#ic 2987
spacewonder19 · 5 months
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IC 2087 Taurus Molecular Cloud © Nik Szymanek
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bored-writer101 · 2 years
{Steve Harrington X Reader} I’ll Always Be There For You
A/N: ( @bunnywritesmarvel <3) the headcannon that steve is afraid of horror movies lives in my head rent free. also i love comfort fics… can’t you tell?😂 hope you guys enjoy :))) (gender neutral reader) (set in ssn 3 so no ssn 4 spoilers)
Warnings: none
Summary: Steve does his best to avoid admitting his fear of horror movies to you. But during a movie night with the kids, you let him know that there’s no reason to be embarrassed.
Words: 2987
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(not my gif)
You rushed through the door to the back room of Scoops Ahoy. You saw Steve and Dustin sitting across from each other at the small foldable table in the middle of the room. Both of them were giving you a confused look. "Guess what!" you said excitedly as you hurried over to them.
"What...?" Dustin asked slowly, not sure if he actually wanted to know what had you so worked up. "Nightmare on Elm Street two is coming out this weekend!" you exclaimed, gesturing wildly with your hands. You didn't notice the way Steve scrunched up his face slightly in disgust; you were too busy watching Dustin get just as excited as you. "No way!" you nodded furiously. "Yes way! The three of us should go see it this weekend!"
Steve spoke up quickly. "Can't. I gotta work this weekend" you furrowed your brows in confusion. "I thought you had this weekend off?"
"Yeah, b-but Robin! Robin asked if I could cover her shift for her this weekend" you looked as if you had deflated as you shoulders fell and a frown quickly replaced your smile. Steve immediately felt guilty for making you upset. "We can just go see it next weekend" Dustin suggested before Steve could back out of his lie. "No! No, it's fine. You guys can go see it without me"
"Are you sure?" you asked him. "Yes, I'm sure. Maybe we can go see a movie, the three of us, next weekend" Steve suggested, and you nodded in agreement. "Alright, but that means you'll have to sneak us in to our movie" Steve rolled his eyes with an amused smile on his face that told you he wasn't actually annoyed. "Oh, don't give me that! You love helping us break the rules" you leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"Geez! Calm it down with the PDA!" you looked over to see Dustin with his hands covering his eyes. "It was one kiss, get over it Henderson. I know you kissed your girlfriend when you were off at camp, you literally told us about it” Dustin only rolled his eyes at you, and with that you turned your head to face Steve.
"Well, I gotta head to work. I'll see you later" you gave Steve one last kiss before turning to Dustin. "Don't forget about our movie plans. This Saturday night!" you pointed at him before holding your hand up for a high five that he happily gave you. "See you later, Y/N!" Dustin said.
"Bye baby. I love you" Steve said to you with a smile. "I love you too" you blew him a kiss before turning and walking into the front of the ice cream shop. "See you later Robin! Make sure to keep wingus and dingus in line!" Steve heard you call out to Robin as you left.
Steve had gotten himself out of quite the pickle, and he was hoping he wouldn't have to deal with it for a while. Steve hated horror movies. Well, more like they scared the shit out of him.
Steve had to ask Robin to work her shift, which she happily let him do. When Robin asked why he insisted he work her shift, he admitted his fear of horror movies. Robin had laughed, thinking he was joking. She quickly realized he wasn’t joking when she saw the frown on his face.
“Dude, it’s just a movie. All that shit’s fake anyway. Also next time, why don’t you just tell your partner why you don’t want to see the movie?”
“Cause they’ll laugh at me! Just like you did!”
Saturday arrived quickly, and Steve helped you and Dustin sneak into the movie. You watched the late showing, so the mall was closing up once the movie was over. You walked with Dustin back over to Scoops Ahoy, talking about the movie the whole way.
Steve was pulling the metal gate down as you and Dustin walked up. "Hey babe" he said to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Hi" you said with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him.
"What did I say about the PDA?" you pulled away with a laugh. "Oh my gosh, Dustin, you are so dramatic. It's not like we're making out or something"
"We could though" Steve said in a low, teasing voice as he slowly leaned in. You played along with his joke, bringing your hands up to cradle his face as you leaned in too. You met him in the middle, pretending to messily make out with him.
"Gross!" you pulled away while you and Steve laughed hysterically. "Just remember, the sexually active teens are always the first to die in horror movies!" you scoffed. "The last two years of our lives have been a horror movie, and if that trope were true, I would have died a long time ago" Dustin fake gagged at your words.
You interlaced your fingers with Steve's before the three of you started walking toward the front doors of the mall. "Just don't come crying to me when Freddy Krueger takes you both out!" Dustin held his hands out like he had claws. He pretended to cut you up as he made a growling noise. You laughed before using your free hand to pretend you were spouting blood out of the pretend wounds in your chest.
"Oh no! Steve! Save yourself..." you leaned most of your weight onto Steve's side as you sank down towards the floor. He sighed deeply as he practically held you up. You stood back up as you made it to the front door.
"That's my moms car" Dustin pointed to one of the few cars that were left in the parking lot. "I'll see you guys later. Keep one eye open tonight for Freddy!" Dustin wiggled his fingers at the two of you before turning and walking towards his moms car. “One, two, Freddy’s coming for you! Three, four, better lock your door!” Dustin sang as he walked away. “Shut up you little shit!” Steve yelled after him. “Five, six, grab your crucifix!” Dustin continued to sing as he turned and walked backwards. “Seven, eight, gonna stay up late! Nine, ten, never sleep again!” Dustin doubled over in laughter at the look of annoyance on Steve’s face.
You only shook your head with a laugh as you and Steve walked toward his car. He let go of your hand to open the passenger side door for you. You said a quiet thank you before sliding into his car. He walked around before getting in the drivers side.
"So... You wanna spend the night? Or I could spend the night at your place?" Steve only shrugged as he started the car. "What's wrong? Did Dustin get thoughts of Freddy Krueger in your head?" you joked as you reached out and tickled him gently, doing the claw hands that Dustin had done earlier. "No, I'm just tired" you frowned. You could tell something else was going on with him, but you didn't want to push him considering he already seemed annoyed.
"We can just go back to my place and go to bed. It is kinda late" Steve nodded in agreement before pulling out of the parking spot. Once you got to your house, you managed to sneak him in through your window. You kept the door to your room locked, just incase your parents decided to try and barge in.
You both changed into pajamas before climbing into your bed. Steve pulled the blanket over the two of you. He held you close to him, his body heat warming you up after being outside in the cold, night air. "I promise I'm not going anywhere" you whispered when you felt Steve trying to pull you even closer. "I know" he whispered back. "Freddy isn't gonna come get me" you said with a quiet chuckle. You frowned when he didn't react or respond. You craned your neck to place a kiss to his jaw. "I'll be right here when you wake up. I love you" you whispered. "I love you too. Goodnight baby" he whispered back before kissing the top of your head.
