honeymilkbubbletea · 1 month
When it turns out the feral dragon boy ™️ you went to ask for help runs around naked
(He truly is one with nature)
And suddenly the floor is very interesting 💀
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It's from my "Hiccup actually did leave but after the romantic flight with Astrid AU"
In very very short, Astrid takes on herself the task of dealing with the dragon problem™️ on Berk
And she knows there's only one person that could possibly help her
Now she has to find him
And apologize
They're like 18-20 in this
Basically, the events of HTTYD 1 are happening in the HTTYD 2 timeline
If that makes sense
Cause Hiccup spent his teenage years running around playing king of the dragons 💀
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keferon · 5 months
I don't want medieval mechs to transform into cars and airplanes and helicopters because that would kinda ruin the whole medieval fantasy vibe.
But Senator Shockwave's altmode is a space shuttle...
And shuttles also aren't exactly very medieval...
But what if I made him fly without altmode...
What if I gave him wings.....
What if I gave him gorgeous shiny metal wings...
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evol-astraea · 1 year
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Cute murder machine and (former) archangel of Heaven enjoying a sunyy day on the beach.
Don't ask me to elaborate how they ended up on the surface, though. XD
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mlady-magnolia · 8 months
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I made another PJO girlie, Roman Edition!
Her name is Adonna Leighton, she’s a child of Venus, and she has a magical choker that gives her the ability to conjure up a pair of wings for a short amount of time and fly around like Cupid
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the-halfling-prince · 9 months
I feel like we don't talk enough about "Isn't it weird to think if your hand was inside of a dragon, and your mind was still in control of it, you could've killed the dragon from the inside by crushing it's heart or something"
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somegrumpynerd · 6 days
staring at you with my big old bat with filled with autism as I steal all your art and devour it for breakfast/silly/silly
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Just kidding feel free to eat it all I will make more <3
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sysig · 1 month
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Having fun, more and more! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Unicorn Tails#Dangersoft#Villainsona#Just Desserts#True Villainy AU#Okay fine I'll talk about the really silly fixation I accidentally fell into lol#It's all Jello's ISaT stream's fault they mentioned Wall Day and I got curious!#Actually it was Jello reciting Will's line as the mad cultist in a kids' unicorn game that got me interested lol he just went all out#And it really is a kids' game! Like yeah some of the lore is dark and ominous and weird but it's genuinely just a nice unicorn game#And the character customization is cute and you can buy a spider hat! I want a spider hat#I'm fully onboard at this point lol I intend to buy it for realsies and play as an alicorn and go hunting for the Estranged Rabbit#Dangersoft is great of course <3 Neon green horse love that for her#Some happies <3 I've been quite happy lately :D Big Loves yay <3#If there is an article of clothing I can hide in I will take the opportunity every time lol#Regularly hiding in hoods and collars - it just feels nice!#More Charm more cutes <3 I've had the idea of her cutting her hair for S3 since she was created but I still don't Actually have anything lol#She's just cute and I love her! She's adorable no matter what she looks like#I think I was thinking something along the lines of her long hair being used against her in her True Villain form#Like how it's normally up and ice cream shaped but Kaiein wanted it down and it gave her a different look#But short it can't look like that :) She's always light and fluffy if it's short! I like it <3#Speaking of - her candle wings popping out from her Kaiein wings!#It's weird to see her with her hair down and glasses on in that context haha#I do like the symbolism of dark inky wings being cut through with fire and light :) Still drippy tho lol#And rounding off with a Just Desserts bee <3 I posted that one JD Pet Bee a while ago but I think bees are also wild animals#They're important for sweets production and pollination! Fruit-based sweets need them!#I personally really love bees I think they're the cutest but I also get really stressed about buzzing :'D#Does Not help that my hair is a colour they're attracted to so they come up right next to my head to investigate agh#So Charm is the same! Loves bees! They're wonderful and important and cute! But the buzzing...#She's being very brave tho <3
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dashiellqvverty · 4 months
god nothing infuriates me like ao3 writers and nsfw fanartists acting like they are sex workers. like they will look at an explicitly anti sex work bill and be like "this is bad bc think of how it will affect our precious queer ao3!!!! they'll take the whole site down probably!!!!!!!!" im going to kill you with hammers
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natsmagi · 5 months
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hershelwidget · 1 year
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DHMIS week day 3: Love/Family !!!
I’m never drawing Shrignold ever again /j also excuse me while I cry over how CUTE THE TWINS LOOK IN THOSE FITS AUAUUUUUUGHGH
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mushroom-for-art · 9 months
Hi @mewtwoevolution, hope you don't mind but I love your cats
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leopardsealz · 5 months
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wing practice ft arrow. reference image under the cut
please reblog my art!
