#i'll take the sat obviously but i don't think i'm going into accounting lol
doushabaos · 1 year
conversation with my grandma using the pleco app it was kind of nice probably the most interesting conversation we've ever had. saved the words i didn't know.
words saved: 战争 (war)、核试验 (nuclear testing)、废水 (waste water)、交流 (exchange )、有兴趣(interesting)、目标 (goal)、制药 (pharmacy/to make medicine)、增长知识 (broaden one's knowledge)
昨天我准备英文课争论。昨晚我的婆婆(外婆)来我们的家,我们一边吃晚饭一边看大海纪录片。我跟婆婆俩用我的手机聊天,很有意思。我小时候会说粤语,我和妈妈的家人互相明白。但是我很小了,不太复杂,哈哈。现在我可以明白更复杂的话题,但是我不会说粤语,普通话也不太好。思想交流一点难,但是越来越容易,越来越有意思。我觉得我婆婆开心开心 <3
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bahja-blix · 7 months
😐💀 A Dumbass Appeared (Ask Edition) A post regarding Viv Stans (Part 2)
Before we begin I want to say that I will absolutely not be censoring the person in this for valid reasons. I'll however censor the people who are just regular visitors.
What brilliance unfolds in my ask box? They put themselves out there on purpose "because reason"... I guess?
Reminder This is the Internet, you put yourself out there, your out there forever and if you do something stupid or say something stupid, your idiocy might go viral enough where you get called out so don't expect people to cover you up when YOU did this To Yourself
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When I changed my bio to say "Bored ASF, Ask a Goth" I didn't mean be a god damn loser and make up shit on purpose for Bait reasons.
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Yes this is real and Yes these were sent by a Viv Stan and it's OBVIOUSLY Bait but I still wanted to review it just for fun because I was literally laughing my ass off and I ain't even high!! 🤣 that And the actual person was Serious about deleting their profile along with taking the time to remove one by one every like and post from their profile which is hilarious. I didn't even make a post at the time and they disappear Anyway 😂. So I had absolutely no option to respond regardless. Lol you didn't think I'd see that but I did LMAO. You took the time to send me this but couldn't take a couple seconds to block me right after so I don't see your profile disappear but I guess you're just that stupid. What stopped you from just deleting your account without going through lengths to type this shit up?
We start with Kona, a boot lickin Viv stan living in denial over the fact that their obviously a Viv Stan. I said I wasn't going to answer this but this is HORRIBLE 😂 How could I Not share!
I love how you literally sat here and took the time to go ""Anonymous"" on the first ask you sent me showing your name and profile only to turn around and send me Another ask and Then another begging to me down on your knees basically telling me to forget I saw your ass 🤣🤣🤣
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I absolutely applaud how you "went out of your way to ALL these critics" like your some kinda Big Dawg white knighting for Viv telling us to "Listen up" because God Damnit "This town ain't Big Enough for the two of us" only to completely disappear off the face of the earth because you knew I saw your ass and you got scared.
I'm assuming you saw my last post where I said "Stick it" when referring to someone else that didn't agree with the helluva boss and hazbin hotel critical community...so you took it to heart and used it in the ask!? Did my post offend you 🥺🥺🥺? Omg I'm terribly sorry that I'm not a boot licking Viv Stan... I truly am (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
So... you attack Showtoonz for no reason other than *Double Checks Notes* ahh here we go "Having valid opinions" fresh off the table *chef kiss excuse* lol
LMAO they really said "Ass takes" omg no wayyy 😂
I also applaud how you basically said that the entirety of the helluva boss and hazbin hotel critical community an "embarrassment to our democracy" lol where that come from? and that the best argument you can come up with is that "*ughhh* your all "cOnSeRvAtIvEs" like did you travel across time and space through the Internet, see my page, and pretend to get triggered over the fact that I'm p***tically balanced in every direction?? Open minded if you will!? What does critiquing a show have to do with what's going on outside in the world? You do realize a lot of these people critiquing Viv Are in fact Democrats (me included in that spectrum) that Were fans of Viv and don't agree with Viv because she messes shit up on purpose 😂
Love how your one of those people that's obviously too far on the edge who are an actual embarrassment to society because this is the shit you put out there along with the
"YoUr NoT oNe Of Us" argument because what else would you pull out of your ass like legit your literally the type of person that likes to sniff your own fucking farts... Geez
I can't stop laughing 🤣
"One of Us! One of Us! Gooble gobble, Gooble gobble, One of Us! One of Us!" Like I can't. We Dems ain't gonna bow down to you and kiss your ass like your some kind of King so you might as well get over it buttercup
Regarding the last one for Bait reasons you decided to bring janky brained Joe into this... What a legend! You really showed us Dems the middle finger and went "Fuck ALL of You" 😂 Hey pal I'm NGL, but all I'm saying is that maybe you shouldn't be so into your own p***tical fart clouds so much because all that methane n shit will clog up your thinking.
