#i'm at the library with my friends drawing this rn
ripplefields · 2 years
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sorry this is really rushed but @powerpolyculeshowdown ROUND ONE VOTE POLYSCC !!!!!!!! POLY DJ ROBOTS FTW !!!!!!!!
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icaruskeyartist · 11 months
Oh, well, how about... since the librarian and diguised Sun met in winter, how about they got snowed inside one evening?
Like, the snow storm was supposted pass by according to prognostic, but, you know, the elements have zero respect for the metheorlogist hard work. So the storm really got them by surprize.
The younger siblins could either be with them or not, maybe having sleepover at a friend's house.
As usual, human disguise AU belongs to @pillowspace. It is *dead* at work rn and I'm trying a new energy drink so let's see how it goes.
Also I need a name for the little brother...
It's been getting darker earlier and earlier now, and Daylight Savings Time isn't helping matters. Usually, the head librarian tries to schedule you so you can leave before it's quite dark, but you've changed shifts with Jessica because her toddlers caught the flu from school. You're not envious, glad your brother is old enough to wash his hands and generally keep clean.
He's with the sitter now, and you're clearing off the last cart of returned books. Sun's tucked himself in the corner, nose in a book. You can just see the bright green of his scarf. Briefly, you wonder why he wears it like that even indoors. The thought is gone just as quickly.
"Are you sure you're okay walking me home tonight?" You ask as you pass by. "There's a snowstorm passing by. I don't want you to get caught in it if it decides to turn around."
"It's fine!" Sun isn't even startled by you talking. You hear him move as you wander off, feeling along the spines for an empty space. "I enjoy our walks, and the weather website said it was going to be to the south anyway."
"Mm. You shouldn't trust the website. I'm pretty sure meteorologists just throw darts at a weather map and report whatever it lands on." The books slide into place with the softest thump of bookcloth against wood. "It's getting dark too. I can walk on my own..." Not that you wanted to, not really. You had grown to love having Sun at your side. A small, selfish part of your mind wanted to ask him to walk with you after your job as a cleaner too.
You don't ask. You're certain he's got his own life after all. It would be far too much to ask him to take time out of even more evenings just because you don't like walking alone.
"I would hope they do more than that," Sun is saying, drawing your attention back to him. "There are meteorology books here in the library. It's a fascinating science."
You push the emptied cart to where he's sitting, propping yourself against it with one foot braced against the wheel to keep it from rolling off. "I should've guessed you would like meteorology."
"Why's that?"
You grin. "Your name of course."
Sun takes a second to process before he laughs, and you giggle alongside him, stifling the sound with the back of your hand. When you calm down, you stretch. "Okay, let me get my coat and we can head out."
"I'll wait by the door."
It takes you a few minutes, and you say goodnight to Gretchen before you bundle up. You rival Sun in terms of layers; your brother had insisted on making you into a human marshmallow to keep from getting cold and you could only indulge him. Besides, the scarf and earmuffs kept your nose and ears toasty warm.
Sun doesn't respond when you approach. "Are you ready to go?" You ask. Nothing. Cautiously, aware of his aversion to touch, you nudge at his upper arm. "Sun?"
"Huh? Oh. Hi. Sorry. I just didn't realize it'd gotten so dark so quickly." His voice is strangely flat, almost robotic.
"Are you okay?" You ask, and your hand lingers on his coat sleeve. It's meant to be comforting, but you're not sure he even notices.
"Yeah, yeah. It'll be fine." He seems to straighten up and finally notice your hand. His own lifts and you can feel him take yours. His grip is soft, like he expects you to pull away. You beam instead. "Ready to go?"
"Ready," you say, and push the door open. The cold immediately whips into your face, and you shrink into Sun's side. "Brrr. This is going to be a fun walk home."
You do notice Sun is quieter on the walk home, though you guess it's from having to walk in the increasing cold. It's starting to snow too, or maybe it had been for awhile and the wind is picking it up and tossing it back in both your faces. Intermittently, his grip will tighten on your hand, and you try to squeeze reassuringly.
It takes almost twice as long for you to get to the top of your street as usual, and the wind and snow are trying to pile on you both. "Sun, I don't think it's safe for you to try and walk home."
"I'll be fine," Sun says, his voice tense. But no, you're not allowing that, and you push against the wind to drag you both to your home.
It's an apartment building, with doors that open to exposed landings. It's a little quieter with the building blocking the worst of it, and you release Sun's hand to carefully stomp up the concrete steps. Your foot tries to slip, and Sun catches you by the back of your coat.
"Whoops, thank you." You shoot a smile in his general direction, and his head Bob's in acknowledgment. "My brother is going to be home. He's sweet, but if he's not asleep I might have to kick his butt."
"Is he very young then?" Sun asks. There's less tension in his voice, but you can tell he's still nervous. You can see his mittens fidgeting.
"He's eight." You fumble with your keys, pulling off a glove with your teeth to get a better grip. It dangles from your mouth. "So old enough to be a nuisance sometimes. He's a good kid normally."
The TV is on in the living room, playing Jeopardy quietly in the background. You can see Sarah curled up in one of your blankets on the couch. She moves as you stomp your way in, shaking off the snow. "Hey. He was worried about if you'd make it. I told him -- oh."
She must've noticed Sun. You gesture at your lanky friend with your bare hand as you unzip your coat with the other. "This is Sun. He's from the library. He's going to spend the night, at least until the storm's calmed down some."
"Oh...Kay." Sarah sounds unsure, but you shrug it off. "Well, he fell asleep an hour ago. Mom gave me some pot roast for you guys to split. I put your half in the fridge."
"Aw, tell her I said thank you," you say. You leave your coat and boots in a pile by the door even as Sarah pulls her things on. "Careful on the steps. It's icy."
"Of course. Mom will be by tomorrow afternoon. Good night." Sarah lingers a moment, clearly untrusting of Sun, but you wave her off, shivering in the open door until you hear the door under yours shut. Only then do you lock your own door, rubbing your arms briskly.
"It is cold," you complain, voice soft. "I'm going to make us some hot cocoa."
"I'm okay without any," Sun says, but you ignore him, walking into your narrow kitchen. The pot roast is front and center in the nearly empty fridge, and you tip it out onto a plate to reheat. The kettle still has water in it from this morning, so you turn on the stovetop, finding two mugs and the hot chocolate.
"Your home is nice," Sun says. He's at the entrance of the kitchen, making himself smaller as though he could take up less space. He seems a little too big and bright for the apartment, where almost everything is secondhand. "Did you decorate it yourself."
"Oh yes," you reply, mock serious. "That's why there's a big poster of robots fighting dinosaurs behind the TV." The microwave beeps, so you open it and turn the pot roast over, stabbing it a few times before it gets popped back in to finish. "We picked things out together."
"Your parents..."
You shrug, spooning hot chocolate mix and little hard marshmallows into each mug. "Gone. Been gone for awhile."
"Surely you have family then."
Sun's questions don't irritate you like it would if it were someone else. Maybe it's because he doesn't sound pitying or like he is doubting your ability to care for your little brother on your own.
Most people did. Most people saw you, all but legally blind and hardly an adult yourself, and decided you weren't fit to be his guardian. You tell yourself you don't care what they think.
You almost believe it.
"No one to speak of. Grandparents are dead or in a nursing home. We try to visit once a month, but it's hard when he's going to school." It's easy to talk to Sun. "Everyone else is out of state. My cousin mentioned taking him in last year, but it would mean a new school district and therapist and... It's not important." The kettle whistles, and you pull it off quickly, pouring it into both mugs. "Sorry it's not milk. I've not had a chance to run to the store so we're low on groceries."
"Thank you." Sun takes his mug dutifully, closing his hands to hold it close to his face. The microwave beeps again, and you pull the pot roast out, going to split it into two portions. "Oh, no. Don't do that. I'm not hungry, genuinely. I was feeling a little nauseous walking over."
"Oh. The smell isn't too much, is it?" You ask.
"No, no it's fine. I'll stick with my hot chocolate."
