#i'll probably give her more jewelry if i decide to develop it further
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Moon and Sliver design sketches :) They are Bouba and Kiki. to me
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Of Blood and Bonds - Chapter 4
@mystery-5-5 @synnesstra @thesunanditsangel
@abrx2002 @clumsy-owl-4178 @daminett4life @zalladane
@heaven428 @unmaskedagain
@dawnwave16 @kris-pines04 @emeraldpuffguide @hypnosharkrebeldreamer
@be-happy-every-day-please @blue-peach14 @annabellabrookes
@jaynintodd @st0rmy-w1th1n @bluerosette23 @ladysblackcat @18-fandoms-unite-08
@vixen-uchiha @novicevoice @jessigurl-design @tinyterror333
@rebecarojas07 @sparkle9510 @magicalfirebird
@mewwitch @shamefullove
@sassydepression @caffeinetheory
@krispydefendorpolice @mermaidofthelost @zalladane @drarryismylife101 @ladybug-182 @northernbluetongue @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @iloontjeboontje @mjisntme
@dorkus-minimus @firesong323 @chocolatecatsthero @wargraymon0709 @bamagirlkrista
@moonlightstar64 @captain-lostkid @angelicbookfangirl @lunar-wolf-warrior @roseunivers999 @dur55 @emeraldpuffguide @evil-elf16 @crazylittlemunchkin @moonlightstar64 @semaalcocer-blog @skyel0ve
On that note, this book will contain swearing, mentions of rape and torture. I will try not be explicit but that's really relative. Read at your own risk. There will be warning before if I make a explicit scene so that you can skip it.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and don't hunt me down for this.
"Colin this is Marinette, my sister, Marinette this is Colin." Damian introduced the redhead who seemed a bit bewildered but he recovered quickly. 
"Pleased to meet you ma'am. I didn't know that Damian had another sibling."
"Well neither did he before yesterday." Marinette laughed good-naturedly. "So you're his best friend." 
"Yep!" Damian didn't refute the statement. 
"So Miss Marinette where are you from?" 
"Just Marinette is fine Colin." 
"Miss makes me feel old, you don't want that now, do you?" The boy looked scandalised. "I'm only about two years older than Damian anyways so if you want to call me by a nickname, that's fine too."
The boy grinned shyly. "Okay Marinette."
Damian looked distinctly surprised. "Well done, he still calls the others Mr, they are going to be annoyed by this development."
"Oh Damian." Marinette turned on her heels and winked at them, eyes full of mischief. "This is nothing. I got Alfred to  call me by just my first name?" 
Now, both boys looked very impressed but still disbelieving. "I'll believe it when I see it." The redhead claimed. Marinette laughed but said nothing more on the matter.
"So where are you bringing me?" 
"The Gotham's Botanical Garden. I think you'll enjoy it. However, I must warn you to stay clear of anything that may anger Poison Ivy. "
She took it in stride. "Of course, I'll ask before I do anything." 
"It'll be so fun. People don't talk about it because of Ivy but the gardens are so beautiful." Colin started ranting and Marinette hid a smile at the fond expression on her little brother's face. If one didn't know what to be looking for, they would miss it but Marinette had become very very attuned to emotions, especially after she gained the Miraculous and became Guardian. 
"-attract so many different kinds of butterflies."
"Huh." Marinette mused. "It'll be nice seeing some actual butterflies and not akumas for once."
"You mentioned akumas before too." Damian interrupted. "What are they?"
She seemed a little surprised. "Do you - do you really have no idea of what's going on in Paris?" 
Both of the boys shook their head. Even Colin looked curious now. 
"It's pretty surreal but, when I was twelve, this guy surfaced. He calls himself Hawkmoth. He sends out these magic butterflies called akumas to anyone who's experiencing any negative emotion to possess them. He makes a deal with the victims to give them powers for them to be able to take revenge upon whatever wrong happened to them and return he asks for the Miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir."
"Who?" Colin interrupted and Marinette blinked. She had sounded so...old, so burdened as she spoke - so different from the bubbly macaroon making girl that Damian had learnt to know. 
