#i'm not a fanfic writer but i do have tons of ideas and hcs so here's a short one
so-that-was-okay · 1 month
Every time there's a storm, Buck's body enters a very tense state. He's not afraid of thunder, he knows what happened to him needed very specific circumstances, he knows he's safe in his kitchen cutting onions, carrots and celery while Tommy is reading the news on his phone, sitting at the kitchen island. But his body remembers, and today's storm is a nasty one.
When lightning strikes first, it's pretty far from his place but it startles him.
His right hand is shaking so he puts the knife down for a minute. Tommy lifts his eyes from his phone.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just... it's okay. I'm... I'm fine."
Buck collects himself, picks the knife up and continues chopping. The soffritto is slowly cooking when another flash lights up the loft. This one is closer and they can hear the air tearing. This time it's Buck's legs that give up, shaking, unable to carry his weight anymore. He can feel it and crouches immediately, his hands gripping the edge of the kitchen counter. He knows he needs to calm down, to make his body understand there's no danger.
Tommy immediately comes close to him, a warm hand on Buck's back, and turns off the stove.
"I'm- I'm fine, Tommy. I just... I just need to breathe."
"I know. But let me stay here, okay?"
Tommy sits down on the floor just next to Buck's folded body, his back against the kitchen cabinet. Their eyes meet, they share a small smile. Buck knows he's safe here, in his kitchen. He also knows he's safe with Tommy, his steady support keeps him grounded. His legs are still shaking and it's creeping up to his shoulders. Outside, the sky is raging with flashing lights and growling sounds.
"Did I tell you about my insect phase when I was a kid?" asks Tommy while staring in front of him. In the corner of his eye, he can see Buck slowly shaking his head.
"I was 5 and I was on a mission. I spent my days hunting for insects. I wanted to collect them all, I was fascinated. So many of them, everywhere! My mom... she hated them, but me? I wanted to meet them all and, I don't know, make new friends?" he scoffs. "I was lonely and it was just a way for me to fill my life with something that was only for me, maybe. My favorite ones were the dragonfly, I was already fascinated by flying, but also the water striders. I mean, walking on the water? Incredible."
They look at each other and burst out laughing.
"Yeah, well, I was an insect nerd, I guess."
Feeling less shaky in spite of the sky still growling, Bucks shifts his weight on his legs and sits down next to Tommy on the ground with a long sigh. He lets his head rest on the cabinet's door behind him, his legs stretched out in front of him, his hands flat on the floor.
Tommy gently hooks his index around Buck's pinkie like a lifeline.
"Do you want me to finish cooking while you go lie down?"
Buck shakes his head and sighs again.
"No, give me a minute and I'll be fine. I promised you lasagna. I worked hard to nail this version, you will have it for dinner."
"Okay, okay, Pasta Queen!"
Their laughter drowns out the sound of the storm now receding.
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lxmbr · 10 months
so ive written out a crap ton of fanfic ideas..for you to try
i genuinely don't know if I'm okay. wtf is wrong with me omg lmao
these are all Nijisanji En, mainly the boys. If it has the checkmark it doesnt mean u cant do it! if you really like it i'd still love to see it.
I AM NOT WRITING SMUT!! im sorry i do not feel comfortable writing smut in detail, thats just me..of course i will write suggestive things but i will not be writing smut! please refrain from requesting the smutty stuff..understand that i will ignore it.
hear me out on a lot of these okay 🥹. ive been saving them up for like a month or so now. not all of these are for everyone. if you see one you dont like, ignore it. someone else will probably do it
🔞: nsfw/smut
☁️: sfw/fluff
⭐: crack/silly
💔: angst/sad
💭: headcannons/reactions
💌: one shots
✔️: been done/I've seen one like it 
‼️: in progress/im writing this!!
all gn reader and most are established relationship! and you can keep mysta, yugo, and nina in there! (although there won't be much NijiEn Girls)
⚠️IF YOU USE ANY OF THESE IDEAS, PLEASE TAG ME⚠️ not all of these are ones ive requested, again some ive just seen that happen to be similar to the idea
🔞💭Luxiem/Iluna/Noctyx seeing you in a cosplay of a character they really like/a sexy costume
☁️💭Luxiem hcs treating you on your period
 fanfix - not mine!
fanfic - not mine!
☁️🔞💭Luxiem reactions(?) to you dancing competitively (for ex: kpop dances) 
⭐💌☁️💭ike eveland reacting to you using some Swedish words he taught you in a sentence. (could be a curse word, a color, or a simple word to point out something. ex: balloon! or in Swedish, ballong!)