You're doubtful, but if he's feeling ill it would explain why he let you take his hand all the way here. You decide to leave it be, beelining to the couch to curl up with the blanket. Of course, it's big enough to share, though you're surprised when Sun sits and the couch seems to shift and drag you into his space. "Oh! Sorry. I wasn't expecting you to be so -- that's rude. Sorry. Here." You put your plate and mug on the floor to spread the blanket between the two of you. It's hard not to notice that while he's taken off the plastic outer coat he's still bundled up. The scarf is even in place. He must be freezing. Maybe you should turn the heat up.
"Thank you." Sun smooths the blanket between the two of you, and you tuck your feet up as you settle in with your meal. The pot roast is tender even now, melting in your mouth. You can't help but moan.
"It's so good," you say, stifling a yawn. With the hot chocolate and a hot meal, you're warming up. "I wish you could eat too. Ms. Wurthers makes the best food."
"I'm enjoying watching you eat," Sun said and that makes you warmer still.
You dig around for the remote, offering it to Sun. "Find something to watch. I think AMC starts playing some of those old horror movies around this time."
"You like those?" He does start clicking through, even as you shrug.
"Their delivery is different. Sometimes it feels like modern movies flattens everyone's emotions out so unless you can see their faces it's all the same. And our TV is rather small. But the old actors have so much drama and bravado. It's fun."
Sun settles on a channel that's playing an old ad for Chia pets. You keep eating, movements turning sluggish as you continue to warm up. Home is safe, and Sun is safe, apparently. You should've guessed that. "We can turn the lights off if you'd like," you offer, muffling a yawn.
"No." Sun speaks sharply, surprising you back to alertness. "I mean... No, it doesn't bother me at all. If you're tired though, you should go to bed."
"I'm fine." You gingerly touch Sun's arm again, disappointed when he pulls away. "I want to stay up til the weather clears enough for you to go home."
Sun's silence feels like a punch to the gut. You chew on the inside of your cheek, no longer hungry. "If the weather doesn't improve, you are also more than welcome to spend the night," you say, trying to ignore the tension between the two of you. "There's plenty of blankets and pillows, and you don't have to undress at all if you're uncomfortable. I might have some sweats that'll fit you actually. They're a bit too long for me but maybe--"
"It's okay," Sun says, interrupting. But it doesn't feel okay, you want to argue. You chew on the inside of your cheek instead, making yourself small against the couch. The commercials end, and a movie plays. It's a Western, and it's at the climax, the hero shooting down the villain in a classic duel. "You really should go to bed though. I don't want to be in the way."
"You're not!" It's not quite a yell; you're just being quietly insistent. "You're my friend Sunny. And that's enough for me." You know he is adverse to it, but you take his hand and hold it tightly. To your surprise, he doesn't pull away. He actually squeezes, letting his other hand rest on yours. You drop your hand on top of his, and he snorts.
"You win," he says, and you grin up at him, settling with your hands stacked together. The movie plays, and you catch yourself nodding off. You struggle to remain upright, but as the credits begin to roll, you begin to lean into Sun's weight. You're only kind of awake when your head rests against his shoulder. Part of you knows you should move. You're trapping him like this, and what if this is far too much contact for your friend? But it's comfortable and warm, and he's comfortable too.
It's been a long, long time since you'd been able to have someone over. A long, long time since you felt this safe with someone other than your brother. You try to move anyway, wanting to, you don't know, something. But Sun squeezes your hands, freeing one of his own to pull the blanket up over your shoulders.
"Sleep tight." And it's not quite his voice, but it's still Sun, and he wants you to stay.
So you stay, falling asleep as the snow continues to build up outside, drifting in and covering your tracks: the soft prints of your boots and the deep imprints left from your surprisingly heavy friend.
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call-me-rucy · 21 days
Having fullfilled my promise of drawing the small vorkosigang, usual live read returns.
It's interesting that both Gregor and Miles want to do the same thing ("space ship duty") but they can't because almost oposite reasons. Gregor is "too much" and Miles is "not good enough/too much in another sense".
"Do me a favor. Get married, settle down, and have six little Vorbarras real quick." Gregor looked even more depressed.
Man, poor Gregor!! And now Miles also beats him at the game. He's letting him win, this is just too sad.
"I cringe to think of the risks I ran." My boy is growing up :"(
"The job was interesting for a week, while he was learning it, mind-numbing after that." My friends group has a sticker that says "do you have adhd??" on it, and I would send it to Miles rn.
"As a spiritual exercise, he decided to fill his off-duty hours by watching every training vid in the military library." This would merit the "YOU HAVE BEEN INVITED TO JOIN ADHD" sticker. Different one.
Omg I understand now why this book came with a map. I'm lost. So utterly lost. Aslund and the Hegen and the Jacksons and Pol and Cetaganda and Komarr...
ADMIRAL NAISMITH IS BACK, BABYYY!! :DDDDD This time with unexpected Barrayaran restrictions but he's off planet!!!
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pink-tk-a-latte · 7 months
FISCHL HCS bc she’s so lee but I can’t think of a fic for her rn 💜
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A LOT of people tickle her when her tyrannical yapping becomes too much. Mona especially, bc she’s sick and tired of Fischl’s chuunibyou tomfoolery and thinks it’s funny how she screams and gets all indignant with one pinch
Traveler (Lumine in my case) just likes being a nuisance and will tickle her while she’s loquaciously orating, and they'll keep playing along with her act just to be a tease ;)
Like "Oh? Seems the element of laughter is super effective against the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"
Or the Traveler remains mostly terse while Fischl is babbling and screeching her head off so it becomes silent ler vs. chatty lee tehe
When she's tickled Fischl absolutely loses all ability to form words, even German and fantastical ones, like it’s BAD and the contrast is HILARIOUS
She'll go from "Retreat, perverted miscreant! Mine eyes of darkness behold thy villainous intentions and exhort thee to stay away! S-Stay away..." to "STAahfahfhsahaHAf NAOOOOO!!"
Also her laugh is squeaky, girlish, whiny, and snorty and not at all dignified or macabre.
Bennett prob doesn’t tickle her as much, mostly cuz he never thinks to, but when she unleashes the onslaught of a thousand fingers once again one day he FINALLY thinks to tickle her back.
Ofc, with his luck, he gets all the wrong spots and gets wrecked as a result. It’s probably Razor accidentally sweeping his hair across her neck that reveals it to him.
She's on the ace spectrum. That's not tk-related but it's still an hc!!
Occasionally Fischl will ask to be tickled but because of her verbose language no one can understand what she's saying TT
Lisa I bet tickles her whenever she comes to the library, especially when she would come alone and shrunken in on herself and in such strange attire. She also quotes lines from Fischl’s favorite storybooks and theatre scripts while wrecking her lmaooo
(SUMMER FANTASIA WAS EPIC anyway) Xinyan would sporadically poke her or “strum” her sides whenever she seemed down or distant, leading to a lot of tk fights. Kazuha too, except his attacks would be more deliberate and malevolently soft.
Fischl also def babysits Klee sometimes and tickles her when reading or telling her stories cuz Klee is adorable ♡
Fischl and Xingqiu would be such good friends ANYWAY I'm sure it came up once when they were reading together. Fishxing are both so competitive and prideful so their attacks often end in fights often end in begrudging draws.
Oz definitely rats her out to anyone who seems affectionately exhausted with her antics. Whatever happened to loyalty??
There seems to be a common hc that Genshin characters with skin exposed in their outfits are more ticklish on those spots, and who am I to change that? Anyway, she’s most ticklish under her arms, in the crooks of her elbows and knees, and on her legs, sides, and back/shoulder blades (also where her vision is!) like she has so much fishnet and nylon in her ensemble she’s got to be so tickly (haha get it fischnet??)
On the ler side of things, she’s got long nails, archers’ hands, and an electro bird, so… >:)
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caramelmaplesyrup · 5 months
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RAHHH !!!! IM DONE !!!!
this started off as just a random drawing but while I was colouring I had the idea to make a modern AU Andy and use this as the design. I'm gonna try think of more ideas for him but rn all I've got is that I think he volunteers at a library and likes the Beatles. (the Beatles thing is an old hc from when I used to roleplay him with my friends.... also because the Beatles are my favourite band)
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huntinglove · 5 months
How about Apple Cider, Espresso, and Glitterbug for whoever you feel like talking about rn?
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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Apple Cider: What was your relationship with your F/O before you got together romantically? How did it change once you got together, and what were the most significant changes? (Also, what’s your F/O’s favorite flavor of juice? What’s your S/I’s?)
