#i'm going to see the fnaf movie later with a friend!!
HAPPY HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! snagged a few pics of my juliet starling cosplay before going out! didn't have nick's head, so i improvised with nightmare foxy
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itsscromp · 10 months
Foxy the pirate x reader
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For one reason or another, since watching the fnaf movie, Foxy has slowly become my favourite animatronic, So here I have the most wholesome story possible. Word count:1.3K
1981: You celebrated your mom's friend's daughter's birthday at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. As much as you tried to have fun, being the toddler you were, you got bored quickly, so your mom decided to help keep you entertained by bringing you to the stage where the animatronics were. Seeing Freddy, Bonnie and Chica sing and dance as your mom gently bounced you. It was pretty fun, But you noticed another stage that had its curtains closed. The stage person then got on and spoke into the micrphone.
"Hey everyone !!! Freddy and the gang have a new friend, Please give a warm pirate welcome to Foxy !!!!!" They pressed a button and out came a pirate fox animatronic.
"Momma !!! Fox, Fox !!!!" You shrieked happily, Pointing to him.
"I know y/n, Isn't it exciting." She smiled.
"Yarr ahoy they me matey's, you be ready to dance the dead man's jig ??" Foxy said to the children, Responding with loud cheers as Foxy began to move and sing his shanty. "You can be a pirate but first you must lose an arm and leg" The children joining in soon after.
You even joined into the shanty, You loved Foxy and you only met him for 5 minutes, like if someone was to meet their best friend for the first time. This was you and Foxy. Once the shanty was over, he unfortunately had to say goodbye for now. But you were all allowed to give Foxy a hug and a picture with him, You begged your mom to go which she obliged. Bringing you over to Foxy which she then first took the picture and you turned to foxy.
"I liked... your... singing" You smiled at him, Looking up at the tall animatronic. To which he moved his ears and closed his eye, smiling at you. Leaning down and hugging you. You hugged Foxy back, He was so fluffy too.
Ever since then, you begged your mom to go see Foxy again. It was almost like you two would be inseparable. She did bring you again a year later after much begging. You immediately rushed over to Pirates Cove and waited for Foxy to come out. Excited to see him once again. Once Foxy emerged from the stage, he looked down and waved at you, immediately recognizing you as he began to sing his shanty. You were easily the loudest of the bunch singing his shanty. Oh, how you were loving every moment. Once it was over, he turned to you and invited you on the stage. Without hesitation, you climbed up as he gently placed his paw on you. "You be a fine member of me crew, We now be partners in crime" He said as he handed you a pirate hat.
"Thank you" You smiled and placed it on your head, giggling.
"Now give me yer best ARRRRR"
"Arrrrr" You giggled at him.
You hugged Foxy tightly as he leant down and hugged you as well.
"We be the best of mates to the very end of the sands of time."
2000: you were now 21 years old, The moments with Foxy was one you would always treasure. Freddy Fazbear's closed down in 1983 after a tragic accident involving a child being hurt by an animatronic. You missed the place, wishing to see Foxy again. Would he even recognise you as well ??
You still even had the old photo from your mom, you would look at it whenever you felt down and would smile every damn time. You decided to one day look around to see if the pizzeria was still their.
High and low you looked around town and you were beginning to lose hope, Maybe they must've demolished it after the incident. You started to grow sad.
"I'm sorry foxy..." You said to yourself. All you wanted was to see your friend again, Hopefully he is in a better new place, entertaining many more children somewhere in the country.
But as you were driving, you saw a familiar place, the familiar colours and then... the sign, Seeing the Freddy Fazbear logo. It was still here !! After all this time, It was still here. But it lost the TLC it was known for, The paint and signs were grotty and gross. But still standing.
You parked your car at the front, and seeing the place again after all this time, was just nothing but amazing. your childhood was back. But you knew you couldn't get in, *sigh* Ah the hell with it you only live once.
So you went around the place and found a wooden panel. Seemingly open to reveal an open vent. Beginning to crawl in to reveal the vent lid inside. As hard as possible you pushed as hard as possible until it then fell to the ground.
Crawling inside, you got up, dusted yourself off and looked around waiting for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Seeing all the familiar sights. It was a trip down memory lane. You then looked around and then found the power box. The place springing to life once again.
Walking back to the main area, seeing everything again. Your smile widened even bigger. Everything was still here, The games, the decorations. Hell, even the ball pit was still there, you turned around and then saw the stage. The curtain's closed. So now your mission was to get them open., You then found the showtime button and then pressed it.
"Please work please work."
The curtains were pulled and the music started to play, and there they were. The animatronics, Singing and dancing again. They looked a little dirty and dusty from being stuck there for a long time. You then looked over at the stage next to it, the curtains opened up revealing him... Foxy... You were so overwhelmed with emotions seeing him again.
Although he looked a little more damaged, his body had holes in it and his legs were now fully metal. But you didn't care, he was there !!!.
"Hello again old friend" You said quietly as you walked up to the stage.
But one thing that you noticed once the song was finished, Foxy was still moving around, and then... he started to move, looking over at you... his eye glowed red. Like if he was ready to defend himself. You were growing scared, wondering what to do.
"Fo... Foxy It's me..." You said to him.
But it wasn't working he raised his hook at you, and it looked sharp as all. You needed to do something as quick as possible. Think y/n, think. And then you remembered, his shanty.
"You... You... You can be a pirate... but first you have to lose an arm and leg..." You sang to him, looking at his face... it was as if he was recognizing it. You sang it again, but in it's more familiar tone. "You can be a pirate. but first you have to lose an arm and leg" You sang to him.
Foxy's eye stopped glowing red as he looked at you, his ears moving around a bit as he looked at you. You then took out the photo from your pocket and showed him it. "This is us... You gave me a hat... Made me apart of your crew" You pointed to your baby you.
Foxy looked at the photo and then at you again, his ears moving around and his mouth moving too excitedly, his voice box was unfortunately broken from the many years of neglect. But he recognized you, His loyal matey.
You smiled so wide and gently hugged him. Being mindful of the damage, He gently wrapped his arms around you too. His voice box sounded a bit glitchy but you could make out what he was trying to say. "My...M...y...My...Ma...Matey" He said.
"I'll fix you up pal... don't worry" You smiled at him.
You would be determined to help bring Foxy to what he was back in 1981. You were partners in crime through and through no matter what.
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board @gooptoshi
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AITA for not buying something for a friend on card when they only have cash? (profanity warning up ahead lol) 🦈🦈🦈
A few months ago myself and some of my friends (fake names: Lucy F, Mark M, Kai NB, Jenny F, Charlie NB) decided to go see a movie at the local cinema (we chose it because it's the cheapest in the area). For a very long time, this place only accepted cash unless you booked tickets in advance but after COVID now operates exclusively on contactless payments — no exceptions. Whenever we got there everybody had already booked tickets so we went right into the theatre to get good seats (tickets don't have specific seats at this cinema; it's first come, first served). Once we got our seats of choice, we decided to go to the cinema shop for food in pairs so that nobody would take out spot and after Mark and Kai went, Lucy and I went.
I went first and paid for a medium popcorn and a small box of Maltesers but when it was Lucy's turn she only had cash, therefore could not pay, which made her get snappy at the worker there who obviously couldn't do anything about it. Lucy then asked me if I could pay on card and she could repay me with cash (which is a reasonable request but shit goes sideways after this) so I checked my balance to see if I could. Turns out I only had twenty cents left on my card.
Side note: we're all teenagers and Lucy, Mark, Charlie and I don't have jobs because at the time we were still considered to young to be hired in my area unless we wanted to get paid severely below the minimum wage (McDonald's, I see you). My money consists solely of birthday money that I can spend on buying gifts for myself and others, and going out with my friends. I budget myself strictly because I don't have a steady source of income and keep my unspent money in my savings dedicated towards university. My parents won't start a uni fund for me until I get my first job (which I personally think is fairly reasonable so that I can work for my education) Also I've been saving money in my budget to see this movie for a while since I was excited about it's release (FNAF lol).
