#i'll sing for you greg no worries
youmagnificentbeast · 8 months
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Saturday Morning
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Warnings: None! Just fluff 🥰. Not proofread.
Word count: 591
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader
A/n: This is just a little something about a sweet Saturday morning with Aaron. I'm trying to get back into writing more because I've had a bit of a writer's block lately. I sat down to write something from my own mind today and this came out. I hope you enjoy it 🥰.
Forever tags: @greg-montgomery @boredelle @hotchsdoormat @ssahotchnerr @criminalskies @beardedhotchh @hotchnerbau @ssamorganhotchner @mrs-ssa-hotch @canuck-eh @luvehotch @callm3c0nfus3d @ivyflowers13 @randomuserrs
Hotch: @14buddy22 @pastanoodles11 @htchnr
Let me know if you want to be added to my tags 🫶
Aaron wakes up on Saturday morning expecting you to be wrapped around him in bed, or at least in bed at all, but you're not. He can hear you singing in the kitchen and he stands up to make his way to you.
When he sees you, you're dancing around the kitchen as you cook breakfast and play your music quietly. He's sure you had the volume lowered with the thought of not wanting it to wake him but you didn't realise your voice would be louder than the song that's playing. But it's okay. He loves waking up to your voice.
He sees you wearing a shirt that just barely covers your behind. He can see your underwear peeking out when you move a certain way. He pushes any lingering thoughts away and moves his gaze back up. You don't seem to notice him standing there as he watches you enjoy yourself.
He can't help the smile that creeps onto his face. Seeing you happy and carefree makes him feel so much joy inside. That's really all he wants for you in life. He just wants you to be happy.
Aaron continues to watch you sing and dance as you make breakfast and when you spin around during your little show that you didn't realise you were giving, you finally see him and your eyes widen as though you've been caught. And you have. He caught you being the adorable love of his life that he keeps falling more and more in love with every single day.
"Aaron! I didn't know you were awake!" You look slightly startled and embarrassed. "I can see that." He chuckles and walks over to you. He wraps his arms around your waist and plants a soft kiss on your lips before pressing his forehead against yours.
"I'm sorry if I woke you up." You blush slightly and he didn't think you could possibly get any more adorable but you found a way. "Don't worry, sweetheart. You didn't. And even if you had, I wouldn't mind. Seeing you dance around and sing is something I'd wake up at any hour to watch." He smiles and kisses you again.
He sees you blush even more and the way you press your face against his to hide it. He laughs a little again and brings his hand up to cradle the back of your head. His lips find your temple to press another small kiss there.
"Oh, honey. Don't be embarrassed. It's cute." His smile only widens as you wrap your arms around him and press your face against him more. He hears a little whine come from you and he chuckles more.
"How about we turn the music up a little more and I'll dance and sing with you, okay? We can worry about breakfast later. I wanna dance with you first." He pulls back a little to look at you and his eyes have a little twinkle in them when he sees your huge grin. He knows how much you love dancing around the kitchen with him and he loves it just as much.
You nod eagerly at him, of course and he steps away briefly to adjust the volume of the song that's playing. Then he takes you in his arms and twirls you around. Laughter and smiles come from both of you as you sing and dance together. He wishes every morning could be this way, but only having it every so often makes it far more special and dear to his heart.
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Changes chapter 12
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Greg liked his life, he realised as he got dressed in his old, dusty room. He didn't mind the faded blue paint or the posters of bands he no longer liked. No, his room was just a place to sleep. His real kingdom was out there. Santa Carla. The whole town would kneel and look up to him, doing whatever he asked. Already he had a big following, friends and friends of friends who supported him. Other surfing enthusiasts who had decided to join his little group. Within a period of four months, he grew to be the leader of a group of forty. Forty people willing to do whatever he wanted. And on top of that, he had an amazing girlfriend - although he'd never outright admit that to her, she didn't have to know he actually cared.
"Honey?" Shelly stood in the doorway of his room, giving him a sweet smile. She was wearing a tanktop and some shorts, her blonde hair in loose curls. In her ears were the golden earrings he had given her a week prior. He grinned as she came towards him, kissing him passionately. "Why don't we head out to the beach, let the people know it's yours, hm?"
Greg grinned. "They should remember that."
And yet, where during the day it was painfully clear that he owned this town, during the night his powers were minimal. During the night, there was a small group, so small he initially thought them to be insignificant, that ruled the boardwalk. Instead of demanding respect by forming a large presence and forming a potential threat, these kids caused people to do what they wanted because they spread fear. No one knew why, but everyone was a little bit scared of them. And that bothered Greg. After all, this was his town.
Together, Greg and Shelly made their way to his car, a shiny brand new Plymouth fury - repainted in a bright red. It was Greg's prized possession, and everyone who knew him knew that touching that car was a one-way ticket to being hunted down by Greg's crew.
As Greg started the car, driving away from his house, he couldn't help but think how ironic it was that he was calling the shots around town. Before he came here three years ago, he had been the laughing stock of the school. Kids bullied him, intimidated him, and teachers ignored whatever happened during lunchtime. No, before coming to Santa Carla, Greg was a nobody. Someone no one cared for. He had often thought that people treated the shit they stepped in better than him - but not anymore. Coming here, after leaving home, was the best thing he had ever done. Look at him now. A hot girlfriend, a hot car, a crew who'd literally die for him. People who would do whatever he wanted, less they anger him. Yes, he had come a long way from that scrawny little kid who let himself get hurt by some bullies.
