#i'm thinking about writing a oneshot that expands upon this at some point
raccoonfallsharder · 2 months
Hi there! This is probably such a silly question, so I'm sorry in advance, but in your fics, how long is a "cycle"?
I've gathered that a rotation is the equivalent of about a day (I think? lol) . Is a cycle the intergalactic equivalent of like a week or maybe a month in your fics? I originally thought a year, but in WAtG its stated that Jo "crosses paths with the Yondu Clan once every fifteen cycles or so." So a year seems like the wrong assumption on my part haha
Thank you ♡
hey honeycomb! these are SUCH FUN questions because i am such an UNHINGED NERD, especially about time and trying to make things make sense in space lol (also omg please never apologize for asking questions?? ever?? you’re a delight. curiosity is beautiful and giving other people a chance to explain their thoughts/loves/interests is a gift you give whenever you ask)
so first of all it’s worth noting that i’m pretty sure in at least one of the games, it’s the opposite — a cycle is like a day, i think? and a rotation is a week or a month? (i used to know this with more certainty because last year, i had researched obsessively to find out if there was a singular canonical way of measuring the passage of time in marvel-outer-space. fyi the short answer is no). worth noting: this is how i thought of time when i was writing ᯓ⋆。°✩practice because that takes place in the eidos universe but i deliberately didn't dwell on it too long so people could interpret the length of time however they wanted.
now, my understanding is that in the mcu, this is inverted. i had read that the mcu GOTG writers think of a rotation as being about a day and a cycle being about a week, so that is what i use in almost all of my other fics (especially the longer ones). sometimes in oneshots i default to day and week just for ease of understanding, especially for readers who may just stumble upon the story without having gotten used to my quirks.
now that’s the short answer and you can feel free to bail if you don’t want to read about the stupid amount of time i put into thinking about this lol. i swear I won’t hold it against you. for fucks sake SAVE YOURSELF
tsk. should've run.
as mentioned, i use “rotation” to indicate about a day, and “cycle” to indicate about a week. i also use “multicalendar circumrotations” or “circs” for a year-ish which is halfway made-up (the gotg holiday special mentions the multicalendar and i was like “i need a word that isn’t rotation or cycle or revolution to go with this” lol).
i also broke rotations into three shifts. for my purposes there are usually two wake shifts and one sleep shift per rotation, but i imagine some lifeforms require different amounts of rest and wakefulness - so while the start and end of shifts are standardized, how they are designated really varies by crew.
i think this was about all i had figured out when i was writing Window *:・゚✧* - I think I had maybe approximated a cycle at around 8-9 days and a circ at about a year and a half. but when i started writing cicatrix.⋆☁︎:・꧂ i was referencing longer lengths of time a lot more often (and needed at least a mental guide for things like decades and ccertain chunks of years), so i expanded on my time measurements a lot more thoroughly (see below).
i don’t have anything equivalent to months but at some point i was like “i need to indicate something more than a handful of cycles and less than a circ” and so i added quarter-circs to my lexicon ‘cause months didn’t make sense in the context of a sort of “intergalactic standard” of time measurement.
there was a time when i thought about breaking down hours and minutes and shit too but then i was honestly like “dae that’s fucking bonkers. stop girl” so i decided that most universal translators are capable of doing the basic math required to calculate smaller units of time across languages lol.
a rare glimpse of dae notes/references from the top of my cicatrix notes document:
rotation: 30 hours (10/10/10 shifts) cycle: 10 rotations (300 hours) (1.79 weeks) quarter: 10 cycles circumrotation: 40 cycles (71.6 weeks) (1.38 years) 10 years = 7.26 circumrotations 4.13 years = 3 circs
anyway that's it i think, that's everything, it's ridiculous and i'm ridiculous and also thanks for giving me the opportunity to be a total loser about this. i am very cool and normal
i truly do appreciate the question honestly. may your day be full of morning glories and your night be full of good movies and tasty popcorn
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beepborpdoodledorp · 2 months
Another RE:Breach Update
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Hey all, I'm back again with more info as to what the hell's been going on with RE:Breach lately. I'll try to keep it short but there is a lot to cover so bear with me.