Anyway, I tell Lucy I only have 20c and I'm sorry, but she snatches my phone without asking to look at my bank details to see $400 in savings (I know it's not enough for uni but please bare with me /lh). I naturally freaked out in my head and take it back from her, worried that she was going to try buy food anyway, read my bank account details or take money out of my literal uni fund. When I quickly explained it was my only fund for university and I didn't feel comfortable whittling it down (we're in public and there's a line of three people behind Lucy) she gets mad and properly yells that I'm being a "selfish bitch" and only thinking about myself, and that I should just pay for her anyway so she can give me the cash (I would have nowhere safe to keep it in my house as my sister takes any physical money and lies about it, which she has done to me before). I offer to go back to the group and take someone else down like Jenny or Kai who can make the trade or that she can share my food (she likes popcorn and Maltesers) but she again called me a "bitch" at the top of her lungs in a public space with people behind her and families with young children nearby, and stormed back to the theatre, leaving me to apologise to the workers and members of the public.
We go back to the theatre and I again offer for her to share my food and ask if any of my friends could do the trade but she once more announced I was a "selfish, stupid bitch" quote unquote and that it didn't matter anymore anyways. She proceeded to sulk the rest of the movie and later when we walked around the area just for fun.
Later when we all went home, it turned out Lucy, immediately after I got on my bus, made a group chat with everybody but me to talk shit about me. I found out about this because I was on the bus home with Mark (we're practically neighbours) and he showed me the messages right away. She had completely changed the story to make her a hapless victim that I, the unfeeling antagonist, publicly shamed even though after the movie I apologised to her again (I genuinely felt like shit after all of it) and explained the situation to my curious friends (Lucy agreed with what I said then — except I kept out the "bitch" stuff — but rewrote the whole story in their group chat).
At school she started avoiding myself, Mark, Charlie, and other friends who didn't go see the FNAF movie with us because apparently they were all on "my side" (I didn't realise that this whole thing was a big deal or that there were definitive sides people had to choose). Kai and Jenny (who were sticking with Lucy but still talking to the rest of us) came up to me separately and told me that Lucy was "hurt by my actions" and just because I didn't like her, didn't give me the right to "take that experience away". I asked why they thought I didn't like her and that's how I found out she had been talking shit about me for months behind my back (and others like Mark and people who didn't go see the movie), which did upset me because I still considered Lucy a friend despite all this.
Kai and Jenny told me to apologise. Mark and Charlie told me not to. I haven't yet and it's been over a month now. Lucy, Kai and Jenny still hang out with us but Lucy still shit-talks myself and others and will consistently bring up that I didn't pay for her despite the fact that it was ages ago now and I really didn't think it was that deep.
Do you guys think I'm the asshole for not draining my uni funds to get my friend a popcorn and Maltesers, and then not apologising when she tried to turn our friends against me over it?
What are these acronyms?
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percyaugod · 1 month
FNAF Movie AU: Friendly Rabbit
The previously mentioned weird FNAF Movie AU I dreamt, as warned.
The kids thought the yellow rabbit was their friend because originally he was. There was someone else who wore the suit before William. It was Michael and he was William's twin. Which is why they looked so much alike and were always getting confused with one another.
William, Michael, and Henry all owned and ran the together. Michael and William are the faces of the business and the ones in the Fredbear and Spring Bonnie suits, while Henry prefers to just stay behind the scenes and do things like work on the robots. That way he could do what he loved and bring joy to children without having to deal with people.
They're so close Henry even named Mike after Michael, which is why William doesn't go after Mike until years later, and Garrett after William's middle name.
I'm not sure if Vanessa is William's daughter, considering everything. Depending on how young she was when it happened she might not remember if her father had a brother. If he used a different name he could have always just changed it to hide his identity. As we see in the movie, this is something William would do.
Michael dies to some teenagers' stupid prank. They throw a bucket of water on him or something and you can hear the springlocks start to come loose. Michael trying to control his breathing and not move even though he's panicking while William is telling him it's going to be okay while he and Henry try to get the suit off of him. They don't get it off in time.
Michael is trying to keep calm despite the fear in his eyes while Henry and William work to get him out. He's trying to comfort them, saying everything will be okay. William hates it because Michael is the one that needs to be comforted, not them.
This gives William a reason to want to hurt Henry and kids since the prank and suit killed Michael.
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Who has been screwed over by the fandom more?
Propaganda below the cut
So Gregory's story isn't fully filled out yet (because this is FNaF, why would it be?) But the story we're getting involves him being mind controlled and forced to be a killer, only to be set free somehow and losing his memories of what happened. So he's a preteen who's been hypnotized but somehow the crimes are his fault even though a major theme is the battle for control and a plot point is that he can't remember what he did.
The thing that makes me so mad is that at the end of the Ruin DLC, Gregory's voice comes in from the speakers of the elevator you're on and tells you "We can't risk being followed" before the elevator drops. This would look really bad if not for the fact you were just getting chased by a robot that has been using Gregory's voice to lure you down there the whole time. People are blaming Gregory for 'killing his best friend' when there's a much higher chance it was the Mimic who dropped the elevator.
Mabel Pines:
girl gets so much flack for being... immature and kind of selfish at age 12? like she had whole video essays made on why she is a horrible person who deserves punishment. god forbid girls be silly
i've never watched this show in my life but dear sweet fat of the hog. y'all treat her horribly. free my girl she did nothing wrong except exist as a preteen girl.
!!! Spoilers for Gravity Falls last 5 episodes !!!
This has gone down a lot but when the Weirdmaggedon arc was happening, the finale of the series, a big part of the fandom started hating Mabel because she accidentally caused the Weirdmaggedon (basically an apocalypse + bizarre shit like the water tower becoming an eight-legged monster with a giant mouth).
For context, in the episode that starts this arc, "Dipper and Mabel vs The Future", Mabel is really excited to the end of their summer vacation at Grunkle Stan's house, since it will be her and Dipper's 13th birthday and they will enter high school (her idea of high school of course coming from teen movies). But then this whole idea starts to shatter when Wendy tells her that high school isn't like a Disney musical, but it's okay, she will get through this since she will be with Dipper, her twin brother...
Except, that Dipper receives an invitation by Grunkle Stan's scientist brother Ford to become his apprentice after summer ends, staying in Gravity Falls, without Mabel. When she discovers it, she gets really mad at him and in a fit of rage, she accidentally picks Dipper's bag instead of hers and runs off to the woods.
When she gets there, Blendin, a time-travelling friend of theirs finds her and tells her that he has a way of making her brother stay with her, and make the summer take a little more to end, and that he just needed a little thing that Dipper has in his bag. That thing is a dimensional rift that Dipper and Ford contained to not cause the Weirdmaggedon, but Mabel didn't knew about that and gives it to Blendin. Blendin then breaks it and it's revealed that Bill Cipher was controlling Blendin to get the rift and release the Weirdmaggedon. He then traps Mabel in a bubble, starting the final arc of the series.
So, a few episodes later, that bubble she's in is revealed to be a world of fantasy that she controls, and that she didn't want to leave that world, as she was scared of growing up etc.
Context given, A LOT OF PEOPLE HATED HER FOR THIS. Suddenly people started seeing Mabel as just a selfish girl who wanted things only her way, when she was only a 12-year-old scared of growing up without her twin brother (they do end up going back together at the end but still).
The worst part is that apparently the people behind it took note of this, and on the comics that where released after the finale, she is a selfish spoiled brat. I haven't read the comics though so I'm going off what some people said about it.
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trumai-jpg · 10 months
A Beginners Guide to Night 8 in FNAF 1
Hi! Okay so recently with the movie and Help Wanted 2 I've been sorta coming back into my old FNAF phase, so me and a friend decided to replay the older games - 1-6 mainly and then maybe the others if we were up to it idk - but after beating Night 6 in the first game I was talking to my friend about the night Scott added after FNAF 3 released and apparently people just don't know about this...?
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Honestly I'm surprised people aren't more aware of this (they even done a GT live stream about it) but it makes sense since nit a lot of Big YouTubers went back to play it. You can unlock Night 8 by inputting '2023' in the custom night selection screen. From there it'll take you to a normal 'Custom Night' but with the addition of Springtrap from the third game and none of the other animatronics!
