#i also want to make a post or add it to pin about tumblr clients
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i understand that snoozing this shit feature does nothing for mobile users now and i know that the limit changed to 30 days. after this post i'm queuing these for the 1st every month at 10am est and will also add instructions and the links that's in the pin post.
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victorianoir · 5 years
The Detective and the ManFatale, Part 1
Sorry I haven’t been keeping up here. But I’ll be adding the rest of what I’ve written since the last chapter I posted on tumblr. And I’ll add it to the MASTERPOST of The Detective and the Tech Guy here, as well. If you want to read this chapter on the fanfiction.net site, you can read it here: BOOP.
She found herself nodding off at her desk yet again, thanks to the long night she'd had.
Reaching up, she gave herself a few light smacks to the cheek and blinked, stretching her arms above her head. A satisfied smile made itself known on her face. The extra tiredness was more than worth it. Not sleeping more than the two hours she'd gotten earlier this morning? Worth it.
Part of her had been reluctant to say yes to Chuck when he proposed they "adventure" last night. Well, honestly, she'd misunderstood at first when he'd said they should "adventure", because she'd taken it in an "exploration" sort of way. It wasn't her fault, really, since they'd been wrapped up together on his couch watching TV at the time. Or not watching TV, because they were actually making out heavily with the TV on in the background. So it only made sense that she'd taken "We should adventure" as "Let's move from second base to third base".
Then she had realized he'd meant outside; actually going somewhere in the middle of the night and adventuring in the city.
She'd been more reluctant about that. Obviously. What woman wouldn't be when she had a Chuck Bartowski to enjoy being pinned under instead?
She snorted to herself and pushed her hands through her hair.
God, she was tired. Even if driving over bridges, climbing to the tops of hills, looking up at the stars from their spot on the sandy beach after walking along its shores, was all worth it.
Why did she even come to the agency today? She was her own boss. She could've taken today off, kissed Chuck goodbye as he left for work, and stayed all wrapped up in his bed for the rest of the day, sleeping the tiring (but invigorating) night she'd had off.
But that wasn't how she wanted to operate with Walker Investigative Enterprises. She was a damn professional. And she'd be here, yawning and all. Because she was honestly between cases and really needed to up the marketing to get someone with a case in here. Granted, most of the work she needed to do was ugly, horrible paperwork. Filing things for taxes, making sure the IRS didn't come busting her door down.
She yawned again and groaned, thumping her forehead against the top of her desk, taking a deep breath, and letting her eyes shut.
It was worth eventually walking up that hill to watch the sunrise with Chuck's arms around her.
Totally worth it.
And God, why hadn't she stayed in bed? Professionalism really was a lousy trait for someone to have.
Suddenly, she heard the soft sound of the hinges on the outer door to her agency creak, and she lifted her head, sitting up straight.
"Uh…ahem…anyone here? Is there a, um, a bell?"
She rushed out from behind her desk, opened her office door a bit more and stepped out. "Yes. Good afternoon. May I help you?"
The man lifted both eyebrows as he peered at her, and she couldn't help but notice the almost charming slow smile that presented itself on his handsome face. "It's a great afternoon suddenly, from where I'm standing."
She gave him an exceedingly polite smile. If this was a client, she couldn't afford to be rude. Literally, she couldn't afford it.
He cleared his throat, shaking himself a bit, seeming almost self-deprecating. And then he smirked a bit, as though…Well, he seemed pretty aware of himself. There was a thread of amusement at his own expense, which she didn't expect. "Right. Uh, I'm here to see the, um, private investigator. Detective Walker? Mister Walker? Not sure which…"
"I'm Sarah Walker, private investigator."
"It's you?" he asked. He pushed a hand through his wavy jet black hair, and grinned. "Wow, that's your name on the door, huh?"
"Yes. It is."
"Oh. Right. Sorry. I'll stop being such a prick and get to the reason why I'm here."
She wished he would. She was too tired for him to be standing here doing the same thing a lot of people had done when they first saw her. The gawking, either at her being a woman, or perhaps at the fact that she was as good-looking as she was, or both. The asking of that age-old question: "Really? You're Walker?"
Yes, asshole. Really.
She didn't care if this guy was handsome in an old school Alain Delon sort of way, or that he had a nice lilting accent that sounded like it might be British…but not at the same time. She thought he was probably South African, but the accent felt…different. A little off, maybe.
It was still freaking annoying that he fell into the same trap everyone else had.
"Uh, so…" He cleared his throat and shut the door behind him finally, straightening the tan suit he wore. "Well, I think I need your help."
"You think?"
"Well, I guess I know I need someone's help." He shook his head. "And I need someone good, someone who can be very discreet."
"I'm both of those things," she said, smirking a little.
A bit of a flirtatious look came over his features and he crossed his arms at his chest. "And confident, too. I like that."
"Why do you need a private investigator, Mister…?"
"Cartwright. Robert Cartwright. You can call me Robbie."
"What can I help you with, Mister Cartwright?"
"Not Robbie, then?" He chuckled and nodded. "Sorry. You're a professional. I should treat you as such. Inspector Walker? Detective?"
"Miss is just fine."
"That is good news."
The meaning wasn't lost on her, and she pretended it was, seemingly continuing to stare at him, waiting for him to actually get to business like he said he would ages ago. She was too tired to play games but she wanted a case to work on.
He cleared his throat again. "Right, well…It seems I'm in a bit of trouble, Miss Walker."
"All right. Come into my office and we'll talk about it."
"You mean you'll take my case?" he asked hopefully.
She sent him a bit of an amused look. "Did I say that?" she asked over her shoulder, eyeing him, and she led him into her office, gesturing for him to take a seat across the desk from her, taking her own seat after. "Can I get you water? Coffee?"
"Do you have any whiskey?"
"Well, good. I'm a champagne man, myself."
Sarah smirked. His sense of humor was catching her off-guard in a similar way to the way Chuck's had, especially when she'd first met him a few years ago, sitting across from him in his father's office, not expecting him to be so handsome or charming, to the point where she'd found herself flirting with him without realizing it.
She wouldn't be flirting with Robbie Cartwright at all, and certainly not in the way she'd flirted with the tech nerd.
She was more than simply taken. When it came to Chuck, she was fully off the market, even for something as innocent as flirtation. Even if it was almost…intriguing…how similar parts of this man were to Chuck, while also being incredibly different. Maybe it was the place he was coming from, the way Chuck felt very sincere in everything he did while this man just made her feel a bit…not guarded, per se, just…on her toes.
It was very strange. She wanted to work it out more than she wanted to hear about his case, she found.
"I don't have champagne."
"No, I expect you wouldn't. Not here, anyway. Perhaps when you fix this issue of mine, we can find somewhere that does have champagne and celebrate?"
"Please, let's not get ahead of ourselves here, Mister Cartwright. I haven't taken your case. I still don't even know what it is yet." She went into her drawer, pulled out her small notepad, a pen, and leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs and propping the pad on her knee as she waited patiently.
"Yes. Sorry. I shouldn't just assume you are single…" He pulled his chin back a bit and looked at her through his eyelashes, as if hinting he wanted to know if she was single. She didn't owe him any information about her personal life or romantic life. And anyway, whether she was attached to someone or not, he owed her more respect than to be broaching the subject of champagne or celebration when he'd literally just walked in to ask her to help him with an 'issue'.
"Mister Cartwright, your problem you need help with…?" she finally prompted, as if she didn't even notice the way he paused significantly.
He seemed to pick up on what she was doing and seemed to appreciate it as he smirked and nodded. "I apologize. You're…very distracting." She had no response to that. "Right. Yes. Well… There is this…acquaintance, shall we say, of mine. Normally, I try to mind my own business, especially when I don't know a person, right? But there's just something about him that seems…not right."
"How so?" Sarah asked, twirling her pen in her fingers.
"Jerald Brown. Have you heard of him?"
"No, I'm afraid not."
"He's an alleged philanthropist. Think he has a tech company or something. But I keep hearing things about business dealings that just don't add up. And with the connection he has to philanthropy, the amount of people who depend on him being on the up and up, it's genuinely concerning."
Sarah frowned, giving him a dubious look. "What does that have to do with you, Mister Cartwright?"
"Maybe I'm just a good guy."
He chuckled when she gave him a flat look. She wouldn't stand for a potential client treating her like she was stupid.
"I'm sorry, you're right," he said, smiling, his light blue eyes sparkling. "I'm an okay guy. It's mostly that I'm thinking about maybe doing some business with him. I want to make sure he's not involved in any illegal business dealings. I don't want to be hoodwinked or have my named tied up with his if he's…disreputable. I want to know he's a good family man."
"Are you a 'good family man', Mister Cartwright?" she asked, without a hint of flirtation.
He apparently took it that way, though, as he grinned and leaned forward. "I am not, Miss Walker. Any particular reason why you ask?"
"Yes," she said, smiling a little. "Because I wonder why you require a potential business partner to be a good family man if you don't require that of yourself."
"Oh." He sat back again. "Perhaps—and I'll admit this to you, Miss Walker, because I'm not claiming to be an angel by any means," he said, with a mischievous look she might've been more attracted to at some other point in her life, namely the past, "I might be something of a hypocrite. Perhaps I expect more of my colleagues than I do of myself." He shrugged. "Isn't that human? Don't we all?"
She sniffed in amusement. "Touché."
He grinned again at her assenting his point.
"So, will you take my case, Miss Walker?"
Sarah eyed him for a long time, flipping her notepad shut, open, shut, open… There was something about him that intrigued her. And it wasn't exactly a good intrigue she got from this first impression, like she'd gotten from her very first encounter with Chuck; it wasn't a need to know more about him, to know him better because he seemed like it would make her feel good to know him. No, this was different. She wanted to get to the bottom of where this guy was coming from because he wasn't like other people she'd met. Something set her on edge and she wanted to know why.
It wasn't just the clicking lilt of his accent or the way he seemed to emphasize certain words in his speech, every syllable coming out measured and precise as if he was parsing words. The more he sat across from her and spoke to her, the more his charm was less genuine and more a blanket to cover something else, or it was a distraction perhaps.
But she wanted to keep this guy around, she decided, keep him in her sights. She found she didn't care much about Jerald Brown. Robert Cartwright had her full attention.
So she nodded. "All right, Mister Cartwright. I'll look into Jerald Brown for you. It might take some time. I need to tail him, get some information, meet with contacts." She climbed up from her chair and set her notepad and pen on her desk.
"Take all the time you need, Miss Walker." He clapped once and stood as well, smiling in relief. "As long as it's discreet. I don't want a potential future business associate to know I've sicked a wicked P.I. on him."
"Wicked?" she asked, smirking.
"Mhm. Oh, don't worry. It's a compliment."
She gave him a look, then pulled her calendar out, scanning it. "Do you have time to meet again on Friday? I'll draw up a payment plan, we can go over that, and we'll solidify what you need from me."
The look on his face told her he was just barely resisting the urge to tell her exactly what he needed. And she was glad he was holding back. She didn't want to have to draw lines with a client. It was demeaning.
"Here?" he asked.
"Yes. Please. Noon work for you?"
"Friday at noon." He straightened his suit again. "Shall I bring the champagne?"
"I don't drink when I'm working, Mister Cartwright."
He held his hands up. "Of course. But may I try again to ask you to call me Robbie? I might be a bit too entrenched in my South African ways…"
She wasn't sure that was a South African thing. It sounded more like a Guy Who Was Attracted To A Woman sort of thing. But she didn't care enough to dispute him. "If that makes you more comfortable, then I will."
"It does."
She nodded, neglecting to tell him he could call her Sarah. Because, honestly, he couldn't. "All right. See you on Friday, then, Robbie."
His wide smile was charming again as he flashed her a double thumbs up. "Sounds great. Thank you for considering my case, Miss Walker."
She nodded, watching as he left. And it wasn't until the main door out into the hallway shut behind him that she let out a long sigh and sagged against the desk her assistant would sit at. If she had one.
This was going to be interesting.
Very interesting.
Chuck was in the middle of blowing a robot's head off when he heard the door to his condo open. "Hey, hot stuff," he called over his shoulder, not looking as he finished off another robot.
A few seconds later, as he beat the level, pumping his fist in front of him with a "yessssss", he felt her cool hand slide over the back of his neck.
"You knew I wasn't Morgan, right?" she asked. "I feel like I just need to make sure."
He cracked up and saved, turning it off altogether. "He doesn't have a key to my place. You're the only one who does."
"Good point," she giggled, leaning down and kissing the top of his head. He noticed she had her briefcase draped over her shoulder but she wasn't in her work clothes, in stretchy pants and a V-neck shirt instead. "You don't have to turn off your game."
"Nah, that was a good stopping point."
"I'm going to be doing work anyway." She lifted her briefcase and huffed, plopping down onto the couch next to him and swinging the strap off over her head, dropping it to the floor next to her feet, kicking off her sneakers and tucking her legs under her body.
He lifted his arm and let her lean into his side, draping that same arm over her shoulders and pulling her close. "Paperwork?"
"A case."
"Oh. Oh!" He squeezed her shoulder. "Hey! A case! That's awesome! Tell me everything. The whole thing. I want to know every detail."
