#i'm just not with the whole edm movement
boopshoops · 24 days
C'mon now, we don't HAVE to stick to one set genre. Music is about self expression!~ ...Though I wouldn't be against one-upping some competition.
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Yuu Shi is strutting on down to debut as a vocalist and backup dancer for GLOWCHAIN! With eccentric flare and powerful vocals, she's here to push the boundaries of EDM and pop to new heights. After all, if it isn't experimental, it isn't her.
Part 2
Ragu Music Week is a fanevent by @raguiras!!! :D
Set to home screen: Mic check, one two!~
Groovification: ???
Home transition 1: Day three of asking Allen to let me join Hazard, no such luck as of yet. Is this how Epel feels about Savanaclaw? Maybe a bribe would work...
Home transition 2: Ohh I just love this boa! It's so cute and fluffy! Come here and touch it, it's so soft that I could use it as a pillow.
Home transition 3: No need to worry much about your performances, hon, I'll make sure to outperform you regardless! You can take that as a promise and a threat.
Home transition/Groovification: ???
Tap home 1: You think I'm getting a bit competitive over this? Hmm, Maybe, maybe. Well, this is finally my chance to show off my prowess! I didn't go to performing arts school for nothing.
Tap home 2: I'm able to keep up with Vil fine enough, but after the chaos that was VDC, I'm beginning to feel bad for my other group members... but not bad enough! Let's go again!
Tap home 3: No, no, no- That's not it. Your movements aren't big enough! You need to gesture enough for the whole crowd to see. Remember, the people in the back row want a show too. You need to hold out your arms like so!
Tap home 4: As much as I enjoy an organized, set performance, I much prefer to go with the flow. I want to get the whole audience involved in ways you haven't seen before, you know? Make it feel more authentic? It'll leave a lasting impression of me in their minds!... Oh, and the rest of GLOWCHAIN, of course.
Tap home 5: Hahaha! What, am I towering over you in these heels? Should I kneel down, is that what you'd like? What? I'm just teasing!
Tap home/Groovification: ???
Home after login: As much as I love this outfit, I could do with a little less sparkle... When the stage lights hit me and the other members, I can't help but feel like a damn disco ball. What do you think?
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ALRIGHT RAMBLING TIME. Yuu shi is having a hard time abandoning her instruments for GLOWCHAIN. Therefore she takes every chance she can to be petty about it and be another headache for vil (sorry bbg). She is very jealous of Hazard/Riff due to this- but she's not letting that stop her from trying to outperform other groups or even vil himself.
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As for music- I did a lot of research into KPOP i never had before KJGDSBKGJSD and I think mamamoos vibe fits Yuu Shi very well!
also I listened to the inspiration playlist, saw lady gaga, and blacked out
Charli XCX fits her more experimental style too- its her way of pushing the boundaries of the genre
As for dancing- ive had Royal Family brain rot lately. THEY ARE SO TALENTED AAAAAAAAAAAAA. Theyre flowy, energetic, fast paced moves fit yuu shi very well imo!!! Though she would definitely need a lot more practiced to be as organized as them sob. 3:25 in particular drives me insane:
@lowcallyfruity @skriblee-ksk @kitwasnothere @cecilebutcher @justm3di0cr3
@thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @the-trinket-witch @techno-danger @scint1llat3
@beneathsakurashade @twsted-canvas @qsoap @prince-kallisto
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It's been two days since I found this one, and I've already played it so much I practically have it memorized. (Not just the chorus, the whole thing. I still trip up in the middle of the verses where it changes subjects or key... for now. I can do the fast parts in verse 2 and the whole bridge though!)
Yes, I had it playing over and over and over again on the way home today. It won't get boring! One of the things I love so much about Starset's music is the immense variety you get from a single song! Different movements that rival classical music in how vastly immensely VARIED a single song can be! The masterful build-up and escalation so that even each CHORUS is different from the previous! It's not just key changes and adding instruments; there's also a progression in how he sings it, how intensely the instruments hit, it's gotta be both composition and production value because Holy Shit It's AMAZING.