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"OMG I've been exposed by my own "Brilliance" in taking down these critics, please don't expose me"
W H E E Z E !!!
this last bits my favorite part
"*Clears throat* "If you disagree with me I'm going to "delete my account"
(Welp I guess I disagree with you :D, have a nice day ^^ Adios!! 🤣) Wait? You were actually Serious??? 🤣🤣🤣
"run to Twitter" with all my problems (because of course your one of those losers) and "bitch" to my two followers that "Will raise all hell" down onto those "Antis" who are so Mean and Negative where my post is sure to go viral enough to take down the entire critical community and reap their rights away from them"
Without any proof, but instead your tail tucked between your legs as you run and hide.
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Managed to get this on the way out. A Viv Stan in denial who's also a hypocrite. Oh but we "anti Viv Stan critics" have "ass takes" and "no valid criticism" You blindly support woomy... The same person who attacked multiple people in our communities for having valid opinions!
Fucking Cringe dude
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Somehow I don't think you'd rather eat your own eyeball. And there is no restraining order, they're called bail conditions which aren't even necessary at this point. I haven't been any where near you or Milton for god knows how long now - a long, long time, and I have no intentions of imposing myself. I've sent the odd message now and again and we've had a couple of 'pleasant' convos since, but that's about all at this point. As I said, I lost my shit way back then. I don't want you as badly as you think though, I just miss you now and again. It's a weird mixture of lust, loneliness, nostalgia, and I miss the intimacy we had and obviously that's past it's sell-by-date but I'm not sat in a dark corner of my house rocking back and forth over it. I've got shit going on, but you'll of course exaggerate the amount I've messaged you.
Apparently any opinion that differs from your perception of yourself is gaslighting now too. How does that even make sense? You think I'm trying to fuck with your head, when actually, I just had a moment where I thought about everything, and I got myself in a mood and vented to you because this was a two sided relationship and we both made mistakes but you don't see the ones you made. As for most dudes trying to be with you, am I even wrong? Please show me one male friend of yours who hasn't even at the very most hinted they either fancied you, or wanted more with you at some point? I'll wait. It's not fucking gaslighting if it's true. And you don't even know what "Red Pill" mentality is. It's not what you think it is, i.e, how 2 fck loadz of bitchez and shhit. I was getting girls way before I ever even knew what Red Pill was. It's fuck all to do with that.
"you claim to have abundance and awareness , yet your heavily clouded by your own brains intrusive thoughts , and my gosh do you believe them , your not in control nor do you have the great self discipline you for claim you’re controlled by yourself , delusional and entitled narcissistic behavioural tendancies." Oh no! Kirsty is gaslighting me with her opinion! That's fine that you think that. Anyone who deals with anxiety has a heavily clouded brain. You should fucking know that Freud, since you also deal with it. And I don't believe every intrusive thought that comes into my head, don't be silly. You say I don't know you, but you clearly don't know me either. I never claimed to have great self discipline. I've admitted about a thousand times how many mistakes I've made, it's pretty fucking self-evident that I'm not perfect, duhhhh. Maybe you should realise you're not too, and I'm not talking about your looks which you seem to be obsessed with.
If only I were a woman so I could cry about how men victimise me, but never actually take into account any of the mistakes I might be making in relationships.
