#i'm a little shy about her
wayfinderships · 23 days
Good morning gamers I am thinking about 🪽 someone save me please-
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alwaysmanages · 1 year
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Screencap redraw feat. Alicia, Snufkin and Little My!
Alicia and her grandmother remind me a lot of Vasilisa and Baba Yaga, only if Vasilisa wanted to become a witch while in Baba Yaga's captivity. So I wanted to try and design Alicia in traditional Russian attire to suit the image.
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a-devious-route · 3 months
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Moodboard original character - Arth B.W.
I am my own parasite
« I am not someone you can fix with love and devotion. I'm not your charity case, not even your responsibility. I am not something to be fixed. Don't ever think that because you love me, you have the right to decide my life, what is good or bad for me, what's healthy or not. You may be aware of your feelings, but you don't get to shove mine in my face because you think I'm "ready" for them. »
Pretty please; do not use or reblog, thank you!
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cutepotatook · 1 year
Heya! I only take this opportunity to tell you that I love your art style and your use of colors. You capture a feeling of nostalgia so well, truly comforting! And well, I was also interested in knowing if you have other social accounts besides Tumblr.
Hi! Thank You thank You!! I'm really glad you like it aaaah (─‿‿─) It's always so nice to hear that, it means everything to me whaha!
And yes, I had accounts on different sites, but I don't post anything there anymore, so at the moment I'm most actively posting on tumblr!
And yes, I have a group in vk, but there are a lot of personal things there, so I would like to keep it in a secret hehe, sorry, but I can show some of my works from there!
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solradguy · 1 year
come on grandpa its fine. let your inner dadguy out
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Maybe I should........
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numbuh424 · 5 days
pretending like I don't wanna make an OC rp/ask blog even though I stayed up all night last night planning it out and answering imaginary asks in my notes app
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k7tt1 · 3 months
Sometimes I sit down to think about the true ramifications of how / what the Fizz Bots are to Fizzarolli,
Imagine robotic clones ( sexual, at that ) being made of you and they are not only modeled after you in physical appearance, but have a likeness to your personality, mannerisms and general demeanor. Imagine they say the things you would, possibly act in the same way you would.
What's worse, is that they're made in your likeness in real time; their production / manufacturing ages along with you,
Imagine you SEE these things being assaulted, used & abused in public; these clones take it all with a smile. Soulless, mindless... But as if that's not enough, then realizing that they may just have sentience. Or at least, they give off the impression they do. And on top of ALL that... they have chunks of your memories, your past; they're you, but at the same time, they aren't,
What do you do with that information? How do you treat them ( yourself? )? What's the end game?
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dootznbootz · 9 months
With how I'm planning my fics, since Menelaus and Agamemnon spend some years at Tyndarius' palace, I kind of have them all be childhood friends in a way before Agamemnon and Menelaus take back their kingdom (Aga is around 19, Menelaus 15 when they leave. 5-6 years later they get married.) With how their marriages work out when talking about "Old times", Odysseus is the "odd one out" as he was the only one who didn't grow up alongside them. The poor guy is left out.
Odysseus: "Wait, why is everyone laughing? What does that mean? I don't get it." Penelope: "Well you see-" Goes on about a silly story but the inside joke is dumb. "...You probably would've had to have been there to get it" Odysseus:
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lesbianladyeboshi · 1 year
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Special shout out to that one Mr X/Leon spray in RE Resistance....
Who drew this?
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
I know it’s probably so annoying of me to keep asking for more every time you fulfill one of my prompts, but once again you hit it out of the park with the memory loss au!!! Gil is so sweet and kind and such a good husband who loves his wife no matter what 🥹 i don’t have a specific prompt, but just would love to read more about that journey. Thank you as always for keeping this ship alive, you have a reader in many of us still!
Gil paused in front of the door to the apartment. He leaned his forehead against the door, letting the cool of the air temper his mediocre (at best) day.
He loved his job, he loved the bakery. But the questions about Thena were getting to him. They came from a good place, he knew, and of course they would have their curiosities. But it was hard to deny that he was annoyed with the questions about if it was weird for them.
No, it wasn't.
Of course it was.
He had to come home and gauge if his wife was feeling particularly nervous around him that day. He had to ask how she was feeling because she went out of her way to hide that from him. She was recovering well, but no memories had emerged as of yet.
In his worst moments he really had to wonder if they would at all.
But he couldn't stand outside and dwell forever on that grim thought. He pulled out his keys to unlock the door. Thena herself had said she would leave it unlocked but he told her he would feel a little better if she didn't.
Gil blinked. It wasn't necessarily a welcome home kiss or anything, but Thena was standing by the door, smiling at him as he dropped his backpack where he stood. "Hey."
Her smile wavered faintly, but it certainly wasn't fake. She was nervous. "H-How was work?"
"Uh," Gil tried not to flounder. She was trying something, and he didn't want to discourage her. He also smiled, kicking off his shoes and starting to take off his coat. "It was okay. Kind of long, but at least it's friday, right?"
