#i'm trying new brushes again 🤔
bluelikesad · 1 month
I saw you are doing spn ladies fanart. Would you consider my favorite alive girl eileen leahy?
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Eileen 💖
if anyone wants to support me ☕
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dribs-and-drabbles · 3 months
The things I loved about Last Twilight ep 11:
Night joking with Day about not farting whilst stood at his hospital bedside...the same place Mhok then wears a shirt with 'Proud' on it later as Night explains Porjai's baby's name is Poomjai - which translates to 'be proud' - harking back to the Fart Proudly shirt from ep 2. 👏🏼
Mhok's 'St Louis Blues' shirt at the beginning of the ep setting us up for all the heartache later:
"I hate to see the evening' sun go down...
...I got them Saint Louis Blues; just as blue as I can be
He's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea
Or else he wouldn't have gone so far away from me"
"You're not disappearing on me, are you? / If you can see again, don't disappear on me." | "I can't see" | "Let's break up"
Mhon, Day's mom, watching Day and Mhok through the hospital room door and slowly warming up to their relationship. Explaining that she's not against them dating but that she's concerned that Day needs someone who has the means to take care of him. Inviting him to be there when Day takes his bandages off, effectively inviting him into the family circle, giving him a chance.
Day reassuring Night that he doesn't need to feel guilty still when the operation doesn't work. 😭
This shot in particular, as the series has shown us before, Mhok is Day's eyes:
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"True blindness is the inability to see any hope" and Day's singular tear.
I'm mentioning it again but Mhok wearing a shirt with 'proud' on it with Day in a shirt with 'goodtime / nice dream come true' on it, whilst Night tells Porjai she should be proud to have carried the baby alone, and for both Porjai and Night to have gotten the dream family -> her baby and a wonderful parent/soon-to-be-spouse.
But also them wearing those shirts during dinner with Day's mom and Night - a dream for Mhok to be accepted and both Mhok and Day being proud of Mhok's achievements. #proud
Food as a love language -> come eat with us, try this food I created and cooked and gave to my two sons and now I'm offering it to you...be part of our family.
Without realising perhaps, Mhon sows the seed of pressure on Mhok to be able to provide for Day when they're talking in the hospital when she says she just wants someone who can really take care of him - who has the means to do it. And then in letting Day go to Songkhla with Mhok to test whether they can live together, she's increasing the pressure Mhok feels. Which then gets amplified during the car accident and when Day doesn't answer the phone. All this leads to his decision to not leave Day.
The parallels of Day/Mhok and Porjai/Night when it comes to roles in their relationships. Night says he doesn't understand what his mom means when she says 'being a caretaker and a boyfriend are two different things' - now, we haven't seen much of Night and Porjai's relationship but I'd be willing to bet he's being more of a caretaker to Porjai than a boyfriend at the moment - he calls her Khun, she brushes off any suggestion that something is going on between them, and she goes to live with her mom... I wonder if we'll see Night coming to an understanding about this differentiation in ep 12, and whether it will play a role in helping Day and Mhok's relationship 🤔
TOTO!! I had been waiting for an appearance by Au. By the way, Day's new caretaker in ep 10 (the rude one from the end of the interviews in ep 1) is also an assistant director on the show, Meng Chaiyapat, so that's two cameos. I wonder if we'll get a third with Aof.
Mhok's blue lightening underpants! Plus the parallel of Mhok waking Day up with the dripping wet hair on his face.
How gestures and touches serve as a language for Day and Mhok - touching the lips as a way to communicate that one wants to kiss for example - and that touch in general is so weighted for them...but that they also use these things to trick and keep teasing each other.
The green and blue towel hanging next to each other over the airer in Day and Mhok's room. 😭
Mhok's 'Hawaii' shirt when he tells Day he wasn't chosen to go. (I missed this the first time round).
The way Day actually is giving it the most on the dance floor and genuinely deserved to win but can't see/understand that. Day automatically assumes that every good thing that comes his way is because people pity him. It's not surprising that this is the fear he falls back on when he finds out Mhok lied to him. This is his go-to gut reaction/response. That and feeling like he's a burden or causing trouble to others.
