#i’ve changed my mind i want kit to be this
flemingsfreckles · 3 months
Replacement Part 2
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Other chapter HERE!
Warnings: none, language, it’s a tiny bit angsty I guess
WC: 2.7k
A/N: I’ve been struggling to write this to say the least… I’ve got certain scenes written, I’m just struggling with making those scenes come together in a fluid way 🤷‍♀️ hopefully things ease up and I’ll be able to get this series rolling
You spent the next day ignoring Jessie’s texts, thankfully not having practice today meant you could avoid Janine’s questions as to why you were being so stand offish to Jessie as well.
However when you did walk into the locker room the following day, there was Janine. You greet her with a smile and a wave and she returns with a cold glance and a whisper of a hello.
“What’s up with you today?” She’s sitting down in her cubby just a few over from yours.
“Why didn't you text back Jessie?” Her voice is hushed despite the locker room being nearly empty. You knew it was coming, you knew Janine would ask.
“I- '' You start to think, you couldn't sit here and tell Janine it's because you wanted nothing to do with her Canadian teammate. You wanted her to go back to London, back to where she wasn't a threat to your playing time, you wanted her anywhere else. Instead you play dumb. “I just, I opened the text late at night, I didn’t want to wake her if she was already asleep, and I guess I forgot to respond in the morning. That's my bad.”
She gives you a questioning look. “Alright, but maybe text her back, I really think you two would get along, I mean you'll meet her today so, forget it whatever.” You give her a nod and find your way over to your locker, noticing the locker next to yours, where Weaver used to be set up, is now empty, Morgan’s name plate is now sitting two lockers away. You ignore it and sit down, starting to change into your practice kit. You change your socks, shorts, and shirt before you make your way around and down the hallway to where all the boots were stored, you grab yours out and turn to head back to your cubby. You hear increased chatter coming from the locker room and when you walk in you see why.
Sinc is standing in the middle of the room holding the shoulders of a shorter player in front of her. You realize Jessie must have arrived given the line of teammates standing in front of her to greet her. You turn your focus back to walking toward your cubby, you sit down and begin unlacing your boots, occupying yourself with them instead of the excitement revolving around the new girl, you’d meet her eventually.
It takes two tries for you to tie your boots comfortably, accidentally pulling way too hard on the laces the first attempt, cutting off the blood circulation to your feet temporarily. As you begin to retie them you see a pair of feet come to stand next to you, facing the empty locker. You feel a bag get set down, you already knew what was happening.
“Hi.” you look up to see Jessie smiling down at you, she's got a hand extended out to you.
You take a second to look at her. You had never met her in person, you’d seen her play before but never been this close to her. She’s smaller than you thought she would be, you knew she wasn’t tall but you now realize that if you stand up her eyes would probably line up with your mouth. She’s got a hat on, her hair is down resting at a length just above her shoulders. The brown of her eyes is lighter than the brown of her hair and her face is covered in freckles. You look down to her big smile, looking at her lips for a moment before snapping out of your thoughts realizing you’ve been sizing up the girl for a little too long.
You reach out your hand, taking hers giving it a shake before you return your focus back to your shoes.
“Hey. Guess this is your cubby now?”
“Uh yeah, I guess they reorganized it for numerical order or whatever, I feel bad they had to shift everyone, I really didn't mind being at the end, it would've been fine. I didn't want to come in here and disturb the system, but the equipment team insisted. I guess it's easier for them, I don't know.” She rambles at you. “Sorry, I don't know why I’m telling you all this.”
You go back to fixing your shoes as Jessie gets ready for practice, you couldn't help but be annoyed by all of your fellow teammates making their way over to Jesies locker, standing conveniently in front of you to talk to her. You listened to them all say how they are looking forward to getting to know her, how they were excited for her to be joining the team, how they were excited for her to be bringing in talent into the midfield, unintentionally insulting you.
As the next few weeks of preseason training went by you could feel your playing time slipping through your fingers. All of those minutes falling into the lap of Jessie.
She was perfect and that pissed you off. You watched her everyday at practice. She was everything you were and also everything you weren’t. She was more tactful than you, she knew more about other players than you, she was faster than you, she rarely made a bad pass, hardly ever missed a pass coming to her, she made clean touches, she was an ideal midfielder.
On top of being a damn good player she was too nice. She was nice to everyone, all the time. It drove you crazy. She was especially nice to you. She would chat with you while you dressed for training, you thought maybe she’d get the hint when you only gave her one to two worded answers and never really initiated a conversation but she didn’t. She’d offer small words of encouragement during practice as well as helping explain what a coach was trying to get across to you, she’d answer questions in meetings and it seemed she always had the right answer.
During her second week, she walked in with Janine, two coffees in her hand before she made her way over to you. She extended her arm and before you could ask her what she was doing she explained for you. “Janine and I stopped for coffee, I figured we’d get you one too, Janine said it was one of your favorite places.”
“Oh, thanks.” You found the interaction a little weird but it was probably Janine’s idea anyway to get you the coffee. You look across the locker room and catch Janine’s eye before raising the cup and shouting her a thanks. You forgot about the surprise coffee incident until a few days later when Jessie brought you a muffin.
She once again stopped in front of where you sat, hand outstretched in your direction with a muffin in her hand. You recognized the muffin, lemon with a blueberry glaze on it. “Uh, Janine mentioned how much you like these when she and I were at the coffee shop a few weeks ago, she said they’re always out and it’s hard to find them, they had them this morning, I remembered so I got it for you.”
You looked from her to the muffin in her hand. The genuineness of her offer was frustrating you, she truly was just being a kind person, but to you it felt manipulative. Like she was trying to somehow get under your skin, into your brain, she brought you treats and coffees, somehow it would lead to your downfall. That’s what ran through your head every time she walked in with something for you.
“What do I owe you?” You reach for your wallet.
“Oh, no, nothing, it’s just a gift.” She shakes the muffin at you, you finally take it from her and she sits down into her cubby next to yours.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” You place the snack into your cubby for safe keeping, you were definitely going to eat that after practice.
“I just wanted to.” She responds with a smile before changing into her practice gear.
The small gifts didn’t stop. She’d bring you coffee or a snack every once in a while which you politely would accept but you couldn’t fathom why she kept doing it. You couldn’t lie, the more it happened the more genuine your thank yous became, it made you feel a little fuzzy inside when she’d hand it to you and your fingers would brush against each other. As if the two of you could maybe be friends at some point. But then you’d go on the field and that feeling would be gone as she would outperform you again and again. You’d see the coffee cup upon returning to the locker room and suddenly have the urge to throw it out, to not let Jessie continue to think you were friends, you weren’t, she was competition. The cycle of hating her, to being a civil acquaintance for just a little bit before training and then back to hating her on the field continued day in and day out, week after week.
You shouldn’t have been surprised when the first game came around and you found yourself as a substitute. You tried to keep your emotions at bay as Jessie’s name was listed in the position yours typically was. You clenched and unclenched your jaw, trying to ignore the frustration bubbling up. When you walk to your cubby Jessie is already there, getting dressed.
“Hello.” She smiles at you as she changes her shirt. Her tone happy, upbeat, of course she was happy, she was starting.
“Hey.” Your tone was the opposite, monotone, dull, no sense of excitement.
“Are you excited for the game?” Jessie continued on. You just shrug in her direction before putting in headphones and sitting down to put on your socks. “A woman of many words.” Jessie is still smiling at you when you look up at her. “Come on, be excited, it’s the start of the season!” She gently shakes your shoulder before turning away to go talk with Janine. You look across the room and catch Sam’s eye, she raises an eyebrow in your direction and you see her stand up quickly looking down at the ground.
Sam finds her way to your cubby. “What’s up with you?”
“Huh?” You pull a headphone from your ear and look up at her.
“You’re moping, you’re quiet, it’s so obvious you’re not yourself and you haven’t been.” She’s standing one hand on her hip looking down at you. She must’ve noticed the way you looked around the room to all your teammates standing within earshot. “Alright equipment office, let’s go.” She points a finger in the direction of the always empty office.
You follow her in and quickly hop on the desk, grabbing the pen that’s sat on it to begin fidgeting with it.
“Talk to me.” Sam crosses her arms leaning against the door.
“I don’t know.” You shrug, lying straight through your teeth. “Just in a mood, woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess.”
“Okay, bullshit. I’m not stupid. You’ve been waking up on the wrong side of the bed all pre-season, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know.”
“I think you’re lying. Are you unhappy here? Did something happen in your life? Because you’ve been weird for weeks and I’ve tried, Janine has tried, but you just shrug everyone off, so what gives?”
“Janine’s too busy with her now, I’m surprised she noticed.” You mumble it and you really don’t mean for Sam to hear it but she does. It was true though, you found yourself spending less and less time with Janine. Despite what she had promised you in the car before Jessie’s arrival, you felt replaced. You’d invite her out for a walk, she’d already be with Jessie, she’d invite you to dinner before conveniently mentioning Jessie would be there too. You felt like not only had Jessie come in and taken your spot on the team, she had taken over your spot in Janine’s life.
“Is that what this is all about? Her? Jessie?” Sam makes her way over to you.
You shake your head, it was, but it also wasn’t. It was more about the fact that you were being replaced, not just used as a sub. “I don’t know Sam.”
“I think you do, you just don’t want to say it.”
You throw your hands up toward the door. “It’s so obvious she’s here to replace me.”
“She’s not.” Sam tries to wrap an arm around your shoulder but you stand up before she can. You didn’t need her sympathy or whatever she was trying to do here. You were frustrated, annoyed, she wasn’t helping.
“Don’t lie.”
“I'm not!” Sam tries to explain to you but you don’t want to hear it.
“Hard to argue when she’s starting instead of me today.” Fed up with everyone, you push past Sam back into the locker room, not saying anything to anyone you throw on your warm up shirt and head out to the pitch early just to escape.
The game is relatively uneventful for the first half. You want nothing to do with watching Jessie play but it seems to be all you can do. Your eyes are constantly on her, as if none of your other teammates or the opponents exist. You watch how she effortlessly can make space for herself, how she can make accurate passes barely having to look at the other players, everything she does is clean. She makes an assist just before the half you cheer for a moment, happy to take the lead before a sinking feeling builds in your stomach.
The second half starts with you kicking your feet together as you sat on the bench still. It isn't until 30 minutes remaining that you get told to start warming up and it’s not until 61 minutes that you are standing next to the referee as Jessie’s number is lit up in red and yours is in green. She gives you a high five as you sub on but you don’t listen to the words she says telling you to do well.
You don’t do much for the remaining 29 minutes only getting a few touches, nothing good but also nothing bad. The game ends with a victory and you start walking around the pitch with your teammates.
Jessie finds her way to your side. “You had some nice passes.”
You look at her, feeling as if her comment is almost backhanded. It wasn’t backhanded, Jessie was genuinely complimenting your playing, she meant nothing negative by the comment, you did have some good passes. You just look at her, no smile, no words, nothing.
“You alright?” Jessie presses.
“Look, Jessie, I’m really not interested in talking to you right now.”
You can’t miss the look of confusion, hurt, and sadness across her face. “Oh, okay, I’m sorry.” She stops walking, letting you walk off ahead of her, you continue to walk alone around, signing a few things, taking a few photos but then making your way into the locker room.
You get undressed and shower quickly before coming back to your locker when Jessie walks up. The tension is obvious between the two, she didn’t greet you like normal, she barely acknowledges your existence. You look up to her. She still has a sad expression on her face, she refuses to make eye contact with you as she grabs her stuff and walks away. You notice Janine’s cold stare when she walks past you as you’re headed out of the room your backpack already packed and on your back.
“That was a dick move. She’s just trying to be your friend.”She mutters to you as you pass her. For a second you think about turning around, telling Janine how despite her promise to you that your friendship wouldn’t change, it had, how she had abandoned you the second Jessie showed up. You debate telling her you want nothing to do with Jessie, that you hate her but she’s too damn nice that you can’t outright shoot her down. But you don’t, you keep it in and continue to walk down the hallway. You open up the door to a rainy evening, leaving your head down you pull your hood up and make your way to your car.
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starringthesturniolos · 4 months
bite me (part 2)- matt sturniolo
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part one, part 2
summary- matt has always hated your guts, but everything changes when he wakes up and finds out your his mate.
contains- vampire!matt x reader, enemies to lovers, smut (not in this part), themes of death, dark themes, high school au! (18 yrs old)
your pov:
i woke up with a massive headache, my chest heaving. the first thing i think of is matt.
what the fuck, why is he on my mind on a saturday morning.
i shudder at my own actions and throw my covers over my head as a phantom chill runs down my spine.“cant stay in bed forever” i sigh to myself, while throwing the covers off my body almost immediately after putting them back on. I march to my closet and change into my favorite running shorts. as soon as i step foot out of my house, i start to jog, the melodic tempo lulling me out of my morning funk. my peace is disrupted tho because out the corner of my eye, i see my neighbor walk out his house into his driveway. his eyes bore into mine before they rake up and down my body. my heart beat picks up slightly, and it’s not from the exercise.
my neighbor, kit, has been weirdly obsessed with me ever since he and his girlfriend broke up. about a week ago, i caught him snooping around our house at night, trying to get a peek into my room. after that i’ve been trying to avoid crossing paths, and i wasn’t planning on crossing them today. its fine, hes probably taking out the trash, i think, desperately trying to reassure myself. i speed up from a light jog to a full on sprint because i know that once hes out my sight, i will feel more comfortable. i sigh in relief when i round the corner to the next street in my subdivision, happy that i got away from him.
slap slap slap
his feet pound against the ground as he sprints to catch up with me. i whirl around once i hear the footsteps, and lock eyes with him. the accidental eye contact was enough to spur him to go even faster than his long legs were taking him before. my heart to drops and i turn back around, running on pure adrenaline and fear.
“Y/n, stop running and come talk to me!” kit yells angrily but i’m running far too hard to form a proper sentence. even if i wanted to respond to him i wouldn’t have the breath to do so.
“STOP PLAYING HARD TO GET. YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME Y/N. COME HERE AND ADMIT IT” he screams even louder. my head starts to pound and my mind reels trying to come up with a plan. i can’t run forever. i gather the little breath i have in me to muster up a scream in hopes someone will come help me, only for the air to be knocked out of me. i ran straight into something, no,
“get. the fuck. away from her.” the mystery man growls.
kit takes one look at him and slowly backs away in fear. “who the hell are you?” out of curiosity, i look up to see who i’ve run into and freeze.
no it can’t be. it looks just like him but his eyes are dark red, and dark black veins swirl under his pale skin like they have a mind of their own. “who are you?” i cringe as i repeat the same question kit did moments before, both our tones lacking a single ounce of courage. fear was all consuming as we stared at the monster in front us.
“you know who i am, y/n. get behind me. now. im gonna deal with him” he says gruffly while looking behind me at kit. kit whimpers at the sight of matts deadly stare.
i ignore what matt says, opting to look him up and down instead in a manner that screams “what the fuck is wrong with you”. but then, i try to think rationally for a moment, this is still matt after all. he may not like me but hes not gonna hurt me. right?
“what happened to you, matt?”i question breathlessly.
“you.” matt deadpans in a voice much deeper than his normal one, taking a step closer to me. he reaches his hand out to grab me. to take me.
“y/n get away from him!!” kit interjects and pulls me too him in hopes of trying to help me get away from matt. and for once, i’m actually glad kits here.
wrong move.
matt is in front of me in a flash. he snarles as he pushes kit with bone crushing force. his body goes flying, hitting a pole a couple of yards away with a loud thud, knocked out on impact. i shriek, terror filling my veins. as if sensing my strong distress, matt turns to me slowly. his arms out in front of him, in what is supposed to be a peaceful gesture.
hard to be comforting when your veins are as dark as your tattoos.
“y/n, we need to talk” the stranger, deeper version of matts voice says.
why can’t i move. im frozen in time as he takes slow steps towards me.
