#i'm on mobile formatting is so difficult
archivalofsins · 26 days
I'm so late but- I can't believe they just made Amane bad at math canon?!
This was inspired by a conversation I was having with a friend for the most part. Didn't want to get too carried away but love the subtle changes in the minigrams and how they play on the timelines.
That's a D, and even though that's an average percentage in Japan, there's a chance it's not meant to be read that way. Like it can still be average. Average grades are fine but like the difference between this and the timelibe interests Mr.
Because this Minigram comes directly off of the last one with Shidou. A minigram that they also took some creative liberties with for comedic reasons. Yet that one ended with Amane searching for a new teacher not going to find Kotoko like in the original timeline interaction,
Amane: ……what’s wrong, Shidou-san? Your hand has stopped marking. This is mathematics, so there’s no questions about the answers. If I got something wrong, please mark it with an X.
Shidou: I…… I just don’t understand. If everything about MILGRAM is true…… why did a child like you have to become a murderer? Just imagining what sort of circumstances must have led to that, it makes me so sad……
Amane: ……*sigh*. Is that right. I don’t think I’m going to get along with you, Shidou-san. I don’t agree with the fact you refuse to acknowledge that I have my own free will, and that I should be held accountable for my actions, just because I’m a child. I may have only been alive for 12 years, but all the choices I’ve made, even if they weren’t the best ones, were entirely my own. What point is there in you getting sad when I have no regrets myself? ……please give me back my test. It seems you don’t have the concentration levels required to be my teacher. I’m going to get Kotoko-san to teach me instead.
Shidou: Amane…… I don’t think that’s true. However smart you may be…… you’re still just a child.
In the original timeline convo Shidou states the things he was thinking in the minigram aloud causing Amane to leave. In the Minigram Amane is just left baffled and confused as Shidou seems to fail to understand what her test even says and leaves on her own.
Like we said before, she doesn't state she's looking for Kotoko, just a teacher who seems capable. She immediately disregards Futa as an option. Something also done for comedic purposes.
So the test Amane gives Kotoko to grade in this Minigram is still the mathematics one. Unlike in the portal timeline when the interaction between her and Kotoko is several days after her one with Shidou,
Amane: Thank you very much for teaching me. ……but, though I realise it’s strange me saying this after I asked you, I must admit it’s kind of unexpected. You give off the impression of someone who wouldn’t want to get involved in things like this.
Kotoko: ……well, you’re not wrong. I’m surrounded by people who could all be murderers, so I don’t plan on going out of my way to talk and make friends. I can’t let my guard down. But I like ambitious people like you. If you want to study more, then I’m happy to teach.
Amane: I see…… You look scary at first impression, but I quite like the way you treat everyone equally regardless of whether they’re older or younger than you. You don’t just treat me like a child or anything like that.
Kotoko: Treat you like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today. I don’t have any plans to let you get away with something just “because you’re a child.” ……remember that. There, I’ve finished marking. 83%. How do I put it… Even though you act like this, it’s not like you’re super brilliant at studying or anything, huh.
In contrast to the timelibe interactions that happeb a good bit away from each other, the Minigram is more meant to document her starting out bring tutored by Kotoko. Not her falling out with tutors like we see in the timeline. This right here is all about timing.
First, do you notice how in the minigram they stay away from the treat you like a child conversation entirely? Only focusing on how Kotoko likes ambitious people like Amane, the grades, and the need to improve them in this area. That's a stark difference from the original timeline.
Plus, notice how the timeline has Mikoto and Kazui there. Two people she asks for help at different points in the timeline. Well, more so take note of how this minigram uses Mikoto specifically. The Minigram uses him to emphasize and announce to everyone that right now, this isn't about language.
The topic that he and Amane excel in or have a good grasp of,
Q.01 What’s your speciality skill?
Amane: I don’t think I have a particular skill. Would studying count? I’m good at Japanese language.
It's about math. It's still about the math test from the previous Minigram. You know what's not the timeline interaction that takes place five days after she did that test and ended the conversation stating she was going to Kotoko. From how Kotoko and Amane are speaking in the June 18th timeline, it's implied she's been helping her for a minute. She's probably been helping her since what occurred on the 13th with Shidou.
Does anyone here think it would take Kotoko five days to grade a math test? No probably not. So she's more than likely grading a different exam all together.
I believe Kotoko's wording is important in this timeline. Because she says, "Even though you act like this, it's not like you're super brilliant at studying or anything, huh?"
What about the way Amane behaves would imply she'd be good at math or studying?
They even change this in the minigram instead having Kotoko state,
"How do I say this... For the way you act, you aren't a good student, are you..."
Along with the visual, which implies that Kotoko isn't just saying this based of Amane's grade but how Amane reacted to it. She wasn't surorised or upset in fact she seemed like she expected it.
In the timeline, while Kotoko still attempts to find the right words, she's more matter of fact. Even though it's still a question she flat out forgoes saying she's not a good student and states she's not brilliant at studying or anything. Just point blank you're not amazing at this.
If the thing she was discussing here was in fact Japanese language, the thing that Amane says she's good at. That would hurt a lot more than saying it about math something she doesn't state she's good at it. Plus it's be easy to assume she's excel at that based on how she speaks or being like that.
So yeah, that's why I think this is probably a case of two different things being graded. Not her grade being changed. I want to hope for a part three since she took note of what Mikoto said about being able to help with debate and discussion, but who knows.
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cuddlytogas · 1 year
entering my bitch era (trying to get more into twitter fandom and finding my tl flooded with people talking about A Certain Popular AU Fic that is, frankly, mostly just fine, and being overwhelmed with some of the pettiest little jealous rages you ever did see)
#pointless post is pointless#like damn at least [other popular au fic] is extremely fucking good#where's MY fandom-within-a-fandom?? where's MY pages and pages of fanart??#plus i'm so sick of smau's since joining twitter it's going to drive me crazy#everyone and their god damn dog has about four on the go what the shit#not that the format /can't/ be used well but so many of them are boring and badly written#and still have big followings because - ???????#because i have no idea why#also reading fic on twitter is a nightmare and i don't know why anyone would prefer it over ao3#broken threads and the inability to edit and jfc#when you COULD have centralised tags and word counts and chapter breaks and edits#is it just because it's suited to mobile format????? what IS it about these things that seems to have captured everyone so much??#UUUGGGHHHHHHHH#please no one take this as an attack i am fully aware i'm being a mean and jealous little killjoy lol#maybe i really do just have an overinflated sense of my own talent lmao#edit: OH AND OF COURSE on twt you need to ADD ALT TEXT TO IMAGES THAT ARE NOTHING BUT SCREENSHOTTED PROSE#because the basic premise of a smau is actually really fucking difficult to execute#(a story told primarily through the medium of images text messages and social media exchanges)#so most of them resort to PRIMARILY using prose interspersed with flavour images#in which case WHY would you post it on TWITTER#the defining feature of which is A VERY SMALL CHARACTER LIMIT
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Wait General, aren't there still requests in your inbox? 🫢
...yes. but I will get onto them! Some of them are at least partially written up or even fully formed ideas and such that just have yet to be written out!!
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teddiebearie · 2 years
6 hours later I am finally done with editing that code. good god.
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therandomartmaker · 6 months
Reasons Discord's New Mobile Layout Update is Bad
The reply function is redundant, as most people are used to just holding down and tapping the reply option at the top. If they're going to change it, they shouldn't have gotten rid of the member list for this functionally bad option. It also doesnt line up with any other platform in terms of swipe direction.
The member list is gone from easy viewing
It doesnt auto open your last group chat/DM making multiple simultaneous conversations far more difficult and longer
It's already broken my app once (Locked all channels including other servers' to one channel. I could not access anything except that and my DMs.)
You can not see images that have been pinned in the pins tab.
The search function was fine before. Where did your before, during and after date search go??
All of Discord's individuality is disappearing.
Getting used to a mobile format actually impedes usage of the desktop format and likely discourages people from multiplatforming discord because theyre so used to the "intuitiveness" of the new "tailored for mobile" experience
There is no way to CHANGE IT BACK. This is like Tumblr rolling out Tumblr Live without any Disable button At All.
Why are they marketing midnight mode as Something fucking ENTIRELY new??? It has always been a feature on Android as the AMOLED theme???????
Disable swipe-to-reply by activating full-screen Launchpad in Advanced Settings
Discord’s new layout is apparently permanent. Keep sending feedback and rating it one star on all appstores; if you get redirected to the advice article, double tap gove feedback.
If you, too, dislike the theme, head to settings (you can double tap your account picture) and go to Appearance, scroll to New Layout and Send Feedback.
Overall, what they've done is disorientate every single current user on discord, and you cannot avoid it unless you've not updated to the latest discord because this is not an update. It is a feature that has already been on the latest update and is being slowly rolled out, like Tumblr Polls.
Good Luck, and may we send as much feedback as possible and have them make it optional or at the least, revert it. I've already sent in at least seven complaints to discord, commented on their instagram post about the layout and I'm about one star review it on google play and app store.
This isnt just the appearance and vibes being off like the new (ish) app icon, this is a matter of functionality.