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Springtrap will always start the night just out of sight from Cam 7. His AI is set to around 11-13 at the start of the night but by the end will reach 20. The gimmick with him is he's (typically) hiding somewhere in the camera but luckily I went into the files and got the images without any of the UI or static! He can go other directions (for example: Cam 7 to Cam 18) but this is usually how it goes.
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What's important about going against Springtrap is you need to keep a constant watch on him. If you hold a camera open that he's on for 3-4 seconds you'll be able to either hold him back or straight up make him go back to a previous camera. (if you choose to just do nothing and wait by the doors he'll rush to you and jumpscare you after about 40 seconds of inactivity.)
CAM 7 - Restrooms
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You can usually point Springtrap out by his eyes, and with this usually being his starting point you should Hopfully be able to catch him in Cam 7 hiding in the boys bathroom. His eyes will usually point him out but the static can make it difficult.
CAM 4A - Right Hallway
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This is probably one of the hardest spots to find him in. It's practically impossible to see him in here under normal means BUT he'll always make his way through the kitchen first, and like Chica he'll make some noise when he does, so if you're quick to it you can catch him here after and push him back.
CAM 4B - Right Corner
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If you see Springtrap here then he'll be just one stop outside of your office, and he doesn't give you much time to breath either. At his first movement opportunity he'll make his way to your office but I'll get to that in a bit.
CAM 5 - Workroom
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After reaching one of your doors, Springtrap's position will reset to either the restrooms, or here. There's actually two positions he can have in this room. Catching him in the doorframe will send him back inside the room at his next movement opportunity but he barely stays there for even a couple seconds so it's pretty hard to catch him.
CAM 1B - Dining Area
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He's pretty hard to miss here, but what's important is that he can move here from either the Restrooms or the Work Room and ge can change his route from either of them.
CAM 3 - Supply Closet
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This one isn't that complicated. He'll come here after leaving the dining room if he decides to come to your left door.
CAM 2B - Left Corner
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Springtrap will up and ignore CAM 2A, and go straight to the corner. If he's here you should follow the same advice as the Right Corner since it's pretty straight forward from here.
The Office
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Sooner or later you're going to stumble and he'll make his way to your office, but fortunately because of his glowing eyes you technically never have to use lights to see Springtrap. that aside, you should close the door immediately if you see him through either window.
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If you don't manage to notice him or close your doors, then you'll have one more opportunity (albeit an easy one to miss.) If you put your cameras down and see Springtrap's eyes then close the door straight away. Any other movement like lights or the camera will cause him to jumpscare you and end your night.
Past that you should be all set! Just manage your power and try to get through the night. I should say, although the other animatronics are out of commission for the night, there's still a minor chance that Yellow Bear or Sparky can make an appearance on certain cameras. Just don't stare at them too long or put your camera down too quick, so have fun and good luck beating Night 8!
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importantchaosgiver · 10 months
I know I haven't posted anything recently, I am sorry. But I'm thinking of ways to continue Steelclaw's story. But, I recently just finished watching the FNAF movie and I have so many ideas. I hope you enjoy.
The Mystery Begins
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Summary: Back in the 80s, a cop was called to Freddy Fazbears to help in the investigation of the five children disappearing. She didn't find anything, but many years later, she can't help but think about it. However, when she gets called to the pizzeria, she gets more involved than she should have been....
Warnings: Slight mention of blood, some spoilers?
No one's POV
It was unlike anything anyone had heard of. Five children, one party. How? The parents of the kids were worried out of their mind. Cops and detectives were looking through the building with everyone outside. Some officers were talking with everyone, trying to understand what was going on. Amongst these officer's was a young woman with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She was rather new to the job, having gotten out of the police academy a month ago. Officer (Y/N) (L/N). She was tasked with interviewing staff. She saw a man with brown hair, icy blue eyes and glasses. Beside him was a young girl with blonde hair and an orange toy aeroplane.
He was talking with her colleague, but his eyes drifted over to her. (Y/N) paused, their eyes locking together. She was surprised at how good he looked, but she couldn't help but feel a little cautious about him. Something wasn't right. He gave a small smile at her, one of that unnerved her slightly. Little did she know who he was....
Years later....
(Y/N) yawned behind her hand a little as she put her phone down. Years had passed and she had grown older. Instead of being a simple officer, she worked hard to become a detective. Work was slow in Utah, she had just gotten off the phone with a friend of hers when there was a knock on the door. It was a co-worker of hers. "Hey, detective. We've just got a call. Apparently, Freddy Fazbears was broken into," he said. (Y/N) paused. It wasn't unheard of. The place was shut down ever since the kids went missing. So, of course people would break in. But, why was being asked to she get involved?
"Again? Why are you coming to me?" she asked curiously. Her co-worker shrugged. "Dunno. It was the night guard who called. Michael Schmidt," they said. (Y/N) shrugged. It was something to do. She stood up, grabbing her coat. She took her car and drove to the pizzeria, the sign (despite looking old and some vines and dust coating it) lit up. Nostalgia hit (Y/N) as she got out of the car and headed to the entrance, pressing the buzzer. A few minutes later, a man came to see who it was. "Mr Michael Schmidt, I take it?" (Y/N) asked. He nodded, wondering who she was. "Detective (Y/N) (L/N). You called about a break in," she said. "Yeah, that was me," he said, letting her in. "Did anyone find the people who broke in?" (Y/N) queried. "I don't think so. But I found something," Mike said. She raised an eyebrow, following him along the halls.
Mike noticed how she looked around, as if she had been there before. He showed her to the supply closet and showed her the door. (Y/N) squinted a little, taking out her flashlight, scanning the door. Just below the frosted glass window, was..... blood? "That's fresh, right?" Mike said. "Yes, it is. Do you mind?" (Y/N) asked, holding out the flashlight. He held it as she put on latex gloves and a swab.
"Hopefully we can find out who could have done this," she said, putting it into a tube and then into a bag before putting it in her pocket. Mike nodded. Just then, they heard a little girl's scream. The two looked at each other. Mike was the first to react. "Abby!" he shouted, running to the main room. (Y/N) followed, hot on his heels. "Mr Schmidt, wait!" she said. When they arrived, they saw the animatronics around surrounding someone. (Y/N)'s eyes widened. They weren't supposed to do that. At least, not to her knowledge. Freddy slowly approached them menacingly. Mike picked up a chair to use as a weapons; (Y/N) drew her gun, except she didn't know how well that would work against an animatronic. Just then.....
"Mike, they wouldn't stop tickling me! I thought I was going to die," Abby giggled, walking up to her brother. (Y/N) looked at the child, surprised. "Is this your daughter?" she asked. "No. S-She is my sister," Mike said, cautiously putting the chair down. (Y/N) holstered her gun, seeing Freddy stop walking. Bonnie moved forward, staring intently at (Y/N). "You're pretty. Are you Mike's girlfriend?" Abby asked. (Y/N) blinked. "No, I'm not. I'm a detective," she said. Mike hid his face in his hands, embarrassed. Abby turned to the animatronics. "They said they've seen you before," she said. "Pardon?" (Y/N) asked.
"Chica, Freddy, Bonnie and Foxy. They said they've seen you before," Abby stated. (Y/N) looked at the animatronics, one by one. All of them were looking at her. "Oookay? Well, I best be going," she muttered. Mike nodded. "Thanks. For coming out here so late," he said. Then, the buzzer rang again. A different officer was outside. Mike brought her in, clearly familiar with her. "Vanessa, this is Detective (L/N)," Mike said. The two women shook hands. (Y/N) looked at Vanessa. She looked strangely familiar. "Have we met?" (Y/N) asked, looking at her. "Briefly. Back in the eighties. I was a kid," she said. Oh, now that made sense. "Ah, yes. Now, I remember. You were with your father," (Y/N) said with a soft smile. Vanessa smiled back, but something about her body language gave away she was cautious.
So, (Y/N) let go of her hand and went to leave, passing a picture on the wall. One she should have paid attention to. One with a yellow rabbit and five children, all holding hands, clearly drawn by a child. If only she knew. But Vanessa gulped. A detective? Her dad won't be happy about this...
