#i'm shaking them both like glowsticks
fridayyy-13th · 2 years
oh don't mind me, just crying about malevolent even though i'm nowhere near caught up
just...before john found his name, when he and arthur were still constantly butting heads and not getting along, arthur still took to calling him "friend..." he still called him friend are you hearing me right now!!! aaaaagh!!!!
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snenbubs · 7 months
Okay so early my Dumas was chewing on a glowstick idk why I like the crunch and my brother tells me to stop before I krill myself and I looked him dead in the eyes and bit tf out of the glowstick breaking it and green chimalcs are just coming out of my mouth,and while I was trying to clean my mouth I was wondering what if mammon had an s/o who's very playful and he'll just find them throwing those little tiny ass demons in the air or just straigh has a fucking tea party with them
(I think their called underlings)
Idk why I'm requesting this I'm just very eepy and want to chew on a glowstick anyways have an amazing day
Ps funny pictures
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I do absolutely love this idea though, so here u go!! I'll do HCs but if u want me to write like, a one-shot for this just leave an ask! :D
- Mammon is very playful himself, so i think thats definitely where the attraction lies between you both! He can get so serious at times, but its always easy for him to unwind when you are there, joking about and toying and laughing with him.
- You are absolutely, completely and utterly crazy but he adores it so so much.
- When the two of you first met, he thought it was an act, much like his touchy-feely friendly jester persona. He thought that you put on this entertaining personality for those around you, and it worked, clearly, as it drew him in so intently.
- SO, when he quickly found out that it wasn't an act, was he GLAD.
- You both definitely play pranks on the other sins or royals.
- Nothing too serious, it wont get you in trouble! But, a pail of water on Asmodeus' firey head is sure to get a rumble going. Honey in the pillows of Beezlebub. Just enough to have them angrily shaking their fists as the two of you giggle and laugh amonst yourselves.
- However, though he can bounce off of your playful personality well, there are moments where you catch him off guard.
- The time he caught you eating a glowstick was utterly HORRIFIC. He wasn't sure if the chemicals could hurt you the same way they did with humans on Earth, but he was NOT taking that risk.
- Que him chasing you around like a dog with chocolate.
- His underlings both love you and fear you, because how you treat them depends on your mood;
- If your happy, your playful personality will leave them joyous and replenished, a nice addition to the stressing job of serving Mammon.
- You throw tea parties for them a lot! Mammon didn't know about this for a LONG while as you mostly did it when he wasn't around, knowing his keen nature for work.
- These tea parties however aren't the fancy kind most royals would be into. The kinds that, as Mammon's partner, you're supposed to be into. No these are more like that of a mad-hatters tea party; the table is too small for you because most butler imps and hellborns are tiny. Tea is being spilt. The food is on fire. It's just absolute chaos.
- The shock on Mammon's face when he found out these things were occuring under his manors roof was something you wish you could have taken a picture of.
- But he couldn't stay angry at you.
- On the other hand, when you're upset, those poor underlings are being THROWN.
- It's not even like an accidental, in the moment thing. You just enjoy throwing them. Mammon has even bought you a few personal underlings that are specially used for throwing. He really cares about your hobbies.
- Now then... this playful personality of yours is very helpful when it comes to flustering Mammon.
- You tease him a lot, flirtatously.
- He's all bark no bite. Great at dishing out commente that'll have you flushed but so horribly bad at taking it.
- So, just one little comment; maybe mocking his accent seductively, will have him looking away all shy and meek.
- All in all, it's your playful personality that draws Mammon toward you, he loves how easy he can get along with you and how you always know how to bring a smile to his face. Being a Royal Sin is hard but knowing that you will always be there for him is what gets him through each Hellish day.
I hope you like this!!! :D feel free to leave me more reqs i rlly like them! ur my no.1 fan forreal
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ps. that picture is both really funny and horrifically scary omg 😭
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katcoquette · 2 years
Oh, Baby, Baby!
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x f!Reader
masterlist | taglist
summary: requested! you join an overly-competitive Jake Seresin at a karaoke birthday party for his best friend, putting on the performance(s) of your life.
★ word count: 1.6k
★ tw/tags: alcohol, implied smut but nothing explicit
★ author's note: header featuring a still from the iconic Monica & Tarzan dancing video at what I'm convinced was Glen's birthday party after a lengthy deep dive (although this might be something everyone already knows, NEW TO ME!)
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Jake keeps a steady hand on your lower back as the two of you weave through the crowd, heading for one of the private rooms in the back that his friends had rented for this particular occasion.
“You ready for this?” Drinks in hand, you look from the glow-painted door to him, confirming with a nod. “I’m ready.”
“Then let’s kick some ass.” You try to keep a straight face as he pushes open the door, fighting the smile on your lips at your partner-in-crime’s seriousness.
It completely juxtaposed the situation you were in: a circus-themed karaoke bar for his best friend’s birthday, dressed in your interpretation of the theme, “disco space cowboy” (seriously- what did that mean?), with glowsticks cracked and stacked on your wrists, and drinks that were also glowing.
The booming music from the main room shifts into a song you don’t immediately recognize because of the way Bob and Rooster are screaming the lyrics.
The two of you make your rounds, sipping your drinks and greeting everyone in the room, until you get to the birthday boy. Anticipating his next move, you hold your hand out to take Jake’s drink.
A second later, he’s sneaking up behind and then gripping Coyote’s shoulders, shaking him in his chair. “My man! Happy Birthday.” Coyote turns around and stands up, pulling Jake into a hug.
“Ayy! Thanks for coming you guys.” His gaze shifts to yours and he smiles, dragging out your name and holding out his arms. You walk into his arms and return the friendly hug as best as you can with your hands full. “Happy Birthday!!”
You pull away and step back next to Jake, who wraps an arm loosely around your waist, taking his drink back with the other. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
“You gotten up there yet?”
“Pfft of course! I kicked it off.” He stretches, flexing his biceps, “Still have the highest score too.”
Jake scoffs, laughing, “That’s cause the real competition hadn’t shown up yet. We’re gonna wipe the floor with you all.”
“Yeah we’ll see about that. We’ll see about that. Are you in on this?” Coyote’s finger leaves his glass to point at you accusingly.
“I’m just here to have a good time!” You surrender your hands. “If we just happen to get the highest score while we’re at it… I wouldn’t complain.”
“That’s my girl.” He squeezes your side. “You heard her.”
You watch them go back and forth, an amused smile on your face, until you hear your name being called from the karaoke stage.
You turn to see Rooster pointing at you. “You’re up.” He holds the microphone close to his mouth and talks like he’s announcing a fight. “Please join the stage with Phoenix and Halo!”
