#i'm happy about Garu
zeynatura · 1 year
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I interrupt my hiatus from social media to tell y'all: LOOK AT MY BABIES ON THE NEXT EVENT!!
Shy Student Yakumo and Sensual Olivine Sensei qjbfnwjUfbcjsnencksnwndjefkwjjwisjejdhjejjjeh
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 10 months
Nu carnival x shy gemless reader from Eidens world
What's better than one pretty shy boy? Two pretty shy boys! He's so comforting and supportive and works hard to get you little gifts to make you feel welcome in this world. He thought it was scary moving from the country to the city so he can only imagine how scary it was moving worlds. He just wants you to feel comfortable around him. Silence with him is comfortable, you never feel forced to talk if you don't want to. He's happy to just vibe with you.
It's his “duty” to protect you while you're in Klein continent. Yeah no one else believes it either. He thinks it's impressive how you made it this far with no essence at all. He is awkward and doesn't really know how to approach you without coming off as a scary military captain. He relaxes more around you if you ask him about local food. You can see him open up when talking about local food and that makes you feel better. Sometimes he “accidentally” buys a second portion that he can't eat, you might as well take it so it doesn't go to waste.
A little confused but he got the spirit. This applies to both of you by the way. You have no idea how a preacher got so jacked! And he has no idea how you got here without essence. He wants to help in any way he can. It's nice how genuine he is and that makes him easy to open up to. You wind up helping at the temple to thank him for his kindness. Just avoid some of his crazy fans and you'll be fine.
Honestly couldn't care less where you come from, what you look like, or if you have essence or not. As long as you respect his forest. He may get a little annoyed if you try following him and can't keep up. He does appreciate it when you cook or do things for him but for the most part he's self sufficient. He won't push for conversation if you don't want to talk which is nice. Honestly it's going to be a little rough until you figure out each other's social cues. Topper is going to be your best friend!
He already teases Eiden about not being able to use essence, and you are definitely not an exception. He is relentless in his teasing and sometimes takes it too far, especially in the beginning when he's testing your boundaries. It's not all bad though. He likes making things and clothes and often asks you to try out what he makes. It's his way of trying to be welcoming. He'll also ask about your world, different things about culture or really anything interesting. Maybe tell him something he can use against Eiden, I suggest the first line to a catchy song.
There is no such thing as being shy around Blade. I'm sorry but if you want no human interaction you are going to have to tell him and explain why. Besides being a little…energetic, he is so sweet. He asks a lot of questions about where you came from, and he'll ask Eiden if he can't find you. He will do his best to make you feel at home and welcomed with him. Absolutely no judgment with him either so you're free to express yourself however you want. He can be a little much but at the same time he's so cute. Like a big puppy curious about what's in your hand!
He is very good about your boundaries and will not cross them intentionally. He will also get between you and others if you look uncomfortable. It took some time to get used to his appearance but he was kind and patient so you pretty quickly warmed up to him. He doesn't know much about Klein culture because he grew up alone in the dead zone, but he's happy to explore and learn with you!
Similar to Garu but turn up the intensity. He almost bit someone in the market because they bumped into you and you got spooked. You were shocked when he called you slave #2 but Eiden explained that Karu doesn't really mean it. He got into a fight with Garu about it so now he just calls you human. As long as you put up with some of his weird mannerisms you get a free guard dog though.
Do not expect a sugar daddy with him. If you want something he is going to make you earn it, he does not believe in handouts. No it doesn't matter where you're from, or how kind, or weak you are without essence. If you want to stay in Solaria and not in Asters mansion than you will need to follow his rules. It's rough for the first week or so, but eventually you notice how you've changed. He'll have you interact with his servants and slowly you will become more social and have less anxiety and have started coming out of your shell. It's hard to see it in the moment but he's tough on you to help. At least help in what he feels is the best way.
He understands how Eiden got here because of the rainbow gemstone, but has absolutely no clue how you came? Sorry but he will want to study you. It's weird and awkward, especially because he doesn't talk while he does it. If you stay with him you won't have to go out much which is good for your shyness. When he grabs things for research he'll bring back stuff for you, snacks or food. He says it's to see how you react to stuff with different properties, but if you like something you don't even need to say anything and he'll get more.
Oh he would be so protective! He remembers how sweet you were in his world, plus he remembers his scared he felt when he came to this world. He will have Aster let you stay in the mansion and you'll get your own room. He will introduce you to all the clan members, and warn you some of them are a little…unique. Big brother mode is in full force. If he can't protect you in this scary world then he will ask one of his clan members to help.
Aster and Morvay
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fallencelsetial · 6 months
quastion. if you had to give each of the nu carnival guys a present, what would you give to each one? oh and let's assume monies aren't a problem here
To answer your Quastion. If Monies are not an issue, and I can just the boys whatever the hell I want, then-
Eiden: I'm getting this boy every single craft supply I can think of. Fabrics, yarns, tule, buttons, clays, pen, pencils. I'm getting him everything. He's so friggin talented and just an artsy boy. He'd definitely have an etsy or two on the side of his actual job.
Aster: You didn't say the presents had to be objects. Plus Asters got SO MUCH MONEY. Boy could get anything he wanted at any time. Hell. He's the clan sugar daddy. If I was getting him a gift, it would definitely be something practical. And Honestly, I'd probably just get him more staff. He's got so many things he's running, I'm sure he'd really appreciate the help, and especially, that he's not the one paying for it.
Morvay: Similarly to Aster, I wouldn't really get Morvay an object. What I would get him though, is food. He's a bit of a greedy boy. He's always getting yelled at by aster for sneaking out and feeding, and constantly getting overworked. I think he deserves a place where he can relax and indulge in his favorite things. I'm sure there's some club out there that has membership option and would allow him to just go ham.
Yakumo: Cooking tools seems too easy. I'm sure he's already got everything he needs. You know what? I'm actually gonna get him some alone time with Eiden. I'm getting them a vacation together. I'm gonna send him and Eiden off somewhere real private. Do you know how happy he'd probably be? Boy is so possessive. He'd be OVER THE MOON about having Eiden all to himself for like a week. And I'm sure Eiden would be happy about spending time with him too. Gross honeymooning ass bitches.
Edmond: I'm getting him all the porn and sweets he wants. Just because I know he's gonna be a bitch about it. I would know. I'm the same. "No, I'm not allowed to get this. People will look at me weird if I get that" and Now look at me. I have a whole shelf full of those books. I'm getting him all of it AND, He didn't spend any of his money on it so he can't feel ashamed about it. It was gifts. Now go. Be free.
