#i'm so tiny i have no concept of normal height
da-mous · 11 months
enjoying smb wonder but I have so many tiny nitpicks? they don't kill the game by any means but like
-only one run button, so you can't hold one and press the other to swing the elephant trunk and shoot fireballs and such without losing speed. I was literally drafting a devblog post praising the ability to do that in Mario Maker a few days ago dhgdhdgd. I get that X is the emote button but damn
-just pressing jump while airborne and touching a wall isn't enough to perform a wall jump. you have to push into the wall to enter the wallslide state first. I don't remember if this is the case in other Marios, or maybe Celeste has just spoiled me, but it's tripped me up a few times and seems unnecessary!
-the spin jump makes no sense cause like. no matter how long you press the button it's always the same height as a full normal jump. I guess this is because it can be motion controlled? I keep pressing ZR trying to get a low jump like in Mario Maker but I get the opposite instead. beyond that it also just generally seems to have next to no utility unless you really wanna do an entire full height jump to kill a koopa without getting the shell for some reason
-no triple jump? I mean I guess a thing similar to it is a badge now but. why. they coulda done a cute rising pitch thing with the jump sfx. maybe even a full chord on the final jump. woulda sounded so nice!
-speaking of which, the spin double jump badge is best badge easy (why even use half the badges that give extra height through other means when this one does it best), but it also misses the opportunity to do a rising pitch thing with the jump sfx. idk maybe they tried it and it sounded annoying or something. just weird for the first jump to make a musical sound and the second to do something different entirely
-the emote and item reserve buttons (X and A) do nothing if pressed while the run button is held. why??
-R and ZR both spin jump. Nice. ZL ground pounds and crouches. ok nice. L does... I think it does nothing at all? why? maybe I'm missing something?
-feels like the same few music tracks get reused a lot
-there's like one level with climbable poles, and you can jump off of them as expected, but pressing spin jump does nothing. "why would you ever want to do that?? why do you care about this cass??" because uhhhhhhhhh
-I love the concept of the vine grapple badge but it feels slow and jankass to use
-I always try to let go of dash panels or drop out from ceilings I'm drilling into by releasing the jump button, but you actually have to press jump. pressing jump to go down is really counterintuitive!!
-however, pressing jump does not drop you down when hanging from a horizontal pole (a mechanic in a level or two). to do that you have to press down... and then hold it for a short time..? why can't I drop down right away? "cass it's like one level???" ok yeah but you can't spin jump out of a hang either!!! what about that!!!
-ok lastly I don't get the point of elephant mario. being big isn't really an interesting ability and the melee attack is nothing new. the water spraying doesn't add much either because even if the stage you're in does happen to have water it's not a particularly good projectile. it's mainly only useful to water withered plant dudes. a key for a lock
......anyways hdgdhsgdgs game good I'm just surprised at how many tiny things feel off. maybe this is just what happens when the small details on a game are your whole job for several months lol
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appie00 · 1 year
Y'all remember when I mentioned an Alien! Rengiyuu Au?
Well, heres a concept!
(To the best of my abilities)
Kyojurou was coming home from college after a long day
He wanted nothing more than to get home and pass out on his bed
While walking, he saw a light from the corner of his eyes
Kyojurou looked up to see what looked like a meteor soaring through the air
“Wow, is there a meteor shower happening? I didn’t know one would be happening right now!”
“Wait…are they supposed to be heading towards the ground?”
Cue a crash landing near where Kyojurou is
Immediately, Kyojurou dashed to the crash site to see what happened and to make sure that there weren't any injured people
The crash site wasn't as big as he thought it would be
It was actually really tiny
And through the smoke, Kyojurou could see a figure start to appear
Enter Giyuu the Aishawnu! (That's the name I chose for the alien species)
Once the smoke cleared and Kyojurou stepped closer to the figure, thinking it was an injured person, he finally got a good luck at the mysterious figure
It was, in fact, not a human
*Insert Screaming from both sides*
Giyuu was confused on what life form he was looking at
It had flame colored hair with a matching pair of eyes. It was around the same height as him, if not a bit taller. It certainly was an interesting specimen to look at
(I, for the life of me, can not describe send help-)
But even if it was interesting, it could still be a threat so Giyuu had his guard up
Kyojurou didn't know what the hell he was looking at
Whatever it was, it wasn't human he could tell you that much
Was it an alien life form?!
Kyojurou couldn't believe aliens actually existed
However, the longer he stared at it, it looked to be just as scared as him
It's sapphire eyes have a sense of panic in them, and his stance was a tense one with his tail swishing behind him
Kyojurou noticed a dark purple liquid staining the alien's tail, and that when he realized something
'It's hurt'
'No wonder why it's one edge, it's scared I might attack'
Slowly, Kyojurou put his hands up and spoke in quiet, or what he assumed was quiet, voice, " I'm not going to hurt you."
The other only hissed in response
Which was a bit weird since Kyojurou didn’t see a mouth for it to hiss with
"I won't hurt you." He repeated, taking a small step forward.
Kyojurou was met with another hiss, but it was less intense than before
The process repeated until Kyojurou was less than 3 ft away from the creature, which had thankfully stopped hissing but still kept on glaring
“I just want to patch up your wound.” Kyojurou says
He always kept bandages in his bag in case of emergencies
Kyojurou began to reach for his bag until the other’s hand reached out towards his head
Around 10 seconds had passed before the creature took its hand back
“What do you think you are doing?” A new voice asked
“ You speak my language?? Wait, how are you talking? You have no mouth!” Kyojurou asked, voice returning to its normal volume
(He does actually, it’s just not visible unless he’s eating. Think of King from TOH”
“ I gathered the information from your head and I am talking to you telepathically” the creature responded
“ Damn….Well, I have bandages to help with the wound on your tail." Kyojurou said, taking the bandages out of the bag.
