#i've been stuck at home for three years while these people cry in crowds about quarantine
ladyshinga · 2 years
The people who bitch the loudest about how "awful" covid lockdowns are are the ones who stayed at home for maybe 48 hours before running out to party. They literally never experienced the things they're whining about
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bomberqueen17 · 5 months
Big Easy
I am on vacation this week in New Orleans. There are many reasons for this but mostly they're not about me. I'm just here for the ride. Hilariously the one thing I found on on my own that I was like "oh i gotta do that while we're here" is also the thing that has been recommended to me by literally everyone i've spoken to including the Lyft driver from the airport, which is the WWII Museum, and conversely the more people recommend it the more I'm like :/ I might not enjoy this that much. WWII history was a childhood hyperfixation of mine but I've found the shit I was into about it is not the stuff other people like about it. This museum features a movie narrated by Tom Hanks so I feel like it's going to mm emphasize the bits I don't care about a lot. BUT I am going to go and I am probably going to devote a whole day. The upside of this is that probably Dude will not be deadly bored by it. He does tend to have the issue of not being into what I'm into sometimes... but this will probably be fine.
My hip is doing okay, the one I've been physically therapizing for ages? But what's popped up is that as the bad hip heals, the "good" hip starts giving me trouble-- I have prettty bad sciatic nerve problems on that side, and I didn't notice them so much because the cartilage tear on the bad side hurt enough to distract me. But lately it's like-- a little electric current of Badness inside the back of my right knee. No fun. But I've been doing physical therapy exercises for about fifteen weeks now (I just counted), three times a week, so I'd damn well better have seen some improvement LOL.
But mostly I can walk around, and I have a better idea earlier on whether walking is going to be good for me or not, so idk it's progress.
So far I have had a few bites of a shrimp po'boy (in the Atlanta airport, where we ordered something else and the waitress didn't hear us and just brought better food, no regrets on our part), some amazing gumbo, a bit of really good crawfish etouffe, and a really good Hurricane cocktail, and have seen the steamboat Natchez going up the MIssissippi with a brass band playing on it. Oh yeah there was a live band at the baggage claim? Apparently there were Many Doings in the French Quarter last night because of Cinco de Mayo, our Lyft driver was explaining they'd barricaded a bunch of the streets and she was delighted they'd moved one barricade because otherwise she could not have dropped us at our hotel. But by the later evening when we were out and about it wasn't quite so crowded but there were police cars and sirens and apparently some kind of disturbance a couple blocks away from our hotel. We kept walking because whatever it was was Not Our Business.
I'm mostly here for the food. I brought mostly me-made clothes. I was wearing a nice button-up shirt to fly in, and i sat at the gate during our layover and hand-bound two of the last three buttonholes on it (I'd cut and overcasted them at home but ran out of time). Relaxing and chill, honestly.
There are a couple of fabric stores I want to visit but apart from that I have zero agenda. Maybe Dude came up with something. I think he's mostly been researching restaurants.
I did not expect this, though: I know the names of so many of the places here from the news coverage of Katrina, and when I saw the Superdome in person i started crying, and had to explain to the driver that I'd been an airport bartender during that time and so had been stuck in front of huge TVs with 24h live coverage, and I'd had a bunch of online friends living there and I didn't realize until this moment how much it scarred me, so I could only imagine for the people here, and she talked about how she'd been a cleaner in an apartment complex at the time (I'd sussed that she was my age or older so I figured she'd remember it as well as I do, because to my shock that was 20 years ago now) and how many people had just left and never come back, had abandoned their possessions and just never came back for them because the power didn't come back on for two or three months.
She said "Now I know, when they tell you to evacuate, you get the hell out."
She also complained that nobody knows how to act, because it's all tourists. Which, fair.
... Anyway, anyone with recs for New Orleans feel free to tell them to me, I'm just here for the food and the vibes.
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educatedsimps · 3 years
heyyy I wanted some angst so here I am :))))
okay, dad Oikawa disappearing after flying overseas to another country for a competition. he’s been missing for nearly a year and his wife and kids back home in Japan have been watching the news but no one has found him since his last competition
i wanna shed some tears i’m ready :D
— my love, where are you?
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timeskip!oikawa x f!reader
includes: timeskip spoilers lol, *ANGSTTT* bolded italicized highlighted asterisked so don’t enter unless you’re ready to cry, parenting au, mentions of cheating, also christmas-ish vibes (jo when you beta read this lmk if u cried LOL)
a/n: hey there! i want some angst too, so here we go >:) i've never written for Oikawa before but this was a pretty intriguing prompt so i hope i did it justice. a huge ass thank you to Yves for helping me write more than half of this fic since i’ve been stuck on it for the longest time. anyway, enjoy the fic and do lmk what you thought of it <3 -lyssa
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"I'll be back before you know it, my queen. And you, too, my princess," he added, bending down to hug your eleven-year-old daughter. She giggled and kissed his cheek.
The airport was crowded. People from all walks of life, with different destinations in mind, were all milling about you and your little family. You and your children were there to send him off. He would only be away for two weeks - three, if they made it to the world finals.
"I'll miss you, Daddy," she said.
"I'll miss you too, Princess," he replied, unshed tears brimming his beautiful brown eyes. He turned to you and planted yet another kiss on your soft lips, then he leaned down to kiss the little boy clinging onto your leg.
His teammate called him over soon enough, and he reluctantly pried himself away from his beloved wife and children, grabbing his luggage and carry-on items.
Jogging over to his team, they checked in and eventually made their way to the lounge to wait for their flight. He turned to wave back at you and your kids, your daughter vigorously waving back with one hand while the other clung onto your leg. You blew a kiss to him, which he caught and returned to you.
That was almost a year ago, and the last time you or your kids had seen of him.
"Kiyo-chan, do you want to come with mommy and Onee-san to get the Christmas cake?" you bent down to meet the height of your young son.
The six-year-old shook his head. "I wanna be there when Santa Claus comes.” He pointed towards the bottom of the glistening Christmas tree, where the presents would usually reside.
You nodded and ran your fingers through his soft brown hair, the same colour as his father’s. Your son’s hair had a much rougher texture because he wouldn't use any conditioner despite your incessant nags to use it. You placed a light kiss on his forehead.
You and your daughter waved back at him as you stepped out the front door and into your car.
"Mommy," Your daughter called.
"Yes, Erina?" Your eyes are still fixed on the road as you continue to drive to the mall.
"Will Daddy be back for Christmas this year?"
He hadn't been around for a whole year. Missed Kiyo’s kindergarten graduation, Erina’s first solo with the Japan National Youth Orchestra, and your 15th Wedding Anniversary, to name a few.
Even you couldn't believe that a whole year had passed.
Erina’s hazelnut eyes widened to give you the best puppy-eyes she could muster. You chuckled, finally understanding why your husband could rarely say no to your daughter when she pleaded.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie, but no. You know he’s busy in Argentina,” You sighed.
That was all your could tell your daughter. You couldn't bear to tell her the truth. That her father had been missing in Argentina since his last game the previous year.
The child looked back at the snowy roads, trying her best not to feel sad. You couldn't blame your daughter for it. You knew that it wasn't good for Tooru to be gone for this long, especially since Erina would be approaching her teenage years the coming spring.
You didn't like the idea of your children growing up without a father at such a crucial age. You weren't exactly holding up well as a new 'single parent' either, but it was only for the time being, right?
You could still remember having to face the press last year when the Argentina Volleyball Association first announced that a fellow player could not be found, and a large-scale manhunt for your husband started.
The flashing lights from the cameras, the never-ending questions from reporters all intimidated you. You were never quite one for the spotlight.
His current and old teammates and friends reached out to you, telling you to ask for help if you needed it. Even Iwaizumi offed to babysit your kids every now and then, so that they could play with his kids while you took some time off for yourself.
Back at home, you had to face your mother-in-law screaming at you for stealing her son's fame, being fully convinced that you had kidnapped Tooru while your own mother wanted you to file a divorce and be with someone who wasn't - quite literally - lost.
You knew the gossip magazines theorised that he could have run away to a private island to rendezvous with another woman, along with any other detail that could have possibly hinted at him cheating on you. You hoped they were false with ever fibre of your being. He would never do something like that to you.
