#i'm extremely embarrassed but maybe this will be a good story in like five years
galwaygremlin · 2 years
I am... exceptionally dumb. And way too trusting
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with liulaotana, how did Huai react to meeting Kitana and Liu Kang and learning about their relationship with Kung Lao?
I am so normal about them
Huai met Liu Kang when she was five, a year after he joined the Shaolin. This was before Lao gave her the title of heiress, and her emotions were more on display.
She was a lot more shy than Lao and hid behind him when she noticed Kang. Lao led them to a small meeting room to hang out, and Huai nervously asked if they'd like to try the tea their aunt had been teaching her to make. They agreed, and she brought them some. Liu Kang told her it was good, and she quickly warmed up to him after that.
She didn't see him much as Lao's home visits were only four days a month, and Kang would only join him on them once or twice a year depending on what the clan allowed. But when they did meet, they always got along and Kang would tell stories about the embarrassing things Lao did. Which she found funny.
She was the first and only person Lao told he was dating Liu Kang. It wasn't surprising, she saw the way they looked at each other, the way their touches lingered, and she had to listen to Lao talk about him every time he was home. She was happy for them, but Huai worried about what the clan would think and swore to take this secret to the grave if she must. A small part of her wishes she had somebody who loved her like that.
Laughed when she found out Lao shaved his head and continued to tease him about it until his hair grew back.
Life goes on a la backstory and plot, and Lao comes to her and explains the whole "I'm dating Kang, Kang is dating Kitana, yes that Kitana, and Kitana and I want to start courting each other too" situation. He tells her that only he brings this up because Kitana found out about the Kung tradition of asking for a blessing before courting, and she's the only one Lao trusts with such a thing. Maybe it was pregnancy hormones (because I'm going off the fact that Jin hasn't been born yet), but she cried and agreed to meet her.
Lao constructed a long winded tale, managing to get Huai out of the compound and to a dinner that Kitana set up, with Jade and Liu Kang as mediators.
Huai was extremely cautious as the Kung clan has quite a few tales about Outworlders and that it was Shao Kahn's fault their ancestor died (which is true because he called for the tournament, but it was more of Shang Tsung's and Goro's fault imo), so meeting his daughter set her on edge.
Kitana was shocked at how formal she was. She's met her fair share of stiff people, but Huai is definitely near the top of her list. After she gets to know her better, Huai relaxes, but her anxiety at meeting royalty caused her to revert to how she acts around the elders.
Surprisingly, hit it off with Jade really well. (Sapphic romance anyone? I jest... unless?)
After several meetings with her, Huai gives Kitana her blessing to court Lao. Even giving her a list of dos and don'ts and a run down on what he likes and dislikes.
Nearly passed out from laughing too hard when she found out Jin likes Kitana more than Lao.
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eureka-its-zico · 1 year
Hiiiiiii, it's me, Gouda 🧀 anon, but I am not on anon! lol I sorted out my Trumblr from all the cringy shit from years ago finally so I don't have to be embarrassed what I have on here haha (I saw you said you've been on Tumblr since 2015, well I've been on here since probably 2009 and yeah... Had to go down the memory lane and it was a bit cringe 😂)
I saw your message that Chapter 4 will be posted tonight and the giddy feelings that I felt, boy oh boy... Could barely contain myself in my chair!
This has been such a lovely update! It was amazing to see more interactions between Doc and Zoro. And his POV is just *chef's kiss*. It really helps to see that there's more to each of them than the other sees. And honestly, Zoro is being stupid because he can fulfil his promise and still get Doc so... *side eye* lol
I am honestly so curious to see what you have planned going forward: with Doc and Straw Hats AND Doc and Zoro. And if you grace us with even more Zoro POV to see his inner battle - I will devour it 😂
Also, I have to say - him bringing the beer and him bringing back the flower as an apology were one of my favourite parts in this chapter. Especially this one:
What he wouldn’t tell you, is because they only grew at certain times and usually in the snow, it made them one of the most resilient flowers because they could grow under any conditions. 
ALSO, oh my God, this interaction in particular too:
“What do I gotta do to hear one of these world-famous Doc jokes?” He waited until his face was neutral to look back at you. Both hands rested on his swords as he watched you fill the bottle to the brim and place it securely inside your satchel.  “For that kind of service? You have to be dying.”
We know what happens later and now I will wait with baited breath for doesn't matter how many chapters to see whether Doc actually says that joke 😂
I also love the ending, the fact that Nami is considerate enough to offer for Doc something to wear. It's a small interaction though I would think that it gives them a small part to bond to some extent ❤
As always, an amazing update and I am so happy to see these two continue to bond, even if they are both acting silly now. Really curious and excited for the next part to see how Doc reacts to Sanji and maybe even how Zoro reacts if Sanji flirts with Doc?! 😂
I have so many feelings to this story, I have to admit, I read Chapter 3 five times. Then I went to read Chapter 2. And then I read all chapters from the first one before this update because I have an insane amount of brain rot for OPLA Zoro and it's been consuming me this week 😂🙃 Also, because it's been bringing me joy and making me smile at a time in my life where I'm feeling a bit lost.
Sending you so much love and thank you for the update. I had a shit week so this has been such a mood booster that it is hard to put it into words how much I appreciate you and how happy I am that I discovered you and Chaos in Their Bones.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend, Jenn ❤
Osiyo my Gouda 🧀 Nonnie turned to my cheesy!! I am so happy to hear from you! The fact you did an intense cleansing of your tumblr makes me feel like I should probably do the same BUT 2009, you say?!? My bestie started a tumblr around that time too, I believe. What was it like? Was it wild? Lol
It makes me so happy to know you enjoyed the updated chapter! I was honestly very nervous about it cause I wrote it starting yesterday around 5 pm and finished by roughly 9:30 am. I just knew that once Sanji was introduced the story was going to be a bit more hefty, per say. There is the drinking scene, and I wanted Doc and Nami to have some time together, because she deserves a good wholesome friendship, okay?!
I’m so glad you love Zoro’s POV! It always makes me nervous because he is such a moody baby, but also extremely devoted to keeping his word/promises. I thought it was important to show his side and struggle, because he is so devoted to fulfilling his promise that I can envision him being completely blinded by that determination. I mean, look how he responds to poor Nami 😩😩
Oh man, we know Sanji flirts with EVERY woman lol so flirting is definitely implied and I may or may not have already pre-written the dialogue for most of that scene 🤣
I cannot believe you’ve reread Chaos in Their Bones so many times! But also, I completely understand why you would after reading the rest of your message. It is an absolute honor and a privilege to be a part of something that is bringing you joy in a time when you feel like it is most needed. I always look forward to your reviews and to see how you liked chapters. It means a lot to me to see your 🧀 in my ask box. I am incredibly sorry this week wasn’t any good, but just know I am sending you lots of love and good vibes that hopefully next week is better than this one. Sending you virtual hugs and Much Love 🖤
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sevarix-blogs · 3 years
So Rhea only has a support chain with the Byleths. If she WERE to have more support chains, who would be your top five for her to have? I'll make this easier-- don't count Seteth or Flayn. We all know those supports would have been a great source for Lore. Curious to hear your thoughts!
Oh very good question!!! a few days after I got this ask, I actually saw this post which answers some of this very, very well.
BUT! here's my personal opinion! in my usual silly hc style!
In no particular order:
1. Ignatz. This guy wants to know what the goddess looks like. Rhea is one of the only people who knows what the goddess looks like. I think that could be an interesting topic for them. Maybe she even shares some 'anecdotes' (aka her own memories) of what exactly she looked like, wore, etc. Maybe Ignatz paints some paintings for her of what he thinks the goddess looks like. and even though they are not exact, Rhea would be so incredibly honored by his gesture.
2. ASHE!!! ok bear with me here. this is a good one. We know there are some racy tales about Saint Seiros. We know Ashe likes racy tales. RHEA CATCHES ASHE READING RACY STORIES ABOUT SEIROS. but instead of purging them like Seteth would, she is intrigued. she finds them amusing. she asks Ashe if she could borrow them. Ashe is mortified and extremely embarrassed. Thinks he's going to get in trouble. But instead Rhea gives them back when she's done and tells him it was very enjoyable, and how Seiros might have actually been like that ;) (she very likely wasn't but think of how amusing it would be for her lol) Maybe she even commissions some wilhelm/seiros stories from bernadetta later.
3. Hapi. Ok so we know Hapi is kinda wary of the church. or at least knights. So she wouldn't be too keen on talking to Rhea at first. but one night they run into each other while stargazing. an activity they both really enjoy. Hapi is about to leave when rhea appears, but then Rhea makes a comment about how Timotheos named a certain constellation like a thousand years ago and Hapi is like "I WAS NEVER TOLD THIS R U LYING" and Rhea is like "oh yeah he and seiros were besties and did a lot of work tracking stars together" and hapi's mind is just. blown. anyway they bond over that and rhea eventually finds out about her curse and offers to help her 'cure' it.
4. Catherine. This one might be an easy one, since we know how much catherine simps for respects Rhea. but i am all for cathrhea shipping so uh. i'm ok with this one being all out them just appreciating each other. they slowly open up to each other more. i'm guessing rhea already knows a lot about catherine's past, but rhea perhaps opens up to catherine more about how past and why she had to hide so many things in order to keep her race from dying out. rhea works on doing as much for catherine as catherine has done for her. and tells catherine she doesn't need to be all 'i will DIE for you!'. and they get married
5. Bernadetta. ok so this is my silly idea. Bernie is of course afraid to be around her at first because she finds her intimidating. but eventually Rhea starts to tell her stories about Saint Indech and how brave he was. and she manages to convince bernie that she has some of those same traits. (maybe like. playing instruments or crafts or something). and then bernie starts to read up more on saint indech and it gives her more confidence in herself and her own abilities. and rhea convinces her that she can be just as brave and worthy as indech. that she's not a burden, or any of that stuff poor bernie hates about herself. i just think it would be wholesome.
ANYWAY those are my thoughts, this is just headcanon of course. i just had fun with it.
thanks for the ask :D
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denqis · 4 years
the bakubros walking in on their fem! s/o masturbating
warnings: should be obvious, smut, 18+
kaminari denki
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- you two used to satisfy each other's libido's almost daily
- but ever since moving into the ua dorms this kinda stopped
- training kept you both busy and exhausted
- plus, sneaking into each other's rooms in the middle of the night was way too stressful in the long run
- especially since aizawa had almost caught you two in the act
- it has been two weeks since you last welcomed denki to your room
- you were so horny it was insane
- during training denki accidentally ripped his shirt and the exposed abs made your mouth water and sent a pang to your heat
- right after training you had him pinned against a wall, panting from running from your classmates
- "i need you to fuck me against this wall right now or i'll go insane."
- boy oh boy he was so overwhelmed
- usually he was the horny one initiating everything
- ngl he was pretty riled up too but
- "i'm sorry hon, but i promised kiri to train longer with him today."
- you were very very VERY horny and disappointed
- "well you might as well tell kiri to suck your dick then because i won't do it anymore."
- you just left
- this wasn't really like you but you were desperate and h o r n y
- that night you had an amazing bath and finally felt at ease
- you laid down on your bed, only in your bathrobe and rubbed your freshly shaven, soft legs together, sighing
- your left hand found your left boob and you instantly melted into your touch
- another sigh fell from your lips
- the fingers of your right hand ghosted over your clit
- as soon as you felt just how wet you actually were you inserted one finger into your core
- your back arched and denki's name escaped your lips
- two weeks without sex was way too long
- another finger followed and soon you were a sweaty, shaking mess, moaning denki's name over and over again
- you felt the familiar knot in your stomach and felt tingles slowly starting to spread
- just when your orgasm was about to crash down on you, you noticed another presence
- there he stood, your boyfriend
- "honey?!"
- holy shit he was embarrassed but also so turned on
- he initially came to you to apologize but he heard your moans from the hallway
- at first he was scared that you might've hooked up with someone else
- but when he heard you moan his name he just felt bad for not satisfying you
- "mind if i help you out?"
- you stood up and walked towards him, your juices slowly running down your legs
- "not at all."
- you grabbed his hand and laid it flush against your heat
- "go on, chargebolt, make me cum all over your fingers."
- you were so close it only took a feverish kiss and a few plunges of his long digits in your core for you to finally cum
- your orgasm was so intense you almost fell back as his name and a few curses spilled from your lips
- "fuck you're so hot."
- the two week wait was worth it
- he devoured you that night
- he'll definitely ask you to masturbate in front of him a lot from that point on
kirishima eijirou
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- "eiji babe, truth or dare?"
- "dare, of course!"
- "i want you to make out with bakugou for two minutes."
- the room fell silent
- you, kirishima's own girlfriend wanted him to kiss his best friend, in front of everyone?!
- looking back at it you probably should've at least warned your boyfriend about your desire to see him with his best friend
- they didn't end up making out and you were so embarrassed that you stormed out of kiri's room where you had planned to stay the night
- the next morning he confronted you and tried to understand your point of view
- a few days after you went to the pool with the bakubros and kiribaku somehow ended up on top of each other
- gosh you were turned on to the m a x
- their godlike, wet bodies in such a compromising position made you wetter than the water in the damn pool
- you swifly excused yourself and fled to your room where you quickly stripped down and rinsed off
- your mind was full of them
- you loved kirishima, a lot
- he was so fucking sweet and hot at the same time
- the sex was great too but bakugo just amplified all his great traits
- your moans flooded the whole dorm, thank god everyone was still at their respective outings
- "what the fuck y/n?!"