Giyuu didn’t answer, but he allowed the other to assess his tail
'Only because I don't want to go walking around with an open injury' the Aishawnu thought
Kyojurou was thankful that the alien decided to work with him
Especially because he still doesn’t know exactly what it was. It could be poisonous for all he knows.
But it was hurt, and Kyojurou couldn't turn his back against an injured being, human or not.
After he was finished, Kyojurou stepped back and let the creature examine his handiwork.
"Not bad," it said, "I suppose a thank you is an order"
"No problem!" Kyojurou replied
Right after he said that, the other started to walk away
To where? Giyuu didn't know, but his time with the flame-haired was over and he needed to leave
"Hold on, where are you going?" Kyojurou exclaimed as he rushed to catch up with the alien.
"Somewhere. My business with you is over, shoo" it said.
"Yeah, no, you can't go walking around as you are! You're gonna freak people out, and who knows, you might get captured and experimented on!" Kyojurou argued.
The alien stopped walking at that and then turned around to face Kyojurou once again.
"So what do you suggest I do?"
Kyojurou didn't know how to answer that
What could he suggest?
' Well, why don't you come to my house?'
"Uhh...why don't you stay over at my place? You don't have to stay there long, just until you figure out how you can get home!" Kyojurou suggested quickly
'Mother, Father, and Senjirou, please forgive me!' He thought
Meanwhile, Giyuu thought it over
Stay over at a stranger's residence?
Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous
But then again, he is on unknown territory with no tools or maps to help him navigate
And the only being willing to help is in front of him
Giyuu can't believe he's actually doing this but-
"Fine. Lead the way."
Just what were the two of them getting themselves into?
I maaaaaay have gone a bit overboard-
And just to clarify, Giyuu and Kyojurou call each other "it" just because they don't know what the other is so they just refer to each other as such. They clear it up later tho.
Also, everyone's alive in this Au
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sigh-artist · 8 months
Half Bird KO just has wings too small to fly... but he can float quite nicely. Yessss... Avian Seekers and Glider KO is such a nice concept.
Even better if he's not afraid of heights... but doesn't want to hang out with the pure seekers who always flock to them. Cause I imagine they make fun of him. Why wouldn't they? Plus? That would add a reason for his "I'm better than you" behavior. He's told he's the worst, so he acts like he's the best. Combine that with Peabird's and their pride and... welp. Good luck with him lol.
What BD btw?
Okay first I wanna say thank you so much for the ask! I don’t mean to be weird or awkward but I get really excited and really genuinely happy when people show interest in my ideas, so thank you!
And Yesssss! I was thinking the same, this is why he has the “I’m better than you attitude” and the pride thing is probably definitely why I chose a peacocks design for him.
As for bd, i think he’s just a “normal” grounder here, but he supports his husband regardless of him not being a pure seeker, he thinks his drop dead gorgeous anyway and loves him. Bd/breakdown is a strong supporter. But that being said, you know how breakdown is known for his huge chest? Well…. Similar to some mammals and how they have multiple…teats? As some people call them? Tits/nipples, well that’s how my breakdown is like, a lot of nips, i think eight, three smaller ones underneath his normal chest/booba. Now it’s weird but since they are aliens , why not have fun and give them weird biology?
But in my lost wings au ,all my humanoid formers have little “mutations” or quirks if you will, so they aren’t quite human, example is starscream and seekers being bird man/woman or heavily similar to harpies.
My Airachnid, similar to how a spider have multiple limbs, has four-six arms, i think six might be overkill but the extra arms are to make her resemble a spider, she has a normal amount of legs, in my original art she had two prosthetic arms underneath her normal ones I think? But designs might change.
TW: for fictional racism-ish stuff/concept/i don’t support or condone real life stuff of course (it’s gross and makes no sense)
but i do imagine seeker’s might have a bit of racism? Prejudice against grounders, of halfbreed seekers or disabled seekers at that, not all seekers are ,i like to think , but seekers have beauty standards and all and if you can’t fly then they don’t think you are as good as them, some think disabled seekers are a disgrace. It’s really sad, honestly, and i think this version of ko might be a victim of this. They see grounders as being “dirty” or “too rough” or “brutal”.
And…whilst I love starscream, he do have old man/boomer vibes and i think…he might be a “tad” (putting it very lightly) prejudiced against grounders too, old bird man racism.
Oops 👉👈 i accidentally rambled again.
Oh before I forget! I’m not the first person to have the idea of seeker ko! I believe I saw another post with a similar concept (of normal robot ko) so credit to them! I was inspired.
Also, notice how seekers can have different body types/be different models of jet? Starscream being more sleek and tiny and dreadwing being more bulky and big? I headcanon there’s different types/species or subspecies of seekers too, rare/hybrid halfbreed or extinct. Or some are just rumors/near extinction rare like vampiric types.
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ruffian-writings · 2 years
Hello Oleander. First off, thank you very much for letting me include Deline x Gordon in my ship heights line-up. Having a a good handful of ships made the project more fun so including yours was nice.
I'm not just here for gratitude though. I don't have a tradition ask in mind but I was wondering if you'd be willing to introduce Deline and your ship in more detail. If you're not ready to reveal it in full yet, just ignore this.
Good luck with your blog. I'm cheering you on!
Wow I’m super late to this! But for what it’s worth I’d love to talk about them, even after I stopped writing for a little bit I would still do tiny blurbs about them here and there just for fun. Deline was my first oc for Black Clover and is still one of my favorites overall, she’s just so fun! 
I’ve always liked coming up with medic-type characters depending on the fandom, and one that involved magic and fantasy seemed perfect for it! Even if I had to make some minor changes to her magic after meeting Mimosa the general concept still stuck. I kind of have a theme going for Del as well as her mother and sister, but I’ll save those introductions for another time. 
In the little plot I have going, Deline is the resident medic and had joined the group roughly a year before the story begins. Her circumstances were less than stellar when she first showed up, something that left her more than a little reclusive from the others for a while. It wasn’t often that she’d be seen unless it was for a task she was assigned to or if someone came back with an injury that needed to be seen to. Even with how despondent she came off she never turned anyone away - she was there to make sure the team stayed in working order, after all. This did get better after a while, but there are some points where she does end up drawing back yet again. These seem to happen totally at random and she’ll normally bounce back after a few days. If ever asked why, she normally just passes it off as being sick or something like that. 