THE 'I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH' CONFESSION SCENE. Mhok's face, the way the depths of his feelings settle within him just before he says it, the callback to the 'come closer' moment they had earlier in the ep, Day's voice cracking as he says it back, and the hug afterwards. It's all so perfect and not enough people are talking about it dammit.
Night in Mhok's blue, even Mhon has a blue dressing gown over her grey pjs, but Day is in that pink and white shirt but the pink is only over half of his body, and not on his left side over his heart, spelling trouble ahead. And as @grapejuicegay pointed out - it's not a groove mindset kind of a day, it's a rains county. The colours are colouring and the t-shirts are t-shirting.
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The PARALLELS. "Read this to me" harking back to ep 1 when Day asked Mhok to read something to him, and now Day asking Mhok to read the paper. What was the text on Mhok's blue bag? 'I love to hear your voice'...? Ooof, hits hard.
Mhok respecting Day's last wish like he did when he burst into Day's room and got fired, and when he took Day up the mountain and offered to quit to appease his mom. Mhok is just so good.
"Mom, did I do the right thing?" Day realising immediately that he was too impulsive. 💔
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lemongogo · 6 months
what's your process for coloring like? the look of that elendira is so textured and interesting, i can't figure out how you do it
AA THANK YOUU ^__^ !! textures & brushwork are my favorite things abt my art, so im happy you find it interesting hehe . its SOO cool to look at & so much fun to draw imo
i prefer to color by building in layers , if that makes sense 🤔!! hundreds of them !! such that i'm always drawing on Top of previous layers, working from big & messy blocks of color to, eventually, small and refined blocks of color until it feels processed enough. as a result, i rarely ever erase (!!) and i rarely ever draw lineart aside from the initial sketch
a rough, patchy textured brush is key here, as it'll give you dimension and variability w/ your colors. i recommend "Brush and various sets of fountain pen style (万年筆風ブラシと色々セット)" on Clip Studio (ID: 1679706) !! :3
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im terrible with explanations though, so i'm going to show a step by step of that elendira drawing if you dont mind :3
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sketch layer !! because i mostly render through color alone, i try to make this as close to the finished thing as possible . ^__^ i hateee drawing the same thing over and over and like the expressivity and movement of my sketches anyways , so the more i can preserve at this step, the better. if u were to look at a side by side of my sketches and finished pieces, youd notice a lot of those og lines are present in the final drawing :3
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2. flats !! pretty self explanatory, but the solid background gives me an idea of where the figure begins & ends while the colors themselves help distinguish whats what . i stick to ambient lighting @ this point because im usually not sure what i want to do with the overall palette or lighting yet . having two tones (ex, dark and light in her hair or dark and light on her skin) can also help in identifying key features early on that u wanna preserve. as you build layer by layer, sometimes these areas will remain untouched and i think it makes for a rly lovely feel at the end
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3. start blocking !!! to be totally honest with you, i dont really know what i do here HAHAHA. like i just scribble the shit out of it, usually focusing on what i might want to do with lighting (ex: grey areas to accentuate folds in her costume). i think i like to start "erasing" the sketch where possible by coloring on top of it .. like if you look at her hat or her arm , you can tell i'm starting to get a sense of the shapes i like vs the ones i dont. it's at this point that the final image starts to emerge in my mind , like im gradually pulling her from a tarpit of scribbles until shes recognizable lol. chipping away at the marble until i can free her. tbh.
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4. keep blockingg...when u think u are done , block some more . as you can probably see, the brushwork becomes more intentional as i add more shape, with specific focus on line weight. this is also where the patchiness of that textured brush comes in - notice how none of the colors seem totally uniform (ex: the red cross or the original sketchlines for her waist). you can see bits and pieces of the layers underneath pushing through and i really like that !! ^__^ its very fun and sketchy to me, so i try to keep them around. those areas are also great to colorpick from, because it'll give you "new" colors to work w/ that are already part of your palette.
