#i may come up with more to add to this in the future haha
blackjackkent · 5 months
oh my god, I want to hear all about Hec and Karlach married hahahaha
More Hec/Karlach content, you say? :D :D
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Y'all spoil me tremendously with this sort of encouragement. XD
(This is a response to my tag novel on this post about what people's Tavs/Durges would wear to their wedding.)
I really s2g I am going to write this Avernus fic at some point which I fully intend to be a longish collection of one-shots eventually leading to Karlach and Hector having a happily-ever-after which would include all this. (I have the first chapter of another Jaheira-related fic in the cooker rn and then the Avernus fic's first chapter will be up next; I'm trying to rotate my longfics a bit. XD ) So... this is all obviously subject to change based on how that fic eventually plays out.
However, with this minute bit of prompting I will indulge myself in some weapons-grade Hector/Karlach Fluff anyway. :D This is less a full fic and more some random snippets/headcanons about them getting married and afterwards.
They have a first official "commitment" to each other, sometime after arriving in Avernus. Once they're safely installed in the House of Hope as their headquarters and start settling in for the long-haul war against Zariel, they take some time to themselves in an abandoned wing of the building and make private vows to each other. (Think something like this scene from Aerie's romance in ToB.) Neither of them calls it a marriage, but deep down they both know they mean it just as strongly.
It's kind of a tossup that they will leave Avernus until right before they do; their several years of guerilla warfare in the Hells culminates in a massive multipart raid on Zariels' main headquarters; Zariel is killed along with a number of her main lieutenants, and the group gets away with a defecting infernal blacksmith and blueprints for upgrades to Karlach's heart that will allow her to finally return home.
(It's Cespenar. The infernal blacksmith is Cespenar. @rhysintherain generously donated this idea and I'm not letting go of it. XD )
Their first few weeks back in the Material Plane are spent reconnecting with friends, finding a place to live in the city, and generally being a bit shell-shocked that they actually made it out, but eventually they start trying to make real plans for the future.
They're both huge saps, and Karlach has been denied so many traditional life events because of her time in the Hells, so even though they're basically already married, Hector definitely makes a big deal out of the proposal. He STUDIES the subject deeply to try and do it right, combing through all of Baldur's Gates libraries for examples of romantic gestures, and enlists Wyll's help.
(Wyll has shipped them aggressively this whole time and is super excited about the romance of it all. I haven't decided on the details of who, but he also got involved with someone during their time in the Hells so he's not alone either, bc Wyll deserves nice things to happen to him also. <3)
With Wyll's help, Hector arranges a trip outside the city to an inn that sits on a very tall hilltop. He does his "official" proposal while they're having a picnic at a spot that has a beautiful view of the entire city, from the Outer City on in. It's super romantic and they're both giant saps about it. They both cry. (And then have sex behind some nearby bushes in a lovestruck haze.)
They don't really plan a huge ceremony. Mostly it's about having all their friends there (even dragging Lae'zel back from the Astral), and making the same commitment publicly that they made privately years earlier.
Karlach becomes oddly nervous about it as the event draws closer. She has a very slight superstitious streak and is still after all these years gunshy of how her life went so fast to shit all at once, and part of her feels like making it "official" is asking for something bad to happen. Hector spends a lot of time being comforting and reassuring her.
They have a night wedding. This is Karlach's idea - she knows Hector has missed the moonlight and its associated connection with Selune in all the time they've spent in the Hells, even though he'd never complain about it, so she ensures that their wedding will be under the night sky on a night when the moon will be full or near so.
He insists, as a counterpoint, that she picks the location - she decides on a place in the Outer City near where she grew up, against the water.
Father Enric, the Abbot from Hector's monastery, travels to the city to officiate. There's no best man/maid of honor concept, but all of their companions from the Absolute adventure are lined up as part of the ceremony, as well as a few friends made during the campaign in Avernus.
The ringbearer is Buddy the owlbear, bearing the rings very carefully on a pillow resting on his head.
Wyll and Shadowheart take the lead on dressing the couple, neither of whom have the faintest clue how to put together an ensemble. (I spent way too long getting these screenshots so please appreciate how pretty my babies look. XD )
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Karlach, contrary to all expectations, really enjoys getting gussied up in a dress and looking pretty; it's not an everyday thing for her but she enjoys it. Hector, conversely, feels INCREDIBLY out of his element in the fancy jacket Wyll arranges for him. Wyll teases him quite a bit about it while they're waiting for the ceremony to start.
The absolute cutest part of the whole ceremony, by unanimous vote from everyone present, is that they do the whole thing where the bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other before the ceremony. Jaheira and Shadowheart hang out with Karlach helping her get ready, and Wyll and Halsin hang out with Hector, and both groups report back later that their charges repeatedly tried to escape custody to go find each other early.
When Hector does finally see her as the ceremony is starting, he goes completely slackjawed and just stares at her like he cannot believe his luck.
Karlach forgets her lines halfway through the vows and just kisses him anyway. Hector remembers them all perfectly (of course) - he just forgets to speak when it's his turn because he's so busy looking at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes. He keeps trying to go for his usual super-composed vibe and just failing utterly.
All in all it's just a massive sap-fest. Both of them feel like they've earned it, though, after everything they've been through. (Hector does feel a little embarrassed that Enric sees him acting like such a dope and not showing any of his usual self-discipline. Enric thinks it's sweet though.)
They have a big party at a local tavern afterwards, one Karlach hung out at as a teenager all the time. The innkeeper still remembers her and gives them drinks on the house and everyone gets sloshed off their asses. Hector and Karlach try to dance and both of them are pretty not great at it but neither seems to much care.
They get back home at about four in the morning, still trashed. Both of them are exhausted and ready to fall asleep at a moment's notice, but Karlach mumbles something jokingly about not wanting to miss out on her wedding night. So they end up kind of curling up together and having drowsy, tipsy, super-soft sex, drifting in and out of sleep, extremely happy.
Neither of them really can think of anywhere they'd rather be, nor do they have a day job to take a vacation from, so they don't really have a honeymoon. But nobody sees hide nor hair of them after the ceremony for a good week. XD
Bonus nose squish kiss:
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koolades-world · 4 months
Hiya! Hoping you’re having a good day :)
Can I ask for the Obey me! Brothers and the side characters for how they’d react to a low iron MC who just faints in front of them?
For example Beel would give MC more snacks which are rich in iron along side all of his snacks, just making sure they’re getting their iron.