Steve didn't really believe you would actually be swallowed up by the bed before the two of you woke, but he couldn't help but admire your sleeping face for a little longer than be usually did, as if he wouldn't get another chance to. He knew he was being a little bit dramatic, but he couldn't help it. He just loved you so much, and he knew that at any moment a monster from a different dimension could come and snatch you up. Steve stayed over the next few nights in a row that week, not wanting to leave you alone.
The following Friday, the kids wanted to have a movie night. Your house was the best to hang out at, so that Friday night, all of the kids were gathered on the floor of your living room. They argued over which movie to watch as you walked in with a bowl of popcorn and a grocery bag full of various candies.
You handed the bowl of popcorn to Will, who was sitting in the recliner to the right of your couch. The rest of the kids were sprawled out on the floor in front of your TV, leaving the couch for you and Steve. You had laid out many blankets, and thrown down a multitude of pillows for the kids to lay on. You made one last trip to the kitchen, bringing back some bags of chips and another small bowl of popcorn.
You placed the bags of chips on the ground next to the kids before stepping over them to get to the couch. Steve was laid back against a pillow that he had rested against the armrest of the couch. He was laying down, basically taking up the entire couch. He held the blanket up that previously covered him, opening his arms for you to lay with him.
You laid down with your back against his chest. He brought his arm down to cover the two of you with the blanket while also wrapping his arm around your middle and holding you close. He used his other hand to reach out and take a piece of popcorn from the bowl you were holding.
The kids were still arguing over what movie they wanted to watch, and you were staring to get annoyed. "Will! Pick a movie" all the kids (except Will) groaned in annoyance. "Either he picks or I do. I'm sick of you guys arguing. So, Will?" you turned to look at him. "Poltergeist?" he suggested hesitantly.
"Great choice! Put it in the VCR, and I don't want to hear any complaints" you said before leaning back, getting comfortable. "You comfortable baby?" you asked Steve quietly, noticing he had tensed up. "Yeah. I-I'm alright"
“You sure?”
“I’m sure” you sighed as you laid your head back against his chest, and Steve placed a kiss on the top of your head. Everyone got quiet as the movie began to play.
You could feel yourself dozing off, your eyelids heavy as you fought to keep them open. You had already seen poltergeist, so none of the scares actually got you. Towards the end of the movie, there was a scarier scene playing. You could feel Steve tense up underneath you, and his grip on you tightened. Before you could turn and ask him what was wrong, he began to push you off him. "Gotta go to the bathroom" he said quickly as he crawled out from underneath you.
You plopped back down on the couch as you watched Steve stumble over the kids on the floor before walking down the hall to the bathroom. You thought Steve had been acting weird, but this confirmed your suspicions.
You waited a few minutes for him to come back. A few more minutes passed before you decided to go check on him. You stood up and stepped over the kids, walking quickly down the hall to the bathroom door. You could hear the kids whispering and giggling as you walked away. You rolled you eyes at them as you made it to the bathroom door. You stood there for a moment just listening before you lifted a fist up and knocked softly.
"Steve? Is everything alright?" you asked him through the door. "I'm fine" you heard his muffled reply. "Steve, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? Whatever is going on, I'm always here to listen" you tried to reassure him.
There was a long pause before he spoke again. "Promise you won't laugh?" you nodded even though he couldn't see you. "I promise"
The door opened and suddenly Steve was pulling you into the bathroom with him. He shut the door behind you before leaning back against the sink. He ran a hand through his hair before he crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at his feet to avoid your gaze. "Steve?" you reached out and gently gripped his chin, lifting his face up so you could look into those deep brown eyes you loved so much. You could see the sadness and insecurity and it made your heart break. "What's going on? Talk to me" you brought your hand up from his chin to cup his cheek, rubbing your thumb across his skin softly.
He leaned into your touch with a content sigh. He shut his eyes as you continued to rub your thumb across his cheek comfortingly. "I have an embarrassing confession to make..." you stayed quiet, urging him to continue. "Horror movie scare the shit out of me and I hate watching them" he said quickly, keeping his eyes squeezed shut.
"Steve... why did you think I'd laugh at you for that?" you asked softly. He shrugged as he opened his eyes. "Robin laughed" he said sadly. "That's because Robin is a punk who likes to tease you"
"You don't think that it's ridiculous and childish that I'm scared of horror movies?" he questioned you. "Of course not, baby. Horror movies aren't for everyone, and that's alright. It's like how not everyone likes si-fi but I for one love Star Wars" you could feel Steve relaxing under your touch and your reassuring words. "It's just that we've dealt with so much scary shit in our real lives, that I don't want to have to watch more shit about monsters that come and kill you in the night" you nodded. "I understand, Steve. Let's just hang out in my room until the movie is over. If the shitheads are even still awake, you can pick the next movie" you said before leaning in and kissing his lips quick.
You let your hand fall from his face as you turned to open the bathroom door. Steve reached out and grabbed your hand, stopping you. You turned to face him with furrowed brows. "Thank you" he said before you could speak. "For what?" you questioned him. "For being there for me. I was being kind of a dick by just pushing you away, and I'm sorry-" you held up your pointer finger to shush him. "You don't need to thank me or apologize for anything. What are girlfriends for? I'm always going to be there for you, Steve. I love you"
You felt your heart swell at the way his cheeks turned a light pink. "I love you too" he began to lean in and you happily met him in the middle, pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss. "We've been gone so long that the kids probably think we're in here making out or something" you said with a chuckle as you pulled away. "I mean we could..." Steve said teasingly as he leaned in. You laughed as you pushed him back before pulling open the door.
You turned and ran down the hallway towards your room. Steve was close behind, catching up to you as you made it to your bedroom door. He wrapped his arms around your middle and lifted you up. You broke out in a fit of laughter as he kicked open your door. He carried you into your room before tossing you onto your bed.
"Now they're really going to think we're doing something" you said as you laid back on your bed. "Let them think" Steve waved his hand dismissively as he leaned over you. He leaned down and kissed you quick. "Can't we just stay here?" he asked as he fell down onto your bed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. Your faces are only inches apart as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I mean I don't see why not. I'm sure the little shits down the hall definitely won't come snooping soon" you said sarcastically. Steve laughed as he shook his head. "I guess you're right"
Steve stood up before picking you up bridal style. He carried you down the hall and back into the living room. He ignored the stares from Dustin, Mike, and Lucas as he carried you over to the couch. The two of you cuddled back up on the couch, and you noticed the credits were rolling as you finally got comfortable.
The kids immediately began to argue again over what movie to watch next. "Max, put in A New Hope" you said over the rest of them. Max nodded before getting up and putting the tape in the VCR.
Eventually everyone settled back down as the movie began to play. You turned your head to kiss Steve on the cheek. "This movie is better than poltergeist anyway" you whispered to him, and you felt his chest rumble with laughter underneath you.