“you need to come with me, y/n.” he breathes out, his dark red eyes wide and crazed. he takes another step closer. my legs feel like jelly but i finally manage to take one step back. whatever matt is, it can’t be human. humans can’t throw each other several yards. their veins aren’t as black as midnight, and their eyes sure as hell don’t change to a deep red on command. so what does he, no, it, want from me.
“w- why do i need to come with you? ”
“because you’re mine” he growls, finally deciding to close the gap between us, faster than my eyes can process. he bends down and run his nose along the hot spot on my neck. he inhales deeply and moans in relief his black veins disappearing. i scream and try to push him off but its useless. he grabs my arm in a vice grip and pure horror spreads through my body for what feels like the 100th time today. i try to let out another scream but no sound comes out. my vision clouds and my head is spinning. then everything is black.
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repulsiveliquidation · 11 months
Arsenal’s Number 6
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Leah Williamson x Reader, Part 3 of Fore! (double update today, wow)
Part 1 | Part 2
Leah’s ACL has healed and it’s her first game back. (let us pretend she’s back, eh?)
word count : 2k
warnings : fluff with smut at the end.
“Leah you’re going to be late!”
“I know! Just can’t fucking find my fucking–oh there it is.”
You’re holding up her kit bag, having had to put it away yesterday since she dumped it at the front door and didn’t clean it. You had cleared out her smelly training kit and cleaned her shoes, dusting out the grass at the bottom and replenishing it with all her essentials. It was where it went; in the cupboard by the door but she refused to put it in there so she never knew where it was when you picked up after her.
“I don’t know what I’d do without ya, pretty girl.”
“You’d be a mess, baby. A hot, fucking, mess. Come on, I’ll drop you off.”
“Your missus coming to the game Sunday?” asked McCabe in the changing room. They were packing up to go home, Jonas had let the girls know that the trainers had cleared Leah for her first game back since her ACL on Sunday against Brighton. Screams and cheers filled the room, all the girls glad to have Leah back on the pitch. She hadn’t stopped smiling, glad to finally be back where she belongs. But Katie’s question makes her smile fall.
“She’s probably going to be busy. She has students.”
“Bullshit Leah, Y/N knows how much this means to you.”
“I’ll maybe only be playing a couple minutes, there’s no point.”
“Leah, what’s this about?”
“Can we just drop it, please?”
Everyone leaves her alone at her request, squeezing her shoulder as they filter out. She had been waiting for this day to come and now that it’s here she’s terrified. Doubt fills her mind as she fears that she will make mistakes and cost the team. She’s scared that once she’s back she won’t be the same as she was before. She’s scared that Arsenal won’t want her if she isn’t back to 100% fitness. She’s scared that you’ll be disappointed and leave. You can’t leave. It would kill her more than never playing football again. She starts to hyperventilate, the room spinning as she tries to catch her breath. She’s desperately clutching her chest when she feels familiar hands grab hers and pull her into a firm chest. She’s shaking, the smell of you filling her nostrils.
“Easy baby, it’s okay. You’re safe, Leah. It’s just me, I’ve got you.”
It takes a few more minutes for her breathing to regulate and for her to stop shaking. You wipe her tears away and hold her face. You smile softly and kiss her, which makes her melt into your touch. Fresh tears prickle at her eyes as you pull her to sit in your lap.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
She takes a while to answer you, trying her best to calm herself. You rub her back and don’t rush her, softly cooing at her as she is finally able to catch her breath.
“Please don’t leave me.” She says quietly, looking up at you with sad eyes. You cup her cheeks and look down at her, face full of concern.
“What’s given you that idea, darling?” you ask her, wiping her tears away. She’s puffy and has snot running down her face, yet you can’t find a flaw on her face.
“They cleared me to play on Sunday.”
“That’s great news, love. What’s making you upset then?”
“I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Oh Leah, even if you didn’t play I would be so proud of you.”
“You’re too important to me to be a disappointment.”
“I will be proud of you no matter what. That’s my job. Other than being the world’s best girlfriend. You’re my world in this equation, which makes me the best girlfriend. Who’s the real winner here?”
“Me, obviously.”
“There’s my cheeky girl, I’ve missed her.”
“I love you.”
It takes you by surprise, the love in her eyes is almost replaced with pain till you grab her face and kiss her searingly.
“I love you too, Leah.”
You’re making dinner, a sad, bland chicken burger for Leah (she drools which is unbelievable) and a nice steak for yourself. She asked for a couple bites of your steak which you feed her but politely decline a bite of her chicken burger (honestly, not even a little spice, Lee?) 
You’re both sharing a bottle of wine with an Arsenal game on the tv when Leah suddenly muted the tv. She never missed one moment of a game and it took you by surprise.
“You can say no.”
“You really need to stop saying that. Anything you want I will make happen baby.”
“I-I want you there on Sunday.”
“I was going to be.”
“No, not as another face in the crowd. As in like there in the family section with a family pass around your neck. With my name on your back.”
“Nothing would make me happier. Well, maybe marrying you could come close second, we’ll see.”
You laugh at your own joke and miss the look or pure adoration on Leah’s face. She wants to make that happen, she knew in that moment that she was marrying you one day.
“Subbing in for the first time since April, Arsenal’s Number 6, Leah Williamson!” you heard the announcer say. There was only 5 minutes left in the game but proud didn’t even begin to express how you were feeling. Seeing her waiting by the sidelines, she caught your eye as you were sat in the family section with Amanda. “I love you,” you mouthed as she did the same at the same time. You had tears in your eyes, watching her smiling, so happy to be back on the pitch. She’s getting a standing ovation, the gooners happy to have their beloved captain back.
It was just a little tester of her headspace, gauging her readiness to be back on the pitch. She played flawlessly; she was back to being a force to be reckoned with. When the final whistle blew, Arsenal walked away with a win (a/n MANIFESTING), the girls from both teams congratulating her on her return. She was positively buzzing, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much.
You were nervously waiting in the changing room for her, Amanda wanting to see her on the pitch instead. She finally walked in, still grinning as wide as she could. She ran over to you, hugging you and spinning you around.
“You did it baby!”
“All thanks to you, pretty girl.”
You kissed her hard, the whole room cheering and teasing the both of you. You didn’t care, the both of you in a world or your own. She took a shower and got changed before you walked out to her car, hand in hand swinging happily. The whole drive home was filled with comfortable silence; you held her hand that was in your lap and softly rubbed her arm. She leaned over and kissed you at traffic lights, hand rubbing your thigh teasingly. You knew what she was insinuating and gave into her.
“You did so well baby, I’m so proud of you.”
“You look so hot with my name on your back.”
“Mrs. Y/N Williamson does have a nice ring to it.”
“We’re making that happen one day, pretty girl. Right now, I want to ravish you.”
You stumbled into the house, hands pulling clothes off each other impatiently. Riley was confused but totally stole Leah’s training shirt to bite on. You didn’t care, all you could think about was Leah. She picked you up like you weighed nothing, walking to your bedroom and locking the door. She threw you onto the bed, eyes dark with desire. Her lips were on yours instantly, kissing you dizzying hard. She crawled onto the bed slowly, pinning your arms above your head as she sucked noisily at your neck. You whined, core aching for her touch.
She ripped your undergarments off, mouth latching onto your breast. She bit and sucked, a growl leaving the back of her throat. She switched breasts, hands kneading them hard. You cried out in pain and pleasure, her grunts becoming more and more impatient sounding. “Fuck, turn over.” You obey her, arching your back more as she spanks your ass. She straddles your thighs, biting all over your back and taking off the rest of her clothes. She hisses when her clit grazes your thigh, grabbing your ass and spreading it roughly. She groans, leaning in and eating you out. You squeal and whine, hand reaching back to cradle her head the best you can. She man-handles you to perch your ass up, burying her face between your legs to lick and suck at you the best she can. She growls into your folds, slurping your sweet nectar like a hungry bear. You can only cry out her name and grip the sheets, her mouth assaulting you exactly how you like.
She suddenly stops and lays back, legs opening for you. “Come here,” she says with authority and you swoon at her demanding tone. You make no protest, settling yourself between her legs and wait for further instruction. “Make me cum,” she says with that same force, you can only oblige and lean in to slurp at her soaking folds.
The tone of authority in her voice and that signature focused face was more than enough to make your pussy throb with a need like no other. You obediently slurp and suckle on her folds, her hands making a home in your hair as she practically rode your face. You whine and slip your tongue into her, alongside two fingers. She yelps and moans your name, begging you for release. It only makes you work harder, tongue-fucking her as your nose buries itself in her clit. She screams your name and cums, legs trembling so violently. She smiles dopily, pulling you up and kissing you hard. You taste each other on your lips, both moaning into each other’s mouths.
“Want the strap, pretty girl?”
“Fuck yes, Leah.”
“Tell me what you want, babygirl.”
“Want you to fuck me, Leah. Please.”
“You’re such a good girl, aren’t you? You gonna be a good girl for me, Y/N?”
“Yes, I’m a good girl.”
“On all fours.”
You listen, pulling yourself up into that position. She pulls out the strap and puts it on, lubing it up a little before getting back on the bed behind you. She lines herself up and pushes in slowly, feeling resistance she kisses down your back, spanking your ass a few times before thrusting shallowly. You open up for her, moaning her name loudly as she now begins to really pound into you. Her hands have an iron grip on your hips, pulling you back onto her cock. She moans like she can feel it, loving the look of your ass slapping against her hips.
“Fuck, r-right there Leah!”
“Yeah? You want my cock right there, darling?”
“Y-Yes! Fuck, please!”
She pounds into you harder, angling her hips up to hit your spot. She spanks your ass a few more times before you curse and beg for her to let you cum.
“Please Leah!”
“Come on my cock baby, there’s a good girl.”
You come hard, legs trembling and chest heaving. She fucks you through it, lips muttering profanities at you as you come down from your high. She pulls out and kisses you, taking off the strap and maneuvering you into her arms.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Thank you for coming out to watch me today.”
“I don’t think I’ll be missing a game anytime soon, Lee.”
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mischiefmaker615 · 6 months
Go Away
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Summary: Enemies to Lovers 
Rating: R 
Requested By: Daddy_Dracos_Slut (wattpad)
Note: Sorry for the long wait, real life stuff can be a pain sometimes but i hope the length of this one makes up for it *sweats*
i curse under my breath as the elevator seems extra rough going up the floors today. my hand clutches the rail while i keep my eyes closed, focusing my energy on my breathing rather than my stab wound that left a pretty nasty gash on my side. What happened?
SHIELD loves to throw me into fights they know they don’t have enough man power for. Why? “Your training should be enough to help you handle it just fine” okay dip shit- not against HYDRA! The mission was successful but of course they had to throw in a rookie for me to bring along as well. Result? Saving their ass cost me the next couple of days to heal.
“you should go to the medical bay-‘’
‘’it’s fine, I’ll just have Loki heal it.’’ the biggest lie I’ve ever told.
There was no way in hell i wanted to get near the psycho that attacked New York, but i hid my resentment well for SHIELD to buy my answer and not force me into a pointlessly long medical appointment.
Ironically as soon as i arrived back at the tower, the ‘not so bad’ wound in my side decided to give me a lot more pain than what i was originally feeling earlier. i probably just needed to clean it and it would be good as new.
Finally the elevator granted me the mercy of reaching my floor and i got out, my body crouched and hunched as i took a deep breath and looked around. No one around.. good. i didn’t like to show weakness, even though in this business you all get hurt, its nothing new, but my stubborn ass still tried to tough it out. Which is why as soon as i heard someone coming, i sucked in a breath and straightened up to my height, making sure my jacket was hiding my blood-stained shirt while Loki turned the corner, and we both shared the same expression. Of course, he probably didn’t enjoy my company just as much as i did for him, but he still took the opportunity to tease me whenever he could to get a reaction.
‘’why are you walking like that?’’ he asked, just a question, no concern in his voice.
‘’why do you look like that.’’ i say as i took a scrolling pace down the halls while he pressed the button to the elevator. i didn’t even look back at him but i felt his eyes on me.
‘’you’re hurt.’’
‘’and you care?’’
Loki’s eyes narrowed as i cast a glance over my shoulder at him in annoyance. ‘’I wish to make sure you are in proper health so you can get out of my way in a sufficient pace.’’
‘’oh, you do care.’’ i say in a sweet voice, placing a dramatic hand on my heart for effect which only revealed my bloody shirt where his eyes flicked down. i could have sworn his gaze changed to something else.. but for a split second until he looked like an asshole again.
‘’you’re bleeding.’’
Now, a sarcastic comment would have just proven he was right. Not that he would tell anyone, he probably didn’t care. this was all just probably going to be used to call me a weak mortal or whatever who doesn’t know how to properly fight. So the only unfortunate answer that spilled out of my mouth was ‘’spilled ketchup.’’ Smooth.
His eyes slowly traveled down to the ‘ketchup stain’ again before they flicked back up to mine. ‘’hmm.’’ He hummed, turning back to the open doors now for the elevator before his gaze could get a chance to make me nervous- wait what?
I make sure I walk as casually as possible, regardless of how painful it may be until I heard the elevator doors close before I hunch over again and draw in a sharp breath and resist the urge to clutch my side. Judgy bastard.. looking at me as if I’m scum in his way.. but what was that split second look? Never mind- just need to get the first aid kit and see exactly what I’m dealing with.
After it seems forever until I get into my room, I shut the door behind me and throw my jacket to the side, glad to have it off before I fold the end of my shirt up so it was over my chest, almost like a make-shift crop top. Damn.. it’s pretty deep, going to need minor stitches.. clean it up..
I slowly make my way now to the bathroom, my balance thrown off with the lack of blood and I could already tell before my eyes hit the mirror how pale I am. Nausea comes in mild waves as well but anger and frustration takes over when I open up the cabinet to find my first aid kit was missing. What the hell! I used it a couple days ago and I’m to OCD to not put things back..
I run a hand through my hair as I think about what I need to do. We have vodka at Tony’s bar downstairs, it’s the best thing we have currently to clean a wound. Another first aid kit in the kitchen, not to far from the bar cabinet. Not to bad- if people weren’t awake. I check my phone, it’s 8pm. Its usually quiet and people head to bed in 30 minutes do to the fact that we need proper rest in this field.
Grabbing a small towel, I run it over warm water and nearly cry out as I begin cleaning what I could, pain shooting through my body as I push through until I feel like I would faint. Setting the towel aside, I carefully.. carefully manage to change my shirt but put on an actual crop top so nothing had its change at touching my new body scar soon-to-be. Only 10 minutes pass.. 20 might be to long as I stay on the bed trying to control my breathing. I’m stupid, I know..
Once I check the time and hear more doors close in the hall, indicating people are hitting the hay, I go over to the door. No point in hiding the wound if everyone is in bed and the less clothes I ruin the better. However I nearly woke the whole house if I didn’t shove a hand over my mouth to find Loki waiting outside my door, leaning on the wall with a now smirk by my reaction.
‘’the hell are you doing here like a creeper?’’ I hiss at him but realize hiding the wound was to late as his eyes dropped and so did his expression as he straightened.
‘’norns Y/N- how did you manage that?’’ somehow there was no emotional indication in his voice, let alone his expression so I shrugged to see if he was actually concerned or about to laugh.
Figured there was no use hiding as I walk around him with a hand on the wall to support myself. ‘’comes with the job sometimes.’’
‘’and I’m sure they taught you how to properly take care of it- which is why it’s strange that you find yourself here’’ he says and walked along side me, making me raise a brow in wonder at why he was following.
‘’I can take care of myself, thanks.’’ Sarcasm was potent as I side eyed him, indicating I wished to be left alone before my body jolted at a wave of pain, making me practically double over with my nails digging into the wall.
‘’you need a doctor-‘’ Loki started, his hands quickly returning to their sides as I took a sharp breath and looked at him.
