#iPhone Possible Models
goodytechno · 2 years
iPhone 15 — everything we know so far
iPhone 15 — everything we know so far
All iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro rumors and leaks in one place The iPhone 15 isn’t always predicted to debut till September 2023, however there is already been a truthful quantity of rumors and leaks for the subsequent iPhones. For example, it seems as aleven though Apple will ultimately include USB-C charging and ditch the Lightning port. And we can also additionally see a wholly new version…
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theangelswans · 11 months
my phone battery is so bad. it was 90 something AN HOUR AGO and now its 43 what is this
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powerfulkicks · 4 months
trying to replace like everything on my 3ds
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catmemey · 2 years
lost & found Facebook posts be like "I found this thing in this area" with no photos. or "I lost this thing in this area" with no description. or even worse "I lost this thing" with no location
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manifestwitholi · 2 months
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some of my manifestation successes 🌱🎍🍋‍🟩
iphone 13
at the time, my parents didn’t have enough money nor did i. but i knew about the law, so i decided to use it because my old phone was slowly starting to die. i got clear about the exact model that i wanted and i persisted in the new story. i didn’t think about our lack of money, i just knew i was going to get it no matter what. and i did — two days later. the exact same one that i wanted.
my driving license
during my driving license exam, i made a mistake that was supposed to be eliminatory. even my instructor thought that i wasn’t going to get it. but then again, i remembered about the law and i affirmed. i knew i was going to get my driving license and that my mistake didn’t mean anything. and i got my license with almost all the points + bonus points. anything is possible with the law.
good mental health
i won’t elaborate on that, but i used to be really depressed and anxious and empty all the time, but i got so much better thanks to the law. i can proudly say that i’m alive and happy to be here.
a love story that only happens in the movies
i met my boyfriend at the club during an exchange abroad, we were only supposed to be friends with benefits but thanks to the law, we both fell in love and started dating. he now treats me like a princess, drives me home after parties he doesn’t even attend, cooks breakfast for me every morning, makes sure i never have to pay for anything, closes my coat for me, ties my shoes, calls me perfect and pretty and beautiful everyday, and always makes time for me. this guy is everything i’ve ever dreamed of. once again, trust in the law, trust in yourself.
passing finals
long story short, i had not studied at all but i still got excellent grades just because i decided that i had passed all my classes.
specific amounts of money, travels, new friends, free food/drinks, specific text messages, getting accepted in my college, body changes, new clothes, new furniture, new talents, clear skin, changing weather,…
this post is a way for me to show you that you can have anything and everything, and i hope that it can be a source of motivation for you guys. do not give up on your desires!
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runwayrunway · 1 year
id be interested in seeing you rank plane emojis from different platforms (by their livery, or by whatever else) just for fun, if you want!
You're right. I WILL do this for fun, because this is fun. Not based on livery, since they're mostly white with blue wings - just how much I like them. I'll be adding a rating out of 10 for each one because I think that's the tradition for this sort of thing.
Apple - 4/10
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I mean, because I have an iPhone this is my default conception of an airplane emoji - I think it's fine, I just find it a bit offputting how they model the individual flaps and cockpit windows but the rest of it is a white airbrushed tube. It's a weird contrast.
It's fine, I think. Acceptable. I maybe think emojis by default aren't the most aesthetically pleasing.
Google Noto Color Emoji - 4.5/10
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I think this is a slight improvement over the Apple version because of the more consistent stylization. It's also a little more contemporary, since most airliners that are flying now have two engines. I like that they added a few windows and highlights to keep the cabin interesting, and I think it's a bit...something that they took off the flaps but added flap track fairings. Cockpit windows look awful though.
Samsung - 2/10
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This is a bit more of a realistic shape for an airplane but for some reason I don't like it. Maybe it's the fact that you can barely recognize that there's a tailfin at all, or the cockpit window looking weirdly...shiny? I think what gets me the most, though, is that those engines look like Super Mario pipes.
Microsoft - 1/10
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She's a little...phallic somehow. I just think a top-down view of an airplane is almost always going to look worse if you make it super round and blobby. On the bright side, it's still recognizable as a plane.
WhatsApp - 7.5/10
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I really like the way this one is red. Way to stand out in a crowd. It's also quite realistic without giving up on being stylized. My one issue is with the cockpit windows, which look a bit out-of-place and weird. This seems to be a common point of failure for this sort of emoji. Also, I'm unsure if this is meant to be a two-engined 747, but if it is points off for those not existing.
Twitter - 6/10
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I hate to ever hand it to Twitter but this is just solid. That's an airplane, just a very simplified and round one. Even the cockpit windows on this one look okay.
Facebook - 3.5/10
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Maybe airplane emojis with airbrush shading just look bad to me. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the shape of this but I don't think they differentiated the tailfin from the fuselage enough. It looks like a stub. Also, what is up with that miserably short wing chord?
Telegram - 7/10
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I mean, it looks like a 3D version of the Apple one, but it's surprising how much making it 3D improves it. Plus, gotta hand it to them deciding their emoji was being flown by Tex Johnston. I admire that sort of verve.
