#i1 Assessment
lillywillow · 9 months
College Days
Summary: Your college life wasn’t anything like you expected
Written for: @the-slumberparty
Words: 3431
Squares Filled: I5- College, O2- College AU, G3- Video Games, I1, First Date
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Warnings: Drinking, mild language
To say you were nervous on your first day of college was an understatement. This big city campus was a far different world to the quiet country town you grew up in. Nervously, you made your way to the door rooms that were to be your home for the duration of your stay. You were about to open the door when someone beat you to it from the other side. The person who walked through was a tall, handsome blond man with kind blue eyes and a charming smile.
“Hi, you must be one of the new students. I’m Steve. I’m the RA of this dorm building. I’ll show you around.”
You introduced yourself and Steve took you through to the room you would be using. Steve left you for a few moments to let you settle in.
As you were getting unpacked, a young woman walked in and placed her stuff on the other bed.
“Hi, I’m Wanda. You must be my roommate,” she smiled, extending her hand to shake yours.
You shook her hand and introduced yourself, exchanging a few pleasantries before heading downstairs to the common room for orientation.
Steve explained everything you needed to know about dorm life, from rules and regulations to maps and any other useful information you might need to know. Once he was finished, you headed to the dining to where you could smell someone was cooking dinner. You headed into the kitchen to see if you could offer assistance to whoever was in there. Poking your head in, you spotted a curly haired male tending to some kind of sausages in a pan.
“Do you need a hand?” you asked.
The cook turned and smiled at you.
“Oh, hey. I’m pretty much set for cooking but you could help me dish them up. I’m Bruce, by the way.”
You once again introduced yourself and helped to put the sausages into the buns.
“What kind of hotdogs are these?” you questioned, noticing their odd colour.
“Tofu dogs. I’m vegan, you see. I know that most people don’t share my kind of diet but I wanted to share something with you guys, if that’s okay.”
Well, you did come to college for new experiences.
You helped Bruce bring out the tofu dogs with a few condiments and met with more of your dormmates. After a few more introductions, you all sat down to eat. As you took the first bite, you took a few minutes to assess the flavour. It was… not great. The texture was… interesting to say the least. There were a few moments of awkward silence before Sam stood up.
“Where’s the takeout menu?” he declared.
“Sam…” you began.
Okay, so it wasn’t the best tasting the you had but that didn’t mean putting Bruce down after he tried so hard.
“No, I can admit defeat. I confess, I must not have used a decent brand. Guys, order what you’d like. Dinner is on me tonight,” Bruce announced, handing out menus to a local takeout place.
And that was your first dinner in your new home.
The next morning, you got up bright and early, ready to start your new college life. Classes didn’t start until Monday but the weekend gave you a chance to find your way around the school and perhaps get to know your dormmates a little. As you made your way downstairs, you noticed a group of people in gym gear doing stretches.
“Hey, guys,” you greeted.
“Good morning, Y/N. We’re about to go for a jog. Would you like to join us?” Steve offered.
On the one hand, the thought of doing all that exercise first thing in the morning sounded like a nightmare. On the other hand, it might be a good opportunity to know the grounds a little better and get to know some of your dormmates a little better. You briefly considered your options before ultimately deciding to go with them. They waited for you to get ready before they headed off.
Steve, Bucky, Sam and Nat were much fitter than you were but went a little slower for your benefit. That was, until the boys started getting a little competitive. Then it became a contest between them on who could run circles around each other. Nat just rolled her eyes and kept her pace to match yours.
“Wow… they’re pretty fit… aren’t they?” you puffed.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Y/N. You’re doing a pretty good job at keeping up,” Nat smiled at you.
“Well… I try,” you tried to smile back and hoped it didn’t come out as a grimace.
“You should come to yoga with me. Classes start this Thursday,” she offered.
“I’ll think about it,” you replied, watching as Steve ran his third lap around with Bucky on his heels.
“Don’t say it!” Sam screamed.
“On your left,” Steve grinned.
After your jog, the group made their way back to the dorms.
“Hey,” Steve greeted.
“Hi!” you replied, taking a great big swig from your water bottle.
“You were pretty good out there,” he smiled.
“Thanks… nowhere as good as you though…”
“I’ve been doing this for quite some time… I would have liked to stay back to talk with you some more but I tend to get a little… competitive,” he admitted with a sheepish smile.
“Don’t worry about it. Nat kept me company,” you assured him.
“That’s good… Well, I would like to talk with you some time to see how you’re getting on. If you need anything, just knock on my door,” he softly smiled, heading up the stairs to take a shower.
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Steve was pretty cute and watching the way he climbed those stairs; you did notice he had a pretty nice butt… Was it possible he could be interested in you? Well, it was possible but the way he was nice to you could also just be a part of being the house RA. You would just have to wait and see.
The following Friday, you had completed your first week of classes. As you got home, you saw some of the others setting up some sort of drinking game.
“Guys, how many times do I have to tell you this is a no alcohol building?” Steve sighed.
“Don’t like it, don’t watch,” Clint replied, continuing his set up.
Steve grumbled and headed up the stairs.
“Y/N, come join us!” Tony offered.
“I’ll just put my things away and I’ll be right down,” you assured him.
You went up the stairs to put away your stuff and noticed Wanda sitting on her bed reading.
“Hi, Wanda. They’re about to start playing a drinking game downstairs. Would you like to join us?”
“Thanks for the offer, but I can’t drink with my meds. You have fun though,” she smiled, returning to her book.
“Okay. I’ll let you know how it goes,” you smiled, heading back downstairs.
To your surprise, you saw Steve had returned and was sitting with the rest.
“Steve? I thought you weren’t going to play…” you stated.
“I decided that I should probably be here to supervise,” he replied, although he didn’t seem all that happy to be involved.
“That’s the spirit!” Tony grinned, patting him on the back.
You took your place and the game began. It started out as a game of Never Have I Ever which somehow morphed into a game of Truth or Dare. Tony by far had the most shots, followed by Natasha and Clint. You and Steve only took a few sips on occasion which probably prompted the change in games. They made up a rule that if you failed to complete an action, you had to take a shot.
“Okay, Y/N. Truth or dare?” Tony slurred.
“Uh… dare?” you sheepishly chose. Either way, you knew you were in trouble.
Tony grinned wickedly.
“You have chosen… poorly. I dare you to…”
Your heart hammered in your ribcage as you mentally prepared yourself to take the next shot.
“Kiss Steve!”
Steve’s face turned red and you felt butterflies in your stomach.
“Really, Tony?” Steve huffed.
“Yeah… You need a little action to remove that stick up your-”
Tony raised his hands in defence and suddenly, all eyes were on you.
“Well? What’s it gonna be?” Tony asked.
“You don’t have to do anything… I won’t force you,” Steve muttered.
Was it the alcohol or did he actually sound a little disappointed?
“I’ll do it…”
The three others all whooped while Steve looked even more flustered. You walked over and draped your arms over Steve’s shoulders and he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Last chance to back out,” he breathed, giving you some more time if you wanted.
You crashed your lips to his before you lost your nerve. His lips were warm and smooth against yours. Steve pulled you a little closer to his body. You had kissed a few people when you were dating in high school but this one… this one felt perfect. You were so lost in the kiss; you barely noticed the cheering from the others. Slowly, you and Steve pulled away from each other. Steve smiled warmly at you then blushed as the hollering continued.
“Alright, you lot. Game over. It’s late now, get to bed,” he ordered.