Alma and I were friends for a couple of months, before we decided to get together and go through with the possession ritual!
After they rescued me from the broken elevator, I started to stay late on campus on purpose, so they could show up and hang out with me!
We'd spend most of the night talking about random things and getting to know each other. They didn't keep many memories from when they were alive, so they were also re-learning a lot of things about themselves too!
Charlie and I clicked almost instantly, so it was a bit of love at first sight! I had just moved into town and I was looking for some friends, I ended up getting a dating app to see if I would meet any cool people, but I forgot to add "just looking for friends" to my bio and I'm honestly glad I did!
I remember Charlie passing out after I told him that I already loved him, but thankfully I was able to catch him before he hit the floor... I guess it was a very intense day for both of us!
Mychael and I became friends after he rescued me from the forest! I spent a few days in his cabin; and those days turned into weeks, and now a month!
We both ended up getting a crush on one another and we actually ended up confessing at the same time, which was a pleasant surprise! I was a bit nervous because I wasn't sure if he'd be into humans or not...
Espresso: Which one of you hears about anything the other one wants and immediately gets it for them? (Or is it both/neither of you?)
Alma can't exactly get me anything unless we're bound, so no surprises or anything, but while they were haunting the campus building they'd get me little trinkets, coins, snacks, doodles and anything else students left behind!
When I told them that I collect keychains, they started looking for those specifically, which I think is really sweet!!
I like to give them little mementos every now and again! I know they don't need to eat, sleep or anything like that anymore, but I'm still happy to "share" my food with them and offer for them to lean on me while they nap!
Charlie loves to bring me snacks and little keepsakes whenever he has the time to do some shopping!
He usually gets us matching stickers (he puts them on his shoes and I put mine on my phone case) and he always brings me a little bit of anything that he buys to eat while he's out and about!
I usually enjoy giving him stuff that's a bit more personal, like drawings or love letters! I also gave him a little plushie with a recording of my voice inside too!
Mychael only ever goes to the store for essentials, but when he visits the library he always brings back a couple of books that he thinks I'll enjoy, he loves reading them together!
He also collects flowers and berries for me whenever he goes on walks or wants some alone time. I keep as many of the flowers as I can, pressed inside my sketchbooks!
Whenever I go relax by the river, I usually draw any critters that come by, usually giving Mychael the finished sketches once I get home! I also bring him any and all pretty stones and crystals that I find on my way back!!
Glitterbug: What are things that the two of you do better together, or that you do for each other when one of you can’t?
Alma says that just being together is way better than haunting the campus all by themselves, things get pretty lonely most of the time and not everyone is patient or kind with ghosts...
They also enjoy eating and napping whenever I allow them to take over my body, little pleasures that just make them feel more connected to me, plus they're always very kind and praising of my body whenever they take over!
Charlie says that being in public altogether is a lot easier when I'm around. We both tend to overthink and worry a lot, but all that chatter in our brains goes away when we're next to each other!
It's also a lot more fun to play games when we're together! Even if it's not a multiplayer game, we're still cheering each other on and helping each other get better at it!!
Michael says that taking care of the garden and the hens is a lot more fun with me around! He says that the plants enjoy it when we talk and sing to them, so I guess hearing our little conversations have been making them thrive!
I personally really enjoy drawing while he's cooking or knitting, even if we're not saying anything out loud, it's nice to have his company and feel that warmth all around both of us!
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blackjackkent · 5 months
oh my god, I want to hear all about Hec and Karlach married hahahaha
More Hec/Karlach content, you say? :D :D
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Y'all spoil me tremendously with this sort of encouragement. XD
(This is a response to my tag novel on this post about what people's Tavs/Durges would wear to their wedding.)
I really s2g I am going to write this Avernus fic at some point which I fully intend to be a longish collection of one-shots eventually leading to Karlach and Hector having a happily-ever-after which would include all this. (I have the first chapter of another Jaheira-related fic in the cooker rn and then the Avernus fic's first chapter will be up next; I'm trying to rotate my longfics a bit. XD ) So... this is all obviously subject to change based on how that fic eventually plays out.
However, with this minute bit of prompting I will indulge myself in some weapons-grade Hector/Karlach Fluff anyway. :D This is less a full fic and more some random snippets/headcanons about them getting married and afterwards.
They have a first official "commitment" to each other, sometime after arriving in Avernus. Once they're safely installed in the House of Hope as their headquarters and start settling in for the long-haul war against Zariel, they take some time to themselves in an abandoned wing of the building and make private vows to each other. (Think something like this scene from Aerie's romance in ToB.) Neither of them calls it a marriage, but deep down they both know they mean it just as strongly.
It's kind of a tossup that they will leave Avernus until right before they do; their several years of guerilla warfare in the Hells culminates in a massive multipart raid on Zariels' main headquarters; Zariel is killed along with a number of her main lieutenants, and the group gets away with a defecting infernal blacksmith and blueprints for upgrades to Karlach's heart that will allow her to finally return home.
(It's Cespenar. The infernal blacksmith is Cespenar. @rhysintherain generously donated this idea and I'm not letting go of it. XD )
Their first few weeks back in the Material Plane are spent reconnecting with friends, finding a place to live in the city, and generally being a bit shell-shocked that they actually made it out, but eventually they start trying to make real plans for the future.
They're both huge saps, and Karlach has been denied so many traditional life events because of her time in the Hells, so even though they're basically already married, Hector definitely makes a big deal out of the proposal. He STUDIES the subject deeply to try and do it right, combing through all of Baldur's Gates libraries for examples of romantic gestures, and enlists Wyll's help.
(Wyll has shipped them aggressively this whole time and is super excited about the romance of it all. I haven't decided on the details of who, but he also got involved with someone during their time in the Hells so he's not alone either, bc Wyll deserves nice things to happen to him also. <3)
With Wyll's help, Hector arranges a trip outside the city to an inn that sits on a very tall hilltop. He does his "official" proposal while they're having a picnic at a spot that has a beautiful view of the entire city, from the Outer City on in. It's super romantic and they're both giant saps about it. They both cry. (And then have sex behind some nearby bushes in a lovestruck haze.)
They don't really plan a huge ceremony. Mostly it's about having all their friends there (even dragging Lae'zel back from the Astral), and making the same commitment publicly that they made privately years earlier.
Karlach becomes oddly nervous about it as the event draws closer. She has a very slight superstitious streak and is still after all these years gunshy of how her life went so fast to shit all at once, and part of her feels like making it "official" is asking for something bad to happen. Hector spends a lot of time being comforting and reassuring her.
They have a night wedding. This is Karlach's idea - she knows Hector has missed the moonlight and its associated connection with Selune in all the time they've spent in the Hells, even though he'd never complain about it, so she ensures that their wedding will be under the night sky on a night when the moon will be full or near so.
He insists, as a counterpoint, that she picks the location - she decides on a place in the Outer City near where she grew up, against the water.
Father Enric, the Abbot from Hector's monastery, travels to the city to officiate. There's no best man/maid of honor concept, but all of their companions from the Absolute adventure are lined up as part of the ceremony, as well as a few friends made during the campaign in Avernus.
The ringbearer is Buddy the owlbear, bearing the rings very carefully on a pillow resting on his head.
Wyll and Shadowheart take the lead on dressing the couple, neither of whom have the faintest clue how to put together an ensemble. (I spent way too long getting these screenshots so please appreciate how pretty my babies look. XD )
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Karlach, contrary to all expectations, really enjoys getting gussied up in a dress and looking pretty; it's not an everyday thing for her but she enjoys it. Hector, conversely, feels INCREDIBLY out of his element in the fancy jacket Wyll arranges for him. Wyll teases him quite a bit about it while they're waiting for the ceremony to start.
The absolute cutest part of the whole ceremony, by unanimous vote from everyone present, is that they do the whole thing where the bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other before the ceremony. Jaheira and Shadowheart hang out with Karlach helping her get ready, and Wyll and Halsin hang out with Hector, and both groups report back later that their charges repeatedly tried to escape custody to go find each other early.
When Hector does finally see her as the ceremony is starting, he goes completely slackjawed and just stares at her like he cannot believe his luck.