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5. GRADIENTS & GRADIENT MAPS !! TONE CURVE !! COLOR PICKER !! this is the best stage tbh. flatten your image so its all on one layer and just go crazy with all the color settings in ur program. add gradient layers and set them to darken, or overlay, or subtract, orrr. lighten or dodge glow or divide or soft/hard light.! OR!! edit the hue, saturation, luminosity and contrast.and then color pick from these edits, block even more on top of ur image, flatten, color edit again, etc. etc. until u feel satisfied.
ANYWAYSS . i hope that makes sense @__@ sry i wrote this out and deleted it like 23 times trying to make it make More sense but thats what ive got HAHA i hope its useful though :3 !
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 1 year
You know, on one hand I'm very interested in seeing seasons 6-9 of Fim but on the other hand I'm worried that I won't like it. Some people say they're not as good, but then again, some people also say Fim was ruined after Twilight became an alicorn princess but I disagree with that. Even after that, she still remains a funny friend and a bookish nerd interested in learning (or as she's been called in Swedish, en plugghäst).
I say go for it! If you don't like it, just pretend it never happened and keep loving the earlier seasons! but don't knock it till you try it, or how the saying goes 🤔😆💙💙
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I agree with you that twilight is still great after magical mystery cure/magiskt mysterium! I literally haven't got a clue what people are talking about when they say they don't but that's their opinion I guess 💜🌟💜
I can say personally I absolutely LOVE season 6 onwards ( except for like some minor things in season 8 & 9 but it's fine, season 8 & 9 is very different from the rest of the series and I think season 8 especially might not be for everybody since it introduces a bunch new characters, and a new location and feels kind of like a different series (personally I think the new characters are pretty enjoyable ^^)
if you watch mlp in swedish you might be saddened by the sudden change of rainbow dash's voice actor in season 8 that continues till the end of the show (I know I was, I had a meltdown over it 😅) BUT her new voice can be pretty adorable after getting used to it, but it's a pretty stark difference so that might take a rewatch, I'd say her new VA is at a disadvantage coming in so late when everyone else is already super familiar with their characters. Jill Wrethagen never really tried to sound like Ashleigh which is part of what made her so great to me (I love RDs english voice duh but what I mean here is I love when VA's aren't afraid to put their own spin on things and make their characters their own, it really makes for a more unique and charismatic performance!) her new voice really tries to do an english RD voice in swedish and as a result comes of a little forced at times, or mabey make her sound a bit more angry/whiney at certain points, but try to give her a chance! while I didn't like this change in the slightest after getting used to it I actually find her pretty cute as well 😊🌈💙
💖 here's a list of a few season 6 onwards episode I think most fans would enjoy even if they might not like those seasons (imo ofcourse) 💖:
the saddle row review/ den stora recensionen (THIS ONE'S SO FUNNY YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!! 🤣🤣)
applejacks "day" off/ applejacks lediga dag (such a great applejack episode!!! has one of my fave really funny rainbow dash moments, great if you like rarijack or look before you sleep/ titta innan du sover I think 🧡🧡🧡 ^^)
spice up your life/ krydda ditt liv (cutie map episode with pinkie and rarity that has an awesome song and a pretty likeable pair of new characters with a friendship problem)
p.p.o.v. (pony point of view)/ ponnyperspektiv
apples and pears/ äpplen och päron (this episode is SO good, highly recommend it to everyone ever 🍐🍎)
secrets and pies/ hemligheten är pajad (omg best pinkie and rainbow dash episode, if you like any other episodes with them together or like party of one/ ensamfest or griffon the brush off/ den avspisande gripen you'll love this one!!
horse play/ pjäsfadäs (super funny celestia and twilight episode)
sound of silence/ tysta strömmen
going to seed/ skörde mästaren (really good sibling episode with aj & apple bloom)
trivial pursuit/ triviatraven (pinkie & twilight episode! if you like feeling pinkie keen /känna pinkie skarpt or their friendship in general I feel like you'd enjoy this!)