Microsoft Teams - 0/10
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On the flipside, animating this one and making it 3D makes it so much worse! It looks like it was made right when people just figured out that 3D animation was a thing that was possible to do, back in the 50s or something. And boy are those pixels crunchy - I wouldn't mind this if it weren't already heinous. Seriously, how is that tailfin even attached?
Skype - 10/10
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Now this I really like. Most of these are impossible to assign a model to but this distinctly looks to me like one of the earlier, stubbier 737s, just really short with a pointy nose, and she's waving at you. Crisp, nice smooth animation, just fantastic.
Twitter Emoji Stickers - 0/10
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Looks bad. One of the few of these which are very easy to recognize as a specific model of airplane - this is clearly a 747, based on the inclusion of the hump. There is a reason basically none of the others are trying to be a 747. Adding a weird lump to the front of your emoji doesn't really make it any less weird-looking, and rendering a plane from above tends to be weird-looking already. It looks like she was stung by a bee.
JoyPixels - 6.5/10
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As with the WhatsApp red, I appreciate anything setting itself aside in color, so I have to compliment the choice of this sort of toothpastey green. This is one of the better simplified airplanes we've gone over today, and the only thing I really dislike is that it has the same issues with the tailfin Facebook does.
Toss Face - 0/10
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I can barely tell this is supposed to be an airplane. It makes me want to, excuse the mental image, toss face.
JoyPixels Animations - 10/10
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Now THIS is what I'm talking about! Just a nice little pixel aircraft, doing the same sort of smooth wriggling as the Skype airplane - no criticisms.
Sony PlayStation - small/10
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Adequate, but too small to really assess further - but the fact that I don't dislike anything about it is honestly a credit at this point.
Noto Emoji Font - 3.5/10
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This just looks like the Samsung emoji but rendered with plain lines. Removing detail from these tends to improve them.
OpenMoji - 0/10
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Oh, no, I take it back! Too few details! It's like a torpedo with wings awkwardly stapled on. A really phallic one at that.
emojidex - what the hell/10
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I think this more or less looks fine, and the livery it has also looks fine, but I'm so thrown off by the fact that I don't think this is a real airplane. I am obviously not an authority on every model of airplane ever built but I'm reasonably sure this isn't a real one. It most resembles a BAe 146/Avro RJ, the only four-engined t-tail plane intended for passengers rather than heavy cargo. But the 146/RJ has high wings, located above the cabin windows, so...what is this airplane? What does emojidex know that they're not telling us?
Messenger - 7/10
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While not ugly per se, it's a bit futuristic for my taste. Still, the choice to model it from a position other than directly from the top avoids a lot of the pitfalls that make many of these so bad to look at.
LG - 4/10
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Boring? Yeah, without question. But this is just a good representation of an airplane, and at this point I'll accept that. Does the tail thing, though.
HTC - 3/10
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Something about the way this is shaped makes this look more like a rocketship than an airplane. Or a Convair Pogo.
SoftBank - 5/10
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A decent pictoral representation of an airplane. See: LG. Fixes the tail thing.
Docomo - 5.5/10
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Also a decent pictoral representation of an airplane, but I think rendering it in silhouette gets rid of many of the pitfalls associated with airplane emojis. No details to mess up, just the shape of an airplane. Why do the majority of these have four engines? Seriously, there are only three four-engine airliners in passenger service right now. Have the people designing these not flown since the early aughts?
au by KDDI - 2.5/10
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Okay, I know I've been saying being a good representation of an airplane is good enough but this is just simplifying too far. This isn't an emoji, it's a unicode character.
Mozilla - 1/10
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Why pointy but only sometimes? Why does the tail pinch in like that? It's ugly, Mozilla, you made an ugly one.
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stra-tek · 2 years
Star Trek: Flip-up Communicator history
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Star Trek pilot "The Cage" (1964)
The very first version. It's like those see-through game controllers from the 1990's!
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Star Trek: TOS (1966-69) The iconic model. Possibly inspired the concept of mobile phones. The case is made from a chopped up Sterling Plastics pencil case.
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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
A bulky militaristic look. Modified from a real life army radio
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Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1983)
A return to a more classic shape. I think the inner part is from some ATM machine plastic model, but I might be confusing my Trek prop trivia.
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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
The Search For Spock version with added buttons which remind me of ancient TV remotes.
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005)
Trek's first prequel, set over 100 years before the time of Captain Kirk brought back flip-up communicators after many years of tapping badges in the 24th century.
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Star Trek (2009) U.S.S. Kelvin
At the birth of his son and when the Prime and Kelvin timelines split, George Kirk's communicator is a simplified, button-free version of the classic TOS one.
