#i'm gonna write a musical about cheerleaders
highkey-lowkey-as-hell ยท 4 months
sometimes it just hits me that like. chess qualified for the olympics. chess was supposed to go to the olympics. chess may not have competed but she was this close to being an OLYMPIAN.
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eulalielatibule ยท 1 month
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Pairing: Cheerleader!Jake Jensen x Cheerleader!Reader x Quarterback!Ari Levinson
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Implied smut, fluff, like seriously Jake and Reader are the absolute cutest, threesomes, open relationship, language
Summary: You and your boyfriend, Jake Jensen, want to hook up with your rival team's Quarterback, Ari Levinson.
A/N: Ahhhh I got it done in time!!! I'm so excited. I've been planning on writing this fic for MONTHS but I couldn't think of what to do until @stargazingfangirl18 and @labella420 started their community extravaganza! Please note that Ari, Jake and Reader are in the NFL. My prompts were: Yellow + Feel like youโ€™re being watched + โ€œI canโ€™t believe Iโ€™m doing this.โ€
The locker room buzzed as you and your fellow dancers got ready for the big game. As you finished up your makeup, you thought about how lucky you were to be a dancer on your dream team.
Dance and cheer were your life. Middle through high school you were on the varsity cheer team, and somewhere along the way you started taking acro and hip hop dance classes. Not only were you passionate, but also naturally talented. And it showed when you were out on the field with your dazzling smile and killer moves.
Being on Gladiatorsโ€™ football field was your second home. Your first home? That was with your boyfriend, Jake Jensen, a fellow cheerleader.
You met him when you were auditioning for the first time. You didn't want anyone to know you were as nervous as a mouse being chased by a cat. So you occupied yourself by going over your routine again and again and again. You only stopped when you felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see the cutest guy with baby blue eyes and spiky blond hair. He had offered you a snack, and you two got to chatting. One thing led to another, and now here you guys were, dating for three years.
Everyone loved you as a couple. You were very popular on the team's various pages and amongst the fans, which you couldn't blame them- you guys were an amazing couple. Not that you were biased.
โ€œ5 minutes!โ€ Your manager called, and everyone finished up their prep and got in formation- two lines that ran out onto the field ready to do the opening dance.
Jake stood next to you in line and he kissed your cheek. โ€œWe're gonna do great.โ€ You smiled at how sweet he was and kissed his cheek back, careful not to leave a lipstick mark. The speaker turned on and you grinned as the team was announced.
โ€œEverybody make some noise for The Roman Legion!โ€
Cheering filled the stadium as you guys ran out, big smiles on your faces as you waved to everyone. The music started and you began doing your dance and pom routine. You were in the zone, your flow state as you let yourself go with the music and performed. At one point in the routine you turn around and you see none other than Ari Levinson watching you. You meet eyes and he throws you a wink which makes your smile brighten.
Ari Levinson was the Quarterback of The Knights, your rivals. You weren't really sure why you guys were rivals- Gladiators and Knights were kinda similar. Perhaps it all started 50 years ago when The Knights beat The Gladiators by a few mere points, making it to the Superbowl.
You didn't really care either way. While you thought the innocent rivalry could be fun at times, you wanted to be the exact opposite of a rival to Ari.
You and Jake loved each other more than anything. You knew that you were going to spend the rest of your life with him, and he knew the same. Another thing you two agreed on was your mutual attraction to Ari.
You felt bad about it at first, how you'd find yourself staring at him and daydreaming about how good he looked when on the field. But then Jake approached you one day, all nervous, and confessed to feeling the same way. You were relieved, and it led to a long talk which eventually ended with you two agreeing to approach him.
There was a rule that cheerleaders and football players on the same team couldn't fraternize, but there was nothing about if they're on different teams.
โ€œLook who's watching us.โ€ You whisper to your man as you get ready for him and another male dancer to lift you. Jake looks ahead and sees Ari, and you see how Ari smirks at Jake. If by some miracle he was into the both of you like you two were, then this would be a lot easier than you thought.
After the game you all signed some autographs and took pictures, and then everyone finally went back to the locker room.
โ€œAri Levinson was checking us out all night!โ€ You whispered to Jake as you changed out of your yellow-gold uniform. Despite seeing you naked plenty of times and being your literal boyfriend, Jake still blushed when he saw your body- yet also couldn't look away. It was sweet and you giggled as he eyed your breasts.
โ€œJake! Up here,โ€ you snapped your fingers to get his attention, and he let out a sheepish chuckle before clearing his throat.
โ€œHe was, wasn't he? Do you think it was just a coincidence?โ€ You shook your head,ย 
โ€œNo, of course not. Everyone knows we're a couple. And wanting to be in a threesome isn't an uncommon fantasy you know.โ€
Jake nodded as he changed into one of his favorite graphic tees. โ€œYeah, but is he even into guys? What if he wants to cuck me or something.โ€ You scoffed and shook your head again, buttoning up your blouse.
โ€œHave you seen the way he interacts with his teammates? That man is definitely bi. And I would never let anyone cuck you. We're a package deal.โ€ You emphasized your point with a kiss before you finished getting dressed in your regular clothes. Jake smiled at you and nuzzled into your hair for a moment before he too finished.
โ€œI know you wouldn't. And that's true. So what should we do?โ€
โ€œWell, he'll probably be at the after party tonight. I think there is a good place to start, don't you?โ€
And so you two made a quick stop at your shared apartment to get dressed for the party. You put on a sparkly form fitting dress in your favorite color. Jake, not really being one to dress up, decided to wear one of his nicer shirts and a sports jacket and slacks. He also put on some fun patterned socks, because otherwise, โ€œthe outfit just wasn't me.โ€
The two of you eventually arrived to the party and had a great time. You mingled with your fellow dancers and had some drinks. You danced with your man. The whole time you kept an eye out for Ari but had yet to see him.
Starting to feel discouraged and a little overwhelmed by all the people, you and Jake stepped outside for some fresh air.
โ€œIf we don't see him tonight maybe we can hit him up on Twitter or something?โ€ Jake suggested and you smiled with a shrug.
โ€œYeah, maybe. I just kinda hoped that we'd, you know, have some extra fun tonight.โ€
Jake scoffed light-heartedly. โ€œYou know we have plenty of fun together.โ€ He waggled his eyebrows suggestively which made you laugh.
โ€œMm, we really do.โ€ You purred as you pressed against Jake, a big stupid grin on his face as he held you close and you two kissed.
You thought you two were alone but you felt eyes on you as you kissed. Whether it was the paparazzi or maybe someone who happened to be looking? You weren't sure but you didn't really care. Being in the spotlight you grew used to having eyes on you.
โ€œWell look who it is, the NFLโ€™s favorite couple.โ€ You heard a playful voice say. You recognized it immediately to be Ari and you grinned against Jake's lips, kissing him once more for good luck before turning around to greet him.
โ€œI don't believe we've met, I'm Ari Levinson.โ€ He enveloped your hand in his larger- and deliciously rougher- one. You gave him your name and also introduced Jake.
โ€œAh yeah, nice to meet you too Jake.โ€ He shook Jake's hand and patted him on the shoulder. Jake's cheeks had turned pink as he smiled up at Ari- you thought his little crush was adorable.
โ€œYeah, nice to meet you too! You're great at touch downs and stuff!โ€ Jake babbled out, making you giggle quietly. You wrapped an arm around his waist as you cuddled into him.
โ€œHe always got a little shy around pretty people.โ€ You spoke to Ari, making Jake blush more and Ari had an amused smile on his face.
โ€œOh yeah? Well that's a high compliment coming from you. Thank you, handsome.โ€ He gave Jake's arm a squeeze and then turned his warm gaze to you.
โ€œAnd you, you're even more beautiful up close. I don't know how you two do it.โ€
You felt giddy at all the praise being showered your way. You beamed up at Jake who looked like the excitable golden retriever he was. Ari chuckled at how adorable the two of you were and ducked in close.
โ€œI can't believe I'm doing thisโ€ฆโ€ You felt something brush your hand, and when you looked down you saw it was a hotel key.
Ariโ€™s hotel key.
You cleared your throat and flashed the key to Jake, who's eyes widened like he just got a brand new bike for Christmas.
Ariโ€™s big, affectionate smile never left- god you two were the cutest fucking people ever.
โ€œI hope you'll meet me tonight. 10 oโ€™clock?โ€
You shared another look with Jake, who nodded vigorously and you turned your attention back to Ari.
โ€œWeโ€™ll be there.โ€
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somethingvicked ยท 2 months
When Love and Hate Collide
Eddie Munson song-fic.
Song lyrics belong to the band Def Leppard!
warnings: female reader, cruel Eddie, angst!
Eddie walked out of his trailer, seeing you sitting on your own porch in the opposite lot with your boombox beside you, listening to your music. Usually your music taste was similar to his, but when you were in a low mood you always went for power ballads. He used to teased you about that but right now he felt like someone had punched him when he saw you refusing to look in his direction, writing in your notebook, silently lip-syncing to the song.
You could have a change of heart If you would only change your mind Instead of slamming down the phone, girl For the hundredth time
He had tried calling you, reasoning with you, begging your forgiveness but it was plain to see that this time you've had enough.
I got your number on my wall But I ain't gonna make that call When divided we stand, baby United we fall
You two had been best friends forever. Your parents had rented the trailer in the lot opposite his and Wayne's when you were barely four years old and you had hit it off immediately.
He couldn't say when those feelings had developed into love. Maybe when your parents had sent you to camp the whole summer and you hadn't seen each other for two months? Maybe it was when Gareth Heath had commented on how you had come back from summer camp with a 'rack of lamb'? Maybe it was when you said that you had a small crush on Patrick Swayze and he got furious because Swayze was a pretty boy, nothing like him and he wanted you to think of only him.
Yet, he never acted on those feelings, despite the hints you dropped. He was scared that if it didn't work out he would lose you forever. That was his worst nightmare. He'd rather stay just friends then.
Got the time, got a chance, gonna make it Got my hands on your heart, gonna take it All I know I can't fight this flame
It was plain to see that it hurt you. Especially when he got drunk and flirted with other girls - maybe just to see how jealous you got, to ensure him you still loved him and only him - or when he sold weed to cheerleaders and they flirted with him, wearing their short skirts and scratching his arm with their painted nails to get a reduced price.
You never did anything of the sort. You were in love with Eddie and wanted no one else. Good thing you didn't because he might have punched the guy you showed the slighest bit of interest in.
It was only because Patrick Swayze was a hundred miles away in Hollywood - and too old for you - that Eddie hadn't killed him.
Not really, but still.
You could have a change of heart If you would only change your mind 'Cause I'm crazy 'bout you, baby Time after time
But last night at the Hideout when some skank (your words, not his) had all but draped herself over him and he had done nothing to prevent it, despite talking to you merely seconds before, you had slammed down your glass on the bar counter top and walked out.
He had pushed the girl off of him and raced after you wondering what was wrong and you had turned around, looking at him with such hatred in your eyes that he had to take a step back. Your voice was colder than ice when you said: "I'm done. Done, Munson (not Eddie. Munson.). You've been hurting me for years. Friends don't do that. And since you claim that's the only thing we are, then I say it's a shitty friendship and I'm better off without it. We're done. Don't call me. Don't visit. Don't talk to me. Never again."
Without you, one night alone Is like a year without you baby Do you have a heart of stone? Without you Can't stop the hurt inside When love and hate collide
He had been struck by surprise, then paralyzing fear before he shook himself out of it. You couldn't mean it... right? No, you were just angry. You would get over it and understand he didn't mean anything by it. You always did.
He had cursed himself a million times over for not going after you when you walked off. He had gone back inside, thinking a little distance would make you cool down.
It was merely hours later that he realized what a mistake he had made.
When he got home he had tried calling you, but you didn't answer. When your parents answered the phone they didn't even bother lying to him - they said you didn't want to talk to him and that was that.
He went over to your place the next day but you didn't come to the door. He knew you were home because once again your mom refused to lie to him, she simply said that you didn't want to see him and that he had to respect your choice.
When Monday rolled around you took the bus to school from the trailer park. You hadn't done that in years, always riding with him in his van. In school you avoided him like the plague, sitting with Robin instead of the Hellfire table. When the guys heard what had happened they all looked at him as if he had killed someone. Or rather, killed you.
I don't wanna fight no more I don't know what we're fighting for When we treat each other, baby Like an act of war
Now he didn't know what to do. It was like someone had reached into his chest and cut his heart out. He had tried saying sorry, even put letters underneath your door, saying he would do better. You still didn't talk to him.
Deep inside he hoped you would again, that you would realize that you missed him, just like he missed you. But for every day that passed he slowly realized that whatever feelings you had for him, he had fucked up one time too many and the pan of the scale had tipped over.
I could tell a million lies And it would come as no surprise When the truth is like a stranger Hits you right between the eyes
"You got to make this right," Wayne said when Eddie all but cried for help. "You obviously don't see her as a friend. Not to mention you hurt her so many times - trying to have your cake and eat it too! That's such a cruel thing to do, Eddie! I've not raised you to act like that! So tell her how you feel. For real. And you better spend the rest of your time making it up to her!"
There's a time and a place and a reason And I know I got a love to believe in All I know Got to win this time
So that same night he showed up on your porch with his acoustic guitar, strumming out the tones to the song you had played just the other day. Not caring whether your parents heard him or even called the cops on him.
Without you, one night alone Is like a year without you, baby Do you have a heart of stone? Without you Can't stop the hurt inside When love and hate collide
You could have a change of heart If you would only change your mind 'Cause I'm crazy 'bout you, baby Crazy, crazy
You opened the door, meeting his gaze for the first time in days.
