#i'm happy to be corrected if i'm wrong
bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
People honestly portray Tuvok as far too "rolling his eyes, reluctantly going along with Janeway's silly little shenanigans" - he's literally so serious about being right there with her on every decision she makes. Janeway's like "I'm going to stay behind if the ship blows up" and Tuvok's like "I'm staying with you." Janeway's like "I'm going to deliver every member of the Equinox crew into the jaws of death via an alien revenge massacre" and Tuvok protests a grand total of one time before being fully on the bridge assisting her. He was the only one with her when she made the decision to honor the caretaker's wishes and save the Ocampa, dooming them all. He was willing to get court marshalled in order to fulfill a wish she couldn't grant by her own hand: Get them home [no matter what happens to me] <- wherein 'me' is Tuvok. This was the same wish that spurred him forward when he had to leave her on that planet and everyone left thought him cold for trying to fulfill it without her when in his mind it was akin to a dying wish, the last thing she'd ever express to him: Get them home [no matter what happens to me.] <- wherein 'me' is Janeway. He told Seven that the golden rule to follow is that the captain is "ALWAYS RIGHT" <- (His ACTUAL words) and when Seven asks if the captain should be followed even if someone KNOWS she's wrong he says "Perhaps." This man is perhaps the most ride or die dude in the universe about Janeway. Despite her labeling him her 'moral compass' he is by NO means impartial or unbiased. He'd defend her to his last breath. He canonically makes detailed psychological observations about her and has for years. He accounts for her luck when calculating the success of certain plans. It's implied in 'Twisted' that Janeway typically listens to Tuvok's suggestions and follows them nearly without fail - to the point that he's surprised and obviously irritated when Chakotay doesn't. Despite this they've been inside one another's quarters so infrequently that Tuvok can remember each instance. They call each other "Captain" and "Mr. Tuvok" even though they've known each other for twenty years. There's something wrong with them.
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cfffrk · 4 months
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What if Jeeves had worked as a page boy at a private boys' school in his youth?
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNK!!! My sarcasm king, my cinnamon roll, my space Gordon Ramsey 💛💛💛 he deserves the world ( and beyond) so everyone wish him the best birthday ever! ✨✨🎂
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biowho · 2 months
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Would there be anything more poetic and beautiful than Veilguard coming out 10 years to the date of its predecessor when 10 years in-game have passed since the end of Inquisition's story?
(The release window is most likely between October 1st to November 20th. Any date passed the 20th means they're no longer eligible for GOTY. Its advertisement'll probably kick up a month before release.)
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akajustmerry · 2 months
zionist scum
I absolutely am not a zionist. i made a mistake and apologised. Feels really weird for my askbox rn to be filled with Palestinians asking for help, and people calling me a Nazi, and people calling me a Zionist. I think I'm going to log off for the day. Bye.
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adamworu · 11 months
Angel AT Fields are so terrifying when you realize the breaching of boundaries doesn't really have a limit. If it's physical, then a boundary exists. Signals can be jammed. Passcodes compromised. Angels could practically create geomagnetic storms which could fenagle with electrical grids on a massive scale. Communication systems would be rendered useless. The boundary breach could mess around with the charging systems of cars, rendering them inert. And god. The things they could do to people beyond subconscious infiltration. Messing with signals in the brain. Stopping your heart. Creating prions from within or disabling immune systems. Forcing the mind to bear witness to horrors repressed. Horrors previously unknown. The hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, resistance against microscopic intruders holds nothing to the might quasi god-creatures.
Such things make you all the more thankful that many of the angels in canon are just Weird Amorphous Guys. Funny Weird Guys that are sort of inexplicable. Practically friend-shaped sometimes Curious Guys looking for Mama Adam in a weird expanse called Earth.
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candelias · 8 months
Part 1/?
Danny permaneció quieto por un momento mientras evaluaba la situación a su alrededor. Una habitación grande y blanca con enormes ventanales que dan a las profundidades del espacio. A un lado, un hombre alto de postura regia y tres cicatrices en el rostro, una atractiva morena con una tiara dorada y un anciano con una túnica verde y un par de espadas. Del otro lado, Wonder Woman estaba arrodillada, atada por su propio lazo; Superman fue inmovilizado en el suelo por una daga de kriptonita que le atravesó el hombro, su mirada aturdida por el dolor. El velocista, Flash, yacía inconsciente junto a ellos, con un charco de sangre cada vez mayor alrededor de su pierna y una fractura expuesta a la vista. A unos metros de distancia, su protegido temblaba en el suelo de furia y dolor, tratando desesperadamente de liberarse de las ataduras mágicas que lo sujetaban y resonaba con una sensación muy familiar . En un rincón, casi como si quisiera que las sombras los cubrieran por completo, Batman se aferraba a un Robin inconsciente y ensangrentado como si fuera un salvavidas. Mientras otra gota de sangre caía de su boca al suelo, Danny notó a la última persona en la habitación: a un par de metros del suelo, frente a él, su hijo menor flotaba de espaldas a él. Danny se dio cuenta de su postura vacilante e incierta, invisible para todos menos para él.