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Star Trek (2009) U.S.S. Enterprise
Designed with input from Nokia, the Kelvin Universe version of the classic Trek communicator. 2013's Into Darkness confirms it receives text messages, too - but I'd hate to try typing out a message with that weird button😂
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017-)
Another modernisation of the classic TV series one, this time with an animated screen on place of the moire pattern from TOS. Inside that case is an iPhone for the graphics. For the first time in Trek, it's made explicit that the communicators are also universal translators enabling everyone in a room to understand everyone else (even though nobody's lips should sync up and you should hear overlapping voices which only ever happened in Star Trek Beyond)
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Strange New Worlds (2022-)
And back to the TOS series version, with some very minor changes. Strange New Worlds is also the first time it's called a phone in dialogue
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thefrogman · 5 months
You asked in a tag if anyone wants photos restored. I'm actually looking to get some of my mum's old photos restored, if possible! Are your services for hire? And if not, can you recommend anyone?
I am for hire!
Some things to know...
Not all photos are good candidates for restoration depending on their condition. While almost every photo can be improved, I cannot guarantee a perfect restoration on every photo. And some may be so far gone that you may not find it worth the expense.
I will do an initial assessment for free and give you an idea of what is possible. Since some photos require a much more complicated restoration I cannot give you a set price. Once I have evaluated the photos you want restored I will give you a quote for each one depending on complexity. You can choose which photos you want to restore from there.
Also, I am able to do colorization on *some* photos. So please indicate if that is something you may be interested in.
(I am working on a system to give people an idea of the cost before they inquire about my services but I'm afraid I am just starting this side hustle and do not have all of the details worked out yet.)
To get the best results it helps to have a very high quality scan of the photo. I can still do magic if all you have are old scans or smartphone snaps, but a proper high resolution scan will always give you the best end result.
If you have a scanner...
Send me the brand and model of your scanner. I will research the best settings and give you a step-by-step guide for how to scan the photos.
If you do not have a scanner...
I can give you instructions for how to take high quality photos of your photos. A smartphone is fine for this process. Please send me the brand and model of the phone or camera you have access to.
Or you can send the photos to me and I can do a high quality scan and return them.
If you no longer have access to the physical photos...
I can work with whatever form the photos are in. With my new upscaling tools I can even work with very low resolution images and get surprisingly good results.
I restore digital photos as well...
*Any* type of photo can be restored or improved. Even if was taken on your iPhone last week. If it is a special memory and you want the best version of that, I can help. I can also do re-editing. For example, if you have wedding photos and don't like how they were edited, I can match any style of editing you prefer.
For the initial evaluation you can just take quick smartphone pics and email them to me.
Please email any restoration inquiries to [email protected] and I will happily take a look.
Thanks for your interest!
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eightyonekilograms · 9 months
Very interesting iPhone vulnerability just dropped. Like most big current 0-days, this one requires chaining together many different vulnerabilities in order to be successful, but what makes this one different is that part of the exploit involves an undocumented hardware feature. Long story short: after boot is complete, all the code (as opposed to data) portions of kernel memory are made unwriteable even by the kernel itself, and this is enforced not in software but in hardware by the memory controller, so in theory it's immune to compromises of the OS. But if you write to a magic region of I/O-mapped memory together with a specific key, it bypasses this protection.
Now, what's very interesting is that this feature is not publicly documented anywhere. The researches say it might have been intended for debugging firmware, but that's only a guess. The fact that it needs a key seems to indicate that Apple probably knows about it internally and put in weak anti-exploit countermeasures, but again, we cannot be sure. So there are several different possibilities here:
Whoever made this exploit found it with brute-force exploration. That's not impossible, but the fact that you need to know the exact IOMM address and a key makes it unlikely.
The feature is known to Apple, which leads to three sub-possibilities: i) they were hacked and the exploit technique was exfiltrated, ii) somebody has a man on the inside who leaked it or iii) they were ordered to put this backdoor there by the Powers That Be.
The feature is not known to Apple and was put there by their chip vendors, and they were the ones who were either hacked, infiltrated, or coerced.
Final note: the entry point of the exploit was, once again, iMessage attachments, so if you have an iDevice and you're worried about stuff like this, AIUI Lockdown Mode would make you immune.
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thebaddexample · 21 days
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Warning, spoilers and possibly cringey or bad writing, but it's 1am for me so eh
(First off, shout-out to my mom for coming up with this idea for me to make a theory on- You're the best :3)
(Second, thumbnail by me :])
(Thirdly, I might rewrite this during the day at some point because I'm really tired, but had to get this out before I slept bcs I'd forget to otherwise)
(Fourthly, I know that this isn't a completely original idea, and people have done it already, but I wanted an excuse to make a theory and there's evidence, so I thought "why not?" It'll make people upset with me if I'm right, and I get to pretend to be Film Theory for a bit. It's a win-win!)
(You are legally required to read this post as MatPat's voice /silly /j)
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With the horrifying tweet that Brian made last Saturday, there's a lot of people (including you, probably) worried about who will die in the finale, the harsh battle between whether we say "bye" to a bright light, or "so long" to our sour cream schemer. My answer? Neither!! Object show community, inanimate fandom... whatever we call ourselves! I'm about to present to you why our beloved (and somewhat recently hated) host is going to be the death of the season.
