#i'm giggling like a schoolgirl rn
awlumii · 2 years
"have a look at the case files" okay, boyfriend
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
hello hi yes before i catch up on MITD i would just like to say that Lee Joon Hyuk as Kang Ok/the copycat *cough* in Vigilante is in fact the fandom designated bisexual who serves c*nt and he is glorious in it, that is all
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zoe-is-amazingg · 1 year
You're just not my type Prt 3
Jock!Ethan Landry X Guitarist!F!Reader
W/C - 1.5 K
Summary - Ethan definitely has an idea about what you think about him
Warnings - just making out.
A/N - I'm so happy i'm trying to finish this rn. im also done wit the flashbacks sooo
Last part * Next part *
Request rules * Taglist request *
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You slowly walk into school, your headphones over your ears, it's been a week since you've last seen Bryce and you're living for it. You practically wanted nothing to do with him and recently, someone else was definitely trying to get in with you.
Ethan, that is.
He has been interacting with you all week, talking to you, flirting with you, he even has been asking you about your guitar. You weren't used to all this male attention surrounding you. Ethan's friends were slowly talking to you, finding you interesting and asking things about you too.
But out of all of them, Ethan is the one that you seem to like the most. He seems caring and kind and nice. He was cute as hell, but you really didn't want this to be another Bryce situation where he ends up being a dick to you in five days.
You're walking and just minding your own business when someone pulls off your headphones and you turn around. Of course, it was Ethan.
"Ethan give them back!" You huff as he puts them on his head. You really wanted to go to art early. He nods his head and hums to the tune of the song just a little bit before he takes them off and puts them around your neck.
"Is that...Your own music?" He asks you, looking deeper into your eyes than anyone else ever has before. He had this strong cologne on and on top of how his hair looked it the sun, it was intoxicating to you. You wanted to rip the varsity jacket off and kiss him.
"Uh, yes, actually. It's just something I've been working on for the moment, nothing too special." You state and He nods. He smirks at you and then steps back.
"That's really good," He states, and you blush, what the hell was happening to you. In a minute you'll start giggling like a fucking schoolgirl. "Can I meet you in the music room after this class. I really want to hear you play in person." You shake your head, and he sighs. You look into his eyes for a moment and groan. "Fuck it, sure, I'll see you there."
You slowly walk away and sigh as you put your headphones over your ears. You arrive at art, being a bit over 5 minutes late, you were never late and by the way everyone was looking at you, you could tell their thinking the same. You take your headphones off and take your seat at the back.
"Gentlemen and Gentlewoman, I really want this next piece for your portfolio to really tell me about your emotions." The teacher says. You weren't one for emotions really, but maybe these new feelings for your browned haired friend could bring out some good work. "I want this to reflect what the past month has been like in about three to five paintings, show me your emotions and the journey that your emotions go through."
"What the hell." You mumble. This month for you has been terrible, except for the past week. Your friend, Casey, looks at you. He was a great artist and an even better friend; he calls you constantly.
"I know you're not good with your emotions, but you should really use your feelings for Ethan. Their only blossoming into new for you, Bryce was a shit dude. Ethan seems like he's good for you. You seem happier." That was deep as hell. What the fuck.
You will admit to yourself that you do seem happier ever since Ethan's come into your life. So maybe that party was worth it. "I don't know, he asked me to meet him after this class to get him to watch me play. I don't know if I should go." You mumble.
"Y/N. I swear to god. If you don't go, you'll wish you did because I'll legit kill you." Casey says and you groan. "Fuck you, fuck it. I'll go!" You groan.
"Yessss! Please do! He loves you! It's so obvious." Casey rolls his eyes. You roll your eyes and get up and walk away. You put on your apron and grab 3 paint brushes, a cup of water and some light blue, pastel purple and pink and yellow. That's what you felt like doing at the time anyway
You go back to your desk and sit down. You place all the objects onto the table and slump back down into your seat. You turn around with your chair and grab a canvas and paint palette.
You turn back around to your desk and place the canvas and palette down. You squeeze a little bit of each color onto the palette and wet the smallest paint brush you grabbed. You dip it into the pink paint, someone in the corner of the classroom catches your eye. You slowly take off your headphones and put them into your bag.
"I'm here for Y/N." Ethan says. Your jaw drops. What the fuck is he doing? You don't come to his basketball practice. You were painting, you're not packing up because you just started. "Why does Y/N need to come with you?"