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partycatty · 4 months
I have this idea:
Johnny Cage x tomboy (can be gender neutral reader), I see the reader as a introvert, gamer, a bit of a nerd that prefers to wear comfy pants than elegant, tight dresses/skirts. Johnny likes to talk to them cause they can play games together (I believe that johnny being a bit of a gamer is a fact stated in mk1, when we have a Cage's Mansion tutorial?) and so he decided to invite reader to a red carpet event created because of the launch of his new movie. It's first time in their life to attend such thing and they really don't know what to do... (the rest is up to you, they can either fuck before the event while reader is trying to pick a good outfit or just go there and have fun or whatever<3)
johnny cage > zip me up
johnny's not used to seeing his best friend in anything but a hoodie and sweats. what happens when they have to dress outside of their comfort zone?
warnings: nsfw... :3, exhibitionism?, hardcore praising LOL, awkward reader (no rizz ...), reader is written as curvy? LONG POST LOL
notes: i physically cant write dom johnny without it sounding super ooc LOL ALSO!! im so sorry if the formatting is iffy, ive been forced to use desktop and the formatting is completely different than my usual mobile writing
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honestly, it's hard to gauge what games he'd actually play, so a part of me believes he mainly plays... mortal kombat. and yes, since he is canonically responsible for the franchise existing, he would main himself. or maybe he'd play fortnite, lord knows he'd have his own skin.
"come on, man! you can't keep picking general shao! you can just say you hate me," johnny groans, staring at the character select screen. his favorite thing was to drop tidbits about the characters and compare them to the real life counterparts. "i'm still mentally recovering from witnessing his ugly mug."
you chuckle and lean back in your chair, pulling your headset mic closer to your lips. "would you rather i picked one of your buddies? kenshi, or as you called him, sexy face two?"
"and now you're asking me to beat up my best friend," johnny sighs dramatically. you giggle, and it makes his heart flutter and cheeks redden. thankfully, today was a day your webcams were turned off so you were none the wiser. you make a comment that he's the one that wanted to play a game that features his real friends and actual enemies which earns yet another groan from him.
"if you're gonna be annoying, we could switch to something else?" you offer teasingly. "not my fault you choose to stare at yourself every game instead of learning combos."
"oh hush, you love me," johnny replies, earning a little peep from you out of surprise. he loved to push your buttons and flirt with you. it was in his personality, sure, but because of it you did have a massive crush on him. it was innocent and purehearted, but you just couldn't see yourself risking your great friendship over some silly feelings. "you love it when i'm difficult, don't lie to yourself."
"...shut up," you pathetically try to retort, sinking into your seat and fighting the flush on your face. "are we gonna run another round or what?"
"actually, i had something to ask of you," johnny says, tone suddenly serious and almost unreadable. you feel a pit in your stomach at his tone, wondering if maybe you're in trouble. your mind spirals as you nervously fidget in anticipation. "well, two things actually. could you turn your camera on so i can properly ask you?"
you shakily turn your camera on in discord, anxiously glancing between your monitors and camera lens. johnny smiles to himself, leaning forward get a closer look at you as if you were sitting across the table from him.
"good girl, there we go," he says encouragingly, making your thighs clench as you use your sleeves to hide your face. "no, come on, don't hide. here, let me-" he clicks on his own camera button and his webcam blinks to life. he smiles directly into the camera, and for a moment you're winded at the reminder that you're best friends with a celebrity. "-there. now it doesn't feel like i'm talking to my computer."
"well, you are-" you speak up, ready to go on one of your famous tech tangents. johnny holds up a single finger, shushing you instantly. as much as he'd love to hear your voice for hours on end, he wanted to squeeze out what he was going to say first.
"-hold your tongue, my dearest nerd," johnny quips with a wink. "my favor first." you tense up before he speaks up again. "i've got a movie coming out. finally, right? point is, cris is an absolute no-go, and my assistant couldn't find a damsel to hang off my arm in time for the red carpet. so, next best thing, i was wondering if... you'd be my plus one."
"i-i don't dress up, johnny," you protest, looking away. "all those cameras, all the shouting... not for me."
"it's not all bad," he insists with a smirk. "you'll have me. all you have to do is stay close to me and smile."
you stammer, trying to spill out more excuses for him to give in and stop asking.
"i don't have a dress-"
"i'll buy you twenty."
"nobody knows who i am-"
"eyes'll be on me."
"what if someone laughs at me?"
"doll, have you seen some of these hollywood clowns? you'll look just fine."
you tug at your hair, exasperated. he came prepared with every response, had every reason to bring you to the carpet. you wanted to say no, but truth be told, you missed johnny dearly. you don't get to see him in person often, given your medium distance and his constant work. a meek "fine" escapes your lips and johnny cheers to himself, his excitement painted all over his face. it made you warm how well he was at showing his appreciation at times.
"i knew i could count on you, sweetheart. this means the world to me. i'm getting you tomorrow at three, okay? we're gonna get you a nice dress, i'll get a matching suit tailored... oh, it'll be like prom all over again!" he's gesturing wildly as he hypes himself up over the plan.
"i never went to prom, johnny," you chuckle to yourself, eyes on your keyboard. "i wouldn't know the experience."
"well that's ridiculous," johnny looks surprised at this fact, for a reason you can't pinpoint. "i would have asked you if we knew each other then."
"i'm sure," you agree shyly, turning away to try and hide your blush. "i'll see you tomorrow, johnny."
"see you tomorrow, doll," he smiles at the camera again, and you catch a glimpse of it as you weakly return the expression. then, johnny leaves the call, leaving you huffing and blushing. he just asked you to be his plus one on the red carpet, for his movie, for his fans... all eyes will be on you. the thought terrifies you, but maybe you could push through for your friend. you were a software developer, mostly confined to your dimly lit bedroom. this was a whole new realm!
you roll around on your bed and kick your feet, wondering why you're always so awkward around him. if you fumble at all in public, your world might just fall apart. sleep doesn't come easy for you, but it eventually overpowers your anxiety.
sunlight creeps through your windows. despite your usual tendency to sleep in, your nerves shot you awake slightly earlier than that, and you tried your best to negate your shakiness through games and squeezing in any work projects you could make up - before a firm knock was at your apartment door.
you fly to the door and swing it open, excited to see the only man that gets your heart pumping. he's matching your energy with a cheesy grin, immediately charging at you to embrace you in a bear hug. his cologne makes you tingle as you breathe in his shirt fabric. when he pulls back, he chuckles to admire your attire. you're wearing your usual sweatpants, hoodie, and slippers.
"you clean up nice," he compliments you sarcastically. "it's nice to finally see you, honey." you shrug with a shy smile at his endless pet names. "let's get you into something more flattering, yeah?"
he encourages you to his car, it's one of his nice sports cars with his name printed across the seats. you always felt out of place in his luxurious lifestyle. however, even through the two hour car ride back to malibu, you found yourself familiar and comfortable alongside johnny.
"you didn't have to drive four hours just to see me," you insist quietly, voice muffled against the window as you admire the waters. "it's a lot of trouble for one night."
johnny seems to genuinely seem taken aback by your deprecating comment. he leans over and slides one hand on your knee, patting it gently.
"you know i'd do anything for you," he speaks in that dangerously low tone, stealing quick glances as he desperately tries to focus on the road. "i want you with me."
even after his comforting pat, his hand lingers for a moment, sliding up your thigh with feather touches. you cover your lips with your finger to muffle any whimpers that threatened to escape. you always hated how touchy he was, and by hated, you mean it turned you on embarrassingly easily. as the road straightens out, you realize he's staring directly at you with suspiciously blown out pupils, but snaps back into reality as quickly as you noticed. he clears his throat and removes his hand, settling them both back on the steering wheel.
perhaps he just missed me and wants to be closer, you thought. he's always clingy, he probably just... you're having a hard time justifying his needy glances. they looked off. it's been a stupidly long time since someone eyed you down like that.
after what felt like a thousand years, the city comes into view and johnny parks at a luxury outfit boutique. it's small, but the window mannequins alone make you swallow nervously.
it takes quite some time to decide on a dress, because you internally decide that every possible option is unflattering. each time johnny pulls a dress from the selection, you cringe and shake your head. the sleeves were either too long or too short, the skirt was too flowy or too loose, or the color wasn't quite right.
"how about i pick one for you?" johnny offers, a little exhausted at how difficult you were being. "you just go sit in the dressing room, i'll slide you a couple dresses and don't think too hard about this. you'll look great in anything, my dear."
you agreed with his idea. maybe it'd be best for the celebrity that's known to dress nice to put you in something that'll definitely turn heads and keep you confident. it was unfamiliar territory for you, after all, since the last flattering thing you wore was a one-piece swimsuit on a beach trip with your family.
after some time of fidgeting in the dressing room, johnny slides the curtain aside and greets you with a smile, his veiny arm holding about a dozen dresses. he's got his iconic shit-eating grin as it seems he has something devious in mind for you.
"don't look so afraid," johnny shrugs, nudging you playfully. "i'll treat you right, pinky promise." he holds up the first dress, a flowy one with off-the-shoulder sheer sleeves. it looks like something out of a fairytale, and you're reluctant to deny his suggestion when he's cheesing so damn hard. you smile back and shove him back behind the curtain, giving yourself space to change.
you slide into the dress, catching it on your hips momentarily but pulling it past without tearing it thankfully. when you pull it up to your chest, it takes quite a bit of tugging, seeing as the fabric isn't as stretchy compared to what you're used to. when you fall silent as you try to pull the dress up, johnny assumes you're ready and slides the curtain aside, stepping in eagerly.
