#i’m so sane about them
shelyue99 · 1 month
Thinking very hard about that real Dick Winters was very against the over usage of curse words like “fuck” in BoB and Tom Hanks had to agree to scale back the usage, and one of the notable curse words in BoB is Nix’s “son of bitch” after Dick accidentally poured his piss to wake him up, and that Dick said that was one of his favorite memories during the war, with a robust laugh.
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gojo-mochi · 10 months
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New tats
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bleushark · 1 year
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raan-miir-tah · 2 years
Hannah wants to team with Tommy specifically in skybattle butterfly duo enjoyers DO NOT LOSE!!
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mikeslawyer · 2 months
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acidkoipond · 8 months
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syntax-stonefly · 5 months
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something i noticed that i haven’t seen anyone else point out is that (at least i’m 90% sure) they’re celebrating steve’s birthday here
like. the crown on his head looks it says happy. considering the first season (and likely the second too) take place in june i can’t think of any other holiday that refers to. also he’s the only one with the crown and he has a cake with a candle
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cosmictap · 19 days
Z lahkimi prsti, “anata ga suki”
si čez hrbet napisala mi.
Ti tudi meni, “watashi mo”
so po tebi risale dlani.
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twinki3zs · 2 months
So… If a certain someone (me) were to make a blog about a fan fiction series they’ve been planning for a year that’s about a Camp Camp prequel called Camp Campbell which focuses on young Daveys experience in Camp Campbell with all the hijinks and wacky adventures that happened before Jaspers death, do you think certain people (the Camp Camp fandom) would be interested in it?
Just a hypothetical.
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aspennntree · 11 months
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feeling very sane and normal about him using the cane yep totally normal and sane about this boy
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lynnbutlertron · 3 months
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working on more little pizza tower animation tests btw here’s a preview from one of them if you EVEN care.
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chiyune · 7 months
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sunnibits · 8 months
also. also. (quickly putting on my beekeepers outfit to protect from the hive that I’m potentially whacking). thinking about izzy saying “blackbeard. it was us.” izzy telling ed that he fed his darkness on purpose, that he maintained blackbeard on purpose, because he needed him. thinking about how ed begs izzy not to go, tells him he can’t leave him. (he needs him). thinking about how ed could never truly heal until he left blackbeard behind. thinking about how blackbeard is really two people, not one. thinking about how izzy tells stede in season 1, “it’s my job is to make sure that edward is content”. how it’s been his purpose from the very beginning to protect edward, to help him be blackbeard, to be his right hand man. thinking about izzy saying “I wanna go”. thinking about all the meta from season 1 about ed keeping izzy in episode four on purpose, because he still needed him. thinking about izzy telling ed that he’s ready. ed is ready. (and it’s not just ed. izzy is ready too. I want to go. ed, I’m ready. I don’t need you anymore. I don’t need blackbeard anymore. you can let go). thinking about izzy looking up, seeing ed’s face, and softly saying “there he is”. (when was the last time izzy truly saw ed and felt at peace with it? when was the last time he didn’t search for something darker underneath? how soft were there faces then? how young, how unscarred was their skin?). thinking about izzy telling stede that he thinks he’s good for ed, that it took him a long time but that he sees it now. (he trusts stede now. he trusts him to take care of his eddie. he couldn’t trust him before, couldn’t see it, but he knows now. he knows he’ll be okay with stede). thinking about izzy using his last words to tell ed that he’s loved, that he’s surrounded by family. (you’re safe now. you’ll be safe without me. you’ll be safe without blackbeard). thinking about how blackbeard has always been a form of protection, of defense - now unneeded. but blackbeard was always two people knitted together. two scrappy boys in a costume, like a prey animal fluffed up to twice it’s size. a skin that can’t be shed without splitting them both apart. stitches that can’t be undone without bleeding.
they’re both ready. they’re letting go.
“there he is.”
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eeblouissant · 2 months
I had a singular brainworm & two seconds to doodle. where’re my blanche/dorothy enthusiasts because they’ve grown on me so fast (+ an extra doodle under the cut 🫣 it’s cropped here but still a little nsfw regardless, so feel free to scroll if that’s not your thing!)
something something that one thing Blanche was wearing that one time
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sqwdkllr · 6 months
i agree with you about peaking behind the curtains and seeing how awful the federation really is! (plus honestly elena's design is SO cute) i do wish theyd put the lore back in the hands of the islanders though </3 but we cant have everything i guess LOL
I LOVE HER, Also the implications that she’s behind so many of the destructive creations of the federation is sooooo !!!!!! Wow lady you sure have some fucked up morals keep at it I hope you get WORSE
She’s like if cucurucho knew social cues and tried to justify what it does in the base of “it’s for the greater good of the future !! For science !!”, she’s so so cool and opens so many possibilities for other characters
But also !!!! we have gotten some story from the islanders tho. We got stuff from Phil, Antoine dropping subtle stuff, Tubbo, Roier and Pepito’s conflicting issues, and Bagi and Tina’s relationship development, and of course the eggs relationships with one another developing.
Some are more tame than others but it’s still story
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twistedappletree · 20 days
sorry but i’m actually just gonna start blocking people who put zhuiling hate in tags bc yall will ship every incest ship in the book then trash on the one ship where they’re genuinely NOT related and it’s getting so fucking old
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