#i'll make that post at some point since i need to look at apple's store
Reminder To Turn Off Tumblr Live
i understand that snoozing this shit feature does nothing for mobile users now and i know that the limit changed to 30 days. after this post i'm queuing these for the 1st every month at 10am est and will also add instructions and the links that's in the pin post.
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pockyteau · 2 years
✩ chishiya x reader where home is where the heart is, but also where apples are too
✩ a/n - finally using tumblr so i thought i'd post some of my oneshots here!
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You and Chishiya have shared an apartment for a little over a month now, the unit itself cosy and convenient for the both of you to commute to your respective destinations. The two of you have fallen into a comfortable routine since, alternating between household chores each week for fairness' sake. 
These chores, aside from the actual purchasing of groceries, include the task of either you or Chishiya writing up a grocery list of the items your pantry is missing - and this week, the task has fallen upon you. 
The two of you now stand by the grocery store's fruit stall, while Chishiya glances over your shoulder to see the notepaper you had scribbled a list out onto the night before. You hear the teasing hum reverberate in his throat before he speaks. 
"I see we need apples." 
"Shut up," you grumble. When Chishiya begins to laugh, you jab his shoulder in protest. "At least apples are good for you. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, you know."
"Oh, so you want me to stay away?" Chishiya smirks, easing the grocery list out of your hands. He scans over the rest of the items scribbled onto the notepaper, his smirk growing wider as he reads the word 'apples' written three times over at various stages of the grocery list. To be honest, you can barely recall writing the thing - you had been dozing off writing your final papers, and in a state of lucidity had recalled your empty fridge. 
And apparently, your lack of apples. 
Chishiya shrugs and begins to place a week's worth of apples into your cart, chuckling when you lightly shove him and tell him that he couldn't possibly stay away for that many apples-worth. You sigh and begin returning the fruit to the stand; your blonde 'doctor' simply tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, reminding you to sleep earlier tonight as he reaches for a pear. You can't help but smile at the indifference in his tone, for the way his touch lingers against the side of your cheek tells you just the opposite. It doesn't bother you that Chishiya's affection for you is quiet - you had come to find comfort in the small pieces of his heart, hidden between warm gazes and the gentle reminders to take care of yourself.
He starts to help you put the apples back, taking the fruit cupped in your hands from you and placing it carefully on top of the apple pile. As he does this he muses that yes, he wouldn't be able to stay away that long; no doubt you would eventually appear in his hospital, wasting away from sleep deprivation and malnutrition, and quite frankly he didn't need another patient on his hands.   
"I take back what I said earlier. Stay away as long as you'd like," you declare, and he snorts when you begin to scoop the apples back into your cart.
Chishiya is there when you are up late again, squinting at your computer screen as your curtains begin to soak up moonlight. 
"It's late," he says. He leans around the doorway to your room, one hand on the doorframe. He looks tired, clearly weary from his shift at the hospital. You feel a stab of guilt for making him have to remind you to sleep instead of resting himself, and resolve to make it up to him somehow tomorrow. 
"I'll finish up in an hour or so," you promise. He eyes you skeptically. He knows this is a lie - you will most likely be up until the sun rises. Many a time you have found blankets draped over your shoulders, your computer shut with a note reminding you to eat a proper breakfast pasted over it. Chishiya pretends he doesn't know what you're talking about when asked about it, but you know for sure that the notepaper is from the campus notebook he keeps on the coffee table.
You smile, hoping to reassure him. "Go get some rest, Shuntaro. You must be tired." 
"That would make two of us," he points out dryly, but disappears from your doorway nevertheless. You hear his footsteps softly moving about the apartment as you return to your papers, suppressing a yawn. You wonder if it's too late for caffeine, briefly recalling the new coffee machine you'd bought on a whim. It had taken a while to convince Chishiya, who is anti-coffee, that the purchase had been a good one. 
"You can make matcha tea with it too," you'd pointed out, and his complaints turned to curiosity when you'd presented him with the machine catalogue.   
The blonde returns a few moments later, waving away your protests as he places a round apple on your desk. 
"Here," he says, looking at you pointedly as he pushes the apple forward with his index finger. "Since I know you're not going to sleep anyway, you may as well eat."
You blink at him, bemused, but he offers no further explanation besides a raised brow and a smug: "It's too late to drink coffee."
You swat at him, his lips curling into a wider smirk. As always, he is able to predict your thought process down to a T. "You're despicable," you laugh, but you press a kiss to his cheek before he leaves your room, thanking him in a whisper (which he dismisses, saying the proper way to thank him would be to not die). 
His footsteps eventually recede, and you are now left with the apple. 
You pick up the apple and turn it over in your hands, watching the way the soft light of your lamp shifts across its red skin. It's a sweet gesture, unusual for someone with Chishiya's nature. A smile finds its way to your lips as you recall what you'd said to Chishiya at the fruit stall, insisting he stay away from you as you'd piled apples into your cart. 
You suppose he really won't stay away, then.
Apples begin to appear all over your apartment.
You find the little red fruit waiting on the breakfast table after Chishiya has left for the hospital on the day of yet another final exam, or sitting on your nightstand when you are up late again. The apples, crisp and sweet, earn themselves a special place in your heart; the fruit becomes almost precious to you, a wordless but sweet means for Chishiya to reach out to you in his own way. They make your apartment feel like a real home.