He allowed his boots to make a delicate sound as they touched the ground, landing softly while the portal behind him finished closing. All eyes turned toward him.
"What," he asked in a carefully neutral voice, "is going on here?"
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Something I think ought to be more readily-available and encouraged is simply... taking parental classes. I wish it were more common for people to realize just how hard - and important - parenting is, and indeed, that we all could use help with taking care of young folk. It's really alarming that popular opinion is still that parental classes are only for the "fuck-up" parents, or the parents who utterly failed. It should be seen as a good thing to take parental classes - especially on your own volition. It should be seen as imperative for one to take them, it should be a free, accurate, and scheduled occurrence so that people of any background are able to attend.
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starpirateee · 6 months
god im insane about themmmmmm
Anon this is really funny in concept, the size of your mind is insane && I just hope I can do it vague justice
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The major problem for Ted on most days was that his phone tended to ring in the most inconvenient of places, at the most inconvenient of times. another major problem was that he often got so engrossed in… Whatever he was doing in the office that he forgot that he and Pete ran on completely different schedules, because his brother was still three months from graduating high school.
He'd been bunking off for the past half hour, and had been talking to Charlotte in the break room, trying to work out when a good time to see her again would be. Everyone who knew them tended to avoid the fact that she was blatantly using him as a fallback option because her husband couldn't— or wouldn't— give her what she wanted. People like Paul and Bill tended to ignore it, only because Sam was doing the same thing across town, with one of the Beanies' baristas, and one of his coworkers… Never at the same time, mind, but Zoey Chambers seemed rather unapologetic about it, so Paul and Bill had managed to work it out as fact.
Still, it was weird to see Charlotte with Ted. Because, at the right angle, it almost looked like Ted genuinely cared about her, and wanted to keep doing what they did to get her away from the thought of her husband for a while. That, of course, had seemed like enough total bullshit that nobody bought it, but they left the two of them to their well needed privacy when it came down to it. Only two people knew they were spot on with near enough everything they speculated about.
Ted leaned against the water cooler, sporting a little more confidence than would surely be allowed in a situation like this. Charlotte wasn't having a terrible day, and that meant it was that little bit easier to talk to her. Less Sam to think about… How did that bastard end up with a woman like her? And why was it that her situation was that bad that he was an upgrade for her?
He was going to think about an answer to that question, but his phone started ringing in his back pocket, vibrating way too dramatically against the cooler.
"Jesus christ-" He stood up a little straighter, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Sorry, Charlotte. One sec, I swear- hello?"
"Hey, Ted."
That was a voice he'd recognise from anywhere. Pete, once again working off his own time and perhaps completely overlooking the fact that Ted still had an hour at work.
For the sake of clarity, Pete checked his watch and drew the realisation that the holidays were over last week, and Ted was back on office hours. His brow creased, hoping he wasn't interrupting anything then realising there wasn't really anything to interrupt in his brother's work life. "This a bad time?"
"Oh, hey, Pete. No, you're good, I wasn't doing anything anyway…" Ted went straight back to lounging, aware that Charlotte was now trying not to eavesdrop but didn't really have anything better to do. "What's up?"
Pete chuckled. "C'mon, when are you ever doing anything? You don't do shit! Especially not at work!"
"Hey! I do shit! I get paid to do shit, don't I?"
"… Do you even know what department you work in?"
It was a genuine question, and would've accounted for Ted's genuine laziness and reluctance to do any of the actual work he was sent… If Ted hadn't prepared for this exact eventuality several months ago. He'd made sure to pay enough attention in a Monday meeting to at least account for what depeatment he worked in, and what that department pretty much required him to do. He didn't have to work constantly anyway, and that was the best part. His main job was just… fixing the problems everyone else had, when they had them.
