#i’m so happy with this spread lmao I have so many in mind
damnedrainbows · 5 months
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A spread based on rps with @gctchell
Having no idea about Alastor’s deal and that Roo has masqueraded as Lilith this whole time, Lucifer and Lilith are baffled by Alastor’s terror of Lilith. Thinking he’s scared of her because she’s too sexy they keep trying to find ways to cover up Lilith’s sexiness (in turn scaring him more 😔)
Lilith appears as various little animals to try and gain Alastor’s trust and apparently the animals with make up totally on fleek hasn’t tipped him off yet
(Enlarge for better quality)
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gravehags · 2 months
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Rating: Teen
Tags: awwww look it's a pre-relationship fic just like old times, dinner party, reader meeting the papas, reader and copia being awkward little weirdos with baby crushes, papa nihil slander, references to other curator reader fics
Words: 3,784
Summary: Your very kind cardinal friend has invited you for a meal with three Satanic popes. Surely there's a proverb about this.
a/n: i had so so so much fun writing this lmao i didn't realize how much i missed writing them pre-relationship. my beloved nerds.
“Eh, signorina?”
“Fuck!” you yelp, dropping the stack of folders you were holding in shock. “Shit…sorry Cardinal. How do you move so quietly with all that fabric on?”
“M-many years of practice, heh,” he kicks himself for how stupid he sounds, wringing his hands while you smile kindly up at him as you stoop to pick up your papers.
“Teach me how some time? I’m always falling over myself. I’d love to have even an ounce of your grace.”
He can feel his ears burn as a dopey grin spreads across his face. She complimented you. Now compliment her back. Go on, say something charming, idiota.
“Dancing!” he half-shouts, making you jump. You fucking fool. “I…I mean I learned how…how to be graceful from dancing. Ballet. In my youth.”
You’re making an impressed face now which is worlds better from the look of terror you previously wore when he barked at you like a senile chihuahua.
“The Cardinal is a dancer?” you murmur, eyes glittering, “You’ll have to show me sometime.”
“Oh, it’s been years,” he blushes, “this old body doesn’t move the way it used to.”
He swears he sees your eyes flick up and down his form and a tiny smirk lift your lips.
“I don’t buy that for a second, Cardinal.”
Are you flirting with him? You turn to busy herself with organizing your folders but Copia can see the pink tinge at the tips of your ears.
“Do you like bolognese?” he says, once again loud and blunt. 
“My…my fratelli and I - the Papas that is - would very much like to meet you. A-and share a meal with you. If you are interested?”
Your mouth forms a little “o”.
“There’s more than one Papa?” you ask, cocking your head. 
“Sì, sì, there is also eh, Papa Emeritus I and Papa Emeritus II, known as Primo and Secondo, respectively. Terzo you already know,” he grumbles, and your lips twitch.
“Three Satanic popes and a Cardinal. Wow…life sure comes at you fast, huh? Never expected this from a job offer.”
“So…is that a yes?”
“No,” you say and Copia’s face falls, “I mean - shit - sorry! A no about the bolognese. I don’t eat red meat. But a definite yes for the dinner, I’d love to meet some more people here! You’re very kind to have invited me.”
“Ah,” he waves his hand dismissively, but a smile still curls his lips, “We don’t get pretty new faces around here very often. It would be our pleasure.”
It doesn’t dawn on him what he said until he sees your lips silently form the damning word and your cheeks light up. Shit, why couldn’t he be normal around you?
“Anyway,” he says, his voice going up a humiliating octave, “would you be available this week? Friday evening, perhaps?”
“It’s a date. I mean–” you look as panicked as he feels at your wording, “--a dinner date. W-with your…with the Papas. And yourself. Sorry, where should I meet you? I’m uh, still familiarizing myself with the abbey. This place is huge.”
“Eh, how about I meet you at your office and I’ll lead the way from there, sì?”
“Sì. I mean, yes. Is there a…should I dress a certain way?”
An image is conjured in his mind of you in a pretty cocktail dress, heels lifting your shapely calves and your decolletage on display—
He shakes his head to rid himself of the vision.
“Uh…dress in whatever is most comfortable. Undoubtedly Secondo will put you to work in the kitchen so–”
“Oh good,” you say, “I mean my culinary talents are uh…definitely lacking but I’d be happy to help and keep busy. Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop, and all that. Well…something like that anyway, I’m not sure if there’s a Satanic version. Anyway I am definitely blabbering on so feel free to ignore…literally everything that just came out of my mouth.”
You’re embarrassed. As if he couldn’t listen to you talk and talk and talk for eternity. He’s about to tell you something to that effect before his brain yanks him away. Bit much for only knowing her a month, fool. Instead he gives you a friendly nod, and bows slightly.
“I’ll eh, see you Friday then yes? At 6:00?”
“Sounds perfect. And…thank you. I don’t remember if I said it or not but thank you for making this place feel like home.”
He feels as if his heart is about to burst from his ribcage.
“Signorina,” he murmurs, “it is my honor. Ciao.”
“Ciao, Cardinal,” you say softly as he turns and exits your office. He doesn’t see the way you collapse into your desk chair with a dreamy sigh.
You’re going to be late.
As soon as your work day ended you hustled up to your apartment and began getting ready but it’s now 5:41 and you still have no idea what the fuck you’re going to wear. Half your wardrobe lies scattered on your bedroom floor (you know it’s going to make you insane when you return later that night but fuck you can’t remember what clothes you even own) as you stand in the center of the room in your underwear.
“Okay. Okay you’re going to meet three Satanic popes,” the sentence has a delirious laugh bubbling out of your throat. “Three Satanic popes and one…sweet…handsome…Cardinal. What is the correct choice.”
You eye a snug, knee length burgundy velvet cocktail dress to your left. You’ve been saving this one for a while - for a real special occasion. You would undoubtedly impress but…nah. Too much. To your right is a pair of mom jeans - you pick them up and give them a tentative sniff - acceptably clean. You toss the jeans onto your bed behind you. Okay now for a top. How about…ah! You spy a soft, dark green sweater in a pile and snatch it up. Cozy, comfortable, and practical. Perfect. As for shoes…your well-loved black Chelsea boots should do the trick. You look down at your watch.
Shit! Almost tripping more than once you jump into your jeans and pull the sweater over your head, tucking it halfway into your waistband. You don’t have the time or the patience to put any makeup on beyond a few swipes of mascara and a dark red lipstick and when you make it out the door with your phone and keys, it’s five to six. You briskly power walk the entire trip to your office and by the time you’re standing outside the door, you’re clutching your side and heaving for breath. You pray to whoever is listening that the Cardinal is a little late so you have a chance to compose yourself but before you can even form the thought–
You spin on the spot, trying to look as casual as possible.
“Cardinal!” you rasp. “Uh…hi.”
“You look lovely,” he says with an anxious little smile that gives you butterflies, “you’re glowing, signorina.”
“Thanks, it’s the sweat.”
You ought to be taken out back and shot like Old Yeller.
To your immense relief, he doesn’t look disgusted but instead seems to relax as if your odd faux-pas cuts the tension. Chortling, he gestures for you to follow him with a gloved hand.
“What’s for dinner?” you ask, as the two of you proceed down the hall.
“You’ll have to ask Secondo that, I have no idea what the maestro has planned for us this evening.”
“Sounds ominous,” you smile.
“Eh, sì. He is.”
Oh God.
“Your week has gone well?” Copia asks, adeptly changing the subject.
“Yes, just you know. Trying to make sense of everything von Schreck left me with. Can’t help but feel his presence looming over me whenever I change something he did. Did you know him well?”
“Not well, no. He was a quiet man, kept to himself. His eh, mind started to go, in the end. Became paranoid.”
“Ah. Explains his cataloging system then. If you can call it that.”
You realize you’re now in a wing of the abbey you’ve never seen before - a long hallway with a dark red rug running the length of it and arched doors. Copia stops at one that is open and gestures inside with a nervous smile.
It’s a kitchen. A very large, very well equipped kitchen with a massive island and high ceilings. There are three men standing inside it - you recognize one of them and the other two are staring in your direction. The tallest (and from what you can tell, the oldest) has a soft smile on his face. The other is also tall but broad where the older figure was slim, the overhead light glinting off his bald head. Terzo hops down off the counter, swirling a glass of wine and grinning. You’re suddenly aware of four pairs of the same mismatched eyes boring into you.
“Uh. Hi.”
The three Papas are on you like flies on honey in a snap, pulling you into the warmth of the kitchen while Copia removes his black biretta and wrings his gloved hands. With a shaky voice he introduces you to the two you are unfamiliar with and to Terzo he simply gives a hard stare.
“It’s an honor to meet all of you,” you murmur, smiling around the room, “Wow, three Satanic popes. I haven’t even met one uh…regular pope. Not to say you aren’t ‘regular’ or ‘normal’, of course. The Satanic versions are so much more interesting.”
There’s a pregnant pause.
“Do you drink?” the bald, mustachioed one - Secondo - asks.
“Please,” you sigh in relief. He gestures you over to the counter.
“What do you know about Italian wines, piccolina?”
Piccolina? You remind yourself to look that up whenever you manage to take a bathroom break.
“Uh, not much. That is to say…nothing.”
He smirks. You know immediately this man is a heartbreaker.
“I will teach you. This riserva is from the Ministry’s vineyards in Piedmont. Made from Nebbiolo grapes.” He pours you a generous glass which you swirl delicately in your hand before leaning in to sniff.
“Oh! I’m definitely getting…red fruits, perhaps cherries? Something mineral, like the way a damp cave smells. Hold on–”
You take a sip as Secondo watches you carefully.
“Wow that’s gorgeous,” you gush, “I didn’t smell the rose element but I definitely taste it. You said the Ministry made this?”
“Sì,” he nods, as he pours more into your glass, “I’m pleased you like it, you have excellent taste.”
“Oh, I really don’t,” you smile, “you’d cringe if I told you some of the swill I find acceptable. Particularly what I drank in college.”
He laughs loudly.
“What kind of self-respecting American college student drinks wine?”
“One from California, that’s what,” you smirk.
“Secondo stop hogging our guest,” Terzo calls from the other side of the room. “I want to see her pretty face.”
Secondo ushers you over to the small breakfast table where Copia sits with the other two Papas before leaving to fetch several wine glasses.
“Don’t you look bellissima tonight,” Terzo grins, and you blush as he gives you a very obvious once-over. That smile disappears though when he jerks violently, slamming his knee up under the table.
“Stronzino, that hurt,” he hisses at Copia, who has carefully schooled his face into a neutral expression. 
Huh. Wonder what that was all about.
You’re distracted by Primo softly saying your name and you turn to the older man with a smile.
“Are you enjoying life at the abbey so far?”
Ah. Well about that. You want to lie - to tell him everything has been smooth sailing but something about the way he looks at you instantly makes you want to be more candid.
“It’s um. It’s been…a lot,” you say, looking down into your wine glass, “The Cardinal is really the only one who speaks to me outside of Sister Imperator. I-I haven’t got out of my apartment much except to go to work. I’m a little self-conscious about exploring, to be honest.”
Primo gives you a gentle smile.
“Do you know where the greenhouses are, fiore mio?”
Fiore mio. Another one for the list.
“I think I know where the gardens are but I’m not sure if they’re nearby–”
“They are.” he says, “Sister Imperator…doesn’t have much use for an old relic like me. I spend my time tending to all that grows here. With some assistance from my ghouls.”
“Ghouls?” you ask, cocking your head.
He smiles.
“Ah, you haven’t met any yet, have you? Well I won’t spoil the surprise. I’m sure the Cardinal would love to tell you about them some time. Anyway, all this to say…please come visit me when you have the opportunity, sì? Ah, that reminds me,” he gets up and walks through an adjacent doorway to what you assume is the dining room. When he returns, he’s bearing a bouquet of vibrant pink dahlias in a glass vase.
“Oh!” you say, setting down your wine glass as Primo places the flowers on the table in front of you.
“For you, cara. To welcome you.”
You’re squeezing the meat of your thigh as hard as you can under the table to keep from crying but the tears well up in your eyes all the same.
“Thank you,” you whisper, and he reaches out to take your hand into his long, wizened one.
“Cazzo, are you making her cry, you old fuck?” Terzo grouses.
“Terzo!” Copia says with a sharpness you’ve never heard from him before. You’re not sure if it’s the wine but you’re definitely picking up on some tense vibes between the two of them.
“Uh, need help with dinner, Secondo?” you ask, trying to cut the awkwardness.