I said I didn't give you any reason to mistrust me in the beginning. That's clearly what I said to you. "Early on". And I didn't. Because of the way Will treated you, shat all over your commitment to him by sleeping with all of the easiest, trashiest lays in New Milton you naturally ended up traumatised as fuck (partly your own fault too for not having the "discipline" to break up with him sooner), and then you projected all of that mistrust on to me in the beginning. Was it fair? no, but I understood. I had the same doubts and fears as you because of how much I was betrayed in the past. Shit happens. Just recognise it.
Despite ALL of that said. I don't hate you at all Kirsty. I'm mad about what happened and I wish I could rectify it.
As far as I was aware and told by Molly there was a restraining order which meant immediate arrest if you came near me or Luna. And it is absolutely necessary , abd I'm glad you only miss me a little bit but enough to make various accounts and find a way to contact me ? Look what can I say I'm a decent girlfriend lol , I give to much and try my best , and I'm sorry but the only things I will be held accountable in the relationship was not leaving sooner , I genuinely genuinely cannot fault myself in any respect when it came to being a girlfriend , maybe I'm not as affectionate as I could be and my sex drive isn't the best but I'm on fucking fluxontine I'm cutting myself a break there. The only toxic behaviours I believe I exhibited would be reactive abuse when I finally started to lash out about the way you where treating me , which is exactly what happened with will. And I should have ended both relationships way before they broke me entirely . I'm very aware I'm not perfect I'm far from it I'm extremely messed up , I have a lot of physical and mental issues and I'll never try and hide that? But I've never cheated I'm always loyal I provide I listen I give advice Im open minded I can give space and allow my partner to have a life , I know when to back off and when to be there, I genuinely as a girlfriend don't really see where the fuck I'm failing ? Please do fucking enlighten me because really was a bad girlfriend you wouldn't miss me at all !!!
I have anxiety yes but I as a self aware person don't impose my anxiety onto others unless I'm physically in panick and need some reassurance but that's just called soppourt . And Im aware it can make you believe unrealistic things but again I DONT impose them onto others , you do huge huge difference , thanks for the Freud comment mind I appreciate it lol.
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opluffys · 2 years
wrote this very very quickly and my first attempt at actually writing anything with thigh riding lol. as always it was posted to my archive account, luffys. pls tell me if there are any errors of if it copied weird, it happens sometimes. i hope you enjoy!! :)
-Killer x Reader-
You've experienced some of the most gruesome as well as gut wrenching battles, but to think a heatwave of all things would put you 'out of commission', so to speak.
Well, almost.
Messing around with the second in command was possibly the most fun you had sailing with your constantly irked captain. So, you had stuck it out, sitting down with your blouse almost entirely buttoned down, it had actually helped you somewhat cool down. But you'd kill for any kind of frozen treat.
Your red-headed captain sat next to you, his legs kicked up on a vacant chair in front of him. His fur was ditched, a rare sight, but he looked damn good, muscles showing off and glistening with a thin sheet of sweat.
He took a gulp of his drink, a dark and smooth liquid swishing in his cup, clinking with every movement from the ice cubes. "Can I have your ice, captain?" You looked at him, desperation in your tone. "You can't go to the kitchen and get some?" He responded, leaning back and sighing, obviously not a fan of the heat. "Come on captain, I'll practically melt by the time I reach the kitchen." You mumbled, copying his pose and eyeing his drink rather obviously.
"Fine," He grumbled, drinking the rest of his alcoholic drink and handing the glass to you, his red lipstick stuck on the glass. "Oh, thank you Kid. You really saved my ass here." You grabbed the drink, your fingers brushing against one another. You didn't miss how he smiled ever-so-slightly at your remark.
Tilting the glass and seeing the square ice sparkle in the excessive sun made you squint slightly, pressing your lips to the cool cup and taking a cube into your mouth. You nearly moaned at the deliciously cold feeling, crunching the ice almost immediately after it hit your tongue. A bad habit of yours that made you run out of ice almost instantly.
"Since you're getting up, get me a refill, would you?" Kid turned to look at you, and sadly, your empty cup. Asking for your captains cold remains seemed to be against your favour, now having to walk the tedious trail to the kitchen. You cursed lowly, getting up and grabbing the lipstick stained glass.
