#i’m wearing a new jockstrap under these shorts too
penismage · 11 months
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sisterpiranha · 3 years
The Art of Snake Charming, ch. 8
Pairing: Lawrusso, Daniel Larusso/Amanda Larusso (at the start, I mean, they are engaged) Johnny/Shannon, mention of Johnny/others
Summary:  Johnny is a stripper. Daniel has a bachelor party. Louie is an idiot.
(translations for the Spanish text at the end)
I've been struggling with this story a bit since I'm in two minds about how to end it. And this is a decision I should make before moving forward. So just to give myself time to mull this over, I wrote this chapter from Johnny's perspective and about his history. It's extra self-indulgent and has little to no dialogue. So I'm very sorry.The good news is that it can be skipped without affecting the reading of the rest of the story. So enjoy! (or not!)
As usual, not beta. And I didn't have time to edit this as much as I wanted, so there might be more mistakes than ever. And the tenses are all over the place.
Johnny saw Daniel leave. He saw the door closing behind him and wondered if he would see him again. Probably not. Or if he did, it wouldn't be the same. He’d be married by then, maybe had kids of his own. And Johnny would be nothing but a stupid mistake of his past. He wondered what would happen if they were to meet in 15 years. Would Daniel avoid him? Pretend he didn’t exist? Or would he say hello like they were old friends and ask him how he had been, like he had never begged Johnny to stay the night with him or ask for a kiss goodbye? Would Johnny still care? He didn’t doubt that he would. He had carried Daniel in his heart for the past 17 years and he had little doubt that he’d be a weight pulling him down for 17 more.
Johnny felt tears running down his cheeks and rubbed them furiously with his hand. He was stronger than this, he had to be. It’s not like he hadn’t known it would end this way. From the moment he had seen Daniel’s big Bambi eyes staring at him in shock a few nights ago, he had known that whatever happened, he would have ended up broken-hearted.
Daniel had been his first crush, the one that had made him realise that he wasn’t as straight as he would like to be, the one that catalyzed everything. Even back then, he would think of what things would have been like if they were different. What if Johnny had had balls enough to break away from his friends and Kreese and extend an olive branch to Daniel? Would the boy have taken it? Would they have become friends? Johnny liked to imagine so. 
But his olive branch had come too late. After the tournament, he’d wanted to go see the other boy to apologise, make amends, show him that he could be better than he had shown himself to be, but he always put it off. After the poisonous haze of Kreese had cleared from his mind and the bruises from his face and neck disappeared, shame had taken control. It was only six months later that he managed to gather enough courage to go find him.
But he was nowhere to be found. His old apartment was not occupied by someone else, and no one answered at Miyagi's place.
Johnny would come back to the old man's house and wait outside for a while in case he had missed them, in case he had caught them when they were away, but they had all been gone. And Daniel became a ghost alive and real only in Johnny’s memories. 
The last time he had waited for him was after being thrown out of his house. Sid had caught wind of the kind of clubs Johnny had been frequenting. Between that and him quitting school, it had been the last straw. He didn’t remember much from that night, but amidst the pain from Sid’s punches and the sound of his mother crying still ringing in his ears, what he remembered the most was sitting on the hood of his car for hours and hours, drinking beer after beer and looking at every passerby in the hopes that he would recognise the big brown doe eyes that he craved. As if by just wishing, he could make Daniel materialise in front of him. He had slept in his car that night and had woken up the next day hangover and with the certainty that Daniel had left for good. 
That had been the start of his downward spiral. 
Much of his twenties, he had spent in a haze of alcohol, drugs and sex, making the worst decisions possible and trying very hard to purge every single memory of his last year of high school from his brain, and yet, countless times, waking up in bed with dark-haired men with big soft brown eyes and tan skin that looked nothing like Daniel in the harsh light of day. 
There were many wake-up calls during that time: ending up in the hospital with an overdose or after getting beaten up, getting arrested for stealing and solicitation, almost being sent to prison. Without friends, without his family and without a sensei, he looked for the worst company he could find and let himself be dragged down with them. 
One call, however, had changed it all. 
He’d barely recognised Sid on the phone, but his words still struck him like a knife. His mother was ill. The kind of ill you didn't recover from. Sid was willing to let him come back as long as he promised to clean his act and leave his more "undesirable proclivities" in the past. Normally Johnny would have sent the man to go fuck himself, but the word ‘cancer’ was still rattling in his head. He wouldn’t abandon his mother again. So he accepted and, like the prodigal son, he went back to Encino and to the arms of a mother who was barely strong enough to hold him.
Things moved fast from there. He went to rehab and met Shannon, someone who was as broken as he was and who didn’t flinch whenever his mask showed its cracks. She had deserved better than him, but, at the time, they had clung to each other like a lifeline, hoping that the other was strong enough to save them both. But they hadn’t been strong at all and the pregnancy had ended up destroying what little love had been left between them. 
When Laura died, Johnny’s heart broke once again and he went back to the only refuge he had known. The end of her mother’s life had almost put an end to his, but it didn’t. The moment his son had been placed in his arms had changed everything. Robby had saved his life. Shannon hadn’t been so lucky.
And Johnny remembered clearly the first time the boy had grasped his hand, his little hand looking tiny next to his. He remembered crying more than he had cried before, he cried for Shannon who would never know her son. For Laura who would have loved to be a grandmother. For the sacrifice, her mother had made just for him to throw his life away. For Robby and his bad luck of not being born to a better family. Even for Daniel who, years later, still haunted his memories.
Turning his life around had taken a lot, but he knew Robby was worth it. Many times, he was tempted to go to Sid and ask him for money or some help. But his mother’s death was still too fresh and his wound still too raw for him to take the humiliation. Without meaning to, Laura had taught him a lesson that he never managed to learn herself: money, and a mansion and a position were not worth having to live with the constant abuse of someone like his stepfather. 
So Johnny rented an apartment and struck on his own. Things got difficult then. For one thing, he wasn’t someone people were eager to hire. He worked odd jobs as a handyman here and there. He occasionally got some money playing pull. And when things got really tight, he wasn’t above doing other things for money, too. He wasn’t proud of that, but he needed to provide for Robby and it’s not like he hadn’t done it before. 
But that wasn't his only problem, he also knew very little about babies. In that sense, the Diaz family had been his salvation. They had moved to the building two months after he did, fleeing the violence of Carmen’s husband, who remained in Ecuador.  And Carmen and Rosa had had no qualms to take him under their wing. Rosa would look after Robby when he had to work and teach Johnny how to take care of him. And he would take Carmen to work and accompany her wherever she didn’t feel safe going alone. 
Working at a strip club was something he had never expected. He had met Lenny one morning when he was exercising. He had seen Johnny doing some katas in the park wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and struck a conversation with him. When he made an offer to come work for him, the blonde thought he was full of shit, but it turned out that it was a legitimate job offer and not just a way to get Johnny on his bed. Johnny knew next to nothing about stripping, other than he was meant to take his clothes, but the money was better than anything he could make on his own, so he was willing to learn. In that sense, karate had been a huge help. So when it came the time for him to create his stripping alter-ego, the decision had been obvious. And the jacket still had fitted like a glove.
Johnny would be lying if he said that, throughout this time, he had never thought of Daniel Larusso. Dating was hard with a baby. Even worse in his line of business. He’d tried a few times, but nothing had come of it, so eventually he just stopped trying, other than occasional one night stands. But his mind couldn’t help going back to Daniel. He imagined a thousand different little scenarios in which they would meet again. He didn’t even know if Daniel had come back to the Valley, but he imagined maybe they would bump into each other in a shop or the park. They’d get talking and maybe Johnny would ask him out for a coffee or a drink. 
However, in all his fantasies, Johnny was never a stripper. It wasn’t like he was ashamed of it, necessarily. But Daniel had seen him at his peak, he had been a king back then living the life of a rich Encino kid. And now? He lived in a shit apartment and he made ends meet by taking his clothes so people could stuff money in his jockstrap. He couldn’t imagine Daniel’s face if he ever found out.
And sadly, he didn’t have to. 
Seeing Daniel again, in the flesh, had shocked him more than he had let on. The man had been a construction of his imagination for so long that seeing him actually standing before him seemed unreal. Johnny felt like he had walked into a daydream where anything could be possible. That was the only explanation on why he had behaved the way he did, staying when he knew he should have left, and carrying something forward when the only possible outcome had been Daniel leaving. But there had been something in Daniel’s eyes that first night that called to Johnny. The eagerness with which he had followed him outside and sought after him the following day, and the obvious jealousy whenever Robby came up in conversation had given Johnny a strange hope that maybe he hadn’t been alone in his inability to put his old rival out of his mind.
And Johnny was even ashamed to recognise that, even though rationally he knew that Daniel was going to get married, there was a deep, hidden part of him that had also wished that maybe Daniel would end up not going through with the wedding. That the time they spent together had made him change his mind. And when he opened the door of his apartment to see him standing there, that stupid part of him roared in his chest. But just as soon as hope flared, it died down. Sure, Daniel was attracted to him and, under different circumstances, maybe things would have been different. But it was the money that made him come back, money that Johnny had forgotten all about. That and closure. Daniel wanted to move on with his life, put Johnny and everything else in the past and carry on with his new life.
The sound of the door opening pulled Johnny out of his thoughts and two excited toddlers threw themselves on Johnny at the screams of ‘dada!' and 'tío!”. Rosa, on the other hand, had only to look at his face to guess what had happened. 
“Ay, Johnny,” the woman said getting closer and caressing his cheek. “¿Por qué no vienes a comer con nosotros? Te haré los plátanos que tanto te gustan.”
He nodded and followed the woman out of the apartment, carrying the giggling boys in his arms. Daniel had decided to move on with his life, and maybe it was time he did the same. 
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nachohypno · 4 years
Pine’s College Jocks 2 Ch. 9 - Finishing the plan
“So, from the beginning!” I said, moving my cap to the side and looking at the script on my left hand while Mike and Peter got to their places in front of me. It was a bit difficult trying to concentrate on controlling two guys while jerking off.
My cock was really hard, but I had to stop stroking or I would finish without completing this little project.
Peter was wearing a black tank top and some black joggings, while Mike was on his football uniform, armor and jersey included. Both guys’ eyes were glazed over and had goofy smiles on their faces.
I wanted to try and work out my mind abilities to control their bodies with the mind link. So, I’ve created this elaborated puppet show.
Written my own script, with ‘original characters’ (Peter as the hypnotist coach and Mike as the hypnotized jock who just wants to be fucked and commanded by his coach) and me directing it on real time, controlling their actions via the mind link like I’ve been practicing with Mike.
After Mike got in front of the front door of the apartment, and coach Peter sat on his ‘coach chair’, I’ve decided they were ready for giving it another shot.
“Now… begin” I said, wrapping my fingers around my cock as I read the script I made.
‘Mike enters the coach’s office’ I commanded the jock’s mind to enter the living room, which he thought it was the coach’s office.
Coach Peter was sitting on a dining room chair placed in front of the sofa I was on. The coach looked up at Mike, wondering what he’s doing at his ‘office’ after practice.
“Can I help ya, son?” He asked, as Mike just nervously looked around.
“Well…” He started, staring at his coach now. Both guys were fully hard by now, because I was controlling their actions with the mind link, and they loved obeying me. “I’ve been having… weird thoughts lately, Mr. Crawford, sir.”
The sunglasses that Peter was wearing helped to hide the glassy eyes, but they looked great on Mike. “I dunno what you’re talking ‘bout, kiddo. Care to explain?” The coach said, leaving some invisible papers on his invisible desk.
“It’s just that… there’s no way to explain it, sir. I just want to… drop to my knees and… be a good… boy…” The jock’s voice getting slower and slower was intentional, and I was glad I managed to pull that off with a few commands.