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ao3feed-tywin · 1 year
THE SEVEN, game of thrones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PH9I7dO
as a war brews in the continent of westeros the six sisters of the house elysian prepare for the worst
Words: 2987, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Jaime Lannister, Bronn (A Song of Ice and Fire), Brienne of Tarth, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Sansa Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Original Male Character(s), Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, Arya Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Ned Stark, Bran Stark, Sandor Clegane, Catelyn Tully Stark, Petyr Baelish, Tywin Lannister, Davos Seaworth, Joffrey Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Tormund Giantsbane, Oberyn Martell, Renly Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Podrick Payne, Loras Tyrell, Ramsay Bolton, Jeyne Poole, Roose Bolton, Olenna Tyrell
Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Original Female Character(s), Bronn of the Blackwater/Original Female Character(s), Brienne of Tarth/Original Female Character(s), Robb Stark/Original Female Character(s), Theon Greyjoy/Original Female Character(s), Sansa Stark/Original Female Character(s), Margaery Tyrell/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Dragons, Complicated Relationships, Secret Relationship, Second Chances, Reunions, Emotional Baggage, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst, Drinking, Underage Drinking, Underage Sex, Slow Burn, Banter, First Love, Execution, Murder, Attempted Murder, Valyrian Magic (A Song of Ice and Fire), Rivals With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Love at First Sight, Psychological Torture, Suicidal Thoughts, Blood and Gore, Blood Magic (A Song of Ice and Fire), Miscarriage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PH9I7dO
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centrumlumina · 5 years
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As part of the July 2019 AO3 Ship Stats, here are the Top 100 F/F pairings with the most total works on Archive Of Our Own.
Of the 200 names on this list, there are 53 women of colour and 27 women of ambiguous race, compared with 42 and 35 in the 2017 list. For comparison, the overall top 100 list includes 46 people of colour and 8 who are racially ambiguous.
Because of the way I produced this data, it is possible some F/F ships are missing, particularly those in fandoms dominated by other categories of ship. For more information, see the project FAQs. This project also includes an All-Time Top 100 list and 2017-2019 Top 100, and can be found cross-posted on AO3.
Edit: Fixed race classification for Éponine Thénardier.
A text-only version of this data is given below the cut.
Rank Change Pairing Fandom Works Race 1 0 Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Once Upon a Time (TV) 11388 Whi/POC 2 0 Clarke Griffin/Lexa The 100 (TV) 10838 White 3 1 Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Supergirl (TV 2015) 9460 White 4 3 Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer Supergirl (TV 2015) 5231 Whi/POC 5 -2 Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein Carmilla (Web Series) 5094 White 6 -1 Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam Homestuck 4174 Ambig 7 -1 Korra/Asami Sato Avatar: Legend of Korra 4106 POC 8 15 Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught Wynonna Earp (TV) 3685 White 9 -1 Alphys/Undyne (Undertale) Undertale (Video Game) 3334 Ambig 10 11 Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long RWBY 2987 POC 11 5 Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell Pitch Perfect (Movies) 2985 White 12 -3 Root | Samantha Groves/Sameen Shaw Person of Interest (TV) 2817 Whi/POC 13 -1 Kara Danvers/Cat Grant Supergirl (TV 2015) 2734 White 14 -4 Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan 2645 White 15 10 Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee RWBY 2422 Whi/POC 16 2 Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler Overwatch (Video Game) 2376 Whi/POC 17 -6 Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce Glee 2369 Whi/POC 18 -5 Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli Agent Carter (TV) 2106 White 19 8 Serena Campbell/Bernie Wolfe Holby City 2032 White 20 2 Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price Life Is Strange (Video Game) 2030 White 21 -7 Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray Glee 1948 White 22 N Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 1932 POC 23 -8 Allison Argent/Lydia Martin Teen Wolf (TV) 1818 White 24 5 Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe) Steven Universe (Cartoon) 1791 Ambig 25 12 Miranda Priestly/Andrea Sachs The Devil Wears Prada (2006) 1644 White 26 N Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz Riverdale (TV 2017) 1640 Whi/POC 27 -7 Jemma Simmons/Skye | Daisy Johnson Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) 1570 Whi/POC 28 -11 Delphine Cormier/Cosima Niehaus Orphan Black (TV) 1568 White 29 N Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) 1499 White 30 -11 Myka Bering/Helena "H. G." Wells Warehouse 13 1490 White 31 N Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 1440 POC 32 16 Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 1412 White 33 N Adora/Catra (She-Ra) She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) 1382 Whi/POC 34 -10 Erin Gilbert/Jillian Holtzmann Ghostbusters (2016) 1343 White 35 -9 Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhart Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan 1322 Whi/POC 36 -6 Anna/Elsa (Disney) Frozen (2013) 1318 White 37 3 Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood Shadowhunters (TV) 1315 Whi/POC 38 -10 Maura Isles/Jane Rizzoli Rizzoli & Isles 1259 White 39 N Lena "Tracer" Oxton/Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix Overwatch (Video Game) 1257 White 40 43 Kimberly Hart/Trini Power Rangers (2017) 1237 POC 41 -9 Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell Game of Thrones (TV) 1224 White 42 -4 Female Shepard/Liara T'Soni Mass Effect Trilogy 1164 Ambig 43 N Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan Doctor Who (2005) 1072 Whi/POC 44 -2 Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler Hamilton – Miranda 1061 POC 45 6 Anya/Raven Reyes The 100 (TV) 1050 POC 46 -15 Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) 1048 White 47 -3 Pearl/Rose Quartz | Pink Diamond Steven Universe (Cartoon) 1046 Ambig 48 -12 Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 1044 White 49 -6 Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov Marvel Cinematic Universe 1038 White 50 -16 Gwen/Morgana (Merlin) Merlin (TV) 1016 Whi/POC 51 1 Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel Batman - All Media Types 1013 White 52 1 Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers Supergirl (TV 2015) 993 White 53 -7 Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance Arrow (TV 2012) 977 Whi/POC 54 -13 Pacifica Northwest/Mabel Pines Gravity Falls 972 White 55 -10 Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) 970 White 56 -17 Terezi Pyrope/Vriska Serket Homestuck 962 Ambig 57 -10 Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka Haikyuu!! 