As they neared the boardwalk, Shelly had turned the radio on, happily singing along to Madonna's 'Like a Virgin'. Greg chuckled as she went off key but continued on without a care. "Why don't we go out for dinner some time, hm?" She asked as he parked the car, fixing her hair in the car mirror. "Without the crew. I mean, I like them and all - but I'm yours. Not theirs."
"You know why we have them around, though, don't you doll?"
"Sure thing, but still - I'd like a date with just the two of us."
Greg placed his hand on her cheek, turning it so she was looking at him. As he held her face, he kissed her. "I'll see what I can do. Now stop looking in that damn mirror and get out of the car. We've got a boardwalk to run."
"Terrorise you mean?"
Greg grinned, getting out of the car himself. Without locking it, he left it in the parking lot. People in town new better.
Max couldn't help but feel worried as he looked at Julie. She was browsing through the videotapes in his store and was - all things considered - really doing okay. And yet, he was beginning to realise that David's assessment of 'her senses are fucked', was absolutely true. The girl didn't respond to a question unless someone explicitly called her by her name. During a conversation, it wasn't an issue, but at the start of one? If you didn't call her name, you could be talking for hours, and she'd get nothing.
"She seems to be doing fine," Maria said as she saw Max' worried look. The man gave her a tired smile. "It's admirable what you're doing. There aren't a lot of people who'd take in an orphan, let alone one her age."
Max nodded. "I'm glad she is no longer where she was, but she still has a long way to go."
"Ups and downs," Maria nodded before turning to help a customer.
Max stepped away from the service desk, walking towards Julie. She was looking at some recently released horrors, holding A Nightmare on Elmstreet in her hands.
"If you want, you can take it home." Max sighed as Julie didn't respond, instead continuing to read the synopsis on the back. "Julie?"
Startled, the girl turned around, looking relieved as she realised it was Max who was standing behind her. "If you want, you can take the movie home," Max repeated. Julie thought about it for a moment before nodding, handing Max the tape. He gave her a smile, handing her a twenty.
"You don't have to stay inside the store if you don't want to. Go find the boys, have some fun. I'll be here till twelve thirty."
Julie nodded, waving a quick goodbye and leaving the store. She had been on the boardwalk before, with the boys, but never alone. She felt a certain excitement as she realised she could browse through every single store she could find. She entered a small jewellery shop, looking at the pieces. Silver rings with small crystals embedded in them, intricate earring designs. They were all beautiful, and all way too expensive for her. Still, she liked the shine of the items and decided that she'd try to save some money if she could to get herself a nice ring or some earrings.
She left the shop, going into a bookstore. Julie hadn't been a fan of reading before she came here, but she found that the worlds inside of these books were good companions when one didn't have a voice of their own. Over the past few weeks, she had read many books, enjoying some literary classics that Dwayne kept at the cave and struggling through some ancient texts that Max kept in his bookcase. She walked past the bookshelves, almost bumping into a large table. A large chalksign stood in the middle of the table, surrounded by books.
Staff favourites
With a curious frown, Julie looked through the books. 1984, Edgar Allan Poe - she didn't have a real interest in any of them. It wasn't until her eyes fell upon that one title that she knew she needed to buy it. The title seemed fitting, the synopsis almost perfect. A small smile came upon her face as she read the title again, soundlessly mouthing the words.
Interview with the vampire
With the book in her hands, she made her way to the checkout counter, smiling politely as the guy behind it scanned the book and wrapped it in some paper. She paid, putting the return coins in the pocket of her jeans, before leaving the store and bumping into-
"What the fuck, bitch!"
Julie stumbled backwards, looking apologetic at the blonde woman she had just bumped into.
"Aren't you going to say sorry?" The woman demanded, and Julie - as far as she could, considering the lack of blood flowing through her veins - paled. Julie decided to ignore the woman, realising she was out for a fight. Instead, she walked as quickly as she could - without raising suspicion - past her.
Shelly let out an annoyed huff as the girl just ignored her. "Did you see that?" She demanded angrily as she walked towards Greg. He was sitting at one of the benches next to the bookstore, a cigarette in hand. Some of his men were sitting or standing around, causing people to avoid looking at them while walking past.
"Maybe the chick has some brains," one of the guys laughed, "No one can argue with you, Shell."
"It's fucking rude! We got to teach that bitch some lessons!"
Greg frowned, shaking his head. "Just for bumping into you? Doll, that's a bit-"
"It was like walking into a rock. Can you imagine such a little thing causing me to actually feel pain?" Shelly pouted as she went to sit on Greg's lap. "We need to teach her a lesson, babe. Would you do that for me?" She batted her eyes, smiling sweetly at him as she kissed him along his jawline.
"Well see, doll. If we see her again tonight, we'll raise some hell."
Shelly grinned. "Thank you, babe." With those words, she jumped off his lap, walking with a swing in her step towards the toilets down at the beach.