Olivine: I saw a post somewhere about Oli not having any of his own clothes and how they would take him on a shopping spree and honestly same. And I'd help him pick out the sluttiest, most rebellious clothes possible. I was raised catholic. I know. I know how hard it is. We're going to get you so many things with Religious undertones so it feels safe, AND like you're breaking the rules at the same time.
Quincy: Gosh. He's such a simple dude. All forest man and shit. He probably would not accept anything that would make his life easier. Any more modern versions of tools he already uses would probably be rejected with a "This one works fine/better anyway" Getting a bunch of treats for topper might make him happy though. Actually might just get him something SUPER dad coded. Like a Flask/Canteen. Probably would say he doesn't need it, but would secretly use it anyway.
Kuya: We're getting him all the dumb weird shit. Mans has a collection of dumb weird shit. He's like Blade. Anything he finds intriguing he just keeps. I'm getting this man an old beat up Bakugan. "Check it out. It's opens when you place it on this card but ONLY on this card!" Do you know how psyched he would be??? He's so fucking simple. I'm getting him those boxes that show one character in one window, and another character on the other window.
Garu: I don't think he can have too many toys. I'm getting him so many more toys than what Eiden has already gotten him. Lots of meat too. Oh! And I'm getting him art supplies as well! His art fills me with joy. I love him.
Karu: ALRIGHT. I'm giving him play time. I'm buying/building him a whole play set. He wants to be ruler of everything and I am going to give him that. I am going to spoil the shit outta this puppy. I will get him his own little throne room. He's getting his own little kingdom where he is king, and EVERYONE BOWS TO HIM! He's also getting so much meat too. All Hail the Mighty Karu!!
Blade: I'm also getting him art supplies. Art supplies and Books! If we can find some that he hasn't read yet. Honestly the library is massive. Oooooh but if we go to a book store, there's bound to be new releases of something, and he'll read anything just to have read it, I'm sure he'd really appreciate that!
Dante: A vacation mother fucker. Shut up. Listen Child. I Don't want to hear it. Spa now. Break. Rest. Relaxation. Think of NOTHING. You know what? I'mma throw Eiden in there too. He'd probably help you a lot. Just like how Eiden would be a good part of the gift, for Yakumo, I feel the same goes for him as well. And also, Lots of gifts for Sooley.
Rei: Therapy. Notebooks. Lot's of notebooks. Replacement's for any Equipment he's broken. Some art supplies. Mostly charcoals for his sketches. All practical stuff too. I'd offer to fix some of his personal items, but...I think he prefers them dinged up and broken. Has a bit of a comfort in that. So the supplies would probably be most appreciated by him.
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halfetirosie · 2 months
🌊🌅🐚 Bitter, then Sweet 🐚🌅🌊
(Exercise 25 - 26 React-os!)
1) Damn.
So I was kinda right about the "odd-one-out feelings," just not in the way I expected...
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(⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ - o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)
Fuck, dude. This is so relatable in the worst way.
For one thing, I can hardcore-relate to being super happy and energetic one moment, and then BOOM! Out of nowhere, I start feeling horrifically sad. (Espresso Depresso, amirght gang?)
For another, I definitely relate to getting sudden/rude reminders of childhood trauma---which, I feel like most people don't acknowledge, can be very "mundane." Not all traumatic memories are action-filled or dramatic. Sometimes, it's as simple as being the last person left at school; and the feeling of loneliness while you watch everyone else go home....
This is just another testament to how well-written Eiden is.
He feels way more real than other game-protagonists.
2) Oh, thank GOD! I was afraid Eiden would be left alone with the Dark Thoughts!!! 😅😅😅
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Look at these goobers!
Look at this fabulous found-family!!
Look at how much LOVE our boi Eiden is surrounded with now!!!
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3) *Obnoxious-Fangirl-Squealing* ( ≧ᗜ≦ )
He's so fuckin cute when he gets all boastful and dumb!!!!
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I'll say it again: Dante really did have a great time this event, and I'm SO happy for him!!!!
My mans has had it rough, and continues to have it rough---he's been working nearly nonstop since he was a tween---so he absolutely deserved this mini-vacation!!!
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/ / / Flustered Dante!!! / / /
Dante, my Beloved!!!! My beautiful dork of a dude!!!!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡♡♡♡♡♡
4) Awwww!!! (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ◡ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)
��� Introvert Dad Quincy ᕗ once again warming up my heart!!!!
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This dude really is out here letting his Protective Instincts go ham, huh?---Patrolling at night, keeping the family safe, like a responsible dad does! ♡♡♡
5) Garu, sweetie!!!! We're so proud of you!
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He do got that excitable-doge-energy to him! (≧∇≦)♡
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Oh snap, did...did Garu just flirt back to Eiden? 😮😮😮
I do have a cursory knowledge of recent Garu intimacy rooms, and I vaguely remember Garu wanting to impress Eiden? But this interaction seems like a more overt seduction-attempt?
Can a Garu/Karu main possibly pitch in their 2-cents on this revelation? If I'm right, then it seems quite important to Karu's character development!
End of report!
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fisheito · 5 months
for the question thing!!! do you have any silly hcs about the clan boys (+ the familiars/eito)? can be as wild as u want
sorry in advance if i don't have any HCs for ur beloveds bc i can only offer what my brain chooses to fixate on.... but let's see........
i like to imagine clan members enjoying fun little hobby hours
i pretend they're not busy adults with their own obligations and schedules.... so they just get together like a bunch of retirees and partake in shared hobbies whenever they want 🤗
book club: oli, blade, yaku, garu
horny book club: eiden, morv, blade, edmond if he works up the courage to discuss his fave BDSM PwP short novel with the 3 most shameless creatures ever ... honestly oli could join as well but i'm gonna excuse him from ONE book club so he can get some sleep. maybe he'll alternate days between the two 😆
sewing and knitting together like a couple of serene grandmas: yakuoli. eiden joins sometimes (all serenity is lost when he does)
TARGET PRACTICE! NEW ACTIVITIES!!! DARTS!! ! PIN THE TAIL ON THE EDMOND! sorry idk this is just my way of saying that after the cowboy event, i want to imagine edmond/dante/garu all playing target striking games and it becomes a contest of how split one dart can be down the middle (you can't all be perfect aimers ok aster can't keep buying new darts can u PLEASE throw them anywhere but dead centre).
i know blade could join as well but would it take the competition aspect out of it? he's kind of calibrated to never miss right?? it's not a game anymore. it's just superior blade and pissed off dante and garu cheering (he's just happy to be there) and edmond trying to be civil about letting everyone participate
they are out in the garden. touching grass: yaku is gardening. blade is collecting bugs. garu is digging holes. kuya is bewitching plants at random to spew sex pollen into someone's face (i feel like this is his superpower in SEVERAL fics and i am not complaining). quincy is trying to nap
.but .
he chose the worst place to do it. in the middle of nature's playground (aster's garden)?
garu's kicking up dust into his face. blade is shoving random insects into his face and asking identification questions. yaku screams when he inevitably falls to the kuya traps. kuya can't resist watching the little ones (yakugaru) play with dirt. WHY would you choose to sleep here.
