#ic. Evie Frye
starwrittenfates · 7 months
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"Can you be serious for two seconds?" Evie asked, knowing better than to do so when it came to her twin brother. They were both different from each other, and yet, the same too, at least when it came to wanting the same result in the end. "We are supposed to be on a mission for her royal majesty. At least act like it, brother."
@protectxthem liked for a starter from Evie Frye! (for Jacob!)
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lilborealis · 1 year
incorrect quotes? Incorrect quotes.
Evie:please, be straight with me.
Jacob:Eves, you know I can’t do that.
Hinata:guess I’m too tough to cry!
Tsukishima:you were crying about snakes yesterday.
Kuroo:you ever get so tired you start seeing spiders?
Kenma:me after I take seventeen Benadryl and start seeing the Hatman
Kenma:oh this is not a safe space suddenly
Price:SOAP NO!
Soap:what?! I didn’t do anything!
Price:sorry, force of habit. GAZ NO!
Abberline:how do the Frye’s usually get out of these messes?
Henry, so very tired:they don’t, they just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one.
Rudy:would you please not Alejandro this into a situation worse than it already is?
Alejandro:….did you just use my name as a verb?
Altair:I’m such an idiot!
*long pause*
Malik:if you’re waiting for me to disagree, it’s going to be a long night!
Graves:must you always attack me with words?
Alejandro:what, you want me to use rocks?
Evie:That’s It, I’m not getting into anymore stupid debates with you.
Jacob, not even looking up:Earth’s not a planet.
“THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF BEING TEAMMATES THAT IS ATTEMPTED MURDER!”-Ennoshita yelling at Kageyama not to murder Tsukishima for the fifth time in two days
Kiyoko, watching people do something stupid:man, those guys are idiots.
Kiyoko, realizing it’s her boys:oh god, those are my idiots.
Literally Anyone:I’m gonna ask you to be respectful here.
Gojo:I will politely decline.
Lyla:where are you going?
Miguel:to either get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way.
Hobie:are you in love with Gwendy?
Hobie:then why are you drawing ‘M+G’ in hearts everywhere?
Miles:*still sweating* it stands for malice and greed.
Hobie:hey, Pav?
Hobie:do you know the difference between you and plants?
Hobie:plants grow.
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rogaire-a · 4 years
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@enastrcs sent: 💬 //  RANDOM STARTER GENERATOR // accepting
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"Midnight, on the bridge. Come alone."
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rooksxandxpints · 4 years
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When you’re having a nice romantic evening with your ‘business partner’ but then some blighters ruin the moment and you gotta go murder them.
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( Evie Frye ; continued )
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                     𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐡𝐚𝐭. Seeing him without it, having another hat entirely, was something she wasn't used to. She wasn’t sure how it would well it would transfer to the field, but she couldn’t help not to stifle her laughter.
                     ❝ I think I’m fine, more than content not having one, wouldn't want to take the spotlight from you. I would recommend -- why don’t you add a few feathers to it? Makes it look more... unique, I’d say. ❞ Her smile couldn't be suppressed and she had to bite the bottom of her lip to contain her laughter.
                     ❝ You’re not planning on bringing that along to Starrick’s party, are you? ❞ 
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onlyliberty-a · 5 years
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     The streets of London feel different than she remembers. The buildings, tall and sloping, felt claustrophobic in comparison to the openness of Nassau and even after swearing she wouldn’t set foot on British soil again ... it seems like this is precisely where her path led her. There would be no going on the straight and narrow and under the advice of a friend or two, she figured that making herself useful would be a grand sight better than clinging to the grief of losing everyone she ever loved. Anne slinks up beside her, resting her elbow on the chipped wood of the bar -- “You the lass I’m supposed to be meetin’ about the guns? Oh no, I’ve said too much.”
@velvetipped    ♥’d for a lyric starter   /     r.e.m - losing my religion.
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connielombardi · 7 years
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Jacob On Ice
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Random thoughts with
Jacob Frye
The whole gang is having dinner, some sitting in the dining room, some in the living room, the rooms were connected so they could still have conversations as a group, as family... a dysfunctional yet still functional family.
Everyone: *eating*
Jacob: *eating* ... lizards are just snakes with legs. *eats some of his food*
Everyone: *pauses eating and looks at Jacob for a moment* ...
Jacob: ... what?
Connor: you just said lizards are like snakes, but with legs... why?
Jacob: what? I didn't say that.
Rebecca: Uhm, yes you did...
Jacob: no I didn't.
Malik: damn it Jacob for once we're having a decent and peaceful meal, don't ruin this for the rest of us.
Jacob: I didn't say anything.
Evie: ignore him, you'll only encourage him.
Jacob: cause I didn't say anything.
Malik: whatever.
Everyone: *continues eating*
Jacob: *eats a bit of his food* ... *smirks* ... why is it that there's a D in fridge, but not in the word, refrigerator.
Altair: *hard sighs* damn it he's doing it again.
Shaun: Jacob please for the love of humanity and the sanity that is of this house, please stop.
Jacob: did you know a guy had to lick a rock... and now we have salt.
Altair: I will pay you any amount of money just so you can shut up.
Jacob: *still smirking* by logic bees shouldn't be able to fly... and yet they fly anyway, so does that mean bees don't follow any rules but their queens.
Kassandra: Jacob, even I'm tired of hearing this please stop.
Edward: Ha! I'm not.
Arno: Well I am!
Jacob: icecream is just frozen cow juice.
Alexios: and you just ruined ice cream for me, thanks a lot Jacob.
Jacob: your car keys have traveled further than your car.
Leonardo: ... he's not wrong.
Evie: please don't encourage him any further.
Jacob: planes are just giant metal birds.
Bayek: Jacob please stop-
Jacob: The Jonas brothers can't break up, cause they're brothers.
Evie: sometimes I wish we could.
Alexios: You're tearing this family apart!
Jacob: lasagna is just spaghetti but in cake form!
Connor: This is why we can't have nice things, Jacob.
Desmond: ok I'm putting an end to this. Hey Altair.
Altair: what Desmond?
Desmond: did you know that humans have off switches, but you just have to hit them hard enough and a certain number of times to shut them off.
Jacob: ...
Altair: . . . *give Jacob a creepy and terrify grin with one of his golden eyes glowing from under his cowl*
Jacob: O_O
Altair: >=D Jacob.
Jacob: ... what?
Altair: come here, Jacob.
Jacob: ... n-no, no, t-think I'm ok and safer here-
Altair: I wasn't asking Jacob.
Jacob: ...
Altair: . . .
Jacob: ... *quickly gets up and makes a run for upstairs*
Altair: *gets up and runs after him* COME HERE JACOB!
Jacob: SH*T, SH*T, SH*T!
Altair: *murderous grin on his face* I JUST WANNA PUNCH YOUR OFF SWITCH FRYE!
They both run upstairs and the chase continues as they hear the sound of the two running echos to downstairs.
Leonardo: ... should we stop him?
Everyone else: ...
Rebecca: Nah, he'll be fine.
Shaun: agreed.
*Jacob screaming from upstairs*
Altair from upstairs: I gotcha you little Frye!
Desmond: ... ya he's fine.
Evie: he's been through worse and I'll just take care of him afterward.
Everyone continues to eat as a minute goes by the sound of Jacob tumbling down the stairs; into the living, followed by Altair walking down the stairs and he goes back to the dining room table and sits back down in his seat.
Altair: *eats some of his food* ... so how's everyone's day been?
Aveline: good.
Desmond: same here.
Altair: good. So Desmond I heard-
Jacob: *cough* Technically... y-you can't die *cough* in the livingroom cause, it's... called... the living-room *wheezy laughs before passing out*
Everyone: ...
Altair: ... so where were we?
Do you just... have shower thoughts... though technically if you have weird thoughts in another room, does that mean their room thought?
Part 2 now available
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Miracles -- Part 3
07/04/2021: Here it is!! The one, the only, the... 6.1k words of purely self indulgent protective!Jacob (lowkey been doing it for everyone and their mother except for when with the reader and idk why bc i dig that shit too)
I really hope you guys enjoy this, because I loved writing it!! There's a chance I could sneak in a last chapter if people wanted that? Feedback would be greatly appreciated!! This is super long, so sit down and get comfy :)
Pry these commas from my cold, dead hands tho. Also, I HC Jacob to be predominantly left-handed, but that's just me aha.
Warnings: Bit of violence, swearing, corporal punishment, arson (without giving too much away)
Tagging: @marshmallow--3 // @missingfrye // @ct-5445 // @iceboundstar // @rahdaleigh // @pink-polarfox // @b3k1720 // @itseivwhore // @sofiewithat // @missbenzayb
Assassin's Creed Mobile Masterlist
Red Dead Redemption 2 Mobile Masterlist
Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE
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The night was cold.
You retreated further under the blankets, turning to rest your head on your beloved’s chest. You wore an oversized shirt, and he wore a loose pair of breeches. His arm pulled you closer, fingers stroking your bicep. In turn, you traced the Rook painted on his chest. “Jacob?”
He turned to gaze down at you, lips inches from your forehead. “Yes, my love?”
“My family have written to me; they would like me to visit them in Warwick.”
“Your family lives quite far,” Jacob remarked, smiling adoringly at you. “Will you and Lily be alright travelling by yourselves?”
You sighed. “That’s the problem.” Sitting up, you gently grasped Jacob’s hand, playing with his fingers. “They don’t know that Lily exists, and I have no chance of telling them that I have a child without the status of ‘wife’.”
“I see…” Jacob watched you trace the lines on his hand. “Is there anything I can do?”
Propose, you idiot.
“Could you look after Lily while I’m away?”
“On my own?” His fingers tightened around yours.
“I trust you with her, Jacob. You’re the only one I can trust her with.”
He sucked in a breath. “Are you sure?”
“Stop doubting yourself.” You kissed his temple. “Besides, she adores you; she’ll listen to you.”
“Alright then. It’s decided.”
“Thank you, my love. However can I make it up to you?”
Sensing the humour in your tone, Jacob winked. “I can think of a few things.”
You laughed to yourself as you blew out your candle, the darkness enveloping the room as you pulled yourself closer to Jacob, the security of his arms lulling you to sleep.
Before you knew it, you were packing a carriage with your luggage, setting off for the journey ahead. Jacob was standing in the doorway of your house, Lily resting on his hip. “Mama, do you have to go?”
“Sweetheart, if I don’t, then horrible Aunt Susan will come marching all the way down here herself, and we don’t want that, do we?” Lily shook her head, giggling.
“She’s not the only one who’s going to miss you.” Jacob wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. Smiling, he dipped his head to lock his lips with yours.
The both of you pulled apart, chuckling.
“Well, I best be going. Don’t get into any trouble; I know what you both are like unsupervised.”
Sharing mischievous looks, they began to wave as you got into the carriage.
“Bye, Mama!”
“Safe travels, my love!”
You watched as they recede from view, the picture of your perfect family playing in your mind as hooves against cobblestone played in your ears.
As soon as the carriage turned the corner, Jacob turned to Lily. “What do you fancy doing?”
Lily giggled. “I have school!”
Jacob mockingly rolled his eyes. “That is the worst answer I’ve ever heard.”
“Are you saying I can skip?”
As much as he’d want to say yes, you would have punted him six ways from Sunday. “‘fraid not, love.” He took her inside. “But I can promise that afterwards, I’ll take you to get iced cream.” Lily cheered in victory before she hopped down, scurrying to collect her things for the day ahead.
Jacob walked Lily to school that morning, keeping her on his left and away from the curb. He grasped her hand firmly, lest she get lost in the rushing crowd. When he approached the building, he saw various parents saying goodbye to their children, as well as some children arriving on their own.
He knelt down to her height, tidying her windswept appearance with a reassuring grin. “You have a good day, alright?”
Smiling widely, she nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Papa.”
Wait, what?
Jacob’s breath caught in his throat. Lost for words, he kissed her head and returned the hug tenfold. “I love you, angel.”