So you happily accept the increase in apples around your shared apartment, occasionally teasing Chishiya about his sudden love for the red fruit. Chishiya pretends he's paving his way to a discount on apples; you suppose the owner of the fruit stall is getting used to the two of you too, by the way he greets you and Chishiya as you enter the store. Instead of calling his bluff you kiss the blonde gently on his cheek, the warm fondness for him in your heart almost overwhelming. 
While Chishiya brings home an abundance of apples, you begin to return the gesture in a different way. You start frequenting the bakery across from your apartment complex, the air in the store as warm and sugary as the employee who works the register (who, by now, also knows you by name). You pick out desserts and pastries baked with apple to give to Chishiya, playing to the blonde's secret sweet tooth; golden chiffon cakes topped with apple slices, apple danishes sticky with honey. You felt that this exchange, with your sugary twists of golden pastry and fruit and Chishiya's plain apples, seemed to suit the two of you perfectly. Plus, it was a great way to trick Chishiya into developing a liking for the same desserts you did - you wouldn't mind an increase in apple tarts around the apartment, either.
"If I have to eat all these apples, you do too." You would insist, pressing a paper bakery bag into his hands, then grin when he sighs and reluctantly takes the pastry from you.
And aside from the fruit stalls and bakeries, you couldn't forget the grocery list, either - the square of paper was now always headed, without fail, with the word 'apple' written three times over in Chishiya's terrible doctor's scrawl. 
"Shuntaro, it's super late." 
Chishiya pushes hair back from his forehead, dark rings visible for once beneath his eyes. It surprises you to see the blonde look so tired, when he's normally so composed. You recall the night shifts he's been taking the past few days at the hospital, wondering exactly how much sleep he's had this week. "Maybe you should to go to bed."
"I should be telling you the same thing," he says. His voice is slightly rough from fatigue, although his words still manage to mantain an amused quality. He is disinterested in your concern; even though the two of you have been living together for some time now, you know that in some ways, Chishiya is still used to being alone.
"I'm not sleeping until you do," you say adamantly. The blonde sighs and turns to you wearily, his computer screen flickering before him and an array of papers spread over his desk. Medical reports, you presume, although you admittedly know shocking little about Chishiya's occupation. 
"It's going to be a while." He sifts through the documents with one hand, raising the other to pinch the bridge of his nose. "You shouldn't have stayed up as long as you already have. There's no point in compromising both of our sleep."
You fall silent, pressing your lips together. Chishiya turns back at you knowingly through half-lidded eyes, head tilted despite his weariness. Choosing to disregard his words, you step carefully into his room and gently kiss his forehead, resting your hands on his shoulders. "I'm not sleeping, Shuntaro," you repeat, slightly softer than the first time. "The burden of one is the burden of all, right?" 
Chishiya snorts, automatically leaning back into your touch. "That's ridiculous." 
"It's righteous, that's what it is." You grin. "Look, I'm going to make some hot chocolate. Do you want some?" 
He shakes his head, but you make up your mind to prepare two cups anyway, pattering into the kitchen to find the blue and white ceramic mugs you had bought when you'd moved in. All the mugs you'd brought from home were terribly chipped, but while you'd protested that it gave them character, Chishiya had silently added 'new mugs' to the shopping list. 
The steam from the drinks create soft clouds in the air, the warmth settling over your hands as you take both mugs by the handles. You briefly note to yourself to add cinnamon to the shopping list, having not found any in the pantry to add to the hot chocolate. 
On your way out of the kitchen, your gaze lands on the fruit bowl.  
Chishiya doesn't look up as you slide the white mug onto his desk, careful to avoid the various documents scattered over it. The other mug, the faded blue, remains in your hand as you place a shiny red apple beside the blonde's computer. Chishiya blinks, finally glancing curiously over from his computer screen.
"I know you're not supposed to eat before sleeping," you gesture to the apple with your free hand, "but just in case, okay?"
Chishiya raises his brows and you see his tense expression ease slightly, amusement evident in the smirk that plays across his lips. He closes his eyes for a moment, before reaching for the mug of hot chocolate. 
"Aren't you thoughtful," he hums, leaning back in his chair to take a sip. His eyes drift to the apple, and he taps the fruit with his other hand teasingly. "Well. While I am a stickler for rules about apples at night, I think I can make an allowance just this once." 
You laugh, lifting your own mug of hot chocolate to your lips. "Shut it. I'm never bringing you apples again."
He chuckles, taking another sip of his hot chocolate. "I'm devastated. Traitorous, that's what you are." He then pauses, tilting his mug thoughtfully. "Shall I add cinnamon to the grocery list?"
"Mhm. I think we might need more cocoa powder too."
You wake up the next morning to the sound of the apartment door opening and closing, followed by the quiet click of the lock. You find you are swaddled in a warm blanket, your two mugs of hot chocolate lined up neatly on Chishiya's desk. His chair is empty and last night's mess of documents is gone. You yawn, remnants of sleep still blurring your vision. Where is he, anyway? You recall the shuffling downstairs - ah, right - and realise the door just now must have been him leaving for the hospital. 
You sleepily make your way downstairs, collecting the mugs and placing them carefully into the sink. Your coffee machine calls out to you enticingly; you search for another mug to make your morning beverage, blearily taking the milk from the fridge after locating a glass and setting both items onto the counter.
But then you register, with surprise, the little red fruit positioned right beside your coffee machine.  
Something folded and crinkling sits beneath it, a hint of grey letters peering through the paper. You utter a soft laugh as you slide the piece of campus notepaper from under the apple, taking in Chishiya's penciled note.
Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach, it reads. It's bad for you. 
