#i'll make a proper post about my trailer thoughts tomorrow
riverstardis Β· 2 years
warning: long ass rant ahead
It doesn't help that I'm still disappointed with Saturday's ep but something about the lack of Ethan in that trailer seems to have set something off in me because now I'm mad about how dirty they've done him, not just recently, but over his whole time on the show. Because--and it seems weird to say now because since Cal's death he's become one of those characters that gets a lot of storylines (with the exception of s33 where he seemed to disappear off the face of the planet for a bit ofc)--before Cal died he hardly ever got any time to shine. Cal always got the focus and had storylines of his own whereas Ethan never had a proper storyline of his own, even the Huntington's storyline was mostly focused on Cal until the very end. It's kinda funny because it's canon that Ethan always felt in Cal's shadow but that doesn't mean they had to recreate that in real life!!
I remember in the fandom, among Ethan fans specifically (duh), when we found Cal was going to die we were of course sad about that but we were also hopeful that it would finally give Ethan his time to shine, and while yes it did do that, it didn't last very long because they soon started writing him completely out of character!!!
And then of course that lasted for years until somehow they managed to get his character back on track (obviously he's still very different to what he used to be like but I do think that what he's like now is realistic character development from what he used to be like given everything he's been through, unlike whatever the fuck happened in the middle there). But by the time they'd sorted that out, the quality of the show in general just wasn't as good. It has started to get better and it looks to be on the right track but now Ethan's leaving and by the looks of the trailer he's not going to have any focus until his exit storyline which seems like it might be around Christmas (so autumn or winter trailer maybe if they do them)?
I don't think I would be as mad if I thought that it was George Rainsford's choice to leave but I really don't believe it was.
And all this means that Ethan hardly has any rewatchable storylines, because the majority of storylines he's had that have actually been about him have been while they were butchering his character or while the show was suffering from covid restrictions. His stuff from s36 has been good but super depressing, and other than that he hasn't had a single storyline I would ever enjoy rewatching since s31, and if his next storyline's his exit, that's never going to change. (So basically yeah he's leaving in s37 but really he's been lost since s31.
I'm assuming his exit is going to be HD related but even then you'd have thought they would want to do as much as they could possibly do with it up to then while they still could but apparently not (I'm just going off the trailer here ofc there could be stuff not shown in the trailer). Like, so much for raising awareness, they've only brought attention to one (1) symptom. They could easily explore the cognitive and psychiatric symptoms while he's still able to work. Or they could give him a storyline that's not tragic and depressing for once in his damn life idk.
Anyways basically I'm sad Ethan's leaving, I'm mad at Casualty for not doing him justice, and I'm annoyed that despite the fact that he's been on the show for almost 9 years, it might as well have only been 4 years and even during those 4 years he was constantly overshadowed.
PS Classic Casualty is on s28 now which not only makes me feel very old, but it also means they should be reaching Ethan's first episode in a couple of weeks if anyone's interested.
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Impatient anon again πŸ‘‹πŸ»
I'm always excited to see you posting asks it helps me to ease my mind and do a reality check. Since the release of "Seven" I felt kinda guilty and isolated for my reaction to it (mostly because of lyrics/rap part) in the ocean of adoration and praise about JK's choices in chapter 2 from everyone else. Then I stumbled across your post and it was exactly what I was feeling/thinking at that time. I instantly felt "I'm not the only one!!" I'm not crazy!!" So thank you for that 😊
And I like to listen to your thoughts because I personally don't see it as pessimistic or dramatic, just raw. You don't sugarcoat things and I'm all in for that. To me it sounds quite rational even if it come across as rude or harsh to others. I guess I have the same style of expressing myself: emotions + explanations πŸ˜‚ I am an emotional person but I always use critical thinking and somehow tend to "roast" the people I love the most (because of emotional involvement and instant reactions).