It had been two hours, Greg realised as he heard the bells in the clock tower ring. Two hours since Shelly left - and she hadn't come back. He frowned. It was unlike her. Normally, she was all over him, so why not now? His men and him had been sitting by a campfire, drinking beer and smoking whatever they had on them - and he ignored their protests as he kicked some sand on the fire as he got up.
"What's gotten into you, man?"
"I'm going to look for Shell."
With that, he left, wal,ing towards the toilet cubicles further down the beach. The cubicles were dark, and in desperate need of both a new layer of paint and a good clean. Still, as he ignored the strong smell of urine, he realised that the cubicles were silent. Empty.
Like he expected, there was no answer. With a sigh, he continued on, his heavy boots sinking down into the sand. There, his eye fell on something small and shiny. As he picked it up and twirled it around in his hand, he realised what it was. One of her earrings. The ones he had given to her a week before.
"Shelly!" He called out, but still, he got no answer.
He stomped further, looking for her, when he noticed someone lurking in the shadows beneath a tree. It was the girl from before, the one Shelly had gotten angry with. Greg didn't think as he felt an anger rising inside him. This girl probably got pissed at his Shell and hurt her or something.
Before the girl realised it, he had slammed her into the tree, holding her tightly by her throat. She struggled against his grip, kicking her legs up - but she was no match for him.
"Where the fuck is Shelly!" He growled, spit flying out if his mouth. "The fuck have you done to her, hm?"
The girl's eyes widened as she frantically shook her head.
"What no? Can't you fucking speak?"
The girl shook her head, trembling. Greg let loose of her throat, causing her to fall down into the sand, coughing. Greg was about to kick her in her stomach, teach her a lesson for not answering him, and for probably hurting Shelly, when suddenly he was flying. With a painful thud did he land in the sand, the girl glaring at him as she pulled him up by his shirt.
"What the fu-"
The girl dropped him, looking up. Greg scrambled backwards quickly, looking at the man who had just appeared out of nothing. He was tall, with long dark hair. Toned, not wearing a shirt - and he seemed incredibly angry. Greg didn't intend to wait as he was certain that the anger was directed towards him and not the girl - and he ran off, back to his car, racing home.
Once he slammed his front door shut, locking it tight, did he stop to breathe. Shelly was missing. His Shell. Fuck.
With a sigh, he let himself fall to the ground, taking in a deep breath as he tried to fight the tears welling up in his eyes. His girl was gone, and he didn't even know where he'd begin to look for her.
"Did he hurt you?" Dwayne asked as he checked Julie over. She bit her lip, sighing softly before shaking her head. It hadn't hurt as much as startled her. Dwayne nodded, pulling her close.
"Max told us about the ritual," he said as they walked down the beach, him walking closest to the sea. "I know you're scared, I'd be too. But I think you should do it."
Julie looked at him, a questioning look on her face.
"Now, no matter what you do, your sire will still have control. If you take the control back, you will be free."
The girl stopped walking, hugging herself. She didn't want to feel that pain again. It had been horrifying, and-
"I know the pain is scary. But I still think you should go through with it. You survived it before, and you can do so again. And you won't have to go through it alone. We will be there if you want. And if you want to stop at any point, you can, I'll make sure of that."
Julie looked at Dwayne, scanning his face to realise he was sincere. She gave him a soft, thankful smile. She raised her hand, only sticking out a pinky finger. Dwayne chuckled, hooking his around hers.
Next chapter >
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satureja13 · 5 months
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It was raining when the others arrived from their trip to Tartosa. Noxee awaits them. Saiwa and Jack already landed safe at the Beach House. (It often rains when Ji Ho is sad. Maybe because he's worried to cause Vlad inconvenience by staying with him again tonight?)
Haha they squeezed the five of them in the TukTuk! Maybe they can even travel around with all six of them?
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It's time for Noxee and Greg to leave. A visit in the Otherworld is draining and usually no one can stay here for longer. (That's why it's so calmingly empty all the time.) Greg hugs Kiyoshi: "Farewell my son." (Greg really seems to support Kiyoshi and Jack! The last time when I heard him say 'Farewell my son' was when he left Baby Jack to live with Uncle Stefan! And I've never seen Greg hugging any of the Boys. He barely talks to them. Well except when he yelled at them when he'd been their PE teacher ^^')
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And then Ji Ho and Vlad sent Noxee and Greg back to Moonwood Mill with the devices Rubyn had built for them. (I don't think it's necessary for Grexee to kiss while teleporting, but they do it anyway ^^' Maybe if something goes wrong?) And Kiyoshi is so excited again when he sees them kissing hahaha
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The Boys still have to earn money to pay back Rubyn and the others so they went to work for the rest of the day. It's painful for Kiyoshi to work in Jack's shop. The last time they'd been happy together was in their wine and cheese cellar at the invisible farm.
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And even though Ji Ho is tired from sending back Noxee and Greg, he didn't feel dizzy from the ride, because he'd spent the last night with Vlad. So he went to his room to work on his songs. He missed this so much. And he misses their home and living here together with all of his friends.