She technically wouldn’t be lying, but the full truth is a liiiitle darker than that…
Anyways!! Before they get into a relationship, Deline and Gordon would be pretty close friends! With them both being fairly quiet and coming from similar backgrounds, there was a lot for them to relate to with one another. After a while it wasn’t often that you’d see one without the other unless it was because of a mission. Being the guild’s medic and on-call for any serious ailment in outside groups Deline tries to not play favorites, but she does tend to dote on him a little more. It isn’t always, especially if someone is gravely injured, but she will check in on him more often if something does happen.  As for when things get a little less platonic? They’re pretty close to the ‘dark and imposing/embodiment of sunshine’ pair. It would take a lot for one of them to actually confess, so I could see it happening on complete accident or after something particularly fluffy. Even after they’re both pretty shy in the beginning, it's pretty prevalent that something has changed. While they don’t act too differently around each other, there is a little more contact - fingers linked, a hand on the other’s back/waist/shoulder, just little things like that. Aside from a small kiss on the cheek they tend to keep PDA to a minimum, considering the other members would undoubtedly tease them for it. Overall it’s a lot of tooth-rotting fluff with a little hurt/comfort thrown in, probably one of my more favorite oc/character pairings I have ^^
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numbuh-1507 · 2 years
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Well, here's something I had on my mind for a while: a fan design of what Sam from "The Rhino and The Redbill" might look like when they hatch.
The main challenge of this was finding a good "child bird" design to use as a base. Most chicks in animation use a round body design, but I've decided to go with something akin to Tweety, with a head as big as their body, but with tiny feet. The second issue was translating the colors of a baby oxpecker, based on very little visual refs I could find (seriously, there's more pictures of the eggs of these birds than the chicks that hatch from them), as well as sourcing from the  ever (un)reliable Wikipedia, which states that oxpecker babies are a darker shade of brown than its parents, as well as having dark olive beaks (which I don't think it looks very good on this drawing, honestly. Maybe Mr. Henderson will pull it better). Unfortunately, the source article didn't mention anything about this particular coloring (as well as not providing any illustrations), so maybe someone who's more of an ornintologist can call me out if I turn out to be wrong.
Overall, I've tried my best to make sure that Sam looked like a separate entity, instead of an "Age regressed Red", which is why it has Red eyes (I can imagine Sam having the same eye color as their mother... whom we currently have no clue of her whereabouts or apperance, if she's still alive at all), like real-life Red- billed oxpeckers have.
I've though of putting a height chart to compare how tall Sam stands compared to Red (about half his height), but I've discarded it. You can imagine how extremely small this kid is compared to Niles. I don't think they'd live in the backpack any longer after they hatch, without disconsidering the amount of time their egg has spent without proper incubation (it takes around 2 weeks for oxpeckers to hatch if they are incubated normally , which might mean that it wasn't a very long time between their laying and Red meeting Niles). And let's not even start with what purpose would they serve in TRaTR, assuming they hatch before the series finale... if it has one.
Ok, I gotta admit I'm starting to run out of ideas for "The Rhino and The Redbill" drawings (that aren't NSFW), and you can only do so much for a short that has only 5 notable characters (not counting the scavengers), one of them is an egg and another one has their face in the shadow, as well as a very limited amount of settings (entrance to the mine, inside the mine, the prisoners room, the cave, the minecart rails, the exit to the mine...). Arguably I could bring out the other characters that Mr. Henderson drew concept art for back when the short was still called "The Rhino and The Oxpecker" (such as this warthog fellow www.deviantart.com/alexanderhe…), but then I would have to adapt their designs for the modern version of TRaTR, as well as finding what roles should they play. At this point, most of my remaining drawing ideas are continuations of previous drawings, which most of you will find repetitive if nothing else.
Besides, I want to give more chance to other people to also make fanart of that short WITHOUT my imput. Let's see how this goes.
Anyway, rant over. Hope you enjoyed this. Property of @artofalexhenderson
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not-quite-but-maybe · 4 months
the thing that kills me is that this is the healthiest I've ever been. I was so small as a baby that I was marked as having "failure to thrive". As a young child, everyone always commented on how tiny I was. Once I got older, I very quickly became overweight, and I was already looking into weight loss when I was 12. I was clinically obese by the age of 16, and it was causing health issues.
Now, though? Now, I'm healthy.
In fact, my mentality is just about the only thing I have that's unhealthy. I'm at a healthy BMI right now. I'm walking more often. I'm eating less fast/junk food, I'm eating more fruits and veggies, and I'm making sure to get lots of protein. I'm drinking more water. My calorie limit is, while strongly advised against, still technically healthy for my height.
But at the same time, I'm not normal, either. I was excited when taking my medication (which is an injection) hurt more than normal because that meant there was less fat on my thigh. I check my diet sodas at restaurants in order to make sure they're not sticky. I desperately want to be underweight enough that I never get my period again. I want to be practically unrecognizable, since I know most people's concept of me relies on the fact that I've been overweight for most of my life. I say my ugw is 100lbs but I don't think I'll be fully satisfied until I'm at least BMI 16, which is 87lbs for me. I want a fast metabolism, not to eat whatever I want without gaining, but to eat as I do now and lose so quickly that people are scared.
I feel like I'm faking all of this. I know I wouldn't be here if I had a healthy relationship with food, and I know that the way I obsess over every calorie isn't "normal", but I feel like my behavior isn't disordered enough to actually mean anything. It feels like I'm finally making healthy decisions, and I'm just bitching and moaning about it because I was so used to making unhealthy ones. Like only my thoughts are disordered, and I'm just being dramatic. I hate it.