Jake and Coyote cheer as you walk up and take the microphone from a very smug Rooster. “Good to see you.” He pats you on the back as he steps off the stage.
Phoenix and Halo pick up their own microphones and then the three of you crowd around the stand, tapping through the catalogue.
“Any day now, ladies.” Payback heckles, and Phoenix flips him the finger. “Ooh let’s do this one.” Halo points, waiting for you both to agree before clicking it and entering your names.
After an all-out, and rather suggestive, performance (all in good fun, of course) to …Baby One More Time, complete with synchronized dance moves you all caught on to, hair flipping, and shout-outs to the ever-loving crowd, the three of you look at the screen while the scores are tallied.
You yelp excitedly when you see that you’d gotten the highest combined score of the night, pulling them into a hug and doing a little jump together. Before you have a chance to look at the individual scores, Jake is hopping onto the stage, lifting you up, and cheering. You hold onto his shoulders and glance to the screen seeing your name in first place, barely ahead of Phoenix. “Ahh!”
He puts you down and holds up his hand for a high five, “Y’put us on the board, baby! Woo!”
You laugh, giving him a quick kiss before stepping out of his arms and off the stage. “Your turn!” You call over your shoulder. “You’re up, Coyote.” You point at him, gesturing for him to come closer with your finger. “Come and get it, Machado!” Jake baits him from behind you.
“Oh you wanna do this now?”
“Let’s do this now!”
You cheer as you make your way over to one of the couches, linking your arm with Phoenix and resting your head on her shoulder when you sit down. Their song is, unsurprisingly, a competitive display of masculinity that you can’t help but laugh at. “Ow ow!” You yell at Jake, making him chuckle and miss a note. He gives you a pointed look but is back to smiling a second later.
He beats Coyote, but comes in third overall behind Phoenix. When he sprawls down next to you on the couch, he’s out of breath. You smirk, quirking an eyebrow. He knows exactly what you’re thinking, grabbing you and pulling you over his lap.
Phoenix had gotten up when Jake wandered over, either to give you two as much privacy as you could get in the corner of a room, or to refresh her drink. Either way, no one paid any attention to the two of you, already cheering for the next song.
“You cost me that win, darlin’.” He grumbles into your ear. Your rest your arms around his shoulders, shifting so your legs are resting over his lap, but you’re still sitting on one side of him. You’re quick with a comeback. “A true winner would never get distracted by cheers from an adoring fan.”
“I don’t know… you’re a pretty great distraction.”
“Oh, you’re right then, not your fault at all.”
He hums, “Exactly.” And then he’s leaning in to give you a real kiss. When you pull apart, you lean your head against his chest, and he wraps his arms around you. You happily stay like this for the next few hours, apart from one or both of you getting up to participate in karaoke or get another drink.
At some point in the night, it’s clear to both of you that you’re nearing your limit.
“One more song?” You look up from his chest, and he nods.
You kiss his lips with a smile before getting up. “I’ll pick a good one.” You already know which song you’re going to pick, and you’re positive it will be controversial, in the best way.
The five opening synth notes of Take My Breath Away hit and the room is split between groans, laughter, and a few boos- everyone immediately recognizing it. “It’s just not realistic at all…” “It came out in 1986, give it some credit!” “I honestly wouldn’t mind a sequel.”
“The movie’s about you guys! How can you hate it?” You tease, and hold out your hand to Jake, who has his eyebrows raised. “Come on, stud.” You quote the movie, giving him a playful pout.
“Baby it’s not even a duet!” He tries to protest, but you’re shaking your head at him, and he begrudgingly gets up. “It’s your chance to try and beat me!” He narrows his eyes at your jab, forcing another laugh from your lips as you hand him the microphone. You have to give him credit, once he’s up there, he gives it his all, but it’s not enough to pass the score you’d set earlier that night.
It is, however, enough to move into second place. “I told you it was a good choice!”
“Yeah yeah.” He kisses the side of your head, then feigns a yawn, addressing the rest of the room. “I think we’re gonna call it a night.”
Phoenix shakes her head with an unbelieving smile. “That’s real convenient, Bagman! Right after passing me on the charts.”
“Hey, I know how to win… I also know when to take that win and run, and that time has come.”
Sufficiently tipsy, and all sung-out, you and Jake say your goodbyes and trickle out with a few other people. It’s almost 3AM by the time you stumble out of the bar together. “That was fun.” You say decidedly, leaning against the wall to relieve some of the pressure on your heels while you both wait for an uber.
He doesn’t reply, but you can feel him standing next to you, so you glance up. He has a look of pure adoration on his face. “What?”
“It was fun.” He pushes off the wall to stand in front of you, placing his hands on the side of your neck under your jaw. “I think you might secretly be more competitive than I am.” You cheeks flush at the way he says it, and you straighten to meet his lips.
“I have a consolation price for you.” You lean back against the wall, pulling him against you. He brushes the hair from your face. “Oh yeah? What is it?”
“Take me to bed or lose it forever.” You wiggle your eyebrows.
“Is that another goddamn Top Gun quote?”
You giggle, kissing him again. “You know it is.”
He looks up at the sky dramatically. “I’m never gonna live down that song, am I?”
“Nope.” You pop the ‘p’, grinning.
“Then I guess I’m taking full advantage of it tonight.”
Needless to say, after a tense ride home, he does just that.
Taglist: @lucianaasf @oliviah-25 @littlebadariell @averyhotchner @dempy @rosie-posie08 @shadeds-library @icemansgirl1999 @rach7318 @call-sign-hurricane @anya7802 @lelapine @atarmychick007 @poppet05 @fanboyluvr @maellem @blahblechblah @persephonesportal @choochoo284 @teti-menchon0604 @hopefulinlove @phoenix1389 @littlebadariell @jakexfmc @seasidh @nonsensical-nonce @dracosluvbot @army24--7 @unordinare @xoxabs88xox @classygirlything21
crossed out means I wasn’t able to tag you- please message me if your username is wrong! (empty blogs can’t be tagged aka it doesn’t work for me)
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meili-sheep · 1 year
I have a drawing of Leyline Diluc i wanna share Soo bad but alas i have to do WORK later so I'm gonna dump my insane rambles as an anon
Asmoday! Diluc I'm never forgetting this guy. Theyve been eating my brain for DAYS now
Caribert and the whole thing oh god
Omg imagine Caribert was revived and is just seeing Kaeya, probably either his kid or his descendant, hanging out with Asmoday!Diluc, and they are training together on how Kaeya with his cryomancy and sword can coverup Diluc's weakspots when he's slinging them guns and claymore around as a bonding activity
how'd he probably react?? probably horrified lol
Have an even better thought!! Asmoday is part of the hexenzirkel but currently she's missing bc she's getting disciplined by Celestia. However, just in case she gets caught again she told her fellow witches that
"If ever I disappear, do not fear, for as long as the moon shines it means i am alive."
