#ice cream asks
lamemaster · 8 days
🍦🍧🍨 ICE CREAM DELIVERY!! 🍨🍧🍦 give ice cream to your favourite bloggers and help them stay cool this summer. 😎🍦
Did you remember to add the topping of fallen-off dead cicadas? (I swear I'm dying to step on them at this point)
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hehe thanks for the sweet post tho 😭🥹
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 month
ICE CREAM DELIVERY. !!!!!!🍦♡ྀི give ice cream to your favourite bloggers and help them stay cool this summer. 🍧♡
Thanks my lovvve!!! I actually did have ice cream tonight!!! The epic outdoorsing dsy went really well and we climbed that mountain! Writing this in the bath with very sore feet❤️🤣
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grollow · 1 year
dulce de leche and strawberry for the asks i didnt see if theyve been asked before
Strawberry was! I'll paste it so you don't have to scroll :>
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dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
I'mma say violin. I've learned veeeery minimal basics but I wish I was a lot better at it and had the patience to learn. dgsdgsd
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exhuastedpigeon · 8 months
🍨🍦: Butterscotch, Peach, Birthday Cake
thanks for asking nicole!!!
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? Right now my left hand nails are brown with one yellow and my right hand is yellow with one brown.
peach: how do you relax? Depends on what kind of relaxing. Sometimes I'll go on a walk to relax if I have too much pent up energy. Sometimes I'll read. Sometimes I play rollercoaster tycoon or the sims.
birthday cake: favorite books? Oh man! So many!!
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston The Sleepwalker's Guide to Dancing by Mira Jacob The Raven Cycle books by Maggie Stiefvater The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey
ice cream asks
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hammity-hammer · 9 months
mango sherbet and green tea for the ice cream ask 💚💚💚
aa hello love !!
mango sherbet— do you prefer to watch sunsets or sunrises? i think overall i prefer sunrises !! i’m a morning person if i can wake up early enough, and there’s just something really magical about watching the sun rising in the quiet of the morning, when all you can hear is a few cars driving by & birds singing— it makes me feel like i’m home <3 (i also love sunsets with my whole heart, but they just dont hit the same for me)
green tea— do you have any pets? if so, what kinds do you have and what are their names? i do! i have a stray-turned-domesticated cat named miss rizz! she’s my sweet old lady & i don’t think she’ll ever die tbh, she has… diabetes? or something? & we can’t give her her medicine because it’d torture her and she’s too skittish, but she’s just chilling! she’s terrified of new people & also usually terrified of us if we’re downstairs (she only knows us if we’re upstairs), but i love her & would do anything for her. i did have a cat named flamer & he was a giant white & orange cat— i have never loved an animal as much as i love him and i don’t think i ever will again tbh,, he was so fucking sweet and he loved me so much, and i think about him every day<3 he would wait by the front door for me to get home from work every day, and he would sleep on the floor next to me when i napped on my couch (he wasnt allowed on the couch) & would meow to echolocate me if i wasn’t where he remembered me being— i only had him for about two years but they were the best two years i think i’ve ever had, and i am so glad he got to spend his last few years with me, & i can only hope he knew how much he was loved<333
send me one of these asks for some fun !!
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Re: X.
French vanilla— what’s something you want to tell your followers?
Hhh there are SO many things I’d like to tell them
I’d love to interact with you and feel free to send me asks/messages anytime
I hope you’re doing good, and if not, I hope you’re taking care of yourself.. I’m always willing to lend an ear if you feel like talking will help
Thank you for sticking with me <3
Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re doing the best you can <3
Oh and forgive me if I go crazy tomorrow, it’s not everyday your favourite actor turns 40 🥳
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
hi arte- green tea for the ice cream asks 🍦💚
Hey :)
Green tea 🍵
I have one, but would love more. For the last 11 years I had 2 cats, it’s just one now and she’s a diva and fancy. I adore her. Her name is Soleil, she’s a green eyed calico and my sweet furry soul mate Shadow (was my second cat) he was a handsome dapper dark grey tabby.
This is an older pic, but here are my babies.