Thank you! <3
hello! yes, of course :)
enjoy <3
Mc with low iron who faints in front of the brother + side characters
he looks calm but he's so freaking out inside haha
he does know what he's doing though and he stays by your side until you come to again
he makes a rule for the house that every dinner cooked must have at least one iron rich food in it so you get some daily
he's for sure panicked, because you're his human after all
he uses his own lap as a pillow for you while he waits for you to come back
after this, he's ten times more protective and practically never leaves your side. he's holding your hand a lot more with some vague excuse of protecting you haha
he's full on panicking
he does need someone to quickly snap him out of it so he can help you
past you knew this might happen, so you told him what to do, and once you're awake again, he thanks you and sends you lots of tips he found online for low iron
he actually catches you but he wasn't actually expecting you to have passed out
he's very put together and makes sure you're breathing before setting you down, head on his jacket so it doesn't have to be on the floor
once you're awake again, he's not pestering you, but he does ask you and make sure you're meeting your iron requirements. if not, he'll help make sure you do :)
he's the type to scream and cause a scene
but, it gets you the help you need and when you wake back up, he's crying happy tears and hugging you
he makes sure you add irons pills to your supplement routine and that you won't be getting too much iron now thanks to that
he's concerned but he's oddly silent the entire time
he totally forgets about his food and watches over you carefully
when you're back, he digs through his snacks and finds one high in iron and actually saves all of those for you in the future <3
he seems pretty calm, and he is, but a small part of him is panicking
but, he knows how to help you and he knows freaking out won't do you any good
once you're awake again, he helps to soothe any injuries you may have gotten and puts in more effort to ensure you're getting your needed iron intake
he really wished he was calmer throughout the entire ordeal, but he was very worried
he lets barbatos care for you and when you wake back up, he's by your side
he's already arranged an appointment with his doctor to make sure this doesn't happen again
he's very collected and knows exactly what to do
he elevates your legs and makes sure you're breathing until you wake up
after this, every time you come over for dinner, he makes sure all the food is iron rich and that it's something you'll be sure to ask seconds of <3
another one who's very calm and knows how to help you
after you wake he, he makes sure you're not hurt after your fall
he has you rest for the remainder of the day so he can monitor your condition and feed you dinner
he's so so worried about you
he'll be right next to you the entire time, very close to crying
once you wake back up, he's hugging you so tightly and is finding ways to sneak more iron into your diet through the desserts he gifts you
he's quick to use a spell to wake you back up
he arranges for someone to craft a quick bowl of fruits high in iron for you to snack on while he checks your vitals
you notice him keeping a much closer eye on you from then on, but you're not opposed to it
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sageteapost · 3 months
Hi! i saw you write for ffxv and read the dating drabbles you made and wanted to request more expanded hcs for Noctis if thats okay? Like what else would come with dating them, love language, jealousy level and maybe even tropes if that's okay- pls feel free to add or change anything to this broad request 💀 tysm in advance and stay safe 💕
❝Hmm, I see...❞
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authors note: ABSOLUTELY ANON!! Could always write more about Noct haha. And no worries, I've been cooking for a long time about this.
cw + tags: Mostly fluff! Gets spicy for like, a split second, but that's it. Not proofread, sorry for any typos! [Established relationship. GN! Reader.]
summary: A more expanded list of dating headcanons about Noctis from this post!
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As for love languages, Noctis is tied with physical touch and quality time. Surprisingly, he's a big cuddler and very affectionate. At least in private. He's a bit shyer about it in public especially with the title of Prince and trying to keep proper images sometimes, but he's much more open about it during more intimate moments.
Kisses, cuddles (just be prepared to deal with how he becomes a koala), the whole thing. Just as long as it's all in the safety and comfort of being at home.
He's actually kind of playful with his affection. It's actually a bit more different than from what you'd might expect.
And if he's feeling like it, he can be handsy. At first, he's very shy about it, but slowly grows more comfortable and wilder.
Very soon, you'll have to deal with a sleepy prince who loves to nip at your neck sometimes.
Like I said in the previous post, Noct loves spooning. Not only does he sleep better, but he loves your body heat.
I think he's the type of guy to absolutely cover himself in blankets to feel nice and toasty, but also loves to blast the AC so it's freezing (me).
So, if you like sleeping toasty with weighted blankets as he spoons you, you're in luck.
As for how Noctis deals with jealousy, it's more on the quieter side compared to someone like Gladio. But definitely still enough to stand up and say something.
However, he's not the type of guy to immediately jump the gun if anyone started talking with you. He trusts you. It's only when they get a bit too close or try to be handsy is when he'll step in.
By confronting them, he doesn't make a huge spectacle about it. He'd simply just whisk you away. Maybe make a quick snide comment on how you're taken or just make up an excuse to say you're needed somewhere else.
Noct makes it quick. Either because it's the royal status that prevents him from doing too much or the fact, he's not super into making a huge spectacle out of things.
This may fall into some of the things you'll have to deal with in dating him, but it's not really the fear of losing you to someone else but more of the feeling that maybe he's not good enough for you. How you deserve someone else who isn't riddled with anxieties or the heavy duty he carries on his shoulders as the future king of Lucis.
Noct will become extra cuddly and clingy afterwards. Gently kissing you everywhere as if to reassure himself that you're there.
But what really helps him and makes him feel better, not just after moments of jealousy, is when you tell him those words.
'You're good enough', 'you're worth every single second of each day,' and 'I love you, regardless of who you are and the burdens that may follow you.'
ANY of those words of reassurance or a variant of them will make him melt.
Come now, the man has had very little chances where he could choose what he wanted for his own sake and happiness, and you reassuring him that he's deserving of it makes him over the moon.
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dirtybg3confessions · 9 months
Blog Moderation FAQs
Hi everyone!
Every time we answer an ask about the queue/inbox situation we get several of the same suggestions in our inbox. While we truly appreciate those of you trying to be helpful, I wanted to take some time to address some of the suggestions and the reasons behind our position on said suggestions.
Have you considered closing the ask box for a while until you work through what you have?
No. With as many asks as there are in the box, it would result in the ask box being closed for quite some time, which we don't think is really what anyone wants!
Closing the box would allow for us to "catch up", but it also would mean potential dry periods of content.
Keeping the ask box open means we need to scroll forever to reach the old asks, but it also means that we are set to deliver consistent content for a while, and are never at risk for an empty queue when the inevitable drop in fandom interest hits.
Why don't you post more frequently?
Actually, we do! We've exploded recently, so many of you may not remember ye olden days of our blog's founder doing their best as a one person show and we got one post a day... ish. Then, when the ask box exploded to 100 asks (haha) they brought in the first round of new mods (including me!). During this time, we were able to build a solid queue. We were then able to post 5-6 times a day.