“Boo. Let’s keep playing,” Tony whined.
“No, no more drinking. Bed now.”
“I’ll help carry him. The drunk dead man lift is a two-man event,” Clint said, helping Steve pick up Tony off the floor.
You and Nat made your way back to your own rooms. Trying to be as quiet as possible, you made your way to your bed but unfortunately, you were a little tipsier than you thought and tripped over something, making a clatter.
“Y/N?” Wanda sleepily voiced.
“Sorry. Did I wake you?”
“It’s okay… did you have fun?” she yawned, sitting up.
“Yeah… I, um… I kissed Steve…” you admitted, feeling your face heat up.
“So… How was it?” she pried, starting to form a cheeky grin.
“It… it was nice…” you smiled, still remembering the warmth of his lips and his body.
“Are you going to go for it?”
“I don’t know… Steve has been pretty nice to me but what if that’s because it’s part of his job… still… I’m pretty sure I felt something when we kissed,” you dreamily sighed.
“You never know if you don’t try,” she encouraged.
Her words gave you thought as you prepared yourself for bed. It’s not like it would be a bad thing if you got in a relationship in college and Steve seemed a pretty nice guy… You would have to wait and see.
Over the next few weeks, you really got the hang of your college routine. For the first quarter, you were just feeling your way around to see courses you liked best before you could fully commit. You were also starting to make friends. In your Theoretical Astrophysics class with Professor Erik Selvig, you met Darcy Lewis. She was really smart and a lot of fun at parties. She was also a good friend; the kind of friend that made sure everyone was having a good time but more importantly, everybody got back safely (even if she was in a different dorm building than yours). Not that you went to a lot of parties. You much preferred staying home and talking with your new best friend Wanda. Not only was she your roommate but she was in your psychology class, working to get a doctorate. You also started hanging out with the others and getting to know them. They all noticed the sparks between you and Steve and either encouraged or playfully teased you both about it.
One afternoon, you were studying in your room when there was a knock on the door.
“Hey, Y/N. You busy?” Steve asked, poking his head through the door.
“Hi, Steve. No, I’m not busy. What’s up?” you asked.
“I’m falling behind in grading these papers for my TA job and I need a hand. Would you mind?”
You stood up and made your way over to Steve’s room. The truth was, you were actually pretty tired from staying up late last night playing your favourite game Barbarians of Altron. The boss you faced was pretty tough so you and your guild fought hard until it was defeated. You really wanted to take a nap but you also thought this would be a great opportunity to spend some time with Steve.
“Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it,” he sheepishly smiled, handing you a stack of paper. “It’s pretty easy. All you have to do is follow the guide.”
You took your place next to Steve and set to work. At first, all that could be heard was the sound of shuffling paper and the scratching of pens. After a while, your thoughts got the better of you so you decided just to maybe get to know him a little better.
“How did you get so far behind? I know you’re the type of guy to get things done as soon as possible,” you pried.
“Oh, the boss battle went longer than I thought. Damn thing was hard to beat…” he sighed.
Some pieces started to fall into place in your mind.
“That wouldn’t happen to be the boss battle in Barbarians of Altron last night would it?”
“It was… how did you know?” he asked, feeling a little self-conscious.
“I was in the same one! I’m SheildMaiden94!”
“You’re ShieldMaiden94?! I’m TheNomad1914!”
“No way! Your strategies are legendary!” you beamed.
“Thanks! Although last night they weren’t working so well…”
“Oh, don’t worry about last night. That guy was a pain,” you assured him.
Steve grinned at you and continued working while he chatted while you did the same.
“So, how long have you been playing for?” you asked.
“Since high school. Bucky got me into it. He goes by WinterWolf_17. What about you?”
“Also, high school…”
The pair of you continued discussing your favourite battles and items while you graded and before you knew it, the task was completed.
“Thanks for all your help, Y/N. It really means a lot to me,” he smiled.
“You’re welcome. I look forward to the next raid,” you smiled back.
Steve grinned and escorted you back to your room. As you closed your door, you couldn’t help but smile. You had always admired your guildmate for his leadership skills and action in battle but knowing the man behind the character… felt like something was meant to be.
By the time winter came around, you and Steve had bonded over your love of Barbarians of Altron but that was only the start. You got to know more about one another. You told Steve that you had almost narrowed down your field of interest and you learned that Steve was taking a few art and history classes. He showed you some of his beautiful works from his life model studies.
Time had flown by so fast. Before you knew it, winter break had come. As much as you wanted to go home for the holidays, you just couldn’t afford to travel but you still called them to let them know how you were going. Most of your dormmates had gone home, except for Steve. He stayed behind to finish a project he was working on. Once you finished your phone-call, Steve came to check on you.
“Hey… how’s it going?” he gently asked, walking into your room after knocking.
“I’m okay… I just miss my family. This is my first time being away from them this time of year,” you sniffled, wiping away a few tears.
Steve came to sit next to you on your bed.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You smiled softly at him and began telling him all about your family. Steve listened as you told him the traditions you would uphold and the antics certain family members would get into along with funny stories from years gone by and by the time you were finished, you were feeling a lot better.
“How about we go downstairs, make some hot chocolate and watch some classics?” Steve suggested.
That was how you spent that festive season; cuddled up to Steve watching holiday movies under a blanket and sipping hot chocolate. You felt so safe and warm in his arms.
After the holidays, you and Steve were closer than ever. Your conversations became deeper and more meaningful and every movie night, you would cuddle up together but it wasn’t until Valentine’s Day that things were made official. Steve had told you how much he admired female artists throughout history so before Valentine’s Day, you bought a book about them, covering everyone from Augusta Savage to Artemisia Gentileschi. Taking a deep breath in, you knocked on Steve’s door. He smiled and let you in.
“I’m so glad you came by,” he beamed.
“Well, I… I have something for you…”
You presented your neatly wrapped gift to him. Steve opened it, taking great care not to rip the paper and smiled when he saw the cover of the book.
“This is beautiful,” Steve marvelled, admiring the gorgeous artwork.
He smiled and flicked through a few pages before placing the book on his desk.
“I have something for you too,” he confessed, handing you his present.
You opened yours and were instantly in awe. It was a framed drawing of you and Steve as your characters for Barbarians of Altron, back-to-back and engaged in combat with some unknown enemy. You couldn’t help but smile at it.
“I love it, Steve. Thank you so much…”
“It… it’s not much… Y/N, I like you a lot and… well… there’s a Frieda Kahlo exhibition happening in a gallery nearby and I was wondering if… you would like to go with me.”
“Like a date?”
“Yeah… That is, if you want it to be… I feel like we’ve gotten so close this term and I just… Am I misreading things?”
Steve was so cute when he was flustered. You decided to put him out of his misery and kissed his cheek.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Steve,” you smiled.
Steve grinned and together, you worked out a time to go out.
The next night, you met up with Steve after Wanda and Nat helped you pick an outfit. Steve complemented you, making butterflies swarm in your stomach and held your hand as you headed to the gallery.
The exhibition was absolutely amazing. There were some of the artist’s works on display along with those of her husband, Diego Rivera, some of her beautiful dresses, photos and videos of the couple along with signs explaining the history of Mexico in Frieda’s time. The whole display was on loan to the gallery by a private collector. As you passed paintings, Steve went into detail about the brushstrokes, techniques and symbolism that went into a work of art. You weren’t entirely sure on everything he explained but you loved seeing the ways his face lit up when he was passionate about a subject.
