#i've got a couple ideas but they arent great
xaeydnquartz · 5 months
Part of me kinda wants to stop DMing my first and current campaign? IDK just need to vent
So, brief expo. like many, got into CR during the pandemic (mainly due to "The Legend of Vox Machina" which lead to me actually bingeing the all 3 campaigns) During which time a friend (who was in my immediate friend group but like the rest of my friend group, i didnt really feel close to) told me that he was really into CR as well. As a fresh new critter, i was stoked. Was able to share my blossoming love of CR with someone (FINALLY!) during which we both mentioned how D&D looked so much fun and that it would be really great to be able to play and ooo what if we got our friends together and played.
After which we discussed, if we did, who would be DM? Seeing as how none of our friends really played D&D our talk lead to either my friend or me and after asking the question "Which do you think you would prefer more?" It was clear i would try my hand at DMing (i like lore in games, and i like storytelling, and im a tad bit of a control freak at times, lol)
Anyway, we eventually got in touch with our close knit of friends, and though i intended to be a standard 6 we suddenly had an 8 party party (and that was with me having to tell even less close friends there wasnt room).
Feeling it would still be manageable (as there was precedent that i could pull inspo from, CR) i began planning a rough idea of a campaign and working with my friends to create their characters and running a session 0 so we were all on the same page. You know standard stuff.
-Fast Forward to current date and time-
It has its stressful moments, but i still am able to enjoy the time with my friends for the most part (though theres a lot of times were ive never felt lonelier) Which brings me to the whole point of the post, my need to vent to the void about this loneliness. Nobody really gets in touch or interacts with me at all. Not to talk about the campaign or even collab on their characters. The most i get are occasional critiques about how i could have done something better couple sessions prior and request to add another person to the 8 person party. When we have sessions, people show up late quite often, leave early quite often, have to cancel as they have other things they are doing (even though we planned and scheduled weeks prior) and even when people are there they somtimes feel like they arent always present. i already feel extremely distant from all of them as they all live closer to each other while i live on the totally opposite side of the state and theyve known each other way longer than i have, but the minimal interactions they have with me, the DM/GM of all people, just continues to add to all of it I know we all are busy with our lives, and that compared to those things D&D is really not that big of a deal or important. And i get that, it is just a game afterall, but it still manages to hit pretty hard
I've communicated my feelings through our time of this campaign, if im being honest, maybe not this indepth. I mean, its partially because i barely see or talk to them (again life gets in the way) but also because i feel extremely guilty for putting this kind of tension to something we are all supposed to be enjoying and relaxing to. Its especially painful as most recently 2 players, who said they would get in touch with me about changes possibly being being made to their characters, never got in touch in anyway shape or form, and its been about a month now? And session is in a week...i didnt even get much as a reply back. Idk, its been almost about a year now and i felt i just needed to get this out somewhere other than debating myself.
Thanks for listening tumblr.
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wooahaes · 2 years
follow up to the fire emblem ask 😵‍💫 yes i found another blog who likes fire emblem and seventeen ! i won everyone !! ps sorry for the mini rant i got excited
anyways … let me tell you that the conquest route of fates was something! (i got sad) and then third dlc route revelation, writing was confusing but eh its dlc im not mad. i’m trying to find a way to get birthright soon so i can finally play that path.
ALSO TELL ME WHY I ALSO KEPT UNITS AWAY FROM OTHERS SO THEY COULDNT PAIR 😭. like i play as a f!unit so i kept her away from everyone but like one character so they had to be together. i personally did chrom and sumia just bc everyone said but i also chrom has funny supports and i heard his support with sully is sweet.
i actually talked to one of my moots abt someone making a video game based smau, they asked me to do it but im not at that level yet… but then fire emblem popped into my head. like the class system is so cool and usually connected to the type of person the characters are! i kept trying to see which members of seventeen + other idols would fit into each class role. sorry i got carried away 😅
hi lovely <3 no need to be sorry! i like talking abt stuff that makes ppl happy
god yeah i can imagine. i remember getting sad over birthright too :( i played through most of conquest and revelations tbh but its been like. at least a year or two so my memory's pretty foggy lmao i just remember not liking jakob
im always like "stay away until i get ppl married and then u can pair up however tbh" (still pairs married couples or parents w their kid bc i think them working together is cute).