Thena just nodded, stepping back to let him in. "Come and tell me about it."
Gil tilted his head, squinting at her so long as she wasn't looking at him. It wasn't that she never asked to hear about his day before. But even just last week she was still trying to figure out how to start a casual conversation with him, or ask where they kept the coffee filters (again).
Thena seated herself on the couch, waiting for him expectantly. He chuckled, ruffling the stress out of his hair. When he rounded the corner of the couch he looked at the coffee table. The beer can was visibly cold, on a coaster and everything. "I thought I was out of these."
Thena shifted her knees, tugging at her skirt. "I decided to go to the store, today."
Gil tried not to look freaked out about that. He was just being overprotective, and there was no reason Thena couldn't want to get out of the house for a little. She remembered where the store was...apparently.
"I noticed there weren't any in the fridge, but I picked some up while I was out," she added, tilting her head as he cracked it open. "It smells familiar."
He smiled at that. Smells could be very good for her memory, he had already discovered by way of their laundry detergent, and his cologne. "You want a sip?"
She shook her head, and that made him smile too. "Yeah, I guess you never really had a taste for beer. You don't mind a glass of wine with Kari, though."
"Hm," she sighed as she leaned against the back of the couch. Her eyes were still intent on him. "So?--work?"
He cleared his throat, setting the beer down on its coaster again. "Right, uh...it was okay. Things ran normally, it was kind of quiet, but I guess it's just that time of year. And the weekend guys will be fine."
He had worked the very early mornings for the weekend before, actually. But since Thena's episode he did what he could to be at home whenever she was up and around.
"What do you bake specifically?"
"Oh," he blinked. It was light enough conversation, but Thena asked it like she was going to be quizzed on it later. But then again, he could remember their first date having a similar intensity to it. That was just what Thena was like. "I guess I mostly do the croissants, some of the desserts-"
"I looked up the bakery online today."
"Really?" he tried to ask casually, but she was going somewhere with all this.
Thena looked down at the small but comfortable space between them on the couch, picking at one of the cushion seams. "I considered walking by, but... "
She usually wasn't one to trail off during a sentence, but obviously she had really thought about whether to go through with it or not. Gil scooted just a little closer to her (not enough to spook her). "Hey, that's okay. I probably wouldn't have been able to come out and see you for long, anyway. It's sweet, though."
She looked embarrassed, but didn't shy away from him, at least. "I was worried someone would recognise me and...and I would leave them wanting."
Gil nodded; Thena was quietly terrified of having to meet everyone in their lives all over again. He couldn't blame her. Meeting people was never her specialty, and the pressure on her was now worse than ever. "It's okay, hon. We can face that later."
She sighed faintly, but she allowed him to just sort of wiggle his finger in her direction. She mustered the courage to hook her finger with his. It was small, but it didn't escape him that it was big for her.
"Hey, on sunday we can go by together if you want. Pick up some stuff for brunch here at home?" he suggested it gently, testing the waters. If she truly never wanted to speak to anyone they knew ever again, he didn't really have any argument to stand on.
He was willing to do anything to keep her from considering leaving all together.
"That sounds lovely." She smiled to match his smile, although softer and gently. Her hand did move, from just their fingers linking to more of a tentative hand holding. Affection wasn't her specialty either.
"It's a date," he grinned, unable to contain himself. Thena blinked and he nearly flinched, "I-I mean, not-! It doesn't have to-"
She laughed, though. He had missed that sound like the air he breathed. "My second chance at our first date."
He knew she meant it as a light joke, or maybe even in a self-deprecating way. But he melted. He couldn't help it! His wife was going to go on a date with him!
Thena watched passively as he brought her hand up to his lips. He gave her the chance to pull away, but she didn't. He kissed her knuckle gently. holding on just so he could admire the wedding ring still on her finger.
She had once asked if he had taken his off, and it had horrified him. But he asked if she wanted to take hers off. She had every right, even if the thought made him want to shrivel up and sink into the sea. But Thena had looked at the foreign object on her finger and answered very plainly but honestly: no.
Thena tilted her head at him again, "Gil?"
He gave her hand another kiss before looking at her again. Her hand in his, a beer to his left, it felt a little more like old times. But it was also new, in an endearing way. "So, you looked up the bakery?"
"Yes," she smiled, indulging his much improved mood, even letting him run his finger against her wedding ring. "It's a lovely site, the products are photographed well."
They had an instagram that Sprite mostly ran herself, but Thena didn't actually know that a lot of the product photography on the website had been done by herself back when Gil first got the job.
He had bragged all about how his wife was an amazing artist with a great eye for beauty! Thena had come in and done the photos for the website and then scolded him for embarrassing her.
"They are," he agreed quietly. "And we have some seasonal stuff, too. We'll still have the usual--the croissants, the pain au chocolat, the mont blancs. But we also still have the petit fours right now, since we get so much extra in for valentine's day."
