#i'm too sleepy to do anything but go on tumblr rn so here you are
hannahssimblr · 9 months
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Ivy is in her pyjamas by seven that evening but she won’t settle. She keeps insisting that when mom and dad are gone she doesn’t have to follow any rules, including bedtime, and I realise the error of my ways in establishing this dynamic with her. Perhaps being the fun brother has too many downsides. 
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“Please, Ivy, just get into bed, what do I have to do?”
“I’m not tired.”
“I don’t care, go anyway.”
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“What if there’s something good on telly that I want to watch?” She swipes the remote from the table and switches on some re-run of Gossip Girl, which is absolutely not allowed.
“No, turn it off, that’s not for you.”
“It’s for girls, it says it in the name.”
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“They’re not girls, they’re… ladies, and they’re all spoiled. A bit like you, huh?” I snatch the remote out of her little hand and flick it off, so she balls her fists up in frustration and starts pummelling me with them. It is nine o’clock in ten minutes and I haven’t gotten around to cleaning our breakfast, lunch or dinner from the kitchen. Baguette crumbs and puddles of spilled hot chocolate still litter the table and counter upstairs making it look like, well, like a teenage boy is running this operation. 
“Stop,” I cry, “you’re over excited, this is what happens when you get too much sugar, I swear to God…” 
“Give me the remote!”
“I want to watch TV!” 
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“Go. To. Bed.” I put the remote high up on a shelf where she’ll never reach it, which is a stupid idea, because she shrieks and starts trying to scale the furniture to get closer to it. I swear I can feel the ticking of the clock inside my brain by now, she has to go to bed, I don’t know what else to do. When she gets onto the coffee table she kicks over the glass of orange juice that she asked me for fifteen minutes ago and sends it to the floor with a hollow thunk. I stand and watch as liquid pools over the hardwood flooring and I feel something in me snap. I grab her and yank her down hard. Way too hard. 
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“Ow, ow,” she cries, “let go!” and I peel my fingers away to see the red ring I have left around her little wrist. Tears have sprung to her eyes, and in a panic I get down on my knees and hold the sides of her head as she begins to shake with sobs. 
“Ivy, I’m sorry,” I say, “That was too hard, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I really didn’t, I’m sorry…”
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“I just wanted to watch the telly,” she whimpers, and fat tears pour down her round cheeks and drip from her chin. I feel ill. This is what happens with me, all the time, I get her hyped up and feed her sweets and then I get angry when she can’t calm down. She’s just a little child and I’m a fucking idiot without a clue about how to be responsible. It’s only been a day since we’ve been left alone and look at us now, the kitchen is destroyed, there’s orange juice seeping into the oak flooring and I’ve made my sister cry. 
“Ivy, please,” I say, “I’m sorry I hurt you, what can I do to make it better?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you want me to call mom?”
She gasps, “No,” and she’s right, what a stupid idea. 
“Do you…” I look around me in a panic, “Do you want another hot chocolate?”
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This brightens her up, “Another one?”
“Of course, yeah, sure. If you… If you get into your bed I’ll take it in and you can have it there, what do you think?”
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She swipes her hands over damp cheeks, “I’m allowed hot chocolate in my room?”
“Yeah just for tonight, and only if you promise that you won’t spill it or tell anyone else. Okay?”
She nods, and I breathe a sigh of relief. 
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She goes to her room while I head up to the kitchen and shove old plates and mugs out of the way to make room for a new one. I give her two scoops of chocolate powder and extra marshmallows as a guilty offering, and as I’m stirring it all together with hot milk a shadow crosses the window.
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I curse under my breath. She’s five minutes early, and usually I’d be happy that a girl was so eager to hang out with me, but now is a less than ideal time. I try to get to the door before she does but I don’t make it, and the doorbell rings obnoxiously through the house. 
“Hello,” Clóda says when I open up to her, and her eyes immediately drift to the ridiculous looking hot chocolate in my hands, “Um, is that what you’re drinking?”
“No, um, it’s not, it’s for my sister.”
“She’s still up?”
“She’s going to bed now, I just wanted to bring this to her, and then we’ll be on our own,” She steps inside and I close the door gently behind her. 