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It was raining again when they had dinner. Jeb tried to cheer Ji Ho up and Vlad decided to not make a fuss because Ji Ho is spending the night with him again to not make him even more sad.
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Jeb and Kiyoshi retreated to Jeb's apartment after dinner and got ready for bed. Jeb even installed a second sink for Kiyoshi. Jeb: "Oddly domestic, huh?" Kiyoshi grumbled something and stared into nowhere. Jeb sighed. Both of them want this with someone else...
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In the other bathroom, Vlad is trying hard not to make a fuss.
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It's worse when Ji Ho is sad. It also affects him over their Bond. So Vlad put his pride and principles aside. They can have their non-relationship back when Ji Ho feels better.
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They awkwardly sat on Vlad's bed. Maybe it's the last time they are together before Ji Ho's ingame wedding with Prince Caleb ö.Ö
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Vlad would never admit it but he also suffers from exhaustion. So he has some benefits of their encounter too. Teleporting a TukTuk around in the Otherworld is draining for both of them. And he loves Ji Ho from the first day he saw him. But the more time they spend together making love, the more painful it is because Ji Ho isn't able to love him. And of course Ji Ho feels these thoughts over the Bond. Ji Ho: "The therapy will fix this. I'll do anything..."
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Vlad: "Don't worry about me."
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Ji Ho: "Vlad..." Vlad: "Shhh..."
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And then Ji Ho gave himself over to absolute pleasure... And the rain stopped from falling - because Vlad made Ji Ho very happy...
'Give yourself over to absolute pleasure Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh Erotic nightmares beyond any measure And sensual daydreams to treasure forever Can't you just see it? Whoa, whoa, whoa'
Don't dream it, be it - The Rocky Horror Picture Show TMI: have I ever told you how much I love this movie? When I was ~16 y/o I watched it every day after school, for months! (I watched it way more often than even Star Wars ^^') And my friend and I used to sing the songs loud in the school bus hahaha omg!
Vlad: "Do you mind we proceed in Jeb's bed? So I don't miss you so much when I'm alone in my room again. Your scent in my bed and the memories of us there together..." Jo Ho: "Oh, ok." (That's what they did. I clicked on Vlad's bed and they ran over to Jeb's...)
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He really tried so hard not to make a fuss but he just can't help it ^^'
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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onewingednatu · 2 years
Holy shit I had a dream last night that had a whole ass story line
So myself and a lot of other people from my high school were on a trip (I have a lot of dreams like that). We went to this huge festival venue where we were given a mandatory assignment; there would be a singing contest played and we all had to enter.
Though, we couldn't enter ourselves. We had to choose a kid from a different school that was there (there were TONS of them) and enter THEM. You had to find them the perfect microphone, the stand, their costume, etc.
So, I went looking for a kid to enter. The students ranged from like, 8 years old to about 16. I walked up to a guy that was about 16 or so who stood out to me, and after a bit of a fun conversation I asked if he would like to be in the contest. He excitedly agreed.
The boy had messy, dirty blonde hair. He reminded me a lot of human Teddie from persona 4? And his name was either Gabe, Gale, or Greg, I can't remember. (I'll call him Gale.)
I searched the venue for the perfect microphone (They had different ones of all types, sizes, and colors.) We had trouble choosing a song but eventually just picked one.
We decided to search the venue possibly for things for him to wear. Along the way, something happened that I can't remember what or why; I learned he was an orphan. Finding this out caused him to run away in tears.
I searched the whole venue and couldn't find him. At first I was worried about the contest, because we couldn't enter without him. But I got more and more worried about him.
I was asking the people there if they saw where he went; (this is where it gets a bit dream weird). I was told he went to Spain. When I asked how do I get there, I was pointed into the direction of a bullet train that would take me there. I got on the train.
Cut to getting there. It didn't take me long to find him; when I found him, I hugged him really tight. He was still crying. I felt something towards this boy, like I've known him for a long time. I told him that I'll adopt him. He asked me why.
"Because I love you" was my response. [A familial way]
I ended up adopting him (no paperwork or anything just because I said so lmao) and we headed back to the venue. The contest was somewhat over, but they were holding a few more entries that for some reason or another couldn't make it the first time, so we entered again.
His performance was amazing, since he was happy he had a family now. I think we ended up winning the contest but I'm not sure
It was a lot sweeter in the dream I swear 😭
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So I finalky finished my Starlight Sequence Comparisons. And just a disclaimer: I think all the actors/actresses listed are amazingly talented. I am only rating one performance so who knows why they sounded like they did at any given time. Also note that these are my opinions! So don't freak out at me.
