#and ask wild questions abt their au
seagullcharmer · 2 years
i knooow rar said they never really had plans for the xc1 cast in ywkon but..... i love rotating them around in my head.... many ideas head full
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kholnt · 3 months
Hellooo I saw your post about Lost! I was wondering if there’s anywhere I could learn more about them?
Or if there isn’t, would you be willing to share?
My mind has latched on and I am rotating them in my brain.
there isn't (tis a shame) BUT i can yap PLENTY
i'll basically just talk abt the basics n if ppl want more details or ask specific questions then they can :)) lost is wild if he didn't forget in the shrine of resurrection. so yes, he's technically wild but he is VERY different he replaces wild, however there is an au where theyre both in the chain and we call em the trauma twins affectionately. he's the last to join and whoo boy does this boy have some trauma everything pre-calamity is the same + some headcanons. botw is mostly the same? the notable differences are that lost went through it as fast as he could (not in a speedrun way) so that way he could fufill his sense of duty to zelda, and that he didnt sneak into gerudo bc he was able to prove himself as a champion (he still respected customs he just. didnt actively ignore the law like wild did. menace /aff) he isn't as connected to the world around them and the few people that roam the land like wild is totk is a swap au (lost gets sent back in time) because lost has a terrible habit of being extremely self sacrificial. as for lost as a character, he's still the silent knight from Before. his knight training and thought processes are still in his head, just significantly more unhealthy from him failing the first time. theres so much to lost that i havent even brushed on but here's a list of all the issues this poor man has off the top of my head:
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wickerfox · 7 months
× Who's Hoodie
× Is it in the same time setting as MH
× Did it start the same way as a dumb school film project?
× From what I understood Scar takes the role of Tim, is bro a chainsmoker too LMFAO.
× Is Grian canonically gay too
× Would it be a wild correct guess that Amy is Lizzie and Alex is Joel since yk based from obvious plot points?
(before I start, placing this disclaimer here at the top since I have friends who don't frequent mcyt and might get confused, but when I talk abt this au I'm specifically talking abt the characters, not the content creators themselves. Anyway)
Jay- Grian, it made the most sense in my head, but I actually flip flopped on this so many times bc he also works so well as Tim or Alex, but at some point I went "wait it's an au, we can see how the story changes with Grian as the protag" so Grian's the protag now
Tim/Masky- Scar, I'm a transparent desert duo enjoyer and had a similar flip flop with him as I did Grian bc he'd also work as Jay but I was halfway through that drawing and had a similar thought process to the one i had abt Grian
Brian/Hoodie- Jimmy, I wanted to keep the cast focused to life series and evo members and he made the most sense to me lore wise, especially with the idea that in this au he was one of the ones with the earliest exposure to The Watcher (bc I love Canary Curse symbolism)
Alex- This one was the toughest choice bc no matter what a fav is going to loose it. Good thing this based on the Life Series! As much as I Love the idea of Joel and Lizzie as Alex and Amy, I actually went with Martyn. Again, the character is pretty involved with the Watcher Lore so it made the most sense as the character that is arguably most effected by it. (Although for a brief moment I considered Mumbo Jumbo bc,,, how fucking funny would that be)
Jessica- Jessica's gotta be Pearl right? It makes the most sense for it to be Pearl, I don't even need reasoning for this it makes sense
Amy- So who's Amy then? Scott actually! He's not Martyn's boyfriend in this, he's just a really good friend of his who was super involved in the production. Also like in mh, he's Pearl's roommate.
Sarah- Ren. Can't have a life series au featuring desert duo and not have some renchanting. Who else would be one of the leading actors in Martyn's short film?
Seth- Big B, again Evo connection made sense to me, and depending on your own personal theory on who the third person running the totheark account is, both Big B and Ren have interesting implications, even if both their rolls are p minor in this au
With the cast out of the way other questions !!!
It's set in a kind of nebulous time frame that's probably a little closer to present day, but it does still start with a student film project. When asked Why Martyn chose to use tapes he says something about wanting a more authentic feel to the film but in reality he just thought using tapes was a cool idea and doesn't want to admit that it's kind of impractical now.
In this au Scar doesn't smoke, but instead I like the headcannon that he just has boxes of candy/bubblegum cigarettes on him at all times. He'll pull one out, pause, and offer one to someone and when they say no he's just like "Okay, your loss" and watch as they get all confused when he starts unwrapping it asdfghkgkdjhfjsh
Is Grian gay in this au? Whose to say. (Real answer tho, I'm a notorious Jam shipper and while I'm not an active shipper when it comes to hermitcraft or the life series, I don't really mind it so the relationship is left kind of ambiguous)
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not-5-rats · 3 months
Do not lose faith dear brothers, there is still hope for us to win this war </3
You guessed it...questions/scenarios!!!
1) How would your bug respond if somebody confessed that they loved them? (Can be platonic or romantic love)
a) if they felt the same
b) if they did not feel the same
2) The silliest thing they believed as a kid?