After walking through the whole gallery, Steve bought you a Frieda inspired necklace made by a local artist at the gift shop before you grabbed dinner at a nearby café. As you ate, you discussed the exhibit and class life. Once you were finished, you walked back to the dorm.
“Thanks for taking out, tonight, Steve. I had a lot of fun,” you smiled.
“I’m glad,” he smiled back. “I was hoping I could take you out more… as my girlfriend that is…”
You crashed your lips against Steve’s. He was caught off guard at first but slowly kissed back. You could feel the love and passion in the kiss and when you pulled away to breathe, you both had dreamy smiles.
“I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Steve smiled and kissed you again, unaware you were being watched by your friends inside. Of course, they would give you a bit of a hard time but they were so happy you were finally together. You couldn’t wait to start the next stage of your college life with this wonderful, kind man who stole your heart from day one.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 5 months
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h1p3rn0v4 · 1 year
HITRUST lanzó recientemente la versión 11 de CSF , que agregó la evaluación e1 a sus servicios y actualizó las evaluaciones i1 y r2, lo que permite a las organizaciones reutilizar el trabajo de las evaluaciones HITRUST de nivel inferior y lograr progresivamente una mayor seguridad al compartir requisitos de control comunes en la herencia. CSF v11 se diseñó para adaptarse a las amenazas a fin de proteger a las organizaciones contra amenazas nuevas y emergentes.
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theblogs2024 · 1 year
4 Essential Strategies For Purchasing Pre-Set Diamond Engagement Rings
Many of us are purchasing free diamonds and settings on line as a result of comfort, larger inventory, and infrequently less costly prices. But, purchasing a loose diamond does call for some basic expertise about a diamond's Lower, shade, clarity and carat excess weight. Devoid of this basic amount of diamond instruction, you really is not going to know very well what you are trying to find or have the capacity to know if what you're analyzing is of any value. For several Gentlemen, this selection is simply much too time consuming and demanding. Thankfully, There exists another choice accessible to Adult men and ladies which makes the obtaining system a complete large amount more simple; pre-established diamond engagement rings.
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Pre-established diamond engagement rings are just that. You do not require to bother with choosing a individual loose diamond and placing because the diamond merchant has already paired the diamond Along with the ring for you personally. Nevertheless this process of shopping for a diamond ring doesn't have the standard Command of choosing a precise diamond, it does offer some wonderful advantages. Pre-set diamond rings are uncomplicated to buy and will take the force off of loose diamond pricing and comparison purchasing. Having said that, There may be some important data to remember when taking a look at these pre-set rings. By way of example, pre-established engagement rings are often mid-reduced good quality stones that would not have suitable diamond certification. Not all pre-set rings fall Within this class, but a lot of however do. Remember the fact that popular mall stores along with other on the internet diamond suppliers offer you pre-set rings without any diamond certificate. You could feel that a diamond certificate isn't that important due to the fact you aren't going to invest tens of Many pounds with your engagement ring. Even so, a diamond grading report is critical and here's why: • Diamond rings without having a diamond grading report or certification are frequently sold within a carat pounds "selection". Which means the diamond merchant may perhaps inform you that you're purchasing a one.00ct diamond, but it might in reality be as smaller as 0.95ct or as substantial as 1.17ct. A diamond's carat pounds is A very powerful element when determining a diamond's selling price and so it's not realistic to demand precisely the same cost for your 0.95ct or even a one.17ct diamond. Keep in mind, a diamond just below one.00ct can usually be uncovered much cheaper mainly because if falls just under the value soar for the favored one.00ct diamond dimensions • Preset engagement rings without a diamond grading report in many cases are detailed as being a shade and clarity range, as an example a: H/I coloration or SI2/I1 clarity. This color and clarity "variety" is really an unreasonable evaluation of the diamonds high quality AND value. • And not using a diamond grading report, You can not evaluate the most important and essential element to your diamond's natural beauty and value; a diamond's Reduce. • Understand that some jewelers or jewelry outlets give their very own "certificates" with their pre-set diamond rings. Regrettably, with out a third-get together unbiased assessment from the correct top quality and value of the diamond, their private grading is pretty much worthless. Unless of course they agree to have the stone taken out of the ring and despatched to both GIA or AGS for an precise grading, it is better to pass on these. Don't fret, purchasing a present engagement ring Is simple, when you know what you are looking for. Just be sure to continue to keep the above mentioned ideas in mind while you are shopping on the web that can assist you find the most effective pre-set engagement ring for you personally. To know more details visit here: Salt And Pepper Diamond Engagement Ring
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aligncompliance · 2 years
HITRUST Updates Scoring Rubric in Support of i1 Assessment
In January of 2022, HITRUST released an advisory for their updated Control Maturity Scoring Rubric, which was immediately enforced for the i1 assessment. For any organization undergoing the r2 assessment, the new rubric was enforced on May 1, 2022. This updated rubric assists assessed entities and their external assessors in assessment scoring to ensure they are implementing maturities at an appropriate level.  
Scoring Rubric Key Changes 
The scoring rubric has been updated by HITRUST to provide a more streamlined approach. Designed as a reference aid, this has frequently become a tool that organizations use to determine their scores across the various levels of control maturity. 
Key changes to the HITRUST Control Maturity Scoring Rubric include: 
A reduction in the tiers for Policy and Procedures maturity levels from five to three. Please note the levels of coverage remain the same, ranking from ‘very low’ to ‘very high’. The new tiers are as follows: 
Tier 0 = No documented Policy and/or Procedure 
Tier 1 = Undocumented Policy and/or Procedure 
Tier 2 = Fully documented Policy and/or Procedure  
Organizations will now have to address the illustrative procedures for all of the control requirements and policy statements.  Previously, organizations only addressed the requirements they met. They will now need to go a step further and look at illustrative procedures within the policy and procedure documents to address all elements for that requirement.  
The addition of evaluative elements into the rubric. Organizations are now required to address evaluative elements in the policy document and in the procedure document for every requirement for the policy maturity and procedure maturity. 
In addition to these key changes, HITRUST also made minor adjustments to the scoring rubric. 
HITRUST reformatted the guidance for supporting documentation to qualify as a measure by clarifying the metrics and adding context. 
The timeframe table was revised to note if the information refers to r2 or i1 as previously there was no delineation.  
The addition of the current Bridge Certificate timing guidance into the rubric and sampling guidance as a visual. 
Although guidance was not modified, several sections were removed from the timeframe table in order to streamline the presentation of key timeframes. 
HITRUST added and updated links on the rubric where additional guidance can be located. 
How Organizations Can Prepare 
To ensure organizations aren’t caught off-guard it’s important that they continuously ensure that the controls that could impact their compliance score have been properly implemented. A-LIGN can conduct a HITRUST Gap Assessment to help organizations benchmark the implementation of their controls to the updated scoring rubric to ensure certification will be achieved or maintained. In addition, A-LIGN can help identify any gaps and recommend new controls that will need to be implemented. 
A-LIGN is one of only a few globally recognized cybersecurity and privacy compliance providers that offer a single-provider approach for organizations. A-LIGN is a HITRUST CSF Assessor firm, Qualified Security Assessor Company, Accredited ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 Certification Body, Accredited FedRAMP 3PAO and licensed CPA firm. 
Source: A-lign
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crimsonpublishers · 5 years
Macular Abnormality after Successful Surgery for Idiopathic Macular Hole Assessed Using Optical Coherence Tomography | Crimson Publishers
Macular Abnormality after Successful Surgery for Idiopathic Macular Hole Assessed Using Optical Coherence Tomography by Nazimul Hussain in Medical & Surgical Ophthalmology Research
Purpose: Macular changes following Internal Limiting Membrane peeling after successful Macular hole closure using optical coherence tomography.
