#ice prince: kidnapping? more like forced adoption!
pasteltraitor · 10 months
Hey, I just came across your AT swap au drawings, with kid Simon and the Ice Prince. I'm not sure how long ago you made those drawings or if you're still into AT, but I wanted to say that I really loved what you wrote and drew! Your take on the swapped characters seems really sweet and I'm already daydreaming about Ice Prince adopting-by-force Simon, only to get Gunter as well as part of the package deal. It seems really fun and I'm glad I found your post.
thanks for the kind words!! it doesn't feel that long ago since i drew them! in October...(it is now almost December where does the time go alas) I'm still into adventure time but i just haven't finished watching the series bcus i don't want to have no more adventure time to watch DDD: but alas all good things must come to an end so i should probably bite the bullet sometime.
I'm so glad you've enjoyed my au drawings and i do plan on drawing more. but life has been busy and I've been very tired lately )): but they have not left my mind i assure you, ice prince, simon and gunter still live rent free in my head lol
thank you so much for this ask it really made my day! <3<3 here's a little doodle i made just for u
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Andris Harkin [Shades of War @evelynmlewis]
(The following contains spoilers for Shades of War since I like doing reveals about my characters in my books instead of putting things upfront.) Andris Harkin is about 60 years old. He's a practitioner of a lost/obscure form of magic unique to his ethnicity and is known as a "sorcerer", which in-universe is something between a wizard and a prophet. Due to having different powers than other magic practitioners on Valerian, he was kidnapped by the villain, Prince Ellatar and forced by Ellatar's cruel henchwoman Eniss to create a portal that allowed Shade armies from offworld to invade. His two teenage daughters were also killed. After 2 years in Ellatar's captivity, he was eventually rescued and experiences a major guilt complex about his use in Ellatar's plan. He later becomes something of a father figure to two of the female protagonists. He has a very dry sense of humor and prickly exterior and I call him the "salt grandpa".
Ashley Tina Bethaz [Waysides @larissa-the-scribe]
Her abilities include ice powers, mind powers, phasing, stubborness, and, most importantly, impeccable fashion. Got lost in space and tried to friend-adopt another lost traveler. This backfired horribly, but she's determined to get through it all with the power of friendship and also this gun she found.
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
On Loki’s “Adoption”
It’s great that the majority of Loki fans agree that Odin was a dick, but it also pains me that so many of them don’t seem to grasp how much of a dick he was.
People always talk about Loki finding out about his heritage in terms like “He was raised to hate the frost giants so when he found out he was one, it fucked him up. Odin should’ve told him he was adopted and stopped the anti-jotun propaganda.” Which?… Ok, yeah. Definitely. But that whole statement is just hugely sugar-coated. Allow me to explain.
First of all, he wasn’t “adopted”. No matter what Odin’s motivations were, Loki’s biological parents weren’t there at the exact moment Odin found him, so there’s no way Odin could’ve known without a doubt that Loki had been abandoned. So here’s a child whose parents are still alive, are still in the same realm, and haven’t directly stated that they don’t want him… and Odin took him anyway. Just… based on his own assumptions, without consulting the baby’s literal parents who are literally right there, Odin just grabs a baby and runs. ..That’s called kidnapping, good sir. It’s a war crime. You know, like all the other war crimes he’d just got done committing like 10 minutes prior. Loki was not a child adopted from another realm, he was a spoil of war. “Another stolen relic” indeed.
Now, let’s move on from that. We know damn well Odin did not take Loki because he felt compassion for him. Even Loki knew that was bs as soon as he heard it, and Odin even admitted that he had ulterior motives. After all, after murdering a large chunk of their population, Loki couldn’t possibly have been the first child left in dire conditions that Odin came across. So why, out of all those poor jotun babies, did Odin only choose to help the king’s son? What a coinky-dink. No, Odin had a scheme going on, and if there’s any truth to what he said in the Vault, his intention was to use Loki to force a permanent alliance between Asgard and Jotunheim. Considering that I don’t think Odin’s demented enough to try to make Loki marry one of his biological family members, that leaves only a few options. Either 1.) he was going to implant Loki on the throne of Jotunheim as a puppet king 2.) he was simply going to announce to Loki and the jotuns alike that he was one of them and try to use that as leverage to forge ties 3.) he was going to use young!Loki as a hostage to broker peace with Laufey. I personally think option 1 is the most likely, but all of them have a few things in common: they’re gross, colonialist schemes that manipulate and abuse both the jotuns in Jotunheim and the jotun in Asgard by grooming him to hate his own kind and then eventually using that hatred to convince him to act as Odin’s tool toward finally conquering them in full. Pure malicious manipulation intended to cripple both the frost giants and Loki himself, all so that Odin could expand his empire and get back at an old enemy that had the gall to resist him.
All of this is not even to mention the practical disadvantage Odin put Loki at just by bringing him into Asgard. He’s not just a different race, he is a different species. First off, Odin violated his bodily autonomy hugely by changing his skin as an infant. Even with him doing that, though, it’s highly likely that at least some of Loki’s natural biological differences would’ve come into play, like, eventually. Asgard is way warmer than Jotunheim- and we know jotuns are fundamentally creatures of ice anyway- so how uncomfortable could the Asgardian climate have been for Loki? Jotuns probably have vastly different diets than Asgardians- the fact that Laufey had sharp teeth in Thor 1 makes me think they probably eat a lot more meat- so did Odin cater to a Loki’s dietary needs specifically? I doubt it. We know Loki never got much bigger, but what if he had? Did Odin have a plan at all for how to deal with that? Not to mention just the shear level of otherness Loki would’ve felt, even if just subconsciously.
So, on top of finding out that he is the thing he was taught to hate and that his parents aren’t his biological parents and that said adoptive parents have in fact been lying to him his entire life… he also has to deal with the fact that he was kidnapped as a war trophy, and that the man he’s been calling father actually decimated his home world and his native people before taking him, and that he has a family out there that he knew nothing about (they might’ve discarded him as Odin said or maybe Odin lied and they loved him, how is Loki supposed to know?), and that his family allowed him to be exposed to all the anti-jotun sentiments intentionally when he was growing up possibly to further indoctrinate him against his own race, and that he was never even in the running for the asgardian throne but his dad told him he was anyway to goad him into competing with Thor, and that he was being groomed his entire life to be used as a weapon by his “father” against his real father, and that his entire place in the Odinson family and in Asgard hinged on his usefulness in further dominating and destroying his birth family and birth realm, and that no matter what he did a large chunk of the people around him were always going to hate him simply because of natural differences that were due to his fundamental being… it’s just- it’s so much more than adoption revelations and bad parenting. What Odin and Frigga did to Loki was illegal and extremely morally wrong and, quite frankly, just despicable.
