#i've never watched a single episode of ofmd
bunnyinatree · 8 months
Something that's been bothering me lately is the amount of vitriolic posts that I see directed at fans of something that the OP and the people who reblog the post dislike. It's perfectly fine to say, "I didn't enjoy the Barbie movie," or "I don't think that OFMD lives up to the hype." But many folks seem to be misplacing their aversion to the show and pushing it onto the fans.
I'll see posts deriding people for enjoying Margot Robbie's performance in an hour-long commercial for a doll and mocking them for thinking that she deserves an Oscar nomination for it. But they could have easily said something like, "Personally, I didn't think that Robbie's performance was all that great, and the premise of the Barbie movie rubs me the wrong way." Why did they have to make it an attack against people they don't even know? They're making generalizations about why a person would enjoy the movie and offending people en masse by turning an opinion into an insult.
I don't go searching for these mean-spirited posts, but they find their way onto my dash regardless. (The amount of OFMD posts that get mixed into the Death Note tag makes me alternately laugh and cry.) And I wish that there were some way to block posts based on a specific tone, but there's no shared tagging system amongst them, and I don't want to avoid an entire show just because a few people are being rude about it. I want to be in a little Internet bubble full of people who are kind and respectful about the shows they don't like. There's so much to be anxious and indignant about already in the world. Why do some people want to waste their energy going after fans of TV shows and popular movies?
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The more I think about season 2, the more grateful I am.
In a lot of ways, OFMD's writers, cast, and crew were given an almost impossible task. S1 was brilliant and took everyone by surprise by how successful it became. I am still shocked every time I rewatch by how smart and efficient the writing is, how intelligent the social commentary. S1 is a masterclass in good television.
And for s2, expectations were incredibly high. OFMD found massive word-of-mouth success in a way I've never seen with any other show, and they suddenly had a big, incredibly passionate audience - the renewal was because of massive fan support, and that must have translated to an incredible amount of pressure in the writer's room. Plus, as if that wasn't enough on its own, they're having to deal with budget cuts and Max slashing them down to only 8 episodes to tell a 10-episode story. This is an incredibly daunting task.
And yeah, I've been critical. OFMD is my favorite show, no contest, and it's easy to be critical of the things we love. We can all see that the pacing was off this season, especially in those last two episodes. Some arcs felt rushed; some side characters didn't get enough screen time to set up what they're doing this season. Jim and Olu especially suffer for that. It's inexcusable that this show's budget was slashed the way it was and I'm sad for what we could have had.
But, on the whole? Holy shit, this season was incredibly successful! Despite an incredible amount of fan pressure, the writers told the story they wanted to tell. They never lost sight of Ed and Stede's story, and were smart about allocating screen time so our leads' arcs never suffered too much for it. There's so much creative problem solving - when they realized they'd need to be smart about which side characters to keep on screen, they turned Buttons into a bird in a way that underscored season themes of transformation and change. 10/10, no notes. They even remembered their audience and left us on a satisfying note for all our characters - we get to end with Ed and Stede, happy and together, starting their new life.
They had an impossible task and they did a fucking commendable job. Character beats and humor are balanced amazingly well. Ed and Stede feel so much more fleshed out this season. Just like in s1, OFMD will never be a show where you can catch everything with one watch - there's so many little jokes, hidden gags, small details to discover with every rewatch. And every single actor is giving it their all in every scene! You can tell how much this show was a labor of love for everyone involved.
I'm proper fucking impressed. Here's hoping they get a renewal and a better budget for season 3!
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suffersinfandom · 10 months
A Summary of The OFMD Meta
Sooooo... this is part one of an incomplete summary of A Meta-Discussion Of The Subtext by meratrishoslee (Mera) on AO3 (linked to, as the author requests). I hope it’s helpful to the folks who’ve been curious about it -- heyooo @fahbee and @pushbuttonkitty -- but maybe not quite 90K-words curious! I’m not going to comment on anything; this is meant to be an impartial -as-possible summary.
It's massively long, so this is just the first eight chapters.  
“There’s every possibility you are still in your feelings as you read this, even weeks after the finale. You are in your autonomous knee-jerk reaction, adrenaline-spike, slapped across the face, feeling-so-betrayed-right-now moment. You’re valid. That’s absolutely what’s happened… on the surface. But as you take a deep breath and begin to examine logically what’s in the show and engage with the material both in its text and subtext, you will see a new concept begin to take shape.” (Mera)
Chapter 1: Overview
Some background: Mera was involved with The Johnlock Conspiracy and believes that TJLCers weren’t wrong. (If you want a fun watch, I recommend Sarah Z’s YouTube video.) Essentially, TJLCers believe that Sherlock and Watson of BBC’s Sherlock were supposed to be endgame, and this can be proved with careful analysis. This is often paired with the idea that there is a missing fourth episode to the show’s fourth season that will eventually air and confirm all theories.
Mera defines ‘text’ and ‘subtext.’ Text is “dialogue lines / Shot choices and directions / Visible actions, describable as stage directions.” Subtext is “every single other thing, as well as what is suggested by or can be inferred from the text above.”
“Whenever something doesn’t make sense in the text, it is a BEACON (or maybe even a LIGHTHOUSE) to look at the subtext. Your subconscious mind recognizes subtext long before your conscious mind parses it -- assuming it ever does.”