Methods: 5 eyes of 5 patients were included in the study. The inclusion criteria were idiopathic full thickness macular hole and completed at least 6 months follow up. All patients underwent optical coherence tomography assessment before and after surgery until 6 months. Macular thickness and morphology map was analyzed before and after surgery.
Results: There were 3 males and 2 females. The age range from 45 to 59 years. Conspicuous irregular surface of the inner retina on Optical Coherence Tomography surface topography was evident in all eyes at 6 months. This was also associated with downward slope of the temporal macula seen on surface topography. There was trend towards decrease in subfield thickness especially in the T1, S1, I1 and N1 6 months after surgery. The average decrease was -60.4 microns in T1, -20.4 microns in S1, -13.0 microns in I1 and -23.4 microns in N1.
Conclusion: In this small case series brilliant blue assisted ILM peeling after successful macular whole closure showed evidence of decrease in macular thickness in all first subfield quadrant and downward slope of the temporal macula as well as conspicuous irregularity of the inner retina.
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For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on link: https://crimsonpublishers.com
For More Articles on Medical Research Please click on: https://crimsonpublishers.com/msor/
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dasaniconnoisseur · 2 years
The diamond's 4 C's are Cut, Carat weight, Color & Clarity
With these four characteristics, you can not only understand the quality of a diamond and its brilliance but also be able to compare all diamonds varieties with each other.
It helps to assess how successfully a diamond relates with light to form required visual effects such as either you buy 1 carat diamond solitaire or more.
Brightness: Internal and external white light mirrored from a diamond
Fire: The dusting of white light into all the rainbow colors
Glittering: The amount of glitter a diamond flashes, and the design of light and dark zones caused by reflections within the diamond
Diamond’s 4 C's enhance and maintain the beauty and brilliance of a diamond
Let’s see one by one
1. Diamond Cut
A diamond’s cut reflects its light.
Diamonds are well-known for their knack to carry light and sparkle so strongly. A lot of time we consider a diamond’s cut as for shape like oval, marquise, pear, round, heart, but it is actually how well a diamond’s surfaces reflect the light.
Accurate artistry and craftsmanship are crucial to mend a stone. Its magnitudes, symmetry and polish deliver the splendid reflections of light when they are cut correctly.
A diamond’s cut is essential to the stone’s final magnificence and value. And of all the diamond 4Cs, it is the most intricate and technically difficult to evaluate.
2. Diamond carat weight
Diamond carat weight evaluates a diamond’s actual size
Diamond's carat denotes its mass. Diamond carat weight is the dimension of how much a diamond weighs. A metric “carat” is mentioned as 200 milligrams. Weight is very significant when it comes to valuing diamonds as diamonds are valued per carat and there are loads of tricks on how to handle it on your behalf and save a lot of money.
3. Diamond color grade
Diamond Color Actually Means Lack of Color
A chemically pure and mechanically perfect diamond has no shade, like a drop of pure water, and as a result, a higher value Colors are categorized on a scale of D – Z alphabetical. As the D scale is the purest and most original color, the diamond is totally colorless. As you go ascending the alphabet the diamond gets a little shady in color, yellow or brown.
4. Diamond clarity
The Diamond Clarity States to the Lack of Inclusions and Imperfections
Diamond clarity grade speaks about the appearance of inclusions within the diamond or over it. The clarity chart clarifies as follows: FL, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1, I2. Some gemological laboratories also embrace SI3 and I3 grading. Assessing diamond clarity includes determining the number, size, relief, nature, and locus of these features, as well as how these affect the overall look of the stone. While no diamond is flawlessly pure, the nearby value makes it higher into its value.
Buy diamond & gold jewellery online with GIA certification, global standardization process, and verified by International Diamond Grading System.
It offers fair and meticulous gemological assessments for the 4C’s of Solitaire Diamond. The commencement of the 4 C’s indicates two decisive aspects: accessibility of a common language to transfer diverse features of a diamond, and suitability of a standardized guideline for diamond consumers to comprehend exactly what they are buying.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Cats, and Children: I1 yrs old, 75 Bas of perpection Bricks n)# t4307 / @ Bhooblyn Ace Dreaming o his perfect Retirement Home. A Family Pet! Outgoing, Friendly with everyone, Gentle with kids, Submissive with dogs (likes to lick them), Perfectly trained, A sterling resume, 11 yrs young. Are you worthy? TO BE KILLED 10/23/2018 What else would you like people to know about Bricks, asked the intake counselor. “That Bricks is a family dog and he does not like being in the yard by himself. He is very playful and respectful and he loves attention.” His family added that he is submissive to other dogs and likes to lick them. Then they were gone, and this incredibly sweet, loyal, affectionate “family pet” was on his own after 11 years with the family that abandoned him, lost and lonely in the Brooklyn Center, just another number, just another frosty face forgotten by the only people he ever loved. We could go on and on about how perfect this elderly gentleman is, his sterling resume, his track record of excellence, but what would be the point? The bottom line is that he, like other special seniors before him, is too amazing to die alone among strangers, with a broken heart. He would love to meet you, he would love to be your friend and companion for life. You simply won’t find better, and he needs out before he gets the dreaded shelter cold and ends up on the list to die. Will you help our sweet guy out? PRIVATE MESSAGE OUR PAGE or email us at [email protected] for assistance saving his life. The question is not whether he is good enough for a family, it's whether there is even a family out there good enough for him! VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tfe8Fmd79w BRICKS, ID# 44307, @ 11 Yrs., 75 Lbs. Brooklyn Acc, Large Mixed Breed, Brown / White, Neutered Male Owner Surrender Reason: I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 13-Oct-2018, with the surrender reason stated as other. Intake Behavior Rating: INTAKE NOTES, DATE OF INTAKE – 10/13/2018: Upon intake Bricks was friendly. He greeted everyone who came into BACC lobby. He was very outgoing. He was quiet and he allowed handling by the counselor. OWNER SURRENDER NOTE – BASIC INFORMATION: Bricks is an 11 year old large mix breed. He is very friendly and is well trained. He previously lived with 3 adults. Bricks is very friendly and outgoing around strangers. He is very gentle and playful around children. He been around children around ages 2yrs-7yrs old. He is very submissive around other dogs, especially around females. He likes to lick. He like to chase the cats. There were no cats in the house hold. He is not really bothered with you touching his food or toys. Bricks has no bite history. He is housetrained and has a high energy level. He has never had any medical issues. For a New Family to Know: Bricks went to training school. He is housed trained. He loves to play with balls. He is a family dog. He does not like being in the yard by himself. He is very playful and respectful. He loves attention . He is potty trained. He is also submissive to other dogs and licks them. PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Bricks previous owner reported that he is deferential around other dogs. 10/15: When off leash at the Care Center, Bricks enters the yard chattering after sniffing urine. He continues to explore the yard, mostly ignoring the novel female. He does approach briefly, chattering and lip licking, then wanders away. Behavior Assessment Date of intake:: 10/13/2018 Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 3 adults Behavior toward strangers:: Friendly, and outgoing Behavior toward children:: Bricks is gentle and playful around children. Behavior toward dogs:: Affectionate Behavior toward cats:: Bricks will chase cats. Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: None reported Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: He is very playful and respectful. He loves attention with a high activity level. Date of assessment:: 10/17/2018 Look:: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, and tail is in neutral position with a relaxed body posture. Dog's mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag:: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body low and a bit fearful. Paw squeeze 1:: 3. Dog closes mouth, becomes stiff. Flank squeeze 1:: 1. Dog does not respond at all. Flank squeeze 2:: 1. Dog does not respond at all. Toy:: 1. No interest. Summary:: During his assessment Bricks was a bit nervous but tolerant of all handling. He was tense, mouth closed, and became stiff with paw squeeze. Bricks showed no interest in the toy item. Summary (1):: Bricks previous owner reported that he is deferential around other dogs. 10/15: When off leash at the Care Center, Bricks enters the yard chattering after sniffing urine. He continues to explore the yard, mostly ignoring the novel female. He does approach briefly, chattering and lip licking, then wanders away. 10/16: Brick continued to be sexually motivated with a calm female dog. He focus mostly on her genitals and was slow to redirection. Date of intake:: 10/13/2018 Summary:: Upon intake Bricks was friendly. Date of initial:: 10/16/2018 Summary:: Very nervous and timid, whale eye ENERGY LEVEL:: Bricks displays a low activity level in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No young children (under 5) Recommendations comments:: No young children: Due to the behavior seen in the care center, we feel that Bricks may be intimidated by young children. He needs a slow approach and time to warm up. He should never be forced to interact with new people, and should be allowed to greet and initiate an interaction at his own pace. Potential challenges: : Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful Potential challenges comments:: Handling/touch sensitivity: Bricks has been noted to become uncomfortable with handling at times, especially when a person is reaching over him. It is important to always go slow and give Bricks the option to walk away from any social interaction. Bricks should never be forced to approach anything that he is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Brick’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Bricks may do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings. Fearful: Bricks takes some time to warm up to new people, though he shows good coping skills when uncomfortable. We feel he will do best with an adopter prepared to allow his to warm up to new people and new environments slowly. Use of treats and other rewards will help to make new experiences positive. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES Weight: 75 lbs Vet Notes 16/10/2018 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 11 years Microchip noted on Intake? No Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : O/S Subjective: BARH. Consistent coughing and sneezing. No vd Observed Behavior - Very nervous and timid, whale eye Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: not performed - muzzled PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MN, no discharge MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal externally Assessment CIRDC Geriatric Prognosis: fair Plan: Move to iso Start doxycycline 10 mg/kg PO SID x 14 days start enrofloxacin 10 mg/kg PO SID x 14 days * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! * STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU CANNOT GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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miteshpatelcs · 3 years
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1ovefoo1 · 4 years
Do You Know How to Choose Unique Engagement Rings? Read This Guide
At the point when you are going to make the acquisition of interesting wedding bands, it is astute to initially set up your spending plan, discover what is the style she appreciates most and figure out how to pick a jewel. Despite the fact that it isn't unchangeable, it is said that you can utilize something like two months worth of your pay in purchasing a precious stone wedding band. Remember that your life partner will wear her new ring for an amazing remainder. It isn't remarkable that couple will pick precious stone wedding bands since jewels represent virtue and quality. Nonetheless, sapphires, rubies and different valuable stones can make a particular remarkable wedding band. Over the Internet you can discover a large number of styles of wedding bands and make the most of extraordinary chances. You could have the alternative to purchase simply the ring mounting and plan your own precious stone ring or plan your own ring with your family's treasure gemstones  Unique engagement rings Find the ideal style for her new wedding band
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In the event that you need to discover what sort of wedding band your sweetheart preferences and acknowledges more, you should accomplish some exploration work. In the event that you two have never examined ring inclinations, a decent method to get some answers concerning hers is to ask exhortation to her dear companions and her family members. Talk with your better half's #1 diamond setter will control you up the correct way. On the off chance that your better half has recently yellow gold gems, a wedding band with similar qualities is by all accounts wonderful alternative. In any case, in the event that she inclines toward silver, white gold or platinum adornments, it will be presumably a smart thought to give her a platinum, white gold extraordinary ring.
Current ladies looking for basic and exemplary looks may likewise need one of the most well known exceptional wedding bands:
• A solitary jewel ring: This sort of rings is a decent choice when you're uncertain of style. Your accomplice can even pick the ring's casing a while later.
• A solitary jewel ring with improvement: These rings are portrayed by a principle stone, normally a precious stone, encircled by little gemstones, for example, precious stones, emeralds and rubies. The ring carat weight incorporates the heaviness of all stones inside and out and not only that of the fundamental stone.
• Three stones jewel rings: These rings are likewise called past-present-future rings or rings set of three and have three brilliant round cut precious stones speaking to the past, the present and the fate of your organization.
You can likewise purchase a wedding ring to coordinate the ring of your accomplice. Focusing on the boundless number of blends of stones and styles, marriage sets as a rule incorporate a wedding ring and a wedding band. On the off chance that your life partner favors old fashioned gems, you may consider an exemplary ring and its separate wedding ring as the correct mix.
Picking the precious stone you love
At the point when you purchase a precious stone ring, consider picking quality over size and pick the most excellent determination of extraordinary wedding bands you can bear. The gems business utilizes 4 Cs to assess every jewel's quality: Cut, carat, clearness and shading.
Watch the cut and jewel shape
A jewel's cut decides how well a precious stone mirrors light to flaunt the entirety of its brilliance. A standard evaluating report depicts cut by the jewel shape and example of area, otherwise known as cutting style. The structures change from customary round to hearts, pears, emeralds and more. Pick a shape that accentuates the individual's taste.
Picking the precious stone carat weight
Precious stone size is estimated via carat weight. Costs go up at whatever point the carat weight increments. By picking a marginally lighter jewel weight, say up to 0.05 less, you can set aside critical cash and still bear to give your future spouse an astounding stone.
Search for Diamond clearness
Most of precious stones have little imperfections called incorporation which are frequently unnoticed to the unaided eye. Sellers much of the time depict the lucidity of a precious stone utilizing the business' standard rating scale from "impeccable" (FI) to the "blemished, defects obvious to the unaided eye" (I1, I2, I3).
Figure out what shade of jewel you need
Albeit most jewels seem white at straightforward sight, they all have a specific level of yellow follows. Dreary precious stones D, E and F for the most part are more important than practically lackluster jewels (scale G, H and J). However, the "colored precious stones", moniker Z + jewels can at times cost more than boring jewels of same carat weight. Shaded precious stones are famous among big names who like to wear this sort of rings. They arrive in an extensive grouping of tones, including profound yellow, pink, green, blue and dark.
Evade struggle jewels
Struggle precious stones, jewels offered to help wars, come basically from Angola, Sierra Leonel and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Possibly this subject should matter to you and on the off chance that it does you should request that your goldsmith affirm the cause of his/her precious stones, this way you abstain from purchasing a contention jewel.
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*Big Decision on Retirement age of J-K govt employees : Details 👇*
JAMMUBig Decision on Retirement age of J-K govt employees : Details Inside
S.O. 324-In exercise of powers conferred under proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Lieutenant Governor is pleased to direct that Article 226(2) of the lammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations may be substituted as follows:-
“226 (2): (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations, Government may, if it IS of the opinion that it is in the public interest to do so, requlre any Govcmment servant other than one working on a post which is included in Schedule I1 of these Rules, to retire at any time after he has completed 22 years of qualifying service or on attaining 48 years of age:
Provided that the Appropriate Authority shall give a notice to Government servant at least 3 months before the date on which he is required to retire or 3 months of pay and allowance in lieu of such notice.
