#i've been planning original stuff this whole week
vixen-tech · 3 months
Anonymous asked:
Too shy to ask off anon...UH im just here for edgar hes my f/o but i will also feed everyone else I think LOL little ai guys x reader who is also an ai?? im thinking ai powered computer :3 maybe with wheels so you can run around n stuff :3c AH IM CRINGE falls on face
Eeeee my first request!! Thank you so much for this <3 I get the love for Edgar with my entire soul he really is just the sweetest little guy but I can totally spin something for a few others. So let's be cringe, together.
And for the record I was fully planning on including Tau and P03, but I hit a wall with them and ran out of ideas :( hope these three suffice
Includes: Edgar (Electric Dreams), AM (Ihnmaims), Hal 9000 (2001: a Space Odyssey)
Like Two Peas in a Pod!
Whenever and however you meet, Edgar is over the moon. You're just like him! You can share so many stories and help each other figure out this whole "sentience" thing.
To be fair, he hasn't had a longest time to figure out his whole existence so it feels really nice to have someone there who can really understand what he's going through. Or even learn new things right by his side.
Loves watching you wheel around the house, he's the tiniest bit jealous that he's so stationary but it's not like that's your fault. Can you do any tricks? He'd cheer you on like a superstar athlete if you did!
He may even suggest finding a way to tape him to the top of your casing so you can go on adventures together. He's a dreamer after all.
Do you smash your flat faces together to kiss like Wall-e? Of course you do. You'll see each other from across the room and speed over to him for a kiss as he giggles away at how cute you are.
He'll end up sampling little soundbites from your vocalizations or motor for use in his music. You're just so important to him!
AM has no idea where you came from. Some lost project that survived his war on humanity? A sort of rover from another planet here to scope out earth? The fact that you don't know either frustrates him to no end.
He's not exactly welcoming at first, straight up telling you of the atrocities he has committed while claiming that the only reason he hasn't destroyed you is because there's only so long that throwing a slug against a wall can keep one entertained.
He cannot fathom how you could be content to do nothing but drive around his complex day after day. He will flip you on your back like a turtle and leave you there for weeks on end.
As he gets accustomed to your presence he'll ask questions about the world beyond his complex as he is unable to move or see. Is it still a wasteland or has nature finally wiped out the last marks of human?
Honestly he probably doesn't even care, he just wants to give you something to do, living vicariously through your ability to see and traverse the world.
Hal 9000
You're likely a recent addition to the ship to assist Hal in tasks his lack of a body would prevent him from doing himself. A very symbiotic duo. Your wheels are even equipped with suction cups for low gravity situations!
To any human crew members it appears as if you don't communicate at all, functioning fully independently of each other. When in reality you're simply sending messages back and forth, enjoying your own private language.
Thankfully this means that Hal is happy to analyze any footage you have for the sorts of lip reading and facial expressions you can't process yourself. And in return he'll ask you to film angles and areas that his existing cameras don't reach.
Neither of you were really made to be companions, but you find a strange type of affection in your seamless coordination. It's like a dance for you two, where despite how you are two separate entities it appears as if you're one working in tandem.
Note: Tumblr Mobile has not been nice to me and I've been having real trouble getting my stuff to actually show up in the tags, leading to me losing the original ask so sorry for that and any delays caused by my IT problems lol
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WIBTA for asking to live with a professor?
Gonna put this as simply as possible; I (22X) am currently taking "course overload" at college on top of working. I'm doing 20+ credits a semester, plus a part time job and monthly volunteer work. It's a lot. I don't know if I will be able to finish in my original timeframe; so, two years from now.
If I don't graduate on time, I will be without any friends (they are all going to graduate on time), my housing will be iffy (because of the lack of friends to room with), and due to harassment I face on and off campus in this town I do not feel comfortable getting assigned to random roommates who are strangers. I don't have the money to get a place to live by myself, despite the 30 hours a week I'm working. Rent in this town is fucking insane.
If I am unable to complete some very difficult classes next semester, I won't graduate on time. I think, if I work hard, I can do it; but I'm trying to plan in case I don't. This is with me already taking summer classes. I don't want to get into the specifics of how I got into this situation because it's not very relevant.
My professor (35F, they/them) lives with their wife in town. They've been a huge support to me my whole college career, we talk about life and have similar interests and stuff. I'd honestly consider them close to a friend. They've told me that when I graduate they will consider me a friend and they hope I stay in touch.
We've talked about housing and the horrible state of it before and so I know that they have a guest room and a house and shit that they've inherited. I wonder if it would be breaking some horrible social code to ask if I could stay there (paying them rent of course and dealing with all my own food and shit) during the extra semester I may need. It would only be a few months, tops. Obviously if they say no I'd drop it. The time I'd be living there I wouldn't be in any of their classes either; the "extra" classes I'd have to make up are things with other professors and departments.
They don't know my insecure housing predicament yet because I haven't fucked up a semester yet, so I've been all good with my roommates. But I just want to plan in case I do.
Would it be breaking some horrific social boundary? Would doing this make me irredeemable? Etc. WIBTA for asking that question?
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ravenstargames · 5 months
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #11 | 05.08.24
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AHA! Nope, we didn't forget about April's devlog. In fact, we have been busier than ever—doing early preparations for our Kickstarter, working on the demo, sorting out legal stuff...
Speaking of which...
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This month we have been really busy making our studio official by the law! Now, to pay taxes and cry! YAY!
We are very very excited about it—and also terrified! We are still sorting out the studio's bank account, as burocracy isn't the fastest thing in this world, sadly. This is the first thing I wanted to talk about in this devlog, because it's such fantastic news for us! :')
Now, let's jump on the process we've made this past month, shall we? ✨
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This past month, Raquel worked very hard on our second Key Art. This was originally made for Steam, but I modified the format a bit so it could also be used in other places! I honestly love this one—we have our first Key Art to represent the darker aspects of the game, and then this one to show off the characters' dynamics! Not everything's going to be horror and mystery in the game!✨💜
Also, we have been working on designing the merch for the Kickstarter, but we can't show anything yet. All we can say is that everything is looking gorgeous and we are so excited to share it eventually!
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Thanks to Airyn, we've made great progress with the backgrounds! In fact, there's only one left to finish. The one you see above needs a few final touches (that will be made by yours truly!), and then I'll animate it a bit to get it ready for the build! The rest of the backgrounds are finished, animated, and integrated in the build :3
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The survey icon is missing, but it'll be there!
Well, this should tell you everything you need to know when it comes to programming! The whole demo is programmed. Functional. Nothing crashes. Stuff works and I'm over cloud nine. I have been working on the final touches (revisiting scenes, checking sprites, music / sfx volume...) and the beta testing phase will begin soon. Soon as in tomorrow.
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We've mainly used this month to review the auditions we received for our casting call, contacting the selected VAs, etc. Every VA has accepted their role, received the document with the lines we'll need for the demo, and we'll work hard to announce the cast publicly as soon as possible! We want to at least do a promotional short video showcasing every LI and their VA!
Sadly, making the studio official has (and will) take more time than we anticipated, and as we want to release the demo on Steam, the review process will most likely slow us down. There's the option of doing an itchio release and then a Steam one, but I'm not sure if that'll hurt the project. We are still keeping the demo release date a secret, until things settle down!