So, I'll be honest, RE:Breach is not going how I planned. Not in terms of the story or anything, just the factors outside of it. I wanted to keep it a secret, but considering there's basically a 0% chance any of this will actually go the way I wanted it to I'll just reveal it now: the initial plan was to update the character renders, make chapter illustrations, and update the fic with the illustrations and fixed grammar/better sentence structure/etc. Then in November, for the fic's first anniversary, I would drop the official RE:Breach website that would compile the fics, the drawings, and some bonus stuff (wouldn't be removing the fics off AO3, just giving them another place to be read). Then I'd start dropping the sequel fics.
The new character renders are done; I started them in January, and didn't get them done until June. Then I started the chapter illustrations in July: out of the eighteen I had planned, I only got three done. Alongside that I wanted to get a head start with writing the sequel fics, so I started on the midquel, RE:Start, in about April or May or so (I think, I can't pinpoint exactly when I started writing). I literally just finished the third chapter yesterday after months of being stuck on it.
My work ethic is fucked, and it has been for a couple months now. I don't think it has to do with me still recovering from the writing marathon that was RE:Breach itself, I think I've just been hit with a depressive wave with how tired and demotivated I've been for the past few months. And everything that happened in my shitshow country in July didn't exactly help matters. And also my cat being sick and constantly needing to be shuffled to the vet the past week. That's fun.
I came into RE:Breach knowing that, with the sequels I had planned, this would be a multi-year-long endeavor. And I'm still planning on it - RE:Breach's sequels are still not canceled, I love the original game and the fic I've used to expand upon it too much to leave it behind, and the support for it has been so immense and amazing. But a part of me does regret jumping into it so suddenly, even if I did know what I was getting into: after Ruin released I just had a giant burst of creative energy I needed to get out, so I started writing RE:Breach with little planning and even less for the sequels. And, aside from basic outlines of what I want the sequels to be about and a few specific scenes, I still don't have much to go off of for them.
I know that all of these deadlines and the pressure that comes from them is really no one's fault but my own: no one's asking me to get the chapter illustrations and fic update out by a certain time, no one's asking me to get the website out by the anniversary, and no one's asking for the sequels to be out by a certain date. But considering it's now been six months since RE:Breach ended and I promised sequels, and I thought there would be sequels out by this point (the pride month prequel oneshot doesn't count I literally made that last minute because I had artist's block), I feel beyond icky that I'm still stuck polishing the first fic when I should've had it in the absolute best state it could be in when I first released it. 
TL;DR: RE:Breach is still alive, I am just going at the pace of a sloth that snorted molasses because depression is a little bitch and also all of the external factors in my life are going batshit too. I will complete everything I planned for RE:Breach even if it takes me a decade - which I really, really hope it won't.
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jadeile-writes · 10 months
Fanfic Progress Update 155
I'm so glad it's Saturday, this week has been exhausting because of a Christmas market I participated in today - so much baking and other preparations. Anyway, stay tuned for the last sneak-peek for Keep the Cuddles Platonic -challenge at the bottom of this post!
Current WIPs:
Keep the Cuddles Platonic -challenge
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary: Doctor Robotnik is simultaneously touch averse and touch starved, which results in a plan to "get the touching needs over with" in the most efficient way he could think of: cuddles overnight, when he wouldn't be doing anything useful anyway. Agent Stone was not privy to the plan until they arrived at their hotel room for their business trip.
Progress: Chapter 4 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 7th of December. Chapter 5 is finished and will be posted on 14th of December aka next Thursday, and then this fic will be officially done!
I'm Signing in the Drain
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary (temporary): Not many people know this, but Doctor Robotnik is actually deaf and uses hearing aids to make up for it. Agent Stone does not know this, he just kind of assumes he's told to learn sign language upon being assigned for some other, mysterious reasons, and not as a "just in case" measure.
Progress: This fic will most likely have five chapters, maybe six if I get epilogue-happy or smth. The first chapter is now truly finished, as I fixed the ending to my liking. A new second chapter appeared because of a thing I removed from the first chapter but didn't want to ditch, so now it's in the process of being fully expanded on to be the second chapter. It's about 1/4 done. The old second chapter, now the third chapter, is finished now too.
