#i'm happy but also sad
bridoesotherjunk · 9 months
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I am happy for The Boy and the Heron winning a golden globe, but so now Across the Spiderverse lost both categories it was nominated in. Cuz Oppenheimer won for best score.
Genuinely wish award ceremonies would let animated movies be nominated in more categories.
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masquenoire · 2 years
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Good news and bad news! My contract has officially ended and as of today I am no longer employed. That means I’ve finally got time to catch up on drafts and have a little break before looking for my next job!
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dinsverdika · 1 year
There will be a third and final season of TBB.
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wardingshout · 9 months
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Zelda goes mushroom girl
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
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I don't know what this is all I know is that LimL Joel makes me really emotional
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slumpsnail · 2 months
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I finally drew Kar'niss as a gift for a dear friend!
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
"We need more diverse queer representation!"
You cannot even handle queer jews.
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them: you better not be cunty the spine when I get there
my steam powered ass:
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priceofreedom · 6 months
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#Elmyra approving of Zack makes me so happy 😭 FF7 Rebirth 20 / ?
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lupiinist · 3 months
i like the idea that lily is one of the smartest people in hogwarts but she's also just like
very clumsy. she drops things, she trips on air, and she's very unlucky too, gum sticks randomly on her hair (mary or marlene always cuts the tips of her hair every month or so because of that), and everytime something like that happens, she makes an odd sound as she snorts and laughs.
because yes, she's clumsy and unlucky, but she's surprisingly positive about it, she finds everything to be very funny, and mary and marlene are so used to it by now that they're always ready to hold her before she falls, take her out of the way of something that's being thrown, or just hold something she dropped before it breaks.
i like lily being a bit of a mess, let her be a bit of a failgirl as a treat, she's adorable, and she's a genius!!!!
(also, mary can't help but look so, so fond and in love with her whenever lily laughs when she trips on the hem of her robes, like she makes the entire day brighter just by smiling)
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aduckwithears · 11 months
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Drama (tm)
Good Omens s1ep2/s2ep1 - parallels 7/?
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marlsswrites · 2 months
Summer camp AU, part 31!!
July 31st, final part <3
Age - @jegulus-microfic - words: 1079
First part Previous part
Protective arms hung over his shoulders, moving his fingers softly and adjusting his arms onto the guitar in his hands into the perfect position. This had been his morning, the golden sun shone in lines through the blinds, every other second catching his eye and all he could see was sunlight for a few moments.
A breath so close to his neck flushed him from his shoulders to the tips of his once pale skinned ears.
"One, two, three." His favourite voice whispered. "There you go." As beautiful music flowed from the instrument. 
"Why did you bring a guitar?" Regulus snorted after a few seconds, looking up at James through adoring eyes and new found fantasies. 
"I left it in my car, thought I may as well bring it in." He shrugged, hands still around the younger man - who just hummed in response and continued to brush his fingers against the rough guitar strings. Normally he wouldn't persist this long, but when James had his arms around Regulus like that, he'd stay here forever and do anything James asked of him.
Shortly after, the arms unwound themselves and he instantly felt full of empty and cold. He let out a whine of annoyance, twisting his head up and glaring at James. "What?" James laughed. "You've got the hang of it now."
"No I haven't." He lied, attempting to play a horrible chord on the guitar. "I need more help."
An eyebrow raise. "Do you?"
He only nodded, placing the guitar down on the floor and folding his arms stubbornly as he watched the smile become harder to fight away from James' stunning face. 
He finally broke, tackling Regulus into a hug and knocking them both onto the bed behind them, laughs and giggled breaking out between the two as Regulus smiled more than he feels he ever has in his life. 
Kisses tattooed his neck, hands massaged his hip bones and lips smiled into his own. Eyes opened in front of his, hazel meeting grey in the light of the sun. Yet one could see the green decorating the brown, and the other counted every speck of blue in those grey eyes - every single detail.
A splash in the water snapped Regulus from his daze, James was grinning, hair wet and stuck to his forehead yet still looking perfect. Lips twisted around soft words as he beckoned Regulus to come and join him with grabby hands and an utterly adorable pout.
"You can hold onto me?" James smiled as he approached Regulus, who sat on the pier with crossed legs and a book in his hands, finally letting go and smiling the smile he'd been hiding behind built up walls since he met James. Those walls fell, crumbled, disappeared as he got closer to the brunette.