Because like apperantly 2 moon sisters are either dead or off somewhere else
and one is still in the sky of tevyat.
So it's absolutely POSSIBLE that Asmoday could've fallen and lived in Tevyat after ripping out the core that controlled her.
And the Djinn... Oh boy... I wonder if Asmoday has a similar ability to make something similar..
Also just something, Paimon isn't that scared of the archons, even someone like Baal. But she's scared of and extremely polite to Diluc.
I wonder why is that? Compared to God's she only cowers when riches and food are involved, but with Diluc he just says things in a stern voice and she's already "On it M-master Diluc!" i think she even confides in the traveller that she's scared of him but not the reason why.
I don't remember if she's that scared of someone like Ayato tho, i don't even think she's that scared of Childe, she's scared of the Harbinger Tartaglia but not Ajax
But she's scared of Diluc and he hasn't given her any reason to be scared(I think)
Also Waaa I miss dadsleif... we need to bring it back
Dain coming around Mondstadt more to look over his grandkids, Bennett, Barbara, Fischl and Razor and maybe even Diona! Klee and Albedo by extension as his technical niece and nephew mayhaps due to Diluc's connection with Alice
Oh my god imagine Dain getting drunk at Angel's share rambling to himself about the gods and slandering them and Venti is like "Cheers to that brother"
Dainsleif and Diluc are casually slandering Barbatos but Venti comes in and kisses Diluc before they banter about wine, causing a very confused Dainsleif
But ouGH... Dadsleif and his grandkids... Dain protecting Bennett the best he can from his bad luck and even saving the poor kid... Imagine Dain finds out that Bennett got his vision when he nearly died i think he'd actually kill everyone on Celestia
Dain entertaining Fischl by playing along with her fantasy... and even understanding her bc he was a royal knight. He's a bit rusty but given time he can understand her completely
Dain doesn't get to see Razor much bc of Andrius at the start but maybe he helps deal with the Rifthound problem and gets the trust and mayhaps even help Diluc in teaching Razor some techniques or maybe they just camp in the wild together...
Then Barbara. Imagine being just some guy and then seeing This fancy and scary guy in blacks and blues with blond hairs and starry blue eyes shaking those concert glowsticks at Barbara's concert looking serious n all.
Oughh imagining Dainsleif teaching them or singing to them Lullabies from Kheanriah and Barbara memorizing it and singing it back to Dainsleif whenever she's healing him to help calm him down
I imagine that bc Kheanriah was underground, i think they would've had a culture of singing bc of the echo effect there would be. So mayhaps from Dain's memory he would teach Barbara some songs of Kheanriah and he tears up at the fact he's teaching his new family how to sing his homeland's songs and maybe just maybe even if he disappears maybe he can live on in the songs they bring with them given by him...
Just WAA... Grandadsleif REAL!!!
-Leyline!Anon who is NOT being normal about Dadsleif rn
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Oh boy, you really made me bust out my tts to read all that. and giving me a load of work with the tags.
I'll be honest the last quest did not have enough Dain. Like I'm not the biggest Dain fan but serious about his once-a-year appearance. We did not get enough. And what's funny about shipping Diluc with an Archon I feel Dain could at least learn to like Venti a little bit.
But Zhongluc? Morax?
That ship is 10 times funnier to me with Dadleif.
Also, he'd call an archon with Diluc a cradle robber, I'm just saying.
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drabble - Idol in need, a friend indeed
Hanaka, Miku and the MMJ!s have been getting to know eachother on the day of the outing. They've been expecting to hear something from MMJ!Miku, however due to her silence they decided to head somewhere where they can safely go to the Stage Sekai, where the MMJ!s usually perform.
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Once they arrived at the SEKAI, it was a big stage-- or a stage so big that it has multiple stages? Regardless of that, the place seemed like one giant stage likely meant for Minori and the others.
"So this is a SEKAI..." Hanaka noted, taking a look at the stage, the sheer size of the concert hall, the flashy lights and screens it has. "...No wonder you're so into idols, Minori-- this place is practically awe inspiring!"
"Well, actually it's Haruka-chan that got me into being inspired to become an idol." Minori responds, looking around. Her expression had a little bit more...Concern to her.
But there was one difference Minori and the rest of the MORE MORE JUMP! team noticed. The place usually filled with crowds with a ton of glowsticks waving around. This time there was not a single person on sight and thus the part where the crowd used to be here wasn't lit.
"...Where's the audience?" Minori asked. "There should be a crowd by now-- last time we're here, it's been basically filled to the brim with an audience, but now..."
"...Maybe we're early?" Hanaka asked, before Airi spoke up.
"How can we be early? This place was always lit up like we're on stage-- this sudden lack of it feels off-- it's weird."
"Airi's right." Shizuku responded. "Normally Miku and Rin are performing or are about to perform, hence why we experience the SEKAI constantly as being crowded. But now it seems like a ghost concert compared to what it usually is."
"...Yeeugh," Airi responds, shuddering at the thought. "Thanks for giving me that mental image."
"Speaking of Miku and Rin, we're not seeing them anywhere-- if anything, it's almost as if no one's here..."
The four idols were suggesting ideas towards eachother. Hanaka decides to step up to the stage, taking a deep, DEEP breath that caused a rumbling, dragon-like growl coming from her own throat with the amount of air Hanaka was inhaling. The four took note of it, but Minori as the one speaking up about it.
"...Hanaka-chan, what're you--"
But before she could finish her sentence, Hanaka yelled out, with the sheer loudness of her voice that caused the place to shake, shouting:
"!!!" This caused the four to flinch and cover their ears. Echos of what Hanaka yelled could be heard reverberating around the area.
"...Geez," Airi responds, surprised and shocked by how loud Hanaka can yell. "Could've warned us next time before you yelled-- how the hell are you able to yell that loud?"
But the yelling was not in vain as the five got a faint response in the distance, a familiar voice.
"Hanaka? You're in the SEKAI now?"
And soon enough, the five could see MMJ!Miku running up to the five of them, exhausted. She seemed to be a sweaty mess, her hair was more messed up than usual. She was even panting, gasping for air. Seems like she has been exhausting herself, but for what?
"M-Miku--" Minori spoke up, immediately walking up to the VIRTUAL singer, placing both of her hands onto Miku's shoulder. "Are you okay? You seem worse for wear-- did something bad happen?"
"...Gimme a moment. I'm just...So tired out."
The five looked to eachother before nodding. Seems like Miku's been overworking herself, so the five decided to help Miku out, with Hanaka practically bridal carrying the tealnette to the backstage.