3) Fame! AU
What is your Bug famous for? (It can be anything, as legal/ illegal as you wish)
4) Scenario #1
Chez was sat at the edge of a river, staring into the glistening water, Bug sat beside him. They hadn't been talking about much in particular just general chat, but then Chez chuckled and said something under his breath
Bug asked him to repeat, so he did
"It's wild to believe that this is my family now...well not really you guys, but the half-blo- the boys. It's crazy, like a month ago I would have killed Timmy the second I saw him!"
He tried to simply move past the statement, but it was clear he felt guilty about it...there was a remorseful glint in his eyes. He hesitated, then continued
"I mean...that was kinda my plan, I was on my way back to the town when I met him. Was gonna rat Bodie out to the other Hunters...couldn't imagine doing anything like that now"
He crossed his arms and leant forward, he sighed as he looked over at Bug
"...mental how people change, ain't it...?"
5) Scenario #2
We're going to the Traitor! AU...again, ik ik we hate it but I had a vision and I need to convey it
The only thing different abt this AU to the normal one is that Chester betrayed Bug + the half-bloods...which means Fran and Daisy were still staying with the Bugs when this all happened...I think you can guess whats coming :3
The group had finally gotten out of the arena and back to the house in the swamps, it was late...super late, around 3am when they finally got back so they were all ready to go to bed and pass out. They all went to their respective rooms and collapsed, most of them being instantly knocked out...unfortunately for Bug they didn't get to sleep very long.
They were awoken only 3 hours later by a knock at their door, they told whoever it was that it had been a long day yesterday...they all know what happened, that they needed to sleep and begged them to go away for another couple of hours but then they heard a young voice from outside
"*Bug*, we're sorry for bothering you but we really need to ask you something, please, it's important!"
Was that...Daisy? They reluctantly got out of bed and opened the door, there stood Fran and Daisy. Fran was picking at the skin under her nails, tears prickling her eyes, clearly panicked whilst Daisy simply seemed confused
Daisy smiled when Bug opened the door but Fran seemed to be attempting to peer around them and into their room, when she couldn't spot whatever she was looking for the tears began to escape her eyes, pouring down her face no matter how much she tried to rub them away.
"*Bug*! We just wanted to ask, we noticed that all of you got back yesterday and there were a couple of new friends with you!!! But emm where's Chezzy?"
Fran sniffled, clearly assuming the worst whilst Daisy was still smiling up at them awaiting their response.
What happened to Chester, Bug? Why isn't he home?
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feralcorpses · 8 months
The next post might take long to make since schools back and stuff so that’s been taking a lot of my time sadly BUT BUTTT I have an idea for an interactive kinda art thing idk how to explain it but baiscally there will be polls held up abt decisions regarding a story kinda thing ig and there will most of the time be art inculded with said poll, there’s not much plans for it yet besides the first sketch being half done.
It’s gonna be mcyt based (woah what a shocker) I’ll try to include a variety of people from hermitcraft, esmp and the life series(and some evo). You’ll baiscally be deciding fates of characters and how the plot line goes, just a build a story game rlly lol
Ig this is an au thing so that’s fun, I might call it smt ominous like “In Control” or “Fates Decided.” idk really this idea might not even happen but i’ll try my best! Feel free to ask questions abt this if you want or an idea for an au name or smt, my ask box is always open so go wild ig- idk
(I’ll try get this drawing done soon enough so that my whole idea can make sense)
I’m gonna go sleep now-
Edit: Go vote for the name of the au here!/nf
Name has been decided it’s Féachann Siad meaning They Watch in Irish!
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lautity · 1 month
1, 4, 5, 11, 15, 16, 17, 23 with lautity/holyphone for the otp ask game :3 (no pressure to do all of these btw, i'm just really curious to hear other people's opinions on them since i dont see to many lautity shippers in the wild </3)
Ask game
HEHE its totally okay you could have sent me the whole book.....im so obsessed with them rn its not even funny. i <3 my niche ship nobody else thinks about. and im so sorry for how long this is...stuck it under a cut for safety
also note many of these answers are in the context of my silly fic/AU  but u do not have to read it to understand i included context where necessary. mostly i think abt them in terms of my AU but i think most of these are canon applicable as well
1. Who most initiates PDA?
Funny question for these two. Steph is by far more comfortable with PDA and treats it very casually, but she would probably have to slow down and match Grace's pace while she's still adjusting to being visibly in a queer relationship (especially in Hatchetfield/where she risks bumping into family or people from her congregation).
I think Grace is extremely affectionate though and once she's more comfortable (or just living somewhere she's less well known) she would probably initiate at least as much as Steph, if not more. I think she would get into the habit of hand-holding every time they're outside at some point and it would just be muscle memory to grab Steph's hand when they're walking side by side.
4. How did they first meet?
In Slow they met in middle school! Grace joined in 7th grade after attending a religious primary school, Steph failed 7th grade (too many skipped classes) and was taking it for the second time when Grace got there. They don't really interact significantly until a year or two later, but they're in the same homeroom pretty much every year in school, so they're always aware of each other in passing.