"Right, context. After his first akuma, two heroes surfaced in Paris too. They're powered by the Miraculous too. Hawkmoth wants Ladybug's earrings and Chat Noir's ring. No one knows why exactly and well we're not interested to find out. More power in that madman's hands can only cause harm." 
"You mean to say." Damian's voice was flat. "That there has been a sociopathic terrorist in Paris for five years and no one knows of it. Why didn't the mayor call for the Justice League?"
Marinette's face darkened. It almost made both if the boys shudder and take a step back. 
"Oh but we did. More than once, more than ten times in fact. We only stopped whenthe Leaguers asked us to stop wasting their time with pranks."
"What?" Damian exploded. "They just disregarded all the damage that must have been caused, all the phone calls. They didn't even look into it."
Marinette placed a hand in his shoulder, urging her aura to seek his and calm him down. "The thing is one of Ladybug's powers is the Miraculous Cure. It fixes all the damage caused in the midst of battle."
"All the damage?" Even Damian didn't seem to believe it at that point. 
"I know it seems too good to be true." She fished out her phone and tried to look for a video. "And we understood that but everyone in Paris is pissed that they didn't even bother come verify our so called claims. I mean for God's sake, they have aliens, shapeshifters, magicians and even guys who are themselves powered by magical jewelry if I'm not wrong." 
Marinette huffed as she found a video. It was one of the first ones from the Ladyblog, when Alya was still a reliable reporter. She played the video. It was of The Mime and it showed how he cut the Eiffel Tower in two as well as the Miraculous Cure taking effect. 
The boys especially Damian seemed horrified and Marinette felt a little of guilt for subjecting them to that. 
But then Damian looked up at her and his lazarus green eyes of reminded her that he probably had seen worse. 
"That's…" He didn't seemed to know what to say. 
"Terrifying." Colin said. "Are they all really that strong?" Marinette winced, debating whether to tell them the truth of not. 
Damian seemed to sense that. "You can tell us." He prompted and she sighed, reaching out to ruffle his hair.
"That's actually one of the tamer villians." She admitted. "The Mime appeared during the first year of Hawkmoth's reign of terror. One of the worst akumas back then that come to mind is Syren. She flooded the entirety of Paris, about three quarter of the population died and were brought back by the cure." She took another look at them and decided that she wasn't going to be the cause of their further trauma. 
"Hey, this is it, right?" She promptly changed the subject, knowing very well that she hadn't been subtle at all. "Gotham Botanical Gardens." She beamed down at them. 
"Wow, it's beautiful." She took a moment to appreciate the sight. "Hey you're right, there's a lot of butterflies. Can we go there first?" She was basically bouncing as she turned to look at her brother and his best friend. 
Colin looked gleeful while Damian seemed just amused. "You act like a child." Her brother informed her. She stuck out her tongue at him. "And you speak like an old man but you don't see me complaining." 
"Fair enough." He chuckled. "What are you waiting for? Let's go then."
He couldn't help the full-blown smile appearing on his face as both his sister and his best friend literally ran to the butterflies and started gushing together. 
He started to make his way to them when someone appeared in front of him blocking his view. His usual scowl and glare were back on his face when he looked up. The boy seemed to recoil slightly at his look but it didn't deter him more that that. 
"I don't know who you are." His tone clearly gave away that he felt like he was the one in power here. Damian cursed the time when he used to act like that. He had learnt that lesson the hard way - had learnt not to underestimate an enemy. "But you're gonna stay away from my princess. She doesn't need children like you around." 
Damian took a second to analyze him. Blond Hair. Green eyes. He remembered  reading those as Marinette's triggers during his research. He had to clench his fists to stop himself from reaching out to his weapons.
"She can decide that for himself." He said instead and went to walk around him but the boy grabbed his shoulder. 
The next thing he knew he was standing behind his sister. "Adrien." She cut in smoothly. "I didn't expect to see you here, especially not without your bodyguard." Damian could see that she was tense, her back muscles were coiled as if she was ready for a fight. 