"Sure I do. Tech support!" He imagined the defeated expression that flashed across his brother's face, and laughed to himself. There were too many people around him to make the point he was going to make next without getting mobbed, so he leaned in a little closer to the phone, a smirk playing on his lips, and muttered, "Czuję się, jakbym był jedynym idiotą, który faktycznie się zakwalifikował… (I feel like I'm the only idiot who's actually qualified…)"
That prompted an unexpected laugh out of Pete, who was clearly around other people too, because he tried to cover it up. "To wiele mówi (that says a lot.)" He returned once he'd stopped laughing. The two of them had stopped questioning the other's occasional slip into their own version of mostly fluent Polish. They used it to their advantage, to have private conversations in public, or sometimes in reverse when they were around the Polish side of their family. More things could be said if there was the added bonus of nobody overhearing, and that way of thinking had helped Pete out on a few occasions.
Ted cracked a smile. "Ty jesteś gówniarz- (you're a little shit)" He managed to bring himself back into the conversation they were supposed to be having, before he and Pete managed to lose it like they always did, lost in the jesting and the back and forth that just seemed to get better with every phonecall they had. "You didn't call to insult my supposed lack of work, did you? What's up?"
"Can I drop by the office and pick up your keys? I must've left mine on my desk this morning… Took me till third period to realise they weren't in my pocket…" Pete turned from the phone to mutter something- a goodbye, perhaps- towards someone else, and Ted found it vaguely amusing that Pete had retaliated to his complaint when he was with friends.
"You left after me this morning…"
"The front door locks itself, don't worry about it."
Ted faltered, and then nodded. He'd figured that by accident once when he accidentally locked himself out after forgetting his own keys, and he had to wait in the foyer for half an hour like an absolute fool for Pete to show up after his study session. "Fine. You know where the back entrance is, don't you? My car's parked out there, you should recognise it."
"That hunk of shit? I'd recognise it anywhere,"
"Do not slander my car!"
"C'mon, Ted, you've had it like, twenty years! And it hasn't gotten any better in all that time…"
He was going to ignore for now the seemingly increasing pile of problems that it seemed to have every year. Wings that needed replacing because they'd rusted so hard last year, numerous little engine faults… And the suspension was probably shot after all these years… It was a hunk of shit, sure, but it was _his_hunk of shit. "You just wait till you get your own hunk of shit, we'll see who's laughing then!"
"I'm- I'm getting close, I can see your car. Thanks for this, by the way…"
"Yeah yeah, don't mention it, Pete. You better not lose 'em on your way home, I know what you're like…"
"Dupek. (Asshole)"
"Tak, też Cię kocham… (Yeah, I love you too)" Ted chuckled before Pete hung up on him with a scoff. He rolled back his shoulders and stood up from the water cooler. Charlotte tilted her head, and it dawned on him that she'd probably heard all of that. He shrugged. "My brother. Useless bastard left his keys in the apartment… Hold on just a moment." He flashed her a quick smile and sauntered out of the break room towards the lift at the back of the office. Charlotte didn't have the time nor the space to question the constant little jumps in language that may well have happened on both ends, because Ted was gone before she had the chance to think about it at all.
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vampyre-core · 28 days
I'm probably wrong so correct me but Steve going to live with Peggy his whole life and him just knowing Bucky was being tortured for 70 years and him doing NOTHING about it never sat right with me
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anintroverteddarling · 7 months
This was on my head when I heard the song ngl daslkfjndskfjandsf
Despite shipping Rody with Vincent, my girl Manon did not deserve to die like that TvT In the beginning, I thought Manon was just some girl leading on Rody but at the end I realize the whole context of Manon and Rody's relationship. Manon did love Rody but seeing how Rody is willing to self-destruct just to keep her happy, she already realize both of them will end up miserable so she had to be the one to end it for their sake like damn THE FACT MANON STILL HAD THE LOCKET WAS DKFLJNADSKFJNADSKJNASDKFJNAS THE ANGST THIS GAME BRINGS I SWEAR-- Rest in Peace, Manon. You had little screentime but you also made a big impact on the game.
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the-words-we-sung · 9 months
The songs of Young Royals - S1E2 & E3
And I'm back with another song analysis article ^^ You can find the first one (in which I covered the songs from S1E1) here. I'm gonna do 2 episodes in this post because there are not many songs in episodes 2 and 3!