“Most of it is already finished but you are welcome to assist with the antipasti. Forgive the lack of aperitivo but someone forgot to pick up olives today.”
Secondo glares across the room at Copia, who turns beet red.
“That’s okay, I don’t like olives anyway,” you say cheerily. Primo groans.
“Ugh! Philistine!” Secondo snaps, making a sharp gesture, “Get over here and atone for your sins before I kick you out of my kitchen, piccolina.”
Now your face is red.
“Yes, Papa,” you murmur obediently as you rise from the table, missing the way the four men look at each other with raised eyebrows.
“Va bene,” Secondo says gruffly as you approach the island, leaning over to pour more wine in your glass, “Do you know how to toast bread?”
You give him a look.
“I think I can handle toast,” you scoff, setting down your glass. “Are we making bruschetta?” 
He favors you with a nod and a half-smile. A point in your favor.
“Here is the olive oil,” he says, gesturing to his left, “here is the balsamic. I have already diced the tomatoes and here,” he turns and opens the large refrigerator, coming back with a healthy amount of burrata, “is the cheese. Think you got it?”
“I…think so? Wait, do you have a grill for me to use or…”
He hands you a square metal pan with holes perforated in it.
“You’ve used a brustolina before?”
No, you have not used a brustolina before.
“How hard can it be? Don’t worry about me, please go sit down.”
He gives you one last sideway glance before snagging his wine glass off the table and joining his brothers. 
Ten minutes later, Terzo is standing on the breakfast table waving a rag in front of the aggressively beeping smoke detector as Copia looks as mortified as you feel.
“It’s alright, fiore mio,” Primo soothes as you sniffle, staring at the charred remains of what used to be several slices of sourdough bread.
“It’s toast. I cannot believe I actually fucked up toast.”
Copia scurries to your side and Primo steps away to make room. When your head thunks heavy against his shoulder he wraps an arm around you, making soothing noises. 
You don’t see Terzo thrusting violently into the air with a wide grin on his face, still standing on the table but you do see Secondo yank him down when he lets out an undignified squawk. The noise has you choking out a laugh, and you turn to Copia to see him staring down at you with a painfully soft expression.
“It’s nothing, piccolina,” Secondo says, unhanding his brother, “We didn’t need bruschetta anyway. Prometto. The real star is coming soon. Please–” he picks up your wine glass and gives you yet another generous pour, “--go take a seat. Enjoy the company of the Cardinal, and Primo, and my other idiot brother.”
You nod, accepting your glass.
“Sorry,” you murmur, and you feel Copia’s hand rub warm circles on the small of your back. You’d be willing to burn all the toast in the abbey if this is what you got out of it.
“It’s nothing, signorina, truly,” he says quietly in your ear, leading you back over to the table. Secondo efficiently dumps the cremated bread into the garbage and puts an apron over his head which reads “Osculari Coquum.” 
By the time Secondo tells the four of you to take your seats in the dining room you are…pleasantly tipsy and incredibly hungry. The smells coming from the kitchen are so decadent, you can feel yourself salivating. 
“Here we are,” Secondo says, entering the room with a loaded plate, which he places in front of you, “Pollo alla cacciatora con riso.”
You have to sit on your hands to keep from rudely digging in before the others have been delivered their meals but as soon as Secondo sits down, you’re ready to strike. Before you can, Primo speaks up.
“I would like to toast our lovely new friend. To your health and happiness. May you find a home here amongst us. Benvenuta nostra sorella. Ave Sathanas.”
Sorella. The word sounds familiar, as if you’ve heard it in the abbey halls before. It makes a warmth bloom in your chest that you’re certain cannot be attributed solely to the wine.
“Grazie mille,” you murmur with a smile. “Thank you all for having me this evening, I appreciate it more than you know.”
Copia’s hand, resting next to yours on the table, twitches and ever-so-slightly his gloved pinkie finger brushes against yours. You look at him out of the corner of your eye but he’s staring diligently down at his plate, mustache twitching as he fights to smile. The sight makes your heart thud in your chest. It’s as if the two of you are in your own little world, oblivious to everyone else despite the fact that neither of you openly acknowledge the other. It’s a breathtaking feeling and you wish you could put your finger on what is so special about this peculiar man.
“Bella, if you don’t eat that I’m going to eat it for you.”
Terzo is staring at you from across the table, mouth full of chicken cacciatore. The whole room, in fact, is staring at you.
“Shit! Right! Sorry I was…I don’t know where I was. Hmm.”
The four men once again exchange a look as you politely dig into your chicken and rice. It’s divine, as you knew it would be. The conversation flows wonderfully, the Papas all eagerly explaining the Ghost project to you.
“So you are all part of the same band?”
“We each had our terms,” Primo explains, “I was the first, Secondo was second, and now Terzo is the third.”
Your brow furrows as you mouth their names and something clicks.
“I’m sorry, you’re all brothers and you’re named first, second, and third? Who does that to their kids?”
Copia snorts into his glass at your candidness.
“Our idiot father, that’s who,” Primo says, and you’re shocked at his venomous tone, “You’ve met Papa Nihil, have you not?”
Oh. You’ve met Papa Nihil alright.
“Ah…yes. Yes, we’ve met. I don’t think he cares much for me.”
Terzo laughs.
“We all have that in common, bella mia! Consider it a badge of honor.”
You don’t quite know what to say to that and an uncomfortable silence falls on the room.
“So,” Secondo begins, “you must listen to each of our albums and tell us which one you like best, sì?”
“Oh, I don’t know if I’m qualified to properly judge that sort of thing–”
“We insist,” Terzo says imperiously, “I want nothing less than an album ranking and your overall top five songs. Cardinal, see to it that she gets educated.”
“I don’t see how this is my area of expertise,” Copia says sullenly, stabbing at what remains of his chicken. “It’s not my band.”
Hmm. Another frisson of tension.
“If everyone is done with their meal, shall we move back into the kitchen for dessert? Piccolina, how do you feel about gelato?”
Your cheeks redden at the moan that escapes your mouth. Copia coughs sharply at your side, having turned red himself.
“What’s your favorite flavor, bella mia?” Terzo asks, rising from the table as you do.
“Stracciatella, definitely, but I will never say no to chocolate.”
“Ah! A woman after my own heart! Copia do you hear this? She likes stracciatella.”
The Cardinal remains seated, nodding distractedly. As you exit the room you see Primo move closer to him and put a hand on his back, leaning in to speak quietly.
“Oh topolino…she’s just as lovely as you said. Kind, smart, beautiful. Burns bruschetta but eh, no one is perfect.” Primo smiles as Copia looks up at him in earnest.
“Papa…I really like her.”
It’s the first time he’s voiced his feelings out loud and he can feel the flush on his cheeks creeping down his chest.
“I know, ragazzo mio. And you know what? I think she really likes you too.”
Copia’s heart skips a beat.
“Really? You think so? I-I want to do something nice for her, something she deserves but I’m not sure–”
“Spend time with her,” Primo says, smiling, “She is very lonely. Continue to be the friend you have been thus far - that’s what she deserves.”
“I don’t want to be a nuisance,” Copia murmurs, “Surely she’ll tire of me or–”
“Surely nothing of the sort,” Primo says firmly. “If she cares for you as I suspect she does, she will welcome you into her heart. All parts of you, not just the best ones. You’ll see, topolino. Prometto.”
“Grazie,” Copia whispers as Primo places a kiss on his forehead.
“Hey you two what flavor–oh, I’m sorry, I’m interrupting something.”
You move to exit the room but Copia stands abruptly.
“No, please. Stay.”
You smile. If only he knew now how you’d take that request to heart.
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zhongrin · 2 years
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◇ characters ◇ kaeya
◇ tags ◇ gn!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader is sick and clingy (don't we all-), kaeya is so soggy and in love it's making my teeth hurt
◇ a/n ◇ happy holidays, all!! this is a fic for the genshin impact x reader secret santa 2022 event and is dedicated to @maaarshieee! hi there! we've never really interacted before but i found your blog because of the event and can i just say, your works are so sldkfjlskjdflsd. i wish this was longer but i am out of writing juice and i am hoping that you like the finished product :3
my javanese is super rusty so i might have butchered that title but yk what i am curious how many people can read it lmao no google translate to help you this time- ok fine i'll stop being mean- [en] translation of that title is 'good night, dear'.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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“darling, go back to bed.”
it’s hard to take kaeya seriously when he’s standing in your kitchen with an apron and a ladle in his hand as he nurses a pot of porridge bought from good hunter this morning.
you pout and wobble towards him, eyes droopy and face flushed from your fever. with his swift reflexes and subtle display of precise control he has over his vision, the cavalry captain freezes off the fire on the stove before catching your body in his embrace. he's going to struggle to light the fire again without diluc's help, but your safety matters most and he doesn't think you'd appreciate your house burning down even in your delirious state.
you then proceeded to nuzzle him affectionately; he’s cool and smells good and comfy - the perfect companion for your feverish self, “missed you.”
“am i so attractive you crave my presence after just ten minutes of being deprived of it, hmm?”
you can’t see it, but a bashful, fond smile spreads unto your boyfriend’s lips when you readily nod against his chest. your sick self might be ten times needier than the normal you and is quite a handful, but he personally adores the way you oh-so-naturally seek and cling to him. it tells him that you need him even when you’re not in a rational state - that you trust him to care for you when you’re most vulnerable.
he’s wanted. he’s needed. by you. the light of his life.
but while he’s so smitten by your endearing self, he, unfortunately, also has to play the bad cop to ensure that you recover well under his care.
“just five more minutes, sweetheart. go lie down and i’ll bring you some food, then you can take your medicine.”
“mmm… don’ wanna…”
“do you want me to revoke your cuddling privileges?”
you look up at him with such horror in your expression, and he urges himself to not break his serious facade. had you known the way you're able to easily tug on his heartstrings, he’s sure it would be the end of him. it takes every bit of his determination to not crumble upon the crestfallen look in your pretty eyes and the slight downturn of your lips.
“… i’m sorry,” you finally say after a few beats of silence, understanding that he's not going to change his mind.
“you don’t have to apologize, love. just go lie down, and i’ll be with you in a se-”
“your day off,” a sniffle leaves you, “our date. i ruined it.”
your guilt isn’t unfounded - the knights of favorius doesn’t exactly have holiday breaks or frequent day offs. after all, disturbances of any kind still happen. rain or sun, summer or winter, hilichurl attacks and nefarious crimes threatens mondstadt and its citizens at all times. and so as the official protectors of the nation, it's only normal for them to be on standby at all times. and yet, now that your knightly boyfriend had managed to take his hard-earned vacation…
the edges of his eyes soften and kaeya hums, raising his hands to cup your burning cheeks and wipe the tear that had just fallen off the side of your eyes. you sigh in contentment at the feeling, and this time he’s unable to hold himself back from pressing a long kiss to your forehead; the cold sensation a pleasant distraction from the burning temperature of your body.
“is that what you’re so worried about? we can always go on dates another time,” he quickly adds when he sees you about to protest his claims, “and i don’t mind taking care of you on my day off. think of it as a repayment for all those times you nurse my hangovers.”
“[name], darling,” the teasing lilt in his voice is nowhere to be found when he tilts your chin so your gazes meet, “it’s really fine. as long as we’re together.”
you give him a weak smile and shift to stand on your tiptoes, bringing your lips together in a sweet ki-
“-oops, naughty, naughty,” kaeya laughs from behind his palm that had covered his lips, effectively blocking your attempt at a kiss. upon seeing how offended you look, he laughs harder, hand moving to pinch your puffed up cheeks, distorting your series of grumbled protests. “i’m sorry, sweetheart, but i don’t want to get sick. sharing germs aren’t exactly caring, you see?”
“bu’ i wan a kith-” your plead is muffled against his hands and a fond look crosses your boyfriend’s face.
he’s always been weak to any sort of requests you make, especially if said request involves your ardent desire to profess your affection to him. it took him quite a while to feel worthy of your love in your early stage of relationship, but he has learned to enjoy them immensely now - although that’s not to say that he appreciates them any less. you’re still as precious to him as the first day he fell in love - if not more -now that he’s had a taste of how it feels to belong to you.
“when you're fully recovered, i’ll give you as many kisses as you want.”
“…… promise?”