‘’I said I’ll be-‘’
‘’Y/N!’’ Barton greeted as he turned the corner, his smile fading as he glanced at Loki before he smiled again at me. ‘’you should have been here hours ago- I thought he would have healed you by now-‘’
‘’I don’t know what you are talking about-‘’ I panic, giving him a sharp look to shut up while Loki raised a brow.
‘’earlier when you said you’d just ask Loki to-‘’
‘’I’m handling it Clint, I’ll see you tomorrow though good as new’’ I fake smile, looking like I’m about to punch him as I feel Loki’s eyes on me in amusement.
‘’don’t you worry Agent Barton, she’s in good hands.’’ He said gently, lacing his fingers behind his back as Barton gives him a hard look.
‘’I’ll see you tomorrow then Y/N’’ he says, never really registering Loki whenever they did have to speak and brushed past him on his way to his own room. Most of the time that type of rude contact would have earned an almost-fight between Loki and Clint, but I suppose Loki found himself to busy smirking at me to really be concerned about it.
‘’so what is it exactly you wished to ask me Y/N?’’ Loki said sweetly, milking the opportunity to tease me as I roll my eyes and make my way down the halls towards the elevator before I could be any more embarrassed.
‘’go away.’’
Loki’s eyes narrowed as he watched me walk away from him but I busied myself with waiting for the damn doors to open. I heard nothing behind me, and I made the mistake to believe he had actually listened so to my annoyance, he slipped into the elevator with me before the doors could close.
‘’you were going to ask me to heal you?’’ he asked, no emotion indicated in his voice as I made myself busy by pressing the correct floor.
‘’I merely said that to have everyone off my back, apparently it seems to be doing quite the opposite.’’ I mutter and lean myself against the wall, drawing my eyes closed as I focused on my breathing.
Even with my eyes closed, I could tell Loki was staring at me. He’s annoying, but I’m sure he wouldn’t be half bad of a person if it wasn’t for the fact that he attacked new York. That’s probably where our enemy relationship stems from.. could I be nicer? Sure, he just.. draws something out of me.. he’s not a bad looking guy either, my emotions run different when I’m around him compared to the others. Tony teased me once and called it denial of something perhaps more I was feeling towards him, but there was no way I would have fallen for someone that attacked-
‘’if you would just let me heal you then perhaps your mind will stop being so loud.’’
My eyes snap open as Loki rubbed his temple as if he had a headache. If it wasn’t for the damn gash in my side, I probably would have killed him right then and there as I gawked at him.
‘’the fuck were you-‘’
‘’Y/N,’’ he starts, sincerity in his eyes and voice that somehow made me still. ‘’yes I’ve done those things in the past, I should hope that the time I have been spending here has given me a good chance to have changed and perhaps provided a door for a fresh start..’’ he starts, his eyes darting to the floor and slowly back at me as my muscles tensed by another wave and I hold my side, staying silent still. ‘’I do not blame you for your negative emotions towards me, and I am not asking for a second chance,.. all I’m asking is to just heal you.’’
My eyes slowly travel up to his after they had descended to the floor. God of lies, it was taught to tell if he was being honest or not. Though honestly, what did you have to lose? Nausea was already hitting your gut and light headedness was already reminding me how much blood I was losing. Yet the fact of the matter is,..
‘’..why do you care?’’
Loki almost genuinely smiled and I noticed his muscles were straining. Raising a brow, I noticed the elevator had not once moved since the doors had been closed. My eyes were next to narrow at him.
‘’what are you-‘’
‘’ask me Y/N.’’
I blink at him, knowing exactly what he wants me to ask but even now he’s being a stubborn ass??
He gave me a look at the name and I immediately just decided to focus on the pain instead to block him out. He was just as stubborn as I was, there was no point in asking him about the elevator, let alone avoiding the question. Taking a deep breath, I clutched my side and looked at him with all the dignity I was clinging on too.
‘’fine.. w-would you-‘’
My words cut short when my vision blacked out and all I remember is falling to the ground.
A cold hand pressed to my forehead, the temperature feeling cool where I practically lean into the touch before opening my eyes.
And then I want to die.
My cheeks heat up as Loki sat by my side as I lay in the bed located in our medical bay- aka Tony’s sometimes hangover room.
‘’how are you feeling?’’ he asked, looking a bit drained himself as I took in the scene.
I felt no pain.. something in my chest stirred, something that was hard to identify as I glanced down at myself. The gash in my side was completely gone- not so much as a scar behind! I look up at Loki wide eyed and he merely gave me a gentle look as I tried to speak but shut my mouth quick as redness heated in my cheeks.
How could I thank him? .. I never shared a kind word to him before, we had a sharp relationship.. and yet he still went out of his way to do this..
‘’Loki I- .. I.. I don’t know what to say..’’ I say pathetically as he chuckled.
‘’glad you are looking like your regular self again love.’’
Love.. that nickname.. why did it make me feel.. something? I glance at the clock, seeing how a couple hours have passed since I most likely had passed out. Leaving plenty of time to make sure it wasn’t a trick, a spell, or some type of cruel joke.. he really did help me..
‘’norns Y/N, I’m not that cruel to just leave you to bleed or taking your injured state into advantage for mischief’’ he sighed and leaned himself against the side rails of my bed, his body still sat close enough where I found feel him pressed against my side and I give him a tired, irritated look.
‘’before I thank you, I would request you stop reading my mind from now, call it an exchange for some future moments where I will take it easy on you.’’ I lightly joke, leaning back in the sat up bed as I hear him laugh.
‘’an exchange then? Alright, I will leave your thoughts be for some decent time from your kind heart,’’ he said with a tease. ‘’but is it hardly a fair exchange when our moments have been clearly even?’’
I sigh, knowing regardless of it all, he’ll always he so stubborn. ‘’and what is it that you want?’’
‘’a proper thank you.’’ he said calmly with a smile, it widening as I raise my brows.
I was half expecting a sarcastic, clever comment, but all he wanted was a true thank you? easy. ..or was it.. he clearly saved me from bleeding out to death, I’m pretty sure a ‘thanks’ wouldn’t be good enough as my fingers played with the fabric of my blanket mindlessly. ‘’..in what way?’’
‘’that is for you to figure out love.’’ He said gently, the mischief fading from his eyes as he seemed to stare at me like an honest man.
What? Buy him lunch as a thank you? a hug? A good word to Fury to help his probation at the tower? From his eyes, it seemed like he was just expecting words of affirmation, a from the heart type of thank you. yet why didn’t that feel like enough? My mind raced, everything seeming to be shouting things all at once as I tried to calm my emotions. What was this feeling? My mind paused as I felt him move and my eyes looked up to see him beginning to stand.
‘’it’s alright darling, you are tired and its been quite a long da-‘’
He stared at me with the same shocked expression as I had on my face as my hand grasped his before I even realized what he happening. He was still, his hand making no move to grasp back but remained still as I held on. My heart was pounding, and before I knew it, my arm was pulling him back and down.
His expression was now unreadable, as was mine I hope.. but something felt right about it- and I prayed I wasn’t reading the room wrong because despite his unreadable expression and closed off personality.. there was always something off between us, off where there was almost a secret enjoyment to our fights and banter.
So I took a gamble and pulled my hand towards me and his boots could be heard slowly moving towards me, allowing his hand to be guided before he came closer to my side on the bed. Our gazes never left each other, almost daring each other to look away but neither of us did.. not even as I pulled his hand a bit down to where he now slowly bent his height down and I lean forward. All movements were careful, my hand slowly releasing his as he moved it beside my arm and moved his other hand to do the same on the other side- caging me in.
As he leaned down, our eyes fell slightly closed, expressions relaxed as we seemed to melt in the moment. my lips slightly parted, our soft breaths could be heard as he leaned down and my hands moved to his shoulders to take over and guided him down finally so I could kiss him.
My lips brushed against his gentle, finding them soft and welcoming. He let me set the pace, my arms bringing him closer so I was able to deepen the kiss in which he eagerly returned with restrained gentleness. He gently moaned against my lips, as did I as we seemed to fit perfectly like a glove. My mind went still- relaxed, as if nothing mattered anymore, all quarrel forgotten and memories faded.
With my eyes closed, I felt his knee gently rest beside my thigh, followed by the other one as I felt his presence hover above my now. There was a strange temperature to him, not frost bite necessarily but a lack of human warmth. Well.. he’s not human anyway. His kiss became more needy as he ran his slender fingers through my hair and I couldn’t help but tangle mine in his. His locks are silky, not at all oily like one would think at the mere look of them. I hear a low growl as I tighten my grip on them, the mere vibration sending a wave of arousal through my body as I feel the need to close my legs.
‘’L-Loki.. I need.. we need..’’ I pant, staring up at him as he gazes back down at me, his pupils dilated with arousal himself as I feel his bulge just barely pressed up against me. If I were to raise my hips right now, I’m sure it would be like touching a boulder.
‘’I know darling, I know’’ he whispered, his thumb stroking my cheek as he lowered himself ever so slightly so our bodies were almost close to touching. ‘’are you sure you want this?..’’
My mind was in complete submission, my sharp tongue completely dulled to how I see him now. I wanted him.. this had all been denial.. but now I’m sure. I want him. my eyes gently looked up into his and my head nodded.
‘’use your words darling..’’ he held back a smirk but I knew it was there. Even now his personality didn’t change much, he probably enjoyed seeing me submit as my cheeks reddened as I look up at him.
‘’I want you’’ I whisper, eagerness being held back as my body began shaking in anticipation. That earned a small brush of his body lowering to feel mine, my hips rising for more of him but he raised up again.
‘’not yet darling, I don’t think you’re ready for me.’’ He sighed, almost as if saying ‘oh well’ and I look up at him in shock.
‘’no I’m ready-‘’
‘’you need a good amount of prepping first love, if you don’t want to be torn apart’’ that last part he whispered against my ear, I could feel his breath brush against my skin where it sent chills over my body.
‘’what are you-‘’
My words cut off when his hand gently began kneading my breast over my clothes, the action catching me off guard where a gasp left my lips and he took that opportunity to insert his tongue.
He was a skilled lover, one would assume so just by the mere sight of him but the thought was always shook off when I didn’t want to accept my true feelings.. any type of relationship causes me to panic, the mere doubt or thought of me messing up always just made me want to push all of it away.. but I suppose hate is what grew this connect. A sick, sad way of bonding but it got us here, it only took me getting stabbed for me to stop denying myself.
He was reading my mind again, the feeling of like a poke in my brain as he pulled up my shirt to place his mouth over my breast to ease my thoughts away. I think to much, and this was a damn good distraction as he moaned against me, my back arching as gasps left my lips. His other hand gave my other breast attention, pinching and kneading before his hand and mouth switched to give equal attention.
‘’you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you Y/N..’’ he murmured against me, his lips navigating up my chest to suck just above my collarbone that was a promise to leave a mark.
‘’i.. I thought you hated me..’’ I struggled out as my hands gripped his shoulders, a tingling under my fingertips as I glanced down to see the remaining shimmer before noticing his armor was off, leaving him just in his leather and cloth.
‘’I went along with your denied feelings but I sensed the truth way before I decided to enter that naughty little mind of yours’’ he smirked, his eyes flicking up to my own as his finger tips played with the button of my jeans.
My cheeks heated up as my nails practically dug into his shoulders out of shyness, almost as if I was curling up if I didn’t feel his knee between my legs to prevent them from closing. ‘’how long have you been doing that?’’ I whisper, shuddering as he began rubbing his knee gently against my sex, even with the blanket still between us.
‘’whenever I felt like it. primarily when you walk away after using your sharp tongue and yet your thoughts betrayed you, thinking the complete opposite of me. I was able to glance into your true feelings just enough before you pushed them down.. but I think we both know the truth’’ he whispered, his lips caressing my neck now while his hand gently moved my hair away to give him more access while his other unzipped my zipper.
‘’it was only a matter of time but I couldn’t wait forever.. I was going to perhaps wait longer on telling you how I truly felt about you but after you got injured..’’ his movements paused at the memory, raising his head slowly to meet my widened eyes. ‘’I thought I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to tell you if I lost you..’’
Of gods.. norns I think I love him..
A small smile spread across his lips as I look away from him. ‘’stop that..’’
‘’as you wish darling, I’m sure things are clear now nevertheless’’ he chuckled, attacking my neck again while my head was turned, earning a squeak to leave my lips when I felt him begin to nip and his fingers slowly dipped passed my panties.
My lips part as my eyes flutter close, making no moves to stop him as his finger tips ghost over my sex ever so slightly to take my breath away. I feel his tongue against my neck and his teeth now and again before his lips begin to suck and mark. Just before I could even think to rise my hips to find more friction, his finger tips begin playing with my clit, causing me to shudder and the knot of pleasure to begin forming within me.
‘’so sensitive.. so responsive.. how long has it been since one has touched you properly..’’ he whispered, not asking a question and I probably wouldn’t have been able to answer it anyway.
He began rubbing circles, a slow pace that began picking up when I began rising my hips, practically trying to shamelessly hump his hand if his other didn’t grip my hip to hold me down. a silent gasp left my mouth as I raised my head back and my back began to arch. His thumb took over on my clit so his two fingers could tease my entrance, dipping ever so slightly in and pulling out when my hips strained to rise.
‘’patience darling, be a good girl and take what I give you’’ he practically growled against my ear before he began to nibble on my lobe.
Goosebumps rose on my arms and I began to squirm until he slowly inserted his two fingers, causing me to moan his name slowly and shamelessly. I didn’t even care where we were or who could walk in but I was sure somehow Loki would have used magic to somehow provide us with a bit of privacy. I could feel his rock-hard bulge against the inside of my thigh, rubbing himself against it to match his rhythm while his fingers thrust into me In a faster pace.
‘’gods Loki…’’ I moan, feeling my orgasm get closer and closer and my eyebrows furrowed with my eyes fluttering closed. I was so close..
‘’cum for me darling.. ‘’ he whispered, his pace quickening on my clit as he pushed his fingers into me to the knuckles, causing me to tip over the edge as I reached my orgasm.
‘’LOKI!!’’ I practically scream as I moan and hold onto him, my body fluttering and clenching down on his fingers in a vise grip that has him practically moaning while he presses his lips to mine once more.
His movements slowed down ever so slightly, helping me ride it out as I was a panting mess, my body shaking and my eyes drunk like before he slowly pulls his hand out of my pants, his mouth licking my essence with no shame and a smirk where my cheeks heat up again.
‘’shy not darling, you taste absolutely wonderful.’’ He purred and adjusts himself as he backs away down my body while a hand slowly removed the blanket.
I slowly sit up as I catch my breath, just seeing the mischief in his eyes as his hands grip my pant legs and I give him a smile.
‘’in fact, I think I should help myself to a proper taste..’’
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apomaro-mellow · 2 months
King and Prince 27
Part 26
For as long as King Edward had reigned over this land, no one had known him to take a lover, or even show any interest in anyone. Some time ago, a council had been adamant about him officially choosing someone to rule by his side and procuring an heir. They had been shut down and in time, their posts had been given to newer members, and that old watch had died out. King Edward had seen no need for such things. His life was long lived and he still had many years yet.
There had been no need to pick someone simply for the purpose of securing a royal line. It was him and only him.
And then some prince came along and changed everything. 
Robin’s leg swung off the bed while waiting for Steve. With a huff, he finally walked out of the bathroom. With a groan, she stood up. 
“Finally. Let’s go.”
“Hey, perfection takes time”, Steve said as they left his room.
Robin gestured at his entire body. “And you call this perfection?”
“Rude”, Steve said, starting to mess with his hair again. “It’s not like I have much to work with in there.”
“What are you talking about? Eddie gave you a whole hair dresser’s kit and yet you’re still not satisfied? Spoiled prince indeed”, Robin teased, no heed given to whom might overhear.
