#i'm a bit tired
nagy-bari · 29 days
may i offer:
selective mute Melina in any modern day au with the demigods as closest to functioning friends and family?
cause she's burnt and bodiless in game and only speaks in certain points of grace
cause she's a younger sibling
cause i just wanna see the demigods/siblings having a little bet/game between each other, counting who was 'graced' with Melina speaking to them cause i just want this mess of a family to care about her-
anyway so far the winners with the most MT(Melina Talked) and MS (Melina Smiled at me) or the rare MASFM (Melina Asked Something From Me)
Leading: Messmer. do i need to list it out? no.
(Marika: Melina will try to be close but rarely speaks as freely with her as she would with Messmer. only returns the smiles)
Close second: Rykard. the boy's strange interest with snakes really helped. his hissing is on point to the point it made her giggle. (bonus bonus)
Rest without exact scores:
Rellana: usually around Messmer so she got used to her, rarely smiles but had asked one or two times (one word sentences and such)
Godwyn: never talked but will hide behind him in new places. a strange trust but not yet words. May have gotten some half smiles though.
Ranni: got more questions than anyone cause she has Torrent. not quite a smile but she can make her grimace and that's close enough for the lunar princess.
Rennala: no luck yet, but was asked to look after her multiple times. Went without a problem, and the queen would like to believe her singing helped to get Melina to sleep.
Radagon: she'll stare at him.
Godfrey/Hoarah Loux : one (1) smile yet. maybe a giggle. (noone can imagine it but they believe it)
Radahn: somewhere along the lines of Godwyn.
Morgott: they stare at each other. she'll follow him regardless.
you get the idea i hope. i have no refferenc for Mohg, or the other twins, but i just want little Melina being cared for and treasured.
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castielsan · 2 years
Just some doodle I'll make nothing of them
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The last one is the picture thanks for my 700 followers on TikTok
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bluepallilworld · 1 month
you mean very much to me n I really really hope today was good <33
That's very sweet of you!
Today was ok, I guess I was a bit tired (despite oversleeping XDc) and managed to stress myself a bit with my list of tasks... And procrastinated on everything be it papers or fun projects-
But I watched movies and laughed some with my lil' bro so I can't call it a bad day (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
And I read a bit and doomscrolled for a while X,D
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@staff Please if you really are getting rid of tumblr live. Pleas keep tv friend safe
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He is my son and I would give u my soul for him
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wonda-ch · 2 years
For the one-word writing prompts: 31. — lies. 👀
Part three of the One Word Prompts . The collection of conversations from a cozy evening in chronological order.
Part 3 (31. - lies)
Lying comfortably in Jax's arms, Midnight tried to summarize the events that had happened at Heaven's Edge over the past few weeks. "Aside from the escaped flock, not much has really happened around here in the last three weeks. I guess that's why it seems like you've been gone for an endless amount of time."
"You forgot to mention that we need new gardeners, Darling. After all, this drama has kept us a little busy."
"That's right, we don't have a gardener anymore," Milvirvilan chuckled.
Incredulous, Daeran objected, "We had three. How did you manage to lose three gardeners in three weeks?"
"They almost did it themselves," Jax began to report. "Did you know Jennis had a fling with the other two gardeners? They didn't know about it, but it came to light and it totally escalated. Bronnar quit right away and left. Jennis and Melrun tried to ignore the tension, but they got into such a fight at work that they destroyed the variegated roses and threw them at each other. That's when I fired them both."
"Who's Jennis?" asked Daeran, obviously confused, which made Tishlia laugh.
"That's the person you've been paying to take care of our garden for the past three years, and who you always call 'the gardener.' Sometimes it might be useful to ask people their names."
"Nonsense, if you start asking for the names of your servants, they'll soon tell you about their personal problems, and you'll get involved in things you don't want to know. You can see how many people are stuck with us just because we learned their names during the crusade. You never manage to ignore any of them when they ask for help or advice."