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musubiki · 4 years
how tall are your ocs?
ooh gosh,,..i think its like this: (im gonna put a range cuz im short irl and dont have a good sense of other peoples height)
mochi: 5′4″-5′5 maybe??
lime: 6′1″-6′2″ (6′3″-6′4″ post timeskip)
coco: 5′6″-5′7″
oscar: like 5′11″-6′0″ 
taffy: 6′4″ i think?????
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cakepop-kk · 3 years
So somebody on TikTok said Spamton is an inch tall. And that's... not necessarily true.
So, in the game, Queen states that the Fun Gang are teenagers. Judging by how there's a kindergarten in the same building, I would say Kris and Susie are in middle school/junior high.
The average height of a 12-year-old (7th grade) is around 4'10'' to 5'0''. So that's where we'll put Kris's height. Now, using this, we can take a look at Spamton.
In the overworld, they're around the same height; though, evidently, Spamton is a tiny bit shorter.
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So we'll say Kris is at 4'10'' and Spamton is around 4'9''. Is this the same in the fight?
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Seems so. So that would indeed put him around 4'9''. Still technically a manlet, in case you were worried.
Now this brings me to the concept of Spamton NEO's height. How tall is he in NEO form?
Using the same formula, I figured that out too.
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NEO seems to be about twice the height of normal Spamton, which would mean he's around...
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Yup, looks about right.
Thank you for your time and have a good day.
I'm gonna go take a nap.
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theweirdhybrid · 2 years
Have you heard of movie saiyuki 1960 wukong (if not you can find it on YouTube just put saiyuki 1960 if you want)
I do wonder how the wukongs would react to him since he does not seem to be even a hundred years old, and was not even trap under the mountain(whatever it was) for even hundred years, and didn't take that long to complete his journey (kinda all assumptions seeing how not much time seem to have passed in the movie)
Yes I've heard of it! Your ask is what motivated me to actually watch it!
Rin Rin is adorable and I love her, she deserves the world <3
As much as I would love to add Goku and Rin Rin to the Canonverse, the cast is already big enough as it is. But that doesn't mean I can't add them as a permanent addition to the Skitverse >:) (note: Skitverse doesn't have a plot and never will, but it will still get things like this from time to time)
I'd say from the looks of things Goku (Saiyuuki!Wukong) would be around five or six years old, maybe ten. And compared to the others, he'd be the weakest, though that doesn't mean Goku is weak on his own, he's plenty strong, just not on the level of the others.
The only real indication we get of time passing over a span of years in Saiyuuki is when Rin Rin tells Goku that the chestnut tree had born fruit five times since he'd been away, which indicates he'd been gone five years. So, by that evidence, he just barely hits the age a normal monkey would've matured. I'd say only a few months passed since Goku started and completed his Journey, since I doubt Rin Rin would've been bedridden from the cold for years and survived, let alone been able to walk after years of muscle decay.
Now, how these guys would actually react to this is honestly up for debate, buuuut I'm of the belief the vast majority of Wukong's are doting towards their subjects, and in the original text the monkey subjects refer to him as "Grandfather Sun" so...
They would react to him in three stages.
One: They can't get over how incredibly tiny he is. Sure, he's the normal height for a monkey, but that means he's the size of a human toddler. In short, he just barely matches Liuer's height. Liuer barely reaches Dasheng's waist. So at first they try very hard not to baby him because "That is so incredibly rude he's the same age as us he's just short he is not a child" and then they learn his age
Two: The moment it comes out that he's five years old any concept of treating him like an adult is thrown out the window. Oh you want to go outside? Well I'm coming with you! I'd be a monster to let a monkey as young as you wander the mountain alone. Have you eaten anything today Goku? Don't answer that I got you dinner- Cue a lot of babying and carrying poor Goku around, he doesn't get to go anywhere without Adult Supervision. They hold him like a baby monkey, and he's super pissed about it but he's not helping his case when he clings to them like a baby monkey does.
Three: Goku gets fed up with the babying and screams at all of them to stop treating him like a damn child! He's a king! Fuck off! They actually respect this, though that shouldn't be surprising. But now they're treating him like an adult and he's no longer getting carried around, and when he says he's going outside they just tell him to have fun and oh, he never realized how boring it is to play outside by himself. Hm. The only good part is meal time, since they all eat together. But he's now very lonely and he doesn't know how to feel about it. But he's an adult! So he does what any respectable adult would do: doesn't communicate his problems. When Dasheng was reading something on the couch, Goku walked over and climbed up his legs to settle on his chest and take a nap. Dasheng, of course, is a thousand years old and faced the armies of heaven with a yawn, so he of course tries very hard not to cry from how adorable that was. Goku does this with anyone who dares to lay on their back, and when he wants to play he just grabs whoever's closest to him by the hand and drags them outside. He is, after all, the least traumatized of the group and the youngest, so he hasn't quite left his childhood behind. He will in time, but for now he enjoys his childhood while he can.
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ferrisbuellers · 2 years
A fairly new gifmaker here. So, how do you add a single transparent pixel to a gif anyway? Is there some tutorial or guidelines about this? Honestly, i'm not against the concept of change but, whenever i slightly think i got it -the gifmaking, tumblr makes it all chaos and there's a new ordeal to consider ffs
i've been here for so long and have seen so many changes that i hated in the beginning, but they didn't really affect the gifs as negatively as this change seems to be doing. unless they can tweak the video format enough to where gifs looks like actual gifs again, i don't see how much longer this place is going to be around. gifmakers and content creators are truly the backbone of this website and they constantly do everything in their power to push us out. anyway, sorry for the mini rant.
i haven't found a tutorial but there might be one around somewhere, i'll update with a link if/when i find one! for now, i'll try my best to explain it the way i've been doing it.
EDIT: becca / @yenvengerberg created a great tutorial on how she’s able to do this! and it seems a lot simpler than my method, so give this a try. 
first, get your cropping, sharpening, colouring, etc. out of the way. make sure you're in frame animation if you're not already! i'm not sure what method you use to make your gifs, so lmk if i need to explain how to get to this point.