- kirishima stood right in front of your bed, judging by his huge bulge for a long enough time
- "if you want me, just tell me. or do you only want me and bakugo now? am i not manly enough for you?"
- he crawled towards you and you shivered
- his eyes were so dark, if from lust or anger or both you couldn't tell
- "i'll make sure you know who's the manliest guy here."
- he fingered you for hours, overstimulating you severely
- "tell me, who's making you feel this good?! me or bakugo?"
- "you! it's you! eiji, you're fingering me so well, fuck!"
- you never dared to even look in bakugou's direction after that incident
- you didn't need to masturbate anymore, kirishima kept you nice and filled at all times
- because having your girlfriend masturbate eveb though you're dating her just wasn't a sign of manliness
- it was your birthday and he led you to his room, blindfolded
- "happy birthday."
- you lifted your blindfold and there they sat
- both naked and hard
- it had taken kirishima months to convince bakugou
- this was the only and last time you were allowed to masturbate
- "don't even think about this happening again sweetheart."
- you didn't need it to
- you realized that kiri was the man of your dreams
- your sex life only improved further after your birthday
sero hanta
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- you had been crushing on hanta for the longest time
- specifically ever since the usj attack
- kurogiri had obviously taken a liking to you
- you were one of the main reasons tenya could escape as you distracted him with your ass(ets)
- but as soon as tenya had fled, hanta pulled you back with his tape, your back hitting his broad chest
- "if you ever look at her again i'll make sure you'll regret it you disgusting pig!"
- ngl his heart was racing at having you so close to him, ass against his crotch
- while he was praying to not get hard right then right there, you were shaking in his arms, flushed a deep red
- both of you remained like that until mina raised an eyebrow and sent a smirk in your direction
- how she was still able to think something inappropriate in a situation like this was beyond you
- "thank you so much, sero. i really appreciate it. no one's ever defended me like this. now let's kick some ass."
- if he wasn't attrackted to you before this, he definitely is now
- this night you constantly replayed the happenings
- every time his words replayed you threw a pillow across the room squealing
- shit, you couldn't be whipped for a classmate this early on
- you were here to become a hero, not to find love or get distracted by boys
- little did you know that the boys had a meeting in hanta's room gossiping about you
- kirishima was so jealous of how manly sero was
- mineta wanted to know how your ass felt
- oh and he bragged, the boy was enjoying his five minutes of fame
- truth be told he never was popular with girls so he's just so proud he could impress you
- a few months later and your crush grew along with your desire to have him use his tape for something else than hero work
- "y/n you like sero, right?"
- mina is so smart how did she know?!
- you were so flustered and didn't know what to do or say
- "m-maybe?"
- mina's plan was working perfectly, hanta would come out of the shower in a few more seconds
- she knew he only ever snuck out the shower with a towel around his waist
- his room was right across from the showers, it was convenient
- what she didn't plan, though, was a completely naked, semi-erect hanta to show up
- while she quickly ran for her life you were frozen
- "u-uhm..."
- your pussy clenched around nothing, heart beating out of your chest
- his eyes scanned you while your eyes were glued to his abdomen
- who knew he had extremely prominent abdominal v-muscles and a happy trail
- you were done for
- that night you didn't get any sleep, sero's figure keeping you up
- you had masturbated to him before but this night was so intense
- "has anyone seen y/n?"
- sero had planned to confess to you today, but you skipped school??
- no one knew why and he was worried, what if you were sick?
- he went back to the dorms and knocked, once, twice to no avail
- when he heard a stifled moan he decided to let himself in, you sounded distraught
- but what he saw was you on all fours, fingers pumping in and out of your aching, dripping core
- you didn't hear him knocking because of your airpods and your insane focus on the picture of sero on your phone
- "instead of masturbating to me you could simply fuck me, you know?"
- you screamed so LOUD
- "oh, baby, don't scream already, you'll scream enough when i'm done with you. you want me so bad that you're skipping school? i'm honored."
- you didn't know what to do, but seeing him strip out of his uniform and crawl onto your bed
- pressing your upper body down into the mattress and eating you out as if he had been starving for years
- did something to you and when he sat you up and confessed you could only kiss him
- he'll never let you live this down and every bakubro pretty much knows about it because he always tells the same stories when drunk
bakugou katsuki
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- katsuki had told you once that you're forbidden from masturbatring when dating him
- you had obeyed his rules and especially this one for almost two years now
- needless to say the busy schedule of your boyfriend had kept you two separated
- sex life? absent.
- you couldn't take this anymore, plus you really wanted to be a brat today
- you knew when he'd return to the dorms and knowing him he'll head right to bed after
- so you settled on his bed, pulling out a vibrator and slowly starting to guide it all over your body
- you were wearing your cutest set of lingerie
- which was usually reserved for very special occasions but if you wanted to be a brat you had to go all out
- everything around you smelled like him it was heavenly
- before the vibrator even reached your core you were dripping
- if it was his scent, your libido or the adrenaline on purposely breaking the rules responsible you couldn't pinpoint
- the vibrator reached your clit and you almost squealed in pleasure
- it had been so long since anyone had touched you
- you bit down on his shirt he wears to sleep, drowning in pleasure and his scent
- "katsuki, katsuki, katsuki."
- his name was falling from your lips like a mantra as you ground yourself against the toy and your fingers
- "well, well, well. who do we have here?"
- his face was unreadable
- "breaking the rules princess? and i really wanted to fuck you today..."
- "you can still fuck me.. please katsuki, i'm so horny."
- he smirked and leaned down
- "brats don't get what they ask for, now continue. put on a good show for daddy."
- he didn't touch you once that night, only palming his cock and instructing you
- when you came a third time and collapsed he sighed
- "too bad i was really enjoying the show. you were impatient and broke the rules. you can't even be a good slut, i think we have to teach you a lesson, no?"
- the next morning you shakily walked into the classroom
- bakugou's shit eating, cocky grin following you
- when you sat down you almost let out a breathy moan
- your vibrator was tugged neatly into your panties and was set on the highest setting
- you were so embarrassed and on edge the whole time and when aizawa called on you
- you stood up, the change in position making you cum, hard
- your head fell back, your whole body shaking and face red
- "y/n, can you answer my question?"
- you could barely form a sentence when your knees gave in, trembling from your second orgasm crashing over you
- "i'll take her to the nurse."
- you thought katsuki would have mercy on you and remove the vibrator
- but instead he pushed you into a bathroom stall and fucked you senseless
- by the end of it you were on the bathroom floor, uniform stained with his cum and unable to walk on your own
- "learned your lesson?"
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Congrats on 300 followers Hzael! You deserve it! Can I ask for 42 (I'm going to save you from the terrible date you're having) with Aizawa? Thank you! OwO
Hi love! Here’s some knight in shining armor Shota to save you from the other douchebags on donkeys! Hope you enjoy! 
Come save me - Shota Aizawa x Reader 
Cliche with bae event Prompt #42: come save me from the terrible date I’m having  Character: Shota Aizawa - Word count: 1.7k 
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Hunger. Regret. Embarrassment. More regret. Anger. Frustration. A whirlpool of emotions was going through you as you kept your expression as neutral as possible, aggressively cutting the piece of steak in front of you and eating a bit to try and distract you from the man sitting in front of you, talking while he barely made eye contact. You weren’t exactly sure what he was talking about at the moment, but you couldn’t care less. You wanted out of here. Now. How did you even get in this situation?
After dating around some in your circle of friends to no avail, you had finally turned to online dating. You made loads of profiles, installed all the apps, did the matching, the swiping, you name it. Out of the hundreds of possible candidates, you immediately deleted anyone that wasn’t looking for anything serious. You were no teenager anymore, you had a job and a home and you were ready to settle down completely.
Your biggest help in this adventure had been your coworkers and best friends, Hizashi and Shota. The three of you had gone to school together and now all three of you were teaching at U.A. Any guy you’d ever date had to go past these two, and honestly, you didn’t mind. Their protectiveness was endearing and they were pretty good judges of character.
They had been helping you weed out matches, even secretly (but not so secretly) tagged along on dates to make sure it wasn’t some creep. Even though you’d be perfectly fine fending off a creep by yourself, you were a capable hero after all, you really liked them looking out for you.
Now for this date, it had been a little different. You had gotten this match from one of the more expensive sites. The kind where so-called experts matched people based on their personalities and profiles. It took you a whole long time filling in a question list for them, but when you got your match, you were not disappointed. Dating apps and such made you a little more shallow, looks were the first thing you saw on those, but hell, you were pleasantly surprised. Your ultimate match was extremely good-looking. But almost insanely so. Shota grabbed your phone, said ‘probably a douche’, and gave it back. Hizashi only laughed at the remark and let you first read up on his profile.
Your match did a normal office job but had an intelligence-based quirk that allowed him to understand everyone regardless of the language they spoke, which he used in his line of work. He was two years older than you, stable income, own house. He did some volunteering in his free time and most of your hobbies seemed to line up or were compatible at least. It was almost too good to be true, which was exactly what Hizashi said.
“Well, who pays so much money for such a personal dating service and then goes around and lies on their profile? That’d be stupid.” You were zooming in on the pictures he shared, desperately trying to find traces of photoshop, but to no avail. Right as you were about to say something, he sent you the first message. You replied enthusiastically, and a nice conversation was born.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly, and your match had proposed to go have dinner somewhere. It was a pretty fancy restaurant he proposed, but you accepted, it was a nice change to maybe dress up and have an actual fancy date. You were keeping realistic scenario’s in your head but you couldn’t help but wonder if this guy was maybe the one you had been waiting for all along.
The date came along and you were actually in a sour mood before you even got there. Mostly because Shota had been increasingly mean about the guy the more you gushed about him. At some point, you had made a remark about jealousy, and that had caused quite a discussion until Hizashi broke it up and told you to get ready, and he’d be off for a guy’s night with Shota. It had been a while after all, and that way you wouldn’t even have to worry about either of them spying on you during your date.
How you were regretting that now. You wished they had spied on you because this date was a disaster. He had been over twenty minutes late, didn’t tell you the name of the reservation so you were waiting outside in the cold until he finally showed up. He looked great, just like in his pictures, but way less well-kempt than he had been looking on his pictures. You had dressed up in your best dress, had gone to the hairdresser to get your hair on point, applied a subtle amount of makeup to look your best, and appropriate for the date and the location. He was wearing some jeans, a T-shirt that had some spots on it that you didn’t even want to know about.
You smiled anyway, greeting him by holding out your hand, not too keen on hugging a total stranger, but he had gone straight in for a kiss on the cheek, and you noticed how he didn’t smell nice either. It really busted your mood, even more, were you only worth so little effort that he showed up like that? But you kept his hobbies, and all the nice things he had said in chat in mind, and went into the restaurant, putting all your hope in the person he was in your chat messages, which had been a terrible idea.
The food was expensive and way too little, and this man had not stopped talking about himself. The volunteering was a one-time gig, ‘always pleases the ladies’ he had smugly added to the story, and many other things on his profile weren’t exactly lies, but were mostly polished up truths to make him look better. He had gone as far as interrupting you multiple times even after he himself had asked you a question, degraded female heroes and generally any woman who worked because ‘you gotta let men do the job’. He expected his partner to drop their job for him, so he could be the sole provider. He was looking for a housewife, but the way he described it, was more a live-in-maid he could have some intimacy with as well, just whenever he pleased. It made you sick to your stomach and you wanted to leave, but that was not so easy in such a fancy restaurant without possibly causing a commotion.
You briefly excused yourself from the table, and he gave you a pissed-off look because you had clearly interrupted whatever very important thing he was saying. You made a beeline for the bathroom, contemplating for a second to just walk out but again, you had some kind of reputation to uphold. Once in the bathroom, you immediately dialed Shota’s number. He picked up within seconds.
“Let me guess. He’s a douche.” He wasn’t even trying to hide the smug tone in his voice. “He’s terrible… please come save me?” “I don’t know if I can. I mean… I cannot possibly interrupt your date with this perfect, wonderful, beautf-” “Shota I swear to god, get your ass over here. I need you right now.” It was silent for a few seconds, and then you heard a low chuckle before he spoke up again. “One rescue mission coming up.”
He had not put in the slightest effort to hide his annoyance, but you knew he’d show up. You refrained from splashing cold water in your face because you didn’t want to mess up your makeup and headed back into the dining room. He made some remark on how long you took and you focussed back on your plate, inwardly praying Shota wouldn’t take too much time in getting there.
Luckily for you, it was only about fifteen minutes later that you heard some commotion and before you could even look up what had made some other customers make surprised gasps Shouta was standing at your table. In full Eraserhead gear. Not that that differed so much from his usual clothes, but still, very recognizable. You frowned. “Wha-?” “No time for questions. It’s an emergency, got your costume in the car.” You nodded and stood up, apologizing to your date, who was too speechless and too busy comprehending what was going on to come up with a retort.