First of all, the trailer (and @inanimateinsanityfan 's recent tumblr post "invitation") has somewhat implied that the focus of the movie, the A-Plot at least, will be around Cobs attempting to get to MePhone4 somehow, whether it be luring him up to Meeple Headquarters or trying to get down to him. We've seen from previous episodes that Cobs wants him dead, but it's hard to tell if he's changed his motive, since we haven't seen him since Episode 13 "Mine Your Own Business". However, he has been consistently sending his newer MePhones to eliminate MePhone4, as 5C clearly states in Episode 6. The newer models have features like tracking (much like MePad) and knife hands (NOT like MePad), which MePhone4 doesn't have, which should in theory have made him easier to kill.
Speaking of the abilities, the MeLife function is only ever used by MePhone4, or at least we only ever get to see him do it. Why? Well, I have an idea but that's a theory for another time. The point is; MePhone4 seems to be the only Meeple product with the ability to bring people to life, and has all of the contestants on there as far as we know. This means that, unless there's a creative solution to perma-kill one of the contestants, MePhone4 needs to die first for any perma-death to occur in the first place.
And hell, removing the regeneration ability as a whole would be a great way to cap off the season, to establish that there's no more retrying and that everything is now set in stone. And even if we do get that damn FOURTH season (bonus points to whoever gets the reference), it'll at least spice things up with having, say, MePad as a host instead, leaving the spot open for someone else to claim and have an interesting story arc of their own.
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This shot already pulls up a parallel between MePhone4 and MePhone3GS, and though 3GS isn't really confirmed dead, they're definitely not gonna be alive any time soon. The parallels could imply that MePhone4 is destined to a fate similar to 3GS; no longer in service, probably broken, and maybe even killed of by Cobs himself.
In addition to this, all of the other MePhones we've seen have all died; MePhone4 technically died with 4S and 5 in the Season 1 finale "Journey Through Memory Lane", 5S and 5C were introduced and immediately killed in Season 2 Episode 6 "Let 'Er RIP", and MePhones 6 and 6+ were also immediately killed upon introduction in Season 2 Episode 8 "Theft and Battery". The MePhones all have something in common, and that is unavoidable and quick death, much like real iphones honestly.
Does this mean that MePhone4 will have to die as a result of MePhone's faulty creation? No, but there is a pre-established pattern with each of the MePhones that goes as a cycle, perpetuating Cobs' cruel style of doing things; he creates something, claims it's his favorite for a year, then makes something a little better and throws the pre-established bond away to die, and rinse and repeat.
But hey! That's just a theory!
An Object Theory!!
Uh- what's the opposite of "greetings and salutations"-?
"Goodbye and see-you-laters!!"
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i-am-church-the-cat · 11 months
Logan Sargeant is a silly little guy
@vii-tto idk why but it wouldn't let me tag you. Hopefully you see this. also @spell-of-the-rain i added things if you want to check out 75-87
But here's the list of things i know/want to know about logan sargeant
Favorite Actor is Brad Pitt
Favorite Movie is Wolf of Wall Street
Favorite food is a hamburger
Has a boat and often goes deep sea fishing
Lived in London since he was 15
Lose Yourself by Eminem is his favorite hype up song
Is a Dolphins and Heat fan
Enjoyed “No Man, No Cry” by Jimmy Sax
Drinks iced lattes with oat milk
Pumpkin spice lattes?? Edit 12/16/23: No
Has been to Wimbledon
Knows what cricket is
Has a rescue dog named Coco
Also enjoys hockey Edit 11/1/23: Supports the Florida Panthers NHL team and has gone to at least 1 of their games with his friend Kyle Kirkwood
Does he follow college football?
What does he think of the new Miami head coach? 
If not for motorsport, does he think he would have gone pro in a different sport, and if so which one?
Enjoys listening to 50 Cent (is also a big rap fan in general)
Can he speak any other languages with any degree of familiarity?
Cannot draw
Can make a sandwich (other foods?)
Rates all food from one bite and with weird decimals
Gritty-ed in his f1 car
Makes the Williams photographers look like they take good photos
Does he have an English or a Florida driver’s license? And does he still have US citizenship even though he lives in the UK? What kind of visa is he on?
Top three female athletes? (Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and Megan Rapinoe are all acceptable answers) 
Collects Aussies and Kiwis for friends
Does he like the snow? Prefers the heat but does he like snow?
Does he like Missy Elliot? (Requirement) 
“Basic Halloween Bitch”
Calls people “mate” but in an American accent which will never stop being funny
Eye Crinkles™️
Does not have a set eye color he’s just too mystical for that
Has never been to a concert (presumably too busy with racing)
He can swim, he can drive, but can he ride a bike? Edit 11/15/23: He can indeed ride a bike
American commercial cars or  European ones?
Has an older brother but is like an older brother to Benny’s kid
Likes marshmallows
Does not like black beans
Did not think apple could be chips
Knows how to sail??
Knows how to golf
Can paddle (required for any F1 driver)
Lost the F3 championship in 2020 bc of a DNF in the last race
Can he sing??