(Topper is nibbling all the edible plants in the garden while skillfully avoiding all the porn plot traps with his superior Toppinstincts)
now for 3 ! single character HCs.......
kuya: wanders the marketplace, and often sees those anti-aging creams with LOFTY claims to their power... he always mocks them and insults the intelligence of all the vain people clamouring to buy the stock. later that day you will see kuya at home, trying those very same creams (procured illegally, of course, because why pay for anything ever) and pretending like he's zero percent interested in the results
rei: in the same situation will just as quickly mock the creams but unlike kuya he'll mean it and will NOT be caught applying the gloop all over his face later. "lmao it's just sunscreen who even believes this shit"
yakumo: i like to give him sneczema sometimes. i know it's implied that everyone in gay gacha has perfect skin forever *waves hand dismissively* BUT
imagine that he loves working with his hands but the sneczema can flare up if he's too rough on em, so he compromises by wearing his gloves. protect that vulnerable skin, yaku!! [insert pun about scaly skin]
His SR clothing material seems soft. Aesthetic reason: slippery smooth like the idea of snek. Practical reason: coarse textures can aggravate skin 😔 only the silkiest coverings for a scaly boy...
i mean. yaku prefers the wet cave environment so we gotta keep an eye on his humidity. too dry and he'l'l turn into a wafer (like in Solaria that One Time)
is this just an excuse for me to mist him with a spray bottle ? at random times because it just seems like fun? perhaps. spritzspritz
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phaerlax · 3 months
Reiaru quintuple drabble 🐺🦉
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For @nuflashfic's Drabbles for the Birthday Boy event, and also for REIARU MONTH (prompt: Assistant). Maybe look up what felching means.
Rei had gotten more than enough rimjobs to know that he didn't care much for the act. Sure, a sufficiently skilled partner could deliver pleasure pretty adequately with their lips and tongue, but Rei always found himself wishing instead for the breadth of possibilities offered by a toy– or, of course, for the unmatched raw essence of a real cock. Tongue play was something he'd rather skip or get over with quickly… Especially if a partner was like Eiden, wanting to 'take things slow', pausing to kiss and tease and talk shit and whatever else he could do instead of actual sex.
It seemed that Garu's approach to it was totally opposite—though Rei questioned whether it was better. The young wolf had latched onto him with a fervent, singular focus, prying Rei's pale ass open and pushing his slobbering tongue into Rei's cleft to lick and suck like his life was on the line. Desperate little whimpers could be heard along with the loud sniffing noises of his snoot against Rei's taint, though the vigorous wagging of Garu's tail made clear that it was a joyful sort of despair.
All the stimulation was overwhelming, considering Rei had been plowed good by the Grand Sorcerer all but a minute ago. As usual, however, he couldn't bring himself to tell Garu off. He just bit his lip and squirmed as–
"Hmm, so that's the secret to make you play nice in bed, huh? All it takes is our good boy's assistance…"
"The hell are you– ghn, saying…"
Eiden just kept watching and petted Garu's head as the wolf boy worked. Garu hungrily sucked his master's warm fresh cum out of Rei; though lacking in technique, the enthusiasm would make Morvay shed proud tears.
There was a self-satisfied smirk on Eiden's face as he pondered how his quick thinking had brought about that scenario—Garu had moved to lick Master's dick clean after he came inside Rei, but Eiden quickly saved himself the overstimulation by redirecting the pup to a greater prize.
And now he had a full unimpeded view of Rei blushing. Glorious…
"Haah… Master's scent and big br– Master's scent and Rei's scent, together… 'm so… happy…" The yokai finally surfaced, having sucked out all that he could. His slick tongue rested on his lip as he breathed heavily—and then he cast an oddly guilty glance down at Rei's reddened, gaping hole. "I'm sorry, Karu is–"
The wolf suddenly shook his head before letting out a loud, dramatic cough—making a show of retching and spitting for a moment, even though Garu had already swallowed everything. Eiden looked unimpressed.
"Bleegh… right! Now that he's cleansed of disgusting slave seed– time for the mighty Karu to take center stage!"
(The overly eager and juvenile thrusts of Karu's hard little dick into Rei often reminded him that oral wasn't always the lesser option.‎ Thankfully, Eiden was there to suck him off through the few minutes that the mighty conqueror would last.)
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kuyaoya · 2 years
Absolutely no one wants this. My favorite kind of post.
Rating the art of each character in the new loading screen
Disclaimer I fucking love this loading screen so much all of them look amazing.
This raiting system is wow that's nice
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Worst to best
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I'm sorry Garu enjoyers I hate him so much I feel no joy looking at this. Also colors look muted for Garu
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This hurts me blade is my second favorite character but this art is not my second favorite. I know his face is normal covered but I want to see it a bit more in cover art, and his hair looks too much like morvays here I think
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Now we're getting into the harder part to categorize. I am trying so hard to not let my character preference bias this rating. He looks so on character and I wouldn't change anything it's just not as good as the following.
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Looks so cute and the holy ray of light is amazing. Also so happy??? And proud??? Thank you Olivine???
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Fuck this was hard to pick. Dante looks so good here. I don't normally like Dante much but THIS!! this is gorgeous. His hair depth, the expression, he looks amazing
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I whole heartedly love this. the hand, the joy the clothing floating??? All of it is done perfectly. If eidens 4 u know this list is about to get competitive
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Normally I think art does yakumo a bit of a disservice, but here?? Gorgeous, stunning, endearing, contemplative. Perfectly shows of his hair coloring and earring. The position right behind eiden? Outstanding yakumo art
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Edmond here looks so regal and swave I wouldn't have it any other way. The floating of his clothes like eidens, gives so much movement and his HAIR?? Can't say enough how much I love this. His colors look so cohesive and complementary, even putting him right by Dante's red, it's great choices all around.