Peter chuckled “Seems like you still can’t resist my influence, huh jockboy?” He took off a plastic whistle that hanged from his neck and placed it in front of Mike’s eyes. “You reaaaaaally want to serve your coach, don’t ya?”
Mike’s eyes unfocused a bit more. “Yeessss, coach…” the slurring the words was also intentional, I just had to softly push him deeper into his actual trance to have a more realistic effect.
Peter placed the whistle necklace around Mike’s neck, before lowering his pants. “Get off that uniform and suck me off, kiddo. It would be a shame if you stained that thing with ya cum”
The jock didn’t waste a second, and obeyed the coach’s (Or should I say, my) commands, leaving only the football armor and the jockstrap on.
I stroked my cock, as Mike undressed and fell to his knees, then crawled over towards Peter, who started lowering his own pants.
Just as Peter’s cock sprung free and Mike took it in his mouth to pleasure his coach, someone knocked on the door, ruining my play.
“Fuck… Coming!” I said, but didn’t actually get up from the couch until coach Peter went to my room and closed the door. Mike took off the football armor, threw it to the guest’s room and put on a fitted shirt that was thrown over the coffee table and shorts.
I flipped the “Slave Mike” switch of his mind (Figuratively speaking, because it was more like bringing his main personality back to the front) and normal emotion returned to his body, before he sat down next to me.
“Hey bro, what happened?” He asked, with a bit of concern on his voice. Probably because coach Peter wasn’t around anymore. “Did we do anything wrong?” Aw, this guy is just too pure for this world.
“Nope, we’ve got visits, apparently.” I told him, getting up and heading towards the door.
I opened the door and found Leo there, with his hand up like he was about to knock again. “Finally, what took so long? Hey, Michael” He said, looking at the jock on the couch, who just mumbled a “‘sup” in answer.
“Sorry, we were in the middle of something and you didn’t really tell me that you were coming?” I replied, slightly annoyed at him for interrupting my magnum opus of homemade porn. What’s with this guy’s hidden ability to interrupt me almost every time I’m doing something related to sex?
He placed his hand on the back of his head. “Yeah… I was a bit bored and thought I could pay you a visit and catch up with our deal thing. Didn’t think you may be busy, being honest. I was a bit worried you may not be around though, due to your classes and stuff”
“It’s my free day” I said, motioning him to come inside, then closing the door after he entered. I sent a command to Peter’s mind to dress up and come out of the room, because I won’t have him imprisoned until Leo leaves. “So I thought about staying at home and just spend some time with Mikey and the coach”
I was still curious about why he called Geoffrey during our induction (Even though I haven’t told him I was doing him an induction) but I decided to avoid asking, unless the conversation goes that way, because it would be sort of weird to ask it out of nowhere.
“The coach? Which one?” He asked, then noticed a fully clothed coach Peter walking out of one of the doors. I ordered him to return to his own place, since he probably wasn’t needed around anymore. I’m not going to suck up all of his time if I’m not going to use the big man around.
Hmmm… That gave me an idea… No, way too irresponsible.
“Bye, sir. Bye, sir’s friend” Peter said as he walked past us and went outside of the apartment.
Leo looked at me, and pointed at the door. “Mate, got that bodybuilder under your control and you don’t have him all day around your place? I really wonder how you put up with the urge sometimes”
I chuckled, but couldn’t think of an answer for that. I did just think about it, but I’m not eager to take full control of someone’s life and make him my 24/7 servant. That’s just not how I work.
I walked back to the couch, and Leo followed me, then sat on the chair I’ve left before to act as the coach’s chair. I sat beside Mikey who just stared at us with curiosity. I think this is the first time I’ve been with him and Leo on the same room, without hiding him out of fear.
He’s not my property though, and even if we love to play with my powers, I’ve been letting him be normal Mikey again and diminishing the use of my powers a bit. Effectively, breaking Leo’s deal as I haven’t done anything “evil” with my powers yet.
“How’s the deal going?” Leo asked, looking as excited as always.
I feigned a thoughtful expression and said “You know, been there… done that…”
“You don’t have any idea about what to do, huh mate?” Was I that obvious? “It’s okay, not gonna start a witch trial against ya. I’m pretty lost too, if I’m being honest” Hah, look at us. We can control people’s minds and we can’t come up with ways to break out of our comfort zone.
“I mean, Mike did try to help you out and you sort of disappeared?”
“I’m still mad about it, bro. Could have told me anything before asking me to get some coffees in that crowded shitshow” Mike said, frowning. Poor big guy felt betrayed that day, and like he lost his time traveling to campus just to get planted a few minutes in.
I pulled him to lay down on my legs and said “It’s okay, just relax big guy. Wanna do that?” I caressed his hair as I usually did, and he answered a little “Yusss, bruh…”, closing his eyes.
“Not gonna lie, that’s hot. And I didn’t feel like he was helping at all, but I found the rugby coach guy and he actually offered himself to help out. I mean, it’s not like I can use my powers on him but that’s the gimmick of it, I guess. If he’s not completely under my control, he can give some feedback as to what does he thinks about my orders”
Oh… so that’s what’s going on with Geoff and him. The coach was helping him out! “Huh, well I’m glad to hear that. I’ve just focused on getting over with the sports club plan—“
“Still doing that? You’re really slow, mate” I jump up and reply something, but Mike was so relaxed that it would make me feel bad if I woke him up now. Like when a dog is laying on your belly and you can’t move again until he’s gone. “But if it means you’re doing more safety arrangements, then I guess it’s justified” Leo finished, laying back on his chair.
I looked at him a bit surprised. The reckless guy was talking to me about safety arrangements? That’s something new.
“It’s actually pretty close to being over. After the last coach, I just need to check that they work in good conditions after a few probation days, fix the last little details and then I assume the business will be self-sustainable with little to no input from me, before replacing those coaches with real workers, unless the coaches don’t have an issue with staying on their current positions” I finished, quite proudly.
“Damn,” Leo sighed “Sounds like a veeeeery busy work, mate. I prefer doing things quickly and have people barely notice I’m the one in control. And I wanted to ask you for a favour before I have to leave Barrinfield City in a few weeks”
Wait, he’s leaving? I mean, he’s from the UK but I thought he would be staying around much more time than these past few weeks. It doesn’t really make sense? But maybe he has to go back and attend some business with his company or something.
“I’d love to, depending on what the favor is of course. But I really have to finish with this before exams start or I’ll be fucked with capital F” I explained. I’m almost always up to helping… are we friends?
The term “Allies by convenience” would probably fit more. We try to be friendly to each other, but it’s possible that we both feel threatened by each other or something like that?
Imagine what would happen if a war between us started. Probably innocents would get involved— forced, to fight on any of the two sides. Or a higher force would end both of us to maintain the order. Like William or Adam would do if they found out.
Needless to say, I prefer this chilled, reckless Leo instead of an evil lord Leo who just wants the world under his control. He’s nice to have around too, even if he doesn’t understand my ways of doing stuff.
Huh, that gave me another good idea.
“Why don’t we end our deal, but with one condition?” He raised his eyebrow, with curiosity. “It’s far too obvious that we’re not good at trying each other’s approach, so let’s do this. You help me reprogram Mark to work at the sports club, since he’s already under my control, and I help you with that favor of yours”
“It’s actually nothing you haven’t done before. I’ve got this friend who… I fucked up his mind and I don’t know how to fix him” He scratched the back of his head, nervously. “It may be a bit difficult, because he’s been a few years like this and just recently got the hopes that you could help him? He came with me to Barrinfield City, so I just need to give you the address and you can go over to my place”
He broke a guy’s mind… but actually kept him around. Huh, interesting. He didn’t know if I would be friendly or not when he discovered there was another mind controller, so he must really care about this guy for… taking care of him, to say something nice about it.
I was a bit hesitant, because the last time I’ve rebuilt someone’s mind, I felt like I was close to another overload. But I can’t leave that guy without a mind, Leo was counting on me! And I like to use my powers to help others!
I stopped caressing Mike’s hair. (Who was just zoned out during our whole chat, looking at the ceiling with his closed eyes. I’m sure he’s not in trance, because I can feel a good amount of activity on his mind).
“Sounds like a new deal” I extended my hand towards my fellow mind controller and he smiled. Leo grabbed my hand and shook it, with determination.
“You won’t be disappointed, mate. So, uh… where’s this guy you need me to reprogram?” He asked.
I looked over at my phone. “I still got to call him. He lives in my hometown, which is a few hours away from here. And even now, it’s a bit late to do it. Maybe you’d like to do it tomorrow? I can tell him to go to the sports club and treat you like another master, so he will believe and obey everything you tell him”
“Alrighto, I was going to ask about that too. Since you’ve got that sorted out, can Geoffrey come with me?” Huh, why would he…
Oh, maybe he can use the help of a nice guy like Geoff? Honestly, I find it intriguing. He’s a rugby coach, and Leo used to be a rugby player. Maybe he feels familiar with following his coach’s guidance, and I won’t lie, I would love to look further into that.
But, that’s not my problem.
“Sure thing, you can take him with you if you want. Want me to call him too or you prefer to do it yourself?” Huh, this deal turned out to be way better than what I’ve expected at the start. Just hope that this friend of his isn’t a burnout to rebuild, like Chris was.
Leo’s POV
A day passed, and I was on the way to get Geoff.
Keys of the sports club? Checked. Coach who used to allow bullying as long as his team did well? Checked, he should be waiting for us. Rugby coach who’s too nice for his own good? That’s on the way.
It was raining, so I’ve left the roof of my car on and just hoped for hail to not start falling.
The rugby coach was waiting for me, sitting on the stairs in front of a nice looking building. He had an umbrella and a bag with him, smart guy. Even when Pine’s university does have on-campus living for his staff, some people like Peter and Geoff decided to still live off-campus.
I haven’t asked him the reason, but I suppose it may be much calmer than having random partying students around.
I pressed the car’s horn as I stopped in front of Geoff, and the coach quickly got up and closed his umbrella, then went into the car with quick moves.
“Hey, sorry for making your car wet” He said, getting comfortable and extending his hand for a shake.
“It’s okay, mate. It’s not like you could avoid getting wet or anything. Did Pine fill you in with the details already?” I asked him, shaking him hand then resuming my driving duty. The sports club shouldn’t be so far away.
“Yep. The boss filled me in with the details, told me to go with you today and help you as much as I can. Needless to say, I’m excited about working together, and watching a mind controller in action sounds amazing!” Geoffrey answered, looking at the window.
“Hey… you do know you’ve been mind controlled too, right?” I should learn to close my big, fat mouth. I’ve already made Mike nervous by asking ‘mean’ questions, but I still think it’s important to be honest, even if it hurts.
But, Geoff ultimately shrugged me off. I guess that’s what sets the difference between him and Mike. Mike apparently is really not mind controller to look after Pine. “This is different. Pine is my boss; he can do whatever he wants!” Huh, is that really it?
Do the people I control really think about me like that? Makes you think when you’re a spectator rather than the one controlling minds.
I tried to change the topic, asking my fellow rugby mate about how were his rugby practices going.
“You know, the guys try their best and really improve when they have a reward to look after. I love those guys, and I feel really proud when I see my players graduating and then getting new players to train from the start” Geoff answered, turning around to look at me as I drove.
“You seem like a nice coach. Mine used to be a pain in the ass” I told him, trying to make some chatter, even if we were about to arrive. That was true, though. My powers appeared near my graduation day and I made the most out of it in my high school.
“Aren’t we all? Our job is supposedly make the players play great, being friendly or not it’s rather optional and some… mean coaches prefer to not bother with it. I think differently, as you could see” He explained, grabbing his bag and taking a clipboard, with a few sheets of paper in it and a pen attached by a cord. “And, I thought about grading your progress after our few chats of how to be a better mind controller”
“What?” That’s not what I had in mind at all when I thought about having him coming with me. Still, sounds like a sort of nice idea?