god... i feel bad but im not a huge fan of sumia as a unit. some ppl say she's great but she always goes down so easily for me. i cannot imagine playing the game on classic. chroms support w sully is v sweet tho! if i wasnt trying to get lucina some specific skills from olivia, i probably would have pushed chrom with sully. they arent optimal according to a lot of ppl, but their supports would make up for it <3
ngl with this playthrough though ive had my f!unit like. sticking around multiple men to get the supports up to A so that i can figure out who i wanna romance......... homie i didnt expect for so many of them to have cute supports??? gaius's is cute (im p sure he calls the mc "bubbles" regardless of gender but i like his nicknames for ppl dsfkhdsf + his sweet tooth is endearing to me), stahl being the kind of person who looks out for people is sweet, lon'qu slowly growing more used to f!unit and being kind of endeared by her... and also henry just being the weirdo he is ksfdhdsf like ??? how am i supposed to pick. i mentioned it but i managed to get inigo (my favorite slutty man /hj) last night and his supports w f!unit are also kind of cute? just him going from a skirtchaser to trying to be more conscious of everyone else around him and taking care of ppl... ugh hes sweet <3
also last night i realized that olivia sparkles. like ??? girl straight up sparkles. i love that for her dskfhsdf also someone asked me if u have the option to be gay in awakening and im like NO bc god i love cherche and sully... and also lissa... and also maribelle... theres so many pretty women :(
ooo a video game based smau would be so fun... if i could do it, i would since theres like. so many games w so much potential there. i've had a vague idea for a life is strange-esque au (mc with powers dealing w that, basically) and since im already writing a one-shot w felix... idk, it just feels like a fun idea to play with. my go-to would be 3 because its the only game w a viable male love interest, sorry warren and whatever the guy from 2 was i love 3 the most and like ngl a smau would be an interesting way of doing it...
ooo do you have any thoughts on who would be in what role? i'd love to hear them! i talked with an anon about it a while back but i'd have to go find those asks bc i admittedly can't remember anything we picked out rn :(
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spooky-babey · 2 years
I just realised I havent posted any of my plushies! Idk if anyone will see dis but I wanna share them anyway :>
I've also included a couple of pacis bc why not! Sorry if the pictures arent great 😅
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This plush is a build a bear I got a while back! He doesnt really have a real name yet, so if anyone has any ideas please let me know!! Also that paci was the first I ever got!
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This is one of my Miku plushies!! I love her so much :>>
And this paci is one I got recently! It came in a pack of two and they glow in the dark!! Its so cool c:
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kyooongie · 1 year
Sorry it took me a few days to respond I got swamped with uni work (swamped meaning I neglected my assignments in favor of reading bbh fics and being on twitter and then school caught up with me) but GOD talking with you is so nice, you're saying everything I've been thinking recently about fics T^T I know exactly what vibe of fics you're talking about, those kinds of fics stay with me and affect me for a while because of how good the writing is, "real stories" is a great way to describe it. I love those ugh I'm not kidding I've been thinking in my mind for like a year or two that I wish people would write some of those kinds of beautiful fics for bbh on here again. I pretty much gave up hope though because exo tumblr writers in general are few and far between, and exo tumblr writers who do series or longer works are pretty much non existent nowadays.. And I feel like these kinds of fics aren't usually requested, more like the authors just come up with the idea for it, at least I think? Anyway hearing you say that you're planning on doing that kind of special gorgeous/longer/ao3 type fic for baekhyun literally made my entire year ngl :') I'm definitely looking forward to whenever you post them!!!!! Like so so much!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure I'll eat it right up. Finally some good fucking food for bbh fans LOL you're doing god's work fr fr ily.. Omg I have a rule of not reading incomplete fics too because if an author discontinues a fic or goes MIA it's too much for my poor heart ahah also I try not to read long fics that end in heartbreak/angst. I get too depressed like let me be happy and end up with my kyoongie baby pls omg... I read felon two years ago by accident because I saw it had so many parts so I thought it was complete so I read it OTL it's so incredible though so I can't even mind that it's without updates. I believe the author said last fall that she wanted to finish it before the end of 2022, so maybe hopefully we'll get an update this year instead, I'm manifesting it!