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“Is that a good idea?” She wonders, “All of that sugar?”
Fucking hell, I don’t know, do I? “It’s fine. You can just come downstairs and sit on the couch, I’ll be a minute,” I see her taking in the mess of the kitchen, and add, “don’t worry about that, it’s just been a busy evening, it’s not like that usually.”
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Ivy is sitting up in bed wearing an anxious expression. “Who was at the door?”
“Oh,” a pause, “Did she lose her key?”
“Yeah she did, she was out on the beach and it fell out of her pocket.”
“Oh no, I hope she can find it.”
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I push her fringe away from her forehead, “yeah, I hope so too. You know how it is with girls' pockets and all, they don’t really fit much in them, do they?”
She smiles, “No, they don’t. So it’s not really Jen’s fault, it’s her jeans.”
“Exactly,” I straighten up, “You okay now?”
“I think so.”
“Okay well, if you need something just shout for me and I’ll hear you. Don’t come out into the living room or anything, I’m going to be, um, watching a really scary movie.”
“Oh okay.”
“Goodnight Ivy.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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Of course asking people which monster they find more fuckable is a good way to get them to say funny things, so I got a lot of funny comments on the Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon Tournament. So as usual, I compiled a list of the ones I liked best, ordered by the poll they were commented on. Enjoy!
Barometz vs Dryad (round 1 part 1)
dryad boobs in my mouth please please please you're nothing
Man-eating plant vs Mandrake (round 1 part 1)
getting my dick digested by a pitcher plant
its what laios would have wanted
Skeleton vs Dullahan (round 1 part 1)
why is the armor sweeping?? how are ya'll planning to fuck the armor??? at least the skeleton you could like wedge a vibrator or fleshlight into the pelvis. I forgot this is the celibacy site and fucking is not a real physical thing on here
fools do not see the eroticisim of plate armor
Phoenix vs Harpy (round 1 part 2)
harpy has a tits out kinda look
Griffin vs Hippogriff (round 1 part 2)
Me at first: really? You’d fuck the horse? Me, remembering the barded penises of felines : no wait you’re right
White dragon vs Red dragon (round 1 part 3)
It's canon that white dragons fight furiously while red dragon is the equivalent of that blue hands dinosaur in Prehistoric Planet
white dragon is cuntier somehow
Treasure insects vs Succubus (round 1 part 3)
another tits out kinda look
normal poll matchup. normal poll. do people want to fuck a succubus or inch long insects. who will win
Huge scorpion vs Huge spider vs Mimic (round 1 part 3)
What you do to the mimic is hidden from the eyes of all
The mimics got that dog in it
dark souls mimic resemblances have me thinking unwise
something about the mysterious air around the mimic
Golem vs Ice golem (round 1 part 4)
Same deal but one freezes ur junk off I think the winner is clear
Gargoyle vs Hag (round 1 part 4)
..abusive mother kink????
Familiar vs Jack Frost (round 1 part 4)
familiar is customizable 👍
Doppelganger vs Demon (round 1 part 4)
That stupid sexy cat simply slays too much cunt
Hippogriff vs Fish-man (round 2 part 1)
no offense to my buddy fish-man but that hippogriff is too majestic
Living armour vs Undine (round 2 part 2)
One if the extras has a really perturving bit: Undines fed by consuming liquids with mana. Holm mentions regularly feeding it BODILY FLUIDS.
is wearing living armor anything
White dragon vs Green dragon (round 3)
she made that dragon sooooo cunty and for what
Cockatrice vs Demon (round 3)
you should've put the slutiest picture of the demon. to remind everyone that ryoko -sensei is down BAD
no one: ryoko kui: i am going to make a lion demon that is SOOOOOOO [redacted]
everybody vote for demon! a vote for demon is a love letter to Ryoko Kui
I do find it funny we're blowing the demon whore moments on like, the cockatrice matchup
This manga is so slutty and yet so tasteful in it that you can't really call it anything but great in every aspect of its eroticism
Mermaid vs Harpy (quarter finals)
i am so mad rn. a mermaid !? more fuckable than a harpy!? for shame tumblr for shame
White dragon vs Succubus (quarter finals)
Dragon fluffye!