"I... I love you, sweetheart," Eddie whispered. "I'm so sorry. So sorry for how I behaved. Please... please give me a chance to make this right. I can't live without you."
You shook your head. "I'm so goddamn angry at you, Eddie Munson. But... I love you too I thought it would be easier, living without you. It's not! I miss you so much!"
Eddie smiled and ran up to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly, both of them crying.
"But I'm telling you now - I'll castrate you if you ever hurt me again!" Y/N whispered and Eddie chuckled.
"I'll hand you the knife, baby."
"Don't bother - I'll use a spoon."
Without you, one night alone Is like a year without you, baby Do you have a heart of stone? Without you, one night alone Is like a year without you, baby If you have a heart at all Without you I can't stop the hurt inside When love and hate collide
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(please, like, comment and reblog!
Your likes are wonderful, but reblogs expand my reading circle!)
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meet-me-backstage ยท 6 months
๐…๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐‡๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐“๐จ ๐„๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ
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๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐„๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ โŽˆ ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐…๐ฅ๐š๐ฒ๐ž๐ซ
๐๐š๐ข๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐Ÿฆ‡ Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
๐’๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ฒ ๐Ÿฆ‡ You get dragged into the unfathomable events at Starcourt Mall by your hopeless crush on Billy Hargrove and new-found middle-schooler friends. You struggle to cope with the trauma which gradually costs you your popular cheerleader reputation when you return to high school for senior year. Though this loss first appears to be the end of the world, you learn that there's worse things than levelling down in popularity.
Though even in darkness, there is always a light - for you this is Eddie Munson, who you gain an unlikely friendship in and fall for him in the process.
๐‘ป๐’‰๐’Š๐’” ๐’”๐’†๐’“๐’Š๐’†๐’” ๐’Š๐’” ๐’‚ ๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’ ๐’”๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’ƒ๐’–๐’“๐’๐’†๐’“ ๐’˜๐’Š๐’•๐’‰ ๐’๐’๐’•๐’” ๐’๐’‡ ๐’–๐’‘๐’” ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’…๐’๐’˜๐’๐’”, ๐’”๐’Ž๐’–๐’• ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’‚ ๐’‰๐’‚๐’‘๐’‘๐’š ๐’†๐’๐’…๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ!
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๐–๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐„๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐Ÿฆ‡ 4K words.
๐–๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐„๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐Ÿฆ‡ blood, horror themes, violence, death, mention of suicidal thoughts and mention of suicide, domestic (verbal) abuse and a near death experience.
๐ƒ๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐›๐ž ๐š ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ - ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ž ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž, ๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐š๐ง๐, ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ข๐ฆ๐ฉ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ฅ๐ฒ, ๐ซ๐ž๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐ !
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๐Ÿฆ‡ ๐Ÿ’๐ญ๐ก ๐‰๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฒ, ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿฆ‡
"Superstar!" Mason calls out for you, he'd arrived home from one of his friend's homes that had instruments in their garage - some musicians who were dropouts from Hawkins High. You are yet to meet them, but he raved about them like they were an answered prayer of his. "I'm in the band - like, officially," his voice excited but in a whisper, not wanting your mom or dad to hear because they had no idea that heโ€™d been searching musicians to form a band in the first place - it had been a secret between the two of you.
You are stood in the front yard secretly practicing basketball and upon hearing Mason's voice you turn around, the replacement ball that Mason had got you in your hands - you feel happy for him, but then you remember him mentioning an opportunity to record with the band somewhere far away from Hawkins. "Wicked - so, that means - you're leaving Hawkins, right?" You pout.
"I have to go before this shithole ruins me - it's a once in a lifetime opportunity," he whispers, coming closer - he could see, beneath the happiness you feel, that youโ€™re sad... sad that he'd no longer be around to play basketball with you, to listen and dance to music with you, to cheer you on through everything, "I'll still be here with you - in the form of... I don't know," he looks down, his mousy hair falling in front of his face. His blue eyes land on the ball and they light up, "My cassettes! Keep that Black Sabbath one you love so much - and I'll send letters, I promise."
You hold your own hands, fiddling with your fingers, "When - are you gonna go?" You nervously look up at him.
He bites his lips together, clearly feeling guilty because he knows that you donโ€™t have anyone else who accepts you for who you are... not even your mom or sister. "Tonight," he sighs, "I'll be sneaking out once everyone is in bed... I'll write a note for mom, dad - Becky... and we're all planning to meet at Andyโ€™s van, heโ€™s the bassist - he's gonna drive us to this record company... which is - it's a long drive away," he tries to contain his excitement, but it shows in his voice.
"But - high school," you frown, "You're going before I even start," you huff, knowing that it's going to be miserable without him and that Rebecca would be looking out for you instead... which you know is going to be miserable because she has been embarrassed to have you as a sister ever since she started high school, even going to the extent of telling you to stay your room on the occasion that she'd bring friends from Hawkins High home for a slumber party or movie night...
You know that she canโ€™t just shut you away at high schoolโ€ฆ sheโ€™d desperately try to change you or completely ignore you.
Without Mason you have nobody apart from Chrissy... who is a good friend, but sheโ€™d been raving about hanging out with the likes of Rebecca and the rest of the cheer team at Hawkins High for months.
"I'll miss you," You mumble, not liking to admit it, which makes him chuckle and he ruffles your hair with his right hand.
"I'll miss you too, superstar - that's why I'm telling you all this... rather than in the note I'm leaving them," he gestures towards your home, "They'd never let me go... skip senior year if they knew it was for drumming," he makes a look of sarcastic horror on his face, which makes you giggle with him after, "It might take a while - to be settled somewhere else, but once I am hopefully you will have graduated and you can join me."
"You don't have to ask me twice,โ€ You groan softly, still dreading the thought of starting high school without him being there, "That's if I'm not killed by Becky for raining on her high school parade."
Mason forces a grin, frustration clear on his features by the way that the lines between his brows show, "I'm sorry I'm not going to be there to - defend you," he sighs, "You gotta promise me that you'll stay strong, don't change yourself for anyone - not even mom or Beckyโ€ฆ because there's gonna be someone else out there, like me, who's gonna love you for who you are," he places his hand under your chin, looking down at you with fond eyes, "Who's gonna want to be friends with you no matter what, who - I dunno, loves Black Sabbath as much as we do and will jump on the bed with you to all their records, okay?"
You stare up at him solemnly, but hopeful that you can find a friend like that - Eddie is the first that pops into your head when Mason mentions Black Sabbath.
You stir in discomfort during your sleep, your eyelids fluttering.
Your brother has disappeared now, vanished into thin air.
You notice that it has turned unusually dark suddenly with ominous-looking grey clouds towering above you, rain is falling on your head and behind you your mom is yelling, "Where is she?!" Followed by Rebecca yelling back, "I don't know, mom - I'm going out to look!"
Rebecca has a yellow jacket on over some denim overalls and is grasping a torch as she runs out of the house while your mom stood at the doorframe, "Don't even think about coming back until you find her - I mean it, Rebecca," your mom scowls as Rebecca starts to wipe at her face, her make-up smudging her eyes, making them look bruised.
You pout, feeling bad for your sister, what youโ€™d put her through by searching for Billy and Heather instead of coming straight home.
Rebecca walks straight past you, completely ignoring you stood right outside your shared home and you watch her, worried... confused, "Becky?!" You call, but she continues to walk, "Rebecca, I'm right here!" You shout now, which she seems to hear this time because she starts to slow down until her walking comes to a complete halt... her movement is unusually slouchy, which is very unlike her. You squint your eyes, watching her, she is as still as a statue, "Rebecca?"
She turns slowly, her skin now pale, almost purple under the dull night sky - she looks... zombified. Like Billy had looked in the sauna... and like how pale you had been when you witnessed the sauna test that your newfound middle schooler friends had tried on Billy, you froze on the spot not knowing what to do because it was a situation you never expected to be in. All you could do was scream 'you're hurting him!' repeatedly until you collapsed into a sobbing mess as El forcefully lifted Billy into the air and chucked him through the window of the community pool with her powers.
In this moment you can only tremble... you donโ€™t know what to do without Eleven, she'd protected all of you, though at first you didnโ€™t quite understand, not until you saw that thing at the hospital - a fleshy monster made up of residents from Hawkins. Your eyes widen at the realisation as Rebecca sinisterly storms towards is you, not blinking, her skin is patterned with protruding purple veins, "R-Rebecca?" You manage to gather the strength to speak, but she doesnโ€™t respond, "I'm - sor-."
She grabs your neck with both her hands, squeezing, which makes you gasp out an involuntary scream - her head tilts as she watches you suffer.
"Y-you - don't - havetodothis!" You gurgle, tightly grasping onto her wrists with your hands, trying to break yourself free.
Rebecca's eyes are glossy, but she is dead behind them, "Yes I do - ever since you were born you've been nothing but a misbehaving little brat... now you're going to pay - you're going to stay still and let him take you," Him? You shake your head desperately and she smiles eerily in response, "It's not going to hurt one bit - and then you'll be gone at last."
"No!" You scream violently in your sleep, only to be shaken awake by Max.
It had all been a sick, twisted, messed up dream.
You stare up at Max, confused when you see the red bruise under her eye, thatโ€™s when it all comes back to you. Billy had knocked you both out, hit you so hard youโ€™d had such a realistic concussion dream. "Wake up," Max whispers, shaking you until you nod your head and then she moves onto Mike, who is still knocked out.
You are at the back area of Starcourt after trying to trick the Mind Flayer into thinking that Eleven was being driven away by Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, Robin and Lucas when she was actually still at the mall - youโ€™d messed up... you admit that youโ€™re still pretty new to this, but the three of you were so desperate to help Eleven that you hadnโ€™t been discreet enough.
You and Max had tried to keep Billy away... convinced that you could somehow knock whatever it was out of him as he strode towards you, but you were very wrong... clearly.
You hear fireworks continuously going off, making you flinch and turn away from the sound, noticing that Eleven is not with you, "Max - she's gone, El's gone - and Billy!" You frantically stand yourself up, your legs wobble for a few moments before you let your care towards these kids that had come into your life on a horrific whim sink into you and send you running towards the loud bangs in the main area of the mall.
Terror sinks into your stomach, it gets worse with every step you get closer until you see it again, the massive fleshy monster in the middle of the mall, the monster that had tried to kill you while you sneaked from counter to counter of clothes in The Gap earlier... it was not what you expected when you told Dana after your shift there that youโ€™d be back soon - not under theseโ€ฆ circumstances. Neon sparks are flying off of this thing as it roars and you halt your running abruptly, your converse making a squeaking sound.
Max and Mike are on either side of you, you laugh breathlessly as the monster seems to be in pain.
You thought that you were winning against the wicked-looking evil before you...
Until, in your lower peripheral vision you can see movementโ€ฆ your face completely falls at the sight of Billy standing up in front of Eleven, examining the monster in a frozen state of confusion. His skin is no longer purple, sweat no longer dripping from his features and no veins can be seen. What had been left from the Mind Flayer on Billy are dark scars on his back.
The past few days seem to flash before your eyes, youโ€™d gotten yourself so wrapped up in this new secret side of Hawkins that had been under your nose, wound yourself up in this group of people that youโ€™d never even spoken to before at school and now was sharing traumatic life or death situations with them - youโ€™d even held one of Nancy Wheeler's guns to try and protect the kids from the same monster at Hopperโ€™s cabin - and Steve 'the hair' Harrington was involved in all of this?!
Youโ€™d never even had the chance to acknowledge your response to Billy's last note to you, let alone talk to him about it... and now itโ€™s too late...
A broken sob leaves your trembling lips as one of the tentacles that had tried to kill you before shot towards Eleven, making her scream... but it doesnโ€™t get anywhere near her because it is stopped in it's tracks by Billy, who steps forward, protecting Eleven by catching the mouth of this tentacle in his hands.
Your eyes are wide and you let out a scream. You canโ€™t let this happen to Billyโ€ฆ Youโ€™d gathered that there had also been so many words left unsaid between him and Max after finding out about everything he'd gone through when you witnessed Eleven enter his childhood trauma and memories with her mind... you want to help him, need to help, "No!" You yell.
I'm crazy for doing this, even thinking it.
In a flash, youโ€™re sprinting towards Billy and the monster. You whisper profanities under your breath and ignore Max and Mike's yelling for you to turn away... you knew that you needed to take matters into your own hands to save Billy now that youโ€™d run out of fireworks and the monster's attention is solely on him - and besidesโ€ฆ
it's too late to turn back now.
You try desperately to ignore the monster snarling next to you because you know that if you looked, youโ€™d be running away from it. You just focus on the strain on Billy's face, it breaks your heart as you remember all the specific moments youโ€™d spent together where he'd smiled at you with that smug grin, cheered for you, danced with you... even if the last time had been to piss off your sister, it felt real to you and you hoped that if youโ€™d just had a heart to heart, that it would change everything between the two of you - that youโ€™d understand one another.
"B-Billy," you sob while grabbing onto his arm, which is being engulfed by the fleshy monster. You then bring a hand to his cheek, "Billy - I forgive you," you stroke your thumb over his cheekbone and desperately try to pull his arms away, but you canโ€™t... as you continue to try to save him another tentacle flings out of this monster and punctures Billy's stomach, which makes him gutturally groan.
"L-little m-iss - keg - qu- qu- you n-eed to - st-ay - aw-ay," he manages to utter those words between more groans as the monster continues to impale him with more tentacles, but you canโ€™t move... he is trying to protect you, though nothing but anger towards this monster floods through you as it grasps Billy's life in it's tentacles... ripping him away again.