Shota looked him up and down once as you were making your way to the exit, sending the man one more apologetic look and wave. “You look like you can handle the bill. Hero duties call sir. Good night”
You got in the car, and not five minutes later Shota got in too and started to drive. You weren’t really sure what to say or what to do. “Where’s…” “Hizashi? Got drunk and got home. I just dropped him off when you called.” “Oh…” You were feeling strangely uncomfortable, but you were not really sure why exactly, probably because the argument from earlier was not really resolved yet. “Shota, I’m sorry about-” “Don’t mention it. I could’ve reacted more maturely”
You nodded, looking ahead again. No use for deep discussions when Shota had a road to focus on. You looked around and were surprised to not be going back in the direction of your house. “Where are we going?” “A decent place” “What do you mean?” “Well, it’d be sad if you dressed up all beautiful like that for no reason. I know a place.” You blushed a little and looked at him, his eyes focussed on the road as he said that almost matter-of-a-factly. “Like… like a date?” you almost didn’t dare as k. “Like a date.”
You were speechless. In all your dating adventures you had never even considered the option that the perfect match was around you already all along. “If you’re up for that, if not, I can just drop you off at home?” “No no…”, you smiled, “I’d like that. No surprises with you.” “No stupid profile needed.” He smiled a little from behind the steering wheel and you felt the corners of your mouth curl up too. “No stupid profiles needed indeed.”
You knew what you were going to do when you got home: delete all that bullshit from your laptop and phone. Cause this time, it could really be the one.
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crownin-thestars · 4 years
Hello hello! Welcome to a Wattpad prompt for quarantine! This prompt is called triangle! Yes I know, confusing. But I'm quite proud of my take for this. The story here is actually part of my AU Hermit Falls. So enjoy
Grian was back in the desert, just digging away at the sand. His barge had sold out again and he's nearly out of diamonds from spending it at Impulse's shop.
As he was shovelling the sand into empty shulker boxes, he hit something extra stiff in the grains. Curious, he cleared out the small area and found what looks like a journal. It had a thick, vermilion red cover and the pages had an extremely worn down colour to it, as if it had existed years ago.
Grian pulled it out of the sand and observed it. The book was extremely thick and on the cover was a golden six-fingered hand with the number three on it.
Three? What about the other two? He thought. He opened up the journal to a random page to see what it was about. Grian was amazed at the art, which was amazingly drawn. It seems like the journal was to jot down any new discoveries of the world, more specifically, strange creatures.
This page was about gnomes. They looked like regular garden gnomes, but they were shorter and had much bigger and cute puppy eyes. Though, the writing seemed all over the place, some sentences even written vertically. Wanting to read more, he picked up his shulker boxes and flew straight to his hobbit hole. Of course, making a stop at his barge for restock.
Grian was reading through the damaged book, engrossed in the intriguing creatures in it. According to the first page, this journal had come from someone in Oregon, but he's never heard of a place called Gravity Falls. Perhaps the town went off the map. There was a journal page regarding the writer of the book, but his face was scribbled out, which was a shame.
So many beasts were recorded in this journal, like floating eyeballs, and a shape shifter. There were two pages that had some sort of machinery. He may not be too good at redstone yet, but he can tell if it is or not. It was like an upside down triangle with a semi circle inside it.
There was no way he'd be able to know what it was though, as everything on the pages seemed to be in cryptic characters, or just a jumble of letters. Not even five pages later, he found something very unsettling.
The pages were scribbled all over with black ink, with eyes all over. There were some of those cryptic characters again, but there were also proper readable words in there, but those themselves were creepy enough to get him on the edge of his chair. What scared him the most were the written words 'I was a puppet'.
Of who? He wondered, not sure if he wanted to know at all. Grian quickly turned the page as he couldn't handle the uncomfort they gave him. That didn't exactly help because of the journaling on the next page.
A triangular figure with an eye, a top hat and a tie was on this page, apparently named Bill Cipher. It seemed it was a normal journal at first, but something must have went wrong, as the whole block of text on the first page of it was cancelled out. A large, red text in bold was below the cancelled wording, saying 'Bill can't be trusted'.
Like any normal human being, it terrified him. The next page mentioned to never ever summon him either. Observing the pages more, he realised the similarities of it and the pages he found which summoned NPC Grian. He thought that maybe it wouldn't be too bad looking at the outcome of NPG. Besides, he's Grian. You tell him not to do something, you can bet that he's gonna do it.
The summoning of 'Bill' sounded like gibberish, almost like it was reversed. Suddenly, everything around Grian turned painfully bright. He quickly closed his eyes before his retinas got burned off. After around 10 seconds of eye closure, he felt like he was floating in the void, yet the calmness of it was almost soothing. He opened his eyes and found himself in what looked like a galaxy.
He looked around, nothing but the stars surrounding him. But. . . This happened while 'summoning' it, did he do something wrong? A friendly voice answered that question.
"Howdy there fella!" Grian gasped as he turned around, quickly backing away, clearly startled. "Woah, calm down there blondie. The names Bill." He said, stretching an arm out. Looking at it properly, he saw the familiar triangle shape with the top hat and tie. This was definitely not how he expected Bill to look, he seriously looks like a fancy Dorito.
"Uh. . . Grian." He replied, accepting the handshake. Grian doesn't know why the journal said he was so terrifying, Bill looked like a really friendly guy.
"So, why'd you ask for me?" He said, whipping up a little magic chair for him to sit on, leaving Grian in awe.
"W-well. . . I did it out of curiosity to be honest. . ." He rubbed the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. "There was this journal that said you were dangerous, but looking at you now, you don't seem like that."
"Ah, must have scared the fella a bit." Bill implied, snapping a chair in for Grian to sit. "Why so tense, kid?"
"I'm twenty-six-?"
"Yeah alright. How about a cup of tea? Game of chess?" He proposed, snapping each of them into existence.
"You are one powerful little being, aren't you?" Grian question, smiling as he grabbed a cup of tea.
"Sure! If you say so."
Word count: 986 words
This followed the storyline I had in mind a lot more than I expected 🤩
Hope you enjoyed this :)
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The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky x Reader and Sam x Reader
Background: Willow Roffe was born and raised in Brooklyn. She lived her life as happily as she could with her two childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. When they both left her to join the military she tried to continue with life but that didn't get to happen for her for the simple fact that she meant something to James Buchanan Barnes.
Rated: Story will be over all MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and some eventual smut once the story reaches that point.
Chapter 2
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I stood outside the door of the "avengers tower" as Steve had called it. The building truly was a tower. I'd never seen anything like this in my life. Steve gently pulled my hand to lead me inside. I'm sure he felt like he was dragging a child behind him. All I could do was stare. I tried to look at everything. There was just so many odd things that looked familiar yet completely foreign.
"Welcome back Captain" a pretty blonde woman said as she smiled wide at Steve.
I noticed the deep 'V' in her shirt's neckline. She was wearing a very tight and short skirt as well. My father would beat the absolute hell out of me if I even thought about wearing something like that.
Steve lead me down a small hallway that stopped at some closed metal doors. Steve pushed the lone button on the wall next to the doors. The next second the doors came open. We stepped inside letting the doors close again. It's an elevator but where's the operator? I heard Steve chuckle as he pressed one of the numbered buttons.
"It's completely self efficient now. They no longer need an operator." He smiled down at me.
"How?" I asked him.
"I'm still not entirely sure I just know technology has come a long way. A lot of things have changed."
I nodded staying quiet. I already had so many questions but I didn't want to bombard him with all of them especially since he's only been here for two years.
The metal doors opened up to a very large living space. It was so elegantly decorated. Something you'd see in a film or in a rich person's home possibly. I've never had the luxury of knowing what the finer things in life are.
"I'll introduce you to everyone." Steve smiled walking towards the small stairs leading down to the sitting area.
"Jarvis" Steve said looking up towards the ceiling.
"Yes, Captain?" An odd monotone type of voice sounded like it filled the whole room.
I didn't see anyone at all that the voice could have came from.
"Can you tell everyone to meet me in the living room please." Steve said back to the unknown voice.
"Of course" the voice answered.
"Who was that?" I asked as I stepped farther into the open room.
"Jarvis, he is an AI. Tony created him."
I turned to look at Steve. I know I looked completely confused because I felt completely confused.
"An.. AI? This Tony created a person?" I asked in bewilderment.
"I'll let him explain it." Steve chuckled.
A few minutes later as I walked around the room I heard the footsteps of a few people coming towards us. I turned around to see a small group coming down the few steps to put them in the sitting area.
"Ok, all of you guys already know about Willow but I thought I'd introduce her to all of you." Steve explained.
I walked back over to his side as the others each took a seat around the room.
"This is Natasha Romanoff also known as Black Widow." Steve gestured to the gorgeous red head in extremely tight and revealing clothing.
The woman waved and smiled.
"That's Clint Barton also known as Hawkeye." Steve pointed to the man sitting next to Natasha.
He smiled and nodded.
"The timid genius over there is Bruce Banner who is also the Hulk so I'd avoid irritating him." Steve said with a humorous smile.
Bruce looked embarrassed by what Steve said as he gave me a small smile and wave then looked anywhere but towards me.
"Lastly, this is Tony Stark." Steve barely gestured to the man standing by the counter on the other side of the room.
"Stark?" I questioned remembering that name.
"Capsicle, you forgot to tell her I'm also known as Ironman. I'm also a genius billionaire." Tony said with a cocky grin in place.
"Stark" I repeated the name.
Why can't I remember how I know that name? Wait, of course, Howard Stark. How could I forget him.
"Do you know Howard Stark by chance?" I asked him.
His face fell instantly. I knew I had struck a cord without meaning to.
"Howard was my father." He said simply.
"That's amazing! I met him a few times. My father worked with him on several occasions. He is a great man." I smiled widely.
It was an odd thing to see the son of Howard Stark standing in front of me looking the same age now as his father was the last time I had seen him.
"Well, Willow, what exactly happened to you? Do you remember anything?" Natasha asked leaning forward.
I shook my head. The last thing I remembered it was 1946 now it's suddenly 2013. I'm at a complete loss for 67 years. I should be an old woman right now or maybe even dead.
"I can show you what happened." Tony said suddenly.
"You can?" I asked excitedly.
Tony nodded as he walked to the center of the group.
"Jarvis, open the Hydra Research file." Tony ordered.
"Certainly sir" the voice answered.
Suddenly images appeared to come out of the table Tony was standing in front of. I watched as he moved his hands around which also seemed to move the images. He made one image larger. It was a newspaper article with my photo on it.
The headline read "Local Woman Still Missing After Months of Searching".
The picture was originally of myself and Steve as well as someone else it seemed. I remembered the picture partially. Steve and I were at the Stark Expo. I could see his arm draped around me in the photo but the rest of him was cut out. What I don't remember is who the other arm draped around me belonged to. I only remember being there with Steve.
Tony moved his hand and the photo changed to a moving picture. It was of the same man I met earlier. Fury. He was sitting behind a desk staring straight at me.
"Your mission is simple. This is a research Intel gathering job. You are going in to one of the former Hydra bases in the Swiss Alps. I want as much information as you can gather. We will meet at shield headquarters in 24 hours."
The picture stopped then Tony changed it again. It was another moving picture. I saw several people in head to toe black gear. Most of their faces covered. They carried large weapons. They were walking threw some kind of cave. There was odd equipment everywhere. I recognized a few things. The image seemed to change suddenly to a different area.
"What the hell is that?" I heard a man ask.
Ahead of them were some kind of chambers. There was two of them. One was open and empty while the other was closed with something over the glass to shield what was inside from view. I watched as they used tools to break the door open. It looked like a cloud of smoke that came out of the chamber. Once it cleared I felt every bit of color drain from me.
"That's me" I whispered in shock.
"What the hell?" One of the men questioned in the image.
"We need immediate extraction! I repeat immediate extraction! We found something!" A man shouted loudly.
Two men worked carefully to pick me up out of the chamber and carry me back threw the area they had come threw.
The image changed again. This time I was laying on a table. My skin looked to slowly be gaining color again. A few people in white lab jackets stood around me.
"Do you have any idea who this is yet?" One of them asked.
"I do" the voice came from somewhere unseen.
The video moved to show Fury standing in a doorway. He walked over to where I lay and looked down at me.
"This is Willow Roffe friend of our very own Steve Rogers." He stated.
"What would Hydra want with this woman?" One of the doctors asked.
"That I do not know. Not yet anyway." He seemed bothered by that.
The moving picture stopped and Tony turned to me. He waved his hand and the images disappeared.
"Any questions?" He asked.
"Yea, actually, a lot of them." I answered honestly.
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jxmdndn · 2 years
Original story was by ffnet user SuperSonicPizzaDelivery, who later deactivated, this is just a reupload by me, complete with all author’s notes and just a straight copy, chapters are marked with comments, I do NOT own the story.  Enjoy :)
CHAPTER FIVE: Enter the Werehog
((Or, alternate title, What the frick took so long?))
Sonic had been convulsing in sheer agony, his entire body on feeling like it was on fire. The pain, so much pain... what did Shadow do to me? His bones shifted and cracked, his face twisted unnaturally, and his vision blurred in and out, clouded by what appeared to be purple puffs of smoke. Through his own shrieking and howling, he could only hear a few snippets of words between Shadow and the Professor.
"What's wrong with him? Why is his body doing that?"
"I tried to warn you..."
How could he do this? I thought he might be mad, but...
"It is an artificial essence of Dark Gaia."
"What is a Dark Gaia?"
Shadow, it hurts, make it stop...
"...drove the whole world mad..."
It felt as though his blood were boiling over. We're friends, right? We were always... friends... before. Why?
"I thought it was an antidote."
"The Doctor never did anything to him."
Can you... please.
"We have to help him!"
Please... Shadow... I'm begging you... I'll do anything... just... please... make it...