OLC (Ray Shell, Lon Satton)
-Okay so I'm biased in this case but Ray has always one of my favorite Rustys he has an credibly powerful voice with amazing diction. So easy to understand him and because of that you can connect with the emotion that the Starlight sequence is supposed to bring. The actor playing Poppa here also did a marvelous job he kept his voice very powerful and clear. Sometimes actors end up dropping off when Rusty starts singing but he didn't have that issue. I really liked both performances here. Overall one of the best performances of the Starlight sequence. 10/10
NSE (Greg Ellis, Lon Satton)
-Okay so for this production I still thought Rusty did very well. His voice wasn't as powerful as I like and he had a bit of a slurr to his words. However, I could still understand him very clearly thanks to his good diction. Overall I had no problem with his performance, I thought he did good. My problem with this performance is Poppa. Lon Satton was returning to the role and, for whatever reason, despite his amazing performance in the original London cast, he amped up and sounded way too much like a boy band gospel singer. And it just takes me out of the performance because the Starlight Express is supposed to be this God, this Heavenly being and that's why the powerful booming voice really works. It's supposed to leave you breathless in wonder not make you feel like you're in a concert. I have a problem with actors over singing in general so Poppa over singing here kind of took me out of the experience and its a shame because Rusty did fine here. He was just being out shined. 7/10
1988 Bochum (Steven Skeels, Trevor Georges)
-This is another performance I really like. But I do have one issue with it. Although Poppa and Rusty both sound very good, Poppa was a bit too loud, so I couldn't I almost couldn't hear Rusty most of the time. So you have this effect where it sounds like the two voices are competing rather than coming in for a harmony. though they're both singing different lines Poppa and Rusty should be feeling the exact same emotions so they should complement each other. It's always difficult to do Duets like this where you're singing two different lines over top of each other, so I can understand the difficulty they had here with moderating Poppa's voice to accommodate Rusty. So overall it was a very good performance I only had very minor issues with it. 9/10
1987 Japan/Australia (Bobby Collins, Richie Pitts)
-So this is how I die. All right now just a little disclaimer, I love Bobby Collins. I love his performance in a lot of songs from Starlight Express. However, I do not like how during the Starlight sequence, he sounds like Sandy from Daria singing The Starlight sequence. I have no idea what happens to Bobby during the song but he looses a lot of the emotion in his voice and he suddenly gets weird diction too it. I just don't like it. Poppa here had his own issue, he sounded like he was tense during the whole song and singing a bit too much from his throat. So while I like both of the singers in other numbers they just didn't come together to make this a good listen. I can see the appeal to some people, but not for me. It's not the worst performance favorites. 5/10
1991 Bochum (Colin Munro, Stevie Woods)
-I don't have too much to say about this one. I will say it almost had the opposite problem of another version. Rusty was a little bit too overpowering, but not so much that was noticeable for the whole song. Overall both Poppa and Rusty were very good singers, the diction was there. I could use a little more emotion but other then that I don't have many complaints. Good job for both of them. 9/10
2007 UK (Oliver Thornton, Michael Samuels)
Oh my gosh, okay this one is so beautiful. Rusty had wonderful voice that actually reminds me of Ray a little bit. Poppa brought home the whole number, he had this deep, booming, enchanting voice that I personally look for. My only nitpick is at the climax of the song, Poppa didn't quite reach that last note so the song didn't have that full on hit you in the chest feeling, but honestly that's so minor. 10/10
2015 Bochum (Kevin Kohler, David E Moore)
Another number that starts stellar! Poppa did so good here, he kept such a strong voice that really hit. It was more aggressive I'm usually used to but I honestly thought that fit the song as well. Kevin Kohler, of course, did good as usual. Unfortunately, he was just no match for Poppa and when it came time to sing his part of the climax you just could not hear him at all. A little bit of a shame but I mean with how loud Poppa was being, anyone would have trouble overpowering his voice. That would have to be fixed with mics rather than just singing alone. Overall its very good preformance. I love the energy that both actors kept up during the whole thing. I only have the one complaint. 8/10
2017 Workshop (George Ure, Mica Paris)
-This is just kind of a fun one for me. Rusty here short of sounds like a bratty teen. He has this problem throughout the whole Musical and I don't know if it was the day or that's how he usually sounds, but it was not my favorite performance for this song. Momma did fairly well for the most part. You can hear in her voice she was having trouble hitting her notes. I wouldn't be surprised if her vocal range was a little higher than was written for the Starlight sequence. As this was the first time Momma had sung to the public, are l I think it was a great first impression. I don't have much to say about this as it of course wasn't professional since it was just a workshop. So, I'll give it a 9/10.
2019 Bochum (Blake Anderson, Bianca Atalaya)
-This version is so underrated. Momma's voice is just as powerful as the original London cast. She sounds gorgeous and she really brought in a lot of emotion. Rusty here as well had a lot of emotion the voices collide and it just hits you. I really loved it. My one complaint is that Rusty did start off a little bit shaky. I was worried for a little while that he wouldn't be as good as he ended up being towards the end of the song. Really good tweaking it would have been perfect. 9/10
30th Ann. (Dan Ellison, Reva Rice)
-And to top it all off, this version may be like my favorite of all time. Dan Ellison as Rusty always puts a smile on my face. He really has earned his hype in the stex fandom. He's got a voice that carries so much emotion and projects like nobody's business. Ms. Reva Rice also does so beautifully as Momma in both productions I've listened to her in. She absolutely hits it out of the ballpark every time. I certainly hope that they'll release an album at some point. Its a gorgeous performance and deserves that sort of preservation that many others have gotten. 10/10
I had fun with this and if you want me to talk about any other songs let me know and I will!
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frostskader · 4 years
How Far I'll Go
Peri closes up PIXIE’s for the night and reminisces on her nearly four year in Swynlake.