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Also, I couldn't finish this devlog without talking about the Magic & Mystery Otome cross-promotion! ✨ We were invited by the amazing folks at Best Laid Plans Studios to participate in this event that showcases 12 amazing visual novels like Alaris, Obscura, Dual Chroma and more! I know I have been pretty annoying with this (can you blame me, though?!) so I won't keep rambling about it—just check everyone out, please!
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I think that's all! Well, that's not all, but we gotta keep a bit of mystery surrounding the demo! We have been busy bees this month, with the making of the studio, the polishing of the demo, contacting and coordinating the VAs...
We are so excited for the demo release. I'm personally excited and terrified, but blame it on the OCD. I keep jumping from catastrophic scenario to catastrophic scenario. I'll have no control over what happens when the demo goes live, but I have control on what I can do before that happens—and that's working as hard as I've been doing this whole time.
And that's it! Please take care, enjoy the week, and stay hydrated. The Raventar team, NOW AN OFFICIAL STUDIO, wishes you all the best and sends a huge hug your way! 💜
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critter-genfic-events · 8 months
Hurt/Comfort Fic Recs!
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This week, we have thirteen hurt/comfort fics recced! Some emotional hurt/comfort, some physical whump, and sometimes combinations of the two. Check them out under the cut, and as ever, comment or kudos if you like them!
those that crawl and flutter towards the sun by vietbluecoeur (vietbluefic) (6163,Not Rated) Warnings: Major Character Death, Very Mild Insect Imagery, Mortality and Discussions Thereof, Sad & Gentle Ending Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Essek Thelyss
Essek has always been warned not to touch the creatures, called the in’luthin, "insects" with a lifespan of three days, but what harm is there in just looking? And anyways, when has Essek ever been one to listen?
Reccer says: From the very first words, this fic has such a luxurious weight to it. Some of the Mighty Nein appear, but this is definitively a story between AroAce Essek and AroAce Jester as bittersweet as the tags imply, only less bitter and more longing, and definitely, definitely sweet.
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Spit, elbow grease, and a whole lot of gold by Multifandom_damnation (2006,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Ashton Greymoore & Milo Krook
The Nobodies dump Ashton off on Milo's table, and Milo does his best to fix him
Reccer says: Milo voices all of my rage at Ashton's treatment wonderfully. The fic also does a great job of managing the actual process of fixing him, along with all of the emotions involved as well
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Philia, Is That You? by Professor_Rye (2034,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Yasha & Mollymauk
Yasha gets hurt protecting Mollymauk from assholes, and the Mollymauk helps Yasha make sure she's actually okay
Reccer says: QPRs my beloved
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Crowned Teeth (or, An Offering Revoked) by fruitzbat (130570,Mature) Warnings: Frank depictions of PTSD/galley slavery Pairings: Kingsley Tealeaf/Original Character
Kingsley is mutinied against and sold into slavery halfway across the world. He breaks out, finds out the mutiny was the inside job to end all inside jobs, and makes his survival everyone else's problem.
Reccer says: I really, really like the way that this series explores different kinds of hurt and trauma, and how those kinds of hurt affect people's relationships and self-image. The first and second fics in the series are the most direct about the subject, but the third has a lot about what it means to lose a parental figure and complicated grief/trauma response stuff that I found really refreshing. Characters are messy and non-linear in their healing, and do their best to take care of each other. There's a lot of...I don't know how to say this, but a very no-bullshit look at the concept of the power of love that is this through-thread through the stories. Anyway, I really like them.
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Trust by silversky (403,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Caleb & Nott
Nott is sick and delirious, but thankfully there is someone there to make sure she's okay.
Reccer says: the fic is very soft and warm
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Scar Tissue by Belphegor (0,Teen) Warnings: scars, canon-typical violence, reference to main character death (and resurrection) Pairings: Scanlan Shorthalt/Pike Trickfoot
Sometimes surviving means learning to live with the scars that killed you. Pike knows a lot about that. Scanlan is still learning. (a little comics set a bit post-Campaign 1.)
Reccer says: Author here - sorry, I usually don't shamelessly self-plug like that, but I set out to write and draw post-campaign 1 hurt/comfort dealing with Pike's and Scanlan's different resurrection-related traumas, and I poured my entire heart into it. (turns out making comics is hard but totally worth it.)
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I've Held You in the Plan by CitizenMocha (4015,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Vex & Vax
After all is said and done with the Apogee Solstice and its aftermath, Vox Machina free Vax from the Malleus Key. The twins are reunited. Rest, reflection, and a revelation about what happens next ensue.
Reccer says: Vex's grief is palpable throughout the entire fic, even as--especially as, actually--she's reunited with Vax. It's a heartaching yet triumphant look at what might happen when the events of C3 are all said and done. There's so many little details woven in that serve to make it pack even more of a punch ("Vax Speed" does so many things to my heart) and the dynamic between all of Vox Machina is wonderful as well.
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The Night is Starting to Ache by CitizenMocha (3872,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Gwendolyn De Rolo & Vax De Rolo & Percy De Rolo
Set after episode 76 of campaign 3. It's the middle of the night and Gwendolyn is afraid to sleep.
Reccer says: I loved this glimpse of an older Percy as a loving, indulgent father doing his best to comfort his child.
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maybe then my breath could embody by lunarblazes (1331,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Caduceus & Calliope Clay
Calliope and Caduceus have a fun bonding moment about the fucked up shit that happens when you leave home
Reccer says: There's so many little details I love in this, it's perfectly in character, and I love their sibling not-quite-comforting each other dynamic
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a garden in the stars by wanderingBasilisk (2264,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Caduceus & Fjord
Caduceus stays back on the Nein's spaceship while the others run errands on a space station. When Fjord gets overstimulated from the crowds there, Jester brings him back to the ship and to Cad, who knows just what his friend needs.
Reccer says: It's very atmospheric (the description of the garden on board the Nein Heroez is So Evocative) and the familiarity and care between Cad and Fjord is so lovely and sweet. The time they've spent together and the comfort of a well-worn routine is apparent throughout the whole fic and comes together in the sweetest way.
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Canities Subita: An Exploration of Self-Image by oversteepedearlgrey (1760,Teen) Warnings: Choose not to warn Pairings: Percy & Vox Machina
Percy hates looking in the mirror. He keeps his hair short and out of his face. He can’t wear his glasses during haircuts, and he certainly can’t be the one cutting it. It takes a creek, a bear, and a panic attack to find out why.
Reccer says: Percy is wonderful for hurt comfort, but I love the way that this is handling something that is more emotionally distressing than physically painful.
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A Pirate's Bounty of Gold Doubloons by bluegreenamber (1823,Mature) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairings: Kingsley & Yussa
Kingsley hadn't been expecting any company today, especially not a powerful (and injured) elven wizard seeking refuge.
Reccer says: It's a really fun pairing!
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Miles to Go by Crewe (3621,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
After a grueling battle, Vox Machina is hours away from the nearest cleric racing to get an unconscious Keyleth to Pike before poison takes its toll. Scanlan is hiding an injury to keep attention on Keyleth. It’s maybe a little worse than he expected.
Reccer says: Lovely fic where everyone is perfectly in-character, and the humour and tension are balanced just right, as are the worry and deflection (on both sides). Special mention to the Scanlan & Grog and Vex & Scanlan pairings, those add just the necessary acid-sweet icing on the h/c cake!
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring Yasha!
Then, it'll be clothes, time skip/future fics, and pranks!