You fold the note back up, tucking it into the space between the counter and your coffee machine. There's no harm in doing what he says for once, you suppose. 
The apple glints in the morning sunlight before you pick it up and take a bite, munching thoughtfully on it as you make a note to visit the bakery in the afternoon. The last time you'd been there they'd advertised apple crumble, and you'd been hoping to buy some for you and Chishiya to share.    
The apples mean you're not staying away, either. 
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let's code a snake game
are you new to coding and wanna learn how to code a very simple browser game? this is about the simplest game i can think of. hopefully this will leave you feeling like making browser games is something you can take on. in this post i won't worry about beautiful graphics, sound, or carefully organizing your code. that can come later. let's just get something working, and we can be proud of that.
i'll assume you know basic html and basic javascript. if you want further explanation, let me know!
you can find all the code and try it out yourself here: https://codepen.io/arbitrary-fascinations/pen/mdGVrZj
first, let's make the html. create a file called snake.html and copy the html from the codepen. (it was previously listed here, but the rich text editor doesn't play nice with html listings)
our code will use the canvas element to render the game, and the output element to display the current score.
now for the javascript. let's do this one small step at a time.
first, let's make sure we can track the score:
let score const output = document.querySelector('output') function setScore(newScore) { score = newScore output.value = `score: ${score}` }
excellent. now, let's think about the game itself. we have a grid, on which a snake can move around and eat apples. the apples and the snake's body align to the grid. let's define the grid:
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas') const gridPixels = parseInt(canvas.dataset.grid) const gridWidth = canvas.width / gridPixels const gridHeight = canvas.height / gridPixels const inGrid = ({x, y}) => 0 <= x && x < gridWidth && 0 <= y && y < gridHeight
we're using canvas.width, canvas.height, and canvas.dataset.grid to define the size of the grid, so that if we want to change the size, we only have to change one place, the html file.
because of how the canvas drawing API works, it will be most straightforward to think of the top left corner of the grid as (0, 0), with x values increasing to the right, and y values increasing downwards. this takes some getting used to since usually in math class we draw graphs with y values increasing upwards. we could code around this, but for now, the goal is to keep the code as simple as possible.
the snake will be an array of x,y points, but we will initialize it in a function later on to avoid repetition.
let snake
we also have to keep track of which direction the snake's head is moving. it should be easy to create a new location for the snake's head based on the old location and a direction, so let's store the direction as the difference between the old coordinate and the new one for both x and y, or dx and dy for short.
let dx, dy
next we'll want a way to see if a given point is inside the snake. this will be useful for checking if the snake has hit itself, and also to make sure when we generate a random location for the next apple, it isn't inside the snake. we can use the Array type's some method for this.
const inSnake = ({x, y}) => snake.some(point => point.x === x && point.y === y)
making good progress! next we need to keep track of the apple, and we need a way to generate a new location for the apple once it has been eaten.
let apple
when choosing a place for the next apple, we need to keep generating new locations until we find one that is not on the snake.
const randomLessThan = max => Math.floor(Math.random() * max) const randomPoint = () => ({ x: randomLessThan(gridWidth), y: randomLessThan(gridHeight) }) function moveApple() { do { apple = randomPoint() } while (inSnake(apple)) }
now we need a way to move the snake. but when we move the snake, it might hit itself or a wall and end the game, so first we need to track whether the game is in progress:
let playing = false
to move the snake, we look at the first element of the snake, and use dx and dy to find the next head location. then we need to see if that location would hit the snake or a wall. if it does, then the game is over. otherwise, if the next head location is the same as the apple, the snake should eat the apple and grow, and the apple needs to be moved. finally, if the snake did not grow, we need to remove its last segment.
const turns = [] function moveSnake() { if (turns.length > 0) { const turn = turns.shift() dx = turn.dx dy = turn.dy } const head = { x: snake[0].x + dx, y: snake[0].y + dy } if (!inGrid(head) || inSnake(head)) { output.value(`final score: ${score}. press space to try again.`) playing = false } else { snake.unshift(head) if (head.x === apple.x && head.y === apple.y) { setScore(score + 1) moveApple() } else { snake.pop() } } }
the turns array is a queue of new directions the snake should go in, which will be added to whenever the player presses a direction key (up/down/left/right or WASD). the reason for putting these directions in an array instead of directly assigning to dx and dy is that if the player tries to turn around within one tick of the game, if we directly assign to dx and dy, the snake will simply reverse direction and hit itself, causing game over, which will be confusing and frustrating to the player. instead, when the player presses a direction key, we push a direction into the list of turns, and then we process one turn per tick of the game.
next, we get to the part that feels more like a game: rendering the game to the screen. first, we get access to the canvas api:
const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
when rendering, we want to make sure we don't see previous frames interfering with the current frame. so to start, we need to draw a background to erase the previous frame:
function drawBackground() { context.fillStyle = 'white' context.fillRect( 0, 0, gridWidth * gridPixels, gridHeight * gridPixels) }
next, we need to actually draw our snake. let's keep things simple and draw each segment as a green square.
function drawSnake() { context.fillStyle = 'green' snake.forEach(({x, y}) => context.fillRect( x * gridPixels, y * gridPixels, gridPixels, gridPixels)) }
and to finish the render, we need to draw the apple. let's draw the apple as a red circle. annoyingly, drawing a circle is a bit complicated in the canvas api. we need to create a path, add an ellipse to that path, and fill the path. the ellipse needs an x center, a y center, an x radius, a y radius, an angle describing how much of the ellipse to draw, an angle describing where to start drawing the ellipse, and an angle describing where to stop drawing the ellipse.