Side note: this kinda reminds me of the movie Tangled, actually. Rapunzel’s story is eerily similar to Loki’s- taken as a child by a greedy and narcissistic yet powerful figure, raised as said figure’s own child just so the figure could exploit her for their own selfish gain, taught all her life to fear her actual family/people just to keep her loyal to her “parent”, parental figure turns to aggression and gaslighting anytime she gives any pushback… That’s actually pretty uplifting, though, because it further validates his place as a Disney Prince/Princess 😌.
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
All the Barbie protagonists I know -from best to worst
I feel like starting with a disclaimer that this is just my opinion, which should be implied. Anyway, this list took forever because I kept switching them. Look I am bad at picking favourites. The top 3 is actually pretty interchangable.
1. Eden Starling (Barbie in a Christmas Carol) - I love her with all my heart and then some. I love her design, her backstory, her personality, how unique she is from every other Barbie on the list. (Whoever came up with Barbie as Scrroge is a genius that deserves an Oscar) The fact that I relate to her in some aspects makes her even more loveable in my eyes. Also I think she deserves #1 spot because out of all the characters on this list she's the one I sorted before even rewatching her movie -and the rewatch confirmed the sorting. She's that memorable!
2. Princess Annika (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus) - I love her too: her determination,her cleverness, her bravery, her justified anger. The "Destroy Wenlock!" speech alone guaranteed her a place in top 3. The fact that she doesn't back down even in the face of impossible odds - or maybe especially because the odds are impossible, her relationship with Aiden and with Brietta and her passion for ice-skating make her a very interesting character. Annika is a powerhouse and her entire journey is *chef's kiss*.
3. Merliah Summers (Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 1&2) - I think what I love about Merliah is that she put herself first, in both movies. Her first priority was her career as a surfer and only later did she come to accept her role as a mermaid princess. Her relationship with her mother is also great, I love them when they get along and I also love them when they don't - probably my favourite mother-daughter relationship from all the Barbie movies. Merliah's initial skepticism, her putside the box thinking and her competitive streak are delightful. Also her and Kylie might my favourite ship in the Barbieverse.
4. Blair Willows (Barbie Princess Charm School) - A Barbie with actual money problems?! Of course I was soft for Blair from the very begining. Her dedication and love to her adoptive family made her an instant fave. I loved that once Dean Privet helped her with her lessons she did her damn best to graduate from the school. She had her clothes torn, was accused of theft and looked in a safe, yet nothing stopped her.
5. Mariposa (Barbie: Mariposa) - I always had a soft spot for her as a kid. Her desire for adventure -for escape- the way she felt like she didn't quite fit in, her love for books, the somehow-anti-social attitude made her a perfectly relatable character in little!me's eyes. The way she refused to believe the rumors and the stereotypes in the second movie makes her even better. I loved her friendship with Catania and her romance with Carlos was cute too. Also her design might be my second favourite after Eden's.
6. Ro/Princess Rosella (Barbie as The Island Princess) - This movie is a goddamn masterpiece and Ro is a huge part of why. First I cannot help but be impressed by how adaptable she is: not only did she survive on a deserted island for ten years, she thrived. And then she had the courage to leave the only home she knew to go with Antonio and find answers about who she is. My heart ')). Then there is the fact that she risled her own freedom to help save the animals or how she was ready to step back and let Antonio do his duty and marry Luciana despite the fact that she loved him. And the ending wjere she finds her mother and starts singing the lullaby? It is what had cemented my love for this film and this character.
7. Corrine (Barbie in the three Musketeers) - In a lot of ways I find her and Merliah very similar -they both have goals they want to achieve and are somehow selfish because of it in the begining- but I think Corrine is a much kinder person: remember when she got that violin bow for one of the girls as a way to apologize? It felt like such a character establishing moment. I love that she took no shit for anyone, even the prince, and never faltered for one second in her desire to be a musketeer.
8. Princess Genevieve (Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses) - In a lot of ways she reminds me of Blair as she's a quieter personality but forceful in her own way. The way she always stood up for her younger sisters, her love for dancing, her relationship with her father and the fact that she was so heart-eyes when it came to Derek -seriously I don't think any other Babrie was so smitten with her LI from the very first moment- made sure she'll have a place in top 10. The only reason why she's not higher is because I love the others more.
9. Princess Annelisse (Barbie as Princess and the Pauper) - I think my favourite thing about Annelisse is that she completely understood her duties as a princess and was ready to sacrifice her personal happiness for her people. I also really like how she never shied from using her royal status- even if it didn't really work- or how she still tried to help the other taylor with the work when she was thought to be Erica, pity she had zero skill. Her relationship with her mom is my second favourite after Merliah-Calissa. Also collecting rocks is such an unique hobby AND she's a cat girl. Of course I love her.
10. Erika (Barbie as Princess and the Pauper) - Another cat girl! And so snippy and unafraid to be herself. Her dynamic with Annelisse is gold: Erika had all the reasons to despise Annelisse but instead clearly ~bonded with her from the very first moment and went along with an insane plan just to help her. Not to mention, she's the first Barbie who explicitly said "I am gonna fulfill my dreams and have the guy I love; what's this nonsense about choosing only one?" and I have to appreciate her for it.
11. Rapunzel (Barbie as Rapunzel) - The fact alone that she is best friends with a dragon gives her major points in my books. Her love of painting and the way she used it as a literal way of escape? Go, girl! The fact that she refused to let Stefan tell her his name just to make sure Gothel won't find out? Impressive and so spiteful! And the disgust in her voice when she realized Gothel had kept her prisoner for years because her father hadn't married her? Perfect.
12. Kristyn Farraday (Barbie in the Pink Shoes) - I really liked her enthusiasm for getting to actually be the characters she didn't even get to dance in the real world, the way her mind immediately internalized the rules of the fairytale-esque world despite how insane it was and how she refused to conform to the rules. I see the movie as an exploration of Kristyn's creepling fear of failure and the pressure she felt as a proffesional ballet dancer and seeing her come out triumphant on her own terms felt really good.
13. Actress!Barbie (Fashion Fairytale and Fairy Secret) - Probably the most three-dimensional of the "real" Barbies. I think what I like most at her is her determination to save Ken in the second movie. What can I say, I love a Barbie-in-shining-armour. I also like that she knew when to step back and let others do their jobs - in fact she doesn't so much in the first movie, just motivates people. If I had to pick a Barbie to have as a friend, I think she'll be my first choice. She seems like a good listener and someone who knows how to solve problems.
14. Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia 1&2&3) - She is an interesting character and one whose stories I do like, but something never clicked for me when it comes to Elina. Buut, this doesn't mean I don't appreciate her desire to save everyone or how she never drowned in self-pity when she was the only fairy without wings.
15. Clara (Barbie in the Nutcracker)- Clara doesn't get the chance to do much, but I love the glimpses of her intelligence we see (how she figured out the Nutcracker is Eric) or how she longs for adventure and excitment.