I'm actually positive I can spin this into full on Stobotnik, because now I have a clear vision of how to go about it :D Also, I need to pick up the slack with writing this, because this will be the next in the line to be published unless some random oneshot(s) appear to fill in between Cuddles and this one to buy me more time. ...Not a word about how I could just write a chapter of this one in the time it'd take me to write an entire-ass oneshot >.> Shh, just be happy if you get more fics!
SBLF (workname)
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary (temporary):
Wanted: a yesman who is capable of operating an espresso machine, has at least a higher IQ than your average amoeba, and is willing to put work before having a personal life, or indeed a life, period. The extra in your pathetic paycheck is good, but the strain in your psyche will make up for the positives. Forfeit your basic human rights and apply today if this sounds like you. 
Maybe it said something about Agent Stone - and probably not good things - that the poster in the cafeteria's pin board piqued his interest more than any of his official assignments had for a good long while. 
Dr. Robotnik, huh?
Progress: This one will be a longfic, probably around 20 chapters. It's a bit hard to estimate at this point, so the number is subject to change. Or most likely I'll cut this into two fics in a series, because quite honestly, it's two stories in one package (that is, half of it is pre-canon and half post-canon.) My writing hours will be devoted to this fic.
I have the first four chapters completely written now. Chapter 5 is not yet started. I also have two halfway written chapters that don't yet know their exact placement within the fic (they're scenes that will be slotted in to wherever they feel natural, once we get Stone settled in.)
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to Someday™:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Zelda: BotW)
Hah, our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest! (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into Keep the Cuddles Platonic -challenge (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
Stone woke up at his usual time, two minutes to seven, without any aid from alarm clocks. Not that he had an alarm set for that time anymore, since his work started at ten to accommodate the doctor’s hatred for mornings, but years of habit and him being a morning person were hard to train out of.
Stone stretched as much as he could while being weighed down by Robotnik sleeping on his chest, then looked down at him with a fond smile. As usual, the doctor had his head tucked under Stone’s chin, was holding him loosely around the chest, and had their legs all tangled up together. He had not so much as stirred by Stone’s movements, so used to this arrangement by now.
Stone observed the sleeping doctor’s mess of a hair in the morning sun that was peeking in through the small gaps in the venetian blinds. He could see hints of auburn red at the roots and mentally added black hair dye to the shopping list. Why Robotnik hated his natural hair colour was a mystery to Stone, but he looked forward to helping him with the dyeing process anyway.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
🎬💀🔥🕷️📝📦📖‼️ <3333
Awww thank you so much!! <3333
OC/Ship Ask Game: Firsts
I actually answered most of these before, and they're the ones that aren't as repeatable since they don't change based on the character or story, so I'll just stick with the ones I haven't answered yet :D
📝 - Pick a character: first draft of that character + the final version of that character
Actually picking 2 characters for this one, since they began as only one. Mira and Rae began as one OC, though I have since forgotten her original name. She had powers more like Mira's, with the ability to heal others, but an appearance and story more like Rae's - lacking Mira's physical mutations, with Rae's silver light accompanying her abilities, and basic inspiration as a fix-it for Angel's death in X-Men: Apocalypse.
The main place where that character differed from both Mira and Rae in their final form is that the initial character became a sort of "halfway Horseman" for Apocalypse. This is echoed a bit in Rae's story, having her mutation enhanced by Apocalypse in the same event that transformed Warren's wings, but the initial character was fully altered and even joined the team to act as an emergency medic/healer for Apocalypse and his minions. Finally she broke out of the control and defected to the X-Men, rescued Warren and the others who would have died in the battle, so on and so forth.
Obviously Rae and Mira are two very different, distinct characters now, but it's interesting to think that they both stemmed from a single character, my very first X-Men OC that I ever created.
📦 - First story that really took you outside your comfort zone
Hm... they all have, in some way or another. That's why I started writing to begin with, to push myself and experiment with different styles. But out of all of them, I think Desert Song was the one that really took me to a different space - not following any canon story save for a single moment in Quinn's backstory, a dark and entirely original plot, plus a darker, more dynamic, and more morally-complicated character than any other character I had written at that point. I'm exceptionally proud of it and I can't wait to keep pushing it even further!
‼️ - Free space! Tell us about a notable "first" in your writing journey!
Hm... last time I answered this one, I talked about my shift from writing solely longfics to implementing oneshots and ficlets. This time I'll talk about when I first started being open about my OCs!!