omg i can relate im soooo behind on readings fgdshjfdks AND IM AN ENGLISH/HISTORY MAJOR SO ITS BAD T__T baekhyun fics are just way better to read like im sorry...... also i keep staying up really late reading them/writing them and then missing my 8am oops
thanks for looking forward to my work omg!! i hope it doesnt disappoint xx im working on a long one but im thinking about putting out some short ones in the mean time bc i have SO many reqs waiting to be filled haha. i havent written fanfic since i was like 14 (lol) so it might take some getting used to.. hopefully my first attempts arent too horrible ;__ ; i do have a couple more ideas for long fics too hehe just trying to juggle school and friends and everything too so i dont have as much time as id like to write :-(
i will manifest a felon update too.. hopefully our combined psychic powers make it happen !!
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
When is the next horror house fic coming? Maybe they invite Y/N to go to the beach. And how would the boys feel if one of them tried to make a move on Y/N, in her bikini. 😭😭
😂😂 Sorry but no one would get even close to Y/N in her bikini, because Jason is on the job, protecting her from sin 😂😂
Except Jennifer- who is also liable to hit on Y/N. I mean, they are friends... but Y/N is a gorgeous girl and Jennifer is a RAGING SUCU-LESBIEN. But she only gets one chance- Cuz Jason does not discriminate. If he gets wind of any funny business with you two Jen is immediately voted punted off the island XD
Really the only person Y/N is totally 'safe' (Apart from Jason himself) with is Tiffany, cuz she's totally Chucky-Sexual. And Jason knows this. He and Tiff are mostly cool.
Also Patrick actually- he has SUCH little interest in Y/N XDDD Sorry. He's off tanning somewhere.
Yeah, you'd think that Carrie would be fine too, but... I mean, she's not gonna hit on reader or anything but Jason can tell that red face is not because of the heat XD She's not into Y/N or anything but you're just so pretty and she's never seen a girl in something like that before!! (Underwear doesn't count, its not as pretty)
Norman is similar but Jason doesn't have to worry about him as his 'mother' will handle it. She, on the other hand, Jason has to worry about.
Chucky wonders around (As best he can, without being seen. Ya know, since he's a doll and y'all are at the beach) making things WORSE. He is the anti Jason. Jason is THIS 👌 close to burying him.
Stu has acquired some great, big binoculars so as to... you know... spy on Y/N without Jason sqashing him. Jason still notices though and sighs.
Billy is honestly busy getting flocked by fans of his own, haha 😅 He's a pretty boy, what can I say? He half thinks it'll make Y/N jealous but she's busy picking gradually through the picnic basket Norman made for the trip, excitedly. Billy feels quite dejected.
Freddy (Who has not changed his outfit one bit, except added a Hawaiian shirt over the top of his sweater which totally defeats the point) is o b v i o u s l y occupied the whole day scheming and trying to get by Jason, getting thwarted every time obviously. His plans get more and more abstract and ridiculous like a Sylvester and Tweety cartoon, where Y/N is Tweety, he is Sylvester, and Jason is Hector the Bulldog. (God, I could make a oneshot of just those shenanigans)
Bubba is genuinly distracted, as he has never been to the beach before and is enjoying the calming effects of paddling, and rooting through rock ponds, and making sand castles. When he does notice Y/N (Since during the ride over there she was wearing something over the top so he didn't know), he just sort of... short circuits for a minute XDDD Before Jason gives him a warning look, it sinks in, and Bubba turns right around to head back to the ocean. Time to cool off. Not messing with big brother Jason today. Nope.
Predictably, a fight breaks out when Freddy snatches Stu's binoculars, Stu starts following him around complaining, Chucky tells Jason what's happening, Jason throws Freddy, Freddy ends up knocking into Bubba and sending them both the the ocean floor, that catches Billy's attention as he starts laughing, and, yeah... a brawl/verbal fray breaks out.
QUESTION- Should I include Jerry officially in the Horror House as a secondary character, like Patrick and Carrie? Like, he won't hurt you again, he's learnt his lesson, but just be sorta... around. Being himself. Some more colour, you know?
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icy-blue-rose · 4 years
Okay I just HAVE TO get this off my chest right now.
I was watching the new episode of 2.43 seiin koukou danshi volley-bu, and well, I decided to check out the comment section because hey! I want to hear what other fans of the series have to say, liked, and so on.