Picking up the christmas cake was a blur and soon, you were back home with your two kids. Iwaizumi and his family arrived not long after. He had brought his wife, their two sons, Ryūjin and Eiji, and their daughter, Atsukō, over for the christmas dinner.
The sound of excited chattering and the joyous laughter from the kids echoed throughout the house. Iwaizumi and his wife asked if you were okay and how you were holding up. Conversation flowed easily with the three of you, but the undercurrent of longing and sadness was unmistakable.
Iwaizumi’s phone rang just as dinner was about to start. The children quickly quieted down, giving the man some semblance of silence in the house. He gestured for the rest of you to continue while he stepped into the living room to pick up the call.
Not a minute later, you watched as Iwaizumi slowly stepped back into the dining room, eyes wide and breathing heavily. He ran a thick hand through his spikes and let out a shaky sigh. Looking up at you with a look that could only be described as pure devastation, he whispered the words from your nightmares.
“They found the body.”
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a/n: I’M SORRY not really
tagging: @tearofvenus @chifemi @mysterystarz @toorusplant
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© educatedsimps 2021. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down (likes and reblogs are appreciated)
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tinisprout · 3 years
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No Doubt in Us
Chapter Seven - They'll Be Fine *written chapter below*
Fiance!Haknyeon x Fem!reader
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Synopsis: Life is great, you have your dream job, you finally got your first big break, and you are now engaged to the love of your life. Happier than you’ve ever been, you live life one day at a time. Then one day a terrible accident happens leaving you in a coma. Where you finally awake, everything is not as you remember. Amnesia takes away 3 years of your memory, forgetting your beloved Fiance. Faced with a reality that seems unreal, as your mind is stuck in a past with uncomfortable memories, your future with him is uncertain.
Send me an ask if you want to be put on the taglist for this series
Taglist:@my-summer-night @deputyjuyeon @juhaktheoneforme @sunqnew
Sorry for the late chapter I've been very busy
Word count: 3.6K
Neither of you knew who fell asleep first, let alone at what time you fell asleep. What you did know is that it wasn't enough sleep. Both of your eyes were red and heavy after waking up by your alarm. Maybe setting it to 9:30 was a mistake. You look at Haknyeon who was sitting up trying to keep his eyes open.
"You know I love you, but I blame you for this." He uses his hands to refer to both of you.
"Excuse me, if I remember correctly we both were tweeting, Diamonds aren't forever lyrics." Bickering like this with him seemed to be so far away before yesterday, but after talking with him last night you felt a lot closer, he felt like a friend.
"Ugh fine, equal blame." He smirked, enjoying this little banter. You get up from the floor hitting your face to wake you up a bit more.
"Better." You reach your hand out to him, and he takes it pulling himself up. "Alright, clean up time." You swipe your phone off the ground checking to see if there was anything new. Just in time, your phone buzzed a new message from your mom.
Mom: Hey Honey, I know we said we'd come over noonish, but your father got very excited to make something for you guys. He already bought everything, so forewarning. We'll be there in an hour give or take. See you soon.
You turn to Haknyeon showing him the message. When he looked back up at you, you asked, "Since when did my dad cook?"
"Hmm, maybe a year now?" He says almost unsure of it himself. "But that's a story for later, your dad will love to tell you. We have about an hour to get this place in order before they come." You text her an, “ok”, back.
"Okay, let's get some speed cleaning done." You both work together to fold the big comforter. "I'll bring everything back upstairs." Haknyeon nods at you.
"I'll take care of the kitchen area," he calls out to you. You felt a little bad, you left a lot of dishes there. I'll just work faster so I can do other things. The sounds of clinking dishes and shuffling feet filled the house, both doing various tasks around their home. When they were finally satisfied with their work they both went to sit down on the couch to rest.
As if cursed preventing you from resting, a knock came from the door, making you both stand up again. You check your phone, 10:53 a.m. a little over an hour from the time your mom said. You both scurry to the door. You could hear the familiar voice of your mother conversing with your father, it brought a smile to your face. It felt like it had been such a long time since you last saw them, and maybe that was the case, you weren’t sure. Still, you opened the door eagerly for them.
“Mom,” you say with a big smile on your face. You see that she is carrying bags in her arms and you take them from her, ushering her inside. “Come in.” Following behind her was your father with bags in his hands as well, “Dad.” You set the bags down and your father does the same.
Everyone except Haknyeon was crowding the entranceway. You looked at your parents, they seemed a little bit older than the image you had of them in your memories, and you felt your throat tighten. When they looked at you, they scanned you from head to toe, touching your face, lifting your arms, making sure you were really okay. Their actions make you chuckle, “I’m okay, I promise,” you say trying to reassure them. Their baby girl was really okay.
“You’re okay,” Your mother wraps you in a hug, “It’s okay, you’ll be okay, honey. I promise.” Your words being thrown back at you like that made tears prick your eyes. You brought one of your arms around your mother and your other hand reached out and tugged your father’s shirt urging him to join you two. Creating this group hug the three of you had a tearful reunion, saying I love and I miss yous to each other.
Despite how close he was to your parents he still felt like it wasn’t his place to be there in your moment, so he waited patiently by the side, smiling at the happy little family reunion. Your father pulled away looking and looked in Haknyeon’s direction while wiping away the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. “Come here, son. You’re part of this family too.” Haknyeon was shocked by your father’s words.
Regardless of how close he was to your family, this moment felt like it was too personal to be a part of, especially with how things are now, so he hesitated to come closer. You and your mother pulled away from each other and she looked to Haknyeon as well. “It’s okay, Dear. Don’t act like a stranger.” As she said that, your mother spread her arms out, welcoming him. Your parents looking at him as one of their own, Haknyeon felt overwhelmed with emotions. They looked so sincere to him and he couldn’t deny them, so he came to them as they wished.
“It must have been hard on you too.” The three embraces and Haknyeon felt a different kind of comfort compared to his friends’ comfort. This parental comforting feeling that he didn’t know he was craving. Since the whole incident, he didn’t tell his mom about a single thing, he knew she already had a lot on her plate, he didn’t want to stress her out. Tears pooled in his eyes, your parents could feel his shoulders tremble and their hearts broke.
Crying the stress away felt so much relief and gratitude for your parents. Haknyeon thanks them and everyone takes a moment to clean themselves up, wiping away the tears, this peaceful calm now over the room. You and Haknyeon both take the bags your parents brought and lead them further into the house, dropping the bags off in the kitchen. “So, Haknyeon said I should ask you guys about Dad cooking. Why is that suddenly your thing?” You ask, bringing in a topic that should be a happy conversation.
Your parents hum at the same time thinking. “It’s definitely because of Haknyeon,” your mother says while nodding her head.
“It was when we came over. You are your mother went to go get something, so you left the task of cooking to Haknyeon,” your father chimes after. You look to Haknyeon and he nods confirming your father’s answer.
“I had your dad help out a little here and there. I think he first got interested in the seasoning process.” Haknyeon smiled as he thought back on the old memory. Your father and Haknyeon recounted their first cooking experience together, many laughs filled the house. Then your mother piped up at the end of the story looking at you.
“Needless to say when we got back home, take-out needed to be ordered. Whatever scaps they salvaged was not enough to feed the four of us.”
“I was lucky your mother let me touch a stove again, let alone walk in the kitchen.” Your father passes a playful smile to your mother.
“That’s right, you’re lucky that the scraps you offered were not that bad. Now that I think about it that was Haknyeon’s doing, wasn’t it?” She teases him and your father feigns sadness.
“It hurts me that you would think that way, Dear.” This familiar banter between your parents brought a smile to your face, they were still as in love with each other as you had always seen them. Your eyes subconsciously moved to Haknyeon, a smile still holding on to your face. You didn’t expect to see Haknyeon's eyes already on you, the corner of his lips lifted, your eyes went wide. Haknyeon, as if caught doing something bad looks aways, but realizing how silly he must look, his eyes found their way back to you.
He gave you a bashful smile and you tittered at the display. The moment is broken up by your mother motions you over to her. "Well you boys can have fun cooking together again, I need to catch up with my daughter."