You growl, your teeth grinding together as you reach for one of the tentacles. You grab it tightly, trying to ignore the grossness of its slimy and muscly texture... you grip onto it as hard as you can and scream as you try to rip it completely away from Billy's hip but it is gripping onto him so hard that you only manage to rip a piece of the monsterโ€™s flesh away...
It makes the monster scream in anger while you scream in pain as the flesh you ripped away from the monster grips onto your skin, trying to burrow into it like a tick. It is so strong that it rips into my wrist and wriggles into you while you try with your other hand to get it off, but you canโ€™t. After that you see it burrowing underneath your skin, wriggling inside your arm and crawling up it and hiding somewhere inside you... never to be found again, you wail in horror.
Youโ€™d fallen on the floor during your fight with this piece of the Mind Flayer, your wrist uncontrollably bleeds, creating a small puddle of blood on the floor around your hand.
Your chest is rising and falling rapidly as the Mind Flayer sends one last tentacle straight into Billy's heart. Everyone's screams can be heard, making you tear your eyes away from your bleeding wrist and the pain coming from your wound... I tried, but failed... itโ€™s not like I have much to live for once this is over, I wish it had been me... you continue to sob uncontrollably as Billy is lifted by these tentacles and, like the monster had heard your thoughts, it faces you and you donโ€™t even try to move away, you just stare as it towers over me, it's mouth open wide, baring itโ€™s many layers of teeth.
You are ready for it to snap at you, for it to send a tentacle to end you, but before it could even just roar once more, the monster suddenly loses itโ€™s footing and collapses to the ground... it almost tramples you but you shuffle away on my bum quick enough to not be suffocated to death.
It had completely sabotaged the mall and had even set it alight...
You are frozen and alone as the others hug.
You hear Billy gurgling to your side and quickly snap back to your senses by crawling towards him, broken sobs leaving your lips. He has blood splattered all over his mouth and his chest, "B-illy," You croak out as Max runs to join you by Billyโ€™s side, "You're going to get through this, I believe in you, Billy - please!" You quote one of the notes he'd given you and place your hand on his chest, not caring that his blood is spilling onto your hand and yours is spilling on him.
Max stands over her brother and starts to shake him, "Billy - Billy, get up, please," Max pleads continuously, tears streaming down her face.
Billy continues to cough and he looks at you, his mouth tweaking upwards in pain, reminding you again of all the smiles he'd given you at the parties, in school. You hoped youโ€™d see more of them, receive more notes from him.
You remembered your favorite night with Billy - at Tina's party, you were both drunk and he complimented your hair, then you complimented his and somehow got yourselves into a drunken 'who can flip their hair better' competition.
"Mine's swoosh-ier than yours," you bobbed your head to the sound of the music and rolled your head in circles, which made your hair sway chaotically around, hitting Billy's face, which caused him blow raspberries to try and get your hair out of his mouth.
He wiped his mouth and laughed, shaking his head at you with that priceless grin that made you hopelessly think about him all day everyday, "Not bad, little miss - it moves - nnicely and all, but I think mine adds a little m-more volume into - the mix," he slurred and brought his hand up to fiddle with his hair, he then moved his head from side to side with the biggest smile on his face.
You blushed, taking advantage of just being able to watch him having fun, "Mhm 'not bad', Hargrove," you giggled.
He cradled his forehead once he'd come to a stop, his hair was all over his face, "You know what - you win. I do not have the stomach for a second round of that," he laughed, moving his brows suggestively, which made you blush even more - and like he read your mind, he leant forward and kissed your cheek, his breath fanned your face, "'M gonna get us another drink."
You were giddy inside because he seemed so happy, like he had not a care in world - with that tweaked up smile permanently etched onto his face hadโ€ฆ
Your mouth tweaks upwards at the memory, but it fades quickly as the dream of spending more time together outside of those stupid parties gradually fades.
Billyโ€™s glossy eyes slowly drag away from you and he looks at Max, who is hovering over him completely now, "I'm sorry," his final words.
He stops gurgling and his body goes limp as he inhales, taking his last breath, "Billy, wake up - Billy, get up - please," Max pleads before realisation spreads across her features... he is dead.
Gone. No - I can't believe it.
You stare down at him in disbelief, "N-no," you shake your head hysterically and start to pump his chest in desperate hopes that he'd take another breath and that life would reach his eyes again.
Max watches you, also in hysteria, watching your hands move up and down on his chest... hoping, only for defeat to take over again and she breaks down, sobbing louder, "Stop! It's - no use - y-youโ€™re only - hurting yourself."
You keep shaking your head, your tears spilling over Billy's bloodstained vest, "There - has to be a way!" You cry and suddenly feel yourself being dragged away from Billy's body by Max. She collapses onto your lap and hugs you tightly... the girl that had cut you the least amount of slack since youโ€™d joined the friend group. You bow your head and wrap your arms around her, sobbing in each other's arms.
You canโ€™t let go of each other after that, you both limp out of the mall and you let her lean onto you until you are made to go your separate ways by a group of firefighters. Youโ€™re now stood alone, watching all of your friends reuniting with their families, searching for your mom or Rebecca, who are nowhere to be seen. Your eyes set themselves on Eleven, who is stood alone too, searching for Hopper.
You do your best to ignore the pain and blood flowing out of your wrist by holding your other hand over the cut.
You take one last look at the mall - the neon light of the Starcourt Mall sign, the orange smoke from the fire inside merging into the sky... it looks like a nightmare, but it is real. You take one shaky breath before collapsing onto the wet concrete.
You see yourself from a third person perspective. You are levitating and being held up like Billy had been by that monster.
You are face to face with it again, only you are in Billy's exact place - it's features even scarier than the real thing. It seems to be angry with you - it wants you, but before you can scream for help from Max, anybody - a tentacle of smoke flies towards you, holding your wrist and disappearing into the cut that had been made by the flesh of the Mind Flayer before. You scream in pain as you feel nothing but it coursing through your body, and then as if to shut you up, this Mind Flayer made up of smoke sends another tentacle to your mouth.
Your arms uncontrollably fight to get away, but you feel yourself being held down. "Control her - hold her down!"
You see a bright light directly above you, at first you think you are slipping into deathโ€ฆ then you see blurred faces with blue rubber hats and masks in nurses uniforms, they shine a torch at your eyes which snap you back to your senses and makes you blink profusely.
โ€œWeโ€™re not sure, Ms - but we can confirm that she attempted suicide in the mall.โ€
"Is - is she awake?!" You hear your mom's panicked voice. She appears in your eye line, standing over you like the doctor's are.
"Your daughter has lost a lot of blood but we've got the bleeding under control," One of the doctor's above you speaks. You canโ€™t move - they must've sedated you, "Sit down."
"No - I will not sit down - you don't understand - I have a missing daughter out there!" Your mom scolds the doctors and points out of the window in the hospital room. Rebecca is missing? Your eyes widen and the doctor's notice because they finally turn the torch off and are writing something down on the clipboard at the foot of the bed youโ€™re tucked into.
"You have to stay, Ms - your daughter here is regaining consciousness, we may need you to ease her when she's able to talk - we can call the authorities for you about your other daughter," the doctor explains and your mom looks less than content about being advised to stay - she purses her lips, wanting to argue, "I'll get someone to call."
The doctor leaves and you and your mom are left alone in the room. Your eyes are the only things that can move, you have slight control over your wounded wrist which twitches, making the machine beside your bed beep. The sudden sound attracts the attention of your mom, she notices that youโ€™re looking at her and walks towards your bed - you expect her, for once, to be relieved that youโ€™re with her, and alive.
"Do you see what you've done to me?! What you've done to this family?!" She scolds you, towering over the bed so that you can see nothing but her disappointed and distressed face, she looks dishevelled, her hair messy and damp, her eyes are surrounded by dark rings from not sleeping, "Becky went out looking for you days ago - since your shift at Starcourt and hasn't come back," she sobs angrily and you manage to open your mouth, making a strained noise, "She - went to that trailer park - to see if you were there and she hasn't called - neither has your father," she spits out each word so harshly and so quickly that you can hardly keep up, her tears falling onto your face, "My Becky," she sobs.
What if the dream I had earlier was true?
If it was, you already knew that Rebecca was most likely flayed, like Billy and Heather - Mr and Mrs Holloway and Mrs Driscoll. And what about dad? The thought of your dream being true, your eyes turn glossy and tears start to form in the corner of your eyes. Strained noises leave your mouth, they canโ€™t just burst out because you donโ€™t have the physical strength.
"It's all your fault," your mom sobs, pointing her finger at you, nothing but hatred in her eyes when she looks at you... she is right, it is. If you didn't already feel aching guilt before, you definitely feel it now, especially since there had been this underlying adrenaline you felt during this entire experience... after being locked in your bedroom for a month and being confined by your mom's strict rules.
It was terrible, it was scary, but you also felt free in a situation that led to so many people's deaths... including those close to you, those you love.
Your wrist starts to throb from from under your skin as you hear a gravelly, sinister voice in your head while yours flutter shut: 'They're dead and it's all your fault, little miss thief'.
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59 notes ยท View notes
zeravmeta ยท 1 month
Thoughts on RvB Restoration Finale
not really that long just my 2 cents
I wanna say I liked the movie because I did enjoy myself watching it, but honestly I'm very much gonna stick to the RvB17 open ended finale
Overall the movie was... ok? It wasn't unwatchably bad the way RvB Zero was but it also just made a lot of choices that I disagree with fundamentally both with the writing and the core themes of the series as a whole. I've had this take ever since RvB14 on the fanbase and the writers but this movie flat out says it:
The writers are fucking unable to let go of PFL and Chorus in a meaningful way.
For a series thats core message is about saying goodbye, they literally dont let that part of the show die. They are functionally unable to let go of the past peaks of the franchise and write something new. And I get it: RvB fundamentally cycles with its storytelling, but what was so refreshing to me about RvB14-17 was that it actually progressed itself Past those peaks of RvB10 and 11-13 (and honestly people REALLY dont appreciate the good in those later seasons). It felt like a natural (if wacky) progression, and it definitely wasnt perfect but it gave the extended cast more opportunities to shine in ways we didnt appreciate before
This movie just doesnt do that? Honestly the fact that they KILLED Sarge and Doc was so... disrespectful to me? Like not in the sense that it was as bad as how RvB Zero (fake) killed Tucker, but more like it felt like the writers killed them off because they were following a book titled "How To Write Story" and saw 'killing off characters is good writing'. Sarge got a dramatic send off that also didnt feel that impactful? And I did see it coming from the start but having Doc be Washs' guilt haunting him just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Its a really self contained story, a whole bunch of characters outside the main 3 reds and Caboose felt ooc, a good chunk of characters dont even show up (dude where was DONUT??? youre telling me he only has 5 seconds in Simmons' mind in a cheerleading costume?), it was composed of like 3-4 sets total, Carolina, Tex and 479er all just kind of Show Up to be badasses in the way The New Person would show up in an MCU movie...
Honestly watching this movie I kind of felt like it would have a twist ending. Like the credits would play and then itd zoom out to show the Reds and Blues post S17 in a movie theater watching this dramatic finale, because thats honestly what it felt like: The whole movie was a cheap facsimile of RvB as a whole. The fact that Trocadero wasn't allowed/signed on to make the music for this finale really does influence this movie, since they used a whole bunch of songs and osts that felt out of place (though I will admit Vale Deah softly playing as Grimmons said goodbye to each other did make me choke up a little)
Despite my negative review, I do still recommend watching it, since there was stuff I did like: Simmons in a leader role, Tex and the fun reveal during her fight with Tucker-Meta, Grif FINALLY getting to retire, Caboose as a whole was really well written, there IS good in this movie! And again it's not unwatchable bad, it just... kind of leaves a somber, sour taste in my mouth. This movie threw a whole bunch of stuff to the wall not to see what would stick but to break it all and leave for the insurance money. Just a "hey since we're sinking might as well make all these callbacks and break a bunch of stuff along the way."
Welp. Goodbye, RvB. At least this way I know that RT dies without riding your coattails any longer. And hey given that RvB technically has 3 endings (RvB17, Zero and RvB19) you can just take your pick on what you like best anyways. Quick edit no jutsu I forgor to mention there is the sequence at the beginning of the movie where it is implied RvB19 COULD also be one of the simulations in and of itself so. yeah you can in fact just take it as you will
24 notes ยท View notes
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โ€˜Cause Youโ€™re a Sky Full of Stars (Iโ€™m Gonna Give You My Heart)
Part Two of Sometimes All You Need (A Getaway Car)
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Description: After your whirlwind meeting at the bar, you and Jake finally go on your first date.
Disclaimer:ย Insecurities on the part of Gorgeous Girl,
Warnings: afab!reader
Word Count: 4460
A/N: Hi! I'm back! This concept took over my brain and I had to write Jake and Gorgeous Girl's first date. Like the last installment, I listened to a song to get the creative juices flowing. So without further ado, this part is sponsored by Coldplay's A Sky Full of Stars and this picture of Glen Powell. Thanks to @bradshawsbaby for their service and for bringing that sinful image to my dash! Also I have a billion thanks to @roosterbruiser for proofreading and feedback as well!
AO3: Cross-posted here! My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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You wake up slowly, with your mouth fuzzy and eyes screwed shut. Your limbs feel heavy as you sit up, wrapped in a cocoon of your blankets. After detangling yourself, you shuffle into your bathroom and mechanically go about your morning routine. The sun is dipping through the slits in your blinds as you traipse downstairs and wait zombie-like, mug in hand, in front of your coffee maker as it finishes brewing your coffee. The first sip of the rich and dark brew reminds you of the whiskey youโ€™d shared with Jake the night before. Flashes of the night before whirl through your mind as you contemplate whether 10 AM on a Saturday is too early to text him. To let him know that youโ€™re thinking about him. At the very least, you can see if heโ€™s texted you back after all, right?