"how's it-" he cuts himself off when he gets a good look at you. you're flushed from trying to squeeze into the fabric, and your breasts (that he didn't even know you had) were spilling out of the front. his lips get sucked inward as you witness the gears come to a screeching halt in his head. his eyes may have been hidden from his sunglasses, but you know for a fact he's checking you out. "i like that one." his voice is too monotonous for him to truly be emotionless. it's like it's taking every ounce of his being to be normal.
"i don't," you mumble, continuing your fruitless attempts much to johnny's delight as your boobs ripple with each pull. "i can't get the stupid zipper up in the back, either."
eager hands shoot out to you as johnny takes quick strides to stand behind you. your front is facing the mirror, your hands resting atop your breasts and eyes focused on the man behind you. when his head tilts town to get a good look at the zipper, you notice his eyes are far darker than the typical warm brown.
his hands fumble tremendously as he tries to keep his shit together. he uses one hand to keep the parts together and the other to get the zipper sliding.
the sudden jerk catches you off guard and you're far from balanced. thankfully, your palms press against the mirror to keep yourself upright, and johnny lurches forward as his grip is pulled with you. his hands fly to your waist to ensure he doesn't topple you over.
you would have gotten up like nothing happened, and maybe apologized, but during the scuffle you felt something hard and warm through your skirt. johnny's nose is tucked in the nape of your neck when you fully realize your predicament.
as you sputter out his name to call him out, you feel his lips smile against your back. his hands loosen momentarily, but don't pull away.
"uh, sorry, doll," he mumbles into your skin, not sounding all too apologetic. "pretty girls in dresses just... gets me goin'."
"i'm not pretty," you mutter, averting your gaze. johnny lifts his head and looks at your reflection incredulously.
"you're joking, right?" johnny replies, brows furrowed. "babe, look at yourself." he grabs your jaw from behind and angles your vision on your body. "i didn't know you were carrying all this. i almost want t'take you out and get you a whole new wardrobe just to get you out of those garbage bags you're always in. pardon my french doll, but you're fuckin' hot." as he speaks, his hand snakes down your throat, your shoulder, and then settling firmly on your hip, not even hiding the brief sweep he made against the flesh of your chest.
you're left staring in awe. he was always charming around you, but never outright flirting. you glance toward the curtain; what if someone heard all this? you swallow thickly, moving back to look at johnny apprehensively. he's biting his lower lip, suddenly thrusting more against your body, letting a shaky breath as his face is now buried in the crook of your neck as he tries to hold it together.
"you got me all riled up seeing you in that, you know," he warns you in a husky voice that dampens your panties. "so you can't say you aren't pretty. feel what you did to me." the air feels intensely different than it was when you guys were just friends. he's confessing something he'd implied to feel for quite some time, but you never envisioned the day it'd come to fruition. you can't really say you were complaining when he pulls your hips toward him, letting him use your ass to grind down on ever so slightly. your stillness throws him off for a moment, and he looks up at you through the mirror with concerned eyes. "you don't seem into this. i can stop."
"n-no!" you yelp out, sounding a little more desperate that you'd like to admit. "this is okay."
"just okay?"
"well, no, but - i'm sorry, i don't know what to say."
"do you want me to stop?"
"good girl."
he presses a little harder against you, keeping you upright and stopping your knees from buckling with his rough hands. abruptly filled with a primal hunger, johnny tugs the long flowing skirt up in bunches, gripping it tightly to get a glorious view of your ass. this interaction was not prepared for, so you couldn't help but feel flustered when your boyshort panties are fully on display. johnny just chuckles to himself as he grabs a shameless handful of one of your asscheeks anyway, squeezing hard enough to leave red prints behind. you bite down on your lips to stop any noise from coming out, but a moan of surprise slips through.
johnny wraps one arm around your midsection for stability, and the other flies up to your lips to hold his palm over your mouth.
"if you want this, you're gonna stay quiet, is that clear?" he growls into your ear, head tilted toward you but eyes fixated on your reflection's eyes. all you can do is nod. "i'll show you how fuckin' pretty you are."
he slides your panties down with ease, expelling a shaky groan when he watches a trail of your wetness follow the fabric. his cock is swiftly freed from his dress pants and he slides his throbbing tip against your folds, creating a sopping sound to the trained ear. if the store was quiet enough, the entire building would know how soaked you were for your best friend. all you can do is whimper and gasp as your noises are muffled by his hand. johnny leans forward and gently shushes you, lips brushing against your ear.
"you can do it, princess," he assures you in that husky voice before holding intense eye contact in the mirror. "you look so good like this, don't you think?"
your pupils were blown out and your cheeks were stained a deep red as you're bent over for the actor. you didn't feel pretty, still. you felt... needy.
you pressed back against his cock, and it slips between your folds before catching on your aching hole, making you twitch. the sloppy friction makes johnny moan against your skin as he hungrily matches your movements. he slides his hand down and toys with your clit, wetting the area with your own juices which seems to be plentiful. he sticks two fingers inside, not bothering to ease you into the process at all. he needs you now, and if "now" is in a clothing store, then so be it. your pussy burns from the sudden stretching, but you take it because it makes him happy to see how eager you are for him.
"i should've put you in a dress sooner," he mutters, hazy eyes staring right through you as he relishes in the way your walls embrace his fingers. "you look beautiful, my dear. angelic. i wanna ruin you so bad, baby, but i can't. not here." his words already bring you closer, but as you feel the tension building inside he leaves you empty and sopping... but not for long.
his tip slides in with ease, and he has to bite down on your bare shoulder to stop himself from losing it entirely. it's the first time in a long time a pussy has been too good for him. he's stuck his dick anywhere and everywhere, but you take the cake. his bite deepens when he slowly but surely bottoms out, his own knees buckling at your gorgeous insides.
"mmf, so fucking good," he groans into your flesh, eyes clenching shut. "my pretty girl. all mine, yeah?" you nod lazily, too entranced in the fact that his cock is buried inside of you. you'd had sex before, but it had been quite some time. years. and his dick just felt impossibly big.
"i could stay like this forever," he mumbles, almost forgetting to thrust. you remind him quickly when you shake your ass needily. "ah, but i shouldn't. you deserve to feel good."
he pulls out slowly, admiring the thin coat of juice painting his shaft before thrusting back in. he's careful to move just enough to hit deep, but not enough to make the slapping sound too obvious.
"there you go," johnny encourages you as he starts to slowly pump into you. "you take me so well, so pretty with my dick buried in you."
you almost wanted to pinch yourself to see if you were dreaming. just yesterday, he was your duo in your favorite game. and now, he was fucking into you in public. the thought makes you dizzy and you have a hard time keeping your head upright, that is, until johnny pulls your face up to the mirror again, still muffling you with his palm. you want to say you're the one enjoying it most, but that might be johnny. his once cocky demeanor is now down the drain as he fights for his life to not cum with every second of friction. you were just so good, he's already pussydrunk. he seems to be living in his own heaven when he lazily peppers kisses and licks all around your back, neck, and shoulders, breathy whimpers and moans warming your skin up nicely.
his thrusts grow increasingly sloppy as he completely loses himself against you. his eyes are swapping between you and him in the mirror as he admires your wetness dripping down your thighs and splattering against his own front. he would be mad you were ruining his nice clothes, but he's just going to buy another suit with you anyway.
"you wanna cum on me, doll?" he huffs into your ear, letting go of his fear of the slapping noise and now progressively slamming into you harder and harder. "let me feel it, baby, i'm real close."
johnny's arms readjust, one snaking under your armpit and over your shoulder, and the other rhythmically swirling circles against your clit. what once was hungry groans is now turning into needy whimpers from the both of you as you cum simultaneously. your lower half feels warm as he cums deep inside of you, watching it drip and splatter out with every finishing thrust. your vision becomes tunneled as you see stars, head thrown back as each throb from the orgasm makes you forget you're in public entirely.
he holds you both there for a moment, breathing in your damp skin. you both feel dazed, but incredibly satisfied. johnny kisses your cheek from behind, dancing his way to the corner of your mouth and then captures your lips in a messy, brief kiss.
"you know i didn't need a dress to want you that bad, right?" johnny asks against your lips, his fingers brushing against your bare thighs. "i really do think you're beautiful. always have."
you nod, taking in a quick inhale of breath to gather yourself. "i wasn't sure before."
"well, i hope you are now," johnny chuckles, and kisses you again. "at least, i hope so - hey, hey -" the embrace stops as he steps back and notices his semen dripping down your leg. "don't get that on the carpet. and definitely don't get that on the dress. we're buying that one for the red carpet-" he checks his watch. "-that we're late to. shit."
he doesn't really regret it.
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encyclopediacr · 1 month
Wiki Survey results!
Thank you to everyone who responded to our wiki survey! The following shows the results of the ranking-based questions and multiple response questions. We'll post responses to the open-response feedback tomorrow.
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Q: How often do you visit Encyclopedia Exandria?