Chimera vs Mermaid (semi-finals)
sorry mermaid. falin fucks supremely.
sorry falin. gotta stand up for my fellow merfolk here
a vote for chimera is a vote for lesbians
Succubus vs Demon (semi-finals)
Not even the sucubbi stands up to the limitless demon sexo
if you think about it. the succubus can turn into the demon's many forms
Chimera vs Demon (finale)
fags and dykes fighting to the death over this one
Listen man. Even if I'm gay I understand why Falin is winning but- Consider that the demon knows your exact wants and desires and could satisfy your sexual needs perfectly. Also when he's buff and humanoid near the end
either of them deserve to win but demon sweep because that fucker showed up in a dream to me once
Mermaid vs Succubus (battle for the bronze)
mermaids can't lose to magical mosquito people PLEASE
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jayteacups · 7 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
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Thank you Val @youre-ackermine and Kat @humanitys-strongest-bamf for sending these! (I’m only reccing 5 today, sorry to disappoint you Kat 😂) Here's my five favourite pieces of work! Tbh I haven't been writing as much lately so this list probably won't have anything new to anyone, but hey.
It's A Wrap! (Tumblr | AO3)
A one-shot featuring Actor Levi and Makeup Artist Reader, friends to lovers and mutual pining 👀
I've written multiple Actor AU pieces (I love reimagining the AOT characters as actors, 10/10 would recommend as a way to cope with the pain of canon 😂😭), but this is in its own separate universe and I'm planning on writing a couple more fics set in this specific universe!
I had so much fun writing it (I hope it showed haha), and that's why it's on this list as one of my favourites!
The Absence of Warmth (Tumblr | AO3)
Gen one-shot centred around the No Regrets trio (with Levifar crumbs because I love them)
I also had a lot of fun exploring the trio's dynamic here, I'd like to go more in depth again with these three someday
My most underrated fic for sure haha
My piece for Levi Week 2023 - Day 3 (Tumblr | AO3)
All the fluff and softness you could ever want. Will never stop writing sweet and soft fics for Levi because he deserves it 😌😌
This was partially based on a dream I had, actually, which makes this more personal, and therefore, one of my favourites.
Me remembering what I dream about is a very very rare occurrence, and rarely do those dreams include fictional characters, funnily enough 😂 so it was an extra special occasion when I woke up and actually remembered the dream I had of walking on a beach with a blushy Levi whilst the sun was setting and it was all sickeningly cutesy and romantic. I wrote it down, fully intending on writing it, and never got around to it, until I saw the prompt for Levi Week Day 3, and was like... hang on, this could work 👀
Gentle Touches (Tumblr | AO3)
Levi experiencing affection for the first time is a trope I can't get enough of, and it seems the two anons who sent me the request are the same hehehe
Fluff and softness, emotional hurt/comfort towards the end! Also this was a fic that made me realise how touch starved I myself am 🥲 I've been told that this made people quite emotional too, which is reassuring, as I was aiming for that! So yeah I'm quite proud of this one ☺️
At Ease (Tumblr | AO3)
Definitely one of my more creative premises! I genuinely don't remember how I came up with this though, but yes this role-reversal AU was very fun to write and I'm so pleased with the outcome :3
Some emotional hurt/comfort, pining, all round softness (are you beginning to see a trend here)
This was really fun to look back on my fics and pick out favourites! Will be sending asks to people tomorrow because I'm quite sleepy rn and will be heading off to bed now. Hope everyone has a lovely day/night!