5. What is their love language?
I think for Grace the thing that makes her feel most comforted is probably physical touch, but the 'above and beyond' thing for her (and what she holds as a sign of the utmost commitment, at least on her part) is quality time. She's really punctual because she feels it's the best way to show that she cares and wants to be there + she's pedantic about attending her friend's events to show her support. She's also clingy in a 'following Steph around the house' way, she just loves to have company and another person around. Especially if that person is her girlfriend (someone who wants her around. She has not experienced much of this </3)
Steph probably appreciates words of affirmation quite a lot, especially if they're well thought-out. Also enjoys quality time (though she does need Some alone time) and is usually cool without fancy going-out stuff. Prefers casual, appreciates when people make time for her and enjoys the attention of being alone with someone. I think physical touch and being touchy is like breathing to her, just second nature with her friends and especially her partner. Throwing herself across laps and using people as pillows, always bumping shoulders. Stuff like that. it's very casual to her and it's a language for her in that it's how she says 'I feel safe and comfortable around you".
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?
I sort of already talked about this LOL but I think Grace is more intentionally affectionate and is more likely to initiate cuddling or kissing (once they get over the Afraid To Initiate bit of very newly-out Grace). But obviously Steph is always just touching her anyways, often unconsciously (initially this makes Grace's head explode. but she figures it out eventually) so while everything Grace does is thought out Steph is just always being touchy without realizing it because of how relaxed/comfortable she is. I think they're pretty equally matched on like volume but Grace does initiate more Big acts of affection
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Steph has ADHD (to me.) and bad impulse control so she tends to be very spontaneous. I think a lot of the time she'll do things on a whim, even if they're risky, and say whatever comes to her mind. Grace is good at talking her into more safe activities and derailing her when she's feeling righteous and wants to pick a fight with someone twice her size over an insult to one of her friends.
Grace tends to be really unpredictable and impulsive when she's emotional at all and Steph gradually gets better at handling this and calming her down as they're together for longer. Not so much a voice of reason as a source of comfort for her.
Steph is the one online shopping and showing Grace her phone every 5 minutes just for her to go "no, we don't need another one" LOL
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Steph and her fuckass sleep schedule from parties and arguing online vs Grace, who has never stayed up past midnight, wakes up at 6:30 AM on weekends, makes her bed every morning, never snoozes an alarm... I think even when Grace drags Steph to bed "on time" (still an hour later than she'd like) Steph is just not a morning person and loves getting to sleep in and wake up slowly. Grace eventually learns to appreciate being cozy in bed for a little bit longer, but she never really stops waking up earlier than Steph and getting tons of things done before she even stirs.
17. Who fell in love first?
Hehe. Grace fell first, Steph fell harder/faster. Grace had like... this steadily building crush she didn't know was a crush. I think it probably started when they were in a group project together and Steph kept bumping their knees together under the table. She called them friends once and Grace pretty much did the entire project to please her. And even once Steph started ignoring her in class again she remained unusually fixated on her salvation and helping her. Around Abstinence Camp (summer before sophomore year/10th grade) Steph catches on to the fact that Grace genuinely wants to help her and tries to be nicer. They get more hostile again when Steph is outed as bisexual and Grace discovers what gay people are and that she isn't supposed to like them (but she can save them!). At the point where NPMD begins (around the beginning of their senior year) Steph has not had a non-religious interaction with Grace in over a year, and she is extremely sick of it.
(Slow is an everyone lives AU that has Max sleep with Grace before most of the events of NPMD, and the Waylon prank is both revenge and blackmail so she can force him to 'admit' to lying about it, hopefully preserving her reputations + preventing it from getting back to her parents. Everyone else is in on it for the same reasons as canon, and only Steph knows that Grace slept with Max at the point of the prank)
After finding out about Grace and Max, Steph just starts kind of pitying her because she knows how vicious gossip of this nature is and how cruel people are. So she's like okay, this girl really needs a friend, I can do that for now + being friends with Steph Lauter does give you some level of social standing which she figures she can lend to Grace for awhile. And Grace is still sort of annoying at first. But seeing her passionate + happy during the prank, orchestrating everything, awakens some really long-buried feelings about the weird girl in her homeroom who always tried too hard to relate every book to God, and who had come over to her house and described every research note to Steph while she assembled their poster by herself; Steph had SpongeBob reruns playing (which Grace was apparently not allowed to watch, so she sat with her back to the television) and was mostly tuning her out. They got 100% on their poster, and Steph stopped talking to Grace when her friends started to comment on it.
She feels bad for treating Grace that way + she is genuinely letting herself know this person for the first time and finding that she likes her. Like. Genuinely finds her smart and funny and interesting. She's sort of insane under duress, but it's endearing. But Steph does not pursue people, people come to her, so she sort of brushes it into the back of her mind, because there is no world in which Grace Chasity realizes her obvious queerness before she's 30.
Once she knows Grace likes her shes giggling and kicking her feet and extremely extremely excited about everything but she is trying So Hard to be normal and not rush her. She's sort of flattered about being Grace's first girl(friend?) and really really wants to give her a good experience and treat her well (the way she wishes her first partner had treated her). She is very happy and the only thing she really wishes is that Grace would apologize less and trust her a little more.