This one followed a standard A-B-A-B-C-B verse structure, but spanned genres across rock, metal, EDM, and even had me thinking of melodic pop on some verses. Excuse you, Dustin and Cameron Pierce Mizell and Evan McKeever. Who gave you the right to spin something so eclectic into absolute GOLD? That seems to be the MO lately, and I am living for every moment of it.
And the lyrics it's put to! I love their wordplay so much. "Have yourself a nice doomsday" is perhaps my favorite line in DEGENERATE, and with TokSik I smile every time at the line "It's reaching hypocritical mass". And in the title, obviously. They could've easily just called it Toxic. But no. Gotta be a reference to the clock onomatopoeia app. (I LOVE IT.)
Anyone else absolutely ADORE how the bridge lists all these groups people blame their problems on, but says "Dunning and Kruger are your real abusers", which I took to mean the Dunning-Kruger effect? You know, that phenomenon where ignorance and arrogance make people think they're more competent than they are? We're calling out more than the skylines now!
And the part that goes "Ay, what's that called? I can't recall... Oh yeah. You're in a cult!" The way the rhythm and pace and tone of his voice changes on those lines, and then it nosedives into the breakdown. It's DELICIOUS.
Not to mention, the commentary on blindly following people or repeating their rhetoric emptily. W o w . Starset has always struck me as having a message to think for yourself. And I get that message from a lot more than A Brief History of the Future, book and intro. I appreciate that immensely.
I'm not sure this one will usurp Brave New World as my favorite of their newest stuff, but sweet seven stars, it's already rivaling it.
Gods. Being drip-fed new Starset music lately is giving me such a high.
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ladyelainehilfur · 10 months
Randomly saw your thoughts on Ateez's new album hope you don't mind me chiming in... but damn I agree so much! I know we're not completely alone in this but we're definitely in the minority I just can't help but feel very underwhelmed by their recent releases :( they used to be my number 1 group for a few years but now I don't even have them high on my wrapped because the whole the world series doesn't hit. I'd say movement was my fave even though I didn't completely love it. I feel like I have different ears because everyone's praising them left and right, the fandom keeps growing and good for Ateez ofc but I completely lost interest unfortunately :( I don't know what it is but their two recent albums have no replay value for me. I used to adore the variety in their music and while I like the instrumentals for the world series, the autotune, the repetitiveness, the songs' structure is so mehhh. Nothing is surprising to me anymore
And hard agree on Hwa's rap he's my fav and I didn't mind his rap previously but he doesn't sound good on Matz I'm sorry to say that, everyone's losing their minds and I'm like??? Anyways sorry for rambling I'm just a bit sad once again. And yeah, maybe next comeback... but I'm kinda losing hope if I'm being honest. I just wish I could enjoy the group as I used to and it sucks to be the odd one out who's just disappointed
Yeah. Yeah, they haven't been at their musically best lately. I'm thrilled about their continued growth as the top non-big 4 boy group, but I always find myself baffled when people say they became fans after listening to Fireworks, or Dune, or any of their other recent songs.
Edenary know how to make a well-produced album. By well-produced, I mean that you can tell they're experts at music production who don't rely on samples or lite-EDM to do the heavy lifting. Their intros and outros are proof of that. However, good sound production doesn't mean a lot to me if the song doesn't have a good center.
I'm always looking for a hooky prechorus, leading into a satisfying chorus with something that makes it stand out from your standard kpop fare. Bouncy did that, but Crazy Form didn't. That's the main problem: all of their songs are well-produced, but only a few of them have solid centers.
And look, not every song has to be anthemic like Treasure, or Wave, or Eternal Sunshine. Wonderland was not really anthemic, but it was still good because it achieved a sense of purpose: they're marching into battle. It was essentially a sea shanty, which was genius!
ATEEZ's recent material just feels like Edenary are flexing that they can do hiphop-style music without realizing that ATEEZ are not a group that are wholly talented at hip-hop. They're just not. They're pirates. They rough up and energize everything they touch, and Edenary are mirroring that by producing "powerful" music instead of letting them channel their energy into material that inspires or entertains, even if that's entirely subjective.