“Yes, well, brushes and oils can only do so much when I can’t even set them up properly”, Steve said, giving up on getting his hair just right. “What I truly require is a vanity.”
“Oh, but of course”, Robin rolled her eyes. It was so laughable to her that he could lament over such a thing when it was obvious how smitten Eddie was with him already. It was such a laugh that she shared it with Eddie one evening after going over resource allocations for the arts.
“A vanity. You’d think it was life’s greatest treasure the way he talked about it”, she snorted over a glass of chilled wine. 
“A vanity…”, Eddie trailed off, easily falling into a vision of Steve sitting before one, his beauty aids all arranged just so, taking his time to make himself even more radiant than he already was. He thought about the room Steve was in right now, stuck on one end of the castle, far from the other rooms and barren except for the necessities. 
It certainly wasn’t a place for someone being pursued by the king.
“I’ve lost you, haven’t I?”, Robin said.
“You should know you’ll have my full attention whenever the little prince is concerned. Now tell me more about his vanity-less woes.”
Courtships could go any sort of way. It all depended on the pursuant and their target. But anyone who meant to truly woo their intended listened to both them and those around them to figure out what the most impactful gifts would be. Steve knew that Eddie was this sort after the last gift. He had never said directly what he wanted and yet it appeared.
So he had a feeling a vanity was in his near future. Or at the very least a very good mirror. Something akin to that.
When Eddie approached during one of Lucas’ lesson, Steve didn’t care how spoiled he might appear, stopping in the middle and running right over to him.
“Am I right to assume you have something for me?”, he asked twirling his sword before sheathing it.
“Perhaps, sweetling. But it is one I have to show before I give it to you”, Eddie said.
And didn’t that intrigue Steve. “You have to show it first?”
Eddie nodded, then looked to Lucas. “Do you mind if I steal your instructor away?”
“Go for it”, Lucas permitted.
“You still have ten minutes left”, Steve said. “That’s just enough time for three laps around the training ring and some squats.”
With that, he left his sword belt on a table and walked arm in arm with Eddie. Steve didn’t know why this alone felt so intimate. Eddie had literally caught him in more revealing states. And yet this was different, this touch was different. He wanted to put his head against Eddie’s shoulder and let him lead wherever he wanted.
“I can’t believe you’re taking me somewhere without a chaperone.”
“Now what sort of trouble could we get into in a hallway?”, Eddie asked.
“In my experience, plenty”, Steve lowered his voice to tease and was both surprised and delighted at the redness that bloomed on Eddie’s cheeks. “Wait, have you never-”
“And here we are!”, Eddie shouted when they reached a door. 
A nice door, but a door all the same. Steve wondered what could be behind it and how it related to whatever Eddie was giving him. But then Eddie opened the door and it was a bedroom. A guest room that looked unused with how everything was perfectly in place. As if it had all been arranged in preparation for a new resident. It was a stark cry from the room he was in right now. 
That room was livable, but small. This room had enough space for a lavish bed, a writing desk, a floor to ceiling window that opened up to a small balcony. Across the bed was a door that led to a bathroom, surely nicer than the one he currently had, but that was when Steve saw it. He walked in to get a closer look.
A vanity, clear, ready to be covered in all he might need. He sat down in the chair before it, taking in his reflection in the smooth glass. Not a mirror covered in hard streaks and old dust that made it nearly impossible to make out much of anything. It reminded him of the one he had back home. How he’d sit in front of one, anticipating a night of dancing in the ballroom or a secret tryst with whatever lover he had at the time.
Eddie came up from behind and smiled. “Do you like it?”
“Is it really mine?”, Steve asked, looking up at him.
“All yours. And that is not the only perk it comes with.”
Eddie cleared his throat and took a step back. “It just so happens that this prime real estate is just down the hall from my own rooms.”
“How generous of you”, Steve said, coming to stand up and move closer to Eddie. They were truly alone now, not in the hallway anymore. And he couldn’t miss the insinuation that came from knowing the king would be sleeping just a few doors down. “It has occurred to me that I have yet to give you a gift of my own.”
His eyes flicked to Eddie’s lips as he moved impossibly closer, their bodies chest to chest. His lips were just an inch away-
“Ew! Gross!”, Mike screeched when he came into the room.
Eddie jumped back, nearly tripping over his own feet but managing to catch himself. “Blazes Wheeler! Did no one ever teach you to knock!?”
“The door was open!”, Mike shot back. “I just came to tell you guys lunch was ready. Goddamn!” Mike left before his eyes could be defiled any more than they already were.
Eddie called out before he got too far. “Tell the kitchens to prepare a picnic for me!” Then he turned back to Steve. “If you would be so kind to accompany me.” He offered his arm, feeling warm when Steve linked up with him.
“I would love to.”
Part 28
a bit more sweetness before the bitter returns
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You know what? I have become a gaylor sympathiser
This is going to be a long post, sorry! Please read the full post before even thinking about commenting.
Over the past few days I’ve seen a few posts on my dash about taylor swift and her fans that have left a bad taste in my mouth.
I know that a lot of people think that some fans of her are “trying to make her gay” and I just wanted to put the record straight and defend some people after actually looking at what’s going on. And I know I’m probably opening myself up for tumblr’s poor reading comprehension but before I start I’m going to say this:
I do not think taylor swift is a lesbian
Ok? Now let’s have a conversation.
First of all from what I’ve seen most of the fans who talk about Taylor swift and queerness do it from a point of literary analysis and learning queer history. This is a huge part of the community and lots of people have said that they never would have learnt so much about queer history without reading taylor swift’s works through a queer lens.
Adding on to that point, it seems a little hypocritical for the gay site which loves queer readings of books, tv shows, songs, musicals, films etc to be bullying a pretty small group of people who are mainly doing queer readings of lyrics. Especially when those people get near constant death threats. Instead of bullying these people (who don’t think or do what you think they think and do) why don’t you go outside and think “does this affect me? No. Do I agree with them? No. Am I going to cyber bully them because of this? No.”
Secondly, for the people who believe that any speculation on a real persons sexuality is 100% wrong. I used to think this too but I have changed my mind a bit about this recently after stopping and thinking about it properly. I’m not trying to change your mind at all I just want you to stop and think for a minute.
If you only get mad when speculation is queer in nature, then maybe think about that for a minute. Why is it totally wrong to think a person might be queer. We probably do it in our daily lives with people we know and they likely do it with us, back in the day that’s how queer people found each other-by speculating on sexuality. Would you be upset if you found out someone that you know thought you might be queer? I wouldn’t, maybe you would but if you would, why? Why is it terrible to think someone might be queer (this is NOT about hounding a person to admit to being queer like shawn mendes, this is just thinking in your head and on your small blog that the person will likely never see). Also this is literally the website where we talk about historical (real people) being gay even when they would have never said something to the equivalent.
An addition to this point before people start saying in the comments is that this is NOT the same situation as with kit connor. The issue there was people assuming that he was straight and taking that role away from a queer person. Speculating that he was queer was the opposite of what happened in that situation. So this is not an example of what happens when you speculate queerness.
Final things to say:
1) don’t believe every post you see with someone looking insane about taylor swift being gay, a lot of them are fake.
2) before anyone says “they should listen to real queer artists instead” most of them very much do. There’s a lot of fans of Hayley kiyoko, girl in red, Janelle monae, tegan and sara, zolita, kehlani etc.
3) there are some queer flags that are there. Sorry but there are. Hairpin drops, lavender, the ladder, flag colours, songs about women, friend of dorothy reference. Whether they are intentional is a different matter.
4) shipping real people is not what is happening for the majority of the people in the community. Also this comes back to queer vs straight again. Plenty of swifties ship taylor with men she’s been seen with and no one goes into their inboxes and sends death threats even when they are the ones making taylor swift all about the men she may or may not have dated.
5) taylor swift has never stated her sexuality. I know this may be hard to belive based off of how some people act, but it’s true. She has made vague statements which could have many meanings but she has never clearly stated anything. When gaylors get upset with taylor it is not because she said she is straight, it’s because they are getting death threats and doxxed and she seems to either be unaware of it (which is unlikely given how she seems to be a little terminally online) or she doesn’t care enough to tell her fans to stop.
6) if she does explicitly say she’s straight then there will probably be disappointment in her use of queer history and flags and her potential queer erasure (as we saw with lavender haze, with straight women describing their relationships as lavender) and centring herself in queer spaces (like the you need to calm down music video) but no one will be angry that she’s not gay. And a lot will probably be grateful that she actually explicitly stated for the record to absolve any confusion. The main issue would likely be other fans ramping up the death threats and bullying.
In conclusion: these people who do queer analysis of Taylor’s work are not trying to out her or make her gay etc. if you don’t understand it that’s fine it’s clearly not for you and you can go quite easily without seeing any of it. It’s not illegal to read works through a queer lens and if it means more people know about queer history then I think that’s a very good thing.
I changed my mind after looking at what a lot of people are actually saying rather than what people perceive them to be saying and maybe you will too?
Just be kinder to people online please and if you don’t like what people are saying block them and do not engage!
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moon-fics · 1 year
Hi! Any chance you’d be open to writing an angsty Ghost fic? I’ve had the idea that because they’re relationship is secret (both on 141) they give each other 3 taps to say I love you. Somehow the reader gets mortally injured and because they can’t speak they cradle his face in a hand giving him 3 taps. 🥺 I know this is really specific so feel free to change anything if you feel like writing it! :)
A/n: My first request and I love it🥺 I literally do this with my partners!! This is gonna be so cute thank you for the ask!! Please feel free to return!
Warning: Swears, mentions of blood and injury, angst
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The moment you knew you loved Ghost was when you were tending to his wounds. It was a rough mission and both of you needed patching up, Ghost insisting you get fixed first. There's no arguing with him when it comes to survival.
He's sitting upright in his desk chair, the moonlight shining through the window. You can see the white of his mask reflecting the light, his eyes are shadowed by his mask.
Your hands barely touch his skin while wrapping a bandage over his cut arm. You're so focused on ensuring the dressing isn't too tight you completely miss his gaze that's locked on you. You tie off the bandage, reaching for some bandaids from his medical kit. He got lucky on this mission, he doesn't need stitches.
Once you finish you unknowingly tap his leg three times, getting to your feet. It doesn't even enter your mind that he might know what something so intimate. From the amount of time you've spent with him you've only known him to be reserved and cocky, you've never seen a soft side to him.
"Any other injuries I should be worried about?" You ask, picking up the first aid kit and closing it. Your eyes finally meet his and your breathing stops. There's something in his eyes that makes you wonder if he somehow knew what you meant when you tapped him.
"No." He responds, his voice raspy from screaming into his com all day. You nod, assuming he'd want you to give him privacy. He usually needs a day to rest after a hard mission, tonight is no different. At least, that's what you think, meanwhile, Ghost is barely holding it together in front of you. "You and Soap goin' out for drinks?" He grumbles, leaning back in his chair, spreading his legs in a relaxed position.
"Probably, I'm not really in the mood but knowing Soap he's gonna drag me down to a bar somewhere." You shrug, placing his medkit on his desk. You're tired and you know alcohol will only add to your pain in the morning, but Soap can convince a grumpy old man to smile.
"I'll join ya." He keeps his tone low, almost uninterested. You're not sure why he's showing interest in spending time with you and Soap. He spent a whole week never leaving your side and he still wants to be around you.
"Whatever you say, LT." You smile, following him to find Soap.
You think back to that moment, when you secretly confessed your feelings to Ghost. You can't help but laugh at how stupid you were to think the man who knew more about body language than you did about, well, anything. It's a fond memory, the moment Ghost knew he shared those feelings with you.
Even now as you bleed in Ghost's lap, you still smile at the memory. His frightened eyes stare into your slowly dulling ones. You wonder if this is how it all ends if your life story is slowly coming to a close.
"We'll get you patched up and you'll be sent home." Ghost assures you and himself. Your vision is getting blurry and there's darkness creeping in. You want to believe him, the man you love. However, the numbness in your fingers is reminding you that he's wrong. "I know for a fact you'll be hanging this over my head for at least a year." He tries to lighten to mood, but you can't laugh.
You know that he'll blame himself by the end of the day. He'll break everything in sight and then himself. You took the bullet for him, you jumped in front of a loaded gun and got shot. You can't give him a reason as to why other than the fact that after the night out with Soap, he tapped your hand three times before going to bed.
You can tell you only have minutes, maybe just one, before you lose everything. You can barely lift your arm, and shakily reach out to hold Ghost's face. His mask feels so foreign in your hands after months of getting to know his skin.
As silence surrounds you, you force yourself to move your index finger. Tap tap tap.
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missuswalker · 9 months
UHMM HIII I LOVE UR WRITING SO SO MUCH ITS SO GOOD!!! uhm if ur taking requests,, do you think you could something domestic and smutty with a married reader x kit walker ,,, doing the do by the fireplace when he gets home from work,, feel free to change the prompt or not do this entirely i promise i dont mind ❤️❤️ u gotta do whats best for u!!
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲 || 𝐤𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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♰ summary: kit has to work overtime, but knows it’ll be worth it when he comes home for a quickie
♰ warnings: cute kit smut (not a warning, a blessing) piv, short, definitely not proofread
♰ notes: WHAT? by far fav request - ALSO YOURE SO SWEET WHAT?? ILY BE MY BFF 4EVERA (also who wants to be a sweetheart and work with me, it would be so fun to have a partner omg)
also, can someone give me feedback on what i can improve on?? i’ve never been super great at smut writing and i really wanna get better, you can just drop it in the ask box (i already know i should be more detailed, i need tips on that) 🎀 also, what pov do y’all want these in? 1st, 3rd, or keep it 2nd??
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while kit didn’t work late every day, it happened enough for you to know that he’d be extra tired when he got home. you currently stood over the sink, finishing up the dishes left over from making dinner. it was a quiet night, the house warm and dimly lit, your dog, pumpkin, curled up on the couch. a scratchy record spun on the player, the faint sound of one of frank sinatra’s christmas vinyls producing a cozy vibe in the living room.
the back door clicks, kit shuffling in and dropping his work over-shirt on the counter. “hey, suga’,” he sighs, wrapping his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “hey, there,” you smile, feeling soft kisses being pressed against the side of your neck. kit was always a sweetheart, no matter how tired he was.
the poor thing was so overworked, you could tell. you turn, giving your husband a quick kiss. “go sit down, dinner’s on the table. i’ll make you some tea,” you offer, pushing him out of the kitchen and tossing his work shirt into the laundry room. “you’re a doll,” he grins, giving you a wink. with a playful roll of your eyes, you step back into the kitchen, putting a kettle on the stove.
as you wait for the water to boil, you peek into the dining room, where kit ate dinner by alone. checking the clock on the wall, you’re surprised by how late it had actually was. you felt bad for kit, wishing there was more you could do than just make him tea.
pouring the water into a mug and dropping in a tea bag, you return to kit, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “here, hon. leave the plate, we can go sit on the couch, watch some tv if you’re not too tired,” you say, rubbing his back. he smiles up at you, taking the mug into his own hand. “that sounds nice,” he nods, standing and leading you into the living room.
he sets his tea on the coffee table, shooing pumpkin away. “get off the couch, dog, you’ve got a whole bed right there,” he huffs, pumpkin grunting and flopping over on the floor. “you gonna die anytime soon?” kit teases, nudging the poor old dog with his foot. “kit,” you gasp, smacking his shoulder. he hated that damn dog, it got on his last nerve, leaving fur all over his furniture and holes in his yard, but you loved the thing.