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necromycologist · 2 months
i may have asked this already but do you have any nevermoor thoughts to share like silverborn theoriesnor fic you would be interested in reading?
i think you have asked this before but it is probably lost in the absolute pileup that is my drafts, sorry… for now please accept some miscellaneous nevermoor thoughts:
i really wanna learn more about the safeguards in silverborn, who they are but also what they do?? my guess atm is that they’re basically called on to contain/kill dangerous abilities if they go wild or something.. wonder if the death of a safeguard would get mog suspended until they could find a new one?? that could be interesting
as for who’s gonna get murdered, i honestly have no idea, but i think queen cal would be funny just for the uh. jessica stop getting hit by apollos dodgeball challenge.
i don’t really think its gonna be cassiel but i DO think he’s gonna show up in svbn. also because that would mean more israfel yay <3
ok deeply unserious but if dragonriding is a pretty privileged sport i REALLY wanna meet the horsegirlstyle dragon riders… begging it would be so funny
i understand probably not in silverborn but i SO wanna learn more about the rest of the free state and all the pockets. in that vein: mogcrew road trip (in canon or modern au) would absolutely rock. i think cadence drives, mog djs, and hawthorne is the snack guy (goes insane at the onroute). if you’re wondering “who gives directions” so are they.
i think mog has a pretty good sense of direction tho esp in nevermoor— im also curious if her like. connection to the city is a wundersmith thing or just a mog thing
are beetlewuns a thing?? feel like we’ve only seen backboned wunimals. (yes im asking to see if i can justify “the beetles” what’s the problem with that)
no basis to this one whatsoever i just think cadence would like massive attack. idk
this is basically canon not really a theory but it’s kind of insane to think that mog might be like. the first wundersmith Ever to actually be part of a unit? im glad for her
hawthorne seems like he would love heist films. i think he probably comes back from the weekend and pesters arch abt how much of it is actually plausible
we better meet chef honeycutt. not a theory not a prediction just we better
thinking about it actually 919heist would be really cute
still chewing on that thing you said about 20yrold mog being like. oh god ive become jupiter. that fucking destroyed me. insert stick figure violence meme here …
israfel should quit his job i think. wait what if he came and worked at the delaculion. (i dont think this would happen but it’s be funny as SHIT. how does he wear a uniform over wings what can he even do other than sing would he and Dame Chanda have a rivalry… so many questions )
that’s all i can think of rn.. thank you sm for the ask!
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obitobi-simp · 2 months
Jonin obito Au but obito is still a freak
Imagen obito manages to free himself from madara by going inbetween that chidori and being there earlyer he get's coma but he lives
Memory ussus and a lot of CPTSD he's fine anyone woud think he's normal now but he isn't
He's legaly still dead cuz no one ABSOLUTLY NO ONE wants to deal with the absurd amount if paiper work so he legaly is still dead and he abuses the heck out of it and will bring it up every opertunaty he gets
Ppl don't notice he's a freak untill he starts open his mouth and say some wierd fucked up shit like as if he's talking about the waether
Obito: Yaeh the uchiha massacer was wild i got there in time to watch that shit go dowen i was so glad to always have popcorn in kamui
Sasuke : so you didn't nothing while this happned
Obito: sasuke pls i'd never and I didn't do nothing i sat there and watched it while eating popcorn and thinking ' damm didn't know bodys coud move like that'
Obito : many reson ig ? I mean legaly speaking i actuly am dead alrady Oh also i can phase through things and can't realy kill what can't be hit yk
He has nughtmares about " an ugly stinky old witch very ugly and stinky"
Whoever thought giving him 3 genin kids to look after is just as mentaly deranged as obito but dw kakashi us there too cuz legaly it's his team and oh damage controll cuz obito get's urges to be an unhinged problem if he doesn't take his meds and therapy( his therapists need therapists and or are scared of this sweetie with 42 underling mental issus cuz ge's tottaly normal most of the time exept when he isn't)
He's very sweet happy and still a stalker but he has a heart of gold an wierd 10 tailed mini dog thing with 1 eye and a spiral thingy that showes up from time to time obito doesn't know what these things are or where they are from but since they pass the vibe cheack they can stay
Wierd shit happnes to him atlest once a week
Imagen this obito meets the other obitos somehow the convo they have in my head
They all magicly aper on the battlefiel of the 4th shinobi war
White haired (unhinged completly lost it and gave up on sainaty) obito : uhh abt that So who wants to tell him ? 🙂
Tobi: ughh-
(Any obito): not only that (casuly lists all massacers and acts of terrorisem he comitted and or was involved in) 😐
Jonin obito : yaeh sounds like somthing i woud do in theses situations🤔 what why are you all I all ? staring
War arc obito : i fucking hate you go kill yourself or somthing 😠
Jonin obito : Hey what the heck did i do ? ALSO I'M YOU LIKE WTF ?!
White haired obito that got more sane after the war: well we coud just blame everything on trauma but thanx to you fucking asshole we now gotta face the realaty with the fact we are just inhersntly insane with or without being manipulated into it thank
Tobi : wow they hate you more then me
Jonin obito jumping on his AU kakashi shoulders : AGAAAAAA THE UGLY WITCH FROM MY NIGHTMEARS
The obito thst actuly was in the muddelvifxthe war he started (maby canon obito idk) : yaeh i have a question. My wuestion no 1 is why is other mes hair white ?