The new songs don't have heart like Answer, and they're not clever like Bouncy. They rely on the strength of ATEEZ's performance style alone and it's not hitting like it should. I don't mind autotune, but even I thought they went too far with Fireworks. You'd have to pay me to listen to that song outside of a concert. They deserve stuff that doesn't feel borderline braggadocios in its production.
However, I'm not an ATEEZ doomsdayist and they've bounced back more times than I can count + this album has a few really good songs. I don't expect ATEEZ to always make music I like, I just want them to make music that has heart and purpose again.
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niggangel-archive · 6 years
honestly i am not excited for the next bts comeback because i am completely prepared for dna2
lmaoo me too, both of the gcs i’m in are rlly excited tbh (i get it so i’m not gonna Kill the mood), buh i rlly just can’t be asked. my music taste is broad but edm is rlly not what i got into bts for, you feel. 
you mind if i go off a bit, listen right, basically 
2Kool4Skool, O!RUL82? were really good debuting albums, it rlly started off their style? And the rest of the school trilogy + D&W really finalised that? They were extremely Hip Hop orientated with R&B tracks like Coffee.
Dark&Wild is what got me into BTS as well as Skool Luv Affair. Hip Hop/R&B HEAVEN. it was so significant, rlly their own era. OBVIOUSLY both albums have their Issues (with misogyny) BUT the delivery? bith???  where else do you get that? they rlly did the most. 
And obv i’m not expecting carbon copies because HYYH pt.1 & pt.2 were AMAZING mini albums with little similarity but songs still delivered in a similar style.
WINGS was also amazing but it really just seemed like it was on it’s own? Like a separate project bc they had BST and then their solo songs with some new songs. WINGS was great. YNWA is just a repackage but tbh, it was good, but that’s where i thought Big changes were starting.
and then DNA arrived. and i was like????? Lol Wot??????? w aht Is this??? the fact that the Chainsmokers had a hand rlly bothered me but everything was Very differen’t LOVE YOURSELF: HER isn’t a bad album it’s just not as good as the rest and the genre is completely different imo? 
Pied Piper + Sea + Dimples were the redeemers of that album, with the addition of MIC Drop bc that’s literally all that kept BTS’….main shit? Though it was different. IDK WHAT IM SAYING, PLS DON’T TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY.
There are good songs on there, but it’s all so random? So I’m hoping the new comeback with be much better.
anyways, Thank you for Listening to my TedTalk.
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oreosmilkshakes · 3 years
Summary: Reader finds out something new about Bucky. One she didn’t know he had it in him
Pairing: FATWS!Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: Grinding, just light naughty stuff
A/N: Whew! Another fic coming through. This time, it’s a little naughtier. Enjoy and feedback is always welcomed! Inspired by Rihanna's S&M. Edited and checked by @thebestdecoder​
The first time Y/N asked Bucky to accompany her to the nightclub, he said no. The second time she asked Bucky, again,  to accompany her to the nightclub, he said he would think about it. Third time's the charm and with a lot of coaxing and puppy eyes, Bucky finally said yes. There was a nightclub called Bembe that Y/N had always wanted to visit, but didn’t have the time because she was always so cooped up with work.
So when Y/N finally had some time off, what better way to spend it at a nightclub with her hot boyfriend?
“You done yet, doll?” Bucky called from the front door. Y/N made her way down the stairs of their shared apartment, heels clicking against the wooden floor. Bucky’s eyes darken at Y/N’s clothing.
“Sweetheart, you are not wearing that to the club,”
Y/N looked down at her black dress. It was up to her thigh with a slit to show off more skin. Y/N smiled sweetly, leaning up to steal a kiss off Bucky’s lips to his amusement and surprise. Her brown eyes looked at her boyfriend from head to toe. Damn, he looked good all the time. With a black casual suit like that, of course he looked good. 
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(credits to the owner)
“Come on, babe. No one would dare to look my way. Besides, I got my boyfriend here to protect me. Now, let’s go,” Y/N sashayed her hips out the door, leaving a peeved Bucky behind.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to adapt to the hard bass of the music that played throughout the club. It was a whole mess of people dancing, drinking, and simply having fun. Y/N held Bucky’s hand, turning to her lover with a big smile and made a beeline towards the bar. “Cosmopolitan for the lady and whiskey for me,” Bucky leaned against the bar. The bartender nodded, proceeding with the drinks. Y/N stood close to Bucky, the smile on her red lips showed no signs of faltering.