Karlach forgets her lines halfway through the vows and just kisses him anyway. Hector remembers them all perfectly (of course) - he just forgets to speak when it's his turn because he's so busy looking at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes. He keeps trying to go for his usual super-composed vibe and just failing utterly.
All in all it's just a massive sap-fest. Both of them feel like they've earned it, though, after everything they've been through. (Hector does feel a little embarrassed that Enric sees him acting like such a dope and not showing any of his usual self-discipline. Enric thinks it's sweet though.)
They have a big party at a local tavern afterwards, one Karlach hung out at as a teenager all the time. The innkeeper still remembers her and gives them drinks on the house and everyone gets sloshed off their asses. Hector and Karlach try to dance and both of them are pretty not great at it but neither seems to much care.
They get back home at about four in the morning, still trashed. Both of them are exhausted and ready to fall asleep at a moment's notice, but Karlach mumbles something jokingly about not wanting to miss out on her wedding night. So they end up kind of curling up together and having drowsy, tipsy, super-soft sex, drifting in and out of sleep, extremely happy.
Neither of them really can think of anywhere they'd rather be, nor do they have a day job to take a vacation from, so they don't really have a honeymoon. But nobody sees hide nor hair of them after the ceremony for a good week. XD
Bonus nose squish kiss:
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nezumithewriter · 2 months
Nez. I need you to know I am obsessed with Squissistant and Dev (even tho I’m a little behind on Dev’s stuff rn, ooops). I still have that holdable paper doll of Squissistant
Literally your ocs are so cool!!!!! I need to figure out the lore agagsgdhddhbsnd it’s so interesting what you come up with <3
Anyways, what are some other ocs you have for non-squip-rp stuff?
but seriously thank you i've been kind of out of it for doing things but i'm planning on continuing the story soon!!! 🫂
I have way too many ocs and stories related to those ocs but i'll bring up the highlights
Blaire Caddel (HELIANUS) is a terrifying anthro gazelle-spider thing that eats people and is a musical theater nut and i love her. She's the main antagonist of the story I have her in and she rolls around in my head always. I NEED to draw her and I NEED to actually talk more about her world
Oliver Graham (CHAOS CAFÉ) is a normal teenager who gets sent to a void full of monsters and a cafe and slowly starts spiraling after managing to get out. Here's some art of them now but it's very very old like 2021 old i think
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Michael Flud (SEPTEMBER 23RD) is one of my oldest characters and one of the ones that has gone through the most changes. He literally came to me in a dream. Originally his story was about alien technology and dumb teenagers getting taken over by it but then it changed into something I can only call "a multiverse fantasy about the death of the artist". This universe is also where my persona lives
Maya Smith (DEATHWALK) is a person I'VE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT FOR YEARS BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS ABOUT HER AND HER WORLD. She's a girl who got kidnapped as a baby by a cult called "The Church of God's Tears" and is raised believing in its practices. She's friends with two other people in the church, Helen nolastname and Claudia Lalima. Maya and Helen eventually find eachother very close and secretly have a lesbian love story under the very homophobic cult's nose. This is eventually found out (also Maya saw something she shouldn't have seen) and she's killed in cold blood by Father Liam in secret.
She later wakes up in a void with four other people; Daichi Higake, Neko Satsujin, Maku Sajidō, and Jared Incendis, all of whom I could ramble about for hours on as well. This is where the story actually begins and the group has to find a way through multiple rooms and dimensions until they find a way out of this strange place (they don't know they're dead). All the while, a plot from a third party source unravels around them, and the gamemaster of their misfortune, Adaline, continues to torment them throughout.
here's a picture of maya please ask me more about Deathwalk i'm begging
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Conepaw (WINGBEAT OF A KESTREL) is an apprentice of Kestrelclan and I need to start that comic istg!! She's the adopted daughter of the deputy and wants to grow up to be just like her. But because of a certain horrors™️ she finds she's never going to grow up, even though she lives and breathes. This is all based on a clangen play through and Library of Ruina, specifically Love Town
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and that's all i can think of rn!!!!!! please please please feel free to ask about any of the stories here (except for september 23rd i'm keeping that one a secret) cause I love to yap!!! i want to yap so badly!!!
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zendoe · 1 year
Tag ppl you wanna know betteeer
Tagged by: @missmassacre (thank u btw i am ALSO a sucker for these, they remind me of being a teenager)
Last song: Peace Out by Jay Som, and also just incidentally I've been listening to a lot of Esperanza Spalding recently.
Favorite Color: Teal or Lavender
Currently Watching: Going through One Piece with two friends separately. I'm caught up on the manga, but they're both first timers. In Marineford with one and Dressrosa with the other. Also been watching Star Trek Lower Decks with one of them as it comes out, and I may be getting into Initial D with another friend sometime soon? Also at some point I need to get back to Succession, which I was recently watching for the first time but I lost my momentum in S3.
Last Movie: Uncle Boonmee who Can Recall His Past Lives, dir. Achipatpong Weerasethakul. One of my absolute favorites, incredibly beautiful, lyrical, meditative, politically radical, quiet, dreamlike. I really want to watch more of Weerasethakul's stuff, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Currently Reading: I am unfortunately not reading anything, despite having a pretty sizable stack of books checked out from the library I work at. Top priorities are Flawless by Elise Hu, Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Miaojin, a book of interviews with Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hausu), and an anthology of Le Guin stories a friend gave me.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory
Relationship status: Groovy
Current Obsessions: No particularly strong obsessions rn, but I've been spending a lot of my time studying anatomy for drawing and playing guitar.
Last googled: "Federal holidays" (was discussing with a friend which ones my job does and does not give us off)
Currently working on: A lot! Like I said above drawing and guitar, but also I've been trying to sit zazen everyday and get into doing some at-home yoga for exercise. I also will likely need to move apartments soon so trying to sort that out.
I've got a couple of new mutuals so I'm going to tag @catgirlsriseup and @somaisbatman, but please feel free to just ignore if you're not interested lol.
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nosongunsung11 · 1 year
tagged by @courfeyracs-swordcane 💛💛
Share your wallpaper: I have a few that I rotate though but right now my lockscreen is this coolass drawing of me by @bigjigglyclownboobies
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and my homescreen is this really cute drawing of some of our friend group’s oc collection by @courfeyracs-swordcane
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last song you listened to: I'm tolerably sure it was Portrait of a Blank Slate by Lovejoy but it could be anything off their latest album I had it on loop
currently reading: I just finished re-reading A Man Called Ove!! if you're reading this and you trust me literally go download or get it from your library right this instant ask no questions look at exactly nothing else about it i am begging you i promise it's so good and it will mak eyou weep real tears. please
last movie you watched: uh. hm. PUSS IN BOOTS THE LAST WISH. THAT WAS IT. damn good movie holy shit
craving: garlic bread. mmmmmmmmmmm
what are you wearing right now: one of my pyramid scheme dresses. dark blue and floral and it has pockets!!!!! also my friendship bracelets
how tall are you: 5'2 :(
piercings: no but I want ear piercings at least
tattoos: also no but it's only a matter of time
glasses? contacts?: glasses!
last drink: water as the lord intended i am staying so hydrated
last show: gintama!!!! i'm 51 episodes into my rewatch i love this stupid show so much. it's so dumb why does it make me cry
favorite color: blue!!!!
current obsession: hm. kind of between hyperfixations rn. the trigun fixation is tapering out and nothing's really replaced it yet. right now i'm mostly actively interested in dracula daily, gintama, and trigun i think
unrelated obsession: transformers is going to be living rent-free in my head forever i think. accidentally made that one permanent
any pets: I WISH
do you have a crush on anyone: uh. i (arospec as hell) don't know how to answer this either. i am. experiencing some kind of attraction for a few people??? i guess????? y'all know who you are <3<3<3
favorite fictional characters: from media, uh. Megatron, Rung, Kaladin Stormblessed, Sakata Gintoki, c!Philza, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, and Rivers Javier (Blaseball). also i'm with teddy on Blorbo from Me and My Buddies' Brains
last place you travelled: Zion National Park!!