Anyone tbh but in my head it's either naruto or kakashi: THAT'S THE QUESTION YOU CHOSE TO ASK IN THIS SITUATION ? There are a lot of things that need answers and you chose to ask /focus on about your fucking haircolour ?! And not like why there are multiple diffret versions of you (and maby kakashi idk kamui shenanigans ig?)
Obito : hey that's a resonoble question cuz last time i cheacked my hair is black
Jonin obito : if it helps i'm legaly speaking still dead
Any obito : that's on you honestly i'm suprised at the shit i got away with
kakashi : TFYM?
Any obito: wait so you actuly never noticed me sitting 3 meters behind you in a bush?
Another obito: or in your Apartment?
Anther obito : oh funny story i'm pretty shure he tottaly saw me that 1 time baised on eye contact but he prob thought i was a hallucination idk (was feeling bored and daering that day/night)
another kakashi apering and smaking one of the white haired obitos in the head with porn: WHAT THE HELL OBITO I LEFT YOU ALONE FOR 5 MIN ?!
That obito : i got bored okay
That obito : in my defense your instructions weren't very clear and i was bored and i don't like boering why'the heck you think i started a war ? I was bored and wanted shit to finnaly happen
kakashi: DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL consequences?
Obito: . In all honesty you want to know a secret ?most of the shit i do is for keeping me intertained of cuz being " normal " is boering and i don't like boreing i only do the shit i know i get away with anyways it's no big deal but to answer you question it's C O N S E N T
Kks: WRONG that's how you spell consent but i'll let it slid cuz that's importaint too
Ob: realy ? I was messing up on purpose iym a genius
Kk: ...yaeh for that and not like idk inventing time travle but who cares clean that shit up and bring everyone of you back where you shoud be
Ob: i coud do that or Or hear me out i do it completly random and we are gonna watch what happened next ?
Kks: is this gonna affect or timeline in any way shape or form ?
Ob: no not all why ?
Kk okay fine 2 days then you have to make everything normal agin
Ob : only if you buy me dango
Kk: fine let's go get this done with
Litterly everyone completly baffled exepf obito
War arc obito : what ? I've seen wierder shit happen
obito ignores everything related to that trying to gaslight everyone that was just a filler episide
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smoozie · 5 months
...life series ace attorney au?
colour me intrigued.
I've already explained the jist of it here and expanding on some defense/prosecutor duos I enjoy here
I am so excited to talk abt this!! Feel free to ask more questions! I'm using this ask as an excuse to talk abt design ideas regarding the lawyers!
Starting off with Gem, whose design I've already finished!! She has a similar silhouette to Apollo's angsty Dual Destinies design with her (green) jacket over her shoulders because of the shawl(?) In her hc10 skin and witch skin. I gave her a white button up with a yellow tie since a lot of her skins have yellow/gold accents. I also gave her a corset because of the corset for her empires skin (now sure what season, I haven't watched her empires u-u). I've given her a single glove as a reference to her hc10 skin and to Athena's single glove, since I think Athena and her share some fun similarities. Finally she has some grey pants (Capcom give these lawyer women pants!!) And brown dress boots.
Unfortunately, Gem's design was the easiest for me! I'm trying to keep the defense side relatively simple as you'll notice in aa they tend to be (rip Athena). I don't want everyone in a basic suit tho so I am trying to mix things up a bit. Would love some suggestions! As for the others, I have some ideas
Scott's S1 Empires skin is actually perfect! It's that multicolored tunic that could easily be depicted as a suit jacket with a white dress shirt underneath. Could be fun to mess around with what kind of shirt he's in or a neck accessory besides a tie. Other than that I haven't got much for him. Ace attorney lawyers also tend to be strongly color coded, so a multicolored suit may break that aa feel, but uh it's more fun <3. I may end up playing around with the colors anyway.
Mumbo's design is actually the easiest. I had more fun with Gem, hence why she was done first, but Mumbo is already wearing his ace attorney suit design lol. I kinda want to play around with it a bit more, but I may end up settling on his self imposed aa design.
Scar has an extremely unique problem for me where he actually has too many fun lawyer-adjacent skins. Particularly his hc8 and limited life skins. They are both very iconic to me but would be difficult to actually mesh into one deisgn. Additionally I ADORE the color pallette of his secret life skin (og, but red is good too) but I'm not sure if I could include it. Altogether Scar is the hardest!! If I pick one route I feel like I'm losing so many possibilities! And I don't want to just copy one skin of his, like Gem I want their to be numerous references to different skins. May have to study the aa wiki defense attorneys to get some better in-universe outfit ideas.
I've been having some trouble with Grian as I wanted to include his iconic sweater without breaking the prosecutor vibe. The prosecution tends to have more wild or whimsical (see Nahyuta) designs. However, I think Grian may end up on the more simple side of the prosecutor spectrum, Edgeworth is a more simple prosecutor anyway and Grian is Edgeworth-adjacent. Come to think of it tho, his poultry man skin looks stupidly similar to Gregory Edgeworth. Could do smth with that maybe hmmm.