function drawApple() { context.fillStyle = 'red' const radius = gridPixels / 2 context.beginPath() context.ellipse( apple.x * gridPixels + radius, apple.y * gridPixels + radius, radius, radius, 2 * Math.PI, 0, 2 * Math.PI) context.fill() }
now let's call all those in one render function:
function render() { drawBackground() drawSnake() drawApple() }
we're getting close! we need a main game loop to run every tick of the game while playing (adjust the second setTimeout argument to make the game run faster or slower):
function gameLoop() { moveSnake() render() if (playing) { setTimeout(gameLoop, 300) } }
so close! we need initialization code to set up a new game when the player first starts playing and when they start over after failing.
function newGame() { const gridCenterX = Math.floor(gridWidth / 2) const gridCenterY = Math.floor(gridHeight / 2) snake = [ {x: gridCenterX, y: gridCenterY + 0}, {x: gridCenterX, y: gridCenterY + 1}, {x: gridCenterX, y: gridCenterY + 2}, {x: gridCenterX, y: gridCenterY + 3} ] dx = 0 dy = -1 moveApple() setScore(0) }
and some code to start the game running either at the beginning or after game over:
function playGame() { newGame() playing = true gameLoop() }
and finally, let's deal with player input:
window.addEventListener('keydown', e => { if (playing) { switch (e.code) { case 'KeyW': case 'ArrowUp': turns.push({dx: 0, dy: -1}) break case 'KeyA': case 'ArrowLeft': turns.push({dx: -1, dy: 0}) break case 'KeyS': case 'ArrowDown': turns.push({dx: 0, dy: 1}) break case 'KeyD': case 'ArrowRight': turns.push({dx: 1, dy: 0}) break default: break } } else if (e.code === 'Space') { playGame() } })
we are done! try it out yourself locally! you did it! now try tweaking various things and see if you can predict what will happen.
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coinofstone · 4 years
5x03 The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
Arthur went out to collect firewood while Merlin watched over the dying lady 🥺
They saved a woman from being burned at the stake for sorcery and she repays them with a super powerful magic artifact
"He's always like this at the anniversary of his coronation."
"I thought it was a cause for celebration?"
"It is, but it's also the anniversary of Uther's death."
I would like to refer everyone back to my 4x03 post where I point out that Uther was stabbed on Arthur's birthday, which is also the anniversary of his mother's death. Uther would've died a day or two later. So within the span of let's say, half a week, Arthur's got his birthday, his mother's death anniversary, his father's death anniversary, and his coronation. He needs a hug. It's gotta be the hardest week of the year for him, every year. Speaking from personal experience, I know I wouldn't be anywhere near as upright as Arthur is, for all his thousand yard staring.
It's a very nice sarcophagus but what is going on with Uther's left leg?
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No srsly wut is this
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Is it reeeeally swollen? Did he break his ankle in the fight or perhaps when he fell?
Ok I'll stop being mean
The ONE time Merlin knocks
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You think this was a sex thing? I think it might've been a sex thing.
Spirit!Uther, while traumatizing in his own right, still isn't as frightening as actual King Uther could be.
Oooof I have Things To Say™️ about this. The reason Arthur chooses to use the horn, to use magic, is because, "there isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of the thing I wish I'd said to him." But when he gets to speak to Uther, he doesn't actually get to say very much at all, because Uther immediately begins criticizing everything he's done as king. Arthur doesn't get what he sought at all, instead of an opportunity to tell his father any of the things he wished to say, he gets spoken to, harshly criticized. It's a major blow. And he says as much, when the single man tear spills over and he says "this can't be the last time I ever see you" - yes the line is foreshadowing Uther's haunting of Camelot but it's also signaling that Arthur's been traumatized; he went from having had his father mortally wounded in saving Arthur's own life, to having seen his father 3+ years into Arthur's rule as King of Camelot, and point blank being told Uther is disappointed in him. Not proud of him - actively un-proud. We don't really know what exactly Arthur wanted, if he'd hoped his father would've seen all the good his way of ruling had done and praised him, but I think it's pretty safe to assume that was on the wish list.
Be careful what you wish for indeed.
I AMUSE MYSELF. (I spent two hours figuring out how to create this please appreciate me)
Merlin's angry face when Arthur tells goin what Uther said is literally all of us.
I feel terrible for this but when Percival is leaving Gaius' chambers and he stops to look at the wall-torch, I immediately flash backed to Alice Troughton on commentary in S4 saying "Percival's a bit of a wuss isn't he?"
This is also awful but this episode kind of makes me miss the castle-centric contained episodes of S1
Never any guards around when you're being attacked by the ghost of your husband's dead dad, typical.
I understand Merlin bringing Guinevere to Gaius but putting her in Merlin's bed??????
The way Bradley and Colin both convincingly jumped when they turned around and found Gaius had snuck up right behind them kills me every time.
"Poetry". What he means to say there is, 'why didn't you just tell him we were fucking, since that would actually sound less gay'
So. Merlin took the ghost visibility potion but he can't see Utter knocking over barrels and shelves and things to trap in that store room.
Also why is there a pigeon in a windowless store room? Now I'm wondering why there aren't more birds randomly flying into the citadel, cuz they do have quite a lot of open windows... you'd think that might happen now and again.
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Ooooof I love a bamf husband coming through to deal with a shit-for-brains abusive father... ghost.
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^^actual canon scene
Was Tony shot entirely on green for this? That unearthly blue glow even in close ups where he doesn't look like he's on a green scene makes me wonder.