⭐☁️💌💭Noctyx hcs you crying over something silly (for ex: you lost your keys or the cat looked at you in a weird way)
☁️⭐💭💌NijiEn foreign: them reacting to you learning their native language! ‼️
☁️🔞💭Luxiems reaction to you proposing to them before they could to you
janes fanfic!
🔞💌Sitting on Vox's lap while he does his asmr steam
⭐☁️ 💌You and Ike eveland as geese (inspired by the untitled goose game stream)
☁️🔞💌When you meet meixul for the first time‼️
🔞💌💭Luxiem reacting to you touching yourself in their clothes 
🔞💭💌 NijiEn boys reacting to you dry humping them
💭💌☁️ Luxiem when you fall asleep on them
🔞💭☁️ Luxiem when you have baby fever ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
fanfic - not mine!
💌☁️⭐ Luxiem when you want to do their hair
💭🔞💌☁️ NijiEn Boys/Merryweather/Shxtou with their puppygirl ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
fanfic - not mine!
☁️💭💔 Luxiem comforting you after a fight with your parents/gaurdians
🔞💌 Luxiem's favorite dirty talk
🔞💌☁️💭 Luxiems wedding night with you ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
💌☁️⭐💭 Luxiem when shu accidentally turns you into a baby for a day ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
💭💌🔞 Luxiem when you wear lingerie for them
🔞💌☁️💭⭐ NijiEn (whoever) getting high🍃 with them!
💭☁️💌🔞 Luxiem/Noctyx when they're jealous
💌🔞☁️💭 Ike eveland, feeding into his yandere tendencies (for ex: offering him to put a tracking device on you. basically just a super willing reader that encourages his unhealthy actions and urges)
🔞💌💭 The names you call Luxiem/Noctyx/iluna in bed‼️
💭☁️💌⭐ When you're luxiems oshi/vtuber crush and you guys collab for the first time‼️
💌💭☁️🔞 Luxiem when the other members purposely flirt with you to piss the other member off (for ex: ike likes u/ur dating ike, and the other members purposefully flirt with you to make him mad. and so on for the other members) ‼️
⭐☁️💭💌🔞 Luxiem coming home to you and your child (or your young cousin or little sibling. like 5 yrs old or smn) to you listening/singing/rapping to their part in hope in the dark or jazz on the clock
☁️💭⭐💌🔞 Luxiem reacting to a partner loud in bed ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
💌☁️💭🔞 Luxiem reacting to the cliche porn situation - u getting stuck in something (for ex...the washing machine lmfao) ✔️
🔞💭☁️💌⭐ Luxiem reacting to calling them senpai
🔞💭☁️💌 Luxiem when their cat!girl purrs at their affection
💭💌☁️⭐ Luxiem reacting to you having lepidoptraphobia (self insert oop)
☁️⭐💭💌 when Luxiem tells you the latest gossip
🔞💭💌 Luxiem getting aroused at the sight of your blood
I'll be adding more just try to keep up! pls post your questions ill answer them, again pretty please tag me..id LOVE to see your takes on these. ill try to update as much as possible :)
do you guys think i should write some of my own? I'd be down to write a couple..pls let me know 🥹
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sotwk · 20 days
Mae govannen! I am so intrigued by all your ideas and works surrounding Thranduil’s early life. I want to start reading them! I’ve looked over your Masterlist and I’m a bit overwhelmed. Is there a chronological order to them? Does it matter what order I read them in? Are you still writing the series? I’m asking because I enjoy reading fic on AO3 more than I do tumblr and would like to read the series in the best order over there.
I hope all those questions make sense. Thank you so much.
Mae govannen! What a wonderful message to receive! :)
I am so happy you're interested in reading my Thranduil works! Alas, I will admit that my Masterlist has become a bit of an unkempt garden (which is just a taste of the overgrown jungle that is my writer brain, but let's not go there), so I can't blame you or anyone for feeling overwhelmed! I'm SO appreciative that you have come to me asking for a method to the madness!
A few things to note about my writings:
I write fics and HCs exclusively for Tolkien. (So I'm kinda focused in that way, at least. lol.)
100% of my Headcanons and about (currently) 85% of my Fanfics are faithful to an established SotWK AU and Timeline. All concepts or events mentioned in the "faithful" works remain consistent and carry throughout other SotWK fics. I love connecting everything I write!
All Tolkien Canons and all Tolkien Original Characters I create have a fixed existence in the SotWK AU and Timeline. I try to avoid writing multiple versions of canon characters.
Reader Insert x Canon fics are the only stories that can deviate from the SotWK AU and Timeline.