Etho's design is actually pretty straightforward from his skin. And he only has one to work with haha. What I'm picturing looks a lot like Godot's outfit, he even has a mask on lol. I'm probably gonna try to make it pretty unique, but it is hard to resist the urge to just turn those sleeves into a button up and that green into a suit vest.
Joel is one I'm trying to play around with more. I've perused his skins and haven't had any stand out as super lawyer-y. His default is fun enough to work with tho! Gem's comment of his weird vest thing as a corset is making me consider giving him a corset (he and Gem can match!). I'm trying to distinguish him from Shrek as much as possible while still keeping recognizable elements from his default. All in all I think he'll be fun.
CLEO oh BOY am I excited for Cleo. I'm thinking a lot of Franziska's silhouette with Cleo, focussing on extravagant sleeves, particularly relating to that blue dress skin of Cleo's. I'm also thinking of Nahyuta's detailing. Cleo's skins, to me, give the perfect amount of inspo without spelling anything out. I'll probably stick to her usual color pallette, but playing around with her 80s skin colors could be fun! Cleo is very exciting for me!
Finally, Pearl. When it comes to Pearl's design, her top aa influence is Barok van Zieks. I adore his cape and would really like to use it as a reference to scarlet Pearl. I also really like his soldier-esc getup underneath it, and while I wouldn't go as heavy handed with it, I am tempted to take some bits. I also really like Lana Skye for Pearl as a design reference, but mostly for her sprites. Pearl will not be crazy corrupt like her, but I would like to draw some parallels
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heartslabyulzz · 3 months
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I feel like this could've turned out way better but. Idk. I finished it today after an exhausting shift and. Maybe I'll go back and redo it later but... Aughfhfjghghff
Uh uh uh more TWSTery Dungeon finally hooraayyyyyy???????????????????????
Team Wilds' leader, Pyroar, is notorious for his lax and carefree tendencies. Very few can rouse him from his naps, but the conniving and mischievous Mightyena (Aka the silly guy himself, Ruggie Bucchi) knows how to get his leader up and running!
He's a pretty hard worker who takes on a lot of odd jobs, which sometimes pairs him with other rescue teams. Because of his skills and connections, members of Team Wilds consider him the co-leader of the team, even though the team doesn't actually have someone to fill that role currently.
I do not have the ability to draw quadrupeds or just. Animal features either ACK- I just need. More practice I think. Idk. Might be a while B4 I draw our last member
Last up for Team Wilds will be Jack, so stay tuned? Even if it might take a while lmao.
As a note, though, I've been considering maybe doing talk sprites for my au designs, though idk if that's a thing that'll happen rn since well. I'm only in Savanaclaw/Team Wilds territory rn and still have an assload of designs to go lmao.
ANYWAYS I feel like I should start putting a thing on these posts that questions about the AU are welcome and I'd love to talk about it actually hehehe. PLEASE ASK ME STUFF ABT THIS AU I LOBE IT SO MUCH PLS
Ok time to die again bye.
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kholnt · 1 day
hey so you know the lost hero au that i never shut the fuck up abt? yeah so heres a masterpost of everything i've said abt it (+ kay)
SUMMARIES summary 1 (outdated) summary 2 (recent)
ART pre totk design 1 post totk design tears design pre totk design 2 romai design dead man's heart (tw: blood)
DOODLES ask questions abt lost! lost relationship chart makeup dragon doodle wedding timeline despair outdated/noncanon doodles
PRE TOTK identity loss knight training
POST TOTK horn incident lost's sexuality lost's death
LOST'S HYRULE lost & wild to the descendants tarrey town, blupees & instruments hyrule's citizens & lost lost & tulin lost & master sword lost & sages of old
LOST'S MAGIC list of magic dragon abilities healing the sword
CHAIN'S THOUGHTS chain & lost (outdated) warriors & lost chain & koroks chain & tears post totk chain & lost
KOROK FOREST piano lost & koroks lost & deku tree tachy, equi & luas
TEARS tears & lost tears & master sword
SMALLER THINGS tingle fit cook fried ice cream crying kids dragon marks
NOT CANON (or an au, or so small its irrelevant to the main story) shared headcanons (trauma twins) age (outdated) korok outfit (outdated + decanonized) fierce deity & beedle (irrelevant) romai (au) lost true form (irrelevant)
KAY'S ADDITIONS (heeeey!!!) lost drawing 1 lost drawing 2
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apho-sappho · 1 month
I'm about to go talk to a friend but need to wait a few more minutes and am bouncing off the walls with internal energy so I am spilling it into your ask box, so sorry about that! :D (also you always seemed to reblog any "you can ask me stuffs" things multiple times so I have decided to take you up on this :))) )
Questions!!! (feel free to answer whichever you want obviously)
is there any little details about Safi and/or Shattered Portals (I think that's what you said it was called right? the Flora, Midna, Shadow, Ravio, and Linkle do stuff au) and/or the mlp lu thingey-magig-y and/or any other thing you're working on that you've not found a way to share yet? They're all very interesting :D
Is there any random head cannon or something else that you mayhaps want to blab about?