It took me a while to get into posting about my OCs here on tumblr. I still don't do nearly as much as some other people do, but I started with nothing. No bios, no incorrect quotes, no art of them, and I didn't post about new fics or updates. I think I still had a bit of ingrained embarrassment about it, and it put me in this limbo where I wanted so badly for people to hear about them but couldn't summon the nerve to actually tell people about them. I posted the fics on AO3 and just kinda... left them for people to stumble upon.
And that's all well and good, no harm in that whatsoever, but as I started finding more friends in fandom and seeing how much they advocated for their works, I decided I wanted to expand a little more. I organized my writing into a masterlist, created bios for each of my OCs, started talking about them more, and really just started in with all this enthusiasm for both my own and others' OCs. And even though the old write-and-be-done thing served me just fine... I like this SO much more and I love the community I've found by being more vocal about what I create :D
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zukkaoru · 3 years
📁 Zuko
the reason zuko doesn't call azula "zuzu" back to her is because lu ten used to call them both zuzu. after lu ten's death, zuko stopped using the nickname because it used to be a lighthearted thing and now it's just bringing up memories of someone who's gone
(azula keeps using the nickname because in her mind, it's a way to keep lu ten's memory alive when no one seems to be avenging his death like they should.)
send a 📂 for a headcanon
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mithrilhearts · 3 years
What is a part of your creative process that you think nobody would expect?
Sorry I let this sit for a bit! I really had to reflect on just what my creative process truly is. I don't want to say I have a routine, but maybe that's because I don't think about it. Anyway, while it might not be "unexpected", here's a little insight as to what my creative process looks like - in no particular order.
(Under the cut because I went overboard)
💜 A loose map of whatever story I want to tell. Typically this consists of bullet points with really vague or random notes of things I want to add to x story. Some of the bullets may be expanded upon and some may be tossed away. For bigger fics I always like to start here so I at least have a beginning and end to whatever I'm planning. (Example below - I delete bullet points after I’ve gone through them usually)
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💜 ORGANIZATION. All of my fics have to be organized. I can’t have a ton of shit roaming around my google drive or I get frustrated. Aka, every fic as their own folder, color and all of their contents are within said folder.
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💜 Caffeine. I ALWAYS need some sort of caffeine before and while I am writing. Maybe it helps the braincell, maybe it's just a comforting thing for me in general, but it's a must.
💜 Yelling (affectionately) at interested friends about whatever story I want to tell! I get stuck as any writer does. I have a small group of friends whom I can either DM or plug away in a group chat to help hash out details that maybe have me at a loss. It's probably the most important part of my creative process, as an idea I may have may not be as great as a suggestion someone else has. This works the same as the bullet points, some are used and some aren't, but just having enablers to share your ideas with helps immensely.
💜 Music, or some form of background noise. I cannot write in silence. It's awkward to me. I have playlists on top of playlists for this. I make playlists for each fic I intend to write! It helps me get in the mood for that particular scenario. Other times I play instrumentals from OSTs and whatnot. So long as there is something in the background that I can tune out, but still have as comfort, I can write. (many...many playlists, what’s below doesn’t cover it all)
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💜 I always reread the previous chapter(s) of whatever fic I'm working on if I've set it down for a time. This either sparks new ideas to me or just gives me a refresher on what I've shelved for a hot second.
💜 Car rides are absolutely my best fic planning moments. My drives to and from work give me a little bit of time to just think about whatever it is I'm working on. I've mentioned this a few times to some of my friends that "commutes are where my best ideas come from" and it's factual. 10/10 can confirm. Any great idea in a fic you've read of mine, I probably thought of on my way to of from work.
💜 I write the whole oneshot or chapter and THEN reread, revise and edit. If I edit as I go, it becomes a whole big mess. Better to just jot down everything until I feel it's come to an end, and then go back and fix any errors or change the phrasing or a scene.
💜💜💜 My creative process is pretty bland in comparison to others, I wager, but these here are the important things that matter to me and help me write!
