#i'm just spitballing here
ckducky · 1 month
POV- You're a Big Belly Burgers Employee that Messed up an Order
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alex51324 · 11 months
That Tweet, take 2
OK, so my first reaction to That Tweet, by Djenks, was as follows:
My money is on DJenks realizing that he shat the bed & now furiously trying to write himself out of the corner he's in. (My second guess is that he basically already knows there won't be a Season 3, but there's some network or business-related reason for not announcing it yet.)
But now that I've had a bit more time to think about it, I am kind of seeing a scenario where he could've intended it to be a fuckery all along.
Step one is that we imagine him being a bit disappointed by how Lucius's death fooled absolutely no-one. It's likely that he was planning for the reveal that he was alive to be a much bigger moment than it actually was; maybe he even has some Big Reveal ideas that he had to put on ice once it became clear that there was very little actual suspense surrounding Lucius's fate. This is, obviously, since I don't know him personally, a big hairy guess, but it seems like a very plausible reaction for someone to have, when they put a lot of effort into planning a surprise and it falls flat because everyone guessed it.
Step two is him deciding to sell Izzy's "death" a little harder, with the emotional death scene and the funeral (where we do not actually see the body, and a mourner, Wee John, is missing) and all. It's laying it on a little thick, in my opinion, but again, we did all confidently (and correctly) assume that Lucius was alive based on the evidence that "this show wouldn't do that" and "The Stede-Ed reunion won't work if he's really dead," so you can see how a showrunner could, hypothetically, get to--
Step three, is Djenks opening up his socials at the crack of dawn on Thursday morning, expecting to see reams of speculation and analysis about how Izzy could have survived, and being genuinely shocked to instead find seas of angry and devastated fans suggesting that he should perhaps give up television in favor of a career in going and fucking himself.
Step four, realizing that he drastically overshot the mark re: creating genuine suspense over character death, he tweets out a big obvious hint.
I don't love this interpretation--for one thing, there is nothing in the episode we saw that would provide a plausible in-universe reason for faking Izzy's death. It would be pretty easy to create one--have Prince Ricky No-Nose vow personal vengeance against Izzy Hands in specific for calling him a syphilitic cunt/his role in foiling the "end of piracy" scheme--but we did not see anything like that. To make the funeral scene work as a fuckery, it would be necessary to insert a flashback between the "death" and the funeral in which A) this happens, and B) the other characters find out about it. That's a cheap trick that I personally hate--the old, "Haha, I made you feel a thing by deliberately withholding context"--but again, if it's an overcorrection for the complete and abject failure of the effort to create suspense around Lucius's fate, I guess I can live with it.
If Izzy's death is a fuckery, that addresses a lot of the other problems with the finale. First, Ed and Stede's obviously-doomed, harebrained scheme to give up piracy and be innkeepers (in a dilapidated shack, on an island where we see no other people or settlements) is plausibly funny, as long as we aren't thinking that Izzy died for it.
Second, the tonal whiplash of going from the funeral to the wedding is also fine if everyone involved knows perfect well that the guest of honor at the funeral is actually recuperating just offscreen.
(Thirdly, there's Captain Frenchie--I haven't seen much discussion of that, but the only problem I had with it is that I can't think of any moments from the season where he stood out as being a leader for the crew. I might've missed something; he's not one of my particular blorbos, but it wouldn't have taken much, just something you can look back on and see how it was setting up him becoming captain.
And, crucially, we do have those few little moments of setup for Frenchie as First Mate to Captain Izzy. Frenchie was there during the dark days, during which he presumably underwent some skill development, pirate-wise, and definitely bonded with Izzy to some extent. We see him holding Izzy's hand during his breakdown, and he presumably helped hide him and definitely lied to Blackbeard about it, and then how they were sitting in the cell on Zheng's ship--it isn't a whole lot, but you can look back and see why it makes sense for Izzy to pick him.)
Making Izzy's death a fuckery doesn't do anything to fix the way the whole Zheng thing fell flat. (Why give her a massive fleet in the first place, only to take it away? Why did we get those scenes of ships being towed across land? What was she doing selling soup on the Republic of Pirates? For that matter, why did she come to the Caribbean in the first place, after becoming Pirate Queen of the Chinese seas?) It doesn't help with how Ed and Stede keep repeating the same beats of getting closer, then running away, then reuniting without ever talking about their relationship or their issues. It doesn't address why the Kraken Era had to go that dark, if the whole thing was just going to be smoothed over in the space between episodes 4 and 5, and how Ed never really takes responsibility for any of what he did.