The rest of the chapter is devoted to short descriptions of Mera’s key assertions with links to relevant chapters and their convention experiences. They cite talking to Con O’Neill at Florida Supercon 2023 as one of their reasons for believing so strongly that Izzy Hands is alive:
I asked him for advice in a specific time of trouble, and he gave me something real that had worked for him. I asked for a hug and he gave that also. 
As I was pulling away I said "I’m glad that I gleaned one absolutely true thing from your portrayal of Izzy." 
“What’s that?” 
I said: "The character (in my original work) that Izzy inspired – when he’s out of pain at last, it’s impossible not to love him." 
That seemed to hit him on an emotional level; he couldn’t hold my gaze after that.  He said “That’s what I’ll be taking with me today.” 
This was July 1st 2023, after completion of the filming of Season 2.  I've thought about it often as the season went on, and how it must have affected him. 
We have to love Izzy so that he'll live.
Mera spoke to Con again at NYCC:
The last thing I managed to get to say to him was: "They gave Izzy Hands a Passion Play." 
"They did?" he asked. 
"Yes, they did!" I replied. 
And I watched that brilliantly swift mind again at work, because he considered it for the briefest beat -- and said in a tone of joy: "They did; yeah, you're right!" 
I remember for the minutes and hours after I was amazed: did he not know, somehow? Did the writers not tell him (and he didn't realize at any time since) that in first quarter of the series they'd given him Gethsemane, a betrayal, a crucifixion (okay, getting shot in the leg and head, but don't get stuck on the details), a burial, and then a full on canonical resurrection?
Con then said another very important thing:
"But I got over it." 
If Izzy's dead (for real and forever dead) and he knew it, then what he said to me was on a level of cruelty that I could never countenance from him. If Izzy lives, then those words are yet another piece of proof to me that Con was clever enough to be right both for someone who'd only seen five episodes, and someone who would eventually see all eight. 
Chapter 2: The Cup and Ball Trick
The chapter is an extended “game” of cup and ball (where a ball is hidden under a cup and the guesser needs to determine which cup it’s under) interspersed with pictures from OFMD at various points in season two. It ends on a shot of Izzy’s grave where his body definitely isn’t.
The important takeaway: Izzy returns from the dead once to shoot Ed during Ed’s final suicide attempt. Ed returns from the dead after the near-fatal mutiny. Why would you think Izzy’s actually dead and in his grave at the end of the show?
“I didn't cry at the finale -- I was too filled with joy and excitement. I was Mary Magdalene at the grave; I was one of the first to know the truth of the resurrection, whether or not anyone believed me!” 
"..because if [Izzy] doesn't [live], with what I know now, his death is a cruelty struck at every queer individual alive or dead since 1981.”
Mera observes that almost no one touches Izzy’s bare skin and Izzy bleeds more than any other recurring character.
There are two times someone touches Izzy’s bare skin: first when his screams are being muffled when he yells at Jim and Archie to kill him, second when Ed puts the gun in Izzy’s ungloved hand during his first go at suicide.
Conclusion: "Izzy is coded with AIDS.”
Ed holding his bloody hand up to the rest of the crew away when Izzy is dying is a “warding-off gesture.” 
Izzy is pale and sickly-looking as he’s dying. “My gorge rises. In the year of our Lord Shiva 2023 -- THEY GAVE THE MOST QUEER CODED CHARACTER ON THE SHOW A FUCKING AIDS DEATH.”
Izzy touches someone else’s bare skin twice in the show, and both instances are Ed. The first is in S1E10 “where he puts his left Death-marked hand on Edward's wrist as he's choking him.” The second is in S2E8 as he’s dying “in his ex-lover’s arms” (notably, this is the same hand with the spade tattoo).
“If Izzy's well and truly dead, for real and stays dead... He is in media both the first historically and the most recent chronologically to receive a full on AIDS death.”
“Until they prove to me and all of us that only Izzy's grief and the specter of AIDS remains in the grave -- and the rest of our beloved boy, our new unicorn (oh hey do you know what Problematic Modern Culture says about unicorn blood?), our pure-hearted risen being, our self-sacrificing queer man, will get his chance to be touched, held, kissed, and LOVED in Season 3.”
Chapter 4: “The Third Was For Death”
“Season 1 was Pinocchio: a wooden puppet wants to become a real boy -- and does!  Hip hip hooray; that was pretty easy.  Wow, the cute tall young guy of the crew lost a finger and the mean nasty short grouch that some people hate and some people like (because they understand him on a visceral, subconscious, subtextual level) lost a toe -- but if that's the worst that happens, we came out okay!”
Season two is “The Monkey’s Paw.” Mera tells the story with pictures from OFMD to emphasize the connections. Importantly, there’s an instance of a couple’s son coming back wrong after a wish (Lucius). The final wish returns the son to his previously-dead state and Mera ends on a picture of Izzy’s grave.
The cast’s and crews’ interviews might not support the real narrative because they’re not allowed to say what they want to (“Ever had to develop code language to hide your queerness from your parents, your teachers, the state?”) They’re all “in distress” and trying to tell us without telling us. 