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
Hi! so i’ve been wanting to send an ask but life got busy..
First of all, thank you so much for doing my infernal friends au request! It was so cute and i just want to pinch Ik and Luke’s cheeks because they way you describe them makes me have cuteness aggression, they’re just hefhdhqdewefjwfenfqen. I also laughed at how Ik would leave Luke or Simeon to do the knocking when trick or treating because that’s actually something i’ve experienced before as i have been in Luke and Simeon’s position many times. So it was nice and funny to see that happened to those two as well.
Second of all, I did your quizzes and i got Wiz and Professor Kaz! And honestly? Im quite happy with my answers, although what is a spirit level? I was and still am confused about that one. (Btw i think the reason why the pigeons are chosen more than the parrots might be because of your other infernal friends au request where Ik has undoubtedly become the Pigeon Emperor, all hail her majesty ^_^)
Oh and btw about the Fnaf AU i asked about. So while i will make a seperate ask for it, im gonna mention some stuff first. The post where you show the Jtta cast as FNAF Security Breach cast drawings was my whole inspiration for this idea. And while i originally had it be based on the SB + Ruin game, i had thought about basing it from the original 6 games. Im still taking the SB + Ruin game direction but the 6 main games are something i’ve thought about but kinda gave up since im a bit confused on how it would work out. I havent actually thought about going the Fnaf movie direction so there’s some food for thought to think about later. I’ll explain more later in another ask!
And that’s all for now, hope you have a lovely day/night though!
- 🐧 anon
i'm looking forward to it - i'll try to do a little brainstorming of my own in the meantime! i'm glad you enjoyed your req too <3
as for a spirit level, it is THIS FELLA RIGHT HERE
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you use them to determine whether surfaces are flat! though i will confess, i use mine more as a therapy toy, as i do veeery little carpentry/brickwork/etc, etc. in my everyday life
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kaythetrashcan · 11 months
Five nights at Freddy's movie review
Spoiler free version:
I finally saw the FNaF movie (since it premiered here like a week later) and I really wanna talk about it.
It was fun. It's its own story that has some similarities to the games but it works well on its own which is a good thing imo.
It has a good pacing and I didn't get bored.
There are bunch of hints and easter eggs in reference to the games, like a guy is wearing a Midnight Motorist sweater or a dinner is named after Sparky the Dog, a hoax in early fnaf days.
It has violence but it's not too gory, most stuff happens off screen or in shadows.
I also liked the final solution, it was well established.
I do have 2 complains
1. I think most relationships needed more establishment.
2. One character kinda confuses me on their motive.
Overall I'd give it 4/5, though you'll get more of it if you're a fnaf fan.
And some tips. Watch it at home if you can or pick a later date. The movie theater was crowded and I think it hindered my enjoyment.
When you see Sparky's diner, pay attention to the waiter. You won't regret it.
And wait till the end of all credits.
Spoiler review under the cut
I think Mike and Abby needed a bit more time together or thinking of each other to make the scene where Mike realizes how much she means to him more impactful.
I feel like we were told rather shown she likes her brother.
Same goes for relationship between her and aunt Jane. We're told once she doesn't like her but it isn't enough to make her turn on Mike believable to me.
And finally Vanessa and William. The ending implies she's scared of him but we never are shown why.
This segways nicely into my other complain. Vanessa feels inconsistent. She starts out as a friendly police officer who knows tad too much about Freddy's and is revealed to be William's daughter.
What I got is that she vaguely warns the guards of the danger but doesn't tell them what it is. When the animatronics are friendly, she just let's Mike and Abby vibe there but when she learns Mike used Abby to get info on Garrett's kidnapper (her dad) she forbids him from taking Abby there ever again. I'm guessing this is to protect her dad.
But I think we should have had a flashback to her childhood and maybe a scene where she's terrified of going to the pizzeria but the she sees a drawing of Mike and Abby a decides to help.
But enough about stuff I didn't like and more about stuff I loved, in no particular order.
Actors are all really great and they did a fantastic job.
The opening credits are in style of old arcade games, just like in fnaf 2. It genuinely made me so happy to see it.
The cupcake mauling a man was both hilarious and terrifying. You go Carl!
The animatronics are all really expressive, especially Chica, when she smuggly sends Carl the Cupcake to murder a man or when she winks at Mike. Or when Freddy was looking for Mike and tilting his head as if he were listening.
I almost missed MatPat's cameo. I was like: "I know that voice! But from where?" And then he said: "It's just a theory!" and I almost screamed.
I love that the kids have some significance. Even if they dont have names, they still have more to do than they ever did in the games.
Also, it's exactly 5 nights at Freddy's.
1 - Mike arrives and sees the Missing kids for the first time.
2 - Mike gets scratched by Foxy and Vannesa shows up to info dump.
3 - since Max is dead, Mike takes Abby there for the first time. He cleans up the place and Abby meets her friends.
4 - Mike takes Abby there a second time, Vannesa shows up, they build a Fort and Vannessa gets mad.
5 - Mike goes there alone and the movie finale happens.
I noticed the trailer was insanely misleading. Vanessa ends up in the hospital at the end of the movie, but the trailer made it seem it happens somewhere in the middle.
CoryXKenshin cameo was awesome.
The ending credits song is Five Nights at Freddy's by TLT. Woho!!!
And after all the credits roll, we get a few letters spelling out "FIND ME" like in SAVE HIM minigame from fnaf 2.
I wonder what happened to Garrett. Is he fully dead? Or is he possessing something, like the puppet?
I hope the next movie is a prequel, maybe told retrospectively by Vanessa while some stuff happens in the present. And the third movie can be a sequel, maybe with older Abby being a guard herself.
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shadesofnavy · 7 months
Howdy, I’m a goofy lil farmer who loves soda and napping🥤
I’m VERY unprofessional and inconsistent with writing and art in general, but I love doing it, even if it takes me ages to get things done lol. I do traditional and digital drawings, may or may not open commissions someday in the future, who knows! 📝
Here's my AO3, and my art tag
I come up with [too many] AUs about my take on the FNF Funky Trio, each of them have their own tags, if interested check ‘em out. Here are my current verses
Burlington Bounty: Pico's School AU where everyone went to the same high school. Keith later becomes a wanted bounty known for ruthless murders, and he somehow manages drag his old friends in too. BFxGFxPico.
The Crooked Kind: Fantasy world AU where Keith is a reaper and Cherry is a guardian angel. Life seems okay before their school is shot up, and several other close lives are completely changed forever. BFxDarnellxNenexCherryxPico.
Mixtape : Swap AU where Keith, Darnell and Nene went through the shooting. Cherry is a rising rapper dating Pico the prosecutor who struggles to handle both his job and danger-magnet girlfriend. BFxDarnellxNene, GFxPico.
Animatronic : FNAF-based AU where Keith, after having became a successful musician and running a hit family entertainment restaurant, gets murdered and spirit now possesses the animatronic mascot of his restaurant. GFxPico
Prototype [ON-GOING FIC]: Regular Take AU where Keith's life spirals downhill. BFxPico, DarnellxGF (Be mindful of this fic's tags)
If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask : )
I try to answer as many asks as I get, just don’t bet on it. I also try to keep away from anything seriously controversial to avoid any kind of drama
My main obsession currently is Friday Night Funkin', but sometimes I'll reblog about other stuff I like. Here's some of my favorite kinds of media
Games: Sonic the Hedgehog, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), Battlefield 4, Cuphead, SSX Tricky, Undertale, Sonic the Hedgehogg, Minecraft: Story Mode (Netflix Interactive)
TV shows: Arcane: League of Legends, Ninjago, Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia, While You Were Sleeping (K-Drama), Inborne Pair, Fermat's Cuisine, Avatar the Last Airbender, I Will Be Your Bloom, The Little Woman (K-Drama), Love Next Door (K-Drama)
Movies: Trolls, Nimona, G-Force, Ice Age (the first one), The Lion King (I cannot deny it)
Books: Warriors, Survivors, Bravelands
I'm mostly kid-friendly, (excluding my AO3 though, I suggest you back off if you're not into steamy fics) but I sometimes post about heavy topics, so just keep that in mind. I make sure to tag whenever it gets quirky. Expect to see a lot of angst now and then 🚬
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therealnotta · 11 months
I know I always make posts like this, but in light of the fnaf movie I want to give my take on it again. Mild spoilers, mostly for Afton's characterization, but not too much.