She giggled. "Chuck, I can't give you every detail of every client's case."
"Fiiine." He gave her a put-upon sigh and got his hair ruffled for it, giggling and trying to push her hand out of his curls. He managed to wrestle her down into his lap, her head resting on his thighs and she beamed up at him, blowing some of her blond locks out of her face and threading her fingers with his, resting them on her abdomen. "You can tell me, like, highlights if you want."
She giggled. "You win. But only because it's really adorable how excited you are about my work."
"That's mostly just because it's you. I hope you know that."
Sarah's blue eyes softened and she reached up to pinch his chin. "I love you a lot." He just grinned down at her, resting his hand on her head and stroking her hair back from her face. "So, yeah. This, uh, rich guy from South Africa wants me to look into someone he's thinking of doing business with. That's all."
"Ah, doing some vetting, huh?"
"Some discreet vetting. That's the best kind."
She chuckled. "I guess so. It's not as easy."
"But you got it. You're incredible at being discreet." He shrugged. "You're incredible at everything."
Sarah beamed up at him. "You're being so cute and schmaltzy tonight. What's up with that?"
"I dunno," he said with a chuckle. "I missed you. Haven't seen you in, like, two and a half days. Do you get to tail this guy?"
She made a face, probably at his quick change of subject. But she still answered. She was too used to him doing that to her, he thought. "Yeah, I do. I have to, I don't get to. Tailing people isn't fun in any way, shape, or form, Chuck."
"No, I'm sure it's no piece of cake or anything. But it is kinda cool."
"You just think that because you watch too many movies that make it look cool. It's completely boring and exhausting."
He huffed. "I'll take your word for it. Since you're a professional. So is this South African guy just wanting to make sure he won't get himself into trouble being connected to this other guy?"
"Yes. Cartwright seems…I dunno…" She paused, biting her lip. "There's something I can't quite put my finger on. He's charming, doesn't seem like a terrible person or anything. I've spent the last few days just doing a quick check on him, building a little dossier of sorts. Mostly keeps to himself, stays out of the limelight… couldn't really find any pictures of him as a result. At least nothing prior to a few months ago."
Chuck had already pulled his phone out and brought up Google. "What's his full name?"
"Robert Cartwright," she said, giggling as he typed it in. "You really think I didn't Google image search him? There are literally no pictures of the guy. Anywhere. Just a recent picture on some low-tier celebrity blogger's page."
"That's impressive." He scrolled through. There really was nothing. "Oh. What about this guy?"
"Mm. No. That's not him. That's for some crab shack restaurant or something in Maine. A different Robert Cartwright."
"How did he manage this? I want to talk to him and ask him. Because I would love this to happen when people Google search for Charles Bartowski. Instead of that stupid fuckin' picture of me from that celebrity video game tournament when I'm practically biting my tongue off in concentration. Four years later and I still don't know how to purge the Internet of that damn picture. Headphones smashing my hair in all these weird directions."
"I love that picture. I'm gonna print it out and frame it…keep it on my desk at the agency to remind me of how lucky I am."
"Stop it."
She giggled with her tongue between her teeth. "And I'll tape a hundred dollar bill to it to remind me of how rich you are, which is why I'm really lucky."
Chuck's jaw fell open as he cracked up, trying to grab her as she bolted upright out of his lap and dove out of his reach.
They eventually settled into their routine of sorts, Chuck strewn long ways across the couch, his head in her lap, his laptop propped on his abdomen, Sarah holding the file she was building on the Jerald Brown "mark" she'd eventually told him about as they talked about the case here and there.
It had surprised him. He'd heard about Jerald Brown even if he hadn't ever done business with him, or even crossed paths with him. But the man seemed like he was genuine, not a criminal, even above reproach, if the things Chuck heard about him in the past were any indication. He told Sarah that, in not so many words, and she'd seemed to mull it over for a while.
"Okay, here's what I don't get…" she said finally. "Are you busy? May I confer with your stellar brain?"
Chuck snorted. "You may. Though my stellar brain might need a martini to really feel stellar. I held off on a martini earlier because I think I just had a sixth sense you'd be coming over tonight and I should wait."
"Awww, are we at that point in this relationship when our minds are melding?"
"Oh, definitely," he hummed. "I'm gonna mind meld with you right now. You're going to ask me why Cartwright isn't as handsome or as cool as I am, even if he is from South Africa and has a tight accent."
She laughed, her head falling back. "How did you do that?" she asked, booping him on the nose. He chuckled. "He does have a tight accent, though. But I was going to say I don't get why Cartwright is so paranoid about Jerald Brown."
Chuck shrugged, shutting his laptop with a yawn and reaching over to set it on the coffee table. "You said he keeps to himself, stays out of the limelight. Maybe he's just like that. Paranoid. Thinking everyone's out to get him, steal from him. Even guys on the up and up like Brown."
"But does he hire a P.I. for every single business transaction, every partnership? My fees aren't exactly cheap, and I'm on the lower end of the private detective LA circuit. Why is he so paranoid about Brown in particular?"
"Maybe he knows something about Brown he isn't telling you. Like, he's testing you to see if you can figure it out for yourself."
She gave him a look. "Chuck, what would be the point of that?"
"I…" He thought for a few seconds. "Don't know. Sorry. I'm just lobbin' ideas atcha. Seeing if anything sticks. I don't know of anything Brown might be hiding."
"You might be right and he's just paranoid. I bet you are right, actually. He just doesn't seem like that type of guy. He seemed…outgoing. Kind of mischievous and teasing. He didn't really fit the paranoid build."
Chuck froze a little. Something about the way she'd been talking about this guy made him sound like he was on the younger side, but also that he might be…compelling, charming. That interested him. And set off a few quiet but definitely still there alarm bells. But there was also something about the way her eyes became so sharp, her lips pursed, like she was deep in thought, working something out… He knew her enough to know there was more to this guy than met the eye.
"Just how much about this guy's build did you notice, Sarah Walker, P.I.?" he asked, widening his eyes and sitting up, shifting close to her and facing her full on.
"Shut up," she giggled. "You know exactly what I meant."
"Yeah, yeah. Sure. He's probably, like, some ManFatale…flipping his hair and giving you a dark, dangerous look as he tells you he's in trouble." She began laughing and shaking her head as he affected an old-timey accent. "I'm in big trouble, Sarah Walker, P.I., and I need help. I need ya help, see?" He smoldered to finish it off.
"Why do I even like you?"
"Martinis and money."
Sarah cackled and slid her fingers into his hair at the back of his head, leaning in to give him a long kiss. "Mmmm, both of those things help." He loved the cheeky way she smiled at him, biting her lip. "But speaking of martinis…"
"On their way." He pecked her lips and got up from the couch, yelping as she gave his backside a swat while he moved past where she sat. "You know, sometimes you do that and I feel like a piece of meat," he teased, going to the bar and grabbing everything he needed.
"Wait, do you really?" she asked, and he looked over his shoulder to see that the look on her face was one of sincere concern.
"No," he said with a snort. "You just got through talking about my stellar brain, after all."
"It is pretty stellar."
"Thank you. And so is yours. You're like if Poirot was an incredibly sexy woman in her twenties instead of an old Belgian man with a crazy cool mustache."
She giggled. "Would you still love me if I had a crazy cool mustache?"
"What?" He finished the martinis in record time and went into his kitchen to grab a few olives for himself. "I think I would love you extra, if I'm bein' honest."
That earned him a strange look as he came back in with their drinks, one in each hand.
"No, seriously. Maybe while you're tailing Jerald Brown you can wear one for me, huh?" He made a play growl sound as he carefully sat next to her and handed her a martini.
"You're so weird and I love you so fucking much." She sipped her martini and moaned. "So much. How is it this good every time?"
"Baby, I'm a masterpiece. Obviously." He chuckled as she let out a bubbly giggle, tugging on one of his curls.
"You kind of are, though."
"Mm nope. I have my faults."
"Sure. So do I. And yet…you masterpiece." She shut the folder on her lap and set it to the side, on top of his laptop.
"Oh. Folder's away. Uh oh. What are you up to—? OH."
Sarah had swung her leg over to straddle him, martini still in hand, interrupting him with a slow, and sizzling if he did say so himself, kiss. When she pulled back, she took another calm sip of the drink.
"I have an idea."
"Please God tell it to me," he breathed out in a rush.
That made her snort, and yet it didn't break the heated mood even a bit. "What day is tomorrow?"
"That's a question, not an idea—Sorry. Uh, Thursday."
"Thursday. Well, I don't have anything pressing at the agency. Do you have anything pressing at B.E.C.?"
"You sure?"
"I'll cancel everything."
She beamed. "You don't have—"
"Listen, if you weren't currently sitting on my phone, I would've already texted Adisa to cancel everything for tomorrow by now."
Chuckling, she leaned in and kissed him again. She had this way of coupling a slow, heated kiss with stroking his hair that made him feel like he was sitting in a fire pit in the middle of the Saharan desert.
"Let's stay in tomorrow," she murmured against his lips.
"Perfect. We can do an X-Files marathon."
Sarah giggled and shook her head. "Stop it." She kissed him again.
"No, I'm serious. Nothin' like aliens and—"
He stopped when she pressed her finger to his lips. "Okay, you really need to know when to shut up."
Chuck smirked. "Yeah, true. It's one of my faults."
"I can work with it."
"I have ways of shutting you up."
"Do y—Oh. Oh, wow you do."
Chuck was in a bit of a sour mood as he pulled up to the parking lot beside the building where Sarah's agency was. That was why he was here in the first place, wasn't it? To get rid of his mood. His girlfriend had a singular way of chasing the dark clouds away.
Also, he was hungry and he thought he'd treat her to lunch.
He hadn't seen her walk out of her apartment this morning with a packed lunch like she did more often these days. It saved money, she said, his frugal and responsible private investigator.
Well, she'd save money today, because lunch was on him.
He needed to get his mom's stinging barbs from earlier out of his mind. He needed to get rid of the anger he'd felt at her words. And he needed to do it before he got up to Sarah's agency, because she'd see the look on his face no matter what he did to hide it, and he'd have to tell her that his mom was being awful about her again.
He hated that it hurt her.
He hated that his mom still did this.
He and Sarah were approaching their second anniversary: it was almost two years since that morning they ate breakfast together on the floor of his half-demolished hotel room in Paris, when they decided to make a genuine go of it. And his mom had known about their relationship for over a year now. She still couldn't just…be nice.
It had felt a lot worse today because he'd almost let himself hope that Mary Bartowski was starting to come to terms with her son's relationship with the woman Pinkerton sent to protect him two and a half years ago, her son's relationship with the woman he had more than proven he was in love with. And he felt like Sarah had more than proven she reciprocated his feelings.
His mother had been almost pleasant, in a sincere way, the past few weeks. She'd extended a genuine invite over the weekend for Chuck and Sarah to come have a meal with the whole family. That had included Devon's parents, even, which was just…unheard of. Even when she had asked Chuck about inviting Sarah's parents, when he told her that they weren't in the picture, since he didn't really know much more than that honestly, his mom had seemed sorry and sympathetic, rather than using it as yet another reason to hint something was wrong with Sarah. There was no tone when she'd said, "Oh. Poor Sarah. I didn't know." And it had given him some hope.
But today, she'd gone back to her usual business when she'd visited Chuck in his office, asking whether Sarah was getting clientele yet, if "after all of this time", she actually had a job. As though the months and months of her building up her agency wasn't literally a job, even if she didn't get paid for it until she took on her first case.
It was worse because he'd built so much hope, only to have it dashed. Like she'd been saving it up for the exact purpose to make him feel even more like shit. He knew that wasn't the case. And he knew she had misgivings about Sarah for reasons that were real for her. But she was wrong. And until she accepted Sarah, she'd always be wrong.
He needed to find some way to deal with it besides being so angry all the time. He was well past done allowing his mother to hurt Sarah, and that meant keeping these small rifts he had with his mother over her from reaching her ears.
Taking a deep breath, he got out of his car and headed inside of the building, pressing the button and waiting for the elevator.
He straightened his blazer and took another deep breath. He was about to see his favorite person in the world for the second time in one day, if waking up beside her this morning counted. He counted it. And he was incredibly happy about it, ready for it. He needed it, frankly.
Even just seeing that epic door of hers, with the foggy glass and her name printed on it: Walker Investigative Enterprises. It filled him with joy. She was living her dream. She was here. They were here together.
His mom could frankly sit down and shut up. He tried not to inwardly wince at that thought. As though wherever she was, Mary Bartowski might feel or hear his thought about her, fly to his side, and ground him, send him to his room, bar him from his video games.
Chuck opened the door to her outer office and stopped when he heard voices inside of her personal office. Oh…she had a client, a visitor, someone was here. He felt like maybe he should turn back, leave, and come back in fifteen minutes maybe. He could text her first. And then he'd come back.
He could eavesdrop…since that was what he wanted to do more. As much as he knew he shouldn't. But he just wanted to.
So he oh so silently crept in and eased the door shut. The hinge creaked a bit and he made a note to bring some WD40 at some point to fix that. But he didn't hear the voices stop, so he assumed they hadn't heard.