The bartender placed both made drinks down, Bucky placed cash down before picking his drink up and faced the dancefloor. His eyes scanned the area and all he saw was people having fun. Dancers were grinding up against one another, moving along to the upbeat music. Y/N sipped her crimson drink, glancing at Bucky. “Wanna dance?”
Bucky tensed a little. He hasn’t danced since, what, the 1940s? Even then, dancing back in the 40s was nothing compared to the heart-racing beat of today’s music.
“I think I’ll pass, Y/N. I don’t dance anymore,” That was a total lie. Steve had mentioned before several times that Bucky was a great dancer and each time, Bucky would respond with a nervous chuckle and a shake of his head.
Y/N continued sipping her drink until it was finished. “Aw, what a shame, babe,” A tiny pout jutted out from her lower lip. Bucky chuckled, shaking his head, and gulped down his whiskey. Soon, the music went straight from EDM to pop. Specifically, in Y/N’s opinion, Rihanna’s best song, S&M.
Na na na come on, come on, come on,
I like it, like it, na, na, na, na, come on
Y/N was not missing this. Not in a million years. “Well, since you’re not dancing, I will,” She blew a kiss to Bucky and made her way to the dancefloor. Her hips swayed to the beat, joining in with the crowd’s movement.
There's no way I'm turning back
Feels so good being bad
Bucky growled under his breath, eyes not leaving Y/N’s figure among the mass of sweaty bodies and straying hands. His tongue slipped between his lips, wetting them. Oh, Bucky wanted to join her, yes he did. What’s stopping him? The Super Soldier didn’t know.
Y/N felt heavily to the beat, looking in Bucky’s direction with a smirk and a curl of her finger. Bucky scoffed, staying where he was. Y/N simply shrugged and continued moving to the beat.
'Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me
Y/N felt hands on her hips. Strong hands and a warm body. It didn’t feel like Bucky at all and she decided to play along. She leaned against the body, moving her body against the broad chest.
Oh no. Hell no. Bucky downed his whiskey in one shot, moving to the dance floor. He glared at the man, who immediately backed away. Y/N smirked, turning to Bucky. She leaned in, lips brushing his ear. “Was that all it took to get you here?” Y/N purred
Na na na come on, come on, come on,
I like it, like it, come on, come on, come on
I like it, like it, come on, come on, come on
I like it, like it come on, come on, come on
I like it, like it
Bucky gripped Y/N’s hips, moving with his lover to the music. “You teasing me, baby girl? Do you know what happens when you do so? You get punished,” Bucky smacked Y/N’s ass, causing the woman to giggle at the mischievous gesture.
It definitely didn’t take long for Bucky to get used to the groove of the music, Y/N grinding her hips against her lover to rile him up. Soon enough, they were both on the high, the climax of their night. Bucky grabbed Y/N’s head, his tongue licked a stripe from her lips to her forehead. Y/N moved a hand to the back of Bucky’s head with another on his strong jaw, capturing his lips in a deep kiss. Tongues fought but clearly, Bucky won and when Y/N pulled away, she was panting. Their eyes met, hips not stopping their movement against one another.
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Oh. I love the feeling you bring to me
Oh, you turn me on
It's exactly what I've been yearning for
Give it to me strong
And meet me in my boudoir
Make my body say ah, ah, ah,
I like it, like it
Y/N sang over the music. Bucky laughed, capturing Y/N’s lips in another heated kiss.
By the time the song ended and a few more played, Y/N was exhausted and sweaty. The adrenaline was slowly wearing off as she took Bucky’s hand and led him off the dance floor.
“You know what, Mr. Barnes? I didn’t know you had it in you,” Y/N let out a dry laugh, leaning against the bar. At least her makeup didn’t melt off from all the heat, Y/N hoped.
Bucky simply smirked, his arm snaked around her waist. “Doll, I’m full of surprises,” He leaned in, pecking her lips. He rested his forehead against Y/N’s. “Don’t think I forgot what you were trying to do, baby. Punishment is still due,”
Y/N bit her lips, looking up at her lover. “Take me home then, Mr. Barnes, and show me what you got,”
And so Bucky did. The night certainly wasn’t a disappointment at all.