"Something important has come up and I really need her to come with me Mrs Warner." Ethan says. He looks at you and you shake your head. "Sure, go ahead, take Y/N. I'm not fighting with 21-year-old about a girl leaving class early."
"I'll pack up your stuff." Casey smirks at you. You grab your bag and leave with him. You both walk in silence for a moment, you're finding the right words because in your head, everything you wanted to say was mixed together.
"Where are we going?" You ask. He shakes his head at you and chuckles. Fuck. He is not taking you to the studio. "By the way your face expressions are, I think you just realized." He chuckles at you. You didn't want to play for him, you were planning on not showing up. But what's the worst that can happen?
You walk with him for a moment and then you both arrive at the studio. You really weren't keen on playing for him. He opens the door and there's your guitar, in all its beauty. "Y/N. Look, if you don't want to play for me, that's fine, I don't want you to feel like you have to." He says to you, clearly it was obvious that you were nervous to play infront of him.
"No, I want too. I just haven't really played my own music in front of someone before." You mutter, you both go inside the studio, and he closes the door. You pick up the electric guitar and set it up so it can make noise from the speakers. Ethan looks at you and slowly pulls the guitar out of your hands and lightly rests it on the wall.
He grabs your hands and looks at you directly into your eyes. He slowly rubs circles into the back of your hands. He drops onto his knees, and you can't even believe this is happening to you. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"Fine, fine. Don't worry about me." You whimper. He nods, clearly not convinced with your answer. He hands you back the guitar and you turn the volume up on it lightly. "Just pretend I'm not here."
You close your eyes. Fuck why is the this so damn scary. You start playing a little bit to see if it's tuned. It is and now you can't waste any more time. You slowly start with a hammer on and start playing. You play for about two minutes before you stop. Ethan's jaw is wide open and shocked.
"That's really fucking good." He mutters. You didn't know what to say. He did not just say your good. It felt like a praise. It was a praise. God, you wanted him so bad. You hand him the guitar. "Sit down, I'll give you a lesson." You say and his eyes light up. "Really?"
"Yes, now sit down before I change my mind." You sigh. He nods and sits down. The guitar is placed on his lap, and he picks it up the way you did before. He puts the strap over his shoulders. "What next ma'am?" He asks jokingly. You walk over and stand over him. You grab his hands and use your hands lead where his are going.
You let him play a little riff and then stop. He looks up at you and says "Fuck it, I cant pretend anymore." He mutters and you tilt your head.
What is he on about? Your thoughts are cut short when his lips connect with yours. Your lips move and fit perfectly together. He slides the guitar off him and places it onto the floor. You slowly move your body so you're standing basically on top of him. You slowly get pulled onto his lap and you hook your hands around his neck.
Someone opens the door, and you break the kiss to look at the person. It's the one person you did not want to talk too.
Taglist - @idky5
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justhere4thevibez · 8 months
For the face fic ask game!
There are SO MANY, but I love Looking for Something Dumb to Do. And If I Fall has me by the throat. And the superhero fics still hold a special place coz I feel like they were the first ones of yours that I read, and I immediately went "I want to be friends with this person". OH SHIT and Cooking Up Something Sweet! I love that one!
See? Too many to count. And I just realised there are so many of yours that I HAVEN'T read so I'm gonna have to get on that ❤️❤️❤️
😭😭😭 I'm crying you are soso sweet!!!!!! You've named so many of my own favorites (if you fall ALSO has me by the throat rn despite kinktober) ahhh excuse me I'm gonna go kick my feet and giggle like a schoolgirl
I'm so glad you wanted to be friends with meeeee!!!!!!!