“Love you too!”
The bell rang moments after, causing Lily to pull away. “Don’t be late!” Waving, she ran to catch up with her friends and disappeared into the building. Standing up, Jacob cleared his throat and tugged on his waistcoat to compose himself, though he could barely stifle his grin. The warmth in his heart engulfed his chest. He walked past the rest of the parents as if he were walking on clouds, his happiness fixed for the day.
“What’s got you in such a good mood today?” Evie asked her brother, watching incredulously as she found him tidying his train carriage.
“Oh, nothing.” Although his tone was dismissive, his face told a completely different story.
“Did you… have a good night?”
“Oh, no.” Chuckling, he sifted through the papers on his desk. “Y/N’s headed to Warwick.”
Puzzled, Evie tilted her head. “Free beer?”
“Nope.” He popped the ‘P’.
“Come on, then; what is it? You can’t expect me to keep guessing forever.”
Restraining himself from jumping for joy, he turned to his sister. “Lily called me ‘Papa’.”
Evie’s face lit up. “Oh, Jacob, that’s lovely! Does this mean you’ll…” She mimicked opening a ring box.
Blushing, he nodded, a toothy grin plastered on his face. “I’m excited, Evie. I… I need to sit down.”
He leaned back on the sofa, tossing his hat beside him. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. “Are you alright?” Evie took a chair to sit opposite him.
“I… I’ve never felt this much joy in my life.”
“Jacob Frye, you’re practically speechless.”
“Don’t get used to it.”
“You have to buy the rings before Y/N comes back.”
“I will. Maybe Lily will want to come with me. Not yet, though; I don’t want to spring the news on her immediately.”
Evie began to talk about the type of engagement ring you would find the most appealing, but Jacob had all but zoned out. He was fidgeting with the iron band on his right index finger, engraved on the inside with the Assassin’s Insignia. Barely thinking, he removed it and switched hands, sliding it on his ring finger.
He was going to get married. You were going to be his wife.
“What if she doesn’t say ‘yes’?” A sudden anxiety clutched his heart as he looked up in worry.
Evie was stunned into silence. “What are you talking about?! Of course she’s going to say yes!”
“She has a child to think about; what if she doesn’t want to get married at all?”
“Jacob,” she sighed. “She knows you’d do anything for Lily. You’ve done it right from the beginning.” He shifted in his seat as a phantom pain clutched his side, remembering his tussle with Thomas Lynch. “She would be insane not to want someone like you as a husband, and as a father to her child.”
“When did you learn to talk like that?” Jacob smirked.
“When you’re the eldest, you learn a thing or two.”
“Bullshit.” He scoffed, but wordlessly thanked her for the reassurance.
“Knock knock.” Eyes fixed on the doorway as Henry peered around the corner. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need some papers from Jacob.”
“Right; which ones?” He stood up and closed the two meter gap to the pile of half sorted paperwork.
“The ones on James Brudenell.”
“Who?” He frowned.
“Lord Cardigan.”
“Oh, that prick…” He thumbed through the various files, quickly getting to the end with no sign of the desired intel. “I must’ve left it at the house. I’ll head off there now and bring them to you tomorrow.”
“Can you not come back straight away?”
“I need to get to the school; there won’t be enough time. I’m taking Lily out for that new iced cream.” Evie quirked her lips into a knowing smile. “What?”
“Oh, nothing,” she shrugged.
Shaking his head, Jacob grabbed his hat and opened the door, watching the train slow into the station. “See you tomorrow.”
“Don’t forget the--”
“The papers, yes, I’ll get them!” By then, he had already jumped onto the platform, disappearing into the crowd.
On the stroll back to the house, Jacob checked his pocket watch, planning his time accordingly. He’ll find the papers, finish the paperwork that should’ve been completed two weeks ago, and head to the school.
The street seemed unusually quiet at this time in the afternoon, but Jacob only grew concerned when he noticed a lack of Rooks. Usually, there would be more and more scattered around the closer he grew to the house, but so far he could count them all on one hand. A scuffling from behind him pricked at his ears. He spun, brows furrowed, but the road was empty, save for a carriage calmly trotting past. He used it as a reassurance that he was probably acting paranoid, and continued where he was heading, albeit at a faster pace.
The secure feeling he felt upon approaching the house eased the weight on his chest. Pulling out his key, he wasted no time in disappearing inside. It was quiet without you, and there was the familiar longing he felt in his heart. Sighing, he mentally crossed off another minute until he could hold you in his arms again.
He moved upstairs and into his study. At the prospect of spending more time with him, you jumped at the chance to make a spare empty room a working office. He hung his jacket and hat on a coat rack, taking a seat at the desk. The natural light coming through the window landed perfectly on the wood, illuminating the workspace without the need for candles. Jacob searched his drawers, finding the file with relative ease. He grabbed a dip pen, opened an ink pot, and quickly began scrawling details down.
He was lost in thought at the memory of his encounter with Lord Cardigan when a crude knocking hit the door downstairs. Jacob froze, focusing on the noise outside. All business was kept around the train; he sternly told Evie and Henry not to give out the address to anyone. The only other people who would have had an idea where he was were the Rooks stationed around the street, but they were loyal -- were they not as trustworthy as he thought? Who was at the door?
Harsher thuds against the door made his heart leap. He moved slowly; inch by inch, he stood and crept towards the door, pulling out the cane from his coat as quietly as he could. His boots barely made a sound as he headed down the stairs, hand calmly turning the knob to open the door.
On the other side stood two gentlemen, waiting almost expectantly. “Can I help you?” Jacob asked, tone laced with suspicion.
The two exchanged looks before one started to speak. “Pardon me, sir, but would you be interested in purchasing some humbugs? We’re opening a new shop not too far from here. We thought we could go from door to door to begin our business endeavours.”
Eyes flitting between the two, unease began to set in. “No, thank you.”
“Understood. Have a nice day.” The other tipped his hat and turned to leave as Jacob slowly shut the door again.
“What…?” He’s had bankers act more persuasive than these men. They did not seem that interested in sales. His eyes scanned the room, as if that would give him answers to a most peculiar interaction. In a second, his heart jumped as they landed on the clock. If he didn’t leave now, he’d be late to pick up Lily. He grabbed his coat and hat from upstairs and burst out of the door, rushing in the direction of the school.
He made the journey by the skin of his teeth, jogging almost the entire way. As soon as he approached, the bell rang, and children began to flood out of the doors. He stood by a tree and scanned the children as they continued to rush out. A few moments later, Lily emerged, nervously clutching her hands together as she scanned the adults around her. Jacob frowned and walked towards her, concern growing. He could see the upset growing as she at first couldn’t see him. “Lily!”
As soon as she heard her name, her gaze immediately landed on the source and took off running towards him. He knelt just in time for her to jump into his arms, face hiding in his neck. “Hey, are you--” He was cut off by the sound of sobs. “Okay, alright, it’s alright, angel.” Confused, he picked her up and went to sit on a bench overlooking the playground, shushing her gently.
Cradled in one arm, Jacob used his free arm to reach into his pocket, bringing out his flask. “Take a drink, sweetheart.” She gingerly took the container, taking a few gulps of the fresh water inside. “Now, tell me what happened.” He tried to speak softly, to not provoke more tears.
“I didn’t do it! They think I did, but I didn’t!”
“What didn’t you do?”
“Throw a rock.”
“Even if you did do that, it’s only a rock.”
“It hit the teacher!”
Jacob was silent for a minute. If they thought she pelted a rock at the teacher, there would have been harsh punishments…
“Please believe me; I promise I didn’t do it!”
Shocked, Jacob pulled her closer. “Of course I believe you! Why wouldn’t I?” His eyes landed on her fists, which have barely opened since he saw her, save for the flask. “Can I see your hands?”
She nodded, and Jacob shifted her against his shoulder so he could use both hands as he slowly uncurled her fingers. Her palms were a stark red, the clear markings of a cane riddled her skin almost completely; and they looked like the instrument hit hard. He quietly asked for the other one, inspecting them with the care one would give to a newborn, brows furrowing at the sight. Lily watched his eyes moving constantly across her hands. The thought of letting her father down ushered tears to the surface. Jacob’s eyes caught hers watering. “Did I hurt you?”
She shook her head. “I’m sorry…”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, love. Do you know who really did it?”
Nodding slowly, she pointed to the playground to a boy who was laughing by a group of children who were playing with marbles. “Oliver.”
“Okay.” The two of them stayed there for a while as Lily continued to calm down.
Just as Lily began to smile at Jacob’s conversation, a shadow overcame the both of them. Jacob felt her recoiling into his side. He looked up to see a weathered looking man with a styled moustache and a stiff looking suit, a hand against the back of his head. “So, she’s yours.” The slight tone of disapproval channeled an urge of protectiveness inside him. He sat Lily behind him on the bench as he stood toe to toe with the teacher.
“Is there a problem?” Jacob’s eyes assessed the man from head to toe, noting the thin cane that he leaned on.
“You should be ashamed of your daughter’s behaviour.”
“Why? She did nothing wrong.”
“On the contrary…” Turning around, he removed the cloth on his head, revealing a jagged cut along the back of his head.
“It wasn’t me, sir! It really wasn’t!” Lily was begging for her teacher to believe her.
“Then who was it?”
Lily stood up on the bench still hiding behind Jacob’s shoulder but managing to equal his height. “Him.”
Her finger showed Oliver laughing at someone who had tripped over a skipping rope.
“Do you really think that she would do something like this?” Jacob raised an eyebrow.
Neither agreeing or disagreeing, he instead gestured with his cane. “I’m watching you, Y/L/N.” Jacob narrowed his eyes. “I would be mindful of your attitude towards my daughter.”
Grumbling, the teacher turned and walked away. “Oliver!”
“Th-Thank you.” A sniffling from behind him softed his face and melted his heart.
“Let’s go, angel. There’s some iced cream with our name on it.”` He hoisted Lily on his hip and headed in the direction of home, hoping that the anger would dissipate with each passing step.
The house came into view shortly after Jacob left the sweet shop, two cardboard pots of the cold dessert in their hands. “This is delicious!” Lily was almost her normal self again over the journey home, relinquishing details of the day as they closed the short distance to the house. Placing Lily on the floor, he took out his key and pushed it into the lock, turning the knob. Without turning the key, the door opened. He must’ve forgotten to lock it when he left the house earlier. Brushing it off, he opened the door the rest of the way and stepped aside for Lily to enter first. He checked the rest of the street one more time for anything out of the ordinary before shutting and locking the door behind him, acting safe rather than sorry.
A slight smell filled his nose as he walked into the room. It was barely there, but he could smell something. Unfocusing his eyes, he watched as colours flooded his vision. Looking around, he couldn’t spot anything strange right away, but the smell was in the air and it set him on edge. Shaking his head, he rubbed his eyes. He had felt more emotion in one day than he had for a long time, and his body had worn him out. “Are you hungry, Lily?”
She sat at the kitchen table. “A little bit.”
“Anything you particularly fancy tonight?”
“Hmm… Sausages and potatoes!”
Jacob chuckled at her excitement. “Consider it done, my lady.”
Dinner was over and done with by the time the sun set below the skyline. Jacob helped Lily get ready for bed before tucking her in. “When’s Mama coming home?” she asked, playing with Jacob’s hair.
“Hopefully in a few days; Warwick is surprisingly far, even by carriage.”
“Thank you. For believing me.”
Jacob smiled sombrely. “I will always believe you. That also reminds me…” He reached into the bedside drawer and pulled out a small pot of salve. “May I?” Lily offered her hands, and Jacob gently rubbed the ointment over her raw skin.
“It’s cold.”
“It’s supposed to get rid of the pain. How do they feel?”
She nodded. “Good.”
As he returned the salve to the table, he took a breath, steeling himself to give either the best news or the worst news.
“How would you feel… if I asked your mother--”
“To marry you?!” Her eyes widened, her smile reaching her ears. “Yes!”