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petekaos · 4 years
Hello! I just spent the last hour reading all your fics and, while this is something I've always wanted to do, it gave me a sudden burst of motivation to start writing my own fics but I'm staring at my word document and I'm so?? I don't have any experience writing things apart from essays for school and I was wondering if you had any tips for a complete beginner? How do you plan out your own fics? How long does it take you?
hi hi nonnie!! i don’t know when you sent this (probably when i was asleep / offline) but i’m so so glad you enjoyed my fics enough for it to motivate you, that’s so sweet! :’)
honestly my tips would be to write about things you like. this seems so obvious, but if you’re writing fic, it’s important to first realise that you’re writing it for yourself and not for an audience, and as long as it makes you happy, that’s all that matters. if you write about what you think an audience would like... then there’s no passion! your enthusiasm can and will draw people in more than a 5k coffee shop au you didn’t really have much interest in writing. there are certain aspects of a character or situations you want to see them in or plot holes you want to explore, and those are the things you should focus on. the way i write my fics is that i hone in on one part i want to explore, and expand upon that, thinking of meaningful scenes that document growth and progress to get across my point. so -- in my fics there has to be a general red thread that ties the fic together, a point, a feeling i want the reader to be left with at the end. for example, in there’s an art to honesty, my petekao fic / kao character study, the red thread is about kao tackling intimacy and pda as well as finding his own strength after coming out to his friends. i deep dived into his character and how he feels along the course of the fic, and how it changes naturally. points of conflict are necessary to keep the reader hooked and move the plot along in my opinion (unless you’re writing like a couple of thousand words of fluff), whether it be internal or external. most of my conflicts are internal because i write a lot of character studies, but you get my point! the best balance is when you have both -- going back to that fic, the internal conflict is kao still feeling as though he has to hide in front of his friends, and the external conflict is his mother not knowing he’s gay and in a relationship and therefore making comments to suggest the opposite, as minor as this conflict is.
if you’re a plotter, i suggest writing down all your ideas you would like to write at some point, and seeing how they tie in together. i’m gonna keep my petekao fic as an example here as it’s fresh in my mind, but i wanted to write about kao dealing with being open, about pete being a supportive boyfriend, about kao and pete’s dad having a talk, about the cool gang being the Best, and about kao coming out to his mother and sister in a way that’s different from dark blue kiss. now, i had a couple of other ideas that eventually ended up being scrapped for this fic at least. so it’s all about figuring out what your point is and how you wanna get that across, before delving into the actual writing. that’s tricky -- what works for me may not work for you. i usually have a loose idea of the scenes i want to write and then just sort of let the characters take me away and get in the zone. there are certain pieces of dialogue i want to include that i also write down to get to.
the way i plan my fics and certain scenes out is by having what’s called a leitmotif. basically, it’s a recurring theme or metaphor that pops up during the entire piece of work that ties everything back together. sticking with the petekao fic, something that keeps it all together is the metaphor of the closed doors and kao not knowing what to do with his hands, where to put them. i mention the closed doors as a symbol that turns into open doors at the end. so, when i loosely plan my fic out, i keep that in mind and mention it again and again so the reader is unconsciously drawn back into the original plotline. normally, for oneshots and fics like that and the others i’ve got on my ao3, i don’t plan... all too much. it’s only for multichaptered ones, where i need more callbacks and threads to tie the plot together, that i really go through the scenes in detail. 
as for how long it takes me... hm. it depends! there’s an art to honesty took me... around a week, when i really got down to writing it, but keep in mind i’ve been super busy for the past week. my feet are drawn to you, my ramking fic / ram character study, took me i think around 5-6 days? i bulk wrote the last 5k of that one. everyone’s looking for someone to hold, my manboss fic, took me like 2 days because i had free time and just conked it all out. and he got fight stories to tell, my sarawat character study / sarawatine fic, took me i think around 3-4 days too. so on average, i tend to write pretty fast once i stop procrastinating and getting distracted and in the zone, especially when it’s a oneshot. i tend to get bored and focused on other things pretty quickly (thanks adhd) but the point is: it doesn’t matter how long it takes you, as long as you enjoy it!
my most important piece of advice? don’t overthink it. figure out what aspects you want to explore, what characters you love, find something to tie it all together and start writing! plot it out if you’re a plotter. but writing is all about practice, and it takes a while before you figure out what’s right for you and what works for you. i still don’t know it myself! anyone can write, and i’m looking forward to seeing your fics, and i hope this helped! feel free to send me another ask or dm me if you need anything or if you want me to look over your fic or writing, i’d be glad to!