No tomorrow, Ty Frankett, Stephane Lo Jacomo and Myariag Summers
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I'll be in my feels They know I'm the truth When I'm pullin' up I'm bulletproof I don't really care 'bout the rules The most cool Wilhelm has ever looked ^^ He was all blushing and stressed during lunch about what almost happened with Simon, but here he's collected, alone but looking like he doesn't care and just plays it cool. He's the Prince so I guess it's true that the "rules" don't really apply to him but is he "bulletproof"? Unfortunately the whole debacle that is gonna happen with the sex video will prove that statement wrong... (We also know that most of the students at Hillerska don't care that much about the rules, and August says it himself: they could "murder someone and nobody would say a word")
ALPHA, Yung Titties
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ABC I'm the alpha bitch If you wanna know who runs this shit ABC I'm the alpha bitch When I'm in a car, I'm driving When I'm on a date, I'm buying Yes girls!! They run this shit ^^ I like that they choose this song when we see the 4 girls hanging out together. I do like them (Felice, Stella, Frederika and Madison) (putting Sara on the side because *complicated feelings*) They're far from perfect but compared to most of the guys in the school, they're pretty cool. I love Felice and how smart/nice/strong she is, and I love her friendship with Wilhelm later on. I hope she'll become even more badass in season 3!! And Madison is the best (and one of the few people in this school who is not terrible to Simon). The song stops as soon as August arrives and takes a chair to sit next to Wilhelm: because yeah, he's not an "alpha". I like that Madison and Felice don't take shit from August: when he starts mocking Simon and Sara (after Felice invites them to the movie night), they immediately tell him off. Then we see Vincent and Nils join August and start bothering the girls (throwing gums/candies at them) and they're not impressed: it's a very short scene but it highlights the fact that they're not interested in their stupid behavior. It's also the episode in which we see the difference between the girls and the boys when it comes to their relationships: we learn at the beginning that Madison and Nils hooked up during the party, but also that Nils was bragging about it and giving the experience a 9/10 while Madison admits doing it mostly because she was bored and not being at all into Nils. We also see August pursuing Felice who is not interested at all. Who run the world? Girls!!
Äter upp dig, Maxida Märak
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Nu ska vi leka hela världen är våran Huh inga hinder är för svåra Flyger över alla jag är lätt som en fjäder Strike like a pro BDSM läder Good boys gone bad Alla ser rött King Kong gone mad Jag är blöt du är naken Okay so it's a bit hard to do this one because it's in Swedish and I'm definitely not there yet with this language ^^' From what I understand with the translated lyrics, it's quite a "sexy" song (with some violent undertones: being a wolf, being naked, being wet, good boys gone bad, etc.). The first sentences are about playing and how they have the whole world, which is interesting because it's the parents day at Hillerska and we are introduced to a lot of upper class people, people who have a lot of money and power. In this sense, they are the people who can use the world as a playground: they have the means for that. They're rich and powerful, they're above. The lyrics are also about getting angry though, "seeing red, King Kong gone mad": a little nod to Simon and Sara being pebbles that are gonna throw the whole machinery off? During the lunch, Sara is going to mess up Felice's family with the riding issue (and they're the richest family apparently!). Wilhelm is also gonna upset the order by not sitting at August's table but choosing instead the one table with a family that doesn't belong to Hillerska's upper class environment. So I guess yeah, things aren't going to go that well. And to top it off, August is gonna learn that his family is in fact broke! Oh, how the rich and mighty have fallen...
Hillerska Song
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Hope and faith wherever we roam As we make our way back home Oh, we meet with open hearts Another one in Swedish but with the English subtitles directly in the show so it makes it easier to understand ^^ Simon and Wilhelm look SO happy and smiling and smitten in this scene 💜 I like the idea of making their "way back home" because they're not there yet, but they're getting there: being a safe space, being home for each other. And yeah in this scene they still have "open hearts", because Erik has not died yet, because the sex tape hasn't been made/released yet, because none of the awful stuff that is going to make them close in on themselves has happened yet. And Wilhelm is so cute and happy (and it's gonna become very rare to see him like that afterward) that this song deserves another picture ^^
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The songs of Young Royals - part 1
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
I have always been told the completion order of Jane Austen's novels is:
Northanger Abbey - Sense & Sensibility - Pride & Prejudice - Mansfield Park - Emma - Persuasion
With the caveat that S&S and P&P had original versions which were epistolary novels. The original manuscript of Northanger Abbey was called "Susan" and though purchased by a publisher was never released. So it was first done but one of the last published. Anywho, I might be wrong, someone on the internet was telling me I was wrong (but pretentiously so I didn't listen) and to be honest I don't care enough to research it heavily because it doesn't really matter.