“good, now that that’s settled - would you like to be carried to bed, your majesty?” your suave knight is back with the question, pearly white teeth glinting as he gives you a dashing smile.
you don't bother answering him verbally, but he still readily held you up the moment you latch onto him like an adorable sloth. it’s a short walk to the bedroom from your kitchen, and you spend the short time of tranquility nuzzling onto the knight’s shoulder, eyes closing peacefully as the feeling of safety wraps you in a blanket.
kaeya lowers you onto your bed gently, helps you adjust your pillow, and tugs the blanket up to cover your body. only when you’re tucked in comfortably your boyfriend allows himself to lovingly pat your cheek and places a kiss on the crown of your head, murmuring something under his breath; a language unknown to most and lost to time.
“what’s that one mean?” you ask drowsily, not recognizing the phrase of this specific one. you can recognize khaenri’ahn for i love you and be safe simply because of kaeya’s routinely reminders, but this one sounded foreign in your ears.
“it means ‘get well soon’,” he says as his palm rests against your cheek, further cooling the warm skin.
“i will,” leaving him with the promise, you drift onto the land of dreams.
kaeya stays for a few minutes and tells himself that it’s only so he’s sure that you’re asleep - and most definitely not because he missed your presence just as much as you did. eyeing your soft, relaxed sleeping face, he holds back the urge to press a quick kiss to the corner of your lips and redirects his target to the side of your temple instead.
another phrase falls from his lips; another routine, although he’s positive you wouldn’t recognize the words either, because he’s always said it whenever you’re sound asleep. it’s a little different than the others, only because in the language, there are a few meanings to those words.
good night.
sleep well.
i’ll be there with you when you open your eyes.
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @clovcly | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam
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yourfavouritefighter · 11 months
OK obsessed with the swap ​​idea
- Does Jackson still get bullied?
- How is Holt's life in the monster world?
- How does the trigger work?
- What is their personality like in this world?
- How out of touch is Holt?
- Do they know about each other?
I would love a first days fanfic?
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yo glad you like the au! I don’t have all the details set in place so sorry if things are a tad bit inconsistent but here we go! (Also sorry for the late reply I didn’t see the ask rip)
-I feel that both of the boys would get bullied but in different ways and for different reasons, Jackson would be pushed around since he’s quite nerdy, so I feel manny still wouldn’t like him. However holt would probably just be excluded from things, or have rumours spread about him, but due to him being prone to fighting back it wouldn’t be direct bullying like it is for Jackson.
Holts life in the monster world
-Holt would still Dj however he’d most likely do it whilst in a disguise of some form, (even if it’s just a mask or some make up) as many monsters don’t trust him. He doesn’t like the fact he has to Hyde his identity but the extra money comes in handy.
-This may change in the future but my current plan is to have Jackson be triggered by extreme silence. So there has to be near to no sounds for him to appear. As such the headphones double as extra noise if necessary or as music. I also thought about him being triggered by piano specifically alongside the silence trigger.
-Holt: He’s a bit of a joker and pretty immature, he likes to just chill and have fun in life. However he is quite hot headed and can have a short temper. This pairs to mean people don’t trust him too well and don’t want to mess with him (well not directly at least, no one minds the anonymous pranks or rumours just as long as it doesn’t tie back to them).
-Jackson: He’s more reserved than his counterpart, preferring to follow rules and structure, unlike holt’s ‘rules were made to be broken’ mentality, he prefers to stay out of the public eye, whether it be due to not wanting people to find out his identity or avoiding the bullying (since I haven’t decided if people know about him and holt yet). His quiet nature means he can be quite the push over at times making him prime for taunts and attacks from his peers.
(Man I really gotta draw some art of Jackson interacting with people)
Out of touch?
-I’m not too sure what you mean by this, whether it be out of touch with monster culture, or out of touch in the sense of being isolated from his classmates. Either way due to his DJ-ing and being a student at MH he’s picked up a lot of monster slang and culture. And as for friends, he’s known Draculaura since before MH and managed to meet Frankie on his first day, so he isn’t alone there. In the au I’ll still have him be friends with a lot of the usual characters (e.g deuce heath frankie etc with some exceptions)
Do they know?
-As of joining MH definitely yes, but as kids their mother tired to keep it secret, as she doesn’t get along with her Hyde, as such it was a shock when during quiet time at school he burst into flames. Holt was quickly pulled from the school, switching between a mix of homeschooling, monster schools and normie schools. Usually not lasting long at any of them, due to his temper and monster side.
A fic?
-Maybe??????? I’m not too great of a writer, but I might work on a one shot or really short fic about it….someday? If I have the chance and people are interested in it I might take a crack at writing lmao
I hope that covers everything! I’m happy to answer any more questions people have on the au and I really appreciate all the support it’s got! (I really wasn’t expecting it lmao)
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javierpena-inatacvest · 6 months
hi bby ✨ I’m hoping to spread a little love around today (it is someone’s birthday after all — so you might see others answering this)!
I am a big fan of people enjoying cake and celebrating, and sometimes cake can be just tooting your own horn 💁‍♀️ so with that in mind, I’d love to know what THREE pieces of work you’re super proud of that you’d recommend others reading, and why 🍰
Hi my sweet Jo!!! 🥺💛 Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!
I’m not normally one for tootin’ my own horn (although fun fact I did play the trumpet in middle school LMAO) but I appreciate you thinking I even have enough to toot about 😂 that being said, here are my 3 things I think I am the most proud of out of all my work!!
1. Whatever My Wife Wants- husband!javi x wife!reader
This is a more recent one I wrote from a request from my sweet @honeyedmiller (hehe ily dev) based on the pictures of Pedro as Lucien (YUM). I know notes are so subjective, but I was not expecting that fic to blow up the way it did, and I was super proud of how it turned out 🥹
2. Cramps- Husband!Frankie x wife!reader
This was my first fic I ever wrote for Frankie. I was SO nervous to post bc I was a Javi exclusive girlie before this, and was so worried that people wouldn’t like it, or I wouldn’t get Frankie right, but I was really happy with the final product and flattered that so many people had nice things to say about it!!
3. It’s Never Too Late- Javier Peña x OFC
NTL will always be my pride and joy. This was the first fic I ever posted, and I have poured so much of my heart and soul into this silly lil story. Never ever EVER in a million years would I have thought it would have blown up in the way it did after deciding to post it on a whim, but I will be so forever thankful the I did. I will always be so proud of this story 💛 ily Javi and Osita
And ily my dear Jo, thanks for letting me do a little birthday bragging 😭🥹💕
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crowbasils · 1 year
… OKAY so !!
I think SUNTAN shippers tend to get annoying since a lot comment on how “SUNFLOWER IS SO PROBLEMATIC!!!! ANYWAYS SUNTAN BETTER!!!!” especially those on tiktok. They also do tend to spread lies of SUNFLOWER being toxic and that they’re codependent (they’re not really??? I mean, you could interpret it as such, but please do realize that the signs are present in almost all BASIL ships as well. None of his interactions in-game are “good”, especially the ones with AUBREY. and SUNNY.). SUNTAN shippers also do tend to get annoying with like… stuff like the pinwheel placing. You could take that as SUNTAN proof yes but like… BASILHERO and stuff like that does also exist… And like, the dynamics are almost the same every time. It’s just sad wet depressed cat and happy dog. They also do tend to not acknowledge that KEL might be the one to forgive SUNNY and BASIL first. It might be HERO, AUBREY even. Just because KEL is the way he is, doesn’t mean he’ll forgive them first. Also like? Make KEL sad in a situation that isn’t just SUNNY killing himself. Please.
PHOTOBOMB shippers…. They’re actually pretty okay!! The only thing I dislike is when they call the BASIL in other ships “watered down” or misinterpreted for a totally wrong reason. I saw a take where one said that BASIL wasn’t concerned about SUNNY and instead was concerned about what SUNNY can do for him and put SUNNY’s needs second which isn’t the case. It really isn’t! BASIL was hallucinating in that fight. He genuinely believed SOMETHING was there. He wanted to protect him, because he truly believes that SOMETHING is there. BASIL is also scared of SUNNY leaving because he was one of the only ones who actually listened to his vents and rants enough to know almost everything about him. He’s panicking, and for a good reason. He doesn’t know if the truth will ever be revealed. The guilt eats him up alive everyday, the lies, the deception, it eats him up and leaves him paranoid. Which is why he acts the way he is in the fight. It’s his last chance to at least get the truth out, to see SUNNY again, but because of his hallucinations and delusions, the fight ended up happening.
That being said. I do also have a problem with the ones that don’t recognize that bullying is in fact abuse. I’m not calling AUBREY an abuser, but she Did do fucked up things. She was a horrible person, but she wasn’t evil. He’s not calm because he understands, he’s calm because he thinks the one at fault. He thinks he deserves it. He understands, yes, but that’s not why he’s calm. He’s calm because he genuinely thinks there’s something wrong with him, and that he’s the one who needs to adjust. Technically, what she did Is abuse, since bullying is considered abuse. It doesn’t matter if it was verbal abuse at first, it still counts as it. Verbal bullying is STILL bullying. It’s a pretty gray area when it comes to AUBREY, because I don’t want to be too harsh and call her an abuser, but yeah. She was a horrible person, not evil, but one with many mistakes and one who needs to actually atone. Words and feelings don’t matter without actions, much like how actions don’t matter much without the words. They need confirmation that you actually mean it, much like how they need confirmation you’re doing it because you’re sorry.
Also like. Most victims of bullying and/or abuse tend to feel for their abuser if they were previously close to them. Especially if they had a familial relationship or a friendship relationship. That’s what most people that ship it tend to not notice. PHOTOBOMB will take a lot of months, maybe years even to start communicating as close as they were in the past. They will have a phase where they have to heal. I’m sorry, but if you ship SUNTAN and PHOTOBOMB just because SUNFLOWER is toxic, you uh…. I don’t know. If you ship it for different reasons, I don’t mind, but that specific reason is bullshit lmao.
… I think I’m just a hater.
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lavenoon · 2 years
Chaotic idiots are my favourite and they are so important to me.
Pre-reveal, what do Sun and Moon think of their landlord and Robin, respectively? Do they have many opinions on the Human They’ve Totally Not Met Before, or are their opinions mainly centred over pointing at each other and going “haha, you have feelings”?
ALSO I,,, HOPE YOU DONT MIND THE MULTI-QUESTIONS. If you’d rather I space them out more I ABSOLUTELY can, I’m just very eager and love hearing your thoughts
(In other news, now we’ve legally gotta rally together to make that 700 follower count real. SPREAD THE WORD OF LUCE!)
-🌻 Daye
I DON'T MIND MULTI QUESTIONS AT ALL I will sleep in an hour or two but I'm so so giddy about every bit of interest and engagement with this AU/ my stuff in general (tho AU gets bonus points bc it's mine and thus direct interest in what I come up with) so!!
Moon doesn't spend too much time thinking about Y/N - he's glad they found a nice place to live with a landlord that doesn't really pry into their personal business, but he also feels a tad awkward about never having met them and at this point it's like. He can't just introduce himself without it being awkward, and even if he could, they're just never around when he's home!! So he's indifferent to awkward, happy for Sun and might tease on occasion (like when Sun gets WAY into crafting to keep Y/N happy) but preoccupied with his own dilemma regarding the situation
Sun does think about Robin a bit more in turn - he's heard about them, knows about them, both through their agency/ the rumor mill and through Moon. He has a certain respect for them, from one agent to another, but any time Moon tries to goad him into "joining" the effort against Robin he's like "that's cute but that's your rival", at best "okay I guess I'll do my job extra hard like I'm usually slacking that's definitely my only motivation, outdoing this one agent I've never met. Sure" and Moon just takes it and ignores the sarcasm. Surprisingly (maybe) the one to tease more because Moon is just so invested in the rivalry, but so very defensive about it! Sun likes Y/N and admits it easily enough, maybe gets disgruntled when teased about intimate feelings early on (we can't put them at risk, they're nice enough to just let us live here!) but otherwise doesn't have the tension of the rivalry in there!
AND PLEASE GFHDJS I nearly doubled my follower count since I started posting fnaf art the 700 will come soon enough!! FGHDSJK I'm just some guy t-posing as a defensive stance when startled I'm still getting used to "oh wait people follow me for stuff I upload" LMAO
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journalsouppe · 2 years
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My spread for the Turnabout Century zine!! Wow, this zine is just incredible. The art, writing, and merch are all phenomenal and were simply breathtaking. I am so so happy I was able to snag a bundle because I love absolutely everything.
Gosh I have so much love for DGS and I just love zines so much as it’s just a collection of people’s love for a certain piece of media. Thank you to everyone who worked on this zine!! Y’all have killed it.
Images of the art book and merch can be found here. (Extra food and stationary stickers are from Daiso)
Writing typed below!