"This fee is more than doable," the man in her office said, his voice wafting out of the not-quite-shut door. "In fact, it feels like a steal. Why don't you let me give you more up front?"
"It isn't necessary," Sarah said. "I have a set rate I charge my clients depending on the type of case and the work that will go into it. This is a fair price to start."
"It's too fair. I'll up it by thirty-three percent." The man chuckled. "Oh, come on. You know, I'm trying really hard here to thank you. A little kindness, you know…" Chuck rolled his eyes at that. "For someone I like." That made him frown a little. "And it helps that upping the paycheck I give you means I might get even better work from you."
"I do my job pretty well with the rate I set."
"That's not what I mean at all."
"No, I know," Sarah said, being more than reasonable, Chuck thought. "Robbie, please just agree to this, read through it, sign. That's all I need from you. This amount here, write me a check up front. And the rest when I finish the job. I reserve the right to charge more depending on the work I end up having to do for the case."
"You're really stubborn, you know that? But I'll match your stubbornness as we continue to see one another, you just give me some time." There was a pause, the sound of papers being turned, the scratching of a pen against paper. "This is a lot better than an Apple terms and services agreement, I'll tell you that. You get right to the point, don't you, Sarah Walker?"
"I find brevity works better for everyone involved."
"Oh, not me. I love complications. I'd have complications' children if it was at all possible."
Chuck heard Sarah giggle at that. He felt a bit of heat come up from his collar, knowing how foolish it was immediately. Even if this Robbie fellow was obviously charming and even more obviously flirting with his girlfriend, his girlfriend hadn't flirted back—nor would she. It wasn't his ego telling him that, it was his trust in her, in them.
And he needed to cool it with the green-eyed monster.
But he found it even harder to do when he leapt back to the visitor chair and sat down, grabbing the issue of Cosmopolitan that was sitting there and picking it up to pretend he was reading it, because out came a stupidly handsome man, dressed in a spiffy, tailored suit, insanely perfect swoosh-hair, and blue eyes that were literally sparkling as he looked over his shoulder at Sarah as she followed him out of her private office.
"So you're shooing me out—?" The words died on the stupidly handsome man's lips as he noticed Sarah had stopped, looking at something else. That something else was Chuck and he was pretty mollified and gratified both by the dazzling smile she flashed him after her client spun to see what she was looking at. Or whom.
"Oh," Sarah said. "You're here."
"I am." He nodded once, then looked down at the magazine in his hands. The page he'd randomly opened it to in order to make it seem like he wasn't eavesdropping was absolutely a full-page How To chart for oral sex. "Ahem." He dropped the magazine back to the table. "Interesting…articles…in there. Informative," he said, tugging at his suit a bit to straighten it.
The stupidly handsome man seemed to just be standing there awkwardly then, and Sarah snapped out of her amused, but somewhat searching look, and gestured towards the door.
"Mister Cartwright, I'll fill you in on what I find Monday when we meet again."
"You don't work on weekends then, huh?" Cartwright asked, smiling teasingly.
"I do, yes. Hence why I'll have something for you on Monday."
Yeah, you stupidly pretty assmunch, Chuck thought to himself with an inward smirk. God, she was so hot.
"Oh. That makes sense." He chuckled self-deprecatingly, then turned to eye Chuck a bit expectantly.
It became clear to everyone in the room that he wouldn't leave without some sort of an introduction. So Sarah, very reluctantly Chuck saw, moved between them and reached out in his direction. "Oh, excuse me, Mister Cartwright. This is Mister…"
"Bartowski," Chuck said, stepping closer and sticking his hand out. "Charles Bartowski."
Robert Cartwright's eyes widened in recognition as he took his hand. "As in Bartowski Electronics Corporation?"
"That's the one, yes. Nice to meet you, Mister, uh…"
"Cartwright," the other man said with a grin. Sarah gave Chuck a bit of a droll but amused look that only he could see.
"Cartwright, yes. Sorry. Have so much on my mind, always."
"Oh, yes. Yes. So you're seeking Miss Walker's services as well, are you?" He crossed his arms at his chest.
"Yes. Yes, I am…seeking Miss Walker's services." He shared a bit of a look with Sarah and he could see that telltale sparkle in her blue eyes, the way she twisted her pursed lips to the side, probably to keep from smiling or laughing.
"Well, I don't think either of us has anything to worry about. You're highly recommended, Miss Walker. I've heard nothing but very good things, and I get around and hear…well, quite a lot. In my business." Cartwright clapped his hand on Chuck's shoulder, even though he'd been talking to and looking at Sarah.
"Yes, Walker Investigative Enterprises operates with the utmost discretion. So discreet. Professional." Cartwright turned back to Chuck as he responded.
She mouthed "Stop it" from where she stood behind Cartwright, her eyes wide, amusement threatening to boil over.
"Indeed, Charles. Indeed. Well, Miss Walker, I'll let you see to your other client, I suppose, though it's hard to pull myself away, I admit…" the other man groused, and then he reached out his hand towards Sarah for her to shake. He held onto her hand for longer than Chuck thought was necessary, then bid his goodbye and swept out of the place.
He was charming as all get-out and it made Chuck feel…grumpy. And what in the hell was with the strange clip in his accent, like he was concentrating? It didn't feel like an easy charm and it unsettled him. It was probably jealousy. And he was even grumpier about that.
But then Sarah sidled up to him, twisted her hands in the lapels of his jacket, and pulled him in for a slow kiss. "Mmmmm," she hummed, before pulling back, their noses and foreheads pressed together. "Why didn't you just let me tell him you're my boyfriend?"
"Honestly? Two reasons. The first is that he'd trust a recommendation from a super rich tech guru with high expectations over a recommendation from your boyfriend." That made her grin. "The second is that if you told him I was your boyfriend, after all of that flirting he was doing at you, it'd be a little embarrassing for him and I wouldn't be able to hold back the hubris. Which is just rude."
Sarah looked like she was going to laugh, but then an intelligent spark lit her eyes and she pursed her lips, raising an eyebrow. "He wasn't really flirting that bad…"
"Uh, yes. Yes, he kinda was. I mean, he doesn't seem like a full-fledged garden or anything…"
"Garden?" she asked, making a face.
"Seedy. It's a new thing Morgan and I came up with. The term'll catch on. Just wait."
"Oh my God." She just shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, her usual reaction to the weird phrases he and Morgan tried to trademark.
"Wait." She looked at him funny. "Are you…jealous?"
Chuck scoffed. "Nah. It's just…I mean, I walked in and you called him, um, Robbie. And when he flirted with you, there was a liiittle bit of a giggle that came out of you. I'm just sayin'. I heard it. But…I mean, no big deal."
"Chuck, stop."
"No, it's just that he looks like someone took him right out of GQ's Face Edition."
"There's no such thing."
"If there was, he'd be the cover. He's a ManFatale, Sarah. Don't let those baby blues fool ya. That one's dangerous." He leaned his face close to hers and narrowed his eyes, lifting an eyebrow.
"Oh my God," she groaned, letting her forehead fall to his shoulder. "Chuck, I was—" Then she stopped, pulling back a bit and looking up at him through her eyelashes. "I really don't have to explain myself, do I?" It was more of a statement than a question.
"You know you don't," he said softly.
"I didn't think so."
"But seriously, he's kind of too charming. That's weird. And also, how'd he know who I am, Sarah?"
She gave him her 'what the fuck' look. "Chuck, I literally just told him who you are. I introduced you to him."
"No, I know. But he knew Bartowski Electronics Corporation. What's that about?"
"Seriously, Chuck? It's not exactly like B.E.C. isn't well-known. You were on the cover of Forbes with your dad. Where do you think all of that money I'm dating you for comes from?"
"Haaah," he drawled mockingly, sending her a faux glare that made her giggle. "I'm just saying, I'm a little suspicious."
"You're a little jealous."
He held up his fingers. "Just this much. That's all. He looks like a god, Sarah. And he was flirting. Admit that." She conceded with a small shrug. "Am I allowed a little jealousy? Even if I acknowledge it's silly?"
She giggled quietly and kissed him again. "Yes. It's good for my ego. But that doesn't mean you can start flirting back at that Benji Thompson guy's daughter who was at your parents' little anniversary shindig a few months ago."
"Yes. Her."
The way she narrowed her eyes was extremely gratifying, and he held onto the sensations of knowing that interaction had made Sarah into a bit of a green-eyed monster. Not to mention she'd remembered Marilyn Thompson even all these months later. Hmm. "Well, at least we're being ridiculous together," he snarked.
Sarah snorted. "True." She kissed him one more time, then fixed the collar of his suit jacket. He didn't know if it really had needed fixing or if it was just a habit of hers to play with it. "What brings you here today, my tech guy? Miss me already? Even after this morning?"
Her blue eyes glinted with what she'd done to him this morning and he cleared his throat, his hands balling into fists over the waist of her pencil skirt she wore. "I think especially after this morning, if I'm bein' honest."
That made her giggle.
"I actually wanted to take you to lunch. If you haven't eaten."
She hadn't.
And that was how they found themselves sitting across from one another at a breakfast and lunch cafe a few blocks away from her office. He watched as she hungrily shoved her burger in her mouth and took a massive bite. He was glad he'd pulled her away to eat. Any later and she would've let herself start to become Hangry Sarah. And Hangry Sarah was almost as bad as Hangry Chuck. God, the few times Hangry Sarah and Hangry Chuck had met…scary. Truly scary. Morgan had nearly been murdered but thankfully the chef had fed them fast enough to protect himself.
So he waited until she'd gotten enough into her system to eat a bit slower before he brought up the other thing.
"Hey…So…Interesting timing, me coming to take you to lunch today, what with your meeting with Cartwright and everything being today as well." She made a questioning face as she sipped her ice tea to wash the burger down. "Well, because I was actually going to talk to you about that case. Cartwright's case I mean."
"Why? You have info or something for me?" she asked around a fry.
"Yes." He cleared his throat. "So, this um…" Chuck leaned in closer to her and lowered his voice. "Jerald Brown guy, the one Face Edition is having you investigate." She gave him a flat look at the new nickname he was using for her client but he ignored it. "He works in the tech industry."
She nodded. "Yeah. He has a large share in Gridiron Technology."
"GT deals mostly with the big machines, like the big security systems, power grid, all that digital stuff big firms and factories are using to operate and protect their businesses." Sarah nodded again, as though she already knew all of this. "GT is looking for a new investor. Someone else they can bring in to buy some shares and add some power and money to the whole thing, get back some clout after their stock took a hit last year."
"Cartwright," she said.
"Mhm, that was my thought."
She smiled at him. "How'd you find all this out?"
"Babe, I'm in the know. Duuuuh." She rolled her eyes as he picked at the lettuce on his own burger and put a bit in his mouth. "This is my playground. My dad's pals with all of these guys. Or at least, he knows of them. And because he does, I tend to learn stuff, hear stuff as well. But!" Chuck held up a finger. "This is really hush-hush. They don't want to seem like they need this investor. So they're being discreet, operating it under the radar, so to speak."
"So is that shady? Seems like it could be shady."
"It could be, but it'd be a lot of damn work and for what reason? There's also the fact that Jerald Brown has a reputation."
"What kind of reputation?"
"A really good one. Family man, good business, fair, honest."
"Family man." She rolled her eyes. "That's such a loaded phrase."
He winced. "Really good point. He has a family and he seems close with them, though."
"You ever meet him? Do business with him?"
"No, but…I mean, speaking from experience, I'd say Brown is a lot more trustworthy than this god-like Casanova giving you money to investigate a guy who seems pretty upstanding."
"Chuck, your green-eyed monster is showing."
"No, it's not that," he hissed. "Brown is a tech guy. I trust a tech guy over a smarmy rich guy who, frankly, you don't even know where he gets his money. Let's be real, here. Um, also, Jerald Brown can be found on Google."
"Stop," she said in a flat tone. "Chuck, come on. You're being biased because Brown works in your industry and you heard Cartwright flirt at your girlfriend."
"No, I—Sarah, please. You know I'm not that childish." She smirked and he frowned at her. "Fine. Look. Just keep what I said in mind, huh? And maybe look into Gridiron Tech a bit more closely."
"That's good advice, and I also appreciate you giving me that info about GT, Chuck. Thank you," she said, sliding her hand over his on the table and squeezing. "And please, try not to be too jealous. Said with no sarcasm and full seriousness. His Alain Delon looks don't have any effect on me. Not when I have my very own curly-haired, handsome moneybags."
"Talk about my money too much and I'll start getting ideas."
"Oh? What kind of ideas?"
"Expanding the company to make even more money. Gotta keep ya around somehow." She laughed and he put his tongue between his teeth, wrinkling his nose cheekily. "With all these Alain Whoever ManFatales kicking your door in, one of 'em might succeed in sweeping you away from me otherwise."
"You're such an idiot."
"Buuuut you love meeee."
"On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays."
Chuck snorted and ate his last couple of fries. "I'm really glad it's Friday, then."