Does he drink energy drinks? Red Bull or Monster? 
He and Duracell are passionately making out
Blush is very pretty 
Wears a lot of baseball hats
Somehow beat jet lag (expat king)
Mostly spends his nights in but he has some nights out (presumably very interesting ones)
Has an iPhone with a blue case
He looks very pretty in blue
His eyes are sometimes blue
Blue=fav color?? Edit 11/6/23: favorite color is Ocean blue (credit to @spell-of-the-rain)
Pretty insecure (armchair diagnosed anxiety)
Close with his brother and parents but maybe not his extended family?
Is Florida State his college team?? (Worst thing a man can be is a Florida St fan) Edit 12/16/23: believing that FSU got screwed over this year is acceptable
Did he graduate high school??
Did he ever consider going into NASCAR or did moving to Europe at a young age kind of set in stone his path towards open-wheel racing?
Hair is blond/dirty blond
Does he vote in American elections?? (If he supports RonD I cannot stan)
Burger Sauce™️
Logan Hunter Sargeant, certified Frat Bro, most American man ever
Has seen peaky blinder and presumably stranger things
Knows how to carve a pumpkin but has not celebrated Halloween at home in a bit
Possibly dating some instagram model
Caused $4 million in damages, gets payed $1 million a year, and supposedly brings in $30 million in sponsors
Key phrases: “Locked in”, “Bam/Boom”, “Done and dusted” Additions 11/1/23: "Oh hell yeah", "I think you're a little lost here, Chief". Additions 11/6/23: “Yeh” (gets quieter throughout the word (how it’s one syllable??)), “on the bounce” (credit to @spell-of-the-rain i believe)
Joined the Williams Driver Academy in 2021 
Got stuck in F3 bc he didn’t have the money to move up
Driver for Carlin in 2022
Former teammates include Liam Lawson, Oscar Piastri, Frederick Vesti (Edit 11/6/23: Max Fewtrell possibly?)
DOB: December 31, 2000
Had a giveaway for gloves he used to win an F4 race on Twitter in 2017 and both Lando Norris and Max Fewtrell replied
Originally his number was 3 but he switched to 2 for F1 (to much fan consternation who thought he had so many better options)
Childhood best friends with Kyle Kirkwood, a current Indycar driver
Logan's older brother Dalton raced in NASCAR until 2018
Did a commercial for Sport23
Does not have cowboy boots as of COTA 2023
Born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA
lived in Switzerland from 14-15(?)
knows the conversion rate for a kilometer
is taller than a tuna fish
Podiumed at the Macau Grand Prix in 2019
Won the CIK-FIA championship when he was 14 Additions as of 11/1/23
Loves waffles but they are not his favorite dessert
Very patriotic (oh hell yeah)
is the first American F1 point scorer in 30 years and the first one to score on home soil since 1989
Went to see the Nets in NYC (but would have preferred to see the Knicks)
has a custom Miami Dolphins jersey with his last name on the back
Claims to know all the lyrics to "Ice Ice Baby" (credit to @formulaaone) (Edited 11/6/23)
Additions as of 11/6/23:
Under the same talent agency as Alex Albon
Has the same manager as George Russell
George Russell was his mentor coming up
Went to a catholic private school (credit to @wenevrknew)
Does not like fish? (Credit to @spell-of-the-rain)
He runs weird (in my opinion as he reminds me of my brother when he was 12 (he ran very strangely))
Karted in Las Vegas when he was a kid
Can he drive a stick shift? (Alex believes he cannot)
Enjoys video games
Refers to his car as “she”
Knew how to attach a visor to his helmet prior to February(? Could’ve been March but before the season) 2023
Additions as of 12/16/23
Broke his arm in a 2014 German Karting Championship when Marcus Armstrong took him out at T1 (credit to @spell-of-the-rain )
Has gotten his head eaten by the Golden Knights mascot
If he could have any superpower, he would like to teleport
Has never flown a drone
Favorite racing movie is Talladega Nights (sad Mater noises)
Does not trust other people to drive him
Would rather sleep in then get up early
Considers himself fairly organized
His mother makes a very good sweet potato casserole
Got his habit of worrying from his mom
“Santa’s Little Helper”
Driving for Williams Racing Formula 1 Team in 2024
Got out qualified by his teammate every race of 2023
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getvalentined · 1 month
The Short Patreon Breakdown
Basic version of this post, for people with no attention span. For details on each of these points, please see the original post.
1. The iOS processing fees are a smokescreen covering up the actual devastating changes that Patreon is forcing creators into—including doing away with the two billing models used by most of the highest-earning creators on the platform, regardless of the impact this will have on their livelihood.
2. Patreon is not going to change course for any reason. This is set in stone. CEO Jack Conte himself has been having one-on-one meetings and calls with the platform's top earners, and clearly has no interest in their actual grievances or how their businesses operate—only in getting them to stop complaining.
3. Patreon has offered no proof of their claims that the iOS app is responsible for 40 percent of the engagement on the platform—and also refuse to define what "engagement" means. Staff rebuff all requests for detailed analytics or data on the revenue share coming from the app, but did not refute the possibility that dismissing an app notification counted as "engagement."