โ€œText me, gorgeous girl!โ€ His parting words from the night before sound even sweeter, ricocheting through your mind in the stark morning light as you stand barefoot, in your pajamas and bedhead, on your kitchen tile. Your toes curl unbidden as you think of the look in those green, green eyes as you said goodnight. The thought of those eyes has you unlocking your phone and navigating to your messages. His contact makes you grin. A tipsy, man-drunk you had picked the right choice, leaving ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿ’š after his name. While the three messages youโ€™d sent the night before are cringy, youโ€™re half expecting there to be no response from Jake at all. But there they are, received at 6:30 in the morning.
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You gawp unflatteringly at the screen in your hand. Did he say he dreamed? Of you? Itโ€™s official. Jake Seresin is terrible for your mental clarity and your sanity. His messages are giving you whiplash outright. Youโ€™re haunting his dreams in one second, and heโ€™s bantering with you about Batman in the next.
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Youโ€™re not expecting any more responses from him. Anyone awake at 6 AM on a Saturday is sure to have a busy day planned. You, yourself, have plans to meet your best friend for brunch in the city.ย  So you knock back the remains of your coffee and head back upstairs to get ready.
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You see Jakeโ€™s response when youโ€™re collecting your things with sunglasses perched on your face nearly an hour later. Youโ€™re fully dressed in a graphic t-shirt, cut-offs, and sneakers for brunch.
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Butterflies run rampant in your stomach as you hook your phone up to your convertibleโ€™s sound system and blast music on the way to the restaurant youโ€™d decided on with your friend for brunch. You meet her there promptly at 11:30, greeting her with hugs and laughter. It isnโ€™t until youโ€™re at the table and each holding a drink, fresh-squeezed orange juice and coffee for you and a mimosa for her, that the Spanish Inquisition begins. Callie, now back in San Diego permanently, broaches the topic of your date with James. Sheโ€™d been the chief architect of your Tinder profile and your biggest cheerleader as you agonized over what to wear the night before.
โ€œSorry, Cal,โ€ you grin at her, โ€œJames sucked!โ€ At her glare, you spill the whole tale. Her glare softens into a wince as you mention all the things James said about his ex and his mother. Itโ€™s when you mention Jake that something changes.ย 
โ€œJake?โ€ she asks.
โ€œYeah,โ€ youโ€™re smiling that giddy fond grin again, unable to make eye contact.
โ€œAnd he's in the Navy?โ€
โ€œA Naval Aviator?โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s what he said, Cal.โ€ There is a pause as you digest what sheโ€™s getting at. โ€œWait. Callie! Youโ€™re a Naval Aviator. Do you know him?โ€
You grasp your friendโ€™s hands as you plead for more information. She carefully extricates herself from your grip, rotating her wrists, and primly pushes her sunglasses up her nose. Sheโ€™s letting you stew in your realization, the bitch. If only she werenโ€™t your best friend since you were twelve. As much as you hate her need for suspense at the moment, you also know you wouldnโ€™t trade her for anyone else in the world. So you sip on your juice and wait. It isnโ€™t until the food is on the table that she responds to your frantic questions.
โ€œI know a Jake, who is a Naval Aviator. But a knight in shining armor, he is not. If I had to describe him, Iโ€™d describe him as a complete and total dick.โ€ She lifts her hand at your falling face, gesturing at you to stop whatever your face is doing. โ€œDo you remember a couple of months ago when I was back on North Island for that secret detachment mission?โ€
โ€œYeah, Cal, I do.โ€
โ€œAnd do you remember that one night when we met for dinner at that place with the pitchers of spicy margaritas and the mouth-watering tacos? I was venting about this complete and utter asshole, callsign Hangman, who persisted in leaving everyone behind?โ€
You nod.
โ€œThatโ€™s him. Heโ€™s changed over the past few months since the squadron was permanently assigned to North Island. But Iโ€™m still worried about what heโ€™ll do to you. He goes through girls like he does those damned toothpicks he always has in his mouth. Sweet and gorgeous girls who want forever arenโ€™t really his thing.โ€ย  Sheโ€™s serious now. There isnโ€™t a hint of the laughter usually on her face. โ€œBut, I also know you. Heโ€™s your type. He has been since we were giggling about boys for the first time. Iโ€™m not going to stop you from going out with him. You deserve to have someone who makes you smile like you were earlier. This is just a warning, and I want you to know I have your back. I will beat him up if he makes you cry. I also expect to be named your Maid of Honor if this relationship goes that far.โ€
You smile tremulously at your best friend and rock, grateful to have her support even if she isnโ€™t happy about you seeing him again. The both of you begin to scarf down your meals in companionable silence.
When thereโ€™s barely any food left on the plates, you pick up the conversation again. โ€œCal, I should probably mention that he asked me out to dinner this morning. Heโ€™s picking me up at 6 at my place. Would you please, please, please help me pick out something to wear?โ€ you beg, now, batting your best puppy dog eyes at your friend.
โ€œSure,โ€ she grumbles, finishing the last of her mimosa. โ€œWhat did he say was the dress code?โ€
You pull out your phone and check your messages.
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You hand Callie your phone, letting her scroll through your messages with Jake. Her eyebrows climb as she scrolls through the messages.
โ€œIt looks like heโ€™s trying to impress you by doing something on the beach. What do you think about heading to that boutique downtown? The one where I found that gorgeous sparkly blazer you love so much?โ€ She asks as you split the bill. Both of you get into your car and drive into the city with the summer breeze ruffling through your hair and the sun shining brightly.
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It had taken three hours for you and Callie to decide on an outfit for your date. Youโ€™d tried on what felt like hundreds of sundresses before ultimately picking out a green flowy dress and strappy sandals. Cute and casual but not sloppy. It felt like no time had passed between when you headed home and now as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You touch up your makeup and pursed your lips to apply lipstick in the same burgundy shade as the night before.
The doorbell rings, and the butterflies in your stomach decide to swarm up your esophagus. You open the front door to see Jake standing in front of you, wearing a pair of aviators and clutching a bouquet in his hand. He hands the bouquet to you with a heart-stopping grin. The arrangement is gorgeous, dark red carnations interspersed with sprigs of white babyโ€™s breath.
โ€œHi Jake,โ€ you grin, bringing the bouquet to your nose, inhaling deeply to get a whiff of the flowersโ€™ delicate fragrance. โ€œPlease, come in. Let me put these in water, and then Iโ€™m ready to go.โ€
Jake steps in, and you close the door behind him. Heโ€™s wearing a soft sage-colored Henley t-shirt rolled up his forearms, a pair of worn jeans, and cowboy boots. You can hear him stomping behind you as you walk into the kitchen and grab a vase from a shelf. There is something different about seeing Jake Seresin in your house. Heโ€™s carefully examining everything, from the pictures on the walls to the books on your shelves. You finish up with the flowers and stand next to him in front of the bookshelf. Heโ€™s got your worn copy of Pride and Prejudice in his hands.
โ€œHave you ever read it?โ€ you ask, curious.
โ€œI have. Itโ€™s my twin sisterโ€™s favorite book.โ€ His eyes are fond as he flips to the bookmark you left the last time youโ€™d picked the book up, right at Darcyโ€™s first confession of love to Elizabeth.
โ€œMy feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. In declaring myself thus I'm fully aware that I will be going expressly against the wishes of my family, my friends, and, I hardly need add, my own better judgement.โ€ His voice is perfect. He manages to portray every emotion in Darcyโ€™s voice while staring deep into your eyes. The moment stretches into something tender and heavy. Youโ€™re barely breathing, cataloging the flecks of gold and brown swimming in his eyes. You nearly kick yourself for breaking his gaze when you gently grab the book from his hands, close it, and set it on the shelf.
โ€œDinner?โ€ you ask, grabbing the last of your things and putting them in your bag.
โ€œDinner,โ€ Jake murmurs back, voice soft. Heโ€™s the perfect gentleman, pulling the front door open for you, waiting at the bottom of the stairs while you lock the door, and helping you into his behemoth of a truck.
The windows are down again, with the radio still tuned to the same country station. Instead of heading towards downtown San Diego, Jake points the truck north, driving up I-5.
โ€œWhere are we going?โ€ you ask, enjoying the evening breeze as you cruise effortlessly on the roads.
โ€œLa Jolla. There is this amazing Italian restaurant on the beach. I thought weโ€™d eat dinner there and then walk along the beach?โ€ Thereโ€™s a pause, and then, โ€œBut if you donโ€™t like Italian, Iโ€™m sure we can find other restaurants in the area.โ€ He sounds flustered.
You shouldnโ€™t be feeling amused, yet you canโ€™t keep the smile from your voice as you place your hand over his and say, โ€œItalian is perfect.โ€ You glance over at him, seeing that his aviators are once again snugly perched on his nose. You can see the light nervous blush coloring his golden cheeks. As much as youโ€™d like to see how far his blush goes, you change the subject instead, asking, โ€œHow was your day?โ€
He seems too eager to respond, mentioning running in the morning, eating brunch, hanging out with some squadron members, and playing dogfight football on the beach. Youโ€™re not quite sure what dogfight football entails. Callie has mentioned it before too. When you ask Jake, his explanation, which involves two footballs and keeping score while defending your team from the opposing team's football, sets your head spinning. Keeping track of the rules for American Football is already too much. Heโ€™s scandalized, green eyes peering at you from over the rim of his aviators when you tell him as much. The rest of your trip to the restaurant is spent with him trying and failing to portray the football field verbally and describe plays to you. Youโ€™re smiling uncontrollably, regardless, when the truck pulls into a spot in front of the restaurant. As promised, the restaurant is on the beachfront. The sun is setting in blossoms of red and gold that transition to violet in front of your eyes.
โ€œItโ€™s a stunning view, isnโ€™t it.โ€ You startle at the sound of his voice, a little surprised to see the driverโ€™s seat empty and Jake standing next to you in the open truck door. โ€œReady for dinner?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m famished,โ€ you grin as you take his hand and hop out of the truck. You conclude that Jake draws attention everywhere you go, especially when you hear the giggling from the hostess and your waitress as she leads you to your table. Your waitressโ€™ eyes goggle when Jake pulls out your chair for you before folding gracefully into his own across from you.
"What can I get you, sir?" she simpers, pressing her arms together to get Jake's eyes on her bosom.
"Darlin', do you know what you'd like to drink?" Jake asks you instead, ignoring the display from your waitress in its entirety.
"I'm not sure. I'd love to order a glass of wine." You waver, second-hand embarrassment for your waitress' peacocking melting into your tone.
"Can we have a couple of glasses of your house red, please?" Jake asks your waitress, once again keeping his tone polite and eyes on her face and not her over-exposed assets.
Her downcast face and Jake's smug, mischievous grin nearly have you laughing at the table as she walks away. Behind Jake, you can see a desperate powwow as your waitress, hostess, and other waitresses desperately try to get a game plan together to attract his attention.
โ€œGorgeous?!" You snap back to Jake and your table with a sheepish grin.
"Sorry," Youโ€™re grinning shyly as you respond, "our waitress, the hostess, and a few other waitresses all look like they're going to war behind you."
"War?" He drawls, eyes still looking right at you. "What exactly would they be going to war over?"
"You." You murmur, embarrassed to have brought it up. You continue at the sardonic tilt to his raised eyebrow, "They're going to wage war against me over you. I'm sure it's happened to you before. The waitstaff deciding that the girl you're having dinner with isn't as pretty as you deserve?"
There is an understanding look on his face now. You're unsure if you should say anything further, but save yourself the embarrassment and effort when your waitress returns with the wine. The next moments are full of Jake tasting the wine, deeming it acceptable, and your waitress pouring each of you a glass. You sip slowly at the rich, tart, sweet liquid and wait until your waitress has stepped away again.
This time, when Jake utters, "Gorgeous girl," in that Texan growl, your eyes are on him already. His hand is held upright, halfway across the table, fingers wiggling imperiously.
"Take my hand, beautiful?" You can't say no when asked like that and place your hand in his.
Satisfied, he continues, "I'm only going to say this once, so I hope you hear me and completely understand what I'm saying. Yes, it has happened before. But the waitstaff at a restaurant isn't who I'm having dinner with. When I'm out to dinner with a girl, all my attention is on her. I could care less if the sky is falling or elephants are roaming the restaurant and acting as the sommelier. My attention tonight is on you and only you." He punctuates that entire impassioned statement with a squeeze of your fingers.
You're flushed again, cheeks hot under his knowing gaze, and you evade his eyes by dipping your head to peer at your menu. Things are quiet as you order your entrรฉe, something the menu says is lightly dressed in the house marinara sauce.
Once you're both alone at the table again, you murmur, โ€œIโ€™m sorry. I shouldnโ€™t have assumed anything. Just chalk it up to my rampant insecurities. I really like you. And Iโ€™m trying not to sabotage this, but I guess I just did.โ€
โ€œHey, sweets. Itโ€™s alright. Youโ€™re only human. And gorgeous. If I have to tell you that every day, I will.โ€ Heโ€™s smiling now, a tender sweet curl to his lips.ย 
"Jake? I realized today that our worlds intersect far more closely than I thought they did. And I need to tell you this before we go any further."
"What do you mean?" He murmurs back with his voice pitched low to accommodate the serene environment in the restaurant.
