#i've said this in comments before but:
paintpanic · 6 months
What are your thoughts on Susie?
I'm a Susie enjoyer! She's not one of my favorites, but that's been rapidly changing as of recent. She's fun and cute and pink and a little bit evil. I dig it!
Her story is cool. It's very funny to me that like halfway through Robobot decides to have a plot going on, but I'm into it. Her little monologues to Kirby before boss fights are great and a super fun way to characterize her.
I wish her backstory was clearer and not revealed via Miiverse post. I'd love to know more about her time in Another Dimension. How long was she there? In an interview, Kumazaki says she came back "after [she] grew up". How did she get back? How did her time there influence her ideals and morals? It's something that feels like it should have a much greater effect on her character than it's shown to.
I really hate how she's demonized by parts of the fandom. Like yes she's a bad guy but I'd argue that she's about equally as bad as Taranza, a character beloved by fans and who's bad actions are often glossed over (including by myself). Both of them helped an evil person who was trying to destroy Pop Star and made a main character fight Kirby. The discrepancy in how they're treated by fans feels kind of sexist to some degree to me.
TL;DR: Susie is a character with a really neat backstory and potentially interesting morals to play with. She's not a great person but also free my girl she's adorable.
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yesterdayiwrote · 1 month
Dude, F1 has a toxicity problem for sure, but what the fuck is this?
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They're tightening the leash even further against drivers and personnel so they'll have even less room to criticise stewarding decisions, because they're taking their comments as inciting abuse...
This feels like insane overreach, because surely the easiest way to prevent public harassment of race stewards, is to not publicise the stewards panel? We don't need to know that information, only the teams do.
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enden-agolor · 10 months
I will never understand how the mcsm fandom is so hateful towards Axel man
The Lukas fans who say they hate Axel because he's "mean" to Lukas? Like, from Axel's perspective, Lukas is a part of the squad of bullies that are extremely hostile towards himself, Jesse, and Olivia. Not only that, but he's the leader of them? I don't think Axel is in the wrong at all for being put off by Lukas' presence in the first episode. Lukas obviously isn't anything like the other Ocelots, but Axel doesn't know that, or certainly hasn't been around Lukas long enough to realize it. He had his moments in episode 1 that were a bit off for him, like the whole
Axel: "He called me stupid."
Lukas: "No I didn't."
Axel: "But you wanted to."
Like yeah that was silly on Axel's part, but considering the mess they just got out of, and how scattered all their minds must feel? Again, I don't blame him too much for it.
Not only this, but Axel stops being mean to him like right after episode 2??
And then there's the people who hate on him because he's a big guy. He's a literal block character, but because he's bigger people just resort to being fatphobic towards him?? Like bro what
He was so wrong for playing finders keepers with that elixir though I can't defend him on that ☠️
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deoidesign · 1 year
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Sorry what was that
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polux-aka-hyakunana · 2 months
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It has been forever since the last time I played with drawing screenshots
and some extra doodled ones
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daily-odile · 6 months
wait quick question is it ok if I say shes pretty in the tags? I fear it may be considered weird or obsessive to some people
I may also just need to ask regardless according to suggestions
friend, being insane about odile is the Point of this blog. Please go fuckin wild.
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blue-mood-blue · 3 months
I’ve given it some time and some thought and, while I am not going to call him that, I think I can forgive the name Eustace. It has grown on me (slightly) by positive association. My boy cannot help what they (the world and also his father) have done to him, so I will be strong and also supportive.
“Winner” though.
“Winner” is gonna be a hard sell.
But I was thinking about it, and there is a situation where I would buy that as a last name, particularly in this universe and for this family. This is Blaise we’re talking about, whatever his name will eventually be, and he knows Von Karma. He knows Von Karma and Von Karma’s Perfect, Shiny, No-Loss Record, probably because Manfred has made a point of bringing it up every time they’ve seen each other for the past however-many years, which I’m certain has been plenty. 
Every time there’s a new case, probably.
That’s a lot.
Blaise seems pretty easy going on a day-to-day basis (on the surface) (usually), but that’s got to get annoying eventually and never let it be said that Blaise will miss out on an opportunity to escalate a situation. Also he’s the Chief Prosecutor. Also he keeps waving around that lighter like he’s threatening to burn the office down, do you really think whoever is in charge of legal name changes in the unnamed, unholy conglomeration of a country these games are set in is going to argue against his decision? That paperwork is going through just as soon as it can be processed at the speed of “fast” lest whoever is throwing up red tape finds themself at the wrong end of a little accident.
The next time Manfred Von Karma walks through his office door to brag, Blaise will have the pleasure of tapping his brand-new nameplate and the satisfaction of watching the prosecutor scowl. Winner, right there in the name! Just like it says on the tin! Undeniable! Yes we are just a couple of shining success stories, aren’t we Manfred, just a shame that you have to toil over that reputation to keep the Von Karma name perfect whereas all I have to do is make sure no one makes a typo, am I right! Incredibly, infuriatingly annoying, a constant source of joy until that perfect win record is eventually tarnished.