Zine theme: a celebration of the Great Ace Attorney Anthology
Zine theme: a celebration of the Great Ace Attorney Anthology
Merch List:
Leftover Sales (Prosecutor’s Portmanteau)
B5 hardcover foil art book
Digital zine
Clover suite memorabilia (behind the curtains)
Prelude to century.mp3 (Zebby)
Sticker Sheet (Viridilly)
Susato and Haori wooden pins (Miki)
Elementary enamel pin (Saerinn)
Van Zieks acrylic charm (Kermie)
Darumagami (sleeping salad)
4 Prints (2tchome, ohprcr, noctilin, rollround)
Bonus Print - dress up susato (Katsucii - art and ohprcr - design)
Wax stamp seal
My Thoughts: This zine is truly incredible. Everything in this zine is so beautifully made and made with such love and care, it brings tears to my eyes. There’s so much attention to detail with both breathtaking serious pieces and hilarious silly pieces. I can’t take my eyes away. I am so happy I was able to snag a leftover bundle because this book + merch are now som elf my prized possessions. I feel so appreciative to be a DGS fan because I can tell how much love people have for these games while also being so silly about it, which is exactly how the game is structured lmao. I just have so much awe for this project that I have so many words to say but I am also completely speechless. Incredible.
Absolutely incredible work everyone! Thank you so much to all the creators and mods on this project, y’all have done such a wonderful job. This zine is such a treasure :’)
My Comments:
The kokeshi pins are so unique and lovely
Omg the reverse poem
Love the disguises
Sleepover art print T-T!!
Elementary (plus a bad drawing of the forehead point LOL)
The art is so phenomenal, brings tears to my eyes :’)
Haori, Susato, and Iris in gowns oh my god T-T
I’m gonna die the Darumagami are ADORABLE
The black hatching shading omgggggg
Pirate kazuma omg
A recipe within a fix? Obsessed.
The writing is incredible
Ahhhhh the fathers fic
The different art styles really makes this so special
Love the gold foil hard cover
The art is making me lose my mind
All the chuunosuke and friends ahhhh so cute
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
Is that a sticker book!!? Also I looooove the stickers! Where did you get your sticker book if you don't mind me asking? I have one that looks almost exactly like that one and I got it off Amazon. I bring it with me on days I go physically into work bc a lot of local businesses do community events in our building for the employees and its surprising how many local businesses have their own stickers. There's this warehouse in my city that gets converted into this huge popular gift shop that opens up during Thanksgiving-Christmas season every year where local artists go to set up shop and i think I spent like $50 just on stickers there including an entire book of ocean and plant themed stickers. I'm in the market to buy another book that has more pages for me.
Do you have any favorite stickers?
Soar!! Hello!!! Happy 2023!!!!! the book in this post isn’t a sticker book—it’s a traveller’s notebook!
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i just had my stickers on it as a clean background. 🥺 normally i just dump my stickers either in a file or a disorganised pile in a old hobonichi box like so, LOL. although your ask has made me realise i need to…. organise them better LMAO. the sticker market sounds incredible??? stickers are such a good way of like, getting indie art into your life—they’re small and affordable and lsdfkjlskdfjl i love stickers so much, sometimes when i daydream about not being lazy and trying to sell art again im like, oh i should sell stickers but… weh. so much effort LOL. what do your other sticker books look like? 🥺 the ocean stickers sound amazing—i always buy my stickers thinking i’ll use them in letters or journal spreads but then i get too precious about them and they just…. exist in a empty box, instead. 😔
i’m gonna have to dig out my favourite small-artist stickers!!! i think they’re in my file… hmm. im gonna have to look, LOL.
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wabatle · 20 days
I CANT DECIDED WHETHER I WANT OBEY ME OR BLUE LOCK </333 ILL GO WITH OBEY ME(if you have time I wouldn’t mind both though 👁️👁️)
 my gender/pronouns is female and she/her
I want to be matched up with a male bc terrible house hold lowkey gave me internalized homophobia towards myself…😶
Im HEAVILY autistic and have adhd(also terrible anxiety-), I can go from being insanely energetic and needing to be constantly moving and doing something to being so tired and exhausted I don’t wanna move a muscle(even if I’ve done nothing) my special interest is sharks and I literally never stfu about them(everyone hates me/j) I’m pretty damn good at reading people/guessing what their feeling from body language. I personally think I’m a pretty kind and friendly person(though I can, and do, have terrible mood swings at times) 
Hobbies would be gaming, doing my makeup and honestly just zoning tf out.
Things that make me feel negative are very hot days, tight clothing, huge crowds(tight together, I can handle them if their spread)and certain sensory things that make me wanna puke 😭
Things that make me feel positive are being around people(that I know), getting to know people, playing with my piercings(my snake bites mainly, I always chew on them…) and animals :)
My love language(giving) is def physical affection and quality time, my preferred love language would probably be acts of service(sometimes I just shut down and can’t properly do anything for an entire day if not more) and physical affection 
I don’t have any I don’t wanna be watched up with(admittedly while playing obey me I have everyone at an even level of affection because I can’t choose </3)
This is rlly long so you don’t have to attach my ask, but since I’m sending it anonymously you can just ‘tag’ me as 🦈(I lowkey always check your acc for updates so I’ll see it even without being directly tagged </3
𓆩⚝𓆪 —🦈 Anon ( @8-xnny )'s Blue Lock and Obey Me! matchup~!
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — A/N: Ngl tysm for asking for a matchup about my two favorite obsessions rn... Thank you for feeding me anon 🙏
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — I think your Blue Lock soulmate is...
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — Kurona Ranze!
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Did I give you Kurona just because you both like sharks?
Yes. Yes I did LMAO
You both have so much matching shark stuff <3, like matching keychains, stuffed animals, all that kind of things
You go on aquarium dates often as well, because usually they aren't too packed
Kurona also doesn't really mind your affection and often returns it. Don't worry about being too tired to do something, as Kurona would take it over for you easily.
I hope you appreciate gift giving... Because like I mentioned before, he gets you so much matching shark stuff.
He doesn't mind relaxing inside in the AC on a hot day, as long as he's with you.
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — I think your Obey Me! soulmate is...
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — Mammon!
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It's been talked about before, but he really goes along with whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's too hot outside? You stay inside and do whatever
Too many people in this one store? You go to a different one
He'll gladly return your physical affection as long as you're at home in private
Hiding behind insisting for a payment, he actually loves doing things for you because he feels needed
He matches whatever energy you currently have. Bouncing off the walls? He is too. Laying in bed not moving? He's next to you.
He likes to game with you as well, as he's happy as long as you're spending time together <3
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I'm sorry it was so short, but I hope you enjoyed!
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Can I request a continuation of that one-shot in which Zhongli & reader adjusts to a more domestic life after reader gives birth to their *ehem* litter of children? In addition to breeding kink, Zhongli also develops a lactation kink (*/ω\*)
gordon ramsay ain't got nothing on me with that fic lmao(❤´艸`❤)ψ(`∇´)ψ Here you go, anon! Have some more dragon zhongli and bunny reader ╰( ̄ω ̄o)
No children were neglected in the making of this fic lmao
The Sweet Marriage Life of a Horny Dragon and Gullible Rabbit
Summary: Mornings where Zhongli wakes up first, basks in the presence of his newly made family, and spending time with you are the best kind of mornings in his life.
The best kind of mornings, in Zhongli’s most esteemed opinion, were the ones when the whole house was quiet. The steady breathing of your chest filling his ears, the morning cacophony of Liyue as it began its day slipping in through the windows and walls of your shared home, Qing Jīngshén Manor. Mornings like these are the ones he loved waking up to, he could spend a few moments basking in your presence and the warmth of his children surrounding the two of you.
Zhongli smiles and simply observes you and your five children. 3 had clear and distinct features of your Rabbit Clan whereas the other two had the familiar gradient of his dragon kind. Seeing all of you cuddling for warmth made his heart swell, he couldn’t resist giving you and the children kisses on the forehead.
He chuckles softly seeing his youngest,a rabbit, frown and curl up from the disturbance.
“Mnnn...go back to sleep” You mumbled, eyes closed as you gently turned over to nestle in Zhongli’s waiting arms.
“It’s time for breakfast” He replied as he gave you another kiss.
You kept silent, debating with yourself whether it was worth waking up for or starting the day a bit late would be more to your liking, “Let me sleep for another hour and I’ll suck your cocks after the kids get their breakfast.”
You didn’t need to hear his answer, not when you could feel the immediate bulge of his cocks pressing against you. You smiled and went back to sleep, knowing that Zhongli had gotten up to feed your children with the stock of breast milk you had produced the night before.
After feeding the children, it was time to leave the children in their playpen and wake you up. Smiles came easier to Zhongli when compared to the past. It was hard not to since the mere sight of you or the children was enough to make his heart burst with love and happiness. A soft call of your name and a sweet kiss to your lips were enough to wake you up.
You blink slowly, sluggishly looking at your husband and reaching for him. Zhongli moves closer and kisses you once more, both of you smiled while you kissed and simply enjoyed the intimacy.
“Good morning” You greeted him, eyes half-lidded from a good night’s sleep.
“Good morning” He greeted back and laid another kiss on your lips.
Kissing you had become Zhongli’s favorite modes of affection. One he had no shame in practicing in private and public. Be it a kiss to your cheek or to your forehead, or anywhere else, Zhongli had grown proficient in kissing you among other things. And right now as your hands trailed down his bare chest, resting on the hems of his pants, you gave him a trail of kisses and small nips that started from his throat down to his chest and stomach and ended at the visible tent from his cocks.
No matter how many times Zhongli had seen you take both of his cock at the same time, it never failed to make him more aroused. The sight of your lips lapping at his cock, almost gagging on it, the feeling of your tongue swirling around it, made him lose control.
Somewhere between giving his cocks kisses and your tongue licking all the precum, Zhongli found himself in complete control of your actions. His hips were roughly thrusting into your mouth, fucking it until tears fell from your eyes and the scent of your arousal filled his nostrils.
His cocks were bulging and hot, your moans created a vibration that only served to make the act more pleasurable to you both. You clung to his hips, opening your mouth further, a silent request to fuck you harder and Zhongli was never one to deny you such pleasures. So he grabs hold of your hair and began thrusting into your mouth pussy harder and faster until your eyes rolled back in pleasure.
Drool dripped down the corners of your mouth as Zhongli spilled his thick cum down your throat until you couldn’t take it any more, you coughed out some of his cum, your ass unconsciously presenting itself to him, as you tried to stop your coughing fit.
Zhongli pats your back, chest rumbling as he positioned himself behind you, hand on his cocks. By the time you recognized the feeling of his cock, it was too late, your hole was already penetrated and you could only moan in pleasure, your tail twitching as the silk sheets rubbed on your sensitive nipples.
Your short moans with each thrust of his cocks only invigorated Zhongli, his fingers gripped your hips tightly, leaving bruises on your skin as his cocks repeatedly slammed inside your wet hole.
“I still-!” You moaned loudly as Zhongli’s hand squeezed your left tit, milk gushing out as he tweaked and pinched your nipple, “Noo~Ah! Don’t waste the milk~!”
Your words fell in deaf ears as you moaned and subconsciously adjusted your position to make thing easier for Zhongli, your hips swayed left and right, moving in coordination with his thrust to bring both of you to the heights of pleasure. His thick cocks scraped your insides, filling you to the brim until you could only cry for his cocks.
He whispered praise in your ears as he lifted you to his chest, he didn’t stop thrusting as he did so and soon enough you came on his cocks, milk dripping down your sensitive nipples. You sobbed as your body arched in pleasure and then you felt his semen fill your insides until it overflowed and dripped down your whole and into his cocks.
“Can we have breakfast now?” You asked him as you laid limp and content on his arms.
“Not yet” Zhongli replied as he laid you back on the bed, his cocks easily sliding out of your abused hole.
You stared at him, eyes travelling down his handsome face, to the hickeys you left on his chest and finally settling on his still erect cocks that were dripping beads of cum. You smiled and seductively spread your legs and showed him the work of his marvelous cocks that ruined you.
Zhongli smiled at you, seductive and domineering, that it sent a spike to your heart.
“Didn’t you say not to waste the milk?” His grin was outright lustful as he thrusted his cocks inside your cum-filled and dripping hole. His mouth quickly latches unto your nipples.
Your large milk-filled breasts were gathered to the center, held by his large hands as he sucked on your tits. His cocks slid in and out of your pussy, the sensations of your nipples and pussy being played with made your body move involuntarily, the pleasure was blinding and you could only desperately scratch at Zhongli’s back. Moaning and pleading for release as he relentlessly toyed with your body.