28 pranks later/ 28 spratt senare
cart before the ponies / kärran går först (the song is super good in swedish and if you like the cmc and their sisters or sleepless in ponyville I think you'll enjoy it)
I picked these because most of them don't have as much "new" stuff in them or feel like they could've been in earlier seasons, but also because I just think they're really fun episodes! although personally I'm a big fan of starlight glimmer and trixie and there's a lot of them in the later seasons ofcourse! I really think you should give season 6 - 9 a try, you're bound to like at least SOME of the episodes/songs/scenes! I really think it's worth trying! maybe let me know what you think if you do, I'd love to hear about it! ^^ 💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Give us your opinion about if i was your man. I've always wanted to know what you think about the song and its history. can you do this detailed?🙃
Hmm, this is a challenge cuz i don't really know who to say the song might be targeted to. If u have any ideas, shoot, cuz I'm curious and we can debate on that
First off, i love these lyrics, i do think that the way it was recorded should've been something elss cuz i don't really like the sound of it. But the lyrics, BABES, they scream. I believe the song is somehow written for somebody close to him, i believe a friend who's been keeping in touch with Brad when he's home. This song tbh looks like the backstory from personal haha, with the birthday and Maggie's "bf" coming to the party and stuff. Now that i say that maybe they're connected 🤔
I think Brad knows what he has to offer and knows he can do better than anyone in terms of relationship. I love how he's not insecure at all, peek the difference between the lyrics from day edition and cherry blossom cuz I'm punching air imagining is someone specific ffs
Brad might have started giving this girl hints that she'd be better off with him, rather than her boyfriend, Brad cheeky as always definitely told her he looks nothing like she deserves, maybe gave her a few extra compliments and then she started questioning her own relationship (something in ur mind is changing /and u're wondering abt u and me)
Again, he knows he can satisfy a woman just the way she likes, so maybe this friend of his opened up about how her relationship is going or sex life cuz he says does it ever piss u off, knowing he takes for granted exactly what he got. Again with the cheekiness, i think Brad took the opportunity to somehow tell this girl he'd treat her so much better, from all the povs. Maybe she was asking him for advice or she was fighting with that guy and always went to Brad when that happened. Obviously, he would say how he would never do that, how that's not ok to happen in a relationship, depending on what was going on yk
I also think they had some rendezvous together, without ber bf knowing (i set ur darkest nights alight/brush the hair out of ur eyes). Ofc i set ur nights alight can be a metaphor and not actually meet in the nighttime, but i get the feeling they were somewhere on a cliff and just having their own time taking in the situation between themselves
All in all, i think Brad had a huge crush on tjis friend of his that didn't look like she wanted to leave her bf aside and start something new with Brad, who knows why. But it's obvious he thought the bf wasn't good enough for her, which led him into trying his best to open up her eyes. Also, i get the feeling that she might have had feelings for him at some point and he knew after a while, so maybe played this card too? Who knows. Again, i love this song lyric wise, but it could sound so much better tho
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elysianfiction · 2 years
"Can I kiss you?" for Elias pls if possible. I'm a simple woman , a poor soul who lives in depravity. It's a poor choice in love but my MC can't help it 😔
If you don't like "villain" smooches, don't come for my ass. 🤔
You try to hold yourself perfectly still as the maidens help you with your new garments, as they brush your hair without muttering a word. Stolen gentle smiles but nothing more.
They're not usually this quiet, if anything you've come to think of some of them as friends—or something close, at least—but you can't blame them. Not today.
Not when the emperor himself is watching their every move, standing near the balcony with his arms crossed at his back. Without uttering a word himself, if for muttered suggestions every now and then.
Richer fabrics, different colors, lighter jewelry meant to accentuate features without looking too preposterous. And throughout all, you keep quiet.
Not to play the pliant part, the gods know you haven't come here to play as another pawn on the chessboard, but simply because he seems to know your tastes like the back of his hand. Infuriatingly enough, you have no complaints.
Elias raises one hand and the maidens stop at once, bowing elegantly before leaving the two of you alone with a deafening click as the doors to your rooms are pulled close.
Neither of you say anything, not at first. You stare at your reflection in the mirror and Elias stares at you, something extremely pleased in his eyes.
"Am I up to your kingdom's standards?" You ask, only half in jest, getting up from the plush seat you've been forced on for almost an hour now. "Or should we start again?"