Instead however-
I was met by the most horrid comment section it reminded me why I usually dont actually interact with the anime community (and usually just talk to myself or make posts like this one that nobody will read aha)
But shit, I like, felt so uncomfortable.
Now before I rant a bit, if anyone skimming this may get offended let me make something clear.
If you just arent into the series, or don't like the show/series, then that's fair.
I have literally no problem if you dont like the show, or are simply expressing that you just dont like it and list your own reasons, I completely respect people's opinions and right to openly criticize series, even if I dont agree with it.
However, the following, while I wont actually attack people for it, just made me so uncomfortable for liking the show that I had to talk about it.
So here we go.
2.43 seiin koukou danshi volley-bu is not a sports shonen and so you shouldnt expect it to be written and animated like one.
People are free to say they dont like the animation, artstyle, or way the series is written, we all have our personal tastes.
But, like, it felt like non of the people commenting had a single brain cell.
No I am not exaggerating.
This series is written is a very particular way, one that I'm ABSOLUTELY loving.
I'm not fond of most writing styles and usually have a hard time reading novels but this one I particularly enjoy.
However, it felt like everyone was bashing it for how it's being written, not understanding what the author is doing or setting up, not even understanding the basic structure or style the author has used for their series.
It honestly made alot of the people complaining sound really dumb, no offence, but you all sound stupid.
Then there were our typical HUGE swarm of "ewww gaaaay, omg he blushed, omg so cringe, ewwww"
Which I mean, every sports anime has so I'm used to the endless flood of these types of comments but I find them really annoying because dont get me wrong.
I'm Queer.
I like LGBT anime/manga but I also really enjoy Yaoi and Yuri in it's pure ridiculous form at times (not I'm not saying all BL or GL is the same, I dont think I need to get into this rn)
And of course I enjoy shamelessly shipping and headcanoning characters as well, whatever I want because it's fun and I am aloud to HEADCANON all I want.
So or course I like to jokingly ship sports anime characters for fun, even if I dont genuinly ship it , or sometimes do.
Because I like certain relationship dynamics they can have that are never explored in anime/manga.
However, being serious for a second, I dont genuinly go around saying characters are "Gay for sure 100% yeeee"
People blush at their friends. People and characters can have deep bonds and relationships that arent romantic whatsoever and can STILL feel more like a romance than a real romance, despite it not being intended in that way at all.
It's so stupid to bash a character for "ewww gaaaay shit" when they blush at, someone they genuinly care about and have a non romantic relationship with?
Idk it just makes them seem dumb, internet trolls suck and I usually ignore them, I just feel like complaining today.
In the end I must say, the most annoying group of people in the comments were, as any 2.43 seiin koukou danshi volley-bu fan has seen, the fucking haikyuu fandom.
I feel like I should note that I love haikyuu, I do, it's great, for a sports shonen I do enjoy it alot.
After all I do love me some sports shonens.
But haikyuu fans need to buy some brain cells or critical thinking abilities.
Listen, to all the normal haikyuu fans like myself, I salute you and this is in no way direct towards any of you.
It's for the....other ones.
Haikyuu and 2.43 seiin koukou danshi volley-bu have a couple things in common.
Their source material started getting serialized around the same times
Some character designs look similar.
And I'd say that's about it.
Neither one "copied" a premise from the other.
Okay? Haikyuu fans? For fuck sake? Can you stop "omg they really are running out of ideas huh"
"Omg this is a haikyuu rip off"
"Omg this is a watered down shitty haikyuu knockoff"
I'm going to shoot myself I swear to god shut up.
And fucking no.
It isnt. They started coming out in the same few years, and start completely different, a knock off? How?
I dont even see it one bit.
Now on the topic of some similar character designs.
To put it in a way haikyuu fans would understand, I've seen over 12 Kageyama "lookalikes" in anime, ones from LONG BEFORE haikyuu, and long after.
It's literally a common thing in any media platform, but we've all seen the same character design used before in diffrent shows.
It's not new, character designs were not stolen, please get a fucking brain cell.
Also he looks more like Saiki.K in most of the anime shots in my opinion.
Now, if you like haikyuu and you're looking for another sports shonen to
Live up to the hype, have the same premise kinda or just that awesome animation and typical sports shonen storyline you love to fill the void until another haikyuu season comes out.