“You heard me. I’ll grade you based on every single word you use, and will tell you how much you improved since our last sessions together and where do you need to improve. That’s how I work with my team, too”
“Uhm… sure, coach?” We had arrived already, and Mark was supposedly waiting for us in… there he is! In front of the sports club main entrance, there was this man waiting with an umbrella and dressed in winter clothes.
I grabbed the place’s keys, parked the car and left the car. Geoff followed me closely, as I walked towards this coach, Mark. I noticed there was a pretty car parked close to where he was standing. If it was his car, the mate has a good style.
Geoffrey opened his umbrella as we walked towards the football coach near us. The guy noticed and walked closer. “Hey. Mark, right?” I asked, and he nodded.
“Yeah, did master Pine sent you?” I like Pine’s style of making his slaves refer to him as master, but even I could tell to be more careful when they’re out on public.
“Yep, I’ll be doing the reprogramming today. This is your fellow workmate, Geoff” The rugby coach beside me gave him an excited nod.
Mark looked confused “Workmate? What the fuck does that mean?” Huh, I understand why Pine wants to reprogram this one now.
Geoff? He shouldn’t have by inducted at all. He’s an amazing coach already, without anyone mind controlling him. Peter? Or the other name Pine told me he programmed into him… Brody, was it? He was an ass before Pine turned his brain to mush and took control of him. Not quite like that, but still, he’s much nicer now apparently.
And… this dipshit. I’ve been a rugby player in my younger days (And I still go into a random match back in the UK when I feel like it) and I know what an asshole coach is when I see one. Someone who allows his players to bully other students as long as they play well? This guy deserves to lose his job, and hell I would make it if it was in my power.
And it is, but since my fellow mind controller is the one taking the leash with this one, he must have already taken care of him. I prefer not messing with his slaves, because I wouldn’t like if he messed with mine.
“I’ll explain it once we go inside, now move your ass because I’m getting cold out here” I said, and Geoff threw me a disapproving look. I didn’t care, because this guy was an awful person. “By the way, did Pine told you anything about obeying me or something like that?”
“You are Leo, right?”
I nodded “The one and only”
He seemed a bit relieved by my presentation. “Nice, master Pine told me to obey and believe anything you say. I don’t know why, but if he wants me to do that, then that’s my goal” Great, that should mean I have complete control, right?
I mean, not quite like it because using my verbal mind control should make him think that my commands are actually his own thoughts, so he’s now aware that I’m going to reprogram him. But still, something is something.
We entered the building in front of us, and were greeted by the nice view of the lobby.
“Huh, this place does look really good…” I whispered, looking around. I just noticed it was my first in the sports club Pine loved to talk about.
“I know, right? I’ve only been here once and I’m already in love with the idea of working here!” Geoff said, again looking way too excited than he should be. In some way, I’m actually glad my powers work like this too? Like, making my slaves eager to obey me and be happy by just thinking about it.
I headed over to the gym part, with the two coaches following me around, then looked at Mark. “I hope you have workout clothes under that jacket”
He shook his head “Just a shirt and some jeans, man. I didn’t think we’d be working out, thought I would be obeying master Pine? He likes to have me naked each time we meet” He had a cocky smirk that made me want to punch his face, but gotta get over with this first.
“So bad, strip down to your underwear then” Geoffrey looked surprised by my order, while Mark didn’t have a choice but to obey me. He did as I say, stripping down to his underwear, slowly revealing his well-built body.
‘Bloody hell… I get why Pine likes to have him around now, though he’s still a cunt’ I thought to myself, as Mark finished and stood still while waiting for more orders
I pointed to a bench with a weight bar on top of it. “Now, lay there and prepare to lift” I’m going to mold this motherfucker to be an excellent coach, not like the shit he was used to be.
He nodded, and did as I said still with a cocky smirk.
My rugby mate followed me as I walked over to a few weight plates. I was going to tell him to help me, but I didn’t want to push him too far due to his injury. I don’t know how much weight can he lift.
Meanwhile, for Mark… I’m not going to kill him, but judging by his body, he probably can lift at least 50 kg. I grabbed two plates of 10 and took them to the bench.
The thing is not made to be a real workout, and if he relaxes and enters a trance, I can’t let the bar kill him if he stops lifting suddenly.
I racked the bar with the plates and patted his pecs. “Now, begin lifting” I said, and Mark did so. Geoff looked curiously at both of us, and wrote stuff on his clipboard as soon as I stop talking. “But also, each time you lift that bar, you will feel a wave of relaxation going through your entire body, with the feeling multiplying by 5 each time you lift the bar”
He kept lifting, but the change was already noticeable. His arms did a weird movement and his face already seemed a bit zoned out, but he kept going. For security reasons, I went in front of the bench and got on helping position, keeping my hands on the bar as it went up and down.
“You can also start going deeper and deeper into that relaxation… Feeling completely open to my commands, understood?” Or I could just tell him ‘go deep into a trance and obey everything I say’ because that would also work perfectly well.
“Y-Yeah…” He mumbled, and I had to start helping him with the bar if I didn’t want him to die because of the weight. It was an unsafe method to put someone under, yeah, but I’m doing my best to ensure this bad coach’s safety.
A few times more lifting the bar, and his arms fell to the side of the bench. Luckily for him, I grabbed the bar and left it back on its place. “Now… get up” I told Mark, as I looked over to Geoffrey.
The rugby mate was enjoying this a lot, apparently. He already turned a sheet of paper and wrote on the back of it. I wonder how am I going so far with the programming. I mean, I still have to start the programming.
Pine’s old coach stood still in front of the bench he just got up from, and waited for more commands. His muscles were relaxed, and I wanted to see them tensed. But first, getting the job done, then the fun.
“So, I want you to answer me with complete honesty, and address me as ‘Sir’, understood?”
“Yeeesss… Sir…” It’s not usual for me to see entranced guys. I mostly get them under my control with the mind link so they don’t have the chance to be in a trance, they just start being obedient.
“Imagine the following scenario. You’re helping someone with their routine, and they’re complaining about the weight being too heavy for them, to say something. How would you normally react?”
“Uh… If you give them a good motivation… or yell at them like an authority… that should be enough for them to stop complaining—”
“No, no, no! You got it all wrong and it’s only the beginning of the reprogramming, oh geez!”
Creating a fake scenario to see how his normal reaction would be, if said reaction isn’t the one that I want, I change it until it reflects a change on his behavior.
I sighed, and looked over at Geoff.
“Hey, even I can be frustrated when he gives that shitty answer. No wonder why he and Peter are good friends, they both suck as being a decent person and treating their players like objects more than people with feelings” I looked at him, with curiosity before he started speaking again. “Yeah, there are rumors around campus, and students are not the only ones who know about gossip”
“Sounds like this asshole is known even out of his hometown and nobody does a thing about it, huh” It didn’t really made sense? I mean, not from a mind controller perspective, because I wouldn’t care if I’m mind controlling an asshole like this. He wouldn’t have personality after I’m done with him anyway.
“They are good coaches, apparently. So people let the bad part slip out of their minds” Geoff shrugged, while pointing at the zoned out Mark in front of us. “Just… calm down, and don’t lose composure, alright? That’s the key to use your powers correctly” The rugby coach said, finishing with a pat on my back.
“Alright,” I sighed, then looked at the zoned out Mark again. His cocky smirk was gone and he now had a dumb grin and a bit of saliva dripping from his mouth.
“If you are coaching someone, you can never yell at them or mistreat them because of them complaining about something. Instead, you try to motivate and look out for them to do well enough, and encourage a little rest if they really seem to not be able to keep up with the exercise, understood?”
Mark nodded, with a nice “Yeesss, sir…”
“Besides that, you will never mistreat anyone again. Don’t be an entitled twat, and try to be a better person overall. I mean, sending your football players to bully on a random guy because they need to ‘unload stress’? I would have ended your career a long time ago if I knew that, mate”
“…I’m sorry… sir…”
“Yeah, and you better be. If you’re going to start working on here as a coach, you will never mistreat anyone, and will do your best to always be a motivated coach and help others out, understood? And I don’t care if this goes against your normal personality, you will change your normal self in that case to fit with my orders, is that clear?!”
Geoff didn’t stop writing after any of my words, but I didn’t really care about my grading anymore? I just wanted to make a good job on this.
“Yeeesss… sir…”
“So, you will greatly look forward to working in here and helping people out in… whatever they may need help with, and no, that doesn’t include sexual favors” I wanted to clarify that, just to make sure he wouldn’t be raped by smartass clients neither.
“Yeah… working in here… so cool, sir…” He chuckled like an idiot, with his grin growing a bit. I think that means the programming is done, right?
“Great, I’m done here” I turned around to face Geoff and sat on the bench Mark just laid on. The big hunk just stood there, still in a deep trance, but I wanted to hear my grading now. Gotta see how did I go!
“Really? Well, uh, let’s see…” He turned to his first sheet of paper and started reading. “Your use of words was pretty correct, even with that last bit, I see what you did there…” I knew it! It was a good idea! “You’ve got a bit aggressive after the induction was done, which could have leaded to you losing control again if you’re not careful” That’s understandable, yeah.
“The induction part… sort of dangerous, yeah, but very well done and creative, using something he’s familiar with like working out to make him relax and put him under” I haven’t thought of it that way, but I’m glad to be more credited by it!
“You also should wake him up as soon as you’re done with him. I don’t know if this is a regular thing so I didn’t count it into your score, but leaving him tranced and ready for anyone to come in and play with him doesn’t seem like a safe thing for the subject” He said, crossing out with his pen a whole little paragraph on his clipboard.
“Wait, so… I passed? I reprogrammed him to act like a good coach without erasing his mind, right?”
He laughed, and sat at the bench too, before wrapping his arm around me. “You did pretty good, Leo. Still need practice but… eh, I’d give you an 8 out of 10 for now. Pretty good, just not perfect”
Hmm… an 8 out of 10 is not that bad. And even if I haven’t woken him up yet, the sole fact that I managed to reprogram him without fucking it up was amazing!
Can’t wait to see how Pine’s doing with my mate Alan!
Chapter 10 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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doberbutts · 4 years
 Okay so this is going to get long and more than a little bit tmi but it’s a post summing up some strides I’ve made regarding my own transgender journey and I wanted a place to talk about it and maybe help some BabyTrans figure themselves out along the way so I’m putting it under the cut but it’ll go here >:V
Anyway long story short my insurance settlement from my car accident finally figured itself out and I found myself suddenly $30k richer and immediately spent about $10k of that digging myself out of a very deep debt hole I’ve been wallowing in for a while so now I have some actual financial stability plus have some money to throw at some things that would probably make my life a bit better.
And since I have the money to throw at some things, I bought myself a few new binders and also a packer. Binders because my old one was literally disintegrating- part of that is my fault, washing binders in an industrial machine on high heat plus throwing it in the dryer means your binder falls apart faster than it should. Remember I’m from the very end of Ye Olden Days of transmasc products, which means previously most binders lasted a year at most. My binder made it 2.5 years before giving up and becoming a sports bra instead. I’ve learned from my mistakes and treat my binder(s) much more gently now, plus I have more than one so I can rotate them out and not wear the same binder 8-12 hours daily for 2.5 years and kill it doing exactly the same shit.
For reference sake, I’m 5′10′’, 180lbs, 36C bust, and fit a XL from gc2b. Which is who I bought both my previous binder and my current set from. They are low cost, lightweight, well made, and LGBT-owned and operated which makes me super into buying from them instead of some of the other companies offering something similar.