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euseokz · 7 months
to euseokz 🐶 (puppymoji since i feel like you radiate golden retriever vibe with the wholesome random thoughts whether it be on your posts or hashtags 🥺)
hi brie!! sorry for poofing life got the best of me i had to uninstall tumblr for a while… 🥹 but i hope you’re doing good and still remember me! (🐾 anon!)
when i went to your profile i was!!! starstruck :O with your theme IT’S SO CUTE did you edit the image on your page yourself? 🩵 and wdym you published new fics and i wasn’t there to read ‘em????!!?! 😞 will be reading once i’m more awake heheH sleepy as i type this… (4am-ish now…)
++ i know it’s been days(?) but i’m happy to know i’m your first anonmoji 🥹🐾 i’d be more than happy to talk with you ofc!! maybe we can start it off with a …. i stan nct dream and ult jaemin too :3c cuties assemble?!
and of course i won’t forget this CONGRATS ON YOUR 200 FOLLOWERS AND HAPPY BELATED ONE MONTH❣️❣️❣️ cheers to more to come! i hope you’re having a great day or evening or night <3 mumu mwa laview brie! 🩵🩵🩵
love, 🐾!!
hi hi !! oh my god you're so sweet 😭 and of course i remember you !! i had actually been wondering where you had gone, but i hope you're doing better now ! 🫶🏻 i've actually never been told i have golden retriever energy, so this is really surprising lmao
thank you so much !! 🤍 i did the whole theme by myself on photoshop, i really enjoy playing with it in my free time and making themes is just another excuse hehe . . please get some sleep tho !! i'm not one to talk because i'm also pretty sleepy rn, but that's because i'm a literal grandma it's 10:30 pm for me rn and i'm already about to go to bed 😭
yes yes you are my first anon and i'm super happy because i've been wanting some recurrent anons who come talk to me about anything 😭 that's kinda embarrassing to admit but oh well . . . if anyone has any random thoughts they'd like to share, please head to my inbox 🙏🏻
cuties assemble indeed ! i adore jaemin, so if you feel that way too you obviously have taste 😋 he's so cute tho, always comes off as such a good person, what is there not to love ?? he has it all !
thank you thank you ! it's been crazy watching this blog grow because i thought it'd flop, but i'm happy more and more people are coming here, you're all so nice i'm glad i took the step to enter this community 🫶🏻🫶🏻 i also hope you're having a great day/evening/night nonnie !! ily2 mwah mwahh 🤍🤍
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tragedyforthcoming · 15 days
How to not feel like passing out in the day no glue no borax. But anyways I feel like shit again. I need control and all my urges have spiked quite a bit I haven't rlly felt this way since yr 8/9. It's quite scary tbh. I already have my own fear of death but this tops the cake. Sometimes I just want to rip my skin apart and not be a being at all. And then there's others day where I want to keep my skin but take out the stuff I don't need/want and exist. But only to exist with control. I think that's what i need I need control and unfortunately there's only a few ways I know how to do that.
No one ever rlly sees these so I'm glad it feels like im talking into a void. But if anyone sees this feel free to like ot reblog it or follow me. I post depressing stuff half the time and think everyone's out to get me. Even drop a question down for me I don't mind them.
But anyway imma just rant about my day tbh. The first thing being how tf am I only 54kg??? I dunno it feels weird. I've always fluctuated around that area. Plus the fact have I've only lost 0.5 kg in 19days is iffy (was originally 54.5kg). I always feel like im struggling with control with my food and it's so weird, like somehow there's something ahead of me trying to force shit down my throat. I guess that's just my parents mild concern but all i have to say is that I jave a small appetite or I wasn't that hungry to end up only eating a little. Cause whenever I eat something not only do i feel sick. I feel guilty and I would get the guilt if it was always unhealthy food, but it's with EVERYTHING! this low cal food you made which is rlly good for you. You feel guilty. The teeniest amount of fruit to keep to going. You feel guilty. Coffee. Guilty. And it's so fuckign annoying. My only fear is others catching on especially my college. That would end up in disaster. Esp with it probably ending with me having to recount my whole mental health shit (one day clean woo!). But yeah like I said before I still get the urges they're so strong now for no reason? I guess because I seem to be more paranoid than usual cause of one of my classmates who quite literally hates My guts even though I've only interacted once (I love getting harassed at the bus station /j)
Even worse is that I'm getting a wellbeing session that I myself agreed to. And I can't be arsed to even like cancel it. So I'm just gonna have to suck it up And hope that they don't think anything bad I guess?