Daily (6.9%) Multiple times a week (29.9%) Once a week (11.5%) Around 1-3 times a month (44.8%) Less than once a month (4.6%) Never (2.3%)
Q: Do you find the wiki easy to navigate? Yes (94.1%) No (5.9%)
Q: How often do you follow links from one article to another? Often (62.4%) Sometimes (16.5%) Occasionally (21.2%)
Q: Do you primarily access the wiki on mobile or on desktop? Both equally (29.8%) Mobile (17.9%) Desktop (52.4%)
Q: Have you edited the wiki in the past year? Yes (14.1%) No (85.9%)
Q: How frequently do you edit the wiki? (note: question only appeared to those who have edited in the past year) Daily or almost every day (16.7%) Often (More than a few times per month but not daily)(8.3%) Sometimes (A few times a month) (0.0%) Rarely (Less than once per month while a campaign is airing) (58.3%)
Q: How easy do you find it to edit the wiki? (note: question only appeared to those who have edited in the past year) Very easy (25.0%) Easy (50.0%) Neither easy nor hard (16.7%) Somewhat difficult (8.3%)
Q: Have you found the wiki has sufficient instructions for new editors on formatting articles, citing information, etc? Yes (58.3%) Not sure (41.7%)
Q: If you have not edited the wiki or used to edit but have not done so recently, what is the reason? I'm not interested/no longer interested (23.3%) I don't have the time right now (26.0%) I don't know how to (34.2%) Other (16.5%)
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mikunology · 4 months
New Mikunology Files #1: CV Powers
omg here we go again
I've been on break a little while but I've been thinking hard recently and I want to share, so! I got an ask long ago about how Miku and friends' superpowers worked in my AU, and I answered it with what I had at the time, but after a lot of thought I straightened something more out I'm pretty satisfied with. I could add on potentially, though, because this AU is an eternal WIP. But y'know.
I'm pretty much gonna copy my notes. (Also sorry if this is formatted oddly, I'm on mobile right now.) Read below the cut! 👇
So, let's recap with the basics.
The Crypton CV androids are outfitted with special cores that function as their "hearts" - they're located in their chests. These cores are made of a special material that not only allows the CVs to learn and experience humanlike emotions, but also have the ability to change "feelings" into "energy": this is what gives them their superpowers. (They found this out by accident.) Meiko has dubbed this energy "Voltage".
The thing about Voltage, though, is that it's kind of unstable, and really powerful. Because of that, it's best for it to be used sparingly; the CVs can probably use it once or twice per fight (Module transformations excluded). Overuse of Voltage can cause the CVs to short/overload or become exhausted (which isn't great when you're trying to finish off a fight).
Voltage can get stronger with strong emotions, so the group can occasionally spark their powers by accident if they get particularly emotional. Conversely, being too stoic or repressing emotions too much can reduce Voltage power. (Hence, it takes Luka much longer to truly break her powers in.)
Voltage also gives the group the ability to use Modules, chunks of pure Voltage energy that can give them a major power boost and change their appearances, as well as grant them new powers. (For example, Miku acquiring the Raspberryism Module gives her a mega punch ability and a new appearance resembling the character Raspberry Monster.)
Each of the CVs possess a unique way to channel their Voltage (special ability):
Miku's is Voltage Resonance. It gives Miku the ability to "resonate" with someone else's feelings and thoughts. This way, she can use this temporary empathic link to induce feelings, and given it's Miku, it's usually through song (for example, if she encounters a Module monster who's fueled by sadness, she can use Voltage Resonance to see what they're feeling and counter by giving them a song of hope or happiness). She can't outright control emotions like this, mind you, they're more like a powerful emotional suggestion. The flip side to this is that it can be ignored if a character is staunch about it (and technically regardless it wears off eventually, it just gives Miku enough time to give the person a "head start", if that makes sense?) and it can also mess Miku's own feelings up a bit if she's neglects to keep herself focused. It's also best used when the target is already vulnerable.
Rin and Len's is Voltage Link. Kind of similar to Miku's, but unique in that it mainly works with each other: it gives the twins a power boost and allows them to telepathically link themselves, making them temporarily "of one mind and body". It works best with each other since they're twins/mirrors, but they can use it with others... it's just way more difficult to keep it stable unless they understand the other person really well. Which is rare.
Luka's ability is Voltage Lariat. Also kinda unique in that can be both offensive and defensive, depending on what Luka's aiming for - Luka creates a field of Voltage that can either be a sort of healing spot (giving energy to everything in it) or a blast zone (taking energy from anything in it and giving it to Luka). Luka can probably do one of these each per fight, but she's gotta choose carefully when to use it. The fields also don't last long. (Why's this sound so video gamey? But this is the best I could come up with that I think works for her.)
Lastly, all CVs get one extra ability that is usually their "finisher" when all together: Voltage Wave. Not much to this one, just all the CVs using their Voltage to create a super rainbow energy beam!! Usually does the trick. (Fun fact: I like to think that it was rare for Miku and the twins to be able to pull off this move given they were inexperienced and it took a lot of power to pull off; with Luka's inclusion, it's way easier!)
Lastly, the CVs do have a few regular old stock superpowers: super strength (Rin's specialty), flight (Miku's specialty; also Luka is the only one in the group who doesn't fly too much when not necessary), super speed (to a degree at least), super reflexes, super hearing (they're musicians, after all!), super durability, the ability to download themselves into technology (robot perk) and the ability to manipulate hologram/hard light technology.
And that's pretty much it! I hope all of that makes some amount of sense. I'm sorry if I missed some stuff, I'll try to fill it in eventually.
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windchimesgames · 5 months
End of Year Recap + Plans for 2024
Hey everyone!
Belated Happy New Year to everyone! I know this is a very late end of year recap 😂Unfortunately, the past week ended up much busier for me than expected, so I could only get around to doing this now that things have calmed down a little.
This is a crosspost of a public post I made on Patreon a few days ago, so if you prefer the formatting there, you can read the post at this link:
PS: I do free monthly devlogs / posts there on Patreon, so consider joining the free tier of the Patreon even if you aren't interested in the paid tiers!
For those who'd rather read the post here, I'll leave the extraordinarily long ramble in a Read More cut below!
Let's start with a quick recap of the highlights / achievements accomplished in 2023!
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Okay, this one may be slightly cheating. While Emberfate only launched on Steam in Jan 2023 so the 92 positive reviews came in in the year of 2023, it was up on Itch.io since mid 2022, so not all 383 Itch.io ratings came in in 2023.
Still, I'm pretty proud of these stats! Perhaps the numbers are nothing compared to some other amazing games' out there, but it's still something I'm proud of. It makes me happy that my silly experimental nostalgic little game struck a chord in so many players — much more than I expected given how niche the topic was!
Now, unfortunately, I could not get Emberfate's DLC for Potato's route out by end of 2023 like I had hoped. Porting the game to mobile also ended up much more difficult than I expected because of just how much of the UI I'm going to have to redesign — and hence, programming to be redone — if I wanted to make the game fit a small mobile screen. So both plans are going to have to be postponed to 2024.
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The other notable highlight of 2023 is that both Lyrissa's and Kierdan's routes for Reanimation Scheme were released for beta access! That put the game at 3/5 routes complete, with a total of 431,786 words for the script.
I recruited a handful of beta testers to test the three completed routes a few months ago, and so far, the feedback has been positive overall. That's been a huge relief and lifted a massive weight off my chest — due to the controversial reception of the demo, I've been extremely anxious that the game would be hated by the players, and I've done so many rounds of editing and honestly perhaps somewhat unnecessary and obsessive rewriting of the script, but none of it felt good enough 😂 So hearing the positive comments has been a huge motivation / morale booster. Perhaps I should have done beta testing sooner… LOL
There are two more achievements unrelated to a specific game project that I'd like to mention:
2023 is the year that I became more interested in and better at Ren'Py programming! Most of it is thanks to my amazing programmer friend and Ren'Py wizard, Feniks (whom you may know as the programmer for Our Life series), who sparked my interest in programming and helped teach me a LOT. While I'm by no means a professional now at coding, I feel much more comfortable navigating around Ren'Py code and setting up what I need to in the backend of the games I'm developing, which opens up new doors for me for future projects in terms of what kind of features (big or small) that I may be able to include! Though the side effect of that is I looked back at the code I did for Reanimation Scheme from previous years and was immediately horrified by how ugly and inefficient it was. 😂I did redo the backend code of the Gallery and Achievements system a bit, but the rest will just have to stay for now.
I made quite a few new connections within the indie VN dev sphere in 2023! I made a shocking discovery that there's enough number of indie VN developers from Hong Kong to fill half a minibus, and I was lucky enough to connect with them and share our experiences and learn from each other! Due to new project commissions I took on for $$$ (real life financial needs suck), as well as a couple of small game jam projects I joined as programmer to buff up my programming portfolio, I also made some new VN dev friends unexpectedly. It's been really nice, because honestly, solo dev can be a really lonely and isolating endeavor sometimes. I'm super grateful for the new connections I found myself making in 2023!
Looking Ahead: 2024
Okay, that was a lot of rambling for the recap. More than I thought I would write. Now let's move forward to what the future will look like for this studio in 2024 and what goals I'm setting for myself this year!
Priority #1: Finishing Reanimation Scheme
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Of course it's Reanimation Scheme. As mentioned above, we're currently at 3 out of 5 routes completed (sans partial voice acting). So the biggest goal for 2024 will be to get the game done. and out. Finally.
I won't be giving a concrete release date until we're like, literally in beta phase for all 5 routes, just so I won't have to announce a delay and let people down. But given the current progress and pace of work, I'd say probably around mid-year — maybe Q3 latest.