“Why does the new (old broken down) house smell like death? Why does everything we wished for that we got feel bad? Why does everything we're supposed to be happy about feel sad? How long would it take YOU to spot someone blinking out the word T-O-R-T-U-R-E?”
Mera hopes that the next season won’t tell us certain a new story: George Orwell’s 1984.
Chapter 5: Where Were We? Oh Yes, In The Pit Of Despair
This chapter is about The Princess Bride as it relates to Izzy’s story in seasons two and three of OFMD. It’s a comparison based mostly on costumes and lines; there are no one-for-one character comparisons. Vitally, the plot of TPB is used to predict the next season of OFMD. 
Season two of OFMD ends at the part of TPB when Westley is thought to be dead (Izzy in his grave). Westley is revived, soooo…
“At what point does a preponderance of evidence flip over into fact? At what point does a handful of chance coincidences become planning and architecture? At what point do you go beyond a reasonable doubt into conviction?”
Chapter 6: Birdman and Blackbeard: Or, How To Watch Media
This chapter is about analyzing media. Once you learn how, you stop being a passive watcher.
“Instead you read its rhymes and rhythms like a sonnet. You go to the media in return – you meet it halfway, like a lover. You engage with it. You find themes embedded in the subtext that, once unearthed and examined, continue to inform and expand your experience of the text.”
“The people that like things nice and easy are the ones that watched the finale of Season 2, got angry and upset and – instead of examining those feelings and sitting with them and figuring out why everything felt weird and fucky – wrote it off as bad writing and cruel showrunners, and are already onto the next piece of media to pour into their open eyes and ears.”
And that’s fine! But if you like to think, you interrogate the media and see what else it’s saying.
Mera summarizes The Hero’s Journey through the lens of Orpheus’ story.
Season two mirrors season one almost too well. “...Why are they recreating their first season almost beat by beat? Why is this “second verse, same as the first – only a little bit louder and (in many cases) worse? Then Episode 8 hit… and I realized. They wanted to make sure that, in every conceivable way, the fans had a subtextual map of the meaning of Episode 8. So the mirrors between seasons had to line up almost exactly.”
Now we go into the three-act structure and how the hero’s journey maps onto it. Mera then uses Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance) and to show how they personally analyze meta, but I don’t care nearly enough about what they’ve gleaned from Birdman to go into it here. You’ll have to go read it yourself if you want their methods.
“Remember: Everything on screen in the finished and published movie is a choice. If something doesn’t make sense on a textual level, it is often a signpost (or LIGHTHOUSE) to look at it on a subtextual level.”
Mera points to an article about three-act structure and notes that “fun and games” is both part of that author’s second act and the title of an OFMD episode. 
“Are we being fucked with? Or are we being instructed?”
Chapter 7: If You Strip Away The Myth From The Man
It’s the Jesus Christ Superstar chapter and it’s massive. I’m only including the most substantial comparisons and points.
Mera starts by linking to a gifset of Con talking about Taika saying that Izzy and Blackbeard are comparable to Judas and Jesus (and then Taika and Con sang songs from JCS while getting their makeup done). Notably, Con didn’t specify which character was which.
Blackbeard is a myth created by (of) two men, Ed and Izzy. “there's always two male bodies involved: Jesus and Judas, and both sacrifice themselves to the cause.”
It’s easy to say that Izzy is Judas, but wait -- there’s a better and deeper interpretation! Look at this picture from S1 that resembles the Last Supper and frames Izzy as Jesus! “Now I finally understood. Sure: Izzy is Judas-coded. That's plain for anyone to see. But Izzy is also Jesus-coded… from the under/reverse side.”
Izzy is Jesus-coded for all of season one (even more than Ed), and the comparison is solidified by the end of S2E3: “Izzy Hands is almost fully and directly Jesus-coded, and after Ed's own resurrection (not as an agape-love self-sacrifice for the saving of others, but through selfish personal/eros love alone) Edward is now obviously the betrayer of the whole crew who is permitted to stay aboard only on terms of sackcloth clothing and uneasy tolerance.”
Judas died by hanging himself according to the Gospel of Matthew. The only characters we see hanging are Ed and Stede, which clearly aligns them with Judas. 
Izzy is a good person. He cares about the crew; Ed never does. When Izzy’s wrong, he fesses up to it and apologies; Ed does not (or when he does, the apologies are bad). “Does he lie?  Yes, ostensibly to protect his captain and crew. Is he fairly mean to the Revenge crew until they [...] become his crew? Pretty much, although I could argue otherwise in places -- especially the fact that while Ed throws Lucius violently and bodily off the ship without any warning, Izzy carefully puts the crew on a safe island with a minor fuckery of his own to keep them calm and happy until he leaves. (It's obviously not Edward's idea, although he does permit Izzy to put himself between the deadly Kraken and the Revenge's crew in order to accomplish it.) Is he selfish? Yes, and who of us aren’t sometimes selfish about the people we love?”
Jesus and Judas have massive amounts of sexual tension (yeah, can confirm). Izzy is Jesus-coded because, while he doesn’t initiate contact like Jesus does in JCS, he’s always looking directly at Ed. Ed is Judas-coded because he has a hard time looking at Izzy and finds it difficult to touch him.