"Princess." He was beaming. "I snuck out." He said almost proudly. "We need to talk."
"Gotham isn't Paris." Her words seemed more like a warning rather than the facts they were which the blond idiot obviously didn't catch on. "And I want nothing to do with you, haven't for  three years. I owe you nothing. Give up."
That was a clear dismissal if Damian knew one. "Princess you need to listen to me-" He reached out to grab her hand but was cut off.
The younger boy had seen her lurking but she hadn't seemed a threat so he didn't know whether he was thankful or not that she had jumped in. 
Ivy spoke "The girl asked you to go away." Thankful, he finally decided.
The boy looked a little nervous - so he did have some braincells. "Ma'am, respectfully, this does not concern you." Well not enough it seemed. 
"Oh well, respectfully." Her plants towered behind them. "I don't give a damn. Stay away from them."
The plants grabbed him and threw him just outside the park boundaries. It seemed a little tame for the likes of Ivy but then again she always did go softer for children even if they were brats.
Damian watched as the boy scrambled back to his feet and glared in their direction before he stomped off. 
"Damian." His sister was clearly fretting over him, he would never admit it but it felt good, he felt loved. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"I'm alright, I'm alright. I told you, I can take care of myself." 
She smiled, soft and relieved. "I don't doubt it but promise me if you see either him or Lila from yesterday, you need go the other way."
"Why?" He frowned. He had a doubt on blondie but what about that Lila girl? 
"And by Lila, do you mean the sausage haired girl?"
His sister cracked a grin at that thought she was still serious. "Yeah her."
"Why?" He repeated and she became grim at once. "Because he's sick in the head and she's a psychopath so please, promise me." She met his eyes and really, faced to that did Damian have any other choice but to accept?
She beamed at him as Colin approached them. "That was so cool. Are you okay Dames?" He turned to talk to his best friend and gave him a once over before nodding. 
"Thank you for stepping in." He heard his sister and turned around. Ivy may be one of the villains-turned-anti-hero but it didn't mean that people didn't need to be wary around her. What was Marinette thinking?
"Boys like him need to be taught a lesson before it's too late." Damian's mind immediately went to Harley's and Joker's relationship. 
"I don't think a lesson would do him any kind of good at this point but thank you." 
It was very apparent that her words made Ivy re-evaluate her. 
The woman gave a nod. "Don't mention it." She said nothing else but didn't move away. 
Marinette smiled. "By the way, I love that flower in your hair. That's a lily right?" 
"Yes." She said slowly but the spark in her eye showed that she was now interested. "You know flowers?" 
"I have a garden of my own." Marinette revealed. "I tried growing some lilies but they're no where as beautiful as this one." Marinette fished for her phone again and started showing her images. The older woman didn't say anything but Damian could see that she was interested and she seemed almost pleased.
Deeming it safe for now, he slowly turned to Colin who was staring at the scene with amazement. 
"Colin." His friend turned to him wide-eyed, "Your sister is amazing." 
He couldn't help but feel smug at the words. "Obviously." He said but then lowered his voice. "Tell me, how did she get to me so fast when she was watching butterflies with you." 
Colin sobered up at that. "She was talking to me when suddenly she just snapped her head up to look at you. I think that's when the boy came. She told me to stay there and started walking towards you. The thing is when the guy touched you, she was about half-way there, I didn't register but the next thing I knew she was standing between you and the blond." He shook his head. "There's something about her…it's not necessarily bad but she's just...different…special."
"I know what you mean." Damian agreed.
"-and then she spoke with Poison Ivy for one hour straight about plants and gardening. Ivy even gave us a personal tour of the botanical gardens." 
"Seriously? She usually takes forever to warm up to someone especially if the other sirens aren't with her."
"Marinette seems to be the exception." The youngest Wayne said as he but into another macaroon. Once again, he had been ambushed on his return home - this time however, it was only his brothers and that had demanded he tell them all about her. 
His felt his phone vibrate and knew it was the message he was awaiting. "She's busy during the day." He informed his brothers. "But she invited us for dinner."
His brothers looked at each other and grinned. Tommorow looked promising.
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