Basically this is a slip of paper saying that I've enjoyed all your little rambles and appreciate your existence, ok bye, have a good day! :D
HEHEHEHE I'm so glad you asked
Safi au is being written but unfortunately it's taken a bit of a backburner compared to other AUs I'm writing cough cough four de-aged to cap cough cough
Fun fact, in it, Time spends The Big Bucks to buy all sorts of candies and fruits for fairies who pass by the ranch! Safi immediately takes full advantage of it
Safi also speaks Minish with Four to communicate when they don't want people to understand them
I have 2 pages of Shattered Portals sketched out, but two panels of it properly drawn out. I'll still need to finish the rest and color it, but I'm hoping to upload the first "chapter" so to speak somewhat soon . Hopefully . If I'm lucky
I'm considering writing a lil oneshot for Shattered Portals but idk when I'd do so
I have 6 ponies drawn for my itty bitty mlploz thing, Time, Malon, Legend, Ravio, and Marin in both Legend and Warriors times. I have it all *written down*, but no designs
Some things I haven't talked about yet:
I have a happy ending sequel being written for my revalink fic!!!! It's at 2k words so far. In it, every member of the chain gets little Purah Phones
I also have a fic where Four gets teleported to Wild's world after the events of totk! 2.6k words so far! Both Blue and Vio have been taking anger management classes and Vio is trying So Hard not to snap at the rest for spending all their rupees
I have an au being written abt the Champions coming back to life post totk and having avatars like the sages too. It involves Wild shutting them off and forgetting after he joins the chain and then remembering during a fight and turning them on, only for them to kill all the enemies and immediately yell at him. This one has a grand total of 227 words so far 😭
As for hcs, I might have to reblog and add some later :D They're not coming to mind rn
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eponatheestallion · 11 days
I just squealed and flapped around for a good couple minutes when I saw the newest chapter of Lost Link was posted. I just wanted to say how much I love that story, it's amazing! I love the idea, I never thought how things would be different if Wild still had his memories. I can't wait for everything to come spilling out, Lost's age, what his time as a knight was like, the whole 'died and came back after 100 years' thing, what's going on with him and Twilight. You write him beautifully, even more so because it's so different than what I normally see. I just wanted to say how much I love your work Thank you!
oh my gosh this was such a sweet message!??!?!?!?!!? im so glad that youre enjoying the fic!!!
all credit goes to kholby for the idea of "what if wild still had his memories" bc i too never really thought abt how things would be different UNTIL kholby asked that question. like at first it was just musings back and forth abt the idea and then suddenly we blinked and we had a whole fanfic and au in front of us.
as regards to lost and twilight GOD. i wont go into spoiler territory since his chapter is next but. just know out of all dynamics between lost and the chain, i think lost and twilight's is the most insane i am about. kholby can testify to this being true.
anyways THANK YOU for reading and being so kind 😭yall r so nice like what !?!?!? <3
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themetalvirus · 1 year
time twins au makes me insane because, like. silver and venice are in an alternative school because silver has behavioral problems. and venice probably has a learning disability / autism
i went to two (2) alternative schools. i know for a FACT that their school is tiny, rural, and has 15 kids in it. when i was in school i vividly remember some woefully underqualified teacher trying to teach me science while some kid in the basement was screaming at a teacher threatening to use a fork to twist his nuts off. sometimes teachers in my second school just wouldn't be available to teach you because a kid that decided he was their favorite needed to be calmed down from an episode and there was just. no one else available
it really depends on the school tbh. if it's a school in a city vs. a school that's rural it informs a lot of the structure of what's going on, but behavioral stuff is behavioral stuff and kids are 100% swearing at the teacher and yelling and fighting each other no matter WHAT. i tried to kick a guy in the nuts once for being a dickhead, thats the kind of stuff that happens in alt schools and its just to be expected
another note: to teach in an alternative school, you do not have to have a teaching license. you can just be some guy. and a LOT of teachers that end up in alternative schools are just untrained overworked very tired people in over their heads who just wanted to make a difference in their community. or they're just people who wanted power over others and work at a school with vulnerable kids so they can exercise that power in particularly evil ways
there's also a lot of being talked down to in alt schools, especially ones with a lot of power-hungry adults. a lot of not being actually listened to in service of being made "ready for society" AKA sanitized and made into a "normal" person which is often impossible for kids who have been completely removed from the public education system for being nuisances
anyway idk where i was going with this. silver would fucking hate being in an alt school and would learn nothing. some kid would call another kid a slur and silver would end up in a restraint for trying to beat the shit out of him lmao
feel free to ask questions abt my experiences, alt schools are WILD
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biinaberry · 2 years
Ayo so does Wallace know Finch is his cousin?👀👀 and omg, baby jimmy's babysitting stories must be wild to anyone that asks😆 (also, dude i hope you dont mind me asking a lot abt the au cuz oh man, i can feel the sheer, worldbuilding going on and i just /have/ to know, like- when abouts do you reckon jimmy find out abt his parentage, etc. Etc.)