Being that I am biracial and finding something my skintone is always somewhat... interesting... I followed the internet’s suggestion and went with PeeCock for the packer. I’d bought a zip binder from them a few years ago and actually found that to be the most comfortable binder I’ve ever used in the history of ever, but I will say the durability of zip binders is low compared to pull-over binders in my experience, as the zipper exploded one day when I bent down to pick up a small dropped item. I’d had the binder and was rotating its use with my pullover gc2b for about 6 months when this happened, and was in public when I went from flat chested to big uncontained tiddies in the span of seconds. Not great. I’ve been told that probably means it was a little too small for me, but PeeCock is a company based in Singapore, and their sizes like most East Asian clothing do run quite a bit small (I was a XXL in PeeCock sizes when I wore a size L gc2b binder) so there’s not really a lot of wiggle room for me to go up in size. Additionally their sizing taps out at XXXL so anyone who’s bigger than me in the chest/torso is a bit out of luck for their binders. A shame, because that zip binder was so comfortable I fell asleep in it forgetting I even had it on more than once.
Anyway. Since I did like that binder even though we had the wardrobe mishap, and the internet had pretty good reviews on the PeeCock packers because they are multifunctional and actually make correct skin tones for black dudes, I got one. Since money wasn’t an issue I did get the most recent model which was not cheap (~$300) and so far I like it a lot. I got so used to wearing it that when I take it off to clean it, it actually really bothers me. The weight of it is... comforting, in a way.
HOWEVER I did see a bunch of reviews about how I would be super likely to pee on myself the first time using it and then used it and went “wow I don’t have any idea what you guys are talking about this is easy” aaaaand... then peed on myself by accident. Gotta control your stream or things are going to overflow and you’re going to be really sad. And wet. And stinky. Thankfully I had the forethought to practice at home before actually doing this at work/public restrooms but be warned. Being that this is my first one I can’t say if this is common with all packers however I told several of my transmasc friends that do pack and use STP about this experience and they all assured me they did the exact same thing on and off for the first couple weeks and most of them do not have the same brand. We’ve yet to have a repeat at least?
Plus there’s a little attachment rod so I can use it for sexy times with the boyf and also feel what I’m doing to him so there’s that too. 10/10 A+ experience would recommend. The packaging warns you to be careful how you pack because of the way the silicone works, and your partner cannot be on top or ride you, so keep that in mind if you’re considering it. Cleaning is pretty straightforward however and packing feels correct and natural as long as you follow a few rules:
I’ve discovered that whatever size you consider a perfect fit? Unless you like really relaxed fit for your pants, you’ll need to go a size up. I wear tighter clothing and usually skinny jeans at that, and my exact perfect size has been 34/32 for some time now. When packing I need to go up to 36/32 because otherwise wow that crotch is way too tight. I can’t sit down in one of my pairs of jeans and I’m legit sad about it. I also can’t have anything in the pockets of a different pair of jeans or else I have the same tight crotch problem. I went up a size in underwear and that was more comfortable, so I ordered new pants from online and I’ll see if that helps as much as I’m expecting it too.
Speaking of underwear, ymmv, but I genuinely did not expect this. Jockstraps? Super comfy, super durable, and super convenient. Additionally unlike boxers or even briefs, I don’t need a special packing-specific design to be comfortable in one. I never wore one before and honestly this doesn’t even feel like wearing underwear. They’re really just a banana hammock anyway so that’s probably a large part of it, but honestly I would definitely recommend trying them if you haven’t yet. I do have a few pairs of packing briefs and boxers, as well as normal briefs and boxers, and I’ve been alternating between the various types of undies to see which ones I prefer, but I already know my decision so I bought several because I can. One word of advice, though... if your pants ride down understand that your entire butt will be out. I don’t wear low rise pants because they draw too much attention to my waistline and make me super dysphoric, but those that do, watch out.
Jockmail is highly rated and multiple transmasc websites recommend them for packing and I can absolutely see why. Usually the waistband of my underwear irritates my skin and so I was dubious because Jockmail stuff- being that it’s for athletic wear- has a minimum waistband of about 2in... but it’s actually more comfortable and less irritating, rather than the other way around. They also have briefs, boxers (more like short shorts), and boxer briefs, which I also have of the same brand, but... not as comfy. Once again Jockmail is a Hong Kong company so like all East Asian clothes, they run small. I’m a M in most men’s clothing sizes... I am XXL in Jockmail. I also had purchased a brief harness from PeeCock (goes by inches for waist) as well. (Also where I discovered you need to go a size up- I bought a 34in waist brief from PeeCock and it’s a tad tight. I bought a 36in waist brief from Jockmail and it’s perfect. I have been buying 34in waist things for the past few years now- I didn’t suddenly gain 2 inches at the waist, I did suddenly gain a need for a deeper crotch)
If you look down your body from above it will be super obvious that there is a dick there and you will go “oh god I look like I have an erection”. I have been reliably informed that it is actually not true and if you pack correctly a bulge will be there but not so obvious that it looks like you have a raging hardon the whole time. Better to look in the mirror, rather than down your tummy.
(Additionally I voiced my doubts to my boyf who immediately reminded me that most people don’t spend their time staring at someone’s crotch and as long as I wasn’t constantly messing with mine, no one was likely to notice even if I did have an obnoxiously obvious bulge. He then gave me some tips on how to let it hang if I wanted a “natural” look, and when we walked around while I had it on he made sure to check in on my mental health. He’s cute y’all.)
Some (cis) guys will have a specific leg they like to let things hang against. Some switch it up. Some are okay with it hanging straight down provided there’s not a lot of squish happening. Find what feel comfortable and needs the least amount of adjustment for you, and then stick with that. For me, I’ve found straight down or off to the left feels better- a friend of mine prefers off to the right, another straight down only, etc. Also can depend on the size- some (cis) guys I know are a bit smaller down below and are more comfortable with straight down than those with larger weiners.
If you pack you probably need to shave. I was very uncomfortable until I shaved. Now I feel much better packing. So trim that jungle or else you might feel a pinch every few minutes when a hair gets pulled.
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And there you have me this morning before I got dressed. As you can see, both fit very nicely. I’m not particularly happy with my stomach or feminine hip set but eh, I cover those with layers and no one bats an eye.
At this point it’s figuring out the whole hormones thing, yelling at my insurance to cover certain surgeries, and... fixing some minor details with my wardrobe... and I’m feeling way more confident than I was a few years ago.
Anyway if anyone has questions feel free to hit me up
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Places Adore and Bianca Were Nearly Caught Having Sex (3/?) (Biadore) - Miss Alyssa Secret
Anon request from AQ - Roy goes into a lingerie store to buy thongs for Danny. Bonus he grabs a whip while at the counter for good measure.
All of the above with a Miss Alyssa twist ;)
A/N: Recognize the title? Anon, I finished writing this before seeing your airport request. Next time! -MAS
******** Victor’s Secret
The mall should be used as a torture device, Roy decided. The gaggles of teenagers (all genders, sexualities, and sizes) on their phones and generally causing mayhem were bad enough. Add to it people with what felt like dozens of misbehaving kids, and even his patience gave out.
It was incredibly tempting to go shop as Bianca if only to be able to yell, “Get the fuck outta the way!”. On second and third thought, getting into drag on a day off wasn’t terribly appealing, and if he did that there was no way he’d be able to get any actual shopping done at all.
Also? He wasn’t particularly interested in the legions of Drag Race fans knowing which socks he bought.
He kept a polite smile plastered on his face as he was jostled by the crowd, intent on getting out of there as fast as possible. There was gridlock on one of the pedestrian bridges, and he rolled his eyes. Roy was just about to attempt a detour when a very pink advertisement caught his eye.
Pivoting, he made his way into the store. His senses were immediately assaulted by the cloying smell of multiple perfumes in a small space and the music turned up to painful levels. He forged onwards, past the racks of overpriced negligees and robes. The corsets received a snort of professional disdain - the showy D-rings and ribbons would never hold up to actual wear, and most women he knew weren’t proportioned like anime characters.
At last, he reached a quieter area, ignoring the side eye he was getting from the teenage girls. Danny had an amazing ass, one he happily showcased with his collection of underwear. Roy considered and discarded the notion that he would consider receiving women’s lingerie an insult. His sometimes lover was secure enough in his self and sexuality that he’d probably be intrigued if presented with a bundle of lace and bows.
With that in mind, he surveyed the table whose sign proclaimed “6 for $32!”. He bought Bianca’s black panties online to avoid the hassle, and idly wondered if he ought to pick her up a couple of pairs.
The lacy boy shorts had some promise, as did the cheeky panties. Roy waited until a young couple moved out of the way (with the level of disinterest from the guy, he hoped she moved on to better prospects), and crouched to dig through the drawers of thongs. There were animal prints that Danny would likely love, and silky ones with tiny gold hearts. He held up a pair, trying to determine if it was the right size. Unfortunately, even the XLs probably didn’t have enough fabric left to contain a dick and balls, and he sighed in disappointment.
”Is there anything I can help you with, sir?”
Roy turned to find a black-clad twenty-something smiling cheerfully down at him.
“Oh, those are really cute!” She nodded at the panties he already held.
“Uhhh, thanks,” he muttered, thanking small mercies that she wasn’t a Drag Race fan.
”I’m sure she’ll love them,” she continued. “Any occasion you’re shopping for?”
If only she knew.
”Well, ummm, I just wanted to see if…”
Roy cringed internally, hoping he didn’t sound like a creepy straight guy.
”That’s totally fine. We have guys in here all the time shopping for their girlfriends.” She handed him a basket with a wink.
Telling her, “I’m trying to see if the thong would fit my drag queen unlabeled-but-important-relationship-person/lover,” probably wasn’t going to get her to go away any faster than lying.
“Errr, thank you. I think I’m just going to look at a few more…”
”Of course. My name’s Tina if you need any help.”
He breathed out a hefty sigh of relief, waited until she was busy with another customer, and put all of the panties he was holding back before making his escape.
As predicted, Danny was vastly amused when he described his adventure into Victoria’s Secret. He’d accompanied a few female friends in the past, but going solo was something else.
”You know,” Danny grinned and wiped a stray bit of cum off Roy’s lower lip, “I wouldn’t say no to going underwear shopping together.”
His attempt to answer was lost as Danny tugged him to his feet, pushed him onto the bed, and climbed on top. Roy forgot exactly what he’d been trying to say when a clever hand closed around his cock and started jerking him off with perfectly timed strokes.
There was something to be said about fucking your best friend, he mused as they laid together while the sweat cooled.
Roy thought he could be forgiven for not remembering their conversation a couple of weeks later. When he mentioned going to the toy store for more lube and condoms, Danny’s eyes lit up.
“Oh! Hey, what about going to one that sells underwear?”
”Yeah, you could help me pick some out.”
He concentrated on not spitting wine onto the couch, taking in Danny’s enthusiastic expression and his own arousal at the thought.
”Fine, but if I’m paying I get to decide if they’re worth it.”
The wineglass was removed from his hand, and he suddenly had a lapful of Danny.
”Cool. Can I suck your dick before we go?”
He had long since stopped being embarrassed or self-conscious about shopping for intimate items, but Danny brought an entirely new dimension to it. Whereas alone or with other friends it was a humorous and fun process, the filthy things Danny was whispering in his ear were making it increasingly difficult to conceal his growing erection.
They were standing in front of the wall of lube, and had been for the last several minutes while Danny described in graphic detail what they could do with each.
”…and then I’ll make you lick my ass, and-“
Roy squeezed his thighs together in a vain attempt to quell the throbbing in his balls.
”Angel,” he muttered through gritted teeth, “pick one and let’s go before I drag you into the fitting room and fuck you.”
In hindsight, he should have realized that it was the exact opposite of a threat, but he blamed it on most of the blood in his brain rapidly heading south.