You are not the first one to have asked for advice on navigating my headcanon/fic jungle, but thanks to your Ask, I finally "pruned" and reorganized my Headcanon Masterlist, breaking it down into subcategories that exist in separate pages!
In regards to my fanfic list, for every fic I write, I include the specific year (sometimes even date) that the story takes place, because (almost) every story and event exists in the same AU and timeline.
I haven't written a ton of actual fics yet; I have several ongoing series and a TON of "fic concepts". But for people interested in my concept of Thranduil's family life and kingly rule during the "Golden Age" of Eryn Galen, I recommend starting with the following (all links are Ao3, per your preference):
The Crown - About Thranduil's coronation. Gives some history and detail about his early marriage and relationship with his wife, Maereth. One-shot.
Greenleaf’s Day Out - A fluffy child-Legolas fic where each chapter highlights his relationship with his four older brothers and his parents. Multi-chapter, completed.
Yuletide in the Elvenking's Realm A collection of stand-alone fluffy ficlets describing Yuletide memories and traditions in the Woodland Realm through the eyes of Thranduil and his family. Multi-chapter, in progress.
The next big series I'm hoping to tackle for Thranduil is the "Sins of Our Fathers" series, which I started off rather messily, but I'm trying to pick back up. It's supposed to tell the very important story of Thranduil and Maereth's first meeting and the early stage of their relationship (going from rocky first impressions to friendship). I don't promote this work a lot since I feel like I haven't done it justice yet. I'm trying to fix that!
Thank you again for your ask and you interest! I hope this helps you get started with reading some of my work. :) I would love to hear what you think!
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scummy-writes · 1 year
Fandoms often have sour spots like anon hate and such eventually, and while I know it is inevitable, instead of letting myself get too annoyed about it, I'd like to try and say some positives about some folks I enjoy seeing around in the cybird fandoms while recommending their blogs as well.
If you'd like, I strongly encourage others to reblog and mention folks that make you happy as well! Maybe I will find some new folks to check out too.
@not-krys is one for me, and encourages me to explore Ocs a lot more through the way she always shares her ocs and their relationships. (I may not post said Oc exploring, but it does happen in my freetime). I like her writing and I love how sweet it can be. She's also sweet as a person and I enjoy her company a lot.
@xxsycamore is another! Her positivity makes me feel more comfortable with trying to talk to others in the fandom as well, and makes me feel less anxious fandomwise. Her writing is great, to the point where I'll read characters I don't know or have no interest in just because the story idea she made appealed to me so much.
@beni-draw-ikemen-please was one of the first cybird related fanartists I followed. She doesn't draw for cybird games really anymore, and I miss her a ton, but I am so happy for the times I got to talk to her and was blessed to be able to buy some of her prints! I'm still trying to decide which ones to hang up in my new home, hehe. She was also very sweet, but now she's off to try new things and I hope she's doing well!
@pathofcomets has some of the best Isaac fanfics I've read. I even remember one every winter because of how much I loved it! She writes for other fandoms now, and I love her writing style so much. In private she's also been very encouraging of me in general, and I'm happy I got to meet her due to these games.
@writer-akihiko has angst that makes me cry, and others cry. I think he has a lot of great ideas, and writes for a few fandoms. If you enjoy angst, and some good smutty hcs, I do rec lookin at his blog.
@alby-rei is a sweetie and I love her writing, and the cute game she made (a wholeass game!!!!!) that is a Ikevamp rpg game made me so happy when I was playing it. I'm always happy to see her around and whatever new thing she is making!
There are some other folks that I am thankful for, or have been very inspired by, but I am too anxious to tag them! So I am going to link to their blogs instead so I do not bother them, while I also tag some more folks in a way that does not make this a miles long post:
Batteryrose, @ndoandou , @mrsmorgenstern, Atelieredux, arthotsglasses , @aaviav , rierru , @honeybyte , and many, many others!
(Lately I have also been very thankful for caffedrine , queen-dahlia , and viatagrinner for their translations with Gilbert's route/events!)
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evanox · 11 months
hi sara!! some quastions for the fanfic writer ask game: ✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic) 👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with? 📃 Ever written something inspired by someone elses fic? ✍🏽 How much do you plan your fics beforehand? 🌈 Your favorite tropes to write about? 😊 The fic that you’re the most proud of?
thank u sara ily <33
ooo zeke ur too sweet ilyt <33 also love the new pfp ;)
✏️I think it was a Jack Will x Summer (from Wonder) prom-dance-kinda fic; extra deets: back then I was part of this group of fanfic writers on tumblr including a friend and some of her friends/mutuals and we all contacted each other on kik (wauw the memories). We once got a request for a fic featuring the Stoll brothers from PJO specifically directed at me because they liked my Wonder fic so much and that meant soo much to me. I remember writing away on my lil notebook back in 8th grade because I was so motivated sffgdf. Eventually the group became too much drama for my taste and I just stopped writing until they kicked me out bc I didn't have the heart to leave by myself.