I'll be keeping up with the episodic updates of Reanimation Scheme's beta build on Patreon (and Kickstarter) from this month onwards, beginning with Jori's route and then followed by Sebastien's.
The remaining Kickstarter rewards may take a little longer — but ideally, all of them (artbook / lorebook / short stories collections, etc.) will be done by end of the year as well.
Priority #2: Potato's Route DLC for Emberfate
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Potato, poor Potato. His DLC had to be put on the sidelines until Reanimation Scheme is done.
Half of the art has already been commissioned and completed by the amazing Remnantation — we're just missing his selfie CG & his MMO character sprite! So the next step would be the script and then the voice acting for the calls part. I won't be able to start on the script until mid-2024 earliest, but given the fact that his route won't be that long if it's parallel in length compared to the existing three routes, it probably won't take too long to do. Perhaps 2-3 months for the development process of the DLC?
I'll likely be releasing his DLC early on Patreon, potentially also episodically as it's completed, like I did with Emberfate. So if you're interested, keep an eye out for it when the time comes!
Something Secretly Brewing in the Shadows?
If you're pledged to this Patreon on $10 tier or above, you'll probably already know what I'm alluding to.
I won't be announcing or talking much about this for now, since I don't know when I'll be able to start working on this project properly (i.e. I need to meet my above two goals first). For all I know, it might end up being not a 2024 thing but a 2025 thing. So I'll only tease it slightly for now here.
Bonus Goal: Market, for the Love of God
If you follow Wind Chimes Games on either Twitter or Tumblr, you'll probably have noticed the sorry state of my social media. I… really do not like marketing or posting on social media. I never know what to post or say. I'm too unfunny and uncreative to meme or write humorous captions that get engagement. 😂It kind of feels like I'm shouting into the void, and nobody really cares about what I have to say on my projects when there's so many cooler and more interesting things out there. So I always try for a brief period of time, and then I give up 😭
This year though, I really really need to take marketing more seriously. With two releases planned for 2024, marketing is going to be important if I want the games to sell more than like 20 copies LOL
So I guess, uh, hold me to it and call me out if I don't start posting regularly after all 🥹
If you've made it this far on this post, thank you so much for listening to me ramble. 🥹 2024 is going to be a very busy year, but hopefully, a productive one that will end with me meeting all of the above listed goals.
Thank you so much for joining me on the wild and bumpy journey that was 2023, and I hope you'll stick around for the exciting things to come this year too! Here's to a great year ahead of all of us!
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pencil-peach · 8 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Prologue
I'm going to try my best to transcribe all of the (relatively important) text that appears on monitors and screens throughout the show, and talk about what they mean. Because they put WAY too much work into them just for them to be completely ignored. And also because I can.
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More Under the Cut awooo awooOOooooOOOooo
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Not very important, clarifying communication is active between THRALL (Control) and LP-03 (Lfrith Prototype 03)
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Device and Program Supporting Selection for Control Test
Just a Pre-Test status screen to make clear it's ready for the Permet Link Test
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Here we see the error message that's displayed when the Layer 33 Callback Test fails.
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Here we see the news station (INN) reporting on the ongoing investigation by the Mobile Suit Investigation Committee into Ochs Earth and the Gund Format.
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This is a graph showing the various health risks humans suffer from prolonged exposure to cosmic rays in space, which is one of the issues the GUND Format was originally created to solve.
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WARNING: DATA STORM could damage GUND linker.
This graph is displayed when the reporter is speaking about the appearance of physical damage to GUND pilots emerging as a problem. It's difficult to tell exactly what this graph means, but I'll give my best deduction:
The graph is measuring the amount of interaction a pilot is currently having with a data storm, measured in seconds. The higher the Interaction Score, the greater a pilots exposure to the data storm. Thresholds of exposure are called "Stages" (as seen in the second image.) Based on the coloring, the higher the current stage of exposure, the more danger a pilot is in.
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[Earthian Issue] Yes Poverty Reduction 95% Fair Trade 89% Educational Gap 89% Taxes 85% Employment 83% (Right)
[Spacian Issue] Yes Defense/Security 98% Free Competition 92% Infrastructure 90% Energy 87% Welfare 86%
I actually really really like this graph because of the stark difference between Earthian and Spacian issues. The issue of Gundams and defense doesn't even break the top 5 of what Earthians NEED policy makers to discuss. It's even more depressing when you realize the prologue is set 21 years before the main story, and not only have these problems not been addressed, they've actually gotten worse for the Earthians.
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It's Eri's BIrthday :3
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There's zero way to deduce what the text on the whiteboard or the laptop in this picture could mean, but I really love this picture of Cardo and Elnora, so you should just look at it anyway.
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What this means is hard to pinpoint exactly, but presumably this person is working for Delling, and has uploaded a file into the main server of Folkvangr that will disconnect it from the network, so that there will be no way for anyone in the institute to call for help once the massacre begins.
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Just the screen that appears when Eri is linked to Lfrith. Presumably this screen appears for anyone who links to it.
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The Disconnect Timer we saw installed onto the Folkvangr server has just gone off.
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The scene where Elnora sees that Ericht has not only gotten a callback from Layer 33, but has gone even further.
What I really like about this scene (and maybe I'm reading too much into it,) but look at the way the text is formatted on the screen. It's distinctly different than how it was when Elnora was trying to get a callback from Layer 33, specifically because, for some reason, it's displaying Eri's name. It didn't display Elnora's name earlier in the episode, and so the only way that makes sense is if, when Eri was talking to Lfrith and introduced herself by name,
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It was listening.
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(You can even see this during this shot. The display on screen is reacting to her voice)
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Bonus: We can't see what the display on Nadim's Lfrith is saying when he goes permet score four cause he's currently having his brains melted out of his skull, but I'm gonna assume it says something along the lines of "You are currently having your brains melted out of your skull."
That's all for the prologue ! This will probably take me a long time to finish. But eh, I'll have fun with it.
Click here to move on to Episode 1! >>
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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4dbarbie-archive · 10 months
I Am That - Mobile friendly version
I've been trying to squeeze in reading time when I'm out and it's really annoying and difficult to read the pdf book on mobile. I'm so excited that I found one that's mobile friendly and it's on a website!! Sadly there doesn't look to be an equivalent for Keys to the Ultimate Freedom..
If you're using Chrome, reading it in simplified view is best. I don't need to do that with Brave though as the format is perfect there already.
(For those that aren't aware, you can get the pdf versions of the mentioned books from Ada's Google Drive (see my pinned post) which is great for highlighting and making your own notes)
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The Tutor Part 2 (Snzfic, Original Characters)
Part 1
It has been entirely too long since I promised to write a second part of this story, but that's often how it goes for me when I'm writing snzfics unfortunately.
Anyway, you can follow the link above to read the first part of this tale, but as a general reminder this takes place in the 1770s and features two of my OCs- Kit (Christopher) Annesley and Eleanor Seton. Kit is a tutor for Eleanor's younger cousins, and she lives with a wealthier branch of her family after her parents passed away.
And as an additional addition, my laptop has broken and I haven't gotten it fixed yet, so I'm posting this from my phone. Please let me know if there's any formatting weirdness, I know Tumblr mobile can be difficult.
I think that's all... enjoy!
If he had thought he could make it through the day with only minimal discomfort, Kit was proven decisively wrong by midday. As his pupils sat down to eat their meals, he ducked out into the hall where he could tend to his nose in relative privacy.
Sitting on a window seat with a heavy sigh, Kit took a handkerchief from his pocket (Eleanor's, he was reminded yet again by the embroidered border) and pressed it to his already much-abused nostrils. Over the course of the morning his efforts to hold back his need to sneeze had caused the congestion in his head to build until he had a pounding headache and wished for nothing more than to be able to curl up in bed and sleep off what was proving to be a monstrous head cold.
Giving his nose a quick blow did little to make him feel better, although it did rekindle a tickle which had him sneezing into his elbow rather forcefully. Thank goodness he was alone- he wouldn't want to disturb anyone with his sneezes, and he could feel more brewing behind his eyes.
"Mr. Annesley?"
Kit's head shot up at the sound of Eleanor's voice, his cheeks rapidly darkening as he saw she was standing in front of him. He'd been so preoccupied that he hadn't noticed her draw near, and now he was at a loss for what to do or say.
"Miss Seton!" he managed to squeak out. "I, um, that is..."
"I don't mean to offend, but you look awful," Eleanor interrupted. "Surely you don't still believe yourself to be fit to teach?"
Kit, more than a little taken aback at the forcefulness of her statement, briefly contemplated lying and claiming he was alright. However, the pulsing ache in his head and sinuses reminded him that not only was he decidedly not alright, there was also very little chance he could convince Eleanor that he was.
"I admit, I have been contemplating setting the boys to study on their own for the afternoon," he conceded. "My cold does seem to have worsened slightly."
"More than slightly, I would say, but it hardly matters now. Please, tell me if there is anything I might do to assist you."
Kit's cheeks now felt as though they were on fire, and as he doubted he had developed a fever in the last two minutes it was no doubt due to embarrassment. He hoped Eleanor hadn't noticed, though it was difficult to tell from the sympathetic look she was giving him. It could've meant anything.
"I would not wish to trouble you, as I am quite sure you have more important things to attend to. However..."
Eleanor raised one eyebrow as Kit's voice trailed off. "Yes?"