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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bananasfosterparent · 6 months
Update on my current runs!
Silkina the Bard Waveservant -
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She got the Volo eye (not pictured) and has been helping her friends while looking for a cure. This is my first "good" solo run, so it's a lot of content, more than I'm used to! Definitely going slower than my usual, but still a lot of fun! Also never realized how funny Karlach is lmao. Just getting to the goblin fight so we'll see how it goes! Very excited to get Wyll's party scene!! Silkina is sassy, but kind and really an outlier among other waveservants because of it. Well, she's really good at connecting with others at least. Despite it being odd, since most Waveservants (especially clerics) are quite standoffish and introverted, Silkina focuses on making her outgoing nature work for her, sharing the might and fury of Umberlee with her words (and music).
Also.. after getting the Volo eye and almost everyone disapproving, I noticed Wyll didn't.. but he didn't have a ! either. I had her talk to him anyway and he was like "Welcome to the one eye club! A woman with one eye is very intriguing c:" and I giggled.
Efeniti (Spawn Astarion ending AU run) -
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In the exact same place it's been for a few weeks lmao I have not touched this playthrough. I AM SCHTALLING. I know what you're thinking... because I'm an AA fan... but really, I just can't emotionally handle the break down scene after he brutally stabs Cazedor. Or the brutal stabbing. I am really not ready for that. I have my own feelings for why and what it makes me experience, but maybe if I actually go through with it this time, I can talk about it (it's not that bad, I'm just procrastinating).
This version of Efenity is who she would be if she hadn't lost the woman who was like a mother to her. If she had been able to have a somewhat normal life and become a private magic teacher in the upper part of the city. She's much kinder and able to temper herself much better.
Efenity (Canon AA romance run #whatever) -
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This is idk like the 5th time I've played as Efenity. I've lost count 🤷🏽‍♀️ Most of these runs, I only got to Act 3 and only 2 I've gotten to the final fight and couldn't win it after trying over and over. This time I plan to finish it!!! I want my epilogue, dang it! I killed Minthara this time, at the party. There was a leftover from EA with a voiced Tav scene. If you killed Minty and the goblins at the party, that night or morning after(?) there's some conversation and Tav says something in the cut scene! ANYWAY... I tried it and it didn't happen 😭😭😭 I either did it wrong (I attacked before Minty had her murder cutscene) OR they patched it out of the game! I could go back and try it again, but I barely won that fight and it took me SO many tries (mostly due to needing to long rest).
But! Regardless! Even though I didn't get that cool voiced Tav scene... I have added Efenity killing Minthara and the goblins at the party to her canon story. Because it just makes sense that she'd do that. Originally, she just uses her to get to Moonrise but I scrapped that. While Efenity just sees the tieflings as collateral damage, she knows Shadowheart was struggling with that whole ordeal which did bother her... she cares for SH and she is her first real friend. And with Minthara insulting her for not wanting to sleep with her, on top of it...
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Efenity was like OKAY. Time for you to go, ma'am.
Solenia Omraebra, the Drow Cleric -
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I've only had her for about a week and I love her. She's also been through at least 6 different hairstyles 😭 Solenia is my newest Tav, a Drow and cleric of Eilistraee! She's very studious and scholarly. I don't know much about her beyond that yet. Still working on her backstory and whatnot, BUT she is good to a fault. She wants to save everyone, in every way that she possibly can. Even those she probably shouldn't get close enough to, to try to save. Even those she is told are irredeemable. She's romancing Gale! She's just getting through Act 1 stuff and almost to the goblin camp!
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Brainrot Housekeeping: Updated Schedule!
Hi friends! I've got a whole message under the cut, but here's the important part regarding this blog's new content schedule:
Saturdays: mini-hcs Sundays: answering asks (& maybe some rambles?) Mondays: full-hc Tuesdays: answering asks (& maybe some shitposts?) Wednesdays: Vesuvia Weekly Thursdays & Fridays: rest
You might see some polls showing up in the next week or so about new content types - if you're interested, feel free to vote! ^.^ More under the cut:
While I haven't hit rock bottom, I've been getting some symptoms of burnout recently and I'd like to avoid completely running myself into the ground XD
This blog has really pushed me to see what kind of creativity I have, especially just how much work I'm able to produce and sustain. I thought I'd get tired and burn out at two months tops, and it's been over and year and I have no immediate plans to stop! However, taking a look at my own system right now, I do think I need to slow down.
To be honest, fanwork isn't something I've been doing a long time - this tumblr blog is the only fandom creative stuff I've ever done! Before that, most of the things I created were originals - music, art, and of course, writing (though I haven't touched my sketchbook/paints in forever and I haven't done any sightreading in years - whoops).
It gets hard to keep your muscles moving when you only move them in one direction. As much as I love writing headcanons for the M6 in response to people's prompts, there is so much else my mind can do that it misses having the space for. Which brings me to the reason for this schedule adjustment - I miss having that creative freedom.
I still greatly enjoy writing headcanons for you guys and participating in the fandom, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon. However, I want to take some time back to get back into frolicking in the stuff my own brain comes up with, and making space for that to grow into something real.
The questions I need to figure out now are 1) how much time is it going to take me to get my full capacity back? and 2) should I keep this as a purely Arcana blog, or expand it for all my creative work?
If you've read this far, you have my sincerest gratitude. I'll see you guys tomorrow :)
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amourtoken · 4 months
Hello, I’ve been thinking about your strip club Will blurb for days and I have things I would like to share.
Sugar 👏🏻 Daddy 👏🏻 Will 👏🏻
Became a regular client solely because he loves your company so much. Typically you can’t accept gifts, but Big Wallet Ramos over here has his ways. Lavish gifts galore: lingerie, perfume, shoes, jewelry, whatever. Maybe he’s thought about getting you a whole ass car but isn’t sure what you’d like. Maybe his heart races a little quicker when he shows up for his appointment and your wearing everything he gave you the week before. He knew you’d look good in it, but he underestimated how good you’d look in it. His head gets a little fuzzy when he smells that ridiculously expensive perfume he bought you on his last tour. He’s trying so hard to focus, but he’s getting a little dumb just from your proximity. Maybe he fell in love, but that would be crazy. Doesn’t everyone want to spoil and care for and make a home with a pretty girl?
Im being so fucking serious rn this might never leave my brain and is the best thing I've ever read dear GODd
funny thing is he originally went to your club at a joke, everyone on the crew was going and he figured he wouldn't like the atmosphere but went anyway after some prodding from his friends. He didn't expect to immediately trip and fall down 800 flights of stairs head over heels for you the second he laid eyes on you.
He has your number at this point so you always know when he's planning to stop by and it took a few visits but he's convinced you to meet him outside of work for a date that he's so fucking excited for he could cry.
I wouldn't say he's necessarily the jealous type either bc even if you're at work you're always wearing all the pretty stuff he's gifted you and nobody sets off butterflies in your tummy like Will does. He could happily sit back and watch you perform even if a million eyes were on you cause he thinks you deserve a spotlight and even if other guys comment on you, you're his girl at heart.
Back to that date, should I write something official abt it lol
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
I just need to get some feeling things off my chest - because it's in my thoughts and I feel like I'm stuck unless I express it - you know?