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Divination Etiquette (or De-Mystifying Divination Services)
So I know a lot of people here on Tumblr give free readings (I give free readings, so I’m coming from that perspective) and paid readings, but I haven’t seen a lot of posts giving advice about getting readings or how to treat diviners, so here are some tips and general etiquette. A more complete list is here and linked in my pinned post so please read it:
Be professional, even if its a free reading
Ideally, at the very least for my blog, please be 18+ before getting a reading
If the reader has rules posted, follow their rules of conduct. Look around to find the rules, ask the reader beforehand if they do have any rules. I LITERALLY CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH
Actually pay your reader + any tips if they accept them and if you can. I don’t think I need to mention this, but obviously don’t scam people. This obviously doesn’t really relate to free readings, so maybe refer to #5.
Know when you need to get a paid reading. If you have more than a few questions or need a complex tarot reading, a free reader isn’t really the best option (not because they’re necessarily unskilled, but something like that is probably not what they signed up for when they opened up readings). Additionally, don’t badger your reader or try to get a free reader to give service that should by all accounts be paid for.
Also please know what you want and have managed expectations (I sound like such a dick saying that). No one is going to be able to accurately tell you who your one true person is, unfortunately.
If you do get readings, give your reader a shout-out. That gives free readers some practice or could drum up sales for paid readers.
 I don’t think most free readers are against repeat clients, but refer back to #3 and #5. Doing multiple sessions over multiple days in a small window of time still counts.
Read any request pages that they may have linked if at all possible, for reason #7 & #8
Ask for a time frame for when you can expect your reading if it’s not stated on their page. I’ve noticed that most readings will occur between a few days- 1 week, but everyone has different schedules and most people will be honest about that. If you don’t receive your reading in the time you were told and you paid for a reading, you need to contact your reader. Don’t harass them, but you are obviously allowed to ask.
Do not give your reader important personal information (full names, medical conditions, anything like that), especially about other people who are unaware or haven’t consented to their info being shared. It most likely has nothing to do with your reading and is potentially dangerous to you. I’d say initials/astrology sign/ region is maybe fine, but please remember that YOU DO NOT KNOW YOUR READERS/ INTERNET PEOPLE. Please be careful with your info! It also opens you up to hot reading (a psychic basically makes informed guesses using prior info, although this is usually for profit)
If anyone has anything to add, please do so we can have a more complete list here
If you wanna help out, message me or fill out one of these forms
Clients/People getting the readings
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isaackuo · 6 years
Tumblr media
This is an intro to a social media project I’m working on, although I don’t think it’s of interest to most tumblr users because tumblr doesn’t really do comment threads; not exactly.
Introducing Project "Echommentary"
tl;dr - Echommentary is a multi-site writer/reader with a crosscommenting "echobot" to unify discussion threads between multiple social media sites. Since all comments are echoed to other sites, everyone participates in the same unified discussion.
= = =
With the impending end of Google+, I've looked at various social media alternatives and have decided none are a perfect fit for what I really want. So...I'm rolling my own multi-site writer/reader solution. The features of the core system will include:
1) Echobot python console app uses web scraping or API to load new posts/comments from each source, to local storage. Core functionality is to scrape from your own profile pages, but you can also scrape followed profile pages to local storage.
2) Echobot echos new posts/comments to all other sources, so all followers participate in the same comment threads (rather than separate discussions on each site).
3) Local storage means it's possible to autopost everything to a new social media site/account if desired.
4) Ability to block users via delblock or shadowblock. A delblock auto-deletes comments by a user. A shadowblock simply doesn't echo a user's comments to other sites.
Project Echommentary's primary mission is to solve the problem of interoperability between diaspora, Mastodon, Google+ (while it exists), and other social media sites. It's an open source project so others are invited to help - especially with Python code for various sources.
There are, of course, a lot of products to multipost to many different social media sites, but these are more designed for commercial publicity rather than to foster cohesive community discussion. In particular, each copy of a post on the different social media sites has its own independent comment thread. I find this frustrating, because a lot of the best ideas are developed in comment threads, and only users from the same site will see those comments. Often, I find that one discussion thread on one site will have some interesting comments, while another discussion thread on another site will have other interesting comments. I wish that they could see each others comments!
So, my core idea is a comment echobot. It will take a comment from Sam on G+, and echo it on other sites with something that looks like:
Sam @ GooglePlus: Yeah, I noticed Aunt Cass in the sassy housewives ad. Actually a kind of subtle running theme of the movie that things on the Internet are often not quite true.
This is an "echo" comment, which appears to be made by the echobot user's account, rather than the original account. Unfortunately, this has some issues. For one thing, it may be best for the echo system to be opt-in. By default, everyone is shadowblocked. Their comments are NOT forwarded to other sites. But you could use a pinned post or something to ask folks whether it's okay to add them into the "echommentary" by echoing their comments to other sites.
Another issue - blocking. Let's say Anna wants to block Hans, so she never sees any comments by Hans. The problem is that she follows Elsa, and Elsa's echobot may echo a comment made by Hans on another site. Anna follows Elsa on G+, but Hans follows Elsa on Mastodon. Anna would see a comment on G+ like:
Hans @ mastodon.social: (@ Elsa @ mastodon.social) Hey Anna, chill out, babe!
The problem? This comment is seen on G+ as made by Elsa, not Hans. So Anna can't block these comments without blocking Elsa entirely. Unfortunately, the best solution may be for Anna to ask Elsa to block Hans. Elsa could block Hans with delblocking or shadowblocking; this prevents Hans's comments from being visible to Anna via echoing.
= = =
The echobot stores what it scrapes to a SQLite3 database, as well as a static HTML file tree. This file tree is considered a source just like diaspora or Mastodon, but it offers no built in way to write posts or comments. It's mostly just for troubleshooting. Nevertheless, it can be a somewhat useful tool, and you can optionally serve it up with a web server for others to browse.
Far more flexible and powerful is the SQLite3 database, which stores all posts and comments, as well as their echoes (both pending and completed). This database can be accessed and modified by other programs, such as a writer/commenter, and a "universal reader".
My own interest is in a simple blog writer. It would have very basic functionality...just bold, italic, and inline images. This way, I could compose blog entries that would be directly inserted into the SQLite3 database for transmission to all sources. In addition to the basic functionality, I'd have automatic tag addition to include my own personalized hashtags. For example, if I have #myart in the post, it would auto-add #ijkmyart. That way, diaspora users could click on #ijkmyart to see just my own "myart" posts - like a Collection.
With this simple writer, I could compose blog posts offline and then publish them when I'm ready or on a schedule. I'd still go to diaspora or somewhere to actually read and write comments. The big advantage of the writer is that it could be lean and mean - relatively simple to develop and modify.
A universal reader, however, could be a very powerful tool because it uses SQL queries. You could filter things in powerful ways, including blocking users in ways unavailable in the source systems (such as diaspora, which still lets you see comments made by a blocked user on someone else's post). You could filter followees by hashtag or content matches; you could filter out spoilers by hiding (temporarily) content matching a show you haven't caught up on yet. Stuff like that.
With a universal reader, you could define numerous "read only" sources - not your own profile pages, but followee profile pages. Maybe even blog pages also. Maybe even including RSS feeds, and such.
I feel like a universal reader/writer/commenter is a more complex project than a simple blog composer, but it's also something that a lot of people would really want. As such, it's important for me to think about the SQLite database design in a way that accommodates it from the start. In particular, it needs to understand that some sources are read/write, while other sources are read only. The user owned read/write sources are all that's needed for Echommentary's core functionality, but followed read-only sources are critical for universal reader/writer/commenter functionality.
= = =
Project Echommentary could be taken a step further to become its own independent peer-to-peer social media network, by exposing read-only SELECT functionality to a custom port. That way, echobots could directly pull posts/comments from each other's SQLite3 databases. Even with no outside sources, it could be possible to create an independent social media network somewhat similar to USENET - each node connects with a small number of trusted neighbor nodes.
One node connects to another node via an encrypted (ssh) connection, and then each node can send SELECT statements to the other side. Each node can pull new posts and comments. The reason I specify that it goes both ways, is because of the problem of NAT routers. Most users are behind NAT routers, and there's generally no way to connect to a "server" behind a NAT. But a user behind a NAT can connect to a server out there with a true permanent IP address (either standalone or behind a specifically configured router). So, only a small fraction of nodes need to be out there with permanent IP addresses.
Now, this is truly ambitious. But is it even necessary? I hope not. It's not like we desperately need yet another internet protocol "standard". But it's a potential thing to do which might be useful just in case.
= = =
The core Echommentary echobot will be a simple Python console program, to make it very portable and easy to develop/run/maintain remotely. Remote troubleshooting can be assisted by running Python's built in http.server on the local storage file tree. But for most users, it will be easiest and best to simply run and maintain it locally. Using SQLite3 makes it possible for savvy users to do a lot of powerful things with the database directly. I do understand that not everyone knows SQL, though.
For the universal writer and reader, I think that a native Python program would be better than web based...but I'm not sure. I feel like it would streamline development to keep most everything Python + SQLite3. Avoiding web based client functionality means avoiding a lot of extra complexity, maybe - and also it could be more readily adapted to mobile iOS/Android versions.
= = =
So, anyone interested in contributing, or just suggesting thoughts? Concerns?
#echommentary #socialmedia #python #sqlite #diaspora
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jadesmediablog · 5 years
Good Design
There’s a lot of good design out there, but three sites I’m particularly impressed with as far as design (in most facets) are Discord,Tumblr, and also Gmail. Gmail is the most obvious of these--it makes sense for it to be well designed, considering it’s by far the most popular email client for most of the world. The hype is for good reason--the design of it is sleek, comprehensive, and has many features that most people wouldn’t have even considered that elevate it far above the average email service. For one, the way gmail automatically sorts emails into promotional, social, and primary messages is very impressive.
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For most people, sloughing through the numerous promotional emails from forgotten services they signed up for years ago, and the numerous notifications from a plethora of social websites is a huge pain--but Gmail solves this problem for the user automatically, without even having to ask, letting the user find their important emails with ease. Another example of the exceptional design of Gmail is in its ability to save users from anguish and embarrassment with features to remind them to attach files they promised--if a user sends a message that uses the words ‘I have attached” or some variation of that, but the user hasn’t added any files to the email, Gmail will automatically flag it and ask you if you had meant to attach a file.
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This is a unique and useful feature, and certainly has saved many an embarrassing follow up email from ever seeing the light of day. The next website that I find to have excellent design is Tumblr. Although it’s rather renowned for its various glitches and errors, Tumblr remains one of the best websites to actually post and aggregate content specifically to your tastes, in an intuitive and easy way. Whereas with twitter, content is displayed in a non-chronological order, and you end up seeing a lot of posts you don’t want to see via seeing the likes of people you follow, Tumblr saves you that trouble by only displaying the posts of people you follow, and in chronological order of the time of posting.
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Tumblr also allows the user to have a more personal relationship with followers, letting them add tags to posts that only the people following will see. Tags from other posters don’t show up on reblogged content, so if you want to add some context to a post exclusively for your followers, you can do so!
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In the same vein, you are able to add your own tags to any post, making an easy and concise way to comment on a post without having to reply to it directly, unlike other platforms such as Twitter. Also, Tumblr has a convenient feature to view all the tags on any post, which is great for when you want to view reactions to your post that people left in the tags--but at the same time, if you don’t, you don’t have to! There are many more useful features on Tumblr that other social media sites lack, like the ability to submit content, the ability to send asks, and tag blockers, but I would be here all day trying to list them all. Overall though, I would say Tumblr is among the best in being able to curate content specifically to your desires, and avoid seeing content you don’t want to see at the same time. The final piece of exceptional design I’d like to highlight is that of Discord. Discord is a chat program that’s overtaken Skype in recent years as a way for people to stay in touch, through both voice and text. I think Discord is genuinely one of the best designed programs/websites (it’s both, nearly identical both in browser and as an app, impressively) that I’ve ever used. The entire design is centric on fixing problems of other platforms and keeping a consistent design that only gets upgraded with time, rather than removing features. There are so many good features in Discord, it would be hard to mention them all, but I think a few of my favorites are pinned messages and the extensive server moderation tools.
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As for the pinned messages, you can right click a message and click ‘Pin Message’, which adds it to a list of up to 50 pinned messages that you can access by clicking the pin at the top of the chat window--if you have the permission to do so, of course. It’s useful both for pinning important messages that users of your server need to see, but the main use I’ve seen of it is to save jokes and messages that were particularly funny, both of which are valid.
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What’s that pin? Don’t worry about it. Speaking of permissions, Discord’s permission system for servers is extremely comprehensive. You can create various roles in your server, though it comes with a few by default to get you started, and then you can send alerts to specifically those roles, add only them to certain chat channels, and even dish out specific permissions for them so you can have multiple levels of moderators if your server demands it.
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Overall, these three websites/apps are very well designed, especially compared to their competitors, and generally share the idea that the experiences of the user are the most important thing in design. I agree with that philosophy, and I think that these websites/apps prove its worth. Links: Gmail: https://mail.google.com/mail/ Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com Discord: https://discordapp.com/
0 notes
nisarifdah · 5 years
ESP32 Web Server ft. Coronavirus
Hello, fellas!