"These people are called friends, my love. When they ask for help or advice, you should be there for them."
"Friends are a few people, not a whole city of them. We waste way too much time with people we barely know. At the end of the day, it is my time with you that is at stake. If we worry about the servants now, there will be no end to it. I'm happy about everything you don't know." He had talked himself into such a rage that he almost bit his tongue to stop himself from saying his last sentence. It was too late, Tishlia had long since slipped out of his arm and onto the other side of the bench, glaring at him suspiciously.
"What don't I know, Dae?"
"It's called digging your own grave, isn't it?" Jax quipped before Midnight silenced him with a sharp look.
There was a brief silence, broken only by the incessant chirping of crickets. Tishlia said nothing, waiting patiently for her husband's response with an iron gaze. He squirmed, tried to avoid her gaze, took a sip of wine, but no one did him the favor of breaking the silence and bringing up a new topic. Finally, he sighed and relented. He feared that exposing his little white lies would lead to their first real argument.
"It was always trivial, nothing really important. Sometimes just rumors, or trivial problems of unimportant people who think their hero of the Fifth Crusade will solve everything for them. Like the situation with the gardeners. I… simply tried to prevent more and more being placed on your shoulders." He spoke very softly and seemed a little contrite, but not really remorseful.
"For my sake or out of concern that you might be neglected?"
"Both, probably."
"I still decide for myself what I put on my shoulders, Count Arendae." The salutation hit him like a whiplash; she had never called him that in a serious tone before. He nodded, but remained silent, waiting for her to continue. An apology would be pointless, she knew exactly that he didn't really regret keeping the informations from her. Instead of the next blow he expected, Tishlia said nothing. Instead, she climbed onto his lap, pressing his shoulders against the backrest and keeping her gaze fixed on him. "You're probably right. But don't do this to me, Dae. You should help me say no more often. And hell, tell me if you think we're not spending enough time together."
"That's easy, if you're by my side for less than 24 hours, I feel neglected." Smiling gently, he stroked her cheek, "I'll try to do better, I promise. But I'm not going to start remembering the names of the gardeners."
With a smile on her face, she leaned her head closer to his hand, never really able to be angry with him. "We'll just give the next ones numbers." To relieve any remaining tension, she kissed him tenderly before they moved on to the next course of the enjoyable dinner.
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charlierejouis · 1 year
Quick Notes: Chapter 237
Let’s go!
Honestly, it makes sense that Laguna was acting. It’s just weird that this was even a debate.
It’s good to see Aruna and Miimi! I feel like I’m the only person who cared about these two.
It feels that Mashima’s going to hit us with some kind of crazy reveal involving Ziggy and ONE Void. I’m not even willing to guess what that could possibly be at this point.
I guess Mashima’s only willing to show the main cast actually get their memories back. Did Mosco even get his memories back?
You do want to see Shura be a better person, but you’re not sure it’s likely or not.
“The empire’s behaving now.” The Empire Does a Bit of Trolling.
Goodwin as a tiny cat is just not something I’m going to get used to.
We already knew how powerful Xenolith was before this chapter, but yikes. It’s a shame that we’re likely not going to see him train the EZ Crew again. Or will we see him gain memories from the past universe?
See you.
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alex-leweird · 2 years
My sister had invited me to his friend's dnd party (without my consent, but I won't complain). So, some dnd art based on some ideas for characters are coming to this tumblr
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niviferweeps · 7 months
it is unfortunate that the only inspiration i've found while deep in dreadful depression is in a whiskey bottle— a dangerous way to live, and i found myself wondering if i'm doomed to repeat a life my grandfather has already lived. would i go blind same as him? tsk, tsk. better to give up. better to live without. guess i'll have to find something else.