945 POC 58 -2 Astra/Alex Danvers Supergirl (TV 2015) 934 White 59 3 Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge Riverdale (TV 2017) 925 Whi/POC 60 -27 Ashlyn Harris/Ali Krieger Women's Soccer RPF 924 White 61 -26 Ruby/Sapphire (Steven Universe) Steven Universe (Cartoon) 854 Ambig 62 6 Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) 839 White 63 2 Princess Bubblegum/Marceline Adventure Time 795 Ambig 64 25 Carol Aird/Therese Belivet Carol (2015) 788 White 65 -1 Gabrielle/Xena Xena: Warrior Princess 781 White 66= -16 Amethyst/Pearl (Steven Universe) Steven Universe (Cartoon) 773 Ambig 66= -17 Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura Teen Wolf (TV) 773 Whi/POC 68 N Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 761 Whi/Amb 69 -14 Female Hawke/Isabela Dragon Age II 750 Amb/POC 70 N Misty Day/Cordelia Foxx | Cordelia Goode American Horror Story 725 White 71 -10 Maya Hart/Riley Matthews Girl Meets World 723 White 72 -13 Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle Supernatural 720 White 73 N Diana Cavendish/Atsuko "Akko" Kagari Little Witch Academia 711 Whi/POC 74 N Rachel Amber/Chloe Price Life Is Strange (Video Game) 702 White 75 -21 Leliana/Female Warden Dragon Age: Origins 697 Whi/Amb 76 4 Ayase Eli/Toujou Nozomi Love Live! School Idol Project 692 POC 77 -10 Kaiou Michiru/Tenoh Haruka Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 688 POC 78 -3 Camila Cabello/Lauren Jauregui Fifth Harmony (Band) 673 POC 79 -10 Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss Criminal Minds (US TV) 658 White 80 -17 Cosette Fauchelevent/Éponine Thénardier Les Misérables - All Media Types 657 Whi/Amb 81 N Emily/Lena "Tracer" Oxton Overwatch (Video Game) 656 White 82= -25 Jane Crocker/Roxy Lalonde Homestuck 654 Ambig 82= -7 Tobin Heath/Christen Press Women's Soccer RPF 654 Whi/POC 84 -2 Amethyst/Peridot (Steven Universe) Steven Universe (Cartoon) 652 Ambig 85 -27 Octavia Blake/Raven Reyes The 100 (TV) 649 Whi/POC 86 N Trixie Mattel/Katya Zamolodchikova RuPaul's Drag Race RPF 648 Whi/POC 87 N Evie/Mal (Disney) Descendants (Disney Movies) 647 Whi/POC 88 N Eve Polastri/Villanelle | Oksana Astankova Killing Eve (TV 2018) 645 Whi/POC 89 N Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine Star Trek: Voyager 642 White 90 N Haruno Sakura/Yamanaka Ino Naruto 639 POC 91 4 Nishikino Maki/Yazawa Nico Love Live! School Idol Project 628 POC 92 N Moira O'Deorain/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler Overwatch (Video Game) 612 White 93 -21 Female Inquisitor/Sera Dragon Age: Inquisition 591 Whi/Amb 94 -34 Tobin Heath/Alex Morgan Women's Soccer RPF 589 White 95 N Charity Dingle/Vanessa Woodfield Emmerdale 584 White 96 N Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau Captain Marvel (2019) 582 Whi/POC 97 -19 Dorothy Baum/Charlie Bradbury Supernatural 570 White 98 N Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers Supergirl (TV 2015) 568 Whi/POC 99 N Beauregard/Yasha (Critical Role) Critical Role (Web Series) 565 Whi/POC 100 N Weiss Schnee/Yang Xiao Long RWBY 564 Whi/POC
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wWIy9G
by languageintostillair
Brienne had woken up the morning after Jaime asked about coffee—she’d slept an hour, maybe two—and decided it would be best to simply get it over and done with. Like picking up the sweater, coffee with Jaime was just another errand to check off her mental to-do list. It was unfortunate that it was added to that to-do list because of a—well, a slip of the tongue, she’d just leave it at that—but it was still just an errand. That was all. And the longer she put off this errand, she reasoned, the more sleepless nights she’d potentially have to endure. Coffee with Jaime was just one more step to suffer through, to sever him from her life. It couldn’t possibly be more mortifying than the last conversation they had, just before she’d left for Winterfell.
She’d survived that. She’ll survive this.
Words: 2987, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of After an Almost
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth
Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst, so much more angst than the last part and without that much hope, this part is like a coffee shop AU from hell, Post-Break Up, but again they were never really in a relationship in the first place, Past Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister Are Not Related
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wWIy9G
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ao3jamiexbrienne · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wWIy9G
by languageintostillair
Brienne had woken up the morning after Jaime asked about coffee—she’d slept an hour, maybe two—and decided it would be best to simply get it over and done with. Like picking up the sweater, coffee with Jaime was just another errand to check off her mental to-do list. It was unfortunate that it was added to that to-do list because of a—well, a slip of the tongue, she’d just leave it at that—but it was still just an errand. That was all. And the longer she put off this errand, she reasoned, the more sleepless nights she’d potentially have to endure. Coffee with Jaime was just one more step to suffer through, to sever him from her life. It couldn’t possibly be more mortifying than the last conversation they had, just before she’d left for Winterfell.
She’d survived that. She’ll survive this.
Words: 2987, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of After an Almost
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth
Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst, so much more angst than the last part and without that much hope, this part is like a coffee shop AU from hell, Post-Break Up, but again they were never really in a relationship in the first place, Past Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister Are Not Related
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wWIy9G
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marketrevenueba · 2 years
Vanillin Market Sales,Analysis, Region & Country Revenue Share, & Forecast Till 2027
The Global Vanillin Market is forecast to reach USD 1.72 Billion by 2027. The growing prevalence of food flavoring agents and smell intensifying ingredients in food, medicine, or any other oral consuming as well as surface liniment applications, have continued to propel the market demands of vanillin.
The food & beverage industry is one of the leading and fast-growing consumer products. Vanillin, having used many aspects in this industry, is expected to be in high demand during the projected period. Vanillin has also been proved to a vital additive ingredient used in the pharmaceutical industry.
Increased health & hygiene awareness with reliability on the natural products among the people, escalating consumer demand for edible products that exclusively use pure natural flavor and fragrances, and an explosion in the overall popularity of the gourmet ice creams, which mostly uses the genuine natural products solely have enforced the demand for the natural source of vanillins and its usage in the end-use verticals broadly.
The flavor & fragrance industry is observing an increasing demand for natural ingredients. The consumers of personal care & food products are extremely being inclined towards the natural ingredient based products. A majority of the global leading consumer goods brands have found tremendous success with their natural product line-ups in the recent past. Most of these companies are launching separate product line-ups containing the natural ingredients. Natural vanillin is projected to increase the demand of the market remarkably as many companies are expected to come up with newer end-use product line-ups made of natural vanillin.
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Top Companies:
Apple Flavor & Fragrance Group Co Ltd., International Flavors & Fragrances, Firmenich SA, Camlin Fine Sciences Ltd., BASF SE, Comax Flavors, De Monchy Aromatics, Evolva Holding, Omega Ingredients Ltd., and Conagen, among others.
Market Overview:
The materials and chemicals industry has always employed cutting edge of innovation. It has guided the scientific community as well as individuals to explore new aspects of nature. From medical supplies to paints to perfumes, everything is composed of chemicals. Both new chemical discovery and substance explorations are handled by the materials and chemicals industry. The materials and chemicals industry has always taken a forward-thinking approach, from discovering new compounds to creating new chemical combinations.
This industry includes polymers, dyes, lubricants, surfactants, resins, petrochemicals, bleaches, paints, plastics, soap, detergent, and acids, among other chemicals and chemical products. The materials and chemical industries are known for improving product physical characteristics. Magnetic, optical, structural, and catalytic properties are all altered to increase the product's overall efficacy. Leading players in the materials and chemicals industry have questioned the status quo and produced brilliant inventions that have altered the course of history. Advancement in the materials and chemicals industry can lead other industries in comprehending new types of matter. In this way, it creates a solid foundation for the advancement of society as a whole.