However, middle installments of trilogies are notoriously difficult to write, and it isn't particularly fair to judge them before you get to the last part. Most of the weak points could look better in hindsight once we know how it all turns out.
(And, not for nothing, as long as Izzy is alive, we can still get something where Ed reckons with the Kraken Era, and particularly-but-not-exclusively what he did to Izzy. I don't see how that works with a dead Izzy, though--it's too easy for Ed to keep minimizing what he did and offloading blame onto him.)
There isn't a whole lot of evidence for an Izzy Lives scenario. All we have is:
This Show Wouldn't Do That (which, recall, was point 1 in why we didn't believe Lucius was dead. However, it is weakened by the absence of point 2--unlike with Lucius, the person who "killed" Izzy isn't a character we're expected to like or root for.)
No body at the funeral. I initially interpreted the funeral as being intended as proof that Izzy was really dead, a sort of "don't get your hopes up, guys," after what happened with Lucius. But again, if we're thinking about the framing of Izzy's "death" as an overcorrection to how completely non-fooled we all were by Lucius's, maaaaaybe not? I mean, if he really wanted to hammer the nail into the coffin, we would have seen Izzy lying in the grave, or his body being sewn into a shroud of sailcloth (as was the custom), or something. (Also, point 2b, the unicorn did have two legs.)
No Wee John at the funeral. There are certainly Doylist reasons he might've been left out--maybe the way the shooting schedule worked out, it saved money or some other resource to just leave him out of that scene, something like that. But for an in-universe reason, "somebody had to stay back and nurse Izzy" makes a lot of sense. (I mean, if this show operated on real-world logic, someone would have had to stay with the ship, but that's never been a concern before.) Wee John helping Izzy with his makeup for Calypso's birthday was presumably a bonding experience that involved some vulnerability on Izzy's part, so it would be weird for him to just nope out of the funeral, but plausible that Izzy would find him acceptable as a caregiver.
Stede and Ed's conversation over Izzy's grave could, just barely, make sense as a conversation about how Ed and Izzy are now on separate paths, with no particular guarantee that they'll see each other again. It takes a certain amount of massaging to make it fit, but it almost could? (Except Zheng's part really doesn't--unless the grave actually contains someone Ed cares about, or she isn't in on the secret that the funeral is a fuckery.)
I'm not in love with any of this, or even particularly convinced by it--my enthusiasm for any Season 3 is going to be pretty dampened, unless the announcement that it's been picked up includes the information that Con O'Neill has a contract to appear as a major character in all 8/10/whatever episodes--but IDK, I guess it's maybe not outside the realm of possibility? Ish?
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1989taylorsversion · 8 months
If you're the love of my life,
Then why is it love or my life?
This is the loss of my life.
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Warning: I am 20000% spitballing, a relatively new crow, and also not up to date on qsmp because the sleepy has got to me. However I'm having fun spitballing here.
So looking at Philza having canonically died before... The baby zombie is the obvious one, right? And because of the trident being significant we know Season 2 happened in at least some form (the giant trident in Endlantis used to be Philza's, but he accidentally threw it into the void in HC Season 2. In the void it warped, and twisted, and became the giant one we see today.
So, HC Season 2 happened, because the Ender King's first message came with said trident and also a picture of it.
So the Baby Zombie thing did, too.
Thing is... even hardcore deaths are part of how minecraft works, right? You can't go back to the same world, but it's normal gameplay. Just like the deaths people respawn from. So could it just be those ones you just respawn into another world? Also the talk of something preventing him coming back... Which, yeah, could be that. Who knows.
And then there are his other two hardcore worlds. TBH they may well not be canon in QSMP, but I bring them up as the 'deaths' are super interesting.
3 is pretty well known, I think? Philza died to a glitch where the world didn't load in fast enough and he fell to his death in the void as the floor wasn't there. Or something like that. There was definitely a glitch involved (which, incidentally, is why he no longer updates his hardcore world to new patches as soon as the patch comes out - the glitch that killed him was a problem with a new patch that hadn't been caught before release and was itself patched a week or two later iirc. So, now he waits until other people have had a chance to die to glitches rather than risk his world again). Which, would be a fun death to have as the canon one tbh.