Also something I hate rn is my coffee. I love it so much cause it's iced (warm coffee makes me sleepy) but it is a but if cals and I know I don't eat as little as the others on here but I don't think 144 cals is acceptable. If anyone has any substitutes for Iced coffee pls recommend I'm quite desperate lol. I enjoy it so much but always feel like shit after it cause yknow the cals??? But yeah I need to stop these side tangents otherwise this post will be long as shit (my bad)
Anyways my day. There was an earlier post abt me saying how much of a crybaby i was cause my mum yelled at me for wanting to go shopping for my brother (all I got out if it was a coffee cause I was tired and desperate but I did 6k steps so I'm hoping that did something to even it out). Then all I did was scroll through tumblr and other social, but mainly tumblr secretly cause pulling it up is like a ticking time bomb if anyone looks at my screen lol. But I have my final off day tmr before having to go back to college for two days. My plan is to make it appear that I'm eating to my mum. So I'm gonna hide my lunchbox and just only put food in my metal container which traps warmth in it. Just so that I can have smth low cals fir lunch instead of the whole full lunchbox thing. I'll have to also convince my 'friends' that I keep on forgetting my lunchbox or that I got full too fast or smth. God I hate sitting with them so much cause it feels like an obligation but I have to do it so I'm not the weirs autistic trans kid who sits by himself.
I'm just purely glad over the fact that I have to do practical work in the subject I chose. So either way I still burn cals!!!
But yeah I should rlly go to sleep now cause it's 2:46am but ill prob scroll tumblr for a bit more and plan on how I should post my vent oc (I just finished digitalizing my first drawing of him). But other than that I'll disspaear now. Hoping that I can only eat two meals tmr aswell that would be nice :)
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groovylittleclown · 2 years
So I went to work with my mom, because there's an Ichthyology lab down the hall from her office. She works for one of the museums in our town. Anyway, I was given a tour, was talked to about volunteering to help move specimens and sort them and it was AWESOME!!! But even better than that, there were THOUSANDS of specimens of jarred fish!! I saw the worlds largest jarred goby, I saw scalloped hammerhead pups, I saw shark embryos!!! Oh it was amazing!! And I was emailed a volunteer form (that I haven't filled out yet, I should do that) and I hope I can volunteer!! Sorting is one of my favorite hobby-ish things ever!! So that, COMBINED with fish!?! I'm in heaven.
Here are pictures I took of them!!
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I'm so excited!! And this was before noon!! I woke at 6 for this!!
I also drew a little bit while I was there!
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ANYWAY! After that, it was about time for me to go to work There’s a little dip in my mood because I was freaked out by the buses because I've never ridden the buses before and I was very lost and confused and ended up accepting her offer to drive me to work. (Thank you sm mom!)
So I got a bit lost, again, but eventually found my way to her car and she was frustrated because she was running late and I'm almost 19 and am scared of a bus, which is completely understandable, I'd be frustrated too, probably! So I was sitting there, Down To The Bone playing in one ear because I couldn't take out my ear bud and let her know that I had previously been listening to music. Don't know why, just couldn't do it.
So we pull into where I work, I go in through the stage/staff entrance, wait for 15 minutes for work to actually start start, and when it does, BAM! Excitement all over again!! Today was general new hire training, last week was carpentry training, because I did stuff a bit out of order. So we briefly went over lights and audio first (<3<3<3<3<3), I start talking to some of the other new hires, I've deemed one of them my friend because I stuck near her the whole time.
After that, we did a big building tour, I saw the star drssing rooms, regular dressing rooms, the spot section, weight hallway for rigging, a mini show room, and a buncha other stuff that I'm too tired to remember rn. The point of it is, Tour. Bam. Done. Lots of heights, but that's ok because I love heights! My legs were shaking by the end of it tho. I can't stand for more than half an hour without them hurting and I was already pushing it by the beginning of the tour, but I'm at work and we're training, so I can't just sit down whenever, y'know? Anyway, shaky legs, yaaay. We went over carp, I was able to watch without interacting because I did more in-depth training for it last week, and then rigging!! I was so tired, it took everything in me to not pass out, I missed half of what she said, which I feel really bad about because rigging is important and I want to learn it but I couldn't stand and sitting was making me really sleepy, so there wasn't anything I really could do about that.