“...If Izzy Hands is a queer man who is Jesus-coded, who we see go through not one but TWO passion plays during Season 2... [near-death after having his leg removed, end-of-season death] he is conquering the death of HIV/AIDS and queer grief. He has to die so that he can vanquish that very real death, and arise again triumphant over it.”
“One direct correspondence with Jesus is that Izzy is convinced of one right way to be (whether or not it actually is), and everything outside of that offends him viscerally at this point in the series.” Izzy is convinced that there’s one right way to be a pirate, and Stede’s fucking that up.
And back to AIDS/reverse-Jesus Izzy: “Now among the lepers we're back to the reversal: no one touches Izzy. He’s desperate for it yet can never allow it. Jesus’s touch, kiss, love cures – and everyone seeks it and craves it. They demand it, they swamp and overwhelm him. Jesus's naked touch/kiss/love cures disease -- Izzy's carries and spreads it.”
“Judas/Edward makes his deal with the priesthood/King George to betray Jesus/Izzy – his price is 30 pieces of silver/Stede’s life.” That is, Ed is the one doing the betraying in season one. 
But the real betrayal happens when he cuts off Izzy’s toe and feeds it to him while he’s vulnerable. Important note for the AIDS stuff: “...Edward puts on leather gauntlets immediately prior to this assault -- he ‘gloves up.’ He doesn't have direct naked contact with Izzy's blood or flesh during this scene.” The toe-feeding scene is absolutely framed as sexual assault.
And the toe thing continues into season two. “Sit with that also for a moment: the faux consent of making Izzy remove his own clothing to bare his body parts for this violation. Is it too far a stretch to think that Ed also made him eat each one, in their own private, gristly sacrament? He did threaten to ‘feed him the rest’ after all.”
Here is the outline of Izzy’s first “passion play”:
Izzy's Last Supper: all the toes eaten before as well as the one threatened now. 
Izzy's Gethsemane, wherein he begs his God for the cup to be removed: he tries to bargain his and the crew's way out with his conversation with Blackbeard, to find an alternative to the self-destructive violence. 
Izzy is betrayed by his Judas (again): shot in the leg for the 'crime' of mentioning Stede Bonnet's name, or Blackbeard's affection toward him. 
Izzy descends into the grave: lays in a secret tunnel in what we can believe is the lowest part of the ship, while rotting enough to be smelled throughout.
 Izzy dies: he shoots himself in the head and both we and Blackbeard believe him to be dead.
Izzy is risen: he hauls himself up out of his own grave without assistance from anyone else, crawls to the main deck, reloads his pistol somewhere along the way -- and shows himself to his followers crew at last, in order to bring about their salvation.
Con himself said that this is a passion play, and it takes up a massive chunk of the first part of the season. You don’t throw something massive like that into a show unless you’ve got something bigger coming.
But Judas dies before OFMD ends (mapping OFMD onto JCS), so now who is Ed? He’s Pontius Pilate. There’s the whipping of Jesus (Izzy’s back scars), then Pilate kneels down to hold the bleeding Jesus in his arms. It’s this specific Pieta statue.
“Izzy has to die to conquer his own living death, to end the curse that has kept him untouchable and unable to be loved as he so desperately desires.” There’s the crucifixion for you. Izzy dies and is buried, and we’re still waiting on the resurrection. 
The last shot in JCS is of the empty cross; the last shot of OFMD S2 is Izzy’s grave. “If the cross in the last and arguably the most significant shot of JCS symbolizes the triumph of resurrection and rebirth... the one in OFMD S2 must also.”
Alex Sherman liked one of Mera’s Izzy Lives tweets that he was tagged in. 
Chapter 8: The Dual Substance Of Christ
Now we’re looking at The Last Temptation of Christ. This is another long and involved one, so I’m cutting a lot of minor things that don’t serve the overall meta. (I also know fuck-all about this movie, oops.)
“An argument can be made (and I will attempt it) that Judas in this instance is not only the show creators/writers room of OFMD who had to put their much beloved boy Izzy Hands through all this agony... but also we the Unseen Crew who adore him, who have suffered alongside him through all he's endured, and who want nothing more than to have him back and whole in resurrected triumph.”
TLTC presents another reason to identify Lucius with Mary Magdalene (and notably, Jesus can’t touch Mary -- because Izzy is AIDS-coded). Once again, there’s an immense amount of sexual tension between Jesus and Judas.
This Jesus is angry and this God is fearsome. Judas does a lot of slamming-Jesus-into-walls, much like Ed and Izzy in S1E10. 
Jesus confirms that he is a heart and he loves, which solidifies Izzy’s position as the heart of Blackbeard. 
In his final trial in the desert, Jesus’ final tempter appears as flames. Izzy and Ed both play with flames when they lie.
“Izzy is pretty much Jesus-coded as I explained in the JCS meta… but here also due to the timing and content of this scene, Izzy’s also Lazarus-coded.He dies, he goes into the pit of the grave, he smells of rot, then he is raised from the dead.” Lazarus and Izzy both have a rough time of being alive again and drink about it. 
Jesus says “I have to die on the cross, and I have to die willingly.” This parallels Izzy saying that he wants to go when he’s dying. Judas doesn’t want Jesus to die, which puts him more in line with Jenkins and company than any characters.