16. Thumbelina (Barbie present Thumbelina) - I like that she's an inventor and that she is ready to use Mackena to save her home, but overall I found her unimpressive.
17. Liana (Barbie and the Diamond Castle) - I always had a grudge on her as a child on Alexa's behalf. I always felt like Liana dragged her down. This being said, Liana is still a super smart cookie and very devoted to her friends so she avoids being even lower on the list.
18. Princess Lumina (Barbie: Pearl Princess) - The most memorable things about her are how she loooved having a job and how she refused to condemn the woman that may have raised her but had also kidnapped her from her family. Now both these traits should make her an intriguing character, unfortunately the movie is pretty boring and it never taps into Lumina's potential.
19. Princess Alexa (Barbie and the Secret Door) - Look I relate to her: Lover of books? Check. Desire to escape your life full of rules? Check. Not good with people? Check. But Alexa's development was so weird, the movie was very boring and felt like it had no trajectory and it affected the protagonist a lot.
20. Odette (Barbie in Swan Lake) - She just...doesn't do much. I wish we have seen her more involved in her own story. Not to mention I really didn't understand why she was so afraid of being in the spotlight or how being turned into a swan helped her get over it.
21. Starlight!Barbie (Barbie: Star Light Adventures) - I think my opinion of her -and the whole movie- can be summed up in the world "meh". There is simply no spark of life here.
22. Teen!Barbie (Barbie Diaries) - I have such an overwhelming repulsion towards "unpopular" girls wanting the be popular. Especially since I cannot see what exactly is holding Babrie back from being happy? She seems to have everything (great friends, nice life, good grades and music talent!), but doesn't care about any of it. Not to mention, she's the only Barbie who has to settle for a guy that was pining for her while she only saw him as a friend and I resent that.
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ohheyfullmetal · 4 years
some dumb bnha headcanons i wrote down during algebra last year
•uraraka floating to the ceiling and/or making furniture and other people do the same when she’s asleep
•shigaraki disintegrating doorknobs, toga thinks it’s hilarious, kurogiri has receipts with just,,,, DOORKNOBS
•that’s what afo really pays him for
•lmao like he pays him rest in peace oboro
•aizawa uses erasure unintentionally whenever he’s angry (or he does it on purpose because red eyes scare the kids and it brings him pleasure)
•dark shadow randomly joining in on class discussions and spilling tokoyami’s darkest secrets including his hawks shrine
•he and izuku make shrines together
•midoriya has freaky green lightening crackling up his arms and I’m trying to sleep, mr aizawa
•denki getting unnaturally jittery during thunderstorms. sometimes he causes a power outage.
•the man sucks the energy from power cables on a daily basis and charges his friends phones godbless
•katsuki’s banned from being sick because his sweat could cause the dorms to explode. same with his gym socks
•”why are these cats laying on me” -todoroki
•air conditioner and heater but he never feels like the right temperature, and it flares up (especially his ice) when he’s angry
•naomasa uses his quirk to his advantage whenever he can don’t lie
•he’ll know
•literally that’s his quirk
•sato is dorm mom, as we know, but,,, a quarter of UA’s budget is sugar for his cakes
•nezu gets some whenever sato bakes so he doesn’t really give a fuck that it’s taking all the school’s combat supplies
•momo shares her clothes with all of the girls especially ochako because the poor (no pun intended) girl is broke af
•tsuyu eats bugs and it freaks present mic and all might out but aizawa kind of vibes with it
•kirishima accidentally using his quirk in his sleep and tearing his sheets by tossing and turning
•jirou has sensory overload and aizawa
has tea and blankets on standby send headcanon
•everyone loves shouji and he drinks respect women juice every day.
•he thinks he’s ugly but everyone loves him.
•sometimes his arms get in the way.
•doorways are a nightmare because his arms are so wide and he’s so fucking tall
•everyone just vibes with it tho
•secretly nicknamed kakashi
•”kacchan, you watch naruto?!”
•we know that mina sneezes acid
•that’s a recipe for disaster in itself
•sero loves this really old movie with this american hero named spiderman
•tape webshooters
•dispenser hair is brought into the shrine cult,,, but make it animal crossing
•”hey bakubro you really look like marshall”
•”kacchan i didn’t even say anything!”
•”YEAH, AND??”
•tokoyami has a grave for midoriya in the dorm courtyard just in case
•todoroki brings flowers there every day
•”um todoroki i’m not dead”
•”i know.”
•aizawa puts all his kids in therapy
•mina’s therapist recommends television as a distraction
•”fuck” -aizawa
•the entire class ends up watching the entirety of subbed sofia the first
•aizawa kind of likes it tbh
•everyone screams when he mentions prince james at dinner: how the hELL DOES HE KNOW WHO THAT IS
•izuku nags bakugou to make katsudon every night bc it’s his favorite
•bakugou’s is really spicy like his mom’s, since inko learned the recipe from mitsuki
•sometimes bakugou WILL make katsudon for deku because he’s a closet softie and secretly feels bad for being so mean to izuku before everything at ua happened
•he won’t admit that but kirishima knows and thinks it’s sweet
•kiri is trying to get them to be friends again
•katsuki says NO. and dyes kirishima’s hair purple in retaliation
•in solidarity with shark boy, all of 1a dyes their hair purple
•even bakugou, eventually
•shinsou is really fucking confused
•the general studies classes think it’s because 1a wants shinsou in the hero course
•the support classes just think everyone in 1a is actually in love with shinsou because of his new abs
•i mean 👀
•izuku misses his mom :(
•at least he has his all might body pillow
•and all might who begs bakugou to burn it
•if it’s kacchan it won’t be suspicious
•”just ask for a hug kiddo I’m literally one building away???”
•1a adopts eri and she moves to the student dorms with her 19 siblings
•mineta literally just drops the hero course after the lov kidnaps bakugou he’s done with ua
•that’s what i did with my ap music theory class oops
•ua’s done with him
•kouta punches him in the balls on midoriya’s request
•he really is the future number one hero
•1a is slightly horrified because this is deku who cried over an ant dying
•actually he cries over everything
•which just makes them even more horrified
•but not opposed to it at all
•kirishima records it
•movie night is once a week and it’s the top pick
•shinsou moves to 1a with his “i have no intention of making friends” family
•rumours are it’s because of the whole hair dyeing incident
•no seriously, even aizawa participated, nezu had no choice at that point
•shinsou knows that it was just a prank that went too far but goes along with the rumors anyway just to fuck with people
•”yeah, i’m dating everyone in 1a”
•hatsume was the one who started that rumor btw
•eri has her newest big brother
•this one is very tired deku please force him to sleep
•mirio gets his quirk back and heads off to help at nighteye’s agency during school breaks
•but he comes back to visit 1a and eri so much that it’s like he’s not even gone
•halloween comes
•aizawa is dorothy from the wizard of oz because hizashi wanted to be toto
•all might risks his life
•”eraserhead! may i see those red heels of yours?!”