1) and I truly hope this surprises no one
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HOLY!!! SHIT!!! im- I'm blown away. The expression, the flow, the sparkle, the POSE!! The crossed legs and flowing of his clothes. Not a single mid part of this. I debated making this my new profile picture. I debated going blind so this was the last thing I saw.
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2af-afterdark · 10 months
"virgin killer sweater" appeared in my feed and i was instantly summoned /j
But, like, actually, I'm sorry for how long this got
Lets be honest, literally any of the clan members would rock a virgin killer, no effort necessary
But, some of them would be so adorably flustered by it, and others would be so extra about it if they ever got the chance.
Yakumo and Edmond being super fucking embarrassed
Yaku in the "i might be getting aroused way, but i kinda like it" way, would hide it in his closet, but would use for special occasions with Eiden
Edmond in the "i might be getting aroused but you'll have to literally fuck the truth out of me before i ever admit it" way, would also hide it in closet, too embarrassed to use for special occasions with Eiden, but also too stubborn to admit that he kept it cuz he liked it once Eiden accidentally finds it
Dante's tits are spilling out the side, this shit is fucking snug against him, he's trying to act unbothered by the actual clothes, he has nothing to be embarrassed of, his body and physical health are in peak condition after all, and more just annoyed at Eiden because of course this was his idea shut up Eiden, he totally isn't blushing you're just imagining shit
Rei I'm not too sure, don't have a good grip on his personality yet, but given the cropped turtleneck from his rusted nation outfit, he'd rock the look, would probably alter it to his liking, maybe pair it with other stuff to make an actual cohesive outfit that he can wear practically, and not just a sexy times outfit
Garu is mostly just happy about how freeing the outfit feels for his tail, Karu knows Eiden is up to some shit, probably sexy shit, but isn't entirely sure what it is yet
Kuya is customizing that shit, cuz its not to his tastes yet, once he redesigns it, it honestly looks very tasteful, elegant but still very much sexy, will probably punish Eiden for it cuz he isn't stupid, he knows his intentions
Quincy just pulls on the sweater as is, finds it troublesome, impractical, his muscles are barely contained in it, probably will find it just comfortable enough to nap in once, if circumstances are convenient
Olivine tries to not he too excited, but he very much likes it, will probably customize it slightly if he has time, definitely ends up with a tiddy window on his, (and probably a hole over his stomach to show off his gem, cuz i think that would probably look nice)
Blade is over the moon, cuz gift from Darling, he also has a chest cutout, shaped specifically for his gem and it looks like part of the outfit, it fits so nicely, needs to be prevented from trying to over-accessorize once he sees Kuya and Olivine do it, can see him doing a corset piercing like his rust nation outfit, but in the back, and absolutely calls himself a "present for Darling" when he does
Aster is accessorizing that shit, he's a cute bitch and he's not wearing something plain and boring, looks equal part cute and sexy once he finishes, not too over the top, but definitely better once he adds his own flair to it
Morvay does the exact opposite, instead of adding accessories, he customizes by taking parts off, somehow still tastefull, but it had been converted from "Virgin Killer" to "Virgin Mass Murderer" it is miraculous that he manages to take so much fabric off, and yet somehow kept his dick completely covered, either way, Eiden is not complaining (would absolutely add a cutout directly over his incubus mark)
Nothing to add. Just enjoyed these thots. ehehehe
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nucarnivalmadness · 10 months
Hello~ It's been a while, how are you doing? I hope you're good ^^
Well, I only came here to say that, in the Nukani subreddit, they're speculating that this might be another event with a song 👀 Mostly because of the Chinese Characters in Eddie's unit name(?)
Winter themed (in comparison to the Summer Idol event), three characters, with all three V/As that can sing -and very good, for that matter! I haven't checked yet, but "Hypnotic Mic" may be a song or "unit" in which Garu's and Edmond's VA worked together.
I don't really know as to what extent keep my hopes up for another song-event but! I hope it is!! I'd love to hear Edmond, Garu/Karu and ESPECIALLY Quincy sing!!!
Also, couldn't help but notice that Edmond's unit has a straighter, non-slutty-back-breaking pose. Definetely looks very mature and composed, and one can only impatiently wait and imagine what the scenes could be like~♡ It totally shows Edmond's growth and personal development, imo. Y'know, with all his units posing either side profile, or 3/4 until now, getting one with a full front pose....... that body language, and the tweet about his willingness to confront and fully review and change (or "admit" ;) ) his views on essence, and more importantly, about the Grand Sorcerer............ :3c
but yeah, uh, sorry for the long ask (^-^)ゝ"
Hey! ❤ I'm doing well and editing the Dante/Edmond fic when I have time :'D
but honestly im already happy with Edmond, he looks so pretty in his winter unform asdfasdgadfgadfgadfh
also, yes probably he is on his way on his character development and im still saying he is terribly in love with Eiden and that changes him and it still hurts him because this love is just so intense for him 😌❤
so im looking forward on the intimacy rooms :D
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pwurrz · 1 year
I'm really excited to see more of Yakumo and Garu/Karu's friendship in the new event! Especially since it seems we'll be delving deeper into trauma and their relationship is literally so sweet I can't 😭 I wanna see them comfort each other
they really are the cutest of best friends and i love their dynamic don't get me wrong, normally i would be all over getting to know more about yakumo's trauma but this man hasn't had a break since last year. he deserves to be happy please even if it's just for a little bit. i wanna see him cry because he feels so loved not because he's worried his friends are gonna die and it's all his fault or because he's scared of his own power like let the man be happy!!!
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
March 2023 BL/GL Wrap-Up
A little monthly (spoilery!) wrap-up of all the shows I’ve watched or am watching in March 2023, general thoughts, and ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month:
So Long, See You Tomorrow is only available in film festivals I think? So I had to watch it on a bootleg site but it's worth it, especially for people who like this sort of movie where young men are friends and also possibly boyfriends but are separated for reasons and then the story takes place a decade or two later a la His (2020), Your Name Engraved Herein, Life: Love On The Line, etc. This one has a fun parallel universes thing to it though but it's still got the slow, slice-of-life vibe to it rather than any hard sci-fi
Moonlight Chicken = Derry Girls S1
Happiness = Derry Girls S2 = Derry Girls S3 = A Shoulder To Cry On = So Long, See You Tomorrow
Island Part 1
Island Part 2
The New Employee - Dropped
Average Rating: 6.4/10
MDL Updates - Added to Watchlist:
A section because I’m curious about how many shows I decide to add to my Watch List a month and also the ratio of watching them:adding them.