And then there's Season 1, where I don't /think/ he "died", per say. However, the world data itself became corrupted via hard drive crash (has later been repaired, but the repair came much later after he'd already moved on but in one of his youtube videos he does show it off). This to me is the really interesting world in the context of that quote? The talking about something preventing him from coming back. His transition between 2 and 3 and 4 was... Well it was a hardcore death, but it was fine. However from 1 to 2 he went from a corrupted world to a non-corrupted world and talk of something interrupting the process, preventing people from respawning as they should... HC Season 1 became a corrupted world, reality broke down and things ceased to function as they should. Philza did not flee it until it was broken, perhaps we could consider him killed by data corruption rather than a baby zombie or by a glitch and the void? And if he died via data corruption... That really does sound like something that could hinder his ability to return in the natural way, no?
IDK I just think it'd be fun for him to have died to a world breaking apart around him and struggled to respawn into a new world (like he was supposed to) because the universe itself was fucked. Possibly even he himself was affected by the corruption and it had to be repaired to come back.
(I know there's something about layered realities and reincarnation but I'm having fun here)
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reading a bunch of articles on phonics and whole word reading and listening to old vi hart videos in the background and realizing that if there's an equivalent to phonics for math, i don't think we get taught it
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wroef · 10 months
Any headcanons on what happened to Edie's sister?
To Johann? This is gonna sound ironic, but no, I guess that was too depressing for me to think about haha. I got the feeling both mother and child died close together, so maybe there were some complications during birth? I hate playing this card but if she was near Odin's age she was,,, how do I put this politely. Her biological clock's batteries were probably gonna run out soon. Not gonna pretend I know the intricacies of having a baby that late in life but if anyone has any insight or other theories of their own please feel free to share them!
-Mod Edith
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androxys · 2 years
Thinking about how much Din struggled to use the Darksaber vs. Bo-Katan’s ease of using it, and I’m thinking about how wielding the Darksaber is a mental feat more than a physical one...
I just think there’s an interesting way to think about the Darksaber as representing a mythology, or a methodology, or perhaps even a lifestyle, and it’s one that Bo-Katan does accept and believe in even as she scoffs and the ones that Din does. And Din doesn’t believe in the Darksaber in the same way, leading to his struggles with it because he’s just a different type of Mandalorian, and he doesn’t have a clarity of identity with regard to the blade--either that his identity gives blade purpose, or vice versa--like Bo might.
And now I’m thinking about the transformation of identity, and how we see ourselves as malleable or inflexible... Bo-Katan who has always been so uncompromising in her ideals (for better and for worse) and now seeing herself being changed into something new... I think it would be neat if post “The Convert” we had a chance to see her struggle to wield the Darksaber, not because she is somehow now worse, but because her mythologies have shifted further.
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fogsy-feel · 1 year
Idea: Stiles coming from a hunting family. Like somehow Elias was a (pretty shitty) hunter and so Noah was taught some stuff about the supernatural world. But we all know Elias is a prick and so he cuts his dad off and marries Claudia (who may or may not be fully human)...
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alonelystargazer · 5 months
okay if sukuna and yuji are twins, and in the jujutsu world twins are considered one person, is it possibly that he's gonna eat yuji to fully power up? or maybe yuji will sacrifice himself so that sukuna has no chance of realizing his full power and giving megumi a chance to come back?
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Edit: okay so this is garbage now that we know it's sukuna and jin who are twin brothers :/
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king-of-havoc · 6 months
Can we call fruity fags in a relationship with a bear a berry? Because bears like berries? Plus it'd be cute to be like "a bear with his berry"
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jacksteyvattales · 1 year
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This is the kind of shit that happens when I'm bored and confined to the bed with my phone
The regions look like they're getting bigger every time so this is where my guesswork got me. I'll have to adjust this next time I actually get a look at the border lines in game as well as relevant lore I've totally forgotten about
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identitty-dickruption · 4 months
I'm playing around with the idea that constantly not being able to be productive is a sign of needing rest in the same way that constantly thinking about food is a sign of being hungry. as someone who sucks at interpreting my body's signals (and as someone who has a lot of difficulty around feeling lazy all the time!) it can be really hard to know what "tired enough to take a break" looks like. and I think if my brain keeps wandering towards restful activities instead of "productive" activities, that might be a pretty big signal that I need to take a rest
when I first started following the rule that thinking about food = hunger, I felt like I was eating way too much food all the time, and that I maybe shouldn't be listening to my body, but that's evened out over time. it turns out I was just starving myself for a really long time, and my body needed a lot of food!
