#i've lived a whole quarter life since then mate. keep up.
somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
and yes everyone at the time did try and peg this as some trauma response to my my mum dying when i was 6 and therapise me out of it like. cool theory! unfortunately you see i was Like This when she was alive
the very cool not at all annoying thing about having a parental death (or i guess really any singular major traumatic event? probably?) when you're very young is that people will literally blame every problem on that for the rest of your life forever. if you had symptoms syndrome before no you didn't
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gxdsfavgal · 4 years
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So Young, So Damaged
by merlins-beard on WP
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July 9th, 1995
Draco's POV
It is now a week later, Juniper and I have to talk to the girls today. I'm scared and worried, but it's not i'm going to be the one doing the talking. I don't hate Juni, how can I hate her if i've known her my whole life?
She's done nothing but be herself, yes she throws herself at guys but at least she doesn't lie about it like most of the girls at Hogwarts. That's one of the only things we have in common, we both are extremely horny. Maybe marriage won't be so bad.
"Oy get out of my fucking seat Draco"
I take that back, marriage will be bad, so bad.
All we do is argue, the only time we don't is when one of us are scared or sad. She says i'm bipolar but little does she know, she is too.
"I was sitting here first, find your own bloody seat" I yelped, everyone was staring at the two of us. Blaise and Theo looked like they were waiting for us to fight, like we are their entertainment, and the girls were sinking into their seats as if they were scared.
Arguments, over arguments, over arguments, it's never going to fucking end.
Juniper was obviously not having it so she just sat on the floor by my feet, she used my legs as a head rest for that big ass head of hers.
The living room stayed quiet for a few seconds, but it felt like minutes. We were unable to speak up, unable to tell the Pansy, Tracey and Daphne the secret.
"Well to speed things up, Draco and Juniper has something to tell you guys" Theo blurted out into the silent room.
The girls eyes widened. "Are you pregnant?" Pansy asked, she didn't seem mad at the thought of us having a child together, she had a happy attitude.
"If so, can I be the god mother?" Tracey joined in, Draco giving the half blood a smug and disgusted look. "Actually never mind, ferret boy doesn't seem to want a half blood in the family"
"I'm not pregnant I can tell you that, but our parents have decided that him and I will have..."
"For Merlin's sake Juni stop keeping them on the edge of their seats, we're having an bloody arranged marriage" I interjected with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands.
"She was building up the suspense mate, no need to get mad at your future wife" Blaise joked as he playfully nudged Theo's shoulder.
The girls obviously seemed like they were going to blow, they're acting like it's their life, like they're the ones getting married to Juni. I'd let them get married to Juni if that means I don't have to.
"So you're telling me that you two will get together?" Daphne squealed and leaped out of her seat and pulled Juni and I into a tight embrace. I stayed stiff while Juni pursed her lips into a thin line. Once she let go of us, she went back to her seat in between Pansy and Tracey.
"I knew you two were going to get together someday!" Tracey sang out loud with glee. Tracey, the deep umber girl with dark brown fluffy curls.
The half blood was always the one to predict something and it being correct, it was a little trick of hers which we all had a love hate relationship with.
It wasn't weird that we had a half blood in the house, my parents usually welcomed them since we don't inbreed like my mums side. Though, father doesn't touch or make any contact the half bloods besides a welcome and a goodbye. Mum on the other hand gives hugs to Tracey and those like her, she didn't care much about blood status.
The Silvius family on the other hand, they hated everyone who were not from pure blood families. They were like the Blacks, they would marry within their families to keep their blood as pure as they can.
Juni's mum, Malia, has 50% pure blood from a family in South East Asia and 50% British pure blood. Juni's father, Callisto, is from a pure blood family from England, making their daughter 100% pure blood.
Though Juni was only a quarter asian, it really showed in her skin color and thickness of hair.
"Tracey and Daphne, did you two forget about how these dumb asses don't even get along?" Pansy rose her voice above the squealing of the other two girls. She was the only one who was acting the way I assumed they were going to.
"Well I mean they do argue a lot but look at them, they're sitting next by each other without throwing a fit" the long haired brunette said. Daphne was a lot similar to Theo, both very happy and always tried to look on the bright side of things, while I was the total opposite.
"You're so blinded sometimes Daph. We literally saw them fuss over the chair before the conversation started." Parkinson proclaimed, Daphne rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest like a child about to throw a tantrum. "So there's no way you two can get out of this?"
"Nope. Callisto and Lucius have done an Unbreakable Vow" I used my father's name, there was no need to call him my father after doing this to me; always putting me through shit.
"Well fuck, you guys have to get close I guess...I have to go to Romilda's house, I'll see you guys soon" Pansy stood up and and went to the floo network grabbing a handful of floo powder in her hand.