The 'horseplay' scene at the end was so full of sexual tension and d/s undertones that I literally do not want to say anything lest tumblr flag this post for content.
Commentary is Angel and Rupert. The two regulars who were in the least number of scenes in this ep. Since this post is already crazy long I'll keep this brief.
Aaaaand it's the first time either of them have seen this episode 😂 wow.
They've made 'horn' jokes and Rupert's gone full on tongue in cheek dad jokes.
They are also cracking jokes on Colin being all jacked up for S5 compared to previously when he was so skinny hehe... personally I ain't mad at him 😂
Fifteen minutes into the episode and Leon makes his first appearance
The little bottles and decor things in Gaius' chambers are part of a static set so they pretty much just sit there... Angel says that some of the contents have started to go moldy and they found maggots in one of them 🤢
They're talking about Gwen's new hair and while Angel is being really diplomatic, I get the impression she's as annoyed as I am by it. It literally doesn't match her own hair at all. But she also said some people saw her without the piece on and just said 'omg you cut your hair' so I guess 🤷‍♀️
The scene where Gwen is knocked out by a vase smashing her head - Angel says she was hit with the heavier bottom piece of it, which hurt more than she was expecting, and she wound up with a bump on her head from it.
Not a word about Colin picking up Angel 😢
They're talking about childhood pets and a beverage called lilt? Anyway Angel is really clever and Rupert's corny af but he's funny and I love them both.
Oh this is interesting: Rupert says he and the director talked about having Leon walking through the corridor hand in hand with the cook when he stumbles upon Merlin and Arthur's 'poetry lesson', but they weren't allowed to do that bc it would've been just a little bit too much, or a little too tongue in cheek. Which I'm taking to mean, would've accentuated the subtext of 'poetry' too much.
Angel and Rupert didn't know how they got Uther all glowy either, though Angel said it was probably lighting
Rupert says the line where Utter got caught off, what he was gonna say was "Merlin has ... been to the gym!" 😂😂😂😂😂
They really are great together doing these things
Rupert's story was the horse he had been riding all season had a foal, and nobody even knew she'd been pregnant. They just came out one morning and saw she'd given birth, and he got a call to inform him. That's kind of sweet. I wonder if he sent them some apples or something.
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foreverexo-l-carat · 6 years
Kiss || Na Jaemin
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Type: Fluff/Fake Angst
Word Count: N/A
Warning: None???
Description: After getting hurt, Jaemin ignores you for laughing at him
"How did we afford this trip exactly?" You asked the boy whose hand was tightly clasping your own.
Jaemin looked at you and smiled. "Chenle, of course," he chuckled.
Your eyes scanned the island of Hawaii you were on. "Of course. Rich boy Chenle is always trying to take us on trips."
It was just the ten of you. Somehow Yukhei had convinced Chenle to let him come and he was dragging Mark around to look at everything like a toddler in a candy store. You were surprised Mark's arm was still attached to his body.
Kun also came because he didn't trust you guys alone in the care of Yukhei and Mark. "Okay, here are our room keys," Chenle smiled, handing them out. "Noona, you're rooming with Kun-hyung. We were gonna let you room with Jaemin but Taeyong-hyung just about had an aneurysm when we told him that."
You shook your head and sighed. "Of course he did," you said. "It's not like we haven't fallen asleep together before."
Renjun nodded his head. "Which is why whether or not you end up in Jaemin's bed or vice-versa doesn't matter to us," he commented.
"Just keep it PG-13," Kun said. He didn't say it too sternly because he knew the two of you would. You were both legal adults, sure, but sex was too risky.
You all went up to your rooms. You set your suitcase down and went to look at the view. "Wow!" You exclaimed. "Oppa! Our view is amazing!"
He went over and stood next to you, looking out the window. "Hawaii really is a beautiful place."
Suddenly, there were tons of knocks at your door. You both sighed, fearing it was Yukhei. You bravely went and answered the door. Instead of Yukhei, it was Jaemin. "Let's go!" He exclaimed.
You cocked an eyebrow. "Go where?" You asked. "We just got here."
"I know but the boys want to play basketball later, so I want to spend time with you now."
He really was the sweetest. You quickly grabbed your bag and said goodbye to Kun. Jaemin interlaced your fingers as you headed out. "But, why do they want to play basketball? They can play anytime in Seoul!"
"Something about Chenle wanting to make Mark-hyung cry in a foreign country," he told you, causing you to laugh.
You guys didn't do much besides explore and get ice cream. You looked around and kept note of places you wanted to go to the next day as well as restaurants the other boys would like. Finally, just before the sun began setting, you arrived at the hotel.
"Finally!" Donghyuk exclaimed. "Chenle already made Mark cry twice!"
"No he didn't," Mark sniffled.
Jaemin laughed and shook his head. "Whatever, let's just play," he said, catching the ball as Jeno threw it to him.
You watched for a little bit. You stood up to leave when the incident happened. Jisung threw the ball to Jaemin, who wasn't paying attention, and forgot to call out his name. Before you knew it, the ball hit Jaemin in the cheek.
"Ah!" He cried out as he stumbled, tripping over his own feet and falling over.
A loud laugh escaped your lips before you could stop it, followed by a series of giggles. "Are you okay?" Mark asked, helping him up.
The apple of Jaemin's right cheek was red. "I'm fine," he said.
You went over, grabbing his arm. "Are you okay, Jaemin?" You asked.
He shrugged you off gently. "I said I'm fine and I meant it. I'm gonna go get ice."
