired by the fact I turn 24 in a week and a half? Maybeee. I’m a lot like Steve in this where I have such mixed feelings about my birthday. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety about it if I’m honest, and I don’t have high hopes.
Unlike me, I don’t have a partner like Eddie, but Steve deserves the world and I wanted him to have some loving and domestic fluff. The idea that these two have secret signals is an important headcannon to me, and I would love to see others take on it.
I hope @henderdads you enjoyed this if you made it this far. It was a lot of fun to write. :)
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