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ok, so to make a single pixel, just click on your rectangular marquee tool
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then make sure your first frame in your animation bar is selected as well as your first layer in the layers bar
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after that, zoom in on your gif, i do about 500%, and find the whitest area if possible, then make your tiny square with your marquee tool. try to keep it small. like really small, your width and height shouldn't exceed 2px by 2px but if you can get it down to 1px by 1px, that's even better. there's a guide with the dimensions as you make the square, so you'll know where you're at. once you have your square selected (and it's very important you have your first frame and layer selected like i mentioned above or it won't work properly), you're going to hit the delete/backspace bar on your keyboard. it'll create a transparent pixel and voila! if you can't really see it, that's a good thing because it won't be noticeable on your gif once you've uploaded it. test upload it to your drafts first just to make sure it looks normal but you should be okay. hopefully st*ff doesn't catch on and change this but it does work for now.
i know i'm the worst at explaining so message me again if i need to clear something up for you.
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snifflesthemouse · 3 years
I'm still rather new to Tumblr. While I've clearly displayed my ability to post my ramblings, I'm still figuring out the other various features of this platform. For the sake of reference, I have posted a screenshot below.
While I completely agree with @youhavebeenmarkled that it's grossly inappropriate to suggest Catherine, the future Queen Consort, is a drug addict... I want to add to the discussion and further develop why the concept of Catherine microdosing heroin is entirely ignorant.
@youhavebeenmarkled mentions several excellent points as to why the concept is ridiculous; from genetics to muscle tone and more. But there's deeper reasons why this idea of Catherine being on heroin is so far from the truth and reality, it's out of this world. Some could even argue it sounds like a page from a Hollywood script.
Before I get started, though, I want (and need) to stress a few things. I am in no way shaming anyone. As I've shared in the past, I am the last person in the universe qualified to pass judgement on anything or anyone. My posts are simply my perspectives, my opinions. I look at facts in the public domain, and with my own knowledge and life experience, I form my thoughts.
Please remember while you read this, I am not looking down on anyone. I am not bragging about knowing what drug addiction is or is not. I am only sharing some insights with you, the reader, on what real life heroin addiction is like. My only goal is giving insight.
I am not proud of my past, and I am not condoning it. Nor should you. Accountability is how I stay clean. Please do not feel like I am suggesting non-addicts are ignorant or "square". Not knowing or understanding heroin addiction is a blessing. It's a good thing to be in the dark about certain things because it means you're smarter than people like me.
Be proud of the fact you don't automatically see why these blind items are total nonsense from the start. And if you aren't proud of yourself, just know I am proud AF of you. For those of you like myself who have been through the hell of addiction, remember we do recover. With all that being said, let's get going.
You see, anyone with firsthand experience or knowledge of true heroin addiction would automatically know these rumors are absolutely ridiculous. Why? Because heroin addiction doesn't work that way.
Now don't get me wrong. The world is filled with functioning closet addicts. I myself was a functioning closet addict for years before the world was any the wiser. The key point, though, is the world did eventually get wiser.
Heroin addiction usually starts out in one of a few ways. Most Americans addicted to heroin became that way because of prescription painkillers. For example, I first got addicted to pain pills. When the pain pills became impossible to get, I took what I could get that was the closest equivalent. That was heroin.
But some people start using heroin because they did some at a party with friends. Or they have a loved one addicted and wanted to see what the fuss was all about. Some people are hooked on other drugs, like cocaine or ecstasy, and their usual dealer offers a free sample of the latest batch of heroin. There's a saying among addicts; "The first one's free."
Dealers know they can increase their profitability if they can get established clients addicted to other products they traffic. But these are just a few examples of how people get started using heroin. Very rarely does anyone start out on heroin simply because they want to stay thin. Contrary to the popular belief known to many as "heroin chic" that came from supermodels in the mid 80s and 90s.
Heroin is what addicts refer to as a euphoria narcotic. It has a euphoric effect, and it is sometimes called a "downer". Cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, or amphetamines are called "uppers" or "speeders" because they stimulate the brain and give energy. While heroin can have that affect on people, it is not the traditional go-to for illicit weight management.
In other words, if Catherine really did use microdosing (a concept I will debunk in a moment), her first, best choice would be a stimulant like cocaine because it's much more effective at appetite suppression and providing energy. Heroin wouldn't be the first, best choice for many reasons.
Because of its nature, heroin is highly addictive. Most users begin snorting the drug in powder form. Within seconds to a minute, the substance enters the bloodstream and hits the brain. The brain then releases endorphins that travel the rewards pathway in the brain. The first time one uses heroin is the highest they will ever feel from using. Every subsequent dose releases less and less endorphins in the brain. This is why recovering addicts talk about chasing their sobriety like they chased their first high. This is also why microdosing is an almost-impossible behavior.
Microdosing means taking tiny, small amounts over time. Meaning that you only use the minimum amount to achieve the effect you desire. But the problem is, your brain becomes physically dependent on the substance over time. Every time an addict uses, the brain gets more dependent on that substance to function. So, while a non-addict's brain has no issues with their brain producing endorphins, an addict's brain does. This is why heroin is so addictive.
Eventually, a heroin addict's brain will become so reliant on heroin to produce endorphins, the addict will become entirely dependent. This is also known as becoming hooked. When the addict doesn't have the minimum amount of heroin the body is accustomed to, or depending upon, the addict will start withdrawal. This is often called being "dope sick" or "detoxing".
Detoxing or being dope sick is the driving force behind addicts staying addicts. Being dope sick is the biggest fear of an addict. So much so, the fear of detoxing is enough to drive otherwise good, decent human beings to doing absolutely whatever it takes to avoid detoxing. Stealing from loved ones, manipulating innocent bystanders, lying, cheating, robbing, selling your body... are the half of it.