•he gets red eyes instead
•is it his quirk or are they just bloodshot??
•who knows
•shinsou dresses as “himself but happy” which is just foundation over his baggy eyes and a horrible yellow smiley face t-shirt
•eri is lemillion for all hallow’s eve and deku for halloween
•deku cries
•mirio also cries but only amajiki knows
•she tells aizawa that she had to be the heroes who rescued her this year, but promises she’ll dress as him next time because he’s her hero too
•aizawa cries to midnight and hizashi for three hours straight
•they didn’t even know he could cry
•hizashi freaks out because he thinks aizawa’s quirk malfunctioned or something and almost takes him to the hospital
•”i haven’t felt emotions in years, what are these children doing to me!!”
•midnight just awkwardly pats him on the back and gets him a beer
•then she goes back to playing candy crush so hizashi can handle it
•she’s on level 2,487
•todoroki is only one level behind
•he plays one level of candy crush for every time his dad is an asshole
•he downloaded it two weeks ago
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0veil-ablaze0 · 3 years
Boboiboy AU time, crossposted from my now inactive Wattpad.
Okay, so, Boboiboy and the elementals are siblings, okay? Got it?
Boboiboy is older by a year and the elementals are septuplets. Because I said so.
But plot twist, when the septuplets were born, they were deemed too weak to survive and Amato, who was excited to be a father of eight, is having none of that shit.
And yada yada, plot point, found ochobot, elemental powers and shit, y'know, the fun stuff.
So the elements acts like a life support, how? Idk either man.
One night, uhhhh, the septuplets got kidnapped and Amato angst ensue.
So, Boboiboy, our beloved powerless babey, is our protagonist, if it weren't obvious enough.
Amato in this AU could be a king/hero like in the original series and that makes Boboiboy the prince/son of the hero no one knows about because of the tragedy that struck boy.
Okay, yeah, Boboiboy, never found out about his missing brothers until like, ten. Of course, being a little ten year old and really wanted to be like his father, he wanted to search for them, but Amato's like, "no son, maybe when you're older."
And he did.
At four fucking teen.
He was sent to visit his grandfather, Tok Aba for one, to check on the old man, and two, protection. Boboiboy found Ochobot one fateful night and ye, insert Boboiboy and Gopal adventure music.
So, other main cast introduction:
• Gopal.
Friend of Boboiboy since he was ten, because fuck you, that's why. The only person who knows that Boboiboy is Amato's son, but ends up almost forgetting that.
Powers: Molecular Altercation
We all know how this powers works, and yes, first one to get their power from Ochobot is this guy bc we met the rest mid story.
•'Lightning Thief' or later known as Ada Da
A kid who kept on stealing from the neighborhood, including Tok Aba bc cocoa? Idk.
Powers: Elektrokinesis
Uh, since he never had proper guidance like Gopal, his powers only appears under distress. The only thing he can do at will is shock people. That is, until the duo met again and well, looks like the lighting thief got a new name and a better control over his powers and such.
A lovely girl next door, or town, I guess.
Powers: Barokinesis
After finding out that her powers are barokinesis rather than just, superhuman strength and flight, she could just force you to bow down to her if she wanted to. She might as well revoke your gravity privileges and float you off to space.
Yaya's neighbor next door. A cheerful boy, but sometimes ends up being insensitive sometimes.
Powers: Aerokinesis
Lmao he's literally Aang but waking up and choosing violence first thing in the morning. In all seriousness, keep the boy in control.
Some sweet, shy girl that the gang collectively decides to adopt. Ends up being the baddest bitch in town, girlboss moment.
Powers: Chronokinesis
We all know how this works, originally mistaken as super speed, she can alter time at will at a fair range, but since it's literally time powers, it takes a lot of energy. Puts you in a mini time loop bc you were talking shit about her friends.
Adopted grandson of one of the seven elemental heroes who decided to join Boboiboy's little found family while searching for his bio family gang
Powers: Geokinesis
Power is the most stable and controlled out of everyone because he was trained under his grandfather, when not relying on his powers, he could stand on his own using hand to hand combat.
A mysterious boy once rival, now ally, adopted noble/child of hero Maskmana (s-shut)
Powers: Shadow Manipulation
Obviously not as strong as Molecular Altercations, Gravity, or Time. But he makes up for it with being a master shadow puppeteer, from tiny rats to dragons, the shadows of the galaxy is his personal kingdom.
A foreign boy known for his recklessness and rude tongue.
Powers: Pyrokinesis
We all know this, fire powers, one of the classic powers anyone has think of, though the same case as Ada Da, his powers only respond to emotions, this time: stress and pure jealousy. Jealousy to whom? You'll see.
Brazen's younger, more 'perfect' twin. Not much to say other than the constant targeting of his dearest brother left him, kinda hurt, but easily brushed off.
Powers: Hydro/Cyrokinesis
Water and Ice, two sides of the same coin, just, depending on which surfaces first. His powers are a lot more stable considering, liquid and stuff like that is very flexible on surroundings, yeah, nothing else to add.
Their robot friend from the beginning to the end.
Powers: Power Storage and Transfer, Teleportation
Nuff said
A pirates apprentice of the Sparo crew, naive and cute, but with the ability to kill you.
Powers: Agrokinesis
Unfortunately, not being able to harness it properly with the lack of plant life in the ship. Of course, he adapted by stealing some plants and practices with them, only for the plants to be thrown away by Captain Separo directly, his supposed father.
A wise, quite egotistical, socially awkward young boy, being the book keeper of the ancient library of the past months after the library was left, abandoned
Powers: Photokinesis
Never finding out about it until the library, he trains until he reached perfection. The light shines through him like he was a prism, living life with fractured hues to fill his monochrome life.
I'll write extra stuff about this AU later, I'm lazy or asked.
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themoomoorn · 4 years
Hoshidon’t You Dare Be Peaceful, Corrin
After spotting the well-tread topic of Hoshido and Nohr again, there’s now plenty of spotlight as to why Hoshido is as flawed as Nohr, and moreso in some ways.  However, the issue I have with that is that Hoshido’s flaws are rarely, if ever, presented in the story itself, and when they are (I.E the Kouga-Mokushu debacle which led to the former’s prince, Asura, being forced to live as a vagrant), they aren’t played up as being bad, or worthy of note.  And heck, some things like Mikoto’s brain-mushing peaceful behavior barrier?  Viewed almost as a good thing.  