Such a Govemment servant shall be granted pensionary benefits admissible under these rules on the basis of qualifying service put in by him on the date of such retirement.
Explanation: A Government servant who is retired immediately after allowing him pay and allowances in lieu of notice will be ent~tled to pension from the date of such retirement and the pension shall not be deferred till after the expiry of the three months for which he is paid pay and allowances.
(b) Time Schedule to be followed:- The exercise of review of performance of the Government servants wit1 be initiated for each Government Servant for the first tlme after hisher completion of 22 years of I service or attaining 48 years of age and any time subsequently,as may be required.
(c Maintenance of Register:- A register of the Government servants who are due to attain the age of 48 years or to complete 22 years of service, has to be maintained by the Administrative Department. The register should bc scrutinized at the beginning of every year by officers to be nomiilated by the Administrative Department con~rned and the review he undertaken as mentioned in sub-clause (b).
(d) Government may, at any time after a Government servant has attained the age of 48 years or completed 22 years of service, as the case may he, retire him in public interest.
(e) Subsequent Review:-There is also no bar on the Government to revlew any such case agaln where it was decided earllw to retain the officer, but the Admrnistrahve Department is of the oplnion that it is expedient to undertake the review again on account of changcd circumstances, In public interest.
(f) Review Committee:- The cases of Government servants for consideration under clause(a) shall be placed before the General Administration Department by Review Cornmittee(s) constituted under clause (g) of this Regulation for placing its recommendations. The recommendations of the Review Committee shall be processed by the GAD for orders of the Competent Authority in accordance with clause (k) for its approval.
(g) Composition of Review and Representation Committee: For the purpose of this regulation, the Review Committee(s) shall be as follows:-
(A) In case of offtcers holding Grade of Under Secretary and above, the Review Committee shall consist of-
(i) An Officer of the rank of Chief Secretary or Principal Secretary to be nominated by Lieutenant Governor. -(Chairperson)
(ii) Principal Secretary to Lieutenant Governor;
(iii) Principal Secretary to Chief Minister;
(iv) Administrative Secretary, Home Department;
(v) Administrative Secretary. General Administration
Department; -(Member- Secretary)
(vi) Administrative Secretary, Department of Law. Justice& Parliamentary Affair;
(vii) One senior Administrative Secretary to be nominated by the Lieutenant Governor; or
(viii) any other member(s) to be co-opted by the Committee.
(B) In case of Non-Gazetted Officials, the Review Committee
shall conslst of:-
(i) Concerned Admtn~strative Secretary; -(Convener)
(ii) Administrative Secretary. Home Department;
(iii) Administrative Secretary, General Administration Department;
(iv) Administrative Secretary, Deparunent of Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affair.
(v) One senior Adrnin~strative Secretary to be nominated by the Chlef Secretary; or
(VI) any other rnembeds) to be co-opted by the Chairman.
(vii) Special SecretaryIAdditional Secretary of the concerned department; -(Member- Secretary)
Senior most Administrative Secretary to be the Chairperson of the Committee.
A defect in the composition or vacancy in the Review Committee shall not invalidate its proceedings.
(h) Representative Committee:- There shall be a Representation Committee for examination of representation^ as provided in clause (m) of these regulations. The composition of Representation Committee shall be as
i. Chief Secretary.
11. Two senior Secretaries to Government who are not members of the relevant Review Committee constituted under
clause (g).
(i) Constitution of Internal Committee:- There will be an Internal Committee in each Administrative Department compnslng of the following:-
a) Administrat~ve Secretary;
h) Concerned Head of the Department;
c) Two Senior Officers to be nominated by the Administrative Secretary.
The Internal Committee will ensure that the service records of the Government servants being reviewed, along with a summary, bringing out all relevant information, 1s placed before the Review Committee.
(j) Broad Criteria to be followed by tbe Review Committee:- The broad criteria to be followed by the Review Committee while making the recornmendattons are as follows:-
(i) The integrity of the Government servant is doubtful.
(ii) The Government servant is found to be ineffective in his/her work. The basic consideration in identifying such Government servants should be their fitnesslcompetence to continue In the post held and their utility for the purpose for which they are employed.
(iii) A Government servant retinng on superannuation within a period of one year from the date of consideration of his case, may be retired under these regulations, where there is a sudden and steep fall in the competence, efficiency or effectiveness of the Govemrnent servant.
(iv) Retiring a person is in public interest and hisher continuance is not serving any public purpose.
(v) A Govemment servant is ineffective, if, his service during the preceding 5 years or since his last promot~on, has deteriorated suddenly or substantially. This is not a consideration, however, where the Govemment servant is to be retired on grounds of doubtful integrity.
(VI) All relevant portions of the entire ser~ice record of a Government servant may be considered at the time of review. The review should not he confined to the consideration of the ACWAPAR dossier only. The personal tile of the Government servant may contam valuable material. Similarly. his work and perfonnancc could also be assessed by looking into files dealt with by him or in any papers or reports preparcd and submitted by him. Even uncommunicated remarks in the ACRslAPARs may be taken into considerat~on as well as any other records which are material to the decision.
(k) Approvel of Comaetent Authority- The recommendations of Review Committee will be put up for consideration and orders of the Lieutenant Governor in coordination.
1) Recommendation of the committe to be reasond
While considering the case of the Government employees, the Review Committee shall ensure that there is sufficient material in support of its recommendation clearly outl~ning the grounds for such retirement and supported by well reasoned recommendations. The recommendations shall be the basis for the order to be issued by the Appropriate
Authority under these regulations.
(m) Rearesentation against Premature Retirement:- After issue of the orders of premature ret~rement, the concerned Government servant may put up representation for orders otherwise, within three weeks from the date of service of order and the matter may be placed before the Representation Committee to be constituted for the purpose, along with fresh inputs. if any. The examination of the representation should be completed by the Administmtive Department within eight weeks from the date of receipt of the representation and the Administrative Department shall thereafter submit its report to the General Administration Department for its placement before the Representation Committee. The Representation Committee shall fomard its recommendations to General Administration Department for orders of 1,Lieutenant Governor in coordination.”
For the purpose of this regulation, the ‘Appropriate Authority’ shall mean the Gocernment in the General Administration Department.
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lorajackson · 4 years
Coronavirus in America
This article Coronavirus in America states that The CDC has made alarming statements like; a few weeks ago we saw an increase in cases around the world. Last week we saw increased cases globally. The situation has evolved and continues to evolve quickly. President Trump made his first public address to the nation regarding covid-19 and surprise surprise even this too has become a battlefield among the Democrats and Republicans. Millions of masks and test kits will soon be in production. The CDC has listed suggested guidelines for Employers, suggesting limiting travel, meetings and suggesting policies be more lenient for sick employees such as not requiring a Dr. note for sick days. The US Stock market continues to plummet amid fears of global economic damage sparking a rare statement by the Federal Reserve assuring people the fundamentals of the economy will remain strong although the coronavirus does pose evolving risks to economic activity.
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The coronavirus has already begun to devastate America, and honestly, this is the first contraction. We are still 28 minutes apart and not even packed to go to the delivery room yet! So when will we start to ban together, work together and fight this thing together? When will we take it seriously? OR will our not so far away news articles read like this:
Do you think this is farfetched? Maybe, but maybe not so much…
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday detailed that its risk assessment of COVOID-19 is “very high,” citing that the risk of spread and impact, is now at the highest level short of declaring a global pandemic. WHO officials have urged countries to hurry their preparations. 