Thena's face betrayed a split second of horror.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," he reassured her, and also used it as a great excuse to kiss her again (this time her open palm). "You were still in the hospital then. And we were never really valentine's people anyway."
There was some clear doubt in her eyes at that statement, but she didn't choke out a positively miserable apology (again).
"Besides," Gil put on his most charming smile, which she always said made him look suspicious, "I think valentine's is a little much for our first date, isn't it?"
Thena laughed again, and god he could listen to that for hours. He would make it his ringtone if she would let him. "I suppose that is a little forward of me."
"I mean Thena, I don't know what you heard about me, but I like to take it slow," he continued to joke, relishing in her laughter. It was so light and cute for how stern she always tried to look. "I'll pick you up and everything."
"You'll 'pick me up'?" she repeated back to him with her sandy blonde eyebrows raised. She had plucked them recently; she really was bored sitting at home all day.
"Sure," he shrugged and nodded in the direction of the guest room--her room. "I'll pick you up at 10."
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
Hey, this is gonna sound incredibly random, but could I perhaps get a close up of Victoria's room from the character sheet?
The little picture of her room from the character sheet but on it's own, basically?
After seeing it I've been thinking about doing something similar for my own oc's because I think it's a very simple way of designing interiors but also very effective... Like you get a clear idea of what the room looks like but it's not hyperdetailed which makes it far easier to draw.
I know that I can just zoom in myself but a higher quality version would make it easier, if it's not a bother to you.
PS. I really like your art! I hope you have a great day! 💚💚💚
aaa thank you so much, hearing that makes me super freaking happy!! 😭✨
sure, i actually had to scale the full sketch down a bit to have it fit on victoria's character sheet so here's the higher quality version of it (+ the grand auditorium background i did for her info sheet. )
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however, i do wanna give credit where it's due — these were my attempts at imitating catherine unger's environment design work on tangle tower, i referenced her work heavily while drawing these. i highly recommend checking out her work instead, especially the concept art she did for the game's locations.
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( using freya's room as an example bc it's one of my favorite locations in the game. )
one of my favorite features of tangle tower is that it has an art gallery in the main menu where you can get some insight on the game's visual development and there's a whole section of it dedicated to every single location featured in the game. if you don't wanna play the game, you can also access the concept art + final designs of each location by checking out the detective grimoire wikia. the visual development for this game is so freaking good and has inspired me a lot, please give it a look!
oh, i almost forgot. catherine unger also has a tumblr so definitely go give her a follow!
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presiding · 1 year
hi!! could you please tell more about the AU where delilah gets powers from chaos?? i'd really love to know, if you don't mind, ofc! :)
It's an AU so grain of salt but I was thinking about fissures created between the world and the void because of things like Delilah's resurrection/ritual.
What if Delilah worked out not just how to resurrect herself, but also how to create fissures where the void leeches into the real world, and could harness the same power for herself?
What if the player's high or low chaos was not just a function that fed the plague or the city's morale, but was a measure of increased void-power entropy?
Or put another way - if you use void magic to kill, it creates fissures, where the void interfered in life & death and it should not have. The void stole potential from the world, which Delilah could harness as sacrifices to become more powerful - and so you're indirectly helping her by choosing chaos.
I think it would make her a much more compelling enemy, too. It would be cool if by a certain point in the game, if you've been high chaos , rather than just hijacking your dreams she neutralises the Outsider herself and starts visiting you at shrines, and answers when you try to speak to Jessamine.
Maybe sometimes you call on your powers, sometimes nothing happens, and you can hear distant mocking laughter.
I think it's got potential for what DoTO could have been too - rather than trapping her in her own painting, maybe she finds a way to escape again so in DoTO, she's the one who kills the Outsider... or tries to, until Daud & Billie team up to stop her.
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OC: Macha - photography by the brilliant @dustymagpie
More under the cut, for reasons
So after the night out on JigJig Street with Esme, a couple of drinks and a whole lot of fun... Macha was brave enough to shoot these. She made Vinnie a very happy man that day I think.
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OC: Macha
I especially love that last shot, her expression is so.... ugh.
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mishkakagehishka · 6 months
it's okay tho bc i know what i'm gonna write ab for my lit essay
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
Re: hard to articulate: I literally cannot tell you in words the whys and wherefores of this but the only time (the ONLY time--I have been filled with absolute misery and terror every time I've gone for appointments at the dentist's office, especially after they took my wisdom teeth out while I was awake and conscious)(this is the only thing that I've been consistently scared of, much to my embarrassment--I can handle public speaking and heights and insects and things like that but I Despise going to the dentist) the only time I have EVER felt peace at the dentist's was the time I prayed the Rosary throughout the whole appointment. I also cannot tell you in words why I felt compelled, after I found out that my dorm is right across the street from a Catholic church, to bring flowers to the statue of Mary on the way back from class, and to sit there next to her and pray.
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seagullcharmer · 2 years
i knooow rar said they never really had plans for the xc1 cast in ywkon but..... i love rotating them around in my head.... many ideas head full
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