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hypergalaxy · 8 years
Hey there! I'm running short on promptis fanfictions, smut or fluff doesn't matter. Do you have any good ones to reccomend? Thank you💕
Hello! Sorry it took me awhile to answer this! I’m going to go through my bookmarks for you, but you’ve probably seen/read these yourself already and if you have then I’m very sorry :( These are just what I’ve enjoyed so far, but my “to read” list is so much longer than this…Maybe some promptis people want to add their own fic recs to this at some point too? :D But here’s mine, in no particular order!Life Imitates - T -  Riona - Everyone keeps trying to lecture Prompto on dating Noctis. Which would be fine if he and Noctis were actually dating. (This is so funny and so cute my goodness poor Prompto!)The Most Wonderful Time of the Year - M - JosephineSilver -   During a wintery festival meant to celebrate the Six and the Oracle, Prompto and Noctis find themselves snowed in and trapped in a small roadside motel. (Multi-chapter fic, this one is long! But so indepth, and so good!)Keeping A Straight Face - M - Yuneyn - Prompto is bored during a long drive and wants to have some fun. Noctis may or may not regret agreeing to participate.orI saw a tumblr prompt about those two sexting in the car and then this happened. (Short, funny, cute, I love texting things in this fandom!)Running Down A Dream - T -  tenshinokorin - Once upon a time there was a prince who went on a journey with three friends. In that fleeting, magical time together they all learned unforgettable truths about each other, about themselves, and about OMG IT’S A STUCKEYS STOP THE CAR STOP THE CAR LET’S GET PECAN LOGS (Ongoing, multi-chaptered, basically this is the best thing ever? A series of scenes/drabbles from different points of the road trip and it is hilarious! Don’t forget the bonus B-Sides fic now!)Patisserie - T -  becca2793 - He’s like business royalty, the exact opposite of Prompto. He’s not exactly jealous, though, even if that means that this dark-haired boy is beyond rich. Prompto is free to do pretty much whatever he wants, barring it costs any money, and it seems like Noctis is stuck in a life he doesn’t want to be in. Everything comes at a cost, though. He thinks maybe he wouldn’t mind being a little trapped if it meant being surrounded by people like this, people who love him. (Ongoing multi-chapter fic, this is really nice, one of my favourites, this one has a different approach, with promptis not becoming friends until they’re both adults, so this features a still shy/awkward prompto when they first meet!)Lessons in Etiquette - M - KnockKnockBadminton - Begins in high school. From Prompto’s desire to befriend the sullen, bullied prince blooms a relationship even the Astrals themselves could not have foreseen. (Ongoing, multichapter, another favourite, the writing is just so good this fic is great ugh!)to wish under the stars - T - greyskiesblack - Noctis takes Prompto out to see the stars, which is super sweet and great until an Iron Giant almost murders them.But hey, at least they get the tent to themselves afterwards. (A kind of PWP cute first time oneshot!)About Time to Set Up Camp - T - tactical_nuclear_penguin - A series of one-shots in no particular order of basically expanding convos, little moments in camp, and drabbles that popped into my head while playing. (Another ongoing multichapter fic that’s a series of drabbles from different points in the road trip, it has sweet moments, sad moments, funny moments, it’s a really enjoyable read!)Cactus in the Valley - M - heyjealousy - Modernish college soap opera??? AU.Noctis is the heir to a corporate empire, in college to hone his skills and take over when his father retires. Regis is a little bit (a lot) oppressive, and wants to shape Noctis into exactly what he needs to be to keep business booming and survive in the shark-infested corporate world. Noctis secretly has other desires, but hasn’t been bold enough to chase them… until he meets a clumsy blond freshman boy who turns his world on its head. (Completed multichapter fic, this one is long, and it’s intense, there are a lot of ups and downs, and it’s a really good read!)Smile - M - KuraNova - Set shortly before the road trip that would change their lives forever, Noctis and Prompto realize just how much they mean to one another. (Multichapter, ongoing fic, it’s friends falling in love, very fluffy and sweet and lovely! An enjoyable read!)Okay I think that’s enough to be going on with for now! If anyone else has any they’d like to add, both I’m sure it would be appreciated! (By me too, I need to consume more fic for these two). Thanks for the ask, peanutpirate! :D
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