Being dope sick is like having the worst flu of your life times a million. You will vomit, have uncontrollable diarrhea, and your body will hurt worse than anything you could ever imagine. If you detox for more than a day, you will begin to feel like your insides are shaking, burning, and pulling apart inside. You can't sleep. You can't eat. You can't get out of bed. You miss work and lose your job (if you still have one at this point). You get desperate before this point, and you get carnal after this point.
Your brain and entire body becomes dependent on this substance to function subpar. Without this substance, everything begins to stop working properly. Depending on exactly how much you use normally, your withdrawal can become life threatening. You can have seizures, strokes, or even go into cardiac arrest. Hopefully you can see by now why I say the concept of microdosing is ridiculous.
To be able to micro dose would require the self control and willpower of a super human. This reminds me of an article I once read about a college professor who advocated for drug use. He claimed he wasn't addicted, had control of his drug use, and was a productive member of society. He said he'd use heroin like others drink after a long day of work. Yet, he's been using it for over a decade. Yet, he experienced detoxing. That professor is a prime example of an addict in denial. But I digress...
My points are this:
1. Heroin wouldn't be the first choice for weight control or appetite suppression; cocaine or stimulants like meth or ritalin would be.
2. Microdosing is an almost-impossible method of drug use because the body gets hooked quickly. Which means the dose will only increase in amount in order to have the same effects over time.
3. Heroin causes an addiction that results in serious, life threatening withdrawal that drives even the nicest person to doing the worst of the worst.
4. Heroin addiction, even in small amounts, takes no time to invade and overtake one's life. It literally only takes one time to get hooked. It literally takes no time to destroy everything.
Oh, and one more thing before I put a sock in it... at the height of my active addiction, I was using around 2 grams a day to feel normal. I spent at minimum $200 a day on heroin. Sometimes even more. When I started out, I was only using a tenth or less. It takes 10 of those to make a gram. So within two months of starting, I went from doing one tenth to needing 20 of those tenths just to feel normal and function. All the while, I never got smaller than 150 pounds.
I know it sounds terrible, but I would lament over how unfair it was. I was doing all this heroin, and I was still thick AF. I would literally joke to fellow addicts I would use with how it was total bullshit. How was it I was using 2 grams a day and still a size 12 or 14? That's how sick I was in my disease. Which is my final point.
Not everyone on heroin is "heroin chic" skinny. The effort, will power, and self control it would take to "microdose" would be far greater than what it would take to control one's diet and exercise. Plus it would be much cheaper to hire a trainer than employ a drug dealer.
I hope this very long, detailed, winded post gives better insight to the deeper reasons the blind item is so dumb. I also hope it gives insight to the real life of heroin addiction. My goal was, and is, to provide real examples to the blind item's absurdity. If I can help people better understand heroin addiction, potentially deterring someone from ever touching it or even a loved one learning something that could help someone they know struggling with addiction... well that would be a bonus.
P.S. If you or a loved one you know is struggling with addiction, there is help out there. If you have any questions or just need someone to listen, please feel free to message me. I will do my best to help. I've been there. They say the only way to keep your sobriety is by giving it away... I have plenty to give. Be forewarned, though, I am unapologetically blunt and honest to a fault. I mean no harm, but I will not sugar coat anything.
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vesuvian-sunsets · 4 years
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I'm having too many d&d AU thoughts 😂. Maybe I'll make some actual polished paintings for it, but for now have some super messy sketches bc I have absolutely no motivation to paint or refine them rn 😅
But anyway, I'm in love with this concept. For one, the sheer POWER of 7ft tall firbolg Xori is incredible. She's taller than Julian for once, and doesn't he deserve to be small and also the perfect height for forehead kisses 🥺? But then if you stuck Xori next to Muriel (who would just be insanely tall as a firbolg- like he's above average height as a human so obviously he'd be above average as a firbolg- aka over EIGHT FEET TALL) and she's back to being tiny. (Also now I REALLY want to play Xori as a wildfire druid bc that SLAPS and Panrell could be her wildfire spirit).
And normally in a d&d setting I have Merin as a half elf, but tiefling Merin is just so cool- so what if Asra brought her back from the dead with a reincarnation spell and THAT'S why she's a tiefling! (Also since that's not a sorcerer spell maybe he cast it wrong and accidentally brought her back without her memories 👀).
Can you tell I've put too much thought into this AU (And that I'm a huge nerd 😂)?
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loopy777 · 3 years
I'm gonna pick "Sokkla Makeout," just to learn if it actually is what it sounds like.
I'm not going to give away the game, but since it's already complete, I might as well post the whole thing.
Keep in mind this was written in response to a discussion on ASN, which was (surprise!) centered on Sokkla. I forget the full details, but it touched on the possibilities of Sokka and Azula being secret agents together and falling in love. Secret Agent Sokka was a thing in fandom, for a while, and is partially what prompted me to put him in a 'Bond Girl' role for the story where I wrote Mai as 007. (Zuko was the Bad Bond Girl, although not actually bad in any way. It's all about the dynamic in the story formula.) As alwasy, I couldn't avoid putting in my own thoughts of an Azula 'Redemption.'
Also keep in mind that I typically dashed these things off without trying to make them good. Looking at it now, I'm not satisfied with Sokka's characterization.
Anyway, here you go:
Torture is Kind of Like Pranking, Right?
He should have been enjoying his first chance to ride in the new Drake-class Rapid Transport Zeppelin (that he helped design, thank you very much).
If not, then he should have enjoyed being trapped in a tiny passenger cabin with a spectacularly hot girl.
If not, then he should have at least been able to get some sleep, considering that he was on his way to another dangerous mission to preserve world peace or stabilize the price of rice or something.
Instead, he was scared out of his mind for his life.
Azula shifted her gaze away from the small porthole to look at Sokka with those darned-perfect eyebrows raised. "You're shaking. Are you cold? I can heat the cabin a little, if it would make you more comfortable."