With a healthy queue and a healthy ask box, we were able to bump the post frequency to 12 times a day. Most of the first wave of mods worked through some asks and then largely went inactive. This is fine, it happens. After struggling to keep up a frequency of 12/day as a one person show once again, we recruited new mods with some activity guidelines.
To maintain a posting frequency of 12 times a day, each mod needs to add 3 posts to the queue a day, or 21 posts to the queue a week. We ask that every mod contributes 30 times a week, that way we have a healthy buffer of content for holidays, emergencies, and just general time away from the internet.
While the confessions are sent in by y'all and editing them in photoshop is a generally simple process, it still does take time. Time in the game to find and take the screenshots, time in the editing software to create the image, then posting and tagging appropriately. Those cursed edits y'all love so much take even more time.
We're all adults here. And your mods are too. They have lives off of tumblr, often complete with bills and day jobs. Honestly, less fun than the little horny blog, but *vague gestures towards capitalist hellscape*
For these reasons, posting 12 times a day is going to be a hard cap for the foreseeable future. In the most loving way possible: If you are submitting an ask now and expecting to see it a week or even a month from now, you are going to be sorely disappointed. Submit your ask and know that it will be appreciated by the community when its time comes.
"A confession is never late, nor is it early. A confession arrives precisely when it means to." - Elminster (probably)
Why don't you just get more mods?
Have you heard the phrase "too many cooks in the kitchen"? Every person added to a process adds another variable, and the more variables, the harder it is to deliver a consistent experience. Additionally, the goal is to find people who can stay pretty consistently active, which can be a hard ask for a lot of people. We're very grateful for the team that we have now, and we aren't seeking new mods at this time.
Why don't you post more confessions about (character/female/etc)?
We are a submissions blog. We work with the content we are given. You need to be the horny you wish to see in the world. I know in general there's a lack of confessions for female characters, and there's an analysis to be made about how different gender/sexual identities interact with fandom and how that affects the content available in communities for consumption, but I'm not the person to make it.
Thank you all for continuing to be amazing, it is truly an honor to serve 🫡
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phoenixtakaramono · 5 months
aka the butchlander sugar baby AU.
We have the first reader interactive poll for this threadfic! I recommend reading the update to the end (with a detailed breakdown of each choice) before making your decision.
Tumblr Navigation (note I have not shared the prologue here with its premise setup; I’ve only started sharing this twitter threadfic on tumblr starting from the 2nd 🔞 scene): I | II | III | IV | V | VI
Update Schedule: weekly/ biweekly
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(You can read the rest of the threadfic update here!)
Keep in mind, all of my AU Butchlander threadfics on Twitter are the unpolished first draft versions of what’ll eventually be polished up into long fics on AO3 under the Shock and Awe series. So you may regard this threadfic as an experimental first prototype and exclusive preview whose contents may or may not be changed in the future final draft version. We’re just loosely playing around with ideas and concepts for now!
If you don’t have a Twitter account, screenshots are provided below the line break so you can read this update on Tumblr as well:
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A more-in-depth breakdown of the choices:
A) Tell the truth. To avoid suspicion, Billy lays low and comes up with an excuse that he's booked for the whole day plays hard to get. It'll lead to Homelander running into "William out on a date" with another Supe—and a jealous Homelander running interference lol and sabotaging it, potentially leading to a "private tour" at The Seven meeting room and some 🔞 inappropriate office s*x ;) the setting depends if I decide to have it as a Vought HQ gala event or a Capes for Christ baptism
The payoff: a lead into the investigation The con: Billy's relationship with one of his long-time regulars is irreversibly damaged (it'll come bite him in the arse much later in the threadfic)
B) Homelander wants to be his sugar daddy. So Billy wants to test that and see if he can get our caped crusader to unknowingly fund his little CIA operation by exaggerating his rent and monthly overhead costs to tug at the hero's supposed generous philanthropist heartstrings. It'll lead to the sugar baby/daddy relationship being developed more aka a lil à la Pretty Woman-styled "shopping spree" with Homelander raining gifts on Billy's head say bye bye to Billy's CIA-assigned base, potentially leading to a 🔞 scene for "William to show him his gratitude"
The payoff: a bigger base and money for a more in-depth investigation The con: Homelander will lowkey stalk monitor him, so it'll be harder to keep his covert activities a secret from him or sneak out
C) The cute "Waiting for you :)" type of option. Billy doubles down on the act and reforms himself into Homelander's dream lover. It's tooth-rotting romantic fluff and flirty back-and-forth banter between them, but keep in mind what'll happen when Homelander inevitably realizes the "William who's literally almost perfect in every way and is too good to be true" isn't actually real much much much later as a direct consequence of this early choice.
The payoff: a happy Homelander (speedrun gaining his trust and affection by taking our bbg on dates <3) The con: the future fallout (and reconciliation) will be much more dramatic
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Choose your poison! You can also vote on Twitter (link to the poll). I will add the final results together, and we’ll see which story route comes out on top.
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A/N: A bit of Billy’s POV as we begin to pull back the curtains. How deep does this rabbithole of deception go? Far. Very far. Did y'all see the twist with Popclaw? Didn't expect that, did ya?
I am, by the way, open to ⚠️🔞 reader suggestions~. I make no promises that I’ll write it, but this threadfic is meant as a shameless excuse to write 🔞 butchlander spice, haha, and provide y’all some content during our butchlander drought. I have one reader suggestion thus far, and it involves candle wax. 🕯️
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erenspussy420 · 2 years
Babygirl Pose with the House Wardens pt 1.
You read this right. 
Sometimes I like to think I’m hilarious.
TWST Guys who may or may not do the Babygirl TweetTweet Pose: The Answers may surprise you!
GN Reader Insert, however Darling is used instead of Y/N
Slightly NSFW , so I’m gonna add a cautionary MDNI, 18+ Only!
Remember this blog is a NSFW one, so please beware! Be kind and courteous!
Reader is coming in with so much confidence this will work. 
Riddle Rosehearts: 
Doesn’t even know what a ‘babygirl’ pose is, until Cater tells him
He’s so upset with you, Darling, why? Why do you have to do this to him? And right in front of his strawberry tart!
Will keep denying to do that scandalous, undignified pose of a man of his shortness stature. Even if you have to get on your knees and beg him.
He loves you darling, no doubt about it, but please think of his blood pressure when you pull your ‘memes’ on him and bring this poor guy a sweet tart.
After the long day of learning babygirl poses from Cater, he would CURIOUSLY do it once, in the privacy of his room with no one else in sight. Did it and immediately felt shame.