uh. tags. teddy got most of my guys but @klqrambles @frosteee-variation @lycanthian @bigjigglyclownboobies @bramblemantle if y'all wanna! and anyone who sees this who I didn't tag is more than welcome to continue the chain from me anyway :P
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
Honestly I wanna see them cuddling or ghost throwing hands with his stupid ass LMAO
OK FINE...... dropping my head in shame. ok were doing this. ill draw it later since i have AF attacks to do :p i think it would take like. months to even a year or so when ghost and choro get to cuddle. like they've tried multiple times before to just sit down and relax together but its either choro tweaking tf out or ghost is about to pop the blood vessel in their temple from getting mad. maybe it finally happens on a day where ghost is extremely tired and they go on autopilot... and once they leave the library for home they'll either head to the matsuno's or will ask choro if he wants to hand out at their place. then once they settle down and relax ghost just leans on him from being tired. atp theyre close enough to be considered friends by both of their standards so he just. brings them in for a hug. then it divulges into cuddling. ghost realizes like wait. weren't we sitting up like 10 minutes ago. then they see the green hoodie and they either immediately sit back up or accept their fate. they make sure to promise(threaten) him not to speak about it to anyone or bring it up. mutual agreement made like i said in the first ask ghost gets very snappy and irritated when theyre in denial of their feelings. so this is where they throw hands with him the most. like they do it on the regular but it gets amped tf UP during this point in time. they'll be disagreeing on something or ghost will point out like. 'hey you're being Very insensitive and hypocritical rn.' or he's generally being stupid about a well-known topic. 'no I'm not? what're you talking about?' 'you are. ever read a book from the library you ever-so-often go to, jackass?' then push comes to shove...... choro's on the ground with ghost pulling at his hoodie and screaming curses and foul words at him. maybe he's beaten up a bit. maybe!
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icaruskeyartist · 11 months
Once again, this is @pillowspace's AU that I'm kinda going AWOL with. I just want to make something a little more cheerful after leaving Y/N struggling to get home last night.
Clone AU is being a bit prickly, but I think that's mostly cause I want to draw for it rn and I'm still in the throes of color separations whenever I have a spare moment on my tablet. But that'll be done soonish I think? By the end of the week for sure because I need to start making my mylar sheets soon.
Time Loop whump fic will likely be pecked away at throughout the day to deal with school stress. This is just a quick palette cleanser since to me HD Y/N is a bit in the middle personality-wise.
TL is a lot more extraverted and kind, and Clone is the one most likely to cause the DCA to experience the first animatronic heart attack if they ever spoke because every other word would be fuck. HD is one of those people who recognizes the struggle they're in, but they can also find the good moments and appreciate them all the more while giving the bird to everything making life actively harder for them and their little brother.
"You sure you're fine." Gretchen sounds doubtful, but you smile and keep working.
"Positive. Look, nothing really happened in the grand scheme of things, right? I'm not hurt."
"Your hand is bruised, and you had to cancel your cards," Gretchen says, and to prove a point, she grabs your hand.
You flinch, pulling back. "I made it home in one piece and nothing really valuable got stolen," you reply archly, shoving the last of the books towards your friend. "Go put these away. I need to check the computer room to make sure no one needs help."
"This conversation isn't over," Gretchen warns, even as she pushes the cart away. The library is fairly quiet at this point in the day, early in the afternoon, before school is let out and you all get inundated with kids and teens looking to kill a couple hours before their parents get home. It's the perfect time to make sure everything is clean and ready for kids to play.
The computer room is actually pretty quiet, though there is one brightly colored splotch of a person in the corner. You can hear them tapping slowly at the keyboard as you check each computer, wiping things down and logging out of a couple accounts. Eventually, you've made it to the corner with the stranger, struck by just how tall they are.
"Is everything all right?" you ask brightly.
"O-oh!" The stranger is clearly startled, so you take an extra step back, just for safety. "Yes, sorry. I think we, I, signed up for an hour? Has time. passed that fast?"
"No, sorry. There's a timer in the corner, here." You tap at the monitor helpfully. "I didn't mean to confuse you. I just wanted to know if you needed any help."
The stranger doesn't reply, instead fidgeting with what you're guessing is a scarf around their face. "Is your hand okay?" They ask, and you quickly withdraw it, tucking it close to your chest. "I don't mean to pry. It just looks painful."
"Ah, well." You grimace, remembering that Gretchen is going to be on you the moment she's done with her returns. It's easier to hide in the computer room, and besides, what's the likelihood this stranger will talk to her? You decide to sit, still achey from last night and exhausted from a lack of sleep. "I was mugged last night."
"You were what?" The horror in their voice is less grating than it was with your friend, and when you smile, it just feels tired, not forced. "You can't possibly be okay after that!"
"I kind of have to be. It's making some of my duties today a little harder though. I can't exactly balance heavy boxes with this hand, and my coworkers are sweet, but if I don't do my work, I think they're going to send me home." You curl and uncurl your hand slowly, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from grimacing. "And I need the money, so. Here we are, you know?"
"Here we are," they agree, a bit distractedly. They pecked at the computer a little longer, apparently thinking as they suddenly turn back to you. "I can help you move those boxes. I-if you'd like I mean."
"Oh?" You pause, thinking. "Oh, uh. Sure! If you're sure that is. I --- yeah, it'd be really helpful, but you don't have to. You signed up for the computer and oh fuck, I've just started spilling my guts out to you."
They flinch when you curse, muttering something in the middle of your rambling before holding up one gloved (gloves indoors?) hand. "It's all right. We, I, like to help. Just point us in the right direction."
"Okay," you saw, drawing the word out until it's more a sound than a word. "You can help this time. But I'm going to have to do something in return."
"That's not really---"
"Nuh uh," you interrupt, wagging a finger (from the unbruised hand), in front of their face. "Fair's fair, and if you're helping me, I'm helping you. Consider this a rain check."
"Fine," they say, turning to log out of the computer. When they stand, you feel very, very small. "Lead the way, Mx. Librarian."
"That's Librarian Clerk to you," you say, a little teasingly. You do take point, walking through the library to where you and Gretchen had packed away the Halloween decorations. "And what do I call you?"
"Sun," they say, and they take the first of three boxes without so much as a grunt of exertion. Tall and strong. If you were a lesser person, you would be jealous. Maybe you are anyway.
"Sun," you repeat, and it's an unusual name for this unusual not-quite-a-stranger. You lead them towards the back, fiddling with your keys to find the one for the storage closet. "It's very nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too."
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cakepoppresent · 1 year
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After the dinner party, Grayson and Gideon got closer and decided to meet at the library to hang out and work on homework.
Grayson: Thank you for coming! I'm having issues in school and need help with my schoolwork.
Gideon: No problem, I'm happy to help you anytime.
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Grayson: Thank you again for the help, I'm really struggling in school rn...can I be honest with you?
Gideon: Of course
Grayson: I feel a lot of pressure at home, my older sisters are so smart and talented and I feel like I'm falling behind. I don't know who to talk to
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Gideon: You know that academics aren't everything, at the party you talked about loving to draw and paint, you can be great at that. I know we just started being friends but I want you to know that I'm always here for you and can reach out to me at any time okay?
Grayson: okay... >//<
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mirabel-on-a-bicycle · 2 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
helouuu cora :D<3
the things i like about me rn aree😌
my drawing skills (it used to be drawing and writing but im kinda losing confidence on the other thing atm so)
when I get so visibly excited when I walk into libraries or when someone mentions like a show or movie I'm into hehh idkkk i kinda find it adorable :]
that I'm pretty good with cats and dogs, like they almost always like me and I always seem to know what to do or say to them. I'm not very good with people so having this feels nice 👍🏼
ig the way I make friends?? idk if it's just dumb luck or what but I've managed to hit the jackpot with every single friend I've made, like I love them all so much and I've always felt safe with them
that I'm sort of getting better at handling myself everyday man ougf middle school me was dumb as hell when it came to processing like personal revelations or whatever, I'm much more nicer to myself now ✌🏼😌
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mattypattypinky · 8 months
🌻 post because I miss him sm rn.
Before the player fell, he was messing with countless different timelines with countless different characters. He'd already read every book, and burnt every book.
When the player falls, he feels like something new has finally happened.
I like to think he sat awake sometimes, waiting for something to happen. A human to fall. Maybe he sat on that old patch of grass staring at the furthest hallway, hoping someone would come through for years. Kind of depressing, but I do love the idea of him waiting for me. I love the idea of being his saving grace. I love the idea that I'm that light he needs. I mean, he's the light I needed for countless years in my life, how could I pass the opportunity to be his up?