Just feel like watching another sports shonen in general.
It isnt the show for you.
Now if you want to check out a volleyball show, check it out and form your own opinion on it and for the love of god dont compare it to haikyuu.
It's a sports drama.
If you like shes like Stars Align, Battery, or even Ahiru no Sora (which I feel has a nice balance of sports and drama, rather then focusing on either category, it balances both really well) then this is a show for you to check out.
I've watched I think 4 diffrent baseball anime? Maybe 5?
I never once compared them to each other while watching.
While comparisons are fun to do! I love reading about parallels, series that inspired other series and examples of how it was done and all that awesome jazz!
It's not the same as actively comparing a show to another one while you watch it.
Especially when they arent even in the same genre category.
Anyways this probably seems like a pointless rant but the comment section actually crushed my week long built up excitement for the new episode, cause I had the misfortune of opening it first to see who else was hyped and enjoyed the episode, only to find well, all of this crap.
And fans like me who tried to politely digress and explain how the writing style is different than the average sports series, or explain why it's written how it is, alot of them got met with SWARMS of more ignorant and just plain ride comments.
Also all my "you're fucking stupid" comments in this rant, are directed towards those people in particular.
Now if you are simply genuinly confused about why there are time skips, why it's written how it is, or any other things, this is not directed at you.
Not at all.
Not understanding a writing/directing style is a completely innocent thing and there are many fans who would be happy to explain it.
The hate is directly towards the arrogant, annoying, internet trolls and haikyuu fandom who has been getting annoying lately? Especially about this show.
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papirouge · 2 years
I liked fds too because they were just as tough on males and it got under alot of male redditors skins lmao. But I didnt really like they also went for """"femcels"""" and wgtow (the literal opposite of mgtow where women minded their business vs men that loathe women) and other users who said they're done with men in general. I get that it was a dating sub but to ignore info like male violence didn't sit well with me. Like in the us the number 1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide, often by their husband/bf who didnt want the baby in the first place. Stats like that or the grim reality many poc especially black women face when dating shouldn't be ignored. There are also some of us who just arent interested in dating and marrying males but found solace in fds for its tough take on limiting male voices to zero because everywhere else online for women doesnt want to be seen as "mean to men :("
FDS is not for everyone, anon. I have yet to see what kind of diss they made about femcel, but it makes sense for a sub dedicated to DATING to look down on blackpilled women/WGTOW fearmongering about the fact there's no hope for women and that the best way to be spared of male violence is celibacy... M
So yeah, you may enjoy their take about male bs but ultimately that's a sub for STRAIGHT WOMEN seeking to find a valuable MALE partner so you most likely won't find them hopping on the #allmenaretrash bandwagon¯\_(ツ)_/¯
From what I saw from this sub, they're actually very conscious of male violence and are quick to call red flags about men potentially becoming dangerous, so IDK where this reputation of male violence enabler does come from🤔 I know that radfem have been campaigning to make it look like FDS was enabling male violence but it looks like they're actually pissy against the sub creator who made this silly tweet
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That being said, she seemingly seems to endorse the idea that BP are toxic i.e "sadistic"/misandrist though lol
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Those stats saying lesbians couples are more abusive are highly contested but are we really gonna act like BP/separatists didn't throw back as much outrageous vitriol at FDS/hypergamist.women? So it's just usual terminally online twitter catfights imo lol
That Lilith isn't FDS spokeperson though so it's a tad unfair to act like the problematic shit she sald was enough to throw the entire movement away. I've seen radfem say literally horrifying things about straight women (that we deserved to be abused for dating men, that we dated nigels, that we were cocksucker, etc etc) but it doesn't mean radfem can't make great points and achieve some purpose.
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enchantechante · 3 years
I got in a relationship last November.He have four kids.We be together all the time and he swears he loves me and wants to be with me for forever.I pick his kids up from school and all.He even calls my family is in laws and we're good together.This isn't my first serious relationship. I've have had a couple and been married too.I just have my moments when I wonder if we're moving too fast?What do you think from what I've told you?We started saying I love you within two months and I like I said,he calls my family his in laws and I do the same.He talk marriage a lot.His kids are in high school.The youngest is in 9th grade.Sometimes I wonder if once age graduate ,will things go left field?I wonder because I have a child too who's younger than all of his and you know sometimes things change after children get older and go off to college.I cook for him,wash his clothes etc.People say we're moving fast and bring up how I've been married before and do this with every man which is true but I don't understand why my previous relationships would matter with this one.I also watch a lot of tv and see how people who get with somebody who have older children,when they leave the nest things change.His youngest is 14 and my child is 6.I just wonder if he'll really stick around til my child is 18 and goes off to college.