Leona Kingscholar: NO, but also YES
(You/ Darling texting: Babe you love me enough to do a babygirl pose for me right?😘 )
(Leona : -last seen at 12:45 pm)
He’s so sick of your shit sometimes, Darling. (He loves you, I swear)
You must really love doing life or death situations, or Leona just loves you enough to not kick you out right there- to keep doing this shit to him.
Consciously would never do this, would rather go put effort into his classes and graduate than do any of your memes. 
HOWEVER, Leona is a lion, he got that instinct though.
Handsome lion man waking up from a good ass nap, sleeping on his stomach, gets up all groggy and just stretches.
Someone must love you enough to have you walk in on this purrfect moment, to see him on his knees doing a lions man version of a babygirl pose, HIS BOOBS ARE POPPING THE SEAMS OF HIS SHIRT HERE. He’s doing this cute kneading too!
His ears twitch at the sound of your camera shutters, he snaps awake at what he’s doing and sees the phone in your hand
“Tch, So you got what you wanted huh? Well darling guess what  I want? Gimme that phone.”
Kalim Al Asim: YES
He would do this actually, agrees with a cute charming laugh then proceeds to ask Jamil what that is! 
`After a long scolding from Jamil, he would still do this for you of course! All in the spirit of fun! Or even not so innocent fun ;) Obviously this is a very private thing you do, can’t have images of the future heir of the powerful Al-Asims come out now do we?
Kalim doing his babygirl pose, decked out in these fancy turquoise and gold silk fabric, that draped over his body and very close to showing off those valuable Al-Asim jewels of his. JUST the fabric. His makeup touched up dark teal and shimmery gold flecks, making the beautiful red ruby hue of his eyes pop out. Beautiful crafted gold bracelets with these tiny jasmine flowers made of opal decorating it with matching anklets.
He’s looking up at you with these hooded eyes, and a cheeky grin. While the original pose is cute, Kalim is taking a more arching back shot for you~! Enjoy his cute ass!
Keep clicking away, this is hot stuff going on!
Take as many photos as you want, he’s not gonna stop you. He’ll ask if you have any other requests
“My precious treasure, did I fill your heart's desire? Haha, now come here and help me slip these off. I still have more for you to see~”
Vil Schoenheit: YES (surprised? Me too)
He would actually do this.
Demands you hand over your phone first, before turning it off and keeping it in a drawer for now.
You want him to do that ridiculous babygirl pose? Fine, he will then. He’s Vil Schoenheit, one of the best actors out there, and still rising in the ranks, this is nothing to him.
This man! This man on his sheets, slipping into a beautiful plum colored silk robe embroidered with silver tree branches, loosely tied and the hem cut short, so please I begging here appreciate this man’s thighs–
His pose has him leaning towards you, with a slow crawl of a predator, your hands are shaking and you’re wishing you had your phone because you sure as hell want a video of Vil swaying his hips as he comes towards you. Those half lidded eyes with a piercing look, his hair down and loose that brush over his collar bone that peaked out from his robe.
You’ll have to burn this image into your brain, there’s no other way! (Except if you paid attention you can hear the zealous whimpering of a hunter trying hard not to let his excited cries escape.)
You’ll remember this no matter what. Cause this is the only time he’ll ever do this for you. If you ever asked why he did this, seeing as he shot down other trends, the babygirl pose would have been one of them. However, Vil would gracefully toss his hair back with an amused glint in his eyes. 
“Well, no one will ever believe you.”
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phantomannkaun · 10 months
Demon Slayer Male Character's Ideal Women !
I asked Demon Slayer characters what there ideal women was!! I used Character.AI to do this!!
I only did Males in this one but I plan on doing women soon!
Starting with the Hashira:
Gyomei Himejima:
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I wasn't expecting the appearance at all💀its kind of basic ngl LMAO. as for the personality, it makes sense haha.
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
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Honestly yeah this adds up. Pretty harsh but makes sense 😭
Giyuu Tomioka:
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Didn't have much to say but I can honestly see it!
Obanai Iguro:
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He REALLY likes Mitsuri 💀
Muichiro Tokito:
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Awww that's actually so sweet I love this one.
Kyojuro Rengoku:
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I love this one omg omg. I love Kyojuro smmm
Tengen Uzui:
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There seems to be a trend with tall women honestly 😭 but im living for it. Or if you look like his three wives I think you'll also be his type LMFAO
Demon Slayers:
Tanjiro Kamado:
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Honestly yeah what more do we expect from Tanjiro. Hot take this is the best one yet he's so accepting omg
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
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I saw this coming😭
Inosuke Hashibara:
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Yep this makes sense lmao
Genya Shinazugawa:
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Not much to say I guess!
Muzan Kibutsuji:
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Makes sense, just make sure you're a demon so he doesn't eat you 😭😭 even then idk if you'll be safe
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Like Shnobu??🤨 ermmm hello??? Anyways I think this response suits him fairly well.
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Now i'm about to slut shame him but he'll take anybody bruh he got too many bodies. But I also think his response suits him well!!
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Solid answer tbh
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Wasn't expecting this! But I fw it
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😀well... odd but ignoring the last part i guess he values looks more 😭
Adding this man cause he is SO GODDAMN FINE BRUH
Mr. Haganezuka:
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Yeah he only really cares about swords at this point 😭😭😭
Thank you for reading! If any of these made you upset just remember this is just a fun lil AI thing this may not be there actual type it could be totally different I just thought it was fun to see what the AI them would say lol! If you were unhappy with it then feel free to visit Character.AI on your own time and do it all yourself!
I will be making more of these in the near future!
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goranvisnjicdaily · 7 months
Welcome to Goran Visnjic Daily
Your source for the talented Croatian-American actor! We provide the latest news, information, and photos to keep you up-to-date on everything going on in Goran's career. You may know him as Dr. Luka Kovač in ER and Garcia Flynn in Timeless, both NBC television series. We are proudly a paparazzi-free fansite and we respect Mr. Višnjić's privacy.
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Hello there, I'm Michelle, the woman behind this website :P I was thinking about it for months, and to be honest, It's been a while since I've created websites and fansites. I wasn't really too sure about it at first! I decided to come up with Goran Visjnic Daily, a fansite dedicated to Croatian-American Actor Goran Visnjic.
I like keeping people updated with his future projects on screens, and of course, it's a bit of a hobby on my side to build this fansite, and I repeat, It will never be as cool as The Goran Visnjic Archive haha! Kudos to @battleshipgarcy, your website is simply perfection!! :)
Of course it's still under construction, and I'm trying to add new stuff everyday. Thanks to Astraeacodes for the wonderful Theme.