However, Northanger Abbey feels like it was written by a young woman full of hope and joie de vivre. Catherine is bursting with happiness and bounces back quickly from disappointment. She feels so genuinely young. All the books and their heroines that follow feel more mature, and somewhat less hopeful, even though they end happily.
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Does Alastor actually care about the hotel or it's residents?
I think maybe.
So I JUST got done writing a collage essay of a theory on the Lilith/Alastor thing, so what am I going to do?? WRITE ANOTHER ONE!!
Okay, so I'm gonna start of with the fact that I wholeheartedly believe Alastor was only there because Lilith sent him. The hotel doesn't have any of what he seems to prefer as entertainment (murder, cannibalism, it his friends), so to go there and then do pretty much nothing to actually bring in any guests sorta brings that into questions. He was there because he had to be, not because he cared.
Things can change.
In the pilot, Alastor tried to make a deal with Charlie. I believe he did this entirely for leverage to get his soul back, and when it didn't work, decided to either never bother again or try it again when he'd gained a bit of trust. The thing is, he hasn't done that again. By now, he should now he can EASILY trick Charlie into making a deal with him, but he hasn't. Why is that? Well, unless he's just simply not willing to risk it or forgot about that idea, there's the idea that he cares about her, even a little bit.
Episode 5 rambles, yey. I don't think he sent Mimzy away because if the damage to the hotel, I think it was because if her antics got Charlie killed, he'd face punishment for it, but it's definitely possible that he may have been a bit worried for his friends too.
Now onto my big point, Alastor spite-dadding. Most of us know that it was likely to be manipulative or to piss off Lucifer, but I do think there was some genuineness behind it. Alastor's expressions during his song change quite a bit. Every time he says anything along the lines of her being like a daughter to him, he glared at Lucifer. In one line, though, 'You're like the child that I wish that I had', he looked genuine until he said the word 'child', then finished the sentence looking genuine again, then continued to glare at Lucifer.
This leads me to believe that even thought he's likely VERY MUCH exaggerating their relationship to spite Lucifer, he does care for her, even if just a bit.
He interupted Lucifer's song and then proceeded to tell him to butt out (lol). He clearly didn't like him since the moment he walked in the door and was very much trying to piss him off, but in the end, I think he mostly just wants Charlie to be happy.
In the song at the end of the episode, Alastor is shown watching, and doesn't interrupt. He can see she's happy and her dad is actually trying, so he stays out of it, whereas the song at the beginning was entirely Lucifer trying to get rid of Al (until he interrupted).
I wouldn't say he looks necessarily happy, but he sees she's having a moment and puts his ego aside and doesn't butt in this time. He definitely cares enough to let her sing an entire song with her dad, who he hates. He put her feelings above his spite here, and I think that says a lot.
Another note; The pacing really hurts the judgment on this. It's not Viv's fault, as she was halfway through season 1, and was under the impression that there would only be 8 episodes, but it makes everything so much more difficult. There was a 5 MONTH time skip. 5 MONTHS. Literally ANYTHING could have happened. in his song, Al pointed out that he made her laugh with puns, seemed to have a history with being rather useful, and has likely had casual interactions with her, but because of how little time there was, we weren't able to see that. We couldn't see anything aside from plot point after plot point because Viv needed to get the story out, and there was no time for her to show some of the more casual interactions with the characters. Maybe Alastor DOES spend time with Charlie and care for her. Maybe he HASN'T. We'll never know because there wasn't enough time to show it, and that makes it so much harder to judge.
I will say, however, that Charlie is naive, but not to the level of seeing some guy who she spoke to maybe 10 times claim to be her father figure and agree with it. She 100% thought (whether he's lying or not), that Alastor cared for her like a dad would, and it made sense to her. That says something at the very least, I think.
What we really need is Alastor regretting his wording when Charlie calls him dad.
TLDR; Alastor cares, but dad might be a stretch. The pacing definitely made it hard to just.
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ceamycakes · 1 month
They silly has arrived
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My Requiem Cafe Witch of Space Jade has finally arrived after pre-ordering it back in April. I'm also posting this because I haven't seen too many post on the 2024 Requiem Cafe Homestuck line this past months. So I thought it would be fun to share what I got :3
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brinnanza · 3 months
I think it's important to resist the urge to pathologize ultimately harmless behavior like maybe you can trace it back to its parent disorder but if it's not harmful to you in any way that isn't a symptom it's just a trait
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