"Wait Pansy! Romilda Vane? The Gryffindor?" Juni stood up from my feet and walked towards her, everyone looked puzzled and staring at Juni and Pansy.
"No I didn't say that, I said I have to feed my Rottweiler" Parkinson lifted her head, her body when stiff, eyes wide, and cheeks blushing.
"You're not good at lying Pansy, but have fun with your little girlfriend" Blaise joked.
"Wha- She's not my- You know what. Bye!" Pansy stuttered and then whispered where she was going, she threw the green powder onto the fire place floor and left with a poof.
Once she left we all were giggling. Did Pansy Parkinson just accidentally come out to us?
Tracey and Daphne stayed until after dinner, once they finished their food and helped mum clean they made their way home.
Immediately after the two left, the rest of us teens raced up the stairs pushing each other to see who can get to the top of the stairway first. I don't know how but Juni beat us three boys. We then all headed into our own rooms to sleep the day off.
August 2th, 1995
Juniper's POV
It's been about two months since we told the rest of the group about our situation, they're the only ones who know besides our parents.
For a few weeks Draco and I didn't socialize with each other much, it was the normal arguing until Cissy slightly yelled at us for yapping too much. She said it was hurting her ears and head, and same with Theo and Blaise.
I began to learn how to shut the fuck up and only be rude when it is needed, Draco didn't fuss because there was nothing to fuss about since I wasn't doing anything to annoy him.
Narcissa said that it is progress between her son and I, but I believe that we both want to distance ourselves from each other. We still joked around though, like how we did when we were younger.
This morning the three boys woke me up by using the Aguamenti spell on me. The three of them did the spell to soaked my bed and I, the water went up my nose making me feel like I was drowning so I woke up.
I sat up from my bed drenched, sitting in a puddle of cold water and my hair sticking to my face. The three boys were standing on one side of my bed lined up with a scared look on their faces, unready for what might happen next.
I grabbed my wand from under my pillow and jumped up onto my feet, now standing on my bed towering over the three boys. My pajama shirt and bottoms were dripping onto my mattress, good thing I choose to wear shorts to sleep and not just my knickers.
I pointed the end of my wand down to my bed and casted the drying charm, and then along with the clothes on my body and my wet hair.
The boys stance relaxed after I dried myself up, until I pointed my wand at Theo and jinxed him with Ducklifors making him a temporary duck.
The two boys that were still human gasped at my action and stood still like a statue. I then turned my wand towards Blaise who tried to go behind Draco but Draco didn't let him.
A few seconds later I spat out the Ebublio jinx making Blaise trapped in a bubble. He was yelping as loud as he can, but his voice was muffled outside of the bubble.
Theo waddled at Draco's feet making him look down and laugh at the small duck, which made him vulnerable. I pointed my wand at the last of the boys, he was still looking down at the duck.
"Cantis" I announced making Draco sing nonstop. For some reason he was singing Do The Hippogriff which played at the Yule Ball, he was a little pitchy but he wasn't singing it too bad.
The belting Draco opened my bedroom door to leave, probably to get Narcissa to stop my mess but I couldn't let that happen. The two boys and one duck jogged out, or shall I say waddled out of my room with me chasing them behind.
Once we made it to the kitchen I pushed to the front of them so Narcissa can see me. She showed a quick look at us making it known that was very much confused on what was happening on this lovely Wednesday morning.
"Juniper, why is my son singing? Why is Blaise in a bubble? And where is Theo?" the mother questioned as she sipped her tea in a calm matter.
"The three of them sprayed me with water so I jinxed all three of them" I replied, standing up tall in confidence.
"And I assume that the duck that is on my counter is Theo?"
"Correct" I said with a sly smile as Theo the duck was nibbling on some toast.
"As much as I want to keep them like this forever, your parents and Lucius are coming back in a week so I have to reverse it"
I frown started to appear on my face when I heard that I would have to go back home with my parents. I actually had a fun time at the Malfoy's especially without Lucius being there. I was able to bond with Narcissa more than Draco, which I was happy about.
Over the summer Cissy has became like a second mother to me, I guess it was a good thing since she is my soon to be mother in law.
Narcissa reversed the jinx's I put on the boys and we continued breakfast with the boys complaining to me.
For the afternoon we helped Cissy clean up her garden, we trimmed the bushes, pulled some weeds, and potted some of her new succulents.
Once the early evening came along we chose to get inside after staying in the sun for many hours. We ate our early dinner, chatted for a while, then got ready for bed.
August 3rd, 1995
Theo's POV
I woke up bright and early as I usually do to go on my morning jogs, write to my father, and help Cissy with breakfast.