"Have fun, Ladies. We'll call you if we're done here before you." Your father shooed you away from the kitchen and took your spot by Haknyeon. You and your mom decided to go out to the back porch, taking a seat at the small table set up you had.
"So, honey, how have you been lately?" You sigh.
"I have been better, but I'm working on it."
"And what about you and Haknyeon?"
"It was a little difficult at first, but we decided to try and work it out. He seems really nice and he is fun to talk to, but I don't know if I can fall in love again, it's all feels so sudden.”
“That’s understandable. We love Haknyeon, but if you feel he isn’t right for you anymore, don’t be afraid to say so. We’ll be here for you no matter what.”
“I know, I think falling for someone like him would be nice, but life isn’t that easy.” Knowing how your relationship was with Haknyeon, she thought it was almost impossible that you wouldn’t come to love him again, but she kept her mouth shut. That was something you needed to figure out on your own, she didn’t want you to feel like you had to be with him, even if that’s what she hoped for.
“What about your friends how have they been fairing with this?”
“We’re good, I think. They are understanding about everything even the ones I don’t remember. They seem like good people.”
“You always had good taste in friends, if Chanhee is any indication of that.” You release a deep sigh, feeling your soul shrivel up at the thought of Chanhee. Your mother looks at you with confusion, “What happened?”
“We got into a little argument.”
“Some things just never change do they,” She chuckles. Watching the both of you grow up she witnessed some of your fights and had sometimes been the one to help you two patch things up. “You’ll be fine,” she really wasn’t worried, the two of you always found a way to make up.
“Yeah, I’ll work on it.” The conversation veers off from its current direction. The two of you talked about what you could and couldn’t remember. She told you about stories of yourself she could recall, and then some stuff about her and your father. There didn’t seem to be a big change with them and that brought comfort to you, knowing that some things were still the same as you remembered.
Meanwhile, inside the house, the two men were cooking. Your father was instructing Haknyeon on how they were going to make lunch. When the cutting proceeded, your father spoke up first.
“So, have the two of you made any decisions yet?” it was a sudden question but he could only assume he meant about the status of your relationship.
“Well it was a little complicated at first, but she said she wanted to try dating me again, so we kind of started our relationship over again.”
“You think you can make her love you again?”
“I- I’m trying to be hopeful. What she saw in me before, she can see again.”
“Personally, I don’t think you should worry that much. I’m not saying to not try and win her over, that will still take some work, but I can’t see her not falling in love with you again. Do you know how much happiness you brought her? I think you’re already set up for success, just don’t screw up.” With his last words, the knife he was using slammed into the cutting board with a loud thud, cutting through a carrot and the cut-off piece went flying.
“Please be careful,” Haknyeon says as he picks up the carrot piece and throwing it away.
“That was an accident, I was distracted.” He stops trying to cut and looks a Haknyeon. “But on the off chance that things don’t turn out good and she decides that she can’t love you, through no fault of your own, then just know whoever she picks after, I won’t like them as much as you. You’re like the son I never had.” Nothing like a little dark humor to lighten the mood.
“Thank you, Sir.” Haknyeon felt sheepish at his words, even though it wasn’t the first time he’s said something like that. Light-hearted small talk continued as the two continued prepping, besides the one mistake in the beginning the cooking process goes on without a hitch. Soon enough the house filled with a tantalizing smell. When all is done, your father goes outside to call you can your mother back for food.
When you finally come back inside with your mother you are greeted with the sight of Haknyeon contentedly setting the table for everyone with care. Your eyes lingered on him, looking at the half-smile to yourself, His smile is nice. It gives him a friendly endearing look and you didn’t notice you started smiling looking at him till your mother nudged your arm, dragging you back to reality from the daze you were in, giving you a knowing smile as she looks from you to Haknyeon and back. You turn away from her not saying anything feeling flustered at the realization of what you were doing and walk ahead of her. You could hear your mother snicker, this causes Haknyeon to look up at you then your mother and his smile grow.
“What’s so funny?” You felt your face heat up, Why did he have to look now?
“It’s nothing.” You try and hide your embarrassment with a smile and Haknyeon looks at you suspiciously before letting it go and telling you both to have a seat at the dinner table. Taking up the offer you sat and soon the table was set and everyone was seated. To your delight, the food looked, smelled, and tasted good. “My compliments to the chief,” you nod at your father approving of his cooking, and glance at Haknyeon in acknowledgment of his help.
“Careful, Honey. Don’t inflate your father’s ego too much now or he’ll start to think he’s better than me.” It’s true, it wasn’t as good as your mother’s cooking, but he had potential.
“Just you wait, I will be one day.” Your father shoots a stubborn glare at your mother, causing everyone to laugh. The meal warms you up from the inside and you stuff yourself with your first meal of the day. Thinking about that you realized two things: Haknyeon also didn’t eat before this and this is the first time you’ve had a meal with him, so you glance over at him, catching him mid-bite. If your eyes could they would have gone as big as when he opened his mouth to take a bite.
Haknyeon greedily shovels the food in his mouth and when he notices you staring, he stops mid spoon, mouth still agape. You bite on your top lip to stop yourself from laughing at the silly look he had. Sure, it was shocking to see him open his mouth like he was about to unhinge his jaw, but in its own, weird way, it’s cute and charming. Haknyeon just felt like he was embarrassing himself too much today. You mouth an apology and he pouts his lips a little, your small interaction going unnoticed by your parents as they were currently in their own world.
Lunch with your parents continues with light conversation and when everyone had their fill you started to help clean up, but your mother stops you.
“Thank you, but we got it. You and Haknyeon go take a rest for a bit we’ll be done soon.”
“You sure?” Both you and Haknyeon ask.
“Yeah, go, go.” For the second time today, you are shooed away in your own house. You went going to cross swords in helping since you felt your tiredness hit you again after eating. The two of you decided to take a seat on the couch, leaning back into the cushions and leaning your heads back. You felt this amazing comfort perfect for dozing off, you wonder if Haknyeon is feeling the same.
“It’s not just me, right? I feel so warm and sleepy now.”
“Hmm?” Way ahead of you already he was starting to doze off too and you smile.
“Yeah…” You both can’t help but let sleep take over you despite the noise coming from the kitchen. When your parents finish cleaning up they call out to the two bodies on the couch, but neither answers. So your mother goes up to both of you and holds back a gasp. She waves your father over and the sight he is greeted to is you and Haknyeon leaning on each other.
As if unconsciously drawn to each other’s warmth, your head rests on his shoulder and his head was laying on the top of yours. Both pairs of legs lean towards each other.
“I was planning to stay here a little bit longer, but I think we should leave now.” Your mother whispers to your father. He nods and they get prepared to leave. Your mother left a note on the counter and your father decided to take a picture of the two of you, making sure to send it to Haknyeon. They leave both thinking the two of you will be just fine.
You stirred in your sleep state bringing yourself closer to the heat you felt beside you, but the movement brought pain to your neck and shoulders waking you up. Opening your eyes you lifted your head and felt a terrible stiffness, you realize your head was laying on Hakyneon’s shoulder. Not just that, but you were also in close proximity to each other, almost like you were cuddling. You look at Haknyeon checking if he was awake but all signs led to a no, eyes closed, as his head was leaned back on the couch in an uncomfortable-looking way, his lips parted slightly, chest rising and falling rhythmically. You admittedly feel a little weird being with him like that but it wasn’t bad, besides the pain you felt currently.
You carefully get off the couch so you don’t wake him up. You grab your phone from your pocket, checking the time, 6:48 pm. Surely your parents weren’t here still. You find the note left on the kitchen counter.
I remember you said you mentioning you were tired, so we decided we should just let you two sleep. Don’t feel bad about falling asleep on us, we had a lot of fun see you guys again. Take care.
Love Mom
You go back to Haknyeon on the couch, looking at the position of his head again. Figuring it would be better to wake him up now or else he would end up having a greater pain in his neck. Drawing closer to him you get a better look at his face, his skin was flawless, it looked even better than Chanhee’s skin. You get even closer for a better look and before you realize what you’re doing your fingers slide across his face cupping his cheek, skin just as soft as it looked. You lightly shake his face calling to him, “Haknyeon... Haknyeon, wake up.”