Ryoma shitting on the way of Bushido while espousing its values all the while?  Never portrayed as a flaw, whereas Xander’s devotion to his country and fear-driven loyalty to his father definitely are.  Corrin will always harp on Xander for his loyalty to his country in Birthright, whereas they have absolutely nothing harsh to say to Ryoma for withholding medicine from Elise on Conquest.  Camilla’s maternal latching onto Corrin is portrayed as gross and disturbing on Birthright, whereas Hinoka’s almost pathetic fixation on saving Corrin at the expense of her relationship with her siblings and her other royal duties is portrayed as noble and tragic; Other characters question her choosing the way of the warrior to begin with, but that’s more Hoshidan gender roles at play.
 Azura will happily stick by Corrin on Birthright and Revelation, but on Conquest, she has to be forcibly dragged along as a prisoner by Hoshidans three Chapters later in order to actually fight at Corrin’s side.  Despite having been kidnapped and mistreated in Hoshido, she still vastly prefers it over Nohr, and if you give her a spouse and her son, she raises him in all-Hoshidan trappings, with his regular ending and the Heirs of Fate DLC having him work for the Hoshidan government.  Azura’s Hoshidan Corrin support has her prostrating how she had the audacity to be Corrin’s “replacement” Hoshidan sibling, while her Nohrian support has her trying to dissuade Corrin’s masochistic guilt from killing Hoshidans.
Garon’s being horny for his concubines is shown as a bad thing, and it resulted in the remaining Nohrian royals clinging together, with some of them featuring distressing behaviors such as Camilla’s maternal overbearing (that escalates once Corrin is bought into the picture) and Xander’s fear of his father.  Sumeragi being a horndog in his youth - something that you can only find through Fuga’s Revelation support, and something that the localization actually erased - is not.  Him having his wife Ikona (the mother of the four Hoshidan siblings) and his mistress Mikoto (the mother of Corrin) living together is paid no mind, likely because it has no overtly negative consequences.  The separatism and penting up of their emotions is generally dismissed - Corrin is with them now, so nothing to see here.  There’s consequences when Takumi’s distrust of Corrin allows for Anankos to overcome him and manipulate him, but it only plays out on Conquest, as its Birthright equivalent is stopped within ten seconds of its discovery.  
Ah, and lest we forget the lack of consequences of Ryoma flat-out lying to Corrin about them being the “blood” siblings. 
Revelations features two poignant scenes of the Hoshidan siblings getting final moments with Mikoto and Sumeragi’s manipulated spirits, while the Nohrian siblings get left high and dry other than a token shock scene of Garon getting eaten by Anankos.
While Corrin retains their naive, kind, yet pragmatic (when required) behavior on both Revelation and Conquest (albeit the latter takes it to masochistic levels of guilt), Birthright sees them as being uncharacteristically violent.  They show absolutely no quarter to their foes, finds the average Nohrian a mook at best and sick (like Niles) at worst, ultimately doesn’t bother to consider their adoptive families’ reasons for their behavior, or even how the majority of the country supports Garon’s bid for conquest only because they’re constantly plagued by famine and resource-strapped.  While the player may lose out on Azura and the truth, Valla, and Anankos, choosing Hoshido is framed positively.  No consequences are faced for choosing them in anger, for being unquestionably violent.  Corrin never questions this choice, and that’s fine.  The other routes frame picking either side as poor options, but you wouldn’t get that idea if you played Birthright, because Corrin is lauded for picking this “right” choice. 
What’s more, not only do you have this violence be excused, but you get one of the game’s derided “Avatar favoritism” moments - Flora protecting the Ice Tribe from Hoshido and from Garon’s wrath is entirely (and melodramatically) pinned on the latter by Corrin, not even remotely factoring the idea that these non-Hoshidans are trying to defend themselves, and you have Felicia and Jakob having the audacity to shame her for protecting her damn family and doing her duty as future leader of the tribe as heinous because she’s not being nice or loyal to Corrin - heck, they don’t even bring up Garon bringing the heat on to her like Corrin does, it’s because she used to be one of Corrin’s servants!
There’s meta-textual favoritism towards Hoshido that the localization actually did try to downplay, but because there’s so much of it in the game, there was only so much they could, well, downplay.  The most obvious examples are the softer lyrics for the light half of Azura’s song (”The incorruptible silver sword/will slash in order to wake/those slumbering hopes/Bringing peace to the world”), and the renaming of each version of Chapter 6.
Now this dissonance is nowhere near as severe as 3H blatantly presenting Edelgard as a narcissistic, childish variation of the Red Emperor archetype and one of the de-facto villains alongside Those Who Slither, while game dialogue and extraneous material like Heroes go out of their way to make that seem untrue and present her as a cute revolutionary and a good person (*snort*).  But it’s still pretty present, and even when I got the Special Edition all-in-one cartridge of Fates mailed to my apartment back in February of 2016 and beat the game to the ground, this particular dissonance really bothered me, and in a way it was the reason why I ultimately didn’t 100% the game the way I did Awakening, or Blazing Blade, or Sacred Stones.
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dani-luminae · 4 years
Sorry, i'm new to your blog and i'm intrigued by your oc's but also kinda confused. Can you give me a quick rundown of who's who? (Like their names, parents, etc)
Okay then!
Most of them are Descendants OCs, but I have crossovers into Sky High, Marvel, Once Upon a Time, The Kingdom Keepers series, and Disney ZOMBIES. I’ll try to get everyone in one list! I hope this answers your questions.
I’m also gonna put this under a cut because it’s gonna get long. I blame an overactive imagine for many of these guys.
Feel free to send asks about any of them if you want! Lia and Zeraphina are my two most popular talked about on this account, but I welcome the excuse to talk about any of them!
My personal favorites on this list are Lia, Bianca, and Haley.
Lilith “Lily” Lokidottir: My very first Descendants OC! A crossover with the MCU (or, my version of it) she has four books and counting (starting with the Isle of the Lost book and also two other crossovers!) She’s the daughter of Loki from the MCU, who, due to a mix-up and lots of problems, ended up on the Isle of the Lost, where she was raised by Maleficent. Her love interest is Jay.
Selina Oceana: My second Descendants OC! A daughter of Ursula, who’s first book was literally just the Descendants movie with Selina replacing Mal - but I’m proud to say I got much more original for her second and third book. Her love interest is Ben.
Aza: my third Descendants OC! A daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine, who ends up falling in love with Jay. It’s all a bit cliche... until a whole curse from Jafar comes into play. 
Aria Crownsend: Another Descendants OC. She’s a daughter of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip in Auradon. Aria is pulled into the world of the Kingdom Keeper series in order to act as a sort of character spy, as her own Disney Princess character, in the Disney Parks.