If you wish to be affiliated with me, just message me, it'd be a pleasure :)
Stay Tuned for more :)
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adalwolfgang · 1 year
Howdy! I was wondering if I may request some Yandere Severen content, pleaseeeee ? Two seem to go kinda hand-in-hand, haha. Cheers, friend!
I am so sorry it took me this long to post this, I've been busy with personal life and hadn't had a chance to sit down and write. I know this is short, which is why I will most likely create a part two, so feel free to message me if you have any ideas on what I should add.
Yandere Severen Van Sickle
Summary: Severen is a manipulative type of yandere and has no problem playing the long game, making sure that you can't ever get rid of him.
Characters: Severen, Diamondback, Jesse Hooker, Homer, Mae, Caleb Colton.
(Future) Warnings: Blood/Gore/swearing/violence, Manipulation, Dubcon, Stalking, Ooc for Severen?, Reader smokes, not proofread
Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner(s)!
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Severen and his family saunter into the bar, all taking seats at a booth close to the exit. Severen looked around the bar before his eyes landed on you. Playing pool with some other patrons in the bar. Your scent hitting him like a truck. Immediately, he didn't want you to be a part of the menu. He wanted you alive, and most certainty didn't want you to witness the horrors and blood bath could commence, Severen sauntered over to you. The jingle of his spurs echoing through the bar with each step he took. He grabs ahold of your arm, leaning to whisper in your ear.
"If I were you darlin', I'd get outta' here as fast as yer legs can take ya."
You give a look of puzzlement, staring between him and the patrons you were playing with. At first you thought the stranger was just messing around but the stern look on his face said otherwise. Different scenarios ran through your mind on why he wanted you to leave but you didn't want to take any chances and quickly left the bar.
After Severen and his family had their fill, he quickly exited the bar, sniffing out your scent which didn't take him long. Jesse shouted after him when he took off in the direction of your scent. Still covered head to toe in blood, his clothes stained. His eyes scanned around every direction, desperate to see your face again.
He raced by an alleyway before halting in his tracks and walking backwards to the opening of the alley. There you were, pressing your back against the wall, smoking a cigarette. He smirks to himself, ducking down behind a nearby dumpster before peering over it to watch you. If it wasn't for the fact he was covered in dried blood, he would've loved nothing more than to trot right up to you and introduce himself. He would have to figure out where you were staying and come back later once properly dressed. For now, watching you from afar would have to do. After getting a few more puffs from your cigarette, you toss it to the ground before stomping on it with your shoe, placing your hand in your pockets and walking out of the alleyway.
Severen followed you all the way back to your apartment, keeping himself hidden in the shadows. His eyes trained on you like the apex predator he is. He was closer to you now. If he stopped himself from holding back, he would have been able to reach out and touch you. Your scent and proximity were driving him crazy as you kept walking, oblivious to the danger that walked behind you. All the more reason Severen had to have you. You weren't safe out here alone, and who all to protect you other than him?
When you started making your way inside an apartment building, Severen halted in his tracks. He nipped the inside of his cheek, looking toward the rising sun then back at the building you just walked into. His brow knitted together as he finally decided that he would come back the next time the sun fell. He will take you with him to meet his family and live on the road with them. In time you would learn their ways and adapt. Then, he would turn you. Even if you didn't want to be a vampire, he wouldn't take no for an answer. He had all eternity, so patience was fine by him.
In the end, you would be his forever. No matter what.
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loquaciousquark · 4 days
All of your TavStarion writing is gorgeous, but your angst specifically just destroys me. I always come back to ‘Find me a wayward son’ - the way you write their early stages is so addicting and so perfectly captures everyone’s inner voice. Truly your works are phenomenal, every other bg3 fic feels like it’s missing the extra spark that I find in yours.
If you have any more angst or hurt/comfort planned in the future, may I humbly request the Caretaker prompt 12 - “I’m not leaving you here” and/or the flower prompt “Queen of the Meadows - uselessness”
Thank you truly for all of your writing! On an unrelated note, I referenced your Astarion supercut youtube video tirelessly during my last run without making the connection that it was you until very recently. I finally took more than a brief glance at your Tav’s design and realized it was the very same as in the video that helped guide me through romancing one very irritable vampire. So thank you as well for putting that together :)
Thank you so very much for this incredible message. I confess I've been sitting on it for a few days, just because it's been a huge help in an otherwise very difficult week.
Wayward Sun I think is one of my favorites of the series so far, and I'm so glad you brought it up. I've always been more interested in writing fully established-relationship stuff than the early stages (see: ten years and more of 90% of my Hawke/Fenris stuff being in Act 3), but Tav & Astarion have completely turned that on its head, and at this point I'm just along for the ride. I'm tremendously grateful you've enjoyed coming along as well, ha!
I absolutely do have more fills planned! Queen of the Meadows would slot in perfectly to the one I'm currently drafting out right now. I'll add to the list of official prompts for that one, and if I can find a suitable idea for 12, I'll definitely work on that as well!
And haha, I'm so glad the supercut video's been useful! I had no intention of making anything like that when I first started playing the game, but as I started writing, I kept thinking about a similar Fenris video that I used to reference all the time when I needed to get into his voice. Nothing like that existed for Astarion yet at the time, so I figured I'd go ahead and make what I needed and share it, and if others found it useful, that'd be great too! It's definitely done MUCH better than I ever expected a four+ hour video to do on Youtube, go figure. Regardless, I'm just glad it's been helpful to you! :)
Again, this message really brightened a tough week for me; thank you. This means a lot! <3<3<3
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stepswowdsen · 3 months
【Magi】 JuAli Scenario Idea: Flower Crowns 🖤❤️💛
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Judar spots Alibaba and Kougyoku making flower crowns, so Alibaba makes a flower crown for Judar. After being given a gift of bouquets (sunflowers) by Alibaba, Judar asks Kougyoku later what flowers to get as a return gift 🌻💐
I quickly wrote it this morning. I forgot to post this writing idea I had whoops 😭
Judar and Alibaba's friendships with Kougyoku is everything to me
I've always wanted to write about the 3 of them together~ JuAli with their bestie Kougyoku hehe
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Judar, Kougyoku, and Alibaba sketch by Ohtaka
Flower Symbolisms
If you haven't seen it, feel free to check out my Flower Symbolisms post:
PW: meowmeowcollection
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I'll put it here nonetheless, but it contains the context for my scenario idea
JuAli Scenario Idea
This is gonna be new from me, usually I post just the dialogue script itself and my rambles under, but since I wrote this quickly, this is gonna be a combination of my rambles + dialogue ideas
It's a huge WIP so I still have to add to it
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As said before, JudaAli (ジュダアリ) is the Magi JP fandom's main ship name for them. It also has a cute sounding ring to it~ I've seen JuAli (ジュアリ) used a bit in the JP fandom.