"What're you doing in here?" You asked, placing Kid's cup down on the counter as you opened the doors into the kitchen, seeing that infamous blonde hair. "It's a bit colder in here, rather than out in the blistering sun." He sighed, holding his own drink in hand, you quickly noticed the lack of ice in his cup.
"Fuck, don't tell me we're out of ice."
"No, there should be some in the icebox."
"Aren't you hot in there?" You pointed to his mask, leaning on the counter next to him. He slightly turned to you, not so obvious so you could tell he was looking at you, but in a way that he had a full view of you.
"I'm used to it, your shirt is completely unbuttoned, by the way." He responded coolly, sipping his drink from the straw.
"Shit!" You cursed, embarrassed that he saw you in such a way. You were supposed to catch him off guard and embarrass him, not the other way around.
If only you knew that's indeed how it was.
Despite his cool and laid back exterior, he was anything but calm on the inside. The heat had already melted all good decisions left inside of him, but you practically prancing in here with your soft breasts, and your lacy bra on full display out to him completely melted his brain.
Hurriedly buttoning your shirt, well, at least halfway, you went to refill Kid's drink, placing the glass back onto the counter. "I bet your room is nice and cold, Killer." You hummed, leaning closer into him, a button of your blouse becoming undone. He had a perfect view of your plush breasts from his taller stature, a heat settling on his face. He was thankful for his mask, even if it was quite stuffy.
His room for sure was much better, but there was obviously an ulterior motive of being alone with one another, and it seems that it was running through both of your minds.
When his door had shut, he was on you in a blink of an eye, throwing his mask off and pressing his lips to yours. You mewled in his mouth, part of you sad that you didn't get to make the first move. He kissed you almost desperately, pressing his warm body against yours, leading you to his bed.
"Such a fucking tease." He growled, ripping your blouse from your relaxed shoulders, tying your hands behind your back. He nearly threw you on the mattress, pulling you onto his lap, grinding his prominent erection against your soaking panties.
You had no clue how your blouse had made such a good bond to keep you from moving, unable to grab onto him, to hold him, to change the position of power.
You were powerless, putty in his hands.
He tore your flimsy pants and rubbed his calloused and thick fingers against your throbbing clothed clit, making you whine against him. He quit the attention on your needy clit, harshly grabbing onto your hips and sliding you steadily against his muscled thigh. Your hands attempted to touch him, to feel him, to move, anything. "Killer, fuck, please." You whispered, breath hitching as he continued to move you back and forth on his thigh.
There was no reason to oblige to your breathy and whiney requests, especially because he wasn't in the best mood, quite literally hot and bothered.
"Look at how wet you are," He hummed, moving a large hand away towards your chin, pointing your face down to the embarrassing wet spot on his pants. "and it's just for me, huh?" He asked darkly, moving you at a faster pace, you nodded frantically. He smiled at you, a genuine thing, so warm and kind. You had nearly  come undone from the way he was talking and looking at you alone.
Removing the last barrier between the heat in your core, he also ripped your panties away in a swift and fluid motion. You were about to make a remark about all of your destroyed clothing, you were cut off by a loud and unexpected moan ripped from your agape lips. Your slit practically leaking all over him, your hands still struggling against your blouse. Starting to move your own hips, your eyes screwed shut as he bounced you on his thigh, the motion as well as friction making you squeal with utter pleasure.
Finally undoing the surprisingly well done knot, your hands were free as they flew to his biceps, hugging him close to you as you continued to ride his thigh with fervour. "Feels so good," You whimpered, moving one of your hands lower to palm his straining erection. You felt bad for not giving him too much attention, maybe he had expected you to free yourself sooner..?
He groaned lowly, bringing you closer to his toned body, taking your lips into his once more, two different shades of lipstick smearing all over each other. His pant material rubbing against your clit felt phenomenal, aided by your slick and going at a blistering speed, you chased your high, both hands returning to Killer's burly stature.
He continued to make beautiful sounds, getting off at just your pleasure alone. Taking a quick second to unbutton his pants and lower them just enough for his cock to spring out, thick hot, and leaning pre-cum, he gave it a couple of quick pumps before returning his attention to you.