He sighed. "Okay." He spoke through his smile as wet James' hands slipped onto his waist and pulled him into the water, swirling him around and kissing his shoulder while Regulus laughed and wrapped his legs around his love.
Quickly, James plunged under the water, keeping a hold on Regulus' cold arms as he did so. The man tugged ever so slightly, encouraging Regulus to join him. As he sank lower into the water, he felt the ice liquid prick at every bit of skin on his body like needles, but that soon went away when he opened his eyes and felt a hand on his cheek.
Air bubbles shaped like pearls fell from both of their smiling, swollen, kissed lips as James laughed out a chuckle that was silenced by the water surrounding them almost like it was protecting the two men.
Pulling on the gold chain around James' marked neck, he kissed James like he was the only oxygen left in this world, the only healer for the pain that he once had, the only warmth in this cold arctic or the only light in a dark room that was Regulus Black. 
"Can we stay like this forever?"
"In this moment?" Regulus questioned.
James nodded, resting his head on Regulus' shoulder. Both gazed out at the sunset, at the way it reflected onto the water and bounced back into their wanting eyes. Regulus' eyes would flick between the actual sun, and his sun - he much preferred the second one. Because his sun had one thing the real one didn't have, a heart so loving it threatened to break Regulus in two.
"Yeah." He nodded. "Let's stay like this forever." Combing his hand through messy hair, he pressed a soft kiss into the brunette's waves and finally took a moment to look around at where they were.
This is the part of the pier where Regulus sat on his first day at camp, sulking and cursing at the sky, because why must this decide his fate? He didn't want it - he didn't think he wanted it anyway - turns out that there was always a part of him that loved James Potter, he was just too blind to see it.
But now, touching, feeling and loving the boy with the golden frames seemed to knock him off his feet in a way not even Shakespeare could explain. His view on everything, everyone, himself and James included, changed so much - certainly for the better.
He watched his sunlight breathe, he felt his heartbeat under his hands, his heat radiating like a replica of the sun on Regulus' bare shoulder. He would indeed take the sun in his hands, not caring if it burnt him, because the feeling in the moment was so amazing he doesn't think he's ever planning on letting go.
"I love you." He whispered into the breeze that blew on both of the boys.
"I love you more." The brunette lifted his head to look at Regulus, smiling a soft smile at the boys fond face. A pair of lips pressed into his, adoring, caring, careful, loving, healing lips.
He ran his tongue along James' bottom lip, stroking the older mans neck as he pressed their foreheads together with a tilt to his forever loved and joyed lips. "Not possible."
And this was it, he would forever keep this man. He never thought he needed much sunlight to survive, but James proved him entirely wrong. Now that he knows what it feels like to finally have someone as wonderful as James Potter warm his once slow beating heart, he would be ever so stupid to let that man go, not even after they're both aged and gone.
After all, James is his sunlight, and Regulus is his star.
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crocsfroggo · 1 year
Btw something I was thinking about... Winter King made an ice Marceline, but I don't think that was actually the Marceline from this reality, since there is a Princess Bubblegum like the one we already know...
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especially because ice marceline is a child, and it has been millennia since the mushroom war!! and as was shown in the song flashback, they also went through the war and survived, theoretically
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So now we have three options,
- the real Marceline is out there and has lost contact with the Winter King, or doesn't talk to him on purpose for whatever reason and he made this clone because he missed her;
- either the real Marceline is dead - or he just lost her somehow - and he decided to make an ice clone to fill the void left in his heart due to the loss of his daughter (I think this is the most likely due to the that he tells Simon about Betty);
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- or the ice marceline was turned into ice and is really the marceline of this reality, whatever (since she has her bass and it's not made of ice, it's actually hunson's ax)
that being said, rest in peace, ice Marceline o7
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buttercupshands · 6 months
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Happy (almost belated) Birthday, Tenko Shimura!
wanted to draw something light after... you know 419...
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beesinspades · 1 year
buddy daddies really gave us canonical queerplatonic partnership rep.....thank you so much I could cry ;a;
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harbingersecho · 7 months
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finally played thru the infamous if demo and had an excuse to make a goth guy. with Facepaint and a coontail and everything. so here's Dane aka Lacuna of Dead Rat Society
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