I love and admire his personality. He is my favourite versatile singer. His voice...is truly healing. But now I can't feel the magic. I'm just an observer who is trying to trust his choices (even if it's questionable sometimes but what do I know about the industry he is working in?). I don't know what to connect to anymore (his lack of artistry/creativity) and that what makes me sad the most. No excitement, more like anxiety for the new releases πŸ˜‚ I just miss my man talking to bugs and fish and kissing his dog endlessly on his cozy lives ❀️‍πŸ”₯ But he chose to release p*rn songs (ah, sorry, matuuuure and honest) and be more "sharp and powerful". Ok πŸ™ƒ (btw I'm not against it just wanted him to write the lyrics himself, make it sensual and kill the whole fandom with it. Imo he could make it tastier not that provocative/edgy/american~ish to show his "mature" side). Or maybe it's just me.
I absolutely adore his softness (it's rare in men and I don't necessarily think that's all he has as for his character), I just wish he could accept this side of him without trying to look a particular way in the eyes of the public. But realistically thinking with his position in life this must be the hardest thing for him to do. Not to overthink. Can't even imagine the pressure and craziness of his life. I want an excursion to his brain to finally understand him without drowning in my own assumptions about him (or others). He is always saying something without further proper explanation in the interviews and...I just can't with him πŸ˜…
And what's for the teaser...I liked the quality (great director), the vibe and even the song. Sounds better than seven judging by the tiny snippet but the lyrics... I'm expecting the worst 😁 Something is telling me it won't pass the misogyny examination of Namjoon's female professor he is always consulting with on this topic. Let's see what will happen tomorrow πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
*sorry for any mistakes and over explaining, English is not my native language (but I tried πŸ˜…).
Hi impatient anon! Thank you so much for the warm reassurances!!! I'm very happy you can relate to me. I can relate to you as well. I post stuff not only to get if off my chest and process my feelings, but also in hopes that anons like you will reach out and I can feel understood! I understand the way your mind works and the over explaining part haha. I'm the same. I have reservations about Jungkook's songs, and dread them more than anticipate them as well, which kinda sucks haha. I think we're going to get generic lyrics, overtly sexual on Jack Harlow's side, subtle on Jungkook's, with Jungkook walking around holding a bat (he's so baby face, how is he supposed to look tough? and that's such a clichΓ© anyway), and the trailer seemed nice, but who knows what will come of the MV! Fingers crossed though!
Thanks for the ask! I'll see you on the other side! Make sure to over explain your thoughts on the MV later! My ask box is always open!!
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I thought the trans request was so cute πŸ’— I'm just wondering if it's possible to do a MTF ver with Trevor,,, it's okay if you don't want to ! I'm really enjoying your writing so far !
A/N: YES OF COURSE! I'll write them out tonight and I'll post them tomorrow morning for you!! <3 ALSO, there is mentions of the very first mission that happened back in North Yankton which has been altered for the PLATONIC headcanons
Okay so it's quite clear that Trevor doesn't really label himself and just follows his feelings
As long as their heart is in the right place and they make him happy, he would fall head over heals
And that's exactly what happened with you
You guys met through Michael when he vouched for you on a heist
When you first met Trevor, you would admit
You were terrified
This is Trevor Philips we're talking about
But he seemed almost flirtatious when you were having one-on-ones
That only made you more nervous around him since he is majorly pretty a little attractive
Throughout the planning of the score and the actual heist, Trevor went out of his way to try and be around you more often
Being around you was juxtaposing to his so-called job and he loved it
He needed a break from time to time and you were the perfect way he could have those needed breaks
After the score was completed, you guys stayed in touch and went out regularly
After about 4 months, Trevor FINALLY had the balls to ask you out on a proper date
Not before whining to Michael about how much he liked you
So you were both walking hand in hand around the Alamo sea
Not the most romantic thing but still
Trevor had the best intentions
It was at this point that you wanted to tell him something that's been weighing on your mind
"Hey Trevor... can I talk to you?"
"Of course pretty boy, what's going on?"
"Um... I'm transgender..."
Trevor was slightly surprised hearing this
"Oh? Well I'm here to support you because I love you"
Trevor would be an absolute sweetheart about it
"Is there a name you'd rather go by?"
"Okay then, sugar"
Expect little uplifting comments from him
Because he wants you to know that he'll always love you, no matter what
He'd probably let Ron and Wade know (only with your consent) to avoid you getting uncomfortable
"There's my favourite girl!"