God, how I want to hang out with him. The sweet silence of sitting in that dark room with him, perched on the small grass patch. Talking for hours, about random shit that we would be able too... until his mom takes me away to her home for the night to eat some b scotch pie. Maybe snail pie, if I'm lucky. I'd love to try it. Then the next morning, sneaking out again in the ruins to do it all over again with him.
I want him to confide in me. Tell me about his trauma, tell me his fears. I want him to cling to me and cry in my shoulder, tell me how scared you are, I'm here for you as you are to me.
Tell me how you don't understand my mercy. My sweet words of affection and praise, tell me how you don't understand how someone could love a cruel, sick and twisted being like yourself, so that I can reassure you just how important you are. Just how strong, and talented you are, for me to reaffirm how hard you've been trying for years to stay determined and to find something to live for.
Tell me how you miss your ex best friend, so I can hold you close and dwindle about mine as well. So we can sit, and talk for hours about how many fun, or bad memories we've had of them. Tell me what you regret. I'll tell you what I regret.
I want to walk through the waterfalls with him, whispering into the flowers our secrets and wishes. How we both wish for forgiveness, how we both with to feel better about ourselves. Our intertwined self loathing and spiraling emotions. Let us wish upon the crystals above that things will be okay. That we'll never run bored of eachother, let us take a boatride down the river as we admire the world we've come to grow so accustom to.
I want to draw on walls and concrete floors with chalk in ruins, have snowball fights in the snow, people watch through the window of the bar, laugh at drama that some folk are rambling about in the town. I want to go reserve seats just to dine and dash at the resort. I want to make fun of people with him where no one else can hear. Shit talk the people that have irritated me over the years, confide in him in those I regret hurting and leaving, and listen to him tell me the same. I want to read books in the library, and see if he thinks junior jumble, or word searches are harder.
i want to be jealous of him, and I want him to be jealous of me.
I want to listen to him vent about his reincarnation that he had not asked for. I want him to vent to me about the scientist and how he hadn't asked her to bring him back - and me listen to his emotional outbursts without judgement and tell him just how important he is, and how thankful I am that she had decided to take the kings task to try to bring you back, as without that, I would never have had him.
I want to befriend everyone with him, I want to show him it's okay to be vulnerable, I want to be patient with him. I want to show him just what a good relationship can be. I wanna him to tell spooky stories to me at midnight under car bed-covers. I want to post about him online and watch the other people gush about how cute our relationship is. Update my status every 10 seconds, just like the doctor, but it's just to bring up how much I adore him. What he's doing. What we're doing.
I want to rest in bed with him, his coiling vines around me like a cozy hug. I want to reach the surface with him. I want to show him the sun, and show him it will be okay. I want to drive in a bright red car on a highway and watch him mispronounce a hawaii sign. I want to take him to get coffee late at night and laugh when he pours it on himself instead of drinking it.
I want to gift him a red bicycle with a golden basket, and sit him in the basket as we ride around town, wind in my hair, sun on our skin. I want to watch shows with him, and complain and share hot-takes with him late at night. I want to rant to him about my high school drop out experience. I want to share my soul with him, since he doesn't have one. I want to listen to music with him. Show him my playlist I have devoted to him since 2021 proudly for him to judge me and make fun of me playfully. I want him to hurt my heart, I want the ups and downs of a relationship. The arguments, I want the miscommunication so that we can inevitably communicate and feel so much better afterwards. I want to sacrifice time and effort for him. I want him to be clingy. - I want him to love me the way I love him.
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hana-the-ghostieee · 1 year
hey hey heyyy! not your typical yorushika post here but does involve them. as in elmy and ojisuma. anyways
sometimes i feel like my interests just bleed and blend into each other, unless they can't. (like i literally don't know how the same person that draws a butt ton of cats and likes to radiate positivity and enjoys kawaii culture and decora and happiness listens to songs about literally just living for music, and having no purpose once you literally can't create anymore, or about losing someone close to you and just having this hole. this hole in my heart they left behind. they used to be the one that could fill the void but now that they're gone i can't fill it, it's this hole that keeps spreading and spreading in the middle of my chest)
i mean let's be real i physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually can't connect Perfume and this like danish pastel aesthetic. or Kyary Pamyu Pamyu with 8/31, the day Amy ran out of ink and oofed himself with the one gay ship i show my support on in the back of my notebooks. (those men. they can break up in front of my gravestone. and my spirit will float around. forever haunting this land. edit: i read The Moon That Breaks by TheHufflebean on AO3 and when i got to the breakup scene i lied on the floor and held my breath for like 5 minutes because well. i don't have a gravestone just lying around. but then i reread the tags and there was a make up scene (which WAS there thank whoever you'd like) and continued reading)
and before any of you people on the wolfstar tag yell at me for not putting any content related to them um click/tap Keep reading please thank you
thanks for wasting your time trying to read this! anyways
there's going to be so many more edits and tweaks and finetunes i can FEEL it
lemme take wolfstar for an example (though yorushika hasn't been bled through, thank whoever you'd like, i will list it as an example. edit: yorushika may have been bled through.)
edit: feel more than free to steal these ideas =w= i'd be a terrible writer, art is my strong suit (tho credit me i guess? idk do what you want i won't be mad if you just yoink it from wherever you see this)
japan? poof. modern au. they move to shinjuku niichome. (japan's lgbt city)
um what else what else what elseeeeeee (sorry brain is scrambled rn)
cats? poof. they adopt more cats than any reasonable person should have. (with minor disinterest from sirius but remus is just INTO IT LIKE HECK YES CATS OR I'M JUST PROJECTING IDK) bonus points if they end up running a cat cafe/cat library
(okay don't steal any ideas from this point on i'm working on a fic for this)
(go read Letters to Elma and Elma's Diary if you want to make sense of what's going on here! i'd recommend you listen to the full albums That's Why I Gave Up On Music and Elma first though. also trigger warning - the protag for Letters/That's Why oofs himself.)
(also please don't yell at me for making them not sound like themselves, i wrote this at like 1am, i probably suck at writing and i modeled them after the original elma and amy okay thankth)
elmy au, sirius is amy and remus is elma. both are also music creators, sirius suffers from depression, gets told by a seer (idk why. oh maybe remus has a seer friend he'd like sirius to see?? *shrugs*) he'd have less than a year left to live because of a "chronic issue", loses it and [insert Letters to Elma here]
so i'm thinking it's kind of a poa grim situation here, where a bunch of symbols saying he'd die within the year just appear out of nowhere, more frequent than before and then he gets a diagnosis for some heart disease and then above scene plays out
edit: don't know how i forgot this buttttt um in Diary 5/15 Elma says "Life surely has an expiration date. Those were the words I let leak out to him, a long time ago." (him being amy ofc) and im just imagining remus saying a bunch of poetic stuff cuz even though he doesn't do it often, he's a freaking good songwriter then this comes up and sirius just internalizes those words like no other
also i think i've moved on from my Kamisama no Dansu (dance of the gods) phase, on to Ame Haruru (after the rain) and i want to mention a few lines. "another summer without you is on it's way" - i'm assuming this is remus going welp. i guess no boyfriend. it's been a while. (back when they were in school they had summers apart but then they moved in together so they also spent the summers together but ofc now that sirius is somewhere in gotland/farosund/idk remus is just. i guess you won't be there this summer) "finally, the rain fell" - a reference as to how amy/sirius left town before writing what it's like after the rain. and it's counterpart, "finally, the rain stopped" - remus/elma experiencing what it's like, knowing he didn't
more edit: uhm completely forgot about the lycanthropy so assume remus found a forest or something (you know what. it's the forest referenced in the instrumental mori no kyoukai/church in the forest) all the while sirius is in the back (or well lord knows where in gotland) cursing himself for forgetting the thing he does w/ bf every. single month
back to 12am me :P
oh but instead of writing down all the letters and whatever and then getting a box and mailing it off, sirius sends remus letters like individually and consistently so remus also goes to sweden and hunts him down but remus doesn't have any spare paper on him so he can't respond in any way
don't ask me how he sends the letters and how he receives the letters
oh wait i got it nvm! um sirius sends the letters by owl (how could i forget) and remus has a diary (because Elma's Diary) but you know. he's not one of those people that rips pages out of their books (at least in this au that exists in the void that is my mind)
and then he chases after him. literally looking freaking everywhere. sometimes they're 3 days apart. sometimes they're so close you'd be sure they have dora the explorer eyesight but no they JUST miss each other like BARELY by a MILLISECOND like seriously remus can freaking SMELL him but thinks it's like a hallucination (cuz he has been getting those recently, see Diary 8/27) or yk becuz he stole some of sirius' clothes (though on 5/15 Elma also says she can't taste anything so rem can't either. also smell & taste are connected so he essentially just loses the function to smell anything. sign of severe depression =w=)
sirius is on the pier, opening the bottle of Flower Verdigris/Paris Green/Emerald Green/take your pick.