"...Thank you all-- for coming here." Miku started speaking, having caught her breath a bit. "Sorry for worrying you all, but Rin's not feeling too good recently. She's been constantly worried to the point of not even wanting to perform on stage with me anymore, which means I had to pick up the slack.."
"Wait, why is she worried all of a sudden?" Minori spoke up, but Hanaka responded first.
"...I think I know." Hanaka softly said, her expression grown more serious, before taking bigger and faster steps. "Is Rin in the backstage?"
While Miku nodded, the four idols noticed the sudden tone shift in Hanaka's voice while the four were walking a bit faster, trying to catch up to Hanaka.
"Wait, what's going on?" Haruka spoke up. "Seems like you're aware of something we do not know-- could you tell us what has happened?"
"...Well, while I do not know your Rin, I do know mine. Remember how the two Miku's have gotten memories of eachother's past? I think a similar situation is happening to Rin-- and if so then she might've gotten my Rin's memories of her nightmare too. It's a long story, but first I need to get to Rin, quickly--"
"WE need to get to Rin quickly." Haruka speaks up. "I appreciate you're willing to help her, but she's our Rin. If it's a long story, then it's best we're present and in the meantime be informed what that nightmare is about. We want to know what your Rin's been through."
"..." A deep sigh escaped Hanaka's lips as she started to walk at a normal tempo again.
"...Rin once feared that her powers went out of control. You guys know that Rin and Miku has gotten powers now. Rin's power is that of fire. You know what damage fire can cause if it goes out of control. Granted, the nightmare Rin explained to us was far more worse than it can possibly happen if it were to happen in real life. And it has some severe trauma even if she didn't directly show it."
"...Wait, but our Rin doesn't have any powers, right? How can she fear for something going out of control when it's not even something she doesn't have?" Airi asked, "Moreso, Rin-- uh-- I mean your Rin has control over those weird powers, right?"
"...Nightmares can show what we fear most." Hanaka responds when they entered the backstage and let Miku rest at the nearest couch. "We might have control over our lives, but who's to say that we don't have control over our own dreams? And if we don't have control over our own dreams-- if it makes our fear worse, who's to say that it can't make us perceive things that wasn't true in the first place?"
"..." The four were silent, Miku was silent as well. Hanaka was able to sense a familiar presence nearby. Even though the other Rin wasn't different, Hanaka can feel from that presence, like with MMJ!Miku, that MMJ!Rin too, are more than just VIRTUAL idols, with Rin having a soul that radiates. So with that, Hanaka spoke up to the five.
"...Give me a moment, I'll go talk to Rin right away."
"Ah...G-good luck, Hanaka-chan." Minori sheepishly spoke before Hanaka walked to the direction where she was able to sense Rin.
After a minute of looking for her, she was in a dark part of the backstage, she was able to hear faint whimpering of a familiar blondette. She walked closer to the source of the sound.
"...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry--"
Repeated words could be heard. Hanaka walked closer to the sound...And there she is, Rin, wearing an outfit similar to MMJ!Miku, with her back against the wall and her arms wrapped around her knees.
Hanaka couldn't help but recognize the similarity that this Rin is going through, but regardless, she walked up to the other, sat down and softly wrapped her arms around Rin, which caused the blonde singer to flinch a bit.
"...Now why do you have to be sorry for, Rin?" Hanaka responds in a soft tone. "We're here now, you're safe with me, we're safe together..."
"Wha-- but--"
Rin noticed the pink strands of hair before she noticed the face...Yes, that was a familiar face in one of those memories. Her eyes widened when she recognized the pinkette.
Hanaka, with a soft smile, nodded. Rin started to somewhat struggle and try to push Hanaka away from her, but by then Hanaka's muscles made that Rin wasn't going to push her away.
"There's no need to worry, Rin. It's all a bad dream. You don't spontaneously combust into flames. Everything is all-right. You don't need to bear that fear on your own." Hanaka spoke once more, having one hand caress Rin's hair. "I'm here for you-- we're all here for you...Now let's bring you to Miku and the rest. They've been worried about you..."
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sharksa-shivers · 2 months
🍕🍔🥩🍣🦪🍤🍺🌮Kidnapped food-posting quotes n shiz PART 1🌯🦑🦐🐟🦀🍗🍪🍫🍰
Why not do a themed one? I see no reason not to fsdhfdjshkjfdshdjfs -------------------------------
Kristy:(annoyed)So what??? You're just gonna ignore our mission???
Max:(nods, smirks)Yep, sure am. New mission is getting some lunch. (Hungry)Godddd, that barbecue place smells so good, i could go for some goodass steaks right now…
Sharky:(hungry too)You think maybe we could snag a few? I could really use some food…I'm starved…
Max:(smirks)Hell yeah i bet we can. We got some cash.
Kristy:(annoyed)You two are seriously just gonna listen to and think with your stomachs??? Like really???
Max:(nods, scheming)Yep.
Sharky:(hungry)Honestly yeah. Can't focus really with mine being empty…
Kristy:(annoyed as fuck)Unbelievable!!! I can't believe you 2 are just gonna-!!! (She's cut off by her own stomach growling hungrily, wrapping her arms around herself)Ughhhhh…
Max:(smirking)Maybe you should be listening to yours, seems like it's trying to tell you something…
Kristy:(annoyed)Ughh!!!! Shut up!!!! We need to focus on-
Sharky:(cutting her off)Getting food. Look, nothings gonna get fuckin done with all of us starving so lets get some grilled goods, chow down then we get back to the mission ok? (Looking dead at Kristy)You're always the one lecturing me about self care so…Yknow, maybe we should all do that huh?
Kristy:(annoyed, glares at both of them)….Fine, goddamnit. BUT WE'RE GETTING RIGHT BACK TO THE MISSION AFTE-
Max:(already got a plan to find the place)Yeah yeah yeah, the stupidass mission. Anyway!!!! LET'S GO!!!! -------------------------------
(Max being Max xd)
Max:(hungry, just rambling outloud)Okay but some nachos would be banging right now…And also maybe like something with whipped cream, i'm thinking like a drink but like…Man, i'd eat an entire cherry pie though with whipped cream on it…Root beer float also sounds really fucking good though…Or maybe-!!!
Kristy:(interrupts, annoyed as she's trying to read something on her phone)Is it like actually physically possible for you to go at least 20 minutes without thinking about food? Like can you actually think about things with your brain instead of your stomach or like?