Wallace did not trust the man saying he was the son of Jebediah while looking only 20, as Wallace himself is pushing into his 60s. It took some time for him to come around to the idea of Tumble town but by then Finch passed away again
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Jimmy was an obedient kid, never one to test the elder's words. However some began to question the hours he would spend staring at walls or talking to himself. Some said the kid had to have the desert wastes following him for the amount of times he'd prevented a villager from dying. I don't know if Jimmy will ever find out about his parents. Wallace was born 3 years after Finch and Jacob, and Jebediah cut contact from his family years prior. So he had no way of proving if Finch was telling the truth that they are related. In the end he just says Jimmy was a child born from ashes of a dead town. If he does however find out the Tumble Town massacre he would do whatever he can to kill Joel
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umber-cinders · 5 months
°´❤•.¸♥ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓐𝓭𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓮 ♥¸.•❤
🐻 fav vs. least fav trope?
🐶 your fav character to read / write about, or create for?
🐕 a sentence you read/wrote that stuck with you?
🥔fav fanfic oat?
🐿️fav fanart oat?
🐐a character you’d like to write more for, read about, or create more for?
🐌 a trope you’re embarrassed to like? (guilty pleasure)
📦 choose one genre of fanfiction, the rest have to go!
🍄‍🟫do you prefer canon or au?
🐂a trope you refuse to write abt / read abt / create for?
🥧 do you prefer one shots or multi-chaptered fics?
💼 summarize the last fic you read / wrote in one sentence.
🤎describe your perfect conditions for writing/ drawing, ect.
👜 Have you ever deleted one of your published fics / art?
🐡who / what inspired you to read / write / create?
📔how do you deal with art block / writers block?
👞do you prefer collabs or working independently?
🥠one thing you’d like to improve on in your writing / art?
🥮fav vs. least fav of your works?
🥥 wild card! ask anything. Not mine but OP can found but I wanted to ask you these! -Goblin- 🥧🐌🥔🐕📦
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°´❤•.¸♥ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓐𝓭𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓮 ♥¸.•❤
Hello magical goblin anon 👀💌 Since this a lot of questions I'll stick under the ✂️
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🐻 fav vs. least fav trope?
♡ I don't think I have much of a favorite trope, but I do have to say my least favorite is honestly fluff. Like, I don't hate it but it is usually boring to me when the entire story is ooey gooey lovey shit. I feel like its unrealistic.
🐶 your fav character to read / write about, or create for?
♡ Currently my fave characters are M'Baku (Black Panther) and Gravik (Secret Invasion). I just think they're neat ✨
🐕 a sentence you read/wrote that stuck with you?
♡ 😭I honestly cannot think of one for this lmao I will forget entire scenes until my brain is like "hey remember that time when–"
🥔fav fanfic oat?
♡ This one is also hard because I do not have an all time favorite because so many are fun to reread for me. A lot of them are old fics too. The longer multi chapter kind that keep me hooked in
🐿️fav fanart oat?
♡ 😬Another thing I don't have a favorite of because Indecisive ✨
🐐a character you’d like to write more for, read about, or create more for?
♡ Gravik 👽 Because almost no one wrote anything (rightfully so with how disney handled Secret Invasion) but I find him fascinating. I usually write things myself when that happens
🐌 a trope you’re embarrassed to like? (guilty pleasure)
♡ Honestly cannot think of one. I'll read anything if it sounds interesting 😂No shame in my game
📦 choose one genre of fanfiction, the rest have to go!
♡ Dead Dove Do Not Eat 🕊 🪦
🍄‍🟫do you prefer canon or au?
♡ I like both but sometimes AU is better for exploring a character in different situation.
🐂a trope you refuse to write abt / read abt / create for?
♡ Considering I never really focus on tropes in a story, I can't think of one for this either.
🥧 do you prefer one shots or multi-chaptered fics?
♡ Multi Chapter Please! Oneshots are nice but I love a story to really sit down and read
💼 summarize the last fic you read / wrote in one sentence.
♡ A woman finds out her abrupt one night stand with her alien ex boyfriend gets her pregnant
🤎describe your perfect conditions for writing/ drawing, ect.
♡ Warm cup of green tea with honey and a lil bit of oatmilk, my favorite candle lit and it's nice and cool with my oversized snuggy on. Usually got some Afro-Lofi going in the background too lol (lmao this sounds kinda romantic)
👜 Have you ever deleted one of your published fics / art?
♡ Art—yes, Fics—no. I only deleted some art cause it was for someone who turned out not to be an actual friend
🐡who / what inspired you to read / write / create?
♡ I started both writing and drawing because of anime. When I was a kid, anime like Inuyasha, Naruto and Bleach were shows I loved to write and draw for/about. I need to get back into Bleach...
📔how do you deal with art block / writers block?
♡ I stop and work on a different story all together. OR I just stop trying to force myself to continue until my brain has had time to recover. Writing is fun for me and I only wanna write something I'd actually read.
👞do you prefer collabs or working independently?
♡ I've never done a collab with anyone before. I don't know how that works tbh but I'm not opposed to it.
🥠one thing you’d like to improve on in your writing / art?
♡ For art, lmao EVERYTHING On writing 🤔I'm not sure.
🥮fav vs. least fav of your works?
♡ My favorite work so far has been Winter Moon and I think my least favorite is Incubus. Not because its not good but because I always have trouble writing a story centered around two canon characters.
Thank you for asking anon. Gave my brain a workout😄💖✨
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