Island Part 1
Island Part 2
Koi Desu: Yankee-kun to Hakujou Garu: Certified Noonas recommended it and I thought it was funny that she's a blind so she's like what he's a nice guy when everybody warns her against him
Circle: The Certified Noona Natalia's favourite show and apparently it's a good sci-fi. Also a Yeo Jin-goo show
The Crowned Clown: another Yeo Jin-goo show and I've heard good things
Kingdom (2019): I liked Happiness enough and am curious about a historical zombie drama
A Shoulder to Cry On
So Long, See You Tomorrow (2021): saw a clip last month from this tweet (twitter.com/beansxooo/status/1630016040473178119) and got around to finally adding it to MDL
Our Dating Sim
Tomorrow (2022): The Certified Noona recommendation I think. Grim reapers :>
To Watch List At Start Of Month: 56
To Watch List At End Of Month: 56 (heh, it stayed the same)
Removed from To Watch List:
Self (2022) - unlikely I'll ever watch it
Our Beloved Summer (2022) - I do like exes-to-lovers which is why I originally added it but I think I'd get really frustrated with them breaking up multiple times over 16 eps (as somebody said). I saw a tiktok of them in high school years teasing each other and that was really cute though
Once Again (2022) - unlikely I'll ever watch it
Watching On-Air
Completely Watched
Moonlight Chicken
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Feb 8, 2023 - Mar 2, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV Youtube (free)
Watch Dates: Mar 1 - 6, 2023
Rating: 7/10
Overall Impression: It's a good one! High quality with good acting and interesting storylines that are unique in BL. It didn't hit me as hard as it seemed to hit some other people though and I'm not thinking about it much at all since finishing. I think Jim/Wen's relationship was one of the weakest aspects of the show to me because I didn't care nor did I really feel anything. I loved Heart and Li Ming, I enjoyed getting to see Jim grow and also how his relationship with Li Ming changed, I liked getting to see Wen and Alan's flashbacks and to present tense relationship, I like Gaipa showing up once in a while to be bright, I thought Gaipa and Leng's interactions were funny, I loved Li Ming as a character so much, I wished to be him so badly.
tags: moonlight chicken
Also Appears In: Moonlight Chicken Live Blogging
Island Part 1
Country: South Korean
Release Dates: Dec 30, 2022 - Jan 13, 2023
Watch Via: Amazon Prime :>
Watch Dates: Mar 14 - 15, 2023
Rating: 6/10
Overall Impression: The main female lead was whatever, wish she was just good at something. Whether it be fighting demons, fighting back via kindness and empathy, or actual power due to her status/wealth/connections. She's not the worst ever because she can still stand up for herself and she has personality but I mourn that they've written her like this. Van is just fucking boring and I don't care. My beloved Johan <3333 I liked his charming, cocky, beautiful character who was so intrigued by everything going on as if he really was 20 and curious about everything but also I liked his apprehension when it came down to it. The storyline with his brother was so T.T Also curious to see the evil brother half-demon Guntan and his sidekick niece Yeom-ji. They're both pretty cool compared to our 2 main characters. I wish the show flowed better in terms of the sequence of scenes and pacing and the main characters were more intriguing.
tags: island
Also Appears In: Island Part 1 Live Blogging
Island Part 2
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Dec 30, 2022 - Jan 13, 2023
Watch Via: Amazon Prime :>
Watch Dates: Mar 16 - 17, 2023
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall Impression: Literally how was it worse than part 1? Especially when we focused more on Guntan and Yeom-ji than fuckass Miho and Van? Maybe because of less focus on Johan (I wanna know his backstoryyyyyy) and also just incomprehensible writing/plot direction. Yeomji and Johan my beloveds + Guntan being cool were the highlights. Hated the dumbass cliffhanger ending. such a forgettable show.
tags: island (Search s2)
Also Appears In: Island Part 2 Live Blogging
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Nov 5, 2021 - Dec 11, 2021
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Watch Dates: Mar 18 - 23, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: Good but not great. I liked the first quarter and last quarter most because there was more action whereas the middle half was slower and was more people-based. There were different characters who had distinct personalities/circumstances and I like the fucked-in-the-head neighbours trope but most of the side characters were pretty one-dimensional. I wish we got to see some actual proper satisfying murder. The romance was barely there but it was still cute. I liked how comfortable they were with each other and I liked the platonic/non-romantic moments as well.
tags: happiness
Also Appears In: Happiness Live Blogging
Derry Girls S1
Country: UK
Release Dates: Jan 4, 2018 - Feb 8, 2018
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Mar 24, 2023
Rating: 7/10
Overall Impression: This was pretty fun overall since I haven't watched much Irish television nor do I know many Irish people, so it was fun to get to peek into the culture and vibe of the 1990s Ireland through this. Also, the girls are all so different and also terrible in many ways; I do love it when characters are people I'd hate it real life and I don't think I'd be able to stand any of these people (maybe Clare, maybe James), so it's fun to see them go around wreaking havoc.
tags: derry girls
Also Appears In: Derry Girls Live Blogging
Derry Girls S2
Country: UK
Release Dates: Mar 5, 2019 - Arp 9, 2019
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Mar 25, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: Still very fun, though there were some that weren't as good/funny in the middle. Liked the little emotional moment with James at the end. Love Orla being a girl who's a boy and James being a boy who's a girl (and this time he agrees to being a Derry Girl rather than them slagging him for being a girl/gay).
tags: derry girls
Also Appears In: Derry Girls Live Blogging
Derry Girls S3
Country: UK
Release Dates: Apr 12, 2023 - May 18, 2023
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Mar 26, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: I don't know how to feel about the ending - it was touching but certainly a different tone than the other episodes, but it still had enough of the same vibes. It was good season but I'm not yearning for more.
tags: derry girls
Also Appears In: Derry Girls Live Blogging
The New Employee - DROPPED
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Dec 21, 2022 - Feb 1, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Watch Dates: Mar 27 - 28, 2023
Rating: --/10
Overall Impression: It's sad that I've watched worse kBLs but since I had some expectations while going into this, it's more disappointing. I don’t really care for boss/employee romances in general and i think the fact that it’s positioned as wholesome/cute here so far isn’t working for me. if you’re gonna have the boss kiss the intern out of the blue while said intern is drunk, it needs to be framed in more of a rancid way for it to still be fun; dabble more with the weird power dynamics and lean into the bad vibes lol
tags: the new employee
Also Appears In: The New Employee Live Blogging
A Shoulder to Cry On
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Mar 15, 2023 - Mar 29, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Watch Dates: Mar 28 - 29, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: I really liked the first 5 episodes when there was so much contempt but Taehyun couldn't stop himself from terrorizing or goading Da Yeol and Da Yeol couldn't stop noticing how beautiful Taehyun was, and then the friendship that bloomed in that but still with an edge. I didn't quite get the reason for separation in episode 6 and think the last episode was cutesy but out-of-character sort of. Still, overall a pretty good one; reminds me of a mix of Blueming and Utsukushii Kare. I was giddy so many times while watching this, especially the first half and was clutching my head and curling my toes despite it not being romantic, just full of tension.