4. Patreon does not have a refund policy in place to work with Apple in order to protect creators from malicious chargebacks, and has given no indication of any intent to work with Apple to shorten the time it takes for funds from iOS purchases to be paid out to creators—which is currently 75 days.
5. Patreon's own graphics meant to explain why this is necessary and how the new fees work are not correct: the fee structure graphic features a copying error that results in incorrect math, and adding together everything on the bar graph showing the daily active users by avenue of access comes to a total of 103 percent. They are woefully unprepared to share this information, and are putting it on us for "not understanding."
6. Patreon refuses to offer any promises to 18+ creators that they will not be removed from the app in order to adhere to Apple's content guidelines, instead only saying they currently have no plans to remove us from the app. Questioning this was met with a reminder that they've had to change the TOS for 18+ creators before.
7. All the features Patreon is insisting are integral for creator growth are inaccessible to 18+ creators, and questions about this were either dismissed, redirected, or ignored. 18+ creators can't even be found on either app, but we're being forced to cater to iOS' terms anyway, with claims that it's because all creators need the app in order to grow. Even though we can't utilize it.
8. Patreon's iOS app is currently* in violation of Apple's guidelines for app ratings; staff did not state any intention to become compliant by raising the app's rating as needed to maintain their 18+ creator community, only declaring that they're "exploring options." Per Apple's guidelines, the "options" are to either raise the rating to 17+, cutting off access for the wealthy teenagers with iPhones to which the platform is so dedicated they'll kneecap their top earner in order to court, or kick all 18+ creators off the platform. (This includes horror, true crime, health, trauma recovery, and more, not just sexual content.) *Current as of August 18, 2024.
Do not let the 30 percent App Store fee distract you from what's really going on here. Patreon is crippling a huge portion of their creators, including a horde of their top earners—and the single most profitable creator on the entire platform—and offering no legitimate reasons why. The amount of money they're losing from these creators restructuring or leaving altogether totals in the millions within a single month of activity. This isn't even about money, it's about something else—and there's no way to know what, because Patreon is giving us nothing.
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9800sblog · 1 year
wooyoung tarot reading
public persona vs real personality
do I have his energy permission to do and share this reading? queen of wands
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in public
hypnotizing is the word to describe what wooyoung goes for; childlike (childish), immature, hard to ignore, messy - fun, entertaining, funny, never a dull moment, makes you wanna re-watch his content multiple times. bad, dangerous - sexy, captivating, impressive, killer moments (literally the 10 of swords), he wants to kill with looks, and skills (dance, modeling, body, literally his eyes, etc). out of all ateez members tho, he seems to be the one to try to look most unavailable (the devil reversed), he acts rude, sassy and sometimes distant, because he is the dangerous dude, the bad boy. but never actually too harmful, he's approachable, more like a best friend you're secretely in love with, that you're so close he doesn't even care what he does around you, he's a menace and if you try hard enough you can actually turn your feelings into reality (lmaaaaao). he tries to look super inner confident, like others’s opinions really don't matter to him, he just doesn't listen and they can never get to him, you can't force wooyoung to be or do anything he doesn't genuinely wants to, he's wooyoung, he's the synonym of self control. if he gets bothered, you'll get sliced, he's dangerous and you guys are close enough that he can just show it when he's uncomfortable. big party, big social life, a man of the night, trendy and cool, in with the kids
in privacy
dude's so chill and casual, familiar, literally giving the vibes of a big family that lives nearby each other. he's like so much more introverted, not only did I get the hermit but the 4 of cups at the same time. you see wooyoung quiet in the back during interviews? that's genuinely how he is casually, just vibing in his own head, in his own world. he doesn't move much, he likes things to stay the same forever and ever, if possible, he likes what he already knows. he's a very polite dude, "excuse me, please and thank you" seem to be natural part of his vocabulary, he treats people fairly like how they treat others, actually. very protective of his kind, would kill for those he loves, big big heart. he's not as flashy with his money or physical appearance, like how his style is mostly casual and comfortable gym clothes or how he spent years with that old ass iPhone 5 just because it still worked 😭😭😭☝️I don't think he keeps a lot to himself, he seems to give away his stuff to family and really really close friends, he doesn't care that much about being socially powerful, he likes genuine connections with those that are similar to him (example, moving from a company with a big name to follow a friend because he's genuinely happy with little things and moments). I think he's pretty quiet and private in general and very traditional for SURE, like "there's a proper way to treat people and exist in civilization". hobbies would include quality time with friends and family, arts like pictures, drawing, paintings, cooking, games. he loves company.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
The New Face
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Summary: You let Scarlett use you to model for an Instagram live for The Outset.
|Light Angst & Fluff | 1.4K | Body insecurities? |
Requests are closed.
AC: I’m here again, with another OutSet themed one shot. I need home girl to ship worldwide already. 