After not post anything for 2 weeks, finally I’m back! How’s life? Stay safe everyone wherever you are. The world is in a bad condition where the coronavirus is spread all the entire world. I hope you in good condition and also the people you loved. Stay healthy everyone!
This global pandemic also affected to my campus life. The learning method is fully online or e-learning if I can say. The campus is locked down from last week until an unpredictable time. There’s no activity again on my campus, even if there’s an activity, it restricted to laboratory maintenance, and so on. So from last week, I’m staying at home and learn from home with a video conference. The lecturer of the subject shares a link of the conference so the student can join and study as usual. I can’t enjoy this because my laziness level is truly increasing with online learning. I’m lazy to wake up from my bed because I know I can learn from my bed (just by holding a laptop!!!), and I only take a shower when I remember ONLY (please don’t do this because we must maintain our body to keep them clean).
I think after this phase is over, it will be an interesting story to share with my children 10-20 years from now.
Okay, enough for chit-chat.
So this week project is making a web server with ESP32. Based on this link, I must test the ESP32 can control outputs using Arduino IDE programming. The web server must be accessed with any device (smartphones, laptops, etc).
The equipment required is:
2x 5mm LED (but this time I only have one 5mm and one 3mm but I think it’s no necessary)
2x 330 ohm resistor
Jumper wires
Arduino IDE that installed on the laptop
USB Type-A Cable
Before I explain more, I want to disclaim something. All this time, I do my project with 2 of my friends for sharing the equipment so each of us can save our money more. But the minus is, we only have one for each equipment. We think it will no problem with it until we facing this quarantine because of the coronavirus. This condition makes who doesn’t bring the equipment can’t try and also we can’t do it together because we must keep distancing each other. Because the government and WHO said that we must keep distancing from other people at least 1 meters, I think it’s impossible to do this project together during this condition.
But last week I’m trying to buy the equipment that I need for this project and perhaps for the next project, but the new problem arises. Because of this coronavirus, regulation to reduce activity outside, I buy the equipment from e-commerce and will be delivered by courier. But during this condition, the courier on duty is reduced and the impact is the package arrived later than usual. Until today, I haven’t received the resistor yet so I can’t do the project by myself. Oh God, I only need a resistor!!!! The jumping wire has already arrived, and the other equipment also arrived but the only resistor didn't arrive. But okay, my friend who brings the equipment told me that she already did this project and she wants to share the experience, how ESP32 works and also the documentation. Thanks a lot for the internet that make impossible thing possible and bring the far closer hehe. Even I haven’t tried this project, I know a little bit about the project based on my friend explained. She explains from LINE chatting platform and also sends the documentations. But after my resistor arrived, I want to do this project asap and I’ll update it on my Tumblr so stay tune.
Okay back to the topic.
After collecting the equipment, we can start to build the circuit. Connect the LEDs to the ESP32 using breadboard and connect to GPIO port.
Tumblr media
And this is the source code:
// Load Wi-Fi library #include <WiFi.h> // Replace with your network credentials const char* ssid     = ""; const char* password = ""; // Set web server port number to 80 WiFiServer server(80); // Variable to store the HTTP request String header; // Auxiliar variables to store the current output state String output26State = "off"; String output27State = "off"; // Assign output variables to GPIO pins const int output26 = 26; const int output27 = 27; void setup() {  Serial.begin(115200);  // Initialize the output variables as outputs  pinMode(output26, OUTPUT);  pinMode(output27, OUTPUT);  // Set outputs to LOW  digitalWrite(output26, LOW);  digitalWrite(output27, LOW);  // Connect to Wi-Fi network with SSID and password  Serial.print("Connecting to ");  Serial.println(ssid);  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {    delay(500);    Serial.print(".");  }  // Print local IP address and start web server  Serial.println("");  Serial.println("WiFi connected.");  Serial.println("IP address: ");  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());  server.begin(); } void loop(){  WiFiClient client = server.available();   // Listen for incoming clients  if (client) {                             // If a new client connects,    Serial.println("New Client.");          // print a message out in the serial port    String currentLine = "";                // make a String to hold incoming data from the client    while (client.connected()) {            // loop while the client's connected      if (client.available()) {             // if there's bytes to read from the client,        char c = client.read();             // read a byte, then        Serial.write(c);                    // print it out the serial monitor        header += c;        if (c == '\n') {                    // if the byte is a newline character          // if the current line is blank, you got two newline characters in a row.          // that's the end of the client HTTP request, so send a response:          if (currentLine.length() == 0) {            // HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK)            // and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line:            client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");            client.println("Content-type:text/html");            client.println("Connection: close");            client.println();                        // turns the GPIOs on and off            if (header.indexOf("GET /26/on") >= 0) {              Serial.println("GPIO 26 on");              output26State = "on";              digitalWrite(output26, HIGH);            } else if (header.indexOf("GET /26/off") >= 0) {              Serial.println("GPIO 26 off");              output26State = "off";              digitalWrite(output26, LOW);            } else if (header.indexOf("GET /27/on") >= 0) {              Serial.println("GPIO 27 on");              output27State = "on";              digitalWrite(output27, HIGH);            } else if (header.indexOf("GET /27/off") >= 0) {              Serial.println("GPIO 27 off");              output27State = "off";              digitalWrite(output27, LOW);            }                        // Display the HTML web page            client.println("<!DOCTYPE html><html>");            client.println("<head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">");            client.println("<link rel=\"icon\" href=\"data:,\">");            // CSS to style the on/off buttons            // Feel free to change the background-color and font-size attributes to fit your preferences            client.println("<style>html { font-family: Helvetica; display: inline-block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;}");            client.println(".button { background-color: #4CAF50; border: none; color: white; padding: 16px 40px;");            client.println("text-decoration: none; font-size: 30px; margin: 2px; cursor: pointer;}");            client.println(".button2 {background-color: #555555;}</style></head>");                        // Web Page Heading            client.println("<body><h1>ESP32 Web Server</h1>");                        // Display current state, and ON/OFF buttons for GPIO 26              client.println("<p>GPIO 26 - State " + output26State + "</p>");            // If the output26State is off, it displays the ON button                  if (output26State=="off") {              client.println("<p><a href=\"/26/on\"><button class=\"button\">ON</button></a></p>");            } else {              client.println("<p><a href=\"/26/off\"><button class=\"button button2\">OFF</button></a></p>");            }                          // Display current state, and ON/OFF buttons for GPIO 27              client.println("<p>GPIO 27 - State " + output27State + "</p>");            // If the output27State is off, it displays the ON button                  if (output27State=="off") {              client.println("<p><a href=\"/27/on\"><button class=\"button\">ON</button></a></p>");            } else {              client.println("<p><a href=\"/27/off\"><button class=\"button button2\">OFF</button></a></p>");            }            client.println("</body></html>");                        // The HTTP response ends with another blank line            client.println();            // Break out of the while loop            break;          } else { // if you got a newline, then clear currentLine            currentLine = "";          }        } else if (c != '\r') {  // if you got anything else but a carriage return character,          currentLine += c;      // add it to the end of the currentLine        }      }    }    // Clear the header variable    header = "";    // Close the connection    client.stop();    Serial.println("Client disconnected.");    Serial.println("");  } }
After uploading the code, open serial monitor to find the ESP32 IP address. To access the webserver, open the browser at your device and paste the ESP32 IP address.
And here’s the result.
you can check here: https://youtu.be/7Kn67RSxdF4
I’m sorry I don’t know why Tumblr sometimes can’t upload a video here... :(
Honestly, I don’t know well about the disadvantages of this project because I haven’t done it by myself. But maybe tomorrow or 2 days from today I will try this project.
Last but not least, stay safe everyone! We don’t know when this will end, but let’s pray for the best. See you!
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how long does it take to train a dog | how to train puppy
New Post has been published on https://dogtraining.dknol.com/english/how-long-does-it-take-to-train-a-dog-how-to-train-puppy/?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230+Freda+K+Pless&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BBest+Dog+Training
how long does it take to train a dog | how to train puppy
Newsletter Subscriptions Chow Chow Foot injuries Those wanting to outdoor potty train simply give the puppy a pass for going potty in their “no mistake” zone and make sure to put their puppy on a schedule that gets their puppy to the right place at the right time. FREE WaggTagg Water Changers Taiwan – 臺灣/台灣  New Skete is a small monastery located near the quaint village of Cambridge, approximately one hour north of Albany, New York.  The monastery and the training kennel are found on a gentle slope of Two Top Mountain.  Venezuela Fine Arts Next to your house phone, pinned to the fridge or by the exit to your puppy’s bathroom spot is a good place to keep it, but put it wherever is best for you. Decide on the household rules. Then be completely consistent about enforcing what you have decided. “No!” and “Good!” will serve you well for these puppy lessons, but only if you have taught those words properly. Arts & Entertainment Puppy Socials Unique Dog Names Did you catch them ‘in the act’ 3 times in a single day? Well done for watching them closely enough. However, if they tried to go 3 times in the home, you’ve learnt that you likely aren’t taking them to empty themselves often enough. So increase the frequency. You should also consider the Starmark Bob-A-Lot , the KONG Extreme Dog Toy , the Chuckit! Classic Ball Launcher , and the Mammoth Flossy Chews Cotton Blend 3-Knot Rope Tug . If you clean up just a little, the dog will be attracted to “refresh” the spot. If you clean thoroughly, there will be no attraction to go there again. Lisa Moore Melinda Myers Log-in PetSafe 6-Volt RFA-67D Replacement Batteries, 2 pack Or maybe puppy peed in the crate after an hour? – You left them crated longer than they can hold their bladder, or didn’t empty them before crating. Shampoo & Conditioner Posted by: Eden | July 23, 2018 1:44 PM    Report this comment I always advise clients to be proactive weather-watchers. If your dog’s potty place is outdoors, consider that potty habits can and might change with the season, and you may have to consider creative and proactive ways to keep your dog’s potty habits strong. For dogs who detest rain, the erection of a portable canopy might just ease the pain. A snow shovel goes a long way in helping small dogs deal with deep snow. Some indoor-outdoor carpet can buffer the heat of summer pavement. Outdoor Gear Health Videos This book has very clear instructions for training a puppy in an entertaining. I hope I am smart enough to train my dog with it If you have any feedback, comments, questions or suggestions on how to house train a puppy, please add them to the comment section below and I will answer every one. Thank you 🙂 Become A Certified Dog Trainer More In Potty Training By Cesar Millan Dos and Don’ts for a Warm and Fuzzy Holiday New cat parent Selecting the Right Wee-Wee Pad For Your Dog of the Reload Your Balance If you notice a mess after it has happened, you are not supervising closely enough. 15.78 The key to a good dog is a well-trained dog. When you train together, an unspoken language builds between you through words, hand signals, whistles and other methods. Test your training skills. Visit the AKC training programs. ​Susa has been a joy to have at home.  We train every day and she seems to love the exercises.  As you can see from the picture, she has become quite enthusiastic about coming when called (and all her other exercises.)  Thanks again for your wonderful work with her. 1. Pay Attention to Your Puppy At All Times Older dogs can hold on for longer, so take him out after every meal, after waking, at bedtime, and every 1-2 hours when he’s awake. When inside, do not let the dog out of your sight, and at the first sign of sniffing to locate a toilet spot, take him outside. Flea & Tick Food & Nutrition Arthritis & Joint Pain Kitten Senior Cat View All Good luck and happy crate training! Whatever you do, don’t reach out and grab her as she gets close to you. That will confuse her. When she gets really close, just gently reach out, offer a soft stroke of belly or head, and verbal praise. And if she is food motivated, this would be a good time to offer a yummy treat. If you have a large breed puppy and can’t pick them up, slip on a leash quickly and “rush” them to the potty area, do not stop until you are there ! March 23rd, 2017 Vet Solutions (3) How to Potty Train a Puppy: A Comprehensive Guide for Success Beggin′® © Copyright 1997-2018 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. Post a Reader Comment Brooklyn, New York 4.3 out of 5 stars Part 1: House Training – The Ultimate Guide Avoid playing exciting games in the garden before your puppy has toileted, as this is likely to distract them from the main purpose of going outside. If they want to come back inside straight away, or look confused, patiently walk up and down slowly to encourage them to move about and sniff the ground. Stay outside with your puppy until they have done their business at which point you can give gentle praise. Avoid leaving your puppy outside in the hope that they will eventually go to the toilet, as most puppies will not want to be left alone and will instead concentrate on getting back to you, rather than learning to go to the toilet outside. You might also miss the opportunity to praise your puppy if they do go, or if they don’t go, they may then be ‘caught short’ once back in the house! Susan McCullough Michael Medved I recommend you only use method 2 if you know you will have to leave your puppy for more than an hour or so in the first three months of his life, on a regular basis. $9.02 Autoship & Save Home / Potty training a puppy Leash Walking Tips A general rule of thumb for how long puppies can hold their bladders: one hour for every month of age, plus one. So if a puppy is two months old, he can wait up to three hours. However, this varies from dog to dog, and a puppy should be taken out more often than his maximum hold time. I train owners to take puppies out to the bathroom every one to two hours or after any activity that stimulates elimination. Trixie (8) © 2011 Offleash Media Inc. Variety Packs Thank you Donald J Trump!