She jumped out of the covers to hug Jacob tightly. He reciprocated, closing his eyes to savour the moment. “Please ask her,” she whispered.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Giggles filled the air as he pulled the covers over her again.
“Thank you, for letting me in.”
“You make Mama happy. That’s all I want.”
Jacob sighed, a small smile playing on his lips. “You’re wise beyond your years.” He leant down to kiss her forehead. “Goodnight, angel.” He stood up and blew out the candle.
“Goodnight, Papa.” Lily didn’t miss the way Jacob’s eyes crinkled as he smiled, shutting the door quietly.
He poked his head into his study, sighing when he saw his half-finished paperwork that needed to be handed to Greenie the next morning. Every fibre in his being resisted, but he knew his procrastination would catch up to him eventually. So he sat down, lit a candle, and tried to wrap everything up in as little time as possible.
About half an hour went by before Jacob finished the long overdue paperwork. Struggling to keep his eyes open, he went downstairs to the spare room he kept his bedclothes in. He fell backwards onto the bed. “Just five minutes…” he bartered with himself, resting his eyes.
A scream made his blood run cold.
Bolting upright, Jacob immediately noticed plumes of smoke coming in from underneath the door, the burning smell inviting a cough from his lungs.
The house was on fire.
He lunged for the doorknob, the metal quickly searing his skin. His fingers clenched around the knob reflexively. “Ah, fuck!” He shook out his hand, watching as the flesh blistered in front of his eyes. Turning around, he dug around in the chest of drawers for extra clothes to wrap around the knob, turning and pulling swiftly before the heat travelled through the fabric. The door burst open. Jacob ducked as the flames whipped around the open space, newly fed by the released oxygen. Fresh smoke engulfed the room; Jacob inhaled a lungful as it blew towards him. He cleared his chest as he fanned the smoke away. Wrapping the clothes around his arm as a guard, he braced himself and ran upstairs, only one thing on his mind.
“Lily?!” The flames had almost completely engulfed the lower floor; he was surprised and relieved that he had managed to dodge any falling debris. “Lily!” He covered the metal with the clothes as he reached her door, slowly peeling the door away and slipping through as small a gap as he could, avoiding the mistake he made earlier. He closed the door behind him, the air luckily cleaner in her bedroom. “Lily, where are you?!”
He checked under the bed, and began to grow panicked when he couldn’t find her. He heard the scream, but nothing else. What if…
He swallowed, trying to ease the tight band in his chest.
Opening the wardrobe, he practically collapsed in relief when he saw Lily cowering in the corner. “Come to me, angel.” She dived into his arms, quivering in fear. “It’s alright, we’ll get out. I need you to be brave for me, okay?”
“Okay.” Her voice was shaking.
He looked around for a quick exit, eyes landing on a window. He led Lily over and unlatched it, pushing it with his uninjured hand, albeit with difficulty. Leaning out, the air cleansed his lungs. He hoisted Lily onto the windowsill to give her fresher air, holding her to make sure she doesn’t fall out. She clutched onto him tightly. He noted how it opened into an alleyway. He heard the bells of police and fire engines around the front of the house.
“HEY! OVER HERE!” A man peered around the corner. “HEY! HELP!”
“We can’t fit the ladder through here! You have to go around the front!”
Jacob blinked. “Have you gone mad?!”
“There’s a small window around the front, looks like the landing. You better make a move before it’s no longer an option!”
“Can’t you just climb down?” Lily mumbled, mind in shock.
Jacob inspected his blistering palm; it felt as if he was still holding the doorknob. Slowly, he put pressure on his hand against the windowsill. The pain immediately bubbled up his arm. Biting his lip, he tried to pull himself onto the windowsill. With his weight, it was maybe possible, since he could drop higher than normal and roll once he hit the floor. With Lily, that wasn’t an option.
“I can’t risk it.”
“Well?!” The man was still there, watching him.
“Be ready!” Jacob pulled Lily into him. “I need you to breathe into this, alright, angel?” She nodded slowly. He gave her one of the shirts wrapped around his arm. “Close your eyes.”
“Should I count to ten?”
“It shouldn’t take any longer, love.”
Taking a second to compose himself, he wrapped his hand up and opened the door, squeezing through as little as he could before shutting the door again. He made a beeline for the end of the hall, dodging the flames as they grew nearer, licking the edge of the wooden floor. Reaching the window was the easy part. The hard part was opening the damn thing. It felt heavier than it usually did, and he strained his free hand to push it to the top. Outside, firemen were already level with the window, waiting for the two of them to emerge.
“One of you at a time.” Without hesitating, Jacob leaned out of the window, one arm reaching Lily out of the window, while the other stopped him from falling out himself.
Just as the firemen approached, Jacob heard a crack above him. “Take her. Take her now!” The urgency in his voice paid off, as he jumped out of the way of a falling support beam, blocking his way out. He hit the floor, covering his face as embers flew around him
Lily crying out caused his heart to flip, but he managed to catch a glimpse of her safely in the arms of the firemen. “No! PAPA!” His anxiety eased slightly, but only just. He scrambled to his feet just as the beam crumbled completely, blocking the window from view.
“Shit!” Coughing, Jacob looked around for another exit. His mind thought back to Lily’s bedroom; he could probably climb down carefully one-handed if he was quick enough. His study also seemed to be the furthest from the rest of the flames.
However, he was on borrowed time.
Downstairs was fully demolished; there was no way out there. Upstairs was closing in on him fast, the heat beginning to singe the hair on his arms and sear his skin. He ran for his study, narrowly avoiding falling debris. As he slammed the door shut, he was relieved at the sight of the room being unscathed. For now. He looked over the papers; they were definitely worth taking.
He emptied his desk of the files and stuffed them in a satchel that hid under his desk. He worked tenderly with his burned hand, careful not to aggravate the wound more than he already had. He coughed some more as he slid the satchel over his head, tightening the strap so it would lay fast against his back. As the cold leather touched his skin, he hissed. The flames must have licked him on the way in. He turned to check how much time he had left.
The fire had crept inside the doorframe, taunting him in a turbulent tango.
Jacob hurried for the window, looking for the latch. His fingers felt around the edge, but he couldn’t feel anything. He tried pushing, with no luck. Does this window not even open?!
Frantic, his non-dominant and uninjured hand went for the first thing that he could always rely on.
Two wide shots rang out, cracking the glass in a spider-web mosaic. He moved to shatter the glazing, but the world began to spin. Knees wobbling, he fell against his desk, hitting the floor. Coughing hurt, breathing hurt, thinking hurt.
But he was so close.
He blinked away the world that spun around him, shakily getting to his feet. He threw the force of his whole arm into the window, the gun providing the force to break the shards completely. Clearing the way for his hands, Jacob holstered the gun and slowly began the climb onto the roof.
He wasn’t dying. Not today.
Wincing every other second, he pulled himself half-heartedly onto the tiles. Jacob took a second to try and stabilise his vision, securing extra fabric around his hand. He manWeuvered his way around the burning holes, hoping instead to find a way down that doesn’t involve jumping or falling.
Unfortunately for him, that choice was made for him.
A tile came loose under his foot. He slipped, the edge of the roof coming almost too soon for him to react. His fingers grasped the gutter, which did nothing but snap under his weight. Upon hitting the ground, Jacob managed to roll, but instead of ending on his feet, he slumped across the floor. Groaning, he lay still as he recollected himself. To anyone else, he looked dead.
A pained cry set his heart pumping again, yet he didn’t realise at first that the cry was because of him, not for him. Light footsteps rushed over to him. “Pa? Papa?” He felt fingertips dance across his cheek. “Please wake up!”
He reached for the source of the voice. “I’m okay. Are you alright?” He managed to open his eyes to check over Lily’s state. Her eyes were bloodshot, her skin was dirtied in soot, and one of her hands was bleeding. “Has anyone said they would help you with this?”
She shook her head, the worry not leaving her face. “I’m scared.”
“Don’t be; it’s over now.” He began the arduous process of standing up; from his stomach to his hands to his knees to his feet. Offering his hand to her, Jacob led the two of them out into the street. When everyone gathered in the street saw them, they cheered. Rooks quickly came to assist Jacob and pick up Lily, but he waved them away. He limped his way to the ambulance wagon waiting in front of them. Lily was hoisted onto the end while Jacob leaned heavily against the side. Lily faced him for reassurance.
“Mr Frye, sir!” He tilted his head as little as he could to get a view of who was calling his name. “Are you alright?”
“I’ll be fine; just a bit singed.” He tried to joke, but the pain in his face betrayed his laidback attitude. He grasped his ribs, as if it would ease the burn on the inside. “Where’s Evie?”
“As soon as we heard what happened, we sent for her. She should be here any minute now.”
“Lily goes with Evie. As soon as she shows up, take her to the train. She’ll be safe there.” Another hard cough shook his chest.
“With all due respect, are you sure you’re well?”
“I’m… I…” The floor was ripped from under him. Jacob’s knees buckled as his vision went black. After a few seconds, he came to. The Rooks had caught him on the way down. Disorientated, he blinked, trying to process what was going on around him.
He heard a familiar voice. “Where are they?” Rooks wrapped Jacob’s arms around their necks, pulling him to the edge of the wagon. He barely registered arms pulling him from behind to lie down. He noted how he was staring up at the stars.
“Evie!” A young, panicked yell drove Jacob to sit up, but hands pushed him back down against the wood.
“You don’t want to make things any worse, Mr Frye.”
His body jolted between consciousness and unconsciousness as Evie came into view. She also looked worried. “Jacob? I’ve got Lily; she’ll be safe. I’ll come to the hospital as soon as I can.” Lily was snuggled against Evie, a bandage wrapped around her hand.
“Let’s hope I don’t fall off.” It was weak and hoarse, but there was humour in his tone.
“You better not.”
“Take the bag.” He gestured to the leather satchel underneath him. Slowly, she undid the strap and pulled it out from under him, barely able to avoid causing a wince. She looked inside to find the papers in impressive condition. “It’s the paperwork Greenie asked for.”
Jacob’s smile was weak as the wagon began to drive away. The rocking of the cobblestones was rough, and although jarring, also brought comfort. He fell in company with the stars as his consciousness left him yet again.
The next time he became lucid, he immediately noticed that he could breathe better; oxygen was easier to take in than before, and although not perfect, kept the lightheadedness away. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking to adjust to the light. The feeling of rough gauze was not unfamiliar to him, so he assessed the wounds on his back based on how rough it felt to lean on.
He brought his burned hand up to see that it had also been wrapped neatly. Although that was the majority of his wounds, his entire body ached. He leaned back into his pillow and closed his eyes, assessing the situation. Approaching footsteps made him roll his head to the side, and a doctor appeared with a clipboard. “How are you feeling, my boy?” He asked with a pencil in his mouth, flipping through the various pages.
“Like I’ve been run over by a carriage. Multiple times.”
“I’m not surprised; you inhaled half a factory.”
Jacob prepared himself for the question he knew he had to ask but would hate the answer to. “How long has it been?”
“Oh, a few days, give or take.”
“How many days are we giving or taking?”
Just then, a door opened on the far end of the ward, a few people rapidly approaching. As they turned the corner, Jacob’s heart sank a bit. You were hurrying towards him with the look of a mortified wife, but he dreaded what you thought would be more mortifying: your house burning down, putting your only daughter’s life in danger…
“Thank God!” You swerved around the bed and kissed him, one which conveyed a hundred different emotions, the most evident being relief. After the initial shock, Jacob’s fingers came to your jaw, lightly directing as he kissed you deeper.
He slowly pulled away, worried eyes scanning your face. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I haven’t the foggiest what happened--”
“You’re both safe; that’s all that matters.”
“But the house…”
“I’ve been prepared for disasters like this for a while. Everything I couldn’t stand to lose went in a fireproof box. There’s nothing gone that I can’t replace.”
“Papa!” Your eyes widened as you exchanged an impressed look with Jacob. Lily had crawled onto the bed and nestled her way into Jacob’s arms.