“But Izzy has to die, in order to conquer death. He’s lived with the specter of HIV/AIDS that has separated him from loving touch and the sharing of physical intimacy. He has to go into the grave to leave his disease and his queer grief behind, and to be reborn to love.”
On the cross, Jesus says, “Father, stay with me. Don’t leave me.” As he’s dying, Izzy tells Ed, “Sit with me, Eddie.” 
“I feel sick, and I think I’m supposed to. It’s supposed to hurt. Both Izzy's death and Jesus's crucifixion are supposed to be two of the realest and most awful and most beautiful things I’ve ever seen on television.”
In TLTJ, there’s an extended part of the movie where Jesus is in a kind of gravy basket. The events are all kind of odd. They involve Jesus sleeping with Mary (the reborn unicorn, free of AIDS and safe to touch). Jesus returns to his body, suffers, and dies.
TLTJ doesn’t cover Jesus’ resurrection. “We have to trust what we know of the story: that Jesus is risen, and only death itself remains in his grave.”
On to the next!
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ofmd s2e1 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
not quite a reaction post bc i've already watched the whole thing. not quite a liveblog bc it's one post and it's probably gonna take me a full hour to get through a 28 minute episode at the rate of pausing and typing i'll be doing
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
anyway, pirate time:
i love how much fun con is having choking on his own blood
dream!stede's extremely teary face right before he takes off running down the beach is doing psychic damage to me
also dream!stede's stupid ridiculous outfit with all the long ribbons and shit...
ed and stede make contact so hard shjfkhsgjkfd the loud OUGH sounds from both of them
also the return of ed's old beard! i didnt expect to see her at all this season, so that was a surprise.
"babe" "love" im tearing out my own hair
stede has yet to learn that ripping ass near your beloved can be a love language
stede is a terrible fucking roommate just deal with wee john's gas in silence like the rest of them. goddamn.
i like when the background OST is familiar to me lol the little strings when stede starts his letter throwing me back to s1
olu: that–that's the swede the swede: Im the swede roach: he's single ;) me: *pissing my pants with laughter*
also the direct confirmation that the swede literally doesn't have a name. incredible
shjkfhdhfkj the crew encouraging him. stede's "it's okay" and roach "be brave" im CRYINGGGGG
stede doing customer service is something that can be so personal. "reservation?" "eat my fuckin' shit" "right! walk-ins, then" average restaurant experience
the random background guy saying "my favorite hand!" abt getting stabbed in the hand is making me giggle. i love the humor on this show
why does stede have so much shoulder movement going on when he's walking through the bar. whore behavior.
"this is for mom!" sorry but i want to know more abt whatever's going on there
also the purple mohawk. dope.
"i know the odds of you finding this are slim but so were the odds of us finding each other in the first place" IM RIPPING OFF MY OWN SKIN
also stede's lil sad hopeful smile after throwing the bottle... i care him
i love how they make this wedding fucking suck so we don't feel too bad abt the whole massacre thing. "the natural condition of humanity is base and vile. it is the obligation of people of standing, such as yourselves, to elevate the common human rabble through the sacred transaction of matrimony" if i was at a wedding and the officiant said that i'd also start killing people probably
yayy murder montage :)
the whole cake scene is so fucking funny im sorry. i love u jim drawing the line at attacking a shitty wedding. i love u archie who wasn't here for the good old days so you dont really see a problem with how things are. i love u frenchie with ur box in ur brain that u never open again. i love u fang it's gonna get better i swear. i love u frenchie again bc u just took the cake right out of fang's hands while he was fucking sobbing hfjhgkjhdkjkf
I MISS IVAN JUSTICE FOR IVAN. wish they could've said he'd just fucked off somewhere instead of dying but i think that would've raised the question of why hasn't anyone else fucked off since they all seem so miserable
very relieved that stede isn't taking the racist/antisemitic caricature drawings of ed to make like a boyfriend scrapbook like some people were theorizing. would've been overkill if after episode 4 from last season stede still didn't realize that ed hated these sorts of depictions of him.
INTERESTING DETAIL THO the background music in this scene is "a pirate's life" aka the song frenchie sang in the pilot. it's an instrumental version obviously but yeah i recognize that tune
also more cool background ppl with dyed hair man i love this show
zheng yi sao flirting with olu is so good. he deserves it.
how nice of ed to offer his drugs to the crew. sharing is caring.
also it's so funny to me that the thing izzy is tormented by is ed saying "you can't do the job, someone else will" the toe thing's happened three times and apparently that was fine but the thing the show edits together right before izzy breaks down into the most pathetic aheemheem whimpers isn't any of that it's ed threatening to fire him
also they cut ed throwing knives at izzy!! what the hell.
releasing the clip of izzy crying kinda ruined it for me when it came time to watch it in the show bc i watched it several times since it dropped and now seeing it in context i was like "ok i've seen this already fast forward." i mean i didnt fast forward through it but i did kinda zone out bc i've seen this bit already. this post kinda sums up my thoughts on it
"trifling ingrate plan" dshkjfshgdskhfjkhgkjh
"i know that guy we had breakfast together!" "you'll be having a lot of breakfasts-es together" "oh, okay" i fucking love this whole dynamic like i can tell they're writing the swede out of most of the episodes for budget reasons (sorry nat faxon) but by god do they give him such an excellent fucking send-off. can't wait to see him again when he's in his trophy husband number 20 era
roach is upset abt not being able to cook, buttons is tied up so he doesn't go running back to the sea (i assume). stede you are not giving your crew the environment they need to thrive.