Each thrust of his dicks sent shivers down your spine. Your sensitive nipples only added to the haze of pleasure that had your mind melting. Your pussy felt raw and you wanted to curse at his libido.
‘I’m definitely not changing into a female form next time!’ You thought angrily as you moaned from your orgasm, Zhongli’s thick and throbbing cocks relentless as it fucked you through your release.
Your legs grew slack and your body was limp as Zhongli dumped his cum on your abused hole. His previous cum, your slick and his new cum mixed together and dripped down your slit, puddle forming on the entrance of your pussy. Zhongli smiled in contentment and smugness at seeing your flushed and content face.
Your cum filled hole, cum stained body, and leaking tits was an erotic sight. Had he been irresponsible he would have kept on fucking you until you could only beg and think of his cock but Zhongli knew that you had already hit your limit for this morning’s sex and held back.
“What do you want for breakfast?” He asked sweetly.
“Bastard! If you kept on fucking me like that I’d be on the confinement period for forever!” You cursed at him, even as you enjoyed the pleasant ache of being fucked over and over again.
Zhongli hummed, ignoring your temporary anger, he knew that it was just a token complaint. Even so he coaxed you, he didn’t mind carrying this pot.
“Mn. Wife, I was wrong.”
A gentle kiss on your neck and then your lips was enough to douse the flames of indignance in your heart. You smiled and cutely burrowed yourself on his chest. Even though it had already been months since your marriage with him, the joy from being newly wedded hadn’t faded away.
Somehow, for all of his flaws and your non-existent parental skills, the marriage was working well and so was the parenting. You gave him pecks on his lips, cheeks and neck.
“Just cook me some eggs and bacon” You told him as you encircled your arms on his neck.
Zhongli smiled and kissed you once more, deeply, tongues intertwined with each other that left you almost breathless. He carried you out of the bedroom and gently placed you on the dining table.
“???” You looked at him in confusion.
“The rice would take a while to cook so for now, you can have my cum to fill your stomach♡”
Your face flushed in embarrassment but all of it faded away once Zhongli masterfully brought you to a new plateau of pleasure. Zhongli happily began to fill you up again.
“Nooo♡! I can’t anymore♡!”
“Nnn! Too much♡♡♡”
“You’ll break me♡♡♡♡”
“I’ll end up pregnant♡♡♡♡!”
‘This is truly the best kind of morning!’
“You stupid pervert♡♡♡♡!!!”
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moonianbbyg · 3 years
gemini in your chart shows what area of your life you just can’t stop entertaining!
credits for the idea to @/melanatedmomma on twitter.
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☿ gemini 1H: geminis usually tend to change their appearance up a lot so this could mean you just can’t stop changing your looks! since air signs are prone to be indecisive this could be because you can never decide which look suits you the best
☿ gemini 2H: always chasing your dreams/goals/ambitions (which is a good thing) you can’t settle down until you make yourself happier and you might get anxious if you don’t feel comfortable in your life, you hate the feeling of anything being pointless.
☿ gemini 3H: you’re literally always thinking of everything/something, mind like a pisces! lol you will for sure speak your mind and you just have the need to share your opinion all the time 
☿ gemini 4H: you can never stop worrying about family issues or your family members. you want to fix everything or any problems (your love language might be acts of service) if there isn’t a problem you’re just very generous with ur family and you’re always making sure you always show them love and spoil them with gifts/affection
☿ gemini 5H: this placement is even worse if you have a gemini venus lmao but you can never stop thinking about being in a relationship or you can never stop thinking about spreading your creative ideas around - you might’ve even been the kid that’s the best in art class! you could be a sweet talker and very charming so people are easily attracted to you but this placement can indicate high standards so you might just flirt for fun. [you might even daydream of sex a lot 👀 or having kids depending if you want one or not ofc]
☿ gemini 6H: similar to gemini 1H you’re always worrying about your appearance do i look good? you’re the person that will always dress to impress. this placement can also show a workaholic so you might pay attention to your job a lot
☿ gemini 7H: well i’d say this placement really depends on your other birth chart placements and your faith/destiny 💀 you could get married more than once in this lifetime and simply bc a gemini 7H gets betrayed a LOT in relationships. you might even be a somewhat naive person so you jump from relationships into relationships without thinking
☿ gemini 8H: correct me if i’m wrong but do you get betrayed a lot or have many enemies? because you’re a very revengeful person who easily builds hate for other people. you’re always planning of revenge and you can’t relax until you know they got their karma. you might even experience a lot of one night stands which you don’t mind having ;) LMAO
☿ gemini 9H: you’re the type of person who thinks being away from home when you’re stressed is the answer. you want to explore the world and go on many vacations just to put your mind at ease.. you never stop doing what you want and what’s best for you. (love this placement omg!!) you could’ve also been the nerd in school who always makes sure they get good grades or you were the teachers pet at some point
☿ gemini 10H: similar to gemini 2H you’re always chasing your ambitions and dreams! due to 10H having to do with your public image you could also worry a lot what others are thinking of you so you might always entertain your bank account’s loss of money 😭 you love to spend (not judging you i do the same lol)
☿ gemini 11H: if someone has you as their friend they’re a lucky person for sure!! you love to spend on your friends and make them happy.. you won’t be able to go to sleep peacefully without knowing your friends are happy. you might even see your friends as your family/second family (so adorable) <3
☿ gemini 12H: you’re so invented into spirituality and mystery. you’re the person that always wants to know why, how and when !? you might put a lot of time into astrology, spirituality etc. or you might even be interested into the meaning of your dreams/you’ll try to lucid dream
this post was created by @moonianbbyg on tumblr <3 please give credits if reposting my work.
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vamossainz55 · 2 years
Moonlight Chapter 2 || Carlos Sainz x Reader
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A/N: Hey guys!! I hope everybody's doing well. I told myself that I would have the next chapter up for next week but my brain is literally going a mile a minute so I decided to finish up the second chapter already (it is almost 1am lmao). Idek if anybody is reading this but I might have some mistakes here and there but please feel free to let me know!! All constructive criticism is appreciated. This chapter is also a bit rushed but I feel like I want to do some building + context before throwing it all in but I am hoping to get more Carlos into the next chapter <3. Thank you so much and I literally love you if you are still reading until here.
ANYWAYS im done xoxoxo.
link to chapter 1 / all chapters / my masterlist
Chapter 2 (4k words)
You don’t sleep at all that night, your mind is spinning and a part of you knows that all the drinks you had were finally catching up to you. Your eyes scan the ceiling, deciding to focus on the small dent you had accidentally left there in hopes to get your mind to still. You couldn’t believe what you had read. McLaren? Out of all teams? A part of you even wants to laugh, because of course this would happen to you. 
You pick up your phone again, read over the email again, and again, and again. How were the words not changing? How were you supposed to join a team knowing Carlos was going to be there? What were you going to do?
A weird mix of emotions settle in your chest. Happiness, excitement, nervousness, pride, and even anger- and maybe a little sadness. You had dreamt about this opportunity for as long as you could remember. Why were you so worried about so many things?
There was one main question drumming in your head, what would happen if you took it? 
You ponder at that thought for what feels like hours, but soon enough your eyes begin to grow heavy. As worried as you were, your body was beginning to shut down, begging to finally get some rest. 
Right before you drift off to sleep you think to yourself still, 
What am I going to do?
The next day you wake up with the sleep still sticking to your eyes. You had managed to get some sleep, but you didn’t feel like you had gotten enough rest. Your eyes were heavy and your body was sore from the night before. You try your best to settle yourself back to sleep but the moment you close your eyes your mind decides otherwise. 
Thoughts of an orange team flood your brain along with a certain driver, but before you can start thinking too much a knock on the door rips your attention away. 
“Y/n? I’m coming in,” Your roommate announces. You let out a loud groan, telling her to go away, but before you can even finish your sentence you hear your door open and feel a strong weight on your bed. Soon enough you’re being crushed, your roommate’s body sprawled over yours. 
“Oh come on- fuck off, get off of me,” you whine as you hear Jane laugh and shift a bit to lay beside you instead. Being awake for so long helps you notice the soft pressure in the center of your head that slowly begins to spread. Yeah, you were definitely hungover. 
“You smell gross,”Jane says, soon getting inside the covers with you. She feels warm and you can’t help but scoot closer. “You never wanna go out and party with me but you do with Laura,” She says playfully. “But you had fun? Laura told me a guy came home with you.”
And fuck- right. You had forgotten about Bastien. “A guy? Yeah yeah, he dropped me off last night. He asked me out on a date.” You tell her, and you can feel a slight swoop in your stomach still. “I’m actually excited?” You’re a bit nervous at the thought of it. It was rare for you to get excited about these things- let alone to say it outloud. 
Jane grins. “You’re excited for a date? Am I hearing you right?” She asks and you can already feel your cheeks heating up so you try your best to look away and come off as casual. 
“He’s really cute and nice. But he told me he’s just here visiting a friend and looking for jobs so it might not even go anywhere.” You say with a shrug. You wondered if it was weird or not but you felt that it was a bit reassuring to not know where it was going to go, like there weren’t many expectations going into it. If he wasn’t going to be around anyways it would be fine if it didn’t work out. 
Jane’s asking when the date is and she is quite surprised by your answer, “The date’s tonight,” You say before explaining, “but we didn’t agree on the time. Should I text him and ask?” 
The look Jane gives you almost makes you laugh. “No, are you crazy?” She exclaims and you wince at how loud she is being, suddenly remembering about the headache that is spreading through your head.
“Wait for him to text you, and if he doesn’t then his loss you know?,” She says, getting off the bed. You think for a second, and yeah, maybe she is right. You could wait and see if he would show up or not. 
“Where are you going?” You ask, peering over the sheets to look at her. As much as you needed it you did not want time by yourself to think about things. 
“Oh I’m coming back, I’m just getting you some painkillers and water,” she says matter of factly and you return her kindness with a smile. 
“Love you!” You say as you watch her head out of the door. 
Bastien does end up texting back, and you both go out to dinner that night. It’s nice, the conversation is casual and you both realize it wasn’t just the alcohol talking the night before. You’re a bit too smitten for your liking but you try your best to ignore it. 
He offers to drive you home but by the way he holds the lower of your back you both know it isn’t just for a drive. It’s thrilling really, to sneak someone upstairs again- begging them to be quiet to not wake up your roommate (because of course you wouldn’t hear the end of it). But you both get away with it, and waking up next to someone the next day makes it even more worth it. 
It wasn’t really supposed to become a thing but it does. Bastien had told you over your date that he was only around for the next two weeks. Mainly a mix of hanging out and catching up with friends along with job interviews and looking over other opportunities. You prep yourself for disappointment, tell yourself that it is a one and done, but that’s far from what ends up happening. 
You see him almost every day, he would either drop by with lunch, dinner, or even a coffee to just squeeze some extra time with you. You would let him sneak into yours at night and he would often pick you up to give Laura a break and stay at his. It’s like you were floating on cloud 9. He meets your friends and you meet some of his. Everything is new, fresh, and exciting. 
So much happens that you don’t even realize you’re in your own little bubble. 
But every bubble is bound to burst. 
It happens to you a whole week after you take Bastien to the airport (with the promise of keeping in touch and seeing eachother soon). Your mind is still preoccupied with him- you both were still texting practically every day- and if you knew any better you were practically dating. But were you really? 
Sure you were practically attached to the hip the whole time you were here, and sure he was texting you good morning, good night, and everything else between the day. But were you really dating? 
There were so many questions still that you had completely forgotten about your upcoming semester. The internship. Your mind suddenly springs. You were sitting at the table with Laura and a few other people in your major when Theo mentions how he had just accepted the offer he had gotten over a week ago. You had completely forgotten about your own offer and it had been over 3 weeks since you had gotten your email. 
“Shit- shit, no way.” You murmur to yourself as you open your phone. Most of the table is distracted in their own conversation but you can feel Laura and one or two other pairs of eyes scanning over you in interest as you scroll through your phone. How could you be so stupid and forget about it? You read through your emails quickly, scrolling through and looking for the email that had sent you the offer. 
You finally see the latest email that you had gotten from them. Your heart sinks as your phone loads, already dreading what the email would say. 
It finally loads and you take a deep breath before reading. 
F1 Talent Program Offer: 3 days to Deadline. | Received: 2d ago 
One day left to decide. You let out a nervous laugh as you run your hand through your hair, letting out a shaky breath. Could you even make a choice within a day? 