So you and Trevor met back in North Yankton
Under very awkward and tense circumstances
Let's just say that you were taken hostage from the bank by Trevor and forced to help him escape
While waiting for the heat to die down, you guys were both staying in some extremely cheap and rundown motel
From then on out, you and Trevor spent most of your waking moments together getting to know one another to cure your bordem
Since Trevor believed that Michael was dead, he slowly labelled you as his new best friend
10 years down the line, the pair of you are both living in Sandy Shores in trailers a couple rows down from each other
This meant that you could easily go to each others places and hang out whenever you felt like it
Since Trevor was your best friend, you could trust him with pretty much everything
Well, he'd hope that you'd go to him about anything
Your biggest secret had been weighing down on your mind for months
And you finally built up the courage to tell him that you were transgender
It was around 2A.M. and you guys had just finished playing a game of monopoly
(It ended with Trevor flipping the board over from rage)
Now you two were beginning to have a deep conversation about life and past trauma when you decided to tell him
"Hey T, can I tell you something?"
"Sure D/N, what's going on?"
"Um, well... I'm transgender..."
Literally plays it off so chill
He cares so much about you and this doesn't change a thing
"What name would you rather go by now?"
"Nice... although I think Trisha would've been a better name to choose"
"I'm not naming myself after you"
He'd beat the living shit out of anyone who misgenders you since you're his best friend
Goes out of his way to protect you (Not like he didn't before but he's more skeptical of people)
You're like his little sister now and he loves it <3
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omegas-spaghettios Β· 2 years
I'm not lying to you: major spoilers!
I loved this film. I'm going again tomorrow but I just need to talk about it. I'll make future posts about themes and shit but for now I wanna talk about characters.
Happy/Flash/Betty/Old Supporting Cast: They were good, not really new on anything, but i really liked them before anyway! Just, these characters and the teachers and such, they aren't the main takeaways and I don't wanna spend much time with them tbh.
Mysterio: I'm glad he wasn't still alive or pulled from other universes, as people theorized. He is better dead, it works with the themes of the trilogy about murder and death to have him be dead. He was fantastic in FFH, I'm glad we didn't use him too much and left room for this movie's rather huge cast.
JJJ: Only character I have more negative than positives about. I know he isn't the same as Raimi's, but he had so little presence and it was sad to me? In the ending when they showed him talking about Spider-Man's identity, I kinda got shocked cause wow, he really was in the movie and I forgot. Simmons' JJJ has been the best comedic character out of ANY Spider-Man film and it made me kinda sad to realize his return left so little impact.
MJ: Not a whole lot to say, she was really cool and really supportive, it was heartbreaking to see her forget Peter. She is very solid and enjoyable, just not any intricate thoughts, what can I tell you, she was awesome and that's all I need to say.
May: I called her death with my friends, just wanted to add that. But she really got her dues here, the previous movies pretty much reduced her to hot aunt and I'm so happy she took a much more central role. She pushed Peter to be better than he was, to really own up to his power by taking responsibility, and I'm so happy for it. Her death was heartbreaking, but my goodness, she was better here than in any of her other MCU appearances.
I also love how, even right before she died, she demanded that Peter saved her killer. THAT'S the Parker way, just, UGH.
Ned: I liked that he showed a knack for wizardry and, while not the biggest loss by the end of the movie, it makes me sad that the climax ensured he wouldn't be able to pursue his talents, you know? A layer of tragedy to an already tragic ending, but it made him very happy. I'm glad that in his final days with Spider-Man (for now), he finally got to stop living the superhero life through Peter and got a bit for himself.
Eddie/Matt: Very faithful proper introductions into the MCU. I know this Matt technically isn't the Netflix one but I still was FLOORED when he appeared. Catching the brick, the glasses, it was him. Eddie was a mess, confused, looked like shit, they truly knew what we loved about him. Very faithful cameos that enhanced the overall multiverse feel without being overpowering. Also, the Symbiote tease is incredible. Peter has a huge darkness in him now, the Symbiote can really prey on that. I'm excited yet fearful for their futures together.