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anxious-lee · 11 months
|| The Two Princes Tickle Headcanons ||
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(A/N): i don't care if I'm screaming into a void, these boys are my new favorite thing and they need tickles
- rupert + amir have such corny tickle fights. THEY are the couple that grosses people out with all their lovey-doveyness
- amir's death spot is his lower tummy, so rupert's ultimate move is tummy raspberries
- it drives amir up the wall
- but he gets his own back by burrowing his thumbs into rupert's knees (his death spot)
- amir calling his husband "ru" during tickle fights is all I am thinking about rn
- rupert calls amir "my ticklish prince"; rip amir's dignity
- they both laugh very loudly, it's a miracle no one else in their castle can hear them
- rupert first found out that amir was ticklish the morning after they were married. amir wouldn't get out of bed for breakfast, so his husband tried lifting him out of bed, which might've worked had he not placed his hands directly on amir's sides. the silence that fell after amir's squeak was deafening... and then immediately replaced with rupert laughing and cooing over him ("oh. my. gosh!! are you ticklish?! looks like big tough prince amir's got a soft side!... wait no I'm sorry don't be embarrassed I think it's cute! like really really cute. almost makes me wanna doooooo this!" *tickles sides*)
- amir found out about rupert as soon as the latter let up. after he finished explaining how much he loves his husband's ticklishness, amir "innocently" asked if rupert was also ticklish. rupert, ever the naive mind, began rattling off on all his tickle spots and funny stories about how he once accidentally kicked his dog Fitzroy off the bed for licking his toes. it occurs to him to stop talking when he looks over and notices amir smirking. ("bu-but anyway!! that was all a LONG time ago and I am definitely NOT ticklish anymore haha! no siree ma'am" 😳); his facade does not last long, in 10 seconds he's giggling like a madman
- wake-up tickles are the ones that happen most frequently. while amir has spent his whole life waking up at the crack of dawn and training for battle, rupert has grown used to sleeping late, so he needs some encouragement on the regular
- tickle chases are also incredibly common. rupert can get carried away in his witty banter and accidentally cross a line. not a real line, but like saying something vaguely insulting. amir will go still and be like "... so it's gonna be like that?" with an evil smirk and rupert will squeal like a schoolgirl and sprint out the room (not-so-secretly, they're both having fun). they'll chase each other all the way from one side of the castle to the other, those chases are INTENSE. it's a normal occurrence for castle staff to be milling around, completing their chores when suddenly the two princes come running down the hallway like little boys, screaming and laughing all the way
- now that they are officially dads, wenceslaus gets his own share of tickles too
- rupert (ever the doting MomTM) calls himself the tickle monster when he's with wence and scoops him in his arms and pretends to gobble him up. cue amir swooping in and "rescuing" the young boy from the evil clutches of his husband
- wenceslaus is a pretty feisty young thing tho, and with rupert being such a sucker, he can get caught off guard and tickle attacked by his son
- amir isn't so easily overtaken. between amir and wence, it's mostly the former as the ler and the latter as the lee
That's about all I've got so far. Who knows, maybe there are a couple of TTP fans out there
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aesopsbaby · 1 year
Out of all of Lo's Fics, what ones are your favourite??
Anon why do you do this to me. You know I can't choose between all his works </3 it's all so beautifully written!
,,,,this is a tough question but I'm just gonna list down some that made me kick my legs and giggle like a schoolgirl with a crush
Love Bites
Comfort in insanity (I've been rereading this AND I LOVE IT)
An unlikely couple
Basically all bloody parchment fics because I'm bias
So if you're seeing this, and you have never read any of Lo's fics, this is a demand to go over to @feelin-lo blog RN and read them 🔫🔫
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loaksky · 1 year
okay lets just start off with the fact that i just ranted to my sister about your neteyam fic because of how beautifully written it was!?!?? IVE LITERALLY NEVER LIKED SMTH SO MUCH I WAS GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET FR. ANYWAYY i was wonder if you could do a part 2 to your loak fic! (everything is so blue(?)) angst is soo nice but i think it'd be nice for a fluff ending as the second part to it! thank you!! <3
PLEASE I'M GIGGLING LIKE A SCHOOLGIRL RN STOP, you are too sweet for this, i'm so thankful that you enjoyed asdfjlashjdlf <3
here is part two, very short but a lil cute n fluffy hehe. hope you enjoy my love :0)
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coffeeghoulie · 1 month
working on tomorrow's mushy may fic rn and i'm actually giggling like a schoolgirl
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lorre-verie · 1 year
i'm gonna write an ao'nung series and its (fingers crossed) going to be better than the neteyam one. i'm going to make him as infuriating as possible, as he should be.
and the tension is going to be 😩 im giggling like a japanese schoolgirl just looking at it in my google docs rn
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boylikeanangel · 2 years
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You know what? Fuck you, *gives you Daddy Report*
People in tha asks gotta wait a fucking minute I'm on a Emporio cherishing spree rn
I love him. And Weather. So so so much. I need good things for them, so many good things. The ending's kinda wack but I'm getting kind of tired and I just wanted to post this finally. Might make this a oneshot series, who knows, but we WILL be getting more Daddy Report (one way or another)
He woke up to the feeling of a sun beam kissing his face and fingers combing through his hair. It was a pleasant, repetitive motion that set his mind at ease, and almost helped drift him back off to sleep, until he felt the hands connected start to lightly pull at strands and do whatever it was to them.