Reign Queen: this one’s an OC for Descendants and Ever After High. She’s the daughter of Descendants’ Evil Queen (and twin sister of Evie) who, along with another Auradonian, was kidnapped and taken to the world of Ever After in hopes that the two of them could disrupt Ever After’s reliance on the Storybook of Legends and forcing their destinies on their kids. She’s a Rebel through and through, even if she really is supposed to have a happy ending to her destiny. She’s dating Adam Beast II. 
Adam Beast II: The second of my Descendants-Ever After High OCs. A prince of Auradon (son of King Beast and Queen Belle, twin brother of Ben) who, like Reign, was kidnapped and taken to Ever After with the intent of disrupting the world’s reliance on the Storybook of Legends. Unfortunately, that’s where their story gets complicated, as Adam was cursed with a twisted version of the Beast Curse in hopes of forcing him to follow his dad’s destiny. He’s dating Reign.
Carly De Vil: Another Descendants OC. A daughter of Cruella De Vil and twin sister of Carlos. Carly’s story was a request, with an unusual love interest: Chad Charming. I’m proud to say I did it well, and Carly’s trilogy is one of my favorites to write. Her third book is inspired by the OG Descendants 3 teaser and involves the identity of hers and Carlos’s father.
Roseleta Mercier/Nara Dracona: Another Descendants OCs. A daughter of King Beast and Queen Belle, she was kidnapped by Queen Narissa (the villain of Enchanted) and taken back to the Isle and raised there. Years later, as Nara, she returns to Auradon as part of Ben’s proclamation, and rediscovers her family and her true life. Her trilogy is on its third and final book, The Dragon That Cannot Fly, which features Naros, a version of Ben if he was the one who was kidnapped and raised on the Isle instead of her. Nara’s love interest is Evie, while Naros/Ben’s love interest is still Mal.
Rose: Another Descendants OC, whose story crosses over with the Once Upon a Time series (only the first five season of it though.) Taken from Auradon and her parents, Rose is transported to Storybrooke, where she is one of the two Saviors necessary to break the curse and restore Storybrooke.
Jackie Sparrow: a Descendants OC, daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow and Angelica (from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides!) Truly her parents daughter, Jackie is a devoted pirate, though her trip to Auradon teaches her that “not all treasure is silver and gold.” Her love interests (polyamory!) are Jay and Theodora (an OC.)
Royal: (Okay technically Royal is not my OC. She’s technically adopted. She was created by my cousin, and then dumped on me to write her story. My cousin has since dropped all interest in Royal and her story, but I do love Royal and so she’s basically mine now. With that out of the way), Royal is another Descendants OC! Royal is born out of a love spell that Maleficent cast on King Beast, and so obviously Royal’s got some pretty peculiar parentage. Royal grew up on the Isle with her little sister, Mal, but when Royal basically invites herself along to go to Auradon for Ben’s proclamation, things definitely get more complicated. Uncertain of her own worth to either of the families she could possibly belong to, Royal is a very complicated character who feels more like she exists to be a pawn more than a person. Her love interest is Nik Goodwin, an OC.
Adam Mercier: the son of Royal in an AU of her story where Ben’s proclamation never came and she and all the others remained on the Isle. Adam is named after his mother’s father, and is a combative, impulsive character who loves his mother fiercely. When Ben’s son, Alexander, finally makes a successful proclamation to get some kids off the Isle of the Lost, Adam is one of the kids chosen to leave, alongside his cousin Malachi, his god-sister Carla, and Fairen and Jayra.
Chloe Charming: the older daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming, from the same story as Royal. One of Royal’s best friends now.
Skalja Bjorgman: the daughter of Anna and Kristoff, from the same story as Royal. One of Royal’s best friends now. Also, my first canonically autistic OC!
Bianca Mercier: Another Descendants OC! She comes from Dark Haven, a version of Auradon where good and evil are flipped. King Beast and Queen Belle, the Rulers of All Evil, rule a kingdom of evil, while Maleficent is the Mistress of Goodness, exiled to the Banished Land with the rest of the heroes. Bianca is the Princess of Darkness, as the daughter of King Beast and Queen Belle, and looks forward to her future as a queen of evil, but when she’s unfortunately placed in the Auradon that we know, her views of evil and good are unfortunately challenged and complicated. Her love interest is the Dark Haven version of Mal.
Lia Hawkins: Another Descendants OC! The daughter of Jim Hawkins (from Treasure Planet), Lia is also the princess of the far-off planet of Solasar. With a compassionate and determined personality and the powerful ability to create and manipulated light itself, Lia is the perfect foil for Mal, who she finds herself at odds with only a day after her accidental arrival in Auradon. Lia’s love interest is Ben. She’s one of my favorite OCs.
Haley Olympia-Graves: Another Descendants OC, whose story also crosses over with the world of Sky High! A daughter of Hades kidnapped from the Isle of the Lost, Haley ends up being raised by a mortal foster-mother in Maxville. Haley’s magic is mistaken for superpowers and she is taught at Sky High, the school for superheroes, but eventually, she discovers the truth about her parentage and who she is. Haley’s love interest is Layla.
Gwyn Carlye/Barkowitz: Another Descendants OC, and her story crosses over with Disney’s ZOMBIES series! While Gwyn was raised as a perfectly human cheerleader in Seabrook, there’s some things off about her. Her green eyes can glow. Her hair is white, for some reason. And she’s fascinated by the full moon. When she turns out to be the Great Alpha that the Werewolves are looking for, their search for the moonstone leads them into Auradon, where Gwyn discovers the truth about her origin. Gwyn’s love interest is Willa.
Zeraphina McAlyster: A Disney ZOMBIES OC! Zeraphina is half-Zombie and half-human, loves football, and loves to challenge the rules. She attends Seabrook High (after the events of the first movie) and shockingly enough, actually ends up dating Bucky, the cheer rockstar.
Cassia Larsen: A Sky High - MCU crossover OC! The daughter of Loki, she grew up under the radar in Maxville, raised by her human mother, where Cassia’s seemingly-simple abilities - the ability to create and control ice - could easily be passed off as superpowers. Of course, things don’t stay hidden and simple for long. Cassia’s love interest is Warren Peace.
Belladonna Valaise: an OC for a Disney-fandom-in-general story, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Belladonna, a talented apprentice briefly stripped of her magic for a miscast spell gone horrible wrong, ends up teaming up with a certain mouse-like apprentice in order to recover a powerful magical item from an evil magician. I don’t talk about her much on here, but she’s still around.
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trippyl0ngstocking · 5 years
@euphemesia was kind enough to link me some Renly Baratheon meta, and I am choosing to reciprocate by commenting on their links. I always enjoy sinking my teeth into some ASOIAF meta. First up is this one: https://zaldrizer-sovesi.tumblr.com/post/124948396552/renly-and-the-sieges-of-storms-end
By @zaldrizer-sovesi
This post discusses how Renly’s childhood, and in particular the siege of Storm’s End led him to make the decisions he makes in the series proper. This is good work. Excellent work, in fact. I highly recommend it. So this isn’t a critique or rebuttal(I think it’s a sound analysis; there’s nothing in it I would dispute), just a few rambling comments.