Wong: Wong got his due and it made me so happy. He deserves to be Sorcerer Supreme and I'm very happy that he is, at least for now. I also like that the trailer was misleading and that Wong in the movie was more sympathetic. He knew how dangerous it was to make the spell work, but he didn't condemn it like in the trailer, and it added a great deal of empathy for him as he acknowledged that yes, it's dangerous, but this kid is suffering and he has done so much, they can try and give some back.
Strange: This is not a Sinister Six film by any means, but Strange does make six antagonists, and he certainly is an antagonist. He is in character, this is him. He's a bit meaner than the Avengers appearances yeah (but look at how different Steve is from TFA to The Avengers, crossovers stretch characters), but he is not ooc. With full knowledge, he let Tony die for a greater good, I totally buy that he would not care for these 5 villains lives. And I think his arrogance and bite does come from being demoted, that probably wounded his pride. He was harsh, but in the end he said "those who love and care for you, we won't remember you". He said "we". He cares for Peter, despite his, uh, more extreme reactions.
Lizard: Got a design upgrade, a slight one, but he did. He looked more reptilian and less live action Goomba, his voice wasn't as deep, and overall I was satisfied with the few moments he got. I have a real soft spot for Curt Conners in TASM 1, and while I knew he wouldn't get as much attention, what they did do felt faithful and loving all the same, and I was happy.
Sandman: His redesign was interesting, it helped him stand out. His constant sandy form did help keep the scenes from being "a bunch of guys in weird clothes standing next to a guy with octopus arms", it kept the scenes of them all together feeling more otherworldly. I also love that he worked with Peter on the spot, very faithful to his redemption. Idk why he went villain again and I'll look for it tomorrow, but yeah. Also sidenote, I'm glad that the lines about "them all dying to Spider-Man" was cut, it was inaccurate for 2 of the 5 villains and I'm glad it got a bit more nuance than they all died.
Electro: He was certainly much better than he was in TASM 2. I'm really glad that they brought Jaimi back and let him play a version of the character he liked more, it shows respect for the old movies BY changing them. They honor what the actor wanted and I think that shows so much more love for Spider-Man and the team behind the Amazing films, they allow them to improve on things they didn't like rather than stick strictly to the past. I loved his presence, he felt like a cougar ready to pounce at any moment.
Doc Ock: He was reduced to laughing stock a lot but I think it fits. Otto is an incredibly prideful man, so him being so thoroughly disarmed by a 17 year old boy (and laughed at by him and his friends) would certainly make him indignant. Either way, he has many stand out scenes. His introduction was incredibly tense, particularly when he started pulling the helicopter into Peter, trying to shred him. Alfred Molina was so damn good when Otto was cured. You could see the disbelief, the shock, then suddenly the relief and joy, it was incredibly beautiful. I also am very glad he got to build a relationship with Norman, something they didn't get to in their own trilogy. His rescue of Peter 2 and 3 as well as his discussion with Peter 2 was incredible as well. Overall a very faithful adaptation.
Norman/Goblin: Tied for my favorite character, he was just raw. Willem Dafoe is the most stand out performance, he was incredible in this film. Also fun fact, Willem only came back on the condition that he did all of his own stunts. This 66 year old man was doing the stunts of the main villain of one of the biggest superhero films of all time, just, wow. Norman was so kindly and I felt for him, his fear, his confusion. The way he nearly cried when he mentioned that his son no longer existed, I just, it hurt. I know he showed more kindness and love in this than in Spider-Man 1, but you really appreciate what you have once it's gone, and that makes you appreciate what you do have. His relationship with May was also adorable.
Well, until it wasn't.
Goblin is mortifying, easily a top 3 MCU villain and a STRONG contender for the best, idk I haven't thought too hard about it. He brought something out of Peter that we haven't seen. Even before he killed May, Goblin made Peter fight so much more brutally, their fight in the apartment complex is chilling. Goblin cackling as Peter beat him down was so damn terrifying. I also loved how Willem portrayed Norman/Goblin leading up to Goblin taking control. Every mention of Goblin made Norman seem a bit more off, especially on my second watch it created such Dread, seeing Goblin come slowly, piece by piece.