His eyes flutter open, a dazed look on his face, like at any moment he could go back to dreamland. His eyes focused on the visage in front of him, blurry yet he could still see the ever recognizable beauty that was you. His lips moved in an arc and he brought his hand up to your face cupping your cheek in the same way you did his. That is what brought you out of your trance and you were petrified in an instant. You felt your heart shoot up in your throat when you saw the loving gaze he directed at you while rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
This killing blow in it all is when he called you, “Hey, y/n,” with a deep husky voice that you were wholly unfamiliar with. You felt your face and neck heat up, with the intimacy of the situation. Does he realize what he is doing or is he still half asleep? You shot up from the couch not sure if you wanted to know the answer, stepping away quickly, trying to distance yourself from the state of affairs. Startled Haknyeon sits up snapping out of his daze.
“I- uh, sorry.” Haknyeon looked as confused as you were shocked.
“Did I just- I thought I was…. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He truly thought you were just in his dream, it was such a common occurrence that he didn’t think twice.
“No, I started it. it’s my fault.” He recalled the touch of your hand, that kind of contact made it feel almost as if nothing between the both of you changed. Neither of you knew what to say at the moment, so there was a bout of silence. You opened your mouth again after thinking of something to say, asking a question straight from left field, “Can you help me? I need to apologize to Chanhee.”
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saidrolav · 3 years
Drunk Aurora
Single dad!Sam Wilson x gn!reader
Summary: Your ex-boyfriend dumped you, and you decide to get drunk in a pub but you bump into a handsome man.
Warnings: drinking, mentions of vomit, a small part of angst, mostly fluff.
a/n: I've been heavily inspired by the marvelous @barnesnroses and their fic "Invisible string" go check out their works cuz it makes my heart warm. 🥰 (I know you said i didn't had to credit you but i did it ANYWAY BECAUSE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE WHATCHU WROTE CUZ ITS WOW 🙌)
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not my gif!
You knew it. You knew it was going to happen sooner or later and it didn't fail. It happened. Your boyfriend, well, now ex-boyfriend had left you, and you had felt it, your relationship was close to an end. But even through you knew it was gonna end, you didn't said anything, and even through you knew, it still hurted bad deep down in your heart. He left your appartement the morning. All day you sat on your couch watching him coming in and out of your place, his arms full of boxes, in silence. The only thing you managed to say when he told you it was over was an 'okay.' and since then you've been silent. You didn't even cried. You weren't shocked. You were just thinking, well, what am i going to do now ? All by myself. A part of you was screaming 'You don't need him, you're strong!' and the other part was crying their heart out. The thing that the two parts of you agreed on was, drinking. Drinking.. a lot. So that's what you did.
You entered the nearest pub that was quite crowded and approached the fastest you could the bar. You ordered the first alcohol on the list (which was the strongest), and waited patiently for your drink.
You looked around you and saw a couple of people playing cards and others laughing until they were out of breath, it made you smile slightly and when your eyes came back to the bar, your drink was in front of you. It took you no time to think that you were already drinking it in one shot, the alcohol burning your throat and your cheeks at the same time. You asked for another drink, and another one, and another one.. At your.. You didn't remembered how much drinks you had but you were quite drunk, you decided you should probably go home, and when you got out of the pub, you saw that the moon were already up high in the dark sky.
You stared at it for a couple minutes but when you tried to walk, you saw that your legs weren't following the pace and you almost fell, you putted your arm against the nearest wall and tried to find back your balance, looking at the ground. You really wanted to throw up right here in the middle of the street because the alcohol was burning your stomach and it made you feel sick, you bended your legs and catched your breath. You took a big breath and looked back at the street, okay fine, you were good, not going to throw up on the middle of the steet, you still had some dignity. Yes you were drunk in the middle of the night, outside, but at least you weren't going to vomit.
You standed up and it was with wide eyes filled with terror that you realized that you haven't putted your arm against a wall. You were too drunk to realize but you were holding a piece of t-shirt that were belonging to a chest of a man. A pretty handsome man to say at least. He haven't said a word, didn't make a move, didn't do anything until you were feeling better, his chocolate brown eyes were looking at you with concern and waited any sign to prove that you were okay.
"OH MY GOD !" You screamed and it made him jump a little, that's when he realized you were probably drunk, with the scream and the fact that you haven't realized you had grabbed him with his shirt. "Since when you've b-been here ?" You frowned and it made him laugh.
"I guess since i'm stuck with you ?" He smiled and pointed with his index where you were still holding him.
"I'm SO sorry... I mean i'm sorry for you for being stuck with such an handsome person." You winked miserably and he laughed even more at your attempt to flirt with him when you couldn't even walk.
"That's okay, pumpkin, i'm going to take you home just lead me okay ?" He smiled kindly and before you could answer he took you in his arms and lifted you so your legs weren't touching the ground anymore, you let out a little scream which made him chuckle. Damn that guy was strong has hell! He moved you like you were a feather and it made you feel like all sorts of butterflies were erupting in your stomach. He carried you, princess style and waited quietly for your instructions. And he waited quite some time, he had been more than patient with you but suddenly he heard soft snores coming from you and he smiled, he thought you were adorable. He didn't know if he was happy because he could take you to his home or unhappy because you would think he was some sort of freak taking random people in his house.
He finally took control of the situation and bringed you to his appartment, he wasn't going to leave you here anyway, so he thought it was the best choice.
The both of you arrived to his appartment, he tried to make no noises so he wouldn't woke up his son. He putted you on his couch and took off your shoes, putted those next to you and laid a blanket on your sleeping body. He waited a couple minutes and assured himself that you were in deep sleep and went in his bedroom so he could sleep too.
"Dad, DAD !" He jumped out of his bed only to be met with his son, Aiden, and he took him in his arms with a huge smile on his face, Sam had slept at least a good 7 hours.
"What's going on buddy ?" He ruffled his hair while taking him in the kitchen to make the breakfast for the three of you.
"Dad, there's a princess on the couch..." Sam frowned a bit and took a look on the couch and saw you, still asleep which made him smile, he putted his son back on the ground.
"Yeah that's Sleeping beauty, don't wake them up or they'll eat you alive !" He whisper-shouted at his son and at the end of his sentence he added some tickles under Aiden's arms which made him laugh loudly while running away.
Sam took a pan to make some eggs with bacon and putted on some cartoons and Aiden watched these in silence. The only sounds that we were able to hear were the TV and your soft snores that were coming from the couch.
Sam finished his scrambled eggs and bacon and seperated them in three plates, he putted one in front of you on the table of his living room, and one in front of his son who ate it with enthusiasm. He sat down on the seat next to you and ate his own plate while watching the cartoons with Aiden.
He served three big glasses of orange juice and he got worried when he saw that you were still asleep and it was almost 11am, your food was going to get cold. He drank his orange juice fastly and putted down his plate to kneel down next to you. He shaked you softly, trying to wake you up as gently as possible and it worked, you opened slowly your eyes but they widened quickly as the realisation hitted you. Who was this man ? What is this place ? Where the heck are you ? What happened last night ? Before you or Sam could manage to say something you heard a third person talking.
"Dad you woke them up they're going to eat you alive !" Aiden smiled at his dad and the man in front of you couldn't control his laugh when he saw the confusion creeping on your face. You sat up straight and looked around you while you were putting your hair correctly. You stomach groaned when your eyes landed on a plate filled with food and a homemade orange juice, you gave a questionning look to the man next to you but he only he sat back on his seat to eat his own dish.
"You can eat." He simply said with a charming smile which made your heart melt. "I made those for you." "You really didn't had to.." His smile only growed bigger. "But i wanted to." "Oh, thanks.." And you suddenly felt embarassed for letting your sentence in suspense because you didn't remembered his name, if he told you.
"I'm Sam, and this is Aiden." He gave a look at his son and you smiled before giving an akward wave at the kid which he returned fastly. "I'm y/n."
"Hi princess!" You blushed a deep shade of red and chuckled a bit before eating in silence your plate as you were also watching the cartoons on the TV.
When the three of you finished your portions of food, Sam took them along with the empty drinks and went to do the dishes, while Aiden went to the bathroom he had explained everything that happened last night and you were feeling more comfortable around Sam and his son.