“Okay!” Danny chirped happily, dropping three different bottles into the basket and pulling Roy by the hand towards the lingerie.
By the time they’d agreed on a half dozen thongs and jockstraps (“Do you ever think we’re a little too stereotypically gay?” “Fuck all the way off.”), Roy had managed to get his raging hard on mostly under control. He wasn’t paying enough attention, however, to realize that Danny wasn’t heading towards the register until a bored staff member reminded them that all lingerie must be tried on over existing undergarments.
He opened his mouth to protest, but Danny was already pulling him into one of the fitting rooms and sliding the curtain shut, pushing Roy down onto the single chair inside.
”Why are you trying them on? We could just head home and-“
Roy’s mouth fell open as Danny dropped his pants to reveal the skimpiest thong he’d ever seen before.
“You said you wanted to make sure you liked them before you paid,” he grinned wickedly, tongue peeking out from between his teeth.
Danny stepped into one of the jockstraps, pulling the bright purple elastic into place over his hips. He made a show of adjusting his package cupped by the fabric in front, then turned around and shook his ass.
He gave Roy an expectant look, eyes narrowing at the crossed arms and weak glare.
”Gonna tell me what you think?”
”Angel, if you don’t hurry up I’m going to get us kicked out of here for public indecency.”
He crossed his legs as well, refusing to give Danny the satisfaction of watching him nudge the renewed erection into a more comfortable position in his pants.
Instead of arguing, Danny surprised him by poking his head out past the curtain.
”Excuse me?” He was using his Adore voice, slightly breathy and flirty. Roy shifted the basket onto his lap as the tattooed clerk approached, shaking her neon dyed hair and generally giving the air of can’t be bothered.
”Yeah?” She sounded even less interested than she looked, which was impressive.
”I need an opinion and my friend is being dumb,” Danny shot a glance at Roy who gave them a tight smile. “Does this make my ass look good?”
The young woman took one look at Roy, taking in the way he was sitting and his expression of long-suffering frustration, and abruptly broke into a fit of giggles.
”Oh I bet he’s dumb right now. Yeah,” she snapped her gum and gave Danny’s ass a quick once-over, “I’d say you should buy those.”
”Thank you.” Danny was laying it on even thicker, and she shook her head before walking away still laughing.
Danny prowled across the small space, pushing the basket aside to straddle his lap and rubbing the substantial bulge against Roy’s chest. The tip of his cock stretched the fabric upwards, nudging his chin, and Roy closed his eyes for a moment. He could smell Danny’s arousal, and it was rapidly degrading his sense of control.
Giving in, he met Danny’s challenging state before slipping one hand inside both layers of fabric and tugging out his half-hard cock. Still watching, he leaned forward and closed his lips around the head, giving it a few good sucks before letting it pop free.
Roy licked up the underside with teasing flicks of his tongue before dipping into the slit.
”You two still doing okay in there?”
They both froze as the clerk’s voice came from the other side of the curtain.
“Uhh, yeah, thanks!” Roy hoped he didn’t sound too panicked.
”Shit,” Danny muttered as her footsteps receded.
”Come on.” Roy pushed him back gently and stood, grabbing the basket. “Get dressed and lets get out of here.”
”Don’t you want to see the rest of them?”
He tossed the jockstrap in with the rest, and Roy stopped to stare at the thong stretched tight over Danny’s erection.
”I’m buying them all.”
At the register, the clerk gave them both a knowing and far too amused look before ringing them up. Danny squirmed against Roy’s side as he eyed the display of riding crops.
Accepting his card back, Roy shoved the bag into Danny’s hands and smiled at the clerk. She bid them a cheerful day, and turned to help someone else.
”If you behave,” Roy hissed into Danny’s ear, “I already have one at home.”
Danny practically dragged them out of the store.
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missdarlinguniverse · 5 years
Good, ol’ classy daddy!kink Starker
+ Ned giving Peter platonic support because, really. Canon bromance. I was Ned first, and then Tony! 
18+, nsfw content, starts as a chat-thing but turns into paras. Good fluff and flirting! ;) 
Peter:  Fucking hell, Ned. I swear to God. Mr. Stark's got the biggest daddy dom energy this side of the state. I'm gonna d i e. PP
Ned: I know, Pete. I know. This is only the 100th time you've told me that. NL
Peter: I. AM. GOING. TO. DIE. PP
Ned: You know what? Tell the man. NL Or flirt. You're hot. I bet you $50 he won't say no to your doe eyes. NL
Stranger: I can't, dude. C a n ' t. PP
You: Why not, though? I've seen you two. Tension, my friend. NL
Stranger: One, I'm bad at flirting anyway, and two, he's TONY FUCKING STARK PP Doesn't work. PP
You: It doesn't have to be stereotypical flirting. You guys are science people. Channel it there? NL Call him daddy. NL
Stranger: How can I just call him Daddy though PP
You: Somethin' like... 'What's up, daddy-o?' NL Send him a sexy text, say wrong number if it goes wrong? NL
You: C'mon, Pete. You're smart. NL
Stranger: Oh, fuck. PP I KNOW I'M SMART BUT LIKE PP I see him and then he just makes my brain melt out my ears and all I can do is say 'rail me, daddy' PP
You: 10/10, I'd totally take it and rail you into next year. NL Platonically, of course. NL  Ask him to help you tinker with your suit, try to schedule it late so it's just the two of you in his workshop... NL And then try it on, right there. You did say you practically had to wear a jockstrap for that new suit, right? NL
Stranger: Platonic railing. What an ego stroke, lmao. PP I mean. Yeah. Jockstrap's ideal but I've got these booty short things that work too. PP No shit. I had to go shop in the girl's department for something that would be tight enough. PP
Stranger: I don't know what /he's/ getting at with that stupid suit. Fuck. PP
You: I'm telling you, you're sexy, man. NL  Hey, if that's not an excuse to oogle you, then I don't know what is. NL I know it's in the name of aerodynamics, but. He wants a piece of you, I'm sure. Spidey senses tingling and all. NL
You: Get lacey booty shorts and BAM. Instant railing. NL
Stranger: Lacy booty shorts. PP
Stranger: You're serious. PP
You: I'm actually serious. Can be black, or dark blue. Don't have to be pink. NL
You: Or maybe even Iron Man red? NL
Stranger: Oh fuck. Lmao. PP
You: You're considering it, aren't you. NL
Stranger: [...] Dude, I /am./ PP
You: At this point... What's there to lose? NL I wouldn't be encouraging you if I didn't have enough supporting evidence. NL
Stranger: Give me what supporting evidence you /actually/ have. PP
You: [5 attached images: Papparazzi-stlye shots, Avengers and friend private party at Stark Tower. Tony's talking to Peter, and his eyes shine and his body is turned towards him. In the series, he slowly places a hand on his lower back.] Like so. NL
Stranger: Okay but like. /How/ did you take those. PP
You: I have friends, Peter. I did networking, you know? NL Secrets. NL
Stranger: Mr. Stark's gonna kill you if he finds out. PP [...] Fuck, I found red ones. PP
Stranger: Dude I found red ones in stock at JC Penney what am I /doing/. PP
You: That's why he won't. You think that me hanging out with Hawkeye was just shit and giggles? NL Dude was a spy. Stark won't find out. NL BUY. THEM. NL
You: Preferably, a size too small so you know. They emphasize stuff. NL
Stranger: oh my god. PP [...] FUCKING HELL THEY'RE SO SHORT PP and before you ask yes i'm trying them on. PP
You: Picture proof, dude! NL  Gotta approve or not. Say yes to the panty, spiderman edition. NL
Stranger: Ned, I love you, dude. PP [Image - a size too small, as suggested, lacy red booty shorts in a picture from the lower ribs down] PP
You: That's a yes from me, Peter. They're fabulous. NL Send that to him. NL  Say wrong number. NL
Stranger: Nothing /on/ it? Like, no--'so what do you think?' or anything?? PP
You: Oh, add that, too. NL And 'daddy'. Very important. NL
Stranger: oh my /god./ PP
You: You can't tell me it's a bad idea??? NL I'm giving you optionss, my dude. NL
You: Dirty romp in the workroom, or dirty sexting. NL
Stranger: I'M DOING IT PP i'm doing it. PP I'm...these are kinda comfortable for being this small?? PP I'm confused. PP
Stranger: Fuck. Okay. Okay. I'm texting him. PP If this blows up it's your fault. PP
You: I'll take the fall, but I assure you it won't blow up. Just own up to it. NL Don't fuck it up. Go get that daddy dick! NL
Stranger: You'd better take the fall. PP [...] [To: Tony, the same picture] So, come on, Daddy, what do you think? Tell me.. ;) PP
You: ...That actually looks criminally good on you, Parker. I'm almost jealous of whom you're sending it to. TS  I think you might have the wrong number, though. TS
Stranger: [...] And if I told you it wasn't...? PP
You: I'd ask you to tell daddy the truth. TS Did you really mean to send me that? TS
Stranger: [...] Yeah. PP
You: You're a little tease. TS The color choice was a nice touch. It's not Spiderman red, is it. TS
Stranger: No. PP It's not. PP
You: And is that something you wear on the regular, or a bratty whim? TS
Stranger: [...] Bratty whim. PP
You: Do you actually know what you're putting me through here, Peter? TS  I'm supposed to be a responsible adult. TS  And you're making it difficult. TS
Stranger: Maybe you should tell me. PP Daddy. PP
You: Oh, baby, you're already in for a bit of discipline. TS You make it hard for me not to pin you against the workroom wall whenever you go off on anything science related. TS
Stranger: I wish you would. PP
You: Oh, really? To have my wicked way with you right there? So whenever you come down to see me, that's all you can think about? TS
Stranger: [...] Yeah. Definitely. I just. PP [...] My brain melts out of my ears. PP
You: Hah, you're adorable, too. You're killing me here. TS As a matter of fact, Pete... My workroom is pretty empty right now. TS And we can always continue up in my suite. TS Only if you really want it. I'm a gentleman first, baby. TS
Stranger: I wouldn't have texted you like that if I didn't want it. PP Twenty minutes? PP
You: Good. I like bratty babies that know what they want. TS I'll be waiting here for you. TS
You: PS: bring those booty shorts. TS
Stranger: Already am. PP [To: Ned] I. Fucking. Owe. You. PP
Stranger: It's in writing. I owe you. PP
You: YOU SEE? I'll screen shot this. NL  You know that there's a mandatory coffee bro-date to get the dirty details after, right? NL
Stranger: Oh, yeah. I know. PP I'll get ahold of you about when that can be. PP
Stranger: [Paragraphs, here? (: ]
You: [Sure thing!!]
You: [i'll start paraas with tony, then!]
Stranger: [[You're the best, thank you!]
You: Tony couldn't actually believe it. His day hadn't started all that well-- he hadn't had much sleep at all, Pepper had been getting on his case about getting a wife or husband or even a hookup, and this new feature he was trying to adapt to his suit wasn't really working out. On top of it all, it'd been a few nights in a row where he'd been having... explicit dreams about a certain barely-legal member of their team, and boy was it difficult waking up hard and sweaty. But after this particular set of texts, he was suddenly hyper-aware of everything in his hands. The bug that seemed to laugh at him-- gone, fixed in a second. Ideas for new upgrades for the Spiderman suit filled his head, and he had FRIDAY take note of those for him while he fetched condoms and lube to place in the workshop. He had to be ready, after all. Plopping down on his recently cleared couch, he set onto waiting for Peter, actually excited. The kid had access to this particular room, so he wouldn't have to announce his arrival.