"E-excuse... m-ihh..." he held up one finger as his nostrils flared, the need to sneeze halting any further attempts at speaking.
"Hih-ish'uh! Hihh... heh'zschew! Heh-esch'uh!Huh..." Kit took a deep breath, trying to steady his breathing as his nose threatened to send him into a dizzying fit of sneezes once again. God, but he wished he could climb into bed and never emerge again.
"God bless you, Mr. Annesley." Eleanor's voice was soft, her eyes holding an emotion Kit couldn't quite place. Not pity, not sympathy, and concern wasn't quite right either. Perhaps a mixture of all three? Or something else entirely?
The feeling of a soft, cool palm pressed against his forehead startled Kit out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see that Eleanor had pressed her hand to his forehead. Now at a complete loss for what to do, he sat very still, and when she removed her hand after another moment he immediately wished she hadn't.
"You don't feel feverish to me, thankfully."
"Indeed, I, ah, I thought as much."
"What is it you wished to ask of me before we were so rudely interrupted by your nose?" Eleanor asked, a touch of humor in her tone.
"Oh! Well... perhaps I might prevail upon you to check in on your young cousins this afternoon? They are quite capable of working on their own, but I fear they will see my absence as an invitation to be rowdy."
"Certainly, I would be glad too. I know only too well what they can be like." Eleanor grinned at him. Kit smiled back sheepishly.
"I thank you, Miss Seton, truly. I shall have to repay your many kindnesses as soon as I am able."
"As I fear I am growing tired of saying, it is no trouble at all, sir. Now-"
"Ehschiew!" Kit interrupted her as he bent into the handkerchief with a sudden sneeze, more forceful than any that had come before. He blinked, having startled himself.
Eleanor chuckled. "To bed with you, Mr. Annesley. I believe your nose agrees with me."
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dogreed-blog · 9 months
Legacy of Kain Fourge of Nosgoth. Canceled fun fiction.
Part One.
Warning. I created this post using a mobile phone and Google translator. In such conditions, there may be errors in the text that are difficult to avoid. I apologize in advance. Those people who mastered this text, you are real heroes :)
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Hello everyone, first of all I would like to dedicate this post to the topic of the story that I created during my work on the drawings.
Due to the fact that the project is not completed, I will describe something in the format of a story. I will explain the other part in general terms.
First of all, I want to say that this is not canon, but fan fiction and there are many reasons for that. First of all, I'm an old fan and I want to see how this series progresses. But there have been no games for twenty years. Secondly, I started with soul reaver 1 and also liked to look for materials related to the development of these games. In general, I wanted to see a mix of dark fantasy and techno thriller. But as time and recent experience have shown, a lot of fans want something completely different.
A lot of people see this series as a light fairy tale with religious overtones, and it seems to me that some of the developers do too. For these reasons, I don't see the point in doing what I planned, but I'm not going to be silent either.
Today I will tell you a story that I have collected from non-included materials and pieces of lore. I will also use my work as an example and materials from games, so that there are fewer questions and non-docks.
A little bit about game development.
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And so in order to understand why many games have so many secrets, sometimes you need to look for answers not in the game itself, but in the history of its creation.
I'll start with the fact that there is a gap of seven years between the first game released in 1996 and the last in 2003. In addition, these games were not only created by different studios, but during the period of their creation, the authors faced a lot of difficulties. Starting from tight deadlines, ending with problems with communication between studios. In addition, the genre of this series often underwent a kind of renaissance due to the fact that completely different people were engaged in it, who used the developments from their games.
Therefore, blood omen 1 is a typical European dark fantasy. At the same time, soul reaver 1 has a completely different style with the beginnings of techno fantasy. And in blood omen 2, we could see locations resembling quake 2.
Vampirism in Legacy of Kain.
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Before I begin, I want to touch on the concept of vampirism and its rules. This is more of a theory based on the world of the game, but I will explain the principle and use it. To create a vampire, you need to pull the soul out of the underworld. Blood is not necessary for the bodies, but for the nourishment of the soul of the being. Depending on who and how summoned the vampire, the creature's qualities and abilities will differ. Now about weaknesses. Most of all vampires are afraid of water, sunlight. The reason for this is that souls exist in an unnatural way. Thus they violate the laws of this world. The element of water represents the spirit world and the sun represents the physical world. In encounter the primary elements in a certain amount, the connections of the soul and body begin to collapse. The soul is pulled into the world of the dead, from which the vampire's body begins to burn, receiving magical damage. Depending on the strength of the soul, it is able to withstand these elements and adapt to them. Over time, the souls of vampires adapt to these conditions.
There are also ghosts of dead vampires in the spirit world. This is due to the fact that the bodies are still intact and the connection remains in force. This is how vampires strengthen their powers while in the world of the dead. To destroy this connection, you need to finally free the vampire's soul. Then the body will be completely destroyed in the physical world.
Now about my fan fiction, I will start chronologically with soul reaver 1 and finish with the first blood omen 1.
Soul reaver 1
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Early Kain's empire era.
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When Kain defeated the humans, he divided his empire into two parts. He fenced the northern part with a wall, and also put a shroud, to cover the sun. The southern part belonged to people. But they were given a ban on arming or forming their armies. The kingdoms were engaged in agroculture and paid tribute by people. Kain also founded a cult that idolizes itself among people. Members of this cult had more privileges among people.
Beyond the great wall in the north, the empire of Kain began. Six clans alternately kept watch and observed the order in the territories of people. Within the empire itself, six lieutenants kept order. Raziel was responsible for bureaucracy and public morality. Turel was responsible for the smoke shroud . Dumah led the eternal watch on the great wall. Rahab was in charge of food supplies. Zephon was the head of imperial intelligence. Melchiah was recruiting among the people who arrived.
Every hundred years, the brothers replaced each other in the watch for people and retired, thereby evolving. Over time, Kane imposed a ban on uncontrolled technological development in order to maintain social balance within his state.
With the passage of time, Kain increasingly distanced himself from the conduct of the affairs of his empire. He shifted this burden onto the shoulders of his children. Kain retreated deep into the northern mountains and after a huge number of years gathered a council. In order to voice the mistakes of the brothers on it and give them new instructions going forward for centuries. Raziel, the first of his children, led the affairs of his empire for many years. The power of Raziel was not limited only by its clan. Due to his successful policy with people, he had both many friends and enemies. Due to this, he had a huge favor with Kain. Which allowed him to evolve faster than his brothers. Kain gave Raziel the opportunity to sleep not a hundred but two hundred years. In the end, it played a cruel joke on him.
When Raziel woke up with a new gift and appeared at the council for the last time, it seemed to him that his crime was prematurely evolution. The crime was that he spoiled the will of the owner and took advantage of the privileges that he gave him. Thus, he tried to go against the higher authority, even if not intentionally. But he did not yet know that his accusations were based on completely different reasons.
Soul reaver 1 era.
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After waking up in the Abyss, Raziel, as in the Original, will enter into a dialogue with the elder god. However, unlike the original, he will show him visions of what became of Nosgoth because of the empire of Kain. He will put pressure on Raziel's conscience and his desire to restore order so that he cleansed Nosgot of vampires, acting in accordance with his own beliefs. Then Raziel will go to his home. But unlike the original, its territory has become an eternal battlefield between several clans that have not been able to achieve full control over this place. Raziel will also come across groups of people and vampires unknown to him. From the general rumors it will become clear that Raziel was executed on charges of treason. Which puzzled him a little. In order to learn more and also understand what happened to his descendants, he will go to the lands of people. The passage to which was also on his territory. Wandering through the devastated terrain of people, it will become clear to the hero that with the collapse of the empire, people also went to war against each other.
Trying to understand what happened, Raziel will try to help a group of ordinary people by protecting them from bandits. In gratitude, they will tell him that there are only three kingdoms of people left who are at war with each other. The last kingdom that was handed over to Kain fell not so long ago. At the same time, the shroud is spreading further away from the wall, due to which crops are dying and people are becoming fewer. The peasants also ask Raziel to protect them from the strange figures that come from the destroyed cemetery and kidnap people. Arriving at the cemetery, Raziel will find an underground tunnel that leads to the territory of Melchiah.
At the cemetery, Raziel meets several groups of cultists who are fighting among themselves. From their conversations, it becomes clear that these people work for different vampire clans. They also declare that the one faith in Kain is dead with him. The ruler of the empire has not appeared since the execution of his child. Raziel also learns from the surviving cultists that the struggle between the clans began two hundred years after his death.
The territory of Melchiah resembles a mixture of a marble crypt and a slaughterhouse, where the skin is re-rolled and grown in an unnatural way. The members of his clan are also divided into brainless grotesques. Vampires that were sewn together from different parts and almost lost their minds. Before shamans who have intelligence. Some of which transferred themselves into statues, creating an analogue of gargoyles. Here Raziel will free the vampire hunters from whom he learns that there are many orders that have dedicated themselves to fighting the empire of Kain. The hunters themselves will consider him an angel of retribution, not knowing his true name. Next, Raziel's goal will be to enter the inner level of the crypt and free ordinary people. Also in the crypt, he learns that the mass Genocide of men a thousand years ago put the clans on the verge of death. As a result, they destroyed one of their own. To preserve the population.