The Vanillin market has been growing steadily over the past decade and CAGR is expected to improve over the forecast period. It is also likely to be one of the industries influencing global revenue generation. Rapidly growing demand, an abundance of raw materials, population growth, financial stability, and product awareness are some of the factors that make progress directly and indirectly in the market.
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The study throws light on the Vanillin market mainly focusing on the growth factors and even the restraining factors. The restraining factors are also provided with the best solutions which also prove to be a counteract to the drawback and help increase the market demand. Applications, types, technology and many other segmentations are studied to give a depth of knowledge for further market investment. Key driving forces for Vanillin market is explained to help give an idea for a detailed analysis of this market.
The report also implements primary and secondary research techniques for gathering the most crucial pieces of professional information, and applies a number of industry-best techniques upon the data for projecting the future state of the global Vanillin market. Based on current market development, the report includes an analysis of how activities such as mergers and shapes the market’s future.
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Type Outlook
Sales Channel Outlook
Online Selling
Offline Selling
End-Use Verticals Outlook
Food & Beverage
Cosmetics & Toiletries
Therapeutic Treatment
Major Regions covered in the report:
North America (U.S.A., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Market Report includes major TOC points:
Vanillin market Overview
Global Economic Impact on Industry
Global Market Competition by Manufacturers
Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region
Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions
Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Global Market Analysis by Application
Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
Market Effect Factors Analysis
Vanillin market Forecast
Conclusively, all aspects of the Vanillin market are quantitatively as well qualitatively assessed to study the global as well as regional market comparatively. This market study presents critical information and factual data about the market providing an overall statistical study of this market on the basis of market drivers, limitations and its future prospects.
To know more about the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/vanillin-market
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Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients to make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Products, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware of the latest trends existent in the market. Reports and Data has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise. Our industry experience and ability to develop a concrete solution to any research problems provides our clients with the ability to secure an edge over their respective competitors.
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Networking & Communication Segment to Dominate the India Semiconductor Market through FY2027F – TechSci Research
Roll-out of 5G technology and development of consumer electronics industry is expected to drive the demand for India Semiconductor market in the forecast period.
According to TechSci Research report, “India Semiconductor Market By Components (Microprocessors, Sensors, Analog IC, Memory Devices, Optoelectronics, Discrete Power Devices & Others), By Application (Networking & Communication, Healthcare, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Smart Grid, Gaming & Others), By Type (Intrinsic Semiconductor & Extrinsic Semiconductor), By Process (Wafer Production, Wafer Fabrication, Doping, Masking, Etching & Thermal Oxidation), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, FY2027”, the India Semiconductor market is expected to witness steady growth in the forecast period, FY2023-FY2027F. To boost the growth of the electronics industry, leading authorities are supporting the set-up of semiconductor wafer fabrication plants which in turn is expected to spur the semiconductor market growth. A semiconductor wafer fabrication plant is a factory where devices such as integrated circuits and discrete electronic devices including transistors and diodes are manufactured. The growth of the electronics industry and the huge demand for data center facilities for storing information generated through various sources is influencing the growth of the semiconductor market in India. The schemes promoting the development of smart cities which use emerging technologies to provide an enhanced experience to consumers by providing insights by constant monitoring and analysis are expected to pave the way for the semiconductor market growth. The growing demand from the automotive industry due to the use of automation technology in automobiles to increase comfort, ease, and provide security to customers is expected to fuel the market growth. Automotive market players are integrating semiconductors in their vehicles to provide the required insights related to vehicle such as navigation control, infotainment systems, and collision detection systems. The growing digital transformation in the country to increase transparency and speed up the process in all important industry verticals is expected to increase the demand for the semiconductor market in the next five years.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world, which has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely including India. Leading authorities of India imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Manufacturing units were temporarily shut down and the workers moved back to their native places which led to the shortage of workforce at the manufacturing units. The disruption in the supply chain was observed in this period owing to the restrictions imposed on the import and export activities. Thereby, COVID-19 negatively impacted the growth of the semiconductor market in India during this period.
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Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on “India Semiconductor Market”.
India Semiconductor market is segmented into components, application, type, process, regional distribution, and company. Based on the components, the market can be divided into microprocessors, sensors, analog IC, memory devices, optoelectronics, discrete power devices & others. The memory devices segment is expected to account for a major market share in the forecast period. High demand from end-user industries and the ongoing advancements in technology such as cloud computing and virtual reality is expected to influence the market growth. The high cost of NAND flash chips and DRAM is further expected to fuel the market growth.
Broadcom India Pvt. Ltd., Chiplogic India Pvt. Ltd., Tata Elxsi, Continental Device India Ltd, MosChip Technologies Limited, NXP Semiconductors, Semiconductor Laboratory, eInfoChips, Inc., Saankhya Labs, Semiconductor Solutions, ASM Technologies, ST Microelectronics India, Infineon Technologies India Pvt. Ltd, Masamb Electronics Systems are the leading players operating in India semiconductor market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several semiconductor manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report  @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7801 Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“The market players are making huge investments for the miniaturization of the semiconductor chips with increased processing speed, and which can process large data in less amount of time. Growing adoption of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, machine learning in the next generation of interconnected devices by the market players to enhance the consumer experience and increase the demand for intelligence computing is expected to create lucrative opportunities for the India semiconductor market growth in the forecast period.”, said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research-based global management consulting firm.
“India Semiconductor Market By Components (Microprocessors, Sensors, Analog IC, Memory Devices, Optoelectronics, Discrete Power Devices & Others), By Application (Networking & Communication, Healthcare, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Smart Grid, Gaming & Others), By Type (Intrinsic Semiconductor & Extrinsic Semiconductor), By Process (Wafer Production, Wafer Fabrication, Doping, Masking, Etching & Thermal Oxidation), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, FY2027” has evaluated the future growth potential of India Semiconductor market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the India semiconductor market.
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ao3feedshklance · 7 years
Trouble Comes In Threes (Kinktober 2017)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU9pSv
by MystiTrinqua
(Prompts for the month are as tagged) Angel/Demon AU - Shiro goes missing, but Keith refuses to believe it was a coincidence and abandons his garrison to search for him on Earth. Lance is the crossroads demon who finds him, (and a relationship he wasn't expecting) in return for Keith's soul. College AU - Sex sells and college is expensive, two facts Keith and Lance both know all too well. Shiro might just be their silver lining to all of it. Canon Divergence - [Probably (begrudgingly) s3 compliant but I've marked it divergence just to be safe.] Shiro and Keith have been dancing around each other since before Kerberos, and when it comes down to it, Lance isn't the type not to take a shot at getting what he wants, especially when he knows they want it too.