Stranger: It wasn't that Peter was a virgin, not really -- but when it came to dealing with Tony Stark, he felt like a blushing, sixteen year old virgin again. His hands shook a little and the booty shorts that clung to him felt better than he wanted to admit as he stepped out of the elevator, exhaling softly. His face and neck were red, heart skipping a beat here and there as he made his way down to the workroom, licking his lips and dodging in with a tiny smile before he dug his teeth into his lower lip. His jeans hung just a little low, the slightest bit of red lace peeking out from the waistband, and his t-shirt clung to him as he shifted on his feet a little, gaze falling on Tony. "Uh. Hey," he breathed, voice cracking just slightly.
You: For Tony, it was always a little like a breath of fresh air, seeing Peter. It was a sure way to lift his spirits, to erase the frown in his brow, and-- lately, to get him hot under the collar. He knew for a fact that Banner had noticed, as observant as he was, so he'd tried hiding it and denying it, but it was too much. He was a weak, weak man, and if the kid came to him in lacy underwear calling him daddy, what was he to do? He wouldn't treat him as just another lay, that was for sure. "Hey yourself, Pete. C'mere," He greeted the other with a small smile, patting his lap to beckon him closer. He was sitting comfortably on the couch, legs spread and hair a little messy, eyes dark with the knowledge of what would happen next. "You got here quickly."
Stranger: "Couldn't help it," Peter remarked, offering a bleat of laughter -- and he only hesitated for a moment before he made his way over and sat down gingerly onto Tony's lap, licking his lips just a little. "I didn't think you'd be so excited," he added with a shy little grin, letting out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding, glancing him over and reaching up to ruffle his hands through his hair. "I'm glad you are."
You: He couldn't help but grin-- Peter's laugh was lovely, and Tony wanted the kid to be comfortable with him in this sense, too. His hands automatically moved to his hips, holding him firmly on his laps, and thumb idly caressing the peek of red lace. "I am very excited. I have a beautiful boy on my lap, wearing lingerie for me. How can I not?" He said, playful grin on his lips. "I really, really want you, Peter," He murmured in a lower, more intimate voice, gaze adoring. "May I kiss you?"
Stranger: Peter swallowed thickly, letting out a shallow breath as he felt Tony's thumb caress over the red lace that was clung against his skin, and he licked his lips with another little breath of laughter. "I--really, really want you, too," he mumbled softly, voice low and heady -- and when he looked back up, meeting Tony's gaze, his own was through heavy lashes. "...Please kiss me, Daddy," he breathed, and saying it /aloud/ made a thrill roll through him.
You: As focused as he was on Peter, Tony followed that sneaky tongue as it peeked out, the tiny gesture making his blood boil already, and he found his hands moving again. He slid one up Peter's body, caressing his side and neck gently to cup his jaw and face. However, it was Peter's voice, low and breathy calling him /that/ what really made Tony lose it. With a low growl, he leaned in and took Peter's lips in passionate kiss, slow but possessive and commanding, meant to explore and mark as his from the get go. He was planning on worshipping him later with sweet kisses, but Peter knew exactly how to make him lose control. He just hadn't realized it yet.
Stranger: Peter's eyelids fluttered when Tony took his lips -- and immediately, warm and pliant, his mouth opened to Tony's and his tongue lolled out just a little to meet his between their mouths. He leaned into the kiss easily, hands splaying out over Tony's chest to bolster his body up as he whined softly into his mouth, shifting enough so he could straddle the other properly. Once he was straddling Tony's lap, his hips arched up into Tony's hand that was on them, and his head tilted into the kiss.
You: That little whine made Tony's hand on his hip tighten a little bit out of reflex. Added to the new weight on his lap and the hands on his chest, Tony soon found his head leaning to the side a little to deepen their kiss, nipping at the boy's lower lip playfully, trying to coax a bit of the brat in the boy. Wanting to do just that, he slid his thumb under the waistband of the lacy underwear, caressing his bare skin.
Stranger: Peter gasped into Tony's mouth, body arching when he felt Tony's thumb slide under the waistband of the underwear he wore -- and he shifted just a little, fingers curling into the front of his shirt and opening his mouth just a little wider before he sucked Tony's lower lip into his mouth, sucking on and nursing it just a little between his teeth before he pulled away with a /pop./ Gasping for a little breath, his hips pressed down, ass wiggling teasingly as he dove back into the kiss again.
You: There he was, bratty Peter in action. Generally, the boy was a ball of nerves, but there were times where he was self-assured and playful, even bratty, and in this situation, it was extremely arousing for Tony. That little gasp was devastating, and he allowed him to suck on his lower lip with a heavy sigh, eyes dark and a little dangerous. Kissing him again and going straight to nipping at his lower lip to slide his tongue right in, Tony also moved his hands, placing them right on Peter's ass to cup it roughly, setting the pace of his wiggling hips firmly.
Stranger: His arms crept up to hook lightly around his shoulders and neck when Tony slid his tongue in and he offered another little gasp when his lips opened just a little further. The hands that cupped his ass, though, urged a weak little whimper as he let Tony set the pace. He was overly responsive, legs quaking just a little as he pressed into Tony, arching down and moaning thickly when he felt their bodies press together firmly. He still tried, admittedly, to mess with the set pace a little as he nipped at Tony's lower lip again, twisting their tongues together.
You: Feeling Peter's body tremble was absolutely delicious. There was no other word for it. Paired with his little gasps and whimpers, it had Tony getting hard in his pants, already sporting a pretty decent erection in them that he was sure Peter would be able to feel. "You're a menace," Tony managed to murmur against his lips between kisses, squeezing the boy's ass before gently smacking it, wanting to see his reaction. He had a feeling he'd like it.
Stranger: Peter was /going/ to respond, but then Tony was smacking his ass and he couldn't do anything but squeak in response. The squeak was soft, but high, and his face washed over with a new shade of crimson as he let out a trembling little breath, leaning forward for just a moment so he could try to gather himself again. "Please spank me again, Daddy," he whispered when he could manage words, breath hot against the shell of Tony's ear.
You: That little whisper, Peter's sweet and boyish voice asking him to spank him again had Tony throbbing and having to pull in a breath to calm himself down. It was difficult, with such a delight on his lap, trembling and wanting. Moving one hand to tangle his fingers in the boy's hair firmly, he spanked him again, this time a little harder. "Like this, baby? Or harder?" He asked in his ear, voice a murmur. "Tell daddy, c'mon."
Stranger: Peter whined when he felt Tony's fingers curl into his hair, hips jerking down into Tony's and feeling his throbbing erection against him -- and another squeak bubbled up when Tony spanked him again. "Harder, Daddy," he whispered, breathless, and his eyelids were heavy as he panted for a trembling breath. People tended to treat him like glass because he seemed so slight -- but his powers lent him to be handled more roughly, though it was rare that anyone actually would. "Please."
You: And Tony knew. That Peter's powers made him able to take on damage easily, and translated into the bedroom-- it opened up a world of possibilities. "If my baby asks..." He murmurs lowly in his ear, pulling his head back sharply by his hair. Pressing his lips to the boy's throat, he started sucking a hickey there, while pulling his hand back to spank him again, harder, actually using his muscles for it. "Like that, or more?"
Stranger: This time, as Tony started to suck a hickey into his throat and swatted him again, an actual moan bubbled up -- and his eyelids fluttered, toes curling as he pressed into the way that Tony held onto him. "God--/yes,/ Daddy, just like that, please--" His voice was hoarse and unsteady, body quivering with a wave of thrill, his own cock hard and aching in his jeans and rubbing against the red lace against him.
You: "There you go. My little brat all pliant for me," He murmured into the skin of his neck, kissing up to his jaw to suck a hickey behind his ear. Spanking him once more, he moved the hand immediately after, sliding it under the boy's pants and underwear to cup his bare flesh directly. "But now, I need you to show me your panties, baby. Can you do that for me?"
Stranger: Peter nodded, almost immediately, and he reached down to open his jeans, gasping with a whine when his cock, straining against the red lace, sprung free. He was able to move just enough so that he could push his pants down, then, stretching back enough so he could push them off of him, leaving his lower body bare save the booty shorts that clung so tightly to him. When he was bare from the waist down he looked up at Tony through heavy eyelashes, seeking approval.
You: Tony let go of Peter so the boy could take off his pants, making no move to help him achieve that. There was an added pleasure to knowing the boy obeyed so, so well to whatever he said -- a true power trip. Tony's mouth immediately went dry at the sight of so much naked skin, and at the sight of red against pale skin. "You-- You're so sexy, fuck," He couldn't help but curse, holding him by the hips again and hiding his face in his neck, needing the small moment to breathe and not just come at the sight. Leaving small kisses on Peter's skin, he instead turned to his shirt, tugging it up gently to have the boy's torso bare as well.
Stranger: At the look on Tony's face, he flushed all over again -- and he shivered at each little kiss that Tony left on him before he let him pull off his shirt, chest heaving shallowly once he was left only in the red booty shorts that he would /really/ have to thank Ned later for convincing him to buy. "Thank you, Daddy," he whispered, a little hoarse, and his cock just /ached/ against the lace that clung to him as he shifted a little, slotting himself closer.
You: "You're welcome, sweetheart," Tony murmured adoringly, taking a moment to appreciate Peter's body. Moving his hands, he caressed from his thighs up, tracing the curve of his ass, the gentle arch of his back, the soft skin of his firm chest where he teasingly flicked at his nipples, his elegant neck, and his flushed face, which he cupped, reverent. "You're beautiful, Peter," He murmured, kissing him again. Changing their positions slightly, he coaxed the boy onto his back on the couch, caging him against it on all fours, bodies pressed together.
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jd07201990 · 7 years
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I’d only been sent to this damn Meathead camp on a fluke decision by the court judge. He decided to “make an example” of me, after I’d been “caught” smuggling booze into a party. I was the one who REPORTED the damn party in the first place! But none of the other guys would fess up, and because I “looked the part” of a badboy, wearing my leather jacket and tight jeans, they slammed the book on me. 6 months At the Reform Camp that seemed to crop up out of nowhere a good while back, and I’d be free. Whatever, I can handle it!
Well, fuck! I told you I could handle this shit! It’s already been 3 months! Sure, whatever they seem to be doing here with the fucked-up classes, the enforced workouts and disciplinary labor, the massive canteen portions and mandatory vitamin supplements did kinda have an effect on me, just a bit. But I swear, I’ll be out before they manage to do whatever they did to those big disgusting brutes in the upperclassman buildings! God, it’s like their brains drained out of their heads or something!
4 months on, I was definitely fit. No, you know what, fuck it, I’m hot! Whatever they keep giving us underclassman seems to have widened out our shoulders, beefed us up a little. Hell, even our bulges seem to pack tighter into the uniform jockstraps and dark green gymshorts. I ain’t complaining! Even if I did have to start showering 3 times a day to hide the funk I’m sweating up. But hey, I’m no meathead! I’ve already seen a few of my “grade” jock out. It’s like… like their brains leaked down into their balls… B… Brains in your balls…. More… more cum… more dumb… Massive, manly… manly bulge… FUCK! No! Fuck, I should say things like that, it’s what they’d WANT me to say!
Damn it! I’ve managed to keep the weight off… I’ve limited my meals, limited my, my workouts… Even stopped jackin’ it in the showers like all the other Br… bro… damn it, BOYS! Fuck I don’t know why I keep slippin’ up like this! They’re gettin’ in everyone's’ heads! No, not mine! I’m smarter than that!!! I plug my ears at night to stop the white noise hissing over the speakers…
But… But it feels so good to listen and obey dude… Listen, and leak…. Leak and obey… FUUUUCK! I gotta cum! Just once!! But… Last time I creamed, I woke up and smelled my fuckin pits reeking like those massi…. Massive… Manly…. Manly men… Stinkin’ swole…. Sweat is power… powerful penis… brains in your balls bro…. Uuuugh! No, No stop it! I can fight this! One more month and I’m OUT!
