#i'm not femboy
cr0ss0versaga · 5 months
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me irl
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resident-sexyman · 24 days
save me horny goofy dykes save me horny goofy dykes save me horny goofy dykes save me horny goofy dykes save me horny goofy dykes save me horny goofy dykes save me hor
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ch3rr13zk1n · 1 month
yknow how there's a lot of mannequins in regretevator..
Jimmy, Mannequin Mark, Glevil and etc??
*deviously rubs hands together*
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Like and Reblog or I'll send you to ohio /j
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outskirts-of-life · 9 months
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gave myself a new tattoo w/ my tattoo gun 😸 i'm getting better
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bismuth-soup · 9 months
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Thighs look big in this pic
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ronanre · 3 months
Hi idk why i say it but I'm so obsessed with Ren but i hate him very much hes so annoying, a stupid femboy with ears.i tell all my friends what he doesn't worth his popularity but i secretly love him a lot and draw him a lot and i have all my gallery over him but i hate him so much ahhh sorry im so sorry for saying you that I'm honestly not drunk i hope you don't need a psychologist now ugh okay i think i should shut up now
I love your art style btw
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I'm not sure why me specifically but great to know. And Thank you!
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mousegirl-cheerleader · 3 months
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Girl that is also a boy
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hajihiko · 8 months
Are trans women real women?
As opposed to what. Fictional? A mannequin? Unreal in the sense that it's unreal how bomb she is?
(tags V relevant)
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systemdeez · 3 months
Bitches be like "Femboy asses are not self lubricating!" Not true, if you fuck them hard enough they start leaking hemorrhoid blood.
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dogydogdog · 9 months
I got some new clothes :>
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Tights or thigh highs?
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I got two belts but like most normal belts im too thin for one of them to fit >^<
don't look at me tho, i look weird
i'll bite you if you do
and yeah that's the only necklace i own if u recognize it ur a nerd or somethin and i'm gonna bully u
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ch3rr13zk1n · 24 days
Everything i see is meme material
Anyways, Stupid Regretevator meme.
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there's also another version of this image lol (it just features a different character lmao)
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Original post
(oh I'm gonna regret posting this so bad)
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dapaarpa · 9 months
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I love this bikini ^^
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johnslittlespoon · 2 months
curtbuckbucky nightclub au .* :☆゚. ☽
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open for drabble/more pics! <3
alright, i've never done a proper 'intro' post for a fic/au i have in mind, but this one has been rotting in my brain for ages and i know there's no way i'm not gonna write something for it eventually so here goes, bear with me <3 made a lil edit (took me fucking hours to collect enough stock footage lmfao) to go along with it too >:)
a modern au where college student curt is a regular at a new–ish queer nightclub, showing up every friday night without fail to dance his heart out, his way of de–stressing at the end of every week and getting his pent up energy out. he's the prettiest little thing, dresses up so fun– some nights he throws on dresses or crop tops with skirts or short shorts when he's feeling it, other nights he goes for more of a relaxed baggy pants and flowy linen button up type of vibe– always with the same pair of scuffed up sneakers on for ease of dancing.
the bartenders and other regulars adore their bubbly little club bunny, always looking out for him, doting on him with free drinks and food. and even if some of them eye curt like he's dinner when he's out on the floor swaying his hips, eyes closed to fully lose himself in the music, the glitter on his eyelids and cheekbones catching the lights just right, curt's not there for any of that. he dances with people occasionally, he's confident and carefree and likes the attention and it makes him giggle when he catches newcomers staring, doesn't mind a wandering hand here and there, but he never goes home with anyone. the same routine, every friday, dancing until his dark waves are curling damp with sweat against his temples and his black eyeshadow is smudged and he leaves to make the walk back to the flat he shares with a few roomies.
enter john and gale, longterm boyfriends who sometimes like to go out clubbing and find someone pretty to bring home for a fun time, only an open relationship in that sense– they have no interest in actually dating other people, both adamant that it's no strings attached, too head over heels for each other to have eyes for anyone else anyway.
they decide to check out a club they haven't been to yet, usually sticking to the tried and true ones, but a couple of their friends recommend it, so they give it a go one friday night. they've barely sat down at the bar with their drinks when they see a boy who, john comments to gale, looks like the 'energizer bunny' (gets a snort out of curt when he tells him so in the future.) even once they're buzzed enough to head out onto the dance floor together, neither of them can take their eyes off of the bundle of energy, mesmerized.