“Are you alright?” Without speaking, she nodded, deciding to play with his hand, fidgeting with his fingers and tracing the lines. Jacob looked to Evie, who followed her in.
Shepulled a concerned face, coming up to her and putting her hands over Lily’s ears. “She’s been crying herself to sleep, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night calling for one of you, sometimes both. She’ll heal, I’m sure, but for now I think time needs to pass. I investigated what could have happened that night; it wasn’t you.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they were Templars; pisses me off though.” He turned to you. “If you hadn’t visited your family…”
“Don’t ponder the ‘if’s, Jacob. It leads to all sorts of grief.” You threaded your hands through his hair.
Evie nodded. “All I know is what happened, not necessarily who did it.”
“Go on.”
“The house was rigged to burn down. Someone must’ve broken in, set down some oil or gas, and set it alight. It all happened very quickly -- it’s a miracle you got out when you did.”
At the explanation, Jacob ran a hand down his face. “The fun never stops.” He shifted to stand up.
“What are you doing?” You put your hand on his shoulder.
“I’m going to find whoever did this, and I have a feeling I know exactly where to start.”
“Not in this state you’re not.”
He stood up, much to your protests. “Honestly, Y/N, I’m…” His vision went black immediately, blood rushing to his head.
You quickly caught him. “‘Fine?” Sitting him down again, you brushed his hair out of his face. “Just take it easy.”
“I have errands to run.”
Evie whispered something to Lily, who gave the couple a mischievous grin. “We can do it!”
Jacob smiled, catching on. He leaned down to Lily’s ear. “Pick something Y/F/C,” he whispered. She nodded, grabbing Evie’s hand and running away.
The both of you laughed as Evie was dragged out of the ward. “What was that about?” You raised an eyebrow at the secrecy.
“It’s a surprise.”
Rolling your eyes, you joined him on the bed. “Don’t keep me waiting for too long.”
Jacob smiled to himself, the familiar excitement climbing. “I won’t.”
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Pain Relief (Jacob Frye x Injured! Reader) Pt. 2
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84 years later and I’m only now just posting this. If you don’t remember the first part, I don’t blame you, here the synopsis: 
The reader is an assassin and gets badly injured and it’s Jacob Frye who saves her.
“ᴼᵖⁱᵘᵐ—ʷʰᵉʳᵉ’ˢ ᵗʰᵉ⁻“
“ˢᵗᵉᵃᵈʸ ʰᵉʳ—ᵖˡᵃᶜᵉ ʰᵉʳ ᵈᵒʷⁿ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ—ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ˢᵘʳᵉ⁻ ᵉⁿᵒᵘᵍʰ ʷᵃᵗᵉʳ—ᵇʳⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ˢʸʳⁱⁿᵍᵉ.”
There was a stir within you, where you could hear the faint sounds of voices around you, too many to count when you laid in a restless place neither final nor positive you were still existing. Darkness cloaked you, enveloping you whole, with the unlimited sense of being numb that seized control of your entire body.
You didn’t bother to open your eyes, knowing that to open your eyes was to continue living, no- you weren’t quite ready for that at this moment. Let me rest. You told yourself as if resting from a deep slumber. Let me rest a bit longer.
You didn’t know how much time was passing whilst left unconscious, but the steady dripping of what sounded like water beside you seemed to be the first thing that irked you to consciousness. The steady relentless sound of what you thought was rain when you groggily came around was actually a bucket, collecting water from a leaking ceiling.
Your surroundings were neither pleasant nor unpleasant: expecting to be back on the train in your bed tucked away, you were actually tucked in the corner of a hospital bed, the creams and ugly greens were a vast contrast that made your eyes water. Your body felt light as if floating as you came around further to your senses.
Then, the pain finally kicked in.
It wasn’t the same feeling of having a bullet lodged into you, but enough to have you aware of what ordeal you had dealt with. It was a discomfort that made you grunt out in pain when you tried to shift, attempting to move or at least sit up, but the shift of a seat behind your head brought you to the awareness you were not alone.
With no weapons on you or even your blade attached to your wrist, your first thought and response were to fight whoever was there if they were a threat. Who knew, you could’ve been in the hands of the Templars, locked away with no way of escaping-”
You blinked slowly, a tentative hand was on your shoulder to bring your attention to their soft words, more astonished to see you there. “Easy there, love.”
“Jacob?” Your voice startled you yourself: weak and hoarse from not using it, not attempting again when you saw the figure of the Frye twin kneel beside you. He didn’t waste an opportunity to lean over you and engulf you into a hug as best as he was allowed without harming you, his head buried in the nook of your neck. His warmth and smell were next to engulf you, the similar feel of him made you smile, tenderly reaching a weak hand to stroke the back of his head as best as you could.
There was a shudder that wrecked through the man: noticeable even when he became silent. A silent wrack of a sob passed through him into you, your eyes widening in realisation. “Jacob… I’m here, it’s okay.”
“I thought I lost you back there,” his voice was taut, trying to steady himself. “You went cold as ice in my arms, love. I thought—you were out for four days.”
You could now gather a proper look at him: silently feeling the weight of guilt and pity that spread through your chest, hurting harder than the wound that took over your body with soreness. Jacob seemed the same, but there was not as much of a spark that was there in his hazel eyes, the shell of a man who was once lively and held feverish intent on bringing back control in London through brute strength. The bags under his eyes and gauntness to his face brought the startling revelation to you, his brown locks unkempt and unbrushed, his hat nowhere to be seen. “You… you stayed here with me?” Your voice was wracked with astonishment.
“I didn’t leave, no matter how much Evie begged me back to eat or to sleep. I told her I couldn’t… not until I knew you were awake and stable.” Your hand came to his, squeezing with a little bit more force compared to what you had assumed was the last time. “I was worried, love. I was terrified I’d lose you for good.”
The guilt was hot and immediate in your throat as you felt your eyes well with tears, threatening to spill, “I did this… I caused this strive when I was too stubborn in not waiting. Evie, Henry, you… I didn’t listen to any of you.” You looked away in shame, a single tear spilling finally. “I’m so sorry, Jacob.”
“Oh Y/N,” Jacob’s voice was the only thing to soothe you, reaching over to hold you where he sat on the edge of the bed. He soothed at your hairline carefully, tenderly, placing a sweet kiss on your brow. “I’m thankful you didn’t leave me just yet.” The laugh that came from his was raspy and made you feel warm. “I don’t think I’ll let you leave my sights.”
“No, please don’t. I think it would benefit everyone.” You joined quietly, nuzzling into his chest, feeling how he cradled you close to him, not thinking of letting you go so soon. There was a peaceful pause that fell between the two of you before Jacob seemed to hesitantly speak up. “You never allowed me to repeat it back to you, you know?”
“Repeat what back?”
“You say I have beautiful eyes but I never get the chance to tell you back?” He huskily laughs, squeezing your hip with affection. “Way to leave a gentleman on hold, love.”
Your eyes widened in realisation as you looked up to meet his gaze, “There is a time to say it now.”
“Indeed,” his hand danced along your jawline, his face leaning close to yours. “Has anyone ever told you how lovely your eyes are?”
The blush was quick to come to your face, even from realising how close his face was to yours, never once retreating. “No, you never have.”
“A few times I’ve thought of it, but I didn’t have the courage to tell you,” his voice was warm, breath fanning against your face, his scent so musky was grounding you to reality. “I guess you could say I did quite fancy you.”
“Well—I still do.” He confessed sheepishly. Your nervous laughter bounced back between the both of you, leaning your forehead against his. “It is a good thing I fancy you too then.”
Since awaking, Jacob’s joy seemed to spring back after being gone, not wasting time to capture your lips against his, his hand tracing your cheekbone, pulling you closer to him. You grunted from a sudden shift in your body as you tried to turn over to face him further, the assassin pulling inches away from you, the look of surprise sprinkled over his features, “Oh… I guess I couldn’t wait to do that.”
Your laughter filled the large room, voices hushed with reassuring kisses and hugs, finally feeling the relief of being in his arms once more. 
God, I finally finished this, who knew it would take so long? 
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So, first of all, the tags: @lunavadash-creates @giuliettaluce @susann-noir @perawuat @straight-into-the-animus @thatcrazycrowgirl @eclectic--assassin @estel-of-the-eyrie @baddestchineseassassin @hidden-blades-and-tomahawks, @the-forgotten-jenn,@pxiedustnblades @b3k1720 @datnovice and anyone that wishes to participate (do tell me if you want to be tagged, so that I can add you to my list! <3 I'd hate to forget anyone, and my memory is already reaching Dory-Levels! so much for being Nemo lol )
So, without further ado, here is a WIP from "Solstice Dance", a Modern!AU Jottie Ficlet inspired by an Ask that my dear friend @straight-into-the-animus sent me! Hope you will like this! <3
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Uncertain, Dottie looked back toward the small cottage. “Jacob...Are you sure it’s fine to leave Emmett with Evie and Henry? They already have their hands full with Lizzie, and I don’t want them to have to worry about Em-” “They will be fine, Dot. Emmett will be fine,”Jacob answered, turning around,”Evie had to look after me all the time, when we were children.” “Then she is certainly more than qualified for the job,” she said, giggling when Jacob turned to give her an offended look, or one that appeared to be, considering the deep darkness around them. “What is that supposed to mean?” he grumbled. “That you were as adorable as Emmett?” she giggled even more , fluttering her eyelashes. “You are lucky I love you, Mrs Frye, or I would have already shoved some snow under that suit you are wearing for implying what I know you are implying,” “As if!” she said, rolling her eyes with a smile. Then, she turned serious again. “But are you sure that they will be fine?” Jacob turned again, hearing the uncertainty in her voice. He shared it as well: it was the first time Emmett was not with them since his birth. He caressed his wife's cheek, tugging a wayward lock away from her face. He wished it wasn’t that bloody cold, so that he could take off his gloves and actually feel her skin against his palms. “Dot, they will be. Both Greenie and Evie insisted on taking care of Emmett for a few hours so that we could have a little time just for me and you,” He kissed the tip of her nose, so cold due to the icy temperature around them. He tugged the scarf that she was wearing and brought it to her mouth, to protect her face from the blasted chilly Swedish air. “Besides,” he then added, “I have been waiting all year to actually show you how to properly skate!” “Wait...are we going to skate? here?” she asked, her eyes widening. “How are we going to do that? There is no skating rink here! The corner of his mouth twitched upwards. He is hiding something, Dorothea thought with a giggle. “And You showing me how to skate?” she giggled again., poking him into his ribs. "Maybe you got this backwards, my darling,"
“Do you even know how to stand on those skates?” he said, smirking with a wink. “Now, Mr. Frye, that’s an impertinent question,” she beamed, raising one of her eyebrows. “If I know how to skate on ice? Have you met me?” He came closer to her, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. “Thank the heavens I have,” he husked with a chuckle, diving down to plant a kiss on her lips. “But I bet you haven’t met me yet,” he whispered against her lips. “Care to show me, then, Mr. Frye?" He let out a small purr at that name. “I love when you call me like that, you know?” She nuzzled her nose against his, looking at him from under her lashes. “Yes, I know. And I also know that it’s time I show you some moves, for a change,” He raised his eyebrows, wiggling them in that way that always made her laugh. “Don’t give me that look, Jacob! Skating is all we are going to do, tonight,” she giggled, poking at his chest. "I wouldn't be too sure about that, love..." He murmured under his breath.
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lovealicent · 4 years
@@Ten favorite characters from different fandoms
thank you so much for tagging me @syninn !
tissaia de vries - the witcher
cersei lannister - game of thrones
dean winchester - supernatural
connor kenway - assassin’s creed
patroclus - the song of achilles
korra - the legend of korra
nyx - hades game
queen meve - the witcher
sansa stark - game of thrones
evie frye - assassin’s creed
i tag @offbrand-trash @ddramallama @rroyalguarantee @thegreatestgala @lets-head-to-the-coast @witchaddiction @witchingshcdows @sapphcon-ic @tcustodis @corvo-bianco-lilacs (sorry if you’ve already been tagged/don’t want to do it!)