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Ice cream asks (options)
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clovermunson · 2 years
Hi Mo! Good morning! How are you? I'm pretty good! Mango sherbet, cookie dough and coffee for the ask game?
hey cato! i’m doing pretty good!
thank you for the ask!🥰💕
cookie dough— do you prefer jewel tones or earth tones? (so, do you like cool toned colors more or warm, earthy colors more)
i love both jewel tones and earthy tones, but i tend to gravitate more towards dark, rich jewel tones in most cases
coffee— how do you like your coffee made? and what’s your go-to order at a coffee place?
cold brew or iced are my preferred types of coffee. my go-to coffee order is a cinnamon dolce latte, just for the caffeine kick and little boost of sweetness
mango sherbet— do you prefer to watch sunsets or sunrises?
sunsets, 100%. the sky is always painted with the most beautiful shades of orange, purple, and pink that it all is just so balanced
send an ask!
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
Neapolitan, for the ice cream thing!
Neapolitan— do you have a favorite scent? scents that you like in perfume, in candles, and in general?
Oooh yeah!!
In scented candles I go for fruit scented things. Peach is by far my favourite scent for basically anything, I absolutely adore it. I'm also partial to raspberry, blackberry, and mango scented things, although mango is harder to find! In the fall I like pumpkin scented things too, although they can be a bit too sweet of a scent for me at times (largely because they're often like, pumpkin baked good scented things).
I'm not really a perfume person (boo allergies), but I do like some of the more woods-ey or ocean-y type scents in bodywash and such.
Thanks for the ask!!
ice cream asks
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daily-dragon-drawing · 4 months
Chocolate and vanilla dragons that are best friends
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#61 & #62 - 可可 (kěkě / cocoa) & 香草 (xiāngcǎo / vanilla) - Ironically, this position keeps them both very warm 🍫🍨🍦dail
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 month
ICE CREAM DELIVERY. !!!!!!🍦♡ྀི give ice cream to your favourite bloggers and help them stay cool this summer. 🍧♡
So much ice cream you are spoiling me!!! Let's share it ❤️🍦❤️
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grollow · 1 year
Strawberry, cheesecake, mango, brownie batter, and red velvet :3
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
French. I really love the French language and I tried to teach myself it but failed. Also obligatory "I grew up on anime and love Japanese" now with "SO I CAN READ MY PRETTY INK BOTTLES" addition.
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign?
Aries Rabbit. Wood, I think, I might be wrong on that one. Not the other two.
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
Story time: this blog is over 10 years old. I had asks from 2012 when I came back that I could not get the system to delete because Tumblr is a very functional hellsite. I originally made it to follow jrock blogs, but I bailed in like. 2016? Due to personal reasons. Came back and purged all of that in September of last year -- and the why is because I wanted bug friends because all of my other friends were SO sick of me not being willing to shut up about Hollow Knight. jkdngkjs
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
Yes. Especially spicy tuna and blue crab sdjngjksd YUM
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
Do I? no. Should I? yes. Do I own them? Yes. Do I wear them? No. Why don't I wear them? I'm lazy and forget to put them on because I'm able to see fine up close. ksjngkjsdfg
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exhuastedpigeon · 8 months
strawberry, bubble gum, mocha
Ryan!!! Thanks for asking :)
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? Oh man, I wish I could speak French. It would be easier to get a government job in Canada if I was bilingual and I would love to live in Quebec City but it's a primarily French speaking city so I wouldn't feel comfortable living there yet.
bubblegum: books or movies? Books! I love movies and going to the movies, but there's something so relaxing about getting lost in a book for hours.
mocha: ideal weather conditions? 17c and overcast - basically autumn weather. I fall and it being just chilly enough for a flannel.
ice cream asks
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nburkhardt · 9 months
Strawberry, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Peach for the Ice Cream ask game :3
strawberry— do you know how to dance? if so, what’s your go-to dance move?
I don’t haha. It’s a basic sway only for me 🤣
mint chocolate chip— what’s your favorite thing in your closet right now?
My hellfire shirt I got not too long ago. Also!!! my Loki sweater even tho I can’t wear it since it’s not cold yet 🥲
peach— have you ever gone camping? if so, do you like going camping?
The only time I went camping was during 5th grade and we didn’t actually stay outside, stayed in a cabin. I didn’t like it haha.
Ice Cream asks!
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Mint chocolate chip - what's your favourite thing in your closet right now?
Hmm idk my pink socks probably
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n-anon · 11 months
neapolitan— do you have a favorite scent? scents that you like in perfume, in candles, and in general?
lavender, apples, the ocean, mint and lemon are just some of my favorite scents.
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