His smile widens slightly. Not quite a grin, but something close and just as sharp. He moves away from the balcony, the light seeping through it clinging to his back like a golden cape, stopping in front of you.
"As much as I would enjoy playing a little longer, I don't think we have time for that."
Your lips thin into a straight line, eyes wandering fleetingly toward the outside world, where people are singing in celebration. Ready for tonight's grand event.
"Is all of this necessary?" You ask, feeling for the first time the weight of uncertainty on your back. "Won't the rest of—"
"Taking care of annoying pest is something I shall take care of. You need not to worry about that," he says, gently grasping your chin between his thumb and forefinger. "I have waited a long time, just for this moment. Nobody will ruin your night, this I swear."
And see, this right here is exactly the problem.
You've always known, long before coming to the kingdom capital, Elias to be a man of words. A silver-tongue of careful deceit, hefty threats hidden behind flowery words.
You've been warned times and times again, albeit only from the other side of this conflict, and yet here you are. Held in his grasp, heartbeat fluttering beneath your ribs.
Throat suddenly as dry as the deserts just past the kingdom's borders, hands pressed tightly together over your lap.
Perhaps you've let your inner turmoil show, perhaps he's somehow read your thoughts, all you know is that something visibly shifts in his gaze, in the way he grazes your skin.
"May I kiss you?" He asks and for a moment you're sure you have misheard, but your heart rages on all the same.
You must have misunderstood, but then you catch his eyes drop to your lips for the fraction of a second, something scorching in his otherwise glacial gaze.
You can only nod, clever tongue made a fool of by four simple words, heat eating at your skin the longer he keeps still.
A chaste press of lips, strangely soft even as his beard slightly tickles your skin, so fleeting and undemanding perhaps it never happened at all.
Maybe you're still sleeping. Now, wouldn't that save you from your own poor decisions?
"How am I supposed to deny you anything?" He asks, smiling when you step away from him with heated cheeks. "When you ask oh so sweetly... Although, this will have to suffice, for now."
You're saved by a knock at the door, signaling the arrival of some of the more important guests. Elias, of course, doesn't miss your relieved sigh.
"We'll have to continue this... Conversation later in the evening. You know how to find me, your Excellency."
You bite back a groan, fleeing the room with the sound of his muffled laughter haunting your escape.
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comfortabletextiles · 2 years
i apologize if this is a difficult and/or annoying question to answer, but in your experience is there a noticeable difference in the price of spinning your own yarn vs. buying commercially spun for the same quality of fiber? like i know the cost isn't The Point but i have a limited amount of cash to throw at my fibercrafting obsessions haha so i wanna know what i'm signing up for before i potentially pick up another expensive hobby. i'm in canada if it makes a difference?
Asks are NEVER annoying!!!
And costs is an importand thing to think about if you start a new hobby!
I don't know how the prices are in Canada, but you can make spinning very cheap or very expensive!
For example i can get:
100g Mulberry silk for 7,90€
100g cashmere for 21,80€
100g Baby Alpaka for 4,40€
Now in yarn:
100g mulberry silk differs between 8,50 to 22,50
100g cashmere 54,00
100g Alpaka (not even baby) between 7,50 and 11,40
(these are all German prices and i only looked at 3 online Shops)
Depending on where in Canada, you might be able to get raw sheep wool as a gift from the shepherds. But they might not be suuuper soft. (BUT you can Experiment with different breeds, how cool is that?)
Now for the tools: my favorite spindle sticks cost 8,-€ my favorite whorls are selfmade from Fimo and my favorite wheel costs around 600,-
(cards, combs and so on can be very expensive again too, but you can get very far with dog brushes)
I would say, at least in Germany, spinning your own is cheaper than buying finished yarn.
Now my personal pros:
For me a plus point is: I know EXACTLY what fiber is in there, i don't have to hunt for trusty online Shops who declare everything right!
I can make the perfect yarn for my project. Down to how many singles, WPI, the contend, twist in single and ply, and color (getting everything for dying shouldn't be that expensive, my ashford colors costed 60,-€ i think? And an old pot should be easy to find)
It takes space, i think almost every space in our flat is filled with my fiber hobby...