The pain stopped. Sonic patted down his entire body, concluding that everything on him was exactly as it had before, save for a small lump on his arm where the needle had gone in. He panted in relief, taking deep breaths of air. Thank Chaos, he thought, it's all over. He was his usual self, except for one bit of biting anger. "Shadow," he yelled," what did you do to me?"
Shadow looked upset. "I don't know... I thought it was an antidote, but apparently, it was the experiment."
"Wait a minute; you injected something into me without knowing one hundred percent what it was?" Sonic said incredulously. Either that was extremely reckless of him, or- and Sonic hated to think this, but- Shadow had no interest in the outcome.
"I did what I had to. I was told you were going to die, or have your speed taken away, and that this would fix it." Shadow was staring at the ground, avoiding eye contact with the blue hedgehog out of embarrassment. Sonic somehow knew that Shadow was genuinely trying to look out for him, but for some reason, he was still angry.
"Well, and who says I'm not? We don't know what that stuff is, Shadow. Maybe it's killing me slowly, or going to paralyze me."
"Actually," the fair skinned man interjected, "I can assure you that you will not die." Sonic shot him a glance, and the Professor explained, "If you were going to die, it would've been immediately after contact."
Face met palm. "Oh, great," Sonic said sarcastically, "Well, it's good to know that I survived something that could've potentially killed me."
"The odds of you dying were always very low, Sonic. Especially sense you've been exposed to very similar substances before."
This was news to Sonic. He hadn't gotten a needle stuck in him since an ill fated visit to Doctor Mario's a long time ago (which, believe me, is a long and embarassing story that he would rather not repeat.) His bewilderment must have shown on his face, because Professor Crudele sighed. "You really don't remember, do you? That sensation didn't remind you of anything?"
Sonic shook his head, though deep down he thought otherwise. If it was something that bad, I don't think I want to remember.
The Professor continued, "I suppose if the serum really works, you'll recall tonight."
Sonic panicked. "Wha-what? What is it going to do to me? What's going to happen tonight?"
"Hopefully, nothing. It was designed to be a weak dose. I'm not even positive it'll do anything."
Sonic scoffed at the man. "Yeah, do nothing but cause some of the most painful moments of my life." Although, he thought, it was about on par with... nah, couldn't be. Dark Gaia was sealed away years ago, and he's not due to come out for eons. It couldn't be that.
He glanced over at Shadow, looking closely at his scarlet eyes. As far as he knew, Shadow had no idea that a few years ago he turned into a beast at night. In fact, he didn't see Shadow at all during the time the Earth split open, which was just fine by him. He barely tolerates me now. If he knew what I used to become, there's no way that he could ever... Sonic shook his head. That was years ago, and he wanted to move forward.
The black hedgehog looked a little perturbed by Sonic's staring, but the Ultimate Lifeform must have concluded that his blue friend was alright. "Let's leave this place," he declared, "and obviously, we'll leave the Professor here, given his true allegiances."
The Professor balked. "Wha-what are you saying?"
"It's pretty obvious that you're working with Eggman. You know too much about this substance to be an innocent bystander!"
The Professor scowled. "This isn't exactly what I had in mind," he pointed out, "Yes, I did design it, but I was going to try the experiments on feral animals in the safety of my own lab. I didn't ask to be kidnapped, and I didn't want anything like this to befall your friend. You can't just leave me here."
Sonic sighed. "I hate to say it, but he's right. Even if what he made did that to me, it wasn't his fault."
"Are you serious?" Shadow yelled, "You're going to risk your life for the person who could've ended yours?"
Sonic didn't answer, and he didn't need to. Always the hero, Shadow thought to himself. "Fine," he bristled, "but if his extra weight proves to be a problem, then we drop him."
Sonic smiled. "Sounds good by me. Now let's get the heck outta here."
The two shared a glance as Shadow picked up the stick thin man, nodded, and took off at high speeds, failing to notice the malicious glint that was in the Professor's eye.
The constant pounding of Sonic's shoes against the floor mixed with the steady scraping of Shadow's skates for form a whirring sound. Shadow elected to carry the Professor because he thought that Sonic must be tired; after all, Sonic hadn't slept in over a day, and while Shadow hadn't either, he didn't need much sleep to function. The Professor was uncomfortable to carry, though. His bones dug into the Ultimate Lifeform's arms as he held on tight, not being used to such high speeds. Don't this man ever eat?Shadow thought, shifting the man around in his arms. Why does that faker even want to take him? This is so ludicrous. He was thankful that getting out of the base was much easier than getting in had been, with the robots already destroyed. Fighting with this dead weight in his arms would make things rather difficult.
Still, he respected Sonic's wishes. He was still angry at himself for trusting the Doctor with Sonic. I just took him at his word. I could say I was tired, that I wasn't thinking clearly, that I was emotionally involved. But it doesn't change anything. The black hedgehog scowled at himself as he reached the edge of the base. "Where should we go now?" the black hedgehog asked, turning to his blue companion.
Sonic grinned and flashed him a thumbs up. "I figured we'd go to mine and Tail's place. He has all sorts of scientific equipment in the basement, so he should be able to help us find out what to do about that... stuff that you stuck in my arm."
The black hedgehog nodded in agreement. At least he doesn't seem too angry about what happened, he thought thankfully, even if I still am. "Then let's hurry. And Sonic?"
"Yes, Shadow?"
"If you want to 'have fun' so badly, I'll race you there."
Sonic grinned back at him. He's so cute when he smiles, Shadow thought abruptly, then immediately shoved the thought out of his head. "Alright then," the blue hedgehog said, "An exhausted speed runner and an Ultimate Lifeform with extra weight. This should be interesting."
Shadow let out a small grin. "May the best hedgehog win."
And so, the two of them took off, leaving nothing but blue and black blurs behind them. For hours, they pressed the limits of their legs, moving at speeds to fast that it took every ounce of their concentration not to run into anything. Every once in a while, Sonic would sneak a side glance at Shadow. He seems pretty happy with himself, he thought. I don't get it. Just yesterday, he was attacking me, but today... Sonic didn't understand the black hedgehog. He was more similar to him than anyone else he knew; Shadow had the same speed, the same determination, and, much as Sonic didn't want to admit it, they both had troubled pasts. But at the same time, he was an enigma. Shadow never said a thing if something was wrong and mostly kept to himself. Nobody knew much about him, but Sonic imagined that it must be lonely.
Why do I care? It's sad, but... as much as I want to, if Shadow doesn't let me in, I can't force him.
Still, for the rest of the race, Sonic couldn't help but feel a certain sadness. Once this is done, he decided, I want to tell him everything. Why I left so suddenly yesterday, why I don't talk to him as much as I should, why I'm so eager whenever I see him. Or is it even worth it?
In the late afternoon, when they were beginning to feel the effects of fatigue, they saw the house in the distance, nothing standing in the way but green hills and the fading light of the blue sky. The two hedgehogs were panting hard, the Professor clinging for dear life and twitching from shock, as they went in for the final stretch. After hours of almost silence, Shadow and Sonic yelled as their legs buckled under the pressure of the final sprint. Shadow had visibly strained as he pulled ahead, leaning forward into the wind. But Sonic yelled for another reason entirely, suddenly coming to a stop. Shadow had reached the house first before his knees gave way and the Professor tumbled out of his arms.
"I won, faker," Shadow said with an air of pride, but when he turned around any happiness he may have been given from his win seemed to drain from his face.
Sonic was on all fours, feeling something in him begin to stir. It was as though his blood itself were bubbling and shifting, a dire warning of things to come. This feeling again, Sonic thought, why is it so familiar?
"Sonic!" Shadow cried out, "What's going on?" The black hedgehog began to approach his racing opponent.
"Stop!" Sonic yelled, lifting his hand to keep Shadow away. But when he looked at it, he noticed the flesh of his hand was shifting underneath his glove. Wait a minute, it couldn't be... His hand grew too large for the glove, tearing through it to reveal grey blue fur and new, sharp claws.
"So this is what you meant by me knowing at sundown, isn't it?" the hedgehog growled at the Professor, but he noticed that even as he spoke his throat shifted, making his voice deeper, more animalistic. I thought I'd never have to do this again, he thought, but soon the pain spread beyond his blood to his entire body, every inch changing. He screamed, his eyes shedding involuntary tears, and he inwardly asked for it all to just end.
"What's happening to him?" Shadow was saying, concerned.
"This is the effect that Dark Gaia has on a pure soul," the Professor answered, "which, apparently, my formula can replicate."
"Why would you make something like that?"
"I was being paid. This isn't my typical field, you know. I wanted to study the Chaos emeralds, but I couldn't dream of getting my hands on them unless I worked with Eggman."
"So this was all about payment for you? You knew this could've happened!"
"The probability of Sonic having a pure soul in addition to being a channel for Chaos energy was extremely slim. I thought he would be like most people and just act like he was drunk."
"Does that look like he's drunk to you?"
Sonic twitched and writhed, the pain slowly fading away into a dull throb, and he sighed in relief before passing out in the form of a Werehog.
((Yay, the fun part! I had to put this up a day early because I am spending four hours tomorrow morning taking a final exam and all afternoon and evening in airports trying to get home. I'm sure nobody minds. Actually, a lot more people are reading this than I expected them too.))
CHAPTER SIX: Long Conversations and Plans Being Made
((The following chapter is almost entirely dialogue, which I suck at writing and hate reading. However, after this it's only fun stuff for a while, and this just finishes establishing context. Please bear with me and tell me what I can do better. Up a day early again because internet is spotty and I'll take advantage of it while I can.))
Tails heard the doorbell ringing from the basement, where he was repairing a piece of the Tornado. I hope that's Sonic, he thought, but deep down he knew that it probably wasn't. For one, Sonic probably wouldn't ring the doorbell to his own house. More likely, he would just walk in, opening the door quickly, and prop his feet up on the coffeetable, yelling that he was home.
The young fox stood out of his chair, placing a wrench on the table and turning to the television on the far wall. Ever since he got the message from Eggman and Sonic left, Tails used what had become a typical procedure; he would go to the basement, which doubled as a bomb shelter, turn on the news in case any reports came in, and bide his time by working at the desk until further notice. He hated being cooped up, but without the Tornado in use, Tails couldn't keep up with Sonic, and in this matter, time was of the essence.
Tails wasn't useless by any stretch. In fact, in terms of mechanical engineering and academic work, Tails was a prodigy, on par with graduate level students when most kids his age were still getting the hang of basic algebra. In fact, his work as a research assistant provided most of the house's income. When he wasn't analyzing something under a microscope, he was reverse engineering one of Eggman's robots or building one of his own. Time and time again, the machines he made helped Sonic and company escape a dire situation. But when it came down to it, he was just a kid, and therefore, he was vulnerable. And Sonic was nothing if not protective of his friends.
He sighed, switching off the television and pressing the intercom button on the wall. "I'll be right there," he said, a small quiver in his voice. He climbed the stairs slowly.Please don't let it be Eggman, please don't let it be Eggman, he hoped to himself, though that possibility was also slim; if it were Eggman, the place would be swarmed with robots. When he opened the door, the realization that it was not, in fact, Eggman, was instantaneous, which relieved him for a moment before processing who was actually behind the door instead. "Shadow?" the young fox boy asked, "What's that big furry thing in your arms?"
Shadow blushed involuntarily. "You probably won't believe me, but this is Sonic," the black hedgehog answered. "Doctor Eggman did something to him." Upon closer inspection, it did appear to be Sonic. But not the Sonic he knew. No, this was Sonic like he was years ago, during worldwide turmoil.
Tails looked beyond Shadow to see the wheezing Professor on all fours. "What's he doing here?" Tails said with a small bite of anger, "Didn't he do this?"
Shadow shook his head solemnly. "It is his, and the Doctor's, and my doing, though I think only the Doctor actually wanted this outcome."
"I don't want him in my house!" Tails said, spreading his arms, legs, and tails out to block the door, "That man is a horrible person. What he did to all those Mobians... what he did to Sonic..."
"Sonic was the one who asked me to bring him here." Tails looked at Shadow with surprised eyes before the black hedgehog continued. "If it were up to me I would've left him back at Eggman's base. But he wouldn't let me."
It didn't surprise Tails at all. Sonic always tried to do the right thing, even if it wasn't convenient or practical. But to help that man, when he himself was in such bad condition, was another story. "I don't know."
"Please, young man," the Professor pleaded, "I know what I have done, but I honestly have no other place to go."
Tails looked into the man's eyes, and he saw his saddened face. He couldn't help but feel a certain amount of pity; though he obviously had seen a lot more battle and hardship than someone his age normally would, he was still a child at heart, and something in him wanted to help this poor man.
He turned to face Shadow, who was still holding Sonic- or whatever Sonic had turned into- in his arms. "Is he still alive?" he asked hesitantly.
Shadow looked down into the ball of fur, his eyes softening. "Yes, he is still alive. Not concious at the moment, and I don't know how much of his sensibilities he has in this form, but he's alive."
Tails sighed, glad that his closest friend was at least somewhat okay. "Fine," he said, turning to the Professor, "You're allowed to stay. But if you touch any of my equipment or any of us even once, you're going back outside."
The Professor dropped his shoulders in relief. "Grazie, grazie," he responded enthusiastically, smiling with relief and fiercely shaking the fox's hand.
"But I have one condition."
"Whatever you want, I will do it. I swear."
"You have to help us change him back."