With that, he left. Renjun sighed. "Ah, that kid is upset," he remarked.
You nodded. "I probably shouldn't have laughed," you stated. "I'll let him cool off and apologize later."
For dinner, you all decided to eat at the hotel's restaurant. You gathered there and that's when you realized Jaemin wasn't there. "No Jaemin?" Kun questioned.
Yukhei shook his head. "He said he wasn't hungry," he said. "Although, he was muttering something early about Y/N and her being rude, so I'm pretty sure he stayed in our room to pout."
You sighed. "He's just trying to prove a point and make me feel bad so I'll apologize," you told them. "I'll see the child after dinner."
You were used to Jaemin's pouty ways. You didn't let it but a damper on dinner but you couldn't help but think about his missing presence every now and then.
"Hyung," Yukhei said, grabbing Kun's attention, "maybe Y/N and Jaemin will kiss and make up and we can have a sleepover!"
Kun's eyes widened with horror. "Dear god, no," he said teasingly, causing Yukhei to pout.
After dessert, you paid and then went to your rooms. You quickly washed up and put your pajamas on before going to Jaemin and Yukhei's room. Just as you got there, Yukhei was leaving. He smiled, "See you tomorrow, Y/N."
You smiled back. "Sleep well, Oppa," you said, entering the room. It was dark besides the dim light coming from the lamp in between the two beds. "Jaemin?"
There was silence and then you called his name softly again. "Go away, I'm sleeping," he said in a pouty tone.
A soft chortle escaped your lips and you went over to his bed. You climbed on top of him, clinging to him. "Oh, well, I guess I just have to go give my love and affection to Hyuk."
He turned and looked at you. "You wouldn't dare."
"Well, I have to give my love and affection to someone since my boyfriend clearly doesn't want it," you said. "And we all know Hyuk adores love and affection."
He stared at you. "Only I can have your love and affection!" He exclaimed loudly, causing you to giggle and roll off of him. You got under the covers next to him, noticing his bruised cheek which caused sadness to fill you.
You looked at him with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry for laughing when you got hurt. I shouldn't have done that and have been so rude."
"That? Oh, well, thanks, but you don't have to apologize for that. I wasn't upset about that."
You blinked. "You weren't?" You questioned.
He shook his head. "No. It was pretty funny, after all. Especially with how Jisung forgot to call out my name," he confessed.
"Then, why have you been pouting and ignoring me?"
A whine escaped his lips. "Because you didn't kiss my cheek after I got hurt!"
Again, you blinked. "What?" You asked.
He nodded. "Yeah!" He exclaimed. "You should have rushed over to see me and kissed my cheek before laughing or kissed my cheek right after laughing but you didn't!"
You scoffed. "That's why you were upset?!" You exclaimed. He nodded. You couldn't believe it. You mumbled about how silly he was before leaning in and pecking his cheek. "There, better?"
A big grin replaced his pouty frown. "Much. But, my lips were also hit, so I think you need to kiss them too."
You rolled your eyes and giggled before pressing your lips to his. The kiss was sweet and simple. "Happy?"
He nodded. "You taste good, by the way," he said softly, pulling you closer.
A light blush appeared on your face. "I had some peach sorbet for dessert," you told him. Again, he kissed you.
"I love peaches but this tastes even better. It must be because I love how you naturally taste."
You rolled your eyes and lightly hit his chest. "Stop being so cheesy."
He smiled and kissed the top of your head, rubbing soothing circles in your back as the two of you slowly fell asleep over pillow talk.
A/N: So, I've decided that I suck at posting unless I have a schedule???? Anyway, I think I want to do a text series on here again. I know I failed, like, three times before but now I know how to actually do it successfully. So, yeah, be on the lookout for either a Mark or Jaemin text series within the next month or so 👀 Lol, don't worry, I'll keep you guys posted. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this and thank you for not leaving me 😔💕💕💕
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icybeanheadcanons · 7 years
What would generic headcanons be for the Grillby of each AU? He's usually a close second for side character that gets asked about a lot, so this will hopefully help you feel out each one 💖 (I'll probably send one in tomorrow or something about the Gasters as well ^~^ Figured this would give you a thing to work on in spare time if your inbox empties again) ~
So for the skellies I had worked on them from undertale and down the list okay… Well for the Grillbys… I worked from Horrortale up to Undertale. It just worked and it was a wild experience honestly. These are long so I’m putting them under the cut so the post doesn’t look fucking ridiculous.
-he’s pretty professional at work
-runs a bar still. Took a while to open BUT DAMN IT HE DID IT.
-he’s a decent height in human standards. He’s 5’11. It’s weird having people taller than him, even if he’s not the tallest around it’s still surreal.
-god damn it Classy Bean. The only reason he likes puns is because of this skeleton.
-a great listener.
-gives some pretty solid advice.
-bit of a smartass. “Man I’m tired.” “Maybe you shouldn’t stay up all night then.” “stop talking shit carl.”
-Classy Bean calls him carl time to time to annoy him. It works.
-his bar is relatively chill. Not a lot of people, and it doesn’t attract a whole lot of shady characters. Weirdos seem to be common though.
-He actually loves the liveliness of his bar. It’s perfect and he’s a proud smol business owner.
-He hires someone to do the dishes because that’s a thing he needs done. Besides that he runs it mostly himself.
-a hard worker, gets a little irritate with people who slack off but he isn’t one to snap at you for it. He just doesn’t get not giving your all.
-sarcasm. “I’m going to flip a table!” “Yes because that’ll solve all your problems.”