(Plus, free bonus psychological warfare on his son! Win-win all around. Appropriate, what with the name.)
(I also like to think that later, once all of the dust settles after a tense few years in the legal world, the new Chief Prosecutor helps put through another name-change document: “Sebastian,” with his mother’s maiden last name.)
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every-sanji · 4 months
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avernusfuries · 7 months
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karlach's type in men: tall, strong warrior/hunter types who could easily throw her over his shoulder and take her to bed my type for karlach: a man small enough that he needs to crane his neck to look up at her. a man that is gentle where it counts and will give her a sense of normalcy through honest to god romance outside of sex. Someone she trusts, and can pick up with one hand in a pinch.
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sky-squido · 11 months
i, like every other fic author in existence, love getting comments from people who enjoyed my work. i don't care if your comment is "late" (that's so weird to me like it's literature—do you apologize to homer for being late to reading the odyssey?) or "unintelligible" (late night commenters, english language learners, people who feel like they "just aren't that good with words", believe me, i entirely understand what you mean and appreciate it immensely), or anything else that you feel might make your comment 'not good enough'. i love all of the comments i receive and i am eternally grateful to all of you for your continued support.
and yeah, i've read fics where i felt like adding a comment would be doing the fic a disservice because there was nothing that could be said that wouldn't cheapen or patronize the magnum opus i'd just witnessed. in instances like this, that is exactly what i say in the comment: "there's nothing i can say that doesn't do this work of art a disservice. thank you for writing this."
actually, now that i think about it, there are a bunch of ao3 comments i've gotten that i still haven't replied to because i felt any thanks i could give would be inadequate. i should really get around to replying because i want them to know how spellbound they left me. i love you all, have i ever mentioned that?
all of that being said, i would like to make a public service announcement!
at least under default settings, ao3 authors do get notified every time you edit a comment. i've accidentally hit send too early before, or realized i forgot something i wanted to say, i get it, i really do. i have edited many comments in my day.
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but you don't have to do this. really, it's okay. most of the time i honestly can't tell what the difference is. i'm not going to think worse of you for having typos in your comments because i guarantee that there were more in the fic you just read sfkljghsl
also these edits were over the course of twenty full minutes. i got another email while writing this post and had to update the image. please do not spend 20 minutes agonizing over your comment and changing the capitalization and adding a few words. it's okay, i promise. i love your comment, and i'm very very grateful for it, regardless of how "polished" it is. i'm not your english teacher in disguise.
tl;dr, i love you all and i hope you don't feel anxiety or a compulsion towards perfectionism in my ao3 comments section. i won't judge you, i promise <3
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
I don't remember if I ever made a post about this, but for a long time I thought Griffin made up the whole clone pod thing to give Barry an excuse to get his body back again and then eventually also Magnus, and that that was a cool little world building thing. But I found out a while go that no, apparently it's a real spell called Clone from the Player's Handbook. 8th level necromancy wizard spell.
Also, it takes specifically 120 days for a body to form completely, which means that technically, Barry could have popped into his body again since before Petals lol
In the spell description, it also says that you can make the body younger, and I love the fact that he had that option but chose to keep himself the same age anyway
Also, since Magnus first gave Garfield his blood during the interlude before Crystal Kingdom, technically his body would have been ready since around the Eleventh Hour, and Garfield decided to just hold on to it for another few months without doing anything with it lmao
Man I love how that whole arc played out in canon, but I so wish we had gotten to know what would have happened if Magnus did take the Chalice and how that would have played out
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Any time there's a spike in my tumblr notes it's like the dorsal fin of a shark peeking up through the water, except the shark is Long Ziti
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yesterdayiwrote · 9 months
This is the Toto interview where he discusses signing as TP for another 3 years and a few points stood out to me
The quote about specifically wanting to win with Lewis isn't in there at all, so someone's either butchered the quote or purposely misinterpreted it to cause a bit of drama
The most concerning part for me is that he outright says they have no one else to do the job well (or at least in his opinion). Obviously 52 isn't old, but it's a little concerning that there's maybe a certain element of him doing it because he feels he has to rather than he WANTS to. He says there's a bigger risk of him getting bored than burnt out which... is a weird flex? The article mentions that he potentially has or at least had his eyes set on a bigger role and there were discussions about him having Stefano's job
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knife-filled-plushies · 10 months
Okay. So.
Once again, I'll throw out my two cents involving Bloodmoon.
I want to make it clear that I do not support the actions of Bloodmoon. They have done some horrible things and I do not think that any of the people they have targeted deserved that kind of physical and mental agony. At this point in their story that the showrunners have stretched, it is very hard to say that they're "innocent". (Seriously, the showrunners really hammered in the wrong point with that comment. At least for me, I don't think they're innocent, I just think they could've done better with their character.)