"I mean, that I had brunch with my best friend today. Her name is Callie, Callie Bassett. I've known her since I was twelve years old. As I'm sure you know, she's a Naval Aviator, too. Her callsign is Halo, and she's on your squadron." His shoulders tense, hunching towards his ears as you continue. "She told me that I should be careful with you, that you aren't the type to look for forever in a girl. And I like you. I really like you, more than I thought I would, and probably far too much for how long we've known one another. But I want to give you and me a shot. I just need to know you're looking for the same thing."
โ€œGorgeous girl,โ€ his voice is husky and a bit scratchy as he responds to your plea, "I know it may not look like it to my squadron, but I am looking for forever. The Navy has kept me moving all over the country and the world for years. It never felt right to look for forever when I knew that at a drop of a hat I could be sent anywhere in the world. How could I leave somebody to go through a life we built, all alone with me a million miles away? So I stuck to girls who werenโ€™t looking for anything serious. And as my career grew, so did my reputation as a womanizer. Now, no matter how I look, I keep finding girls looking for one night, not forever. At least, I hope, until I ran into you in that bar last night."
His eyes are unbearably soft and sad as he sips his wine. You tug his hand forward and press a kiss on his knuckles, nuzzling at his hand just a little.
โ€œJake, I canโ€™t say I have any experience in moving around the world and not being able to put down roots. But for now, all I have to say is, I hope we can build something good between us,โ€ you murmur back. His eyes shine at your words.
Your entrรฉes come out in a cloud of sweet tomato, garlic, and basil. After the serious conversation you had just had, the rest of the night is light. You compliment the food, share bites of each other's entrees, and chat about work, your families, about everything you can think of, including the likelihood that Jake is Batman. He pays for your meals despite your protests, leading you out onto the beach hand in hand. You both take your shoes off and walk barefoot through the sand, continuing to chat lightly.
You're about a quarter of a mile from the restaurant when Jake pulls you to a halt, tugging on your hand and pulling you towards him. His hair is windswept, as is yours, and he's smiling. You're both smiling, honestly, and have been for much of the night.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks. He reels you further into his embrace at your nod until your hand is splayed over his heart. He slowly brushes your hair aside and tips your head up. He carefully brushes his nose against yours and waits, letting you feel the lightest brush of his lips.ย 
"Gonna kiss you now," he groans before capturing your mouth with his. You melt in his arms, eyes fluttering closed as his tongue presses insistently against the seam of your lips until you part them. Your head is wholly occupied with Jake; his hands on you, his mouth on yours, his tongue, the taste of the wine youโ€™d shared, the heady scent of his cologne, and the feeling of his muscular body holding you impossibly close.
Your breathing is ragged when he finally pulls away. You're desperately sucking in deep breaths of air because you're sure you forgot to breathe mid-kiss, your mind chanting Jake, Jake, Jake in a worshiping manner. When you glance at him, his lips are spit slicked and bitten red. He looks fantastic, and you nearly haul him back down for another kiss. You hold yourself back, though. Public indecency charges wouldn't look good on either of your records. He seems to be deliberating the same thing if the look in his eyes as he subtly adjusts the front of his jeans says anything.ย 
But rather than act on your mutual desire, he grasps your hand securely in his and leads you back to the truck. He'd nursed a single glass of wine all night, so you let him drive. He helps you up into the passenger seat, though this time, you stop him before he can close the door and tug him into another kiss. This one is softer, more chaste than the one you'd shared on the beach. As he finally pulls away and takes his place in the driverโ€™s seat, you feel it will be impossible to keep your hands off him. Clearly, he's just as affected when he curls his palm over your knee, fingers tracing circles over your kneecap unconsciously.
The I-5 is quiet, for once. The roads are busy but not congested as Jake takes the exits toward San Diego. Instead of taking you home, though, Jake drives you towards North Island. The guard at the base gates greets him cheerfully and lets the truck through. Rather than go onto the base proper, Jake pulls the truck onto a small gravel-lined inlet that lets out on a small, deserted beach.ย 
"In Texas," he starts, nostalgia deep in his tone, "when we're out in the land surrounding the ranch, you can see the stars for miles. Since I left, I've been searching for a spot to see them. So every time I'm at a new duty station, I search for the perfect star-gazing spot. This is the one I found on North Island. I was hoping you weren't tired of me yet and that you wanted to stargaze with me for a while before I took you home?" Heโ€™s smiling as he tucks a toothpick into his mouth.
You grin back at him, murmuring. "Do you know any constellations? I've always wanted to be able to look up at the night sky and point out something. I don't think I can even point out the North Star."
โ€œI know a few. My older brothers taught us how to point out the big ones. Things look a little different here than when we were in Texas, but I can teach you a few. I will make sure you can identify the North Star.โ€ His eyes shine as he peers up to the sky, โ€œItโ€™s the perfect night for stargazing, clear without a cloud in the sky.โ€
โ€œIs this why you wanted me to wear something I wouldnโ€™t worry about getting sand on?โ€ you ask, grinning at the wonder in his eyes.
โ€œPartially,โ€ he hums, getting out of the truck, helping you out of your seat, and walking you to the tailgate.ย 
โ€œThis,โ€ heโ€™s grinning again, toothpick grasped between his teeth, โ€œis what I wanted you to wear something comfortable for.โ€ You wait as Jake unlatches the tailgate and hoists himself up into the bed of his truck. He pulls out a couple of blankets from a steel crate behind the cab, unfolding one for the two of you to sit on and the other to place over your laps. He then hops off the truck bed and holds his hand to you.
Youโ€™re smiling again, laughing at the child-like wonder on his face at the thought of seeing the stars. You step closer, by-passing his outstretched hand, pluck the toothpick out of his mouth, and curl a hand around the back of his neck. His eyes flutter close at the gentle caress. You pet the short, spiky hairs at the base of his neck before dragging your hand down his throat. His eyes stay closed until you work his dog tags out from where theyโ€™d been lying against his skin. The metal is smooth and skin-warm in your hand. His name, call sign, and blood type are embossed on them. But you hadnโ€™t gone for his dog tags to examine them. Nope. You wrap the chain in your fingers and tug, pulling his mouth, now smirking, down to yours. You peck his smiling lips, smattering soft kisses across his face as he hefts you easily onto the tailgate, his biceps bulging as he lifts you with hardly any effort. His hands stay on your hips, thumbs rubbing slow circles over you as you gaze into each otherโ€™s eyes.ย 
โ€œStargazing, sweets.โ€ At your confused moue, he continues, voice gravelly, โ€œI brought you here to show you the stars, not kiss your lipstick off. Can I take your shoes off?โ€ย 
You nod, watching as he slides his hands down your legs, undoes the straps of each sandal, and pulls them off. He sets them on the tailgate and hauls himself into the truck bed beside you before toeing his boots off. Jake crawls into the truck bed, sitting with his back against the cab. You join him. He pulls you to sit between his legs, your back pressed against his chest.ย 
You tip your head and imperiously order him to show you some stars. His laugh vibrates through you from your position nestled against his chest. Looking at the stars with Jake is an enlightening experience. He knows where the constellations are, even in San Diego instead of Texas. He even tells you some of the various myths about the constellations. The highlight of star-gazing with Jake is when you see a shooting star streak across the sky.ย 
โ€œClose your eyes, sweetheart.โ€ He rumbles out, โ€œMake a wish.โ€
Make a wish? That you can do. For more enchanting nights with Jake. For more days and nights to get to know Jake. For a chance to show your friends and family the sweet nerd youโ€™d seen underneath the muscle, the boy with stars in his eyes. Itโ€™s a thought that sticks with you even as you fall asleep alone that night.
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@teacupsandtopgun ๐Ÿš™ @jynxmirage ๐Ÿš™ @cherrycola27 ๐Ÿš™ @desert-fern
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202 notes ยท View notes
isa-ghost ยท 3 months
How about some qmissa hc's :D? (also hope you're ok๐Ÿ–ค take care of yourself!)
Dude I can't fucking wait to write more of Missa in AMFMN I'm so excited to show what I have planned for him.
Disclaimer these are gonna be very Just Missa or Pissa related since I'm a crow so I don't get to watch him interact with many other ccs the rare times he streams ๐Ÿ˜ญ Forgive me /lh
Ok I've said this elsewhere but my biggest headcanon is that he's a grim reaper. It's why he's gone so often, he's off doing a very demanding job.
Second biggest Missa hc I have is that he has (currently one-sided) romantic feelings for Phil. This is kinda canon actually but the one-sided part who knows. Either way oh my god he gets the worst butterflies around Phil /pos
THESE REAPER HANDS ARE RATED E FOR EVERYONE. You piss him off and he WILL throw hands about it. Probably through tears bc he still gets scared in the face of danger but HANDS.
He ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป Phil on self esteem issues to a certain degree. He's certainly not as bad but boy does he have moments. He's not as stubborn as Phil so he's easier to reassure though.
His skull mask is a sugar skull!! :D
When he's wearing the mask and doesn't wanna take it off but wants to show he's big mad he'll sometimes draw angry eyebrows on his mask. He's done this in front of Phil and it absolutely killed him.
Gets overwhelmed /pos being on his own with Chayanne & Tallulah. They let loose a bit bc Phil isn't around to be Oh My God Survivalist Mode about their safety so Missa gets the brunt of unhinged behavior. Lots of laughter but also screaming involved.
He's a professional at saying out of pocket suggestive shit so fast that the translator doesn't catch it.
Yeah no he's smooched Roier a few times. Before Roier was married and he got down atrocious for Phil but yeah they did.
Smth about being with Roier turns him into quadruple the gremlin he already can be. Cellbit has aptly dubbed it The Roier Effect.
If he was given a guitar and the opportunity to do so, he'd sing/perform at every major Quesadilla Island event. (He'd be lowkey terrified bc that's a bit overwhelming but Phil and others would be cheerleading him so hard he'd do it).
When he freaks out about stuff, esp around Phil, some of it is actually secretly exaggerated bc he likes that it makes Phil laugh so much.
He gives the best fucking hugs. Instant comfort. Also he's very huggable himself. Phil's pretty buff so when he hugs Missa tight enough he cracks Missa's back like bubble wrap.
The handle of his scythe has a music staff print on it :D
God DAMN can he be spiteful sometimes. It makes Phil kinda (Floshed).
23 notes ยท View notes
tomatoswup ยท 1 year
Cheer up!๐Ÿ“ฃ
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summary: A cheerleading injury sure does hurt, and theres no one to cover you! Oh dear who else could help you in these daring times!
warnings/tags: cheerleader!reader,,,sharp shooter! Vash,,, injury,,,,University!AU/Modern!AU,,,,kinda suggestive? ur bf vash just looks good bestie,, self-concious vash,,, reader drags wolfwood with them b/c they made him drive,, Cheerleading at a football game,,,possessive vash(barely),,cheerleading outfit Vash :P,,,vash x reader,,,
โ‹†๏ฝกยฐโœฉinspir. from robin william's performance with the cheerleaders of the broncos
A/N: sorry for not putting anything up, it was a bit of a busy week and i needed some time away from looking at a screen for so long hehehe,,,here's another lil thingy i wanted to write when it popped up on my feed and by write i mean really wanted to write Enjoy!
p.s: i also opened a ko-fi if anyone wanted to donate a coffee!โ˜•๏ธ
โœจiโ€™m also back on working on requests sorry for the late delays for those who sent one in! I will be working on them and trying to get them out as fast as I can!
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The hard steps of heeled shoes on clean cut grass, the twirls of bodies and hips, and the glittering shine of outfits under the heat of the blistering sun.
Did you never get enough of it? No you didn't, maybe it was the charm to it!
...Okay definitely not the heat but the rush of the performance? Pretty fun!
Cheerleading was no easy feat especially if you get hurt during it.
And you were well known for not having the best luck.
"Coach please, I really need to perform, the routine isn't gonna look right if I'm not there-" You pleaded, limping behind your coach Roberto as he slowly walked to the sidelines.
A normal day of practice had quickly turned upside down when you accidentally tripped over your feet in the middle of the routine, bending your ankle in an odd way that you did not want to look at.
With a clipboard in his hands, the music continued to blast through the air as the rest of your teammates practiced just a bit away on the field. "As much as you wanna protest about it, I'm not putting you in. You hurt? Take a break." He rasped out.
You watched as the realization grew on his face until he put a hand up to rub the bridge of his nose with a sigh "Now who the hell am I gonna find to take your place. No one in this damned place knows any of these moves besides you guys..."
You put a hand over your eyes in attempted to stop getting blinded from the sun, momentarily looking back at your team. The upcoming performance was against a pretty much bigger university and you knew ya'll couldn't let everyone down.
Who else could take your spot-
And it were if a lightbulb went off on top of your head, you gasped out at the memory. Maybe there was one person.
Out of all the times you've been unsure if you were doing a routine right, those insecure times in need of help, you've always gone to one person with a bit of a sharp eye.
"I think I know someone..."
Vash liked to help people.
Well, it wasnโ€™t a like really but more of a love. Sometimes he found himself trying to do the best he could for those who he loved and cherished even though he doesn't really know if he could.
A bit of a fault in the Saverem's head.
But he never really thought he would've been presented with something like this.
"Uh, I don't know about this... I don't think I'll pull it off."
"I think you'll look great Vash! Honestly, I really wouldn't know how to repay you if you did!" You cheekily smiled at your boyfriend, both of his hands clasped in your own as the both of you sat on your dorm room bed.
Really? He couldn't help but nervously laugh "I don't know if these-" You let go of his hands as he reached over and held up the garments that you had laid out next to you, the tips of his ears turning red from the thoughts. You wore this?