olu being an optimist :)
buttons opens his mouth to drink the rain and in the background u can see roach yanking the rope around buttons back fhdjskgfjhgkjfh STEDE YOUR SEA WITCH CANNOT THRIVE IN THESE CONDITIONS
stede tries to make things sound good in his bottle letters to ed but out loud he says his actual insecurities... it's so fucking tasty tho that he thinks ed could be doing better without him and THAT'S why he's been stalling so much. not afraid for his life even a little bit he just assumes he's not wanted. brb i have to cry now
"im sorry if that's a little bit creepy" "you are creepy" in this scene where they're soaked from the rain. ofmd said this prince ricky guys is creepy and wet.
stede's fucking FACE when prince ricky says "you're my hero" his fucking "clearly you dont own an air fryer" face I CANT STAND HIMMMMMM (affectionate)
prince ricky "these rubes" "men of our standing" yeah i cant fucking stand this guy (derogatory) i love how he's barely even in this episode
stede's face when the swede is talking abt how happy he is with jackie... my man believes in love so much im gonna cry
also in what fucking way does the swede owe them a life debt. roach and buttons literally tried to eat him
izzy's "you know me better than anyone knows me and i daresay the same about you" this is literally so false i dont even know where to begin. izzy in e6 being like "if i didnt know any better i'd think maybe ed might possibly maybe be actually enjoying bonnet's company" while ed and stede are giggling and making each other friendship bracelets. this guy doesn't know ed at all.
also i cant get over how izzy wont make eye contact he's like staring blankly into the middle distance delivering these lines so flatly until he goes to say "i have... love for you" and in that moment he looks like he'd rather ed were feeding him more toes.
"im worried about you, we all are" not gonna lie my dude you've had a weird way of showing it thus far. where was all that worry when you told him he was better off dead than wearing a robe and singing songs?? where was that fucking love then?
and NOW izzy wants to talk it through. izzy literally voted to make blackbeard great again and now he wants to give open communication a chance???
lmao there's a limit to how many characters can be in a bulleted list so here's fucking. part two. on the same post:
ed asking everyone if the vibe is poisonous and fang cant stop crying and ed's face is just like "eh good enough" im fdhksgfkjtdkh
anyway ed with a loaded gun under his chin talking to himself is hurting me so fucking much actually. ed my beloved babygirl for whom i would die. this poor traumatized man. yes he is making this workplace toxic as hell but god. GOD. im gonna throw up.
the way ed is so fucking casual about shooting izzy in the leg. just calm and jovial as he promotes frenchie to first mate. stepping over izzy all crumpled on the floor. everything about this is so fucking good. i mean it's horrible for ed and everyone around him but for me watching the show this shit is DELICIOUS. i love when the pirates get violent and unhinged i love when this shit gets fucked up. ed's mental state is so bad right now and it is causing me severe anguish but also it is so tasty. fuck.
anyway frenchie trying to turn down the promotion fhjkghdfjkhf
the cut to the swede performing the husbandly duties is INSANE. COMPLETE TONAL WHIPLASH. I LOVE THIS SHOW.
"fuck those hammies up!" spanish jackie i love you
black pete why are you so fucking loud AND WHY WOULD YOU JIX IT LIKE THAT???
why is prince ricky so small. he's like a full head shorter than stede. also this guy is insufferable i love how stede just fucking abandons him fhjkgdhkdfghkj
"the calf muscle is the most mysterious of alllll the muscles" what the FUCK does that even mean. oh swede i will miss you
obsessed with the swede playing dumb. the dramatic gasp. "wow, so bad!" fhjsghdkjf
"aint you that soup bitch?" "im the money bitch" i love women.
sfdsjkh spanish jackie being into double-crossing. and slapping the swede's ass on the way out. i love this show
i love how zheng says "this much indigo is worth three times what i paid" while spanish jackie and the husbands are still like, right there. and they just don't hear that bit. incredible.
OUGH the back of jim's weird rope armor looks like a ribcage that's so cool
i love how jim is so fucking bad at telling this story. i love how the monkey's paw comes into it. i love fang asking them to do the voice. i love archie trying to hold back her laughter i love jim and fang giggling together I LOVE THIS SHOW
ed's fucking voice breaking through his whole convo with frenchie. im tearing out my own teeth
i take back what i said about jim being bad at telling this story their version is so much fucking better. squeaky voice "I pray to you, Dark Lord, to make me real flesh! I want to be real flesh!" IM FUCKING OBSESSED. JIM I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
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riddlerosehearts · 8 months
saw that ofmd got canceled after two seasons and like. i watched one single episode of that show and decided it wasn't my thing so i shouldn't really care but i do because i'm just tired of every fucking show being canceled no matter how popular or successful they were 😭 this is honestly a big reason why 99% of the shows i watch are either anime or things that already finished. because i can literally never trust if some netflix or hbo max or whatever shit will be allowed to tell its full story after i've spent my time and energy getting attached to it. even the owl house didn't get to reach its full potential because of being shortened. this might make me sound old, but god i miss what tv was like before streaming was a thing.