“he can’t even move, baby, you think he’s gonna live another 3 years?” kit jokes, raising an eyebrow. (surprise, pumpkin lived another four years, much to kit’s dismay.) “i thought you loved dogs,” you scoff, bending over to pat pumpkin’s head. “that’s not a dog, that’s the devil. he stands up and talks to me when you’re not around,” he teases, smirking down at you. “oh, yeah? what’s he say?” you ask, unamused. kit pretends to think for a moment, tapping his chin. “that he’s gonna take over my house, eat all our food.”
you shake your head, standing again and putting your hands on your hips. “pumpkin loves you, you be good to him,” you scold, pointing a finger at your silly husband. he just grins, bringing your hand to his lips. he looks around, noticing how dark it’d gotten. “i’m gonna make a fire,” kit announces, moving to kneel at the fireplace, sliding in a few logs. he pulls an old lighter from his pocket, lighting some kindling, and throwing it into the mix.
pumpkin stands, trotting off once the fire is lit. “don’t you go get on my bed,” kit shouts, though pumpkin’s probably already beat him to it. you roll your eyes, sitting down next to him on the carpet. “be nice to him, he’s old,” you say, though you couldn’t seem to hold back your laugh. kit chuckles, pulling you into his side. his lips find your neck again, the crackling of the fire soft.
“you could be real nice to me, y’know,” kit says, his hand finding the hem of your dress, tugging on it. you should’ve seen that coming, but your cheeks still heat up. “kit, it’s late,” you say, putting your hand over his. “c’mon angel, i need to be in that pretty pussy. work was killin’ me today, i couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you,” he mumbles, nipping at your shoulder.
his words drive you crazy, and not even a minute later, you’re letting him lay you back against the carpet. god, did this man have you wrapped around his finger. “you don’t even know how beautiful you are. make me loose my mind, those eyes,” he rambles, kissing your cheek and lifting your dress. you couldn’t tell if the fire was making you hot or if it was kit. he sits up on his knees, pushing his pants down with a sense of urgency.
“let me,” you tell him, hooking your finger in the band of his briefs and sliding them off. you repeat this action with your own underwear, letting the lace drop around your ankles. “i’ll be quick, i swear,” he says, tugging on your legs so they wrap loosely around his hips. “it’s alright,” you say, shaking your head. kit was always in a rush when he was tired, but you’d gotten used to the quick rounds around the house.
“is this alright,” he asks, bringing the palm of you hand to his lips as the head of his cock prods at your entrance. you nod, wiggling your hips a bit to get more comfortable. you were already dripping, something as simple as kits words could get you going. he leans down, kissing you sweetly as he buries himself in your cunt, letting out a sigh. “feels so good, always so good f’me,” he praises, kissing your chin and your nose. your hips buck against his, giving him the signal to move.
he brushes his thumb against your clit, sending a spark to your core. it wasn’t long before both of you were coming undone, kits face buried in the crook of your neck. “so, so pretty, i love you so much. my beautiful girl,” he huffs, thrusting into you one last time. you could feel his grin against your neck, you already knew he was going to say something stupid.
“maybe in nine months i’ll have two beautiful girls.”
“go to bed.”
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urghh not my best?? i love him so much though
i’ve been imagining him as a girl dad because he’s the perfect girl dad but he’d be so happy to be playing catch with a son who wants to be just like him omg ☹️☹️
ok nvm just thought about him wearing a tiara and having a tea party with his daughter
i’ll probably read this later and fix any spelling mistakes but i’m exhausted
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tommi3boy · 4 months
“I wouldn’t mind seeing your face here every once in a while.” | {SDV Harvey x gn! Reader}
Word count: 820
Warnings: minor injury, no name used
Pairing: Harvey x gn! reader
A/N: Farmers first interaction with Harvey, a little bit of corporate worker angst at the beginning but mostly fluff
“If you’re reading this, you must be in dire need of a change” grandpa’s letter wrote. Those words spoke true to your situation. The day-to-day of being a corporate slave has sucked all the emotion from your being. You craved something that would bring that spark back. However, trying to bring your grandpa’s land to its former glory has proven to be a major challenge.
You lay awake in the small cabin, your back aches, and you’re desperately trying not to itch the bug bites on your arms. You’d be kidding yourself if you acted like the tremendous amount of physical labor was fulfilling. There was no turning back though, you had to put faith in your grandpa’s action for gifting you this opportunity.
Your first batch of parsnips were finally ready to be dug up. This was a huge achievement in your book, feeling that spark of joy flutter in your chest. You set off to town, hoping to get a couple bucks off the parsnips at Pierre’s general store.
Pierre seemed kind of shocked that you managed to actually grow some produce at the farm. He applauded your hard work and was thrilled about getting some more fresh produce in the future. Such a friendly interaction had brought on more of that fuzzy feeling you had been missing.
While you were in town, you needed to grab some basic first aid tools to clean up your blistered hands.
Unfortunately, Pierre’s didn’t carry such things, so you were ushered to head next door to the clinic.
This was your first time in the clinic since moving. The man behind the counter was scribbling something on paper when you entered. He looked up at the sound of the door.
“Hello, are you by chance the new farmer in town.”
This guy was nothing like what you imagined the town doctor to look like. He was quite handsome to be honest.
“Yup I’m the new farmer, sorry for not coming by to introduce myself earlier; I’ve been pretty busy.”
“No worries, my name is Harvey, I’m the town’s one and only doctor. Is there anything I can help you with today?”
He had that friendly kind of expression where you could see more of his smile in his eyes than on his lips.
“Nice to meet you Harvey, I just need some first aid supplies to keep at the farm. I’m new to this whole lifestyle, so I’m kind of a hot mess right now.”
His expression change was very animated, maybe a little amused at your words but also a little worried.
“Oh my, I bet that’s been rough. I can definitely lend you a first aid kit. Since you’re here, why don’t I fix you up.”
“Are you sure? It’s just minor things, and I’m sure you must be busy being the only doctor in town.”
You looked over the counter and saw he was doodling airplanes on a piece of scrap paper.
“I don’t mind one bit; it’s my job to help after all”
You were sat down in a small room and watched Harvey put some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball to clean your blisters with.
“This might sting a little so bear with me.”
It sure did sting. Harvey was being really gentle about his care. He often looked up to see if you were making any sort of pained expression.
“So, what brought you to the valley? You said this was a new lifestyle for you; was there a sudden urge to become a farmer?”
You let out a small pained chuckle. “God I wish, I mean, it’s hard work but it’s satisfying. To be honest, I came to Stardew Valley on a whim, wanted a fresh start.”
“Ah I see, it’s a lovely town so I can see that sort of appeal. Try not to push yourself too hard though.”
You know he’s just saying that because it’s his job to care for the townsfolk’s health, but he seems really genuine with his words.
“I’ll make sure you don’t see me here too often,” you said jokingly.
“That’s the goal, but I wouldn’t mind seeing your face here every once in a while.”
Was that flirting? Maybe just friendliness, since this is a professional setting. You’re definitely a little flustered either way.
Harvey made a small care package of first aid items for you to take home. Your hands had some bandages on them, and he even went to the length of putting some ointment on your bug bites.
“Take care now farmer, and welcome to the town. I’ll be here if you ever need anything.”
“Thank you Harvey, you’re a really kind person.”
There was a little bit of rosiness in his smile when you left the clinic.
This new lifestyle of yours is really starting to pay off, you haven’t felt this kind of contentment in a long time.
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This is so rushed and spun off from a truly unhinged discussion but I needed to write something for this AU while I have timeeee @tiffykins-yeah I hope this is at least semi entertaining lmao
The day Binary Star Hero turned against the heroes; the skies went dark.
Metaphorically of course. Strictly speaking, very little changed in the grand scheme of things. Although the NAHA, reporters, and anyone with a media presence certainly behaved as though the world itself had come to an end. Herschel was on the news lamenting the loss of the earth’s brightest star to the forces of darkness, news anchors would not shut up about the catastrophic consequences of losing the greatest hero mankind had ever known, and drama youtubers milked the controversy of the NAHA’s ignominious fall from grace as Binary Star Hero – real name Ray – exited the hero headquarters followed by a bevy of interns, office workers, and bottom-rung employees. Employees who, with vicious innocence, detailed the NAHA’s horrendous working conditions.
“We didn’t even have dental,” one sighed despondently. “My friend’s teeth haven’t been the same since that rock hero went on a rampage in the office.”
When asked the reason they had chosen to follow the new villain – was it blind worship? Stockholm syndrome? Were they being threatened in any way? – the gathering just scoffed.
“He’s paying my medical bills,” one replied. “The NAHA didn’t even want to pay for my insulin. I had to argue with like 5 different people to get it added to my benefits package.”
“Wait, you were getting benefits? I’ve been working on minimum wage for years!”
“You guys were getting paid?!”
At that point, the hero formerly known as Binary Star Hero attempted to fly away from the commotion, causing one of the former NAHA employees to yell something to the effect of “quick, follow that tacky sweater!” Which caused the crowd to peal off after the rapidly shrinking red dot in the sky, leading to several traffic obstructions, and signaling the start to a villainous career change.
Ray stared at clothing rack in front of him, at the five mannequins arranged in various dramatic poses, and finally at the group of expectantly waiting…what to call them? Underlings? Sure, that worked. The underlings stared back at him, some carrying more fabric while others held sewing kits, needles, thread, and baskets of accessories.
There was no need to read their minds to understand what they all wanted, but he still felt the need to ask. “What is this?”
“For your villain rebranding, the team decided on an aesthetic overhaul,” the one at the front announced brightly, gesturing to the steel rack that had been crammed with outfits in a range of dark colours – purples, indigoes, heavy shades of grey and even denser blacks. Some had capes, most did not. “Of course, this would all be easier if you would simply decide on a new name, but I suppose we can whittle down the choices later.”
Ray flashed back to the moment he’d walked past the conference room – a massive underground addition to his lair (he didn’t call it that, but the PR team were very Committed To The Bit) – and seen a horde of them gathered around the whiteboard and shouting suggestions at the person at the front. On the interactive surface were at least 50 names, though Ray only got through Lunar Eclipse and Superordinate Gravitational Collapse before he’d decided to leave that problem for Future Ray to sort out.
Unfortunately, the future had come. “This is completely unnecessary,” Ray plucked at the sleeve of one of the outfits and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was in fact not made of impossibly tight spandex. “I haven’t even had coffee yet.”
Another employee stepped up, swiping the screen of the iPad with a finger. “Sir, [MC] will be clocking into the afternoon shift in approximately one hour. Would you like to pick up your coffee then?”
“Hm,” Ray rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “What’s on my schedule before that?”
“Uh, there’s a senator you hate giving a bigoted speech about drag queens, then you wanted me to remind you to rob that bank on 6th Avenue,” another swipe across the screen, “oh, and you’re out of ice cream.”
“The speech should be happening in the park across from the coffeeshop where [MC] works,” one of the team piped up. “We can reschedule the bank robbery and take some casual photos of you at the coffeeshop. The mid-afternoon sun would be great for the Total Eclipse social media page!”
“Dude, we discussed this! The team hasn’t decided on a villain name yet!”
“For the last time, we’re not choosing your idea!”
“Fuck you, Dark Star is a great evil name!”
“We are not linking him to a shitty 90s movie!”
“You take that back!”
Taking advantage of their distraction, Ray turned his attention to one of his favourite groups in the team. “Any updates?”
The employee saluted – Ray had given up on making them stop doing that – and pulled out her own iPad. “Sir–” (“Don’t call me that.”) “–they liked the post of you singing while playing the guitar and left a sweating emoji on the latest shirtless pic.”
“What about the one of me saving a kitten at the shelter?”
“Unfortunately, it was flagged for violence after one of the team forgot to edit out the part where you tossed someone through the walls for having an unsolicited picture of [MC] as their phone-screen background.”
“Ah, right,” Ray nodded reminiscently. “That did happen, huh. Upload it again, and monitor. If that’s all…”
He took off through the window, off to do various evil deeds and visit his favourite barista, while ignoring the screeching below as the two feuding members of the team finally stopped fighting long enough to notice his departure.
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roguishcat · 1 month
Astarion x Tav Prompt! (for the 200 follower celebration)
Astarion tailoring Tavs clothes before they reach the big city.
Some sensory ideas: rough linen, crackling warm campfire, fingers caressing skin, crisp autumn air, sounds of skin against fabric, soft sighs or humming
Thank you so much for the ask! I love reading tailor Astarion stories, so this is my humble attempt at writing one. Hope you like it! 💕
This is set in Act II, soon after the tiefling party.
Pairing: Astarion x Tav
Word count: 2.4k
Part of his plan
To Astarion their relationship was a transaction. A little tit for tat. Because this was what 200 years of servitude taught him. Nothing was ever given for free. Nothing came without a price. And usually it was not worth the pain or the effort anyway.
But when it came to Tav, Astarion found himself trying to make more of an effort to stay in her good graces. Not because he cared about her as such. But he didn’t find the thought of spending time with her, travelling alongside her, even sharing her bedroll as distasteful as with anyone else. Perhaps because she foolishly put others before herself. Perhaps it was her treating him with respect and kindness. But her being nice made him want… to be nice back. Just to make sure that their leader was well and truly smitten, of course.
That evening as Tav changed out of her armour to offer her neck to him, Astarion’s eyes fell to the rather obvious tear in her shirt. She noticed him look and flushed.
“I was going to take care of that yesterday but felt so tired that I just kind of decided to leave it,” she mumbled, pulling at the fabric awkwardly.
She scurried out of his tent and into her own before he could reply. Astarion felt his lips quirk into a smile. Now this was just the opportunity to make himself useful in their leader’s eyes that he was looking for!
He had already bedded Tav and although the experience was hardly unpleasant, he didn’t look forward to using his body over and over just to secure his place by her side. Therefore, making himself so much a part of her life that she felt that he was indispensable to her was crucial in keeping her interested.
Thus assured that he was once again right and everything was going according to his plan, Astarion grabbed his sewing kit and walked confidently in the direction of Tav’s tent.
“Darling, how about I-”
Tav looked up and Astarion was rendered speechless when he looked at her handywork. Only gods knew how she managed to create the monstrosity in her hands in such a short time. And where on earth did she even get thread of such toxic, garish colour?
Tav blushed a rather fetching shade of red and lowered her eyes.
“I suppose I made it worse, haven’t I?” she whispered, clearly embarrassed at being so terrible at something as basic as fixing a simple tear.
“Well… This isn’t the best needlework that I’ve seen, admittedly. But I am certain that it isn’t the worst either.”
The large, uneven stitches were quite remarkable, in their own way.
“How about I take over from here. I’m sure that we can salvage this,” he gently pried the shirt out of her hands and clicked his tongue as he lifted it closer to his eyes.
“I suppose this will take me a little longer than initially anticipated, seeing as I have to undo your fine effort first, but I will certainly finish it come morning.”
Astarion made a move to rise but felt a hand grasp his sleeve.
“You could stay here, if you wanted,” she suggested, making him freeze.
Truth be told, staying here was the last thing that he wanted to do. It was too intimate. Him staying could be misinterpreted as him wanting to engage in certain activities. And sex was the last thing currently on his mind.
“And have you miss out on the chance to catch up on some beauty sleep? How villainous would that be!” he joked, trying to extricate himself without making it too obvious that he wanted to leave.
“Then I could sit out by the campfire with you. I mean, if you want…” she trailed off, suddenly feeling silly, “we could talk.”
“Talk?” he repeated, raising an eyebrow.
“I would like to get to know you more. Learn more about you, if you allow it.”
Talk. Yes, just like people did when they spent any amount of time around each other. He supposed that knocking boots was not enough for someone like Tav, someone who was… sweet.
Astarion supposed he could be forgiven for jumping to the conclusion that her asking to stay was asking for sex. He met few people who wanted him for his conversation skills. Most wanted to bed him, some wanted to spend time with him afterwards. He could recall hardly any who actually seemed to care for him or his past. And one of these people was sitting in her undershirt and waiting for him to make a decision. Always so patient with him, always treating him with such respect.
“Alright, why not,” he conceded, feeling his shoulders relax a touch now that he knew that she was not expecting him to perform. “Seeing as a night of passion is off the table and there is plenty of time until sunrise, I might enjoy this- this getting to know each other better idea. Though you may want to put something on, the night is quite chilly.”