The bell had rung out half an hour ago, the club was empty and the silence echoed. Everyone was beat from the night. Since the Vampire attack the club had been packed and Peri attributed it to all the students that were finishing up for break.
Just like every disaster, everyone in Swynlake came together. They worked together and they overcame everything together.
It was enough to bring a smile to Peri’s face. She had a day off tomorrow and she was going to sleep in. At least if no one woke her up which was more than possible considering how many people could end up needing her.
It was a good feeling thinking about it.
Waving off her bartenders, Peri offered to close up for the night letting them get some needed sleep before at classes they had the next day. The counts were already done and that was the hardest part of the night.
Bending down Peri locked each of the beer and wine coolers shoving the keep into her back pocket, trying to give herself at least some memory que to remember to put it back in the right place or Peri was going to have to come back and interrupt her day of no rest.
One she was going to need having taken on closing the bar herself. 
Personally though Peri found it soothing. With no one in the bar she could wipe down the counters, the beer taps and lock them without a second thought. Humming along with the songs that had long stopped playing.
Standing behind the bar she could look out to everything and see where she had made a small difference. She could see her boyfriend on stage or O’Malley grinning as they worked the crowd and their music played 24/7 in her head. Simple enough to sing along even when they weren’t playing.
Grabbing the mats Peri had rolled up her sleeves pulling them to the back. How many times she had walked this hallway both good and bad. With her hand in someone’s hair as they kissed until they made their way to her office. Or a quick run because they didn’t want to get caught.
But better memories of interviewing people that had become her family. So many people had walked this hall and the polaroid wall only spoke a snippet of the history that was in her club. 
Dropping the mats in the place Peri walked back up to the front to empty the garage through the same hallway. 
Peri could easily remember when she had done this because it was her job, when she had first started to spiral and just needed a job. When Tink had reached out her hand welcoming Peri into her club even though Peri had come in and completely thrown her for a loop.
Heading back to the front Peri set the ice to melt avoiding touching it as everything melted. It was a strange idea even now to her to have this product essentially go to waste. It’s just ice. But as a frost talent ice was just never ice. Everything had a purpose. Frost was only made when it was needed or when Peri wanted to make art.
Maybe that’s why she didn’t always get along with all the fairies. She didn’t exactly follow all the same ideas. She would just have fun. One for all, all for one but Peri had just wanted to enjoy life. Maybe that’s why it made sense she owned a club and had more than her fair share of fun within it. 
Snapping all the lids shut on the limes and lemons Peri slipped them into the fridge where they belong glancing briefly at the fryers. It had been less than a year ago some of the boys created a grease fire and perhaps she should have been more mad. She could have lost this entire building. More than just a machine and wires that needed to be replaced.
But everyone had gotten out alright even if her date had been interrupted. It wasn’t like Lou and her were together. 
Stepping behind the bar Peri moved to cover all the mixers, juices, sweet and sour looking up to where Lou had sat every time he had come in. They had probably been horrible for one another. But Peri had held on, she wondered if she was the one that held on for too long.
Should she have set him free so long ago?
Had been being with her a trap?
Even now Peri doubted that she was worth love when people continued leaving her. But being behind this bar it was like she had all of her employees standing besides her. She could see where Minnie sat and knew she was worthy of the love that all of them gave her.
Even Ly in the shadows as she lit up the stages, the seat where Lou used to sit blurring into her past. Grabbing the clean glasses Peri stacked them up in their places moving everything back into their perfect space.
Wiping down all the Alcohol bottles Peri looked at her work with a grin. Even with their social media person leaving even Peri could tell that was a picture perfect moment and she took a picture saving it for later.
No one wanted a picture of a fully stocked bar at 2am. 
Or at least the bottle section. Peri still needed to unlock and refill the beer cooler. Grabbing all the napkins Peri shoved them into the correct holder. The name on the box bragging about how safe the for the environment everything was. But Peri couldn’t have it any way.
Peri knew it wasn’t just a fairy thing because you had people like Greg who cared just as much for the environment as Peri did. Climate change was real and threatening so many climates. So many Hollows and other animals. 
As a small business Peri had to make sure she did her part even at the added cost. She wouldn’t ever sacrifice the environment for a quick buck.
Grabbing Beer from the back, Peri started to restock the beer cooler counting each as they went in. A little silly thing to do but Peri did, every time.
FInishing by wiping down the soda guns and sanitizing the bar top and sink, Peri grinned at the shine. Clean enough you could eat on it. Which was truly the point considering Peri had to be able serve drinks off it.
Locking everything one more time Peri stepped back from a clean bar top. A little slice of perfection. 
Grabbing a rag, Peri moved onto her next challenge the rest of the club.
It wasn’t hard though a wet rag to wipe on all the table tops and the seats. Especially not when you could dust a thin coating of frost over it and just wipe it down with a soapy rag.
By the time the girl had travelled through the the whole club she could double back at put up all the chairs on top of the tables. 
Pulling out her phone to double check the time she sent a quick text to Minnie to let her know she would be home late yet it was Minnie’s late shift anyway. If they were lucky they would run into each other and just order in take out a chill.