“What are you looking at?” Laura huffs, leaning next to you to read over your shoulder. She practically lets out a gasp before looking at you, eyes wide. “Y/n! Oh my god. You did it!” She says and before you know it you feel two arms wrapped around you and squeezing you tight and knocking the air out of you. 
“What’s going on, what happened?” You hear one of your classmates ask. Laura chimes in before you can, and you can hear the pride in her voice as she announces it. 
“She got accepted for the engineering talent program for F1!” She says proudly and you force a smile onto your lips as you can hear everyone gasp. Soon the table is congratulating you and you thank everyone quite sheepishly. As much as you wanted to get mad at Laura you could tell how happy she was for you.
You try your best to smile it off, not wanting to seem ungrateful for the opportunity  but you can tell Laura knows something is off. You feel a grip on your shoulder before you realise Laura is pulling you step aside for a bit. You stumble a bit to follow her and go to ask if everything is okay but Laura beats you to it.  
“So? What’s wrong? You should be exhilarated about this- bragging left and right.” Laura says, already crossing her arms across her chest. Four years of friendship and you are still amazed with how well she can read you. 
“I am happy, I am.” You try your best to say convincingly but the look Laura gives you says enough. “No- seriously I am. I can’t believe I got it. You know how hard I worked for this?” You say, and its true. All the hard work you had put in the past years was for this moment. The sleepless nights before an exam, the being away from family to be able to study at the best school, missing out on parties to be able to get enough sleep for class, even the endless nights crying when everything became too much. It was all for this moment. 
“But?” Laura asks, and she can tell that you are thinking too much. You tend to do that thing where your nose twitches slightly, whenever your brain begins to eat itself from the inside out and let the worries settle in. 
“I got accepted into McLaren.” You tell her quietly because it's embarrassing to say it outloud. Embarrassing to admit to yourself how much Carlos still had a hold of you. 
Her brows furrow slightly and she gives you a shrug. “So?” 
You frown at her. Although she was not into racing you were pretty sure you had kept her updated with where Carlos would be going within the upcoming season. “I told you. Carlos is going to join McLaren. What if I have to see him? Talk to him? Work with him?” You say, this time even more quietly but just because you can feel your other friends trying to snoop and look over to you both. 
“Again, so?” Laura asks, and this time she shakes her head and takes your hands into hers. “Y/n, look at me.” She says, squeezing your hands gently. “You’ve been dreaming about this since before I met you.” Her voice is soft yet firm, and somehow you feel your chest begin to swell. “Do not let someone from the past scare you away from your future. You have to take this opportunity y/n.”
You stare at her for a bit, letting out a shaky breath. Your heart is beating in your ears because she is right. You have been dreaming about this for ages. You pull her into a tight hug, tucking your face into her shoulder. 
“Thank you.” You say, already feeling part of the weight on your shoulders slowly lifting. You slowly pull away, smiling at her from ear to ear. “Come over to mine? I need to send in my acceptance.” 
Accepting the offer was less dreadful than you thought, taking into account that you weren’t starting the internship after your graduation. But time flew by faster than you thought it would. 
The months between accepting the offer and starting at McLaren were eventful. Looking back, you had too many exams, too much stress, and simply too much to do. You were grateful though that you got to enjoy some of the last months with your friends before you all headed to do different things. Not only were you able to finish all your academic requirements but you had finally decided to pay more attention to your personal life too. 
You finally caught up and partied with the girls, had more days out with them, and just enjoyed your time without worrying too much about your next lecture, class, or exam. It was relaxing to finally be able to let go a bit and have fun. Not only that- but Bastien came to visit often too. Before you even realized everybody already knew that the both of you were dating, but by the time you found out you didn’t really mind either. You both worried about the distance considering your internship and how he was still traveling around looking for a job whilst freelancing- but you both figured with a little faith you could make it work.
Even graduation passed by like a breeze. Your parents and your sister flew in and soon enough you were already packing your things into boxes and luggages. Half of your things were being shipped back home as you could not take them around with you so you were definitely forced to pack light. 
And that’s how you ended up there. Staring at the McLaren headquarters, nervously fixing one of the bracelets on your wrist as you waited outside. You had been one of the first few to arrive, but to be fair you had arrived a bit earlier than the agreed time. You couldn’t help but look around, the office was bigger than you thought, along with the large lake adorning the side of the building, it looked amazing and you were trying your best to keep yourself composed without taking photos of everything. You had seen the McLaren headquarters a lot through photos and videos- but this was the first time you were anywhere near it- let alone about to step in. As you looked around more people seemed to trickle in. The others seemed to also be amazed by the site, scanning over the whole area. Even the surroundings were nice and peaceful, vast greenery covering the whole area and more. Soon you heard the automatic doors open alongside a pair of footsteps. 
“Hi, welcome! I’m Andrea. Sorry for the wait.” A woman said, waving at you all. She was wearing a McLaren polo shirt along with black slacks. “Come in, I’ll take you to one of our presentation rooms and we can kick off with some introductions. We’ll have our basic induction and onboarding before handing you off to your own departments and managers.” She announced, eyes meeting yours quickly as she also smiled and looked at everyone else. You can’t help but have a voice in the back of your head telling you to keep an eye out for a certain spanish man. You were absolutely dreading bumping into him. 
The ceilings seem even taller from the inside, and the glass walls allow natural light to fill the building. You look around as you follow Andrea, appreciating the clean and modern design the building had adopted. “Here, come in.” Andrea says, soon opening the door to a medium sized auditorium with a powerpoint slide already splayed on the screen. 
The onboarding goes by smoothly and you all introduce yourselves one by one. You’re a bit nervous since you introduce yourself first, but you get through it quickly before others follow up with their own introduction. After going through almost half of the room you soon learn there are three other interns from other departments also joining and you relax a bit knowing you were all in a similar situation. A bit after the introductions you all go through some general knowledge about McLaren, learning about the values and the mission of the company. After a few more fun facts you’re all sent off with your own managers who are waiting outside at the door. 
“Y/n?” A man asked, stepping closer to you. You turn and smile once you see a tall man with short black hair. 
“Hi yes, that’s me. It’s nice to meet you.” You say with a smile, putting your hand out for a handshake. He takes this moment to introduce himself. 
“Hi, perfect! My name is Tom. Welcome to the team.” He says before pulling his hand away. He nods slightly towards the direction you both are supposed to go to before explaining the day’s run down. “We’ll take these first few weeks for you to look over the systems we use, learn more about them, and get familiar with them. We can analyze past data and see how you interpret it compared to our previous interpretations.” You nodded along as you followed him, already getting excited as he also told you more about the team. 
“We will also have an event later tonight with everyone, just a few welcoming drinks. You don’t have to show up but it would be nice and good for you to socialize with everyone too.” Tom smiles as he opens the door to one of the rooms. Something from the corner of your eyes captures your attention but once you look over it's gone. You look back ahead of you and take a deep breath before stepping in. 
You’re barely there for a full working day and your brain is fried. Numbers were printed into the inner corners of your brain and you had learned so much that you weren’t sure if you had enough space to store it all. Despite your exhaustion and the overload of information you were buzzing. You could already feel your fingers twitching, ready to get your hands on something and to help out. They had explained to you that the first few weeks were a bit hands-off, focusing on getting you settled in and learning mostly the theory behind it all but you felt like you couldn’t wait. So much was happening around you and you wanted to do something more. 
“I think we have our welcoming drinks in a bit. How about we head out there and you can meet some people from the other departments?” Tom offers and you thank him, already following him with a few other newcomers that had joined the team too. You had made friends with a woman who had recently joined too, Cara, as you both were one of the few women within the engineering team, so you stuck to her side as you all trickled into the room. 
“I think I’m going to nib a few snacks.” You say, already nodding at Cara, so you both decide to walk together to the table with several snacks. You grab a small plate and a few of the snacks, waiting for Cara to grab something for herself too. Once you’re back to Tom and the others you set your plate on the table, “I grabbed a bit extra, just in case anybody wanted a bite too.” You smile. Tom seems to look over the plate, already ready to fish a sandwich off your plate when you see two figures coming over, and one seems a bit too familiar. You tense a little and instantly grow quiet, already looking away before even making sure if you had seen the right thing or not. 
“Tom! Hey, how are you?” Zak says, grinning as he pats Tom on the back. You’re torn between looking over or keeping your eyes away, but as soon you hear the other person’s voice you screw your eyes shut, already feeling your heartbeat race. 
“Hello Tom, Zak told me we had new people starting. Decided to drop by since we’re gonna be working together a lot no?” And you don’t even need to look over to know who’s voice it is. You can’t tell if there’s a knot in your throat or the food is coming back up because you start to feel a bit sick. Your legs twitch to get up, but your brain is screaming not to run. Not in front of your new manager, and even worse the CEO of your company. 
You quietly look over, already feeling your palms get clammy. Zak and Carlos look so focused on Tom that you realize they had barely looked over to the rest of the group, but Tom decides to change this. “Yeah- yeah. Everyone here’s new. Wanted to get them to mingle a bit.” He says, soon turning to you all. Zak and Carlos look towards you all, smiling. A part of you wonders if he doesn’t recognize you but you notice the moment that he does. 
He freezes a bit and blinks, eyes locked on yours and you quickly look away, breaking eye contact. Tom and Zak don’t even notice, not until Cara approaches Carlos, who barely reacts as he shakes her hand. As Carlos is, he quickly recovers and composes himself, apologizing before introducing himself. 
“So this is Cara, she is our new Junior Aero Engineer, she worked quite a bit in the W League and in the F2 series,” Tom says. Carlos manages to make some eye contact but you can feel his eyes shift from her to you but you try not to look back at him. After three more introductions Tom shifts the attention to you. 
You force yourself to look this time and you bite the inside of your cheek to remain calm. You can see Carlos is about to say something, but he struggles to find the words. His eyes are a bit all over the place, and his nose is twitching the way it does whenever he’s nervous. The tension is suddenly visible in the group and all eyes are on you both. 
“Do you know each other?” Zak asks, deciding to be the one to break the silence. 
“Actually,” Carlos starts. 
“No- no we don’t.” You casually laugh, and what? You were meant to stay quiet. But what were you supposed to do? Let Carlos tell not only Tom, but also Zak, and the rest of the team that you used to what, date? A part of you realizes, maybe he was going to say friends. But it was too late now. “My name is y/n. Nice to meet you” You say, and you can tell Carlos’ demeanor instantly changes. His back straightens and he quickly plasters on the tight lipped smile you used to hate. “I’m,” You stutter a bit when he holds your hand to shake it,  “I’m the new Engineer Intern.” and you can tell he’s upset. His eyes are cold as he locks eyes with you again. This time you can’t look away. 
“Carlos.” He says shortly. It pierces through you like a knife. “Nice to meet you.” 
“Nice to meet you too,” You murmur. 
You feel a pool of instant regret settling in your stomach as he turns his back towards you and goes to greet the other new starters. 
What had you gotten yourself into?
Link to chapter 3
Taglist: @luvrboygaslys-interacts @mossafiato
(if you drop a comment i'll tag or just let me know and i'll add you!! ily xoxo)
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miekasa · 3 years
mie….could we please get college au eren headcanons👉🏽👈🏽
Of course. I’m always thinking about his big head anyway <33 might as well put it good use.
One thing he learned in college is how to make his hyperfocus/fixation episodes work for him; that’s why he schedules all his classes as close together as possible. He’d rather have class back to back for 5 hours, than have it spread out with hours in between lectures, because that increases his changes of cutting.
You can always tell when he’s in class and/or what class he’s in by how much he responds to your messages. If he doesn’t text back at all, he’s in a class that hard or one he enjoys, or both. But if he’s sending you iMessage games, then you know he’s in his elective that he couldn’t care else about (and is probably cheating in someway somehow lmfao). 
He usually puts his phone on dnd when he’s in a class that’s important, but you’re in his favorite contacts, so your messages always ring through. What if it’s an emergency and you need him for something? Advanced Roots of Human Biology can wait. 
Some days there are one or two our breaks between his lectures, that’s just how the scheduling works out. When that happens, he usually sneaks into one of your lectures, or goes to your place to take a nap. Your roommates have become accustomed to him, honestly they’ve been considering giving him a key. 
Once, he didn’t realize that your lecture was basically a seminar, with you, the prof and maybe six other students. He still stayed lmao, and the prof was so amazed by his dedication, that she didn’t even mind. Occasionally, you’ll catch the two of them talking after lecture. It’s pretty cute the way she’s adopted him into the class even tho he’s not on the roster. 