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marshmallow--3 · 4 years
Marshmallow's Masterlist
[Under Construction]
Readers and Assassins can be read as any gender unless specified.
Desmond Miles
"On The Run" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Desmond Miles
Edward Kenway
Evie Frye
"Making Love" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Evie Frye
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Jacob Frye
"Morning Sex" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Mirror" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Comfort" [Reader Discretion - murder]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Who's a Good Girl?" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"The Red Tie" [NSFW]
Male!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Submission" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Mothering Sunday" [SFW - vague sex mention at the very end] TW - marriage, motherhood, pregnancy, children
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
Kassandra of Sparta
"Pancakes" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Kassandra of Sparta
"Yassou" [SFW]
Female!Reader x Kassandra of Sparta
"Connor's First Time" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Konnorónhkhwa" [SFW] TW - mention of death
Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Reader
"Words of Solace" [Reader Discretion - nudity] TW - mention of death, mourning
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"A Lazy Afternoon" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Camping Trip" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
Shaun Hastings
Shay Cormac
"Shanties" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"A Captain's Welcome" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"Midnight on The Morrigan" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"Afternoon Delight" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
Choose Your Assassin/Misc
"Oral" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Assassin
"Home From Work" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Male!Assassin
"Boyfriend or Oversized Cat?" [SFW]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Sex with Assassins" [NSFW]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Valentine's Day" [NSFW]
(Features Ezio Auditore)
"Valentine's Day" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Fluffy Moments" [Reader Discretion - nudity]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké: ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Jacob as a Father" [SFW] TW - children
(Features Jacob Frye)
"Pregnant" [SFW] TW - pregnancy, children
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Date Night" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ezio Auditore, Desmond Miles, Edward Kenway, Kassandra of Sparta)
"Date Night" [NSFW]
(Features Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor)
"Adult Musings" [NSFW]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Pregnant Sweetheart" [NSFW]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor)
"Underwear" [Reader Discretion - nudity and sex mention]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"So What Do You Do For a Living?" [SFW]
(Features Kassandra of Sparta, Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Jacob Frye, Desmond Miles, Rebecca Crane, Shaun Hastings)
"Mothering Sunday" [SFW] TW - motherhood, children
(Features Evie Frye)
"How the Assassins React to Seeing You In Shorts for the First Time" [SFW]
(Features Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Desmond Miles, Shaun Hastings)
"Ratonhnhaké:ton's Birthday" [NSFW]
(Features Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor)
"Cuddle Aesthetics" [NSFW] TW - mention of children
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
Edward Kenway
"Afterglow Banter" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Female!Reader x Edward Kenway
"Spilt Rum" [NSFW]
Reader x Edward Kenway
"Surprise" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Edward Kenway
Haytham Kenway
"Exhibition Tendencies" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Haytham Kenway
Jacob Frye
"Daughter of a Templar" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Happy Valentine's Day, Love" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Fealty" [Reader Discretion - finger amputation] TW: depression
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Hotel Room" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Older!Jacob Frye
"Phone Sex" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Gatecrash" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Good Morning" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Lewd Maid" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Welcome Home" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Day at the Park" [SFW] TW: children, marriage
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Slow and Sensual" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Older Man" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"First Date" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Attagirl" [NSFW]
Female! Reader x Jacob Frye
"Home Alone" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Anvil" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"A Painful Goodbye" [Reader Discretion - injury]
No ship
"Home Sweet Home" [SFW] TW - marriage, children
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Bad Weather" [SFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"I-Spy" [SFW] TW - children
No ship
"Squirt" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Relaxing Night" [Reader Discretion - making out]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Tucking the Kids In" [SFW] TW - children
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Waking Up" [SFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Post-coital Cuddles" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Older!Jacob Frye
Kassandra of Sparta
"Long Night of Passion" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Kassandra of Sparta
"I Heard You" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Dirty Dreams" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Sweet Dreams" [SFW]
Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Virgin Connor" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
Shay Cormac
"Storm Sex" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"A Walk by the Docks" [SFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"Penguins" [SFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"Shower Cuddles" [SFW]
Reader x Shay Cormac
Choose Your Assassin/Misc
"Storm Fluff" [Reader Discretion - nudity]
Reader x Male!Assassin
"Worship" [NSFW]
Reader x Assassin
"Winter Rain" [Reader Discretion - nudity]
Reader x Male!Assassin
"Childhood Sweethearts" [SFW]
Reader x Assassin
"Relationship Angst" [Reader Discretion - injury]
Reader x Assassin
"Polyamory" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Reader x Assassin x Assassin
"Ice Cubes & Blindfolds" [NSFW]
Reader x Assassin
"Eagle Vision" [SFW]
No ship
"Carnival" [SFW] TW - misogyny, catcalling
Female! Reader x Male!Assassin
"Housebound" [SFW]
Reader x Assassin
"Finished Chores" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Reader x Assassin
"Train Nap" [SFW]
Reader x Assassin
Jacob Frye
"You Did This" [SFW] TW: pregnancy
Pregnant!Reader x Jacob Frye
"The Walls Are Thin, Dearie" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Sparring Banter" [SFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Top Hat" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Which One?" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
These are ideas that I submitted to other writers. I want to make this perfectly clear that I am not the author of these and this is in no way me trying to claim credit. Full permission has been attained by each author.
Jacob Frye
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye [SFW] by @assassins-and-hidden-blades
Jacob, Reader and their child are at the park
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor [SFW] by @assassins-and-hidden-blades
Connor tries to babysit Reader's child
How the Assassins react to their child talking back [SFW] by @assassins-and-hidden-blades
(Features Alexios & Kassandra of Sparta, Bayek of Siwa, Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, Ezio Auditor, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Edward Kenway, Arno Dorian, Jacob & Evie Frye)
"Papa, where do babies come from?" [SFW] by @assassins-and-hidden-blades
(Features Ezio Auditore, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Jacob Frye and Desmond Miles)
137 notes · View notes
itseivwhore · 5 years
|Jacob Frye x Reader| (smut)
I just noticed that,on there on Tumblr,there are few smuts about Jacob (biggestliethatIevertold),and well...LATELY I HAVE SEEN SO MANY ONE SHOTS ABOUT HIM AND AND I COULDNT HELP MYSELF VA BENE?Understand me.But hey...only one little (hahah,sure,this is so long,so get comfy and take your time) smut will not hurt anyone,right? ;) Also,this is my first time publishing an One-Shot on Tumblr so huh,if this one will go well,why not,I can also publish the other I have already on Wattpad.Who knows.So sì,enjoy ;)
• Jacob Frye • |Pleasure|
The prompt for this one:""It was...funny,I have to admit it"
*kindly reminded that the gif is not mine ^^ *
Tumblr media
The sharp sound of a horse's hooves and the thunderous sound of the wheels of a carriage suddenly resonated in that dark avenue,illuminated only and exclusively by the soft and ashy light of the moon that,emerging from behind the grey clouds,appeared again after a heavy downpour.The two female Assassins were side by side,patiently waiting for the arrival of the carriage that would take them to Buckingham Palace,where there would be a dance,in which also and especially the Grand Master Templar Starrick would participate:it was the only good opportunity to kill him,and prevent him from taking possession of the Piece of Eden,which for a long time the female twin was looking for.
Evie,constantly with a serious and composed face,had her arms crossed to the chest,triggering her eyes ice color to the right and left;despite being so cruel and thoughtful,the delicate and sober red dress that she wore made her look even more beautiful,if possible.
Y/n instead,unlike her friend,had a serene and relaxed face while she was busy looking at her image reflected in a puddle of water in front of her,but trying with all her heart not to be seen anxious: she felt tremendously vulnerable without her faithful weapons,and also felt very clumsy in that f/c dress she was wearing at that time,limiting her to do even some simple gestures and actions.
"Of course he'd arrive in that" the bitter and deep voice of Evie interrupted the religious silence that embraced the two women,resonating in some infinite echoes in that isolated alley.Y/n quickly raised her head,stopping to look at her twisted reflection on that puddle,thus managing to see the expression to say the least annoyed and sassy of the Assassin:following her gaze,the young woman leaned her careful gaze on the carriage that,pulled by a white horse and led by a sad coachman,with a calm pace,stopped in front of them.
Sergeant Abberline,dressed in the clothes of the Royal Guard that the male twin had previously given him,came out of the carriage and stopped in front of the two women,immediately assuming a straight posture.On his face appeared even a small and almost invisible,satisfied and proud smile,to say the least,when he found himself being subjected to the eyes of the Assassins.
"Miss Frye,Miss L/n" the Sergeant politely greeted,slightly lowering his head as a sign of respect,his low and purely gentle voice that gently raised the corners of her mouth in a genuine smile.
But the sound of other steps caught her attention,making her head turn quickly;and her heart immediately stopped beating,when her gaze rested on that of the younger twin:Jacob,standing in front of the carriage door,was dressed in a simple but at the same time elegant and attractive black evening dress,all completed by a white shirt and a simple red scarf that he had slightly but correctly,tied around his neck.
No type of top hat was placed on his head,revealing in this way his almost wild hair that,well combed,he had arranged with care,unlike all the other times that fell on the sides of his face.But the eyes of the young woman did not stray from that simple red scarf that,with all hee regret,prevented her from seeing a part of his chest that,most of the time,he kept slightly exposed.
And an invisible and almost transparent veil of nostalgia stood in front of her e/c eyes when,continuing to look at that scarf,she thought back to his ruffled tie that,usually,he kept almost hanging from his neck in a sloppy and casual way:immediately she found herself thinking,remembering,the hundreds and almost endless times that she pulled him vehemently to herself through that tie,violently matching their mouths in passionate and ardent kisses.
But after returning with her feet on the ground and after stopping to remember those sweet and not chaste memories,the young woman raised a blushing look on his face and,finally and with so much excitement and emotion from the male Assassin,their eyes met:if before she felt vulnerable and helpless without her weapons,when Jacob began to scrutinize her intensely and deeply with those two dark hazel eyes,she felt nothing short of naked before his. penetrating gaze.
The younger Frye teamed her from head to toe with a look that,from strangely composed and serious,immediately became veiled with malice,desire and even lust when he saw her in that f/c dress:it was the first time in his life that he saw Y/n wearing a dress,as he was always used to seeing her in pants and dresses of Assassin.It was a simple dress,which highlighted her hips and her delicate curves and that,with his supreme pleasure,put in plain sight her chest;and many times,unconsciously,his starving gaze fell on the neckline of the dress,stopping even a few moments to scrutinize it carefully,even fantasizing and making some sinful thoughts,and then resume the light of reason and move his evidently embarrassed look elsewhere.
He wanted her tremendously,never as this time,he felt the desire,the irrepressible and unique need to touch every part and hidden corner of the body,savor her lips and everything she had to offer.He wanted to make her his own and his only,in all ways possible to him.And he would have done so at that precise moment,of it had not been for the presence of his sister and Freddy,who meanwhile,while the two were busy scrutinizing intensely and sinking into each other's eyes,looked at them with confused air,waiting patiently.
Evie,raising her eyes to the sky in an almost exasperated and tired gesture,sonorously lightened her voice in such a way as to gain the attention of the two lovers.Slamming his eyelids a couple of times, he shifted his gaze from that of Y/N,and then give a annoyed expression to his sister.
"Hand him your weapon.We must enter unarmed" suddenly uttered Jacob with a serious voice,pointing to Abberline with a vague gesture of the hand who,when he was nominated,jumped at attention,then turned to the famale Frye.
She did not open her mouth and not a single word left her lips,limiting herself only to pointing with a straightforward gesture of the hand to a leather bag that,standing on the ground next to her,contained her arms and clothes.Then, after casting a look to say the least cold and flat at Jacob,she began to walk with fast and plush steps towards the carriage,and then enter in and sit down.Y/n looked at her with a confused but also sorry air:the female twin,most likely,was still very thoughtful and even shaken by the ugly and violent quarrel she had with her twin.