tags: a shoulder to cry on
Also Appears In: A Shoulder To Cry On Live Blogging
So Long, See You Tomorrow
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Nov 4, 2021
Watch Via: :> (it's only shown in film festivals or something)
Watch Dates: Mar 31, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: No matter what I think about the story/character/acting in these types of movies like this, along with His (2020), Life: Love On The Line, Your Name Engraved Herein, they make me feel a certain way. Even if I don't cry, some parts make have slightly glassy eyes and my chest constricts with the emotions. These feel human in a specific way and I can't take it always, but these drawn-out, slice-of-life movies where young men are separated and then reunite to be friends/lovers decades later is so good. Also I thought it was funny that I kept waiting for the parallel universes to come into it without realizing when we'd slipped into a different universe lol Also, this whole movie we got to see how Kang Hyun affected Dongjoon but Dongjoon affected Kang Hyun enough for him to write about parallel universes in his novel
Also Appears In: So Long, See You Tomorrow Live Blogging
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Stinger and Lucky: 😳😵
Me: Sooo... yeah.
Raptor: Huh... Shou is like 540 years old in your universe.
Me: Yeah because he's a dragon, man. They're pretty much the elves of their universe. Also since you guys are mostly ETs, All of you guys and gals age differently.
Garu: I can't believe it... More kids. Fuck Yeah Baby! *howls*
Me: Uh huh.
Lucky: Me and Stinger in the AU made that many heirs??
Me: Yep. 6 kids. Had twins twice and the last two are individual. 3 boys. 3 girls. You could say you are lucky. 😉😏
Stinger: And those witch sisters of Sasori system...
Me: Forever a mystery... And thank goodness they warned you through your dreams. Because you guys would of never defeated another Gen Makku incursion when they reached maximum strength. Also Space Squad was with you guys at that time too.
Lucky: YOSSHA LUCKY! I love this AU.
Champ: *cries and screams in happiness* I'm Lucky and Stinger's children godfather.
Teen Kotaro and Jiro: We get to be uncles.
Kotaro: *bad old man voice* Those whipper snappers are going to be troublesome. 🧓
Hammy: What about me?
Me: Married someone on your home planet with you as the new Sensei of your own Ninja School. And you also have kids of your own.
Spada: And me.
Me: Happy with Raptor.
Both of them smile.
B&N Thieves: Us?
Me: Relatively the same.
Balance: Lame.
Naga: I believe humanity would just called this simple living.
Me: You could say that.
Tsurugi: I guess I'm still president.
Me: Yeah. But you'll soon retire from the job. Just not at an old age though.
Tsurugi: Fine by me.
Shou: *snoring and sleeping*
Me: I'll just leave the old man to sleep.
Everyone: Good idea.
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Me just sitting here observing this
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nampisutti · 1 year
Hi, It´s me again, I made a post about the lost two image files on the old puccaclub website on the lost media subreddit and I´m happy to announce an user by the name of Zewxak found it on the french version of the website of the wayback machine, I´ll give you the links to the image files and the og post i made on reddit
[Partially Lost] Garu´s House and Turtle Martial Hall image files on the old Puccaclub website byu/Ayuda_tengo_insomnio inlostmedia
:O !!!
That's great! I'm glad both images are found!
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fisheito · 11 months
if you could pick a different animal for yakumo to be a yokai of, what would it be? personally i think he could join garukaru as dogboy because snake faces already look so much like puppy faces (and fur4fur cuddle puddles)
oh nonsy we're really in it now *cracks open the massive wikipedia tome*
OH, TO TURN a character whose traits are based on one animal. into another animal. how would that work? how much of yakumo is snake? how far can we take canon ? 🤔🤔🤔
oHO, to see.... an adoption event with a litter of puppies and yakumo is that guy pressing himself to the corner of the wall and only daring to look in ur direction when you're looking away (giving u the nervous dog side eye the whole time) while garu is bounding over to u all friendly and happy to meet u and readay to play 🥰🥰 uhg anon pls don't send me into another creature spiral where i start classifying the clan members as different dog breeds bc DOGS ARE REALLY CUTE, OK!!! GODQ1!!
my instinct...if yakumo wasn't a snake.... says .... deer???
if u been paying attention to my prev posts about animals, i'm sorry i'm turning everyone into hooved boys 😂 maybe i got a bias
my first instinct w/ deer goes smth like: -generally quiet -anxious all the time -when they panic, they are VERY LIKELY to hurt themselves in their confusion (I'm thinkin "deer in the headlights" reactions and other such behaviours that get them killed in stupid situations) -first reaction to threat is RUN AWAYYY -but also, don't mess with them during rut, bc it'll be u just chillin in a room somewhere and a deer could: *CRASHES THRU THE GLASS DOOR* *GORES U WITH THEIR ANTLERS* *LEAVES* -very edible (personal preference)
i tried narrowing it down to one species-- letting the Behaviour section of wikipedia ultimately decide 😅 but i couldn't,, bc many of them have interesting quirks. like: -pampas deer (submissive courtship behav, non-territorial) -sika deer (specifically those "polite" bowing deer in Nara) - red deer (SPECIFICALLY for the line "Red deer are among the mammals exhibiting homosexual behavior" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 tho tbf i think... every mammal be exhibiting some... but maybe the red deer were among the few actually caught in the act LOL)
on my clickathon down the infohole i also considered making yakumo a shrew bc. tiny long wiggly guy. excellent hearing. i can pick him up like a potato. but... i'd rather draw a deer than a shrew so that's that 😋
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phaerlax · 2 months
Clan/Garu ficlet anthology!
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I'm excited to finally announce this project!~ Remember when Garu won the Top Bottom tournament? Well, consider this a treatise on why.
The people who are most normal about the dog boy have gathered to make one fic wherein every other character gives him what he wants (or a version of it). I am writing Dante, Blade, Morvay, Eiden, and Rin. @raynui is writing Kuya, Yakumo, Aster, and Karu. @xrivalsilverx is writing Rei, Quincy, Olivine, and Edmond.