HOWEVER, I do like their character and I find them very intriguing as an antagonist. Like, seriously, they have probably the healthiest sibling relationship and the one that I find genuinely sweet. Before they do anything, they always make sure to check in with their other to see what they have to say and if they're okay with whatever they're doing. And nothing is really hidden from the other even when one of them is unavailable. It's a very genuine level of communication that you don't really see with the rest of the characters. (I'm also aware that this isn't really...Bloodmoon Bloodmoon. But the love they have for each other is very real, in my opinion.)
I can also see a lot of reasoning (not excuses, of course) for what they do. Bloodmoon has been a tool to be discarded from day one, so it would make sense that they would lash out and attempt to destroy anything that they would think would hurt them. They were also made to be violent so of course their defense mechanism would be violent. It makes sense in both a character standpoint and in terms of their programming. No one really understands them. No one understands how they operate. And since this Bloodmoon was only made from a select few memories of the original Bloodmoon, there are also bound to be some differences.
The way I'm seeing it, there is a clear lack of understanding of how Bloodmoon operates. Traditional help is confusing for them and if someone suggests it, then they probably just see it as a way for the person to get them to leave that person alone. Which they don't like. Because it shows that the person offering it without a second thought doesn't understand them.
It...also probably doesn't help that the celestial siblings gave up pretty quickly after their first try. Which, I mean, yeah? You tried the bare minimum. Of course that wasn't gonna work.
So yeah. "Traditional redemption" doesn't sit well with me regarding Bloodmoon. If they did something with them that fit more with their character and gave them development that meant something in the long run, then I would be happy. But full-on, "proper" redemption or full-on, one-dimensional villainy doesn't seem right to me either way.
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WATANUKI RIGHT? I’m just going to turn the page and see.
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W I L D. 
So the reason they’ve been deliberately making Watanuki’s missing memories a plot point over in xxxHolic is because they were about to reveal it over here in Tsubasa - that the REASON Watanuki doesn’t recall anything is because he traded those exact memories for THIS moment. 
Back when Watanuki still knew who Lava Lamp was, and - oH AND HE KNEW THIS MOMENT WAS COMING????
We already knew that Lava Lamp had traded away something (was it time?) to save Watanuki from death when he feel out the window, and THAT seemed like a big brain plan in the moment. But that was still nothing compared to the fact that Watanuki already knew that they were going to need to wish to know where Sakura’s body was taken by Kyle Rondary and traded his MEMORIES for that knowledge years ago. 
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asgardian--angels · 3 months
anyway seeing people on iwtvtwt being legitimately upset/put off by the previews for ep 7 baffle me, im looking around the room like i thought we were all here to revel in this fucked up vampire love story which is, and I cannot stress enough, fucked up
I mean I'm obviously not seeing this from book fans but, it just is wild to me that show-only fans are somehow having a moment of 'whoa this is so messed up are they really going to xyz? I don't know if I can handle this' or even that they aren't going to watch it
did you miss the part where lestat literally dragged louis by the jaw in a trail of blood down the alleyway, or when lestat stone cold threatened to grind claudia's bones into dust if she didn't get back in her cage for louis's so-called happiness, or any number of the other pretty fucked up stuff in s1? let alone the very bonkers messed up stuff in the books? I just. We literally already had a scene in s2 where Louis hallucinates Lestat telling Louis to kill him because that's the only way Louis knows how to love, followed by Louis actually smashing his skull over and over against a stone wall only to realize he killed a random innocent person instead. That kind of fucked up is the expectation for this season.
Look, eps 7-8 are going to be intense, but still well within the realm of what's established in the show and certainly within the wide wide realm of the anne rice books. The show goes some very dark places emotionally and physically, and that's critical to the point of the show itself. Will it be tragic, and unfair, and brutal? Absolutely, as it was in the book. We cannot stop that Titanic from hitting the iceberg - Claudia will die and we cannot prevent it, but Armand could have and did not. There will be senseless cruelty, and mind games, and dark acts of rage and revenge. This is gothic horror and gothic romance, and I just don't think anyone should be genuinely surprised by what that entails.
Most of all, I just absolutely do not want to see any negativity towards the show after this episode, any 'how could you's or 'this was sick and disgusting' or animosity towards writers, cast, crew, etc. Do Not. This is not the show to be asking for, or expecting, violence or tragedy to be toned down, or major plot points like Claudia's death to be somehow changed. You do not need to have read the books to love this show, but it is imperative to acknowledge the show echoes the books in both content and tone, and that it does not shy away from those dark venturings is a hallmark of an excellent adaptation of an iconic series.
Anyways I am kind of apprehensive of going on Twitter after this episode, because I just want to revel in my feelings and not have to deal with or even think about other people's myopic grievances. This episode is going to make me lose my mind in the best of ways, and the more fucked up it is, the better. I want to see everything unravel, I want to see things in the present day come to a head, I want to see Lestat being made to condemn his sister-daughter to death, I want to feel Louis's sorrow and helplessness and rage when he cannot save her. Let's just have a good time, alright? We're not here because we want a happy show where everyone turns out alright in the end, we want a story that is compelling and complex and tragic and reflective.
basically everytime i see these twitter opinions i just remember jacob anderson in full burnt prosthetics singing jones barbecue and foot massage
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