The male Assassin waited for her partner to come inside,after politely and kindly placing her hand to help her get on,but as soon as her soft and delicate skin came into contact with that of his rough and calloused hands,his heart lost some beats.The young woman smiled at him gently,even winking at him....and,he was wrong,or was also a persuasive and sensual gesture,what he saw?So,braking with all the strength that could possess that immense desire to pull her to himself,to say the least selfishly,he sighed slightly before entering,closing the door and give a tap to the roof of the carriage,giving a sign to the coachman to move.
The journey was quite short and silent,but an evidently heavy and even aggressive atmosphere lingered in the carriage between the two twins Assassins who,sitting facing each other,trying with all themselves not to meet their looks:the female looked distractedly out of the window,sighing thoughtfully from time to time;the male,to slightly dampen that strange and uncomfortable situation,began to tell with no small dose of grit how he managed to steal the tickets and the carriage from Gladston,stopping suddenly to make bitterly ironic comments when he saw,with the corner of his eyes,some bizarre clothes of old ladies with strange hats walking through the streets of London....thus obtaining some purely amused laughter from the young woman.
And every time he heard her laughing in such an amused way and joyfully smiling at what he said,he could not deny that he felt a great pride growing inside him,knowing that it was him and only him who gave birth to a smile on those rosy lips.And,if the atmosphere between the twins was totally cold and flat,between Jacob and Y/n it was totally the opposite:all they did was look intensely and deeply,digging into each other's eyes in search of a common,intimate and sensual feeling that made them increase the beating of their hearts and that made their soul burn strongly.
He,who did nothing but look at the neckline of Y/n with veiled eyes with what the young woman distinguished was malice and lust,torturing his hands in a persistent and continuous way,moving his leg frantically and in a very nervous way to say the least.
She,who kept biting her lower lip between her teeth until a few drops of blood came out,looked with her deep e/c irises head-to-toe at Jacob with short breath.Both of whom were forcibly holding back,fighting with all their willpower,the unstoppable desire to throw themselves into each other's arms and show their hidden love,which would soon emerge.
The carriage suddenly slowed down its pace until it stopped in front of the big gate at the west entrance of Buckingham Palace,and the three Assassins knew that they had finally arrived at their destination.Y/n peered slightly and discreetly from outside the window,seeing that one of the two guards on either side of the gate approached their carriage with quick steps.The coachman then,as soon as the guard approached and nodded at him with his head,stretched his arm and showed him the tickets.The Royal Guard,after examining them quickly,stretched his hand towards the carriage after taking a fleeting look inside this.
"Go on in,sir and madam" he proclaimed with a high and authoritative tone,taking a few steps back as soon as the carriage began to move and the three Assassins took the liberty of breathing again,taken slightly by anxiety at the thought that something might go wrong.But Y/n,once again looking out of the window,recognized two figures:it was the Gladstone couple who,waiting,quarrelling and trying to persuade the second Guard.
"What in the blazes is our carriage doing here?" Mr. Gladstone's loud,radiant and hoarse voice quickly reached the young woman's ears,rumbling in the air as if it was a thunder,when he realized that his personal carriage was right there.Almost immediately Y/n threw an accomplice and amused look at Jacob who,in response,lifted a corner of his mouth in a smug and mocking smile,assuming a sly expression and to say the least proud while he put even more comfortable on the upholstered seats.
The carriage passed through the high and imposing gates,continuing its way with a slow and calm pace,finally arriving at its destination.Other carriages were in front of them,thus forming a long and quiet queue that flowed.Y/n looked with curious eyes but also attentive to everything around hernobles and old women with obviously expensive clothes walked arm in arm with their husbands;royal guards inspected and scrutinized everything and everyone with a cold and flat look,standing still and silent at their respective places.
And while the young woman was intent on looking out of the window with an absorbed and attentive air,Jacob's voice suddenly reached her ears,making her turn to his side as a result.
"Did I hear something?" he asked with a purely curious voice,narrowing his eyebrows in a confused expression while he was looking intently at his twin;but the young Assassin managed to distinguish what was irony and excitement that made his hazel eyes sparkle quickly.
"No.Just the voices in your own head" his sister answered him coldly,not even deserving him of a look,because too busy,even her,to scrutinize from the window.Meanwhile,their carriage was reaching the entrance of a small living room which would lead to the courtyard,where the ball would take place.
"And yet,they are so much more pleasant than yours" Jacob replied with a loud voice and in a cheeky way,smiling brazenly and purely amused when he saw his sister raising her eyes to the sky in a gesture to say the least exasperated.
All of a sudden their carriage stopped suddenly,stopping in front of the main entrance,faithfully kept under control by the guards who,being on both sides of the door,were motionless and impassive.Opening the door,Evie was the first to come out of the carriage and quickly Y/n followed her,being careful not to stumble and not to get tangled in that large and even cumbersome f/c dress.
"Charming" the older twin scolded him in a paternal and annoying tone,taking some slow steps forward while already inspecting with discreet air the place around her.
"Aren't I?" the younger twin puffed with a proud,sardonic and insolent voice,also coming down from the carriage,but Y/n,with the corner of her eye,was able to see something that made her very curious:Jacob,cautiously and quickly,made a gesture to say the least inviolable to the coachman and then mimicked something with his mouth that, unfortunately,she could not understand.
"I shall go and find the Piece of Eden" Evie suddenly proclaimed,her ice-colored eyes full of determination and which she made pass coldly from her brother to her friend.
"As you whish.I am off to meet Freddie" he answered her with a flat and neutral tone,making a vague sign with his hand,indicating the roofs.
"Y/n,you'll come with me" Evie said,turnimg to her friend with a calm and gentle voice,a light and ghost of a smile that lightly illuminated her face covered with freckles when she received confirmation from the young woman.Giving one last and quick,sospicious look at her brother,she turned around and,with fleecy and fast steps,began to walk on the long and velvety red carpet to the garden,from where she could already destine a music,which did as if from a delicate background to that heavy atmosphere.
And Y/n,without turning around and giving one last sweet smile to her lover,made to move and follow her friend in the garden,but a strong and rough hand suddenly grabbed her by the wrist and immediately her back slammed not a little violently against someone's wide chest.The young Assassin,thinking that ot might be an enemy,began to struggle to escape the grip that,on the contrary,did nothing but strengthen and tighten more:but her heart,if it was palpitating quickly before almost wanted to get out of her chest,began to calm down and the anxiety and fear that had grazed her before,disappeared immediately when that hand began to weaken the iron grip on her.
And then the young woman,almost immediately,recognized that gentle,delicate and unique touch,which always made her feel protected and safe and that among a thousand others would easily recognize:that familiar,velvety and special touch of the hand that slid slowly and sensually on her side,this time attracting her gently to himself.
"Oh,ts,ts,love,where are you going?" hundreds and if not endless and eternal shivers ran down her back,when Jacob's deep,low and hoarse voice reached her ear.Y/n tried in vain to get out of his grip,so as to see his face and try,in some way,to understand what he had in mind;but before the young woman could only open her mouth,a single word could not leave her lips,because the Assassin preceded her lightly.
"Before going...what about to stay a little bit more inside the carriage...only with me?" he whispered,when Jacob's deep, low,hoarse voice reached her ear and the female Assassin could hear and distinguish what was a smile in his tone.
"The both of us...all alone,with no one else..."Jacob continued,whispering soothingly,a malicious suggestion in his voice,then began to rub his bearded cheek on the smooth skin of her neck as if to persuade her,leaving a single but wet kiss behind her ear while,imprudently,he wandered his hands along her back:his fingers played with the tight laces of the woman's f/c dress,then began to untie the knots that kept them tied to each other.
Y/n,with a sudden force that was born inside her,managed to escape from his temptress taken and,turning on his side,took a few steps back to carefully scrutinize his face:his hazels and deep eyes had been strangely obscured by a thick veil that,unfortunately,did not allow her to understand well his true intentions.But the female Assassin was able to distinguish a glimmer that shone ardently and lightly in his orbits,when his eyes rested,for the umpteenth time in that endless evening,on her neckline,and,as if that were not enough, the corners of his lips rose in a mischievous and luxurious and amused when,after making a nod with his head pointing to the inside of the carriage,received a look to say the least shocked by his lover.
So,looking at him with her eyebrows narrowed in an expression of disapproval,she proclaimed authoritatively:
"I hope that you're just joking,we really can't do this before the mis...J-Jacob!" and if her voice,at the beginning,was high,proud and determined,when the male twin quickly and suddenly took her by the arm and shove her inside the carriage,became nothing less than a sharp,purely surprised and amazed exclamation.
Her head hit hard against the leather seats,but did not cause her any pain,just closing her eyes for a few moments.But as soon as she heard that the carriage all of a sudden began to move with a fast pace and so moving away from the entrance of the garden,Y/n opened her eyelids and immediately from her mouth came out another amazed exclamation when,in front of and above hee,she found Jacob,who looked at her with the malice that was now clearly visible in his eyes.
Bringing a hand to her chest as if to calm her fierce heartbeat,Y/n sighed heavily and then returned to watch the younger twin with serious and cold eyes,whose task was to conceal the fear but also the desire and need that she yearned for as ardently as he did.
"You really had to choose an occasion like this,to do...do..." she started to stammer with a slightly trembling voice,thus transcending the serious and authoritative expression that had shown before,somewhat to scare Jacob,who did nothing but chuckled purely amused,a deep laugh that made him vibrate his chest,as the woman seemed surprised and amazed at that time.
Shaking his head slightly,he stood on top of her quickly,sitting on the front seat,getting comfortable while watching her get up and adjust her dress slightly.
"To do what?" asked the male Assassin,raising an eyebrow in a questioning expression when he saw her lover suddenly closed in silence:she was intensely intent on watching his hands untie the light and sloppy knot of that red scarf around his neck,and then take it off permanently with a raised sigh and throw it to the side.
"So?" he inquisitioned her again,his purely curious voice,patiently waiting for hee answer,slightly widening the neck of the white shirt,revealing even more in this way his collar bones.Y/n could not do anything,except looling carefully at his face,her e/c eyes which,with great satisfaction from the young Frye,began to shine intensely with what was,of course,lust.
"You know well what,Jacob" she finally replied in a low voice,her slightly bored tone,noisily swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat,not removing her eyes from the hazel ones of him,thus arousing his hilarity.
"Care to englight me,my dear?" he replied with a mocking tone,half-closing his eyes in two slits and tilted his head slightly to the side,raising a corner of his mouth in a presumptuous smile,appetizing while playing slowly with the small buttons of the shirt he was wearing.
A sudden and unnatural silence took possession of the two Assassins who,silent and motionless as if they were statues,looked into each other's eyes, digging deeply into them.The sound of the horse's hooves no longer resounded in echoes in the dark alley where,now,the carriage was,not even the snaps of the whips of the coachman were most audible.Only a silence that,heavy,to say the least chilling and touchable,hovered between them,mixing with a visible and palpable lust and desire.The same silence that was interrupted,after the time that seemed eternally infinite,by a sudden,noisy and hasty steps,which gradually faded and disappeared in the darkness of the evening.
Y/n,suspicious of who those steps might be,moved in the direction of the window and,slightly moving the small red velvet curtains that covered the glass,she managed to see the curved figure of the coachman who,after a few moments,vanished into the cold embrace of darkness.So,closing the curtains,she turned again towards him,still firm and motionless,starting to look at him with an unscratchable look but,at the same time,intensely and overflowing with lust.
"I'm waiting" he was aware of everything,and they were both aware,they were more than sure they knew what they wanted:after all,she had no way out,if not to submit,succumb and willingly suffer what he had in store for her.