-He isn’t as quiet as you think and often will give a snarky comment like i’ve mentioned above.
-classical music is nice, and he often listens to it in his free time.
-mom friend who will talk sense into you.
-He says a lot of weird shit when he’s tired though like he suddenly becomes a shitpost generator.
-he’s got an average control of his heat he releases. It tends to heat up when he’s angry and flustered, and it takes a lot of discipline to control.
-don’t worry he’s not gonna burn you but if he starts heating up your skin is gonna turn pretty red.
-a pretty organized dude. Everything has a place. He doesn’t care about a mess, but he generally doesn’t make a whole lot of one before he’s cleaning again.
-kind of a dick god.
-big ego. Undeserved. There is no reason for him to be this god dam cocky what the hell.
-His friendship with Red Boy is weird. It’s that one where you insult each other without meaning it. “Stop fucking drinking all the fucking mustard you freak.” “Not till you stop getting freaky with everyone that comes into this bar Jerkby.” at the end of the day they’re there for each other.
-he does sleep around a lot. Mostly one-night stands. He’d date but he hasn’t found anyone he’s really interested in that way. He’s a jerk but he’s not going to fake being interested in someone romantically god.
-Oh goodness me toll. 8 feet tall. Big fire man. Depending on how sensitive you are about your height he’s going to tease you. Are you an adorable mad or do you look like you have rabies mad?
-can he do anything besides smirk? Pssh no. Genuine smiles are rare and fleeting.
-He gives 0 fucks. He does what he wants. Within reason of course he’s not an animal.
-never killed anyone. Beat the fuck out of people? Hell yes. Nobody fucked with him. He was ruthless and no monster was ever brave enough to try and take him down. Or strong enough.
-How the fuck is fire ripped. Seriously why is he buff? Magic? PSSSSSHHH. Fine. Okay whatever.
-But seriously he’s startling strong.
-his main coat he wears looks like a pimp coat what the fuck. Are you a pimp? Don’t ask him this he’ll punch you in the face.
-whoa, amazing control of his heat. Like whoaaaaaaaaa. Witchcraft… shut up i know he’s made of magic. YOU GET THE POINT.
-a small fondness for animals. He feeds the cats in the alleyway.
-Speaking of alleyways. He’s not an entirely edgy jerk. When he was closing up he found a few homeless people digging in the dumpster behind his bar. He yelled at them and stopped them from running. He brought them inside grumbling and gave them a proper meal. He does this time to time after closing.
-Lets stray animals sleep in the bar after hours during the winter. He spends extra time cleaning because of this.
-his bar is practically a sauna alright it’s always super warm and it’s mostly because of him. He generally counteracts it with air conditioning.
-if people get rowdy in his bar and don’t listen he threatens to turn off the air conditioner. He has done this before. It gets people to suffer fairly quickly.
-not a whole lot gets to him but if you manage to push his buttons he’s quick to anger.
-PAY YOUR FUCKING TAB. He’ll hunt you down he swears to g o d.
-sweet silly laugh. But laughs at inappropriate times or at inappropriate things
-He forgets heat control. Humans start sweating around him and he wonders why they all look all uncomfortable. Oh right! Silly him!
-Runs a cafe, and serves the sweetest cakes and pies in existence.
-his favorite thing to enjoy is apple cider. He can’t drink it because ow, but he enjoys the smell. Has occasionally tried to drink it because he can’t help himself he’s curious.
-Shortie. 4’8. He’s the perfect size no matter what you say.
-if you insult him he just frowns and stares at you for an uncomfortable amount of time. You’re suddenly apologizing and his demeanor shifts to a more cheerful one.
-if you’re mean you’re getting kicked out of his cafe. None of that. Nope. He’s the only menace in his cafe and that’s just because he’s trying to spoop people!
-Will use the cutest words. He adores them they make him giggle.
-Is very happy and cheerful, and loves the little lava monsters that live with him. They help run the cafe and often attract customers.
-The more the merrier in his cafe! He gets money to help his family (the lava monsters) and he gets colorful characters that he likes to chat with.
-Sweetby is a nickname that was given to him from Honey Bear. He loves it because it sounds like Sweet pea (it’s a pun actually which makes him giggle) and calling someone sweet pea is just precious and adorable.
-Adores pastels, and because of this he has the cutest cafe in the entire town.
-Sweetby has a no tolerance policy for a lot of things. Racist? Get the fuck out. Sexist? Get the fuck out. Hate gay people? O u t. He’s having none of that nasty business in his shop.
-would love to shake your hand but he doesn’t want to burn you so he’ll give you an enthusiastic wave. He’s also the type to want to kiss the back of your hand after shaking it, but with his issues with heat control, he simply blows you a kiss and gives a small wink.
-he’s very charming. Despite his odd remarks that are honestly kind of terrifying if you don’t know him very well, he’s lovely company.
-lolita fashion is adorable. He wouldn’t wear it himself, but anyone he does he completely gushes over their outfit.
-a small passion for clothes.
-has this really charming coy smile, and a lot of his regulars seem to have a small crush on him at the very least. He takes advantage of this to get them coming back again and again. He doesn’t lead them on and flirt back but he’s always very polite and kind.
-doesn’t talk much. Only for business.
-Was an arms dealer. When he did sell them to a monster he generally just ended up killing them, gathering the weapons back up and pick the rest of the cash out of the monster’s dust.
-Also ran a shooting range. Monsters were allowed to come let out frustrations. Sometimes he just had targets other times he had weaker monsters as the targets. He didn’t kill these customers since they kept on coming back.