Descending into the darkest levels of the crypt, Raziel notices that there are no laboratories or religious places of worship around, which were built in honor of the lieutenants. The crypt resembled a sealed black safe, which was unlocked by several people at once. But it looks like the safe was abandoned and I'm holding something back inside. Opening several levels of slabs the size of a room, Raziel stepped out into a red and black passage. Behind the campaign there was a huge hall full of stone presses and blades, in the center of which was a huge meat grinder for people. Raziel slowly made his way to the other end of this room.
Unlike the original, Melchiah will have to mock Raziel. He will tell him that with his promission, the members of the cult of Kain went against each other, back in the days when the empire flourished. He will accuse Raziel of blindness. While Raziel shone in the rays of glory, the Little brother had true power in Nosgth. All people went through him, and therefore he decided how and where the common food would go. He will also hint to Raziel that the betrayal of the brothers began long before his execution. And it was the Petty, confusing people's minds that started it. Ugly appearance doesn't bother Melchiah much, now that everything he wanted has already happened. The monstrous experiments that he put on himself and others made him invincible . Now he doesn't have to be afraid of anyone. Power and food themselves go into his hands, he does not need to do anything else. Melchiah can only eat and sleep while the world rots by itself. After defeating his brother, Raziel will receive not only a soul, but also part of the memories in which he will understand that his litle brother was not privy to much, but thought too much about himself.
From now on, I will only describe the details. With the help of vampire hunters, Raziel will find a secret passage to the caves that lead to the territory of Zephon. There he also meets vampires who are not like those belonging to the empire of Kain. From conversations, he learns that these are the descendants of Vorador, whom he hid in vaults. Now their time has come to find freedom and fight back against the decaying empire. With their common help, armies of people unite with hunters in caves. There they discuss a plan to besiege the underground city.
In addition, Raziel will also discover the symbols of his clan in the caves. However, the passageways will be swamped and there will be no opportunity to explore the location. Raziel will also notice that all the insignia on his territory have been destroyed. This suggests that his descendants may still be alive.
The history of the Silent Cathedral .
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Unlike the original, the silent cathedral was originally built as another smoke factory. Unlike the one in the north, this structure was supposed to produce a smoke shroud from underground water vapor. However, the structure was never completed to the end. Initially, this was the territory of the Turel. But thanks to the actions of Zephon and Melchiah , two hundred years later people got the opportunity to get into this location and capture it. They also started a false rumor that the cathedral is a sonic weapon that can destroy all vampires. After a while, people founded an underground city and brought the construction to an end. However, the goal of Zephon and Melchiah was to rebuild the factory under the management of groundwater by someone else's hands. After a while, people were able to flood the abbey, where one of the Turel's residences was located. However, this was all part of the vampires' plan. From Melchiah 's memories, Raziel knows that Rahab was also part of this plan. The three of them easily captured the underground city with their armies .
After the city was captured, Melchiah went to his lands and after that, did not visit this location. From the information that Raziel learned, the city turned into a market for the slave trade. Zephon secretly raised his cultists and supplied his younger brother with some people for experiments.
The siege of the underground city.
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Together with an Army of humans and vampire hunters, Raziel will need to infiltrate the city and help free the captive slaves. Most of which were located in the arena area. There was a selection between them to serve other clans. First he had to arrange a sabotage in several parts of the city. After the vampires are distracted, the humans will free the slaves and evacuate via an underground river on ships. Raziel will need to cover for them. Then Raziel will go to the upper part of the cathedral. After that, the Vorador vampires will flood the lower level, burying the entire underground city.
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On this note, i wil finish part one of this fun fiction.
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stuffedsand · 6 months
Wahey milgram oc time my silly guya
013 - Shiratori Masaki
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My boy
- 20
- prisoner number 013 (I slapped them into base milgram cuz I don't wanna make a whole new cast)
- to quote my own character notes: cringefail specimen of a man.
-- fun name thing! His first name means "true, hope" hehe
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"Under, oh so aware of all that you say
This makes me sick, so please, go away"
Votes (fabricated lmao)
Songs of Prisoners
+T1 – what…what are you talking about?
+T2 – no…you-you’re lying!
Voice trailer (t1)
Oh uh… Shiratori Masaki, that's my name. 20, uni student. Uhh what else … oh, sorry if I forget anything, i, ah, my memory has never been any good
If I'm being honest…I don't know what the hell you're talking about! No one around me has died recently. At least…not as far as I can recall…
*Takai? Takai! Wake up! This isn't funny..!*
Voice trailer (t2)
Hi, Es-kun, how have you been? Ah, Shiratori Masaki. You didn't forget our deal, right?
*Shut up! I don't want to listen to you and your stupid problems anymore!*
-- a timid yet stubborn man. It is very difficult to change his opinions on things. Polite, but very quick to turn defensive if blame is turned on him.
He can be a prick at times.
Extra notes
-- a man with really bad memory loss. During T1 interro, he makes a deal that he'll take MILGRAM seriously if Es can tell him who his victim is. And he has to believe it
-- not mentioned but his memory loss is a trauma response. Dead bodies are traumatic I don't think that's a contraversial take
-- the indirect murderer of the pair
Full body:
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Please note -- his ugly fucking shoes were not an accident he has a horrible fashion sense
014 - Akabane Kazuko
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The She
-prisoner number 014
-based off one of my multifandom ocs (and my favourite of the 2)
--fun name thing! Her name means "gentle/kind/harmonious child". 子 is also(apparantly) male specific. I have fun reasons for that
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(pardon the artstyle change this was done on my tablet instead of my computer and was. Rushed💀)
Under, I don't care if I'm in the right or wrong
Songs of prisoners
Full of malice, we will waltz to our doom
Votes (edit)
T1 - guilty
T2 - (?)
+t1 – let's get on with it, shall we?
+T2 – ...you're not very good at this.
T1 – voice trailer
Hello. I am Akabane Kazuko. 24. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Warden.
I am interested in how all this will play out. But nothing will really change the impact of our actions. Remember that, Warden
* My final act… will take your breath away! *
T2 – voice trailer
Good day, Warden. Kazuko, you remember, yes? Seems your choices have caused quite the ruckus.
* You…You know what you've done! I'll make you pay for it!*
-- a calm and gentle woman. A showman at heart, she is elegant and loves performing magic tricks.
-- some are unsettled by her, but she does her best to be kind and friendly to those she speaks to
Extra notes:
-- Magician coded :)
-- because I can fabricate fan theories, es assumed they killed 2 people in trial one. They have only killed one.
-- the direct murderer of the pair
Full body: (outdated a lil, I changed her vibe. Design still stands)
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Please note -- bowling alley socks
Interro qns (please give me some interro questions tho I'm very bad at thinking any up)
Also note: interros are formatted as
Cuz I wrote this when I labelled Kazuko as 001 and Masaki as 002. I'm changing it to reflect their new numbers but editing on Tumblr mobile sucks so I'm not changing the order </3
Q)Tell us your family structure
014 — mother, self, brother,
...it's just me now
013 — parents, me and my twin, Shiratori Takai.
Q)Is there people you hate?
014 — hypocrites.
Don't become one, warden
013 — people who always depend on you
Q)Which prisoner is the most similar to you?
014 – yuzuriha kotoko.
013 – hm...
Probably kayano. He looks like he doesn't know why he's here, too
Q)What was your murder weapon?
014 — what a bold question
It was a bottle.
013 — haha, I'll humour you for this one
Hmmmm...... My words, maybe? I've been told i have quite a sharp tongue
Q)What was your family like?
014 — kind, resilient. They were wonderful. I
loved them
013 — they're ok.
Which prisoner do you get along with the least?
014 — mr mukuhara. Nothing against him, he just reminds me of someone.
013 — …Kusunoki. No reason, but I do wish she'd stop trying to talk to me. It's annoying.
Q)How has your experience been within MILGRAM ?
014 — quite good, considering we're all in here for murder.
013 — uh… good? I still don't believe you saying we're all murderers.
Q)Do you have regrets?
014 — yes. I should have done something sooner
013 — no? I did argue with my brother recently, but it was nothing, really. I'll apologize and everything will be fine
Q)Is there a verdict you hope for?
014) all I hope for is your honest judgement. I want to see how you choose to judge
013) Well, since I don't think I've done anything… I'd hope to be forgiven, of course.
Who was your victim to you?
014) nothing.
013) eh? Warden, I don't know. We made a deal remember? You tell me!
What is your father like?
014) i dont consider him my father.
013) uh…he’s my dad. What more do you want me to say, really...
What do you think of the prisoner paired with you?
014) Shiratori? Not much opinion. I do wonder what he's done to be here, though.
013) Ms Kazuko..? Shes intimidating, if I'm being honest. Not scary, just...intimidating
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moonlightsdew · 2 months
My PC has shat itself, and my laptop is following in its footsteps (keys are going out, certain functions have just Stopped Working, getting very slow, etc etc) very quickly. this is also making using my drawing pad extremely difficult
This, obviously, is a problem. Because I can't format shit on mobile/the app (main thing being cutting posts). I know that people don't really care about pretty formatting, but posts not being cut is an issue. And I really, really, REALLY do not want to work on threads if I can't trim them. It annoys the hell out of me when my thread posts get too long.
So uh, eventually, pretty soon, I am probably going to have to put threads specifically on hiatus. I'm still going to try and interact ic by responding to posts and answering asks because I can do that fine on the app.