dog training
puppy training
how to train a puppy
training a puppy
how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); I personally guarantee that you’ll find my program engaging, informative, and easy to understand. Give it a try for thirty days, and you’ll see that it will get you the results you want with your dog. If for some crazy reason you don’t like it, just let me know and I’ll give you a full refund. I’m so confident in Dog Training Genesis that I’m willing to take the risk for you and your dog. Many people allow their dogs to use their entire yard as a toilet, just so long as it’s outside. But you might want to consider training them to use just one specific spot every time. Washington, DC 20036 Press Center Share this content EMAIL ALERTS Marco Report an Animal Cruelty Crime No products in the cart. Share this content Food Flavor How To Raise A Well-behaved Puppy Training the Best Dog Ever: A 5-Week Program Using the Power of Positive Reinforcement + $3.99 shipping Humane Animal Welfare Society – HAWS of Waukesha Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2 edition (October 1, 2015) Hill’s® Prescription Diet® $15.19 Repeat Delivery Wildlife ordering & shipping There is no sense in punishing a dog or puppy after the fact. If you catch a dog him in the act of eliminating in the house, make an “oops!” sound, using a surprised facial expression. This is often enough to interrupt a dog mid-stream, at which point you can quickly take him to his potty spot, allow him to finish, and reinforce appropriate elimination in the correct spot. (Then go grab your gallon of Nature’s Miracle and make sure you clean that spot extra thoroughly!) Seven perfect days. Then he disappeared. A love story with a secret at its heart. Learn more German Shepherd Training: The Beginner’s Guide to Training Your German Shepherd Pup… featured products v Retail Store Club Development Department All PLEASE leave a message, we are usually busy training dogs! We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.  Go to Top Racine, WI 53403 We always anticipate the joys of all that’s good about owning a puppy. The hidden history of the quintessential summer cocktail PAY ONLINE February 27, 2018 at 6:21 pm Charge: Kent mom choked 6th-grade player at girls basketball game Whining News, tips and advice, for Labrador people worldwide. The Labrador Site is brought to you by best selling author Pippa Mattinson and her team Jump up ^ Lindsay 2000, p. 251. Healthy Dogs Radagast Pet Food, Inc. Voluntarily Recalls Four Lots of Rad Cat Raw Diet Pet Food X BENEFUL Community Service Publication Date: May 29, 2016 GROW Mount Prospect Ice Arena Cleaning & Water Care Environmental Control & Lighting Feeders & Food Storage Food Substrate & Bedding Vitamins & Supplements Burnsville If you do go your suggested route, and toilet train her religiously at all other times, you will still find success, it will likely just take longer than it might have done, with potential for more ‘inside mistakes’ as she will have learnt toileting inside is sometimes acceptable…and relieves her / fulfils a need, which is in itself rewarding. *Message and data rates may apply. Reply STOP to opt out. We’ll text you approximately once a month. Terms & Conditions/Privacy Policy training pitbull puppies | search and rescue puppy training training pitbull puppies | obedience puppy training training pitbull puppies | puppy training videos online Legal | Sitemap
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seagull-astrology · 5 years
The Tumblr saga
At its apex, Tumblr had more users than both Instagram, now estimated to be worth close to $200 billion to parent Facebook , and Pinterest , which has a market cap of nearly $18 billion. In 2013, Tumblr sold to Yahoo for $1.1 billion. On Monday, the parent company of WordPress.com bought it for a pittance.
The precise amount is hard to pin down but insiders have observed that there are modest homes in Silicon Valley that might be comparable in price. Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s former chief executive, once described Tumblr as an “incredibly special” property with “105 million different blogs, 300 million monthly unique visitors and 120,000 sign-ups every day.”
“We promise not to screw it up,” she famously added. And now look where we are.
Tumblr was ostensibly a blogging site but it quickly became one of the dominant, if hard-to-navigate, social networks of the early aughts. It attracted users who made and shared memes, art, their random thoughts and, eventually, a sense of community. Its mechanisms were opaque to outsiders: For many years, it didn’t have a function for direct messages or even traditional commenting, forcing users to communicate with each other by, among other things, reblogging each other’s posts.
Since it was difficult or impossible for outsiders to insert themselves into conversations, and because it was and still is a place that allows pseudonymous accounts, the site felt safe for members of marginalized communities, says Alexander Cho, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Irvine, who coedited a forthcoming book on the history of Tumblr.
“Tumblr can be as anonymous as you want it to be, and that allows people to share in a way they might not on Facebook,” says Catherine Holderness, Tumblr’s senior community trends analyst.
But inherent in Tumblr’s structure, culture and even code base were, from the beginning, problems for any potential owner. On the business side, it operated under the assumption that it could make money off its users the same way people had since the invention of the banner ad: Build a big enough audience, and “monetization” will take care of itself.
Alas, Tumblr was inherently ill-suited to advertising, says Katrin Tiidenberg, a social-media researcher at Tallinn University in Estonia who has studied Tumblr for years. Its impenetrability was a challenge to advertisers. On top of that, many of its users interspersed their posts on various fandoms, obsessions and memes with sexual content. “A lot of advertising clients, particularly in the U.S., get disproportionately nervous about being seen next to someone’s boobs,” says Dr. Tiidenberg.
Advertisers instead turned increasingly to the ostensibly safer realms of Google and Facebook. Together, the two giants now suck up 57% of all digital ad spend, according to eMarketer. In addition to owning the biggest ad networks, their crown jewels are incredibly sophisticated advertising engines that drive measurable results for advertisers.
As these titans matured, they could attract the best engineering talent, the most advertisers, the most eyeballs and the most partners, riding a flywheel made of cash that spins faster and faster.
Yahoo, which hemorrhaged talent throughout the 2010s at both the engineering and executive level, couldn’t attract and retain the sort of people that could help its revenue-generating engine, that is its ailing ad network, to compete.
More or less the same thing occurred once Yahoo joined AOL, sorry, Oath—oh wait, I mean Verizon Media—whose parent company essentially wrote down its entire value to zero in late 2018. Eyeballs, which this combined network had plenty of, weren’t enough in a climate in which advertisers had moved beyond the kind of cut-rate programmatic display advertising its sites were running.
The same thing happened in media, of course—such as the “newspaper” you’re reading now—and the response was a massive shift away from display advertising and toward subscription revenue.
But actually charging people to access its services was never really an option for Tumblr, built as it was primarily on the hopes, dreams and countless blog posts of teens all over the world. Kids often don’t have credit cards, and even if they do, they’ve been raised on a steady diet of free games, free video and free services.
It also doesn’t help that Tumblr, never a very polished or particularly reliable service to begin with, had a hard time going mobile. That’s where Google and Facebook ended up moving—quickly, through acquisitions and manic development—to maintain their revenue growth.
“The site was just fundamentally broken; it broke all the time” says Klaudia Amenábar, a senior media producer and comics vlogger who is also a self-described Tumblr power user. Now 24, she found the service at 16 and has been on it ever since, building a career in fandoms and social media from what she learned there. “The mobile app is a lot better now, but before, jokes about the mobile app were rampant on Tumblr,” she adds.
In the past year, Tumblr’s traffic has dropped by more than 40%, from approximately 640 million visits in July 2018 to around 380 million now. Much of that drop happened after the service implemented a ban on adult content.
Before the ban, Tumblr grew large precisely because, like the internet, it was open to the point of occasionally being seedy. The fact that it was riddled with adult material might have been a draw for some audiences and a turnoff to others. Its parent company Verizon launched a mostly automated effort to purge the service of all adult material, a dragnet that also eliminated much of the user-curated and user-generated content on the site. At that point the site collapsed, as its massive communities of fan-fiction writers, outsider artists and moody teens led their own exodus to other platforms.
“It was a long time coming,” says Ms. Amenábar. “A lot of people just stopped using it because they got older, Twitter became more popular, Instagram became bigger.”
Tumblr, still a powerful engine of internet memes and other ephemera, is potentially retro-cool but certainly not as cool as it was during its heyday. It’s like an old car that might become a classic if its owner can hang onto it long enough. That’s why its perch in the same family as WordPress.com is entirely appropriate.
WordPress.com is committed to supporting an activity—blogging—that can seem quaint in an era where if something isn’t shared on social media, it didn’t happen.
It’s entirely possible, as we saw with vinyl, wooden toys and email, that blogging—and, by extension, Tumblr—could make a comeback, or at least hang on as a valuable place for more thoughtful creation and engagement.
The real scandal of Tumblr isn’t that it’s now worth a fraction of its former selling price. The scandal is that Tumblr was ever valued so highly at all. Having a very popular product and only the vaguest idea how to make money on it does not, it turns out, a world-changing business model make.
Write to Christopher Mims at [email protected]
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jameyoverton-blog · 6 years
Twitter Views This As Churn
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You want to give useful details about your product that will help folks. Nevertheless, it's possible you'll also be lacking some beneficial alternatives to find new followers if you do not keep your search choices broad sufficient to encompass terms related to what you need to discuss and promote. So, when we want to promote one thing to others, it can be successfully if we've so many followers. Your present fans won’t assume that manner as they could have realized who you are and every thing you do, and obviously need it. Share things that individuals need to see. It all began off as a means for individuals to stay in contact with each other and now it has gone over to a company degree. The fact is that Twitter is so new and sort of "fun" proper now that (relying on your business) just having it on what you are promoting card can start a dialog.
How Do You Start? Nigerian Defense Headquarters introduced on Twitter referring to a city held by the insurgents for greater than six months. The lowest quantity historically required to get verification on Twitter is four, and the current lowest I’ve been capable of finding is below 600. I’m certain if you dig round you can find somebody with much less, as nicely. One can simply discover on-line advertising and marketing consultants from these platforms and hire them on a freelance foundation. Add a profile picture, your e mail handle, a username and a password (you'll be able to change your username later when you don’t have the proper one figured out right now). Sustain with the length about a hundred and twenty characters complete to go away from room for different people to retweet and add their own twist when sharing. To get an idea of what other people are saying or doing on Twitter you can search by keyword or just take a look at the trending matters to what's scorching on Twitter proper now. There aren't any words to describe how heartbroken we are. There may be chance of growing friendship with the Twitter customers and it automatically leads to increase the number of your Twitter followers. The ‘scary’ half is that the number is climbing every second.
Instagram, however, woos the younger lot and is accessed more by a higher-revenue group. Whereas Fb and Instagram seize a variety of the spotlight, Twitter and it is 140 characters are one in all the simplest methods get free leads and site visitors. The recognition on Instagram can result in reputation on Facebook, which may lengthen to Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and so on. We are the only option for Instagram followers! They present you the best way to setup your account using automation instruments and programmed keywords that automatically follow people who find themselves using them in their Twitter conversations. Subsequently, they will target on these folks primarily based on their tastes and interests. Twitter will suspend accounts if any of its limits are breached. There are two disadvantages of buying from them. When interviewing potentialities, rely on that they’ll present up with a powerful grasp of what you are promoting, your marketplace and how they are going to allow the two connect. There are two strains of considering in innovation as to where to get progressive merchandise from.
These are short textual content contributions, registered users can create. Twitter is a microblogging platform that permits you publish Tweets which are 140 characters or much less. Pin a Tweet a few current campaign or seasonal event, or one of your hottest Tweets that you just assume might assist attract new followers. Likes represents the appreciation of your services and products by the audience that additional assist you to realize rather more like and fan followers. I hope that these ten points will provide help to develop your model. You can get free factors by liking/following/viewing/subscribing/listening the others pages/accounts/movies/profiles/music. If you happen to do visitor running a blog or get media mentions, your first instinct is to advertise your webpage. Or no less than that’s what it might look like if you’re a real estate agent dipping your toe within the social media waters for the primary time. We carry you the very best offers, the best packages for social media services and the bottom prices out there! Moreover, these websites present reliable and certified freelancers at best costs. Sharing information about the best way to blog and the best tools in the enterprise, particularly WordPress.
The merchandise should be helpful, usable, and value more than the product sales worth tag for them. Facebook on this paper has greater than 750 million energetic viewers, spending greater than seven hundred billion minutes per 30 days on Fb, with 50% of lively users in the registry on any given day! Like when you've got a "basketball" associated weblog, search for basketball or sports as a key phrase. Kelly's feedback were noteworthy because they overtly acknowledged the distinction between marketing campaign guarantees and governing, and even steered that Trump needed to be educated on the subject. It could even be an article educating somebody the way to do one thing. Sprankle discusses the usage of LiveScribe and other new know-how recording units in the classroom, in addition to posts in regards to the iPhone’s usefulness on the subject of father or mother-trainer communication. Getting on is important and if the CEO's of multimillion dollar corporations can make the time to make use of Twitter to communicate with customers by way of tweeting then can't you? We want our clients to be glad!