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swordsonnet · 5 months
i'm sorry but i don't think we should call this the "autism website" when there's still posts with tons of notes mocking people who:
struggle with social skills / have anxiety around social settings
are unemployed / unable to work certain jobs
have intense or "age-inappropriate" interests
haven't had certain life experiences that are deemed universal/essential
struggle with personal hygiene
don't have any friends or dating experience
don't go outside much or at all
take things literally / don't get sarcasm/jokes
have unusual ways of speaking
generally aren't "normal"
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barghest-land · 3 months
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first 10 days of jurassic june! i'm slow with it but still going ;__;
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nouverx · 6 months
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Pov the cannibal overlords are judging your outfit (or discussing how they're going to cook you tonight, your choice 👀)
Based on very cool outfits for them I saw on twitter! Here's Alastor and here's Rosie
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hinamie · 1 month
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bunch of portraits
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bibxrbie · 6 months
"Luke Skywalker isn’t like the old Jedi. He saves Vader with his attachments!”
Luke Skywalker, at the end of Return of the Jedi, after his confrontation with the Emperor drags Darth Vader through the destructing Death Star. He’s desperate, knuckles white under the heavy weight of his father’s body, a little boy dragging his dad to safety. He sets Vader down for a moment, to catch his breath or maybe to get a better grip. He goes to grab Vader again, but Vader, uncomfortable and in pain, asks Luke to take off the mask. He wants to see Luke through his eyes instead of the eyes Palpatine built for him. Luke refuses, says that removing the mask is a sure way for Vader to die. Luke doesn’t want Vader dead, he wants Vader alive. Not to hold him accountable for his many evil acts, but for the same reason why Luke Skywalker can’t kill Darth Vader; Vader is his father and Luke loves him.
And yet, after a moment, Luke removes Vader’s mask. He doesn’t want to, he hesitates, but he removes the mask with enough slowness to allow Vader to take it back. In that moment, Luke sets aside his desire for Vader in his life, sets aside his desire to see him live, and sets aside his entire mission, the reason he was even on the Death Star in the place. In his compassion for his father, Luke stays with Vader until he dies. It is this moment where we see him be the best damn Jedi he can be. I’d even argue that this moment is the greatest example of non-attached love we see. Because Luke lets Vader go! He lets his father die, and in some ways, by removing the mask, he too kills Vader, he stays with him until his last moment, gives him the kindness of granting his last wish and finally chooses Vader.
And Luke doesn’t have to do this. If Luke Skywalker’s love for his father was an attachment, he would ignore Vader and continue dragging him to the escape pod, put his desire for a father as his central focus and ignore Vader’s wants and discomfort. Maybe he would even save him. But he doesn’t. Instead, he watches as Vader dies.
He builds a Jedi burial for his father and watches it burn the remnants of Vader and Anakin Skywalker away. He mourns Vader, he mourns what they could’ve had as father and son, considers what ifs and maybe-if-I-did-this. Vader/ Anakin is released from his mortal body, from his ‘crude matter’ and Luke lets him go. He says one final goodbye to Anakin. Then, he joins Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, and the rest of the Rebels and celebrates their victory. He lives in the present and celebrates what he has instead of what he lost.
Luke Skywalker is THE Jedi. Everything about Luke Skywalker serves as the foundational cornerstone of the Jedi, everything about the Jedi as a culture and philosophy is reflected in his character. Luke’s desire for the New Jedi Order isn’t to throw away the values of the old Order, but to vitalise them, breathe life back into dying lungs, and rebuild a path that people set out on their way to destroy. (Yes, his Order is different from the Old, but that’s because it has to be. He doesn’t have the resources or the safety of the Old Order.) The philosophies of the Jedi are difficult and they aren’t for everyone, and like the perfect Jedi that Luke is, he struggles and stumbles and sometimes he even rejects it. But, no matter how far he falls, it is a way of life he chooses again and again and again. It is a way of life that welcomes him back each time
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dethtale · 2 years
I will be making more starters later on!
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khytal · 11 months
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liar, liar
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andry-di · 6 days
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