No! Dudes!? Where’re you taking me!! Come on! Fuuuck put me down! Woah! Hey!! NO! Not there!!! That’s the cesspool! Come’on bro!! Not there!!! Fuuuck NO! *splash*
Everything went dark, silent. The warm goopy mass engulfed me as I squirmed and flailed to get back out. I could feel the grimy, gritty muck coating every inch of me, from head to toe, scraping at my skin, sliding between my toes, encasing me. I panicked, screamed, but my voice caught in my throat as it burned suddenly, cracked, I hiccupped, then a deep, rumbling dim bellow echoed across the open area as the dudes watched me scramble up out of the mud pit.
I was coughing, clutching my throat, feeing the lump form under my hand, as my palm made a sickening crunch, and expanded. I held it in front of me, watching it full out, looking rough and calloused, not the same nimble-fingered hand I’d used for playing guitar. I yelled out again, hearing my voice crack embarrassingly once more, then settle down into a deep timbre, the tone I’d heard countless times from the upperclassman, and from the dumb jocks at school.
I felt my entire body tremble, tensing up like piano wire. Every muscle feeling like it was trying to tear my bones apart. A few squelching pops alerted me to my shoulders and chest breaking apart, snapping and widening in a virile explosion of muscle, filling in suddenly with corded bulk.
It traveled down my arms, stretching and lengthening, bulging large thick muscle filling in, the weight was a shock, and the sudden strength made me flex involuntarily. My body went into forced poses, while my torso broke, snapped, squelched and filled in with heavy, thickly built muscle the likes I’d only seen on the biggest of the Meatheads here.
I was hit with an obnoxious reeking stench, worse than ever, as hair filled in under my hefty arms, smelling like pure testosterone induced BO. I huffed it and shuddered as the effects traveled down my torso to my waist, my hips synching inward, forming that ever sought-after V-Taper shape from shoulder to hip. Then, I felt as if I’d been kicked in the balls!
My cock lurched up, pointing upward, throbbing hard as precum started to spew in short spurts, my balls churning up and bulging, enlarging from large grapes, to chicken eggs. Dropping low in their sack as a new scent engulfed my senses. Balls. Sweaty musky balls. I humped the air involuntarily, the hormone rush too much, as my cock became a veritable salami, thick, long, powerful. It’d fill my jock to bursting. I needed to cum so bad! My meaty hand grabbed hold of my rod and squeezed, then started jacking, rough and hard, long strokes as my legs lurched upward, gaining length, I was taller now. So tall… so big.. so manly…. Fuuuuck! I had to cum!
My legs became powerfully built told for running, jumping, kicking. Thick thighs and football sized calves lead down to tiny feet, that cracked and popped menacingly. I fell onto my thick bubble ass as they expanded, toes splayed as they became massive boats, capable of carrying my new weight! Size 18, the uniform building workers would later tell me.
After the changes seemed to settle, my bones snapping into place, I was left on the ground, humping my fist, grunting like an animal covered in mud, my sweat washing it off me as the guy’s who threw me in cheered and teased me. Apparently, they knew I was only a short time away from being freed, and didn’t think I deserved to go without having the full benefits of the Camp bestowed on me. They were jealous that I’d been able to fight, and stay relatively small, fit as fuck, but not a huge meathead like them. They saw to it that I’d be leaving in an xl graduation uniform. Tank and gym shorts, sneakers and a jock.
I came like a rocket, spewing a load a Clydesdale would be envious of. Then, I passed out. I woke up hours later in the infirmary, with an IV in my beefy forearm. I was dehydrated, I guess. I couldn’t understand what the Nurse Dudes were saying. I was dizzy, sore, felt like a train had hit me. They told me to take one of the Camp Cellphones and text my Dad to pick me up, that I’d been freed early.
I typed out, “Dad, gotta come get me, I got out early cus I’m a fuckin beast yo!” I flexed in the mirror and sent him the pic. When I had, the big bossman came down to see me. I… don’t remember what he said… only that, I’ve got a …. A massive manly… bulge…. Brains… in my balls…. Big… dumb, full of…cum… fuuuuuck dude!! FUCK YAH!
When my dad came to get me, he nearly passed out. Had to roll down the windows in the car cus they didn’t let me shower up before leaving. The judge at my last hearing smiled down and reached to shake my hand. He winced when I gave it a good squeeze and thanked him for “goin’ easy on me”
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bcxvi · 3 years
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Episode VIII - The Rock Road
I was barely awake, in the background, I heard voices. Unable to recognize any of them. My head was a mess, I felt dizzy and the stench of semen felt so strong down my nostrils.
I made an effort to open my eyes and woke up.
"Beast?" A familiar voice said, "are you all right?" what seemed to be a lycanthrope with blue fur was now embracing me with a fresh, clean blanket. Next to me was a tall ebony gentleman, beside him a shorter caucasian with blonde hair. Both with worry looks on their faces, probably concerned about... me?
"I... " my voice was trembling, unsuited to speaking another word I felt short of breath. I fainted.
"He's not well, Kimahri," Barret said, "what happened?"
"I don't know," Kimahri said, "I sensed something, like a presence, then woke up and saw Beast struggling in his dreams, he was naked already. I thought I noticed some kind of shadow traversing the walls..."
Kimahri wasn't sure of what he saw. We were both asleep, during the night, how could he be sure of what he saw if darkness was engulfing the power of that bastard of Hezmush? Not even I noticed him, the moment I did it was already too late.
If any of us were alert, this could've never happened, yet here we were, me wearing my every memory of Kimahri while he suffered silently and helplessly.
Kimahri touched my body, his medicinal experience trying to figure out if this was a medical condition. While searching my naked genitals he saw a brand, "this wasn't there before" he said in concern, "do any of you recognize this?"
Cid and Baret both leaned to look a bit closer at me, the burnt shape of a geometrical glyph was imprinted on my skin. It looked fresh and felt still warm to the touch. Barret gave a soft shaking of his head, while Cid stood thinking and looking on it for a bit longer. Lastly, turning his head and nodding towards Kimahri, Cid tried to explain.
"On one of my trips, a long time ago now, I encountered a couple of Galka knights, they came from Ivalice. One particular night we chatted until late hours, after a couple of drinks they showed off a particular collection made out of engraved crystals. They said these contained the essence of Espers, back then I thought they were making it all up..." gently caressing my crotch area, Cid gently brushed the tip of his fingers on the glyph, "somehow this brand resembles a lot the structure of those seals."
A silence formed between them. Barret was surprised to hear a new story he didn't know about, and Kimahri trying to understand if the magic involved in this enchantment would be with bad intentions.
"I have a friend," continued Cid, "Amarant Coral, long friendship bond between us. He lives at the shores of the Moonflow. I'm sure he'll know what's occurring to Beast."
"Is it safe to take him in this state?" Kimahri asked.
"The sooner the better," replied Cid, "this is no common condition, something obscure and mysterious is surrounding this situation. You two provide Beast," continued Cid, pointing at both Barret and Kimahri, "clean him up and lie him down. I'll make sure we get there before sunrise."
It was quiet all over again when I woke up. Probably what I needed was some rest, just like lovers do after an intense fuck, my body was tired of getting so much action.
I noticed my fundoshi was on again, this time wet, while the cotton rubbed the tip of my leaking penis. I tried not to make any noise, the glow of a finishing candle let me see that the ebony man was sleeping on a couch next to me, wearing only his mesh tank top and a comfortable jockstrap, the blue lycanthrope was fast asleep in the bed beside me; covered only by some silky-sheer fundoshi.
I aroused and stared at him in confusion, why was he making me feel emotional, yet I didn't know who he was? I was scared to be somewhere where I didn't know anyone, yet I felt safe.
"Beast?" said the blue lycanthrope in a low whisper, waking up from his nap and drawing a smile while he saw me awoke.
A blast, followed by a shaking of the ship, interrupted the loose connection seconds we held. The candle finished burning and in a couple of flashes, glowing red lights appeared on the floor. The ebony man woke up alarmed, trying to figure out if the intruder was back again.
"Kimahri? Beast? Are you alright?" He said.
"I don't know Barret, a blast, then lights turned red," answered the lycanthrope... whose name I now knew was Kimahri.
"We must be having a malfunction."
At this moment my head started to ache, even more, after the pitch of a siren drilled my ears after being activated. Barret instructed us both to get up and start moving into the dock, if anything happened, the safest place in the airship would be that.
Somehow being around Barret and walking through the halls of this airship seemed familiar, Kimahri helped me walk down to the docks, I admit being surprised by how strong he was, compared to both our proportions... in the back of my mind his guarding behavior towards me was incorrect as if I should be rejecting his aid or even his touch. I started sensing a sort of aversion towards him, somehow his name echoed like a bad deja vu previously endured.
"Hold on to something!" Cid yelled to us, "this is going to be a rough landing!"
And rough it was indeed, so hard we hit the sands that I fell into the platform, hitting hard the iron plates of the place I stood. Kimahri tried to lift me, reaching his hand to hug me up, but I rejected his help. Confused, he tried to assist me again.
"You are still weak," he said trembling, "let me help you-"
But I was sick of him.
Somehow I had this urge to run apart from him, far as I could, and never see him again. Barret and Cid were diverted trying to figure out the data displayed by a screen that popped out from their board. While doing so the gates to the outside opened behind me, making me roll backward into the beach.
I was wet with salty water, quickly examined my surroundings, only to notice a large dim shore, cold and with a thunderstorm in its vicinity. I was weak for certain, wished for help or someone to reach into my rescue, but not Kimahri.
Anyone but him.
"Beast!" Kimahri shouted, "Beast, wait!"
Without hesitation, I stood up and rushed. Fled away from him, his voice or his presence. Kimahri and Barret went after me, shouting my name and ordering me to stop, that it was unsafe to wander alone in this area; but I was desperate to get away from him. Somehow I felt safe while getting away from him, making me believe anyplace was better.
The shore finished and rough gravel felt under my paws. I was following a path towards a narrow complex of rock formations. I wanted to get them lost... but somehow the lost one was me. I was now facing a dead-end in the dark, seeing how gliding lights surrounded my feet. While leaning against a wall I felt how it moved.
In no time I was facing what looked like a corpse stuck on petrified sediment formations as if the wall itself were alive because of the skeletal figure trapped in it.
The headaches came back, my breath was short, perhaps I pushed myself too much trying to run away from Kimahri. A faint spell fell upon me, blinding my sight and making me weaker enough to stumble hard on the soil. 
An odd sensation overran my body and the warm touch of something good ran into it. The call of someone I perfectly knew sounded through the cave walls, serious, as if attempting to explain something to me.
"You've been a naughty boy," he said "you are lucky I've been following you two for a while. I'm impressed by how my curse made you feel sick enough of Kimahri... that you chose to better flee from him."
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm your one and only master," he replied. "Your lover: the only being you ever loved and always will."
The next thing I remember was someone holding my hand. It was warm and the touch of it was so familiar that it made me feel happy, just as the latest feeling I tasted in the caves. I opened my eyes and saw a gorgeous man with soft skin, smooth hair, and a manly beard covering his chin.
"Hello gorgeous," said the stranger, "finally waking up from your nap?"
I remained quiet, was so blushed already and I had no idea why. Kimahri saw my expression and, as if reading my thoughts, spoke my mind.
"Maybe we should let him rest," he said, "it's been quite an eventful date, I assume you must be exhausted."
And just like that, all the guys in the room went, granting me the space I yearned so great. Outside the party maintained a serious talk, even after my tiredness, curiosity was big enough to make me overhear their conversation.
"This is no ordinary memory loss," said the one who woke me up, called Hezmush. "I think he might be under the influence of some dark magic."