Once inside the house, Shadow put Sonic gently onto the couch, taking great care to not wake him. He let go of the now dark blue hedgehog and took a few steps back, taking a moment to look at what was now before him. Sonic no longer had the bright blue fur or the . I'm supposed to be scared right now, he thought, but he looks so... fluffy. He recalled after picking him up that Sonic's spines had been replaced with soft fur, but at the moment he was too preoccupied to notice. I wonder if it's okay to touch him...just for a moment. Shadow's face flushed. Stop it! You were going to leave him behind, remember? Besides, this is definitely not the time for that. He's not even conscious, you idiot.
The black hedgehog turned his head and saw Tails, looking very worried. "I think he's going to be fine. I'm hoping this is just because of a lack of sleep."
This confession didn't seem to ease Tail's worries, but the young fox nodded back at him. "Well we won't know for sure until he wakes up, anyway. We should really start making a plan to reverse the effects."
The young fox and the black hedgehog walked over to the kitchen table, where Professor Crudele was already sitting, a cup of hot tea in front of him. "So what is it that you need me to tell you?" the Professor asked of them.
Shadow slammed his hands on the table. "For starters, why did Sonic turn into that... thing."
"I believe I can explain that one," Tails said. Shadow's eyes widened. What is that kid talking about? "A few years ago," the fox continued, "do you remember how the world split open and everybody was acting really strangely at night?"
"I remember the world splitting, but as for people acting strangely, I'm afraid I wouldn't know. I don't remember nights from back then too clearly."
It figures, Tails thought, Shadow always gets amnesia at the worst of times. "Well, back then, the entire world was effected by fragments of a primordial force called Dark Gaia."
"What?" Shadow snapped. Dark Gaia... that's what the Professor had said earlier. But he hadn't understood what the man had been saying. "Are you saying everyone was like this?"
Tails crossed his arms. "People didn't transform at night, if that's what you're talking about. At least, not like that," he said gesturing to Sonic.
The Professor took a sip from his tea. "That is correct. I've been studying the effects of Dark Gaia in conjunction with Chaos energy. I hypothesized- and I was correct- that normal people, with minimal control over Chaos energy, would only be effected in behavior. However, a being like Sonic, who can channel and use Chaos energy through his body, has a special property that causes him to transform."
Tails continued off of the Professor, "And if this kind of transformation is anything like last time, he should still have control over his actions." Last time?Shadow thought. So this did happen before.
The Professor nodded. "Yes. As I recall, a soul that is completely pure can resist the effects Dark Gaia may have on the mind. The ancient texts referred to it as light banishing the darkness."
Shadow stirred. "But then why does he still change? And if Dark Gaia was linked to the earth splitting open, why doesn't it still effect the planet?"
The Professor sighed. "I'm afraid it's my fault. You see, when the earth closed again, all the fragments of Dark Gaia were consolidated and sealed back inside the planet. All except for one."
Tails and Shadow flinched in surprise. This was news to the both of them.
"The piece that was given to me was approximately of the same use to Dark Gaia as a sliver of hair, so minuscule it didn't even matter. It was only by sure luck that the Doctor found such a rare specimen."
Tails and Shadow looked at each other. Lucky, the black hedgehog thought, or aided by a rift in the universe that gave him as much time as he needed to look. The hedgehog scowled. "And you chose do research on this substance anyway? It's dangerous! You could have hurt someone! And now you did."
The Professor glared at Shadow. "I never thought he was going to actually use something like this on Sonic. This new form actually gives him added strength and the ability to elongate his limbs at will. It makes him a very formidable foe. I thought the Doctor wanted to inject himself with it to get the added strength he saw in Sonic, and I obliged knowing that the most he would get is violent mood swings. I did not want this to befall your friend."
Tails grew angry. "How am I supposed to believe you when you experimented on hundreds of Sapients like me?"
The Professor grew quiet. "That was several years ago. You have no idea what's it's like to be under so much pressure to get results, to get published. It consumes your life. After I was fired from Spagonia University, I realized just how erratic my actions were."
"You liar!" Tails yelled, "No amount of pressure is worth doing something like that to innocent people. All of those creatures suffered, and now you want me to believe..."
"Enough, Tails," Shadow interrupted. "We need to let the man help us. I know better than anyone what it's like to be the subject of experiments against your will, but this man's research may be the key to helping Sonic." Shadow closed his eyes. All throughout his youth on the ARK, he was constantly watched, injected, poked, prodded, and measured in the name of science. At times, he used to consider just breaking out of the ARK, letting himself fall and burn in the atmosphere, making it end. But his moments with Maria were enough for him to want to stay alive. And as for the men who experimented on him, in the end, when they fell, their faces were filled with the same regret and sadness.
Shadow shook his head, clearing himself of the memories. That was the past, he determined, and I need to focus what's at stake now. "Professor," he said, "I'll have you know that you will still receive consequences for your actions. But for the moment, if you will help us, we need you."
Professor Crudele set his cup down on the table. "I will. As I was about to say, the sliver of Dark Gaia faded quickly after prolonged separation from its source, but I analyzed it thoroughly enough in the time I had to create a very similar substance. It behaves in much the same way that Dark Gaia does, but unlike the actual substance, it does not want to consolidate with natural Dark Gaia, but with more artificial substances."
Shadow was annoyed. "How does that help us at all?"
"It means," the Professor said, "at least according to my theory, that the artificial substance in your friend will react the same way Dark Gaia did when the Chaos Emeralds were gathered."
Tails lit up, hopeful. There just might be a cure after all. "That's right! When the emeralds gathered last time, Sonic lost the Werehog form after he turned Super Sonic."
Shadow turned and looked at him in agreement. "So if we gather all the emeralds," he concluded, "we can cure Sonic of the Werehog."
Suddenly, Shadow heard a stirring from the other end of the room. "If that's true," a gravelly voice continued, "then we have some searching to do." Shadow turned to face the voice, and he saw that it had come from was Sonic; awake, well, and despite all appearances, just as confident as ever. The large wolf- hedgehog hybrid seemed even bigger when he was standing up; his arms were as thick as tree trunks, and Shadow could see his muscles even through the fur. Fangs poked out of his mouth, and the claws on his hands looked like they could slice through concrete. But his eyes... they were the same emerald green as before. There was something about those eyes that made Shadow's stomach jump. They were just so...
He shook his head. Get your head straight, idiot. This is not the time to have your head in the clouds. "Sonic, we still don't know what kind of effect this... form has on your body. I think you need to see a doctor to check your system for anything that could cause you harm."
The Professor stood up. "We don't have time for a lengthy examination process right now." The Professor ambled by the window of in the kitchen, looking up into the night sky. "Sonic is to receive a second inoculation on the night of the full moon, when the currently very weak essence of Dark Gaia will have adjusted to its host. Sonic may be able to survive one dose, but two doses would either kill him or overpower him."
Shadow stirred. "What do you mean, overpower him?"
The Professor sat back down. "Quite simple, really," he said, taking one last sip of tea. "Sonic would be lost to the beast."
((God, I hate writing dialogue, and this chapter was full of it, but now that everything is established, I can write the fun stuff. Adventure! Intrique! Romance! Horror! All that jazz.
Reviews are always appreciated, 500%, so please leave a note.))
CHAPTER SEVEN: Who You Are Inside
((This chapter is short because I was at LeakyCon this past weekend and therefore writing mostly very bad Harry Potter fanfiction which I may or may not actually put online. In addition to general geekery, I also went to some panels on fanfic and slash fic that gave me some new ideas. So in a few chapters, those ideas will come into play.
Sadly, though, the internet here is spotty, so if I don't update on time, I'm sorry. I'll update when I get the internet to work, which may or may not be twice a week.
And now, for the chapter.))
Doctor Eggman was grinning to himself as he sat in a chair in his base, looking at one of his many monitors. Upon it was footage from a few years ago, all Sonic fighting in his Werehog form. "I must say, I even surprise myself sometimes at my sheer brilliance! The idea of replicating the effects of Dark Gaia on Sonic is one of my best plans yet!"
Orbot looked at the Doctor, his mechanical eyes half shut. "But Doctor, didn't Sonic eventually escape the facility with Shadow, destroying all your security robots?"
Doctor Eggman turned his head to face his robotic companion. "You don't think I realize that? In fact, I'm glad Shadow came when he did. I wasn't entirely sure how I'd get Sonic to hold still long enough to inject him with the stuff, but then I didn't even have to."
"He still escaped, sir. And he seems to still have control over his personality."
"It's not as though he can do much about his situation now anyway. Besides, I don't have the resources to keep Sonic locked up for almost a whole month. My energy bill would go through the roof!"
Orbot let out a robotic sigh. "You were using Chaos Energy to contain him."
"A difficult task, I might add."
"So your energy bill would probably not be..."
Eggman slammed his fist down on an empty spot on the control panel. "Will you stop that? Honestly, this is how I get thanked for programming you in the first place. I should dissassemble you and use you for spare parts."
Cubot came up to the Doctor, "You know, you always say that to me, but you never actually do it. I'm beginning to wonder if it's all empty threats to you."
"Silence, the both of you." The Doctor rubbed his forehead. "The fact of the matter is, he escaped because I wanted him too. You see, there is more to this plan than meets the eye."
"Such as?"
The Doctor smiled, his crooked teeth showing. "As we speak, Sonic is looking for the Chaos Emeralds. Once he gathers all of them, he will likely return here, aiming to stop me. Instead of gathering them myself, I can have my nemesis do it for me. And when he gets here," he clapped his hands together, "I'll have all the Chaos Emeralds and an evil Sonic at my disposal. Eggmanland will become a reality, and I'll rule the world!"
"But how will we know he's gathering the Emeralds?" Cubot inquired.
The Doctor turned back to the screen, pressing a button on the dashboard. Sonic the Werehog was replaced with a view of the inside of the hero's house.
"I have a man on the inside."
Sonic was sick of talking, sick of sitting, sick of waiting around. Despite the Professor's urging that there was little time to spare, Tails still insisted on at least getting fur and blood samples (the fur, Sonic didn't mind so much, but the blood sample took a long time to get because "I've had enough needles for one day"), as well as giving Sonic a communicator so Tails could keep in touch with him. The whole process of poking, prodding, and preparing took a few hours, but the moment Tails said he located the first Chaos emerald, Sonic rushed out the door.
The night air greeted the werehog like an old friend. Sonic took a deep breath of air, fighting the sudden but faint urge to howl. I may look like one, but I'm no dog, he decided, so I better not act like one.
He was just about to start running when he heard the door to the house open and close behind him. "You may want to mind your strength," a deep voice commented. "The doorknob was bent."
Sonic turned around to see Shadow adjusting his gloves. His heart skipped a beat upon seeing him there, though he couldn't quite place why. "What are you doing?" Sonic said, trying and failing to make his voice sound normal.
Shadow finished adjusting his gloves and walked closer to Sonic. "I'm going with you," he stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"But why?"
The black hedgehog tensed up a bit. Was that a blush on his face? Sonic wondered. No, it can't be. I'm seeing things. It's dark out. It would make sense.
"Because," the black hedgehog said, "I can't exactly trust you on your own, especially like this."
Sonic looked at the ground. He can't trust me? The thought stung. Shadow...
"Besides," he continued, avoiding eye contact, "I don't want you to get hurt." The words were spoken with a soft tenderness, and Sonic knew that the Ultimate Lifeform was telling the truth. But I don't want him to see me when I'm like this, Sonic inwardly panicked. I don't want him to see me as a monster.
Trying desperately to cover his tracks, Sonic turned his back on Shadow. "We-well, I don't need your help with this. I can do it on my own."
"Sonic!" The Ultimate Lifeform yelled, but Sonic had already started to run away.
Sonic smirked at first, but after a few moments, he realized after a few steps that this body, which was nowhere near as aerodynamic as his real body, had a tendency to trip over itself. The massive paws and muscles on his arms made them hard to move with his steps, resulting in accidentally hitting himself many times in a row.
He heard the scratching sound of Shadow's hoverskates getting louder and louder, and his heart began to race. Forget my dignity, Sonic thought, I just need to get away. He can't see me like this. Sonic transitioned to what disturbingly felt more natural, running on all fours. His arms stretched out and pulled the werehog further, making him go faster than before, but it still wasn't enough. Darn it, I'm too slow like this, Sonic admitted. Maybe I'm faster than the average person like this, but compared to Shadow, I can barely run at all. He began to slow down, resigning himself to this fact. He had forgotten about how slow everything felt, but it didn't matter so much back then; at night, he only changed up his fighting style. But up against Shadow, where speed counted, he lost. It was maddening.
Sonic had come to a full stop now, realizing the implications of what he just did. It was that easy to make me act like an animal, huh. Just a twinge of fear was all it took.He turned his head and saw Shadow, who was now up next to him, bearing a sad look in his eyes. "Shadow," the werehog said, "I really am a monster, aren't I?" He tried to make it sound like a joke, but his voice cracked in the middle. Sonic hated this. He hated all of it.
Shadow grabbed Sonic's hand (er, paw) and started to drag him down a ways. "Whoa, man, what are you doing?" Sonic said, disturbed that he could barely keep up with his former rival. Shadow didn't answer until, after almost a mile, the two came upon a pool of water. "Walk over to the water, Sonic," the black hedgehog said gruffly.
Sonic flinched, but he obliged, slowly stepping towards the edge. "What is this about, Shadow?"
"Look down at your reflection," he asked, "And tell me, what color are your eyes?"
The hero glanced down, seeing himself in the gently waving water. "They're green. Same as always."