remus stands at the base (?) (what do you call that part on a dock/pier where you just get on) of the pier. he could recognize that black hair anywhere.
okay googled it
oh wait no that's for a floating dock
i googled it again
...found nothing. anyways
he stands at the base of the pier, at the silhouette sitting on the edge. he could recognize that curly, dark hair from 50 miles away.
sirius' head turns. he seems to be crying.
anyways remus runs up to him and [insert nautilus mv epic outro here but instead of the guitar it's sirius and instead of elma crying the liquid water out of her... being it's remus who is also crying the liquid water out of his being][...also nautilus is a wip until they get home][to clarify things remus does not pick sirius up like the guitar. they're hugging so hard you'd think a spine would break and they're maybe kissing and definitely crying]
edit: i sat down and thought about it so um sirius is sitting on the docks like one would sit on a bench (legs dangling off of the surface) and remus just runs to him and drops on the floor, kneeling position similar to the epic guitar/piano outro in the nautilus mv with the thrown papers and they're still crying and the sun is rising because even though amy oofed himself on the dock around the evening on 8/31 here sirius tries to oof himself at dawn, cuz the line "someday, the dawn will break, so try and open your sleepy eyes, because i've pictured them so many times" and then they stand up face each other and then collapse onto each other (like lean onto each other) and then cue passionate kissing (finally) (ooh as the sun rises and parts through the clouds. someday i will try my best to draw it. and um put it here. be prepared for the ultimate pathetic. something idk.)
and right now they're just gay sobbing messes :P
yet another edit: i'm thinking i can find a way to incorporate the lily/remus friendship. so you know the old lady that first appears in Diary 7/5, right? i'm thinking she's at least a representation of lily, though of course in this au she's swedish (along with the other peeps. yk james and peter and severus mhm) so remus understands. nothing. in this au they first meet because lily needed help w/ baggage ig? it's on the ferry to gotland and well her first husband/bf passed on (shown in Diary 7/22, elderly woman says "Man" and smiles, implying she looks back on the memories fondly, and we're expected to believe this was her husband. i'm thinking in this au maybe??? snape/lily was a thing. not sure. write some ship in the comments/rbs i guess) also i'm pretty sure she thought remus was straight and that he lost his gf/wife and is trying to move on too (in case you forgot, he's looking for a certain sirius, which is in fact alive, who is his bf) and on the ship home on 9/25 (i like to think they as in r/s stayed in sweden for a bit longer, taking more pics together and enjoying whatever they missed while looking for each other) they see lily/elderly woman again with her child harry supported by the man she loves, james (aww that would be sweet tho. fluffy jily and wolfstar stuff at the end) (in canon Diary, the elderly woman with her children and the new husband is kind of a symbol for Elma, saying she'll move on and heal and potentially find someone else)
okay i thought about it and sat a bit more. and. remember 8/27? (the blend of fantasy/reality whatever where Elma finds Amy's stuff?) uhm i'm thinking something like that would happen here on 8/31, but ofc with more intervention from miss nice old lady (represented by lily). so she's moved on from her grief and found another love (james) right? well turns out james is still an animagus in this au (how helpful =w=) and lily is just. unsure of what the heck happened. (tho she does get some "help i'm looking for my boyfriend" vibes) until she connects the dots. they're fronking looking for each other before sirius' life reaches it's "expiration date" (though let's be real. throwing away that life would be like yeeting a loaf of freshly baked bread into the bin) so she tells james the master plan. she thinks on the last day of his life, remus would go out and look for him again, unaware of the fact that his boyfriend is literally at the lowest point of his life. so she'd sent out james for remus to follow (under the pretense that that was sirius' shadow, before leading him to the docks where sirius would go like once every like two weeks since coming to gotland to regret whatever he did) and then cue the scene from "and then comes 8/31. (maCHIGAUTTERUNDAYO WAKATTERUNDA ANTARA NINGEN MO--)" it's basically just saaaaaaaaaaaayonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraa no haYASA DE KAOO WO AGETE. ITSUKA YATTO YORU GA AKETARA, MOU, ME WO SAMASHITEEEEE, MITEEEEEEEE, NEBOKE MANAKO NO KIMI WO, NANDEDATTE EGAITEIRU KARA (yeah i put some lines from nautilus, your point is?) all the while jily are just watching the gay sobbing messes™ from afar, in the forest or hiding in a bush near the base, high-fiving and cheering or something idk
ohkayee back again to me from 1am
oh also remus does write the responses to the songs sirius sent him, and they show each other freakin all the songs they wrote (so sirius shows him the summer grass gets in my way and a loser doesn't need an encore in the "original" notebook Elma finds on 8/27 but again this is wolfstar. so rem runs to siri and then they go back and take all the other stuff. and then remus shows him the pre-8/27 but in this case pre-8/31 songs and then writes ame to kapuchiino/rain and cappucino, kokoro ni ana ga aita/a hole opened up in my heart, yuu ichijou/only sorrow and the wolfstar version of amy because well. he wrote responses to almost the entire album. so close yet so far. and sirius is in the back reading the lyrics remus wrote and is just crying the liquid water out of his body because did he really cause his boyfriend that much pain? IM SORRYBDJSJSBDB DJSJSHEHDHDHDHEVRHFIKSJSJSJEGEUDHSHRJRIDJX DNDJE DDKAJWBBDJDISJABSDN9W72URIROAQHENNSOAOWIWKSKSKWKWKKAAAALSOWKMRRFIUY)
also sirius moves to the inn/room where remus stays in while doing the looketh for boyfriend and songwriting thing. remus doesn't realize how salty his pillow smells until now. (one of the downsides of crying yourself to sleep =w=)
i do realize there are some continuity errors in the way the songs are written, like in this au everything's supposed to happen within the same year, whereas in canon elmy everything happens assumably in two consecutive years (it doesn't explicitly state) and because it's written under two consecutive years assumably the songs would have to be written and sent at different times (especially august, a certain place, moonlight and evening calm, a certain place, fireworks.)