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carlpalmer · 11 months
OMG YOUR TAGS ARE SO RIGHT!!! Of it was just any old gay man I would be into good omens and I'm just not
I SWEAR NATT i watched season 1 of good omens thinking i would be OBSESSED with it given the fact it was designed in a lab for me (old men, gay) but something wasn't right. it just didn't get me
meanwhile i've watched those new ofmd episodes 3 times and i've just literally set an alarm to 4 am....... pq HOJE TEM
have you watched season 2 of good omens? everyone says it's better than s1. i might be willing to give it a chance in a distant future but not until i've dissected every single scene of ofmd s2 and put it under a microscope like that tweet that goes "ive never realized she was holding a plate of corn in this scene"
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floppymixtape · 11 months
this is going to be a bunch of critical thoughts on stede's writing in episodes 6&7 of ofmd so just hear me out
these episodes have me feeling like i'm watching the show wrong, or missing something.
To be fair, i've never been one to think stede is the perfect person and he has no flaws, however! his demeanor on episode 7 feels poorly set up and really underdeveloped. again, stede has never been a perfectly good person, he is selfish and eccentric and his insecurities make him hurt the people around him, and this has been true since the beginning of season 1, but that's the thing... hasn't he grown since?
was i wrong to think that stede was growing out of his selfishness in e5s2? he clearly has a moment of change when he chooses to give up the suit because it made the crew uncomfortable (even if he /knew/ it was allergies!!) stede makes various conscious efforts to get over himself and reassure the people around him in that episode! i mean, even when ed finally returns the feelings for stede (in a very gorgeous scene btw) the guy continues growing by accepting to go slow and that they can figure this out as it goes.
and here is the thing. episode 7 stede would have worked IF the episodes showed us that he was truly afflicted by killing someone for the first time. hear me out here!! yes, there is a scene where stede is looking horrified alone but it's just that. it's one single scene!
i think there could have been so much more emphasis on two things. 1. ned telling stede he is blackbeard's pet because he is unexperienced
2. izzy telling ed not to go see stede because the first kill always messes up everyone
i will talk about the first one in a bit, but! if there was simply more focus on the fact that ed didn't let stede have space to cope or process things then (to me) it would have made more sense to have stede be this asshole with a fame complex. ed tried to help him in a healthy way with the whole "i killed my dad" but again! if it was emphasized that stede had no time to cope or process, and he was going by a whim, his reaction would have made total sense to me! but it was just one line!! and the camera wasn't even on izzy!!!
and then. wouldn't the conflict be enriched by the whole "he is your pet" idea? we have been dragging this specific point since season 1 but it's never truly been resolved. now that stede is famous as a pirate, wouldn't it make sense for him to be insecure that ed wants to leave him because he was just "a pet." why would ned mention it if it wasn't going to be resolved? i feel like i'm repeating myself, but this would have worked so greatly for me if stede was a mad asshole for different reasons!
if stede had continued the fight with zheng yi sao because he is a proud asshole AND because he was explicitly insecure about being just a pet, to me!! it would have worked!!!
i know these are a lot of words for something that is very most definitely the studio's fault for cutting the episodes but at some point i can't excuse what feels to me like bad direction on a show!
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bassiter2 · 2 years
doubt i'm the first person to do meta on this but i've yet to see it, so. the empty boat playing at the end of ofmd episode 4 has been rotating in my mind from every single direction
it's such an interesting and layered choice because the immediate/surface-level assumption, naturally, is gonna be that it's about the supposed emptiness of ed's interactions with stede. that he could act like stede's buddy and perhaps even have genuine fun with him, but at the end of the day he's just another plaything that blackbeard can toss away.
oh my boat is empty / oh my heart is empty
maybe even when you know that ed is going to have character development, you still see it like that at first. that it's a relatively simple "i'm so heartless" type song for the soundtrack. it sounds badass and represents the stage that ed is at in his development.
BUT - upon a second watch or at least in retrospect, or whenever you're looking at it with the interpretation that ed never truly intended to kill stede - you can see the full breadth of the emptiness that ed actually feels. from the stern to the bow. the nape to the brow. it's ALL of it. he does likely believe in that moment that even if he couldn't murder stede he isn't really capable of caring about him, but he also knows on some level that he is lying to izzy. that he's manipulating him. that his reasons for even wanting izzy to stay are shallow.
oh my boat is empty / yes my hand is empty
"edward, you've still got it," izzy says with a grin - a rare mark of happiness on his ever frustrated right hand man, making the lie feel all that much deeper.