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image is from ebird
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moe-broey · 1 year
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Jacket!!!! Ye olde varsity I got at the very beginning of my transition thinking "Oh fuck yes I am going to pass so hard in this" and. Well. It never worked I just have never passed a day in my life I don't think 😔 Eventually it just became a beloved test subject and has since gone through a bit of a transition itself LMFAOO
Some Notes:
> A lot of the decorations are taken from old backpacks I loved dearly that got absolutely fucking destroyed by the weight of all the shit I'd lug around in highschool LMFAO (sketchbook, diary, all kinds of notebooks...). Never had the heart to get rid of them. Specifically: The pink zippers, the holographic pockets, the glow in the dark stars, and the holo angel wings!
> The pink/blue checkers are from a small decorative quilt I thrifted years ago, I wouldn't be surprised if it was handmade (it's super soft material, btw! Important LMAO). I only took out one line of squares, I plan on stitching the rest of it back together (haven't done it yet though LMFAO). The reason for this was to upsize the jacket, so I can button it without it clinging. The pockets were added for funsies ESP cause it lined up very well and aren't really practical LMFAO (BUT YOU CAN PUT THINGS IN THEM! If you want!! 🎉🎉🎉)
> The patches (esp the name/pronouns one) were the first additions actually. Eventually more and more things were added, but I will say all the pins on the opposite side of the patches were haphazardly placed for a concert I VERY BADLY wanted to look good for LMFAOO (that's when the stars were added too! Fighting for my life on the car ride over speedrunning sewing and trying not to throw up about it AHAKHSKSHDK)
> Spike placement may be odd and I'd like to add more, but also I do frequently still carry around big heavy backpacks so I have to take that into consideration. Which is also why the wings have been bolted on. Those motherfuckers are NOT going anywhere LMFAO (has a really cool visual effect too!!)
> The material of the jacket itself (sort of a swishy windbreaker fabric) IS ABSOLUTE ASS TO WORK WITH. BY THE FUCKING WAY. IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING. I would NOT recommend it to anybody ESPECIALLY someone who is just starting to fuck around and find out. I literally am just sticking it out bc of the sentimental value this fucker has to me 😭😭😭
This jacket was my first plunge into customization and punk fashion, I didn't have a plan and still don't have one (and I think it kind of shows lmfao). I do worry that it's too soft and cutesy. Kind of the whole point for me, when it came to leaning heavy into punk, was to feel sharper, like I had some bite to me. I might be getting closer, but I think I'm still just kind of a silly guy LMAO. But, I do think in a way, esp as my first project, it represents me well -- where I started, what I loved before the beginning, what I tried desperately to be, what I still wish for, reuniting with the things I loved and embracing them in a brand new context. It's still an ongoing project too! So maybe as I keep growing, it'll grow alongside me, maybe finding that grit I've been striving for along the way.
#the big concert was mcr. btw. and cause it was a stadium no one got to see the glowy stars anyway LMFAOOOOO#for that concert i desperately wanted to have a big piece inspired by house of wolves on the back.#but i have never been able to get it right.#but like. it is actually my favorite mcr song. i REALLY wanted to do something transgender w it too.#like tell me i'm a bad man. i AM a bad man. bad man in the context of the song AND bad man as in. in the eyes of the observer.#i am just doing it poorly. on purpose. fuck with me about it!!!!!#also 'tell me i'm an angel' would compliment the wings as well#but as an artist i find i am way better at cartoons/characters than literally anything else.#ask me to do something cool w fonts/words beyond simply being legible and i'll throw up and cry.#also something i don't want to say outright but feel okay sharing in the tags is Why punk is so important to me#is cause i am just. so sensitive. i always have been.#but in a world that is actively becoming more hostile to exist in as a very visibly queer person#AND as a noticably autistic person too know like i think i have gotten to the point where people notice Something about me#(which. is good. bc autistic masking absolutely fucking ruined me so fucking bad.)#i need to get stronger. tougher. sharper. more dangerous. to exist as i am and to do so so boldy#i need to have the bite to back it up. i still feel like a prey animal but i have teeth i have claws.#going back to my church even for a moment has made me 10% eviler also. inspiring me to be the thing they fear.#so i think once i've rested i'm gonna go back to the drawing board for that transgender house of wolves backpiece.#diy punk#my projects
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cinnabarts · 1 year
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well now that i know how to turn reblogs off on posts ill post these old doodles as well. you can look butcha cant touch.
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cocolacola · 1 year
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I have a lot of problems with WC3 Reforged artistically and design-wise, but holy shit they did not miss with this.
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muirneach · 27 days
cannot believe ppl genuinely say ‘ohh you cant have more than one favourite team’. and what if one team doesn’t make it to the playoffs but the other does? what if i want to watch hockey multiple times a week? what if i have lots of love in my heart and also it’s literally not that deep
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