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“Baby, I don’t know, I mean it’s going to be a live video” you speak while closing your book and placing it on the nightstand, “I just don’t like having people see me, especially people I don’t know, and you have a lot of fans” you add turning to face Scarlett in bed. “I know it’s a bit of a worry and I won’t push it, but it’ll be a lot of fun and honey, you’re beautiful, so beautiful. You shouldn’t worry about what others think” she leans over and kisses your lips softly. 
A week ago, Scarlett asked if you wanted to come to the office and be a model for the skin care products. She said she’d pay you for it and that she’d make sure you were comfortable. At first you jumped at the idea but quickly took it back when you realised just how much people would possibly be watching the live and it worried you. Firstly, you weren’t a big person on social media, sure you had a private account to keep up with friends and family, but you wouldn’t consider yourself into the social media movement and secondly, you and Scarlett like to keep your relationship private. Of course, the world knew about the two of you but considering you both didn’t have social media it was peaceful without the consistent rumours and people thinking they had any say in the relationship. 
“Can I sleep on it?” You asked switching off the lamp on your side of the bed. “Of course, honey, like I said, I won’t push it anymore” Scarlett smiled before her eyes returned to her own book. “Goodnight” you smiled and snuggled up to her side causing her to chuckle and put away her book, “come here you” she shuffled to lay down, wrapping her warm arms round you, “that’s better” you chuckled before the two of you drifted into a slumber.
By morning, you woke up just before Scarlett did, still in her arms as the morning sun crept through the curtains. Watching her peacefully sleep made you wonder what were you really worried about? You’ve got the world’s most caring and beautiful person asleep beside you and all she wants is to involve you in her life even more than you are. A soft smile tugged on your lips as you kissed her cheek causing her to stir, “I want to do it baby” you whispered softly. 
Scarlett’s flickered open as she processed your words, “can you say that again?” She spoke in her morning voice that always had you in a chokehold. “I want to do it, the live” you repeated with another smile. Scarlett kissed your forehead, “thank you honey, it’ll be so much fun, I promise” she spoke before her tired body fell back asleep for a few more minutes. 
Getting to the office the two of you were greeted with the warm smiles of those who help Scarlett and Kate make The Outset as successful as it is, everybody loved when you came in and they loved more seeing how much chemistry you both had. Many times, Scarlett would be found on the iconic sofa with you, her head on rested on your shoulder as you both went over the new product ideas. You made sure to not wear any make up this morning and your hair was up, out of your face. 
Walking into the room designed for anything to do with interviews and video promos make you slightly nervous but once you held Scarlett slip her hand into yours, all that went away as you sat down in front of the iPhone that was sitting on a tripod. “It’ll be fun and over before you know it” Scarlett smiled as she made sure the products were ready for her to apply on you. “We’re ready whenever you guys are” Kate smiled standing behind the camera. 
“I’m ready” you smiled at Scarlett. Kate counted down from 3 before pressing the live button on Instagram. “We’ll give it a few moments for people to join but in the meantime Hi everyone!” Scarlett smiled to the camera as Kate came into the frame, standing on your left side. “I’m here with my lovely work-wife, Kate” 
“Hi guys!” smiled with a wave.
“And my lovely wife, Y/n” Scarlett placed a gently hand on your right shoulder. 
“Hello” you smiled nervously. “Today we thought we’d show you the amazing Essentials Regimen Bundle, which is available on our website, theoutset.com! This is our daily three step regimen that works together to bring the skin back into balance for a healthy-looking complexion. All you have to do is repeat this routine morning and night for smooth and radiant-looking skin in 3 minutes!” Scarlett smiled as she grabbed the first bottle of product. 
“This little beauty right here” she took the cap off, “I’m talking about my wife by the way” she chuckled, “is my wonderful model for today, we’re going to show you the three steps to the bundle so you can do this in the comfort of your own home” she explains as she puts a generous amount on the tips of her finger. 
“Firstly, we have our Gentle Micellar Antioxidant Cleanser, which is vegan, cruelty free and perfect for sensitive skins” she adds as Kate pulls the bowl of warm water in front of you, “Make sure you wet your face with warm water before applying a dime to the skin” Scarlett adds as you gently splash the warm water onto your face ready for her to apply the cleanser. Your eyes squeezed shut as the coldness of the of the cleaner hit your skin, Scarlett gently rubbed it into your skin as Kate spoke more about the product. “Once you’ve done that, simply rinse the skin and pat dry with a clean towel” Scarlett adds after Kate had finished. You rinsed your face and patted it dry just like Scarlett said. 
One of the girls was making sure the live was going well, she stood and watched from behind the phone, giving a thumbs up throughout the live. What you and Scarlett didn’t see was the number of comments fans were sending at the sight of the two of you, so much love and support that would’ve made both your hearts warm if you’d ready it. 
“Step two is our Firming Vegan Collagen Prep Serum, and you guessed it, it’s vegan!” Scarlett smiled, “Apply a few pumps of serum into your hands and gently sweep over the face and neck in upwards strokes” She intrusts as she does so to your face and neck, her soft and smooth hands relaxing you as your eyes were closed. Kate again went on to explain more about the product and its uses as Scarlett made sure to cover your skin with the serum. 