Words: 2987, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Kuro (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro, Kuro/Lance (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: kinktober 2017, welcome to the sin bin, Angel/Demon Sex, Angel Wings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, Non-Chronological, Morning Sex, Dirty Talk, Camboy Keith, Phone Sex, Humiliation, Body Worship, Knifeplay, Begging, Size Difference, Bondage, Praise Kink, Stockings, Latex, Choking, Asphyxiation, Ice Play, Temperature Play, BDSM, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Delay, Telepathic Bond, Rimming, Gags, Sensory Deprivation, Blindfolds, Role Reversal, Switching, Lapdances, Stripping, Lingerie, Leather, Power Play, Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy, Prostitution, Threesome, Double Penetration, Shower Sex, Collars, Scars, Wall Sex, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Accidental Voyeurism, Shibari, sex in the black lion, because it's obligatory, Mirror Sex, Overstimulation, Sex Toys, Aphrodisiacs, Sex Pollen, I think thats all the prompts tagged, Dom Keith (Voltron), Dom Shiro (Voltron), Dom Lance, Power Bottom Keith (Voltron), Bottom Shiro (Voltron), Bottom Lance (Voltron), They All Switch, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Angst and Fluff and Smut, 30 Days of Smut Challenge, Gratuitous Smut, I'm Going to Hell, Inspired By Tumblr, As these things often are, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Even mixture of shance/sheith/klance/shklance, Chapters will be sorted by kink and ship, So you can filter out ships you dont want
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU9pSv
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ao3feed-klance · 7 years
Trouble Comes In Threes (Kinktober 2017)
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU9pSv
by MystiTrinqua
(Prompts for the month are as tagged) Angel/Demon AU - Shiro goes missing, but Keith refuses to believe it was a coincidence and abandons his garrison to search for him on Earth. Lance is the crossroads demon who finds him, (and a relationship he wasn't expecting) in return for Keith's soul. College AU - Sex sells and college is expensive, two facts Keith and Lance both know all too well. Shiro might just be their silver lining to all of it. Canon Divergence - [Probably (begrudgingly) s3 compliant but I've marked it divergence just to be safe.] Shiro and Keith have been dancing around each other since before Kerberos, and when it comes down to it, Lance isn't the type not to take a shot at getting what he wants, especially when he knows they want it too.
Words: 2987, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Kuro (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro, Kuro/Lance (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: kinktober 2017, welcome to the sin bin, Angel/Demon Sex, Angel Wings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, Non-Chronological, Morning Sex, Dirty Talk, Camboy Keith, Phone Sex, Humiliation, Body Worship, Knifeplay, Begging, Size Difference, Bondage, Praise Kink, Stockings, Latex, Choking, Asphyxiation, Ice Play, Temperature Play, BDSM, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Delay, Telepathic Bond, Rimming, Gags, Sensory Deprivation, Blindfolds, Role Reversal, Switching, Lapdances, Stripping, Lingerie, Leather, Power Play, Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy, Prostitution, Threesome, Double Penetration, Shower Sex, Collars, Scars, Wall Sex, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Accidental Voyeurism, Shibari, sex in the black lion, because it's obligatory, Mirror Sex, Overstimulation, Sex Toys, Aphrodisiacs, Sex Pollen, I think thats all the prompts tagged, Dom Keith (Voltron), Dom Shiro (Voltron), Dom Lance, Power Bottom Keith (Voltron), Bottom Shiro (Voltron), Bottom Lance (Voltron), They All Switch, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Angst and Fluff and Smut, 30 Days of Smut Challenge, Gratuitous Smut, I'm Going to Hell, Inspired By Tumblr, As these things often are, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Even mixture of shance/sheith/klance/shklance, Chapters will be sorted by kink and ship, So you can filter out ships you dont want
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU9pSv
7 notes · View notes
Trouble Comes In Threes (Kinktober 2017)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU9pSv
by MystiTrinqua
(Prompts for the month are as tagged) Angel/Demon AU - Shiro goes missing, but Keith refuses to believe it was a coincidence and abandons his garrison to search for him on Earth. Lance is the crossroads demon who finds him, (and a relationship he wasn't expecting) in return for Keith's soul. College AU - Sex sells and college is expensive, two facts Keith and Lance both know all too well. Shiro might just be their silver lining to all of it. Canon Divergence - [Probably (begrudgingly) s3 compliant but I've marked it divergence just to be safe.] Shiro and Keith have been dancing around each other since before Kerberos, and when it comes down to it, Lance isn't the type not to take a shot at getting what he wants, especially when he knows they want it too.
Words: 2987, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Kuro (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro, Kuro/Lance (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: kinktober 2017, welcome to the sin bin, Angel/Demon Sex, Angel Wings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, Non-Chronological, Morning Sex, Dirty Talk, Camboy Keith, Phone Sex, Humiliation, Body Worship, Knifeplay, Begging, Size Difference, Bondage, Praise Kink, Stockings, Latex, Choking, Asphyxiation, Ice Play, Temperature Play, BDSM, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Delay, Telepathic Bond, Rimming, Gags, Sensory Deprivation, Blindfolds, Role Reversal, Switching, Lapdances, Stripping, Lingerie, Leather, Power Play, Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy, Prostitution, Threesome, Double Penetration, Shower Sex, Collars, Scars, Wall Sex, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Accidental Voyeurism, Shibari, sex in the black lion, because it's obligatory, Mirror Sex, Overstimulation, Sex Toys, Aphrodisiacs, Sex Pollen, I think thats all the prompts tagged, Dom Keith (Voltron), Dom Shiro (Voltron), Dom Lance, Power Bottom Keith (Voltron), Bottom Shiro (Voltron), Bottom Lance (Voltron), They All Switch, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Angst and Fluff and Smut, 30 Days of Smut Challenge, Gratuitous Smut, I'm Going to Hell, Inspired By Tumblr, As these things often are, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Even mixture of shance/sheith/klance/shklance, Chapters will be sorted by kink and ship, So you can filter out ships you dont want
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU9pSv
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 7 years
Trouble Comes In Threes (Kinktober 2017)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU9pSv
by MystiTrinqua
(Prompts for the month are as tagged) Angel/Demon AU - Shiro goes missing, but Keith refuses to believe it was a coincidence and abandons his garrison to search for him on Earth. Lance is the crossroads demon who finds him, (and a relationship he wasn't expecting) in return for Keith's soul. College AU - Sex sells and college is expensive, two facts Keith and Lance both know all too well. Shiro might just be their silver lining to all of it. Canon Divergence - [Probably (begrudgingly) s3 compliant but I've marked it divergence just to be safe.] Shiro and Keith have been dancing around each other since before Kerberos, and when it comes down to it, Lance isn't the type not to take a shot at getting what he wants, especially when he knows they want it too.