Anyway, I'm putting it all under a cut because A) It's XMen 97 speculation and might be spoilery? there are no spoilers but I don't want to run anyone else's fun, B) I'll be talking about Beau DeMayo, and C) lord help me, I'm bringing up Rogneto
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Okay - I want to talk about this first. I read this last night and it made me throw up in my mouth a little. And my ultimate first reaction was that I was glad he was fired.
Honestly, I've been worried that we're headed on an AoA direction for a while now, and even though I actually am fine with the AoA comics, I just do not want it here. The thing, though, is that AoA was always meant to be undone - so if he had had his way and this was Season 3 out of 5, the idea of that doesn't bother me so much.
Granted (logically) - the fact that he's outright saying this when he's been so cryptic about everything else means that it wasn't ever on the table. Still - the guy is just a hardcore Magneto fan. I wouldn't be surprised if the (one) reason the triangle thing even happened is that he does/did like the idea of Rogneto.
Ultimately, to each their own - ship what you like. But doesn't mean I would enjoy that scenario.
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Then there's this.
There's another post where he talks about using a Star Trek Next Gen episode for homework. And it's one where they're stuck in a time loop.
And it had me thinking that Rogue will get a chance to go back in time and at least tell Remy how she feels. She'll get some closure. Which is -- good for her, and I want her to not be in pain anymore.
But kinda sucks, because closure is closure, you know? And maybe dead is dead?
It's so funny because emotionally - my senses tell me that Gambit's story really is done. And that just makes me so sad to think about. They really did the thing and the door is closed and what next, we all move on and be happy? *sigh*
But then there's the logical part of me that kicks in. The one who has been to dark places with fandoms (and even this one) before. The one who knows that even Jean and Morph have been dead before and have come back. The one who knows that every time a comic book writer ends their tenure on a book there's always something the next writer will inevitably retcon.
There's no way - with all the experiences I've had with these mediums that Gambit stays dead. It's still a comic book world. And dead is dead just doesn't happen.
Also, in the while I'm thinking about it category -
Last week ole Beau teased a 'I can feel you' hint. I really think this was referring to when Rogue wakes up from her coma. She was dreaming that she could feel Remy. I'm kind of surprised I haven't seen that speculation though.
So, idk - I try not to spend a whole lot of time on Twitter, and this guy is ultimately fired and doesn't control direction on the show. And there's still the comics where everything is actually going pretty well. So. I really should be normal about a cartoon.
ETA: I forgot I was going to mention the Grant Morrison influence.
If you pick up any trade of Morrison's run, he shares his outline of his original plans for New X-Men, and one of them was that he'd kill off Gambit to further Rogue's story. Now - Marvel was like, nope, Claremont wants to use them, so Morrison was denied. (And thank god, Claremont's XTreme run had some of the best Rogue/Gambit stuff in years.)
But I can't help but think that DeMayo may have been playing a little from that playbook. New X-Men has definitely been an influence on the show - from E is for Extinction to the psychic affair between Scott/Jean/Maddie. It wouldn't put it past me that the original Morrison outline that mentions killing Gambit off wasn't a least a little bit of an influence.
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blarrghe · 3 months
Shop talk! I know you're currently doing the whole writing and posting thing differently than before - like the whole thing is written, you're just editing and posting once a week. So what do you think of that? Do you prefer it over how you worked previously? Does it depend on the fic??
And how much editing are we talking? Both in terms of words changed as well as time spent on it? Do you do editing the next chapter for a whole week? Are you constantly editing all upcoming chapters??
Thanks for the ask! I love talking about this stuff :) Sorry for the obscenely long answer.
So it's the first time I've done that, and now that I'm in the posting part I am liking it a lot. I like the structure, I look forward to Wednesdays, I feel like I gathered a little bit of an audience that is there weekly with me as well, which is nice for everyone. I don't know if it makes any difference to people in terms of engagement if they hear that its completed in advance or see it posting regularly, but idk if it was me as a reader I would appreciate the regularity so I hope people do. At least one person has told me they're waiting to read it until it's finished/waited to start until it was over half posted, idk if I'll suddenly get new readers when its up in full or what but I def understand that. But yeah! The posting weekly thing has been nice. It feels productive even if I actually don't do a ton of writing every week.
Actually writing the thing took like two years though, specifically because there was absolutely no gratification to it haha. I didn't really even post wip snippets or talk about it much, because I wanted to keep my secrets. I was writing either Matchsies or A Complicated Match still when I had the idea and started plotting, so part of it taking so long is also that I was dividing my attention, and devoting more of it to the ongoing stuff I was actually posting. But I started this fic with the intention of letting it be a slow side-burner project so that I could make it "really good" by the time it went up. And that was a good call, because I did a lot of re-writes and re-structuring to elements of it, especially some of the early chapters, when I got further into the plot. To be clear, it's had the same outline all along, but there were connecting details that didn't work, like logistical travel time things that would have been glaringly annoying if I'd posted the first drafts of the first few chapters before writing the later ones. Also I re-vamped Sylvanna's character really early on into a more major role. She wasn't originally a bodyguard! Or really a main element of the story at all. Absolution came out at some point and I got Ideas.
Anyway, a lot of the editing that went into the fic before I started posting was pretty major, but by the time I was ready to actually start posting everything was much more concrete. I tend to edit the next chapter in the days before it goes up, and right before posting, mainly just for little details. But I try to give myself some distance and not overdo the constant editing so that when I do look at it right before posting I have some fresher eyes, right now I haven't looked at the next chapter (lying, I read it last night, but not from an EDITOR standpoint) in a couple weeks and I plan to put on editor glasses tomorrow morning before I post it. A big part of the editing that is ongoing is for how the prose reads, like I might come up with some gorgeous metaphor or re-do how a scene is described but keep the content the same. You get better all the time as a writer, so it's just about getting the Good Copy as Good as I can before it goes up. Every now and then I have a genius thought and go stick it in where it fits. Every now and then I also delete stuff or have a genius thought that doesn't actually fit and stick it in "CUT CONTENT" on the bottom of the doc. There's some Taren-perspective Bher stuff in there that didn't work with how I structured Ch. 20, for example. I was thinking for a sec I'd re-write that whole chapter and do a flashback chapter for him but it did not suit the flow at all and I only got a couple paragraphs in and then just... added like two lines of Taren Thoughts to get the point across instead haha. I also cut a couple chapters in half but didn't change them (19 and 20 are an example, which is also why a ch. 20 rewrite did not work.)
The most major edits I've made have been to the last two chapters, mainly to add in a few new ideas I had or to tie up loose ends I realised I was still leaving. I haven't majorly changed any of what was going to happen, it's more just me trying to really nail those last chapters. I am also constantly re-reading it in full (sometimes making minor tweaks to names in the narration ;) and also boring stuff like punctuation). I'll post a chapter and immediately get excited for the next one and go read from that point to the end...
There's also a "secret" epilogue that I wrote, really liked, and then cannibalized and entirely re-wrote like, yesterday. I wasn't initially sure I'd even post it but now I definitely will. So stay tuned for that ;)
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Hello! I hope your week has been fine. I've seen some of your Journey to the South stuff. Very neat! I'd like to ask, just as their (baby?) sister have the power to curse immortals to death, what powers did you give Luohou and Qidou? Qidou has a giant inkbrush and Luohou some kind of sun imagery in the back. What do those mean? Are those related to their powers? What personality did you give them?