Max:(amused, smirking)Nah, not really. And if i ever manage that, that'd be the time to panic cuz that ain't me heheh…Got a shapeshifter with ya and i'm probably being held captive somewhere…
Kristy:(groans annoyed)Ughhhhhhh…
Max:(defensive, amused still though)Look, i do not know why i'm always hungry, i just know that i am. Gotta have a well fed Max to do the dumbass Trio shit ya need me to do alright? This kinda quality tech and hacking work comes with a price tag and that price tag involves tacos…(hungry, lighting up)God, tacos though, ughhhh, i just want something with some steak…
Kristy:(annoyed, trying to focus on her phone)Please stopppp, this is already so boring to read and you're just distracting me…
Max:(amused, getting his phone out and looking for a taco place now)Alright alright, fineeeee…I'll go get some chow then. I'm starving, i need some food real bad, legit all i can think about right now… ------------------------------- inb4 this one DO NOT DO THIS ONE...DON'T... Not food related but it involves Max eating something ig so...I'm putting here anyway lol
(We see Max and Kristy sitting down in the underground area, resting a bit…Kristy's reading one of her manga's and Max is fucking around with a glowstick…We see Max tapping on the stick and shaking it around…And then he gets a dumbass idea lmao…We see Max take a claw out and saw the top bit of it off, peeling the lidbit off. He chunks it to the side and that's whenever Kristy looks up and notices.)
Kristy:(concerned, worried)Uhhhhh, what the hell are you doing?
Max:(his gaze goes from the blue glowstick to Kristy, smirking)Gonna do some shots if you catch my drift…
Kristy:(immediately tries to stop him)Max, no!!!! It could be dangerous!!!!!!
Max:(scoffs, tapping the stick, amused)Nah, i googled it, not poison so i'll be fine butttttt am curious sooooooo…-(he gazes at Kristy, smirking and then quickly opens his mouth, pouring the liquid in, he lets it sit in his mouth a sec, showing Kristy, trying to talk)Look Kwis, mah mouths glowin!!!
Kristy:(anxious, apprehensive)…….Yeahhhh, i dunno bout this…
Max:(mouth still full of blue glowing chemical, amused)Quit cwyin, is fine!!! Is cool!!!! Now i wanna see tho…(we see Max decide finally to close his mouth and gulp the liquid down, then quickly opening his mouth, now it not glowing, Max immediately being disappointed)Awwwww, fuck!!! Really not glowing anymore????
Kristy:(kinda surprised)…Ok, i actually did think your mouth would still be glowing…
Max:(annoyed)Yeah, same, what a fuckin disappointment…Ughhhhh…(slouches back before looking down at his body, moving his bag and looking at his body)Wait, is my stomach glowing or…? (Looking, annoyed, head smacks back into the wall)No!!! Goddddddd, how boring!!! I was hoping something would glow, like that'd be really cool!!! Damnit!!!!! Ehhhhhhhhh…
Kristy:(staring)Well, like…It still doesn't hurt right or does it or?
Max:(he thinks a second, shrugs)Not reall-(stops a second)……..Orrrrrr…My stomach does kinda tingle a bit now…So might end up getting a stomachache later…God, this wasn't even worth it, how lame…
Kristy:(kinda laughs a bit)Well, least it didn't really hurt you…
Max:(annoyed, sideglances)No but it is lame as hell, ughhh…(reaches into his bag, pulls out another glowstick)…Maybe if i ate a few more?
Kristy:(quickly)Uhhhh, don't we need these for down here?? You probably shouldn't right now, we need to conserve energy!!!
Max:(huffs, annoyed as he chunks another glowstick up and down in his hand)Yeah, yeah, yeah, god, just…Ughhhh… -------------------------------
(Max and Kristy trying to go find a thing or something lol, idk)
(We see the 2 derpos walking around downtown Shellside City, actively looking for a specific place…Andddd then Max veers that shit offroad p damn quick.)
Kristy:(looking at her phone confused then back up at Max)…..Are you sure this is the right way?
Max:(amused, hands in his hoodie pockets)You remember earlier when you were like "You got to listen to your gut sometimes!" ?
Kristy:(confused)Yeah? Why exactly?
Max:(amused)I am fully embracing that advice and my gut right now is telling me that i need some food asap hehehe…
Kristy:(her face falls as she looks back at the map and sees where they're ACTUALLY heading to, a local bar and grill, looking up at Max, pissy)Are you serious???? You were doing this on purpose weren't you?!?!?
Max:(walking backwards some, looking at Kristy, amused)Hey now!! You gave that advice earlier and i for one like to listen to my friends when they give good advice!! If you have an issue with it, then you're gonna need to take it up with my gut cuz uhhhh that's what i'm listening to right now.
Kristy:(glaring, pissed)I can't believe you dude, ughhhhh, holy shit…
Max:(amused, moving back to walking normally)Welp believe it cuz i did do it haha, and i'll do it again at some point. Now that that's out in the open, goddddd, i can't wait to sink my teeth into some bacon cheeseburgers, ahhhhh, holy shit…
Kristy:(glaring at Max still)Here's some new advice for you since you like my points so much: Maybe try and think with your brain instead maybe next time…
Max:(amused)And ignore my stomach?? Kris Kris, i'm sorry but absolutely not. My stomachs always been on my side and has never led me astray, not even once!! So uhhhhh yeah, i think ima keep doing things my way haha!!
Kristy:(glaring, pissed)…You are seriously so fucking insufferable sometimes Max…
Max:(shrugging, amused)Can't argue that one honestly… -------------------------------
(We see Kristy waking up during a rainy night, anxious and scared after a dream, to which, Max tries to help her with��)
Max:(walking into the bunkroom with a container of cookies, he notices Kristy's up and upset, getting her attention, caring)Ey, you ok?
Kristy:(she looks down from her bunk to see Max, wiping tears out of her eyes)Max? What are you doing up?
Max:(plopping his cookie box onto her bunk, climbing up to her and getting comfortable, amused as he grabs his box again)Woke up to pee and then wanted a midnight snack so…(chomps into a sugar cookie before offering the box over to Kristy)Want one?
Kristy:(calming down some since she's not alone now, takes one, lightly)……You always offer me food and stuff when i'm down…Like I've noticed that…
Max:(shoving a cookie into his mouth, smirks)Well yeah. Foods good for ya. Good for the mind, good for the soul and good for your stomach heh…Kinda can't go wrong with it… ------------- Have i mentioned Max is a cryptid who is a bottomless pit and we have no clue why it's not possible really for him to get full except in the most rare of circumstances? That these abilities of his are goddamn supernatural in nature and we have 0 clue wtf is wrong with him? Well i'm mentioning it again lol. That doge will fistfight you over a bag of doritos, do not test him. Next one will have more Sharksty shit and will be more Sharky/Kristy related in general. I'm scaredt ima run out of room sooooo you getting a part 2 lol, hold up. Will link whenever done: https://www.tumblr.com/sharksa-shivers/748263506686722048/kidnapped-food-posting-quotes-n-shiz-part
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telltalebatman · 1 year
7 from the grumpy prompts for pinnguin pls c:
this is set in a very convoluted arkhamverse au that exists only in my heart, basically what if the events of my bat game were also a part of the rocksteady arkham series canon. what if rocksteady pengy was MY pengy lmao
7. “I can never say ‘no’ to you, can I?”