Anyway, I'm home now, the sky is really pretty, and tumblr keeps yelling at me to tag my posts. I'm gonna sleep for a year, or something /j
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I deleted Twitter yesterday, for too many reasons to mention.
Thought of deleting tumblr too but I feel like I'll feel weird? I really do check out every social media app I have on my phone.
Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest when I'm feeling creative, Reddit.
I think somewhere I do wanna connect because I don't have any close friends that I can connect with on that level (a bit complicated to explain why but one of the main things has to be me being picky about everything)
It feels weird, almost everyone I talk to say they relate but I see them and there situations and where they stand are...much different than mine. I mean heck I'm out here having parasocial relationships cuz I think I've had since like I was 14 but it's tiring and stupid and it makes you feel dead? Empty.
Idek how I got into parasocial relationship with anything tbh, I can't stand fandoms also one of the reasons why I deleted Twitter.
I think it's really really easy to get obsessed with things on the internet and even tho I'm always wandering and looking for a connection to something or to have with someone; it's tiring now.
It's 00:58 rn and I'm really tired, more mentally than physically, forget physically cuz I barely did any work and didn't even clean my room.
I don't know what to do most of the time, I mean rn I have my projects to do so my focus is getting than done before it's due.
I feel the need to reach out, I think too much that it eats away at me, what's worse is when you don't know who to talk to? Parents? Done. Tried. They are done with there's and I don't wanna burden them with anything, not my pain.
I don't know, I'm sleepy rn. I'll listen to music and then sleep.
P.s. I can't consume any more media to get away from my lack of proper IRL social life and just myself.
Watching a movie will definitely take my mind of things for like 2 days tho.
Then it's back to a vignette disappointment.
I hate sounding depressed? I believe I'm not? I'm not but just out of solutions and remedies for whatever is going on. Best option is to just let this pass and do my best.
Ok Goodnight~
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Skeletor gif because I love skeletor
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chiyohsrifle · 4 years
Got tagged by the marvelous @hvnnigram and I can't wait to bare my soul to you guys. this is a long one, so let's go!!
Rules: Tag people you want to get to know better 🖤
Your name and then what you would've named yourself: My full name is Montserrat (I'm Mexican, in case you couldn't tell. Well Mexican-American but anywho) but I typically go by Montse. Mainly cuz people struggle to pronounce my full name hehe but I also just think it's less of a mouthful. Idk, I honestly really love my name and don't think I'd change it given the chance. Maybe something shorter just cuz paperwork can be a bitch. I like Rene but otherwise, I'm pretty attached to my name lol.
Astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): I'm a sun Pisces, a moon Aries, and a rising Virgo, I believe :)) All in all, I'm an emotional, empathetic bitch
When did you join Tumblr and why?: Was going through my emails yesterday and I've been here for a year?? apparently. So yea, I joined Aug./Nov. of 2019 and I'm almost certain it was cuz I wanted to see more Good Omens fanart lol. But I got more active this year cuz quarantine do be forcing me to have some wack coping mechanisms. Also BBC Merlin had me reeling and I needed somewhere to scream.
Top 5 fandoms: Hannibal (obviously), BBC Merlin, Killing Eve, Good Omens, and The Umbrella Academy 😊
Top 5 favorite films: (oh Lord, the cinema buff in me is Panicking rn) God, there's so many I love but I'll try to give varietyTM. But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Parasite (2019), The Wind Rises (2013), Little Shop of Horrors (1986), and Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014).
Go to song when you wanna Feel something: if we're talking like emotionally charged, TALK ME DOWN by Troye Sivan always sends me reeling. Endorphins wise, Ahora Te Puedes Marchar by Luis Miguel always makes me wanna jump and move around. And La Vie Boheme from RENT, just pure serotonin
What's your religion or faith, if you have one?: I was raised with a heavy Catholic background but I'm agnostic, I believe is the term. Basically, I don't think there's not a God or higher power(s). I just don't align with anything specifically. But I do believe there's something running things, whether that be spirits, the stars, gods, etc. I can't say.