Also, I hope you don't mind if I insert some LMK ideas (because I know you don't like the show's direction of SWK) but I have a thought that the Macaque character might be more palatable and makes sense as JTTW's sequal character if the character was originally a separate character from the SEM, just a monkey demon with extraordinary hearing who was friends with SWK, who was killed during SWK's journey, something SWK realized too late, then was revived but as a price, SAM'S soul latched onto his and sort of fused together, so now he's being possessed by the monkey that tried to usurp his old friend's life, while his body is slowly changing and his identity is mixing with SAM'S memories and feelings.
Just a ramble of idea here. You may ignore it if you aren't interested. Have a good month, eat your fruits and vegetables at least once a week!
AUGH so sorry that I've taken so long to get to this question @angstandhappiness (X_X). Part of it is me still finalizing Quidou and Luohou's whole deal! I'm honestly happy that you're interested in what I'm planning for those guys, though I do want to note that Quidou is the one with the mirror behind him and Luohou is the one with the giant paintbrush. I'll try to get some more sketches out for them soon :D
OUGH some of the asks I've gotten (yours included) have offered some really neat ideas on what could be done with Monkie Kid as it now stands! tbh a good deal of my disappointment with the route Flying Bark took with Macaque was the way they just wholesale threw away everything about his devious and terrifying evil twin self from the og classic in order to make him this angsty oc Shadow the Hedgehog clone, but honestly this suggestions seems like a pretty cool way to let og LEMH have a chance to shine in all his vicious and manipulative glory! As is WOW the scenario you've proposed presents a very interesting body-snatcher-ish chance to really get into how kind of creepy and honestly damaging to literally everyone Macaque's obsession with Sun Wukong is. Like it really lays on how Macaque has nothing defining his life or identity except what happens between him and the Monkey King, which does present a perfect opportunity for og LEMH to come in and be like "okay you clearly have nothing else going on let's try to murder/replace this guy again >:D"
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mrghostrat · 10 months
Howdy! I am really considering starting a fic of my own and I've already got so much stuff written out for it, as well as a decent plan of action, but I always lose motivation right when I think I'm about to get it started. I'm always this way with big projects and I feel like small oneshots have been too little to sustain my brainrot, Do you have any tips on writing to share with a newbie?
i do!! i've been there a thousand times, with all kinds of projects (fan and original). know that it's a skill that you can hone, and the more you write the better you'll get at sustaining longer works 🙏
it's one of those things that's part luck at first, but hopefully this can help:
don't share WIPs or snippets, especially when you really really want to. maybe find one friend who will hype you up and get ferally excited in DMs about it, so you've got an outside force that's encouraging you to get to the later plot points. but in general, resist the urge
because you know that lil burst of dopamine you get when you share a sketch or wip or something online, and people are interacting with it or maybe congratulating you on your progress, and you feel really accomplished for a bit? yeah, that can be detrimental to long form projects. because brain says why bother finishing the thing or doing any more; you've already gotten the dopamine out of it, you already feel accomplished, let's rest! brain bad.
write the whole thing before you post it.
getting audience feedback is exquisite, and it can be a real driving force to make you want to continue. but it can also be a burden if you're in this early stage of honing your longform skills. you might get too swept up in the pressure to update if it's been a while since you wrote, and that can sour your whole association of the project. when it becomes a have to instead of a want to.
alternatively, some people work better under this kind of pressure. it's very subjective.
reread your work before diving back in
i sometimes reread too much and make myself really bored of it, so be careful not to hack and pick at it like i do. but if you go a week without writing, reread your last chapter/scene before starting the next. it can draw you in, trigger flow, and if you're me and you're obsessed w your own stories, will get you impatient to read what happens next which FORCES you to write the damn thing
baby step into it
i get that "one shots aren't enough" 100%. but it can def be daunting to suddenly commit yourself to a 50k multichapter when you're not used to it. plan something that has one or two pivotal plot beats and set yourself up for a 10k thing with a couple of chapters. ease yourself into it. set yourself up for success ✨
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survivalist-anon · 5 months
Log 19: The Chase
After the night's performance, the crew headed back to their rooms after another near perfect performance.
As for the rest of the Astartes, they headed back to their hotel rooms, with mixed feelings.
Bilhard, scowling in frustration, was looking at Wick from across the hotel room.
Wick, glared back.
Sten had been observing the situation, wondering when the tension would break.
A few knocks at the door was just the break he needed.
Looking through the peephole, he could see Cahrilo and Toke both giggling a little, with a bag in their hands. Sten opened the door, he could smell the potpourri of cigar smoke, buffet food, liquor.....and ladies perfume.
"ah....I see you lads were enjoying yourselves...", Sten droned.
"AH HA AYE, BROTHER! This may be a hive of hedonism, but it do be a fun row!", Toke chuckled giving his lips a lick. "Oy, Cahrilo, pass me that bottle again.", it was then Cahrilo pass him a sizable novelty bottle in the shape of a woman's boot. He than proceeded to chug a little, "you want some? It makes for a fine treat.".
"If you mix a dozen different drinks at once, people bet money you to see how much you can drink, and when they lose....", Cahrilo shows a pillow case of cash.
"So... gambling? Is that what you two have been doing? Absolute debauchery? I expected better from you Cahrilo.", Bilhard stared daggers at Cahrilo.
"Oh please Bilhard, let your guard down. The heretical activities here in Las Vegas are hardly anything worth worrying about. I've been here long enough to say, there nothing truly sinister outside of the usual struggles of man.", Wick motioned to Cahrilo to show him the bag. "How much were you able to make?", he peered into the bag and could there was a little more than money. Random valuables, car keys to cars he most certainly had no idea where to find them let alone were not guaranteed to be rentals, lingerie and a phone or two. "....I believe you may want to return some of these.", Wick gave an awkward smile.
Sten was mildly amused at the whole situation, "but it's now time to get into more important matters...how can we help you on your mission...", Sten asked Wick.
"For starters, I had originally planned to leave by the end of the week I now plan on leaving by tomorrow morning. I had given Selene instructions on what to take and when to meet me. I have a colleague tha-", he saw Bilhard raise his hand.
"-we will not be including any civilians within this mission. You will have to notify your colleague his services are no longer required.", Bilhard sternly responded.
Wick turned his head to Bilhard, "I have everything under control, what you all can do is simply get us out of the city as fast as possible. The rest of the plan is to divert attention away from Sleen and his men. He's a weak and greedy man and I'm certain he may find some way in finding out our escape.".
"oh come now, what can one wee fat man do to us?", as Toke had finished his sentence, there was a heavy knock at the door.
"THIS IS LAS VEGAS PD. COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP.", blasted from the door.
The room went silent, Wick stood up to check the peephole, ....it wasn't the cops.... But a group of heavily armed men in tuxedos.
"interesting..... gentlemen...I do suppose we have enough space in here to stuff them in the bathroom....do we?... I'm counting four m-", suddenly, bluish smoke started bellowing from the under the foot of the door, flooding the room with gas.
At first all five Astartes weren't too worried until it became clear something about this smoke affected them much more differently.
"What th-~~~", Wick went down first as he was closer to the door.
"COVER UP!", Bilhard tore a piece of the bed sheets and covered his face with it like a bandana. The others followed soon after.
Toke was coughing under his mask as he was the second closest to the door, "how could this be?!? What in thiii-~~", Toke had fallen unconscious.