Aiden sitted next to you and stared at you until you gave him the attention he wanted, then out of nowhere he blurted suddenly: "Is my dad your prince since he woke you from your 100 years old sleep ?" You grinned widely before taking a look at Sam, but this one had his back turned to you, however you could clearly see his big smirk.
"I guess so ?.." You chuckled slightly, not knowing what to answer to such a young child. You stayed at Sam's house a couple of minutes more, playing with Aiden, laughing, they had made your day a thousand times better, but you had to tell him that you had to leave and it made your heart broke when you saw the puppy dog eyes that his son was giving you.
"I'm gonna drive you home sleeping beauty." Sam said to you and his eyes lightened up when they met yours which made you blush slightly.
"No that's okay i don't leave that far i can walk." You nodded to yourself before returning his huge smile.
"That's not what was happening last night," He laughed and you joined him. Your cheeks were hurting from how much you smiled and chuckled that morning. "But you sure ?"
"Yeah, don't worry i'll be fine!" You were soon about to tell him goodbye but as soon as the two of you were in front of his appartment he screamed a "wait!" before disappearing again inside. He came back a couple of seconds later with a pen and he wrote his number on the back of your hand, and he added a "for drunk Aurora." while laughing to himself. When you read it, it made you smile brightly before kissing his cheek, making him blush lightly. You turned your back and was ready to leave when you heard him screaming behind you:
You gave him two thumbs up while chuckling and walking backwards so you could see his charming smile still on his lips. The two parts of you really were right, sometimes, getting drunk was the right option when you could run into Sam Wilson.
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faustonastring · 4 years
Hi so I've recently come across your blog thingy, and its really cool!! Um my ask or request is, can you do one where mc has PTSD? Or social anxiety?
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Thanks for requesting! I’m just going to be writing social anxiety for this one, but if any one wants me to write for ptsd I’ll get too it eventually! Also I’m not an expert, and mental illness including social anxiety effects everyone differently so please take this with many grains of salt. (Also tagging @nnuggett so they can see it.)
Main six with an mc that has social anxiety
It should be noted that asra doesn’t like crowds. It’s stated multiple times throughout the game and Julian flat out says it in heart hunters, so whilst this is a direct sign of social anxiety, he has some sort of understanding of how you feel, and he wants you to feel better. ASAP.
Asra isn’t the most social person, he isn’t one to open up to people he just met and it takes him a hot minute to fully trust people, and while I’m a huge advocate for asra having no boundaries, I’m a very strong believer that he knows what yours are, and respects them without question.
He tries his best too take you on trips with him during off seasons, so they’re won’t be too many people, and tries his best to do most the talking, and he will make up excuses to pull you away from that situation. He also does this when your working at the shop as well.
If your ever having a bad day or an anxiety attack, he will immediately pull you over to somewhere quite and hold you tight, whispering that it will be okay, and how much he loves you, and if your at the shop, he reluctantly pulls away from you to make some tea, then the cuddles continue
Though Nadia may look very calm and put together, it’s canon that she doesn’t like press conferences, or big parties, it’s also canon that she’s silently panicking on the inside in like every route. Fake it till you make it baby. With that being said, like asra, she may not have social anxiety but she understands where your coming from.
She’s been seen by the residence of vesuvia as cold hearted, and mysterious, just because she simply does not like the attention. Unlike lucio. So of course she isn’t going to push you to participate in any of those events either, she just wants you to feel comfortable.
There are going to be times the two of you have to make public appearances together. She tries her best to go to them without you for your sake, but you sadly can’t avoid all of them. So the entire time is spent with her arm around your shoulders or waist, or her hand squeezing yours, anything she needs too do to keep you grounded.
If your limits ever get pushed and your starting to have an attack or can’t be in the situation any longer, she wraps up whatever she was doing real quick, no matter how noble the noble person was, and take you to her sanctuary to help you reground your self. She also teaches you some breathing exercises that will help.
He is the exact opposite to say the least, not in the sense that he’s attention seeking, and loves being in the center of attention, no matter what. (*coughs lucio-sorry uh, had something stuck in my throat) he just doesn’t really mind it, but he is the king of respecting boundaries let me tell ya-
He will ask you if your up to go to the raven that day, hours in advance and won’t pressure you or try to convince you to go if your not up for it. That’s your decision and he respects that. That goes for all your dates that involve interacting with people, he just wants to make sure your comfortable, and if anything feels gross, tell him and he’ll fix it.
Don’t go to the raven just to make him happy, hes already happy. he’s usually good at catching you, trying to do that, but on the days he doesn’t he feels god awful for making you uncomfortable, and will do anything, and he means anything to make you feel better.
What do you need a bath? He’s running the water? A hug? Baby don’t fret, his arms are made for hugging. Some cuddles? Get ready to be in a pile of limbs and sweat for the next hour because he refuses to get up. And this goes for when he does and doesn’t think he’s the problem, this for where ever and when ever your upset or having an attack.
Baby girl has a lot of self confidence issues. A lot of self confidence issues. Don’t let her bubbly exterior fool you, she’s got inner struggles to ya’know. And having low self esteem can be a side effect from having social anxiety, so if that applies to you, well then the two of you see each other.
She respects your boundaries and the fact that people, and interacting with people makes you feel yucky, so she’ll try her absolute hardest to keep one of her many many acquaintances out of your hair, all while keeping you up with the latest drama, while the two of you drink some tea and munch on home made bread.
Sadly you can’t always avoid Portia’s acquaintances, they’re every where. So there may be times when some one will run up to Portia to start gossiping, and then somehow manage to drag you into the conversation as well. Lucky for you, you and Portia made up a code to help when things like this happen. Just squeeze her hand three times and you’ll be outta there.
As soon as you get home and/or the two of you are alone, she’ll hug you and apologize, then she’ll tell you to go lay down and relax while she makes some tea, and heat up some bread in the oven. Don’t worry, she doesn’t care about getting crumbs in the bed she can fix that later, right now she only cares about you. And if your still shaken up she feeds you the bread.
Out of every one In the main six, I think it’s safe to say that ontop of his ptsd, he most likely had social anxiety, and has had it since he was a child. So he knows exactly how you feel, and it hurts his heart so much to see you go through what he went through for the past *mumble* years. And his heart breaks even more if your social anxiety is as bad as his, or even worst.
King. Of respecting boundaries. I know I said that for Julian but Muriel? Muriel? Is there even competition? If you say going to a place or doing a certain activity makes you feel uncomfortable, the do not fear honey, he will never bring it up again, never ever ever. All he asks is that you respect his boundaries in return
He’s a very strong believer that if he has to start opening up and talking to people then you should too. Don’t be scared, it will be okay, he’s gonna be there with you, holding you hand the entire time. You can figure out this whole ‘social interaction’ thing together. One baby step at a time. And don’t worry, the both of you have plenty of time.
There will be times when boundaries get pushed, or things go too far, or a conversation take an unexpected turn, but the second that happens, he’s holding you, carrying you to his hut, and the second the two of you get there, he lets you cry for aslong as you need. He won’t let go of you, but he’ll try to do little things to ground you, like rubbing little circles on your hand or back.
There are going to be a lot of uh...oopsies in your relationship, not because lucio doesn’t care, more because lucio cares so much that he doesn’t want to screw anything up but at the same time he also cares about attention, good or bad, and he can’t help it if he ‘accidentally’ makes him self the center of it.
He needs to work on understanding that not every one has the same interest as him, and while there are a lot of people who do, sometimes he needs a friendly reminder that the world doesn’t revolve around him. And that you hate being in the spotlight. So you never will be. Point. Blank. Period luv.
But that’s not going to stop him from talking about you to literally everyone he meets. And he isn’t just talking Nono he’s bragging about how much he loves you and how great and perfect you are, and how whoever the hell he is talking to will never have some one as perfect as you, unaware of the fact that, that alone can make your anxiety go crazy.
And ohhhh baby is he quick to apologize. He didn’t know, really. Truly. From the bottom of his heart he did t and he is so sorry. He actually starts to tear up, because he doesn’t fully understand what he did wrong, but he made you upset. He just thought that being that you weren’t there for him to ‘show off’ he could tell everyone who great he thinks you are, but from the bottom of his heart. He is sorry.
