#i'mma go sleep now
crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
It has come to my attention that I haven't drawn sun and moon as chibis yet
I have rectified the situation:
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all is right with the world
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sketchesforyears · 5 months
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I got an inspiration boost and just finished this!! It is 3:35 am, I think I'm ready to go to bed :)
Also thanks so much for the support on my previous post, I didn't think so many people would see it
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kaisollisto · 11 days
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Thank you to @noteveryonefits for giving me the opportunity to create for her story. ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/56209771/chapters/142794364#workskin ) please check it out! Thank you all for sticking with me in this (horrible, agonizing) pleasant journey. I can finally rest now.
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kfedup · 1 year
Trying to get to sleep in my childhood bedroom but I can’t turn out the light. When I first lay down to watch Succession on my laptop, I felt someone sit down on the end of the bed next to my feet. Full-body goosebumps that lasted for an hour. I jumped up and put the light on, shaking. Couldn’t start the show for a bit. Then halfway through the episode I felt the same thing on the pillow. So now I’m just here wide awake and exhausted from two full days of socializing and being in all that city energy and it’s after midnight and wow that finale was really something and my head hurts and every cell of my being is on high alert, which is to say: what the fuck. 
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chibifox2002 · 8 months
To all my moots I love yall
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highlifeboat · 1 year
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No thoughts only under appreciated OC Elizabeta
#actually i do have one thoght but it's not about them but i'mma ramble in the tags anyway#so i was thinking about max and his love of arachnids/spiders#and like#he probably wouldn't be able to make daniela un-afraid of them#BUT i think he could convince her that they really aren't a huge threat and that they don't have to be killed and she could probably#even hold one and it wouldn't do anything since 90% of the time she's in human form anyway#but also him being like ''I really like arachnids I think they're cute and amazing and they're so interesting let me go on a big info#info dump and tell you all about them" and just seeing him really passionate about something makes dani's heart melt#because max never does this stuff#he never rambles or goes off on huge passiionate tangents like that#it's usually HER rabling to HIM#and he's so genuinely happy while he talks about them and it's like#She's just never really seem him like that and even if spiders are a big part of it that doesn't matter#because ''holy shit he's smiling and he's talking so much and by miranda he's fucking cute''#anyway i forget what my point was but yeah i think max should ramble to daniela about arachnids cause no one else'll listen to him anyway#this tag rant would have been way more suited under a daximus post but i didn't have any art and if i didn't write it now i was gonna#gonna forget *wheeze*#if anyone takes the time to read my sleep deprived rambles about maximus n spooders thanks lmao i'm going to be now#my art#oc elizabeta#oc max#daximus#tag ramble#re 8 oc
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risuola · 9 months
As I'm here rambling, let me guys tell you - I spent good few hours today on making new graphics for my fics so it's pleasing to (mostly my) eye - I am an artist, I love coherent aesthetics and I'm pedantic to the point of obsessive behaviors. It's so bad, but I feel like I'm happy with what I created today and I'll be swapping the graphics gradually, tidying up my masterlists and all that jazz.
It'll have more color, because as much as I love the monochrome look, I also crave color more than I crave air.
Keep calm, stay tuned, be happy and healthy loves!! 🖤
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rockybloo · 1 year
Just spent the whole morning retagging asks so they're [ask: story name] so when people click on tags that are just [story name], they don't have to scroll through endless walls of text of me responding to people and just have concentrated rambling and art from me unprompted.
And for the mad lads who wanna know what's be asked, they can just click on the [ask: story name] tag and see all the asks for that specific story
At least that's how things should work but this is tumblr
I can at least say I tried
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
Its my fanfic, and Sleep can look sorta like Chaos Hades Game if I want him too.
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oh-meow-swirls · 2 years
jibanyan's secret quest in 2 > jibanyan's secret episode. they're both good but the anime can barely hold a serious moment so the game's better in making it actually as sad as it feels like it should be-
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streetslost · 2 years
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oh, don’t worry about that... i had all the treats and yums today.  i’m still uncomfortable with how full my stomach is lmao sjkdfl;ajsfdl  BUT THANK YOU DEAR, I DID A LITTLE DANCE, I COULD HEAR THE SONG IN MY HEAD, THIS WAS DELIGHTFUL <333  i hope you are doing well, sorry i’ve sucked about literally everything but MUWAH !!!  softly and quietly always adoring you and your muses !!!
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variantia · 2 years
BELLUM.   hm, is my Double Trouble anon still around ...?   I’m having a rough day emotionally and I could use some lizardy cuddles (as always ofc tho ahahaha I love them so)
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
why am i still awake (11 pm)
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loupy-mongoose · 11 months
The journey was long.