A song that makes you feel seen: Not to be a theatre kid on main but, Breathe from In The Heights. That song and whole musical hold such a special place in my heart, esp with Nina's character cuz I'm Nina. Every part of that song just Gets Me and i ugh, can't articulate it but yea, that song be me.
If you could pick a career: A writer or painter. Anything creative/artsy really cuz crafting is just so calming to me.
Do you have a type?: ngl, I'm kinda the 'falls in love with their best friend' stereotype but beyond that, not really. I kinda just see attractive people and mentally short circuit
What does your soul/heart yearn for?: Not to sound like a character from Hannibal, but to be understood. To be cared for and feel supported. To allow myself to rest and be comforted/loved. Just to feel safe ig. Whoop, that got personal, anywho
If you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: intelligent, caring, awkward, Very Queer, and chaotic
Favorite subject in school: English and History!! I think they're absolutely fascinating and I'm gay so obviously I connect way too much with literature
Where does your soul feel most at home at?: Close to someone that I love, in comfortable silence. Or any situation where I have wind blowing in my face, it's super comforting and idk why
Top 5 fictional characters: Rowena from SPN, Bella Crawford, Beverly Katz, Eve Polastri, and Jack Crawford
Top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry:
1. The ending of Your Lie In April. Idk if any of yall have experienced that, but let me know if you have cuz shared trauma. I was crying so hard, I couldn't breathe. Dry heaving and everything, it was Not Pretty
2. Like literally all of One Day At Time. I know, it's cheesy but that show means a lot to me and I get so emotional watching it cuz I connect to the characters so much. Anything with Elena makes me sob cuz like she's me but also my baby, ya know
3. Um Queer Eye in general but specifically the episode with the gay pastor. That hit close to home on so many levels and boy, was I sobbing the entire time.
(Before y'all ask, honorable mention to Mizumono, TWOTL, and the ending of BBC Merlin cuz I may have been too tired to cry, but trust me, I was emotionally wrecked after all three)
The earth, the sun, the moon, or the stars: Ooh, I'm gonna have to go with the stars but I love that lesbian space rock too
Favorite kind of weather: Thunderstorms, rain, cloudy, grey weather. Fall, I love the fall, give me autumn pleASE
Top 3 characters to kin you with: Guinevere Pendragon from BBC Merlin, Vanya Hargreeves from TUA, and Abigail Hobbs from Hannibal
Favorite medium of art: I love all art very much but I guess drawing and film especially
Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert: Gonna say ambivert cuz I can be shy but buckle up, cuz the second I'm comfortable around you, it's absolute chaos. You will learn too much about me and that's okay 😌
Favorite literary quote: If poetry counts, it's something like "And if the devil was to ever see you, he'd kiss your eyes and repent". Idk who wrote it but it's an Arabic love poem. Actual book quote tho, "But I'm tired of coming out. All I ever do is come out. I try not to change, but I keep changing, in all these little ways." from Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda cuz damn me too.
Some of your favorite books: Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli, the Carry On series by Rainbow Rowell, When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago, Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, All The Bright Places by Jennifer Lee, Autoboygraphy, and Copper Sun
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Europe or New York. No real specifics for Europe, defiently leaning more towards Western Europe and the Mediterranean cuz they just seem so pretty. And NY cuz I want a studio apartment hehe and also I adore NY. I went a couple years back and just fell in love. Although live is a loose term cuz I've always thought of moving around a lot. I like traveling and settling down isn't really convenient for that so these are kinda just ideals lol
If you could live in any time in history, when would it be?: Oh, defiently 60s/70s. Also, anytime matriarch societies were common cuz I wanna see what that looked like
If you could play any instrument masterfully, it would be: the acoustic guitar and piano. Maybe violin, but those two for sure
If you have one, which god or goddess do you feel more connected to?: I've always really vibed with Athena so her. But also Diyonuses cuz man's is the ideal.
And finally, your favorite recent selfie in your camera role:
(Excuse the eye bags and look in general, I was sleepy when I took it)
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Whoo, that's all folks. I'm just gonna say that any of my followers/mutuals who want to do this, feel free to say I tagged you. Thanks for tag, once again, babe!!
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