With Minnie’s new boyfriend and the class she was taking at PrideU, Peri wasn’t sure how she was still standing. But she couldn’t be more proud of her best friend. How she was bettering herself. Even if part of the reason she was doing it was because she worried about Peri ending up in the hospital and no one knowing how to help.
It still felt good to make an impact, to know Minnie loved her enough to protect her as much as possible.
Scrolling down in her messages she clicked into Copper’s seeing another picture of Isabel, the girl was growing so big and Peri was going to have to make another trip out to see her friend.
Even as people moved on and left Peri did her best to remain in contact. You never know when the last time you could see them was. Her Mom was taken so suddenly and while Peri talked to her often then, she wished she had gone back more often. At least a couple times to see her.
Imagine if she had asked her to come, she could have watched Peri grown into a business owner. Watch her become a tattoo artist. She would have been able to read Peri’s father the riot act and shame him even more for abandoning Peri. 
She would have too, unlike Peri who just avoided the Hollow. It was to the point where she didn’t even know if she would be welcomed for a long period of time. Or they were just giving her the time of day because she was a fairy and that was the right thing to do.
Pixie’s was the place she belonged. 
Maybe Enchantra was meant for a different version of Peri. One that still had her Mom. One that hadn’t drunk herself into a stupor. One that hadn’t lost her wings to try and find her mom even though it would have been worth it, if she had been alive.
Maybe Enchantra could have been her home. But these tattoos, weren’t common. Peri’s business in a capitalist society wasn’t common. Peri’s lack of helping the Hollow wasn’t common.
Her home wasn’t there. Not when more winter fairies came in and they didn’t even need her as a frost talent.
She was replaceable in the Hollow.
But here. Within Pixie’s four walls. She wasn’t. Not truly.
Of course Tink could take back over. But she liked to think she would be missed.
Would they miss the frost designs she made on mugs. The coffee runs. Would they miss her just popping in to say hi and chilling and enjoying the music.
Would they miss her?
Flipping off all the neons signs, Peri could only hope they would. That she was like a neon sign bringing light, at least a little bit, to everyone that worked here. To everyone that stepped in.
That would be nearly impossible though. People came into this bar to party not to see her. She was but a small wheel in consideration of the whole town.
But for everyone here. She was the wheel that helped hold everything together. Emptying the register Peri pulled it to the back tallying up the cash with the totals for the night.
For the girl who never decided to go back to school at least this much was easy. Compared to the first few days where she tried to do all of this and so much more before their actual money person took it back from Peri. Thankfully.
Peri couldn’t be more thankful for her. She could handle all the daily things but everything else that needed than monthly look over it was nice that someone had been here to look at it.
Creating her deposit slips Peri locked the cash up, just below a bottle of alcohol she had for herself. Something maybe she shouldn’t have but she did locked up with anything else she currently cared about. 
Unlike the drawer Peri left her office open in case anyone during the day needed it. It only ended up locked if a customer tried to use it but it was meant to be a space people could escape to if need her, if she was there or not. 
Just like the night Marlin had to rescue that young teen. Even if he had taken her back to the Hollow without permission. This office had momentarily been a safe haven.
Locking the till up, Peri left the keys in their spot in her office taking her copies with her as she locked up the doors stepping out to look up at the sign that read PIXIE.
This was her home. And Peri loved every second of it.
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forestwispocs · 3 years
🧦👩‍🌾 for any of your ocs
I'll do mostly the students sense staff do have jobs, but I'll add later one ^^)
He would still be a bodyguard, though he usually tries to find the day shift or morning so at night he can spend time with his partners.
Domestic: At first he would be put off by the kids just to later be the one who does all the bad dad jokes, like if they name one of their kids Krem. He's gonna slide in Krem brulee
Surprising enough enough she'll want to become a masseuse so when at home she can practice ways on her partner. When she ask or if they come to her.
Kiki a natural with kids surprisingly enough and want them to do what they want to be when they grow up, but also let's them join gymnastics.
If he progress his goal, he would become an opera singer and travel thr world, but if ask what he would of wanted, it would be a house husband if you've seen how this man cook and clean you'll be surprised
He would teach them how to sing and help them with homework when he can, he will also have tea parties with his daughters and he will wear that dress
She would continue to work with her family and progress the business more.
If her partner wants a family, she will however she worries about their kids having her treatment of getting only babysitters ans never having their parents around.
She would work at the bakery her family owned and become her own boss.
She will try to be the fun mom, but her partner definitely took the role quick, but she does slide in a bad joke or two
She would become an model dummy for others, however her migraines does hold her back at times, but she never let it stopped her.
Lutfia would be the one who would want kids and probably beg, but she's very good at taking care of them and makes sure they don't suffer what she had.
Who needs kids when you have Greg? Joking aside. Like Lutfia she would be the one asking and she would become the fun mom
She never thought about having kids, but if her partner wants one she'll do it, but she will be the cautious partner.
She never wanted kids, but like her sister she'll do it if her partner does and she'll make sure they have the most success
She would make sure her kids are loved and even goes as far as to put their art on fridge to motivate them to continue it.