I'll save most of the discussion of his fight with Peter on the Shield in Peter's section, but Goblin did that. Goblin brought our Peter, the MCU hero most against killing, to absolute blood lust, and that alone makes him a monster.
Peter 3/Andrew: The second character tied for my favorite (one of three). Andrew legitametly was so good in this. I am astounded that he was honestly more cool to see show up than Tobey, his introduction was so much better.
Let's take a sidenote real quick: I don't like TASM 2. I loved Andrew in the first one. He didn't quite know how to explain his genius, he lacked some tact with time, he had anger issues, but he did everything he could in the end to do right by his uncle and the world. His Spider-Man was initially so mean and aggressive but you can see it mellow out as he comes to better terms with Ben's death. He was incredible and definetly not too cool. Yeah, he was hot and skateboards, but he was so bad at interacting with his classmates that I can see why he was bullied, but he was so smart and kind that I can see why he grabbed Gwen's eye. TASM 2 ruined that. There are multiple instances in fights where he fucks around needlessly and people die. In the opening fight with Rhino, he gets on the truck and messes around for half a minute before jumping off to help people. If he had just stopped Rhino instead of goofing off less people would have died, as right after he jumped off Rhino plowed through an intersection, undoubtedly killing the occupants of the cars he hits. I also hate how he refused to help Harry because of potential consequence, Peter saves everyone he can, even his villains. Speaking of, he straight up murdered Electro and no one cared. He also just stalks Gwen? Gwen's death was very well done, but I can't stand Peter in that movie otherwise. I don't mind Peter being in the wrong, but the movie never makes any attempt to paint these things as wrong or mistakes, and that is what really irks me.
In NWH they refine both interpretations very well. He is clunky and weird and anxious, even more so than the other two, but he's so endearing and you can tell that he has more confidence despite not quite nailing interaction with other people yet. He has the failings of TASM 2, but this time they are shown as wrong. He mentions not pulling his punches anymore. Now, that doesn't exclusively mean killing, but if a guy who can throw cars is going all out on a regular crook, well, 1 + 1 = 2. But it works for this movie! His guilt, his regret, he hates what he has become. He wants to stop Tom's Peter from becoming what he did, and he is reminded of what Spider-Man is himself.
I also love him catching MJ. I don't view it as a redemption, really, it isn't. Gwen is still dead, the people he killed are still dead. But it shows that he's back on the horse. He learned and he is genuinely trying to save someone he views to be his younger brother and his loved ones. It was a catch of love for his younger brother, not of redemption for himself. And the way he cries, it's painful to remember, but he's guarding his brother's loved ones. I just, I love Andrew in this film so much. He also saves Electro in this film and shows a genuine want to be his friend, his true friend, which again, shows his growth from the dark path he went down.
Peter 2/Tobey: He was really cool to see! He had mad Youth Pastor vibes and I loved his interactions with his villains, especially how he saves Norman. I'm going to keep his section brief because God this is long, but I adored him.
Peter 1/Tom, who I will call Peter: the third favorite in the three way tie. His arc is incredible. I love how sinister his final confrontation is with Goblin, how brutal it is. It's chilling that when Tobey stopped him he didn't immediately stop pushing, he kept going for a bit, he was trying to go through Tobey, he was willing to kill him to get to Goblin, if even for a moment. But he doesn't. I have a post here if you want to hear my extended thoughts on Peter and his arc in the MCU about murder.
His final decision is strangely optimistic. He is hurt deeply that no one remembers him, but he isn't crushed. He seems almost optimistic about the future. MJ and Ned are in MIT and he is happy for them. He is in no rush to get back to where he was with them, he seems content to give it time. He also seems happy to be in his own apartment finally. He is a young man ready to keep going with life, despite all of his losses, and that is also core to Peter Parker, how he keeps going despite the hell he goes through.
I also love two of his new suits. The inside out look was just to sell toys, but the other two? Amazing. I love that the upgraded suit was really just a gold piece of armor over his FFH suit. I love that it is a symbol of what he stands for, Ock gave it to him as a gift for curing him. I also love his final swing suit. It's homemade so it looks cheaper which I love, but I also love how he designed it to look more like the other two Peters' suits.
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