I've seen a lot of people either excited that Afton is finally "scary," that he's just a serial killer, tons of "He just kills for fun, he doesn't need a motive!" etc. etc. or disappointed that he feels a little two-dimensional. I totally agree that a serial killer in a horror movie doesn't need a lot of backstory, but FNAF's angle was always intriguing to me, or at least my interpretation of what we were seeing.
See, I'm never going to have to run from an animatronic. Dead kids possessing these critters are never going to come after me. I'm safe. At the end of the day, that's not a threat I have to worry about, so it's easy for me to just set it aside.
But the thing with fnaf is they're not the bad guys, not really. They're trying to stop a serial killer, but they can't remember who he was. The serial killer, the purple guy, William Afton is the villain of the story.
His victims don't run. They willingly go with him, hand in hand, to their deaths. William Afton, specifically, isn't a threat irl, but that guy you knew in school? You know, the one everyone liked, but a few people accused him of some messed up stuff? He couldn't have done that, obviously. I mean, you've known him this entire time! He's your friend, he's not that kind of guy, he's a good ol' boy, they're just jealous. They're making up stuff. And if he gets accused later, as an adult, well, look at how many people will testify to his character. He was always such a nice boy, he couldn't have done all that.
That's what was scary about William Afton. He was the killer that no one would believe, even if he told them to their face. His victims wouldn't run, because they'd never expect him to be a threat. They trust him. How many people do I trust like that? Who would I refuse to believe is a bad person, no matter how many people come forwards? How many times have we seen celebrities get that treatment?
And that's what it boils down to. William Afton is scary, because he's real.
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sparklepool101 · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
"Tagged" in @kindlystrawberry's open invitation (who is one of my favorite fic writer ever, seriously PLEASE check her stuff out!) and using this as an excuse to ramble :p
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
192,170 since 2020!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A little bit of everything! The top couple that pop up on my profile are Craig of the Creek (21), Project Sekai (14), Rise of the TMNT (5), and Kid Cosmic (5). But honestly? Whatever I'm into at the moment has a good chance at getting a fic. (My notes app is nothing but draft ideas.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sure As Sun Turns to Moon (I'll be With You) (FNAF) - 1,697
I Can't Lose You Again (ROTTMNT) - 847
Another Danganronpa Chatfic >:3c (Danganronpa) - 478
Wish We Could Turn Back Time (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) - 430
Five Times Casey Moved to a New Cave and One Time that He Moved into a New House (ROTTMNT) - 421
So one of these is not like the others lol. I can explain though. So, top down:
SASTTM got published when Security Breach was super popular and tapped into the public outcry for Freddy being Gregory's dad. It's been sitting unfinished for over a year now at 28k, but I do have plans to finish it! I've cut the draft down a lot to actually make it a feasible writing project now, but I'm not going to publish anymore chapters until it's done. I want to finish it properly because this fic helped me grow so much as a writer and it means a lot to me.
I Can't Lose You Again will get touched on later on, as well as Wish We Could Turn Back Time.
Five Time Casey Moved was a fic that I wrote in a haze after watching season one of ROTTMNT and then the movie. It was published the day after the movie came out iirc and has a really special place in my heart for several reasons <3
And then the chatfic.
I got my fandom start in Danganonpa and in middle school, chatfics are the funniest, coolest things ever. So once I decided to start writing, obviously I had to do my own. It has aged horribly, is horribly written, and honestly should be deleted and never see the light of day again. Or at least be orphaned. But I made myself a promise to never delete my old fics unless they were actually horrific because you know what? Everyone starts somewhere. So it's still up. And one day it will get dethroned from the top kudos list and I will throw a party <3
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually respond!! It makes me so giddy to receive even the shortest comments, and I always try to pass on that good feeling <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
So out of my published fics its I’d Make a Deal with God (I’d Get Him to Swap Our Places) which is a ROTTMNT fic I wrote about the movie before it came out to speculate on the future. In it we see both Raph and Donnie get kranged, leaving Leo and Mikey crying in a subway. A friend actually told me to kay why you know what myself because of it (in a very much joking manner) which was SUCH a compliment!!!
Out of everything I've written? There's a half finished ROTTMNT fic in my junior year AP Lang notebook which takes place over one week and ends with Mikey dying which is... really angsty. Like worryingly angsty. It's still an interesting concept that I think could be fun to explore, but even if I do ever finish it idk if it'll see the light of day.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm really not a fan of unhappy endings, even in fics. Hurt is best served with a side of comfort in my opinion, so everything I write ends up being really light and fluffy.
Three fics come to mind as having the happiest *ending* though.
The first is Would You be so Kind (As to Fall in Love with Me?) which is a Craig of the Creek fic entirely focused on two characters realizing that they love each other and that polyamory is an option! It's super sweet and I refuse to believe it's not canon tbh.
The other two are both Project Sekai fics from Tenmay this year, The Royal Summit (Where Friendships Blossom) and Sunbound Promise. They're both fantasy aus where Tsukasa and Toya grow closer, the first being their first meeting and the second where they become brothers. They're both so sweet and self indulgent, the endings make me so happy <3 <3 <3 <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got one comment on SASTTM where someone was bitching about neopronouns which I think counts. But overall people have been really nice and anyone who doesn't jive with the fic just moves on lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, and I don't know if I ever will. It's just not what I really want to write :p
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Occasionally! None of them have been particularly "crazy", though. I try to keep those things pretty grounded. I have a lot of crossover ideas that don't get written though :p
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if anyone ever wants to do so you have my full permission! Just shoot me a message somewhere to let me know
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I don't know if I'd be able to either, co-plotting would be fine, I'm doing that with my sibling and a prsk magical girl fic, but writing,,, I couldn't :,)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
There are a lot of ships I love. But for all time favorite, I have to go with the one that I keep going back to read fics for even though I've lost pretty much all other interest in the game: Promptis (Prompto/Noctis from FFXV) I just keep coming back to them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Where to start with this list.
The main one if probably my Project Sekai fantasy au fic The Eastern Side of Bolganio. It's so special to me, but it's a majorly ambitious project and I've gotten so little response with it that it's hard to write. I'm normally pretty good about not focusing on the numbers when it comes to fics (writing for small random fandoms help, there are some fics that I'm surprised have more than two hits, much less two kudos), but the fact that it's such an ambitious project that I've barely made a dent into... idk
I really want to finish it though </3
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk, people say that my characterization is really good? I saved this one for last to answer but now I'm tired
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm going to try and not be too self deprecating lol.
I'm really bad at describing environments/movement and dialogue at the same time. It's always either White Room Syndrome or a clunky mess. I also suck at titles. I always try to not use song lyrics, but anything that I do always sounds horrible.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it when it's done well! I love it when fic authors delve into the heritage of characters and bring in elements of it. I've done it a fair couple of times and always take great care to make sure that the translations aren't too horrific.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
So the first ever fanfiction I wrote was my exceedingly angsty, take on who the other souls in Undertale were before they died.
HOWEVER, I consider the first *fandom* I wrote for to be either Percy Jackson or Danganronpa. My first actual attempt at writing a fanfiction was a Solangelo prompt which I wrote two sentences of before abandoning and the first time I tried to write canon characters in situations, doing things, was it that damned chatfic XD
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ouuuugh we're just going with a list here
I Can't Lose You Again - I told you these would show back up again. Anyways, writing this fic was so fun. I really felt like I knew what I was doing, and apparently I did based off the comments! It's so special to me <3
Wish We Could Turn Back Time - This is my Roman Empire. I haven't updated this fic in years but I think about it everyday. I'm working on cleaning up the outline to be less ambitious so I actually have a chance to finish writing the thing, and I can't wait to finally give it the ending it deserves! It's also actually shaped my life in so many ways <3
After The Dinner Horn and Offscreen; a CotC oneshot collection - Maybe putting a oneshot collection here is cheating but shhhh. This actually is an umbrella title for almost all of my cotc fics (especially on platforms where I can't be bothered to upload them individually unless they're multichaptered). So many of these fics either shaped me as a writer drastically or mean so much to me on a personal level it's WILD. And also a reflection on how much the show means to me I guess? Idk that's enough psychoanalyzing for today.