As of today, only six states are currently testing for novel coronavirus, these are what the CDC has referred to as the ‘surveillance project’ last week. Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, gave a press briefing on Friday and stated that the CDC’s progress to get all state and local public health labs the capacity to test for this virus has not gone as smoothly as they would have liked.  Why is it that China and South Korea have been able to test thousands yet the United States’ efforts to provide test kits to State Health Departments is ‘not going smoothly?’
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 Dr Messonnier stated that the CDC is working as quickly as they can to get CDC test kits to state and local public health authorities. However, during any infectious disease response there is a great need for test manufacturers to rapidly make testing available in clinics, in hospitals, and at the bedside of patients. She declined to comment on the number of tests that are currently available, however said the goal of the CDC is to have every state and local health department online doing their own testing by the end of next weekend and they are doing everything they can to achieve that goal.
When asked about the anti-viral drug remidesivir as a possible treatment for US cases, a drug used in China with the results of fewer new cases, Dr. Messonnier side stepped the question and did not directly answer whether that would be available in the United States. She referred back to the ongoing monitoring and focus on trying to control the number of cases in the US, and that the question is better answered by the NIH; National Institute of Health. It is interesting to note that the CDC states on their website:
No specific antiviral treatment recommended for Coronavirus
When looking at the cases that have tested positive in the US just over the past week, two cases in California that are classified as community contact or ‘person to person’ exposure has resulted in 8,700 PUI’s – Persons Under Investigation. That is NOT to say that that 8,700 has been quarantined, or even tested. CDC protocol monitors those people and health care officials asks them to limit their contact with the public. Doing that math, I would be concerned that the efforts being made are really only monitoring and adding up.
Two new cases have been reported in Washington State with no known contact related to travel or the evacuees from the cruise ship. One woman, 50, died days after testing positive. The second case had been confirmed as a high school student who stayed home, however was at the school on Friday briefly. Contacts are being told to stay home in self-isolation and the school is being temporarily closed for cleaning.
Even more alarming another case in Oregon, also with unknown origin was a teacher at an Elementary School and was also at a local High School in Lake Oswego. The school has been closed for ‘deep cleaning’, and the numbers of PUI’s from this case have yet to be released. Those numbers can be expected to be far greater than those in California. Also, the first reported case of COVID-19 in a health care worker, and the first potential outbreak in a long-term care facility.
The numbers of cases in the US are only going to grow. We are not doing anything but reacting. There are not adequate measures put in place to prevent a pandemic. Americas laws such as HIPPA, and even confidentiality required by employers (ADA) will hamper the efforts to contact, notify individuals of possible exposure.
Let us not forget the 27.5 million people without healthcare in America. Those Americans who live paycheck to paycheck to put food on the table and pay rent who will not be able to afford to stay home because of a cough that could be the everyday common cold in the height of cold season. That to me is even scarier than the ridiculousness of the CDC monitoring and preventive efforts which, honestly is laughable. Yes, they say this is evolving. Continuously evolving and they are revising their efforts as needed. Well let’s get them mask and alcohol-based soap factories running at full speed because honestly, that is the first “preventative” 
Do you really think that future article is farfetched now? Perhaps we should not rely so much on our government officials when it comes to preventative measures and preparedness. What do you think?
The post Coronavirus in America appeared first on Land of Fathers.
Coronavirus in America published first on http://landofourfathers.com/
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
20 Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About Acrylic Paint | Acrylic Paint
Lisa Alexander, the woman who was apparent in a viral video confronting James Juanillo, a Filipino, for autograph ‘Black Lives Matter’ on a application wall, has issued an apology, SFGATE reports. Alexander, who is reportedly a skincare CEO from San Francisco, said Sunday she is “deeply sorry” for her “racist” behavior and arrive Juanillo for a cup of coffee to alone action her apologies.
Private Property
Juanillo was stenciling a bulletin in book on the advanced application bank of his acreage Friday, June 12, back Alexander approached him and asked if it was his property. The macho accompaniment of Alexander, afterwards articular to be Robert, her husband, recorded the scene. Juanillo, instead of answering the question, asked why the skincare CEO is asking, to which Robert anon responded, “Because it’s clandestine property.”
Alexander, again added, “Because it’s clandestine acreage so… Are you defacing clandestine property? You’re chargeless to accurate your assessment but … aloof not on people’s properties.” She went on to say that it is acceptable to say or address about what they accept in, but autograph on clandestine acreage is not the way to do it.
California Karen says apologetic afterwards calling cops on Filipino painting bank of his own home Photo: bmartinseattle – Pixabay
Knows The Actuality Who Lived There
After alert to Alexander’s questions, Juanillo asked the skincare CEO that if he lived there and it was
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Mixing of 4 Acrylic Colors – acrylic paint | acrylic paint
Painter Legend https://i1.wp.com/www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/staedtler-acrylic-paints-misterart-com-acrylic-paint.jpg?fit=1164%2C1552&ssl=1
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thegaitguys · 7 years
Sagittal gait change in arthritic hips.
Asymmetries are the norm, whether they are anatomic or functional. This however does not mean that there may, or may not, be present or future consequences to the asymmetries.  It can take time for compensations to develop to accommodate these compensations, and it may take even further time for the body to present (and perhaps not present) consequences to the compensations.
In this study, progressing osteoarthritis in the hip began to eat away as some functional parameters that might otherwise have allowed for more symmetrical step and strike lengths, and one must not forget step width has to be in this discussion as well.  "The patients walked significantly slower than the controls (p=0.002), revealed significantly reduced joint excursions of the hip (p<0.001) and knee (p=0.011), and a reduced hip flexion moment at midstance and peak hip extension (p<0.001). Differences were primarily manifested during the latter 50% of stance, and were persistent when controlling for velocity." - Eitzen et al.
Thus, to walk a straight line, some adaptive compensations will have to occur in the body to enable a linear progression. This might mean altering hip extension patterns, altering hip rotation relationships within the affected hip and thus of the contralateral hip (which might lead to pelvis distortion patterning), pelvis drift in the frontal plane, pelvis drift in the sagittal plane (APT, PPT), asymmetries in spinal rotation and thus arm swing, to name a few just regionally at the hip-pelvis-spine interval. Adaptations must be made. The question is, does your gait assessment afford you the insight to be addressing the problem, or merely their visible compensation, that is the hard part.  And remember what we always say, you gait analysis is only going to show you what your client is doing, not why they are doing it. Thus, fixing what you see is likely not fixing "the why". "Reduced gait velocity, reduced sagittal plane joint excursion, and a reduced hip flexion moment in the late stance phase of gait were found to be evident already in hip osteoarthritis patients with mild to moderate symptoms, not eligible for total hip replacement. " - Eitzen et al. * Differences were primarily manifested during the latter 50% of stance, and were persistent when controlling for velocity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23256709 BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012 Dec 20;13:258. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-13-258. Sagittal plane gait characteristics in hip osteoarthritis patients with mild to moderate symptoms compared to healthy controls: a cross-sectional study. Eitzen I1, Fernandes L, Nordsletten L, Risberg MA.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Hundreds Seriously Ill After Styrene Leak At LG Polymers Plant In Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
At least 11 people have died after styrene gas leaked from the LG Polymers factory in the city of Visakhapatnam, although it is feared the death toll will rise.