On top of that, I have no idea when this thing can be replaced. I have no money, and getting anything actually decent with my father's help is... well, it doesn't happen lmao.
So yeah. Technology is fighting me tooth and nail at this point.
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midnights tracklist and the hero's journey
From REDDIT Gaylor sub
With edits to new track names
I should start off by saying I'm a massive nerd and an English teacher, so my entire life is just looking for symbolism and archetypes in literally everything.  It's one of my favorite topics, as well as being something I teach each year, so 'Anti-Hero' jumped out at me as a track title, and I haven't been able to shake it.  I don't really ever post on Reddit (so I'm NERVOUS ABOUT THIS, Y'ALL!), and I have no idea where I'm going with this, but I just need to put it into the world and see if anyone can draw any conclusions here.
Many apologies for not knowing how to format on Reddit (I only use it on mobile) and for the length!
I think it would be genuinely weird if Taylor Swift was unfamiliar with Joseph Campbell and his literary theories and works.  Campbell was a literature professor and writer with a focus on comparative mythology and folklore who is best known for his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" (it's a badass book).  His works focus on the idea of a 'monomyth,' tracing stories across cultures and finding that the stories of heroes follow the same basic pattern (he owes a great deal of credit to Carl Jung and his works on archetypes).  Once you become exposed to archetypes and the patterns of archetypes in literature/movies, it can be difficult to not see those patterns everywhere.  I once had a student tell me (jokingly, thank goodness) that I had ruined movies for them because they couldn't stop seeing archetypes everywhere and questioning every choice the director made (why is that character wearing red?  Rain's falling now?  Must be rebirth! etc etc). 
But back to my main thoughts! The traditional structure that Campbell wrote about is 17 stages; this has been adapted over the years (two other theorists each narrowed it down to 8 stages), but the version that I'm going to discuss is a more modern take on the original Monomyth theory, Christopher Vogler's 12 stages.  This is the version I use with my students, and while the Campbell one is more thorough and detailed (and, honestly, more interesting), Vogler's stages are more widely known.   The stages are often discussed as hours on a clock - there's a great TED-Ed video that details this.  I don't know how to link things on reddit without pasting in the whole URL, so I'll add a comment with the link if anyone is interested.
Vogler wrote about these stages in a book called The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers  (1992) which started as a very short piece meant to be a practical guide to The Hero with A Thousand Faces for screenwriters.  The cover of Vogler's book is a green labyrinth,  which could be related to the jade green vinyl cover photo, where is there is an album sleeve in the corner with a labyrinth as its cover. It's important to note that 'hero' is just another archetype, and can be ANY type of hero (including tragic hero, Byronic hero, or an anti-hero). The Hunger Games follows this pattern, as well, for those drawing connections to HG.
The stages of the journey are as follows (broken down into 3 acts):
Act 1 - The Departure:
1. The Ordinary World: the hero is seen in their everyday life.  This is where the hero is living an oblivious life, not realizing his true destiny and the adventure ahead. This is a safe place for the hero.
2. The Call to Adventure: the initiating incident of the story.  This is the part when the hero is called to the adventure. This could look like a threat to the hero or her loved ones, an impending disaster that the hero learns about, or an incident that transforms the hero’s ordinary life with a sudden jolt.
3. Refusal of the Call: the hero experiences some hesitation to answer the call.  Every hero has fears and doubts that hold them back, at least for a while. This is the part where the hero has doubts about her abilities and do not think they are the person to take on the quest or adventure.
4. Meeting with the Mentor: the hero gains the supplies, knowledge, and confidence needed to commence the adventure.  Often there is someone older and wiser who helps the hero.  Meeting the mentor helps the hero realize her dreams, and they might receive an object of great importance, some advice, training, or motivation to take on the quest or adventure.
5. Crossing the First Threshold: the hero commits wholeheartedly to the adventure and is ready to begin the journey.
Act 2 - The Initiation
6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies: the hero explores the special world, faces trial, and makes friends and enemies.  This is the part where the hero is confronted with challenges by her enemies. The hero must decide who to trust in the wake of great obstacles and threats, testing her abilities to the bitter end.
7. Approach to the Innermost Cave: the hero nears the center of the story and the special world.  This represents a danger, confrontation with a foe, or an actual place where the hero must enter to face the true challenge. It is the call for the final battle. While entering the cave, the hero might once again face her fears and doubts.
8. The Ordeal: the hero faces the greatest challenge yet - this is when the final battle occurs, and is the moment of truth when the hero will be reborn through some ‘death,’ even if it is metaphorical, facing all her fears, to achieve an incredible feat.  This is not the LAST test, but it is the BIG ONE.  BOSS LEVEL.
9. Reward: This is when the hero achieves some success, but also experiences the consequences of surviving death (again, literal OR metaphorical death).  Often this goal, once met, is inadequate and leave the hero feeling somewhat unfulfilled.
Act 3 - The Return
10. The Road Back: the hero begins the journey to the ordinary world, but often it creates a false sense of peace, safety, and finality. Because the hero has seemingly gotten what they wanted all along, there is a sense of completeness, but not a deep satisfaction. This is the fake ending, where it seems over, but it's not.
11. The Resurrection: Often the hero has one last BIG moment (not always a test, ordeal, or trial but it can be) and experiences a final and ultimate encounter or moment with death. In almost every case, the hero is able to survive the encounter through their strength, courage, wit, nobility, heroism, or teamwork - the skills and companions they gained along the way.
12. Return with the Elixir: the hero returns with something to improve the ordinary world
Now I know Midnights has 13 tracks, not 12, but step 13 (in my own interpretation) is learning to live and exist in the hero's ordinary world after completing this journey. The hero returns CHANGED in some way, and must relearn how to exist in this ordinary world again.  In Campbell's stages, he calls it "The Master of Both Worlds" - Mastermind?  I think the track titles follow the steps of the Hero's Journey, not in a chronological fashion, but thematically, and end with the balancing of the public vs the private Taylor.  I'm not sure if this is the coming out album, but I do think it'll be HELLA queer regardless, but the duality could just be 'Fame Taylor' and 'Real Taylor' like the Daylight to the Midnight, or it could be the 'Queer Taylor' and 'Het Taylor' moment that we all want.
But if it IS the coming out moment, and track 13 is her Master of Both Worlds moment, then the tracks so far would look like this:
1. Lavander Haze - status quo, public persona life, the safety she finds maybe in bearding, and others maybe find on a lavander marriage, to protect herself and her loved ones in case she is queer is a LGBTQphobic industry AND also another interpretation the simple and lavander (queer) love in hers private life and safe in living a queer life away from the public life with stalkers and fascists people.
2. Maroon - the call to adventure.  If this is the verb form, as many are speculating, that initial realization of queerness and the loneliness that sometimes comes with that.
3. Anti-Hero - the refusal of the call.  The denial of her queerness.  She's NOT the hero that the community needs, and she didn't follow through on the coming out opportunity
4. Snow on the Beach: all the fellings attached to being queer, artists, big star, and feat Lana Del Ray, another artist who received criticism and have queer themes in her discography. She could be the Mentor - the hero gains the supplies, knowledge, and confidence needed to commence the adventure - other people in the industry helping her along, like all musicians friends and designers, photographers, journalist etc...
5. You are on your own, kid - the leaving of the mentor and embarking in a new age of trying to live her queer life maybe mainly in NY, on the 1989 era, and accepting this double life she was trying to live but also the isolation of not having a artist blueprint in how to be queer and this big of a pop star...
6. Midnight Rain - tests, allies, and enemies.  There's WAY TOO MUCH that could fit here, so I'm not even going to speculate.
7. Question...? - approaching the innermost cave.  If the question is "... are you ready for it?" (or "would you run away with me?" or even "can you see right through me?") and it's a QUEER question, this is a moment where she was preparing to jump into battle and needs to know if she'll have those people (or person) on the other side.
8. Vigilante Shit - the ordeal.  The initial 'death' of the hero - I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone.  Why?  Because she's busy doing VIGILANTE SHIT.
9. Bejeweled - the reward.  Depending on how the title is interpreted, this is the reward and success she thought she wanted, but it's not what it's all cracked up to be.  All the Grammys in the world won't make up for not getting to live her authentic life.
10. Labirinthy - the road block, she achieves sucesso but is trying to do this cat and mouse game where she can't talk about her experiences and maybe gets lost in that, needing to access the weight of the double life on her art
11. KARMA - resurrection
Track 12 - sweet nothing - return with the Elixir
13. Mastermind - the master of both worlds, playing both sides of her public and private personas.
Sorry this ended up being so long and poorly formatted (I'm old at not great at Reddit), but I wanted to put this out there so the smart Gaylors can work their magic and either poke enough holes in it that I stop obsessing over it OR find things that put the pieces together, which is where I'm falling short.  I may have mentioned it to some of my Swiftie/Gaylor students today who thought it had possibilities so here I am!
ETA: the description of the stages are directly cobbled together from various resources - let me know if you want the links!
Edit #2: I accidentally stayed up late enough to see the newest track title, and... fucking KARMA as track 11???? The RESURRECTION?!? I have to be up in less than five hours to go teach teenagers but I have so many thoughts and they need to wait. Just wanted to add THE RESURRECTION STAGE IS KARMA. Feels appropriate.
In red are my additions after tonight's Midnights Mayhem Marathon!
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