The observation that Renly was someone who “always the world as a fundamentally insecure place” due to the uncertainty of his childhood is a good one. It actually reminds me a bit of Theon, another character who had an uncertain childhood devoid of unconditional love, and who had a desperate hunger for acclaim. Theon(pre-ADWD Theon, I mean) was someone who never had a fully developed, authentic identity. Throughout ACOK, we see him shift between so many identities, trying to be different things(Robb’s trusty right-hand man, prodigal son of the Iron Isles, tough Ironborn Raider, “Prince of Winterfell”, & he even briefly embraces the role of “Theon Turncloak” when he feels it is the only role available). We don’t get an intimate window into Renly, but I wonder if Renly too struggled with a lack of a sense of authentic identity.
In a recent debate, it was suggested to me that if Renly were really as ruthless and self-serving as all that, he would have taken Stannis’s offer(presumably his offer in Catelyn III ACOK to make Renly his heir if Renly bent the knee), and then have Stannis killed later. I pointed out that by this time, Renly has already cast his die. He has by this point assembled a massive army, and crowned himself. He can just have Stannis killed in the battle. I also suggested that hubris would have made that a rather unpalatable option for Renly(having to renounce his crown even temporarily, and bow and scrape and pretend to suck up to Stannis).
Well, @zaldrizer-sovesi discusses a similar counterfactual. Theirs’ is a much more plausible version of the same general idea. Rather, that Renly could have just bowed to Stannis in the first place(like, late AGOT-early ACOK timeframe I presume), help Stannis capture the throne, and then have Stannis killed in a “tragic accident” so that Renly can inherit(This is much more plausible than the counterfactual I debated since by the time Renly meets with Stannis in ACOK, he has already crowned himself, and assembled a huge army of supporters that far outnumbers Stannis’s. If he was going to play the long game of bending the knee to Stannis, he would have already done so by this point. At that point in the game it’s far simpler to just make sure Stannis dies in the battle. That was part of Renly’s plan, a plan that was succeeding excellently at that point. So why change it?). In any case, I suggested “hubris” as a contributing factor to such options being unappealing to Renly. But I think this piece more precisely identifies the trait as the *desire for acclaim*. It isn’t incorrect to say Renly has hubris, but “desire for acclaim” is more specific and to the point. I think the author of the piece makes a good case that it would have been a better scheme for Renly to support Stannis, and then quietly have him assassinated once he gains the throne, and furthermore that Renly doesn’t go with this option because of his basic drive for acclaim. And that “it’s more likely that Renly cares more about being seen winning than he actually does in having power and using it for something”. This is something that I strongly agree with.
As far as people giving Renly too much credit as an effective schemer, I think it is a good point(and I have discussed Renly’s political skills in the past, so I think I’m safe from being accused of giving him too little credit in that department). I will note that people in the fandom sometimes give various political schemers besides Renly too much credit in the same way. Littlefinger and Tywin especially. There are brilliantly clever political schemers in ASOIAF, but GRRM took care to give them weaknesses and blind spots based on their personality flaws(LF’s sociopathy can manifest itself in him taking unnecessary risks and behaving recklessly. Tywin’s extreme pride can lead him to overreact, or act far outside the bounds of proportionate response, for example his reaction to Tyrion’s kidnapping). Doran Martell doesn’t seem to get overrated by the fandom as much IME(except for believers in the “Great Dornish Conspiracy” theories), but he is also a good example in that his cautious nature and tendency to procrastinate action lead to his schemes being as overripe as his blood oranges. My point being that zaldrizer-sovesi’s reading of Renly’s flaws fit right in with the pattern of all the clever political schemers in ASOIAF having major blind spots, and despite being clever, aren’t always rational actors.
Lastly, zaldrizer-sovesi says that
“Instead, [Renly] works hard against his own interests in fighting Stannis and joining up with the Tyrells. Letting go of a grudge is one thing, but Renly’s reliance on Mace Tyrell is something else entirely. There’s something there, with Renly moving against Stannis with the backing of the man who did that to them. Did he, somewhere in his little kid brain, blame Stannis for his refusal to surrender to Mace? Was it about taking ownership of the experience by using Mace in what he sees as an imitation of Robert’s Rebellion, or winning Mace’s favorite child away from him? “
As I was digging through A Search of Ice and Fire looking for quotes for my recent debates about Renly, I noticed a little detail from AGOT that I hadn’t caught before. When Ned talks to Tobho Mott, Mott brags about a suit of armor he just had made for Renly. It’s green enamel with golden antlers on the helm. Of course, I remembered that Catelyn observes Renly wearing the Baratheon sigil in the colors of House Tyrell during her stint as envoy in ACOK. A potent bit of symbolism that is no doubt intentional on the part of the ever-image-conscious Renly. But he was actually wearing the Tyrell colors far earlier than I realized. That quote was from relatively early in AGOT. It struck me as a fascinating little detail, but I wasn’t sure what to make of it, except that obviously Renly was deep in the pockets of the Tyrells even in early AGOT. But, really, why is Renly wearing Tyrell colors, either in AGOT or ACOK? I think it signals to the reader how dependent Renly is on the Tyrells. But this does not seem to be a common thing in Westeros. Like, I doubt Robert wore the Lannister colors. But if we take the ball of zaldrizer-sovesi’s analysis and run with it, perhaps Renly’s wearing of the Tyrell colors is a manifestation of his desire to indentify with the Tyrells. His formative experience in the Siege Of Storm’s End was the uncertainty, instability, deprivation, and the lack of unconditional love that characterized Renly’s childhood generally(while I am quite certain that Stannis really did love Renly, Stannis is a deeply unwell person who is almost incapable of showing affection), and on the enemy side, just outside the walls of Storm’s End Mace Tyrell held feasts and parties in plain view. Perhaps this led Renly to identify with the enemy instead of the beseiged Baratheon forces, as a way of coping. Renly’s repeated wearing of the Tyrell colors may be an expression of Renly’s identification with the “enemy”, the Tyrells. You can even parallel this to Robert. Robert identified strongly with the Starks. Since he lost his own parents in such a traumatic and tragic way, it was less painful to ignore his own broken family and instead indentify with the Starks, a tight knit and loving family. I’ve even heard it suggested that Robert’s infatuation with Lyanna had more to do with what she *represented* -becoming a part of the Stark family and Ned’s brother by law, than what Lyanna actually *was*. This makes a very neat parallel with Renly. Robert and Renly both rejected their actual families and adopted “better” families that weren’t plagued by the tradegy and dysfunction that troubled House Baratheon. Stannis on the other hand, kept trying to win Robert’s affection and just became very salty and resentful when he failed.