Coercion Cancellation - This one might be cheating because it's the one I'm currently working on, but shhhhh. It still counts. It's for an indie horror game called Imaginary Friend Asylum ((prequel to The Friends We Left Behind)) which you should check out
Also adding on the two Project Sekai fics from question seven about the happiest ending. They're just so, so self indulgent <3
Tags: I don't have the guts (nor memory) to tag anyone on here, so it's fully an open invite! Hop on over here and ramble your heart out about the things you've written!! I can't wait to read it!!!
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acrux-jr · 9 months
Hi. Okay, you can ignore this if you would like, but can I request a Mike Schmidt (Fnaf) x half deaf reader? Or even just deaf reader would be great :)) and the reader could be abby's babysitter or something?
Even if you decide to not do this, I hope you have a wonderful day/night <3
Hi luv! Thank you so much. i am so sorry that it took so long! School was kicking my butt but now that it's done with, I had time to write ! But here you go! If you have any notes pls lmk this is just a quick oneshot but if you want a part 2 or want me to add part feel free to message me!!
Title: Read My Lips
Word Count: 3k
Tags: fluff, oneshot, deaf reader!
As you saw the flyer on the wooden pole.
Babysitter needed
Please call xxx-xxx-xxxx
You felt a tap on your shoulder and you friend came into view as you turned around.
She gave you a quizzical look.
She spoke as she signed.
‘You interested?’
You shrugged, you signed yes and nodded your head. She shrugged as well.
‘Extra cash.’
She nodded along and agreed. You ripped the flap of paper off and the two of you walked the remaining way to the park.
As the two of you sat, she signed about the cute boy in her class. This was your last year of college here before transferring to Gallaudet. Your friend buzzed with excitement as she continued to sign about how cute he was and how they were partners for a lab. You smiled and gave a chuckle when she explained how he fell on her by “accident” and offered his hoodie to her.
‘You he wants you, like bad.’
‘I'm hoping for that.’
As you eat your picnic you text the number, couldn't hurt to try right?
‘Hello, I'm texting about the babysitting job.’
Not even a minute later there was a response.
‘Hi yes. It's from 6 pm to 3 am.’
Your eyes widened and your friend peaked over. You looked at her.
‘ Long time working *N/S* (name sign). You think you can do it?’
‘Yes.’ You nodded and signed o.k.
‘That's fine. Quick information though I am deaf.’
There was a pause in the response time. After 5 minutes you sighed, your friend gave a quick wave and you turned your attention to her.
‘No text?’
She rolled her eyes. ‘Fuck them.’
You smiled and gave the chuckle sign. You left your phone to the side, opting to focus your attention on the food and your friends' plan on what to do next.
You got home at 5 when the sun started to set now. It was kind of nice the longer nights and the cold weather.
You felt the vibration of your phone.
‘We don't know any asl. If you're still up for it you could start today.’
You titled your head and thought for a quick second.
‘That's fine I can read lips well. Or we can write/text.’
‘Okay see you at 6, heres my address *_________*.’
It was 5:05 now and from what you can remember that house was reasonably close just to walk to. You went into the kitchen where your dad was.
‘I have new job 6 pm finish at 3 am.’
You're father's eyes widened.
‘Long time work. You got job why?’
‘Extra money before going to Gallaudet.’ He nodded.
‘Ok, I'll inform your mom.’
‘Thanks. I start tonight.’
‘Ok I'll tell her when she's finished grocery shopping.’
‘You make what?’
‘Nice. I'll eat, finish, then go to work.’
You grabbed the lasagna and cut out a medium size square and sat next to your dad. He was watching the movie Monster-In-Law. Your dad has always liked rom-cons for some reason. You watched Jennifer Lawrence as a waiter at a fancy upscale party and looked at the guy she thought was cute.
You looked at the time at it was 5:40 pm. You waved to get your dads attention.
‘Going to work.’
He nodded. ‘Text me when you get to work.’
You went to the room and grabbed a hoodie since it was starting to get colder. It was a quick 10 minute walk from your house. You gave a slight knock to the door and waited.
The door opened and a disheveled looking man with wide eyes.
He began to speak. “Hi sorry, Abby won't…” he stopped in realization, he held up a finger for 1, and rushed to get paper and a pen.
“Sorry I'm still getting ready Abby is being a pain. Give me 5 minutes and I'll come back out.”
You read the sloppy writing and nodded. You motioned you to come in and you did. There was a little girl on the floor drawing. She looked at you and gave a small smile. You returned it. You got a crayon and wrote something down.
‘Hi! My name is Abby’
‘Hi, my name it Y/N.’
‘Mike told me you were deef’
‘It's deaf sweetie and yes I am.’
Just as Abby was about to write more Mike came out of the room. He had a pen and paper.
‘This is my sister Abby. She already ate but there are snacks in the fridge. The gig is $ an hour. It's low for right now but I am going to get another job soon with better pay, just gotta pass the interview. Her bedtime is at 9:30 latest 10.’
You read through it quickly and nodded. ‘Okay got it. What is you name?’
Mike reddened from embarrassment. ‘Mike what is yours?’
‘Okay I have to go. Call text me if anything happens or any questions you have.’
You nodded and watched as Mike gave his sister a hug and said "see you later.’ You turned away as Mike began to say to call if the babysitter does anything.
Abby rushed back next to you.
‘Can you teach me some signs?’
You gave a smile and nodded.
She quickly scribbbled something down. ‘You have a pretty smile :).’
You gave an another and chuckled. ‘Thank you Abby. Here this is your first sign: thank you.’
She read and smiled looking up at you in anticipation. You brought your palm up and your fingertips touching your chin, you brought it down and slightly out before your chest.
‘Thank you.’
Abby repeated the sign a couple of times before you were satisfied with it.
‘Let's start with the Alphabet.
A B C……”
You wrote that letter and would point to the ones you were about to sign. Abby soaked it all in. She was excited to learn ASL, you found it endearing. Time flew and you started to point at a random letter and Abby would give the sign. You signed names and places to get her familiar with it.
It was already 9:10 and Abby yawned.
‘You look tired. Let's get you ready for bed.’
Abby nodded, sadly, as she rubbed her eyes. She led you to her. You tucked her in. She momentarily forgot.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
She gave a smile and signed goodnight as her. She gave a tired smile and signed it too. You put her night lights on and closed the door.
You went to the living room and snooped around. Abby left her crayons and pencils out, there was a couple of chapter books by the TV, you assumed were Mike's.
A thought occurred to you. You pulled out your phone and texted Mike
‘Just put Abby to bed, she ate a snack apple and some cheez itz before bed too.’
‘Okay, thank you. You can sleep as well if you want. I'll be home around 3:30.’
‘Okay got it.’
The conversation stopped and you gravitated towards the books and picked up a random one.
You nodded off around 1 am. You felt a shake and your eyes fluttered open. You saw Mike and gave a wave. You were about to start signing but grabbed your phone.
‘Sorry I was reading and I guess I fell asleep.’
He pulled his phone and read the text before replying. ‘Don't worry I don't mind.’
Before you could respond, he messaged again. ‘You can stay the night if you want to. There's no car so Im assuming you took the bus.’
‘I walked. I live right down the street. I don't mind walking back.’
‘No please I would feel better if you stayed, it's freezing and dark as hell.’
You puffed your cheeks and debated. It wasn't too far of a walk but understood his worry, it was also like 3 am and cold as hell apparently. You glanced up at him and saw he was staring. He coughed and looked away. You blushed, well yes he was dropped dead hot even with his disheveled look, if anything that added to the charm.
You gave a sigh and nodded. ‘Okay let me tell my parents so they don't worry.’