Sokka tried to scoot away from her, but since he was already pressed into the wall on the far side of the bench they shared, all this accomplished was to squeeze him further up the metal barrier. Azula was literally driving him up the wall. "No Firebending," he growled. "I see one flame, red or blue, and I'm having this thing turned around and telling Zuko that you tried to kill me."
Azula's brow scrunched up, perhaps in irritation but more likely in evil murderous rage. "I'm trying to be nice; the Socialization classes my dear brother is paying for taught me that the first step in forging bonds with people is investing in the well-being of others. Since we will be working together on this mission, it would be most efficient for us to find a way to 'get along,' and something akin to a working friendship would be the ideal solution."
Sokka's eyes narrowed. "What does that all mean?"
"It means," she hissed, "that there isn't a single reason for me to do anything bad to you, so would you take your accusations and keep them to yourself?!"
There was the gaze- that scary Azula Gaze, the one that said she was about to destroy the entire world just for the joy of watching good people suffer. Sokka tensed and readied for an attack, but it didn't come. Azula just huffed a breath -- a warm one -- and turned to look out the porthole again. There was nothing but clear skies and rolling green plains to gaze at.
Sokka continued to eye Azula, just in case. She was a little different since she got out of the crazy house, but Sokka thought that Zuko deserved to take over her old room there for actually putting his former attempted-murderer to work. Zuko was far too trusting, and relied too much on logic, when it came to his sister. Normally, Sokka was a fan of logic, but Azula was Evil, and Evil is never logical.
Still, she was different, no denying that. She had completed five of these dangerous, off-the-books missions for Zuko, and seemed to be loyal to him, for now. Right here in this cabin, she was wearing a simple red and black tunic, and hadn't put her crownpiece in her hair. The old Azula liked the fancy robes of Fire Nation royalty, and even when she wasn't wearing her crownpiece, she was still wearing it in spirit.
That Azula was different now just meant she had gotten more sneaky.
"Why are you so convinced that I'm out to kill you?"
Sokka's jaw dropped, He hadn't thought she was paying any attention to him. "Maybe because you've done it before, every single time we met? And don't tell me you're a different person now. I've seen Zuko do that whole Evil To Good thing, and you're not working any of that magic."
She shrugged. "Honestly, I don't invest much into the concepts of Good and Evil. Back when I tried to kill you, I served my father, and by extension the nation he ruled. Of course, that drove me to... my bout of weariness. In the time it took me to... return home, Zuko had taken over the Fire Nation, ended the war, and began transitioning our country into peacetime. The only way to make myself useful is to serve him, now."
"And it never occurred to you," Sokka barked with a laugh, "to kill him and make yourself Fire Lord?"
Azula looked at him like he was a spiderfly in the process of defecating in her dessert. "What kind of an absurd notion is that? I'm one of the most reviled people alive, both in the Fire Nation and especially abroad. Even if I could somehow oust Zuko and take over, he's completely reversed our economy and state of readiness. If I tried to restart a war for conquest, I'd be defeated inside of a week, and the Fire Nation would suffer for it. That would be the height of pointlessness. Better to let Zuko rule, since he's trusted, and do what I can to make sure he has a stable reign so that the Fire Nation can prosper. Dear Zuzu has decided that I'm most useful on these covert anti-terrorist missions, so that's what I'm doing to prove my reliability. Maybe one day he'll let me function as an adviser."
Sokka could only stare at her through the whole tirade. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?"
"I honestly couldn't care less. You're the one who's been staring at me the whole trip. Either you're a paranoid moron, or you're 'checking me out' as the expression goes."
Sokka snorted in indignation, which cleared his sinuses too quickly and set him coughing. As soon as he recovered, he croaked out, "No! I'm scouting the enemy!"
Azula tapped a finger to her chin. "Well, you've misidentified the enemy, but scouting isn't a bad concept. Actionable intelligence is the key to a successful operation, and it's good to know as much about your allies as you can. Perhaps even more important than knowing your enemies. Especially considering the mission that's planned for us."
She said it so nonchalantly that Sokka was immediately suspicious. "What do you mean?"
"Didn't they give you the extended briefing? We're going undercover as lovers in order to infiltrate enemy territory. I was given a wardrobe that even Ty Lee would consider daring. I hope they taught you how to brush your teeth back in the Water Tribes, because we'll probably be exchanging quite a bit of saliva."
Sokka couldn't speak. He couldn't even breathe. He was getting up the energy for a good scream when Azula leaned over him with a predatory expression on her face. "Might as well practice, hm?" Then she grabbed him and kissed him.
Then again, 'kissed' was probably the wrong term for it. Sure, their mouths were connected, and probably their tongues, too, but the degree to which Azula was pressing her body against his, limbs entangling, definitely pushed things beyond kissing. Maybe it was even a few notches above making out, depending on your definition. It certainly had its own power, which is why Sokka failed to even try to break free. If he had to classify it, he might file it under those Magnetik Energies the Mechanist was currently playing with.
Whatever it was, it was heating the room like crazy.
Of course, everyone needs air -- even Firebenders -- so the Way More Than a Kiss ended with stereo panting as the two of them eased back to their respective sides of the bench. Sokka found his voice first. "What- you- we- I... I don't care how great that was, no way am I pretending to be your lover! You're evil!"
Azula sighed. "Relax. I was just joking. My Socialization class that says humor is a very effective way to lighten moods and create superficial connections between people who are otherwise having trouble bonding. I guess I'm no good at pranks yet. Perhaps I'll ask Zuzu for an additional tutor." She turned to stare out the porthole again, leaning her chin on her hands.
Sokka watched her very carefully for the rest of the silent, awkward trip. And it totally wasn't because he was checking her out.