Penguin's men paid her a visit when she was visiting her cousin in Blüdhaven.
Or rather: they kidnapped her from her cousin's home, in the middle of the day. By no means was that her first rodeo; she knew what to expect the moment she opened the front door and looked at their faces. One of them - barely out of boyhood - she even recognized; Richter, they called him. A nice kid; good with computers. Used to be a part of the Riddler's crew - until Nygma grew jealous of Richter's intellectual potential and tried to get him killed.
As they pulled out a sack to put over her head, Charlie only sighed.
"Just a moment, boys," she said, turning around. "Annie," she called out to her cousin. "Don't worry. Don't tell Nightwing. Okay," she added, turning back to face the men outside. "Proceed."
By all means, they were cautious with her; gentle, even. Probably way gentler than they'd be had she not been known as their boss's flame.
Finally - after a lengthy, bumpy ride - she was lead out of the car, sat in a chair, and had the sack pulled off her head cautiously, as to not disturb her hair; and as she blinked a few times, her eyes trying to adjust to the bright light - Penguin, her beloved, patted her on the shoulder gently.
"Good to see you, darling," he said softly. "Now, I... Probably should apologize."
"Yeah," she said with a sigh. "You should. I mean, really, Oswald? You could've just texted me. Or did your phone explode again?" she added, rolling her eyes angrily; to be fair, his phone exploding wasn't even his fault. Black Mask had Riddler program Oswald's phone to explode after receiving a text from her; and it did - except one thing Mask and Riddler failed to anticipate was the phone not being held by the Penguin as the text arrived. "Annie's son wanted to play Minecraft with me."
"And have you snatched away by that glowstick twerp? Na-ah-ah," Oswald said, shaking his head. "Not a chance."
"Right, 'cause Nightwing's known to torture his suspects," she said, rolling her eyes again. "Worst he can do is talk my ears off."
can he though? i'm used to men who never shut up. case in point: a certain bird-loving arms dealer.
"I know you're mad," he said with a sigh, rubbing the back of his head with his hand; and Charlie pursed her lips, crossed her arms, and looked away. Yeah - she was mad. Not about the kidnapping - that was expected. But the very reason she even was in Blüdhaven to begin with - was because she needed a breath of fresh air. After knowing Oswald for years, after sticking with him through thick and thin, after getting herself locked up in the Arkham City for him, getting kidnapped by the Joker, by Black Mask, by Victor Zsasz, by Riddler, by Bane, by Two Face, and countless other individuals who wanted to either get under Penguin's skin, or get to him, or any combination of the two, she thought she knows him. She thought they have built their relationship on honesty, on loyalty, on trust... Up until she found out that for the past months, Oswald - her beloved, the man for whom she dived headfirst into the unknown, the one for whom she risked it all - had been working with Thomas fucking Elliott. A man who hadn't just try to kill her - but literally eat her still beating heart too. He tried - and failed - to marry her mother; he tried to drive both Charlie and Eleanor insane. Hell hath no fury like an incel scorned; and Thomas was a shining example. "Charlie..."
"What?" she said, avoiding Oswald's apologetic gaze. "I'm all fucking ears, Oz."
"I've been selling him faulty weapons," Oswald said pleadingly; and Charlie had to stop herself from looking at him in disbelief. "All rigged to explode."
"Yeah?" she said, finally looking at him; and he looked back at her, and he looked a bit like a kicked puppy in the rain. "Funny how it's been six months of you two working together and nothing had exploded in his face yet."
"That's because I had to earn his trust first," Oswald said in a low, pleading whisper; suddenly, he got down on his knees, put his hands on her knees, and looked up at her; and her heart broke a little as she saw the shadows under his eyes, and his slightly sunken cheeks. "But it's going to happen any time now. The bastard's going down."
"Yeah, right," she said with a doubtful scowl. "Did you really have me kidnapped just to tell me this?"
The corners of Oswald's lips twitched slightly; and she wanted to yell and strangle him, as she instantly knew that he knows she has already mostly forgiven him. How could she not? She wasn't the only one who had risked everything for the two of them to work; back when he was sent to the Arkham City, the crime that cemented his sentence was him covering up for her killing a man in self-defense. Being in a relationship with someone normal and not a fellow criminal was always a risk; because the allure of having a normal life was always there. He had worked hard on earning her devotion; and as years had passed - she had made peace with the fact that he was the only one for her.
But then again - it did piss her off a bit that he knew that.
"No," he said, shaking his head. "I wanted to look you in the eye too. Also, I... I have a favor to ask."
ah. there it fucking is.
"No," she replied immediately; hear him out, her heart sang. "No dice."
"Come on, luv," he said pleadingly. "Please?"
"No," she repeated; the walls of her defiance were already crumbling. "Forget it. I'm done being your bait. No."
In the end - after many rounds of pleading and negotiating - she did hear him out; and she did agree to his - somewhat ludicrous - plan of using her as a bait and a negotiator for Poison Ivy. And she did allow him to kiss her, even though she kept her arms crossed and her lips pursed; but as he kissed her, and his hands caressed her - one thing lead to another, and before she knew it, they were both naked.
"I can never say no to you," she breathed out with a gasp as his lips explored her neck. "Damn you, Oswald. Damn you and your words."
"I love you too, darling," he whispered back, his breath hot against her skin. "Quiet now. Wouldn't want my boys to hear us."
you owe me much more than a quick fuck, oz. this is gonna cost you at least three chocolate soufflés... my love.
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Bad Bitch Club
Another one for @chaneajoyyy ​ and @shaekingshitup ​‘s quarantine writing challenge!
This is SFW no smut, just something simple.
First Harry Potter fic!
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Summary: Hermoine is in the mood to party which leads to a humored Draco Malfoy and one very concerned Ron Weasley.
"Hello bitches! And welcome to another semester of the Bad Bitch Club," Hermoine shouted to the students dancing in Gryffindor Commons. "Also known as the BBC," she giggled, fingers covering her emboldened lips as she raised her heavy mug high in solidarity with her rowdy peers.
Ron flinched at the imagery. BBC.
The students cheered with laughter as spritely grunge powered the hyperactivity in the room. Harry bristled looking up at his wobbly friend who stood on the wooden end table, giggling madly.
"Woa- Hermoine," he fussed reaching up to steady her legs when she lost her footing.
Ron had her other side, holding her up. She was at serious risk to fall over and injure her cranium, one of their most prized possessions.