When I came back from my jog I noticed a roll of paper on the ground by the gate of the Malfoy manor. It was the Daily Prophet with the headlines 'The Boy Who Lived Goes to Court'.
My eyes were trigged to open wide, surprised by the news. I had to tell the rest of them the news. I opened the gate and ran into the manor.
"Potter! Potter!" I yelled in the large dining room, making my voice echo within the house. Bedroom doors opened, with the teens sticking their heads out of the cracked open doors, Narcissa poking her head out of the kitchen with an egg carton in her grasp.
"What are you screaming for? It's only eight in the morning bruv" Blaise groaned in a groggy tone.
"Potter! He's going to court!" Once I said this Juniper, Draco, and Blaise swung open their doors and rushed down the stairs while Cissy quickly put down the eggs and sashayed her way towards me.
The four of them now stood behind me as we held out the Daily Prophet for them to read on their own.
As they all finished reading the paper their mouths dropped wide open.
"So he's having a hearing for using magic in front of a muggle? That's all?" Juniper asked.
"I guess so, kind of disappointing coming from Potter. I was hoping it was going to be mass destruction or some other shit" I replied.
"His disciplinary hearing is the day after Lucius and Juniper's parents come back, they will most likely be at the Ministry for it" Cissy chimed. All of us knew that once Lucius heard about Potter, he would try his  best to hear all of it.
"We need to get a seat at the hearing, I want to see the look on his face when they tell him he can't go back to Hogwarts" The short girl said to the left of me. She looked at Draco and he nodded along with her, showing that he wanted front row seats.
Juniper, I've known her since birth, same with Draco, Blaise, Pansy and the rest except Tracey.
She has always been a little brat, always causing trouble or starting fights, but that's what made her one of my best friends.
Draco and Blaise were my two guy best friends, while Juniper was my own girl best friend. I didn't like it much when her and Draco would argue, it made Blaise and I feel stuck in the middle.
Whenever Juniper got what she wanted she was always smiling, Blaise and I sometimes call her Smiley, it's a nice nickname to use when she is feeling down. The sound of the name brightens her day a little bit, it reminds her of the times she smiles, mostly when she goes on shopping sprees.
"Smiley, you really are something else." Blaise added as he was shaking his head.
August 12th, 1995
It was now a week later, Juniper, Blaise, and Theo has left their stay at Malfoy Manor for the summer.
Today would be the day of Potter's disciplinary hearing at the Ministry, both Draco and Juniper wanted to watch. They convinced their parents to bring them to the Ministry so they can try to sneak into the court room while their parents are at work.
It was around 6 in the morning and Juniper has woken up to get ready for the hearing at 9 am. She took a quick cold shower to give her body a little adrenaline rush for the early morning.
After her shower she put on a black romper and some comfortable sneakers, then she went straight to eat breakfast with her parents.
As Juniper was finishing up her breakfast at half past 7, that was the time Draco woke up to freshen himself up for the hearing.
Same as Juniper, the young Malfoy took a quick cold shower to get his body ready for today, to get his mind ready for the day.
He got out of the shower and dried up, he did his usual routine then went to put on his outfit. His usual classy outfit was a black button up and black slacks to pair with it.
After getting dressed he went to the dining table where he sat on one of the sides, as his father was at one head of the table and Narcissa on the opposite.
When Lucius was home they always ate at this huge table, Narcissa and her son found no reason for it, it was useless for a family of three.
As half past 8 strolled along the two families got ready to use the floo network to get to their work, leaving Narcissa since shes a stay at home wife.
Once they appeared in the Ministry, Malia kissed her daughter on the forehead and went to her department. Callisto, Juniper's father then brought her into the elevator to bring her to the level where the hearing is going to be held and where Lucius is most likely at.
They reached the floor and exited the elevator. After taking a few turns they found Lucius and Draco talking to Cornelius Fudge.
We walked towards the three of them. "Good morning Callisto and Miss Juniper, I was just telling Lucius that I pity him after being under the Imperius curse" The short old Fudge sympathized.
"Good morning to you, and yes it is such a shake that my old friend Lucius was under that filthy curse" The father of Juniper said.
As they bid each other a good morning they heard footsteps, it was Author Weasley and Potter. Stares stayed for a few seconds until father Weasley ushered the young Potter away.
The older men talked amongst themselves for a while until Fudge had to go into the court. Once he left, the father's of the children pointed at the door of where to enter to they won't be seen.
When the Lucius and Callisto turned their back on the teens to go to work, the two youngsters looked at each other to approve where to go.
Juniper grabbed Draco's wrist pulling him towards the door where their father's told them to go. They had to climb a few steep stairs to the top, where they crouched a few feet behind the jury.
The hearing began.
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