Unfortunately, Tav had little else to wear. Seeing as others were always a priority, she purchased very few things for herself. Astarion rolled his eyes as he saw her eyeing her armour with uncertainty.
“Here,” he pulled his shirt off and handed it to her. “Whilst I may be all but immune to the elements, it wouldn’t do for our leader to be bested by a common cold.”
She hesitated briefly before taking the shirt and slipping it on. It smelled like Astarion, bergamot, rosemary and something else. Something that she couldn’t quite put her finger on but didn’t want to ask.
They walked out of her tent and Astarion took a seat near the campfire.
“So how should we go about it, dearest?” he asked without looking in her direction, but rather focusing on trying to minimize the damage that she did to her clothes.
Honestly, had no one taught her to sew? This work was worse than anything done by the other spawn even in their early days!
“How about… a question for a question?” she suggested, taking a seat beside him.
“Is anything off limits? Are you truly prepared for everything that you might uncover?” he teased, squinting a little as he used the sharp, pointy edge of scissors to carefully unpick her terrible stitches. “Us big city folk come with our terrible, depraved secrets.”
Ah, a blush for his efforts. Familiar territory.
“I can’t say what is off limits,” Tav said, playing with the collar and the ruffles of his shirt with her long, nervous fingers. “How about you are allowed not to answer any one question of your choosing?”
“Seems reasonable,” he shrugged, finally getting the thread that she used to cooperate and pulling on it until the fabric was no longer bunched awkwardly.
“What is your favourite colour?”
How uninspired. Honestly, were they children?
“I assumed it was blue,” she went on. “Your underwear is blue. And you seem to favour the blue dye, when you have a choice.”
“Observant, are we?” he chuckled. “Just how long has it been since I’ve piqued your interest? And yes, this is not a rhetorical question. I do expect an answer.”
“I guess… When you opened the doors on the bugbear and the ogre.”
“Oh? How scandalous of you to find that appealing! Did that get you excited?” he elbowed her gently, finding to his surprise that he was rather enjoying the light tone of the conversation.
“No,” Tav laughed, “but it was the first time you smiled. A real, proper smile. That image stayed with me for a long time. And got me wondering… what is beneath the polished look and practiced mannerisms?”
If Astarion had actually fed on her and any blood coursing through him at this moment, he was quite sure that he would have blushed.
He cleared his throat, “I believe it’s your turn to ask.”
She nodded, but didn’t ask him anything immediately, content to simply watch him for a while. The work of his dexterous fingers was such a contrast to her clumsy, inexperienced movements. Tav knew that she was way out of her depth when it came to Astarion and didn’t think that she would be able to figure him out even if she tried. Which is why she looked for an excuse to talk to him without others being around, wanting to get to know him better. But every time she tried to have a genuine conversation with him in the past, his expression would shutter, and he would give her some tired, clearly practiced lines. And perhaps it was foolish of her, but Tav felt she wanted to get to know him. To really know him.
 “What makes you happy? And I mean apart from walking in on freaky sex.”
“Tsk, I was going to say just that, actually. Took the words right out of my mouth, you cheeky pup.”
In truth, he was not really sure how to answer that. Happiness has not been part of the equation for over two centuries. Survival and prevailing against all odds. That was all that he was concerned with.
“I’m not exactly sure,” he finally admitted with a frown. “Drinking your blood makes me feel… strong. Powerful. Free. I am not sure what it means  to be happy in your books, but I believe this is it for me.”
He took a furtive look at her from underneath his lashes and was taken aback a little by the genuine, warm expression on her face. By the gods! Who did that? Who actually went around looking at people like that? No one did, in his experience.
“I hope you find more things that make you happy,” Tav said earnestly, giving his shoulder a light squeeze.
“Well, the pleasure of your company definitely tops that list,” he cleared his throat and moved away a little, feeling uncomfortable at the warm feeling that bloomed in his chest. Whatever it was.
“Well, of course! But I mean inconsequential nothings. Something that will make you smile. Something that will make you look forward to tomorrow.”
“And what makes you happy, Tav, hm? Seeing as you are the expert on the matter?”
To his surprise, he actually found that he wanted to know the answer.
“Well, it’s nothing unusual. Seeing people I care about being happy. Being helpful. Seeing families reunited.”
“Tsk, you are no fun!”  Astarion clicked his tongue in annoyance. “And here I was, actually answering your questions properly and what do I get in return? A cookie-cutter hero ‘I live to serve’ answer. Give me a break,” he scoffed.
“You don’t believe that people can help others just because?” Tav tossed several sticks into the campfire, the flames rising to lick the dry wood hungrily.
“No,” he said firmly, with conviction. “Not in my experience.”
He took a deep breath that he did not need, more for effect than out of necessity. “People are cruel, vile and everything is done for gain and nothing else.”
“You don’t mean that,” Tav looked down at her knees, playing with the hem of his shirt.
“Oh, but I do. My sweet, sweet friend. Kindness gets people tortured. Kindness gets people killed. Kindness is the root of all trouble and you will be better off if you realise this sooner rather than later-” he stopped himself abruptly when he realised that he almost shouted that last part.
They fell silent, the crackling of the fire loud in the stillness.
“I’m sorry you feel this way,” she finally said.
“It is the truth.”
Astarion did not have to look at Tav to know that she disagreed. It didn’t matter. Their experiences were too different. They were too different. She probably was a nice girl from a small town in the middle of nowhere where neighbors were friends, and every day ended with a lovely sunset over the fields. At least that was what Astarion imagined when he thought about Tav’s home. He never actually bothered to ask. Come to think of it, none of them asked Tav about her past. Although they all seemed to be eager enough to have her help them on their personal quests, they actually knew very little about her.
“Goodness me, we seemed to have gotten carried away with that lively discussion,” he cleared his throat, realising that he was silent far too long. “Your shirt is almost fixed, so one last question.”
“Of course,” she stretched, fighting back a yawn.
“The scars on your side,” he noticed that Tav immediately moved to cover them up, pulling his shirt down with a jerk. “How did you get them?”
He had noticed them before, the night of the party. But he didn’t really care to ask then. Astarion out of all people knew that scars could tell quite a story. Cazador told him that his were a poem, but he was determined to find out exactly what it was that that bastard carved into his skin.
Astarion was a little taken aback when Tav’s demeanor changed, the expression turning bitter for the briefest moment before she caught herself. When she turned to look at him, her smile was as pleasant as any she would usually give him.
“Ah. I believe this is the question I will choose not to answer. At least not tonight. Thank you for my shirt and for talking to me. I enjoyed getting to know you a little better. Goodnight.”
“Sleep well, my dear,” he handed her the mended shirt, watching her walk away from the campfire without another word.
Well, perhaps there was more to their fearless leader after all. There was definitely a secret, something that she did not want to be uncovered just yet. And that piqued his interest. Perhaps a glass of wine or two would loosen her tongue next time they decided to meet for a chat.
Astarion scowled. Him finding talking to Tav pleasant and them bonding was not part of the plan. On the contrary, any sort of relationship was a hindrance.
The vampire rose soundlessly and looked into the woods. Perhaps a hunt to clear his head would do him good. If anything, it would take his mind off Tav. Because whatever was happening between them had to remain a transaction. And it would be prudent not to forget that even for a moment.
Tag list:@ninty900, @ayselluna, @dajeong, @ravenswritingroom,
@misscrissfemmefatale, @clazberryk
@anukulee, @preciouslittlebhaalbae,
42 notes · View notes
cultofdixon · 2 years
Just You
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • He knew the prison would be temporary. He shouldn’t have put bad vibes out into the universe then he wouldn’t have almost lost you. But he was thankful he had you with him…even if there was a whole new threat • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - unprotected sex [no glove, no love] / grinding / cum eating • TW: Canon Violence / Injuries / Anxiety / Scars
Requested by: @kaylakern4
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Where is she
Where is she
Where the fuck is she?!
Daryl snapped out of his anxious thoughts feeling the familiar soft hands grab onto his bicep. He turned to find Y/N staring up at him as his attention focused on her forehead bleeding and how she looks like she’s been through hell. But then he remembered—-
“We gotta get out of here”
“Haven’t you heard me?! I’ve been saying that for a few minutes! We gotta go!” Y/N pulled at his arm as the two ran out of the ruins of the prison.
Please look at me.
Please look at me.
Bring it up. Please—
“I think my head is still bleeding…but I…there was no time to grab shit and book it. I just grabbed what I needed most” Y/N frowns on the other side of their little campsite as Daryl took that as the opportunity to get up from his spot pulling his rag out from his back pocket.
Daryl sat beside her dragging the pack they managed to scavenge taking the canteen out. He pours some of the water on his rag before giving her a look asking for permission, waiting for her to eventually nod not knowing exactly what he was doing. Then he lightly dabs her head lac cleaning the blood off her face. Her beautiful face. Checking to see if it had gotten worse with all the running they’ve been doing but thankful it was just a cut. A scary cut that bled that much.
“Thank you Daryl…”
“‘Course” Daryl put everything away and before he could get up from his spot, Y/N tiredly rests her head on his shoulder.
“Why does this keep happening to us…”
“Makes yea wish there was somethin’ more permanent I guess”
Y/N brought herself close to take in his warmth that he was more than happy to provide even if he was terrified to wrap his arm around her.
What’s wrong
What’s wrong
“D, you see that?” Y/N gestures to what looks to be an abandoned country club. Daryl followed her lead to the place as he wanted to be first to enter in case of anything but Y/N took out her knife and went ahead.
Daryl followed close while wishing she’d look at him and tell him what’s on her mind. Since leaving the prison, the light she carried faded and it was eating him alive.
“Think anything here is worth the trouble?”
“The first aid kit on the wall is.” Daryl pushes past Y/N as she looked through the clothes that were scattered everywhere in the room they were in. “We can patch up your head”
“Sounds good…” Y/N picked up a green sweater more so green earthy and not neon. She took the opportunity of Daryl’s back facing her so that she could change her shirt into the sweater.
The archer turned toward her at the wrong moment and quickly swung back feeling the heat rise to his face after catching a glimpse. Y/N adjusts the sweater brushing off a bit of the dust that collected on it before noticing his tense figure.
“You can look now” She says almost in a whisper as Daryl kept his gaze to the floor up until he was within arms length of her. Y/N took out of the presented first aid box what she’ll need before letting him put it away. “Think we can squat in here for the night?”
“Yeah just. Let me help yea and then we can barricade the door just in case”
After taking care of such, Y/N got a fire going in the middle of the main dining hall. As she tosses more newspaper onto the fire to build, she felt a blanket rest on her shoulders. Y/N didn’t say a word right off the bat knowing Daryl did such as he makes his way to sit on the opposite side of her. Which sparked something in her to say—
“We can share”
Daryl quickly looks up from fiddling with his knife when she said that as the silence made Y/N’s confidence lower thinking she crossed something. But the archer picked himself up and sat beside her feeling half the blanket drape over his shoulder making both scoot closer to the other.
Wrong time
Not the right place
But when will it ever be
“I’m scared” Y/N frowns feeling Daryl’s arm wrap around her to bring her in his embrace. He held her, let her get comfortable in his space…resting her head in his shoulder and bringing her legs over his lap.
“Me too, sunshine…me too”
When morning broke, Daryl always woke first and knew he was holding Y/N as they are both awake most the night. But he didn’t expect her to be asleep on his chest the next morning. He didn’t move or say a word…he was enjoying this moment. Until they were both spooked by the sound of a walker hitting the barricaded door. Y/N lifts herself up and off of him but still had a hold on his vest when Daryl sat up.
“They can’t get it. We’ll be okay”
“I know…” Y/N realizes she was holding onto his clothing and let go before standing up. “Think we should move?”
“Just take it out, hold up here a few more days…” Daryl suggests watching her nod in response as she leaves to take care of said walker causing a ruckus.
The two explored more of the club finding pretty much nothing of use besides some cans of food…mainly fruit cocktail…empty liquor bottles, a lot of money that Daryl started to collected but both came to the conclusion that it’s worthless in the apocalypse, and finding empty rooms or full ones with the deceased.
Another night came in and Y/N took the lantern she found in the outdoor shed they checked to one of the empty rooms with a few couches. She set it on the window turning it on to illuminate part of the room as Daryl rests the blanket they shared on the couch he assumed she would take.
“You’re the one with no sleeves…you need it more than me”
“Nah, I’ll be fine” He sighs upon impact of sitting on the dirty couch across from Y/N’s. “Could be worse”
“True…it could” Y/N shut the door and pushed an end table in front of it just in case. Daryl should’ve done that so she could’ve adjusted before him.
Talk to her
About anything
Try to at least
Daryl snapped out of his thoughts to find Y/N sitting with him on his couch. “Yeah?”
“Do you think we’ll find any of the others?”
Be optimistic or be honest
Which will she feel better hearing
“Daryl…be honest with me”
Shit. Daryl shrugs. “I don’t know. We’ll head out tomorrow…maybe follow the tracks to find’em”
“You think we’ve lost some of them?”
“Probably…” He frowns, relaxing once more when Y/N brought her head to rest on his shoulder. “But hopefully we didn’t…just. Feel bad for losing who we did before we separated”
“Mhm…” Daryl continued to carry that frown, even when the beating of his heart grew faster the second Y/N brought herself close resting her hands on his face.
“You know it wasn’t your fault right? None of us could’ve seen that happening”
“Why do yea always know what to say…when I don’t know everythin’ on that beautiful mind of yours?” His confidence spoke through on that last bit but more his honesty. Daryl knows best what it’s like to keep everything inside and not share until he was at his breaking point. But it took her…spending time with her at the CDC…to the farm…and the prison…being able to trust someone he cares for so deeply, that he would hate for the one he loves to not trust him enough to speak up.
But it was more so the words were stuck in the back of her throat as Y/N suddenly felt the tears roll off her cheeks. Causing Daryl to feel a bit of regret when asking that question but he instinctively took her hands into his, squeezing them.
“Y/N…I-I didn’t—-“
“When the prison first got shot at…I was afraid I had lost you right then and there…but when I saw you looking around in the courtyard searching for something, I couldn’t have been happier to know you were alive. I just…couldn’t find the words earlier” Y/N sobs feeling him rub circles with his thumb on the top of her hands bringing her tearful eyes to look. “I can’t sit here without you knowing that—-“
“I know” Daryl interrupts, catching her confused expression that made his face heat up realizing what he was trying to say. “I know how yea feel…cuz I’m the same way…toward yea”
The archer thought his words stunned her but given the way she leaned toward him, he knew to close the space…pressing his lips softly against hers. The first kiss lasted a second, but he didn’t hesitate to go in for another that slowly turned into a more heated moment. Y/N snaked her arms around his neck bringing him close as he gripped onto her thighs.
They parted to catch a breath as Daryl continued to hold her thighs feeling her shift in his touch. He pulls away for a moment only for Y/N to anchor her hands on his broad shoulders bringing her into his lap. Feeling his hands return to her thighs bringing them to her ass pulling her more into him.
“I don’t want to wait anymore, Daryl”
“Take what you want from me, sunshine”
“I just want you” Y/N returned her lips to his feeling his hands bring themselves to the small of her back under her sweater to feel her soft skin. She pulls back once more watching Daryl lean forward to capture her lips once more before pulling her sweater off of her, locking eyes with her waiting for permission. “I’ve always wanted you…so please, have me too”
“Just you. I only ever wanted you” Daryl assures her, bringing his lips back onto hers moving their position to have her laying on the couch and him towering her with her legs wrapping around his torso to keep him there.
The archer couldn’t help himself when bucking his hips in her center to get a small gasp to escape her when they parted. He trailed his lips to her jawline, down her neck leaving a few hickeys that brought out more of her sweet music. Y/N couldn’t help herself but grind up against him to get some friction to fill the need as Daryl couldn’t help but pin her hips to the couch resulting in a whine to escape her lips.