Thighs out, a cut top that showed more than he would've liked to the public, jeez Vash wanted to just wrap you in a blanket and hold you down until everything was over!
You definitely pulled this off but him?
"-Will fit me."
"Don't worry about it Vash, theyโ€™re stretchy!" You reassured him.
But you still saw the look uncertainty on him, his mouth tilted in a small pout and an eyebrow raised upwards, making you exhale and give him a soft smile.
"You don't have to do this for me yaโ€™ know? Seriously, I can always perform next season, I mean this sprained ankle isnโ€™t gonna heal quick so maybe I should listen to Roberto about this. โ€œ
โ€œNo.โ€ Vash abruply cut you off, taking you aback when he turned the other way, hiding his face away from you.
Shit, did you bother him? This was a big favor after all, you couldn't blame him for saying no. You would've said it yourself if you had been asked too.
'Maybe it's too much for him...' You thought, before putting a hand up to put on his shoulder.
โ€œActually Vash, maybe I'll just rest. I can always tell Roberto change the routine or something! I know you have your shooting competition soon-โ€œ
Hearing Vash mumble under his breath, you leaned in closer, not having caught what he said. "What did you say?"
โ€œ...I didnโ€™t say I wasnโ€™t gonna do it. I'm worried if the outfit looks bad on me.โ€ He spoke up before turning back to you, giving you a cheeky smile before setting a quick kiss on the tip of your nose.
"But I really don't think the shoes are gonna fit.."
And before you knew it, two weeks had passed and you watched on from the large bleachers at the field below as the fans roared all around the arena before the start of the game.
"So Vash did this willingly?" Vash's roommate Wolfwood flatly asked, leaning back lazily in his seat as you fixed the red jacket on your shoulders belonging to the spiked hair blonde.
"Yeah, he did."
Wolfwood crossed his arms, staring out towards the field as the countdown began ticking to its final seconds in a moments thought "Hope you taught him well."
You leaned to the side towards Wolfwood "I swear I'll pay for your gas Wolfwood."
"I don't think you understand, I had to really drive your ass all the way over here instead of indulging in my beauty sleep." He put a offended hand to his chest.
Did he really think you could've drove there with a swollen ankle?
"...I won't tell Milly you took her welcome lollipops from the entry way the last time you visited."
Wolfwood's head snapped to you, shooting you a glaring squint under his black sunglasses whilst earning a mischievous thumbs-up from yourself.
It was only a few seconds before he swiped his hand out and slapped the side of your knee "Just watch your damn boyfriend already."
Thank you for your patronage~
And when the buzzer rang, you really couldn't hear shit but the screams of football fans as the music began, and that infamous intro you've trained to for the last few weeks boomed out.
God, you kinda hoped he didn't second guess himself, as much as he was clumsy at moments, throughout all the time you've gotten to know him his memory did not fail him one bit.
Just breathe and go with the flow.
Thats what you told him the night before when he left back to his room, having practiced one more time with you.
You hoped he took it what you said to heart.
"Look! The cheerleaders are coming out!" A small girl that had been sitting behind you exclaimed with a pointing finger.
And out ran your team from the break hallway and into the field and in line. One by one, you quickly scanned the running line of cheerleaders crossing the field until you spotted the very out of place tall blonde.
Gotcha cutie!
Running out and following the line leader, Vash's white gloved hand waved towards the crowd as everyone screamed out, both in anticipation and surprise.
"That's the uni's #1 sharp shooter! Vash The Stampede!"
"What is he doing there!?"
"Maybe he's promoting his team?"
Or maybe you should've gotten some binoculars because why was your boyfriend putting that outfit to work? Sure he was fit and all but damn.
A short white cropped top that ended at his waist with decorative diamond lining and a matching skirt and white heeled boots, the white shiny outfit was one reminiscing a more western look this performance and honestly you weren't mad... How did you never notice your boyfriend had hips?
Nope, not mad at all..
"GO VASH GO!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as the cheerleaders got in place. Picking up the pom-poms from the ground, with one hand on the hip and the other thrown up into the air, you watched as he was the last to put his hand up.
And with one hip sway, did the Vash slay.
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muertawrites ยท 2 years
omg I saw that little note at the end about you maybe making a fic based off sk8er boi ๐Ÿ‘€ canโ€™t wait if you decide to write it!!
A Girl You Used to Know (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Word Count: 900 (exactly too??? i'm a fucking witch. not editing this.)
Author's Note: did i watch a nearly 20 year old sims 2 music video for this song to psych myself up for writing this? no shame in admitting i did. is this a direct callout post to all the cheerleader!reader fics polluting this godforsaken hellsite? maybe. we'll see how much hate mail i have to ignore. this one is for my alt babes. we all know eddie would like us better.
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"I can't do this anymore."
She blinked, uncomprehending.
Eddie huffed. He uncrossed his arms, shoulders hunching, tense. Angry.
"I can't keep... fucking you like I don't feel anything for you. Like you don't get off on the fact that I'm corrupting you or some shit. Sneaking around while you're too ashamed to go out in fucking public with me."
She laughed, and he seethed. The broad actually laughed at him.
"Are you serious?" she quipped. "You're dumping me? You're dumping me. Eddie 'The Freak' is dumping the one girl in Hawkins who can have anyone she wants."
"Yeah," he spat back at her. "I am. And I have a feeling I'm not gonna regret it."
She cackled, waving her manicured hand in his face as if to dismiss him.
"That's so rich!" she cheered. "You really are as dumb as they say. You clearly don't realize how totally out of your league I am. How lucky you are that I even let you kiss me in the first place, let alone take my virginity."
"Well, if I could give it back to you, I would. I don't want any part of you anymore. I'm done being used for whatever sick fetish you're trying to fulfill."
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The conversation comes back to him vividly, playing out almost in real time as she approaches him. She's definitely out of place here - blonde hair immaculately curled, pinned back with a pearl barrette, white mini skirt under a powder blue sweater. But she smiles at him all the same, running into his arms like the lover he once thought she was.
"Eddie!" she squeals.
"Bethany," he deadpans. His arms go weak at her sides, falling limp with disdain. Her perfume is way too strong, too musky; he gags on the toxic cloud that envelops him.
"I'm so proud of you!" the little cherub squeaks as they part. "I saw your music video on MTV the other day and just had to come see you! You're, like, a major rockstar now!"
She giggles in the way she thinks is infectious, but is actually just vapid. Empty. A hand raises to her cheek to swipe at a stray curl that's stuck in her lip gloss, and Eddie can't ignore the glint of the diamond on her ring finger.
"I didn't think you liked metal," is all he can bring himself to say.
"What, I can't support an old flame?" she asks, giggling still. The sound grates at the inside of his skull.
"You know I'm married," he blurts.
It's a lie, but she blanches all the same.
Her smile falters and she can't hide it. Head cheerleader, homecoming queen, the princess of Hawkins, Indiana has lost her flawless grace.
"Yeah," Eddie confirms.
"But you don't wear a ring?"
"Looks like you do, though."
Your voice cuts through the backstage din, sidling up next to Eddie and wrapping a protective arm around his waist. He physically calms, melting into your touch as easily as he would a warm shower. He gives your bum an appreciative squeeze, loving your vicious gall against the groupies.
"Bethany," he announces smugly, "this is my girlfriend."
"Pleased to meet you!" You smile, holding out a hand for the woman to shake. She takes it reluctantly, the spread of her lips entirely forced.
"I thought you said you were married," she practically growls.
"Well, common law," you state. "We've lived together for what... a year now? Anyway. You're Bethany! Eddie's told me so much about you." You don't give her the decency of keeping the venom from your tongue. "He actually wrote a song about you!"
She perks up at that, seeing something she can hold against you.
"He did?" she coos. "Oh, he was always such a romantic. Which one was it?"
"It's not released yet," Eddie tells her. "I'm actually letting her do the vocals. She sang the demo and the label loved her too much to let me take over."
He grins proudly, hugging you even closer to his side. Bethany looks like she's going to fucking explode.
"We'll send you an LP when we get the final cut!" you offer. "Here, give us your address."
You hand her a bar napkin and an eyeliner pencil, which she sneers at but accepts. After scribbling down the information, she passes it back to Eddie, who grins as his eyes scan over it.
"Still in good ol' Hawkins," he notes. "And your name's Carver now? You actually married that fucking prick?"
You halfheartedly smack his chest, shaking your head at Bethany.
"Guys like him," you muse. "Can't take them anywhere, can you?"
Your eyes cut into hers like twin chainsaws. She's so worked up she's practically vibrating with resentment.
"Well," she ekes, "it was... wonderful to see you again, Eddie. And to meet your... lovely... girlfriend."
She spits the word like used tobacco.
You and Eddie wait until she's around the corner to collapse into hysterics, leaning against each other for support as you savor her absolute destruction.
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A few months later, Bethany drives to the grocery store, her infant son screaming in the back seat. She turns up the radio to drown him out, only for the disc jockey to introduce a familiar name: Corroded Coffin.
The lyrics that flow through her speakers make her grip the steering wheel with white-knuckled rage.
Too bad that you couldn't see,
See the man that boy could be.
There is more than meets the eye.
I see the soul that is inside.
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๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’€get your eddie fix๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŒน
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edhellfire ยท 2 months
Headcanon dump:
I have new followers so I figured I'd do a headcanon dump. Just some random facts about Eddie as I write him.
He's gonna be a tattoo artist when he grows up. He loves to draw and doodle (especially in class) so it feels like a natural progression.
I also will write him a rockstar verse where Corroded Coffin makes it.
In some verses, upon request, he is a single dad. His daughter's name is Halen. Halen Munson. His reasoning? When someone talks about them it's "Eddie and Valen" and he finds that amusing.
He will get more tattoos. I love the idea of him having a spider web tattoo on his neck.
In the rockstar verse, he def has his peepe pierced. In other verses, we'll see.
He's straight. Mostly. I've always wanted to experiment writing him liking boys but it's never happened. He's apparently very straight. Or, we haven't come across the right muse/chemistry to make him sway.
He is super respectful of women and tries his very hardest to not be scary when approaching women. A bit of mommy issues here but not in a bad way. Sidenote: don't ever speak ill of his mama.
He has a thing for cheerleaders. He can't explain it and neither can I.
He is not a virgin. Eddie, the freak, has had a surprisingly amount of action. He's got the bad boy thing going for him. However, he is every girl's "dirty little secret" because who wants the world to know they fooled around with the freak from the trailer park? He respects it and isn't one to kiss and tell anyway.
Guitar is his instrument of choice but Eddie has an ear for music and can pick up an instrument very quickly. He thinks the drums are very fun.
Eddie sings! But he's shy about it. Metal is fine because there's a lot of shouting involved but when he plays the acoustic and sings he wants to die of embarrassment. He has a good voice though. He's just a dumbass.
He's not dumb. I don't want to diagnose him (and I don't think that was common in the 1980s) but he definitely has something. Eddie just can't focus on things that don't interest him. He can be very good as physics, for example, because velocity and speed and he can see it in his head but give him algebra or calculus and he is extra fucked. His favorite subject in school is History. It's storytelling and he's a fan. His favorite time periods are Medieval and Renaiassance and shit like that.
Eddie was the kind of kid growing up that loved dinosaurs. Makes sense because dragons are like a natural progresion.
He can cook. Not saying he's a chef by any means but he has a handful of recipes down to an art. He taught himself as a kid when he got tired of eating canned soup and box mac and cheese when Uncle Wayne was working. He can't bake for shit though (and he would love to learn to bake cinnamon rolls and special brownies).
He doesn't usually do hard drugs anymore. He has to be in a dark dark place to go down that road. He had bad experiences. He also won't sell hard drugs to someone that is inexperienced.
He started smokig cigarettes at a scarily young age. I'm thinking around 12 when he started to steal them from his uncle Wayne. He used to smoke whatever but now he prefers menthols.
He feeds the strays that stroll into the trailer park. Cats, dogs, but his favorites are the raccoons that basically live in the dumpster.
He doesn't have any pets. Not because he doesn't want one but because he's scared he won't be a good pet-dad.
Speaking of dads, he has daddy issues. Daddy trauma really. The idea of being a dad terrifies him because he's scared he will turn out like his.
Eddie doesn't usually start fights. He will stand up for people but he will never start shit with someone else. That said, you say anything about his uncle and you're getting punched - even if you're bigger than him, even if he's outnumbered. He might not be the best son/nephew but he worships that man and is so damn grateful for him. He won't stand for Uncle Wayne slander.
Given the way he looks and his interests you would think his type is a rocker chick or a goth girl. You're wrong. Eddie loves femine girls or casual girls. A girl in a dress or a girl in a messy bun and a big tshirt. That sorta thing.
Eddie has always loved to read, ever since he was a kid. Because of this he's full of useless information.
He loved cryptids. He doesn't fuck with fairies though - they scare him.
He has a stuffed dragon that's missing an eye and lives under his bed. He got it from his mom when he was little and he's kept it since. It lives under his bed because Eddie logic says it's dark like a cave. It's named Draco after the constellation because when Eddie was a baby and couldn't sleep his mom would take him outside and they'd stargaze. One of the few memories he has of his mom.
Eddie logic is something that will come in threads. It's the way Eddie thinks. His brain just doesn't process things like a normal person but it makes sense to him and it's the hill he'll die on.
He's not a sports guy. Not because it doesn't fit the persona but because he's always sucked at them. Uncle Wayne would try to play catch with him as a kid and he would either miss or duck. He can run though and he likes to pretend he knows parkour. Doofus.
His favorite color is gray. Eddie logic says black is too basic. Again, doofus.