Words: 2987, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Kuro (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro, Kuro/Lance (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: kinktober 2017, welcome to the sin bin, Angel/Demon Sex, Angel Wings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, Non-Chronological, Morning Sex, Dirty Talk, Camboy Keith, Phone Sex, Humiliation, Body Worship, Knifeplay, Begging, Size Difference, Bondage, Praise Kink, Stockings, Latex, Choking, Asphyxiation, Ice Play, Temperature Play, BDSM, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Delay, Telepathic Bond, Rimming, Gags, Sensory Deprivation, Blindfolds, Role Reversal, Switching, Lapdances, Stripping, Lingerie, Leather, Power Play, Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy, Prostitution, Threesome, Double Penetration, Shower Sex, Collars, Scars, Wall Sex, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Accidental Voyeurism, Shibari, sex in the black lion, because it's obligatory, Mirror Sex, Overstimulation, Sex Toys, Aphrodisiacs, Sex Pollen, I think thats all the prompts tagged, Dom Keith (Voltron), Dom Shiro (Voltron), Dom Lance, Power Bottom Keith (Voltron), Bottom Shiro (Voltron), Bottom Lance (Voltron), They All Switch, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Angst and Fluff and Smut, 30 Days of Smut Challenge, Gratuitous Smut, I'm Going to Hell, Inspired By Tumblr, As these things often are, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Even mixture of shance/sheith/klance/shklance, Chapters will be sorted by kink and ship, So you can filter out ships you dont want
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU9pSv
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thetinyfoodie-blog · 5 years
Take Your Wagyu Cravings To The Next Level
Sumibiyakiniku Nakahara
Chiyoda City
102-0085 GEMS Ichigaya 9F, 4-3 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
1st seating: 6pm
2nd seating: 8:30pm
Weekends & Holidays
1st seating: 5pm
2nd seating: 7:30pm
Price range: $$$$
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Japan is not only the home of sushi and sashimi but also some of the best steaks in the world. The Wagyu, in particular, is deemed as the holy grail of steaks. Its marbling (prominence of fat) makes it the most coveted kind of meat because of its natural tenderness and juiciness. The pure flavoring comes with a high price though. In the US, restaurants serve Japanese A5 wagyu at an average of $140-$150 for 8oz; more expensive than getting a porterhouse for 3. It is worth the splurge nonetheless.
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Wagyu may not be cheaper in Japan, but there are a few places, such as Sumibiyakiniku Nakahara, where you can find premium wagyu for a lower price. Some food market stalls may sell wagyu for $30 or less, though they will never be able to offer a wagyu omakase (course meal)
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Sumibiyakiniku Nakahara is famous for its high-quality Japanese Black Wagyu dinner course that consists of the most flavorful parts of the beef–from tongue to stomach to intestines–seared to perfection. If you’re a ravenous meat eater like me, this meal will blow your mind. Every bite is just a dream you never want to wake up from. You can try to prolong it but the beef melts like butter in your mouth. Not to worry, you will be satisfied after the meal which is surprisingly heavy. You can choose to conclude it with 1/4 of a wagyu sandwich, in addition to its phenomenal pistachio ice cream, for an additional ¥4300 ($39).
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This dining experience is one of the best I’ve ever had and it’s totally the best meal I had in Tokyo. It is pricey but you get so much more than your money’s worth. The dinner course is about $180-$220 for more than 12oz of steak which is a deal if you put it in an American dining perspective.
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Gear 4 Thin Ice Liquid Rubber Coque pour iPhone 5/ iPhone SE Noir 8,56 € https://magasin-informatique.com/coque-telephone-bumper-telephone/2987-gear-4-thin-ice-liquid-rubber-coque-pour-iphone-5-iphone-se-noir-5060230658124.html
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philaparkandrec · 7 years
Free Movie Nights in Philly Parks & Playgrounds
There’s no better place to spend a nice summer day than one of Philly’s lovely parks. Starting in June, many of these parks will turn into outdoor movie screening venues once dusk sets in. Some will even have refreshments, music, entertainment, raffles, and activities before showtime. Best of all, every movie night is free! So pack a picnic, grab a blanket, and head to your local park or playground to catch a flick with friends, family, and neighbors. Note: In the event of inclement weather, be sure to check the links provided below for movie cancellations or rain dates! 
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Movies in the Park Program In partnership with Fairmount Park Conservancy and Park Friends Groups, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation will host 27 free family-friendly movie nights in parks and playgrounds across the city this summer. All movies start at dusk: the times listed below are approximate. Come early for music and activities before showtime! 
June 26 at 8:30pm: Sing, Palmer Park (1701 Frankford Ave, 19125)
June 28 at 8:30pm: Secret Life of Pets, Fotterall Square (2400 N 11th St, 19133)
June 30 at 8:30pm: Ride Along 2, Miles Mack Playground (RESCHEDULED from June 23; 732 N 36th St, 19104)
July 7 at 8:30pm: Beauty & the Beast (2017), Overington Park (4600 Leiper St, 19124)
July 10 at 8:30pm: Moana, Benson Park (1440 N 4th St, 19122)
July 12 at 8:30pm: Central Intelligence, Woodside Park (3910 Conshohocken Ave, 19131)
July 17 at 8pm: Storks, Campbell Square (2525 E Allegheny Ave, 19134)
July 19 at 8pm: Finding Dory, Pleasant Hill Park (9201 N Delaware Ave, 19114)
July 21 at 8pm: Grease, Roxborough Reservoir (601 Port Royal Ave, 19128)
July 25 at 8pm: Sing, Coxe Park (RESCHEDULED from July 24; 2132 Cherry St, 19103)
July 26 at 8pm: Moana, Penn Treaty Park (1201 Beach St, 19125)
July 31 at 8pm: The Jungle Book, Triangle Park (5425 Upland Way, 19131)
August 1 at 8pm: Sing, Dickinson Square (1600 E Moyamensing Ave, 19148)
August 1 at 8pm: Moana, Marconi Plaza (S 13th & Bigler Sts, 19148)
August 4 at 8pm: Central Intelligence, Lemon Hill (Lemon Hill Dr, 19130)
August 7 at 8pm: BFG, Hart Park (1315 N 4th St, 19122)
August 9 at 8pm: The LEGO Batman Movie, Olney Recreation Center (100 E Godfrey Ave, 19120)
August 14 at 8pm: Secret Life of Pets, Hissey Playground (400 E Indiana Ave, 19134)
August 16 at 8pm: Storks, Inn Yard Park (4208 Ridge Ave, 19129)
August 18 at 8pm: Finding Dory, Rainbow de Colores (2312 N 5th St, 19133)
August 21 at 8pm: Moana, Mifflin Square (500 Wolf St, 19148)
August 23 at 8pm: Moana, Smith Playground (2200 S 24th St, 19145)
September 8 at 7pm: Pete’s Dragon, Starr Garden (600 Lombard St, 19147)
September 15 at 7pm: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Pennypack Park (8750 Pine Rd, 19111)
September 22 at 7pm: Secret Life of Pets, Shot Tower Playground (101 Carpenter St, 19147)
October 13 at 7pm: Sing, Powers Park (2987 Almond St, 19134)
October 20 at 7pm: Moana, Tacony Creek Park (531 E Olney Ave, 19120)
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Burholme Park  This summer, grab a blanket and head to one of Northeast Philly’s most popular parks to enjoy a movie under the stars! There are plenty of activities planned before showtime, including discounted admission to Burholme Park Golf Center and special tours at the Ryerss Museum & Library. For more information, click here.