He looked up to see Shadow nodding. "There's a famous saying that eyes are the windows to the soul. They reflect our fears, our hopes, our courage. Now look again. Are the eyes you see the eyes of a monster?"
Sonic froze. What is Shadow trying to say to me? he wondered. I thought he hated me. I thought he would be scared. The black hedgehog waited a minute, and then grabbed his arm again. "You said it yourself. They're the same as always. You're the same as always. You have the same ambition and tenacity that you always have, the same drive to help others, the same inherent goodness inside of you. Don't you dare call yourself a monster. If anyone here is a monster, it's..." Shadow stopped suddenly, as though trying to stop himself from sharing a terrible secret. "Well, anyway. There isn't any time for inane prattle. Do you have the coordinates for the first Chaos Emerald?"
Sonic came back to life, looking at Shadow. "Tails sent them on the communicator a few minutes ago. I was actually on my way there." He took out the communicator and showed the screen to Shadow, a blinking red light near their apparent destination. Shadow seemed surprised. "That's..."
"You're familiar with that place?"
"How could I not be? That's my house!"
((This chapter was slightly shorter again, but I thought if I added much more to it, it would lose impact. Anyway, I think Shadow and Sonic are being adorable, but they need to get some action. What do you think they should do? Put some suggestions in the reviews. I'm only a few chapters ahead of this point in writing, and I have a feeling you might have some good ideas.))
CHAPTER EIGHT: A Yellow Emerald to Guide the Way
((The internet got fixed, so I'm back to the Wednesday/Saturday schedule for the rest of the month.))
Rouge once again arrived home after a day of working at GUN. Lately, all they had her do was paperwork, as there was nothing warranting her involvement in terms of missions at the moment. It felt like a waste of time to her, but it paid the bills, and that's all that counted. "Shadow?" she yelled as she opened the door, only to see all the lights turned off, everything unmoved since that morning. She sighed. When she had woken up this morning, Shadow had already been gone. She guessed that he left in the middle of the night, probably on another journey to "find himself" or some other nonsense. She wasn't too worried; he did this a lot, and usually he came back within a few days. Still, it was lonely to have this big house all to herself, and Shadow was surprisingly good company.
She flew over to the kitchen and took out a tea kettle, beginning to heat some water. Some tea would be just the thing during a quiet night in...
Suddenly, she heard a knocking, and then some yelling coming from outside. She recognized one of the voices as Shadow's, but the other was deep and gravelly. Shadow's not normally one for making new friends, she thought, bracing herself for the sounds of fighting coming outside the house. Instead, she heard the door open, Shadow entering the house with a giant... wolf? "Whoa whoa whoa, what's going on here?" Rouge complained. "This is still my house, you know, and I don't like the look of that guy! He could shed on the carpet."
The wolf stirred, an twinge of sadness sweeping across his face. "So you really don't recognize me like this," the wolf mumbled. The comment confused Rouge. He does look sort of familiar, she thought, but I haven't met any wolves before. She took a moment to take in the creature's wide muscular arms and shaggy mane. At least, none that looked like that.
"We don't have time for this," Shadow grumbled to the wolf. The Ultimate Lifeform turned to Rouge and asked calmly, "Rouge, where are you keeping the Chaos Emerald?"
Darn, I've been caught, she realized. "I don't know what you're talking about," she attempted to lie, but Shadow cut her off.
"Don't be cute with me. I know the Emerald's here. We have its energy signal locked on, and it shows it as being in the house. I certainly didn't take it."
Rouge scoffed. "Fine. Guilty. But why should I give it to you?" The black hedgehog and his furry acquaintance exchanged a glance, but Rouge took no note of it. "All the world's jewels are mine, and I found it fair and square."
"You mean you took it!" Shadow interrupted.
She laughed at him. "Since when you you care about the morality of what I do? The fact is that it's mine, and I'm not telling you where it is."
The wolf walked up to her, putting an arm on her shoulder. "Please, Rouge," he said with a deep sincerity, "It's hard to explain, but..."
She slapped his arm off, prompting a worrisome look from the wolf. "And not another word from you, you giant furball. Why should I care what you think?"
Shadow yelled and pinned Rouge to the wall. The wolf's eyes widened, and he yelled out, "Shadow, stop! Rouge is a friend!" The bat choked, Shadow's arm up against her neck. "Shadow... what are you..." she said between coughs, but he wasn't letting her have it.
"That 'furball'," he shouted at her, "is Sonic, and if we don't get all the emeralds soon, he could die!"
What? She was shocked. That thing was Sonic? "She gets it, Shadow. Put her down!" the gravelly voice yelled. Shadow tensed for a moment, then scowled as he put Rouge down. It has to be Sonic, she concluded. He's the only one Shadow would listen to. She put her hands on her throat, gasping for air. "Oh my God..." she whispered, slowly getting her voice back. "So... it really is Big Blue in there, huh?"
The wolf puffed up his chest. "The one and only," he said proudly, showing his telltale confidence.
The bat was finally breathing steadily again. "It's obvious something terrible has happened. Normally I wouldn't give up one of the precious emeralds, but," she said, glancing at Shadow, "if it really is such a dire circumstance, I won't stand in your way." She gestured with her whole hand to the stairs. "The emerald is in my dresser, second shelf from the top. You shouldn't have any trouble finding it."
The black hedgehog nodded his head, and in a flash he had already left. Sonic and Rouge stood alone awkwardly for a moment, until Rouge let out a coy smile. "Tell me, Sonic," she said, "Just how does a twerp like you turn into a thing like that?"
One of the reasons that Shadow never wanted to go into Rouge's room is because it was always extremely filthy. There were clothes and papers strewn about everywhere; he couldn't even see the floor through all of her things. Just because she can fly doesn't give her an excuse to leave her things strewn about the floor. Shadow scowled. Maybe it was his upbringing in the military strictness of the ARK, but he always made a strong effort to keep everything in its place. Clothes in the closet (though there weren't many), hoverskates on a placemat near the door, and books on the bookshelf, strictly sorted by genre, then author. He didn't own much other than those three things, but given how little of his time he spent at the house, the spartan conditions didn't bother him so much. He didn't need much of anything.
She said that the Chaos Emerald was in the dresser, second drawer from the top... In retrospect, he probably should have guessed that. The black hedgehog recalled that when he first moved in, that was where she said to store his valuables. "It's an old thief's trick," she had said, "to go from the bottom drawer to the top when you're stealing things. That way you don't waste time opening and shutting drawers when the owners could return at any minute. But some people will just want to grab something fast and go for the top drawer first, so anything important should go in the second drawer down." Of course, Shadow paid no mind to such things, as he didn't own anything especially valuable and Rouge had a state of the art security system anyway. He kicked himself for not paying more attention back then. The Ultimate Lifeform was supposed to have near unparalleled intellect, in addition to his near invulnerability and physical excellence, but apparently that didn't mean he remembered everything.
He tiptoed across the bedroom, trying to only step on clothes that seemed dirty anyway, and after a few minutes of the extremely awkward stepping he reached her dresser. Second from the top, he reminded himself, but when he opened it he couldn't help but groan. The entire drawer was filled with gems. Rubies, amethysts, diamonds, almost any kind of precious rock would be in that drawer. I wonder how many of these she actually just 'found,' he brooded, but quickly returned to task. He thought, at first, that it would be hard to find the Chaos Emerald in the drawer's, well, chaos. But when he reached his hand in the drawer, he felt the light tug of Chaos Energy reacting to his body. Shadow glanced in the upper left corner, and there it was; a large, shining yellow Chaos Emerald, lighting up as if to make Shadow' job easier. The black hedgehog picked up the Emerald, and he could feel the Chaos Energy moving by his arm. I hope this does work, Sonic, he thought, because if we're going to look for the rest of the Chaos Emeralds, it will be a long and arduous journey.
Shadow closed the drawer and repeated his awkward dance across the room, feeling like a fool until he reached the door and went downstairs. There, he saw Rouge alone. "Where did Sonic go?" the black hedgehog asked."
"I sent him to get supplies for your trip. From what he said, you guys have a long road ahead of you."
Shadow turned his head, avoiding eye contact and not responding. The bat suddenly got serious. "Are you sure you're ready for this, Shadow? A few days ago, you couldn't even go to his birthday party because or how you felt. If you go with him now, you'll be around him constantly for the next month. It won't just be fighting. You'll have to eat and sleep together as well."
"What's your point?" the black hedgehog asked pointedly.
Rouge sighed. "I just know that if I were around someone I cared about so much all the time, knowing nothing would happen... It would be soul crushing. I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into."
Shadow turned back to Rouge. "I appreciate your concern," he began, "but if I don't go and something happens to him because he isn't used to his form, or because he can't gather the emeralds in time, it will have been my fault." Shadow was already filled with regret over his past. How he could've saved Maria, how he hurt innocent people, how he came so close to helping Black Doom. If Sonic were added to the list, it might just be enough to crush him.
Rouge seemed to understand this on some level because she nodded. Almost as if on cue, Sonic returned with two ragged bags in his arms. "I'm sorry that took so long," he grumbled, "I can't run very fast, and it turns out that when people see a werehog in the store, they don't assume it wants to shop." The dark blue werehog put the bags on the table to reveal a first aid kit, two blankets, some basic cooking supplies, and a water bottle. "Tails made the communicator so it could hold a certain amount, and Shadow has that leather bag I saw him with earlier, so between the two of us we could carry all this." Shadow panicked. The gift, he worried. To his horror, the werehog had stretched his arm out to grab the bag from the other end of the table and attempted to open it.
Shadow hastily snatched the bag away. "I can pack the supplies myself," he attempted to say confidently, hastily turning the bag in such a way that the flap hid the gift from sight. Sonic looked surprised, but said nothing at the sudden outburst. Rouge, however, stifled a laugh. Oh, shut up, he thought.
"In any case," Sonic replied, "Now that we have the Chaos Emerald, we should put it in the communicator."
Shadow lifted an eye ridge. "Why do we need to put it there?" he inquired.
The werehog smirked, revealing one of his large fangs. "Tails has worked with the Chaos Emeralds before, so he configured it to use the energy to boost the signal. He said that somehow the Emeralds , but his techno babble is all Greek to me."
Shadow nodded, walking over to the device, which was at Sonic's end of the table. He placed the Emerald inside, and almost immediately, the screen lit up. "It looks like it's already getting a signal," Sonic remarked, "coming from just west of Apotos." The hero stood up; it was obvious that he wanted to get going immediately, though Shadow didn't know if it was because the werehog knew he would take much longer traveling in this form, or if the punk was just antsy.
"You head out and start heading towards Apotos. I'll finish things here and catch up with you."
Sonic scowled. "You just love being faster than me, don't you?" he mumbled to himself, but quickly returned to his pleasant demeanor as he went out the door, rushing out on all fours. Shadow winced after he left, seeing that the mutt had ruined yet another doorknob.
"What am I going to do with him?" Shadow grumbled.
"I'm sure you'll think of something. You'll have plenty of time for it anyway."
Shadow nodded. "I should probably leave. I don't trust Sonic on his own like this."
"Like an animal?" Rouge asked.
He shook his head. "He may not look it at the moment, but he's still Sonic. But being like this, having this dark part of him showing... it's wearing on him more than he lets on."
With a half smile, Rouge gestured towards the entrance, the door still open. "Then go after him," she pushed, "No use waiting around here."
Shadow nodded in reply and walked towards the door.
"Oh, and Shadow?" Rouge piped in once more.
"Yes?" he answered as he stepped outside.
"Don't get your heart broken."
0 notes
luninosity · 6 years
I'm sorry but I've been a follower of yours blog for a few months I think even a year now and as much as I respect you as a writer and love how you write for characters and settings I'm a little disturbed by going in your search engine of finding out that you are a wincest fan? Do you still support wincest? Or was that just a thing in the past you done. It makes me kinda uncomfortable now reading your stories and know that my fav writer liked incest
Okay, gosh, let’s unpack this! There’re at least two questions, and one very big and somewhat concerning assumption about the nature of fanfic, here. So let’s start with that…
First - and I’m not saying this assumption’s your fault, especially if you are a Younger Fandom Person; this was much more widely understood even, oh, about five years ago, I think - let’s be very clear: reading or writing something in fanfic does not equate to approving of that thing in real life. Got it? Let’s say it again:
Reading or writing something in fanfic does not equate to approving of that thing in real life.
Think of all the fanfic tropes that deal with non-con, or dubious consent, or extreme kink, or kidnapping, or torture scenes, or whatever else you’re thinking about now that I’ve brought it up. People read and write fic for all sorts of reasons - to explore and interrogate reactions to trauma or desire, to think about the various sides and desires of characters (and by implication all of humanity), to personally cope with situations that may’ve happened, to reclaim pleasure in a safe fictional space, to explore a “what if” in a safe fictional space - you can never really know someone’s reason for writing a fic unless they flat-out tell you, and even then that’s just what they choose to disclose. (I’ve written non-con, to pick an example - I’ve certainly written it in at least one RPF story, and I obviously don’t wish that upon the actor in question in real life! I’ve also written kidnapping and torture scenes! I’m planning to write a sex pollen Evanstan fic, the sequel to the witch!Seb and temporarily-hexed-into-a-puppy!Chris fic! Which hopefully will be a little bit funny and a little bit hot and decadent, and will also deal with questions of consent and the first time they have sex in this relationship and some related Big Themes in a safe and playful context, but which, again, I would never want to see actually happen to them in real life - that’d be genuinely horrific! Separation of fiction and reality, right? And also Seb’s not a witch, as far as we know! And Chris Evans doesn’t randomly turn into a puppy!) (Well, maybe that last one… :-p) (Kidding, kidding…)
So! Okay, we’re all clear on that? Good! Moving on to the question part, which is really two questions: did I write Wincest, and is it something I still do?