edit: so i'm thinking before the events of any of these. sorry if this ruins continuity in this au or something but like before the events of this remus co-wrote the summer grass gets in my way and a loser doesn't need a encore's songs (the first two eps by yorushika), specifically the ones with music videos except for The Clouds and The Ghost (for the summer grass - Say It. & Fireworks Beneath My Shoes and for a loser doesn't need - Hitchcock, Just a Sunny Day For You & Semi-Transparent Boy) and then when he finds the notebook they sit down and review the non-mv vocal songs thus far (Cattleya, Blooming In That Summer, A Loser Doesn't Need An Encore, Compulsive Bomber & Hibernation and they're all bops)
alrighty back again to 12am me :|
moreeee editttttt: so about the song Dance of the Gods. (because i've been freaking obsessed with it since like August) um there are a bunch of lines i want to include so. in the song at the end of the choruses, there are variations of the line "I don't care, I'll go even further, to a place no one's ever heard of, searching for the moonlight" (being "I don't care, I'll go even further, to a place no one can see, and put up an imitation of living" and "That's right, I'll go even further, to a place no one knows of, searching for the moonlight") and i think that's Elma giving up on creating music to give it "value" and "a life of it's own", and creating music because well it's fun but in this au i think that's remus going I WILL FOLLOW BEEF TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH IF THAT'S WHERE HE IS (not sure why remus would call sirius moonlight tho cuz well he's moony) (okay you know what. sirius looks down upon his ability to compose while calling remus' songs his moonlight and that he was jealous of his skills. remus, being the self loathing person he is thinks it's like a light hearted joke or something. now that his boyfriend is gone he's trying to find this "moonlight" boyfriend saw that he couldn't see, wanting to live out his ideals)
and another edit: so the August, A Certain Place, Moonlight and Evening Calm, A Certain Place, Fireworks problem. the thing about the Elmy story is Elma's story takes place a year, i think, after Amy's, so all the songs would be written at completely different times, not necessarily within a few days of each other. i'm thinking sirius wrote August and sent it out to remus and then remus wrote Evening Calm because they sound similar and at first canon Elma imitated Amy before slowly moving on to her own style so these gay messes do too
same issue between Let's Dance and Dance of the Gods - but this time i think Dance of the Gods was written shortly after Let's Dance
and then they go back home which is in Sekimachi i guess (that's the town Elma met Amy so ??? i guess r/s lives there now??? they (elma and amy) met in the cafe (that has since closed down) shown in the rain and cappuccino mv which is allegedly in sekimachi) and live long enough for me not to be able to think about how their lives end because now that i ship them so bad, reading ootp and tdh again would practically (and effectively) traumatize me. i'd be scarred for life. it's like that one scene in nakineko where Kento says he hates Miyo and rejects her in front of the whole class and then she starts tearing up and runs out of the class and Yori follows her and then Miyo is just numb to the pain. she got hurt so bad she can't feel anything. flash forward to when she gets home. *face buried in pillow* [LOUD SOBBING NOISES]
more edit: i just realized. okay so on the last Letter (from 8/31, when Amy runs out of ink) Amy states he quit music once, but Elma brought him back into it, after she showed him some songs she wrote and sung and he described it as (wait lemme pull up the doc) "unerring, faultless light that can only illuminate the night. unimaginably soft, dazzling beyond my wildest dreams, pale moonlight" (ink fades away at the word moonlight) and um now i feel like that's what sirius would sometimes call remus (besides moons or moony)
like no. honey we're gon kill no one today. thank yu. (maybe this is why i read fanfics)
another edit: so you know how i listed here they go home and share the songs they wrote and whatevers?? um now im thinking. remus finishes writing the last 4 songs that in Elma's Diary were written after 8/27 (rain and cappuccino, a hole opened up in my heart, only sorrow and the wolfstar version of amy in case you forgot) and sirius shares his thoughts
so um here
(also i feel like the "still grieving" thing would be remus. just being scared about the fact that bf might just run out the door and disappear again? and feels a lot safer when he wakes up with bf in his arms)
rain and cappuccino:
[first verse] pretty innocent
[chorus] *voice shaking* wow, keeping in track with the theme i see
remus: to be fair, what i responded to had a similar message. ...as if i could let memories of you fade away (no literally like i can't even if i wanted to)
a hole opened up in my heart:
(for context, the song sirius would've written is false night, whose main line is "I want to open a hole in you", and this song is the response to that, with the main (and first) line "That's why a hole has opened up in my heart")
[end of the song] *lying on the floor, indistinct but very loud sobbing noises*
remus: well i did have to capture what i felt then. more grieving and crying up ahead
(this is by far the most painful song ever it's like a knife stuck in your chest and you take the handle and keep twisting it deeper into yourself just AAAAAAAAA LET ME CRYYYYYYY)
only sorrow:
[reads title] do i bring out the tissues or...?
[first verse] okay wow this sounds nothing like the song i wrote pretty ironic since you tried to literally "live" my life but okay
remus: wait for it
[chorus] okay i sound about ready to cry
amy (or the wolfstar ver):
(before reading/listening) if this is another song about grief i swear im going to go cry alone for the next 5 hours
(after reading and/or listening) *5 second delay* *goes and hugs remus*
(amy as in the song is one of the sweetest songs yorushika has made like ever in their 8-ish years of existence. it responds to the song elma and was written when elma (the person) finally moves on from her grief and now looks fondly back to those days. when her lover oofed himself and she went through sweden crying and looking for him. ...yeah not that sweet but idk)
all the while remus is just writing this and showing it to him like how i do with my art when talking about it with my friends. just "alrightyyyyyyy i did a thing. here. *smacks paper down on table* any thoughts???"
and then [insert healing and fluffy romantic stuff here]
okay thats all for the edit continue reading the thing 12am me wrote
oh shoot now i can't unthink this why T^T
um oh well i guess? i'll probably forget this was a thing anyways
oh but since we're already hereeeeeeeeeee
ojisuma au
(okay you can steal this one)
(read the novel Plagiarism for context here! the album isn't as important here, it kind of serves as a background noise and also expresses oji-san's experience. oh also yes, the album takes melodies, beats and rhythms from actual songs (as well as their own, in the song plagiarism) so yeah go listen to the album too i guess :D)
sirius is oji-san and remus is tsuma but tsuma doesn't die and they also work together to produce music but what rem doesn't know is siri has been stealing???? all of these sounds??? for the songs he thought was original??? and eventually siri comes to the conclusion that the only original thing he can create is his downfall as a musical artist (essentially just goes through what oji-san does but no dead wife but this is a wolfstar au so no dead husband.) so he does. this is my pathetic replacement for the prank and them not trusting each other. and rem is not happy. (he no trust him no more) but siri then goes and creates the two songs night journey and ghost in a flower because i think oji-san wrote those songs after he destroyed his reputation cuz they sound so different from all the other songs in tousaku (or maybe it was because of nakineko. not complaining it is still my fav movie. there's CATS. there's drama. there's CATS. there's romance. there's CATS. there's magical island with cats. there's CATS. did i say CATS. anyways)
um society as a whole just hates on siri. honestly can't blame society as a whole.
and then he releases sousaku/creation without stealing a thing (applaud for him please. i cant hear you clapping CLAP HARDER) and then *cue redemption arc*
yet. another. edit. : um i feel like adding some stuff so sirius would've written the songs Ghost in a Flower and Spring Thief to celebrate the relationship he had (and will get back) with remus, Night Journey and The Lying Moon as the break-up (but not the like "I'M DONE GOODBYE D:<" kinda songs, more like the "I'll remain here, as you go to the other side" or the "Rain has fallen, flowers have scattered/I still think about your rosy cheeks/as I keep drinking love from a bottomless ladle/It's true, it's tasteless, this thirst that's never satisfied, but you can laugh all you want and say "Is that so?/but I'll be here, just waiting for you") um and the instrumental creation would be a filler, and Robbery and Bouquet would be an allusion to his past self with the plagiarism and the sound stealing and i'm not sure what Eat the Wind would be
and then they get back together ^.^
(ooh but hold on. i feel like making a plagiarist remus and a tsuma sirius)
if the ojisuma au didn't sound as in depth or something know that Dakara Boku wa Ongaku wo Yameta (basically elmy) is like the most iconic yorushika lore
therefore more people are more interested in that (and i am part of more people :P) (also there's more context in elmy than ojisuma)
wow how the hekk did i connect wolfstar. a fanon (that deserves to be canon) gay ship about two friends in a group at a wizarding school that end up being more with... yorushika. a band that constantly hurts me. as in it hurts GOOD. like go listen to yoru magai and then kokoro ni ana ga aita. (with translations cuz im pretty sure barely any of you guys on the wolfstar or sirius x remus tag know japanese) LIKE STOPPPPPP THAT SONG IS THE DEFINITION OF GRIEF AND PAIN AND I DON'T KNOW HOW N-BUNA, A PERSON THAT SAID HE WROTE SONGS LIKE THESE TO EXPRESS HIS VIEWS ON LIKE LIFE AND DEATH CREATE A SONG THIS PAINFUL. LIKE HOW DO YOU WRITE SONGS LIKE THESE???
edit: i didn't connect them i practically forced another universe onto them (also i may be one of the first people to do this idk i have no idea who else is a big yorushika fan and a wolfstar shipper)
okay that is all i think have a nice dayyyyyy/nighttttttt/timezoneeeeeeeee
wait WHAAA
okay im typing this on mobile and??? you can freaking DRAG PARAGRAPHS???
...why don't they make this with tags i had to use little asterisks when i posted that apparently bots keep following me thing
wow this is like the LONGEST post i've made ever what the hell
wow the amount of times i've edited this GOSH
uhm anyways *hand on hip* *thumbs up* woo! *collapses face-down on floor*
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