Join us on this journey at your leisure. The chapters won't be sequential, so feel free to hop in whenever we feature your blorbo(s) if you're picky. But if you're wise enough to like Garu himself... prepare 😌 I'm very proud of what we're putting out with two beta readers per chapter...
Chapter 1 is kuyaru, of course! Come get some kuyaru chastity play 🗝️
“I mean– A-actually, I knew Karu would feel sad if he was the only one in the cage– so I didn’t say anything.” “You needn’t coddle him; that naughty mutt knows that the punishments he earns are his own to bear.”  Kuya reached out, but still Garu fussed and protected his precious cage from that dreaded key. “B-but!  It’s easier for him if it’s both of us, so I can wear it until his punishment is over.” “Oh my, how selfless,” Kuya chuckled as he flicked the key back into mist. “Has this not impeded your own pursuit of pleasure?” “Well… It’s okay, I can endure it for Karu’s sake!” “Just for Karu, hm?” Garu squirmed when Kuya stroked all the way up his inner thigh to caress the skin around his little cock and balls. “—A-And master thought it was ‘kinky’, too… So if he’s happy, then I’m happy!” “How very curious.  I believe I heard a rather different story from the young master.” Garu’s face paled; his ears folded back. “Indeed,” Kuya smiled. “The young master whinged at me for being too cruel, as he is wont to do.  And today, he claimed that you had already begged me for respite, but I did not grant it.  Whyever would he think something like that?”
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Superheroes with Secrets: Reduced to Jelly (Fic Part 180. Set in 2001)
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Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places. Please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts.
Tags: @tantamount-treason @piratewithvigor @thedollmaker16
Reference Posts: ‘Giantess’/‘Blacklight Bandit’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ’Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
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"You should get your breath back first, mon mari, then perhaps you can do whatever you want to me."
"I want to reduce you to jelly."
"Well that's not vaguely threatening at all." Kirby chuckles softly.
"Just wanna make you cum over and over."
"Well, that's a nicer way of putting it, now you don't sound like a supervillain."
"You've corrupted the Hurricane a little." He chuckles.
"He will reduce the woman he loves most into jelly with his touch." Kirby jokes, doing her best supervillain voice.
Kirby smirks, pulling Helms into a heated kiss, "I love you, mon mari."
"I love you too, ma chère."
"Do with me whatever your heart, or loins, desire."
"My loins desire making sweet, tender love to my wife."
"Then do it." Kirby purrs.
"Lie down."
Kirby nods, laying down for Helms, her submissive side in full display as she blushes a deep red.
"That's my beautiful girl."
"What else can I do for you, sir?"
"Spread your legs and close your eyes."
Kirby does as he says, closing her eyes and spreading her legs, aware of how wet she already is. He bends down and licks a long line between her legs, tasting her juices. Her legs tremble slightly as she moans in delight.
"Now this… is heaven."
"You really think so, sir?" Kirby whispers.
"I know so."
"Oh, Monsieur Helms."
"Practically a delicacy."
"Now that's very high praise, Monsieur, are you sure you mean my juices?"
"I know I do."
"Then I shall shush and let you continue enjoying your delicacy, mon amour."
He's intense with his licking and obviously very happy. Kirby moans in ecstasy, her voice wavering as she gets closer to climaxing.
"Cum for me." He whispers.
"Oh mon Dieu, Shane." She moans as she cums, her head dizzy from arousal.
"That's my good girl."
"Mon ange, I love you, God, my head is all fuzzy."
"You need more water."
"Help me up, please, Shaney baby."
"Sure thing, my dear."
Kirby helps Helms lift her to her feet, holding onto him as if her life depends on it.
"You okay?" He whispers.
"Please… please don't leave me, please." Kirby murmurs, clearly struggling to hold back tears.
"Leave you? Honey, I would never leave you?"
"Dw i ddim yn gwybod beth sy'n bod ond aeth popeth yn rhyfedd yn fy meddwl i a dydq i ddim yn gwybod sut i'w esbonio, Shane, beth sy'n bod gyda fi?"
"I don't know either. People in your past broke you. They left you distrustful. It's my job to help you learn to trust."
"Na Shane, mae fel yr unig beth alla i deimlo yw tristwch neu anobaith, ar ôl i ni, wel wyddoch chi… wnaeth o neu yn hytrach ar ôl i mi ddod… disgynnodd fy nghalon yn sydyn, fel roedd rhywbeth wedi fy nhrywanu yn emosiynol."
"Do you have any idea why?" He asks softly.
"No…" Kirby whispers, burying her face in his shoulder and crying quietly."
He strokes her back slowly, "I'm sorry."
"nid eich bai chi ydyw."
"Is this about me or Shannon?" He whispers.
Kirby shakes her head, not knowing what has made her react like this.
"Let's get you calmed down, okay?"
She nods, still clinging to Helms for safety, he's the only thing keeping her calm enough to even think or speak, albeit in Welsh.
"I love you, sweetheart. I always will."
"Rwy'n dy garu di, fy ngwr."
"I'm never going to stop."
She nods, relaxing ever so slightly and taking a deep breath.
"That's my girl."
Gradually Kirby moves herself to sit on the couch, still holding onto Helms' right arm and tracing her fingers over his Green Lantern tattoo.
"I should look into getting another one…" He murmurs.
"Dylech aros tan ar ôl geni Lilith, yna gallwn gael ein bandiau priodas wedi'u tatŵio arnom."
"Couldn't we do that now?"
Kirby thinks for a moment before nodding and snuggling against his arm.
"Well, not now, but when we see Dee next."
She nods again, kissing his cheek softly.
"You gonna be okay?"
"Dydw i ddim yn gwybod eto."
"That's okay. We can sit here until you are."
"Allwch chi ddweud wrth Shannon mae'n ddrwg gen i, os gwelwch yn dda, Shane?"
"Do you want me to go now, or do you want me to bring him down so you can say so yourself?"
"Ti'n dweud wrtho, dydw i ddim yn meddwl ei fod yn ddoeth i mi ddweud dim byd pan na allaf siarad yr un iaith ag ef."
"I can translate if that needs to happen."
Kirby nods, letting him go. He gives her a quick kiss before heading upstairs to get Shannon, who, thankfully, has only had a couple sips of his drink.
"Please don't say you're throwing me out…" he mumbles.
"Better. She wants to apologize, but she had a bit of a breakdown and is only speaking Welsh. I'll be translating as best I can."
Kirby starts rehearsing how to approach apologising to Shannon, trying not to make the situation worse. Helms leads him downstairs slowly, trying his best not to startle Kirby.