Thanks for reading! Again I’m no expert so take this with a grain of salt. And if you liked what you read you can locate my masterlist here!
Next request: main six reacting to Mc proposing to them
Request R open!
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nic-214 · 4 years
Jimercury: Model (2)
Art Credit: Darlingfreddie (Tumblr)
Tw: Domestic Violence
Jim storms into his manger's office a scared Freddie follows after him, "What is this?!" he slams a magazine down onto the table.
In bold letters the magazine title read: "Famous Model Caught With Illegal Immigrant??!!" and a picture of Jim pressed against his car with Freddie bitting on his neck in the parking lot, Jim's head tossed back in a silent moan both seem to be enjoying themselves.
"Look," his manger says softly flipping through the magazine, "We'll talk to Paramour Weekly and have the magazine recall if you're not comfortable with this."
Jim grits his teeth, "I want to clear some shit up first. Call Steven and set me up to be interviewed by Creative Gazette, alright. I'm doing a quick photoshoot for today then the interview.''
Jim storms out and Freddie follows. Diva Taylor gives them a smile and prissy wave, " You!" Jim roars grabbing Roger by his collar, "You took those damn pictures!! You made me seem like some whore!!"
Roger laughs, "You can't touch me lard ass. I'll have you fired and get you blacklisted from ever agency in the country."
"So you did do it." Freddie says, " Why? Are you still pissed that I wouldn't let you use me like your bitch? Are you pissed that Brian finds me more attractive than you? Are you pissed that Brian tried to sleep with me?"
Roger lets out a snarl and shoves Jim away. The blond stomps over and jabs a finger into Fred's bony chest, "I'm getting you fired and making sure you'll never work again."
Brian who was standing there silently there the entire time grabs Roger by his hair hard, "I fucking hate you." Brian says anger dripping from his words, "I'm only here for our baby.''
Roger jerks around and slaps Brian hard across his face, ''You don't talk to me like that. I'll tell the police you beat me and rape me, and you'll never get to see your baby."
Brian's face pales and he lowers his hand, the handprint on his face still a angry pink.
"Should we-" Jim shushed Freddie and hurries into his private room.
The Irishman dials 999 quickly and reports Roger in to the police. He locks the door afterward and prays silently, Freddie prays as well.
"D-Do we do the photoshoot still?"
"You want a paycheck right?" Jim asks.
Freddie nods and gets things ready for Jim. After what seemed like the 80th picture a commotion was heard from outside. Jim slides a shirt back on and the two step out of the room, Freddie's camera was still in his hands out of his bag.
"You can't arrest me!! Do you know who I am?! My daddy will ruin you!!" Roger yells fighting against the officers.
Freddie started recording shakily.
"Sir we need you to calm down. We just want to talk." a younger officer says.
Roger tries to spit on him only to get kneed in the back roughly. Which made Roger cry out about the baby.
The entire hallway was crowded with people as Roger was getting arrested. Brian stood numbly watching his husband fight the officers, the thirty-two year old looks down at his hand and removes his ring.
"This is our faults isn't it?" Freddie asks softly as the crowd starts to file down the halls. Jim only nods and tries to push past the throng of people taking Fred's hand as they pushed through.
"Brian," Freddie says softly as they stop.
Brian looks up then down at them he looks to of been crying, "T-Thank you." was all he said before he starts to sob.
Jim tosses his arm over Brian's shoulder, "Lets get you some water. Maybe something to snack on."
Brian sniffles and trembles a little as they leave the building. Jim squeezes Fred's hand seeing both Creative Gazette and Paramour Weekly camera men outside the building filming and snapping pictures.
"Mr. Taylor! Mr. Taylor!" a reporter yells trying to shove a microphone into his face, "Is it true Roger was abusive?!"
Brian held his hand up and tries to cover the camera up, "N-No comment." he sounded broken the handprint was still faintly visible on his cheek.
Jim rushed him to his car and they quickly leave the scene. They got stuck in traffic on the way to a restaurant. Jim drums his fingers against the wheel, Brian hiccups and rubs his face.
"Is it bad that I forgive him?" Brian asks.
Freddie makes a small noise and looks to Jim, "His father abused him.... He couldn't break the cycle..... He took it out on me... I know I'll get to keep our baby... So I'll break the cycle for our child."
Jim grips the wheel and shifts in his seat, "Roger is quite the scandal... He's cheated on you-"
"5 times with women and 3 times with men." Brian says anger now spilling out.
"What if the baby isn't yours?" Freddie asks.
Brian sits up properly banging his head off the car roof. He rubs his head, "I'll raise the child as my own and give them a nurturing home. You can have a child but it takes something special to be a dad."
The car was filled with an awkward silence now as they cruise past traffic. The three of them got to a cheap restaurant to eat for lunch. Brian munched down on salad and a tofu burger, he looked so tired.
"I wasn't just Roger's husband..." Brian says out of the blue, "I was his modeling agent and I did camera work on the side with other models that made him jealous."
Freddie pats his hand, "I'm so sorry.''
Brian looks at Freddie then to his salad, "I want you to be my new model."
Jim and Freddie both gasp, "B-But aren't I too dark?"
Brian raises a brow, "You look perfect. Tiny too... Most agencies like that for some reason." Brian waves his fork.
"We can take some practice pictures at my studio." Jim offers wanting to support his boyfriend.
Freddie stammers and covers his mouth blushing, "I-I-I.. Im.. Oh thank you both!" he hugs them both.
They finished up lunch and head to Jim's studio. Freddie was practically bouncing now, "Do I still look pretty with my short hair?"
They were walking up the stairs now, Jim kisses him, "You're so beautiful no matter what... But short hair does look good on you."
Brian chuckles and sets up the lighting and camera, "Alright give me a ballet dancer's pose. I want to see something."
Freddie stretches and wiggles a little. He takes a deep breath and poses.
"Perfect.'' Brian says snapping pictures. He grins showing Jim his favourite.
"You're a better model than me." Jim chuckles, "Practically all natural model."
Freddie felt his blush grow darker and he covers his teeth, "Thank you, darlings."
As the two were chattering about getting Freddie a contract, Brian's phone goes off and his answers it. He sighs and talks about Roger and the baby before hanging up, "Well.. Guess who's going to court?"
It was a long lengthy trial that Roger tried to drag on but thanks to Jim's connections and wealth Brian was able to carry on the trial. Roger was found guilty of domestic assault, fraud, drug possession, and identity theft. He loses all rights to his child once it's born and it'll be placed with its father, Brian. But he'll only serve 35 years though.
Brian nearly cried his abuser was out of his life and he got to raise the baby. He thanked Jim over and over again for his help, "Don't thank me. Just make me and Fred the godfathers to Brian Jr."
Brian giggles and picks up the fat man hugging him tightly, "I owe you my life!"
Jim chuckles, "I just want to see my baby become a star. That's all I want from you besides the godfathers part."
Brian nods undoing his hair from his man-bun he lets the long licks trickle down him, "I can't wait to change diapers, squish their wittle cheeks, teach them about space!" Brian babbles as they leave the courthouse.
"Do you have a nursery ready?" Freddie asks.
Brian pales, "Fuck!" he bolts down the stairs, "I've only got the walls painted and a tiny square crib ready!" Brian panics running his hands through his curls.
"Jim?" Freddie looks over to him.
Jim was already on the phone talking to people, "I'm on it. My godchild will have the fanciest nursery."
Brian gives him a look, "Just a normal nursery, I'm already in debt to you."
Jim laughs, "Mr. May no you are not. I'm just being your friend."
Jim and Brian had the nursery all set for the baby which they found out to be a girl. They were ready to go when the caseworker called Brian to the hospital for the labor. Freddie grabbed the clothing bag for the baby and they took off. Jim and Freddie sat in the waiting room they were going to be supportive.
Brian was watching his daughter be born while three officers stood guard even though Roger was handcuffed to the bed railing. Some part of Brian wanted to comfort him, to let him know the pain was almost over. Was he being too nice? Yes, but that was in his nature. He walked over and held Roger's hand telling him words of comfort. Soon Brian heard, "Would the father like to cut the cord?''