Ron was quick to commandeer her mug giving it a tentative sniff before looking at Harry.
"Butterbeer... Strong Butterbeer."
"Oh take the wand from your arsecheeks Ronald," Hermoine chided reclaiming her mug.
Arms high above her head, she yodeled in a call to party that echoed through the commons as other students raised their mugs and danced, jumping up and down. Butterbeer spilled down their arms as they chugged.
Ron's puppy eyes agonized, meeting Harry's in a moment of mutual telepathy. As if it weren't enough, a pillow fight spread white floating feathers through the space, the cushions ripped and zinging through the air.
"Hey watch it," Harry threatened playfully tossing the pillow that hit him. It was chaos.
"Harry," Ron called to settle his partner.
Harry calmed and returned his attention to the situation at hand. They used the distraction of the pillow fight as their chance to pull Hermoine from the table and cart her into the hall away from the party as she pulled against them, jumping and twisting to the ear-splitting sounds of the Shrieking Hormones, a local band.
"Wingardium leviosa," her wand whipped creating a line of levitating glowsticks from the party.
Ron's eyes rolled.
Clinging to his robe, she twirled to the music and jumped throwing her head back with a freeing hoot and giggle as he stood taken aback and frozen, hands nervous to touch her as she moved against his hips, the friction something he'd never experienced.
"Come on, dance with me!"
Harry covered his smirk quickly.
"Harry," Ron chided in a shaky whisper as if he'd crumble under Hermione's dominance.
She was yanking him around so roughly, Harry hesitated to intervene. It was impure entertainment. Drawn by loyalty, he decided it was best to step in.
"Alright Hermoine, time to sober up. Ron, grab her other arm."
Together they walked her down the dizzying changing stairs and out past the Great Hall into the courtyard where she swiftly vomited in the grass. 
"Blimey," Ron sighed swiping his forehead.
It had been hot in the commons, he'd started to feel his trademark red fringe sticking to his forehead.
"Well if it isn't Potter and Weasely," a clear snide voice reared as it approached with several sets of footsteps.
Harry's wand emerged, ready for a battle should the moment call for one.
"Malfoy," he acknowledged turning to face the collection of wayward Slytherins.
He was in no mood to deal with the wicked nonsense of an entitled prick.
"Potter," Draco spoke nose high, "I see the trash is taking itself out."
Eyes on Hermoine, he chuckled garnering the support of his group as they joined in.
"Hwaah~," he mocked, laughing as Hermoine puked pure Butterbeer onto the grass.
"Shut up, Malfoy!"
Ron's anger rose tall though he couldn't do much while helping his sick friend to stand. Harry stepped up.
"Do you do anything in your miserable life other than obsess over us?"
Malfoy smiled a cocky smile.
"You wish, Pauper. While you savages puke up your guts in the dirt, I'm on my way to a more classy affair. Something the likes of you would have no concept of."
His eyes lingered on Hermoine in amused disgust as she wearily wiped her mouth on the back of her hand.
The group averted their eyes haughtily advancing to the school with noses raised in distanced judgment. 
Ron stood holding onto the lilting Hermoine protectively as they passed. He was used to being looked down upon, but he despised the classist treatment spreading to affect his friends.
When they were gone, Harry shook his head and looked to Hermoine.
"Are you alright?"
"I think I might've drank too much," she shakily and quietly admitted, her cheeks rosy and flushed.
"You think?"
Ron squinted in bafflement. Of all things to be uncertain of.
"I think I'll.. I'll walk on my own now," she stated forcing herself upright in her most dignified manner.
Ron hovered with protective arms in a sort of safety net, in wait should her body waver.
"You sure?"
Harry and Ron both observed as Hermoine hesitated before taking one cautious step toward the school, her foot placing slowly on the stone ground.
With a relieved sigh, her shoulders dropped.
The follow-up movement of her other foot sent her tipping forward head first toward the ground with Harry's arms collecting her before the point of collision.
Steeled upright, Hermoine took a breath of the fresh air. Her mind was still in a fog.
"On second thought, I'll acquire assistance in creating a hangover draught."
"Hangover draught," Harry repeated.
He and Ron worked together to assist Hermoine back into the building.
"Yes, I learned it second quarter from Selina Shepley. Madam Pomfrey should have the ingredients in the hospital wing but-"
"She can't know what it's for," Harry accurately guessed. "Hermoine, if we ask for the ingredients she's going to know what it's for-"
"And Gryffindor will be implicated," Hermoine concluded.
Harry's lips thinned in amusement.
"I'm sorry." Harry tried controlling his face but the upward corners of his mouth continued to give him away. "Ow," he laughed in response to Hermione's quick swat to his shoulder. "I can't help it, it's not often you're the one causing trouble. It's actually... refreshing to not be the cause of complete chaos for once," Harry snickered as Hermoine unleashed a barrage of swats to his arm.
Having left a drunk Hermoine sitting on her own in the Great Hall, Ron and Harry made their way past the hall gargoyles to the hospital wing.
"Alright. You know which ingredients we're looking for," Harry asked while double over.
He had to make the excuse of food poisoning look as real as possible. They had a plan of action and while Harry distracted Madam Pomfrey, Ron would quickly collect the ingredients.
There she was, fixing up a first year's broken arm as he sat on one of the many beds lining the room. Two other boys were asleep and a girl was scratching madly, her arms sprouting leaves, incantation gone wrong.
"Can I help you?"
Madam Pomfrey's dress seemed to float to Ron and Harry. She stood tall before them with her hands clasped ahead of her, eyes astute. 
"What are the symptoms," she asked Harry specifically.
He was doubled over and his eyes closed halfway as he wavered on his feet shaking his head as if he were in complete misery. He played it up as she continued to question him about various symptoms.
In the meantime, Ron went through the herbs, the tonics, and every vial, sack, and baggie he could quietly get to. The patients did not seem to be concerned as he pocketed these things.
By the time he could wave to Harry that he was done, Harry was already having his temperature taken and on a bed. He walked out first and went slowly a few feet from the door. Seconds later Harry came rushing behind having ran when Madam Pomfrey turned her back to work with one the other patients.
"You should think of joining the wizards drama club," Ron teased as they returned to find Hermoine.
She was gone on their arrival to the Great Hall. They looked all around the room and she was nowhere to be found. Ron groaned.
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ask-beacons-finest · 5 years
How's the AFD!RWBY+Penny vacations going? Are Ruby, Weiss and Penny enjoying Atlas? Have Blake and Yang gone to the daycare and taken off to Vacuo? 
(Asked by anon)
Afewdrinks!Weiss, sitting in a booth at a club, music pounding in her ears as the various lights around the venue flicker and flash to make a flipbook-like visage: Ugh...where's Ruby with our drinks?