"We both think the same," replied Barret, probably referring to Cid as well, "Beast was a shiny self the moment we met him, something in him denotes change. We were thinking of bringing him to the Moonflow, but our generator has been damaged."
"Well, I can steer you if you want," said Hezmush in a humble voice, "I was about to head across to reach Bevelle, I can always take a small detour. Maybe I can join your party if you want."
"That would be such a good idea," replied Kimahri, "I would be grateful for your aid Hez, always so generous."
"Nah, don't worry, I want to help. You both looked so happy back at Kilika, you need it."
'Happy back at Kilika?' I asked myself in a whisper, I guess... I remembered Kilika port and then someone slapping hard at my ass. This last memory left me with a shy sensation. Still... all of the things I lived there, and even those before, I only had the picture of myself: alone.
Hezmush was talking about me and Kimahri as if both were a couple to...
"... get married," ended Hezmush. My thoughts and his speech matched right at the moment he completed that sentence.
"Tonight we rest," ordered Cid, captain of the airship, "tomorrow morning we, Hezmush and Beast navigate to the Moonflow, Barret can stay and manage the fixings alone, don't ya baby?"
"You know I can, you son of a bitch."
End of Act 3
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junker-town · 5 years
How Gardner Minshew became the NFL’s most fascinating rookie
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Gardner Minshew II the NFL’s newest cult hero.
The Jags’ starting QB for the foreseeable future is a lot more than just a man with a mustache.
The Jacksonville Jaguars’ new quarterback has taken the NFL by storm, and no, I’m not talking about Nick Foles. Gardner Minshew II was forced into the Jags’ starting quarterback role early in Week 1 after Foles suffered a broken clavicle against the Kansas City Chiefs.
In came Minshew, a sixth-round pick in the 2019 NFL Draft, and the rookie did more than just play the role of a sub. Although the Jags lost 40-26 to Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs’ high-powered offense, Minshew set records in his debut. He went 22-of-25 passing, threw a modern-day NFL-record 13 straight completions in a player’s debut, and his 88 completion percentage was the highest Jacksonville franchise history.
Jaguars’ rookie QB Gardner Minshew’s completion percentage (88.0) Sunday was the highest in NFL history for any player with at least 15 pass attempts making their NFL debut. It is also a franchise single-game record among players with at least 25 pass attempts.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) September 9, 2019
Foles, who signed a four-year, $88 million deal with the Jags in March, is now on injured reserve and won’t be eligible to return until Week 11 at the earliest. So for now, Minshew is Jacksonville’s starting quarterback for the foreseeable future.
While Minshew wasn’t projected to be a rookie starter in 2019, the guy who was almost named Beowulf made a name for himself during his college career. His journey to become a starting NFL quarterback has been unconventional — just like Minshew himself.
He started his collegiate career as a JUCO quarterback.
Minshew was three-star prospect from the class of 2015. The Brandon, Miss., native didn’t receive in-state offers from Ole Miss or Mississippi State, and his 2014 commitment to UAB fizzled when the school discontinued the football program that year. He decided to try to walk-on at Troy, where he had an academic scholarship, in the spring of 2015, but he played at Northwest Mississippi C.C. for his freshman fall instead.
That year, he threw for 3,288 yards and 28 touchdowns while leading the Rangers to a NJCAA National Championship. Even at the JUCO level, his mechanics were pretty well-developed:
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From there, he transferred to East Carolina in 2016 and played in just seven games for the Pirates, starting a couple of them. Apparently to try and get a medical redshirt during his first year at ECU, Minshew tried uh, breaking his own hand with a hammer? No, seriously:
This is an all-time football story Gardner Minshew told on @PardonMyTake today about the lengths he went to so he could try to play more football. https://t.co/8reKL2kxjc pic.twitter.com/DXwxkFFuT6
— Mike Cole (@MikeColeNESN) September 20, 2019
The next year he split time with fellow QB Thomas Sirk, and opted to go to Washington State as a graduate transfer after the season. Although Minshew was offered the chance to play at Alabama, Cougs head coach Mike Leach’s pitch was too good to pass up. Via ESPN:
In Tuscaloosa, the recruiters reminded Minshew, he might never get a chance to play.
A few days later, Washington State coach Mike Leach called Minshew with the most appealing proposal of all. “Do you want to be a backup at Alabama or lead the nation in passing?” Leach asked. “We’re going to lead the nation in passing one way or another.”
For Minshew, it was an offer he couldn’t refuse.
So in March of 2018, Minshew took his talents to the Pacific Northwest.
Minshew’s arrival in Pullman was difficult, though.
He had to navigate a tough, painfully sad situation coming in. The Cougs’ projected starter for 2018, redshirt sophomore Tyler Hilinski, tragically committed suicide in January 2018. As Coug Center pointed out, Minshew helped some Coug fans heal the season after Hilinski’s death:
It doesn’t make any sense, it will never make sense, and the pain will never go away.
Somehow, though, Minshew helped us get from there to here, to a point where most of us could smile and have something ranging from a little to a lot of joy in the midst of our sorrow. And it wasn’t just because he was really, really good at throwing a football. It was his approach, the way he simultaneously walked alongside his teammates and led them forward. The way he just said “screw it” and decided that if there was going to be a season, we might as well win all the games. (They came close.)
“It was time for that community, going through a lot of healing with the passing of Tyler Hilinski,” Minshew said at his first Jags presser of how he helped the Wazzu community heal. “Just really trying to honor that legacy and bring hope to a community that was pretty down.”
Under Leach’s air raid offense, Minshew flourished and broke multiple Wazzu and conference records.
He led the Cougs to an 11-2 run in 2018, the best-ever season in WSU history. Not to mention he finished leading the country in passing completions, accounted for 4,779 yards and 38 touchdowns, which were both Wazzu single-season records. He set a slew of Pac-12 records, too.
Although Minshew seemingly came out of nowhere in 2018, his success wasn’t too much of a surprise. As Ian Boyd wrote last November, Minshew’s skill set was seemingly perfect for Leach’s offensive system:
The Cougars are operating the air raid at a much higher level than expected in what has turned out to be a down year for the league.
Minshew is also fantastic at getting the ball out quickly in Leach’s classic, fast-hitting schemes like mesh ...
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...and shallow cross
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He was mentioned as a potential Heisman candidate during the season, and while he didn’t make it to New York City as a finalist, he finished fifth in the final voting.
Although a loss to Washington in the Apple Cup kept the Cougs out of the Pac-12 championship game, WSU capped off 2018 with an Alamo Bowl victory over Iowa State.
As Minshew’s legend grew throughout the season, so did the fame of his mustache. He uh, also works out naked!
The QB’s facial hair growing had been a thing since his East Carolina days, but his mustache hit its peak notoriety in Pullman. So much so, that fans started wearing fake ones to games: Which brings us to one of the ‘stache’s most unforgettable moments: when Minshew successfully placed one on Leach after Wazzu’s November win over Colorado:
Mike Leach has once again produced possibly the greatest college football interview of all time pic.twitter.com/8Djm3VJ8RI
— Paid man gets bored (@cjzero) November 11, 2018
“The mustache started in camp,” Minshew told ESPN’s College GameDay. “I think it’s just kind of symbolic of how we are as a team. Just free, loose — we’re gonna play as hard as we can, and we’re gonna have fun doing it.”
As for the stache’s future, Minshew has assured Jags Nation that it’s here to stay. Gardner and his fans have embraced his look. His signature headband-mustache combo has even inspired t-shirts!
While Minshew brought the stache with him to the NFL, he’s also continuing another one of his traditions: working out naked.
From his year at Wazzu:
Yes, Gardner Minshew also does exercise bands in the locker room wearing only a jock strap, shades, and a headband. Sometimes naked, too. Sometimes Steve Spurrier even walks in on him doing it https://t.co/e2ZFwk3aOT pic.twitter.com/ir63VnKPZJ
— Brian Floyd (@BrianMFloyd) September 10, 2019
And before his first NFL start:
Per @MikeGarafolo, #Jaguars starting QB Gardner Minshew III stretches in the pre-game locker room in nothing but a jockstrap. Again, our hero
— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) September 15, 2019
He’s only been in Jacksonville since April, but Minshew was already extremely Florida Man before he got there. Exhibit A:
Come on... pic.twitter.com/uIK7YAMl6U
— Jayson Jenks (@JaysonJenks) September 8, 2019
Exhibit B: He also catches and wrestles huge-ass fish:
I done wrastled with a alligator. Tussled with a whale... #BadDude pic.twitter.com/8eKp2ZdOVt
— Gardner Minshew (@GardnerMinshew5) July 9, 2019
It makes sense. His personality seems to mesh with the fun and out-there Duval culture perfectly — he’s competitive yet chill, and gives off a blue-collar vibe:
Blocking out the haters like... ✋@GardnerMinshew5 & @TheRealMOW3 spent their day off hanging out at the @BGCNF Teen Center. pic.twitter.com/oFPVAufrfm
— #DUUUVAL (@Jaguars) September 10, 2019
Minshew obviously isn’t the quarterback that Jags’ fans hoped to see this season. But he’s not a bad alternative!
A sixth-round draft pick was right around where Minshew was projected to go, and he’s handled winning the backup job then being thrust into the starting role likely better than anyone could’ve hoped.
As SB Nation’s resident Jaguars fan Adam Stites mentions, sticking with Minshew might not be all that bad of an idea:
His 122.5 passer rating is better than any Bortles performance in 2018.
While he mostly threw short passes underneath, he kept the Kansas City offense honest early by connecting with Chark on a nice 69-yard bomb.
Given the hot start to Minshew’s career, the Jaguars don’t need to change things up too dramatically right now. They should be aware of the probability that Minshew won’t play like that again, though.
Minshew’s book smarts just might help him run the Jags’ offense, too — he scored the second-highest Wonderlic score (42) in his draft class, and is known for his study habits:
You may have already heard of Minshew’s reputation of being a “film rat” and quite frankly, it’s one trait that caused front office lead Tom Coughlin to gravitate towards him. Minshew was a 4.0 student who scored a possible 30 of 36 points on the ACT exam. He would attend defensive meetings at his collegiate stops to learn more about how the other side of the ball functioned.
His former head coach may be a bit biased, but Leach also had this to say about his former QB’s debut:
“I think he’ll be more ready down the road, but I also think he’s a great player, Leach told Locked On Jaguars shortly after Minshew’s rookie debut. “[There are] guys elsewhere in the league that aren’t as ready to play as him – and several won’t ever be. I do think he will be very productive, and I think he’ll do a good job. He’s an incredibly smart guy so he can pick things up quickly.”
It helps that Jacksonville wants to lean on a powerful rushing attack on offense. During their highly successful 2017 season that ended with a trip to the AFC Championship, no team ran the ball more than the Jaguars.
While they’ve struggled to get Leonard Fournette going, Minshew is also capable of gaining yards on the ground. In his first start, Minshew ran the ball six times for 56 yards against the Texans. He almost pulled off a miracle last-minute win, too, leading the Jaguars on a 14-play, 68-yard drive that ended with Minshew throwing a 4-yard pass to D.J Chark. With 30 seconds left, Jacksonville coach Doug Marrone decided to go for two — and the win. Rather than keep the ball in Minshew’s hands, though, he gave the carry to Fournette, who didn’t cross the goal line.
Minshew led the Jaguars to their first win of the season the following week, throwing two touchdowns in a 20-7 win over the Titans. He followed that up with a huge road win over the Denver Broncos, including a crucial drive to set up a game-winning field goal to defeat the Broncos 26-24.
The AFC South is pretty wide open this season, and riding the Minshew train just might be a lot of fun. If there’s one thing Minshew has shown, it’s never count him out. I, for one, can’t want to see what he can do.
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