It takes a lot if time. If you want to knit a jumper you need to spin around 500 to 900g of yarn (roughly, depending on your wpi and size) that is a lot!
I personally spin on spindles and ply on my wheel. But a wheel IS expensive and a cheap old wheel from ebay might not work, at all! I used to ply with spindles, it easy, but i don't ejoy it (you'll probably buy a wheel sooner or later, it's just how things go with that hobby 😅🤣)
Spinning yarn over 2 wpi could be a pain in the ass, depending on your setup. But you can come fairly far with one spindle and toilet paper rolls (the cardboard core you know what i mean?)
So all in all i would say fiber is cheaper, tools can get expensive and it takes way more time!
If you want to try it out first, as cheap as possible, look for spinning guilds or meetings. Where you can rent and lend stuff ALSO you can build your own spindle, from a pencil and a CD! Or look online for blueprints!!
I think i covered everything 🤔 if there is more you want to know, shoot me a nother ask :D
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gracieryder · 3 years
Saying he was fully in charge of his hair for the first time was a bad choice of words. I mean more that his parents strike me as the sort to heavily dictate what his style was growing up, and Eddie seems the type to just go with that. It was easier, and it suited him well enough, so why bother to change, ya know?
But in the military, he would've been completely not in charge. It needed function and to meet the dress code so he probably just kept it short rather than messing with gels or stuff, even when he was at home.
Plus I imagine Shannon liked it soft and product free, easier to stroke a hand over.
But now, in LA, he styles it. He's clearly experimented, even if only a little, with gels and mousse and a brush technique that isn't straight back away from my face.
S3 hair was best, S4 was a little too carefully-ruffled, and sadly I'm yet to see any of S5 (I'm not paying £30 a month to get it) outside of clips and stills, but it looks better.
You veered away from our joking back and forth about the best hairstyle and went meta with it. 😂
That's fine. We can talk Eddie's hair. That's a hot topic with me anyway. 🤣
We've had entire discussions about his hair before. Particularly his Season 3 hair and what led to that and the symbolism of allowing it to grow out again in Season 4. And then from that post, @extasiswings does that thing she always does and went even deeper turning the evolution of his hair into an entire character study in this fic here.
There are different ways to look at this.
That being said, before I continue, I honestly think his Season 2 hair was just a decision on the part of whoever was in charge of Ryan's style when he was first brought on. And they probably just went "Hmmm. 🤔 This seems sexy! 😏"
But let's talk about it inside the narrative instead!
While I'm certainly no fan of Diaz parents, I honestly don't think they'd have been dictating his hairstyle into his late teens and early adulthood. That seems like a bit of a reach.
I do agree that when he was young he probably didn't care, but I'm gonna bring up Chapel's reply on this post from earlier:
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Because whether there's a narrative decision behind his style for Season 2 or we're headcanoning something here, I think it's highly likely that he got out of the army and went right back to what he knew.
That he fell back into how he styled his hair before enlisting because that's what he was used to. That's what he knew how to do.
And that would kind of make sense when you consider what I mentioned jokingly (but also not jokingly) earlier that it was too young for him and didn't quite work. That it seemed like an older man trying to style his hair in a way he thought was cool and attractive only to miss and seem like he's trying too hard. Little things like how thin his hair looked around his hairline at times and how it looked thinner than it should around the edges for that kind of style don't lead me to believe it's a new style for him.
It comes across to me as something that worked before, so he went back without realizing that it doesn't work the same way anymore. I don't really see it as something that developed post-service.
I'm not going to repeat everything from the posts I've linked above for what I think happened with his hair from S2 to S3 and even S3 to S4. You can read them if you're curious.
I absolutely do not agree that his S3 hair was his best look. I literally mentioned in those other posts that I think he cut it off to avoid having to focus on it in his grief.
But I'll admit that what does and doesn't look best on him is all a matter of opinion.
In Season 4, his hair began to grow out again, and I've talked about the symbolism of that before. But I think it's a bit notable that it was kept so neat and carefully styled. Everything with Eddie in Season 4 had to be picture-perfect. From his hair to his relationship to his pillows. Everything had to look right.