Vast seas, ending in the same blue-to-blue horizon wherever they looked.
Randy led the Linden party guided by the compass he held. Without stars, this was what they had.
They passed the time by talking. Singing. Playing games. Sometimes chatting with Wingull flocks they passed. Sometimes Akoya and Persim transformed and dove in to snatch up a fish snack.
While mostly they flew, sometimes they teleported. They couldn't do it too much as it could cause the Mews--usually Randy--To get queasy.
Akoya, and less often Persim, also transformed into large water type Pokemon, like Lapras, to give them all a break from the monotony of flying. It also offered the babies a chance to stretch their legs and get some activity.
They traveled for several hours. Perzi woke from a nap to find Lav asleep, and Randy draped over her. He was watching the three kits sleep with glazed eyes.
Hey, Mate. Want me to take a turn watching?
The thin Mew blinked at him, seemingly remembering that he was even there. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a yawn came out.
That's a yes. Catch a nap, Randy. I got 'em.
Randy seemed hesitant, but soon his look turned grateful. Thanks, Perz... He stretched his arms, then folded them under his head and promptly fell asleep.
After a little while, the kits began to wake up. Midas was easy enough. He didn't move around much, apparently resistant to waking. Rosie wandered around on the limited zone of Akoya's shell. But she was careful and didn't go far enough to fall.
Momo was the one to watch. Since she was confidently flying, Perzi had to keep a close eye on her, and wrangle her back if she decided to stray. But she was enjoying this "game" she was playing with Uncle Perzi so it was easy enough!
WARNING: The following comic contains child endangerment
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Akoya plowed ahead with new urgency. Her family huddled on her back, gathered around Perzi and little Rosemary.
I'm so sorry, Rosie... I'm so sorry...
The little Mew shivered in her fathers hands as he held her close to his chest. Occasionally she let out uncomfortable twitters.
Randy, I... Persim's face was a mask of horror and guilt. I... I-I feel horrible. This... Th-this shouldn't h-have happened... I... Sh-she didn't...
Randy put his arm around the devastated Mew. Try not to worry about it, Persim. Let's try to keep calm so she can be.
Persim trembled under Randy's arm. As much as he might be angry at Perzi for letting this happen at all, the ache in his heart trumped it.
Thank you, Randy.
His ear twitched. He dared not turn his head for fear of smacking the distraught Mew with his muzzle.
If it weren't for you, she... He silenced, and shut his eyes, spilling tears down his cheeks.
Randy said nothing, and held him tighter.
Their shiny Lapras mount jolted forward, and the riders fought to stay upright.
They watched as the spotted landmass slowly grew larger, signaling their eminent arrival in Hoenn...
And help for Rosie...
...I'mma... go hide in a corner now.
Note: Randy's ring isn't present on purpose. He packed it away so he didn't lose it.
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No thoughts just Benn Beckman's cleavage 😌
Not his fault no one in the One Piece universe makes shirts big enough to button over those tiddies
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Linework basically done I guess
I'm borderline delirious so I'mma go sleep for a little while now
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lomlompurim · 6 months
I have seen some Mamajiu content from time to time, but have someone ever made the reverse? SY(Sqq) being the parent of a small SJ? Either reincarnated with all, half or none of his previous memories. Single parent or bingqiu post canon etc whatever the scenario. I'mma go with the single parent route for now.
A Mamayuan with his prickly ass little spawn from hell that no ones understand where did this child got so much bitterness. The kid is such a challenge for gentle parenting advocate millenial Shen Yuan, but he won't fall into taking out his frustrations on a child, nope no matter how challenging and draining gets, tantrums can't last forever, can they? His parents had 4 kids and they were fine. He is gonna be fine.
He probably grows some white hairs in the process but that only adds more mature mommy vibes so is a win.
And happens the opposite of the usual reactions the other peaklords have towards mamajiu. The sweet and caring peak lord Sqq has a son who is such a brat????? None of his disciples are like that, not even the pampered sons of wealthy merchants so why his own blood is like that??? He resembles more a perpetually angry chihuahua. Like a toddler always eating lemons. Super picky when SY requires a babysitter and tbh you will need a lot of patience with him so its not a job for everyone.
Everyone wants to bag hot single mother Sqq but actually being a stepfather to that kid? Nah if you don't have what its needed for parenting him he is gonna eat you alive.
Probably for most of this to work I would need SJ to not remember a lot of things to not plot againts the random guy who stealed his face and stab him in his sleep.
Or maybe being such a terrible child is his revenge against SY? Trying to get him to finally snap and drop the other shoe.
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