they both know the other is equally enamoured with the boy, drinking up all the glitter and bouncy curls and blissed out smiles, already knowing they just have to have him– the prettiest thing they've ever seen. curt's confused when they approach him, because he's noticed them too, has been admiring from afar, but he's also noticed their hands and lips all over each other, dancing much too close and comfortably to not be a couple. but john purrs out "we just like to have a little fun every now and then sweetheart, don't you?"
and no, not really, he doesn't. usually a night of exhausting himself dancing is his idea of fun, not ever looking for anything else, not finding most guys worth his time. but john and gale sweet talk him just right, spend time actually getting to know him when he agrees to let them buy him a drink at the bar, and fuck, they're both the hottest things he's seen walk into the club in a long time, and they're giving him all their attention? he decides that maybe he'll be brave and flirt back. despite his confidence and lack of caring what other people think about him, he's so shy and easily flustered when someone he's actually into makes the moves on him, doesn't even know what to do with himself when he realizes he's blushing at their compliments and the combination of their heavy gazes on him.
obviously they all get each other worked up as the night goes on, and curt goes home with them and gets his world rocked, spoiled and pillow princess–ed and showered in praise, not at all what he expects hook–ups to be like after having only been with people he's been dating. he expects to walk back home after since they all live in the same vicinity of downtown, tries to ignore his wobbly legs when he finally crawls out of bed, gets dragged back down by gale for one last messy breathless makeout while john gets him an uber before curt can protest or offer to pay.
normally john and gale don't get the numbers of their one night stands, but they want to make sure he gets home safe, and they can both gauge how the other is feeling and they know they'll want to see him again if they're lucky enough for curt to say yes, so john puts his number into curt's phone and tells him "text when you're home safe, yeah? or, y'know, text whenever you want." and curt isn't sure if this is john saying they both want to see him again, because he's dense and shy and they made it clear beforehand that they're in a closed relationship, but next friday he texts to let them know he'll be at the club again, and john and gale tell him they'll be there, the three of them going home together for a second time that night, and they fall into a routine from then on.
curt gets giddy every friday, dolling himself up extra pretty for the two men, flushed at their attention every time and so thrilled to dress up for someone other than himself for once. he can already feel himself going all heart–eyes for them after the second or third time they hook up, but he knows where he stands, and he's having fun experimenting for the first time and having two experienced, sweet guys show him a good time every week, so he doesn't want to jeopardize that by getting his feelings involved.
little does he know that john and gale are falling head over heels too for this sweet energetic boy, loving how much he spices up their lives, both in the bedroom and out, realizing their flat feels so quiet now on the nights where they don't take curt home with them. so that leads to some serious conversations to see if they're on the same page about getting to know curt better, both of them learning how to navigate this new territory because neither of them expected to want to bring someone else into their world like this. they agree they'd like to take curt out on a cute date, during the daytime for once, to properly test the waters and see how curt feels– of course he slots into their lives perfectly, as if he's been there all along. <3
but along the way: lots of slow burn, miscommunication, endless filthy smut, curt trying to balance college and work and friends with his newfound feelings for john and gale, john and gale getting dragged to raves and festivals by their always adventurous bf, city night–life juxtaposed by early morning domesticity, etc etc.
this has been floating around in my head for a couple weeks since i got this vision of 2012–stalker–era barry with eyeshadow and glitter stuck in my brain and thus a whole universe/plot spawned from it. honestly would mostly be pwp, but would love to write a proper fic for it anyway eventually, each chapter littered with filth, obviously LOL. i have so many thoughts and so many little scenarios planned out in my head already... these three have me in a chokehold.
i need to make proper intro/drabble posts like these for my other aus too aghhh it just takes so longggg because i get carried away with the drabble and then i have to find the perfect clips for edits and the perfect pics to tie it all together and suddenly i've spent half a day on one post but. someday <3 leaving!bikeriders au next surely! thx for reading hope u enjoy this version of the boys and hopefully i'll have time to write it soon!
all posts about this au will be under #curtbuckbucky nightclub au :-)
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bismuth-soup · 2 months
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Also: chat I got a carton of cardamom and star anise but I ran out of stuff to make with them. Give me recipe ideas please :/ (Especially cardamom; idk what to do with these other than chucking a few into curry. I dont even make curry often)
Stuff I tried:
Butter chicken
Star anise:
Butter chicken
Braised pork belly
All sorts of stir fries
Pho (broth)
Tea (didn't like)
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azeterna · 29 days
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i finally messed around with aliens!
tysm to @occultradio for the base sims, and @gloomiegalaxie-sims for femboy friday 💜💜
i still only have the alien cc i grabbed when i saw it, i want to go properly cc shopping for aliens but then i would disappear for days
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lime-is-superior · 4 days
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I forgot to mention I'm built like this. Durable boytoy
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