‘Okay great. Let me get you a blanket and some pjs.’
You texted your parents the update, and waited. You ohone vibrated, and you look up and saw Mike standing.
‘They in my room across from Abby's. I'll wait here so you can change.’
You nodded and got him. You entered his room, closed and locked the door. You saw the pjs plaid bottom that was soft. You looked around as you changed and saw his room was fairly organized clutter on his night stand and a clutter of books by the bed. His room was a pretty green color and his sheets were dark gray. You saw that under there was a bigger hoodie for you and it was a lot thicker.
You immediately put it on and was met with a cinnamon bourbon smell. You assumed it was his body wash, or deodorant, or even cologne. It smelt nice.
You made your way out and this time you had to shake him. He ended up falling asleep on the couch for the couple of minutes you were changing.
After a couple shakes he woke up and yawned. He grabbed the phone.
‘Sorry. Alright you welcome to anything in the fridge for breakfast before you leave, just lock the door and text when you do.’
‘Okay got it, goodnight.’
He got up and you sat down. He gave a little wave bye and you smiled at him.
You couldn't see it but he blushed as he walked into his room, feeling slight butterflies in his stomach.
You nodded off, dream filled with you and Mike in his room. Coincidently Mike had the same dream setting but more focused on the bed part.
It was 9 am when you woke up, Abby was watching tv cuddle by you on the floor. You gently tapped her shoulder and she squealed and smiled.
‘Hi N/S.’
‘Hi Abby. Goodmorning.’
It clicked what that sign was and she signed it back. She gave you pencil and paper and her drawing clipboard.
‘I have to go, do you want me to cook you something before I go.’
Abby nodded shly and you got up from the kitchen, you scanned the fridge and saw there was eggs and bacon, also there was some green onions. Omelet and bacon it is.
You cooked as Abby watched TV, bugs bunny and daffy duck. You made 3 plates, one for you, one for Abby, and one for me. You set it down in front of her.
‘Thank you.’ You smiled and nodded.
You ate and watched the show with her. Once you were done you grabbed the paper. ‘Okay I have to go, I'll text your brother but you should wake him up soon.’ Abby nodded, and as you were about to leave you realized were still in his pajamas and you left your clothes in his room. Abby saw the hesitation.
‘Whats wrong?’
‘I left my clothes in youe brothers room.’
‘It's open, he leaves it unlocked for me to go in and wake him up.’
You nodded, and walked to his door. You gave a knock before entering. He was still asleep, on his stomach. You tiptoed around, carefully not to step on anything that would make noise. You looked around the end of the bed, you picked up his clothes and found yours right where you left them. You turned yo look at him and noticed he was on his back, also he was shirtless, and that there was a tent in his blanket.
You grew warm at the realization and quickly and quietly rushed out of his room. You went to the bathroom and changed. You messaged Mike there was food and you were headed out now.
You left after signing bye to Abby again. You walked home and went immediately back to bed, the tiredness hitting you mid walk was unbearable.
You woke up to you mom shaking you.
‘12:30, wake up.’
You waved her off and was met with another shake. You groaned and flipped over to get up right.
‘Both father and I, going out to meet up with friends til 3. I made sandwiches, yours in the fridge on the 3rd shelf.’
“Ok. See you later, love you.’
‘Love you.’
Your mom walked off, and layed in bed. Your dream coming back to you.
Flashes popped up, you, Abbys and Mike having a picnic, you and Mike on a date, then the images of you and Mike making it in his room. You immediately shot up and scrambled out of bed and out of your room. You went to the kitchen and got some water.
Great now you had a crush for the dude you were babysitting his little sister for. Perfect. What could possibly go wrong here? You grabbed your phone from your pocket and saw there was a message from Mike.
‘Hey thank you for the food that was sweet.’
‘Oh it was no problem :)’
‘Hey I got called in 3 to 10 would you mind coming over again? If not, it's okay we haven't even gone over the schedule and what not.’
‘That's fine I'll be over at 2: 30 then?’
‘Yea thank you.’
You opened the fridge and there was the sandwich, you grabbed it, a coke, and then picked up a bag of chips next to the fridge.
Time passed as you watched Ella Enchanted. Once the movie was finished you went to your room and got ready quickly. You texted your parents as you locked up that you had another shift and would be home around 10 or 11 tonight.
You got there exactly at 2:30 and knocked. Mike was there with his phone in hand and looking cute though that didn't even cross you mind at all. Mike smiled.
He opened the door fully and stepped to the side.
‘Thank you again. I appreciate it. When I get home we'll talk about the schedule and everything then?’
‘Yeah that's fine.’
‘Okay bye.’
‘Bye have a good day at work.’ Mike gave you a grin and wink which threw you off. He hurried and gave Abby a hug and left.
The day passed by as you taught Abby some more signs, and then you made her dinner and watched TV with her as you ate. The night ended with the two of you doodling on the floor. She had a bear, a bunny, a fox, and a chicken all holding hands. You vaguely remembered that old chain that shut down a while back. You shrugged it off as she must've loved those weird animatronics.
You put Abby to bed at 9:45. You watched the TV the rest of the time with the subtitles on for the cartoons. You saw the door open from the corner of your eye and saw Mike exhausted coming through the door. You wrote a quick question in if he wanted food and handed it to him. He gave a quick nod.
You went to the kitchen, and heated up the left dinner. You gave it to him and he gave thanks. You started to pick up Abby's paper and left them on the kitchen table with her pencils. You turned around and then bumped into Mike. Your head hit his mouth.
You blinked as the pain slowly faded. You signed sorry and Mike waved you off. It's okay.
You were still pretty close as Mike held his mouth and chin. You saw there was a little red still. You didn't notice he the deep breath he took to calm himself.
Can you read lips?
You nodded and titled your hand back and forth.
Your eyebrows furrowed as he let go of his chin.
You're very pretty.
You're shot up at him, and you blushed. He smiled. If you're free tomorrow I don't work, maybe you could teach me ASL while Abby's in school.
You found yourself nodding, and Mike winked at you and put his plate in the sink. You felt giddy for tomorrow.
You left in a rush, even though Mkke offered the couch again. You politely declined writing that you it was okay and your parents expected you. He waved and winked goodbye. You never expected him to be so ... coy? It was kind of hot.
You've dated, of course, but Mike was something refreshing. All of the people you dated were kind of nerdy and quiet, which you didn't mind, but the relationships didn't last long. While Mike was a secret book nerd, he was teasing and so fucking hot.
The next day rolled around, and at 10, you met him at the diner. You wrote down your order, and the teo of you sat in silence.
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darkwolfgoddess · 1 month
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Happy FNAF's 10th anniversary🍕🐻🐰🐥🦊🐺!!!!!!!!!!
It's kinda weird to believe that this game francise has already existed for 10 years. It literally still feels like yesterday when I first heard of it.
I'm gonna be honest here, at first I wasn't very interested in FNAF....until I discovered the youtube playthroughs, especially IHasCupQuake ones. Then something clicked and I began to research it further. Let's just say it has grown on me over the years.
Last year when the movie came out I planned on going to see it on 31st October, but then I got Covid. When I went to see it sometime later it was already late at night and there weren't many people in the hall. Nevertheless it was an awesome experience. It felt unreal to see the animatronics we all love(some even too much but we won't talk about it) and fear, on the screen in all their glory.
And to see this francise continue on with new games and movies coming uo in the future feels....beautiful. What began as a last-effort to break through in video game world has evolved into something so much bigger. People have found a francise they love to follow, found friends, shared screams of terror and laughs, memed MarkiPlier's playthroughs and so, so much more. Hopefully FNAF's legacy will keep on going in the future. And even if it will end at some point, I hope there will be people who keep it's memory going.
Well, I guess that does my speech here. Thank you for reading it this far, go grab yourself some pizza and a drink and enjoy the rest of the 10th FNAF anniversary....OR FNAFiversary as I like to call it.