"i know," ed says, arms out, alluding to an emotional openness that is not really there. at least not with izzy.
he turns away from izzy and his smile disappears instantly, replaced by this dull, bored, tired look. and a heavy sigh. literally his mask dropping. izzy had pegged him right to begin with, as far as he's concerned - as an unpleasant shell of a man. but then he took izzy through a rollercoaster of guilt and relief and incredible hope, with all of it being for nothing.
oh the sand is clean / oh my mind is clean
now technically verging more into headcanon territory for a sec: i think this is evidence of ed having a distinct awareness of how needlessly far he's strung izzy along, just to keep himself from losing the person who knows him best. whether it's accurate that he's been nothing but selfish about izzy (and i don't think it is, izzy is definitely an active player in their toxic and passionless bond), it's how ed feels.
as deep and beautiful as we the audience see ed's fixation on the very concept of stede even before meeting him, ed likely believes that it's going to wind up being as trivial as izzy does. he far underestimates his own capacity for feeling, having been driven to a position where feelings are better off disregarded and repressed. worse so, at this point in life he's straight up forgotten what is normal and what isn't. he feels not only trapped by others but by himself and his natural limitations, and he's insecure in the most tragic and messy of ways.
oh the stream is long / yes my dream is wrong
which is, whereas i think stede's insecurity lies more outward, ed's are about his insides. when he consciously looks inward he feels innately flawed, inhuman, incomplete. behind his assumption that he's unlovable is a belief that he himself is unable to love.
and even with all that stede manages to bring out of him... what a deeply damaging insecurity to have.
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coffeedrgn87 · 2 years
5 Movies, 4 Songs, 3 Essentials, 2 Books, 1 Quote
Ah, my lovely lovely @wolfpants -- I'm so so so very excited about this tag, let's see what I can contribute...
5 Movies -- and I'm doing this in no particular order
Call Me By Your Name (trailer)
I mean, not only is Timothée Chalamet an absolute dream in this (and I don't even mean that looks-wise) but also I wept absolutely ugly tears for ages after the ending. I'm not entirely sure if that admission is the greatest way of plugging a movie, mainly because I wasn't prepared for feelings of that magnitude, but by gosh the intensity was so so so perfect.
Shelter (trailer)
That scene when Shaun comes down the stairs to open the door and finds Zach there gets me every single time and I swear I've watched this movie at least 10 times. It doesn't get old, it never will. Also, the soundtrack is pretty cool. Couple of really amazing tracks by Shane Mack. A personal favourite is 'Remember to Forget'. Always wanted to write something to that song, but never had an idea that stuck. If someone feels inspired and wants to surprise me, I'm always game ;-)
Our Flag Means Death (no trailer but 6 mins of Lucius being a MOOD)
Shush, it's a movie. All you need to do is string all 10 episodes together and you have an extended edition movie and I will not accept anyone even trying to disagree with me on that. Also, do I *really* need to give any reason at all as to why OFMD is so damned fabulous??? I mean, come on! If you haven't seen it yet, what rock have you been hiding under?
Brokeback Mountain
Go ask @phoebe-delia if you absolutely need an explanation of why this is on the list. 😸 😸 😸 This lovely sweet angelic devil will gladly spell it out for you.
Lan Yu 藍宇
This is an LGBTQ romance set in Beijing, China in 1988/89. Liu Ye is an absolutely brilliant actor and he's made me weep more than once (I recommend A Beautiful Life). As far as love stories and plots go, it is far from perfect but given the time it was filmed and the topics explored, it's a firecracker. It was also one of the first Chinese-language LGBTQ movies I watched and actually understood after I started learning the language and that made me appreciate it even more.
4 Songs -- again in no particular order
Hurricane - 30 Seconds to Mars
I cannot live without this song. It's a perfect walking song, I've exercised to it, I've had it play on repeat while in a writing frenzy and it's accompanied me during the one or other Shibari scene. There is such greatness to this song but writer or not, I do not have the words to explain what it does to me and why. Sharing the acoustic version for your listening pleasure.
G.E.M. - 你把我灌醉 (Intoxicated)
One of the few Chinese songs I can sing where I hit the notes mostly right. At least in the beginning. Apart from that, the lyrics, the voice!!! <3 <3 <3
JJ Lin 林俊杰 -女儿情 (A Daughter's Love)
I have a very soft spot for JJ Lin's voice in this song. Especially in the live version, which I have to listen to every couple of weeks and the mood usually strikes me right out of the blue. If you're interested in a rough translation of the lyrics, here is one that's not half bad.
Frank Sinatra - My Way
I remember, when I was a very little spruce I was always obsessed with my Papa's vinyl records. When he played them for me, when he took the record out of its sleeve and moved the needle and the music started, oh gosh, I was gone. My Papa never admitted to having a bit of a soft spot for good old Frankie but I distinctly remember Papa picking me up and twirling me around to the tunes of Mack the Knife. And later I discovered 'My Way' and it's always been a bit of a soundtrack to my life.
3 Essentials
Coffee (I mean, I have you met me?) writing (again, have you met me???) memories of my dad not necessarily in this order
2 Books -- why am I only allowed two???
Captive Prince Trilogy
Shush, it's one book. End of. And if you need any reasons as to why that's on this list, check out all the fanfic I wrote about those Kings.
The Great Wall by John Man
One of the first non-fiction books I read that truly impressed me in the sense that I realised informative works need not be dry and boring at all. John Man has such a refreshing way about him when writing about historic events that reading it not only feels like a journey back in time, but I distinctly remember having a good few laughs.
1 Quote
The beautiful part of writing is that you don't have to get it right the first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon. You can always do it better, find the exact word, the apt phrase, the leaping simile. (Robert Cormier) This always struck me as particularly inspirational because it reminds me that I don't have to strive for perfection when I write my first draft. Getting there is a journey of edits, reaching out and asking for help, learning from others, researching, of saying to myself (repeatedly) that right now, this is as good as I am and that continuing to write will only result in improvement.
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