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blackkatmagic · 6 years
Kisame/Zabuza Prompts
·      Can we see Kisame x Zabuza and just. Kisabae is a giant and Zabu finds it really Hawt when Kisame throws him around and pins him like it’s nbd and “oh wow please put that monster dick in either of my holes right now plz and ty.” Also maybe in a fantasy or sci-fi Au world if it’s not too much trouble?
·       SPACE PIRATE ZABUZA AND ALIEN PRINCE KISAME! Zabuza kidnaps Kisame for ransom but they end up falling in love “let’s elope and be space pirates together” :D kind of thing. Smut optional but greatly appreciated.
·       Maybe something domestic, with Kisame and Zabuza as Haku's adoptive Dads?
·       I can't think of anything more complicated than Kisame n Zabuza neck kisses bc I'm a sucker for that..
·       fake dating au?????
·       Can we see Kisame's reaction to first meeting Haku?
·       Kisame and Itachi (or any other Akatsuki member u prefer more) stumble upon Zabazu and Haku. Pretty dangerous fight and Kisame and partner get involved in the fight. Kisame drags them back to the Akatsuki lair and forces everyone to let them join. He gets teased mercilessly by all other members. Zabazu just rolls his eyes at everyone and promptly makes them eat dirt.
·       Kisame + Akatsuki encounter Haku and Zabuza, Kisame has always had a crush om Zabuza, Akatsuki members see this and start to tease Kisame, Zabuza is just his brilliant self
·       Kisame finds Haku, and Zabuza is the Akatsuki member? Or all 3 in the Akatsuki, going after - hmm - Zabuza was with Kisame in the desert fight (ended up vs Team Gai, but can go wherever!)
·       this will appeal to literally only me, but I want Zabuza and Kisame to argue about Kiri politics. And maybe make out a little
·       Kisame dropping past Kiri only to find grouchy Mizukage Zabuza trying to pawn his hat off to the nearest person he can manage
·       Kisame has been sneaking out of the Akatsuki hideout to meet his secret boyfriend Zabuza, some Akatsuki members follow (preferably Hidan and Deidera), hear suspicious noises coming from the inn Kisame rented, barge into the room and find Kisame and Zabuza in the middle of sex, bonus points if the Akatsuki members see Kisame’s dick and are like whole fuck dude that’s huge
·       I’d love to see a story where Kisame joins Mei and Zabuza’s rebellion, either after ragequitting Akatsuki at the revelation that everything wrong with Yagura’s reign is Madara/Tobi’s fault or because Mei/Zabuza/someone else involved in the rebellion got to him before Obito did.
·       Role Reversal AU? So Zabuza's in the Akatsuki and Kisames the missing-nin after a failed coup? I dunno how they'd end up meeting- maybe mission to Wave shenanigans? Or just random missing-nin life encounters
·       Mei succeeds early, becomes Mizukage, and sends Zabuza to get Kisame to come back from Akatsuki. Using any means necessary to seduce him back to the village!
·       Akatsuki gets a commission and it should be a simple one: take out a kid with an ice kekkai genkai nosing around some gangs and making trouble. It should take Kisame, what, five minutes? Ten at most? If there was one thing he was good at, it was killing, and he's no stranger to killing Yuki clan members. Of course, he wasn't expecting the kid to have a partner. A very familiar, very strong partner with a familiar big fucking sword and a shared and sordid past, mind you.
·       how about tattoo artist/florist (to be cliche)?
·       mmmmm KisaZabu ala your meeting Bet for the first time?
·       kisazabu modern day criminals from the same neighborhood who meet again in the middle of a crime and go "wait don't I know you???"
·       Kisazabu where zabuza is trying for entry in 7 swords men and kisame is trying to make him fail by abrasively flirting or vice versa.
·       Zabuza is a major sub and gets off on roughness and strength and Kisame has never had someone able to swallow or take his whole dick before and holy fuck is Zabuza hot.
·       For Kisame/Zabuza prompts, uuuuh howabout Akatsuki!Zabuza? (OH SHIT I just suddenly thought of Obito/Zabuza in the same concept/AU base and my brain imploded a little)
·       Zabuza is a mountain spirt/troll/whatever the hell you want and kisame is the assassin/investigator/demon/god sent/summoned to kill him for the kidnapping of the snow god Haku.
·       Kisame and Zabuza have a mission where they have to pretend to be married. Haku is their gay son. Gai and Kakashi happen to be at the same couples retreat and are convinced KisaZabu is a thing. So Kisame is like, “Could it be a thing?” And Zabuza is like, “I thought you were ace and we were practically married already!?!”
·       haku Subtly trying to get the 2 together (its not subtle at all its more like 'hmm weve been locked in a closet because the door is completely iced over i wonder how that could have happened')
·       Oooh what about kisame haku and zabuza in an elevator and he overhears haku and zabuza talking about him (mainly haku telling zabuza to stop checking kisame out) in another language but he totally understands everything
·       all the talk of Greek mythology has made me ponder how a Hades and Persephone AU would go? Because I can see Zabuza the foul mouthed god of spring that is done with this shit, and friendly but strong Kisame the god of death that still can’t believe he lost the coin toss for god of the sea (he has gills, gills! He’s totally a sea god) ft samehada as Cerberus?
·       Zabuza keeps trying to court Kisame with gifts and Kisame keeps thinking they're for his roommate (Kakuzu? Kakashi?) because Zabuza is a dork who only addresses them to K
·       All former Mist ninja have an annual reunion event which usually ends in flooding, property destruction, and everyone swearing that if they never see each other again it would be too soon. But this year everyone is collectively trying to get Zabuza and Kisame together. Like it started as a joke, but now they're in too deep. Basically they crack shipped and got invested. Zabuza and Kisame are confused, they thought everyone all ready knew they were dating?
·       "There's no way to say this without it sounding weird, but my sword thinks you're hot."
·       Zabuza is a modern day witch that summons Kisame, a warrior from a fantasy world, completely on accident. You've got me shipping this so hard.
·       KisaZabu coffeshop AU where Kisame and Zabuza used to work at Kiri Coffee together, but Kisame quit to go work at his buddy Tobi's new coffee shop, Akatsuki, and now whenever he goes to visit Zabuza and the others, Zabuza calls him "Traitor" and makes him sugary monstrosities. But it fails bc Kisame lowkey loves them.
·       can we see SeaGod!Kisame who falls in love with Sailor/Pirate!Zabuza but zabu doesn’t know and maybe they meet happily and date but maybe something bad happens and Kisame pulls some godly powers so they can be happy together and adopt like 50 sharks (instead of cats/dogs)
Kisame as a laidback bouncer, but who people know not to fuck with through the times his temper flares AU? Zabuza as a new to town appreciating the show and entertainment in line?
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