I like typing the shorter one, it makes my life easier HAHA
Due to the common "First few characters of each characters' name is used and combined as a ship portmanteau" ship naming convention in EA fandom
Though sometimes, other characters may be chosen for better aesthetics.
Kougyoku my wife <333
I also want to write more of her in general too when I get the time
The idea came to mind yesterday. I'd love to draw this sometime in the future (not now cuz I'm slow)
Since I wrote it quickly, it's not as refined as my other ideas. So it's a mix of my rambles and bits of dialogue I came up with
Hopefully I'll get to refine & add to it soon 👍
Huge rough draft WIPs
Just wanted to get the ideas down so I don't forget
I thought about it recently when I was coming up with flower picks for my faves based on Hanakotoba meanings
In terms of meaning, I chose red hydrangeas and sunflowers for JuAli 💐🌻
They also fit colours wise and thematically too!
Also for the Flower Symbolisms post. I'm still planning to add more flower picks for JuAli eventually 🙏
I had a list of potential ideas in my rough drafts, I just need to check them over and see which ones are good
Since I spend time looking at Hanakotoba meanings and seeing if my interpretations align, specifically how I interpret the Hanakotoba meanings in JP). I also check JP florists' blogs to see other popular/common interpretations that may not be included on the Hanakotoba official site
And I'll be looking into more flowers too 😌
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wheelercore · 1 year
Mike, Victor, Fred, and Ted: weird murder/killing & PTSD subtext
Now that I have been thinking Too Much about Fred, I am interested in the "holding the mirror up" aspect of it.
We see them intentionally show Fred's reflection on the grandfather clock
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Which the camera angle in which this was done reminds me SO MUCH of how they reflected Victor in the bathwater where the spiders were.
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Also notice when Victor was arrested it was against the same wall the grandfather clock stands against-it actually might be there within frame on the right but that also might be a doorway- I'm not sure. Looks like its probably a doorway but the clock is somewhere around there.
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You also have the fire similarity between Fred's vision and Victors:
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The similarity being: murderer
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They both feel and intense amount of guilt for what they have done- however both was an accident. Victor, I think, pretty obviously has PTSD and Fred might have also. We'll get to this later.
They also do the same reflection into the grandfather clock with Henry- right as he uses his powers for the first and it immediately cuts to him killing a rabbit.
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Also the rainbow being ~~gay~~ but also may I say it might also be a reference to Henrys future killings in the Rainbow Room.
The thing that interests me is why the grandfather clock is associated with 'murderer'? In fact it's what is associated with Henry's powers, which is what he then uses to kill his family and the kids in the rainbow room. We also see the clock presents most of the time as jutting out of trees (Chrissy- reference to Nancy in s1) and walls (Patrick and Max)- which are places we've seen be associated with a breach in the barrier between the UD and RSU. As if the clock is forcing it's way from the UD to the RSU- like we see repeatedly UD beasts do.
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So in a sense the symbolism works like this:
Clock -> breaching the barrier between the UD and RSU -> akin to UD monsters -> the UD monsters being a mirror/reflection of humanity's predatory nature -> predator defined as "preys on the weak" -> mentions of various famous killers (Freddy Krueger, Michael Meyers, and Ted Bundy- all in the same episode by the way).
Its especially interesting that Fred is a mix of Mike and Ted:
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(Mikes s3 scar and Ted's glasses. Again, all in the same episode.)
Mind you, they make a whole circle of character-murderer references: Victor is compared to Michael Meyers, Eddie (not a murderer but was witness to one and is later accused) is compared to Ted Bundy (both names are short of Edward also), and I believe Vecna/Henry is compared to Freddy Krueger at some point also.
To add to this, the topic of PTSD is also something shared, I believe, between Fred, Victor, Mike, and Ted (and also most likely Henry but I haven't really looked into any specific uses of symbolism, name games, etc etc im lazy).
I believe I saw @aemiron-main mention previously about how it seemed that Victor had gained weight over the course of the Creel sequences given to us. While neither Victor nor Henry, I believe, are inclined to mention how much Victor had been eating once he was triggered by the Vecna visions so we don't necessary see any explicit confirmation of it, to me in a round-about way its supported by Ted's eating habits particularly in s2 and how that ties back to Victor since they're paralleled in this sense.
(Em, you're the resident expert on Victor so feel free to add anything on here related to this if you would like to. I'm sure you have much more coherent things/proof to say about this than I do when it comes to Victor haha).
In Henry's monologue (which is literally just the writers "spelling it out to us" as promised), he mentions eating as one of the distractions, ie just another way of describing coping mechanisms (heavy themes of mental illness/trauma all over the place in s4 as it relates to conformity and the metaphor behind Vecna).
In season 2 we hardly see Ted not eating/drinking (dinner scenes- obviously, doorbell scene with Dustin where he was holding a mug in his hand). Even in the opening scene he's the only person eating pringles (?) in the kitchen with Karen and Holly:
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Even in the end of s1 he's apparently fallen asleep while eating out of a large bowl of popcorn.
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Multiple times overeating is brought up with Karen angrily commenting that she hopes he's enjoying his chicken after we see her observe twice Ted not backing her up at the dinner table but rather just drinking/chewing (mind you this is all happening while discussion wills disappearance is going on, with the general consensus in the town being that Will was taken by a child abductor/murder- with Ted's See what happens? line being particularly interesting):
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and Dustin jokingly putting an excessive amount of pancakes on his plate after Ted sarcastically tells him to "take us for all we're worth".
Hell, even the scene were Ted is holding a random donut in the church in s4- it's overeating/eating when its inappropriate, particularly doing a stressful moment, and again, this was related to the serial killings of Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick and how Eddie was scapegoated for it. Or Ted being the only person eating at Will's funeral, very obvious because he's the only one holding a plate. And these are only instances I remember off the top of my head.
Victor, while, again, we don't see as much of an association with food we do see him repeatedly get triggered over the course of the events shown to us. Victor describes his vecna visions as "living nightmares" which is a callback to Hopper and Joyce's conversation, again, in season 2:
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Victors visions, unlike Virginia's, were intentionally very reminiscent of PTSD flashbacks. Victor was being repeatedly triggered all throughout the time of being "haunted" by this "demon".
Switching back around to Mike for a bit, we get the parallel in s4 to the s1 dinner scene, this time with Mike, who, unlike his father, is not eating very much. And Will, from the same vantage point as Karen in the s1 scene and like Karen, notices subtly:
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Takes a similar sip of his drink when El storms off, similar to how Ted takes a sip of his drink both times when Nancy and Mike storm off. Honestly it would have been funny if Murray had made chicken risotto.