-Nobody fucks with him. Nobody. Gruffby is hardcore and does crazy ass shit.
-bit of a temper. He flares up, scoffing. That’s about it. Not unless you provoke him.
-Provoking him is the worst thing you could do you will die a slow and painful death. What? That’s illegal? He’s angry about this now.
-there are tiny lava fire monsters living in his pockets. He’s a softy for them.
-runs a hunting for game store. (ya know like deer and elk.) He’s happy he can still sell guns, and he is very serious about his business.
-Reserves the right not to sell guns to people. If someone looks sketchy to him then you’re not getting a fucking gun dude. No. You’re yelling like a maniac at him only proves his point. Get the fuck out of his store.
-Do you got a license for that? Buddy ol pal if you don’t…. The cops are on your ass, he’s taking your shit you don’t have a license this is literally him doing the community a service. Yeah he’s a monster who’s killed but that’s not legal on the surface.
-Ends up learning about all sorts of horned animals and birds. He’s gotta know exactly what his guns are being used for to shoot.
-The tiny lava monsters like to get into a pack of bullets and melt them down. Hey you lil fucks what did he say about touching the merchandise? He’s putting them in a time out. You heard him go to the corner.
-The lava monsters crackle at him. He crackles back. It seems like they’re hissing each other.
-At home he falls asleep with the tiny monsters laying all around him.
-he has a really silly sounding giggle laugh.
-DON’T YOU LOOK AT HIM WITH THOSE PUNS. DON’T YOU DARE. he loves puns but hates his laugh.
-he can’t control his eccentric laugh so if you crack a joke he thinks is funny he’s losing his cool.
-friends with Scaryberry. He’d gotten lost in Hotland when visiting Alphys. He could see the fear as he was trying to maintain his bratty and “intimidating” behavior. He didn’t know what got a hold of him but he found himself serving him some tea.
-Loves tea. He doesn’t really get to enjoy it like he wants to but he at least enjoys the aroma of it.
-Scaryberry got him to quit smoking.
-pretty tol. He’s 6’4. If you’re short he’s going to tease you relentlessly but honestly he thinks it’s cute. Part of what he loves about Scaryberry.
-he likes sweet scents. They’re intoxicating and he adores them.
-He has about a billion candles okay, he really likes different smells.
-He’s actually secretly a huge dork that he hides with his edginess.
-Chillingly silent. He doesn’t like to talk a whole lot so he’s selectively mute. When he does speak it’s but a few words.
-His voice is raspy, almost like a whisper and you can hear that familiar sound of a campfire.
-For a fire he’s rather cold, literally, as a fire monster it’s alarming how much heat he lacks.
-Knows sign language and will sign rather than speak. Even if he does speak he’s signing at the same time.
-He’s fragile… He isn’t a healthy fire but one that seems to be at the brink of going out at any time. It affects his voice and his body temperature.
-spent his time in the underground hiding away after everything went to hell and his bar shut down. By the time they got out he was on the brink of death before Axe found him.
-Is still recovering mentally and physically from the underground. It took a great toll on him.
-He’s used to food being taken from him, and is a bit of a pushover. He doesn’t have the physical strength to fight back, and he doesn’t have the voice to scare anyone off. He has to suffer in silence since most monsters don’t know sign language.
-he’s angry when people take things from him. All he can do is glare at least that’s what he believes. If he’d done more in the underground at his state he would’ve been killed.
-he spaces out often and frequently. He often becomes out of touch with reality and needs constant reminds as to where he is.
-he’s smol for a monster from his au. With his decrease in strength he shrank and is a 5 foot tall bab.
-He still has bit of a bite when you talk to him, sarcastic and a bit of a smart ass at times.
-He talks in a rather cryptic way like he knows something bad is going to happen. He’s just trying to spook you. He doesn’t know shit. But it sure gives him a giggle seeing that disturb look in your eyes.
-Visits the hospital often. He’s willing to admit he needs help. He’s kind of dying so he’s constantly getting health scares and check ups.
-he enjoys Axe’s sense of humor. Axe visits him from time to time still when he has to stay overnight at the hospital. It reminds him of when the days were good.
-Since he can’t do a lot of things he’s started taken an interest in music. He has an odd selection of music, Melanie Martinez being one of many that appeals to him. His music is rather dark and unsettling, and there are a lot of strange and kind of out there songs he collects. This kind of brings him a bit of peace.
-It takes a while for paper to burn around him now. It scares him. He avoids paper at all costs unless he gets morbidly curious about how bad his health is doing. The longer it takes to burn the worse he is. He doesn’t need a reminder.
-Some days he finds he can’t get out of bed. It’s frustrating and he cries hot tears. He feels so broken and useless on these days. He’s hoping to be able to recover but some days he isn’t sure he’ll ever be able to.
-because of his disabilities he’s fallen into depression. He’s still adjusting to everything and suddenly being unable to do things has taken a toll on his mental state which is already pretty damaged.
-He’s fascinated with violins. Their shape is gorgeous, their strings seem like they’re delicate to him but they sound loud and beautiful. He wants to learn to play but if he does recover he will never be able to play again since he’d set the instrument on fire. So he admires from a distance.
-loves alice in wonderland of every shape and form. He relates more to the darker versions though.
-he’s slowly losing memories from the underground. The more they slip away the more it scares him. He isn’t sure this is how he wanted to heal. When he realizes he loses another memory he recounts what he can. Those are… Pretty fuzzy memories…
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