“Please what, sunshine?”
“Please fuck me” Y/N begs not wanting him to pull away but he did such to unbuckle his belt as she followed suit by pulling herself up to get her jeans and panties off that once Daryl got himself out of the confines of his pants, he grabbed the ends of her jeans pulling them off.
Daryl tosses her jeans onto the pile with his pants and her shirt. Next with his boxers and her panties. He pulled her back toward him by her legs hearing her squeak to the action before gluing her attention to the size of his cock when he positioned such to gather some of her slick.
“Fuck…all of this for me?”
“Only you. Always you” Y/N moans, bucking her hips every touch of her sensitive bud from his tip.
His woman…fuck, his woman watches as he positioned himself at her entrance glancing up for any signs of discomfort when he started to push himself in. Fucking tight Daryl grunts leaning forward over her bottoming out in her staying still until she adjusted as she brought her arms around his torso.
“Please move…fuck me, D. Mark me as yours”
“Mmm. You know I will” He growls started to buck his hips thrusting nice and slow at first.
Y/N held onto him feeling him hit that sweet spot instantly making it impossible to keep quiet. She gripped onto the back of his vest when he started to pick up he pace while also bringing his dominant hand to rub circles on her clit. He felt the way she clenched around him that she was getting closer and didn’t tell her not to or anything like that. He wanted to feel all of her for their first time.
“Fuck. Daryl I—“
“Let go sunshine, I’ve gotcha” He grunts hiding his face in the crook of her neck feeling the tugging of his shirt given her reaching climax along with the moan to rip out of her.
Daryl was careful when reaching his own feeling her legs wrap around his torso for him to hit that sweet spot with his thrusts. The second he felt he was close to release, he pulled out and came on her stomach. He hovered above her panting with her as she releases her death grip on his vest bringing her fingers to her stomach taking some of his cum and bringing it to her mouth. She locked eyes with him while tasting his release resulting in a satisfied hum from her and a groan from him.
“You tryin’ to rile me up?”
After cleaning up and getting re-dressed, Daryl got up for a second to grab the blanket from the opposite couch bringing it over to theirs. Y/N, the second the archer sat down, brought herself to lay on him making him move her for a second to bring his legs onto the couch. She pulled herself up more so that she could rest her head in his chest feeling the blanket drape over her and Daryl wrap his arms around her.
“You should get some sleep”
“It’s barricaded. You can sleep too D” Y/N looks up at him smiling when he kissed her forehead.
“Fine, sunshine. Then we can look for the others in the morning”
That was the plan and they started by following the tracks in hope for any sign. Daryl was already protective of Y/N and vise versa…now it was a bit more intense when they know how the other felt.
Daryl suddenly brought Y/N close when he heard something. That something being footsteps that only grew from one pair to six as this unknown group made themselves known and surrounded the two. Causing the archer to ready his crossbow and his partner to reach for her gun.
“Now now. You two look lost”
“Hm. Well…we ain’t here to make trouble of any kind” the one that was obviously their leader didn’t take long to make himself known. “Just wondering somethin’”
“We ain’t gonna make trouble. Just leave us be” Daryl states covering Y/N as she suddenly jerks forward when a hand smacked her behind.
“Damn got a nice piece of meat with yea. Mind if I—-“ Suddenly the man that spoke met the other end of Daryl’s bolt as he didn’t hesitate to take him out for touching Y/N. That didn’t sit well with the group as the others suddenly raised their weapons pointing to the archer.
But the leader told the group to lower their weapons and back away as he draws closer.
“Gentlemen…we know what’s ours and what isn’t. Len here clearly couldn’t tell by the marks she’s got that she’s been claimed. Don’t poke the bear alright?” He laughs shortly after saying such. “Names Joe…and we’re looking for somebody and given by the looks yall carried before we jumped yea, that you were also looking for some people”
“What do you want” Y/N frowns feeling Daryl suddenly take her hand squeezing in but also directing her out of the stranger’s line of sight.
“You help us find our guy, we help yea find yours. We’ll protect each other as long as you follow our rules”
“Which are what?”
“Whenever somebody sees something they like and yells “claimed” it’s theirs. Be lucky we didn’t let Len take your woman by those standard form of rules…now do we gotta deal or what”
They didn’t want to at first. But it would be a bit easier finding the others in larger groups. More people to cover bigger areas.
But being the only woman full of men brought on a lot of staring, even if your heart already belongs to someone and in their terms you already belong to someone.
“I don’t have a good feel about this D…” Y/N whispers bringing herself as close as possible to Daryl as he noticed the two Harley and Billy were looking at her until he locked eyes with them.
“I don’t either…but I’ll keep yea safe, and the second there’s a window. We’re booking it” Daryl whispers to Y/N resting his forehead against hers.
But that window was finding Rick, Michonne, and Carl on the road…and little did they know that Rick was the one that killed one of their own.
“Joe. Don’t do this. These are good people” Daryl made himself present to the situation as Y/N was trying to figure out a plan that didn’t hurt anybody. But that was never going to happen.
“See…now that’s where you’re a liar” and that triggered another Claimer to suddenly grab Daryl forcing him against the car and starting to beat up on him.
Rick was about to say something when suddenly Y/N came out from the tree line about to grab onto the claimer when another, Harley, grabbed her and forced her to the ground pinning her. That action on top of another claimer Dan, pulling Carl out of the car preparing to do the worse. Triggered Rick to do the unthinkable by killing Joe by ripping out his jugular with his teeth stunning the remaining claimers to give the window they needed. Michonne killed Tony without a second thought and made a beeline for Carl shoving Dan off of him. While Daryl got a hold of the claimer’s neck and snapping it before taking his machete and striking the one lunging for him. Then suddenly stabbing right through the head of the one that was strangling Y/N.
As Y/N shoves the body off of her coughing like crazy, Daryl dropped to his knees tossing the machete out of his hands to hold her face getting her to focus on him and focus on her breathing.
“I’ve gotcha. You’re okay. Just take a deep breath” He said repeatedly until she did as she tries to pull herself up to hold him but he got the idea and instantly brought her into his arms gripping onto her for dear life. “I’ve gotcha sunshine…we’re okay”
“We’re okay” She repeats through tears holding him and looking back to see Rick holding onto his son. Y/N sighs from relief that they didn’t lose any of their own.
The morning came a few hours later with Michonne resting in the car with Carl sleeping on her. Rick took a breather with Daryl sitting beside him and Y/N keeping a look out.
“We didn’t…we didn’t trust’em. And were gonna leave but thank god we didn’t.”
“You came at the right time. Granted. You didn’t need to get beaten in the process. Scared the fuck outta Y/N…didn’t know y’all were close like that”
Daryl looks over in a protective manner seeing Y/N is perfectly fine in that moment as he turns back to his brother.
“Takes time to find your person”
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starringthesturniolos · 3 months
bite me (part 2)- matt sturniolo
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part one, part two
summary- matt has always hated your guts, but everything changes when he wakes up and finds out your his mate.
contains- vampire!matt x reader, enemies to lovers, smut (not in this part), themes of death, dark themes, high school au! (18 yrs old)
your pov:
i woke up with a massive headache, my chest heaving. the first thing i think of is matt.
what the fuck, why is he on my mind on a saturday morning.
i shudder at my own actions and throw my covers over my head as a phantom chill runs down my spine.“cant stay in bed forever” i sigh to myself, while throwing the covers off my body almost immediately after putting them back on. I march to my closet and change into my favorite running shorts. as soon as i step foot out of my house, i start to jog, the melodic tempo lulling me out of my morning funk. my peace is disrupted tho because out the corner of my eye, i see my neighbor walk out his house into his driveway. his eyes bore into mine before they rake up and down my body. my heart beat picks up slightly, and it’s not from the exercise.
my neighbor, kit, has been weirdly obsessed with me ever since he and his girlfriend broke up. about a week ago, i caught him snooping around our house at night, trying to get a peek into my room. after that i’ve been trying to avoid crossing paths, and i wasn’t planning on crossing them today. its fine, hes probably taking out the trash, i think, desperately trying to reassure myself. i speed up from a light jog to a full on sprint because i know that once hes out my sight, i will feel more comfortable. i sigh in relief when i round the corner to the next street in my subdivision, happy that i got away from him.
slap slap slap
his feet pound against the ground as he sprints to catch up with me. i whirl around once i hear the footsteps, and lock eyes with him. the accidental eye contact was enough to spur him to go even faster than his long legs were taking him before. my heart to drops and i turn back around, running on pure adrenaline and fear.
“Y/n, stop running and come talk to me!” kit yells angrily but i’m running far too hard to form a proper sentence. even if i wanted to respond to him i wouldn’t have the breath to do so.
“STOP PLAYING HARD TO GET. YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME Y/N. COME HERE AND ADMIT IT” he screams even louder. my head starts to pound and my mind reels trying to come up with a plan. i can’t run forever. i gather the little breath i have in me to muster up a scream in hopes someone will come help me, only for the air to be knocked out of me. i ran straight into something, no,
“get. the fuck. away from her.” the mystery man growls.
kit takes one look at him and slowly backs away in fear. “who the hell are you?” out of curiosity, i look up to see who i’ve run into and freeze.
no it can’t be. it looks just like him but his eyes are dark red, and dark black veins swirl under his pale skin like they have a mind of their own. “who are you?” i cringe as i repeat the same question kit did moments before, both our tones lacking a single ounce of courage. fear was all consuming as we stared at the monster in front us.
“you know who i am, y/n. get behind me. now. im gonna deal with him” he says gruffly while looking behind me at kit. kit whimpers at the sight of matts deadly stare.
i ignore what matt says, opting to look him up and down instead in a manner that screams “what the fuck is wrong with you”. but then, i try to think rationally for a moment, this is still matt after all. he may not like me but hes not gonna hurt me. right?
“what happened to you, matt?”i question breathlessly.
“you.” matt deadpans in a voice much deeper than his normal one, taking a step closer to me. he reaches his hand out to grab me. to take me.
“y/n get away from him!!” kit interjects and pulls me too him in hopes of trying to help me get away from matt. and for once, i’m actually glad kits here.
wrong move.
matt is in front of me in a flash. he snarles as he pushes kit with bone crushing force. his body goes flying, hitting a pole a couple of yards away with a loud thud, knocked out on impact. i shriek, terror filling my veins. as if sensing my strong distress, matt turns to me slowly. his arms out in front of him, in what is supposed to be a peaceful gesture.
hard to be comforting when your veins are as dark as your tattoos.
“y/n, we need to talk” the stranger, deeper version of matts voice says.
why can’t i move. im frozen in time as he takes slow steps towards me.
“you need to come with me, y/n.” he breathes out, his dark red eyes wide and crazed. he takes another step closer. my legs feel like jelly but i finally manage to take one step back. whatever matt is, it can’t be human. humans can’t throw each other several yards. their veins aren’t as black as midnight, and their eyes sure as hell don’t change to a deep red on command. so what does he, no, it, want from me.
“w- why do i need to come with you? ”
“because you’re mine” he growls, finally deciding to close the gap between us, faster than my eyes can process. he bends down and run his nose along the hot spot on my neck. he inhales deeply and moans in relief his black veins disappearing. i scream and try to push him off but its useless. he grabs my arm in a vice grip and pure horror spreads through my body for what feels like the 100th time today. i try to let out another scream but no sound comes out. my vision clouds and my head is spinning. then everything is black.
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magicfootballstuff · 2 years
Strictly Unprofessional - part 6 (alexia putellas x reader)
Summary: You’ve just landed your dream job as a photographer at FC Barcelona Femení. The only problem? You hooked up with the captain five years ago and haven’t seen her since.
Part 6/9
Though you’ve only been at Barcelona a few months, you’ve come to realise that Alexia wins a lot of trophies. 
Every so often you’re tasked with taking photos of Alexia with her newest award for social media and that’s your job this afternoon. She’s changed out of her usual sports kit into a dark suit which she wears over a white tank top, and it’s a nice enough day that you’ve decided to take the pictures outside in front of the Barcelona crest on the wall by the main entrance to the training centre.
“I hate photoshoots,” Alexia confides in you, as you position her so that the crest is visible behind her.
“Really?” you ask, stepping back behind your tripod to check the framing of the shot on the camera display. “I’d have thought they’d be second nature by now. Just move slightly to your left please.”
Alexia shuffles across until you give her a thumbs up.
“I guess it’s like you say about doing shoots like this compared to taking pictures of us in training,” Alexia explains. “It’s much less natural. And I have to be the Alexia the world wants me to be, not the Alexia I actually am.”
You take a couple of test shots to check the lighting, before you ask, “And what would the actual Alexia do after winning an award?”
“I don’t know,” Alexia answers with a shrug. “Chill at home in my pyjamas with my dog?”
An idea pops into your head and you step out from behind the tripod to ask, “Do you trust me?”
Alexia frowns at you, curiosity in her eyes.
“Let’s do this shoot because it’s my job and we have to, but why don’t we do another one later?”
“I’ve just told you I hate photoshoots and your answer is to do another one?” Alexia says, arching an amused eyebrow.
“You can say no, but why not let me take some pictures of you at home with your dog and your pyjamas and anything else you like. Give me a chance to show the real Alexia.”
Alexia considers the suggestion but you can see that she’s still doubtful. You instantly kick yourself - she’s already made it clear she doesn’t like being photographed and you’ve probably just made her incredibly uncomfortable.
“Never mind, it was just a dumb idea…”
“I trust you,” Alexia interrupts you. “Let’s do it. Are you free tonight? I can order takeaway.”
“That sounds great.”
True to her word, when you arrive at Alexia’s apartment she greets you at the door with a takeaway menu for a local Thai restaurant and your camera bag is quickly dropped by the door and forgotten as you order dinner.
When the food arrives, you settle on Alexia’s couch and watch an episode of a new reality show you’ve heard some of the girls talking about. You haven’t seen it before but half an episode in you quickly realise why it’s popular - it’s just bad enough to be addictive. What makes it better is Alexia’s commentary, chiming in every so often with a joke or a scathing judgement. At one point, she sends you into a fit of giggles so hard that you choke on a noodle, and Alexia has to pause the show just to check that you’re okay.
As the credits roll at the end of the episode, Alexia starts to clear away the plates and you retrieve your camera bag. You’ve brought your smaller camera and none of the fancy equipment, wanting to stay true to your word about making this authentic rather than staged.
“Oh, so you wait until after I’ve got a stomach full of food to take pictures?” Alexia asks, returning to the room and eyeing up your camera as she sits back down on the couch.
“I thought this was about capturing the real Alexia,” you remind her. “Food baby and all.”
“Ugh, fine,” Alexia groans. She leans down to pick up Nala, before cooing at the dog, “You’ll just have to sit in Mami’s lap to hide her belly, won’t you Nala?”
You click the shutter of your camera a few times in quick succession, capturing a few photos of Alexia showering Nala with kisses and scratches. Alexia looks up at you, mouth pressed together in disapproval, and Nala uses the distraction as an excuse to leap off Alexia’s lap. You can’t help but take the opportunity to get a picture of Alexia glowering at you too, because her pout is just too cute.
“A little warning next time?” Alexia asks.
“Just pretend I’m not here. Act naturally.”
“Do you know how hard it is to try to act natural when somebody tells you to act natural?” Alexia speaks up. “Like which way do I normally cross my legs? Do I normally cross my legs at all?”
To emphasise her point, Alexia crosses and uncrosses her legs a few times each way, before she slumps back against the couch and props her feet up on the coffee table next to the empty takeaway containers. You snap a quick picture, then a few more when Nala jumps up onto the sofa again and nestles against Alexia’s thigh.
“Anyway, I have something special for this,” you tell Alexia, reaching into your camera bag and pulling out another camera, this one from your own personal collection that you would never take with you to work.