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elidon00 · 11 months
Finally got the change to watch the FNAF movie. Spoiler alert, I really liked it. Plus slight spoilers for the story too lol
I was watching this just for the puppets alone. I love practical effect and this fucking delivered. The animatronicts looked so fucking cool and the golden bonnie? or springtrap? Idk, suit looked phenominal, I loved it.
All the actor were great, even Abby's even tho I don't really like child actors, she was great.
I don't watch a lot of horror ovies so I was terrified going in even tho I was wathing it at home lmao but there were only a couple parts where I had to turn the volume down or look away, so it was fine.
My favorite thing was how colorful the movie was. It lookes so pretty all the wat through. I feel like most horror movies are so dark and grey so i really loved the colors.
That's it. The movies was good, not the best thing ever and that's fine! I'm gonna show it to my friend later, they don't know anything about fnaf lol I'm exited to see what they think.
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poptart-artt · 11 months
so I guess I’ll ask you about FNAF AUs that you’ve maybe wanted to write or draw for but haven’t yet?
*rubs hands together*
I have one major one, and a side one.
The major one is the one I mainly focus on and that I involve one of my friends with. I always hesitate to share my ideas online because people can be...well...people, and often my ideas are angst landfills because ~why not~.
So in the main one I've tweaked around the time line to fit it, a bit. Usually I prefer to stick to Canon as close as possible but it's FNAF. (RIP Matpat's and other theorists sanity - including my own). So I feel I have a bit more flexibility to mess around with it all.
You have my sona/YN 1 and my friends sona/YN 2, of course, but most importantly, you have the core four: Roxy and Chica (who are dating in my au), and Freddy and Monty. Of course, we also include Sun and Moon, as well as DJ MM.Bonnie is decommissioned, tucked away and waiting for someone to come help (as we know) but later is brought back (and has amnesia for a while).
It's hard to describe the personal au because I don't want the trolls after me. But it's a dash of War Games (the movie), angst, peepaw and Vanny being themselves only harder to kill, a rival company with animatronics that led to what amounted to a bar fight in the Plex after hours, love, self-development, reminders of why its a bad idea to explore the basement alone, "Oh hey, so experimenting on people is bad...who knew?", CSI (working our tails off to prove Monty is innocent because he is!), missing 411 the Pizza-Plex version, and a jumble of other things.
I tend to go for many themes that become intertwined. But I also like to focus on the animatronics themselves. Especially Monty, because I adore him.
So with Monty, for example, he's a bit complex as we know. I always interpreted the bit where Monty is trashing his green room after Freddy takes a nose dive on stage is actual concern and frustration that he doesn't know how to get out or express (plus ~the Corruption.Glitch and its effects). I'm a bit of a hot head myself, I admit it. But personally, when I do get THAT upset, there is a REASON behind it. That, and I believe Monty is PASSIONATE. He's got HEART. And he's got a big one. When it's misdirected (the Corruption.Glitch in this au) and corrupted, passion can cause damage. That combined with the idea that sometimes he just doesn't know HOW to deal with or express the emotions that are too "big" and bottles it up until it's like a shaken bottle of pop.
The way I have the Corruption is that it dulls logical imput, and twists what's good, and targets what your weaknesses are to use them against you in a form of mind-control. A disease that changes you fundamentally and makes you a puppet on the strings.
I also believe that Monty has some form of anxiety and perhaps even PTSD, especially with "The Bonnie Incident". He didn't even do it, but people want to blame him because he's an easy target and he can sometimes loose control. And because of an arcade game he didn't even make, and a few vague notes made by the staff. But no one listens, and he withdraws. Tries to isolate. Bottles it in until it explodes. In turn, that feeds the cycle of self hatred and anger and frustration because he sees himself in the aftermath of an outburst and realizes he's just adding fuel to their fire. This is doubly frustrating. And when he overhears the children inquire about Bonnie, it makes him tense up all the more. He didn't do it, and he has no way to prove his innocence right away.
And when Freddy or Chica, especially, mention Bonnie (which doesn't happen often) around him, it makes him worry if they blame him for Bonnie being gone and for him being pushed by the company to join them on the stage. People are far more willing to look at Monty and just see an angry, hot-headed brute, and that's not who he is. But it's what people see. And when you just want to be accepted for yourself, and want that connection, what people say really tends to get under your skin even if you try to block it out. Monty is constantly tense and on high alert, of course, he snaps. If you're cornered, you are either gonna do a fight or flight, and people blame him that his response is "fight". Monty isn't dumb either, he's well aware of how thin a line he has to ride. Constantly knowing that one slip up could mean either being decommissioned or something else just as bad. He's got a big heart but doesn't always know how to use it. And he's got a lot of people viewing him as little more than a stand-offish punk with anger issues. Our man here has a lot of pressure on his shoulders.
In this AU, she's sweet as pie but also notices a lot more than people give her credit for. She cares deeply for her friends and, of course, misses Bonnie, too. One of her friends just upped and disappeared, and there are rumors that another of her friends is at fault. She can be a bit of a people pleaser, but she genuinely just wants everyone to be happy. Her response to "The Bonnie Incident" and magnified by the Corruption.Glitch, is she is a binge eater. She eats her emotions. Wants to distract herself and feel something akin to those good feelings she had when everything wasn't as bad, and her old friend wasn't missing. She's high energy and up-beat by nature, and tries to remain positive in front of everyone. She doesn't want to be a burden or be the one to start a fight (she's been known to finish a few though). She has one part she shows to everyone else and another part she hides away, leaving herself alone to deal with everything by herself.
Roxy- In this AU, Roxy puts up a wall. Those she cares about, she cares deeply about. Those she doesn't like...well, you'll know she doesn't like you. And she's quick to protect those who need it (such as the children). She's got this 'elder sister' vibe. In an effort to hide her own insecurities and her reach for perfection, she hides behind a barrier of prickly self-confidence and sometimes harsh behavior. She expects a lot from herself and being newer to the group, she doesn't want to let anything she does reflect badly on herself or them. She has DRIVE. (I may or may not have a scene where she does end up driving during a high speed chase. It's for good reason though. If it wasn't for her - RIP us). She's not afraid to call others out on their bullshit and not everyone likes that. She has pride in what she does and if she messes up as everyone does at some point, it's all she replays in her head- self-critiquing every little thing even after others have forgotten it or moved on.
Freddy- in this AU...I admit, I kinda wanted to see more of Freddy go off the rails..but it's not come into play yet. (The guy was ready to burn everything down. Come on now.) Laid back, kind. Pretty much how we see him in the game. But not as naive as he may come across. He's seen so much bad and has so many suspicions about everything going on that he has made a conscious decision to try to see good in everything and everyone he can. He mourns the absence of his best friend and yet is aware that it's a sensitive topic to those around him. He doesn't view Monty or Roxy as mere replacements or new comers. I have this thing where in this AU he doesn't quite trust the staff. Because despite his desire to see good in everyone there, he's well aware that shady things are going on behind the scenes. They just have to be. Because he doesn't see Monty as the type to have done what others claim he has. But because he's trying so much to be sensitive and cover all the bases when the subject does come up, sometimes words get misunderstood or come out wrong. He feels like he has to protect everyone. He lost his best friend, how much more easily could he lose someone else? That's not going to happen, not on his watch. Because of this, sometimes he can end up coming across as controlling or overbearing. He doesn't mean to, he just can't lose anyone else. He feels guilty that he let his best friend disappear. Right under his nose. He was supposed to protect everyone! Hold the group together and be strong for them. There's also this side arc of healing to the way I have him in this AU. He's got pressure from the staff, pressure to be the star that he's expected to be, pressure to do his best for the children and protect themtoo, etc. He's got to deal with mourning his loss and helping his other friends through that loss as well, or other complicated emotions they're dealing with. He makes it all his responsibility. He's been through truama and he's surrounded by those who need him. He's guilty of not making himself a priority. Can't rest if he knows something is wrong. Also believes he's got to fix every problem.
I could go on and on about every character but this is already super long and I'm afraid of boring people, haha! So it's a bit hard for me to summarize the entire AU. And as I said, I do try to stick closely to Canon but I'm not afraid of a bit of artistic liberty here and there!
Bonnie does end up coming back into play in the AU so that's one bright spot!
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