Wow, Friend. Im a huge believer in following your intuition so if you have a hunch youre moving too fast, you likely are.
The reason people are warning you and citing your previous relationships is because the best predecator of the future is your demonstrated pattern of behavior. and they know previously this is almost exactly like what youve done and it hasnt ended successfully.
HOWEVER, this is your life. I dont want you to think your goals of lifelong marriage and healthy coparenting arent attainable bc thats simply not true. I believe you need to silence the noise of other peoples' lives and opinions and tap further into whats motivating youe fears so you can frame your mind (and thus your actions) for success.
I believe when you get clear w your partner about what you expect and aspire to (culture) for yourself it helps them play their part in making it so. Theres a lot yall just start doin without discussing and its extremely comfortable...for now. It sounds like you have a vision of how your future will go and youre not sure if he's committed to that future vision and that uncertainty is causing fear.
Heres what you should do:
Write down how your marriage and family and homelife have went from the perspective of yourself at 50 years old and 80 years old. I highly suggest marriage counseling - what would be a good timeline to speak with a licensed professional? What do holidays look like when all the kids are gone? What did they look like when they were here? What is your marriage/family culture (the daily family/home/marriage beliefs, traditions, values and customs)?
Beliefs: For example Im Christian but my ex wasnt. We agreed to let our future children choose and continue to practice our religions in our home. Our relationship had huge issues bc he didnt understand Christians have sacred altar spaces just like Ifa do. It helped me confidently leave a relationship knowing his continued violation of my sacred spaces was unacceptable (he stole my tithe money twice).
What do you believe and guide yourself by when you feel powerless/hopeless? What beliefs will you pass down? What beliefs do you want to be encouraged in/supported by your partner? Whats their role in it?
Traditions: Its traditional in my family to attend church EVERY Sunday, Tues and Wednesday for yeaaaarrrs. To have baked chicken at least twice a week. For Mom to cook. But its tradition in my bf family to go to church Sundays but had sports Mon-Sat. I didnt have that til highschool. His dad cooks a few nights a week when he wasnt traveling for work and when he did they had a nanny.
But we can agree before their in hs we want their extracirricular and spiritual lives in balance. We want our labor at home to be balanced for me as a Mother. Both are important to us and therefore our future family.
What are your families traditions each week/year? Who has to make it happen? Whats everyones role in it? What are your traditions as a couple every week/year? When will each of you bond individually with your children?
Values: Black ppl believe in pinchin a penny but some of us go too far 😂 I go years without shopping for clothes or sometimes providing basics for myself. (There were years of my life I was so broke I didnt even buy underwear lmfao). Certain values are great, some we'd like to leave behind!
At the end of the day whats more valuable than money to you? What do you want to invest time/money in as a couple? What do you still want time/money to invest in yourself as a woman?
Customs: Things we do without announcing or planning - its just our way. Ive dated men that have arrived while I was at a work event. And had to network, speak to roomfulls of people at a time and theyre bored, ready to leave feel like theyre wasting their time etc. My current asks me, "Did you bring your business cards? You better go talk to that lady!" Super supportive and always in my corner actively cheering me on.
These unspoken mini-traditions we have in certain instances. Postures/roles we take without announcement. Customary practices like chivalry. That may not have a calendared time but we definitely expect to reoccur.
How will you treat/support one another when youre not making a lot of money? Who's responsible for what? What about when youre both/either working a lot - what are our roles in supoorting one another? How do we model for our children about conflict resolution? How do we best celebrate one anothers accomplishments and differences? What does a typical week day look like for everyone in the family? What about the weekends?
Beliefs, values, customs and traditions make up our individual culture. Getting on 1 page about what that looks like - what that can look like, and getting clear on it for yourself, then fielding it with your partners ideas so its really a livable life plan? Thatll melt the fear.
But you need to root yourself FIRST. and decide whats negotiable and not negotiable so you can be happy, sure and committed.
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