In a fast,lightning and clever movement,the young woman catapulted into the arms,ready and already open of the younger twin,towering in this way above him,taking strongly his soft bearded face between her hands,bringing closer their faces:their mouths suddenly joined in a passionate, ager and vehement kiss,born from the fervent and unstoppable need that both had within themselves and that,since they had placed their deep looks on each other,they had tried irresistibly to stop in some vain way.
While the two lover were still intent on showing their love and sensual need,Y/n came even closer to him,feeling the need to be closer to his body,almost wanting to melt and merge with him;her hands wandered from his face,behind his neck,pulling his brown locks of hair slightly when him,moving his chapped lips from the ones of her rosy on her neck,began to bite it slightly,thus leaving violet marks and signs:which he looked with a look certainly not lacking in satisfaction and pride.
The woman tilted her neck to the side,so as to give more space to him and his greedy lips and,although the space in which they was tight and uncomfortable,she wanted to create a kind of friction between them:she raised his legs and twisted them around the hips of young Frye but,making that gesture,the edges of the f/c dress she was wearing were torn off immediately,arousing concern and nervousness of her.
"Damn" Y/n whispered,taking a quick look at her dress,now split in two,allowing a glimpse of her legs.
"Don't worry about it,love.I would have torn it up sooner or later" Jacobwhispered in response with an hoarse,husky voice,not turning his eyes away from her neckline that,again and in a strange and tempting way,called him.But time was running out and him,despite his displeasure,could not undress her of everything and make her his in a properly way,as he had always wanted and dreamed.
So,taking the fact of the torn half-dress and of her temptress s/c skin who could glimpse from the torn edges as an unequal opportunity,Jacob silently slipped a hand on her thigh,while he jumped back on her mouth,yearning for another fervent kiss,hungered her lips.His calloused fingers caressed her smooth sc skin with a light,velvety and delicate touch,giving her shivers all along her back,making her almost tremble and losing her patience when his agile hand reached her inner thighthen going back up and starting his torture again.
But surely,even her hands did nothing but wander over his body:from gently caressing his face,to pulling his hair tightly behind his neck when,very often now,his fingers pressed insistently against the fabric of her underwear,making her swallow a throaty moan.And,somewhat to take a revenge,she quickly and vehemently tugged at his black overcoat,thus removing it,making him remain in nothing but his white shirt and his pants.
"S-stop te-teasing m-me,J-Jacob ..." Y/n stammered in a feeble and broken voice,her tone like a weak plea close to his ears.
"Oh and why?I'm enjoying seeing you like that,Miss" Jacob replied with a falsely curious voice,a note of malice and pure pleasure in seeing her suffer,waiting for him in such a heartbreaking way.And the female Assassin clearly could hear the smirk in the voice of the male,though she could not see it as his face was still and almost sunk in her collar bones.
"C-can you c-close y-your m-mouth f-for o-once...?" the young woman then murmured,and a load groan of pure dissatisfaction left her parted lips quickly and suddenly when his fingers,which had slipped inside her already soaked underwear,came out of it.But she did nothing but tie more strongly her legs around him,almost clinging desperately to his shoulders,which she held tightly with her sweaty hands.
"As you whish.But that's really a pity" proclaimed the younger twin with a sad voice and nothing short of disappointed,smiling in a cheeky way againts her skin,completely covered with red and purple marks and signs.
"W-why...?" Y/n asked with a thread of a voice,a barely audible whisper after which,for a few moments that seemed eternally endless,fell for the umpteenth time in that evening,an inhuman silence.
All of a sudden,Jacob slowly lifted his head out of her neck and finally their eyes,equally overflowing with lust,malice and desire,met and chained each other,digging deeply.His intense hazel eyes glistened with desire,while her e/c ones sparkled with adoration and love,other than passion.Then,if possible still in a slower way,he began to lean toward her cheek,until his lips touched her earlobe,his beard that tickled her slightly.
"Because that mouth can do many things,love" and her heart lost some beats,she stopped completely beating quickly in her chest,when he whispered that to her ear in a tempting,sensual way,as if admitting a persuading and sinful mischievous thought.Y/n noisily swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat,continuing to look at his hazel orbs with a look lost in nowhere;hundreds and if not millions of thoughts circulated confusingly around her head,fogging her mind if it wasn't for the hand of Jacob who,delicate,leaned on his hips,caressing him with his thumb.
"Surprise me" the young woman suddendly spoke,in her tone of voice distracting security,in her and e/c eyes the firm decision and,her face,full of immense confidence and endless,vast love for him who,with the same cunning and intense eyes,looked at her in an absorbed way.
"As the ma'am wants" he replied immediately,almost and to say the least submitting to the will of his woman,ready to show her how much love,kindness and passion he had in store for her.
So,by matching again their lips where their tongues joined in a sensual and lively dance,Jacob in a quick gesture,made her lie down along the leather seats,with him above her.And while he was towering over her,with both hands at the sides of her face,he began to leave a trail of light kisses along her face,neck and chest;his touch like the one of a feather on her smooth and delicate skin,tracing with his finger tips her curves under the dress,which was quickly moved and rolled up to her knees by the same hand.
Leaving his lips off his s/c skin in a lazy and painful way to say the least,Jacob began to slip further and further down,until he found himself kneeling between the legs of the female Assassin,placed both his callouses and big hands on her knees and slowly began to open them,his fingers caressing her knees in the meantime while his eyes did not leave even for a moment her e/c ones....until,once her legs were open enough,the younger Frye lowered his gaze on her still clothed womanhood,and then raised a corner of his mouth in a mischievous and impudent smile.
Y/n,who in the meantime was holding herself slightly up thanks to the elbows she had placed on the seats,watched his hands disappear under her dress,from which Jacob immediately kicked out her underwear,which he threw away in a sloppy and unheeding way.And she began to become impatient,anxious,wanting that moment to come once and for all,not wanting him to make her wait in such a tremendous,almost painful way...everything about her,in her and in her body,showed the impatience,the will and the need that she strongly felt,and he pleasantly contributed to this in a shameless way:he was doing it on purpose.
The girl began to shake slightly for the strange and unique emotion that was born inside her,when she finally saw Jacob's head disappear under her dress;a ghost of a smile made her smile when she heard the soft sideburns of him tickling her inner thighs;a throaty and low moan escaped her from her parted lips when she perceived his warm and serene breath over her womanhood.She was tired of waiting,and he knew it.
"J-Jacob..." and immediately after the umpteenth,but last but not least,low and pleading moan came out of her lips,he made the first contact with her aching and already quite wet womanhood which,although done with extreme kindness and delicacy,made the young woman moan out loud,throwing her head back.
She bit her lower lip with force,almost dropping out a few small drops of blood,beginning to moan more and more and in an ever higher way when he began to kiss and lick her most intimate and sensitive part,moving with wet movements further down,touching her folds,poking them with his tongue,sucking and biting them sometimes.And if before his mouth,his movements were gentle and soft on her womanhood,in no time and when he realized that his lover wanted more and more,they became faster,more passionate,almost as if he was hungry for her.
Never in her whole life had Y/n experienced unique and unthinkable sensations like those she was experiencing now;the same emotions,the same immense and boundless pleasure that he was giving her:it was impossible,simply extraordinary and,to say the least,strange of how Jacob was able to make her feel those sensations;it was impossible like him,and only him,made her beat her heart crazy,made her tremble.The young woman's mind,now,was nothing more than immersed in total chaos,just fixed to the thought of him in the middle of her legs,his tongue which was delving into her depths,his fingers that were busy to rub and caress the residence of her nerves.
The same finger that,moving from her clit,crawled along her wet folds,and then slipped inside her,her thight walls stretching around his finger,which started to slide in and out of her,causing the young woman to moan and groan in completely pleasure.
She arched her back,bucking her hips up,taking his head and bringing him even closer to her womanhood,almost trapping him between her legs.Jacob,on the other hand,as long as he was too busy and concentrated to give the best of himself for her,groaned a bit and then grabbing with his free hand one of her hips and pin them again on the seat,holding them vehemently.
"Ahh,J-Jacob...p-please...yes!" she whispered in a murmur,and then cried out in a blisfull pleasure,gripping his brown locks with a weak force.The young Frye,with that cry almost desperate but full of lust,deteached a bit from her aching and needy womanhood to get up a bit and look at her expression:her forehead was full of small but numerous drops of sweat that quickly ran along her skin,her chest - damn that neckline - that rose and fell continuously,panting,her open rosy lips from which came out many moans.
And it was totally useless to deny it to himself,but he was immensely proud to know that it was him who had given birth to those expressions,those emotions within her:that he was the only man in London,and most probably in the whole world,who could have her,who could love her,who could touch her,who could kiss her,who could taste her.
Then,seeing her face being contracted and trasformed with grimaces of pleasure,he decided to inserts a second finger,also returning with his head down amd adding more pleasure again.And,as her voice did nothing but increase,her moans just a loud scream which shattered like broken glass on the small walls of the carriage,he slides a third finger in.Curling his fingers inside her to try to touch that special spot,residency of her uncoming orgasm.
His lips,fiery,his hands,skilfull,his movements,fast.The same lips that were like fire on her most delicate and sensitive area,which sent endless shivers along her spine;his fingers,fast and light,came out and entered into her repeatedly,hundreds of times.
"Come for me,love" a low,hoarse and husky murmur suddenly reached Y/n's ears,a single delicate and yet authoritative whisper,obligation in the midst of moans,grunts and pants of her;and finally,after minutes that seem endless hours,the young woman reached her most absolute pleasure and that she would ever feel,trembling and wheezing like never before,a violent and vehement wave of emotions overwhelmed her as she clung to Jacob as if he was her only reason for salvation.
Throwing her head back for the umpteenth time on the comfortable seats on which she was still lying,the girl was lulled and let go to the horde of those feelings that flowed quickly in her veins:she felt alive,she felt energetic even if,at the same time,she was dying from fatigue,closing her eyes for a few seconds,trying to catch her breath,the lungs that burned in her chest,her dry throat,the muscles of the legs that begged for mercy.
She reopened her eyes again,making her gaze wander through the whole carriage:Jacob's red scarf,together with his black overcoat,was leaning in a sloppy and disorderly way along the other seat;the windows,still kept slightly darkened by the red velvet curtains,were tarnished.Then,she placed her tired but satisfied gaze on Jacob's smug and brazen face,beginning to look at him with gratitude as she carefully scrutinized his face:his nose and his beard were slighlty wet and coated with her juices,which made the young woman's cheeks quite red;his hair,now no longer tidy as they were before,fell on his face and in front of his eyes.
Once again they fell into a religious silence,if it had not been for her that was still slowly panting,trying in vain to calm her heartbeat.The passion,the desire,the smell of sweat and her strong colony hovered in the atmosphere,palpable,while the two lovers still looked intensely in the eyes,talking only and only with the use of the gaze.But the only thing,the only sound that interrupted that grave silence was a generous and pure 'thank you' said with a faint and calm voice by Y/n,and a light and delicate kiss by Jacob above her lips.
"Nha ah ah...where do you think you're going?" Jacob suddenly asked with a purely surprised tone,stopping the female Assassin who was about to come out of the carriage,frowning his eyebrows.
"Coming with you,perhaps?" Y/n replied in a wise tone,raising an eyebrow in an obvious way as she cast some suspicious glances around her.
"No,you don't even think about it,where do you want to go in a ripped dress?" he exclaimed with a loud voice,pointing with both hands at the torn edges of her f/c dress,making a small grimace with his mouth.
"Certainly it's not my fault" she defended herself promptly,putting on him a serious and composed look while he laughed amused.
"It seems that someone jumped on you...well,technically it's true" said the younger twin with a low tone,winking at a smile presumptuous and brazen,almost still mischievous.She loved his playful jokes,he could always give her a smile or make her laugh,even and especially in the most inconvenient moments.
"Wait here until I come back with the clothes and weapons,then you can come with me" Jacob calmly explained,pointing with a nod of the head to the carriage,smiling confidently and then take her hand,bring it near his mouth and put a quick and light kiss on the back, starting to walk away.