"Helo, Shannon, dydw i ddim yn siŵr beth i'w ddweud, neu os bydd fy ngeiriau yn gwneud unrhyw synnwyr i chi, ond ar hyn o bryd nid wyf yn gallu siarad Saesneg ne Ffrangeg, felly yn anffodus rhaid gwrando ar sain fy acen Gymreig naturiol." Kirby jokes weakly.
"She's sorry English and French both escape her right now, so you'll have to listen to her natural Welsh." Helms explains.
"Yn gyntaf rhaid i mi ddweud, mae'n ddrwg gen i, fe wnes i or-ymateb ac roedd hynny'n anghywir i mi ei wneud. Clywais y gair soulmate a daeth yn… oramddiffynnol iawn… o fy statws fel priodferch Shane, a mam ei ferch yn y groth. Nid wyf yn rheoli fy emosiynau yn llwyr, ond ni ddylwn fod wedi ymateb fel y gwnes i. Ni allaf ymddiheuro digon am fy ngweithredoedd a'r hyn y gallent fod wedi achosi i chi feddwl."
"She's sorry she reacted the way she did. Hearing you call me your soulmate made her get protective of me and her status. She isn't in complete control of her emotions, but apologizes nonetheless."
"Gobeithio eich bod chi'n deall cymaint dwi'n ceisio cuddio'r ochr oramddiffynol ohonof fy hun, dwi'n ei chael hi'r un mor hyll a dwi'n siwr mae pawb arall yn ei wneud."
"She's trying to hide her overprotective side." Helms explains, purposely leaving out the self-deprecation.
"He's leaving stuff out, isn't he?" Shannon asks gently, earning a slow nod from Kirby.
"Only the parts that shouldn't be said in the first place." He murmurs.
"I… I can't stay mad at you guys, I admit, I may have gone too far calling Shane my soulmate, but I… I still haven't gotten over the loss, and maybe from now on, I should stay out of his pants, and… I, I forgive you, Kirby." Shannon murmurs, slowly walking up to Kirby and giving her a gentle hug, the faint smell of alcohol, making Kirby gag almost immediately.
"Might need to go brush your teeth, Shan. She's really scent-sensitive these days." Helms murmurs, tapping his shoulder.
"Oh, right, sorry, forgot the whole pregnant women and alcohol don't mix thing." He says before slinking off to freshen himself up.
"Everything squared up? No one mad at each other anymore?" Helms doublechecks, giving her a light hug.
Kirby nods, leaning against Helms and sighing softly, trying but failing to translate herself mentally.
"Good. I'm glad."
She makes a couple small noises of happiness, but no words come out, or at the least, none that Helms can recognize.
"Welsh gone now too, hmm?"
Kirby nods, burying her face in her hands.
"That's okay. It's all okay, my love."
Kirby makes a noise akin to 'meep' in response.
"Hand squeezes, okay? Once for yes, twice for no."
She squeezes his hand softly, just once, and puts her forehead against his shoulder.
"That's my good girl."
Kirby blushes a deep red, making a small squeak before covering her mouth with her free hand.
"Sorry, I'll keep from the horny pet names."
Kirby squeezes his hand twice, wanting him to continue talking the way he usually does.
"If you say so, princess." He grins.
Kirby smiles softly, taking her hand away from her face and gently stroking his beard.
"Didn't go more grey today, did I?"
Kirby squeezes his hand twice as she continues stroking his beard.
"Something different about it?"
She again squeezes his hand twice but continues to stroke his beard.
Shannon walks back into the room, midway through brushing his teeth, "she probably likes the feel." He mumbles as he watches Kirby intently stoking Helms' beard.
"It's getting a little longer. Guess it's softer than usual, hmm?"
Kirby squeezes his hand once, finally stopping herself from stroking his beard and blushing with embarrassment.
"That's cute, she gets all red and stops herself from being adorable because I walk in, you can be adorable, Kirby, no one's gonna stop ya." Shannon teases jokingly.
"It's true. We both find you adorable all the time."
Kirby pulls away from Helms, curling up and hiding her face in her hands.
He takes her hands gently, "please don't hide." He whispers.
Kirby slowly looks at Helms, blushing as red as she can go and shivering from the sudden remembrance of just how little clothing she has on.
"You wanna get dressed?"
Kirby nods, "oui s'il vous plaît, très froid." She whispers.
"Alright, let's get you bundled."
Kirby's about to stand when Helms lifts her in a bridal carry, "mon amour, je peux marcher."
"I know. But you can't speak all your languages right now, so I'm not taking any chances."
Kirby sighs, letting Helms carry her and making herself comfortable in his arms. He's not struggling to hold her like he used to. He's gotten significantly and buffer in their months together. Kirby gently strokes his hair, whispering sweet nothings to him in French.
"Pyjamas or fully dressed?" He murmurs.
"Pyjamas." She whispers, sounding more like André when she speaks French compared to her usual accent.
"Alright, let's sit you on the bed and get you dressed."
Kirby pulls Helms into a gentle kiss the moment she gets a chance to, closing her eyes and holding him close before letting him go.
"I love you so damn much."
Kirby slowly gets her breath back, "I… love you, mon ange."
"English is back." He smiles proudly.
Kirby blushes as she pulls Helms into a gentle hug.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah, still a bit weird from losing both English and French for a moment."
"Take your time. You'll be okay."
"I don't want to let you go, I know how dumb that sounds, but I just wanna hold you a bit longer."
"It's not dumb. You're allowed to love and need me, you know."
"I know but I don't want to seem… needy, or clingy."
"I want you to be needy and clingy. It's how I know I'm still wanted."
"Oh, well then," Kirby pulls Helms into a heated kiss, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"I love you so damn much."
"I love you too, mon mari, my hero."
"Really your hero?"
"Definitely my hero, mon ouragan d'amour."
"I love having that title."
"Which one, my hero or mon ouragan d'amour?"
"Both, really."
"What about, my heroic Hurricane of love?" Kirby teases.
"I like it in any language." He grins.
Kirby gently pulls Helms into another heated kiss, getting slightly rough and biting his bottom lip softly.
"Trying to make me bleed?" He chuckles softly.
"A little blood in your mouth never stopped you before, mon amour." Kirby whispers.
"That's true."
"I should probably get dressed, shouldn't I?"
"Maybe. If you wanna be warm."
"I could always be warm with your dick inside me." Kirby whispers to herself as she looks for something to wear.
"That's a good point too."
Kirby goes silent, blushing bright red.
"Wanna try that?"
"Well, I'd never turn down sexual contact with my husband, so… maybe we could?"
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