👀Hmm I did have many og ideas that I eventually discarded; as for fanfic... I think there's a ton of drafts (both tumblr drafts and mental drafts) for Last Legacy hcs that I ended up not doing anything with because *gestures vaguely at everything that happened in the last year* that you can find on my WIP list on the pinned masterlist
📃If you mean by "inspired" as in "hated the writing so much I had to write my own thing to heal" then yeah. It was an LL rewrite thing featuring different routes and MCs so I was writing my own thing, not trying to "fix" someone's writing before anyone makes assumptions lol.
✍🏽Define plan... I think I usually roll ideas in my head for a while before spilling on paper until I run out of stuff then letting it marinate in drafts for a while, then adding stuff and editing until I'm satisfied. The only time I "planned" a fic was for my Sage x Maehwa LL rewrite, which included replaying the route, watching the official NH youtube playthrough of the old prologue to integrate the bits I liked, then throwing ideas and random lines into a google doc so I don't forget them.
🌈Besides character exploration I'm not sure I have preferences tbh... I think I'm more familiar with what I don't like than what I do like. One trope that I really disliked getting requests for (or reading tbh) is "character saves character/reader from their abusive partner" bc it's giving the same vibe as that one tiktok meme that's like "can you drop me off at my bf's house" *crashes car* "you flinched... he hits you doesn't he?"
Tumblr media
kinda vibe... No offense to anyone who does enjoy it lmao... However I do enjoy character saves their lover from some villain or dangerous situation uwu can't really put my finger on why I like it better than an abusive partner situation, though, or maybe I can but I don't feel like getting into the intricacies.
😊Not to toot my own horn but I'm proud of most of my LL ficlets but if I had to choose... sage and the baker and the one chapter I managed to write for my SagexMae rewrite
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wikluk · 2 years
Hiya, I hope you're doing well. You're not obliged to answer this if it trends on uncomfortable ground, but I was having a discussion with a friend the other day about angst fics and why we read/write them. We were both considering the shared interest of angst to be something like an emotional outlet/release while being overwhelmed with news of the world. With you, being an angst writer, that we both love, would you mind sharing why you write angst and if it really serves as an emotional outlet?
Oh, hello! I'm doing fine, thanks, only a little bit nervous because I have my BA defence in two days and I'm being anxious, ngl.
But about your question. Hmm. I don't think so? I mean... I wrote angst back in 2020, for Star Wars fandom (about two fics, I think), and it wasn't really an emotional release. I just got an idea and went with it.
And with Encanto... Well, it's the same, I guess? Just... Encanto hit me kinda hard because it was released in time my parents were getting divorced and it was kinda shitty in our house, so I craved good family interactions, and I found it in Encanto, and I fell in love with a movie but... My Mirabel's Dead AU was inspired by the scene of Casita's falling because, come on, it was just too good to not be written, the potential was right there. Then... I started having my headcanons, and I started being more present on Tumblr, and I started having ideas or being inspired by others so it kinda evolved from there.
I don't think it's some form of emotional release. I can jump from thinking about angst to thinking about tooth-rooting fluff or crack in a matter of seconds. It's like a switch is turned in my head and my mind just walks in a different direction. Sometimes I'm inspired by other movies, sometimes by songs, sometimes by other fics or books and my imagination just goes wild and feral and it creates all those ideas.
My mind is a funny thing, really. Even I am amazed by the paths it leads me down sometimes lol
But, I think, most of my angsty ideas come from my headcanons. Like. I headcanon Mirabel as a baby that was born prematurely, and that she was a rainbow baby additionally, so there are tons of angsty ideas for Julieta or a cool colours family in general with that hc. Another thing is: even the movie clearly shows that the Madrigals are a dysfunctional family - there's so much pressure, Pepa struggles with her emotions, Bruno has some troubles with mental health and so on, and so on, making it angsty or just even real gives a lot of ideas for fanfics as well.
It's more about what we were given by the creators - and we were given a family where the members love each other very much but they're all hurting in different ways and life's never been just a piece of cake for them. And sometimes an angsty idea is just a real idea - one that happens to people in real life and is not that rare of a situation. So you know...
Besides, writing angst and then fluff or crack makes me balanced and I like balance, so there's also that. I'm a libra, after all, I like being in-between lol
On a side note: which of my angsts is your favourite? I'm curious... ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
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