He doesn't have a favorite food but he's a sucker for anything homecooked. Uncle Wayne worked a lot growing up so anything that feels homecooked feels special to him.
Big cuddler. If you sleep with him, and it's more than just sex, expect aftercare.
He's not opposed to doing "girly" things. If you're a girl and his friend, besties level, he will totally be down for sleepovers that include face masks and manicures and all that. No fragile masculinity here. Just don't tell anyone.
Should be obvious but he loves horror movies. He's not big on gore though. He'll watch them but he's more into spooky shit like monsters, ghosts, demon possession and stuff like that. He does enjoy Children of the Corn, he finds creepy children amusing and terrifying.
He can fix pretty much anything. Both his dad and Uncle Wayne are handy with tools and Eddie learned from watching. He fixes his own van and basically built it from the ground up.
That's all I got right now. Feel free to ask questions.
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edsloveydove ยท 2 years
I don't know if your requests are still open, but could you do something w eddie munson and a plus size really girly/cheerleader reader? it's hard to find plus size reader blurbs w that kind of reader ^^
absolutely, i would LOVE to write this!! barely proofread! (requests are open <3)
"how was practice?" nancy asks you at your locker, having stayed late for her journalism club.
"oh you know, same old," you say, slightly dejected.
"hm, that good, huh?" nancy knows all about your problems when it comes to the cheerleading team. it's something you love, really you do, but sometimes the other girls are just so mean it made it hard to remember that.
"stacy just can't seem to leave me alone for two seconds. i mean, honestly, it's like she's obsessed with me. which, fair enough, i am rather amazing, but c'mon. you're supposed to support your team, not tear them down."
stacy durham had been on your back since you joined the team. you decided to try out for it on a whim sophmore year and ended up loving it and it seems stacy has had it out for you since that moment. now that she's cheer captain, no one goes against her.
you, of course, never let her get to you though. so she thought your splits weren't good enough and your cartwheels were too messy, well who gave a shit.
the world didn't revolve around her and what she thought.
besides, you always had your number one personal cheerleader to be there for you.
eddie munson, freak of the town and local metalhead, the love of your life.
"well, i gotta go nance, i'll call you tomorrow?" you exchange your goodbyes and head out to the parking lot, where eddie waits for you.
โ€œeddie!โ€ you squeal with glee, running up to him with your arms open.
he throws his arms around your squishy waist, lifting and spinning you around, because yes, even though eddieโ€™s entire torso is roughly the size of one of your thighs, heโ€™s damn strong. much stronger than anyone realizes.
he presses a light kiss to your temple, โ€œhey, lovey dove. how was cheerleading?โ€
โ€œit was really good for the most part. but iโ€™m ready to hang out with you now! how was the campaign?โ€ you ask, standing on your toes to kiss his forehead.
"it was awesome, baby. dustin had a blast with this one. even gareth and jeff thought it was one of my best ones yet. can you believe it? i don't know how i'm gonna outdo myself, really," he says, opening the car door for you before running to the other side, ready to head home.
eddie's beat up van pulls up outside his trailer, loud music flowing out of his windows. once again, he rushes to the other side to open your door for you.
eddie offers a hand to you, twirling you around a couple times so he can watch the way your pretty green cheerleading skirt flares out, white sneakers making tiny circles.
"eddie," you giggle. "stop making me dance and let's get our movie night started!"
"alright, alright, let's go sweetheart."
soft whispers cause your eyelids to flutter open gently.
"yep, that's it love, it's time to get you into bed."
you're positioned with your head in eddie's lap, still in your cheer uniform, shoes and all, while his hands run over your hair delicately, you realize you must have fallen asleep during the movie.
"c'mon, let's get you up."
dreary grumbles meet his ears and the next thing you know you're in his bed while he gently pulls off your shoes and socks, dressing you in the pajamas you keep at his place.
he sets the covers over you both, settling in for bed with you, planting gentle kisses on top of your head.
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emo-trash101 ยท 2 months
AND WITH MATCHUPS? OH HONEY,YOU KNOW I HAVE TO FEED YOU. (I will also send a platonic request right after writing this,if that's alright!)
May I have a Hazbin hotel matchup? Pretty please,my dear?
I'm a Bisexual demi-girl (she/they) with a slight male preference!
Personality wise,I'm rather childish- Energetic,and I try to be fun- I try to be kind to everyone,I love making friends! I guess i could add that I'm an ENFP? (If you wanna use that!)
For likes,I like bright and pastel colors (If I dress in black and white,something is wrong-),plushies,drawing,writing,people (that I know or that I feel a good vibe with),noise (as long as it's not overwhelming).
I love all types of music,too! I can't dance n'or sing well,but i enjoy those. Who cares if you don't know how to do things well? As long as you enjoy it,you can learn!
I guess I could add that I like lazy days. As long as I have people with me,staying at home is a yes. (Though I'm not against going outside sometimes.)
I hate being in silence and alone :( but I also hate crowds,because there's so many people I don't know it makes me feel alone,you know? Also being an outcast in an event,or a discussion,I wanna participate!!
And,I can get frustrated easily and sometimes snap at people when I'm without people close to me or have too much work,get into fights and start to overthink and stress about it :(
My love languages are quality time and physical touch. I want to give quality time so that I get physical touch,you see the link?
Anyways,that's enough of a rant about me! I hope it gives you ideas!
I'm off running to find ideas for a platonic request and sending it asap!
Enjoy writing,don't forget to eat,sleep,and drink water!
Stay proud,my dearest!
-Nina <33
Ofc! And I missed you and your requests too!
As for your match up, I'm gonna match you with
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Sir Pentious
This man is like a personal cheerleader and is most definitely going to give you the necessary attention. You both are definitely dramatic but in the best way possible. In all, you two together is like the best idea ever.
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the-eldritch-it-gay ยท 2 months
Get to know me game!
I was tagged by @tododeku-or-bust! Thank you ๐Ÿ’–. I will no obligation tag @omgkalyppso @cheshirepirouette @ahasiw-okitowin @razrogue & anyone who would like to join!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I have a couple names. My birthname I believe I was named after someone on my mother's side of the family, but I'm not certain. As for my actual names, if it counts, Salamatullah is a theophoric name, so it bears the name of God (Allah) :)
2. When was the last time you cried?
The other day, I was certain everyone I loved was dead and that I was about to die (I was not, no one had died. give it up for psychosis)
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I've been mistaken for being a parent since I was like 16 lmao
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Before my health was Bad(tm), I played a lot of sports in my youth. My favorite was figure skating, though I also played hockey, basketball, volleyball, baseball, archery, etc. through various community programs. I also was a founding member of my high schools cheerleading team, before the transphobia caused me to leave it. And I did horseback riding through a special olympics kinda program.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes. Not as often as people I know.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Very little. Genuinely can't think of a specific, I'm very bad with faces and people in general ๐Ÿ˜‚. I think I usually notice piercings or tattoos, maybe just because I have piercings and tattoos so I like seeing other people with em.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Man... I love both.
9. Any talents?
Talent always feels like a strong word. I suppose art is something I'm talented at. And since I've started beading people have said I'm talented with that. I'd like to think I retain some programming talent and technical writing talent from university.
10. Where were you born?
United States, in Minnesota specifically
11. What are your hobbies?
I do a lot of crafts: knitting, embroidery, sewing, beading. Like mentioned I draw, I also write. I like to read. I play video games. I like writing analysis essays about media.
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes! My old man. He's a little guy and gonna be 14. He's my beloved elderly puppy.
13. How tall are you?
5'9.5 I believe. I get measured pretty regularly since I'm always at the doctor.
14. Favorite subject in school?
In high school, math was my favorite because it was the only one I was good at. In university, linguistics was my favorite but that was quite soured by the fact that academia and linguists in general tend to be horrifically racist and classist and colonialist and I experienced countless of microaggressions every day. (be wary of any yt linguist, self-identified or otherwise)
15. Dream job?
Might seem weird but I would like to be a custodian, but only if we're talking dream where I can also dream up a custodial job that accommodates my disabilities, doesn't treat me as subhuman, and pays enough to life comfortably. I like cleaning, I like doing repetitive tasks, I like that its work that doesn't require me to talk with many people, I can just put on music and chill. It's a perfect autism job. But I don't think I could take the way (white) people treated me when I was cleaning for them.
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tsaritsa ยท 7 months
Congratulations on winning Nano!!! Any hot takes or unconventional tips on how to achieve a huuuge milestone like that in so little time?
Also, if you'd like to share, I'd love to hear more about the piece(s) you worked on during this year's event! Big yay if you want to tease us with a sneak peek as well. ๐Ÿ™‚
Congratsss again!!!
ty!!!! i am afraid my tips might seem kind of obvious and not that much of a hot take but here's what worked for me:
writing sprints. do 10 min. do 17 min. do 30 min. whatever it is, just get words down on the page. after each sprint was finished i'd look at what i wrote, fix up the most glaring mistakes (espe if the words looked terrible. i've learned to live with a lot of spelling errors bc otherwise u waste too much time. during nano each day i'd prolly manage between 2-3 sprints -- usually enough to net me between 1000-1500 words each day. i wouldn't stop if i hit the daily total, i'd stop when i could feel the motivation waning. my lowest day was under 300 words, my biggest was just over 4000.
get a community. writing sucks alone. i feel very grateful that i've made some friends on here who were also trying to write regularly, so now there's 5 of us in a little discord i've made. we do sprints with each other and share lots of snippets, memes, pretty pictures etc. it keeps us excited about our own projects, but also allows us to cheerlead each other on.
get used to placeholders. i use TK. anytime there's a word i need but it's not on the tip of my tongue? TK my beloved. sometimes i'd write like she sighed in a TK kind of way, or like harry opens his mouth to argue about TK TK some work thing he's doing TK TK. it just keeps u in the pace of writing ur in, but allows for a few words to be spent writing down a piece that needs further expansion.
establish habits and goals. for me, it's stuff like trying to write the bulk of my writing with a nice candle lit, but also the silly stuff like putting on lippy so I feel like. Ready to do shit. have a few drinks avail. one to hydrate (ice cold) one to caffeinate (also ice cold). play music or sounds that will help u get into the zone without overly distracting. now that i've won it i'm gonna treat myself to some silly purchases as well bc i should reward myself for such hard work and dedication. i'm thinking a v comfy hoodie.
overall if i didn't have the community i had this month i think my external motivation would've been lost quickly, so find friends to yell at about ur project. watch yt videos about ppl doing writing! make posts and don't give a flying fuck about being cringe or not suiting ut 'aesthetic'. this is u. do it for U.
in terms of this project: the short version is hermione goes back to hogwarts post book 7 and has to slowly begin to recover from/learn to live with the PTSD she's gained. alas, draco is also back and she's gotta learn to make peace with the fact that he's allowed to want to change and that he's making small steps to become a better person than who he was. they're gonna kiss and be disgusting with each other. ultimately this is a story about hermione's journey, as the whole thing is written from her perspective, so although the dhr aspect is there, there are also other important relationships i want to focus on -- especially her and harry.
i'm ignoring/expanding on a lot of canon, and using some details from the movies i prefer over the books (namely her mudblood scar bc mmmmm parallels). i don't really know if anybody is in character but i don't care! this is my story and i'll do it how i see fit haha.
the following excerpt comes from late sept in the current draft. at this point dhr has been forced together a few times already. draco has surreptitiously managed to drug slughorn with a potion of his (slughorn's) own making during their potions class bc the potions professor was spending an entire lesson just showing off instead of. u know. teaching.
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moriohradiojanitorroom ยท 3 months
Hi, I stumbled across your blog and I'm really excited to try the match-upโœจ
Sorry if I write anything wrong, this is my first experience
I have always been told I am a very kind, caring and compassionate person. I think this is true, I always try to help people around me. I am also very optimistic and always try to think of the best. I am still a very shy, insecure and irascible person, but my bad moods pass quickly. If this helps you I am pisces and infp
Speaking of hobbies I really love my favorite manga and anime and cooking. Although some of my recipes sound suspicious but the dishes turn out really delicious. I can't imagine my life without music, I listen to it all the time. I think it's a bit funny, but I do know a lot of facts from many different fields
Oh, I'm afraid I've written too much. If something is unclear then please apologize, English is not my native language. Anyway thanks and good luck, looking forward to your reply๐Ÿ’
Hi there!!! Thanks so much for this request, I was really excited to fulfill it! And donโ€™t worry about too much info or anything like that, this is great! This is also my first time writing a matchup so I hope itโ€™s alright dkdnjsmd You didnโ€™t specify an age or any preferences, so Iโ€™m gonna give you a canonically adult character & assume you donโ€™t have a preference for other stuff, like gender or what part theyโ€™re from - if youโ€™d like to resubmit with that in mind tho, thatโ€™s okay!
With all that in mind, here are some honourable mentions:
Noriaki Kakyoin was the first to come to mind when I read your request, but with the age thing in consideration, I decided to choose someone else.
After that, I considered Jonathan Joestar, Erina Pendleton, and Mohammad Avdol! Ultimately, though, I ended up choosing:
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Robert E.O. Speedwagon!
Your positivity and kindness hooked the man in faster than he could even blink - we all know exactly how loyal he is and how quickly he can tell who deserves that loyalty. It only took him a few minutes to read that youโ€™re one of those people.
Heโ€™s also pretty intrigued by how much you know. He likes to exchange little bits of knowledge and stories with you, especially after heโ€™s done some travelling and has a wider expanse of knowledge. Even before that, though, he always keeps your words in mind - who knows, one day one of those facts might just save a life!