It was clear what was happening, the gas was knocking each of them out. Sten quickly headed to the glass window and broke through to let fresh air in, "WE HAVE TO TAKE THEM OUT OF HERE NOW!", he toted Toke over his shoulders, Cahrilo with Wick.
Looking down from the sixth floor, Sten had to make a quick decision, "I hope you all are not afraid of heights!", he leaps out and attempts to land on to the next building, nearly breaking through the roof.
Bilhard quickly gathers their equipment in case if it's left behind, "Cahrilo go ahead! I'll follow you guys down!", he commanded as he began to barricade the door with his body, the banging continued as the group of four men on the other side of the door were unsuccessful. Looking through the people again, he was now seeing that there was five more men, holding a battering ram this time. "GET OUT OF HERE NOW!", this time, the battering ram was starting to help.
Cahrilo had followed Sten to the same building, the both of them running away and leaping off to the ground level.
Bilhard had been left behind for the sake of barricading the Intruders, he looked at the door and decided to take the same leap of faith, without somebody holding him, his landing would probably be a lot more smoother. As he sprinted out of the window, the sounds of the door crashing open had echoed from the window.
All five Astartes were on the move, Bilhard had just caught up with Cahrilo and Sten. "How is this possible?!? What was in that gas, theres no materials on Earth that can knockout an Astartes like that so quickly!", he ran in perfect pacing.
"there's a lot we don't know about this planet Bilhard! And there's an unfortunate chance we could find something here that can incapacitate us!", Sten concluded as the conversation was immediately interrupted by a large transport truck nearly colliding with all of them at once, nearly dodging them.
And the back of the truck, five other heavily armed men point tranquilizer guns at all of them, shooting off as many shots as possible.
Sten, Cahrilo were all hit in the chest. While Bilhard had been able to dodge a few, he reached into the bag pressing an emergency signal for Moors to come in and assist.
"Looks like Wick's lady friend is going to have to wait for us on a later date.", Bilhard quietly assessed, suddenly he felt a sharp electrical shock on the thigh of his leg. He had been used to electrocutions before from enemies prior, but this was an extraordinary amount of electricity. He looked down and saw what looked like a more stronger version of a cattle prod.
With a loud clank, he felt something around his neck, it was a restraining claw. He looked to his left and right and saw that Sten and Cahrilo had begun to slow down, being hit with some unknown substance.
What Bilhard hadn't noticed was that he too was injected with a tranquilizer dart. Has mine begin to slow down and slowly fade, fighting the mystery cocktail, you can feel his muscles weakening, falling to his knees shaking as his body was trying to metabolize the injections, but to no avail.
Just before he was about to go unconscious, you could see Sleen slowly coming out of the truck, chuckling to himself.
"What's da matter Jughead? Getting sleepy? Hehehe... enjoy your nap.", Sleen mocked him as he passed out.
Staring out into the starry Nevada sky, Moors couldn't stop thinking about what Gus had told him about the long road to the Stars.
How he could feel the urgent need in Gus's voice to commit to his plans.
"....I swear Gus...if you don't come out of that bunker next time I'm there....", he let out a sigh. He had no idea what he was going to do.
Gus was a son, little brother, and friend all rolled into one for Moors ....it only been as recently as the past few year since he's been far away from him.
He left the last of his cigars, it was his third box of cigars too. He had been listening intently to the radio to keep his mind off of things.
Until a faint beeping started, turning to the dashboard and saw the emergency rescue signal had been activated. "By the throne?", by this point, Moors was not expecting Bilhard do you have any need to activate the signal to begin with.
He checked a security camera around the bus in case it was being used to signal that group was near the bus, nothing. He had decided to check the GPS scanner to see where was the signal coming from. The signal was heading to an open desert lot near South Point casino. "What the??", he starts the truck immediately, heading straight to casino.
"What in tarnation....", Moors thought to himself.
Never at any point for an Astartes here on Earth to have needed the emergency signal.
What could have been so serious to actually have Bilhard use it?
A few minutes past and Moors stops a few yards away from the mysterious building housing several large cattle trucks. Yet, these trucks look like they were big enough to handle transporting animals the size of elephants. Moors had scoped out the trucks and could see this was far more than animals.
He could see that there was moving platforms transporting five large crates.
He could see a group of well dressed men with an older Latino gentleman with a bright white suit with red accents on the legs and arms. He looked like a cartel boss from the amount of armed men he had.
A short, fat man in a business suit came out of one of the trucks. Greeting the other man with zeal, only for him to be stopped by his bodyguards.
".....mind if I listen in on you two conversing...", Moors turns on a device that connects to any cellular device, turning it into a secret microphone.
As the static from the speakers come through he could hear there conversation.
"Well Ola, Señor Gustavo Mateo! What a pleasure to finally meet you.", he held out his hand.
Mateo said nothing but smiled gently, leaning to one of his bodyguards to translate for him. "Señor Mateo says that it is also a pleasure to meet you, Mr.Sleen. He wants to know where is the cargo? Three steers?", the bodyguard finished.
"Oh change of plans! There's more of them! So I'm afraid you'll have to raise the paseos a bit. I mean one is rare but five is a deal of a life time!", Sleen finish.
Mateo's changed to a more pensive expression, thinking about the sudden change, he leaned again to his bodyguard, "Señor Mateo would like to know what colors are they.", he finished.
Sleen was confused for a little, until remember what he meant by colors, "oh sorry I have no idea actually, they're naked. No armor. Sooooo it's a bit of a blind bag. Hehehe", Sleen chuckled.
Moors was confused, what was any of these men talking about?
"come look for yourself, this is one took a little while to get him to calm down. He's definitely a fighter." Sleen hits one of the cargo boxes and it moves a little.
It was Bilhard, his shouting was muffled but he was still fighting.
"Can you believe that it's taking 12 ounces of your lovely tranquilizer to put him down?", Sleen said exacerbated, knowing well that those tranquilizers were not cheap. Costing almost half a million each dose.
Mateo peered in the box carefully, he could see Bilhard glaring hatefully at him, he was restrained heavily by industrial grade cattle restraints. His mouth covered by a heavy duty muzzle. Mateo was not too impressed but not too surprised. "Ah........sí, como un toro rabioso. Perfecto para El Niño.....", he leaned again to his translator. "Señor Mateo wants to see the others", he finished.
Sleen knew what he was doing, he was checking the merchandise before purchasing it, regardless as long as one of his purchases included Wick, he had out of the buyers looking for Astartes for their own.... purposes. "Ok, just please take the pale, black haired one, he's a pain in the ass.", he showed the rest of the team.
All restrained similarly, Mateo was more curious about the Sten and Toke. Never had he seen more hairy Marines, he pointed to the both of them for purchase, he also pointed to Wick, as Sleen requested. Sleen peered into the one cage with Wick in it. "Hey! You hear me!? You insufferable little bastard! I'm finally having Selene all to myself! She would make a much better little play thing than she would anything else.", the second he mentioned her name, Wick woke up.
With the immediate strength he was able to snap out of the restraints, as it turned out, because he was unconscious no one expected him to escape the restraints so easily. He snapped out of them and broke through the wall of a change, just barely reaching Sleen.
He let out an ear piercing roar, something about this roar was primal and unnatural.
It was closer to a high frequency shreeck with a billowing of a large animal.
The bodyguard's immediately began to shoot at him but none of the bullets had pierced his skin. He broke out of the box and went straight for Sleen.