And we see it being a bit less controlled in Season 5 as those picture-perfect ideas fall to pieces around him. His relationship. His mental health. Himself. It's there and he works at it, but every strand is not in place. There's still a lot more of Season 5 left to go, so we'll see what happens.
But his hair is definitely an interesting topic.
At least to me. 😂
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jacks-little-jacky · 3 years
Hey there!
Love your headcannons! I was wondering if you were interested in this one…. Jack suspecting the s/o of cheating on him when the s/o was planning a threesome for him 😜 and how he would react until it happened/ maybe if u feel like it what would happen in a threesome if he would even want one 🤔
Jack suspecting s/o is cheating| Jack x Reader Headcanons
Okay so I know this took a long time and the request itself was a bit hard on me ngl haha! Writing Jack with insecurities like that really fucked over my heart, gotta take some fluff after that ;(( I also got a bad bit busy and lost track of this blog but my love for Jack is stronger than some stress. Stress is temporary, Jack is forever, my friends.
Warnings: A bit angst (like mentions of breakup), spicy ending under the cut
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Jacks whole love basis is trust, this man can feel incredible lust and crush on someone but if he admits his love to you/get together with you he fully trusts you to never betray him
it's the same he would do, backstabbing is one of the worst things in this mans life
just saying this man became a captain as a commoner in a world where a magic knight (Zara) got killed just because he was a commoner who made it
so yeah he wouldn't easily suspect his beloved to cheat
but the voice of trust issues in every commoner got woken more and more the less he saw you around
you always were somewhere, when he asked with who you're spending all your time you brushed it off
Jack isn't all clingy, he doesn't need cuddles all the time (almost never will reject them tho-) but drinking and laughing with his s/o is something that comforts him insanely from his duties and all the work shit
he and Charlotte helped around with patrol when he saw you at an unfamiliar door, laughing at an unfamiliar frame
his stomach turned upside down when the voice in the back of his head started telling him again that you found someone less scary, someone prettier, someone better fitting for you
maybe you made a new friend and everything was fine? Maybe he was overreacting with all the stress and his comfort not being there?
he blew up after a few more days of this
Jack wouldn't normally scream at you and he wouldn't accuse you randomly of some shit like that but the last days were completely outplaying his already short fuse
"What the fuck? Did you follow me?!" you were a bit angry, that could bust the whole surprise
"If you found someone better then break the fuck up and stop playing games." he would growl
"Wait... What?" you only then realized that you being so busy with keeping it a secret and him maybe seeing you at that house could make him insecure
Jack always looks so secure and rough that you didn't think you would find yourself in such a situation
"Jack, I'm not cheating on you."
Now Jacks heart would instantly jump onto it, brutally slamming against his ribcage, he didn't want to break up
he didn't want a fight like this. not with you
yet pride and his reason that lying is a thing made him stand tall, looking down at you harshly and just waited for you to continue
"Look this was supposed to be a surprise... But well... I was planning and kinda set up a threesome."
"You kinda set up what?"
Jack thought he just fell into a coma and this was a weird dream
"I set up a threesome. We joked about it a few weeks ago, remember? It sounded like you're into that kinda thing and I'm open to trying things with you."
Jack felt so dumb, of course, you did something for him, for you two and he thought completely wrong
"Seriously?" - "Yeah."
He would just pull you into a hug
"I don't need a damn threesome. I need my snugglebug safe by my fucking side." he kinda mumbled it into your hair
you hugged him back, drawing circles on his long back, also feeling bad for making him feel like he wouldn't matter anymore
The threesome:
It actually really depends on the gender of the third party
if it's a woman he'll do it but mainly focuses on you, thinks seeing you kissing a woman is super hot
also he isn't a woman so that's a thing you can't really get from him so he'll be more open about it
if it's another man he likely wouldn't say yes and even if he does this possessive mantis will mainly screw you and let the third party watch
either woman or man there'll be a point where he decides that you two tried out enough with an extra in bed and tell them to go fuck themselves while he's balls deep inside you
after all, like any mantis he wouldn't share his prey
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