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sickadelia · 3 years
welp i rbed both so lets do em all!! fuck it!!
pop - share an unpopular opinion you may have austin powers 2 is better than austin powers 1 by a looooong shot im sorry the first one is such ass. but the second? literal art. felicity shagwell could easily own vanessa whatsherface
punk - last movie/tv show you watched baz luhrmann great gatsby- i liked it... mostly!! hard to get into at first, but i enjoyed it as a hater of the book <3
classical - describe yourself in three words kooky, creative, caring (idfk?)
country - what are you passionate about? LOTSA THINGIES!! Art/creating stuff is my main passion since it's the thing I'm best at, i love coming up with concepts for movies, comics, etc. I also like to collect stuff, like records, comics, and toys! I also like to go out and take photos I guess?? Just experience the sweet city lyfe
indie - what fictional character do you relate the most to & why? joker– LMFAOOO KIDDINGGG- i wasn't a huge fan of mitchells vs the machines but i really hashtag related to the daughter, katie mitchell. She’s the same flavour of quirky outsider as me, and just as vibrant and insane!! we need more fictional girlies like her
edm - have you been to a concert? if so, what concert was your favorite one? yesss!! Ariana Grande and Gary Numan (weird combo ik) are the only ones i've seen SO FAR, they were both really good for different reasons.
rap - whats your favorite meme? cupcakke remixes forever and always
jazz - what is your birthstone & star sign? amethyst n pisces :)
hip hop - whats your favorite food? CHOCOLAAAAATE. Any candy, actually. But if we’re talking actual food, i love pepperoni pizza w/ xtra cheese and chicken sammies <3
latin - do you believe in the paranormal? nawwwwwwww when u die u die
r&b - describe your best friend hilarious, willing to do anything, good listener, passionate, intelligent
gospel - are you a morning person or a night person? Morning person fer suuuuure. I wake up at 6:30 and like to start my day as quickly as possible. I don’t think i’ve ever willingly stayed up past 12:30
opera - how do you know when you have a crush? I dream about them as i fall asleep. So stupid but it's trueeee
k-pop - what is something you never understood? pre-calculus. HATE that shit. idk how mathematicians enjoy themselves
reggae - give me a song recommendation do i make you nervous by serena isioma :D
aaaand the next one!!
0: Height 5’3 (i think??)
1: Age However old Betty White is now
2: Shoe size 7 ½-8
3: Do you smoke? nauuuur
4: Do you drink? NAUUUUUURRR
5: Do you take drugs? NNNNNNAAAAAAUUUUUURRRR (hysterical laughter)
6: Age you get mistaken for Seems to vary: either a young teenager or early 20s. idk what that says about me, but i don't think it's good
7: Have tattoos? nopeeee
8: Want any tattoos? been thinking about it? i'm kind of a wuss, but it would be nice to get a tiny non-visible one
9: Got any piercings? used to. I got my ears done at Claires and then the earring started fusing into the ear and then– yeah.
10: Want any piercings? I would love to piece my ears again but aagghhhh so much work. i was thinking about doing it before the end of the year, i want to wear funky earrings again </3
11: Best friend? yeeeeeeessssssss !!!!
12: Relationship status Single and not vibing :(
13: Biggest turn ons Knows my weird animation stuff, really well dressed, intense eye contact, nice laugh, sense of humour
14: Biggest turn offs obsessed w/ Tarantino or Disney movies (ppl who like them in a normal way are cool), gloomy, smells like old shoes, only talks about themselves, rude
15: Favorite movie three-way tie between Mad Monster Party, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto
16: I’ll love you if… you listen to me talk about my weirdo interests!! or if you like my art. that’s cool too <3
17: Someone you miss my cat, who just left the room and abandoned me here
18: Most traumatic experience the time i thought a bowl of grapefruit was watermelon and then ate it all. hated grapefruit ever since
19: A fact about your personality I’m either super upbeat and giggly or sarcastic and mega judgy. Depends on who i'm with
20: What I hate most about myself Kind of a doormat, afraid to take risks, stubborn, procrastinator, cares too much about what others think
21: What I love most about myself Clever, outgoing (mostly), creative, always laughing, always looking for new things to be inspired by
22: What I want to be when I get older Storyboard artist!!
23: My relationship with my sibling(s) Haha imagine having siblings
24: My relationship with my parent(s) ahmazziinnnggg!! They’re my favourite people in the world <3
25: My idea of a perfect date movies and then dinner. or shopping and then dinner. I just like dinner ok???
26: My biggest pet peeves messing up something i was really excited about, the sound of that type of plastic packaging they put popsicles in, talking/humming while i'm trying to focus, cashiers who don't stop pestering you about joining their rewards program, man buns
27: A description of the girl/boy I like David Spade. just David Spade. we literally have 96% zodiac compatibility or something its meant to be
28: A description of the person I dislike the most HAAAAA UMMMM loud, obnoxious, self-involved, always needs everything to be about them, outraged
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend to look like i knew a cool band
30: What I hate the most about work/school wasting my time on something that i'm not passionate about and, in the end, will not benefit me at all
31: What my last text message says probably something like “LMAOOOO”. that's all i know how to type
32: What words upset me the most Failure. Literally just FAILURE. terrifying word.
33: What words make me feel the best about myself smart, talented, inspirational idfk
34 &35: What I find attractive in women AND men colourful makeup, huge shoes & thrifted fashion, nice laugh (again), always interested in what you're talking about, intellectually stimulating/always wanting to discuss stuff, good taste in music, kind and understanding
36: Where I would like to live I like where I’m living now, but it would be cool to live in LA!
37: One of my insecurities my teeth, which are getting better, but instead of being all sad boohoo about it, i play them up for laughs in my art
38: My childhood career choice fashion designer, pop star, sitcom actress, voice actor, bass player, film director, screenwriter... yea it's a lot
39: My favorite ice cream flavor neapolitan or birthday cake
40: Who I wish I could be Mia Regan, my beloved </3
41: Where I want to be right now amoeba records in LA! i haven't been to the new location yet and i really want tooOOOOO
42: The last thing I ate timbiebs baby!!!
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately YOU, VEZ!
44: A random fact about anything Todd Rundgren (my fav musician Ever) worked on Donda, but got so sick of Kanye’s shit that he quit and Kanye probably removed all of his work.
tysm for asking vezzziIIEEEEE
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