To the second, because that’s a shorter answer: no, I don’t write any SPN-related fic anymore, and haven’t for a few years. Mostly it’s out of sheer disillusionment with the show overall - I still have a soft spot for Sam and Dean, and for Jared and Jensen, and I still watch the show (it’s research; I’ve gotten a couple of academic articles out of it), and I might still occasionally reblog a cute pic or two or react to a massive plot development. But I’m not really invested emotionally anymore, and I have to be, in order to write fic of any type. So don’t be expecting any SPN fic of any type, Wincest or Dean/Castiel (honestly, unpopular opinion time - and this is my personal opinion, no reflection on anyone who feels differently: I don’t actually like Castiel as a character…) or, heck, I don’t know, John Winchester/Bobby Singer, none of that, to show up on this blog, at least nothing new. :-p
To the first: yes, I wrote…two? three? I forget? Sam/Dean fics, like maybe ten or so (has it been that long?! when was season four? that was around when I posted the first one) years ago; the first one was by request, and then I wrote a couple more because that one opened the floodgates, kind of, and I had a couple of ideas. I also wrote, oh, two or three J2 RPF fics. I was still learning how to be a writer and they probably aren’t very good, honestly. The context for this was right around seasons 3-5 - and, frankly, Sam and Dean were presented as the most important people to each other, co-dependent (hell, the show even said, as I recall, “erotically” co-dependent), Sam had demon blood things going on anyway, and they were obviously the people without whom each other’s lives would not be complete (I’d argue that this dynamic has shifted, but that’s a whole new post), and that invited exploration of this kind of relationship, with the heightened and (arguably, but academics have persistently noted this in the show’s gaze and use of narrative tropes, particularly in early seasons; there’s been scholarly work on this) passionately charged intensity. (Again, see above, about exploring narratives and spaces in fiction that one would not condone in real life!)
So, am I embarrassed about it? Nah, or only insofar as the writing’s not great and I totally did things like the Bathroom Revelation Cliche, and so on. It’s part of my fandom history, and it’s fanfic, not real life, with all the context surrounding that fictional relationship. (Better fic writers than me have spent a lot of time explaining why Sam/Dean is worth exploring - there’s some brilliant meta on that, or there used to be, back on LJ; I don’t have any good links anymore unfortunately - I’m sure you can go and find them if you want to look into fandom history and context and culture, as we should all probably do from time to time!) But do I write that pairing anymore? Nah, though not because I’ve decided it’s Morally Wrong or whatever; no, I’m just out of room to care, or to care deeply enough to be inspired to create, anyway.
Hope that answers that!
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troutfishinginmusic · 5 years
Essay: The difficult humanity of Iggy Pop’s solo discography
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Most interviewers will talk about The Stooges, maybe touch on the Bowie years and leap to whatever album Iggy Pop is currently promoting. There’s a lot of history missing in between all that.
Iggy’s solo discography, from New Values to Après, is a lot to take in. It truly runs the gamut, from radio pleas to experimental fuck-offs.  I’ll try to provide nuance and context wherever possible as I go through each kind of Iggy record from this period. That said, it isn’t an easy body of work to assess.
Here comes success: Pop albums
Iggy’s attempts to fit into the mainstream are fascinating. New Values (1979) possibly had the the greatest chance to become a hit. It’s an album that does a fine job threading the needle of Iggy’s punk, avant-garde and pop sides. You don’t have to imagine too hard to see a song like “Tell Me a Story” getting radio play.
New Values also may be one of Iggy’s strongest solo albums. Songs like “New Values,” “I’m Bored” and “Five Foot One” are undeniable classics. There are few flaws to be found (I’ll get to that later).
There’s a genuine commitment to the material on Party (1981), but crossover mega-stardom proved to be  elusive. It may have been hard for audiences to forget this guy making radio moves was someone who, only a few years prior, was known for rolling on broken glass.
It’s a bummer because there’s more to Party than the cover would lead you to believe. It’s a solid 80s album with more lyrical depth than what you’d find on the radio in that era. No one could argue it’s his best, but you can definitely put it on and not skip a track.
I met you out at the Mardi Gras On a French Quarter sidewalk When you kissed me, it was strong I wonder if you'll hear this song
- “Pumpin’ for Jill” from Party
Iggy lets his crooning take center stage for the first time as well. It’s more fully developed on later albums like Preliminers or Avenue B, but it didn’t have far to go. His version of “Sea of Love” on Party is one of the best, falling just short of Cat Power’s cover.
Blah-Blah-Blah (1986) is just a well-executed 80s pop record, but you do get the nagging feeling it doesn’t feel as natural as other Iggy albums. The best songs are one’s like “Cry for Love” where he brings out his incredible goth-y croon to great affect. And it’s hard to hate a song like “Real Wild Child (Wild Child)” even if it is desperately clawing at the pop charts.
Solider is solid but doesn’t quite reach the heights of the focused, but flawed, New Values. “Take Care of Me” and “I Need More” are great, straight forward punk songs. “Mr. Dynamite” is one of his better stabs at incorporating pop and avant-garde. “Loco Mosquito” is a solid pop song that slips in punk lyrics. “Get Up and Get Out” is a rare feminist song that works perfectly in its simplicity.
I'm wondering fellas if you've heard the news The chicks are sick and tired of being abused Now I saw all this on the wide screen You know that chick Bette Davis split right out of the scene
- “Get Up and Get Out” from Soldier
“I’m a Conservative” is Iggy’s tongue-in-cheek lyricism firing on all cylinders. It’s placed next to “Dog Food” where Iggy thumbs his nose up at all the stereotypes people had hung on his shoulders up to that point, for better or worse.  
Cold Metal: LOUD rock albums
Iggy has consistently said how boring big dumb rock albums are in interviews, especially Nu Metal. Yet at different points he still feels a need to put up a big ugly noise, while slipping in interesting lyrics, just to prove he can. This has meant different things at different points.
If you can get past the terrible hair metal-esque cover art and seriously flawed production, Instinct (1988) is actually kind of interesting. It pales next to the Stooges albums, but if you’re more partial to the rocking side of Iggy’s career you could do worse. Some highlights include “Easy Rider,” “Cold Metal,” “Strong Girl” and “High on You.”
The worst of these “rocking” albums, and possibly his worst album overall, might be Naughty Little Doggie (1996). It’s just sort of an embarrassing slog. The best songs (like “Knucklehead”) are passable and have a nice grinding blues-y thing going on. It sounds like the album a rocker would make to stay up to date with punks in the 90s.
Naughty Little Doggie also contains some repulsive and confessional lyrics, which I’ll get to later. It’s an understatement to say this thing is probably questionable to a lot of ears, but it is important.
American Caesar (1993) is interesting. It sounds like Iggy striking a good balance between rocking out and introspection. It’s also sort of a concept record.
“Jealousy” is a great acoustic song with simmering hatred just barely contained. There’s a great “Louie, Louie” cover that adds some political commentary. “Boogie Boy” is probably his best song making fun of big dumb rock music. There are standout songs, but the thing works best when you listen to the whole thing.
Now every mornin’ I wake up at nine I'm eating cheerios with red wine I'm reading that book but it's not too good Cuz my boogie head is made outta wood It's a fact i get so much joy When i can go out and be a boggie boy
- “Boogie Boy” from American Caesar
American Caesar is very long, with a runtime of over 70 minutes. You have to be in the mood for it and ready to hang in there for the whole thing.
As I revisited all of these albums I was shocked by how much I liked Beat ‘Em Up (2001). It’s extremely heavy and extremely funny. I made the mistake of reading reviews about it before I actually listened to it. It’s much more than a big dumb rock album.
A song like “Football” does a lot of things at once and somehow succeeds.  Iggy is able to make a song where he imagines himself as a football being thrown around sound oddly touching. “Mask” and “V.I.P.” are are some of his best rant-y songs in a long career of them. 
Complicated crushed up disappointed squirming angry thrusting stabbing regretting starving greedy human alien being, struggling down the street, up the alley, in the elevator, through the party, to the office, in the bedroom, on your way to the morgue.
- “Mask” from Beat ‘Em Up
It’s also HEAVY. It may even be heavier than the Stooges records in some ways. Mooseman from Body Count joins his band, The Trolls, on the album to provide some great lowend (sadly it was his last album). I never thought I’d find myself getting into this album but it’s actually pretty fantastic, although a bit long. 
It’s totally what The Weirdness should’ve been. With a bit of time I could see this being a bit of a cult classic. Plus it gave birth to this great performance.
Till wrong feels right: Famous collaborator albums
Brick by Brick (1990) is a well-constructed early 90s rock record and it sounds like it. It’s damn catchy, especially “Candy.” It features session pros and rock royalty from the time like Slash. It’s all executed well, but it’s not really something you’ll return to often.
One interesting song on Brick by Brick is “Butt City,” which is as goofy the title suggests but does slip in a some pretty good social commentary about racial profiling by police. This and “Mixing the Colors” from American Caesar explain Iggy’s views on race in a plain way, which was overdue.
The cops are well-groomed, with Muscled physiques in Butt Town Their tan uniforms are tailored in chic In Butt Town Any young black male who walks down the street Is going to get stopped by a car full of meat But the girl with the hair Flies by in her underwear
- “Butt Town” from Brick by Brick
Skull Ring (2003) is an album that is the epitome of hit or miss. Iggy brought in marquee punks like Green Day and Sum 41 and it actually kind of works. His Peaches collaborations on the album are fascinating but aren’t songs you’ll come back to often. Their best collaboration is a song called “Kick It” on the Peaches’ album Fatherfucker.
The bad songs with new collaborators are at least interesting. Strangely, songs with the newly reformed Stooges and previous backing band The Trolls are the ones that don’t jump out. There are a few gems like “Superbabe,” “Whatever” and “Dead Rockstar,” though.
King of the dogs: French albums
The French albums Iggy made are both stunners. They seem ridiculous on first blush but, once you get over your own preconceptions, they’re great.
Préliminaires (2009) has it’s roots in a Michel Houellebecq’s novel, New Orleans Jazz and bleak existentialism. “King of the Dogs” is such a perfectly suited cover for Iggy. “I Want to Go to the Beach” is a devastatingly minimal plea. “Party Time” is a goofy song with a very 80s propulsive bassline. I can’t say enough good things about this album.
Après (2012) is great in a lot of the same ways but is a more straight forward covers album. The selection is great. His version of Yoko Ono’s “Going Away Smiling” is perfect, though it’s hard to beat the original. There are also some great Serge Gainsbourg, Beatles and Cole Porter covers. This is definitely worth seeking out.
Buried in a melting coffin: Experimental albums
It’s been resurrected with the documentary Gimme Danger, but most don’t think about the Stooges being one of the first noise rock bands. This is apparent in some of their discography, but the very early version of the band (when they were called the Psychedelic Stooges) supposedly sounded like The Melvins. Iggy even played the vacuum during shows. There are no recordings from this period. This is all relayed by Iggy in many different interviews. He was also very closely associated with the Andy Warhol crew and drew from a variety of boundary pushing influences as a record store clerk in Ann Arbor. In his solo discography, this willingness to push boundaries comes out on occasion. 
Zombie Birdhouse (1982) was recorded in Haiti, following Party. It’s a very difficult album to unpack, so I’ll do so carefully. Imagine Iggy made his version of David Bowie’s Lodger album, at least in terms of lyrical content. Most of the album revolves around the idea of an American in a place he doesn’t understand. It’s the most political thing he ever recorded.
The opener “Run Like a Villain” depicts America bombing its poorer adversaries. It’s a wonder that he rarely ever made songs like this since it’s so effective. For example:
Big Dick is a thumbs-up guy He shot a missile in the sky It functioned just as advertised Until the fire made him cry 
“Run Like a Villain Zombie Birdhouse
“The Villagers” is a bit hard to take but it fits the tourist theme of the album. “Watching the News” is a super experimental song about Iggy doing just that in a very uncomfortable, but effective way. “Ordinary Bummer” and “Platonic” are solid ballads. The best songs are the uptempo “Eat or Be Eaten” and “The Horse Song.” The ladder has these crazy drone-y parts that are molded into something insanely catchy. I’d submit it as one of the best songs he’s ever done.
This is such a vastly underrated album that was sadly undercut a bit by the production at the time. That’s since been improved on the remastered version, which I can’t recommend enough.
Avenue B (1999) is very reflective. It’s jazzy and slower moving than most of his discography. My guess is that his new album, Free, is going to be very similar to this based on the songs that have been released so far. That’s a good thing.
Collaborators like John Medeski provide a great foundation for Iggy’s lyrics to be on full display. Everything from acoustic guitars to bongos crop up, creating a subdued and gentle springboard to dive off. 
You can tell Avenue B was an album he wanted to make for a long time. It explores a lot of difficult things. From being in love with fascist to the problems of a relationship with a much younger woman.
This is a course corrective from Naughty Little Doggie, picking up where “Look Away” left off. It’s the beginning of Iggy becoming a bit more accountable for his past. There are still some cringe-y moments, especially on the otherwise great “I Felt the Luxury,” that don’t age well. But, on the whole, it’s honest and the start of a new chapter.