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
hi!! hehe i wanted to share my two cents about today's performances and since idk when you'll post your review i'm just sending this now before i forget what i had to say. feel free to only reply to it later though. idk the order since i didnt see the episode but two things are on my mind right now, which are:
1- that weird projection/lighting part during the dance break on the boyz' stage, which made that section so so so confusing to watch when it came to their dancing. plus i only saw the snake monster thingy showing up in the projection on my third watch so only then it made a little bit of sense but still not very clear about the choreography.
2- sf9 was doing really great until those edm dance break moments.... sigh. im curious to what are you thoughts on that stage as a whole because i do think they deserved number one for it... but then again,, the damn edm remix... double sigh
hello!! sorry i was delayed on the review, i try to be quick about it but there was a lot to talk about for these ones so it took longer and THEN tumblr decided to be dumb as fuck and give me technical difficulties but!! it is published now!! but also yes please feel free to send in your opinions before my review is out, god knows my memory is the worst and i forget stuff all the time if i don't write it down. also feel free to come back with more thoughts too!
i talk about that section of tbz's stage in my review as one of the more interesting moments for me because it's something i do a lot of work with personally and im very familiar with, so i recognized what it was and what was going on right away. but i totally understand how it can be visually confusing for people who've never seen the technique before. do i think it was as successful as it could have been? nope. because of the movement in the projection itself and the fact that they're dancing there's a lot going on, and if you want to pay attention you're pretty sol. honestly i had kind of clocked out watching the choreo because there's wasn't a whole lot that differentiated it from the original in my brain, so having a visual effect that i liked and recognized was a welcome reprieve.
yea i agree i really dislike the edm break. taemin does have a lot of edm and weird electronic shit that happens in his music but i dont think there's any songs that have that aggressive of a changeup without any warning. they quite literally stopped move to play a different song, and then started it again. i'm not entirely sure if my thoughts on the stage in my review are that clear, but a thing i didn't mention was that i don't think move works very well as a group song. i think they did the best you can with it, but because sexuality and the perception of sexuality is so specifically personal i think if you actually dig into the weeds on if they actually measured up to the intent of the choreo and the idea behind it.....i dunno. it feels more like sf9 only grazed at the surface. move is born from taemin's extended conflict with the public's perception of his gender presentation and a very important element of it IS that feminine half. i don't think it's wrong to interpret it as showing more diversity in male sexuality, but the really deep understanding and power comes from knowing and accepting that middle ground. obviously i don't know anything about the history of sf9 but it doesn't read to me that any of the members have had that particular experience of othering. taeyang came the closest to pulling it off but i think that's more because the expensive cunt look is a choice, more than anything else.
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juunshua · 5 years
yeah i'm thinking that it's just me at this point. i don't really know either, but it's one of the first songs that popped into my head that have predominant beat drops that the song revolves around. tbh i think i'm better at distinguishing similar sounds within rock, ballad, and classical pieces more than edm songs (probably because i don't listen to edm often hshjhsjhs) also! umu said that pentagon's sha la la is similar to hit in key, so you might want to check that one out!
hahaha for me somehow the verses in hit reminded me of up10tions so dangerous verses? idk if they sound that similar but somehow the association sticks so i feel you ahaha and oh yeah ! i can hear how the keys are similar haha the upward and downward chord progression structure remind me of hold on me by woohyun and nuests where you at actually ahaha^^my aural skills are terrible so idt theyre the same exact progressions in all of those songs? but still the whole motion and movement itself of the chords i think is similar? or smth hahaha
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threadbareturnbacks · 3 years
Like, I appreciate the whole self care and be gentle to yourself movement but after two years of being real fucking gentle with myself and being treated with kid gloves for 7 months I just have an overwhelming desire to do too many drugs at a EDM show and wake up early the next day, still buzzing, and throw myself down a snowy mountain as fast as possible. Maybe I'll eat a cliff bar on the chairlift. I'm definitely drinking an XL sugar free red bull in the parking lot and putting a shot of vodka in my hot chocolate.
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