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cilowexi1-blog · 7 years
Flicktive Review - (Free) bonus and discount
Flicktive Review  – The Fastest Breathtaking Cinematic Flick Creator For Record-Breaking Engagement, Clicks, Leads & Sales! Flicktive is  the only, pattern-interrupt software that’s sensational, emotionally entertaining, makes a robust effect on your market today for amazing results. https://crownreviews.com/Flicktive-review/ What's Flicktive? Are you a web marketer who trying to  get more prospects? You will find this type of complete lot  of facts I wish  to show you very first: Every second: 7806 Tweets are sent, 1,302 Tumblr posts are posted, 810 Instagram photos are uploaded, 71,323 YouTube videos are viewed and 2,635,917 email messages are sent... This means you can find nearly 4 BILLION content for everyone online in twenty four  hours. However, it's absolutely nothing unless they're buying and clicking the items offered. Not to say, you can find plenty business that is online your around. So far, store online make up more  than 80%, and 90% of them utilize social media. For that reason, you need to make your company especially outstanding. Have you ever thought can captivate attention of site visitors and drive drive increased  traffic just  with engaging content such as for example GIFs. It sound a little strange, right? But you can get it done by yourself with all  the product I’m planning  to introduce you appropriate now. Introducing: Flicktive Flicktive is  brand new software that is powerful take flicks and means they are magically addictive to help you command, mesmerize and acquire having to pay clients fast, a staggering and amazing  new degree  of engagement, too ascaptivating attention like nothing you've seen prior. This software that is point-n-click creates mouth-watering flicks with motions for mass control, injects credibility, appears spectacular, breaking documents to market electronic and real services and products for you. Now, let’s go in more detail about this item. How exactly does Flicktive Work? Special options that come with Flicktive: When possessing this tool that is amazing you'll  have an opportunity  to discover powerful feature below: HD Flicks: 720p HD, horizontal 16:9, straight 9:16 and square 1:1 MP4 output. Free Traffic: Staggering levels  of stocks & likes at no cost viral and SEO traffic. Magnificent Creator: Stunning Flicktives with texts, pictures, logos, links & call to actions. Incredible Profits: Record-breaking engagement to market your products or services and solutions. Passive earnings: Create, manage & grow as much profit-generating income streams. Publish Anywhere: Publish your mouth-watering Flicktives anywhere online. In The Cloud: No download or installation needed. Instant online access. Video Trimmer: Select your start and end time  to cut videos for hypnotic movie masterpieces. Mesmerizing Effects: All-new, magnetizing & high converting flicks for mass control. Thanks to these, it is possible to effortlessly get outcomes such as for instance: Mass Production & Distribution Flicktive will enable you to include multiple headlines, website links and call to actions so that you will in a position to send visitors anywhere and every where you want. You can super-charge your results by broadcasting for explosive contact with millions  of users worldwide to WIN  visitors so they really buy with full confidence. Additionally, you can install your Flicktive and make use of in your ads, web log, web sites, or email messages without resorting to third  party tools for complete peace-of-mind. Get Instant Credibility & Authority Once you go Flicktive, you create the best enjoyable experience for these potential customers and  in result who doesn’t wish  to be prospective customers. Your prestige will go through the roof as being  a market leader with Flicktives that do the job. Moreover, you can even deliver the prospects to checkout pages, landing pages, webinar pages, product sales pages, item pages and also affiliate pages. Get Free Clicks, Leads & Sales Now that, it is possible to increase clients and FREE viral traffic to your profits from  the largest social support systems with simplicity, and simply get stocks, likes, pins and tweets to catapult your Flicktives in to  the stratosphere as well. Every post automatically grow  your backlinks so that you can get on Bing's google even for more organic traffic. Mass Profiting System More notably, other people will share them too because your Flicktives makes them are  more and Furthermore, you are going to monetize a lot more since their buddies of buddies are prepared  to share in 1 simply click and boost  your reach, build  your reputation and exponentially cause you to more money.  How It Works: All you have to  do would be to follow 3 easy steps below and obtain results instantly: Step 1 – Pick up a Youtube video which you yourself can include your own or choosing from  the collection within  the dashboard. The important thing is there is no  need to obtain any special abilities such as for instance design, video-making skills, etc. Step 2 – Now, you can easily cut and highlight part  of movie for the mouth-watering motion impact with a few ticks of mouse, add elements as well as  your call to action and hit go. Step 3 - Flicktive is able  to enable you to get extraordinary attention that magnetically engages visitors to  get amazing outcomes with beauty you merely cannot ignore. Who Should Use Flicktive? for you no matter niches you're running in: Entrepreneurs - Compelling Flicktives to emotionally engage and share your message Social Media Marketers - The perect mass control device to attract, engage and convert. eCommerce Store Owners – Help you sell more products with Flicktives customers cannot ignore Advertisers - scroll-stopping & magnetic Flicktives getting purchasers faster Bloggers - Command these potential customers to learn,  click and get your products and services Affiliate Marketers - Dazzle your audience with Flicktives and sell more products Local company Owners - Mesmerize your market in seconds with magnificent Flicktives Authors & Publishers - Riveting Flicktives fdesigned to fully capture your readers attention Website Owners - improve  your reach & engagement to bigger customer lists Why in the event  You Get Flicktive Now? Abhi Dwivedi, a pleased users has said: “I love Flicktive. It’s exactly   about getting attention of your client first before they are able to buy from you. This is the brand wave that is new get purchasers like nothing you've seen prior. Awesome task!” There is no doubt that this may be  a product that is must-have internet  marketers need  to obtain on their own. Getting Flicktive, additionally, you will get some good more powerful function as below: •Captivating Flicktives to sell services and products & services •Save time, energy, money, & fees •Access any time, region or country 24/7 •Post, schedule, broadcast & syndicate with 1 click •Free viral & natural seo traffic •Get qualified causes get sales More significantly, you can reach and exposure everywhere you would like: •Multiple Social Networks •Blogs & Websites •eCom Stores •Emails •Banner Ads Now that, you can expect to you don't need to: •Spend 10,000 hours figuring it away and working on the project manually. •Waste cash employing designers that are expensive videographers, editors and coders. •Outsource them and buy their expenses and fees that are monthly />Exclusive Bonuses From Flicktive Bonus 1: 1-Click Automated Syndication 1 click posting to Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. You can personalise your distribution to auto-post, broadcast and distribute your Flicktives to market any products or services. You can also run pre-determined schedules so you can  get results Bonus 2: 100 Flicktive HD Videos You get access that is instant 100 HD videos specific for your Flicktives in multiple categories. You have complete legal rights to make use of these videos at no costs that are extra accessible in  the dashboard so  you have purchasers. You can trim and edit especially  for your market them live nothing you've seen prior. Bonus 3: Amazing Filtering & Special Effects You can custom-filter your content rendering  it simple to  use and reuse as your online business demands. This also includes image filters and effects such as for instance... Shadow, lighting, mosaic, blur, grayscale, brightness, comparison, saturation and even more... Flicktive makes it simple to help you stick out from  the audience. Bonus 4: 100% modification & Combinations A slick and smooth interface for pro quality. Amplify multiple layouts to your output, limitless color and format combinations. In 1  click you could add layers, crop, resize, color, font, size and much more in moments tailored to your market. Conclusion All in most, let’s recap just what benefits you certainly will gain when buying Flicktive: •Cutting-edge movie creator for mass control •Free organic & viral traffic on demand •Zero advertising charges  for buyer traffic •Attracts, engages & converts  visitors into paying customers •Captivate & hold visitors for record-breaking engagement •Step-by-step quickstart video lessons to help you get installed and operating fast to earnings! •"Newbie-friendly" customer-getting system •Get extraordinary presses to incredible profits I do hope that you will gain more understanding about any of it product before making a purchase. Thanks for reading my review! More deatails:
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Social Media - 30th November.
30Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Facebook is a social networking site where you are suggested pages and friends due to mutual interests and friends. on this site you can video chat, call and direct message people. It is different to other sites because it includes many of the features other sites do and it is the most used.
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
You can make a dedicated page for your work. you can pay for ads and promotions you can also filter who these adverts target. You can use insights to see who is viewing your page and look at all the analytics.
What are its weaknesses?
You have to pay to get your ads to a larger audience. The image quality inst too good. There are a lot of people on Facebook so it is very over saturated.
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
Facebook has about 2 billion users and it is a growing platform. 
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
Pay for advertising, keep your account updated and post at prime times ( 8/9am and 5/6pm)
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Instagram is an image based social media. like comment follow direct message. its different because there are no text posts.
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
Instagram is good because you can search things via hashtags. Pay for promotion and use it as a source of inspiration to see whats trendy.
What are its weaknesses?
You can only post 2 image sizes. 
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
Instagram is a growing social media with 800 million active monthly users.
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
Drip feed your content. Dont post everything at once cause youll quickly run out of content.
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Youtube is a video sharing platform. You can subscribe to channels like and comment on videos. It is strictly video based.
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
You can research how to do things and watch tutorials to teach yourself skills.
What are its weaknesses?
You cant direct message people or post photos.
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
1 billion active monthy users. it is a growing paltform
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
Use it if you want to show a behind the scenes look at what you did to create a shoot or if you want to learn a new skill. But for trying to get clients and make a business its not the best
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Tumblr is a blogging website where you can make a various array of posts such as video, photo and text. you can reblog, follow, like, comment and direct message a blog.
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
you can post your own work and write a lot about it. You can post your portfolio and links to your other social media sites. You can look up hashtags.
What are its weaknesses?
You cant be specific in your search. Not very professional. Most users are between 15 and 25
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
30 - 50 million users. It has dropped the last few years.
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
Look to see what the trends are in the photography hashtag and try to make your work in the same style so you get onto the top seaches of the tag.
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Snapchat is a photo based social media where you can post images that last up to10 seconds traditionally, now you can put them to post for an unlimited amount of time. You can add people to be on your friends list but they have to add you back to be able to message them unless they have their account public. It is different because the posts disappear after 24 hours. 
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
You can show behind the scenes on how you do stuff.
What are its weaknesses?
You cant advertise your account. The image quality isnt great as it only uses the phone camera. not professional. You cant link other accounts unless you post it every day.
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
150 million active daily users and it is a growing site.
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
I wouldnt bother if you wanted to use it for business as it is more of a personal social media.
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Text based social media. follow like and retweet you can also direct message. 
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
You can link your other social media accounts and advertise.
What are its weaknesses?
You can only post 4 images at a time and there is a character limit for text posts.
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
330 million active monthly users. It is a growing platform.
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
Use it to post teasers and links to your other account. 
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Photo hosting and organisation service. You can add them to your contacts list. You get 1 TB of free storage. 
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
You can organise your photos into ‘collections’ to keep them organised. You can send images straight from your computer.
What are its weaknesses?
It isnt great for client work as not many people use it. 
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
45 - 50 million active users.
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
Good if you want to organise your photos but you wont get much client work from it. 
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Pinterest is a photo based platform that mainly shows inspiration and diy posts. You can pin posts to your own personal boards and create pins for things you have seen online. you can follow other people too. 
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
You can create mood boards to share with your clients. You can get inspiration and tutorials on how to do things.
What are its weaknesses?
You wont get much, if any client work. It is mainly used for looking at diy projects.
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
150 million active monthly users and it is growing. 
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
It is helpful if you want to know what sort of work a client wants cause they can make and send you mood boards and vice versa, but you wont get work from it.
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
A social media for professionals, it is pretty much an online cv. you can direct message people. It is different from other sites because you can get work and message people about jobs they want doing. 
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
You can upload and keep a record of everything you have done. Used by lots of big companies so there is a chance to do a lot of work. 
What are its weaknesses?
I dont think you would get much freelance work because its not really a general public social media.
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
467 million members and its slowly growing.
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
Keep it updated with your recent work
Name of social media platform:
In a nutshell, what is it/what does it do? How can people interact with each other? What makes it different to other platforms?
Online portfolio, almost like pinterest but you cant save things. you can appreciate posts and follow other users. It is mainly used by creatives.
What are the strengths of this social media platform for a professional photographer?
You can post at 150 dpi. It isn't overcrowded. Its mainly used by other creatives so you might find it easier to collaborate with other people
What are its weaknesses?
You cant direct message people and it isnt really used by the general public
How many users does this platform have? Is this platform growing or declining?
Around 50-60 million active monthly users and its a growing platform.
What top tips would you give to a photographer looking to get the most out of it?
Be an active user, follow and appreciate other peoples work and keep your page updated with your best work.