(Don’t) look away: Contradictions and skeletons
You don’t have to look hard through Iggy’s solo discography to find "problematic” lyrics. The messages aren’t always handled well but they’re more honest than anything you’ll find on a typical rock record. That’s an important distinction.
There’s a sense of willful forgetfulness rock fans have about teenage groupies. Every now and again I’ll hear a movie like Almost Famous called “dated,” even though that’s totally what happened at the time. While many thinkpieces point to the fact that there were laws in place that made this illegal at the time, they totally miss the point about public perception on this issue. Just because there is a law on the books doesn’t mean people will care or follow it. This wasn’t just a rock star problem, even if it’s easier to tell ourselves that.
Pretty much every rock icon you can name from the 80s and earlier has this skeleton in their closet. Iggy is no different in this regard.
The difference maybe is honesty. “Look Away,” from the album Naughty Little Doggie, is a very unpleasant but real song. It doesn’t romanticize the power imbalance and lays it out simply in the first line.
The song discusses Iggy’s relationship with Sable Starr and her subsequent doomed relationship with Johnny Thunders. You’re not going to hear a confession like that on an album by Jimmy Page or the Eagles, even though they have more reason to clench up about the topic. Honesty doesn’t make it easy, though. In Iggy’s own words in the song “What we did once, I wouldn't do again.” Hopefully that’s true.
I don’t excuse any of this, it’s terrible. Especially on an album with a creepy, leering song like “Pussy Walk.” Naughty Little Doggie is a difficult album to sort  out. Yet it does lay bare all the downsides of the glam lifestyle (which in many ways he was a part of) and abandons any mythologizing about it. I do think we can discuss these things and learn from them, but I would never recommend anyone buy this record. If you want a reason to not listen further, this is it.
The flip side is that Iggy has been an ardent supporter of feminist art throughout his career and obviously didn’t see creeping on teen girls as a contradiction. He should’ve known better and been held accountable, along with scores of other artists from his era. We know better now.
It seems he does too and has been working to change this prior to the metoo era and has never tried to act like something he’s not. In recent years he has made a tangible efforts to correct these past mistakes, which I don’t see other artists from his era doing. He has recently raised money for the Girls Rock Camp Alliance charity. He’s championed independent female artists like U.S. Girls, Pins, Le Butcherttes, Noveller and countless others. Small steps, but steps nonetheless.
On the whole Iggy been way ahead of the curve on race politics, but has one awfully ignorant song on his album New Values. His views are made a bit clearer on American Caesar and Brick by Brick, but this is still something worth discussing.
In pretty much every interview he’s given he’s made sure to promote the black music that gave birth to rock and roll. Early in his career he backed black musicians as a drummer and has collaborated with them throughout his career. He drew influence from traditions that weren’t his own and made something totally unique. He didn’t steal from other cultures. That’s far ahead of the time.
What isn’t is a song like “African Man” which was either intended to be edgy or goofy, but just ends up being kind of racist. There’s no way around that. It’s just a terrible song that ruins the near perfect New Values. It’s a fucking bummer it was ever recorded and I sincerely hope it doesn’t give someone the idea that it’s funny to say something like that.
I would chalk this up to ignorance that a good deal of white people had at the time. Movies and cartoons depicted Africans as savages and cannibals. I think this is what he was trying to replicate and possibly parody. For someone who supposedly had an interest in social anthropology early in life, I’m surprised he would utilize a stereotype that blatant. This makes me personally think it was supposed to be a parody. There comes a point where none of that matters, though. It sadly ends up giving comfort to those who hold backwards views on race.
I’d love to actually know his thoughts on this stuff, but no one actually asks about it in interviews. It’s frustrating because it’s an issue he gets right more often than not. It’s better to confront these things than to pretend they don’t exist. I think that’s the only way forward.
There is one moment where he does apologize for accidentally using a dated term in a past interview. Maybe that’s a good indication of how he feels today.
Break into your heart: Conclusions
It’s hard to write objectively about an artist who means a lot to you. I tried for years to figure out a way to do this coherently (it probably didn’t end up working). I saw a few OK lists spring up dissecting some of these albums, but they always seemed to just graze the surface. There was always something lacking.
They missed the honesty and humanity on display through a long and complicated career. They would mythologize the usual parts. They would gloss over the difficult parts. They would diminish the efforts for something better.
To me Iggy was a catalyst that didn’t just birth a movement for disengaged youths to stick safety pins through their noses. It was much more than that. He opened a door for marginalized people to scream about the oppression they face daily. He promoted difficult and confrontational art. He is a mirror for America’s best and worst impulses.
For me, and many others, his life represents a struggle to survive and keep getting better. He’s survived bad reviews, severe drug addiction, divorces and a host of other things. There’s something so powerful to that simple notion of getting back up after falling hard that many times. I think that’s why, despite his flaws, people still care.
It’s been difficult to grapple with some of the regrettable parts of his discography. I think everyone is doing that now with their record collections in some way. There are no easy answers. It really comes down to how you want to engage with art and commerce. I’m not going to preach to you or tell you how you should interact with art. Iggy Pop is a lot of things, but above all else he is transparent. I can live with that.
After some deserved success and recognition with Post Pop Depression, he’s ready to step out on a limb with his new album Free. I can’t wait to hear it.
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eorumverba · 7 years
hi can you write a youtuber au with taekey??? something like a boyfriend tag or something cute and fluffy like that. i'm really enjoying reading all of your writings :D tysm
i love youtuber aus…………….
“So after the last live, there have been tons of requests for me to properly introduce Tae, and since I just hit a million - which, thank you by the way - I figured, why not now? So we didn’t really…plan out anything, so we’ll just see how this goes.”
Kibum is kind of famous on Youtube. He’s close to hitting a million subscribers, and while he’s not that focused on the number of subscribers, he is extremely grateful, and has been thinking about what to do for a million for weeks, but he doesn’t figure out what to do until he’s busy doing a live on Instagram (he’s kind of famous there) and Taemin stumbles into their bedroom, flopping down onto bed and nuzzling into Kibum, eyes still shut.
“Make me breakfast?” he mumbles, evidently not realizing that he’s live for thousands to see, more than half asleep, soft and sleepy around the edges.
“In a minute, I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”
Taemin grumbles under his breath and presses his nose into Kibum’s shoulder, letting out a long yawn before squirming closer and holding Kibum close. The comments that are flying past the screen are all saying variations of the same thing now: asking who that is, saying that he’s really cute, some asking if he’s single.
“This is Taemin,” Kibum decides to say, quiet in case Taemin is drifting off again, “my boyfriend. So no, he’s not single. And yeah, he is pretty cute, when he’s not being…well, Taemin.”
Taemin looks up and only then connects the phone in Kibum’s hand to Instagram and to Youtube and, “Oh.”
“They’re all talking about you, Tae.” Kibum passes the phone to Taemin, who squints at the comments and then blinks rapidly as he tries to read them all.
“There’s too much.”
“Just pick some questions and answer them, silly. It’s not that hard.”
“Or you can give me the phone back?”
Taemin pouts at Kibum before sitting up and focusing on the comments. He giggles under his breath at some before saying, “How did Kibummie and I meet? That’s a good story…we had dance together back in high school, and I was super intimidated because - have you seen him dance? He’s amazing, and I wanted to talk to him, but he always had this bitch frown on his face so it took me months to go over to him and I don’t even know what I said, but he just looked at me and I ran away, and well. I was mortified and I almost didn’t go back to dance the next day, but he came over and asked to stretch with me and we kinda just…got closer. I don’t think we started officially dating until college? But no one was surprised when it happened. Jonghyun-hyung-”
(“Jonghyun.948 on Youtube, check out his stuff.” Kibum interrupts, mostly out of habit.)
“Jonghyun-hyung,” Taemin starts again, “lost a bet over it actually. He-”
Kibum looks up when Taemin stops abruptly, but it’s only because Taemin is covering his flustered smile with his hand. Someone probably called him cute then, or something like that. Kibum’s followers are all super sweet like that.
“Kibummie’s still here, yeah. Uh, no - I don’t have a channel. Will we ever do a dance for you guys? Maybe? I’ve never thought about it actually. I do still dance, yeah.” Taemin hides another smile and shakes his head before thrusting the phone back to Kibum, but his eyes are sparkling and he looks like he’s thoroughly enjoyed himself.
“Your followers are all really nice, Kibummie.”
“I know, they’re the best. Although, I do have to end this so I can make Tae something to eat, so say bye, Taeminnie.” Kibum tilts the phone and Taemin smiles and waves, leaning into the frame as Kibum says his goodbyes before ending the live.
“That was fun, I see why you do these so often now. Now, breakfast?”
Kibum nods and follows Taemin to the kitchen, but instead of thinking about what to make for them to eat, his mind is on what he’s just decided to do for one million subscribers.
That one million comes not two weeks later, and once Kibum explains what he wants to do, it’s all too easy to get Taemin to agree - so once Taemin comes home from teaching his last lessons and is showered, they set up in the living room where the lighting is best. Kibum runs through his usual intro before taking a breath and saying, “I don’t know how many of you managed to catch my last live, but as you can see, we have a special guest here - introduce yourself?”
“Uh, I’m Taemin, and I’m Kibum’s boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you all?” Taemin breaks out into a laugh and Kibum knows then that this will be a good one.
“So after the last live, there have been tons of requests for me to properly introduce Tae, and since I just hit a million - which, thank you by the way - I figured, why not now? So we didn’t really…plan out anything, so we’ll just see how this goes.”
A long pause (that will be edited out) before Kibum starts again, “So we’ve known each other since high school, and we had dance class together. Do you wanna…?”
“Uh, yeah okay. So-” Taemin laughs again, “Kibummie is really sweet, but I was really intimidated by him at first? He would always frown at dance and he was so good and I wanted to…I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to learn from him? But yeah, it took me months to talk to him, and I said something stupid-”
“Something about my shoes, actually.”
“Shut up, I was nervous. Anyway, I almost didn’t go to practice the next day because…well, Kibum can be very intimidating. But he came over to me and asked to stretch with me, and we kind of just…kept talking.”
“I actually thought Tae was amazing for a freshman, so I was a little intimidated by him. But he was so silly when he came up to me that I wanted to get closer to him. And we hit it off almost immediately-”
“We did this dance performance together at the end of the year and this one was so excited at how well it turned out that he kissed me. Which was crazy? Because we got close quickly and it seemed obvious that we’d eventually start dating, but…yeah. It was nice.”
“Nice as in he blinked and stammered something for a few seconds before his parents came backstage. He looked like a startled deer, it was pretty cute.”
“Listen, if we’re doing embarrassing moments, nothing will top the way - remember at Jonghyun’s birthday?”
“Oh my god, I hate you.”
“So for Jjong’s birthday - it was his last year at college and Kibum’s third? And my first I think. But yeah, we went to Jeju, and the place we were staying at had three floors, and the stairs to the third were really small and steep, so no one really went up there, but there was this huge tv up there so the five of us were watching movies before bed, and Kibum and I went to refill the popcorn and I was in front of him, and all of a sudden I hear this bang and I turn around and Kibum’s just on the floor on his butt, and his eyes were so wide and-” Taemin breaks off into laughter and Kibum rolls his eyes, shoving him to the side and giving into the apologetic, giggly kisses that Taemin promptly begins to press to his cheeks.
“I think I tweeted about it, actually.”
“But yeah, we didn’t actually officially date until like…Kibum’s last year of college. At this point, everyone thought we were dating already, but girls still kept coming up to him-”
“You as well!”
“But mostly you, Kibummie. And like…we’d kissed already and we’d been on what I thought were dates, but he’d still flirt with these girls even if I was there, so-”
“You thought I was flirting? I was just being nice!”
Taemin’s lips fall into a pout and Kibum rolls his eyes again before facing the camera again. “Anyway, what else? Our first kiss was kind of anticlimactic, so our second kiss…”
“That was at Jonghyun’s party too, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, on the stairs, not the ones I fell on. Do we have any cute kiss stories?”
“I mean, that time we went ice skating was cute. We went during winter break and Kibummie can’t skate, so we held hands the whole time and at one point, I was skating backwards and tugging Kibum along, and we were holding hands so I just…stopped and when he bumped into me I grabbed him by the waist and kissed him. It was cute until one of our friends bumped into us at full speed, totally on accident.”
“We fell down and Tae had to sit down for a while so we shared some hot cocoa, so it turned out well.” Taemin pauses, then frowns a little. “What now?”
“I think we can end it there, don’t you?”
“Yeah, it’s good.”
“Then…Tae will be around if you guys want to see more of him, maybe I’ll record some of his dancing for you all. Which I guess means we’ll have to choreograph a duet, doesn’t it?”
Kibum leans over to kiss Taemin’s cheek, but as he pulls away, Taemin catches him and drags him back in for a proper, albeit chaste kiss. And after that, Kibum runs through his usual outro with Taemin’s hand warm on his thigh, before turning off the webcam and ending the video.
“That was fun, we should do it more.”
“You could make a channel yourself.”
“That’s too much work though, and I’d forget the password. Kibummie, please?”
“Okay, we can. Come on, get off of me so I can edit this.”
“I’ll start on dinner-”
“I’ll…order pizza.”
“Better.” Kibum mutters, mostly under his breath. Taemin immediately begins to sulk, so Kibum leans over and kisses his cheek before saying, “I love you so much.”
As expected, Taemin melts into the touch before mumbling, “Love you too.”
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