Brian did so, he held the baby first Roger wasn't allowed and hearing his cries hurt but the bitch had it coming. After a day in hospital and much bickering on a name Brian had come up with one, "Jimena (hay-MAY-nah) Frederica May." Brian announces.
"Spell her first name please?" Jim asks.
"J-i-m-e-n-a." Brian spells.
Jim blushes and grins, "You really did it? You named her after us?"
"You two have been my truest friends. I think she needs the names of the two strongest people I know."
Jim could feel himself tear up. He and Freddie hug Brian and hold his little girl.
"You know she's a brunet right?" Jim says playing with her fuzz.
"Green eyes too." Freddie comments.
"Kinda looks grey.." Brian adds he paused, "I know she may not be mine. But I'll love her no matter what."
"She was born with addictive issues.. Roger did drugs with her in the womb." Brian tells them, "But I love her so much. I'm willing to help her."
After discussing with Brian about getting help and babysitting, Jim and Fred left. One the drive back to Jim's Freddie looks over at him, "Is it bad that I want a baby?"
Jim nearly swerves, "Really?" he grins, "Freddie-"
"But I'm scared to carry."
Jim pauses now pulling into their driveway, "I'll carry our baby then."
Freddie kisses him gingerly, "But we're waiting right? Until we're a little older and more on our feet right?"
Jim nods and nuzzles him, " When we're 29 and 27?"
Freddie nods that seemed like a long time away, "I love you."
"I love you too."
They kiss again and Freddie couldn't be more in love with his Irishman.
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skyblue-369 · 5 years
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We are so many on this world, but everybody starts their path here in exact the same way, don't they?
Somehow, that was not my case because I shared my birth with only 42 other children.
On The Twelfth Hour Of The First Day Of October 1989, Forty Three Women Around The World Gave Birth. This Was Unusual Only In The Fact That None Of The Women Had Been Pregnant When The Day First Began.
One of those unfortunate ladies was my mother. I don't know much about her. Just that she happened to pass by a very calm city in Northern Italy when I burst in her life. She didn't even have the time to look at me in the eyes that she decided to leave me by the door of a catholic orphanage. I still don't understand the reason why she didn't at least try to raise me by herself, but it's better like this. I must have caused her a hard trauma, and in addition we would have both lived a sad existence knowing that she didn't want me in the first place.
Anyway, being a religious building, there were nuns to run it. They welcomed me with open arms and named me Maria, even though they saw right away what I was capable of.
They always used to tell me how everytime I cried they had to wear gloves to hold me up because I would cover their hands in musk. Or wait, wait, wait! Also that I created little flower patterns on most of the hall floors when I moved my first steps. Yeah, I can grow plants by the way, but let's move on!
I brought some troubles with me, but they couldn't see a monster through this little girl's laughter. I was just another God's gift that needed care and protection. Actually, precisely because I was special, I was the one to receive it the most.
Besides the common bedroom, I had a space all for myself to practice in. Someone would expect some private garden, maybe a backyard. Now that I think of it, mine looked kinda like a cage, a room whose floor was covered in a thick layer of soil. Only the roof was replaced with a glass one in order to give me access to sunlight. I was supervised for all of my "playtime", when I mostly grew food for our supplies. No high plants were allowed except for fruit trees. Sometimes they'd let me recreate some pictures from my botany books, nothing more. Those brick walls made me frustrated, but I was too superficial at the time to understand they wanted to prevent me from escaping.
People continued to reassure me that I was doing good and that everyone relied on me to survive. They drowned my curiosity with privileges such as eating sweets more often than the others, having a higher education or receiving better gifts at Christmas. I cannot say I was living in luxury, but the nuns did their bests to make me live happily.
On the other side, the only thing they couldn't replace was my lack of affection.
The nuns treated me too well, but the other kids didn't seem happy about it.
It's insane that we've lived under the same roof for so many years, but we felt like acquaintances to each other. Although there was tension between us, they were never mean to me. Or maybe they were just gossiping when no one was watching. As a kid, I didn't understand how true friends are supposed to behave towards you. However, I knew that in friendship there should be a sort of feeling of comfort when staying together, and well, we didn't have it.
At the beginning, I was trying too hard to gain their trust, but then I started repeating to myself "I'm way better than everybody here. I could grow a whole forest in less than a minute if I wanted to. Who needs them? I'll have crowds cheering me one day."
...weird flex but okay
Unfortunately, I hoped to escape my very first failure by finding a family. I insisted and I've had some meetings with nice couples. Even if I couldn't show my powers, I was flawless. Aaand I received total rejection.
Probably it was all just a set up. For once, I envied the other children. Who wouldn't in my position? I had so much love to give and I would have been a good daughter! What have I possibly done wrong? I remember crying on the floor of my private room a few times and getting surrounded by weeds when I got up.
Time passed by and I ended up being eleven and without a family.
I used to dream about moving to the Amazon forest to look for a new species of flower. Maybe I would have found a guy who could talk to animals, who knows?
And then, I fell on a banana peel and slid into a series of unlucky events.
One day, we were having lunch and a silly argument came in. I'm still a teenager, it should be pretty normal at my age, shouldn'it? These two kids were mocking me and they were getting really heavy on me. I wasn't used to insults. Moreover, those words looked more and more like pieces of a bigger truth to me, so much that I hurt myself by pushing my hands over my ears. However, it was a single phrase that started it all.
"How can you even think that someone would love a narcissistic freak like you?"
I remember falling on my knees and closing my eyes, hands still on my ears. I just wanted silence, just for a moment. And I had it, indeed. It's only that when I opened my eyes, I saw them. The boys were lifeless, speared by some big branches all covered in blood. Branches that I made. It was my fault. It was my fault.
I needed to be calmed by those I thought as my loved ones, but I just receieved a shocked stare by every single nun. Some were standing still, while others were taking the children away.
"I can't stay here..." my body finally responded and I started running away. I restrained myself from throwing up. I went out and while I was climbing over the gate my left leg got stuck into a tube full of screws. I took it out right away without caring about my open wounds or how much they were making me suffer. I had to go on, I didn't even know where. I was finally visiting the world I wanted to see so desperately and I didn't even realise it. Eventually, I got to the harbour and both the stress and the seagulls put me to sleep in a ship container.
When I woke up, I didn't expect to be on the other side of the world. A bunch of sailors had brought me to the hospital of a little mountain town in the States called Anise Peak. When the nurse spoke English to me I freaked out. Luckily, I had taken some English classes at the orphanage and I could get away with it. Of course I ran away. They would have called the police and have sent me back to where I was from. I was wandering again, this time in the woods that surrounds the city. I was feeling completely lost. The single thought of the horror I had just committed made me impossible to use my powers in the future, so my chances of dying were higher. Nevertheless, something made me change my mind. Maybe God wanted me to stay longer and decided to bring me to a waterfall. I was taking a cold shower when I slipped on a door of leaves and saw that there was a hidden cave behind the waterfall. Eventually, it became my shelter. I've lived in here for almost three years now. How did I make it?
Well, thanks to my abilities I don't really need money for food. But after a while, when I found out that I couldn't live only on vegetables and fruit, I had to make up something. Almost outside the city old Damien has a supermarket, who unfortunately had a big problem at getting fresh veggies in such a cold area. And here it comes a farmer who lives nearby and is always busy, so sends his daughter to offer the man his services. Every two weeks I magically give him tons of goods in exchange of a little pay and some products such as bread or soap. I know it's not legal at all, but people are simple here and Damien was making a lot of money anyway. For me, it's tiring because I feel dizzy after I grow plants for a long period and because of transport, but at least I could live decently. The problem is that I had to be subtle to people's eyes. At night I have to put out the fire, or if I have to go out aside from work hours I have to climb trees and walk very high. I learned with time, and my scars prove it. Or maybe I can't walk around the town because everyone would recognise a new face.
I cannot call this "life" or "home", but it's fine at the moment. I get lonely from time to time, but I can always spy on families that come here camping. It's not that weird and it improves my language skills.
Oh my! Are those...gunshots? From the woods? What the hell is happening? It's better if I go check...