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Better Together: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
Worrying his lower lip, Steve shifted uncomfortably in the leather chair. Knowing that the omega was studying him, Steve kept his gaze on the ugly brown carpet. Since it was Dr. Strange's job to observe him, Steve tried to remember some of the exercises the kind therapist gave him to calm himself.
Tightening his fists, he inhaled, one, two, three, four, five. Loosening his fists, he exhaled, one, two, three, four, five.
"How was your weekend?" Dr. Strange asked, his deep voice soothing while his scent was neutral.
"Fine," Steve answered. Tightening his fists, one, two, three, four, five. Loosening his fists, one, two, three, four, five. Knowing that he shouldn't – couldn't – bottle it up. He admitted, "I let Bucky set up my craft supplies in –" Flora's room "– the spare room."
Dr. Strange nodded, "Are you okay with him doing that?"
Shrugging, he pulled at a loose thread on his sweater, "I suggested he should. After all, it was taking up too much space in the kitchen."
There was a small smile tugging at Dr. Strange's lips, "That sounds like a fair solution."
"Yes, I think so too," Steve agreed. Especially when the first choice for the would-be nursery was to have it transformed into Finn's room. But Steve couldn't let his little boy sleep in the room that was meant to be his sister's.
"Is there something else on your mind today?"
"We've been discussing having another baby," Steve finally divulged.
Dr. Strange's brows subtly rose, and he asked, "Is that something you want?"
Steve scratched at the back of his neck, "I love my kids. And I love being a father."
"I know," Dr. Strange assured, "And you're a wonderful father. But do you think a pregnancy is something you can handle?"
Back to worrying his lower lip, he tightened muscles along his body before releasing. Did it again as he tried not to spiral into his thoughts. Steve wanted to have more kids. He loved his children, and he would've wanted more if their little Rory had survived.
"I'm scared," Steve confessed, picking at his short, blunt nails. Before Dr. Strange could ask him to elaborate, Steve readily added, "I'm afraid that I won't get pregnant. That Flora is our last try. Or that I will get pregnant and miscarry that one too."
"It's not uncommon for such fears," Dr. Strange assured. "But if you have reservations, I think it would be beneficial to wait."
"Right," Steve nodded, agreeing. Briefly, he returned his gaze to the ugly carpet before glancing up at the clock. Seeing that his hour was up, he looked back at the older omega.
Nodding, Dr. Strange dismissed, "I'll see you next week."
"Next week," Steve agreed, standing from his seat.
Dr. Strange walked him down the hallway and out to the lobby, just like he did after every visit. Reminding, "Call if you need anything. And I hope your little boy has a good birthday."
"Thank you," Steve smiled, waving at the receptionist on his way out.
Quickly walking to his vehicle so he could get out of the sticky late July humidity. Sitting there for a moment to let the Volvo cool down before pulling out of the spot and heading home. Wondering if he'd ever be the person he once was. Sure, the baby steps were helping him feel more like the old Steve. But he wished that he never had to experience such deep pain.
Always feeling numb after a visit with his therapist, Steve strummed his thumbs against the steering wheel. It was off rhythm and his singing was out of tune, but he kept it up anyway. Distracting himself on his way home.
"– running in the house, Oliver Thomas!"
Breathing in the heavenly aroma of the honey garlic chicken stir fry, Steve entered the house to find Bucky in the kitchen and the boys running around. Being greeted by Greg first, yowling at him, Steve bent over to pet her.
"Hi, doll," Bucky grinned over at him while he toed off his shoes.
Entering further inside of the house, Steve paused at the stove. Standing on his tiptoes as he pressed a sweet kiss to his husband's naturally pouty lips. They weren't back to how they once were, but Steve easily nuzzled into his side, letting his alpha wrap his muscular arm around him.
"I'm gonna go take a sho–"
A high pitched wail came from the living room. Both men looked over at their sons in the living room. Finn was sitting on the floor, sobbing, while Oliver was trying to hand him a toy car. Clearly, trying to get his brother to stop crying after being the catalyst. Steve sighed, ready to go tend to their children, but Bucky stopped him.
"I'll handle them, you handle the food," Bucky decided, heading for the living room. "We all know that your cooking is better than mine."
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes since all Bucky was doing was warming up the preplanned meal. It didn't take a genius to handle it. Nothing needed to be added except heat. Nevertheless, Steve stirred the dish before covering it and letting it simmer.
"You don't push your brother," Bucky reprimanded Oliver while lifting Finn into his arms. Trying to soothe the two year old, he told the almost five year old, "You need to apologize."
Head hanging low, Oliver said, "Sorry, Finn."
With Finn crying into his shoulder, he stopped marking his back so he could ruffle Oliver's brown hair. Letting the little boy know that just because he did something wrong didn't mean that he was bad.
bending over, Oliver picked up the shiny red car and held it out for his brother, "You can play with it now."
Bucky smiled and kissed the top of Finn's head, "What do you think, cookie?"
Sniffling, Finn nodded and started wiggling so he could be put down. Bucky obliged and set the toddler on his feet, letting the two get back to playing. Watching his guys, Steve couldn't help but admit that he wished there was a baby in a swing in the corner.
Maybe they could start trying again.
Or at least start talking about trying again.
TAG LIST: @t3a-bag
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