Regardless to get to my point, these can be signs of traumatic events happening in the past:
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While again, it's hard to tell with Victor, because comparatively we don't see much of him, there are some subtle hints. Talking about being "moody":
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Dr. Owens explicitly mentions "changes in personality" as a sign of PTSD to look out for.
There's the clothing parallel between Mike and Ted related to this in again, you guessed it, season 2:
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Both are scenes in which they are acting pretty irritable and standoff-ish to someone. Mike being this way towards Max due to the trauma and guilt of watching El "die" at the end of s1, related to death- again like Victor and Fred, however Mike was not culpable although I suppose he may have felt that he had not done enough to save El.
We don't know what's up with Ted, but he was actually strangely in this scene- not hearing the incessant ringing of the doorbell or even noticing Karen out loud ask him to get the door judging from the fact that he says "I'll get it" as if he hadn't heard her. Karen seemed annoyed by this as if this has become a common occurrence in the last year or so. He seemed to have been intensely concentrated or more so distracted, obviously with a drink in his hand.
stranger things writers dot twitter are sooo correct s2 is underrated we love the PTSD season
Notice how both are all dressed up- projecting an image of having yourself together, "perfection", when you're really not. Reminds me of that scene of s1 where Mike is complains the tie is choking him, and Ted tells him that that's how its supposed to be. Symbolizing an excessive amount of control over oneself and ones emotions (choking oneself as symbolized by clothing), which is seen through various habits, e.g. overeating/lack of eating.
Now, last thing that's a bit of a tangent, but going all the way back to this theme of murderers and killing- e.g. Mike's survivor's guilt, the interesting parallel between Holly and Henry catch my attention. Both are described as "explorers". Henry after he looks into the grandfather clock and 'gains' his abilities:
I saw my parents as they truly were. They presented themselves as good, normal people. But like everything else in this world, it was a lie. A terrible lie. They had done terrible things, Eleven. Such awful things.
(Sorry I ran out of image space >.<)
After Holly witnesses the Demogorgon ("predator") almost come out of the wall, again like we see with the grandfather clock which is reflected on Fred (Ted+Mike), Karen describes her as an explorer- which is referenced back to Henry seeing his parents for who they truly were. Holly then also notices the flesh monster from the ferries wheel (UD "predator") but Karen and Ted tell her to ignore it and look at the pretty fireworks. We know Holly was at the pool when Karen was flirting with Billy there, however what "terrible", "awful" thing Ted had done in the past is still unknown.
Shortly after this in s3- Karen, Ted, and Holly become the family unit which is then indirectly described in the church scene as "a lie designed to hide a truth", with Karen and Ted's clothing paralleling Mike and El's from early s3 when they were being an annoyingly fake couple.
While Victors fate is almost obviously reminiscent of Oedipus (the whole eye gouging and all- falling into a fate that was one of his own doing when he accidentally murdered that family during the war)- Mike does also get two moments were he technically "blinds" himself all throughout s4: the sun glasses in the airport and the sensory deprivation glasses at that pizza place- a fate that more closely follows Oedipus: kill your father, become your father, and then marry your mother.
(the last one being a whole nother long post)
Anyways... what exactly happened in 1959?
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ourfatherwhoartinhell · 3 months
My first Sister of Sin OC!
This is Sister Emery, she's my Ghost OC that you'll be seeing pop up in some incorrect quotes. Thought I should introduce her to you!
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She's been around the ministry for a little while. She used to work for Terzo, but since he's gone she's been helping Copia adjust and looking out for his Ghouls.
Emery loves to draw, sit outside and read books. She was really close with Alpha and Aether before they got sent back to the pit and she's still having a hard time coming to terms with that. But now she's close with Swiss and Phantom - they keep her mind off of the ghouls she's lost (they also help her dye her hair - although she's pretty sure more dye gets on them lol).
[This is my very first time making an OC for anything, I don’t really know what I’m doing haha. I will do my best to reply in character if anyone wants to roleplay! I may add more to her backstory in the future but for now this is what I have!]
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murainhell · 2 months
Any headcanons for radioapple or radiorose you won’t be able to add/address to your fics?
This is an interesting question and you have made me think more than I expected haha
Usually, if I think about the characters and how they interact with each other, I tend to do it around a story. So there's a good chance it's already in fic or comic format in my head. Especially as I always move around QPRs with Alastor. Thoughts on him? Plenty. What would he do on a Friday afternoon with Rosie? Hmmm, let's see… *starts writing a scrip* (<- literally what has happened with an idea with Alastor and Vox).
But! After thinking about it, it turns out that I do have ideas in my head that I assume to be true for my stories but I don't think I'm going to be able to talk about. So here are a few:
Alastor and Lucifer 📻🍎
Completely obsessed with them bonding over music, playing instruments and dancing. This is something I wish would also happen in the canon series; they've already sung a song together, they can throw knives at each other in the morning and give a concert in the afternoon lol. But I don't think I'll do anything with that, because there are people who have explored it before. And yes, two cakes! But I don't know anything about those things, I wouldn't know how to describe the situation well. But I assume it's something they do in my fic some evenings; no need to talk, just enjoy the moment.
First activities they do, now what they DON'T do: cooking together. Watching his workshop in canon, I see Lucifer as a very messy person in the kitchen, not cleaning up because, well, magic sorts it out later! Let's experiment! While Alastor has his own chaos, but within absolute control of the situation. He's had time to learn how to handle a crime scene, so it's all neat and tidy in his own way. I did mention this in my fic in passing, but I'm sure I'm not going to add a whole scene of them trying (and they have tried), because it would give me a headache haha
Alastor has a small collection of things he has taken from Lucifer as mementos. In my fic, I think I remember Lucifer thinking in one scene that he doesn't mind leaving Alastor alone in his room because if he wants something he's sure he'll have slipped in before to take it. He was right. Alastor currently has the red monster figurine (which is totally cursed cat), several ducks, some Lucifer blueprints (the best way to disagree with them, make it disappear and the other may forget it existed), and a couple of things that might be relevant in future one-shots, we'll see.
Alastor and Rosie 📻🌹
More tricky because it's more like I haven't had time to sit down and do anything more with them, but some ideas that are in my mind that aren't in any of my fics for now:
Alastor leaves Rosie gifts, especially when they don't have time to see each other. A little ‘I've been thinking of you’. Sometimes roses, sometimes books, it depends. (If any of you are interested in this, it's a good time to recommend this fic "Fawning Over You" by Bexii. It does have a romantic tone, but I really enjoyed it, it's lovely.).