and I wonder if the same could be true with rest. it feels like I need an absurd amount of rest at the moment, and it's been really really difficult to convince myself that I actually need the rest, and that I'm not just some kind of lazy slob. but you know what? maybe I NEED that rest! maybe I've been working myself to the bone lately, and maybe it'll take a while before I can be Properly Productive again. and that's something I'll just have to be okay with while I figure out what resting enough looks like for me
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sentientsky · 9 months
i know this has been discussed ad nauseam, but i'm doing research for a meta, and i'm slowly realizing that i will never ever be over the Good Omens Lockdown dialogue. especially that line towards the end (begins at the 02:50 minute mark):
Crowley: [...] You know, I could hunker down at your place; slither over and watch you eat cake. I could bring a bottle—a case—of something...drinkable?
first, the unabashed expression of a desire to be near Aziraphale is so rarely evident (i mean, we have 1967 and other instances, but in the case of '67, an outsider could more easily—i guess??—interpret offering him a lift home as an expression of gratitude for the holy water). so, to witness his clear, unveiled desire for comfort and closeness (and to literally just watch Aziraphale eat cake) demonstrates the interpersonal progress made in the time after Armageddon't; he's not concealing the offer behind some flimsily-constructed reason (e.g., "I just didn't want to see you embarrass yourself"). in fact, he's implying that they'd be spending long lengths of time together ("hunker down", "a case of something drinkable"). and then Aziraphale's response is also really interesting, and kind of exists as a microcosm of their whole push-and-pull dynamic that has existed for literally thousands of years (begins at the 02:59 minute mark):
Aziraphale: No, I—I—I—I’m afraid that would be breaking all the rules! Out of the question! I’ll see you… when… this is over?
i'm sorry, but the sheer nervousness???? the grasping for excuses??? they're gay disasters, ur honour. breaks my fucking heart </3 i love them both, but also OUGH. azi, why?!?
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shield-and-saber · 3 months
okay okay, hear me out
qimir's scar is twisted and jagged. he was abandoned (""abandoned"" could mean anything right now) by his master.
vernestra has a light whip. she believes strongly in the jedi, the jedi code and the order and what they stand for, how the republic views them. maybe enough to become desperate, to make a mistake
vernestra was qimir's master ???
edit: qimir would likely have been driven by intense emotions and vernestra would likely have cautioned him against that, tried to reign him in like obi wan did with anakin and. well, we all know how that ended
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Fit: You know... There's a reason I'm a loner, that I'm a nomad, that I go from place to place. 'Cuz everywhere I go, people die. Fit: I'm just- I'm a walking bad omen.
I know Fit probably said this as a joke and it wasn't meant to be that deep, but I've got a shovel and I'm ready to dig, because this comment fits his QSMP cubito way too well.
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[ Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Fit: I had nothing to do with any of this! I had nothing to do with any of this! [He notices the Allays trapped in a room and gasps] Ohhh– C'mon, get out of here– You're gonna burn to death! Get out of here.
Fit: This is why I don't walk into churches. This is why I don't walk into churches, for this reason. You know– 'cuz it- it would just burn down. It would just burn down if I walked right in. This is what happens. I'm an unholy man.
[The sound of villagers dying]
Fit: Oh yeah, they're all dead. They're f- they're doomed. They are DOOMED.
Dono: You showed up and the mansion burned itself down, made a crack about never walking into churches, then thunder happened? Your manifestation skills are too damn high dude.
Fit: You know– ok, I'm a little cursed. I'm a little cursed, as you can clearly see. You know... There's a reason I'm a loner, in Minecraft, that I'm a nomad, that I go from place to place. 'Cuz everywhere I go, people die. Ehh... you know? I'm just- I'm a walking bad omen. I'm a walking bad omen. Look at this sht. It's- it- ugh...
Fit: These things happen.
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i NEED more sapphicnatural. jocassie ellenmary jodydonna megruby belanna billierowena clairekrissy sarahjess i could go on like amaraabbadon charliestevie magdapatience lisaamela HELLOOOO where are my WOMEN
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