He also very well understands the difficulties of insecurity and hotheadedness, having faced them himself. He does his best to keep you grounded, and encourages you to leave your comfort zone now and then - itโ€™s key to growth, after all - but he knows when to back off. He can be a little stubborn, especially if heโ€™s enthusiastic, but in the end your comfort matters more. If youโ€™d rather stay at home with him than go out and dance or something, thatโ€™s fine by him. Hell, with all the travelling he does, he may actually grow to prefer that more relaxed atmosphere.
On that topic, Speedwagonโ€™s pretty good at reading peopleโ€™s moods and actions. On top of knowing when he needs to let you chill, he also knows if/when he should make somebody else do the same. If he sees something or someone bothering you, heโ€™s quick to swoop in and do whatever he can to settle the situation, whether thatโ€™s just to comfort some insecurities or get a particularly annoying person to back off. If he knows that you can handle it, though, heโ€™ll take a backseat and play cheerleader. In fact, it makes him proud to see it.
Also, this man grew up on the most dangerous street in London. Heโ€™s no stranger to meals with some odd ingredients, and frankly, heโ€™ll be even happier to learn how good they taste! Heโ€™s not the best cook himself, heโ€™s the type of man who uses whatever he has on hand to try scraping together something reasonable, so a good meal will go straight to his heart.
For the sake of anime and manga, Iโ€™m gonna go ahead and pretend weโ€™re a little more modern day for the next few. I feel like Speedwagon is more of a reading guy than a television guy. After a long day, heโ€™ll to sit down and read with you, manga or not. Heโ€™ll watch a show too if you ask, but thereโ€™s something quite romantic about cuddling up and sharing a book that he feels canโ€™t be matched by much else.
On that note, please forgive him ahead of time - if you do get him to sit down and watch your favourite shows, he will have a lot of commentary. Heโ€™s the type of guy who will interrupt a scene to enthusiastically declare something like, โ€œSo THATโ€™S why the bugger carries that chain around!โ€, or confoundedly question what a character thinks theyโ€™re doing. Heโ€™ll probably do this while reading too, just maybe not as often. Heโ€™s not trying to interrupt, he just gets excited - if you tell him to settle down, heโ€™ll do his best to accommodate, but he might slip from time to time.
Also, (and this is another one of those modern day ones) depending on your music taste, he may or may not buy vinyls or discs of your favourite bands and try to get you to dance with him to them. Heโ€™ll probably suggest a concert at least once - something tells me that heโ€™s the type to prefer live music.
Knowing that youโ€™re passionate about something makes him passionate, too. Heโ€™ll try his best to look into your interests on his own time, and try to involve you in whatever he finds - maybe he asks an older lady he knows for interesting recipes to show you, or he scours a book store for a series he hasnโ€™t heard you talk about yet. Heโ€™s doing his best to match your love for these things, even if theyโ€™re sometimes new to him.
Your bright outlook on life, your compassion, your love for the things you enjoy - theyโ€™re all astoundingly inspirational to this man. He may sometimes worry that you deserve better than an Ogre Street ex-thief, but by god, will he use all the motivation you give him to make a good life for you.
Okay - I think I might have rambled a bit there, but yeah, thank you so much for the request!! Itโ€™s the first one Iโ€™ve gotten anyways so I hope youโ€™ll forgive all the babbling jehdjjfs
This was a ton of fun to write, and I hope that youโ€™re happy with it!
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imaginebabygurl ยท 2 years
hi how are you? <3 could you write a one shot where billy sleeps with inexperienced fem reader and then tells her that he did it just because he thought she was easy. but then heโ€™s desperate to make things right with her and does everything to gain her forgiveness? sorry if this is to specific. have a great day!!
Billy x reader
A/n hey babies so here's another one for you I still have more to complete but they're on the way. Not the best at smut but i still hope you enjoy also I'm good and thank you love
WARNING: SUMT 18+ with fluff at the end
Read to find out love
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Billy hargrove how exactly did we get here? You though to yourself, I was the supposed to be the good girl,the one that got good greads and the one everyone adored.
The older women in Hawkins though I would be a respectable house wife, with a bubbly and out going personality. The kind of house wife a father would be proud of their son to take home such a gal.
But that's everything I absolutely hate, being "good" and "innocent" no one every really cared about what I wanted or how I felt. In all honesty I liked being bad, what started out as Billy hargrove wanting to help me break out of my shell for some reason, took a turn of us meaning of in the back of his camaro as he proceeded to fuck the absolute shit out of me, and he'd do it everyday if he had his way.
One day in particular Billy came over and I hugged and kissed him getting ready to listen to music or watch a movie my parents were out of town, So he would sneak over to my house in the middle of the night.
Sometime when it's gonna be a heavy session Billy would bring clothes stay over at my house and we'd drive to school together if he knew I wouldn't be able to walk right. Then Billy said something and made my heart drop to the pitbof my stomach "Y/n...I think we should stop." My heart breaking into pieces, "what why?" My eyes filling with tears.
"What don't you get babe, your easy, dumb and naive, correction innocent that's it!, ding! ding! ding! ." I stooped him in his tracks with a slapped to his face and he was enraged.
"Billy don't you fuckin dare, if you think I'm so easy. You won you should be proud of yourself BILLY FUCKIN HARGROVE KING OF HAWKINS HIGH IS A BIG FUCKIN PHONY AND A LIAR AND A CHEAT!" Tear were pouring down my face filled with hurt anger and rage...
" you know what Billy get the fuck out of my house and when you see me in school just pretend like you don't even know me." With that I pushed him out my window realizing he made a mistake, he wanted to make it right but it was too late.
Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into month's. It was the end of the school year and one week till the final game for the basketball team. I was practicing with the girls from the team on a Saturday evening, until Billy came in and proceeded to pull me out of my cheerleading practice. "Billy let go, Billy stopped."
I tried to get my hand out of his grip because the way he acting was ridiculous, he stopped and looked at me with with hurt fury and something else and yet he still managed to pull me in a trans.
"Y/n stop do you understand me." All I could do was nod, and the fact rhat everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us that mean Billy was serious.
"Hey Hargrove let her go! Y/n doesnt desever to be with a scumbag like you." Almost everyone in the snicker but but Billy didnt flinch not one bit.
Billy turn to face Jason the leader of the basketball team and his perfect little cult followers, I seriously dont know why Lucas joined the team.
I looked to see Lucas' face had an expression of worry but I reassured him I was fine. The next things Billy spoke was a shock. "Well Jason you can keep wanking off to my girl in the fuckin locker room, while I'm getting the real fucking thing!"
The gym erupted in ooohhhs, some people were shocked and others laughed. Billy laughed flash a delivish smile and slapped my ass. "Billy!!!" "WOO That's right baby your gonna be screaming my name!!."
With that he turn to drag me to his car but not before Lucas yealled, " I'm telling Max!!!" " Go ahead what do I care." Billy just kept moving he was a man on a mission.
I reluctantly got in the car, the evening ride turned into a late night drive into the night in his camaro and taking me to a open field filled with flowers and fireflies and it was beautiful. I thought it was something out of a fairytale a place I wouldn't think Billy belonged but it was Okay because if only he knew that I still yearned for him, he was my first and I wanted him to be my last.
" Billy its late what so you want, I have church in the morning." "Y/n...please I've missed you." "Yeah sure you do".
At this point we were in the field leaning on the hood of his car, with his arms wrapped around my waist and me in-between his leg. "Y/n, I'm a dam fool, I shouldn't have said any of that, I'm an asshole that should have realized what... what I lost but because of my pride... it got the better of me. I thought for a moment on to make him wait in anticipation and also he did look sincere. "So." "So."" Come on y/n your killing me here."
"Fine Biiilllllyy, but I'm gonna tell you this right now you have a lot of making up to do, especially with that ego of yours." "I know and I will with, do I have permission to kiss you."
He gave me an all to knowing smirk that I knew exactly what it meant and I've carved to see it so much." "Well dummy are you gonna kiss me!?." With that Billy picked me up and slid back of the hood of his car and slowly kissed me.
Slow and sweet billy pepperd my body with kisses as I was on top of him srattling his legs and through the thin fabric of my pantiess and uniform rub my clit agianst his boner and he proceeded to grab my wasit to push down harder on my clit and grinded our hips togther making are breathes quicken in pace all the while deepening our kiss and desire for each other.
He held me and climb off the hoof of his car and undressed me from cheerleader uniform, that was the first time I was touched by anybody. He laid me flat on the hood of his car as he hovered over me, kissing the nape of my neck trailing down all the way to my cunt at this point my body was bare, billy look up from between my thighs giving me a delivish grin. Then his next actions sent bliss all over my body "Billy" , "BILLY" I said a little louder "BiLly sTop Please I can't taake this it's too much", my face flush and warmed from the heat I felt running through my body.
I whimpered and moaned his name. I was almost at my climax screaming his name and then stopped. "Billy why'd you stop, Please keep going daddy."
Billy stop and hovered over me "Daddy, you like that, dollface."
I nod my head in anticipation and pulled him by the neck giving him giving him kiss all over his neck sure to leave some hockey's behind in the process, I hear billy moaning in my ear his eyes roll back I'm pleasure. "Shit y/n." He said in a low deep voice, "I can't take this any more, I'm gonna fuck you on the hood of my car and your gonna take like a good princess you are or are you gonna miss behave."
In my mind either way Billy would absolutely ravage me but I wanted the the whole experience so I missed behaved." And what I said no." " wrong answer sweetheart." Before I knew it Billy gragged me to my feet opened the car door proceeded to take a seat he finally took off his jeans which excited my body even more, his cocktail was dripping with pre-cum, he wasn't gonna be easy going on for the first.
" now princess look at this mess you caused, my cock is dripping be a doll and clean it up for me." I sat their on my need taking his cocktail all in but Billy was impatient and grabbed a fist full of hair, push my head towards his cocktail as much as I could take.
"Doll move your head back and forth, also don't use your theeth""Billy I know,its not my first time anymore." Still he guided my head as I sucked on his cock, I wanted to take in all of him so I pushed his hand away my hair and held his hands down. Every moan he'd make and cursed out loud " Fuck! baby you sure you haven't doing this before."
Mhm was all I could say I was too busy wanting to earn more moans from Billy, but he bent over causing me to take in more of his cock to slap my ass. I whimpered in pleasure and then he stopped my head to pull out I wined.
" Billy please I want your cock inside me" He smirked, " of course princess you deserve this cock." Billy told me to stay on my knees at the point you could tell it was gonna be sunrise soon from the way the night sky was changing colour.
He brought out a blanket for me to lay on pointed me towards the blanket of the soft bed of grass, billy turn his car on to play some music in t he background which I thought was romantic.
He came back with a condom but I told him, he wouldn't need it since I was on birth control. " you ready y/n." "Yes, Billy please." Billy slipped his cock inside of me, it was slightly painful but he waited a bit for me to be comfortable and then he slowly started to thrust in and out of me and waves of pleasure and ecstasy hit him.
Billy went faster over time and it was the Crack of dawn. I couldn't take it anymore I wrapped my arms and legs around his body making his go faster. Billy,Billy,Billy, please fuck me, cum inside me daddy take this pussy. "Yeah, y/n you want daddy to cum inside you are you my flighty little whore of a princess" He said while grunting.
He went faster and the pit in my stomach was gonna explode" Billy, Daddy please fuck, I'm Cumming!!!" " yeah then come for Billy, cum for you fucking daddy" I closed my eyes shut but he gave me hard and deep thrust. " y/n open your fuckin eyes and look at me while I fuck you."
I did what he told me to. " I'm the only one that gets to be cum inside this pussy do you understand, only me and I don't want you to fuckin make eyes at anyone else but fuckin me."
At this point I already came and tears were streaming down my face as I whimpered Billy's name to stop because the pleasure was too much. All the anger I have for him went away and my eyes rolled back. He was getting ready to come and I was hitting another climax.
" Fuck!Fuck!Fuck! I'm gonna fuckin come y/n ahhh fuck tell ne me I can fuckin breed you baby." Yes, Billy please cum for me." FUCK Y/N. "BILLY" we both screamed in pleasure Billy pushing himself deep inside me realsing his load shaking but continously pumping inside me.
Both our bodies laid down on the sheet our bodies a sweaty tangled mess, billy pulled me close to him at this point it was day break and the sunrise was beautiful, in that moment Billy was beautiful his curly hair now laid a tangle mess and his beautiful ocean eyes staring back at mine.
He pulled me close and peppered me with kiss all over my temple, Billy got up and and grabbed a spare blanket to cover us up along with a pack of particular cigarettes he liked to smoke.
I always told him that smoking was bad for his health but usually he grumbled and put it away as I'd always put it out or not let him kiss me because I didn't like the taste. "Y/n you still with me? He smiled and I smiled back. " Yeah I'm still here, what's up?" " Baby... no Y/n I'm sorry, for the things I said, your not easy, nor are you in anyway easy to manipulate.
That was an asshole move of me and I shouldn't have said what I said, just because I didn't want you getting to close to me. But before my ass rambles on and gets all sappy and shit." Billy lifted up my chin to makes sure I made eye contact with him, "BE my girlfriend, and be my one and only, and we can take it easy. I'm being serious and I'll make it up to you and I know I'm not perfect but-".
"Billy it's okay People say things they'll regret, yes I'll be your and yes we'll take it slow or as fast as you want, I know this isn't really your thing. But I'll make you learn to love one step at a time I'll be there." "Promise" "I promise Billy."
With that said I took out a cigarette and passed it to him and lid it, while he smoked he held me and we just listened to the tunes from his car, for the rest of that Sunday morning.
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