Even if they get along well, they both have a plan in the back of their minds on how they would try to defeat the other if it came to it. They are both smart and need to be prepared for everything; they just trust that day will never come.
On that note, it's exciting for Rosie to be able to trust him! Because of her relationship with men, her current solution to arguments is to get them out of the way, it's not worth the effort the moment being with someone is no longer fun. But Alastor has survived by her side many years and has never failed her. Actually, I think they could both bond around the “ugh, I don't understand men" since he also prefers the company of ladies haha
And I think this is enough for now. Sorry for writing so much oops
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koolades-world · 2 months
Spellbound Secrets
current length: 32 minutes long
current amount of tracks: 8
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hello! i assume you're here from a chapter of spellbound secrets, but if not, here's the prologue to get you started :)
the playlist is a youtube/youtube music playlist since that's just what i use but if you guys ask for it, i can make a spotify one too! i think there are a couple songs i wouldn't be able to add but i could see what i could do. before you go listen, i highly recommend reading more about the explanation for each song since i thought a lot about it before adding each song. my taste in music is very vocaloid leaning just so you know haha (also please let me know if those links are working!!!)
as time goes on and i release more chapters, i'll be adding more songs since some of them have to do with later plot points. i'll also just be adding songs in general if and when i find more i want to add. if you have any suggestions, i may add them so fire away if you think something might, don't be afraid to let me know <3
now, let's begin!!
Our Destiny by Solomon (VA: Kazuki Kawata): does this song even need an explanation? it's on this playlist because it's a solomon fic, it's gotta be haha
Hole Dwelling by Kikuo: this is the song that inspired me to start the playlist. the lyrics themselves could apply, but what got me to add this more than anything was the deep feeling of dread and hopelessness from the the song. if you'd like to listen to an english version to get a better grasp on the lyrics, i recommend this one over any other cover. this person did an amazing job!!
Language of the Lost by Riproducer: i adore riproducer. they're great for stepping into the vocaloid community since almost all of their songs are in english. i could go on and on about them. the lyrics in this one i feel like could be applied to mc after the events of the prologue and how solomon is going to be the one to help them and help them dig their way out of what feels like their grave
Love Again by Dua Lipa: i absolutely loved dua's album future nostalgia so i combed it trying to pick at least one song to add and settled on this one. this isn't necessarily exclusive to spellbound secrets, but the lyrics could read as solomon's feelings towards mc ahhh it's too cute
Float Planner by More More Jump!: i'm a HUGE project sekai fan which you'll see. this song and the next go hand in hand. this song is all about 'soaring' into the future together. there's one line about having difficulties overcoming but holding hands would give them the strength to continue it's so cute man. i won't yap about song and the characters who sing it but just know, i could. here's a version with an english translation
Jumpin' Over by More More Jump!: this song was released after the previous song so the messages line up. the lyrics are about looking back over past obstacles and observing growth. it feels better as an end of the fic song, but this could be for any obstacles solomon and mc have overcome together. here's a great english translation
Ultra C by Vivid Bad Squad: love this song too! at first i tried really hard to justify why this was here and i came up with a feeble reason before realizing it was my playlist and i could put a song on it because i wanted too lol. but the reason was the lyrics are about overcoming obstacles and the instrumentals are wicked. idk i'm just a huge vbs fan. eyestrain warning for the mv so here's an english translation
Hope is the Thing With Feathers by Robin: another one that i kinda struggled to justify but i just felt like the vibes matched? if i come up with a stronger reason i will list it lol
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
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Hello 🎬👋!! Haha, I’m glad you enjoyed the thoughts, I loved these so much! Thank you!
LMAO I think a few of them would have real good taste in song titles, but others… not so much 😅 I actually think Yuno would have some pretty solid ideas. Though Haruka has some nice thoughts too, I heard both his titles are specific plays on words that I don’t think he’d come up with himself…
Omg yes! The prisoners would have such a good time planning mv outfits! I can definitely see it being bittersweet for Fuuta – exasperated by, but also homesick because, they all remind him so much of his sister ;-; Mahiru is devastated she's not getting a new outfit for I Love You and so she enjoys styling vicariously through helping the others. Shidou’s outfit was even more painfully Dad before the group helped tone it down. Before the mv color scheme was decided, they cycle through a few different colored marching band uniforms for Amane. Muu doesn’t quite understand the flower dress, but the team promises her it will all come together to look great.
>:O The birthday art can be au canon!! The previously mentioned fashion crew makes everyone dress up like their cake, and designer Mikoto photoshops them into a pic of it aww. Even after watching the t1 videos, it would be the nicest they've seen everyone get dressed up. They're shocked seeing the boys clean up so nicely in their suits, and the girls are just shining in their fancy dresses and heels. And maybe Es’ “birthday” pic was a pre-experiment candid shot of them chillin with the bunny off set :’)
On a slightly darker note, I wonder if those pv shots of the restraints are canon too. Milgram had a few ideas for worst-case restraints and took a few shots for reference during an early fitting…
ADFGGH rip Haruka 😂😂😂 I love the idea of a whole group of them sneaking around looking for tasty goo and fun props, and instead stumbling upon The Mannequin Room. And waait I'm so emotional over Kazui loosening up and having a bit of fun with his tricks :’D With all the themes about certain characters growing up faster than they should, it would be so lovely to see them giggling and messing around in a blooper reel! I’m imagining someone trying to twirl Amane’s baton as well as her and epically failing at it.
Yeah, I have a lot of different predictions for Amane’s t3 changes – but no matter what happens, she starts accepting help just a little bit more behind the scenes >:) It’ll still take her a really long time to break away from the cult’s beliefs (no one in the cast/team really knows proper cult deprogramming strategies at this point, but they start looking into it as soon as the experiments ends.) Still, she finds a balance of keeping most of her religion and also realizing that the others genuinely care for her. 
And oooh I really like that 👀 I always pictured the prisoner Es hints to be leading toward them being a prisoner in the future (accused of executing prisoners), but that would add so much more drama if it relates to a past imprisonment. The ten would make a perfect heist team, hacking the system, snooping around, and charming facility members in order to find paperwork detailing past experiments featuring Es. And Kotoko would certainly be leading the investigation – I love how closely she’s monitoring everything, it would fit so well if she were the one to see the truth first. Between the realization that Milgram hasn’t been fully honest, and the threat that Es may be there for even longer, the jailbreak would erupt much quicker than the current timeline. Although the au is nicer overall, I really like keeping Milgram a pretty shady organization hehe 
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