“Our final step is the Nourishing Squalane Daily Moisturizer! All you have to do, on clean, dry skin, smooth moisturizer over the face and neck.” Scarlett explains once again before applying the product to your face. This time you didn’t close your eyes, the whole time you left them open and looked deeply into her beautiful eyes as she ran her fingers over your face. “You’re so beautiful” you whispered so softly that only Scarlett could hear earning a smile from her. 
Once Scarlett was done applying the products she turned to the camera and said they’d answer some questions if anybody had any. No surprises when some of the questions were about you and Scarlett rather than The Outset. You pulled Scarlett gently into your lap placing a kiss on her cheek not caring for what the camera saw. The iPhone was placed on the table with the camera now facing the two of you as you both read through some of the questions. Scarlett respectfully looked over the questions that didn’t have anything to do with the products. 
Scarlett and Kate both answered questions for a few moments before sharing some exciting news about what was to come to the brand, the whole time you had your arms wrapped around Scarlett’s waist as she sat in your lap. You loved watching her talk about her brand, the passion and love she has for it always made you proud of her in a whole new way.
“I know this doesn’t have anything to do with our topic here, but I just saw a few people asking if they could steal Y/n from me? What?” Scarlett chuckled with a confused look. You couldn’t help but giggle, placing another kiss on her cheek, “I’m sorry, I thought we made it clear I was off the market?” you played along with a playful look, showing the camera your wedding ring, “I’m all hers” you added. 
“Well, aren’t I just lucky” Scarlett slightly turned to you and kissed your lips softly, “very lucky” she whispered against your lips. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @splatasha-jumpinoff | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | 
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sumire-no-nikki · 5 months
Restoring a 1930s Typewriter + Some Scattered Thoughts
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There’s something so magical about holding something this old in one’s hands. Who used it before? What feelings had it translated into words? How many families did it watch grow and scatter? How many houses has it survived?
A couple of months ago I set out to fulfill a lifelong dream of mine to have a vintage typewriter. One evening, I found a listing for this gorgeous piece for relatively cheap. I didn’t know much about the world of manual typewriters but I was eager to learn. And just like that, I was knee deep in a new hobby.
As soon as I got the machine, I went to work. I used cheap toothbrushes and Waschbenzin to clean the slugs. As it is really quite old, some gunk in between the characters were not lifting. I had to improvise and use a sewing needle to scrape the caked ink. I then removed the tattered old ribbon and replaced it with a new one.
I still have the task of cleaning and doing some small repairs on its leather case. And while the platen itself is still in really good condition the feed rollers have flat spots making it a bit temperamental when advancing the paper. I will have to find a specialty store that can replace them in the future. There are areas of chipped paint which should be quick enough to address with some black nail polish. And then for a final touch, it needs to be polished with car wax. But these tasks are secondary. The typewriter is fully working despite its age. It was incredible seeing it come to life the first time I used it. It felt like a fantasy, like time travel.
Throughout the whole process of cleaning and repairing my typewriter, I was constantly reminded that this machine is 87 years old. The curved cover, the font on the decal and the simplicity encapsulates the art deco style from that era. WWII was just starting when this was manufactured. My grandfather wasn’t even born yet. Working with this typewriter was a meditative experience but it also brought on a lot of melancholy thoughts on existence, technology, consumerism.
You can just tell how much thought and care was put into building this typewriter. It’s innovation with purpose, not solely for profit. This machine’s ribbons feed from right to left. Once it is completely wound to one side, there is a button that reverses the gears and the ribbon will then feed from left to right, ensuring that the ink in the ribbon is used up without any waste. There is a button that allows you to type beyond your set margins in case it’s necessary. There is a lever that centers the platen and disengages the margin bell in order to prevent it from jiggling around and breaking while in transport. There is a self-starter key which is practically a tab button. The case comes with clamps that keep the typewriter from moving around. It also allows you to type with the case attached.
The manufacturers and innovators of that time thought about everything. Technology is meant to last. It is meant to address as many problems as possible, and meant to stand alone without needing more attachments. Back in the day, when you purchase something, it’s meant to last your lifetime, if not beyond. Just the fact that it still works after all this time is a testament to the integrity of its creation.
87 years from now, what will our era have left for the future? What will be left of our time when iPhones self destruct every two years to force purchase of the newest model? What will the future generation seek out to repair and refurbish from our time that isn’t made of plastic? What would be “vintage” to them when everything is made to break?
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toastedkiwi · 4 months
A zipper broke on Ella’s dress right before she’s supposed to go on. She’s lowkey panicking because does she really have enough time to change or is she going to have her dress possibly come undone onstage? Model!Reader is like “I got you!” She legit sprints to Riley’s tour bus in these heeled boots and rummages around in her bag before finding her emergency sewing kit. She’s running back. She sews her in with light coming from iPhones to help her see. Model!Reader tells her “sing your fucking heart out!” Before she goes onstage.
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