Nishita Jha
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Nishita Jha BuzzFeed News Reporter
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Posted on May 7, 2020, at 8:26 a.m. ET
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NEW DELHI — Hundreds of people have been taken to hospital after a styrene gas leak at a chemical factory in southeast India.
At least 11 people have died after the leak took place in the middle of the night in the city of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh state, although the death toll is expected to rise. More than 1,000 people are thought to be ill as a result of the incident.
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People gather in front of the LG Polymers plant following the gas leak.
Operations at the South Korean–owned LG Polymers factory were only just resuming due to coronavirus-related restrictions in place since March. A spokesperson confirmed from Seoul that a security guard discovered the leak overnight.
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Rescuers evacuate people following the gas leak.
Styrene is a gas that is used to make plastics and rubber. Extremely distressing pictures and videos of people struggling to breathe and collapsing on sidewalks have been posted online. Several showed limp bodies of adults and children being loaded into cars and ambulances.
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Primary report is PVC gas (or Styrene) leaked from LG Polymers, Vepagunta near Gopalapatnam in Visakhapatnam at around 2:30 AM today Because of the leakage of the said compound gas hundreds of people have inhaled it and either fell unconscious or having breathing issues.
02:51 AM – 07 May 2020
The director-general of India’s National Disaster Response Force told broadcaster NDTV that people admitted to the hospital were semiconscious, showing signs of nausea and skin irritation.
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WATCH | “As of now, the gas leakage has stopped but a lot of people have been hospitalised and are in a semi-unconscious state. Many of them are facing breathing problems, skin irritation”: SN Pradhan, DG, NDRF.
04:07 AM – 07 May 2020
According to the AP, an 8-year-old girl was among those who died, as well as a person who died falling into a well while trying to escape the gas.
A member of the state police has told HuffPost India that at least 70 people are in critical condition in different hospitals, while the director-general of police said that 20 people are on ventilators.
“We are currently assessing the extent of the damage on residents in the town and are taking all necessary measures to protect residents and employees in collaboration with related organizations,” LG Chem, the owner of LG Polymers, said in a statement. Another representative from LG Polymers told the state’s chief minister that in order for casualties to decrease, emissions would have to “come to zero,” which had not happened yet.
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GVMC officials blowing water through mist blowers to subside the effect of Syrene Gas leak at Gopalapatnam area of Visakhapatnam.
05:25 AM – 07 May 2020
An official from the state of Gujarat said that 500 kilograms of another chemical that was likely to neutralize the gas leakage was being airlifted to the chemical plant.
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After request of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister @ysjagan , Gujarat Chief Minister @vijayrupanibjp gives orders to chemical companies in Vapi to send PTBL chemical by road to Daman for airlift: Ashwani Kumar, Secretary to #Gujarat Chief Minister #TV9News
11:06 AM – 07 May 2020
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said he had spoken to officials from the federal home ministry and the National Disaster Management Authority, who were monitoring the crisis.
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Spoke to officials of MHA and NDMA regarding the situation in Visakhapatnam, which is being monitored closely.
I pray for everyone’s safety and well-being in Visakhapatnam.
04:32 AM – 07 May 2020
India’s National Human Rights Commission has also taken notice of fatalities as a result of the leak and asked the state’s officials to conduct an investigation.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/35LjZdg
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tentativi-vani · 4 years
Do You Know How to Choose Unique Engagement Rings? Read This Guide
At the point when you are going to make the acquisition of novel wedding bands, it is astute to initially set up your financial limit, discover what is the style she appreciates most and figure out how to pick a precious stone. In spite of the fact that it isn't unchangeable, it is said that you can utilize around two months worth of your pay in purchasing a precious stone wedding band. Remember that your life partner will wear her new ring for a mind-blowing remainder. It isn't extraordinary that couple will pick precious stone wedding bands since jewels represent immaculateness and quality. In any case, sapphires, rubies and different valuable stones can make a particular interesting wedding band. Over the Internet you can discover a large number of styles of wedding bands and make the most of extraordinary chances. You could have the alternative to purchase only the ring mounting and structure your own precious stone ring or plan your own ring with your family's treasure gemstones.
Find the ideal style for her new wedding band
On the off chance that you need to discover what kind of wedding band your better half likes and acknowledges more, you should accomplish some exploration work. On the off chance that you two have never examined ring inclinations, a great method to get some answers concerning hers is to ask guidance to her dear companions and her family members. Talk with your better half's preferred diamond setter will guide you up the correct way Engagement Rings Perth. In the event that your better half has quite recently yellow gold adornments, a wedding band with similar attributes is by all accounts flawless alternative. In any case, on the off chance that she inclines toward silver, white gold or platinum gems, it will be most likely a smart thought to give her a platinum, white gold remarkable ring.
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Current ladies looking for straightforward and great looks may likewise need one of the most well known novel wedding bands:
• A solitary precious stone ring: This sort of rings is a decent alternative when you're uncertain of style. Your accomplice can even pick the ring's casing a short time later.
• A solitary precious stone ring with beautification: These rings are portrayed by a primary stone, typically a jewel, encompassed by little gemstones, for example, jewels, emeralds and rubies. The ring carat weight incorporates the heaviness of all stones out and out and not only that of the primary stone.
• Three stones precious stone rings: These rings are likewise called past-present-future rings or rings set of three and have three brilliant round cut jewels speaking to the past, the present and the eventual fate of your organization.
You can likewise purchase a wedding ring to coordinate the ring of your accomplice. Focusing on the boundless number of blends of stones and styles, marriage sets as a rule incorporate a wedding ring and a wedding band. On the off chance that your life partner lean towards old fashioned adornments, you may consider an exemplary ring and its separate wedding ring as the correct blend.
Picking the jewel you love
At the point when you purchase a jewel ring, consider picking quality over size and pick the most wonderful determination of novel wedding bands you can manage. The gems business utilizes 4 Cs to assess every jewel's quality: Cut, carat, lucidity and shading.
Watch the cut and jewel shape
A jewel's cut decides how well a precious stone reflects light to flaunt the entirety of its brilliance. A standard evaluating report portrays cut by the precious stone shape and example of area, otherwise known as cutting style. The structures fluctuate from customary round to hearts, pears, emeralds and more. Pick a shape that underlines the individual's taste.
Picking the precious stone carat weight
Precious stone size is estimated via carat weight. Costs go up at whatever point the carat weight increments. By picking a somewhat lighter precious stone weight, say up to 0.05 less, you can set aside critical cash and still bear to give your future spouse an astonishing stone.
Search for Diamond lucidity
Most of precious stones have little imperfections called considerations which are regularly unnoticed to the unaided eye. Merchants oftentimes portray the clearness of a precious stone utilizing the business' standard rating scale from "impeccable" (FI) to the "defective, blemishes obvious to the unaided eye" (I1, I2, I3).
Figure out what shade of precious stone you need
Albeit most precious stones seem white at basic sight, they all have a specific level of yellow follows. Vapid precious stones D, E and F by and large are more significant than practically dismal jewels (scale G, H and J). Yet, the "tinted precious stones", nom de plume Z + jewels can at times cost more than drab precious stones of same carat weight. Hued precious stones are well known among VIPs who like to wear this kind of rings. They arrive in an extensive variety of hues, including profound yellow, pink, green, blue and dark.
Stay away from strife jewels
Struggle precious stones, jewels offered to help wars, come essentially from Angola, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Perhaps this subject should matter to you and on the off chance that it does you should request that your gem dealer affirm the cause of his/her precious stones, along these lines you abstain from purchasing a contention jewel.
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