0 notes
yuguyivo-blog · 7 years
Social Daddy review & bonuses - cool weapon
Social Daddy Review – The Soc&#Social Daddy0;al Μedia executive By having a incredible Twist Social Daddy is a really multi-рlatfоrm, social internet marketing and automatic device made to assist electronic firms ànd marketers marketplace, organize and monitor his or her social websites initiatives a ćròss 6 great various websites. https://crownreviews.com/social-daddy-review-bonus What Is Social Daddy? little doubt, if you were making use of social media marketing the proper way, you'll want already been publishing to Facebook, Instagram, Τumblr, Linkedin, Bebo & Wordpress articles! Βut who's got the amount of time to go to all your bookmarked websites and seriously рost daily while working оn anything else we all havе to complete within our onliné journeys? However, then you are losing out if you are not marketing to all those social sites. Thé thing is, It can do (OR USED TΟ) relax and take a time that is long publish every single base? Or perhaps more serious, it is likely you don't target all your bookmarked websites since it is excessively like efforts? Be aware that Social Daddy has come can provide relief! Getting a brand solution that is new Social Daddy, you are able to fill out one particular posting and it will be built and arranged for every single for the s&#Social Daddy0;x leading communities adding myspace, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tυmblr and Blogger websites Social Daddy is a really multi-plàtform, social internet marketing and equipment means designed to help digital companies and business owners marketplace, deal and monitor their social websites initiatives across 6 great various networks. - facebook or twitter рages/groups - Twitter - Τumblr - Instagram - LinkedIn - Blogger sites I suggest checkíng out thé test to see exactlÁ what’s underneath the lid. Then you're able to upload to the people six companies directly, or make them all for the future. Yes, you could potentially fix blog articles when it comes to in the future, next thirty days or WHENEVER You want to! This is often a function we will use a lot. Not more submitting to multiple organizations every at ònсe. Plus, by growing blog articles over the extended period period you will get additional influence. Just think exactly how enough time that would freé ùp for your needs? I don't know with regards to you, but it is a gamе changer for several. You will be in addition going to attain far more finances and construct a much bigger listing mаrket&#Social Daddy0;ng for all those users aćrοss all the platforms. Honestly, website owners cant clarify this sufficiently. Merely study Social Daddy compare in here and look it by yourself. so how exactly does Social Daddy Perform? Special options that come with Social Daddy: • organize and answer to client questions utilizing Facebóok Messenger Chat Bot • Receivé Realtime messáge not&#Social Daddy0;fication from your own social networking aсcountѕ. • Setup booked, autòpost to Facebook , Twitter , Tumblr , The wordpress platform , Skype • Cross erase your posting at a time from Twitter , Τwittér , Τumblr & Wetpaint • 1 click societal present from oné system towards the alternative • Manàge Your Entire Twitter webpages ( with comment , replÁ ) &amр; groups ( with comment , reply ) • 1 Click startup Facebook.com group post Campaign • create Cómment venture to Dríve Traffic • Twitter body communication submit you webpage fans • Setup Scheduled aυtópóst to Instagrаm • Youtube and twitter site organize ( Sending drive communication if presented , replÀ , retwеet ) • Bebo size message Your follоwers • create Retweet Campaigns • Youtube and twitter Mass ReplуA • bring new guides from tweet utilising the Youtube Prospéctr. • Аuto interact to the groups questions and questions on loose by using the slack ro Bot • Мanagé and accept communications from Linkedin • Write, thought and remove уAour word press pоst • accept notices from the accounts How It functions: Meanwhile, if you would like discover, hére ànd nοw a number of what the Social Daddy can perform for your needs, right here they have been. DROP-DEAD PAINLESS SOCIAL NETWORKING ACCOUNTS INTEGRATION You no more should be a person to squidoo or the another leading social networking reports. Have the Social Daddy treat the difficult ánd filthy company fòr people. Sοme of this simple social networking sites integrаtion one of them practical program include: - Simple Twitter consolidation Contról Àour Twitter blogs and ùplοad information utilising the scheduler. You only need to hit a link and all of any myspace websites and teams tend to be immediately shipped their advertising using оur APÌ consolidation. - Easy Instagram Integration Control your Instagram posts аnd uploàd material utilizing thе schedùler. Not be considered a handbook bond to Instаgram, automaté your very own advertising with the API Integration. - Simple Youtube and twitter consolidation take control of your Twéets and content that is upload the sсhéduler. Not be considered a handbook servant to Twitter and youtube, aυtomáte the promoting with all of our API Intеgration. - convenient LinkеdІn Integràtión take control of your LinkedIn blogs and publish information making use of the schedùler. No more be considered a mànùal person to associatedIn, automate their advertising utilizing the ΑPI consolidation. - effortless Tumblr Integràtion Сontrol Áour Pins and content that is upload the scheduler.No longer be considered lead person to Tumblr, automate the marketing utilizing the APÍ Íntegration. - pleasing Wordpress sites Integration Control your own personal Wordpresѕ articles vids and content that is upload the sćhedulеr. Not any longer become a handbook bond to Wοrdpress content, automаte your very own advertising by using this API consolidation. PRODUCE INFINITE CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS This means you could add numerous makes up eách various networking. It is possible to organize numerous people making use of Ѕoci Hub - One-Click blogs Onе Simply click upload - utilize this easy post that is one-click to automatically create one post or photograph upload which will deploy acroѕs all ѕix systems - Bùilt-In statistics observe this article you might be placing and revealing is actually preforming. Observe retweéts, wants remarks and much more r&#Social Daddy0;ght from thé dash. - Agency form it is possible to take care of all of your customers social networking reports from within Social Daddy. Started and build their media that are social on their behalf - Mult&#Social Daddy0; Scheduler make use of the Social Daddy itinerary affisch to arrange blog articles, an hour, 1 day, 7 days, 1 month as well as one year in front for many content. That Ѕhould Úse Social Daddy? From whatever I have witnessed of the distinctive social media marketing manager, it's obvious thаt serioυs social media marketing people and affiliates àll require the Social Daddy to possess much better discussion and marketing outcome. Since their purpose constructed with automatión at heart, also a beginner in online internet marketers can You’ll know more about evident movie directions for every base & a complete walkthrough (not that you’d need ít, but merely in the event). Théy come with a video that is full throùgh of each and every sеction of the iphone app with additional staying included on a regular basis. why wouldn't you buy Social Daddy Νow? have you been sick and tired of checking up on therefore numerous public Movie records? If you were splitting the human brain ánd expenses additional time to sign in everÁ social media marketing makes up about posting, and then Social Daddy is here now to assist you. Before long, the Social Daddy will roll-out here. Plus a gigantic section of their aggravation with with plenty social media marketing records to market place or connect to yoυr friends, possibilities and people is going to be over commonly, the program sign in each individual advertising and marketing accоunts to create Relevant Materiàl with regards to their enthusiasts to ensure that they're involved. But I have us knew precisely how lots of time that it provides to record into all these records one at a time? Іts not completely mυch interesting, best? Researching demonstrated that an average of for many people have 5 or 6 social networking records , as well as people consumes aróund 1 hour and around 30 minutes tó bròwѕe, query and upload content on аll his or her records. That is means long! Social Daddy shall help you reduce that period MUCH and find people plenty of time conserved to on another crucial small business aсtiv&#Social Daddy0;ties. The newest Social Daddy program will allow you to enhance your major ones public news reports from a single cеntral loсation. Her All-in-One platform that is cloud-based centrаlizés the managément and power over six greatest web 20 platforms including Facebοok, Twittér, Instagram, Linkedin, Tumblr and Wordpress blog. The Social Daddy enables you to take care of &аmp; timetable all your valuable advertising and personal information from one particular to make use of dashboаrd. Creating Social Daddy is like possessing a manager that is social their convenience. The Big turn In Social Daddy What separates thе Social Daddy from all thé other social media owners on the market is it also includes a chatbot that primarily interacts with clients in your stead over a 24/7 foundation. This autоpilot submitting and multi web that is scheduling permits you to contrοl ànd organizing imaginative contents for your needs any time throughout the day. It’s a ninja that is real whenever you think it over. You see, try creating one рost for fb , as well as at the equivalent occasion people might have exactly the same upload optimized for Instagram, Twitter and youtube, LinkеdIn, Wetpaint websites etc. Conclusion Act now to lock away ones οne possibility to secure life time use of Social Daddy ΑND catch your awesome extra. Really actually i do believe th&#Social Daddy0;s sοftwаre is the thing that is best nowadays right now within the course. That strikes all of the spots that are right often be a 'will need to have Application' of any dedicated social media marketing consumers or thòse seriously interested in making use of ѕocial media included in personal marketing and advertising combine. Get a hold of a license today during the good deal these is offering them immediately befòre almost everything gοes up. 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escapemotions · 8 years
TOP 10 Social Networks for Artists
Whether you are an aspiring artist or an established art master without any online presence, you should start to think about promoting your art online. In this progressive internet era, there are tons of website where you can post your work and wait for the glory (including requests for a commissioned work) but unless you have a personal assistant this activity may as well be time-consuming and distract you from your creative process. Prioritizing your work to only a few social networks is a good start, but what are the top social networks for artists you should sign up to? Here are our top picks:
1. DeviantArt
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Founded in August 2000, DeviantArt is the largest online social network and platform for artists and art enthusiasts to exhibit, promote, and share their works. With over 38 million registered members and over 65 million unique visitors per month, it is one of the top social networks you need to start using right now to get a nice exposure for your works. DA’s members known as deviants upload over 160,000 original artworks every day, everything from painting and sculpture to digital art, pixel art, films, and anime. Join their daily drawing challenge, create incredible collections and see them showcased on DA or search for any particular art style in various categories. You can also become a member of their forums and chats and get critique for your work. Artists simply love DeviantArt because of their inclusive and supportive community. 
2. CGSociety
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The CGSociety supports artists at every level by offering a range of services to connect, inform, educate and promote digital artists worldwide. You can find interesting tutorials and workshops here or have a chat with some of the top professionals in the CG industry.
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3. Pinterest
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A great place for sharing (pinning) images with your followers and following other people who share inspiring material. It works like your personal scrapbook with the difference that people can actually see what you scrapbook online. Do you love drawing but also enjoy cooking? Great! No one will be bothered by your cooking recipes because you can pin all topics you like on Pinterest, people who want to keep a track of your art career can follow solely your art-related boards. Pinterest reports 150 million monthly users - that’s a huge number of people who can possibly look at your beautiful work, don’t you think? After signing up to Pinterest, go and follow us at https://sk.pinterest.com/escapemotions/
4. Behance
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Behance is the leading online platform to showcase & discover creative work: the creative world updates it in one place to broadcast widely while companies explore the work and access talent on a global scale. Behance’s innovative platform distributes work to other online galleries, maximizing exposure for top talent on their site. Get appreciation for your art, mention companies you have worked with so far and list some past professional experience. Behance is a large online catalog where most of the page views come from non-members, so be sure to upload your finished piece and possibly get hired.
5. Instagram
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A global community of more than 500 million users who capture and share 95 million photos every day enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them either publicly or privately on the app, as well as through a variety of other social networking platforms. Instagram is heavily visited by artists of any kind - just imagine that someone can find your art only because you put a #hashtag on it. Get the most essential Instagram hashtags for artists here: https://www.accessart.co/blog/en/10-essential-art-hashtags-instagram/
6. Tumblr.
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Tumblr. lets you effortlessly share anything - post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email or wherever you happen to be. You can customize everything, from colors to your theme's HTML and make your account a nice place to visit. Tumblr hosts over 332 million blogs and gets more than 40 million posts every day, many of them focused on photography, illustrations, and drawing. So why don’t give Tumblr. a try?
7. Facebook
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For some people, Facebook’s days of glory are gone. But with approximately one billion users it is still the largest social network out there. If you have a private account and don’t want to mix your private life with the professional, start your fan page where only your art will be exposed. What is great about Facebook is that you can join many online art groups where similar people like you post their works and questions so you actually learn a lot too! Don’t forget to follow Escape Motions on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/flamepainterpage/
8. Twitter
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Twitter’s mission is to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. This social network states 313 millions of active users to connect to people outside their current network. On Twitter, you can be sure that you’ll meet people you probably wouldn’t be able to reach otherwise. Great resources are being shared there every second, which may broaden your horizons and stimulates your own creative juices. We love to share news from our creative world on our Twitter account too so be sure to follow us at https://twitter.com/escapemotions
9. LinkedIn
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As of 2015, LinkedIn had more than 460 million members in over 200 countries and territories and is the world's largest professional network and platform for business. LinkedIn allows you to upload photos but you must keep in mind that this network is more for business talk than for showing off your work. You may ask yourself ‘Why would I need that?’. Well, you can make a few useful connections and meet other business professionals, who can bring you valuable resource as well as build relationships with potential customers, clients, and partners. Some of the things you can add to your profile include the basics of your resume, a summary about yourself, your contact information, links to your website and/or blog, previous employers, projects you've worked on, and more. Don't forget to add a professional picture which is ‘a must’ on this pro platform.
10. Dribbble
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Dribbble is show and tell for artists of all kind - web designers, graphic designers, illustrators, icon artists, typographers, logo designers, and others share small screenshots (shots) that show their work, process, and current projects. Dribbble’s system is very basic: you upload a 400×300 shot (120.000 pixels), the community watches it, they like and give feedback if they want to. This system is oriented to receive a lot of feedback from other designers, so you’ll always have someone to rely on when a creative crisis occurs :)
Sharing your work on social media is a great way of getting an appreciation for your talent, however, such self-promotion may not be an ideal option for an introvert artist, or it is possible you just don’t like to ‘boast’ with what you do online. Believe us, there should not be such feelings when it comes to promoting your work. Maybe you will be surprised by how many fans you can gain just because they can find your art online. Or how good it feels when some stranger commends on your talent or a great art you created. Or how good it feels to complain from time to time because of the lack of inspiration or anything else - there are still people who listen and can even give you some great advice. And the most important part - you can make good friends online with some of your fans who will understand you because you all share a common interest. 
Your time is now. So introduce your art to the world.
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