You... have to show him where the library is lmfao. He genuinely has not stepped foot in one until you bring him to one. He likes it tho lmao once he gets used to it. 
Speaking of which, do not give him standard directions to find your classes on campus because all you’ll get is, “Babe, I’m gonna keep it real with you, I’ve never heard of the ‘West Quad’ a day in my life. What building are you near.”
He usually comes to see you in the library after all his lectures are done for the day. Sometimes he does homework, sometimes he’s just fucking around on his computer, sometimes he’s just bothering you. When you have to leave to go to class, he stays behind to watch your stuff so you don’t have to pack everything up and come back. 
Very protective when it comes to keeping your seat for you. No, you cannot take that chair to your table you good for nothing freshman; it’s reserved for you. 
He’ll drag you out of the library if you’ve been cooped up all day, tho. Eren will use his height and his strength against you to get you up. Placates you with kisses when he sees your angry expression, and promises to buy you food.
He takes your backpack for you when you’re walking together,m. His backpack is frustratingly light all the time, even during midterms. You swear all he’s got in there is a pencil and some flashcards. 
If you have night classes, he sticks around to walk you home after, especially in the winter when it gets dark faster. If he’s not already on campus, he’ll walk/drive back to meet you; he just doesn’t like you going home alone. Even if your friend/roommate is in the class with you, Eren will walk or drive the both of you home for his own sanity. 
He plays sports, so he usually has practice most evenings, but he’ll find a way to make time. If practice was particularly brutal, he’ll probably crash at your place.
He loves it when you come to meet him after practice. His whole face lights up and he waves obnoxiously, before he gathers up his stuff and all but sprints towards you. You get a cold water bottle to the face, or a bit of water splashed on you usually, which he takes immense amusement in. 
He knows it’s not possible for you to make it to all of his games, and usually it doesn’t bother him much; you’ve got your own life, and work to worry about. All he asks is that you wear his jersey, or any item of his sports apparel/merch on game day (he’s partial to hoodies).
By the time junior year rolls around, he’s not all that interested in attending parties that aren’t hosted by your friends; so, unless it’s at Connie, Jean, or Reiner and Bertholdt’s place, Eren will usually decline. Even team parties, he’s not crazy about unless it’s to celebrate a championship or something. He’d much rather celebrate with you. 
He does get excited about hosting parties though, and he and Jean become pretty damn good co-hosts. They don’t throw ragers, and that’s probably why Eren likes it so much. It’s usually your friend group and a couple plus ones, some good music, games, weed, and take-out. 
He’ll buy you coffee whenever you ask for it. The first time, he just orders something plain, not really knowing the difference between anything; but give it two or three tries, and he’ll get it perfect. He becomes so good that he can order you something new/different and you’ll love it. 
That’s kind of the start of his own coffee addiction, and more often than not, when he buys you a cup, he’s on his second or third of the day himself. The flavor has really grown on him, okay. 
He much prefers your apartment, but on occasion, he’ll ask you to come to his. You’ve been studying for so long, a change of environment should do you good, he claims. He’s a fucking liar tho because that’s all Eren Talk for “I do genuinely want you to come over, but my plans are to coerce you out of doing your assignments and doing me instead.”
Lmfao he adds you on Apple Watch Rings just so you can see him close his rings every day and laugh at you. Even if yours get closed by virtue of walking around campus or working out or whatever, his numbers are stupidly high because he fucking has practice at least 4 days of the week. 
Of course when you’re running on a soccer field for 2 hours every day, you close your Move Ring five times, Eren. Leave the rest of us alone. 
He buys you guys matching accessories for your keychains. It’s something pretty cute, and slightly random, but it reminded him of you. It also serves as a reminder to himself to take his fucking keys with him when he leaves his house. 
He sleeps like a fucking rock, so do not let him fall asleep in the library. Waking him up is a mission, and he’s never happy to be woken up. He looks kinda cute tho. 
He schedules dates for you and his friends. Usually by accident, but hear me out. Sometimes he’ll make plans with Armin, then forget that he has class or a test or something; so his solution is to text you, “hey, i forgot min and i were supposed to go some aquarium tomorrow but i have a midterm so here’s the pdf of my ticket, go with him for me, thanks babe love u” then, boop, you and Armin have an aquarium date Friday evening. 
The same thing happens with Mikasa, though, she usually catches the scheduling conflict before Eren does, and invites you out herself. You and Mikasa hang out quite a bit anyway, so it comes to the point where she tells you when she’s gonna hang out with Eren, so you can make yourself free for when he inevitably remember he has a game that day. 
Mikasa is most amazed that you’ve put up with Eren this long lmao. You’ve certainly lessened her Eren & Armin babysitting hours, and for that she’s eternally grateful. Also, she’s just happy to have another close friend. She loves Eren and Armin, but they’re not the most social beings, and she was literally their only friend besides the other for all their childhood PLEASE she’s so happy you’re around. 
It’s Mikasa, however, who babysits you and Eren whenever you both get too drunk. Says you guys are two peas in a pod (affectionate<2)
If you tell Eren something important that happened, like an internship you got, or a good grade in a class, or something, he usually relays that information to his mom pls. He texts her every day, and if she doesn’t ask for an update on you first, he gives her one.
Carla calls you sometimes, too. At least once every few weeks, just to check on you herself. She really likes you for Eren, and is grateful someone is willing to put up with her hotheaded son. 
Eren’s always using your fucking chapstick. Always. You know he has his own, so why he needs to use yours is beyond you. Finds time to make some dumbass comment about how it’s an “indirect kiss” every time he uses it too. Like bro, we’re dating, and have had many direct kisses why are you like this.
He posts on Instagram every few weeks or so, but you’re on his story every few days. Usually, it’s just a video of you minding your business and doing your work while Eren slowly zooms in before making some loud noise to surprise you, all so he can get your reaction on video and laugh at it. He’s annoying. 
He’s a bit of a copycat when it comes to the products you use. He’ll buy the same brand of pens as you (for that matter, all of his school supplies mirror yours because what does he know about the difference between A4 and A5 notebooks?), put a little hand sanitizer on his backpack like yours (and a lotion, too, for good measure), he even copies your Starbucks order until he finds one he likes for himself. It’s one of his love languages <3
If you’re wondering where your eyelash curler went, Eren stole it to try it on himself, hurt himself, vowed to never use it again, went back because he wanted to “do it right and not give up,” liked the results when he didn’t pinch his eyelid, and now it’s his. 
That being said, stop trying to put your Fenty lipgloss on him, it’s never going to happen. Eye makeup, maybe, only if you sit in his lap and he can have his hands on your ass while you do it. 
What he does love is letting you do his skincare. He will set aside dedicated skincare nights, he adores it. Easily one of his favorite things ever. 
You have his wallet. Not because he’s your sugar daddy or anything (although, if you want something, he’d definitely let you use his card to get it; and even if you bought something without asking, he wouldn’t think twice about it), but because he put it in your bag once and never took it out. 
When you tried to give it back, he just shook his head and told you to keep it, “I have my ID in my phone case anyway, and you’re less likely to lose it. Plus I put all my cards on Apple Pay, so I’m good.”
When you do make it to a game of his, he’s all over you when it’s over. Not in a cocky athlete boyfriend kind of way; in a very sleepy boyfriend kind of way. He’s usually got ice on at least one part of his body, and he’s got half his body weight on you as you walk to the car. 
By the time you guys get back to your place, he’s practically sleep walking. The only thing on his mind is taking a hot shower to soothe his muscles, and heading to bed. The aftermath of game days aren’t all that bad though, because even if you didn’t show, you’re always there to kiss him when he’s home and massage his shoulders, and cuddle him to sleep; and that’s his favorite part. 
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theringers · 3 years
addicted - charles leclerc
summary: you and charles have broken up but an unexpected reconciliation and jealousy leads to some fun
request: Can you do Prompt 100 with Charles? ❤️🥺
prompt: 100) "Call me selfish, but I don't ever want anyone else to touch you."
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warnings: NSFW, 18+, sex, public sex lmao shocker
The music blared out of your speaker as you danced around your bathroom. Your apartment had been quiet for days now, something you definitely weren’t used to.
It had been a few weeks since Charles moved out of your shared apartment. It was an emotional breakup, but something that you both eventually decided was best for the two of you.
“I want this to work more than anything, but I think it’s best if we spend some time apart.” You said between tears.
“I don’t want to be apart from you. I love you.”
“I love you too, but this is what we need.”
“If this is going to make you happiest, this is what I want too.”
You recalled the conversation between you two but quickly pushed it out of your mind and focused on your plans tonight.
It was a Friday night and all of your friends were either out of town or busy, but you wanted to have a fun night. You sent a text to a coworker and decided to meet him out at a restaurant downtown.
It was hot and humid and the outdoor restaurant was making your cheeks turn red. Your coworker had gone to the bar to get you two drinks.
“Hey, how have you been?” He asked when he returned.
“I’ve been doing okay,” you hesitated a bit. “Charles and I broke up a few weeks ago and this is my first time coming out since.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. How are you doing?” He was obviously shocked. You and Charles had been together for years.
“I’m doing okay. We needed time apart, it’s just weird getting used to being alone.” You took a sip of your glass of wine and looked around. So many people were on dates tonight.
“I totally understand that. I’m here for you, whatever you need.” He smiled at you.
“Thank you, I appreciate it.”
You conversed and decided to order some small plates for dinner. It was refreshing to have the company of someone new, even though you missed Charles immensely.
“No fucking way,” you said as a salad leaf almost fell out of your mouth.
“What’s wrong?”
Your eyes focused on the couple a few tables away. “Charles is here, on a date I think?”
“Oh no, we can go somewhere else if it would make you more comfortable.” Your coworker got flustered, trying to make sure you felt okay. His kindness was not overlooked.
“No, it’s okay. This was bound to happen. We live in the same town, a small one at that.” You continued to eat your salad hoping to find something else to get your mind off of this awkward situation.
“Are you sure?”
You nodded and shoved your fork in your mouth laughing. Just your luck.
Charles got up from his table and headed towards the bathroom inside. He was wearing your favorite shorts of his and a black top. You loved when he wore black because it complimented his skin and eyes perfectly. The thought of him dressing up like this for someone else hurt.
“I have to use the restroom, excuse me,” you said scooting out of your chair. Your date nodded and smiled.
You picked up your pace so you could catch him inside. Luckily you did, right before he reached the bathroom door. “Charles.”
He turned around confused, saying your name in response to his. “What are you doing here?” He asked.
“Same thing you are.” He nodded. “I couldn’t let the night go by without saying anything.”
You admired his body, once again. Your favorite outfit of his. For someone else. Ouch.
“I hope you’re doing well,” he said.
“I’m doing the best I can. Same to you.” You both danced around what you really wanted to talk about.
“Who’s the guy?” He asked.
“A friend from work. We’re just here getting drinks.”
He nodded. “I saw you the moment I sat down but I didn’t want to bother you. You seemed happy.” The sadness in his eyes was evident.
“I’m having a good time. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss you.”
Servers were using the hallway to get back and forth to the kitchen. “Can we talk in here? Somewhere a little more private?” He motioned for the bathroom.
You crossed your arms as you leaned against the door. “Who is the girl?”
“To be honest, I don’t know her at all. She’s a cousin of a friend. He thought I should try to get my mind off of things.” Well that was a bit of a relief.
He stared at you. “You look really beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you. You look pretty good yourself.” You smiled at him, remembering how much he loved a good compliment.
He took a deep breath in. “I want to be supportive and let you do you, but it’s killing me to see you out with someone else.” You looked at him with sad eyes and felt a chill from the cold air conditioning. “And I’m sorry, I know this isn’t what you need to hear right now. But it’s how I feel and we promised to be more honest with each other.”
You looked at his lips and the years you spent kissing them all came back to you. You wanted to pounce on him and feel his body move with yours but you made a promise to yourself. You needed time alone.
"I love you, Charles, I really do-" he cut you off with his lips, practically reading your mind.
"Don't say another word please." It felt so normal, how could you object?
Your bodies molded together the way they always did. You were meant for each other. His fingers tangled in your hair and his warm kisses felt like home.
He pulled away from you, his hands still in your hair. His eyes took in your body and he bit his lip. "Call me selfish, but I don't ever want anyone else to touch you."
His hands moved down your body, taking in the feeling. "Just me."
He kissed your neck and left sloppy desperate kisses along your collarbone, causing your head to fall back against the door.