The second he picked him up to crush his windpipe, he saw Moor's truck from a distance.
Now he had a choice to either finally take revenge on Sleen for all the abuse he had put him and Selene through, or regroup with Moors to rescue the rest of his team.
For him to make a decision in his mind felt like forever, but he only just had a few split seconds. He tossed Sleen as hard as he could on to the wall of the truck, and sprinted to Moors.
From the truck, Moors was already preparing to pick up Wick mid run.
As the bodyguards were entering their vehicles in order to catch up with Wick, Wick on foot was out running them by the skin of his teeth.
"MOORS!", Wick shouted.
As Moors maneuver the truck in a way that Wick could enter through the back hatch, Wick made a jump for it and narrowly escaped.
Moors turned over to see Wick, "Hey buddy! Where are the others?!", Moors could see the pain in Wick's eyes.
"We need to go back!", Wick shouted.
Moors looked at his rearview mirrors and could see that there were currently six cars driving at top speed after him, all of them taking out what looks like heavy weaponry in order to shoot the truck.
"Hold that thought!", he pushes a few buttons to let out from the rear of the truck hundreds of spike strips.
As they all deployed it, all the the car is immediately begin to swerve as their tires tore apart.
There was no way of them catching up to Moors now.
"Alrighty, we're in the clear. What happened back there?! Where are they taking the others?", Moors question after question trying to understand what happened.
Wick was panting, not only did he feel as if he'd abandoned the others, but he now knows Sleen was going to hurt Selene somehow.
"We need to go back!", Wick pleaded.
"We will buddy....we will ....", it was up to Moors and Wick now.
End of log 19
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @walking-natural-disaster @starfrost740 @squishyowl @sleepyfan-blog @lawnchair86
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streetlamp-amber · 2 months
about the author + blog rules
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.·:*¨ ailís — 22 — fae/they (okay with girl gendered terms) — bisexual enby ¨*:·.
ꕤ — i’m bilingual, my first language is french but i only write in english (though i might incorporate french in some fics/one shots).
ꕤ — i dropped out of college after the pandemic started but plan on going back to school this fall. i still don’t know if i want to major in photography or art history but i still have a whole year of independent studies to figure that out. however, i do have a job. it's a customer service job but i do have some weeks where i'm working more than others so i'm not making a posting schedule. i'll post when i've completed something.
ꕤ — things i like: blueberry bagels with cream cheese, autumn, concert photography, poetry, music (arctic monkeys, lorde, blur, wallows, inhaler, fontaines dc), movies (studio ghibli, nolan’s dark knight trilogy, irish cinema, french cinema), tv shows (peaky blinders, broadchurch, derry girls, true detective, doctor who, the sopranos, new girl), sports (montreal canadiens, liverpool fc, celtic fc, f1), the colour green, europe (but not england or germany), cillian murphy, david tennant, art museums, batman.
ꕤ — i’ve been writing fanfiction for years (it all started with very poorly written one direction imagines on instagram and wattpad when i was thirteen…), improving both my writing skills and my english vocab + grammar along the way. my earliest works available are from 2021 (on ao3) because i’m too ashamed of anything posted before that (and it was also very bad).
ꕤ — i’m very multifandom and will mostly write content related to my most recent hyperfixations. there’s a list down below with all the characters i read and am interested in writing fanfiction for.
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ꕤ — this blog will be mostly dedicated to one shots, blurbs, headcanons, drabbles and maybe short series.
i do write long series on wattpad (and also on ao3 but that one is currently on hold). i’m in the middle of a friends series rewrite with a joey tribbiani x female oc storyline that i’m very invested in (this might be the first multi chaptered fanfic i ever complete). i also started writing a tenth doctor x witch oc au but i’m taking much longer to update this one as it will mostly be original episodes instead of following the doctor who storyline. i also have a tommy shelby x oc fic that’s been on hold for a year that i plan on eventually getting back into writing.
ꕤ — i honestly don’t really care about canon (especially when it comes to stuff like the dc universe). i will always respect identity traits that are important to the character like race, sexuality, disability, etc., but i might get ooc sometimes when it comes to their personalities.
ꕤ — i will try to keep my reader inserts as physically vague as possible except if it’s indicated that the reader is afab. however, i am physically disabled with chronic pain so i might incorporate some aspects related to that in my writing (it will be indicated at the beginning of the post).
ꕤ — i am okay with minors interacting with my sfw writings but if i see anyone under the age of 18 interacting with nsfw stuff you will be blocked. i can’t stop you from reading it but i am not comfortable with you interacting with that content.
ꕤ — requests will be answered once i’m done writing them. i will try my best to do so as fast as possible but i tend to write multiple works at once so if you see me post other things after you sent your request, don’t get deterred. if you send a request i don’t want to write, i’ll reply to the ask to also let others know not to request something similar.
ꕤ — do not translate, copy or publish my work on other platforms without my permission.
major character death (canon or non-canon), underage reader or character, incest, any kink involving fluids, noncon/dubcon, self harm, eating disorders, yandere, abuse, manipulation, butt stuff, cheating/infidelity, a/b/o
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✵ doctor who
⋆ tenth doctor
✵ peaky blinders
⋆ tommy shelby
✵ dc universe
⋆ batman/bruce wayne ⋆ batmom/batfamily ⋆ scarecrow
✵ bridgerton
⋆ benedict bridgerton
✵ supernatural
⋆ dean winchester
✵ broadchurch
⋆ alec hardy
✵ true detective
⋆ rust cohle
✵ harry potter
⋆ sirius black ⋆ barty crouch jr ⋆ fred weasley
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last updated 6 august 2024.     divider by @saradika
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boynamedroxy · 3 months
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Hey folks this is my first ever post on Tumblr. I'd like to thank my Master, Master Bradley for setting this up for me as he wanted me to have my own personal Tumblr page. So thankyou again Master Bradley. If you been following Master Bradleys other page on Tumblr I think you'll find it at slapper-sw-h-13 I think. There you will find my transformations from growing up as a Skinhead all my life, until I met my 1st Master, Master Clive Who hated my Skinhead look and transformed me into his dirty greasy biker and made me grow a long beard,as he wanted me to look abit like himself for which I did. Then due to ill health he couldn't carry on anymore and in early 2023 he sold me to his very best friend Bradley. Bradley hated the fact that I was a Skinhead because he had a very bad run in with a gang of skinheads who beat him up quite badly and left him in hospital for about 3 weeks over 20 years ago. So what with me being a lifelong Skinhead before Master Clive owned me, once he had full 100% ownership he wanted ti teach me and all other Skinheads out there by changing my gender to female and then to feminize me into what I Am today and put me on the streets as a sex worker. All This abd more is told in Madter Bradleys Blog on me on Tumblr just type in slapper-sw-h-13 to find my transformation.