Despite being so close, you just couldn't get it. The friction delicious and wanted, but it just wasn't enough. You needed more, you needed him to fill you and stuff you full of him. Constantly being on the precipice, you couldn't handle the edging any longer.
"I need it, please." You begged, stopping your ministrations and kissing him hotly. He groaned deeply into your kiss, melting into it, his movement ceasing as well, just taking a moment to savour you and hold you dearly. Your sweaty bodies intertwined together, like puzzle pieces that would never succumb to separation.
Pressing his forehead against yours, his lips rested against yours while just looking into your beautiful eyes. Seeming as time had stopped, and the world was just the two of you as you stared at one another lovingly. This moment was all that had mattered, Onigashima wouldn't matter, taking down all the emperor's wouldn't matter.
Just you two.
Moving to kiss you gently and knock you out of your trance, the two of you breathed heavily. Constant yearning for each other, like always. You wouldn't have it be any other way, really, and neither would he.
His rough and hasty speed from earlier had completely dissolved, lifting your hips gently onto his strained and hard cock. You whimpered his name, burying himself deep into your wet slick and gummy walls. He grunted as he bottomed out deep inside of you, his tip nearly bashing into your womb.
He started steadily bouncing you over his cock, your toes curling as your orgasm steadily approached. You felt every inch of him wonderfully deep within you, your velvety walls attempting to suck him in as deep he could go.
The both of you were trying to prolong your orgasm for as long as possible, but the previous events weren't doing the two of you any favours, already riled up. Him being inside of you and throbbing deeply in your hot cunt made you moan his name over and over like a mantra.
"Fuck, you feel so good," He whispered against your soft and supple skin, his big and rough hands gripping your hips tightly, most definitely going to leave marks in the morning.
He carefully moved you onto your stomach, ass in the air as your dripping pussy was on full display to him. He ran his thick fingers against your weeping slit, making you visibly shudder with pure and unadulterated want and lust.
"Please," You breathlessly mumbled, feeling his bulbous tip against your wet cunt. You backed your hips up as an attempt to get him inside you already.
"You're still not off the hook from earlier." He started, pushing his fat cock inside your soft body, feeling your walls flutter around his throbbing dick. It felt even better from a new angle. You cried into his mattress, hands fisting at the dark sheets. Your screams had been muffled by his pillow, his scent flooding your nostrils, heightening your arousal.
Tears streaming down your cheeks, drool spilling out of the corner of your mouth, you screamed his name as you came undone around his girth, shaking lightly. Your slick coating his heavy cock while your cunt squeezed him snugly, sliding in and out of you at a brutal pace, Killer's grunts and your moans filling the room.
You knew he was close, your overstimulated insides hugging his large length tightly, making him slow down slightly. He cursed lowly, thrusting deep into you as he groaned your name deeply, his voice alone almost making you orgasm once more.
A drawn out and long groan left his plump lips, burying himself balls deep inside you before painting your insides white with his hot seed. You would never get tired of being stuffed full of his cum, always happy to feel it pushed deep within you.
Pulling out of your abused hole, his seed began to slowly flow out of you, making him want to slam into you again and again, pushing it so far into you that it would stay inside. But, he knew you needed to regain your stamina, and as did he.
You lay still, panting as your face was still against the mattress and pillow. "Was I too rough?" He asked, turning you over gently, his tone worried for you.
"No, no," You exhaled, "it was so fucking good, you were so good, Killer." You hummed, a serene and pleased smile on your face.
He wiped the tears from your eyes with so much care you almost burst into tears again. "Do you want to take a cold shower? It'll probably help cool us down, and not to mention get us clean." He chuckled, pulling you close to him, your head resting against his pectoral muscle.
"Can we stay like this, just for a little bit longer?" You sighed, pressing a deep and loving kiss into his beautiful bronze skin. "Of course," He hugged you closer, appreciating your radiating warmth and presence.
"Oh, shit," You attempted to sit up, your nerves immediately bringing you back down next to Killer. He turned towards you with a hum, his full attention on you.
"I forgot about Kid's drink..."
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