"Y/n?" He hoped it was his fiancée. God knows what he'd do if it was a stranger or worse, Foo Fighters acting weird again.
"Yes, Weather Baby?" She quietly whispered back.
"What are you doing to my hair?" He tried getting up, slowly, as not to disturb the figure sleeping next to him, but that was when he finally started to acknowledge the weight of something unknown on his backside, keeping him in place. "And why are you sitting on me?" He was starting to get restless. He found it a little harder to stay quiet and cool as your shenanigans continued on.
You only hummed, continuing your motions and combing. He tried pushing up again, but you slapped at his shoulder to keep him in place. Then a childish giggle came from his side.
"Emporio? You were awake this entire time?"
Weather Report could just make out the boy's golden eyes from the corner of his gaze. Emporio gave his caretaker a cheeky grin. "Mama was teaching me how to braid before you woke up."
"You're braiding my hair?" This time he actually sat up, sending you ass over head on to the floor while he put his hands to his hair to feel it up.
There was a few beats of silence while your husband gingerly felt up his hair. Emporio was quick to fill that quiet with his boisterous laughter. You on the other hand decided to just take in the beauty that was your husband from your spot on the floor. He looked unfairly attractive with his hair out of his face. And the fact he was shirtless with his hands in his snow blue locks didn't help at all. You felt like one of those anime schoolgirls on the verge of a nosebleed.
Weather Report finally got his hair situated. The now free silvery locks cascaded down his shoulders waxing poetic. You goblin crawled back into bed next to Emporio, deciding to hug the boy close. He was overjoyed to reciprocate. Weather watched the ordeal silently, still kneeling over you two as you smothered the boy in kisses. Seeing his one and only peppering his boy with love warmed his heart like nothing else. He couldn't stay upset at these two-- it was impossible.
"You.." fight or flight kicked in once his sinister tone hit your ear. It was damn near scary how quick his expression could turn from irritation to full on sour in the blink of an eye. You were sure if looks could kill, you'd be at Death's doorstep.
Emporio was lucky to dodge Weather Report's attack. You... Not so much. You were tackled to the bed with his sturdy arms entrapping you in his warm embrace. The sudden jolt pulled a shriek from you, but it was quickly melted into a fit of giggles once his warm lips met your throat.
"You shouldn't mess with a man's hair without asking first!"
"Ack–! Weather, don't be like that! Can you blame me? With you laying around without your hat? It was too good to pass up!"
His kisses didn't hold up, he wouldn't let you reciprocate so you were forced to withstand torture.
"Hey! Mama, I'll save you!"
Emporio was still giggling as he jumped onto his father's back, playfully hitting his fists against him with no real ill intent. Weather Report finally got off of you to scoop up his son into his death grip, doing onto him what he did to you.
It was still a tangle of limbs some time later, while you all laughed and shared sweet kisses with each other still in bed. Emporio was squished between his two parents forced to watch them grossly connect their lips in loving smooches. "Eew, gross! Lemme go, I don't wanna see this!"
"Aw, don't think we forgot about you, my little ball of sunshine." You cutely pinched his cheeks, overflowing with love for the adorable child curled up in your arms. You added one more peck to the tip of his nose before agreeing, "Maybe we should get up, this entire fiasco started because we were trying to wake you up for breakfast." You kissed your husband's forehead.
made breakfast?" There was a spark of excitement on his face. His stomach seemed to moan in agreement. He collected you both in his arms for one more bear hug, "I couldn't have asked for a better family to wake up with." With two more kisses to your and Emporio's crowns.
"Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go eat!"
Weather didn't budge, only sighed, "Just a moment..."
"Weather, the sausage will get cold." You tried to reason. But once you felt him squeeze you just a little closer, you understood. He'd buried his head in your neck, memorizing your scent. He didn't always have this. It was only until recently he could come home to the arms of a loving wife and boy. Weather Report had admitted before that his years before you were bleak and lonely. In the dead of night, in the comfort of your safe arms, only then did he break and show his grief. Only sometimes, like now, did his facade break and his emotions get the best of him. A wetness began to bloom on your blouse's shoulder.