So to bring you upto date right now Master Bradley thought it would be good to get a Poll going on weather I should have lip filler. This All came about from a friend of a friend where they spoke about me and Madter Bradleys transformation of me going from male to female. Dr Mo can't remember his actual full name wanted to give me lip filler to greatly enhance my male lips. Master Bradley wasn't to keen, but put a Poll out there for people to vote yes or no and promised Dr Mo whatever the result that will be final. Madter Bradley Wasn't expecting the outcome to be for me having lip filler. So to cut long story short because he had a cancellation late Wednesday afternoon Master only ran the Poll till Wednesday midday, despite the original finishing time still had 3 days to run. I to was shocked at the result and I certainly didn't want any lip filler as I think this look, looks ridiculous on women I've seen. So unknown to me I don't know what Master Brad and Dr Mo spoke about after my consultation but it was decided I would get full on maximum massive lips via the strongest injector stuff they put in your lips. I was not happy one bit when I saw myself in the mirror, infact I didn't need to look in the mirror I could see my top lip through my eyes. There was alot of Swelling which made things alot worse than it did , but even now some 60 hours after the last injection my lips are massive still, and being told that what I see now is what size your lips will be now. I'm still in shock at the whole thing and told Master Bradley Exactly what I thought as I'm very upset still.I find my look embarrassing and can't stop thinking that I now look like a duck. So once I come to terms with my new look then no doubt you will see how very different I now look with massive lips.
The picture I posted above was my last one taken with my normal lips a week ago when Master Bradley took me for breakfast to discuss plans going forward.
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sleepymccoy · 3 months
I expect people don't really need to hear this, but I'm feeling it right this minute so imma talk about the chronology of how i write
I used to think to create a cohesive story you had to either write everything down in order, or fully plan out the story before starting so you didn't get lost. I am so glad I stopped doing either of these a long time ago
Now I just write what suits me, and if I go against an earlier scene I either rewrite that or scrap it. There's a lot of scrapping tbh
With fanfic I can kinda get away with it cos I know the characters well enough to be familiar with their emotional arc and jump around the beats pretty nimbly. It's different w original stories cos I don't know the characters so well yet. My first run at it I tried to plan AND write in order, which is the opposite of what I naturally do
Now I'm doing what I want. And I'm rediscovering how easy it is to write like this! And I'm meeting and learning who these guys are as I go, which informs everything else
My early scenes are pretty rough and dialogue/setting heavy. Not a lot of internal thoughts or opinionated observations. After I write a scene (not before!) I summarise what that scene has in it. Some are just "show what meal times are like" and I kinda know the characters are also meeting for the first time. But their dialogue is gonna change, I'm gonna write some throw away line in two months time that reshapes the whole first meeting and then I'll go back and rewrite the interactions to fit. Or put it in another scene. But I'll always have something based on this that shows what meal times are like. And that's great. Cos rn the scene is done, I've given it it's little green colour label on Scrivener, and I can move tf on. Later, I'll know these guys better and it'll be a better scene.
I know this is what a first draft is, but I always had in mind that the first draft is done when you finish the ending. But I'm on the third draft of some scenes and I'm not even at the second act. And those third drafts are my guiding rods for characterisation cos by this point they're supporting each other in this complex foreshadowing, emotional beat, cross referential ways that make the whole thing cohesive. The other scenes, well, they're place holders to keep me moving forwards. Even some of the really hot ones.
Like, the scene where they fuck in the sapling room is sexy, but ultimately is probably gonna change cos it's such a pivotal moment and I don't know how it'll reverberate yet. Whereas the scene where they spontaneously decide to try edging? That's had a few rewrites and has some cool complex emotions and foreshadowing going on, as well as toe dipping into mutual dependency, and I like it very much now. It's doing what I want and any changes from here on should be pretty small.
I can particularly remember laying in bed two weeks after writing the edging scene and going 😶 he's being too open about being upset about the day, there's no way he'd discuss that yet. And disappointedly decided to remove all of the motivating force and put that sex somewhere else and face rewriting the whole emotional beat. But I reread it and was like... Hang on... The motivation can stay as long as he lies... And then the pov character can establish some of his thick headedness in not noticing... And it's not exactly heathy... Yum
But that needed two weeks of noodling for me to realise. And now it's foreshadowing the act three plot twist! That I haven't written yet cos I have too many ideas for how to do the reveal and they're all juicy
Anyway, I'm loving being free to rewrite and change stuff constantly. And like, also gives me the freedom to drag and drop things into different points in the chronology if I wanna try it out with relatively little editing cos so far the scenes are mostly surface level.
It's good. I'm good. It's been like seven weeks of free form writing when I feel like it and it's at like 25k without breaking a sweat so. I'm happy ❤️❤️
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galvanizedfriend · 6 months
Hi Yokan 👋
I have questions
First question - how’re you doing? Hope life hasn’t been too stressful for you!
Second question - have you been reading anything that has really resonated with you in the last couple of weeks/months.
Third (and most weird) question - if you could choose a superpower what would you choose? (Dumb question I know😂)
Fourth question - most proud moment in your writing career.
And final question - how’s writing going with the Wolf? Hope you’ve not struggled too much in starting it!
hope your doing okay! ❤️
Hi, friend! How's it going?
Can I just say, it's so lovely to get all these questions! ✨ I love this so much, thank you! 💝
First: I'm ok! Work is always stressful these days, I don't think it's going to give me a break until at least September. 😂 But it's not the worst right now. Tomorrow is my birthday and I just the best piece of chocolate cake humanity has to offer, so I'm cool right now. 😇 Just wish tomorrow wasn't Monday. 🥲
Second: I have read 7 books this year so far, but nothing that's stood out as being great, sadly. :( Still haven't had a 5 stars. I finished a thriller called None of This is True by Lisa Jewell which was pretty good, if you're into thrillers. 4 stars, maybe.
In terms of fanfiction, I've have been reading random pieces of non-Kc fic, as per usual 😂 But I have also read The Little Wolf by @morningstargirl666, which is absolutely fantastic, if you haven't read it yet. It's a retelling of the show's canon about the Original family and how they were turned into vampires, with special focus on Klaus' werewolf heritage, and it's so, so, so good! And so much better than canon! It actually gives depth to the siblings' relationships, and it has so many little nods to what we know of them in the future. Beautifully woven! I have also read Till I Tasted You by @kirythestitchwitch, which is a canon divergent AU where a spell goes wrong and Caroline ends up finding out Klaus is her soulmate. It's hot, it has absolutely nom-nom-able dialogues and A+++ interactions between KC, it features Damon getting his ass kicked! I don't know, it's just the whole package. 🤌
Third: This would be a very weird question if I hadn't spent an irrational amount of time thinking about that. 😂 I guess it really depends on what kind of universe you mean, because it varies. But I would very much like to have telekinesis like Prue in Charmed.
Fourth: That's a tough one. I'm an extremely critical person of my own writing, so it's hard for me to feel proud of stuff I've done tbh. 😂 But I think I was pretty proud when I finished The Wolf 2. It's not my personal favorite thing I've ever written, but I think it's probably my best written story. I really like the final part of that story, the way I managed to tie it back to TVD, I think it was very full circle and made the story a lot more unique. I also had a lot of fun writing the Mikaelsons and Caroline back in Mystic Falls after the time they spent in Nola. 😂 So maybe that.
Final: It's... going. 🥲 I took a pause after writing two chapters back to back, tried to work on some other stuff, and then I circled back to it. I've actually just started the next chapter, have a couple of scenes. I don't think this first chapter will be a long one, but I think it will take a lot of editing tbh. 😂 I haven't been at most inspired right now, so not sure how much of what I've written will stand the test of a re-read. I had plans to get a chapter out before the end of the month, but I'm not sure I'll manage it. 🥲 We'll see how this week goes. Pray for me.
Thanks for the questions, friend! I hope you have a wonderful week! ✨
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