"Oh and...how was it,love?" the voice of male Assassin stopped her before she could enter the carriage again,and she turned in his direction,barely distinguishing the figure of him who was confused perfectly with the darkness of the evening.The girl lowered her head and,for a few moments remained silent,thinking of his question;then,raising her head and looking at him,se said:
"It was...funny,I have to admit it" Y/n confessed with a high and decisive voice,enough to be heard by him in the distance,smiling in a purely happy and sincere,blushing slightly at the memory of what happens a few moments earlier.
"Only funny?How disappointing!" the young Frye exclaimed loudly,bringing a hand to his heart in a gesture to say the least theatrical,pretending a wounded and disappointed expression:but he betrayed himself when,suddenly,a pure and amused laugh left his lips,which the light breeze that was in that evening carried to her,who joined his laughter.
And as he ran away,holding his red scarf tightly in his hand and giving it a few glances,Jacob chuckled for the umpteenth time,shaking his head slightly.
"Funny...next time we'll see if it'll be funny" he murmured to himself, sneering mischievously.
And who knows... maybe he had something in mind.And maybe,most likely,Y/n will try and feel more than fun.
Okay,okay,let's take a breath.Done?Okay,bene...now,if you all don't mind,I want your honest opinion on this chapter,because it's the first time for me writing a smut,sooo...yes,I would like to know how it came out,if you liked it,because maybe...if this turned out good,I might write more with other characters,who knows...*wiggle eywbrows*.
And now,after all this and after that I died from too much embarrassment after writing that loooong chapter...addio!
(Also,I would have liked to tag someone for this,maybe some Jacob fans but uh,I pratically know no one here?Apart from two or three people.So,sorry not sorry gents ;/ )
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rooksxandxpints · 4 years
@shadxwcd​ (Evie)
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“...Evie, why must your brother be so difficult?” Ethan ponders, gazing out at the fields with Jacob’s retreating back to them both, having stormed off after another disagreement. Ethan watched his carefully from the porch, before directing his gaze to his daughter. 
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creednight · 4 years
No Place Like Home
I’ve finally figured out the plot for the rest of this, so hopefully it won’t be as dead. Cheap ending, but I think y’all deserve the fluff. As usual, I appreciate everyone’s patience, I am determined to finish this. This is Chapter 12. Chapter 11 is here.
The sound of thunder jerks (Y/N) out of her sleep the next morning. You lean up to peek out from your curtains to find some dark clouds circling overhead and fall back on your pillow with a sigh. 
    “How was yesterday so nice, but today so shitty?” you groan to yourself.
    Your body feels like Jell-o from the fun of yesterday at the beach, you love the warm feeling of being out in the sun all day. Especially the next day. 
    The house is oddly quiet, you glance at your clock to see it’s ten in the morning, a time when Arno and Ezio are stumbling from their rooms to get some breakfast. Evie is usually up early, dragging Jacob with her, to do whatever it is they do in the morning while Connor eats his breakfast and stays in his room to do whatever it is he does. 
    Did you make breakfast already? You text Connor, already knowing the answer. 
    Yes, want me to make you some? His reply comes through a minute later. 
    You smile at his kindness. Nah, I bet you’re busy. I’ve got a plan B. You send that to him and then open up a new text for Jacob. I’m not feeling too well :( Do you mind bringing up some water and breakfast for me?
    If anything, he and Evie are in the kitchen talking as they do in the morning, and since he hides food in the weirdest places (a fact you found out by accident) it’ll be worth the flirting. 
    “Oh, (Y/N)!” 
    Sure enough, after some rustling downstairs, you laugh to yourself at the sing song in his voice. His loud steps stop outside your door where he knocks generously and pops it open with ceremony. He crosses the room in a few steps, marveling at you as you sit up and stretch. 
    “I brought you a glass of water,” he sets it on the bedside table before showing you the plate of food he brought. “Evie made breakfast, so if it’s shite it’s her fault. It’s a veggie omelette, toast, and some fruit. From me,” he winks and pulls out a bag of snacks from his coat, “Some chips and chocolate.”
    “Thank you,” you smile at him, accepting the plate and bag from his hands. “You’re the best.”
    “Of course I am,” he smirks, his chest puffing out a bit. “If you need anything else, I’m afraid you’ll have to ask Connor. Evie and I have business elsewhere and the other two oafs are running errands.”
    You pout. “I don’t get to see my twins today?”
    “Chin up, love,” he rubs his finger under your chin. “You still have five days of break left, you’ll get your Frye time.”
    The twins head out, leaving you to finish eating on your own until Connor comes lumbering down the stairs. You check your watch and frown. “Hungover?”
    He pauses in opening the fridge to regard you with a confused frown. When you gesture to the time, he snickers. “I am allowed to sleep in, (Y/N).”
    “Well, yes, but still,” you muse watching as he prepares his own breakfast. “So. It’s you and I today.”
    “So it is,” he nods, whipping eggs together. “I have nothing planned for your break aside from yesterday.”
    “I remember you said that,” you finish off your breakfast and set the dishes in the sink. “Wanna go to the farmer’s market? There’s good food there.”
    “Yeah, I have an errand to run still, so I’ll text you when I’m coming back,” he grins.
    “What kind of errand?” you round the counter to watch him. You watch as his body tenses up and he averts his gaze. 
    “Gotta drop off some woodwork for a friend,” he shrugs. “Shouldn’t take more than two hours.”
    “Oh, okay.”
    You leave him be then, heading up the steps to take a shower and possibly text Stella to see how her vacation’s going. You make a mental note about Connor’s reaction to think about as break goes on. Weird things have happened since you moved in and you would be a fool to ignore it or claim otherwise. 
    When Connor leaves, you get a head start on assignments given to you at the last minute and get your study guides together in prep for the quizzes when break is over. You find yourself wanting time to move faster so you can see Connor again and try to convince yourself it’s because he’s your best friend. 
After all, you feel the same when the others in the house are going to spend time with you. So you ignore that bubbly feeling and focus on your work until you hear a horn beep outside. 
“Shit,” you realize you missed the notification on your phone from Connor and hurry to get dressed in something comfy to wear in the spring heat. 
In minutes, you’re ready and bounding down the steps with your bag in tow and sandals fastened. Connor’s playing chill music as you get in, he greets you with a grin and a smoothie from the place you like in town. It warms your heart to see him pass it to you, a shy smile on his face when yours lights up like the sky midday when you see it. 
“Thank you,” you hum in appreciation, taking a sip. “My favorite.”
“Good,” he smiles, backing out of the driveway. “What’s on our shopping list?”
“Mmm. I just brought the bag in case we saw something we wanted,” you shrug, watching as houses go by. “How was errands?”
“It went well,” he replies easily. “The afternoon market is different than the morning crew, right?”
You make an affirmative sound while sipping your smoothie. 
Not as busy as the morning market, you and Connor find yourselves lost in the booths, trying on the handmade jewelry and clothing, taste testing some jams, jellies, and fruits in season. It’s a grand time for the both of you. No pressure from outside forces or forced intimate encounters as you peruse the items on sale. 
While you’re looking, though, you can’t help but feel as though Connor is more of a bodyguard as time goes on. He glances this way and that, as if someone is going to pop out of nowhere and do something. Given your past encounters with Blighters, you half expect it to. 
So when a hand grabs and pulls you away from the path, you are ready. Grabbing Connor and clinging to him for life until the voice coming from behind you lets out a familiar laugh.
“Damn, can’t surprise this one, yeah?” Edward scoffs when Connor wraps an arm around your waist, his hand ready to break the other man’s arm. “No worries, son. I was just having a laugh.”
Connor lets out a disgruntled sound. “You couldn’t think of anything less dramatic?”
“Mmm, no,” Edward releases you and grins. You hate how handsome it looks. “How are ya, lass?”
“I’m better knowing it was you grabbing me,” you straight your clothes, holding onto Connor’s arm for a moment longer before letting go and patting it. He takes a step away, his eyes no longer scanning the crowd. “Did you know he was following us?”
“I could tell someone was, but he was far away enough I couldn’t see who,” Connor crosses his arms. “Where’s Ade?”
“Getting some ice cream,” the blonde jerks a thumb back towards a booth selling homemade ice cream. “Join us?”
Connor looks to you for an answer, when you nod, he smiles and gestures for you to go ahead and lead the way. 
“Uptight, isn’t he?” Edward nudges you with his arm, offering it for you to take. “Like having a guard dog.”
“He’s been like this all day,” you giggle, accepting his arm. 
Edward laughs. “Gets it from his parents. Both so serious, blink and you’ll miss the jokes they have.”
“Interesting,” you sneak a look back to see Connor gazing in a different direction, but with the slightest smile on his face. “So, you’ve known him a long time?”
“Yes, lass. It’s why he calls me Grandpa,” Edward grins. “Though, I don’t look like one much.”
I’ll say, you think to yourself. Edward’s a handsome man, and you would be a fool to not admit the attraction you felt when his blue eyes roamed your face. But it was something you would never pursue...
You don’t get long to dwell on it when Ade comes up, enjoying some ice cream and looking like a kid in a candy shop. Edward and Connor go off to get some bowls for you and themselves. Leaving you to listen to stories of the old days with Edward on the sea. They work as fishermen with their own crew and boat and the sights they’ve seen, well, you are glued to your seat. 
“Don’t bore her with that now,” Edward interrupts a little while later, two bowls in hand. He slides one to you as he takes a seat next to his old friend. “We have to tell her baby stories of Ratonhnhaketon.”
“No, you don’t,” Connor replies as if turning away an extra topping. 
“Yes, please,” you laugh and watch as Connor grumbles and pouts next to you. “Was he a chubby baby?”
“Like a cannoli,” Edward laughs. 
You nearly choke on your ice cream, coughing to get some air and laughing at the thought of a baby Connor being as chubby as a cannoli. The young man groans, dropping his head in his hands as Edward goes to describe Connor’s early life. 
It’s a fun time and it flies by just as quick. The park clears up of booths and people until it’s just them at their table, ice cream bowls set aside, and the two older men in the midst of a harrowing story from the sea. You’re watching with all your attention, your eyes big and mouth agape just a bit. Connor eyes you, a smile growing on his face at how cute you are.
“But we lived,” Edward shrugs as though they shouldn’t have. 
“I’m shocked,” you snort. “How do you guys still have jobs?”
Edward gathers the garbage and winks at her. “Gotta take risks nowadays.”     “It’s because I get us out of trouble with people,” Adewale snickers. “This man may get us into shit, but I get us out.”
“Now that’s not true,” Edward argues with a grin. 
“True enough,” Ade laughs. He claps his hands and stands. “But, that’s enough listening to old men. You two should get going, it’s getting late.”
“We will,” Connor yawns, standing up to stretch. “Thanks for the ice cream, Grandpa.”
“Anytime, lad,” Edward grins at them. 
You and Connor take your leave, he opens the door for you and shuts it once you’re settled in. When you guys get home, Connor helps you put the groceries you bought away and sets up the TV for a movie night. You grab some snacks and cuddle into his side, grateful to have a relaxing day as opposed to the hectic one yesterday. Your head lolls onto his shoulder as the movie goes on, his scent and warmth lulling you into a sweet sleep. 
Connor relishes the feel of you next to him, he even adjusts so you fall in the crook of his arm. It’s no surprise you fell asleep, being at home relaxes you so much and he knows being close to him makes you feel safe. It makes his chest swell with pride to see you comfortable around him. But his mission today is a reminder he has been getting too close for comfort. 
The thought sours his mood. He pauses the movie, a Disney movie, and picks you up in his arms with ease. His steps remain quiet as he brings you to your room and sets you down on your bed, just like he did the day before, and leans over to kiss your cheek again. It makes a smile form on his face and he feels like... hmm. He thinks about it at the top of the stairs. What do you make him feel like? A fool. A child.
As he cleans up the living room he smiles to himself knowing that it’s not that bad to be attached to you. For now.
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