He flipped your body around and you could feel his growing bulge against your ass.
His fingers trailed under your dress and went inside of you, warming you up for him. You let out a soft moan, remembering what his fingers felt like.
He wasted no time by undoing his shorts and guiding himself inside of you. You moaned at the full feeling. His hands gripped your hips and rocked you back and forth on his cock. "Jesus," he said, trying to keep the noise to a minimum.
"Would that guy out there make you feel like this?" He asked you.
You responded in between moans. "No." You always loved his jealous side because amazing sex followed, but this was nothing like you had ever experienced before. You weren’t his anymore but he wanted to make you his again, show you what you were missing.
“He doesn’t know your body like I do, baby,” he whispered in your ear. His hands wrapped around you and found your chest, taking your breasts in his hand.
"Fuck, I love you," you said between moans. He was taken back and stopped for a second, but eventually snapped back into it. His hands gripped your asscheeks and spread them, making you feel even fuller than before.
He shook his head in disappointment. “I need to stop fucking you but I’m just so addicted to you. I can’t stop.” He grunted while continuing to thrust into you.
Your hands were flat against the door and your head turned to the side. You could see his muscles flexing out of the corner of your eye, making you suck in a heavy breath.
“You feel so good, Charles,” you said. A moan escaped your lips but you couldn’t hold anything back any longer. “Fuck me like it’s the first time again.” Embarrassingly enough, your first time together was in the bathroom at a house party. It seemed like bathroom sex was becoming your thing.
He picked up his pace, and pulled out quickly, but not quick enough. He came all over the back of your dress.
Your jaw dropped but you couldn’t help but laugh. He apologized profusely but also let out a small chuckle.
“Let me take you home and clean you up,” he said.
You stopped for a moment to think. “Only if you take this dress off the next time you want to fuck me.” You grabbed your purse and left the bathroom, making a beeline for the side door.
He grabbed your hand and followed you out to his car. “This isn’t how I expected my night to go.” He said, opening up his passenger side door.
You slipped in to his car and laughed. “And you think I did?”
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
Period Pains
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: Nope! Just fancied some soft!Jay
• Warnings: pure fluff besties 
• Summary: Jay looks after you as you experience a rough period, unlike anything you’ve felt before. 
• Words: 2482.
• A/N : When I tell you this is the ugliest thing I’ve ever written lmao. I’m so weak for soft!Jay at the moment and had just came on my period when i started this  a few weeks ago.. I have a few ongoing requests at the moment that I’m working on, promise I’m not ignoring them but I just don’t want to post them until I’m happy with them! 
Hope you enjoy!
You notice the bed beside you dip with Jay’s weight as he joins you, fresh from the shower as you feel the heat radiating from him. You attempt to shift and face him, craving the feeling of having your head against his chest with the rhythm of his heartbeat soothing you to sleep. You wince as a cramp hits your stomach, slinging your arm across your stomach as a natural reflex for when the wave of pain arises. 
Jay places a hand on the edge of your shoulder, gripping round your skin as he moves your hair to one side to place a delicate kiss to the exposed shoulder blade “Stay facing that way, I’ll be able to rub your stomach” he whispers into the nape of your neck and causing a shiver to run down your spine at the softness of his words. 
You happily do as you’re told, still in somewhat of a half consciousness as you doze in and out of sleep with the thought of knowing he was there beside you helping the pain drift away. 
“Life your hips for me baby” he softly demands, encouraging you to lift your side for just a few seconds to allow him to slip his arm under you to rest a hand on your stomach “You’re burning up” he tuts, removing the hot water bottle you had pressed against you and placing it on the the other side of the bed “Don’t want you getting too warm, you’ll make yourself ill”. 
His firm tone made your heart flutter, he always had your best interests at heart and made the smallest of actions seem natural to him. You’d happily let yourself curl up under a blanket with a hot water bottle until you were burning hot but it would always leave you feeling faint and you’d end up cooling off in a cold bath or shower which really defeated the object..
You laid in a comfortable silence with Jay, cursing under your breath as another wave of pain hit "Why am I a girl” you mocked, digging your head further into your pillow as some form of distraction. Jay would take it in his stride, dropping a kiss to your back and chuckling as you swear under your breath to take your mind off the intense cramps. 
The motion of Jay rubbing his hand softly over your stomach didn’t stop, you expected it to after a while but it never did. He was constantly tracing shapes across your skin, running his fingernails back and forth under your shirt and laughing as you occasionally flinched if it tickled. Whether it was a placebo affect or not, the cramps would ease under his touch and helped you get a brief moment of sleep. 
You awoke just under an hour later to an empty bed, turning over to see the covers thrown back and Jay’s side of the bed vacant made your heart sink. He was the one helping you through this and even though the painkillers had kicked in, you still missed him just being beside you.
You would often be the first one up in the mornings, heading to the gym before work or just wanting to be awake to make him a morning coffee meant you weren’t used to being in bed alone. He was always there with you, even when you teased him for how long the pair of you would spend in bed on your days off, you loved it and wouldn’t want it any other way. 
In replacement of Jay’s hand, you must’ve reached for the hot water bottle in your sleep and that was a mistake. You were now sweating, the clothes clinging to your skin as it glistens with sweat, feeling clamy and gross wasn’t what you needed right now.
Trudging over to the bathroom and catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror was an instant regret, you were hunched to try and relieve the cramps, hair disheveled and your body was covered in red blotches from the hot water bottle. If you didn’t feel horrendous before, you did now. 
You always worried in your relationship that you weren’t good enough for Jay, he woke up and looked perfect, would finish an intense workout and look like a sports model or even concentrating on some paperwork he would look flawless and here you were looking the complete opposite.
You let out a deep sigh, running your fingers through your hair in some attempt to regain a sense of decency but there was no point. Your feelings were being intensified from your period and leaving you feeling worse than ever, wanting to curl up in bed and cry was seeming most appealing but before you can enjoy a good ole pity cry you hear the keys turning in the lock.
Quickly wiping the tears from your face and using Jay’s tshirt that you were currently wearing to try and remove the stains from your cheek was useless, you panicked. Jay seemed to have unnatural ability to tell when you’re not feeling yourself, and this is no exception. Just from taking one look at you he’d be able to tell you were upset and you didn’t want that to be the case, you’d already had a pity day and the last thing he needed was to see you were feeling worse. 
You chugged some water that he had left on the side and took another glance at yourself in the mirror, the red blotches had made their way to your neck so were now much more visible and your normal cheery smile was no where to be seen. 
“Baby?” you hear Jay call out, rustling around with some bags in the kitchen before making his way over to the room you shared. You were sat on the edge of the bed with your arms folded across your stomach, leant forward in pain as you rested your head on your knees.
His heart pulled at the sight, you were in pain and there was nothing he could do about it. He prided himself on always doing whatever he could to help you in any given situation and not being able to take away the hurt was killing him. He’d helped you through many periods in the past but this was the worst one by far, you’d be able to take some paracetamol and carry on but this was defeating you.
You barely had a chance to respond before you heard the footsteps getting louder as he made his way towards you, letting out a deep sigh as he sees you scrunched over in pain. The noise of bags rustling comes to a stop as he crouches down in front of you, resting his hand on the back of your neck and the other on your knee to hold himself steady as he balances.
“What happened baby?” his smooth voice was music to your ears, he didn’t even have to do anything and he was already soothing you more than you ever could. You sniffed before bringing your attention onto him, watching as his eyes soften when he see’s the redness in your cheeks and the hurt in your gaze. 
“Nothing” you lie through your teeth, already knowing he won’t fall for it but thinking it was worth a shot. Instead of giving you the normal ‘are you forgetting how well I know you?’ speech, he simply tilted his head to the side and lifted his hand to rest on the side of your face with a doting look “We’ll talk about it later”.
You were grateful for how well he knew you, knowing not to push you and that you weren’t in the mood to be interviewed like a suspect. Normally you loved it, thinking it was cute how he always craved to prove how well he knew you and could tell you were off just by a simple look but in doing this he knew best to leave it until you were ready. 
“Did you have to go back to work?” you question, still absentmindidly leaning into Jay’s touch as he gently moves his thumb back and forth to caress your cheekbone. A simple shake of his head made you smile, you were secretly hoping you’d have him to yourself so when you awoke to the empty bed you just assumed he’d been called in. 
You couldn’t hide the frown that formed as he removed his hand and stood in front of you, reaching for something on the bed as you stayed hunched over below him. “I got your favourite ice cream” he comments, holding the tub out to you with a grin spreading on his face as your eyes light up “I thought they stopped selling it?” you questioned, already peeling off the plastic from the lid. 
“They did in our local, I asked around and drove to the only place they said still sells it” the pride in his voice was unlike anything you’d heard before as he carried on rummaging around the bag before pulling out 3 more tubs “Didn’t know how many you wanted so I stocked up” he chuckled, placing the tubs back into the bag and watching as you nibble round the edge of the container, too impatient to wait for a spoon.
“You don’t want these then?” you looked round to see him holding a family size bag of crisps, a handful of candy bars and even a box of your favourite instant hot chocolate that you used to have as a child. “How did you know” you probe, reaching for the box and examining the text.
Struggling to remember the last time you saw the packaging in a shop, let alone holding it in your hands. The box feeling so much smaller than it used to from when you were young, bounding to the cashier with 5 or 6 boxes to buy with your pocket money.
 “On our first date we passed a shop that sold them and I’ll never forget the look on your face. You told me how your mum would always make you one if you were having a bad day and they’d always make you feel better” he smiled and could feel the tears brimming in your eyes.
You and Jay had been together nearly 8 months and he still remembered the tinist detail from your first date, something you had even forgotten about. A little remark you made as you passed the shop on the way back to the car park, not thinking much of it as who would remember about a box of instant hot chocolate that probably didn’t even taste good? Jay did.
“Get into bed and I’ll get some bowls for these” he collects the items and puts them back into the bag, his tone still gentle despite the excitement you knew he had inside from presenting you with everything you needed without being asked.
You shook your head, standing to wrap your arms around his torso. Nestling your head into his chest as you feel it vibrate from a silent laugh “I told you to get into bed baby” you felt the shivers run down your spine as he rested his hand on the back of your head, allowing his hand to roam up and down your back in a soft motion. 
“What did I do to deserve you” you mumble into his chest, feeling him rest his head on top of yours as his hand settled on your lower back to push you further into him “So I did good?” you could practically hear the smirk on his lips, pulling back to examine the glowing grin peering back at you as his eyes glistened.
You reached to place a light kiss to his lips, a soft kiss that told him everything he needed to know “Are you gonna make me tell you to get into bed again?” he joked, tapping your back to retract yourself from him. Begrugingly you did so, already feeling the slight cold from the lack of contact you now craved from him. 
Picking the bags up from the bed to pull back the blanket, you felt the weight of something still in the bottom. You opened the carriers to see what must’ve been atleast 5 boxes of different sanitary products rolling around in the bags “What’s this?” you asked, confused as to why he went out of his way to buy you the snacks but you never would’ve expected him to know what products to buy you, or atleast try and guess as you always joked about how little men knew about the whole thing. 
“I didn’t know if you needed any” his voice was timid, reaching to rub the back of his neck with his hand which was a sign of nervousness you’d picked up on over the past few months . “Jay, how much do you think I bleed?” you were grateful to see the corners of his lips lift in a smile “Well, I realised I’ve never bought you any so I wanted to get a few so I had more of a chance of getting the right ones” he admitted, your hands falling to your sides as you allowed the bag to drop to the floor. 
Your feet were bounding over to him before you could even think, all you wanted to do was throw your arms around him as you had no words for everything he had done. “I can’t believe how much I love you” your voice slightly cracked as you felt the lump rise to your throat, as much as Jay loved to care for you, you never would've expected this. 
“I’m sorry I can’t take the pain away” you felt him plant a kiss to the top of your head, another one of his small guestures that made you week at the knees without him even knowing. “You’ve helped more than you’ll ever know” you smiled into him, cringing at your cheesy confession but knowing he loves to hear these things from you, adding to his ego of how well he looks after you. 
You both stood in a comfortable silence, basking in each other presence with the simplicity of the background noises coming from the streets below. From someone looking on, the way you were standing probably didn’t look very comfortable. The way you were entangled together, your arms hanging from his neck as his moved around your body to press his fingertips in the various parts he knew you were probably feeling pain. When Jay finally breaks the silence, he mutters the words that at the moment sounded better than ‘i love you’ when they fell from his lips “Do you want some ice cream, baby?” 
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