“Is that a Polaroid camera?” Alexia asks, her eyes lighting up. “I used to have one of those when I was younger. Then my sister took it and broke it and my parents refused to get me a new one.”
“Watch the TV again,” you direct Alexia.
“You know, this is the most staged unstaged photoshoot ever,” Alexia jokes, though she does as instructed and turns her attention back to the television.
“Are you this mouthy with other photographers too?” 
“No,” Alexia says, glancing up at you with a smile just starting to creep onto her face. “Only you get this honour.”
With the Polaroid camera in your hands, you point it at Alexia and get a quick photo of her mid-smirk.
“Hey, I wasn’t ready!” she protests, as the camera spits out the undeveloped picture.
“Exactly, that’s the whole point.”
You round the coffee table and sit down beside Alexia on the couch on the side not occupied by Nala as you wait for the photo to develop. The picture slowly appears, of Alexia caught slightly off-guard in a half smile, her gaze fixed at something behind the camera. She’s looking at you, you realise, and you stare at the photo in awe as it finishes coming into focus. It’s like you’re holding a tiny piece of your friendship in your hands, the picture capturing that bond between you more than it captures Alexia herself.
Alexia must see that too, because she asks, “Do I always look at you like that?”
“Like what?”
The silence between you is tense. It feels like the air in the room could ignite, though whether it’ll be a fire of passion or a flaming inferno of destruction is still yet to be decided.
“Never mind,” Alexia says, shutting down the conversation but leaving your curiosity piqued. “It’s my turn.” 
Alexia reaches for the camera, but you hold it out of her reach.
“I don’t think so.”
“Come on,” Alexia pleads, leaning across your lap and plucking the camera from your outstretched hand. “You had to know I’d ask at some point. I’m your apprentice after all.”
“I only have limited film for this camera,” you try to make excuses. “We can’t waste it.”
“Then a selfie,” Alexia says, flipping the camera around so that the lens points at you both. “So we’re both in it.”
“I don’t know…”
“Come on, a selfie is the opposite of a photoshoot,” she pleads with you, lifting the camera and stretching out her arm.
You turn your head to look at her, and whine, “Alexia…”
You hear the click of the camera and know she’s probably caught you at your worst, payback for all the photos you’ve taken of her over the last few months. Satisfied with her actions, Alexia lets you take back your camera but keeps the newest photo as it develops, maybe scared you’re going to rip up her latest attempt at photography if you don’t like the result.
The image finally comes into focus and you look at it as she holds it.
It’s raw in a similar kind of way to the one you took of her. The angle of the selfie and the lack of a front facing camera to aid means that only three quarters of Alexia’s face is in view, but while she’s smiling at the camera, the image of you is a side profile because you’re looking at Alexia with a look of what can only be described as adoration in your eyes.
You suddenly realise what the question she asked earlier meant.
“Do I always look at you like that?”
“Like what?” Alexia parrots your earlier question back to you.
Feeling bolder than perhaps she was, you respond breathlessly, “Like I want to kiss you.”
You hear Alexia’s breath catch in her throat, before she answers, “Sometimes. Do you?”
“Do I what?” 
Though you’re almost certain you know what she’s asking, you need to hear her say it.
“Do you want to kiss me?”
“Sometimes,” you answer just as elusively as she did.
“How about now?”
You really do. Alexia is right there, it would be so easy to lean across and close the gap. And here, alone in Alexia’s apartment with only Nala as your witness, is the most privacy you’ve had since you found yourselves in a hotel room in Ibiza five years ago.
But something is nagging you at the back of your mind, telling you that this isn’t a good idea. Your thoughts are clouded by Alexia’s proximity and you need a clear mind to decide if you’re willing to put it all at risk for a chance at happiness.
“Alexia,” you start. “I…”
I like you, is what you should say. I want to kiss you. I want to be with you.
But what you actually end up saying is, “I should go home.”
“Fuck,” Alexia says, panic in her eyes. “I’ve made you uncomfortable. Forget I said anything.”
“No, it’s fine!” you’re quick to say. “I’ve just … got a lot to do tomorrow. I should get back home.”
You get to your feet and start to collect your photography equipment, busying yourself with that to avoid having to look Alexia in the eye. You don’t know what you might do, what mistakes you might make, if you allow yourself even a second to look at her.
“Did I do something wrong?” Alexia asks. “Did I take it too far?”
“No,” you try to tell Alexia. “You did nothing wrong. It’s all on me. My head’s a mess. I promise it’s not your fault.”
“You really don’t have to go,” Alexia says. “We can watch another episode. I promise I won’t do anything, or say anything, to make it weird.”
The problem is that it’s not Alexia that you don’t trust not to make it weird.
Do you want to kiss me?
Alexia’s words echo in your ears and your brain is screaming that yes, you do want to kiss her. And you’re not a hundred percent certain, but you get the feeling that Alexia probably wouldn’t push you off her if you did.
What if you said fuck it to your inhibitions and let yourself indulge? Would it really be so bad after all?
The temptation to make a mistake you might never come back from is too great if you stay. 
As you stand by Alexia’s front door, camera bag slung over your shoulder, you have no idea how to say goodbye. But the hesitation gives you time to think, time to let your eyes drop to Alexia’s mouth and wonder again about kissing her.
What if…?
No. You can’t.
To stop yourself from at least attempting to kiss Alexia, you step into her personal space and give her a quick one-armed hug, too long to be fleeting but not long enough to actually mean anything.
“I’ll see you tomorrow? At Camp Nou?”
Alexia nods, her expression impossible to read. 
“See you tomorrow,” she replies.
You can’t get out of Alexia’s apartment fast enough.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
….I believe this is where to drop requests….
{this is a bad batch request} I have two small prompt ideas (it doesn’t have to be both), the rest I shall leave to your artistic liberty: “Medics need medics too, sometimes.” & “our scars show how we’ve learned and grown.”
hello! i used the first prompt, i hope you enjoy!! side note: this fic is hunter-focused :)
words: 714
summary: after you get injured on a mission, you try to take care of it yourself. hunter doesn't let that happen.
clone troopers masterlist
Stubborn Medic
As you sprinted back to the Marauder, you could feel one of the droids’ blaster bolts sting your shoulder, and you just tried to ignore the pain until you were on the ship. Hunter ran up the ramp after you, and soon Tech was bringing the ship into hyperspace, setting course back to Ord Mantell. You felt the pain in your arm begin to amplify as you set down the bag you were carrying and immediately headed towards your bunk, not even bothering to say anything to the rest of the batch. 
There was a medkit that you kept under your bunk, a small and simple one for when you didn’t want to have to go through the trouble of finding the larger one you kept around for more serious injuries. You knew that there were a few bacta patches in the kit, and you really hoped that those (along with a day or two of rest) were all you needed to get yourself feeling better again. You changed into a tank top and began to look through the kit, gathering everything you would need to clean and cover the injury.
As the team’s medic, it didn’t feel right to ask for anyone’s help, because you were the one who was most qualified to handle it. You know they would help you if you said something, that wasn’t the question, but you still felt a little bit useless sometimes on the ship, especially because all of the others had such useful enhancements. Half the time, the scrapes and bruises that the team sustained were so minor that they were able to patch themselves up, and you wondered why you had been assigned to them as a permanent medic. 
Right as you had finished cleaning the wound (to the best of your ability, because it was in a bit of an awkward location), you heard someone step into the room and Hunter’s voice fill the space. “What are you doing?” 
“I got hit with a blaster bolt out there,” you said matter-of-factly, as you peeled a bacta patch off its paper. “I was just patching myself up.” 
“Did you clean the wound?” Hunter asked, and you looked at him like he had grown a second head as you held up the medkit’s cleaning wipe. “Because there’s still some blood on your arm.”
“Oh,” you said, mentally kicking yourself for not doing a better job. “I’ll just-” 
“Here, let me help you,” Hunter said, taking the wipe out of your hand and gently running it on the skin surrounding your wound. You were about to protest, but it was all happening so quickly, and the feeling of the antiseptic against the raw skin made you wince. 
While you couldn’t categorize the relationship you shared with the squad’s sergeant, it was certainly different than the one you had with the rest of the squad. “Mesh’la,” he said, his voice quiet as he took the bacta patch from your hand and started to apply it to your wound. “Why didn’t you ask for help?” 
You sniffled, and whether it was from the pain or the emotions you were currently feeling you didn’t know. “I thought I should be able to handle it myself,” you responded. “It is my job on this squad after all, and you don’t need to worry about me.” 
“I hate to break it to you, but I’ll always worry about you,” Hunter said, and he sat down next to you on your bunk. Instinctively, you leaned into his side. “And medics need medics too sometimes.” 
“I know, but I thought I could handle it.” 
“I’ve seen you patch up injuries way worse than that, so there’s no doubt in my mind that you couldn’t, but I wanted to help you,” he said. He leaned down to place a soft kiss on your forehead, and you nearly combusted into flames right then and there. “You should get some sleep, sergeant’s orders.” 
Maybe on another day you would have argued a little with him, but the excitement of the day and the adrenaline rush from the mission had long since worn off, and you were really tired.
As you drifted off to dreamland, you couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of his lips on your skin.
- the end -
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mossymandibles · 2 months
What's gender affirming care like on hallowed carrion?
Good question, it can be a little wild west out there, even just with regular hospice/holistic care, depending on where you’re at and which species or community you belong to. I’d say on Mors Astra (name of the planet), sexuality and gender expression can be as eclectic and varied as most animals/humans irl….Um, I guess I’m going to info dump about my individual trans characters and their experiences as well as how some of the main species would view it over all and hope that it answers your question. I’ll also be creating other sophont species that could have different views on things so there’s that too.
Also content warning ahead for forms of transphobia and gender dysmorphia topics.
For the Myce I’d say for the most part getting something like a cosmetic change is no biggie to them, as they don’t tend to have strict guidelines for gender expression. It probably wouldn’t go as in depth as it does with mammalians, surgically and medication wise. Their nerves and vessels grow back easier and such. Even their genitalia is strictly geared towards pleasure, like a miniature sexual mycorrhizal network of nerve endings. There’s no sperm or eggs involved. Their genitals may go by human guild lines in terms of appearance, but they can get pretty wild looking. I haven’t quite thought it through entirely just yet but I guess they might have their own form of T and E, if they cosmetically wanted breasts or a more phallic attachment, etc. I feel like they’d go more along the route of genetic expression rather than hormones though. There isn’t really a huge societal rift between who expresses themselves as feminine, masculine, etc. (although there could always be some strange cults and eccentrics out there!) I’d say to them it’s more important that you look conventionally humanoid. If you’re a bloom face (like Heidi), or have a tail/ horns or look more ‘animalistic’ and ‘othered’ for that matter, you’re more likely to face some stigma in certain regions populated by Myce. This derives from early on when the Myce were first coming into being. They were called changelings, ‘faefolk’, fairies, etc, and caused a lot of widespread fear and misconceptions. They associate such terms with being considered monstrous, diseased, etc.
They don’t reproduce like mammals, as they technically aren’t mammals, so luckily for them natal affairs and giving birth aren’t tied to any specific gender and are entirely up to the individuals who want to go that route.
*takes another deep breath*
In the case of Vveashuls, I think they’re a little more ‘traditional’ so to speak. (Tbh I think I’ve ended up expressing some deep seated frustrations with what I’m surrounded by everyday in them, oops! No fault of the Vveashuls ofc.)
With Vveashuls, many pockets of them tend to put a lot of value in procreation, having several kids, being able to breastfeed them on your own, etc. One should always put the family first.
In the past, while they lived on Zenith as one species, having litters and as many healthy kits as possible meant their survival. Often times their young would be culled by the Furies in order to keep their numbers down and keep them under control. Mind, not ALL Furies kept Vveashuls in servitude, just certain rooks.
Where they’re out from under the Furies control now, they hold pride in keeping big families, staying together, the next generation raised by the previous, etc.. A lone Vveashul is seen as strange, or that something is wrong with them. In the modern day, this creates a lot of pressures.
In Jago’s case, he grew up in a town of very traditional views; the idea of a Vveashul that can get pregnant getting rid of their breasts or their ability to give birth/ taking hormones was unheard of or seen as a selfish act of self mutilation. Males transitioning to females were seen as ‘useless’ or strange pretenders. Even just starting out, his family was very small, just him and his father.
Jago didn’t even really know what felt ‘off’ about himself until he met Kraw, Titus, Mayv and her crew. Puberty only made it more painfully obvious. Once he was old enough and sure of himself (this was after he and Kraw had parted ways the first time) It was very difficult for him to get any kind of treatment for such things geared towards his kind, even in Ladder occupied cities. He had to go under the table for most of his surgeries and medications, which put him in many dangerous situations. With his primary breasts still intact, he still feels like he’s not where he wants to be. The fact that the last surgeon to remove his secondary ones left him with obvious scars is frustrating as well. The whole process had just exhausted him overall. So he focused more on work.
On top of taking hormones, he would often have to take suppressors (yeah, those.) otherwise he’d go into heat and get all swollen and sensitive (it’s also fairly normal for female Vveashuls to take suppressors lest they deal with going into heat in day to day life, which can be very inconvenient in the modern day.)
He absolutely hates how he gets without the suppressors, as it only adds to his dysmorphia.
He’d occasionally have to deal with his old work mates making fun of him about it. They referred to him as a male, sure, but he still felt like they saw him as playing pretend. They would make comments like “oohh you’re grumpy today, are you off your meds?” Where they were mostly Myce, they didn’t deal with the average hang ups of mammalian sophonts and usually found it strange or funny.
Jago wants to be completely severed from the idea of having and mothering kids, the expectations of female Vveashuls, etc. I’d go as far as to say he’s had legitimate tokophobia his entire life. But he’s feels somewhat apprehensive of further surgeries for the time being, at least until he finds someone trustworthy and experienced. Who knows! He might find one in Marrowtide.
*deep breath*
THANKFULLY, where he lives now with Kraw and the others in Marrowtide, he’s in a MUCH more accepting/progressive environment, so I’d say that definitely helps him with the dysmorphia and anxieties of how his body looks. Despite being intimidated by Sylvaine, he gladly take his hormones and suppressors from her, where she also supplies them for Kraw in order to temporarily stave off his occasional ‘rut’ aggression (they’re almost like a birth control). Even other Vveashuls in Marrowtide wouldn’t care that Jago’s gotten surgery. Most of them probably escaped to Marrowtide in order to get away from stifling environments as well.
Disclaimer ofc: I don’t see having kids/ a big family etc as inherently stifling or negative by any means, I’m only referring to harmful beliefs and pressures that may come from growing up in a family with very controlling traditional viewpoints.
In Durja’s case, pockets of Fury cultures vary from rook to rook (‘rook’ being similar to a clan). Most are matriarchal. Durja herself was a sentry and the occasional personal concubine for the ‘Crowned Matron’ at the time (matriarchal leader of the rook). They don’t really perceive being trans, only caring that you are strong and tactical. Though, I’d say if you were looking to transition to female it would be very dangerous, as most of the females would take that as a challenge. In that same way a female transitioning to a male might be seen as weak. Within the Furies species, most of the time the females are bigger, stronger and tend to be more aggressive, even possessing pseudo-penises. They’re also polygamous.
I’d say she’s gotten most of her ideas of what she wants for herself by having watched Sylvaine in relationships for a while, thus deciding she wanted to be loved romantically in such a manner rather than the usual domineering way she had been used to. Taking in the strengths she’d see among the female Furies and she’s got her own image she’s made for how she presents herself.
She hasn’t personally dealt with any type of body dysmorphia and wasn’t interested in taking hormones from Sylvaine despite her offering, deciding she was fine with herself. (In fact, having a noticeable bulge as a female would be seen as desirable among Furies and Sylvaine definitely doesn’t complain).
Anyway, I hope that gives some insight for how it may be in some regions of Mors Astra. I think I just like to imagine animal hierarchies applied to creatures with human intelligence is all idk lol.
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