If you want to know more, go check:
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nihilisticbrock · 5 years
Taedmere|Show Them What The Willow Holds(TWO)
(Also posted on my wattpad tatedixon.)
"Show them when—"
"Het.Jank 'what'.Madin laka.(No.Its 'what'.Start over.)"Adianna stood over Chloe's shoulder watching as her finger trailed the old book of Nazdust to English.
“Show them what the Willow holds."Chloe said with a smile,although a little weird out by the odd language."Giena cotali(very good)!!"Adianna praised as the smaller girl got up and ran to her father,repeating the English words until they became familiar.
"Laman(Father)!Show them what the Willow holds!"She said with glee as she climbed onto her fathers lap,smiling when his face lit up."I am a good teacher,no?"Adianna smirked as she leaned against the door frame,looking into Codie and Cameron's room."Very.I'm surprised anything you taught her actually stuck she barley could introduce herself last cycle.Klang h hon lonlil panak(look at my little girl)!"
"I think we start on the alphabet tomorrow,now that she knows our words.Cotali(yeah)?" Although the smaller girl didn't understand what was said before,she nodded vigorously,eager to learn more English.
"That sounds amazing.For now,go into town and find your brother,please?"Cameron gave the girl a puppy-dog look,pouting while fighting his smile."Where should he be?Make my job easier?"
"The worship hall at the edge of town,probably.He was helping John with the bunker."
"Bani(see you)!"She shouted as she stepped out the door and quickly made her way to the worship hall at the end of the market road.
Not bothering to knock or call out for her brother and uncle,she immediately when through the main hallway and out the back door,making her way to the bunker."Jaren?John?"She called down into the hole."Hen justal(you there),Jaren?!"
"Cotali(yes)!"His face popped up infront of the girl and scared her,knocking her back into the bush over the bunkers entrance."I'm sorry,lanoka(sister)!"He said as he crawled out,John behind him."Z-zanapop hen,lanon(fuck you,brother)."The blonde said out of breath,leaning into the bush,making the men chuckle."Cameron called me to get you,"she said,grabbing John's hand as he pulled her up.
"What's he need?"
"I don't know."The girl shrugged,wiping off her dress.
"Real helpful,Addi."
A shrill scream broke their conversation,all the way down the market road and at the edge of the docks.They ran quickly,meeting up with a large crowd of people scattering the opposite way,including their family."Het(no)!!The vikings are coming!"Codie pulled Adianna to their home while the men helped the civilians into the bunker,quickly covering the hatch up and running back to the home.
Chloe hid under a bed Adianna,holding her hand as she sung a song that her grandmother used to sing her.Loud war cries could be heard approaching the home at the edge of town,growing louder by the second.
The Huckslie's left the door wide open.Standing in the main room with stone impressions on their faces."Where are all your people?"A man with puffy hair asked,flipping his hair as her got close to Ryissa.
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"They're all in Konpeir.We expected this would happen so we prepared,"Ryaan spoke as calmly as possible,holding his wife's hand."Are they now?"The mans voice was extremely deep for his face.He appeared only 19 years of age yet sounded like the grown man you expected to run a viking clan."Because,"he handed his battle ax to a younger boy next to him,"I don't particularly like liars.If you would like to tell me we're your people and your valuables really are...I'd consider not skinning them all alive."
"Konpeir."Ryaan stood strong."It is just us."
"You know,that's odd because we've already taken over Konpeir..."the mans words caused the family's hearts to hit the floor,"and I've not heard of any large groups staying there.Have you,Malaki?"
"No."The man in the front of the group hummed,cracking his knuckles before throwing a hard punch at the Ushtonna leader."I said I didn't like liars,Mr...I'm sorry,I didn't catch your name."
"Ryaan,Huckslie."The father said as he spat out blood,looking under the bed form his new place on the floor and giving the girls a reassuring smile and mumbling that he loved them."Well,rest in peace,Sir Huckslie."The vikings swung down his ax,taking of the mans head in one quick hit.The family all screamed,huddling into each other while Adianna's hands covered Chloes eyes and mouth,trying to keep their whereabouts hidden from the pagans that killed her father in cold blood.
"Now if someone wants to tell me,where's your crap?!"He grabbed Ryissa's elbow and yanked her to him,her back against his chest."Someone should tell me...before momma here gets hurt."
"Don't,"Ryissa strained against the dagger pressed flush against her neck,"don't do it."
The family kept her wish,instead watching silently as the man killed her,leaving three of the Huckslie's orphans.
As she watched her mother's body fall next to her fathers,a particularly loud sob wracked Adianna's body."Who was that,"finally another viking spoke up."'Twas me,"Codie said,trying to keep her daughter and sister save."You don't seem to be crying,red bird."The younger boy, know as Malaki,pushed Codie to the floor and walked over to the bed,hearing the sobs and sniffles grow louder.
"What have we got here,"Malaki said,easily flipping the bed and looking down at the girls as they scrambled to get up,Adianna letting Chloe run out to the back door and watching her run to the woods before the viking boy pulled her back."Oh no,no,"he said softly,looking at the girl as she struggled in his arms."Chloe,keep running!Find Janson!"A hand was slapped over her mouth and she was pulled away from the door.
"Looky here,"Malaki pushed her down,smirking as she backed herself into a wall.Her hair was stuck to her head and her eyes were wide as she saw her parents corpses closer,her jaw hung open for a moment before the raven haired boy pushed it closed."Wheres Chloe,"Cameron asked,on the verge of a panic attack."Shut up,"The main viking said,walking to the girl."She ran.I told her to find Janson."
"I said shut up,girl,are you deaf?"She looked up to the man and held no expression,the only clue to what she was feeling was her tear stained cheeks."Are you deaf,I asked?!"
"No!I'm not deaf!"
"Who are you?"Malaki asked,seeming not so menacing as he leaned down to her level."Adianna Huckslie."
"Oooh.Sorry 'bout that then.Was that momma and daddy dearest?"
"...Yes."Her voice broke,making the vikings chuckle,her family look down in shame."Have you lost someone like that before?"She shook her head and kept her eyes straight at the wall infront of her."Would you like to loose more like that?"She shook her head again."Then you can show me were your people are?"
"Addi,no,"Jaren was cut off by a man slapping him,sending him to the floor,John quickly bending down to help him."Well?I can promise that I will spare your family."
"Vikings are dirty cheats,and their promises mean the same as chicken shit."She hissed,finally daring to look the man in the eye,tears freely falling,not stopping her."Huh.Cute."He stood and made the family stand in a line.
Malaki stood beside the girl all the while,staring down at her and taking in her features."I wonder which one of these assholes you care about most,Addi?Want to make it easy and tell me?"
"Zanapop hen(fuck you.),"she whispered."What was that,doll?"She slowly stood up,"I'll show you...Our people,our gold.I'll take them to you."
The family protested,not daring to move with the archer pointing at the line."Good,"he said in a menacing tone,"you don't mind if we tie up your hands,do you?"She rolled her eyes and held out her wrist.
She lead them down the road,gulping to try and ease her tension."Whats your names,"she asked suddenly,still looking forward."Mines Ezra,this is my brother Malaki,"those were the only names she memorized,only taking others into the back of her mind.
"I don't apologize for killing your parents,"Ezra said,"it had to be done."
"Sure,I get it."Her words shocked the group."You do?"
She nodded,"power does not come easily.And neither does ego.You killed my parents because you could,you wanted to.Wanted to prove a point.The point that you think you are stronger than us but in reality you haven't realized yet that we all have much stronger mentalities than you pagans."
The girls sass truly amused the vikings,most woman in places they've taken over had been sobbing and screaming,kicking and praying to be let go.But this girl told them right to their faces that she believed them to be cowards.
"A sassy little girl like that needs to be claimed,"a man said with a snicker,making Malaki stop and turn to him with a deadly glare."No,"he slid his blade across the mans neck,making everyone stop and look on in confusion."Nobody should talk about a princess like that,"he said in response to the looks people gave him.
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“I'm no princess."She said simply,ignoring the blood on Malaki's hand and he grabbed the rope around her wrist and dragged her quicker."You will be the Taedmere princess.You will marry me,"he said in a matter-of-fact-tone.
"I didn't stutter,Addi."
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