Afewdrinks!Penny, sitting beside Weiss, bobbing her head side to side with the music: Would you like me to go find her? 
Afewdrinks!Weiss, nods, laying her head atop Penny's should for a moment: Please? 
AFD!Ruby, sitting at the club's bar, laughing drunkenly: No way! I know him too!
AFD!Rando, a dude obviously a few years older than Ruby, chuckling a bit: O-Oh, you really do know the DJ? 
AFD!Ruby, nodding, taking a sip of her drink before putting it down: Yeah!! He's a friend of one of my girlfriends!
AFD!Rando, nodding, putting his hand in his pocket and glancing at the drink: Oh no shit, cool. Wait, did you say girlfriends, like plural?
AFD!Ruby, excitedly nods: Yeah man! I've got two! They're great and I love them a bunch. They're fricken...gorgeous too. Like some of the most beautiful girls EVER.
AFD!Rando, raising an eyebrow in interest: That so? Well hey, where are they? I'd love to buy you all a drink, chat a bit.
AFD!Ruby, turning away from the bar to the crowd behind her, looking around: Uhhhh, let's see...I think they were over there in one of the booths...yeah! Yeah! See that white hair? That's Weiss! Penny must've gone to the bathroom or somethin.
AFD!Rando, quickly putting his hand back in his pocket as Ruby turns back around: That's cool. That's cool. I'm sure they're both pretty great.
AFD!Ruby, nodding, picking up her drink: Oh yeah! They're the coolest!
AFD!Ruby, bringing the drink towards her lips, only for her wrist to be caught in a tight grip from beside her: H-Huh? Oh!!! Hi Penny! Hey this is my girlfriend Penny! 
AFD!Rando, with a bit of a scowl: Hey.
AFD!Penny, slowly lowering Ruby's hand to place the drink on the counter, putting a single finger into the drink: …
AFD!Ruby, confused: H-Hey if you wanted to you coulda just asked for a sip y'know?
AFD!Penny, after a small flash of green light from her eyes, narrowing them and glares daggers at the dude: What did you put in this?
AFD!Ruby, taken aback: Wh-...what??? No Penny he's cool he wouldn't-
AFD!Penny, shooting her hand past Ruby, and grabs hold of the guy's wrist as he tries to walk away: Very well. Don't answer me.
AFD!Penny, uncaringly twists her wrist, a wet snapping sound coming from the guy as he collapses and screams out while holding his hand, steps over and rummages through his pockets to find a few packets of powder, one opened: Ruby. I beg you. Not to be so trusting. 
AFD!Ruby, disgusted: DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK!? 
AFD!Penny, giving the guy a swift kick to the face, knocking him unconscious before handing the drugs to the bartender, and giving a quick explanation on what happened: Let's go back to the booth Ruby.
AFD!Ruby, still absolutely disgusted, embarrassed due to feeling like an idiot, taking a tight hold of Penny's hand after spitting on the guy's face: Yeah...let's...yeah.
AFD!Weiss, protectively holding onto Ruby, who's clearly upset and was crying: Hey, hey it's okay, it's okay. You're just too nice for your own good. We'll leave okay? 
AFD!Ruby, sniffling, rubbing her eyes: I'm just...I'm an idiot I'm so sorry...I'm so fucking stupid.
AFD!Penny, sitting close against Ruby on the opposite side of Weiss, resting her head against Ruby's: You're safe, that's all that matters.
AFD!Neon, hopping up into the booth, nearly completely nude, her body covered in glowsticks liquid, making her a walking art piece: Hey, you guys okay? Bartender told me some cheery red head snapped a dude's wrist, I suspected it was you guys.
AFD!Weiss, nodding, frowning: Yeah, Ruby had...become acquainted with an undesirable.
AFD!Neon, growling: Fuckin bastards. Thought all of them were banned by now. Do you want me to bring you guys back to Flynt's backroom? It's a lot safer and quieter back there.
AFD!Weiss, nodding: Please. I hope neither of you will be upset if we call a cab back there. I think this might have been enough for us.
AFD!Neon, shaking her head, holding out her hand for Weiss to take, the four of them forming a train: Don't you worry about it, I'll call the cab myself. 
AFD!Yang, sitting at the airship station, waiting to board their flight, joking with Ilia: The next thing I know, I open the shower curtain and BAM, amber eyes glaring at me from the darkness. So naturally I take the showerhead and just spray the shit out of them.
AFD!Ilia, cackling: That's what Blake gets for being a good girlfriend and checking on you after the power goes out?
AFD!Yang, defensively, laughter breaking through: Hey all I'm saying is I've seen more than enough horror movies to know how that situation ends.
AFD!Blake, shaking her head, muttering: Maybe I should've just killed you.
AFD!Blake, with a sly smile spreading on her face: But hey Yang, why don't you explain just what you were doing laying down in the bath with the showerhead in your hands? Hmmm?
AFD!Yang, stammering, embarrassed: W-Well you see I was just...uhhh, I was-
AFD!Trifa, standing up, motioning her head towards the boarding door for the airship: Our flight.
AFD!Yang, jumping up from her seat, grabbing Blake's hands and pulling her up too: Oh no! Guess that story will never be told! 
AFD!Blake, rolls her eyes: Mhhm.
AFD!Blake, walking down a boardwalk built atop a beach, wearing a large brimmed sunhat: It's a bummer we were separated on the flight. 
AFD!Ilia, happily soaking up the Vacuo sun: It's alright! I mostly napped. 
AFD!Yang, swirling a keychain around her finger, four keys attached to it: I'm just worried about our luggage…
AFD!Blake, taking hold of Yang's hand: Shh, the hotel service took care of it. Now let's hurry! I wanna see our-
AFD!Trifa, as the four walk over a sand dune, her jaw dropping: Holy shit.
AFD!Ilia, dumbfounded: Is...is that our-?
AFD!Blake, nearly speechless: It's...it's like the size of my family's house...and it's on the water…
AFD!Yang, nearly breaking into a sprint towards the cabana, excitedly calling after the three: WELL!? LET'S GO CHECK IT OUT!
AFD!Blake, stepping into a large open style room, a cool ocean breeze blowing her hair out of her shocked face: This...it's beautiful…
AFD!Yang, sighing a breath of relief: Our luggage. Thank Gods.
AFD!Ilia, going around the room, peeking into doors: A bar! A kitchen! A beautiful living room!!! Two bedrooms! Guys!!!!
AFD!Trifa, looking around in amazement: What uhh...what gym do you go to? I might get a subscription.
AFD!Yang, biting into a peach from a complimentary fruit bowl, with a smile: Well if there are more people there I'd have less a chance to win next year.
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