June 24 at 9pm: The LEGO Movie
July 26 at 8:30pm: Moana (RESCHEDULED from July 22)
August 26 at 8pm: Secret Life of Pets
October 21 at 7pm: Ghostbusters
FDR Park FDR Park will host a summer-long series of Movies in the Park: each month, a different movie will be screened outdoors for friends of all ages to enjoy! Show up early for pre-movie activities, including $1 admission to the American Swedish Historical Museum from 4-8pm, as well as Wheel Fun Rentals (4-10pm), face painting, prize giveaways, and food trucks. For more information, click here.
June 22 at 9pm: The Sandlot
July 27 at 8:30pm: How to Train Your Dragon
August 31 at 8pm: Finding Dory
October 20 at 7pm: E.T.
The Oval+ Catch popular movies under the stars at Philadelphia’s “Park on the Parkway”! Just across from the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Food & Flicks Fridays at The Oval+ feature tasty food trucks, fun activities, and the Eakins Tavern beer garden. Come early for the deliciousness; the flicks start at 9pm. For updates, check out The Oval+’s Facebook page.
July 21: Clueless
July 29: Hidden Figures (RESCHEDULED from July 28)
August 4: Up
August 11: Spaceballs
August 18: Invincible
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Clark Park Beautiful Clark Park will transform into an outdoor amphitheater to showcase a great lineup of films projected on a giant screen for the entire family to enjoy. Movies begin at dusk (around 8pm). Visit universitycity.org for more information.
August 4: E.T.
August 11: La La Land
August 18: Hidden Figures
August 25: Moana
September 1: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
East Passyunk Community Recreation Center Bring a beach chair or blanket, grab some popcorn, and invite friends or family for a free movie night! Gates open at 6:30; movie begins at 7:45. Little Baby’s will be onsite selling hand-made ice cream, and there’ll be a special shout-out to our first responders for PHL First Responders Appreciation Day. 
August 17: Moana
Gorgas Park Join the summer fun with free movies on select Tuesday nights at Gorgas Park! Movies begin at dusk, unless otherwise noted. 
August 1 at 7pm: Zootopia (with a performance by Plants Kids Band!)
August 15: Finding Dory
August 29: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Hawthorne Park Hawthorne Park will host free family movie nights on the last Friday of the month through August. Movies start as soon as it’s dark enough to see the screen (around 7:30). For more information, visit Friends of Hawthorne Park’s Facebook page.
May 26: Sing
June 30: Secret Life of Pets
August 4: Moana (RESCHEDULED from July 28)
August 25: Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Vernon Park Join the Germantown Special Services District (GSSD) for the #OneGermantown series of summer movies in Vernon Park! Movies start at 8:30pm. Visit GSSD’s Facebook page for more information.
June 17: Queen of Katwe
June 22: Crooklyn
July 1: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
July 6: Moana
July 15: Beauty and the Beast (2017)
July 20: Power Rangers
July 29: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
August 3: Pride
Water Tower Recreation Center The Chestnut Hill Community Association (CHCA) hosts their third annual Movies Under the Stars series this summer! Bring family, friends, blankets, and lawn chairs. Each week, the fun starts at 7pm with local food trucks, so come early and enjoy a picnic before the movies start at 8pm. To learn more (including which food trucks will be visiting each week!), check out CHCA’s Facebook page.
August 4: Moana
August 11: The LEGO Batman Movie
August 18: Beauty and the Beast (2017)
August 25: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
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Photo credit: Schuylkill Banks
Schuylkill Banks Movie Series Enjoy ten nights of excitement and laughs on the Banks! Bring your friends, blankets, and picnic baskets for a great time watching movies under the stars. Movies start at 8:30, unless otherwise specified. Visit schuylkillbanks.org for more details.
June 1: Cat Ballou, at the Walnut Street Bridge
June 8: Rear Window, at the Wharton Street Esplanade at the Grays Ferry Crescent
June 15: Young Frankenstein, at the Walnut Street Bridge
June 22: The Sandlot, at the Wharton Street Esplanade at the Grays Ferry Crescent
June 29: Charade, at the Walnut Street Bridge
July 13: The Big Lebowski, at the Walnut Street Bridge
July 20 at 8:20pm: Finding Dory, at the Wharton Street Esplanade at the Grays Ferry Crescent
July 27 at 8:20pm: Ratatouille, at the Walnut Street Bridge
August 3 at 8:15pm: Hidden Figures, at the Wharton Street Esplanade at the Grays Ferry Crescent
August 10 at 8pm: Jaws, at the Walnut Street Bridge
Delaware River City Corporation Movies at Pennypack on the Delaware Watch a movie under the stars and enjoy complimentary refreshments at Pennypack on the Delaware. Entrance and parking at Pennypack Path, off State Road. For GPS enter “7800 State Road, Philadelphia, PA 19136.” All movies start at 8:30pm unless otherwise specified. Visit drcc-phila.org for more info.
July 13: Toy Story
July 27: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
August 10: Lilo & Stitch
August 17: Finding Dory
August 24 at 7pm: Jurassic Park
Bartram’s Garden Movie Series Grab a blanket and head to Bartram's Garden for a special after-dark presentation of a family-friendly classic. Movies start at 8:30pm (unless otherwise specified), but arrive an hour early for a free twilight tour of the garden. Visit bartramsgarden.org for more info.
May 26: Sing
June 23: Annie
July 14: Secret Life of Pets
August 4 at 8pm: The Nut Job
August 18 at 8pm: The BFG
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The Dell Music Center This summer, the Dell brings you free screenings of some of your favorite films. Movies begin at 7pm. Visit mydelleast.com for more info.
August 8: Sing
August 22: Moana
Franklin Square  Bring the family to the Square to watch great movies on the Great Lawn! Tickets required for Philly Mini Golf and the Parx Liberty Carousel. Movies start at 8:30pm. Visit historicphiladelphia.org for more info. 
July 3: Sing
July 8: Secret Life of Pets 
July 22: Ferris Bueller's Day Off (plus Parks on Tap Jr from 1-11pm!)
August 5: The LEGO Batman Movie
August 19: Finding Dory (plus Parks on Tap Jr from 12-10pm!)
Street Movies! Round up the neighbors, grab your lawn chairs and enjoy independent short films and live performances under the stars. Street Movies! is a free screening series for audiences of all ages that tours neighborhoods around Philadelphia, bringing a program of independent film from around the world to local parks, recreation centers, and other community spaces. Visit scribe.org for more information.
August 5 at 7:45pm: Hawthorne Park 
August 10 at 7:45pm: Mifflin Square Park
August 12 at 7:45pm: Malcolm X Park
August 24 at 7:45pm: Disston Recreation Center
Check back for updates on more outdoor movie screenings as they’re announced!
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ao3feed-victuuri · 7 years
Hasta que me encuentres
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pBlO6k
by Hojaverde
Porque a veces el "hasta que la muerte nos separe" no es suficiente.
Words: 2987, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Suicide Attempt, Destiny, Fate & Destiny, Multiple Universes Colliding, Dimension Travel, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, References to Depression, Happy Ending, I repeat HAPPY ENDING, nothing to worry about, Background Het
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pBlO6k
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