"I'm so glad to have you both."
"Papa? Are you okay?" Emporio worriedly hugged on to Weather's arm.
"We know, Wes. And we're so very glad to have you too." You softly kissed his crown, running your fingers through his locks. "Why don't we go and get some food in our bellies? I'm running on empty."
With a sniff Weather left your shoulder. He wiped at his red eyes with his palm and didn't quite reach your and Emporio's gaze. "Yeah, we should. Sorry 'bout that."
You shook your head, "Don't apologize, baby. It's only normal, what kind of wife would I be if I couldn't give you a shoulder to lean on?" And kissed him again.
"Yeah! We love you, Papa!" Emporio chimed in. He tackled his father into another hug, and Weather reciprocated it quickly. "I love you too, kid. I love you both! I don't, I'm not sure where I'd be without you two."
His sentimentality was short lived. He pointed his nose to the air and got a big sniff of something. "Hey... Do you two smell something?"
Emporio took a whiff to, his eyes brightened at the familiarity. "Mama, you did remember to turn of the stove, right?"
"H-Huh? Oh, oh CRAP."
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saltymongoose · 2 years
You did rlly good on the writing thoygH!! had me kicking my feet and tiwrling my hair while reading it, giggling like a little schoolgirl
Keep up the good work !! <3
-Chatty anon
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Afjldgflgv thank you!!! I'm beyond happy that you liked them so much haha, glad to be able to provide you some Doc content in these trying times. 💖💝❤️💕
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
I'm super excited for the next part of blurred lines so of course I was rereading it and can I just tell you how much I love it?? Ngl it's the best sunwoo series on Tumblr!! Also those lines/passages give me feelings I can't articulate (but i’ll try lol), thank you for sharing your incredible writing!!
„There's a difference between being startled and being scared“ - idk why but even during my first read I thought about this later. I love how honest sunwoo is to mc, giving her a safe space when needed! Also the entire scene in the kitchen with the pinkie? I'm in love
He's much more of a lover than a fighter, ya know - this made me laugh out loud. Like, really really loud
you realize you absolutely want nothing more than for Sunwoo to kiss you senseless - SENSELESS?? WAS THIS NECESSARY?! oof I'm melting
His eyes twinkle like they always do, and a soft smile rests on his face. He looks like normal Sunwoo, but maybe what's normal for you isn't normal for everyone else - I somehow only noticed this part on my reread and idk why I skipped it before but this says so so much about their dynamic and I'm here for it
I'm giggling like a schoolgirl who just got acknowledged by her crush rn 🥴🥴
I don't think I've ever had someone quote certain passages that I've wrote like this and I?? 🤧🤧 I'm obsessed 😭😭 also thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Tbh, I didnt realize the impact a couple of these could really have, but singled out like this, you can really pick a part minute details and I love it!!
I'm super glad you noticed the last one!! I think it's super telling when it comes to Sunwoo's hidden feelings!!
Lastly, yes. Senseless was ABSOLUTELY necessary.
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chanluster · 3 years
How's my favorite writer doing? Are you ok after Hyunjin's bubble updates? I'll never forget the joy I felt when I saw that 😭😭 I literally cried over a "what are you doing?" And I'm not ashamed 🥰🥰🥰
Random question, have you watched Crash Landing On You???
This is short (there's ways a first time) because I don't have much to say and just wanted to send something 🙂
FAVOURITE E EWRIT E R ?!,&!;;&;!;’ TAKE THAT BACK RN 😭🥺🥺🥺😭🥺🥺😭🥺😭😭🥺😭😭
vic my love i have NOT BEEN OK ‼️‼️😭 hyunjin bubbled a bit today and he sent this artwork of kkammi and LOOK 😭
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ALL ARTISTS IN SHAMBLES ‼️‼️ and FR Ive been giggling like a lil schoolgirl all day over his messages I’m not embarrassed at ALL
OMG it’s on my list !!! I heard the two main leads are dating and I think it’s so cute 😭😭 rn I’m watching strong girl to bong soon and 😀😀😀 hyunsik PSPSPSPSPSPS CMERE SEXC 😀😀💥
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mikeymyears · 4 years
I'm so freaking excited for my birthday, I'm practically giggling like a schoolgirl rn..
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cupsofsuga · 4 years
tell me why i literally giggled like a fucking schoolgirl. i love u sm. i would actually fucking die for you. 🥺🌱☁️🧁
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